Moonlight Night Awazovsky Sea. Moon night Aivazovsky

Moonlight Night Awazovsky Sea. Moon night Aivazovsky

Description of the picture of the Aivazovsky "Moonful Night. Bathing in Feodosia »

Great Russian painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky wrote a picture "Moonlore night.
Bathing in Feodosia "in the middle of the 18th century.
In the picture, I see a quiet night sea, consecrated bright, but with the scattered light of the full moon, breaking through the slim of the clouds.
The boundless quiet surface of the sea, connecting with a black night sky, occupying more than half of the picture canvas, creates a feeling of mysteriousness and peace.

In the foreground, on the pier there is a tiny house with an open door, through which the muted light is broken.
It seems to be a bath.
Through the open door I see a female silhouette.
Apparently, this is a young swimwear, which attracts the night sea.
She sits on a chair in a long bright dress.
She has dark hair, hands are folded on her knees.
Hair is collected from behind in a neat bump.
The lunar path seems to highlight sailboats with slut sails and the embankment, on which a vague silhouette is glad.
Most likely, it is a young fisherman, in love with the sea.
In the distance, a cozy little houses can be seen on the hillside.
They have dark windows, their inhabitants have long been to bed.
The hills themselves are thickly covered with trees, and the appearance of them gives a feeling of fabulous charm. According to the night sea, like a sea mermaid, leaving the ripples behind him, swims the woman.
In the fashion of that time, it bathes in a long white shirt.
Apparently, it took this house and then rushed into his night swim.
And, apparently, it is awaiting her girl sitting in a bathhouse.
The sky, the higher, the topics looks darker and is imgreed.

And in general, the whole picture is written so that, the closer to the center, the more distinct it is the details, the brighter and brighter paints.
This picture is undoubtedly considered one of the prominent works by the artist Aivazovsky.

Sea. Moonlight night

I. K. Aivazovsky traveled a lot in search of inspiration. The result of one of the trip to the Crimea has a picture "Sea. Moonlight "is written with a wonderful landscape of bathing in Feodosia. The author handed over with his creation and showed us all his love for the sea and sea landscapes.

The game of light in this work is amazing with its unique beauty. The fabulous night sea with a green tint and semi-decoced sky with a bright moon please the eye. Heaven is tightened with thick clouds, and the moon seemed to get out of their web and illuminates the path to sailboats, quietly floating along the calm sea.

Most of the canvas occupies the striking beauty of the sky. Clouds are drawn so realistically and beautiful, and on their background, a small bath is located on the pier. A woman swims softly, in night lighting resembling a mermaid, and the other, probably, her girlfriend expects in a house, the silhouette of which is clearly visible through the open door. A dark-haired beauty dressed in a snow-white long dress folded his arms on his knees and expects.

The mountains can be seen, covered with dense trees and sleeping city. No one man dares to light the light in the window, as if they knew that a stunning canvas were created nearby.

Grade 9.

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With the name of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky everyone will immediately remember one of the most famous works of the artist - the picture "The Ninth Val". Master of battle scenes, "Painter of the Chief Maritime Staff", Aivazovsky is considered the best in the creation of a stormy sea, which flew up the element.

But he has other canvas, from which itifies peace and peacekeeping, where there is no emersion rosy, but there is a latitude and beauty of native expanses, even if it is maritime expanses. Such canvases include the picture I.K. Aivazovsky "Moonlight Night. Bathing in Feodosia, "written in a thousand eight hundred and fifty third year. The first thing that the viewer pays attention is the Moonlight, which spreads darkness. The night of the night departs to the edges of the painting, which is why it makes the impression of something very bright, because the full moon shines in the sky. It poured everything around the yellowish light, and the water in some places seems green.

The moonwalk divided the dark water in the pressure. And the water sparkles and sparkles, shaded by black bunching around. In the lunar light, the silhouettes of ships standing at the pier are clearly visible. The flooding ship can be seen. He is rather similar to the shadow, as if the ghostly Flying Dutchman suddenly appeared on the horizon. On the distant bank, stand at home, the railing on the waterfront fence is clearly visible. No light shines in the windows of sleeping houses. The night covered everything around its mysterious cover. In the sky, the clouds are smoothly moving. But they do not close the moon. And she reigns in heaven, and on earth, and on the water.

To the right of the lunar paths are placed packers with a bathing, which is brightly lit. But not lunar light, but a lamp. This lighting seems to repeat the night shining: in the center of the cannol, the same yellow circle is lit as in the sky. It fills the light with a small space under the bathing. And there is a woman. It seems that it floats in the moonlight itself similar to the moon. And only in the house there is a reddish light. There is a girl. She, apparently, is waiting for her Mrs. Or is it a girlfriend bathing woman. She did not risk entering the water and stayed in the house until the second girl bathes.

Surprisingly on the beauty picture of the Iivazovsky "Moonlight Night. Bathing in Feodosia. " From it is simply impossible to take a look. In my opinion, no one could still pass the lunar radiance as precisely when the full moon shines in the sky, and everything around is lit by some extraordinary light. Woman in water reminds a mermaid from children's fairy tales. If it were not for the light in the bathing and not the second woman, then the similarity with a fairy creature would be complete. The magnificent picture created by the Great Artist!

Great Russian painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky wrote a picture "Moonlore night. Bathing in Feodosia "in the middle of the 18th century. In the picture, I see a quiet night sea, consecrated bright, but with the scattered light of the full moon, breaking through the slim of the clouds. The boundless quiet surface of the sea, connecting with a black night sky, occupying more than half of the picture canvas, creates a feeling of mysteriousness and peace.

In the foreground, on the pier there is a tiny house with an open door, through which the muted light is broken. It seems to be a bath. Through the open door I see a female silhouette. Apparently, this is a young swimwear, which attracts the night sea. She sits on a chair in a long bright dress. She has dark hair, hands are folded on her knees. Hair is collected from behind in a neat bump. The lunar path seems to highlight sailboats with slut sails and the embankment, on which a vague silhouette is glad. Most likely, it is a young fisherman, in love with the sea. In the distance, a cozy little houses can be seen on the hillside. They have dark windows, their inhabitants have long been to bed. The hills themselves are thickly covered with trees, and the appearance of them gives a feeling of fabulous charm. According to the night sea, like a sea mermaid, leaving the ripples behind him, swims the woman. In the fashion of that time, it bathes in a long white shirt. Apparently, it took this house and then rushed into his night swim. And, apparently, it is awaiting her girl sitting in a bathhouse. The sky, the higher, the topics looks darker and is imgreed.

And in general, the whole picture is written so that, the closer to the center, the more distinct it is the details, the brighter and brighter paints. This picture is undoubtedly considered one of the outstanding works of the artist I.K. Aivazovsky.

Essay in the picture "Moonlight. Bathing in Feodosia »

Dark night. Midnight. The night sea, overflowing under the glare of the Moon, it seems to be boundless and bottomless, the sea goes somewhere far away. If you can look at the picture well, then in the Black Sea you can see a girl, she resembles a fascinated mermaid that flooded to admire the beauty of the Moon and Nature. The moon this night is complete and clear, it attracts the viewer's view, the moon, like a magic ball shine among the Black Magnus, it is she who lights all that is under it. On the shore there is a small house with an open door, there is a light in it and another girl is sitting, which is waiting for the one in the sea. It can be assumed that this night is very warm and one of the girls decided to plunge into cool water, which permeates the fabulous light to cool.

Under the very moon there are ships, on which white sails are developing from the lightweight breeze, they are opposed to the Black Sea. There is a feeling that these ships are stuck their masts right into the sky. Under the bright sun of the moon, you can see the clouds, they are light, air, it means that the next day will be warm and clear. That, part of the sky, which is not lit by the moon, seems to be mysterious and terrible, the sky here is black-black, it is impossible to see anything. When writing a picture, the artist uses more dark tones to accurately convey the atmosphere of the night. Dark shades give the painting mystery and mystery. When you look at the picture, you want to carefully discern all the details, so interestingly put the artist all the items that you just can't leave any detail not considered. The picture is of interest. Each image captured in the picture is peculiar and individual.

The picture causes contradictory emotions, on the one hand admire the beauty of the Moon and its light, on the other - the darkness and mystery of the picture is alarming.

15. To the picture of the Aivazovsky "Moonlight. Bathing in Feodosia »

Picture of Ivan Aivazovsky (Hovhannes Avazyan) "Moonlight. The bathhouse in Feodosia "was written in 1853, its size is 94 per 143 cm. The work is made by oil on canvas. Today, the picture of the Aivazovsky "Moonlight. The bathhouse in Feodosia is located in Taganrog in the city art gallery.
Picture "Moonlight. Bathing in Feodosia "is completely the opposite in the nature of the" nine shaft ": every smear, each touch is saturated with calm, love and tenderness. And not in vain
After all, the Crimean town of Feodosia is a small homeland painter. He was born in Feodosia and periodically lived there, so in this picture Ivan Konstantinovich combined his love and attachment to the sea with children's feelings to the sea scenery.
The center of the plot of the picture is the sea on the lunar night, only here it is not at all racing and rebellious, as in the film "Ninth Val", but on the contrary, calm and cozy. Almost in the center of the canvas runs the lunar path, dividing it into two half and it is here a causing look. She illuminates the rest of the paintings: ships moored near the shore. A look at a small bridge with a swimsome and two girls is especially stopped. One sails, returning to the bathhouse, and will soon present a naked wet body with a moon. Another girl, absolutely dressed, sits inside the gazebos, it seems that it is already waiting for a girlfriend long enough, and maybe sister or Mrs.. And since the picture was written in 1853, after all, the option with the maid and her Mrs. is more suitable.
If you carefully consider the bath, illuminated from the inside bright lamppost, and two mysterious girls, the glance again unwittingly goes to the sea and the lunar path running through it. And it is not surprising, because the real main character of Aivazovsky is everywhere it is. Each barcode of water is registered with such a reality, with such a clarity, as if heard the noise of the lung breeze and felt the salty flavor of the seabed on the lips.
Overflowing wrecks of the moon on sea stroy like a lamp illuminate the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. What is just the sky: from the dark and molly moonlight eats heavy torn clouds, hanging
Over marine expanses. And the sea thanks to the light acquired a greenish mysterious shade, merging on the horizon with apparent ephemeral clouds. Thanks to this, the landscape seems mysterious, unreal and a little magical. The combination of such a gloomy and heavy sky with a quiet and cozy sea is not by chance: the artist showed that the peace of mind is deceptively and ghostly, the element may disperse in a matter of minutes and show the real character storm.
On the right side of the picture of the darkness, the embankment of the city and residential buildings, neither the lamps are lit in any of the winds, is seen, deep night, all the inhabitants sleep. The artist was able to hand over this short moment of serenity and tranquility of the marine element with the help of oil paints on canvas, when everything was frozen in anticipation of something important. Soon the morning will come and the haze of mystery will disappear, a new day is breeding!

© Copyright: Marn Nina Filippovna, 2015
Certificate of Publication №215080101250