Who said the writer engineer of human souls. "Human shower engineers

Who said the writer engineer of human souls. "Human shower engineers

The teacher is an engineer of human souls.

Large bright corridors, parties in three rows, books, graphics, formulas ... I don't know a single person who would not remember about his school years with love and warmth. And, of course, thoughts about the school are inextricably linked for us with thoughts about their teacher.

A teacher is an important person in the life of each of us. It is a teacher who gives the first important knowledge. Teachers are engaged in the preparation of our future, they raise those who will change our current generation tomorrow.

When children go to the first class, a new world opens to them in front of them, in which the first teacher helps to develop and develop. And, as a rule, children remember their first teacher or the first teacher for a long time. What will be the first teacher, the same class, which he leads.

Our class was very lucky with the first teacher. Elena Nikolaevna Tsvetkov taught us not only to write and count, but still believe in yourself and always remain people. We always believed every word, tried to deserve her approval. Until now, after a long time after finishing the elementary school, we do not forget our teacher, we support communication with her, tell about our successes, we share the most intimate.

The profession teacher requires comprehensive knowledge, love for us, children, patience. Only every day, being near the disciples, giving themselves to them, you can teach them something. No textbooks can be replaced by teacher's relationship with children. So I think not only me, the student is now the ninth grade of the ninth high school of Rzhev, but most of the guys and girls of our class and other neighboring classes.

In our school life, an example of this teacher was our cool leader, the teacher of the Russian language and literature Ignatiev Galina Valentinovna. Galina Valentinovna became our great mom from the fifth grade. She is kind, caring, fair, sometimes a strict teacher. Galina Valentinovna is always with us. She teaches us hard work, a diligent relationship to the lessons, take an active part in school life, carefully treat each other, be able to be friends, never leave the comrade in trouble. And all this is because our cool not only energetic, but, most importantly, a non-indifferent teacher.

All items at school are important in their own way. Everyone needs us in further life. But we would not be able to understand so well and know the subject without a teacher. In my opinion, the teacher must bear the children first of all good knowledge.

The lessons of the Russian language and literature have become among our most desirable lessons. The material in the Russian language is complex, but it is served in a very affordable form, the rest is guaranteed. Starting from the fifth grade, we prepare ourselves to the exam in the Russian language, we write a lot of writings, essays, dictations with grammatical tasks. Thanks to this, I hope we will confidently feel at the exam and will not let your beloved teacher.

Literature We are studying not only in classrooms, but also conduct literary living rooms, inviting students from other classes to visit. We organized the Literary Club "Scarlet Sails", within the framework of which the thematic evenings were held on the work of A. S. Pushkin, followed by a trip to the village of Bernovo to all our friendly class.

Many students choose their own profession thanks to the subject teacher. Our cool never remains indifferent to this topic. From the fifth grade, she applies efforts to help us decide on a future profession. She tries to develop our talents, organizes festive concerts, organizes meetings with interesting people, including their former disciples.

Most of the guys and girls of our class, thanks to the efforts and efforts of Galina Valentinovna, have become active participants in artistic amateur. Concerts Our artists give regularly at the end of each school fourth, on February 23, day March 8 and other holidays. Repeatedly separate our artists with their numbers were invited to the city concerts of Rzhev, dedicated to solemn dates.

Teachers are called engineer of human souls, character architect, intelligence coach and memory ... This list can be continued. And all this is pure truth. Only, unlike other professions, the teacher is not given immediately enjoy the fruits of their labor. From sowing to the harvest he passes a lot of years.

Years will be held. We will change, the world will change around us, but the school will forever remain in our memory. I will become an adult, mastering your favorite profession. But I will definitely return to my native fenats, I will come to the class where we sat at the parties where we studied the Russian language and literature and the ability to be a person, studied from her, my favorite teacher of Ignatyeva Galina Valentinovna.

The writer, according to Oleshi, is an engineer of human souls. Yes, I will trouble: Nowadays such engineers are not needed. None in any newspaper will not meet ads so that writers needed somewhere.
Cute girls are required. They immediately and high salary are promised, and housing for nonresident. Drivers with personal cars are needed to work in a taxi. Loaders without bad habits. Cook skewers in the suburban cafe, bartender, waitresses ... And about engineers of human souls a nor word!
And then I myself gave an announcement in the newspaper: "Call Writer. Urgent writing of highly artistic texts, writing poems, editing. " The number of his mobile phone pointed out - and began to wait. I wait, the second, the third is no reaction. At least someone would call for laughter - nothing like that. True, then it turned out that the newspaper, where I was in Monday my announcement, only once a week comes out on Fridays.
On Friday I called:
- Good day! Is this a call writer?
- Yes talking. - Hello! What do you want?
- Come - Talk, - Laughing, answered a female voice.
And I drove. And where to go: called Gruzd - Facels in the body. Well, what else to go not far: three stops on trolleybus.
The door opened the lady of the middle age:
- Go, Understand! The first time the living writer see. Can you be curious about what you wrote?
"Of course," I hurriedly took the two pre-prepared books from the portfolio. - Roman "Partburo makes a decision" came out in me in the years of Soviet power. And this collection of stories "The last shelter in Cyprus" is already today.
The hostess took the book and, oar, asked:
- About what?
"Well, how to tell you," I stuck the price. - about life ... about love ... About our contemporaries ...
"This is what we need," the customer revived. "I have a son of a high school girl in school task write a review on some modern book. And he does not know a single modern author, and I'm for his shame too. Write something about your stories within three - four notebook pages - and I will pay you a thousand rubles. Agreed?
"You need to think," I pretended, fearing to sell.
- And your book, as it is called there ... "Autumn in Malta" buy!
"" The last shelter in Cyprus, "I corrected. - By the way, already rarity!
- That's great! Let me leave the author's autograph!
When the fourth page in the school notebook was nearing completion, I suddenly trembled my mobile phone. I realized that someone again requires a "call writer".
"We are on the announcement," I heard in the tube. - Do you really, the writer?
"Member of the Union of Writers since 1978," I said with dignity.
- What is your last name?
- Geranine ... Andrei Borisovich Geranan ... heard?
- Not. Do you have any books?
- Sure. Last year, a collection of my stories "The last shelter in Cyprus" came out. Very busy book!
- You approach us - come!
And I arrived. Straight to the Cafe "Polynnitsa", where they coped the student wedding of the senior students of Kira and Gera. To lose his nose with his acquaintances, instead of "wedding generals" from the city hall and the dean, they decided to invite the "modern writer" to the celebration. From surprise, I was even somewhat embarrassed.
"Sorry, Andrei Borisovich, but we will not be able to pay for your presence for your presence at the wedding," Hera noticed guiltily.
I pretended to think.
"Well, let's drink, of course, you at the table that God sent," Kira added.
- Okay, persuaded, so be, remain.
And I stayed. Yes, on the second day came, although it was not called. I sit, I am talking about the girls-neighbor, as Sergey Mikhalkov's autograph in the theater took, as Prilenna met with Zakhar, he went to the concert of Igor Guberman ... And they didn't hear anything about the pricine or governor. Just poured - and drink, drink - and pour.
- Yes, you are what, girls! - I say. - Really and did not hear anything about Sergey Mikhalkov?
- Something heard, but not about Sergey, but about Nikita ...
"So this is his son," and let me talk about Mikhalkov to talk. "
And then the call again. A man with a Caucasian accent is very urgently want to see a "call writer".
- What kind of fire is this? - I will displease with me, not wanting to leave the wedding feast. - Let me come to you in two ways?
- For urgency, a separate fee! - shouts Caucasian. - Tell me where to come, I'll send a car for you now.
And sent. So I rolled up at the "Edelweiss" restaurant with air conditioning.
- Writer? Caucasian asked me.
I nodded.
"Here, brother, urgently a novel must be written," the owner of the restaurant sounded.
- Roman?
- Well, if not a novel, so the story ... you can see ... Write, expensive?
- It depends...
- The plot is very interesting, I swear to my mother ... Listen here ... One person decided to open his own business, took a loan in the bank, and then Batz - and the crisis! No profit, one losses! Imagine?
- I imagine ...
- That Write, everything, as you write! And about my restaurant "Edelweiss" write so that judicial bailiffs once and forever realize that I don't have money, no ... I will bring them your book - they will read and pay ...
"Write is not a problem," I am alerted. - But to publish it - you need money. And not small ...
- So you about money! - Caucasian swayed. - I say that I have no money ... But for you, I will find two thousand to write a story!
- For two thousand only the story will work out, and even then satirical ...
- Let the satirical, most importantly, so that you write about my credit and the name of the Edelweiss restaurant mentioned. Goes?
"Go," I replied, removing the money. And in two days I wrote this story.

This expression is usually attributed to I. V. Stalin, who used it at a meeting with Soviet writers in the house at Maxim Gorky. But Stalin only repeated the statement of the famous Soviet writer Y. Ostushi, thus, officially introduced these words into a circle of winged expressions. (Usually about writers of Soviet times (joll.-Ion.).

It is not known who on the Internet at the end of this reference information decided to attribute in the brackets "jock-ironic"? In fact, this definition lies such a tragedy, who has not yet known the history of Russia. Very soon there will be a hundred years, as it started and, it seems, it is not going to end!

Soviet power attracted to the management of military specialists of the former royal army, engineers, technicians to teach yesterday's workers and peasants to military and engineering business. And in solving the most important issue: in the spiritual organization of society - they hoped to manage "their own", with their "engineers of human souls". In the twentieth second year, the country's leadership sent many Russian philosophers into exile. The "Philosophical Steamer" is carried to Europe the best minds of Russia, its pride, its creative and spiritual potential.

These wonderful people were the soul too Russian, "indigenous" - regardless of the origin.

In the public relations of Tsarist Russia - Russian meant not only nationality, but, above all, the civil position, loyalty to traditions, recognition of Russian national values. Taking these values, as their own, it was possible, to create something new! I will express the assumption that it is in this sense, one of the passengers of the "philosophical steamer" Ivan Ilyin, wrote that "every genius is National, any greatness soil"! (one)

(A few dozen years will be held and the writer Vladimir Winovich will say that the Dostoevsky- provincial writer, because he constantly emphasizes his Russianness, and its care is only about Russians. ") (2)

Few people noticed the substitution of the concepts that the writers were made in the minds of the Soviet people - cosmopolitans, like V. Dvyanovich.

Dostoevsky showed "care of Russians", as a special phenomenon of world civilization, which was formed in the Russian climate, in the series of our victories and defeats, religious and social millennial experience. The British with their Shakespeare, French and Jean Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire, Germans with their geniuses of philosophy became the same unique civilization. One of them Hegel, argued that unity is the national state. (3) Other, Herder believed that the power of the people is in the unity of spiritual culture and lifefriend.

Russian was impossible to russian anything like that! Taking advantage of the statement of Soviet ideology, the liberal intelligentsia announced the care of our Russian identity almost a manifestation of racism. This conscious permanent distortion of the meaning of the very concept of nationality led to sad consequences. This shame has not yet known the Russian history.

All Europe at that time lived under the strong influence of the Catholic Church. Students of the bourgeois west studied on the writings of the "prophet-moralist" of Thomas Carlejul, on his "ethics of life", where he successfully combined the optimism of creation and faith in God, arguing that all true work is religious! But only the Russian people were denied the right to live on the covenants of the ancestors.

English philosopher Isaiah Berlin in his book "Freedom History. Russia "argued that" ... Russians liberated great German metaphysics. " They removed from them ... Chains Dogm Orthodox Church "! (3)

All - invaluable historical experience with us - these are the shackles you need to lose! And tsarism, and a thousand years past, and faith.

Strange "Engineer of Human Souls" Vladimir Winovich made graciously: "You can laugh for everyone, including the faith" (4), he and dozens of other such "soul professionals" over the years began to behave as if they are genuine owners of life in This country. Yes, they were them, essentially. "Creamers" beyond any criticism. At the guard of this "cosmopolitan camp" stood guards in the face of many numerical art historians, theater and literary critics.

With the help of numerous means of propaganda, the power impact from the state-forming people seized almost all its historical memory, its national originality. All the fact that in his gentle memory has developed for centuries. And he was defenseless, as a weakened organism without immunity before the "viruses" of moral diseases of the twentieth century.

Those who are now too hoping for the political action of the "immortal regiment", on patriotism, I would like to remind the short history of the human existence - Soviet type. Caught perfectly to fight well, such a person had no spiritual "shield" from continuous attacks of the petty-bourgeois elements in everyday life, which in many of his traits remained the philistine. In it, on the domestic level - little changed: often and secretive from the attention of the public was manifested in people such qualities as a carriage, vanity, a lot! Every day, cash relations in millions of public relations "restored" were revived, essentially bourgeois morality, bourgeois values. Political stocks uniting us is wonderful. But you need another army of creative intelligentsia, which would brought us up spiritually! Would strengthen this unity by their work.

While the Bolsheviks with relief were accompanied by the views of the "philosophical steamer", despairing from the pier, institutes, museums, editorial board of newspapers and magazines, book publishing houses of Petrograd and Moscow began to master the figures, which then decisively deal with the eradication of Russian culture.

Yes, and socialist transformations in culture - this "fifth column of culture" will be formally, without soul and true creativity. As the spoiled secular ladies of her figures will be offended by any occasion, and in secretly hating collectivism, the communist ideology, which has come to the "Dark" authorities (in their opinion) a mass of former carriages and movers. (What a horror!)

Seventy years none of the politicians seemed to notice this contempt for their "subjects"! Everyone did the form that such "engineers" - "their"! They will definitely debug the "mechanisms" of our souls, will argue him to work to fulfill the solutions of the Communist Party. But, but, but .... without love - it is possible to give birth to a man, but to raise a bright spiritual personality - it will not work! The efforts of the writers Mikhail Sholokhov, Leonid Leonov, Vasily Shukshin and other patriot writers and "Foreigns" was clearly not enough to restructure the consciousness of the whole people.

Without a sufficient number of real spiritual educators in all spheres of culture and art, the Soviet man as a new spiritual and social phenomenon - did not take place! He remained a "black sketch" of a new type of man! "Facade", facing the public, some of this creature was less like Soviet. Huge masses of people were distinguished by labor exploits and dedication when performing common tasks! But in everyday life, the same people behaved as a sense of the people who were confused, who left the old orders, and the new ones were not invented yet! Mikhail Zoshchenko laughed at them in his stories. But evil was his laughter! Like Ilf and Petrov.

Press the heroes of these satirits. They speak Russian, but their nationality is impossible to determine. These are urban residents without family and tribe. The Meshchansky World As a huge incubator kept in his houses-repository samples of such people - inhabitants, which "made circumcision" of their Russianness.

After seventy years - the chicks of this incubator - the rapid and outreach - with delight they met the "restructuring" of Russia to capitalist paws!

But "engineers of human souls" of the liberal direction and during capitalism began to behave like a capricious bride! Whatever the bridegrooms for such a "lady" did not do, everything is not cute! The media gave it at its disposal. All book publishers, almost all magazines! Radio and television. Take everything in your own hands, teach the former "scoop" by market relations! Give him a new positive ideal, as Hollywood did, literally "crawling" with the help of thousands of films image of a real American. He is noble, stubborn and silly- physically and morally! He believes in success and reaches it. He will not spend his money on the restaurant, intended for the auction of chairs, as our Kis Vorobyaninov. He will not steal a trifle in the tram, like Shura Balagans, when he is in his pocket several thousand rubles. But to create a positive hero, you need one "trifle": you need to love the people, among which you live. And the liberal "bride" and the market Russian "Groom" did not suit! "Our liberal writer is no longer the Soviet" engineer of human souls ", it is" engineer for our souls. " Sent them in a large number of Lucifer with the task: to turn to all of us the neck so that we see nothing but your own navel!

And maybe this is the retinue of the future antichrist on the ship of modernity?

Where will the ship with such a team?


1) I. Golden. Goodbye, the twentieth century. Part 2. m, JSC "Moscow textbooks". P. 59.
2) there.
3) I.berlin. "The history of freedom. Russia, UFO, 2014 p.15
4) ibid, p.23

Engineer of human shower book. High. About the writer, teacher tutor, etc. We, readers, provide a writer to write a person's story in his movement, capture his spiritual growth, form types and typical and thereby form a living person and its generation. This is the appointment of engineer of human souls (A. N. Tolstoy. More creative jerging). It occurred to me that it is easier and more profitable to write books yourself than to deal with the classification of other books, and I entered the literary institute who trained the writing craft. At the end of it, I received a diploma engineer of human souls of secondary qualifications (F. Iskander. Beginning).

The phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, Ast. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


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    ENGINEER - Baranjah carcass. . Iron. About butcher. / I\u003e Transf. Engineer of human souls. Osmanova 1990, 63. Engineer of human souls. Publ. 1. High. About the writer, teacher tutor. 2. Iron. About the writer artisan, mediocre teacher. F 1, 224 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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The phrase "Engineers of Human Souls" is attributed to the writer Yuri Karlovich Olese (1899-1960), but she became the winged by Stalin, who, without hiding, however, someone else's authorship ("As a meticale, Comrade Olesha," said it at a meeting with writers on October 26, 1932 in the house of Maxim Gorky at Malaya Nikitskaya. In addition to Stalin, Voroshilov, Molotov and Kaganovich were present at the evening. The meeting was informal - with a banquet, treats and plenty of alcohol. Drinking, Stalin said toast: "All countries are related to your production. Man is processed in life itself. But you help alter his soul. This is an important production - the souls of people. And you are engineers of human souls. That's why let's drink for writers! "

The expression immediately picked up party functionaries and writers. In 1934, at the first All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers, secretary of the Central Committee on ideology, Andrei Zhdanov noted: "Comrade Stalin called you. What responsibilities imposes on you this title? First, to know life to be able to portray it not scholastically, it is not dead, as an objective reality, but to portray life in its revolutionary development. In this case, the truthfulness of the artistic image should Fit with the task of ideological alterations and upbringing workers in the spirit of sociality "

V. Kataev in 1947 in speech in the Supreme Council of the RSFSR: "In conversation with us, Soviet writers, in the house of Maxim Gorky, Joseph Vissarionovich called writers. This wise and the label Stalinist characteristic of truly opened the whole world. "

True, the literary critic S. Shargunov expressed the version that it was not at all a reed quoted in his time Stalin, but reedded the line of Mayakovsky from his "Mistere Buff"

I - woodcase
dense forest thoughts
convoluted Lianamov
Kamenotes Hearts Cobblestones ...
(Phenomenon Sixteenth)

But if, otherwise, the "engineers of human souls" expression entered the people, although he accepted a somewhat ironic tint

Application of phraseologism in literature

"They live here, members of the housing and construction cooperative" Moscow Writer " (V. Winovich "The story of the Wanovic Wortalist Writer in a new apartment" 0
"... and especially comrades, pay attention to my marks where there are inappropriate jokes in the address Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich" (V. Aksenov "Mysterious Passion")
"Of course, I'm not gung to experts and, but I understand that she loves you, and, besides you, no one needs it." (T. Ustinova "Personal Angel")
"Dear Ivan Pavlych," I said, when the chairman gave me a word, "now let me say on behalf of the pilots, because a lot of your students fly over our great Soviet country, and all of them, no doubt, join every my word. It is said that writers are engineers of human souls. But you - also " (Veniamin Cavery "Two Captain")
"There is nothing to say that all these, safely survived the Stalinist Liphette, were excellent aware of the camp meat grinder and, I was going to distant warriors in new buildings, knew perfectly - knew like no one!" (O. V. Volkov "From the memories of the old Tenishell")