Gurtskaya. The secret behind her dark glasses has been revealed! Diana Gurtskaya starred in a new video work without her glasses, video The singer who does not see

Gurtskaya.  The secret behind her dark glasses has been revealed!  Diana Gurtskaya starred in a new video work without her glasses, video The singer who does not see
Gurtskaya. The secret behind her dark glasses has been revealed! Diana Gurtskaya starred in a new video work without her glasses, video The singer who does not see

It is impossible to find a photo of Diana Gurtskaya without glasses, with open eyes. On this occasion, some time ago, skeptics tried to put forward a version of a PR deception on the part of a popular singer. Allegedly, the artist's eyesight is all right, and she received fame only out of pity.

Diana herself did not give any comments on this matter. She did not even try to debunk the created myth, did not agree to act without a permanent accessory. The singer reacted absolutely calmly to reproaches for being too close.

According to her, there is no need to look into the eyes of a blind person, hoping to see a reflection of her soul there. The entire inner world of the artist was embodied in her compositions, which Gurtskaya with enviable consistency releases to the judgment of demanding fans.

The future celebrity was born in the capital of Abkhazia, the city of Sukhumi on June 2, 1978. At first, the parents did not know about their daughter's vision problems. Everything was revealed when a little girl fell off the couch and smashed her face in blood.

Fearing for the baby's health, mom and dad went for an examination. The ophthalmologist stunned the parents of the future singer with terrible news - the girl will never see. According to unverified data, the artist had congenital optic nerve atrophy.

In several children's photos, Diana Gurtskaya without glasses, with open eyes. It is clearly seen that the artist's appearance is characteristic of blind people. Apparently, the singer's relatives decided on such publications, trying to protect the young woman from the attacks of ill-wishers and envious people.

At an early age, Gurtskaya did not experience problems with communication and household chores. Her parents tried to protect their daughter from their own worries about this.

They instilled self-respect in the blind girl with all their might, did not distinguish her from the rest of the children with excessive pity. The older brothers always took care of their sister and tried to please her at every opportunity.

As the artist recalls, Rustam was 15 years older than her, but he always took her with him to a meeting with friends, on walks, to the cinema. It was the young man who was able to find opportunities for the family to move to the Russian capital when civil clashes broke out in Georgia.

Rustam later became a producer of his sister, promoting her to the first steps of all music competitions.



The blind girl's musical abilities developed very early. As the singer says, she began to sing before she spoke.

Parents, inspired by their daughter's talent, helped her as best they could:

  • bought musical toys;
  • constantly playing music;
  • were taken to all kinds of concerts.

Diana showed stubbornness and strength of character at the age of 8. The teachers of the music school did not want to enroll Gurtskaya in the piano course, explaining the refusal by her blindness. The girl was able to prove her learning ability by playing a popular melody by ear.

Along with her music lessons, Diana combined her studies at a boarding school for blind children. The parents had to patiently explain to their daughter why her classes were different from the usual lessons in a standard general education school.

At the age of 10, the aspiring singer managed to perform on the stage of the Tbilisi State Philharmonic Society together with the famous singer Irma Sokhadze. The recognition of her talent by the audience and the star of Georgian jazz gave impetus to further hard work in this direction.

Excellent recommendations after music school helped the singer successfully pass the exams at the Gnessin School of Music for the jazz vocal class. Even then, in the photo, Diana Gurtskaya could not be seen without glasses, with open eyes.

In parallel with music lessons, a talented girl mastered the performing arts at GITIS, and then entered the Moscow State University. Lomonosov for the course of art history.

In 2003, Diana received an honors degree in this field. All this time, Gurtskaya toured a lot, successfully releasing one after another all new collections of songs in her own performance.

Personal life

For a long time, nothing was known about the love experiences of a successful singer. For the first time, they started talking about the changes in the personal life of Diana Gurtskaya, whose photo without glasses, with open eyes, could not be found anywhere, after she met her future husband. It is noteworthy that the first meeting with the future chosen one did not make any impression on the artist.

They were introduced solely for the purpose of providing the blind artist with legal protection. Pyotr Kucherenko was already famous for his tenacity and talent in preserving the copyright of show business stars.

But the young man immediately liked the defenseless blind girl with an angelic voice and a difficult character. He began to look for ways of rapprochement, Peter had to spend a whole year to win the heart of his beloved.

The young man showed miracles of ingenuity, trying to surprise the incredulous celebrity with romantic surprises.

Finally, Gurtskaya surrendered to the persuasion of her beloved to become husband and wife only after Kucherenko persuaded the metropolitan astronomers to name the newly discovered star by her name.

Young people played a magnificent wedding in 2005, while even in colorful photos from the celebration, Diana Gurtskaya cannot be seen without dark glasses, with open eyes.

A family

After marriage, the artist gave birth to a son, Kostya, 2 years later. She admitted in an interview with reporters that she was afraid of repeating her own fate in the fate of her only child. Her fears were in vain - the boy was born completely healthy.

The happy mother left touring for a while, trying to devote as much time as possible to the baby. And only when Kostya grew up, the woman returned to the profession.

Despite the tight schedule, the artist tries to always be aware of her son's life. He took her blindness for granted, promising to always help his mother at the age of 4.

The kid goes to a regular school and is not embarrassed by the fact that even in family photos, Diana Gurtskaya cannot be seen without glasses, with open eyes. As the singer herself said in an interview, Konstantin dreams of growing up and inventing the "right" medicines for his mother.

In addition to professional work on stage, the singer devotes a lot of time to helping families with children who have vision problems.

She, by her own example, shows the parents of such babies that life does not end with a child's illness, that parents can and should adapt special children in society as much as possible.

In 2005, the Gurtskaya-Kucherenko family created a charitable foundation "At the Call of the Heart". The purpose of this organization is to help blind and visually impaired children in self-realization, the embodiment of their talents and support in everyday life.

In addition to helping in creative endeavors, the foundation tries, whenever possible, to return the ability to see this world to all children whose recovery depends only on the financial side of the issue.

Several dozen operations have already been performed, after which the sick children saw all the colors of life for the first time. For Diana Gurtskaya, who has never been photographed without glasses, with open eyes, even with a foreign passport, there is no greater joy.

In every child who has become sighted thanks to the work of her foundation, she sees her own unfulfilled dreams and is very proud of the small amount of good that she can bring into the life of a sick child.

Diana Gurtskaya always enters the big stage in the manner familiar to the viewer. And even in glossy magazines it is problematic to find her photo without glasses with open eyes. Not so long ago, the artist decided to make an exception and please fans and journalists with a new look without dark glasses. This trick caused a lot of feedback from different segments of the population.

The shocking image of a romantic singer

I decided to appear in a new role for the sake of filming in a new video. Working on the video format of a song written by the ingenious composer Viktor Drobysh "I'm Losing You" became the reason for the appearance on the Internet of a photo of the singer without glasses with open eyes. For the sake of filming, the woman abandoned the usual pop image.

In the photo, Diana's eyes are covered with a ribbon with a floral print, after which she is replaced by an elegant lace strip. Critics considered this move to be quite bold and interesting.

A curious moment in the video was the footage where Diana Gurtskaya appears without glasses with open eyes, which immediately appeared in the photo in the media. The artist decided to give up the glamorous bandages, having painted up her eyelids with black eyeshadows in the style of smoky eyes.

Parents did not immediately understand that the girl was losing her eyesight.

During her early childhood, Diana showed no signs of vision problems. She behaved in the same way as her peers and her gaze was not clouded. But when her parents made a small rearrangement in the house, she fell, trying to sit on the sofa and severely crippled her face. Frightened parents took her to the doctor for examination, as a result of which it became clear that Diana's gaze wandered and did not focus on the surrounding objects.

For the first ten years, the parents took the girl to ophthalmologists, wanting to find a specialist who can cure an eye disease. But they all made the same diagnosis - this disease is incurable.

Unable to find a way for their daughter, the parents sent her to a specialized boarding school for children with congenital blindness and vision problems.

But that wasn't enough for Diana. She dreamed of sitting down at the piano and learning to play. Therefore, while studying in Tbilisi, she convinced the teachers of the Music School that she could play by ear. Regular classes helped her develop not only the ability to play, but also to sing. At the age of 10, she already performed on the stage of the Philharmonic and was not shy about the audience.

In the years that followed, the amazing girl achieved incredible results in music. She managed to break into the Russian stage thanks to her talent, and not connections. And over the years of work, she developed a taboo: "never insist on her own exclusivity and do not cause pity among others." Therefore, the image of Diana is always perfect. She looks after her own appearance and always leaves the house with perfect makeup and looks after her figure. Many world stars cannot boast of such scrupulousness.

    Do you like the work of Diana Gurtskaya?

Vision problems did not prevent Diana Gurtskaya from entering the stage of the music festival, taking part in an international competition. So the first photos of the performer without glasses with open eyes appeared in the media. She did not want to show the judges her exclusivity and cause pity.

The woman is still proud of the fact that she was noticed by Igor Krutoy and other masters of show business thanks to her talent, not blindness. They learned that the girl did not see anything much later during the signing of the contract.

Popularity and career rise

The song "You Are Here" performed by Diana Gurtskaya on the big stage made an incredible sensation. The singer sang it so emotionally and truthfully that tears streamed down the cheeks of most of the audience.

Never before have songs been performed with such a heartache in their voice. So Diana was not only remembered, but also loved. She managed to penetrate the soul of every listener, leaving an indelible mark on it.

The singer's first album, released a year later, was sold out as soon as it hit the windows of specialty stores. It was a success that Diana's mother could be proud of. But she could only watch the takeoff in her career from heaven. That is why Gurtskaya's performance was so reverent and lively.

Having started her career on the big stage, she continued to develop further. Without focusing on her exclusivity, the girl first entered the Gnessin School, and then from the first time to GITIS. Having mastered the basics of creativity at the institute, Diana continued to rapidly climb the career ladder and delight fans with new albums and performances.

But even despite the fact that she never seeks to promote herself at the expense, photos without glasses still appear on the Internet. They show that Diana has a slightly slanted look. This is the only thing that distinguishes a woman from other people.

Everything about the life of stars is interesting - from health to the number of husbands. Particularly interested in what they are trying to hide. So the famous singer Diana Gurtskaya is examined almost under a microscope - they are trying to look under her black glasses on the floor of her face and see what is hidden there? What does Diana Gurtskaya look like without her glasses and what led to blindness? In our article, you will learn about the life and the most significant facts from the biography of the singer, show photos and videos and try to answer the question that interests you - is she really blind or is it PR?

When Diana Gurtskaya first appeared on the big stage, she stunned the audience with her voice, and her song "You Are Here", written by Igor Nikolaev, immediately became a hit. Diana is a famous singer, during her singing career, our heroine collaborated with such masters as Jose Carreras, Goran Bregovich, Joseph Kobzon, Grigory Leps. She is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. And many people know her, but no one has ever seen her without glasses.

Recently, quite often on the Internet, one could see messages from "good" fans that Gurtskaya is not blind. These statements could be encountered quite often. Sometimes they could significantly affect the consciousness of other people, and therefore the attitude towards the singer always remained tense.

The singer, entering the stage wearing dark glasses, immediately attracted attention, and although it was already known that the girl was blind from birth, many for some reason doubted this, and the question whether Diana Gurtskaya really does not see was one of the most frequent asked.

Although such interest can still be explained, because we are accustomed to the fact that people with disabilities rarely achieve anything in life, and then a fragile girl appeared before the audience, who managed to win their hearts, having passed a long and rather difficult path to recognition ...

Recall that Diana was born in 1978 in the city of Sukhumi (Georgia) in a simple large family.

She was really born blind, which her parents did not even suspect at first, and when they realized that something was wrong with their daughter and turned to specialists, they made a disappointing diagnosis - congenital blindness, and, moreover, the girl does not and will not chances of gaining sight.

“My father and mother did not dare to explain my condition to me for a long time, and I could not understand why the world was black for me. After all, parents and friends talked among themselves about some colors and paints ... But gradually some seventh or eighth feeling was formed in me, which painted my world, understandable only to me. I have been living in it ever since. This is the world, just the way I imagine it. But at least I'm comfortable in it. "

The strength of mind that young Diana possessed and helped her, being in eternal darkness, to go through life towards her goal. After all, God, having taken the girl's eyesight, rewarded her with a special gift - an extraordinary voice, which already at the age of 8 was such that admired the teachers of the boarding school for blind children, where Diana studied.

Over time, the girl not only honed her vocals, but also learned to play the piano, and at the age of 18 she already became the winner of a music competition.

Having moved from her native Sukhumi to Moscow, Diana graduated from Gnesinka and began to take her first steps on the Russian stage. In 2000, her first debut album saw the light, after which four more appeared, and the singer herself began to actively perform with concerts and go on tour.

Diana Gurtskaya knows firsthand how to live in a world without colors. But with her creativity, she enriched the musical world with millions of shades. And thanks to the activities of the singer's charitable foundation, many blind children were able to feel truly happy.

Diana Gurtskaya's childhood

Diana was born on July 2, 1978 in sunny Sukhumi. She was the youngest daughter of the Mingrelian family of Guda and Zaira Gurtskaya. Parents were already at a respectable age; my father used to work in a mine, and my mother taught at school. The baby was surrounded with love and care not only by her parents, but also by her older children - brothers Dzhambul and Robert and sister Eliso.

For the first months, Zaire did not notice her daughter's illness, but when the girl fell off the couch, breaking her face to blood, her mother rushed to the hospital. The doctors' verdict was disappointing - congenital blindness. Ophthalmologists did not give a single chance that the child would be able to see. It was a big blow for the whole family, but the parents decided not to focus on their daughter's illness, and raised Diana in the same way as the older children. “I grew up as an ordinary child - I just ran, fell, played pranks. They never felt sorry for me, although everyone took care of me, ”the singer recalled.

At the age of 7, Diana was sent to study at the Tbilisi boarding school for blind and visually impaired children, located five hundred kilometers from her home. The girl took a long time to get used to the new unfamiliar environment and was very homesick. After class, she came into the room and opened the suitcase with her things so that she could smell her mother for a moment. Diana missed her the most. But when the schoolgirl came home and asked for an extra day to extend the vacation, the parents were adamant: “You have to get an education. Go through life with your head held high! "

Diana Gurtskaya in the studio "Let them talk"

When the girl was overcome with melancholy, she began to sing. This was her favorite pastime from early childhood - not yet having learned to speak well, Diana already memorized the melodies and sounds of the world around her, and then tried to reproduce them. Mom noticed her daughter's creative abilities, so she supported her in her striving to get a musical education as well. At the age of 8, Diana began to study with a vocal teacher, and after a couple of months she wanted to learn how to play the piano. But if in the boarding school the whole situation was adjusted to the characteristics of blind children, then in the music school it was much more difficult - the girl had to study on an equal basis with everyone, relying only on her own memory and fine ear: “I almost forgot everything when I came home, and I had to start from scratch several times. But I couldn't live without music. And the harder it is, the more interesting it is! "

The efforts of the stubborn schoolgirl bore fruit: already at the age of 10 she stood on the stage of the Tbilisi Philharmonic and sang a duet with Irma Sokhadze herself. This was the first deafening success of the young talent.

Diana Gurtskaya's career

In 1995, 17-year-old Diana Gurtskaya applied to participate in the international pop song festival "Yalta - Moscow - Transit". For the competition, the singer chose the composition "Tbiliso". The soulful performance of the young Georgian woman did not leave indifferent even the masters of the Russian stage, among whom were Laima Vaikule, Mikhail Tanich, Igor Nikolaev, Alexander Malinin, Lolita and Igor Krutoy.

Diana Gurtskaya - "If the night is gone", 1995

And although Gurtskaya did not take first place, the jury awarded the singer with an extraordinary voice with a special prize. It was presented by the singer and composer Igor Nikolaev. This moment became the point of Diana's ascent to the musical Olympus: Nikolaev offered cooperation to the talented performer, and she simply could not refuse.

Immediately after this competition, the entire Gurtskaya family moved to Moscow. Here the youngest daughter of Guda and Zaira decided to continue her musical education - she entered the pop department at the Gnessin School. 18-year-old Diana, inspired by success, decided that she would be able to conquer one more peak, and began to simultaneously master the stage skills at GITIS. But even this was not enough for Diana - in 2003 she received a master's degree from the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

In 1999, Gurtskaya sang for the first time Igor Nikolaev's song "You are here". The composition became an absolute hit, but the audience did not even suspect that for the singer herself it was a requiem song: “When this song was being created, my mother was still alive. But even then she was diagnosed with cancer. She managed to see a little that my dream came true. I'm a singer". The composition instantly took off to the top of the charts, and Diana was invited to perform it on "Song of the Year". When Gurtskaya sang on the main stage of the country, Zaira was buried in Tbilisi: “I had the feeling that at the moment I was addressing my mother with this song. I had the impression that the whole audience knew then my history, my tragedy. "

In 2000, the singer's debut album "You Are Here" was released, it included songs written for her by Igor Nikolaev and Sergey Chelobanov. Gurtskaya continued her collaboration with these composers, and two years later the second album with their songs, "You Know, Mom", was released. Tours began, duets with world famous singers, including Joseph Kobzon, Toto Cutugno, Al Bano, Demis Roussos.

The first performance of Diana Gurtskaya and Toto Cutugno

A year later, another blow of fate awaited Diana - the singer's brother Dzhambul was severely beaten on the streets of Moscow. The guy was hospitalized, but the capital's doctors were unable to save his life. The family drama affected the singer's creativity, but Diana had many more achievements and victories ahead of her. In December 2006, Gurtskaya was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia". In 2008, she presented Georgia to the international Eurovision Song Contest, and a year later she became the Sochi 2014 Ambassador, as a person who popularizes the ideas of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement in Russia and the world.

Diana Gurtskaya at Eurovision 2008

In 2011, the famous singer took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars", Sergei Balashov became her partner on the floor.

In 2010, the singer made another dream come true - she held the White Cane: Tolerance, Equality, Integration Festival. At the same time, a charitable foundation “At the Call of the Heart”, which provides assistance to children with absent or low vision, began its work. And in 2013, Gurtskaya became a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for the disabled.

Diana Gurtskaya is a Russian and Georgian pop singer, whose popularity peaked in the early 2000s. Lack of vision did not prevent the girl from making a musical career, becoming an Honored Artist of Russia and becoming a member of the Public Chamber.

Diana participates in charity events that contribute to the development of programs to help people with disabilities.

Childhood and youth

Diana Gudaevna Gurtskaya was born in Sukhumi on July 2, 1978. She became the fourth child in the family of a former miner and teacher. Together with Diana, 2 more brothers and a sister were growing up in the family.

When the girl was born, her parents did not know about her illness. Only when the baby, not orienting herself, fell off the couch, did the adults suspect something was wrong. The doctors' diagnosis was disappointing - congenital blindness.

According to ophthalmologists, the girl did not have a single chance to see. It was a shock for the family. To the credit of the parents, they decided that the girl should grow up like everyone else, and raised Diana in the same way as the older children.

“I grew up like all children, ran and played pranks,” Gurtskaya later recalled.

Diana's strength of mind was manifested from an early age, because few of the physically healthy people are knocked out to the top of the musical Olympus. The blind performer gave odds to all seeing Russian show business, having succeeded in creativity and won the title of Honored Artist.

Since childhood, the future star dreamed of becoming a singer. She found support in the person of Zaira's mother. At the age of 8, already a student of the Tbilisi boarding school for blind and visually impaired children, Diana managed to convince music teachers that, despite everything, she would be able to learn to play the piano.

Her debut took place at the age of 10 in a duet with Irma Sokhadze. The girl and the Georgian singer performed together on the stage of the Tbilisi Philharmonic. Irma noticed the young talent at a music competition. And in 1995 Diana won another music competition "Yalta-Moscow-Transit" with the song "Tbiliso". Here was her first meeting with, who later wrote for the singer her most recognizable hit "You are here."

After moving to Moscow, together with her family, Diana Gurtskaya entered the pop department of the Gnesins Moscow Music College, which she graduated in 1999.


After graduating from Gnesinka, Diana takes her first steps in Russian show business. In 2000, her debut album was released, which was recorded by the ARS studio. It includes songs written by Igor Nikolaev.

The collaboration of the artist with the musicians did not end there, and subsequently she repeatedly resorted to their help. The second album of the young singer, titled "You Know, Mom", was also recorded by the "ARS" company. After that, 2 more albums were released - "Tender" and "9 months", 8 clips were shot.

Diana Gurtskaya - "You Know, Mom"

The singer's work is not limited to the release of albums. Tours begin, she often sings songs in duets with the masters of Russian and foreign pop music, including others.

Diana Gurtskaya sang the song "To be with you" with a graduate of the next "Star Factory", rapper Ratmir Shishkov. The life of the young singer was tragically cut short in 2007, when he, while intoxicated, along with four friends got into a terrible accident with a fatal outcome.

Diana Gurtskaya - "Tender"

The artists performed romantic tracks at concerts in Murom, on the Day of Moscow, at the celebration of the Day of employees of the internal affairs bodies.

Diana Gurtskaya and Gleb Matveychuk - "Promise me love"

In 2019, the artist became a guest of the program "I really want to live", which was shown on the air of the TV channel "Spas". Together with the pupils of the boarding school near Moscow for deaf-blind children, she presented the audience with the song "Overcome Yourself".

Earlier, Gurtskaya told the viewers of the program "Life is great!" that she once faced the threat of oncology. During a routine examination, the doctors discovered a tumor in the singer, which could be cancerous. After the examination, an operation was performed to remove it, while the terrible diagnosis was not confirmed. The singer was frightened by the news, as her mother and cousin died of cancer in her family.

Now the artist is preparing to perform at the Blues Without Borders festival and does not forget about social activities. On Student's Day, Diana spoke to the audience of a rehabilitation center located at the Moscow University for the Humanities and Economics. The singer presented the song "Angels of Hope".


  • 2000 - "You are here"
  • 2002 - You Know Mom
  • 2004 - "Tender"
  • 2007 - "9 months"
  • 2017 - Panic