Galkin was urgently taken to the hospital with severe pain. Maxim Galkin was admitted to the hospital with appendicitis Galkin in the hospital on March 30

Galkin was urgently taken to the hospital with severe pain. Maxim Galkin was admitted to the hospital with appendicitis Galkin in the hospital on March 30

The famous TV presenter and comedian Maxim Galkin commented on the media data about his hospitalization. According to him, he was admitted to the hospital after exercising on simulators.

"I was working out in the gym. And suddenly something pinched in my back. I had to see a doctor. Don't worry, I don't have appendicitis.", - said Galkin “ MK ".

The publication found out that the spouse of Alla Pugacheva really called an ambulance. Galkin was taken to the National Medical and Surgical Center. Pirogov.

The media reported that Galkin was taken to the hospital from the village of Gryaz after he suddenly fell ill last night. It was reported that Galkin has acute appendicitis.

39-year-old comedian and showman Maxim Galkin was hospitalized in Moscow this morning. According to Life News, early in the morning an ambulance took him from his home in the village of Gryazi.
It was previously reported that the reason for the hospitalization was a suspicion of appendicitis. However, the artist later denied this information.
In a conversation with the correspondent of the Russian News Service, he confirmed that he had indeed been in the hospital, but for a different reason: after training in the gym, he had problems with his back. In this regard, Galkin decided to undergo an examination, just in case.

The famous Russian presenter and showman Maxim Galkin was taken to one of the elite clinics in the capital.

Alla Pugacheva's wife became ill on the night of March 28-29. According to preliminary information, he was diagnosed with acute appendicitis.

A source at the clinic said: "At around four in the morning an ambulance was called to the village of Gryazi this night. The patient complained of severe pain in the abdomen."... In addition, he added that Galkin was given pain-relieving injections, after which he was taken to the VIP department.

Previously Russian dialogue reported that TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak spoke about some feelings for the Russian comedian. The artist himself commented on this recognition: "She confesses her love to everyone in a row. What to do about it? I don't know. Probably wait for those who agree.".

Comedian Maxim Galkin told why he ended up in the hospital. The artist stressed that he was hospitalized after he felt unwell in training.

The showman said “ REN-TV " that during training he had back pain. In this regard, he went to the hospital to be checked.

In addition, he denied information that he was diagnosed with acute appendicitis. Galkin emphasized: "There is no attack of appendicitis. I am just always afraid that I will have it. I did not have my appendicitis removed.".

The artist noted that during the examination, the doctors did not find anything serious in him.

Earlier, the media reported that Galkin was taken to one of the capital's clinics with abdominal pain.

The popular TV presenter, husband of the Prima Donna of the national stage, Maxim Galkin, was hospitalized. The showman was hospitalized from his castle with acute pain. Pugacheva's husband, who complained of stomach cramps, was taken to the department of one of the elite clinics in the capital.


According to some reports, Galkin suddenly became ill on the night of March 28-29. "At around 04:00 an ambulance was called to the village of Gryazi. The patient complained of severe pain in the abdomen. The man was given pain-relieving injections, after which he was taken to the VIP ward for hospitalization," a source in the LifeNews clinic cites.

At the moment, nothing is known about the condition of the Diva's husband. The clinics only reported that the preliminary diagnosis of Maxim Galkin was acute appendicitis.

Note that the TV presenter did not previously complain of health problems. Moreover, the showman leads a healthy lifestyle and has no bad habits. Maxim does not like alcohol and cigarettes, instead of them he prefers sports. However, he rarely succeeds in taking time for himself.

“There are people who can go into a binge for a month. And I go in for sports on this principle. Of course, I buy a subscription for a year, but I go to the gym for a month at most. “Why,” I reassure myself, “tomorrow I’ll definitely go to the gym!” But I can’t afford to regularly go even to the pool - chlorine has a bad effect on my throat, ”Galkin said in an interview.

    On March 29, information appeared that he was urgently hospitalized in one of the Moscow elite clinics with suspicion of acute appendicitis.

    It is known that the husband of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva suddenly felt unwell on the night of Monday to Tuesday, after which it was immediately decided to call an ambulance.

    At the moment, it is known that the artist was given anesthetic injections and was placed in the VIP department. The best doctors of the elite clinic are engaged in the health of Maxim Galkin.

    The artist never complained about his health, he is still a young man, but diseases and ailments come over suddenly.

    On the night of March 28-29, 2016, Maxim Galkin was hospitalized in a Moscow clinic, as previously reported with suspicion of acute appendicitis.

    But as Phillippe Kirkorov says:

    As Maxim Galkin himself says:

    So everything is in order, the husband of Alla Pugacheva has no serious health problems.

  • Quite contradictory information was published in the media about M. Galkin's appeal to doctors for help.

    The artist himself spoke about the spread of rumors as follows.

    I think that fans should not worry.

    Recently, information appeared on the Internet that Maxim Galkin was hospitalized.

    The journalists said that Maxim Galkain had acute pains in the abdomen, it could be appendicitis.

    But as it turned out, it was not appendicitis at all, the journalists were wrong with the diagnosis.

    Elvira Mokroborodova, on the phone, told reporters the real reason why Maxim Galkin was hospitalized.

    As it turned out, the artist was hospitalized due to severe back pain.

    Maxim Galkin loves to play sports, and while playing sports, he pulled his back very strongly, the severe pain did not make him wait long, he had to call an ambulance.

    The artist was taken to the hospital, where he was given several injections, which improved his condition, the best doctors took care of him.

    We wish Maxim Galkin a speedy recovery.

    As far as I know, the popular Russian parodist Maxim Galkin was indeed urgently hospitalized in one of the capital's clinics on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, with suspicion of acute appendicitis. The fact is that that night he felt an acute pain in his stomach, after which his wife, Alla Pugachva, immediately called an ambulance, whose doctors decided to urgently hospitalize Maxim Galkin.

    Yes, Maxim Galkin was hospitalized with a preliminary diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

    At night, he felt bad, his stomach began to hurt badly, the ambulance called in determined a acute abdomen.

    Surely, Maxim will be operated on soon.

    A fairly common problem, but nevertheless, it is still a surgical intervention. Hope everything goes well.

    They say that he was diagnosed with Acute stomach. That suspects acute appendicitis. And he will have an operation.

    The operation is ordinary, I think that if there are no such formidable complications as peritonitis, the case will end with discharge on the 7th or 8th day, as soon as the stitches are removed.

    So far, quite scant information has been received regarding the hospitalization of Maxim Galkin, a famous TV presenter and, concurrently, the wife of the prima donna Alla Pugacheva. It is only known that the artist felt bad on the night of March 28-29, there were severe abdominal pains, as a result an ambulance was called. According to preliminary information, Maxim Galkin has acute appendicitis.

    The TV presenter did go to doctors on Tuesday, but for a different reason. During loads in the gym, the artist felt back pain, he was able to get to the clinic on his own. The artist has no threat to his health. Maxim Galkin constantly monitors his personal health and at any time can independently consult a doctor.

    Galkin was brought to one of the elite clinics with acute abdominal pain. There are suspicions of appendicitis. But for a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a number of tests, because without analyzes there can be several options for the diagnosis: cholecystitis, pancreatitis and even coronary heart disease (it happens that the heart hurts - but it gives as much to the stomach). In general, the comedian will be examined. In the meantime, the preliminary diagnosis is inflammation of appendicitis.

“Around four in the morning an ambulance was called to the village of Gryazi tonight. The patient complained of severe abdominal pain. The man was given pain-relieving injections, after which he was taken to the VIP-unit for hospitalization, ”said lifenews, citing a source at the clinic.

According to preliminary data from the notorious publication, doctors diagnosed acute appendicitis.

Galkin himself denies rumors about appendicitis and refers to the fact that he overdid it with training on simulators.

“Everything is fine with me, I just grabbed my back a little, I trained on the simulators. Just in case, since there were back pains, I decided, you never know what - checked. They simply didn’t have my appendicitis cut out, so I always check, just in case, ”said Maxim Galkin.

About when the artist will return home from the hospital, said a family friend, singer Philip Kirkorov.

“As far as I know, Maxim just pulled his back, exercising on simulators. I went to the clinic, but now everything is fine with him. He is returning home, ”Kirkorov commented to the Lifenews publication.

The fans of the family of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin now have a serious reason to worry. Today, one of the brightest Russian pop artists was urgently hospitalized in an elite clinic. According to media reports, the artist was taken to a medical facility with acute abdominal pain.

They also wrote that Maxim Galkin had suspicions of appendicitis. Little was reported about the condition of the favorite of millions. It is known that the husband of the Prima Donna suddenly felt bad on the night of Monday to Tuesday, after which the family decided to call an ambulance.

A team that arrived at the famous castle of the village of Gryaz took the artist to a medical facility, where he was given several anesthetic injections. Then Galkin was placed in the VIP department, where the best doctors took care of his health.

At first, one could only guess what exactly caused the emergency hospitalization of Maxim Galkin. Sources in the clinic told reporters that this could be due to suspicions of acute appendicitis. However, this information has not been confirmed.

The director of the artist Elvira Mokroborodova contacted the journalists. She spoke about the state of the artist. It turns out that Galkin got to the clinic not at all because of pain in the abdomen. Maxim pulled his back while playing sports.

“Maxim was in the gym, slightly tore his back. Slightly! And the press writes that he almost died of appendicitis. Guys, at least check the news, because it's a shame for journalists to tell lies. What is appendicitis? This has never happened, ”said Elvira. Philip Kirkorov confirmed the same information to one of the publications. According to the famous singer, now Galkin is doing well, he is returning home from the clinic.

By the way, the artist himself has never complained about his health before. Galkin leads a healthy lifestyle, goes in for sports, and regularly monitors his condition.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov /

However, Maxim gives his fans serious reasons for concern not so often. Only in April 2013, admirers of the TV presenter's talent had to get seriously nervous. Then Galkin suddenly fell ill, which is why he was forced to cancel the tour of Siberia. This news then saddened thousands of people who planned a visit to the concert halls where Maxim was expected. The artist himself later explained that until recently he was sure that he could quickly recover, but complications after the flu adversely affected his well-being at the most crucial moment.

Later, Maxim Galkin was recovering in the village of Gryaz, surrounded by relatives and friends. Alla Pugacheva's spouse then apologized to everyone who was waiting for his arrival and eventually suffered due to a sharp deterioration in his health.