Sample questions for the game what where when. How to take questions chgk

Sample questions for the game what where when.  How to take questions chgk
Sample questions for the game what where when. How to take questions chgk

Questions of school tournaments on the game “What? Where? When?"

2.1 The Hebrew textbook opens with the words: "You are starting to learn the language you speak ..." Who?

Answer. God.

2.2 This word is found in almost all Slavic languages. In Serbian and Slovene, it means “good harvest”. In Czech, Slovak and Polish it means "family". What is this word?

Answer. Homeland.

2.3 Among the Arab tribes of East Jordan, deprivation of this was considered one of the most humiliating punishments. And now many people spend about six months to get rid of the consequences of this. Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great, for example, did the same. What is this?

Answer. Beard. (The answer is "mustache"- did not count.)

2.4 Why did the king of Denmark Eric IV receive the not too affectionate nickname "plow penny" among the people?

Answer. He introduced a tax on the plow.

2.5 Among them were an elephant, a rhino, a grizzly bear, a marten, a lynx, a wasp, a bumblebee, a mouse ... Name two of the most famous animals from this unsympathetic company.

Answer. "Tiger" and "Panther". All this- the names of fascist tanks and self-propelled guns. ("Leopard"- wrong answer. This is a modern tank.)

2.6 Narts are heroes of epic legends of many Caucasian peoples. The most powerful of the sleds was Sasrykva, born of stone and hardened in a forge. What is the name of the drink taken from the gods and presented to people?

Answer. Nart-sano, that is, narzan.

2.7 At the unveiling of the monument to Pushkin in 1880, Maria Gartung, Countess Natalia Merenberg, brothers Alexander and Gregory were especially honored guests. What are the brothers' surname?

Answer. Pushkins (all four: daughters and sons of the poet).

2.8 Bulgarian writer Stefan Prodev says: “They were created to help Byzantium fight Rome. The emperor and the church considered them to be their soldiers. But, created as soldiers of the empire, they became the warriors of progress. Their power overcame not only the papal nuncios, it broke the sword of the Byzantine colonialists sent to enslave the spirit of the Slavs ... ”Name those who created them.

Answer. Cyril and Methodius.

2.9 The main ten models have minor differences. For example, the Voiri model has a straight handle, the Yalasjärvi model has a slightly curved blade, the Rautalammi model has the handle trimmed with thin metal stripes, and the Tommy model has a straight blade without indentations. Their common name is "puukko". What do we call them?

Answer. Finca.

2.10 There is only one sport in which you have to back up to win. Once he was even included in the program of the Olympic Games. What is it called?

Answer. Tug of war.

2.11 Many representatives of the Naryshkin family left a noticeable mark on Russian history. And what did the Naryshkins themselves consider the main merit of their kind to Russia?

Answer. Birth of PeterI... His mother was Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina.

2.12 From the Greek word "ridzikon", that is, "cliff", comes the French verb, meaning "to maneuver between the rocks." And what word of the Russian language comes from this verb?

Answer ... Risk, take risks.

2.13 One of the streets of the Vietnamese city of Ho Chi Minh is named after the Jesuit Alexander de Roda, who lived in the 17th century. He gave the Vietnamese what they still use today. And what did they use before?

Answer. Hieroglyphs. Alexandre de Rode developed the Latinized alphabet of the Vietnamese language.

2.14 According to the biblical legend, Pharaoh's daughter found the baby Moses in a basket in the reeds. The word for this basket appears again in the Hebrew text of the Bible. What object is this word called?

Answer. Noah's Ark.

2.15 In 1920, a well-known writer coined the word "labourge". However, his brother, a renowned artist, advised him to use a different word. Which?

Answer. Robot. ("Laborge" from the English.labor- Job. The name of the writer was Karel Chapek. V1920 g... he wrote the play “IU. R", Where the word" robot "was first used.)

2.16 In the battle with the Swedes at Gangut in 1714, ten enemy ships were captured, including the flagship Elephant. In honor of this victory, a triumphal arch was erected. On this arch hung a painting, under which was the signature: "The Russian eagle does not catch flies." And what was depicted in this picture?

Answer. Eagle holdingvthe claws of an elephant. ("Eagle riding on an elephant" - counts.)

2.17 Members of one of the Old Believer sects believed that the participation of God, rather than the participation of a priest, was required to perform the rite of baptism. They baptized themselves. And where did they get water for this ceremony?

Answer. They used the water sent by God, that is, rainwater.

2.18 In South Africa, in the vicinity of the small town of Upington, luxurious vineyards are laid out. During the harvesting of ripe berries, they are taken by whole dump trucks to large concrete platforms the size of a football field, and so they are left there. What for?

Answer ... This is how raisins are made.

2.19 In ancient Babylon, this sequence looked like this: Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus. What do we now call what corresponded to Mars?

Answer. Tuesday.

2.20 Once in South America, the Spanish conquistadors were amazed to see a creature hovering motionless in the air, surrounded by a cloud. Hastily called the priest, he looked at the miracle and announced that it was an angel. And who was it really?

Answer. Hummingbird.

2.21 Everyone is well aware of the "law of the sandwich", sometimes also called the "law of selective gravity." According to Jennings' addition to this law, “the probability of a sandwich falling on the carpet with the smeared side is directly proportional to…” To what?

Answer, "... the cost of the carpet."

2.22 What fish got its name for its big eyes?

Answer. Perch.

2.23 In the middle of the 9th century, the Vikings entered the Mediterranean for the first time. Having met no serious resistance from the wealthy coastal cities, they nevertheless were soon forced to go home. The Vikings were frightened by a sudden "skin disease" that struck them. What was the reason for it?

Answer. The Vikings, who had never faced the hot southern sun before, were simply burned out.

2.24 This film has not left the screens for several decades. Although it constantly raises the problems of relationships with blacks and cruelty to animals, the plot always focuses on the passions simmering between the inseparable protagonists. It is a pity that when translating films into Russian, the names of the heroes are not translated, otherwise their names would be Thomas and Erema. What is the name of this film?

Answer. "Tom and Jerry".

2.25 What ancient Russian city was founded where the Volga forms a bend?

Answer. Uglich (from the word "corner").

2.26 This type of treatment is used for diseases of the joints of the extremities, spine, bones, nervous system, blood vessels, and some forms of infertility. The general name of the treatment procedures is applications, and some of them have special names: "gloves", "socks", "trousers", "jacket". What kind of treatment are we talking about?

Answer. Mud therapy (procedures are named depending on which parts of the body are covered with mud).

2.27 The ancient Semites called their temples "betil", which means "the house of God." And the ancient Iranians called the temples the word "atashqed", which means "house ...". Whose is it?

Answer. Fire. Zoroastrians worship fire.

2.28 One of the British firms produces an "eternal" electric flashlight. Advertising informs that it is not harmful to immersion to a depth of 150 meters, the flashlight does not corrode, it cannot be broken or broken. This product comes with a lifetime warranty. However, there is a note in the warranty card: "The company is not responsible for the consequences of an attack on a flashlight by a shark, a bear and ..." Who?

Answer. Child.

2.29 She inspired the artist Grekov, but we know better the work of the poet Ruderman and composer Listov, dedicated to her. If you believe that work, she was a native of Kiev, or Poltava, or Rostov-on-Don. Name her.

Answer. Tachanka.

2.30 This Russian word in the past meant "face" and came from the words with the meanings "forehead" and "mouth". What is this word?

Answer. Jaw ("brow" + "mouth").

2.31 The first list is Euler, Brahe, Kepler, Regiomontan, Ulugbek, Biruni. The second list is Kor-Dylevsky, Lovell, Struve, Sternberg, Galilei, Vorontsov-Velyaminov. The people on the first and second lists were astronomers. And who were the people from the first list, but were not the people from the second list?

Answer ... Astrologers.

2.32 Once an attempt was made to find out what factors influenced the choice of a profession by famous people. It turned out that in second place is the influence of acquaintances, in third - travel, in fourth. - natural beauty, then - the influence of parents, school and theater. Which factor came first?

Answer. Books.

2.33 Doll, deceased, amoeba, toy, corpse, queen. Select from this list those nouns that, from the point of view of the grammar of the Russian language, are animate.

Answer. Doll, deceased, amoeba, queen. By definition, animate nouns are those in which the plural forms of the nominative and accusative cases do not match, for example: them. P. - dead, wines. P. - I see the dead; them. P. - corpses, wines. P. - I see corpses.

2.34 In primitive times, this was considered the natural process of ridding society of useless members. Then it was considered a terrible crime, the ancient Greeks were horrified by the mere thought of it. We have known about one such crime since childhood. The accused denied the fact of the crime. Name at least one of his distinctive signs and the instrument of crime.

Answer. The perpetrator was red and freckled, and he killed his grandfather with a shovel.

2.35 The African Swahili people have a legend that the first man came down to earth from heaven. And who helped him do this?

Answer. Giraffe.

2.36 According to one child, adults do not know how to love, make friends, regret, and rejoice. Because of this, they "do not find what they are looking for." And to find, you need to know only two secrets. The first says: "Only the heart is sharp-sighted." Name the second one.

Answer. "You are always responsible for those you have tamed."

2.37 “We saw women fighting in the front ranks as leaders. They are fair-skinned and tall, with long hair braided and twisted around their heads. The eyes are strong and, armed with a bow and arrow, each of them fights no worse than ten men. " What is the name of the country in which the author of these lines Gaspard de Carvajal discovered such amazing women now?

Answer. Brazil.

2.38 Both in the traditional Russian women's costume and in the military uniform there is an element, the name of which is associated with a cock's comb. What is it called in each of these cases?

Answer. Kokoshnik and cockade.

2.39 Before Jean-Michel Jarre's concert near the Moscow State University building on Vorobyovy Hills, he received a promise from Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, which even the Pope could not give him. So what did Luzhkov promise?

Answer. Nice weather.

2.40 Listen to an excerpt from a poem by the poet Sergei Khmelnitsky dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad:

“Six messengers were in the world,

And the seventh land is not worth it.

There was Adam and Nuh with Ibrahim,

And Musa, and Daoud with Isa. "

The seventh "messenger" is, of course, Muhammad. Who is Adam, everyone, of course, knows. And under what names do we know the rest of the enumerated "messengers"?

Answer. Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus.

2.41 Karion Istomin, the author of the 16th century Primer, believed that an uncleaned room requires five, bad behavior at the table - three, unwashed dishes - six, foul language - ten, not going to church - twelve, and playing cards or dice - eight. What do these numbers mean?

Answer. The number of strokes with the rod. (An answer without the word "rod" does not count.)

2.42 In Persian it means "nettle fabric", in Turkish this expression became the name of the headdress, and in Europe it gave the name to the plant. Which one?

Answer. Tulip (from the word "turban").

2.43 Many Africans who live in the same area with him avoid using his name and refer to him as "He who kills with a smile." What do we call it?

Answer. Crocodile.

2.44 Followers of the Old Believer sect of the Onisimovites believed that the most righteous of them once a year receive the sacrament from the hands of an angel. On Holy Thursday, after prayer, they waited for the angelic communion with their mouth open for some time. Because of this custom, they received two nicknames among the people. What are these nicknames?

Answer. Razzy and raziny.

2.45 What is the name of a frustrated agricultural worker and musician who has discovered significant gaps in the secondary education system?

Answer. Antoshka.

2.46 The colors of the Irish flag alternate between green, white and orange. White symbolizes peace, and who do green and orange symbolize, if for many years the flag symbolism has not been able to come true?

Answer. Catholics and Protestants.

2.47 Before the opening of the Moscow metro, it was necessary to decide how to make the signal for the departure of the train. Having tried different types of whistles and whistles, the leaders of the metro, in the end, made the same choice as the Prophet Muhammad in his time. What did they choose?

2.48 Ancient Indians counted six "urmi" - sufferings accompanying human life. I will name five: hunger, thirst, heat, cold, greed. If your karma is not so heavy and you do not undergo the sixth suffering right now, then you will correctly name it. What's this?

Answer. These are mistakes.

2.49 The sailors, as you know, have no questions. And who, according to the poem by Yuri Mikhailik, has no answers?

Answer. Have poets have no answers.

2.50 The Chinese sage Xu Zeshu wrote that you can do this when you are idle, when you listen to boring poetry, when the music stops, when you live in solitude, when you talk late at night, when you host a learned husband or well-educated singers, in good weather, in hot , day, at dusk. All of you probably do this, and most of you do it regularly. And what is needed for this?

Answer. Tea and cups. This is a tea party.

2.51 In the games of two boys, she performed the functions of a Christmas tree, a cab, a Chinese pagoda, a flower pot on a stand, and even a bishop until she became the keeper of the Great Secret. And what was she really?

Answer. The chess queen ("Conduit and Schwambrania" by L. Kassil). The answer "chess piece" is accepted, "pawn" is not.

2.52 The word "wing" in German and Dutch sounds very similar. Both words were borrowed by the Russian language, but German began to denote a separate building, and Dutch - a detail of a building or, if you like, a device. Name both words.

Answer. Wing and weather vane.

2.53 Alexei Ivanovich Popov, in the 50s - the Minister of Culture of the RSFSR, was such a desperate swearing thing that even the Soviet leadership, in the end, could not stand it. Popov was removed from the Ministry of Culture and appointed ... by whom?

Answer. Minister of Education.

2.54 During the excavations of the ancient Egyptian settlement in Thebes, fragments of limestone with funny drawings were discovered. One of them depicts a donkey, lion, crocodile and monkey. Half of this information is enough for any Russian schoolchild to guess what they are doing. With what?

Answer. They play musical instruments (the donkey and the monkey are half of the Krylov Quartet).

2.55 Together with other great people of England, he is buried in Westminster Abbey. The following epitaph is placed on his tombstone: "He increased the wealth of his country, increased the strength of man and occupies an outstanding place between the most glorious scientists and the real benefactors of the world." The surname of this person is present in the SI system. Who is he?

Answer. James Watt (watts on bulbs- vhis honor).

2.56 According to legend, these sounds were heard in the summer of 1284 in a city in Germany. They could hear the tickling rustle of grain flowing in a trickle from a hole in the sack; the cheerful clicking of butter in the pan; crackle crunch under sharp teeth. And what were these sounds for?

Answer. To lure the rats out of the city (the legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin).

2.57 A bold project conceived in the 1920s by two Soviet sailors: Andrei Vasilyevich Vronsky and Ivan Alexandrovich Mann, remained unfulfilled. Their ship did not even leave the port. But later, this plan nevertheless brought them well-deserved fame. True, under different names. Which ones exactly?

Answer ... Captain Vrungel and Chief Officer Lom. Vronsky and Mann were planning a trip around the world on a two-seater yacht; A. Nekrasov based his book on Vronsky's stories about his failed trip.

2.58 The sixth were the birds, the seventh - the bull, the eighth - the mares, the tenth - the cows, the eleventh - the apples, the twelfth - the dog. Name the first and second.

Answer. Leo (Nemean) and Hydra (Lernaean). The exploits of Hercules are listed (not all).

2.59 According to one ancient myth, when God created man, the devil wanted to repeat the experiment. But instead of a man, he got a wolf, which immediately bit its creator. For what place? Justify the answer.

Answer. For the leg, since then the devil has been limping.

2.60 The word "dvija" - "twice born" - the ancient Indians called a representative of one of the three higher castes, as well as a part of a human body and an animal class ... Name an animal and a part of the body. Answers will be accepted in which at least one of the two is correctly named.

Answer ... Bird and tooth.

2.61 According to legend, they poisoned Jesus in the last minutes of his life, just as they often poison our lives. Therefore, according to popular belief, killing one of them, you can get rid of forty sins. Who are they?

Answer ... Mosquitoes.

2.62 The production of Alexei Kruchenykh's opera Victory over the Sun, which took place at the end of 1913, was also supposed to mark a complete victory over realism. Even the sun on the set had nothing to do with the present. Who was the artist of the play?

Answer. Kazimir Malevich (he depicted the sun as a black square).

2.63 This word the Romans called a well-coordinated playing on wind musical instruments, harmony, unanimity. Sometimes it acquired a negative connotation and meant: a secret conspiracy, a conspiracy to rebel. We call this word one of the necessary conditions for such a conspiracy. Name this word.

Answer. Conspiracy (cop- co, spero - spirit).

2.64 The inhabitants of Polynesia had very useful items, without which they did not go on travel. These objects were cuttings of palm leaves connected by plant fibers, crossing at different angles. In some places, clam shells were attached to them. What did the cuttings stand for and what did the shells?

Answer. These items are nautical charts, on which shells represent islands, and cuttings of leaves represent sea currents.

2.65 The first edition of the Small Soviet Encyclopedia says about this city: “The population is 1 million 360 thousand inhabitants. Located along the vast, enclosed bay of the Atlantic Ocean. The main streets for the wealth of shops and the splendor of buildings are not inferior to the first cities in the world, and in the working-class neighborhoods there are squalid shacks, narrow and dirty streets. " What clothes, according to a less authoritative source, did the residents of this city prefer?

Answer. White pants. This is Rio de Janeiro, and Bender carried in his pocket a clipping from the Small Soviet Encyclopedia.

2.66 There are 321 species in total. There are sword-billed, red, ruby-necked, sappho, angel, long-tailed, topaz, racket-tailed and others. Who are they and what is the name of the one that is the size of a swallow?

Answer. Giant or gigantic hummingbird.

2.67 The riddle of Igor Guberman. Huberman claims that he asked it to many friends in the humanities and only once received the correct answer. So, who are they - "brother-in-law is aiming at brother-in-law for sure"?

Answer. Dantes and Pushkin.

2.68 The demonact once saw two ignoramuses, one of whom asked stupid questions, and the other gave equally stupid answers. The demonact told them: “I think one of you is milking the goat, and the other is setting it up ...” What?

Answer. Sieve.

2.69 The first, which appeared in Moscow in 1338, arrived from the captured Tver. After 1346, the chronicler tells about "prisoners" from the conquered cities and principalities: Gorodets, Pskov, Smolensk. In Moscow, among them it was possible to find "foreigners", for example, many of them were captured in 1480 after a clash with the Livonian Order. There were also local "natives". Why did a quarter of them die in the first half of the 18th century?

Answer ... PeterIordered to transfer the bells to the cannons.

2.70 In 1995, for the first time in history, the Japanese ate more of the first product than the second. Name both the first and second products.

Answer ... Meat, rice.

2.71 You probably know the famous steam locomotive competition, in which Stephenson's "Rocket" won. Before the start of these competitions, the judges disqualified one of the locomotives, as they discovered a dishonest trick, which dramatically increased the chances of this locomotive to win. Now such a trick would hardly help to win the race. What kind of engine did this locomotive have?

Answer. There was hidden a live horse (with the help of peculiar pedals, it drove the wheelsvmotion).

2.72 You have all heard about the famous civilization of the Aztecs and their language, otherwise called Nahuatl. You all know that it was the Aztecs who gave chocolate to the Old World, in Aztec “chocolatl”. Now tell me, how exactly do the names of a vegetable of the nightshade family and an animal of the canine family sound in Aztec?

Answer. Tomatl and Coyotl.

2.73 By the beginning of the twentieth century, this ratio of areas for Great Britain was 1: 109, for the Netherlands - 1:67, for France and Portugal - 1:21, for Germany and Denmark - 1: 5, for Belgium - 1:80. What are these ratios?

Answer ... The ratio of the area of ​​the metropolis to the area of ​​the colonies.

2.74 On the nape of these birds is a black crest of elongated feathers. This feature, two hundred years ago, made them look like people of a certain profession, hence the name of these birds. What are they called?

Answer. Secretary bird.

2.75 This French playwright Sergei Lvovich Pushkin, being in a good mood, willingly recited to children. Under his influence, 9-year-old Pushkin wrote - in French! - the play "The Kidnapper". But the audience, in the person of Olga's sister, booed the play, and the self-critical author immediately wrote an epigram on himself, in which he admitted that he had borrowed the play from another ... Whom?

Answer. At Moliere's.

2.76 "Scottish brothers" were known in the XV-XVI centuries, "Bohemian sisters" - in the XIX-XX. However, the former name of a completely different country has become a household name. If you understand what this is about, then you can easily say what this country is called now.

Answer ... Thailand, we are talking about Siamese twins.

2.77 One day, the Golden Goddess, the cup given to the world soccer champions, was stolen. The dog named Shalopai, who found her, immediately became famous. He was invited to star in the film "Detective with a Cold Nose", was awarded a commemorative medal. What privilege has he been granted, if he is the only one of his brethren?

Answer. The right to attend football matches.

2.78 Specialists in military propaganda know that when campaigning, it is necessary to take into account the national psychological characteristics of the personnel of the enemy troops. For example, it is believed that American soldiers tend to evaluate the orders of commanders in terms of expediency; comfort during hostilities is not important for the Japanese; the French are resourceful and imaginative, which cannot be said about the English. About the representatives of which nation is it known that they overestimate the role of numerical superiority over the enemy?

Answer. About the Chinese.

2.79 In an ancient Welsh manuscript called the Black Book, the legendary King Arthur bears the title "amberoudir". What does this title mean?

Answer. This is a distorted word for "emperor".

2.80 All of you, of course, know the story of the three hundred Spartans who detained an entire army of Persians in Thermopylae Gorge. But why was only this small detachment on the way of the Persian army? Where was the main power of Hellas concentrated at this time?

Answer. At Olympia. The main forces of the Greeks set out on the campaign only after the end of the Olympic Games.

2.81 Listen to the rhyme.

"The Acrobat and the Dog

Weigh two empty barrels

A nimble dog without an acrobat

Weighs two skeins of twine,

And with one skein of lamb

Weighs - you see - a barrel. "

Attention, question:

"How much does an acrobat weigh

In terms of lambs? "

Answer. 2.

2.82 Some historians believe that they are from China, others insist that they came from Africa. Their appearance in Europe was first documented in 1369. Name those of them that have two heads.

Answer ... King, queen, jack.

2.83 In Moscow, there is the Los River, a tributary of the Ichka River, which flows into the Yauza. And what is the name of the largest of the streams flowing into the Elk River?

Answer. Calf.

2.84 This man, according to the text of Homer's Odyssey, tried to calculate the route of Odyssey's journey across the Mediterranean. He allegedly found the cave of Polyphemus in Sicily, and identified the island of Feakov with the island of Corfu. Later researchers refuted his findings. But his other project was more successful. What was this man's name?

Answer. Heinrich Schliemann.

2.85 In ancient Chinese writings, it is said that in the spring it is supposed to offer sacrifices to Ma-tzu, the ancestor of horses, in the summer to Hsien-mu - the first horse herder, in winter - Ma-bu - to the spirit of equine diseases. And in the fall, sacrifices should be made to Ma-she, who, as you might guess, is also related to horses. Who was Ma-she?

Answer. The first rider.

2.86 The iconographic rules for the depiction of this saint were established recently - in 1988. According to them, he should be portrayed with the icon of the Trinity in his hands. Name it.

Answer. Rev. Andrei Rublev.

2.87 The navigator Bougainville concluded his diary about his journey to this place with the words: “Goodbye, happy people. I will always remember with joy every moment spent among you, and as long as I live, I will glorify the happy island of Kifaru, this true Utopia. " And someone who has not been there claims that his life is no worse for him with us. What is this place?

Answer. Tahiti island. "Someone who has not been there"- cat from the cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot".

2.88 Five qualities - loyalty, politeness, courage, truthfulness, simplicity - are the main virtues of one of the Japanese paths. And what are the people on this path saying like this: “If you parted with this, you parted with your life”?

Answer. About the sword.

2.89 For us, real estate is buildings, and movable is cash and valuables. The ancient Greeks had a similar division, only they called precious metals in ingots, gold, copper, iron, not moving wealth; and what kind of wealth did they call the word "probata", i.e. "Movable property"?

Answer. Livestock.

2.90 Not far from the Danish city of Aarhus, there is a whole land of technical fantasy. Here you can walk around an invented Indian country with caves, monsters and attractions, walk around "mini-Copenhagen" with the royal palace and guardsmen, sit next to Andersen ... What are all the elements of this extraordinary "country" made of?

Answer. From the details of the constructor "Lego" - this is "Legoland".

2.91 According to the Guinness Book of Records, the first to do this was the French soldier Jean Marie Saletti, who escaped from an English prison in 1815. By May 1997, 4412 people tried to do this, of which 505 coped with their task, some more than once. What did they do?

Answer ... We crossed the English Channel by swimming.

2.92 In the Khanty language, “kyot” is a heart, “sam” is a hand. Translate the word "kyotsem" into Russian.

Answer. Pulse.

2.93 Klavdia Zakharovna Plotnikova, a representative of the Kamasin people, who died in 1975, and Dolly Pentre from Cornish were like that. But the heroes of the works of the famous American writer and the famous Soviet writer were not like that, despite the titles of the works. What were the people mentioned, but the characters mentioned were not?

Answer. The latter ("The Last of the Mohicans" by Cooper and "The Last of the Udege" by Fadeev).

2.94 A person examining the list of Moscow museums can conclude that the life of Ermolova, Chekhov, V. Vasnetsov, Lermontov and A. Ostrovsky was more comfortable than the life of Gorky, Dostoevsky, Tsvetaeva, Meyerhold and A. Vasnetsov. What two terms will help you draw this conclusion?

Answer. House-museum and museum-apartment.

2.95 We call a respirator a device that protects the respiratory system from dust and harmful substances contained in the air. Its name comes from the Latin word respirare "to breathe out". What device do the French call aspirateur, literally "inhaler"?

Answer. A vacuum cleaner.

2.96 Derzhavin, seeing this, wrote: "A mountain is falling from the diamond." What did he see?

Answer. Waterfall (to be precise, the Kivach waterfall in Karelia).

2.97 Which building, according to a French proverb, is the closest to the tavern?

Answer. Prison.

2.98 The Monk Maximus the Confessor, who lived in the 7th century, skillfully and successfully proved the incorrectness of the Monothelite heresy that was widespread at that time. When he fell into the hands of the Byzantine emperor Heraclius, a supporter of heretics, he ordered to cut off from Maximus two parts of the body that were the most dangerous from the point of view of the emperor. What parts of the body did Saint Maximus lose?

Answer. Language and right hand (so that he could neither preach nor write books).

2.99 One of the first to stage the works of Pushkin was the playwright Shakhovskoy. He called the staging of The Queen of Spades "Chrysomania, or the Passion for Money"; the name "Kerim-Girey, or the Fountain of Bakhchisarai" speaks for itself. And he called an episode from a certain poem simply "Finn". What is this poem?

Answer. "Ruslan and Ludmila".

2.100 Blok wrote: “In taverns, in alleys, in twists and turns, In an electric waking dream ..." - What did Blok mean by "electric waking sleep"?

Answer. Cinema.

2.101 They can be in the form of an arch, wing, dome, pyramid or table, and their maximum draft can be more than half a kilometer. What is their most famous victim?

Answer. "Titanic" (we are talking about icebergs).

2.102 In the Middle Ages, the so-called ready-made samples of letters, in which it was only necessary to enter the date and the names of the participants in the transaction. We also get the result by substituting specific data in them. What is it about?

Answer. About formulas.

2.103 This fish got its name because if it is pulled ashore, then it immediately changes color - it becomes covered with dark spots. What kind of fish are we talking about?

Answer. Lin (he is molting).

2.104 The names of these military uniforms come from the words for shoulder, one in German, the other in French. Name both accessories.

Answer. Aiguillette and epaulette.

2.105 Even on the day of the wedding, the future mother-in-law was ready to postpone the ceremony, demanding more and more new sums from Pushkin. As a result, the poet did not have enough funds even to purchase this toiletry item, which was necessary for a wedding. And he borrowed it from Nashchokin. According to Pushkin's friends, the same toilet item was used during the burial. What subject are we talking about?

Answer. About the tailcoat.

2.106 What is the official opinion of the Iraqi government, expressed in the early 1990s, called the 19th province of Iraq?

Answer. Kuwait.

2.107 The prototype of this musical instrument was the so-called Yelets piano accordion. The modern name was given to him in 1829 by the Viennese master Damian to show that on the instrument he designed, by pressing one button, you can achieve the sound of several sounds at once. Name this tool.

Answer. Accordion- from the word "chord", the piano accordion got its name due to the fact that its right keyboard was equipped with keys like those of a piano. The right accordion keyboard has the same appearance.

2.108 Through a simple operation, Matroskin proved to Pechkin that he had a strong fever, although Pechkin's temperature was only 36.6 ° C. Reproduce this evidence.

Answer. 36 and 6 = 42.

2.109 Now the Moscow Horse Breeding Museum belongs to the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, but when it was founded it belonged to another Moscow institution. Which one?

Answer. Hippodrome.

2.110 Some researchers believe that the Latin name for willow - Salix, comes from two Celtic words "sal" and "lis". The first means "close." What does the second mean?

Answer. Water (willow grows near water).

2.111 Most isopods live in water. Only one group of these animals has adapted to live on land, and even then only in a humid environment. This feature is reflected in their russ com name. Name them.

Answer. Woodlice.

2.112 They say that Leo Tolstoy loved to do this. The chief of the Wanapum Indian tribe named Smohalla refused to do this, saying that he "would not dare to damage his mother's hair." And we have all heard more than once that animals were engaged in this at night. Which?

Answer ... Hares (mowing the grass).

2.113 This man did not believe the words of soothsayers like Nostradamus, of whom there were many in his time. Making fun of them, he wrote the essay "Prediction", where in vague and sometimes ominous expressions he described ordinary things: a dream, a shadow of a man, a ball game, ants, the work of a digger, kindling a fire. You are well aware of these works. Name their author.

Answer. Leonardo da Vinci (the so-called "Leonardo's riddles" are taken from the book "Predictions"),

2.114 On June 8, 1799, Pushkin was baptized in the Epiphany Church in Yelokhov. On February 1, 1837, he was buried in the Stables Church in St. Petersburg. And what happened on February 18, 1831 in the Moscow Church of the Great Ascension?

Answer ... The wedding of the poet with Natalya Nikolaevna.

2.115 Right at the Oscar ceremony, the long-awaited statuettes are confiscated from the lucky winners of the prizes. Why is this done?

Answer. The name of the recipient will be engraved on them and will be returned.

2.116 For the voyage of Catherine II along the Volga, the shipmaster Shchepin built in Tver the magnificent Tver galley with eight cabins for the Empress, eight cabins for the suite ... The crew lived in the hold. The galley was armed with eight small cannons. What were they for?

Answer. For fireworks.

2.117 In a letter to Bonch-Bruevich on February 5, 1920, Lenin quoted the phrase "a newspaper without paper and without distances." What did he mean?

Answer. Broadcasting (radio not received).

2.118 He was an artist, speed cleaning specialist, construction worker, nanny, dog breeder, tamer, juggler, cook, doctor and many others. He evaluated his successes in all areas of activity in the same way. How?

Answer ... I considered myself the bestvthe world.

2.119 In 1936, the song “Eleven Sisters” was written for the film “A Girl from Kamchatka”: “Eleven beloved And everything is as if on a selection ...” Even if you have not seen the film, you will surely remember the name of at least one sister.

Answer. Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, etc. In 1936, the USSR included 11 republics (excluding the Baltic States and Moldova).

2.120 In the Dutch book of the 18th century. "Emblems and symbols" is said about Margaret of Navarre: "All her actions, thoughts, desires and feelings followed the great Sun of Righteousness, the almighty Lord, for she turned all her thoughts to the heavenly and spiritual." What symbol did Margaret of Navarre have?

Answer. Sunflower.

2.121 For the first time, this word in its modern meaning was used in relation to the Englishman James Figue, who defeated all rivals in fights with rapiers, cleavers, clubs and fists. In combination with what name is this word most often written on Moscow fences?

Answer. Spartacus. Word- "champion".

2.122 During construction, the huge and luxurious airship "Hindenburg" received a nickname, which, during its eleventh flight to New York, it, in fact, justified. This nickname consisted of two words. The first word is heavenly. Name the second.

Answer. "Titanic".

2.123 Oscar Wilde, prone to paradoxes, argued that "a map on which this country is not indicated is not worthy to hang on the wall." However, you will not find this country on the political map of the world. Name her.

Answer. Utopia.

2.124 The servant of the god Ares Alektrion stood guard during the meetings of his master with Aphrodite and had to wake them up before morning. Once he slept, and Helios found them. As a punishment, Ares turned Alektrion ... into whom?

Answer. The cock.

2.125 For men, it weighs an average of 25 g, and for women - only 15 g. According to the rules of good form, it is not recommended to expose it for public viewing, but if it becomes necessary to use it, then it should be used discreetly and silently. What's this?

Answer. Handkerchief.

2.126 Judging by its name, it should give liquid food, but many of us have happened to ask her for solid food. Who is she?

Answer. Ladybug.

2.127 Lao Tzu said: “A trap is needed to catch a hare: when a hare is caught, they forget about the trap. THEY are needed to catch the thought: when the thought is caught, THEM is forgotten. " Name THEM.

Answer. The words.

2.128 This military rank appeared in the Russian army in 1716 by order of Peter the Great. In 1798 it was abolished by Paul I, but in 1917 it was restored by the Provisional Government and finally canceled only in 1942 by the headquarters of the Supreme High Command. Name this title.

Answer. Commissioner.

2.129 Valery Bryusov in his poem "Never Again" wrote:

“My face is too strict, like the singer of Inferno,

The girls are confused by the mystery of the past ... "

Who is this Inferno singer?

Answer ... Dante. "Inferno» - "Hell" (it.)- the first part of the "Divine Comedy".

2.130 American Lee Coppola added his dog Ashley to the telephone directory. Soon the mailbox was littered with letters to Ashley Coppola offering to buy lawn care products, a book on the history of the Coppola family, where Mr. Ashley Coppola is allegedly also mentioned, and other rubbish. But one commercial offer, according to the owner, should have especially angered Ashley, because it directly encroached on his functions. What was offered to him to buy?

Answer ... Electronic home security system.

“And so all the diversity of the peoples of the world,

United by a common idol,

Leading a peaceful, noble dispute,

Answer. Pierre de Coubertin.

2.132 In 1783, one of the most common French rams received an honorary retirement and a life place in the royal menagerie of Louis XVI. What vehicle did he have to travel in for this?

Answer. On a hot air balloon.

2.133 When the Byzantine enemies presented this man with poisoned food, he guessed that it was poison and refused to eat. After that, as a sign of foresight, he received a nickname. Which?

Answer. Prophetic.

2.134 "Veterinarian" in Chukchi means "bark-doctor". What does the Chukchi word "kora" mean?

Answer. Deer (northern).

2.135 Pushkin wrote about Alexander I:

"He is a human! it is ruled by the moment.

He is a slave to word of mouth, doubt and passion;

Forgive him the wrong persecution:

He took Paris ... "

And what else did he, according to Pushkin, do good?

Answer, "... he founded the Lyceum."

2.136 One of the ideas of the Russian philosopher N. Fedorov was the resurrection of all people who have ever lived on Earth. One of Fedorov's followers wondered where there is a place for everyone? And he found a way out. We are not asking what he suggested, just give his last name.

Answer. Tsiolkovsky.

2.137 At 5 it is considered light, at 12.5 - strong. Name a person of royal blood, whom he once helped in conducting search activities.

Answer ... Prince Elisha. It's about the wind.

2.138 Christian holidays in Russia were often accompanied by peculiar customs. So, on Trinity, they cut down a tree, decorated it with ribbons, carried it around the village with singing, and then broke off the branches from it and scattered it over the fields so that the soil was more fertile. And what song was usually sung at the same time?

Answer. "There was a birch tree in the field."

2.139 Finish the joke of humorist Vladimir Reznichenko: “Due to the increased spread of AIDS, Moscow ambulances will be equipped with additional ...” What?

Answer ... "... with a speedometer."

2.140 Ochem the Chinese poet Su Shi wrote:

Answer. About poetry.

2.141 Vadim Nikitin, owner of several Moscow restaurants, believes that borscht, for example, is harder to cook than frog legs. Explaining this thought, he almost repeats one reasoning of Confucius. Why is it so difficult to please a client with borscht?

Answer. Because everyone knows what borscht should taste like, and very few people know what frog legs should be like. (Confucius says that drawing a rooster is more difficult than a devil).

1.142 Until recently, it was believed that the first realistic depiction of this was made in the 16th century by the Flemish anatomist Andrei Vesalius. However, archaeologists recently found an earthen vessel in Mexico like this, made about 2,500 years earlier. What is this?

Answer. Human heart. The answer "heart" without specifying that it is human is also counted.

1.143 After the crisis that began in August 1998 and hit Russian entrepreneurs very hard, a proverb was born among them: “Before August 17, it was prestigious to have a mobile phone, and after August 17 ...” What kind of phone did it become desirable to have after August 17?

Answer. Worker.

1.144 The name and patronymic of the first of them was Mikhail Fedorovich, the last - Nikolai Alexandrovich. What was the name of the second of them?

Answer. Alexey Mikhailovich (Romanov).

1.145 How can a sperm whale, a narwhal and a walrus replace an elephant?

Answer. Their teeth replace ivory.

1.146 The Sandwich Islands archipelago consists of twenty-four islands: Maui, Molokai, Oahu, and so on. What is the name of the largest of the Sandwich Islands?

Answer. Hawaii (Sandwich Islands aka Hawaiian).

1.147 The first of them has 4 and 4, the second has 8 and 6, the third has 6 and 8, the fourth has 20 and 12, the last has 12 and 20. Name any of these five.

Answer. Tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron (five regular polyhedrons).

1.148 Who committed the greatest sacrilege in history against the goddess Artemis?

Answer ... Herostratus (burned down the temple of Artemis in the city of Ephesus).

1.149 Which of the apostles at the Last Supper was marked with the so-called "communion of salt," that is, Jesus dipped a piece of bread in salt for him with his own hand?

Answer. Judas Iscariot.

1.150 Which clock always shows the real time?

Answer. Solar ("true solar time").

1.151 In Malay, as you probably know, the word "orang" means "person." What does the word "orangorang" mean?

Answer. People (plural).

Answer ... Fuel, instead of boiling water (from the sun during this time, 99% of bacteria die).

1.153 He tried to ask peas, wheat, oats, hemp, barley to do it. What kind of plant should you ask for?

Answer ... Sim-sim, or sesame, or sesame (Kasim, when he wanted to leave the cave of robbers, "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves").

2.154 Ivan Vasilyevich came to Novgorod, trampled on his liberties, executed many people. Question: who is this - Ivan the Third, the Fourth or someone else?

Answer. Both (and IvanIII, and IvanIV- both did so).

2.155 Name two more, besides Romeo and Juliet, the characters of this tragedy, and the names as they are indicated in the list of characters.

Answer. Montagues and Capulet (fathers), Senora Montague and Senora Capulet, nurse of Juliet, brother of Lorenz, Mercutio, Benvolio, Tybalt, Paris, Pharmacist, Duke Escal, Old Man, brother Giovanni, Balthazar, Samson, Gregori, Pietro, Abbot Mercutio and Paris, Bailiff.

2.156 The rectangular sheet of paper folded in half was cut in half. How many pieces will there be?

Answer. Or two or three. Answers 2 or 3 will not be accepted.

2.157 By the will of fate, we are especially aware of three characters in the history of Ancient Egypt, who lived at the same time. This is Akhenaten, his wife and his young successor.

What are the names of the woman and the boy?

Answer. NefertitiandTutankhamun.

2.158 For buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric trains, when driving on the right, the exit is more often carried out on the right side than on the left. Why is this not so with metro trains?

Answer. Platform between the tracks,anot outside.

2.159 This city was renamed in 1946 so that the Latinized version of its name Regiomontanus would have to be replaced by Viburnumurbus. What is this city?

Answer. Koenigsberg, Kaliningrad (German "Koenigs"= lat. "Regio"= "Royal", it. Berg= lat. Montan= "Mountain", lat. "Viburnum» = viburnum (plant), lat. "Urbus"= "town").

2.160 Which two supreme pontiffs, among other things, became famous for the reform of the calendar?

Answer. Julius Caesar and Pope GregoryXIII.

2.161 Clocks are arranged in different ways. What two types of watches noticeably accelerate their speed with increasing gravity?

Answer. Walkers with weights (pendulum) and sand (or water).

2.162 What, from a general biological point of view, is the main difference between the oriole and meadowsweet?

Answer ... The oriole is an animal, the meadowsweet is a plant.

2.163 The word "solfeggio" comes from the name of two notes. Which ones?

Answer. Salt and fa (in Italian sound).

2.164 In the XII century to reach from Suzdal to Pereslavl and Kiev, you had to have very long ... What?

Answer. Ruki (Yuri Dolgoruky received the nickname because, being a Suzdal prince, he fought for power far from Suzdal).

2.165 From the first letters of the names of the two main characters and two main heroines of this famous novel, the word "veto" is formed. What is this novel?

Answer. "Eugene Onegin" (Vladimir, Eugene, Olga, Tatiana).

2.166 What are these Latin words: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Tavrus, Gemini, Kantser, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus?

Answer ... The names of the signs of the zodiac (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn).

2.167 Who swallowed the stone and ultimately ruined his political career as a result?

Answer. Kronos (swallowed a stone instead of baby Zeus).

2.168 Few are so poetic as to carry v imagine the beauty of "ivory" or "morning freshness". What's this?

Answer. Names of states (Korea = Joseon - "Country of morning freshness", Cote d "Ivoire =" Ivory Coast ").

2.169 What is deuterium oxide commonly called?

Answer. Heavy water.

2.170 If d "Artagnan went not to England, but v Russia, he would find here extremely romantic, but very little reflected v literature is a period of history. At the court of which king, almost the same age as Athos, would he have been?

Answer ... Mikhail Romanov (reigned from 1613 to 1645, LouisXIIIdied 1643, LouisXIV- 1638-1715).

2.171 The Latin word "ksiv" is actually not a word, but ... What?

Answer. Number 14 (XIV).

2.172 Biographical description plan: place of birth, place of residence, appearance, environment and meetings, fateful meeting and death, posthumous fate. Cite the beginning of this biographical description.

Answer. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…"

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The game “What? Where? When?" for schoolchildren. Scenario

Intellectual Championship of the game “What? Where? When?" for schoolchildren.

Melnikova Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher - organizer of MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity", Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region.
Material description: The material will be of interest to teachers, deputy directors for educational work, organizers of extracurricular activities. The game includes a series of intellectual competitions. One of the rounds of the intellectual game is presented.
Target: creation of a unified intellectual space, which makes it possible to popularize the forms of youth intellectual leisure, to identify intellectual leaders.
Form and develop the intellectual movement of students
Identify the strongest youth teams
Develop the competitive qualities of schoolchildren
Championship conditions:
Teams of secondary schools take part in the Championship.
The team consists of 6 people, students in grades 6-8.
The team is supported by a leader who oversees the work throughout all stages of the Championship.
Teams are encouraged to have a name, uniform uniform and attributes.
Methods: questions
Registration: multimedia equipment for showing a presentation (slides).
Game progress:


Good day! We are glad to welcome you to the game “What? Where? When?".
Let me remind you the rules of the Championship game: I read the question, you are given one minute for discussion. After a minute, you give an answer.
Then I say the correct answer, and the results of the first question are entered in the table. If the team answered the question correctly, they receive one point. In total, there are 24 questions in the game, after I read half of the questions, in order for you to rest, you have a 5 minute break. After the break, the game restarts again. We remembered the rules. Well now let's greet the teams….
Let's welcome the jury.

- ………………
Let me remind you: Each team has its own individual number, which remains throughout the game, the jury does not know which school has which number, so we have an anonymous game.
Minute readiness
Break a leg.

Questions 1-12
1.In the list of symbolic names, it is located exactly in the middle. However, it is believed that she leaves life like a captain from a dying ship.
Attention question: Who is she?
Answer: Hope
2. The Greeks said this about an uneducated person: “He can neither write, nor .. ...”. Continue the phrase for the ancient Greeks in one word, considering that it has nothing to do with literacy, but it is about some kind of physical action.
Answer:" swim".
3.In a well-known work, you describe the birth of the main character, her development, her color and become. This work also mentions two seasons, two representatives of the fauna - a rodent and a predator, an elderly man and children. I hope that all of the above is enough to name the main character of this work.
Attention question: Name her.
Answer: Herringbone. Comments: Based on the plot of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest".
4. According to the custom of the ancient Romans for the health of Octavian - they drank 8 cups. For Vespasian's health - 9.
Attention question: And how many cups did Seneca drink to his health?
Answer: 6. Comments: The number of letters in the name.
5. Recently, a new diet has become fashionable in Italy. Its essence boils down to the use of products in a strictly defined sequence. You should start eating, for example, with raspberries, tomatoes, or salmon. Then, after a short break, you can lean on bananas, fried potatoes, or a buttered roll. And for dessert - greens, cucumbers or kiwi fruits. By definition, both "white deaths" - sugar and salt, as well as black caviar and eggplant - fall out of this diet. If you understand the principle on which this diet is built, you can easily write its name.
Answer:"Traffic lights".
6. Once the journalist Yaroslav Golovanov proposed to the publishing house "Children's Literature" to establish a prize, which will be awarded to a family in which the father is named Mikhail Ivanovich, the mother is Nastasya Petrovna, and their son is Mikhail Mikhailovich. According to Golovanov, this prize should bear a name that is well known to you.
Attention question: Which one exactly?
Answer:"Three Bears"..
7. In ancient Russia, silver bars served as money - they were called hryvnias. If the item was worth less than the entire bar, then half was cut off. Also money!
Attention question: What was the name of the severed part of the silver bar?
Answer: This part of the silver bar was called the ruble. Hence the name of the monetary unit - the ruble - came from.
8. During the First World War, newspapers reported an interesting incident that happened to a French pilot. He was flying in an airplane at an altitude of about 2 km and suddenly saw that some object was moving near him. When the pilot grabbed him with a glove, he was very surprised.
Attention question: What was it?
Answer: Bullet.
9. Try to continue the Arabic wisdom: "A brave man is tested by war, a sage is angry ...".
Attention question: And what is a friend experiencing?
Answer: Need.
10. A certain Ananda Tur, at the age of 6, took her peers hostage and put forward demands: 100 kg of sweets and play cartoons on TV. According to her, she decided on such an act due to the fact that her grandfather had read her some well-known book.
Attention question: Which one?
Answer: Guinness Book of Records. She wanted to get there as the youngest terrorist.
11.According to one of the African legends, the first man came down to earth from the sky.
Attention question: And what animal (according to the ideas, of course, of Africans) helped him in this?
Answer: giraffe
12. Cow and chair, chicken and compasses, tripod and piano.
Attention question: What do each pair have in common?
Answer: number of legs.
Commands during the game:

Five-minute break, musical composition.
Questions 13-24
13. This list was compiled in the first century BC and has remained unchanged to this day, although there have been hundreds of attempts to change this list.
Attention question: What are we talking about?
Clue: seven-item list
Answer: Seven Wonders of the World
14. Continue the Japanese wisdom: give birth to a body, but not ... What?
Answer:... character.
15.Once at the front, it was decided to arrange an amateur concert in the women's aviation unit. The program turned out to be so large and varied that one of the girls wanted to be MI, because, according to her, this category of people is also necessary.
Attention question: Name HIM.
Answer: viewer
16.Indonesia is located on the islands of the Indian Ocean and they say about it: "Here, if it rains, then it is downpour, if a tree is so giant, if a butterfly is like a bird, and if a house is so on ..."
Attention question: And on what?
Answer:...on stilts A comment: since when the time of the Great Rains comes, there is water everywhere, and the houses are dry, because stilts raise them high above the ground.
17. What did the famous ancient Greek philosopher Socrates call the best seasoning for food?
Answer: hunger.
18. In the 15th century, court documents were not uncommon in which there was absolutely no THEM in connection with the desire to avoid false interpretations. Reproduce in the answer a textbook example where ITS can be put both there and there.
Answer: Execution cannot be pardoned (this is a comma).
19.One of the famous exploits of Hercules was the cleaning of the Augean stables.
Attention question: Can you name, with an accuracy of at least an order of magnitude, how many horses there were?
Answer: None (there were only bulls in the stockyard of King Augean).
20. Bulgarians during a drought ask THEM for rain. And in Poland, parents teach their children: "Don't kill HER - maybe this is your late GRANDMA."
Attention question: Who do the Poles talk about?
Answer: About the butterfly.
21. This was invented by men three thousand years ago in the sultry deserts of the East. In medieval Europe, where the first Christian preachers brought it, women were also not allowed to do this. Many knights were engaged in this, and it was possible to get into the closed guild of professionals only after six years of training and the strictest exam. Times are changing: men have long forgotten about this and consider it a completely female prerogative.
Attention question: What it is?
Answer: Knitting.
22. It's no secret that submariners experience sensory hunger during long voyages. They say that after returning to the shore, they are ordered to watch THIS in order to protect their monetary allowance from a quick waste. And the newspaper "Friend for another" reports that the authorities of Kursk recognized the elevator car as "an effective platform for THIS."
Attention question: what is this?
Answer: Advertising. A comment: After the voyage, the sailors believe everything - and the material consequences are catastrophic.
23. According to Pele, most of the nicknames of football players were invented by people whose work he compared to a machine gun.
Attention question: Name the profession of the people mentioned.
Answer: TV commentators. Test.

Feel like a connoisseur of TV show What? Where? When? Try to answer the tricky questions, but don't overuse the answers below! Many answers can be arrived at through reflection and logic.

1. Which two passengers, according to the rules of international air transportation, cannot be in the same row of the aircraft cabin?

2. Why in Iran the conductor does not walk on the bus, but stands exactly in the middle?

3. In 1445 in Moscow bells rang by themselves and the inhabitants decided that the end of the world had come. However, this "end" was experienced as early as 1091 by the people of Kiev, in 1230 by the people of Vladimir, in 1626 by the people of Solovki and again by the Muscovites in 1802. What was it really?

4. The indigenous people of Burma raise pigs, sell them to the Chinese, and then buy the pork from them. Why do they need such unprofitable manipulations?

5. In Sweden, dog owners prefer short, pressed breeds, while in neighboring Norway, on the contrary, they like awkwardly tall, like a double-decker bus, dogs. What explains such a difference in tastes among neighboring, kindred peoples?

6. Every day the Earth adds 400 tons in weight. By what means?

7. What unique geographic features do Russia, Turkey and Egypt have?

8. In the Colombian region of Muzo, no chicken can be killed and gutted without the presence of a government official. What is the reason for this strange law?

9. After the legendary Pele published his book "I am Pele", he received a gold medal from the Ministry of Education. For what?

10. Going on the road at night, some inhabitants of tropical Africa tie bags filled with insects to their feet. What for?

11. The authorities of the Mexican state of Tabasco, developing a law against alcoholism, met with strong resistance. As a result, they managed to impose a ban on the sale of only one type of beer. In response to this ban, the owners of beer bars went on strike. What kind of beer was forbidden to sell them?

12. In Swaziland, it is considered indecent to interfere with parliamentarians when they confer with their ancestors. How do they do it?

13. When in a wild African tribe someone becomes seriously ill, the sorcerer can bring the disease in such a way that it can be taken in hand and then sold to naive white tourists. How?

14. There is an island in the Strait of Gibraltar, which in ancient times could not have been bypassed during the crossing. This was deftly used by its inhabitants, charging a fixed fee from everyone. What is the name of this island?

15. The shortest river in the world is located in the United States and has a length of 134 m and an unusual short name starting with the letter "D". Give this title.

16. Astronauts say that from the height of the river beds they look like the blood arteries of a living organism. This figurative comparison is not far from the truth. It is no coincidence that during the Great Patriotic War, Odessa surgeons used water as a blood substitute. Which one?

17. Before World War II, color-blind pilots were not recruited into the US Air Force, but in 1941 the situation changed dramatically - they began to be given preference. Why?

18. At the bottom of some northern seas, at a relatively shallow depth, one can find plowed furrows, the length of which reaches hundreds, and the depth - several meters. Name the “plowman” who created them.

19. What was hung from the ceiling on New Year's Eve in Germany until the 1930s?

20. Iceland specializes in setting New Year's world records. In what highly dangerous area does she do it?

1. For a cat and a dog.
2. He separates the male and female halves.
3. Earthquake
4. Buddhism forbids them to kill.
5. In Sweden the tax on dog owners is based on the height of the dogs, and in Norway on the basis of their length.
6. Due to cosmic dust.
7. Located in two parts of the world.
8. In their stomachs may be emeralds, which chickens peck to improve their digestion.
9. Many have learned to read and write specifically to read this book.
10. To light the road (fireflies are collected in bags).
11. Cold!
12. In a dream (some of our parliamentarians do the same at meetings, only no one understands them).
13. The sorcerer removes the disease with a mask, which is then sold in the markets.
14. Tariff.
15. D (you can't imagine shorter).
16. Marine (so-called biogenic substances are concentrated in it, the chemical and energy properties of which are close to the composition of human blood).
17. Because they see better objects in disguise.
18. Icebergs Grounded
19. Christmas tree.
20. Iceland leads in the number of fireworks launched.

15 not the most difficult questions in the game “What? Where? When?"

1. Aviation sports include: aircraft, helicopter, gliding ... Name the fourth type.

Answer: * Parachuting.

2. The British say: "It doesn't matter what to be hanged - for a sheep or a lamb." And what do we say in this case?

Answer: "Seven troubles, one answer."

3. According to local legend, the inhabitants of this small mountainous European country, with a predominantly Muslim population, are descendants of the great black eagle. What kind of country is this if its name means “Country of Eagles” in translation?

Answer: Albania.

4. What rule is strictly followed for diamonds weighing more than 50 carats?

Answer: They are given names.

5. The highest mountain system of Western Europe - the Alps - is located on the territory of 7 states. I will name six of them, and you - the seventh. So: Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Yugoslavia.

Answer: France.

6. How in Russia from the 16th century was they called a measure of length equal to the length of the phalanx of the index finger, which, in turn, was equal to 1.75 inches?

Answer: Vershok.

7. Translate the word “vengeance” into Italian.

Answer: Vendetta.

8. For the first time this military rank (as a title) was received by the brother of the French king Charles IX, later the king himself - Henry III. In Russian history, they can be counted on one hand. Name the first and the last in the USSR.

Answer: Stalin is a generalissimo.

9. Under stress, the body produces dangerous toxins. How, most often independent of human will, are they excreted from the body?

Answer: With tears.

10. What word is translated from Japanese as “big wave in the harbor”?

Answer: Tsunami.

11. Although he built many structures: the bridge in Bordeaux, the viaduct in Garabi, the railway station in Budapest, he took part in the construction of the Panama Canal, only one object brought him worldwide fame. What is it?

Answer: The Eiffel Tower in Paris.

12. What are the names of Romeo and Juliet?

Answer: Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet.

13. The British say: "Curses are like chickens - they immediately come back." And what do we say in this case?

Answer: "Do not dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it."

14. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. "Taras Bulba". Ostap: “Batko! where are you? Can you hear? " Taras Bulba: "I hear it!" Name two more characters between whom there is an almost verbatim dialogue.

Answer: Wolf: “Hare! Can you hear me?" Hare: "I hear, I hear." Wolf: "Well, Hare, wait!"

15. You know that if a cat is aggressive towards you, it arches its back, presses its ears, makes movements with its tail, if the dog is aggressive, it bares its teeth, bristles and growls. And what animal in this situation bares its teeth, presses its ears and tries to turn its back?

Answer: Horse.

* Select the answer with the mouse

Interesting on the net

On September 4, 1975, the legendary television game What? Where? When?". Over the years of its existence, the rules, the names of the sectors, the teams themselves have changed. But invariably every year, fans of this program send tricky questions to compete with experts. Today we present to you five of the most interesting questions from the program “What? Where? When?".

The absurd disappearance of the painting

Once Edvard Munch's painting The Scream was stolen from the Oslo National Gallery. The criminals climbed through the window, removed the picture and, despite the alarm went off, were able to escape without hindrance. Another city is mentioned in the explanation of the reasons for this incident. Which?

Answer: Lillehammer.

Explanation: The security was so carried away by the telecast of the opening of the Winter Olympic Games from the Norwegian town of Lillehammer that they simply ignored the alarm.

Siberian conversation

The great Russian traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky said that Siberians love to gather at the table on long winter evenings and conduct, as they say, "Siberian conversation." The black box contains an indispensable attribute of the "Siberian conversation". Attention, question: What's in the black box?

Answer: Pine nuts were an indispensable attribute of the “Siberian conversation”. The Siberians sat at the table, gnawing nuts and were mostly silent.


What unites the great discoveries of Mendel and Mendeleev?

Answer: Mendel's theory of heredity and Mendeleev's periodic law of chemical elements are united by the fact that both of these discoveries were made in a dream.

Old age privileges

An ancient Chinese book says: “A 50-year-old man can only walk on a stick at home. 60-year-old - only in his city. 70 year old - wherever he wants. An 80-year-old can even come with a stick to the emperor's palace. " And what does an ancient Chinese book say about a 90-year-old man?

Answer: The emperor must come to the 90-year-old man himself.