Arkady Choralov where lives. Arkady Choralov: Life Path and Career

Arkady Choralov where lives. Arkady Choralov: Life Path and Career
Arkady Choralov where lives. Arkady Choralov: Life Path and Career

The second part of the documentary film about the tragedy over Sinai was released, in which a resident of St. Petersburg lost five family members.

On October 31, 2015, a tragedy occurred over Sinai in the sky. On board the aircraft of the Russian airline "Kagaliamavia" bomb exploded. All 224 passengers of the flight Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg died. A year later, directed by Pavel Moshkin and producer Alexey Karamazov released a large documentary "Last Takeoff", the funds for which they collected the whole world. The second part of the tape was published in mid-December.

The creators focused their attention on Oleg Vinnik, a resident of St. Petersburg, who had this terrorist attack of the life of five family members.

The young man lost his wife Marianna, two children, mom and grandmother of his wife.

"In February of this year we met with Oleg and offered him the idea of \u200b\u200bthe film. And he agreed and supported us, because this film is exclusively our initiative, and not his order and not PR, since it was me that I wanted this film to perpetuate the memory of all the victims in a plane crash and personally. Understand! It is impossible to remove the film about all the dead ... Their 224 ... We needed 4 hours to tell about three, "Alexey Karamazov explained to his blog.

Oleg Vinnik became the central character of the documentary film. According to the authors, a man is divided by memories of the life "to" and "after". We give several quotes of Oleg from the picture.

About how he worried Mount, tells with difficulty. "I am a very stressful person, but this tragedy knocks you out, you do not know what to do. We must borrow with work, sports, friends. But enough for a short time. It was very hard. And so far, "a man is recognized.

Days immediately after the terrorist attack, Oleg remembers vaguely and speaks about them with difficulty, as they are not used to complain. "Never complained about anything. I do not like sympathy. I had a feeling of terrible stress and rejection. The first month they have always been friends with me. When you go into an empty apartment, I can be 3 minutes in the children's room - it's horror ... I removed another apartment. I lost kilograms for 10 for the first 3 months, I slept for 3-4 hours. I could not come to myself. There was an acute lack of family, "he says.

Psychology of people is such that they are trying to find the guilty. But Vinnik does not blame anyone, besides himself: "Things that happen to you are not accidental. I have no malice for anyone. I had an evil on myself for letting them rest. I, on the contrary, became kinder after this situation. After the tragedy, I began to understand that I am absolutely lonely in making my decisions. Previously, I was consulted with Marianna, my relatives, now I am pushing out only from myself and that Marianna and Children for me are ashamed. I try to live another life. "

We also contacted the director of the film Pavel Moshkin, who once again stressed that the film was made on a non-worker basis:

"Remove this film I decided because I was touched by the story of the Vinnik family! We set the conditions that we make this film for free in memory of those killed in this tragedy. When the question arose about the financing of the film, Alexey organized fundraising in the group "Support to the whole world." We collected 200 thousand rubles. This amount was announced initially and we were supported by 120 people. All money went for rental of film equipment and on the road, on the flights to St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad. This catastrophe and it is the tragedy of the Vinnicky family toned so many people! We spent 10 months on creating two films, working for free, because this film was a way to know ourselves and whether we could remove a worthy film "- told the director of the documentary tape.

In today's article, you will learn about the wonderful singer, the authors of the songs and the composer - Oleg Anatolyevich Vinnik.

Also, the singer has a scenic pseudonym "OlegG". And he acquired his fame abroad in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, fulfilling the main roles in popular musicals.

The singer himself is certainly "hearty" who conquered a lot of women with his work. But with all its popularity, interview, singer, gives extremely rare, standing on guard of his personal life from journalists.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Oleg Vinnik

First of all, the adorations of the talent of a magnificent singer, crave to find out what he has height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Vinnik - this information is publicly available. So, the growth of the famous composer is about 175 centimeters with a 75 kilogram weight. In her 44 years he looks great, his age gives him a certain charisma, which is very important for the scenic image.

Many fans and media are interested in the topic: "Oleg Vinnika photo in youth and now", but the photo of a young singer is not found in general access.

The voice of Oleg's voice is not less important, because it is exactly wanting to know all the not indifferent towards his work. And the type of vote at the singer - tenor-baritone. According to the horoscope - "Leo", and the lions can not without adorable, as well as do not imagine themselves without universal admiration. But for the singer it is not so important as the fact that lovers of his work are very valued and understand the songs of the artist.

An interesting fact is that the time-free time is fond of tourism and sports, the singer does not forget about his physical fitness. In every city that he comes within the tour, the singer does not forget to pay the time to led walks, occupation in the hall and swimming in the pool. Even during the tour, his personal fitness coach is located next to him.

Biography of Oleg Vinnya

A boy was born in the village of Verbovka, which belonged to the Ukrainian SSR, July 31, 1973. From this, the biography of Oleg Vinnika began. Starting from the youngest, the guy took an active part in the amateur time, starting with the school desk, showing himself as a singer and did it, very talented. The electric guitar is a faithful companion from school age, it was then that he mastered this craft.

School finished, which was in the neighboring village Red Kut. And immediately after the end of the school education, the Kanevian school of culture enters, or rather the Khomreistere Department, but his teachers immediately persuaded to translate to the course of vocal classes. It can be said that he was very lucky. In the years of study in the school, the singer has already begun to go to the scene, but not as a vocalist, but only as a guitarist of the group in which he consisted.

When Oleg was just 20, he understood what was his life vocation, and contributed to the choice of departure to Germany. For the period of internships, as part of the cultural exchange program, the singer is first stumbled upon the Musical poster and awareness comes to him - this is what he liked.

The acting debut becomes the opera party in Tosca, as well as the role in "Paganini". This offer Oleg received from the Luneburg theater, which is located in Lower Saxony.
The next stage becomes two-year training of vocal skill at the American mentor John Leman - his teacher of vocal, was delighted with the talent of a young artist.

In the city of Hamburg, together with the authoritative music mentor, the singer hops his skills and seizes a new vocal range - a lyric drama tenor. Now the singer sings easily and baritone and tenor, since his vocals developed significantly performed by all sorts of stage roles.

The debut star role under the scenic pseudonym "OlegG", the artist performed Lychecio in the musical called "Kiss Mi Kate". It lasted on the length of two years, within the tour. Subsequently plays in the Broadway formulation of the "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God".

In 2003, Oleg fulfilled the role of Jean Valzhan in the formulation of "rejected". It was this role that fastened a star status and brought him the title of "New Grand Vote 2003" according to one of the musical publications.

In the future, together with the exhausting theatrical work, it also works on television and filmed in film.
The return of the singer to his homeland The media was called the "phenomenon of Oleg Vinnika", this is due to the fact that he begins his career solo and for three years gives live performances and is constantly in all sorts of concert tours. Tickets are bought out as "hot cakes", in the first days, after receipt of tickets on sale, the cash registers are already empty.

An entertaining thought is told in an interview with the artist, he suggests that there are "reviving feelings" in his songs. Knowing that if I had not survived such emotions, it was unlikely to go to the scene at all.

Oleg wanted to represent his homeland at a song contest called Eurovision, as the competition was held in Germany, and the artist at that time was already a star of musicals in those regions. But in order to participate in it, the artist wanted five hundred thousand euros, unthinkable.

Oleg loves quality and style, he is ready to give any money for the things like. Also does not regret money on clothes for their concert speeches.

Personal life of Oleg Vinnik

As for women's attention, the singer, obviously, is not deprived, but you can not say much, because the personal life of Oleg Vinnika is a mystery. Like many famous personalities, the composer is not too much by the desire that the media would exhibit it to show and pursued in every way. In 2016, the singer admitted that he fell in love.

Giving an interview, he told about his beloved only that she would come from Ukraine, but together in the public they never seen them. In one of the following interviews, the singer said he did not commit any crime, hiding his own personal life from the public. Oleg argues this by the fact that he is not interested in the personal life of his colleagues and on this "all personal - taboo." Of course, such a man for 40 can not be alone, but to reveal the person of his beloved will decide only after marriage.

For Oleg, feelings are very important, and married couples who lived together for a long time cause admiration for him - after all, this is true love, as the composer himself said.

In concert tour of the singer, there was anything, but he is not impeded in personal relationship with their fans. As well as the "cherished stamp" in the passport of the singer. It treats gifts from fans with understanding, after all, going to the scene, the girls are very worried, spend money and time for their idol.

Another occupation of Oleg is cooking, it is perfectly preparing everything except baking. He has no housekeeper and prepares food he himself, and taking guests surprises with dishes of various cuisines. While in Germany, visiting friends, he prepared a huge pan of Ukrainian borschk for them. And with the next meeting, after half a year, his friends filed the same borsch on the table, which was frozen and kept all this time.

Family of Oleg Vinnya

The singer does not spread much on such topics, but sometimes it gives an interview where casual answers such a topic as the family of Oleg Vinnik. He and his parents lived very modestly and began to feel the class division into the "poor and rich" as a child.

Mom Oleg I saw and was disabled in vision, but with all this she diligently raised her son. As the composer himself noted, which is very grateful to the mother, for the attitude of him, as well as for the musical instrument in place the bike - guitar. To this day, she supports her son as can, in all aspirations.

And the father is no longer alive, the father of the famous singer died tragically because of the heart problems, when he was driving his own son, but on the road his heart could not stand.

Oleg recalls in an interview that at the end of the concert immediately went to the hospital with all the colors that he was presented. But did not have time, by this time his father died suddenly.

It is worth noting that the mother today lives in his native village of recruitment, but they do not give rest to the paparazzi, but Oleg protects his mother from communicating with the media.

Children of Oleg Vinnika

At the show "Battle of Psychics", in which the singer took part as a guest star, the Women could "see" a Phantom of a woman behind the artist's back, as well as a nearby child, on the statement of psychics it was clear that this is the wife and son of Oleg, but the information So remained not confirmed.

Many fans have read this information in shock, because the family and children of Oleg Vinnika, for fans this topic is rather burning. But the singer himself did not comment in any way, but on his face was a genuine surprise that was replaced by a smile.

So at the moment, no one can be sure if Oleg has children or not.

Wife Oleg Vinnya

For many fans and in particular, the fans are wondering what she is, the wife of Oleg Vinnya and whether he has an official wife at all. As noted above, the singer himself holds information about his family and personal life in secret and is not going to share these data.

As Oleg himself said in one of the interviews that the discussion of personal under a big ban. At the moment, only the fact that his beloved Ukrainian singer, but he did not recognize this fact for this fact.

But the fans still hope that the only one that will warm his home focus will appear in the life of the singer.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Vinnik

The singer tries very hard and develops his "media", despite the crazy schedule, he constantly gives journalists from all sorts of interviews, and also answers questions from their fans. Oleg is an active user of various social services, such as "Instagram", as well as social networks "VKontakte" and "Facebook". In addition, he has a personal website, as well as a channel for Yutub.

In Stagram, Oleg independently lays out photos of leisure, as well as there you can find photographic materials of the workflow and the date and venue of concerts.
On social networks, also, actively communicates with his fans and he, of course, is the official fan club in the social network "VKontakte". Therefore, if you are a true fan of our today's hero, we strongly recommend visiting his page in the web resources Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Vinnika.

Regarding his age, he said that he became sentimental in 43 years, but in the shower much younger and now much in life has become much clearer than before. And the joys of life enjoys daily. By the way, Oleg loves his audience very much and even celebrates birthdays along with their fans. His 43 met at the concert in the Odessa Opera House. The article was found on

Oleg Vinnik is a popular artist Music not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. In foreign countries, it is known as the performer of the brightest role in the musicals. This singer is an example of a truly talented person who does not stop before difficulties, problems and develops all the verge of his talent to amaze and delight the beloved audience. A popular singer survived many turning points for his life, which did not break it, and even on the contrary, they did more.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Oleg Vinnik

The singer does not advertise his height and weight, although it is worth noting the photo and concerts, the parameters of him are quite good and truly male, he is tall, slim and generally a state man who enchants fans one just look. He is one of the most beautiful stars of show business, and that's all because it is very carefully watching his appearance, paying for her not one hour.

And right, because artists should give the joy to the public not only by their talent, but also appearance. Oleg born on July 31, 1973, at the moment he was 43 years old, although they can't tell me so immediately, because the singer does not look at her age. Growth, weight, age. How old is Oleg Vinnik, this request often appears on the Internet, because the popular person is one of the most discussed among modern stars.

Biography of Oleg Vinnya (singer)

Oleg Vinnik's biography is closed enough, because the star does not like to spread about himself, but still the main and most necessary information we know.

A future singer was born in the Cherkasy region, in a small village of Red Kut. It is worth noting that his talent manifested itself in childhood, and in general his career developed quite successfully from youth. This is one of the examples when fate smiled to a person.

In school years, he was engaged in self-study, developing his creative talents. Still at school, he showed good vocal data, speaking at local concerts and glad to classmates. After graduation, he decided to enter the Kanesky School of Culture. Study was given a guy easy enough. During these years, Oleg Vinnik was already first led to the scene - as a guitarist of the local group. Already from these events you can see that success itself went to the hands of a young star. And already at the age of twenty, he became a soloist of local philharmonic.

Then, a little later, he leaves for the exchange to Germany and it is here that it honors his talents to the highest level. Once walking in the evening, he saw the poster of the popular German musical and decided that this was exactly what he would like to associate his life. After that, Oleg begins to train hard. Then he can take part in the Tosca opera "and the operetta" Paganini ". He showed his speech in the famous theater of Lower Saxony.

But only one meeting with the famous American vocalist and the teacher John Lehman was completely changed. It was he who noticed a real talent in the guy and began to improve his vocal data, honing the skill. For two years of study at the teacher in Hamburg, he managed to make his voice practically perfect and learn how to take those parties that were not previously managed.

Over time, he still managed to fulfill a dream and start playing in musicals. The first musical with OlegG \u200b\u200b- such a creative pseudonym chose Vinnick - became trial roles. For 2 years, in Tour, the singer played the role of Luciolio from the musical "Kiss Me Kate", followed the role of the febus and klopena in the Broadway stage of the musical "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God" and the role of Robert Hitchez and Brica in the production of "Titanic" (2002-2003).

After that, the actor began real glory and he continued to play in famous theaters, combining it with the movie roles.
In Germany, he samples until 2011 and during this time managed to improve his talent to the highest level. During the stay there, he even managed to seriously engage in bodybuilding, but he had to stop, because of the new role, where he had to play a dying old man, and as you understand, a dying guy was difficult to play a dying, also an old man.

After returning to Ukraine, he wrote a lot of songs, touring with them all over the world. His creativity is gaining popularity to this day. And this is due to the fact that in his songs there is a living sense, soul.

Personal life of Oleg Vinnik

Despite the enough impressive age, Oleg remains still not married. He does not like to tell about his personal life and therefore not finding special information on this issue. But not so long ago, the press became aware that Vinnika still had a companion, and it seems like she is Ukrainian. But there is no information about it. Oleg said that the artist had to evaluate only his talent and could not climb into a personal life. For example, he is not interested who who meets from his colleagues and is waiting for the same to his person.

Oleg Vinnik's personal life is closed for a thousand locks. Now the popular singer is engaged in his career, and he simply does not have time for his family and children. Among other things, Oleg travels a lot, practically does not sit in one place, because of what a permanent girl has a singer. Although, maybe, we just do not know about it. Oleg himself repeatedly said that even if he was in a relationship, the public is not necessary to know about it, although the prudent paparazzi will learn and not such details of the stars.

Fans love Vinnik very much, but he does not respond to them. He more than once was offered the relationship of the fan, but Oleg himself believes that this is not common relationships and it does not interest it. In love at first glance, he does not believe, so it just continues to live, enjoy every moment, and love when it is necessary to come. We only hope that a man is extinguished and putting priorities correctly, perhaps in the near future he will meet a worthy like-minded person who will conquer his heart.

Family of Oleg Vinnya

Oleg from the family had only mom, which continues to stay in his native village. The most interesting thing is that Oleg is so closed that there are even photographs of his family on the Internet of the Internet. We only know the fact that his father has already died, and Mom lives there, where he lived. Oleg Vinnik's father died of a heart attack while drove to a concert to his son. It was a big tragedy for the singer, if you consider what he learned just during the concert.

As Oleg himself says, apparently it was a very exciting moment for his father and he could not cope with emotions surpassed him. Despite this situation, Oleg was still able to hold a concert. Vinnik helps the mother, often visiting it and Yaros protects from the paparazzi, which periodically come to her to learn all the details of her son's life. Of course, the press does not like the fact that they can't find the secret details of Oleg, it seems information about it is completely closed, but the Vinnik has been continuing the brand for many years and hide his life. The family of Oleg Vinnika is still only from him and his mother, but will hope for replenishment as a wife and in the future of children.

Children of Oleg Vinnika

The press is not aware of the children of Oleg Vinnik, and if it takes into account that he negatively refers to relations with fans and other things to short-term relationships, it can be assumed that Oleg has extramarital children. The children of Oleg Vinnika would grow with a rather interesting and famous father, who could provide them with a good future and teach the same purposeful character. In fact, Vinnya is even physically there is no strength to build a serious relationship, marry, to have children. All his free time occupies a career, he writes and executes the popular songs that are flying throughout the country and not only in Ukraine. His talent and an unusually strong voice can envy not one artist.

Wife Oleg Vinnya

According to the singer himself, it's still never managed to meet the girl who can conquer his heart and become a future wife. Work, improving your talents, moving, trips, all these factors served as Oleg, even there is no time to build her family. All his fans and lovers of creativity hope that soon the network will have information that the artist married. Oleg Vinnika's wife must be one of the most worthy women of this planet, because the artist showed the world that he is one of the most talented and best people who give the world so much good, and his creativity.

Photo of Oleg Vinnika before and after plastic

Actually, as well as other aspects of Oleg's life, such information as plastic is also hidden from a curious public. But if you look at the photos of Oleg in the youth, it will become clear that plastic operations he really did not do. And his appearance is only his merit.

Oleg is engaged in sports and monitors nutrition, so even at its age remains in great shape. At the moment, the artist has a lot of tour, concerts, trips, it is constantly in motion, and it is quite difficult to gain weight with such an active life position. A photo of Oleg Vinnika before and after the plastic is not even on the Internet, because the paparazzi is already desperate and do not try to "roll out" new rumors on the star.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Vinnik

But social networks are not alien to the artist, so you can find interesting photos of Oleg from ordinary life and, of course, concerts. Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Vinnika will help fans to learn their hero. In addition, Oleg has an official website with which his fans will be able to learn the biography of the artist and the nearest schedule of his speeches.

Oleg Vinnik pleases us with his work for several years and is going to continue at such a pace. Many modern stars are surprised how his songs are managed to gain such popularity, and everything is very simple, the fact is that Vinnik puts the whole soul in his work and completely gives to his music. He has to sacrifice a personal life in order for his music and songs to be perfect.

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Songs of the author of hits "New Year's toys", "Drive discs", "Let's try to return" and many others will gladly trim the stars of the Russian Showubusham - Anita Tsoi, Alsu, Jasmine, Vitas, Taisiya Povaliy, Lyubov Uspenskaya. Some do not even ask the composer permission. But Arkady Dmitrievich is not offended, it means that the songs are good. Yes, and in his personal life there was a good change. Two years ago, the 60-year-old singer married. Our reporter visited newlyweds.

I am celebrating a beautiful, well-groomed woman, it seems to be Svetlana and invites to the table. The spacious apartment is light and clean.

"As in a pharmacy," Svetlana is joking, "because I have a pharmacist, I have my pharmacies, so I got used to sterility." We met with Arkady at my workplace. He went for medicines, I saw him and understood it is a man of my dreams. He has such eyes that I fell in love. True, he was married, and therefore nothing could be between us. We both are so raised. I waited for Arkady 11 years and waited. 11.11.11 We have happened. Now I am the happiest woman in the world! Oh, the hostess was spooking out, - not to talk extra. I am not used to the interview.

"Yes, while I was not free, our relationship was friendly," Arkady Dmitrievich joined the conversation. - Once a year, maybe I went to the pharmacy for medicines. We just talked. Although they sympathized with each other. But then the conversations did not come. Then I lived with Oksana, we met her in Tula, then moved to Moscow. She helped organize my anniversary concert in the Kremlin. Very good turned out the anniversary. With Oksana, we lived for 16 years, maybe she is tired. With our brother live difficult. We are peculiar people. Yes, our roads diverged, and I lived one and a half. And then came to Melitopol, went to Svetlana and invited her to the sea, to visit friends. And in three months we got married. And married. I am a believer.

- But with others your chosen you managed only to seal in your passport. And then led his wife to the altar.

- Well, I already go to an end. What? Light is a good wife, she cares for me, attentive, kind, tasty cooks. But the most important thing is that she is young, not because you are 12 years old, but because it's young soul. Movable, liberated, dynamic. She laughs loudly and talks, there is an enthusiasm in it, and in the house it felt that life is happening.

"And before the wedding, Arkady devoted me a very beautiful song, and the music, and the poems of him," Svetlana says. - called "sadness". The fact is that I have Lithuanian citizenship, there were problems with the documents, we could not immediately live together. And so he came to the week, and it was so difficult to part later. Very sad. Here in one of these meetings, Arkady sat on the balcony in Melitopol and wrote this song in my eyes. I even cried, I liked so much. We even filmed in the clip together, and the scenario of the husband himself came up.

- Arkady Dmitrievich, you compose poems, write music, sing perfectly and playing the piano. Where so much talents come from?

- Like everyone, from childhood. At that time, computers did not ship us, so there was a time to occupy athletics, football and music.

I'm not an exception. The secondary school graduated with honors, final exams in the music where I studied in the piano class, I also passed successfully. Not bad results were in sports, I have the first Male discharge in athletics, and I was mostly the junior team of the city football. So I was an active comrade, everything had time. And for all your talents, I am grateful to my parents. My Pope Dmitry Christorovich served as a commander of the tank battalion, he had a contusion, but he played the violin on three fingers. And Mom Antonina Yakovlevna - Ukrainian by nationality, did not have musical education, but she had a clean, beautiful voice. You know, Ukrainians singing. We had a musical family. I learned to play the piano, and the older sister Anastasia on the violin. But I was reluctant to music, I dreamed of becoming a captain of long-range sailing. Drew in notebooks ships, collected them. I was an ordinary boy, sometimes hooliganil.

"He is sometimes a hooligan," Arkady Svetlana's wife is cheerfully adds.

"Oh," the composer sighed with a smile, - now I am a hooligan, so that the order was, and before that it was not. But I studied on the top five. I was easy to study, there was no difficulty with learning languages. In addition to Ukrainian and Russian, I am a little talking in German, English and Armenian.

- Arkady Dmitrievich, with your school certificate you would be accepted in any university, and you chose the Institute for the Mechanization of Agriculture to get a specialty engineer on the organization and technology of car repair. Why?

- Will explain. In this institute, now the Academy is now, then there was a wonderful teacher - a professor from the Kharkov Conservatory, who created a student orchestra on the basis of the institute. And of course, I dreamed of this orchestra, and not about agriculture. I did, and spent all my free time at rehearsals, concerts. And there already sang. A beautiful voice, as the teachers assured, I have formed in childhood. Neighbors heard, as I felt, and said that my transparent, ringing, like all the children, a voice resembled the vocals of Robertino Loretti.

I had a first love at school. Friend, but after school entered different universities. And he did not reach the wedding, "the singer laughs," but at the age of 18 I still got married, though on another girl. " I went to relax on the Azov Sea and I met there with a student of the Zaporizhia Institute Alla. The resort romance ended with a wedding. I still studied at the Melitopol Institute, sang in the orchestra, and we also organized our little team with the guys. All at that time played "Beatles", and we, professional students-students, - Negro Soul. We had a saxophone, pipe, guitars, keyboards. And when I was 20 years old, Alla became pregnant, Irina was born in 1972. Now she lives in Canada, married, but not very well settled. But she gave me granddaughter, now Natalie five years. Ira and Natalie of the year three consecutive came to the Azov Sea. There is no place in Canada, and we have the sea, air, fruit. And everything is inexpensive, everything is delicious. Natalie speaks Russian perfectly, we communicate over Skype every day. The daughter of Ira is well done, she buys Natalie books in Russian, watching the girl perfectly spoke not only in English.

When Ira was still small, I sang on dancing with a student team. And somehow the ensemble "sing guitars" arrived in Melitopol, and in front of the concert they flew the equipment. And they asked us to help. And after the concert took me with you, so began my tour of the tour. A young wife lived at my parents and waited for me. Of course, I also tried: I was going home money, clothes. In Melitopol, everyone was respected and knew me, I was a local star. In two years, I was invited to listen to "Chervonu Ruta," where Sofia Rotari began his climbing. We worked together, everything was fine, but I wanted to sing with the orchestra. And such an opportunity fell out, I became a soloist in the State pop-up jazz orchestra under the leadership of Konstantin Orbel. And then I took me to Yuri Malikov, "Gems" then thundered for the entire Union, I could not refuse. Then Sasha Barykin left, and they took me to his place. There I had a lot of songs, one of the hits "Gorky Honey", this is not my song, but I asked the author to rewrite this song again and said: "I dream about it." And then I went to the "Red Maks". There was a strong composition, then all of them invited Alla Pugacheva to themselves.

- Why didn't you go to the team of Alla Borisovna?

- I already had a lot of my songs. I had to start the solo career. Sofia Rotaru at one time I introduced me to the poet Andrey Dementiev, and he immediately gave me poems "Let's try to return," and I wrote a song in the car. I quickly write in trains, airplanes, I do not need silence or some special conditions. When everything comes, will not leave anywhere.

- Are you a popular artist, my wife, probably, jumped to fans?

- It was not to jealous to whom. I am not a vain person. Of course, fans were. Moreover, some flew after me to concerts even in Vladivostok. Some made their way to the hotel, but the door of my room has always been locked on the key. And the girls knew: nothing will be. The wife knew it and did not jealous, the man can be seen. At least she never showed it to me. And we broke up at all for another reason. Alla lived with my parents with my daughter and began to behave in relation to my mom and dad disrespectful. I could not accept this. My mother died 22 years ago from severe illness, but still remember it and respected in the city, Dad survived Mum only for two years. I think he died from longing for her mother, because he is from the genus of long-livers. In general, we divorced with Alla, I stayed alone. And once he drove on the train from Tula and met there with two girls, they found out me, because I was just a national hero in Tula, the conversation began. I liked one of the girlfriends - cute, blue-eyed, serious, only graduated from the institute.

My Lyudmila began to meet, I worked in Tula Philharmonic and lived in the hotel, then in a hostel. Two years later, we decided to play the wedding. And then Anya was born. Now she is 18 years old, she is a student, I, of course, love her and always glad to meet her. We regularly call up.

- Yes, Arkady is a very attentive person, a caring father. And a wonderful husband. I always dreamed of being with him next. And happy that we are most meant. So, husband and wife before God.


Arkady (ARTIASHES) Dmitrievich Horalov (Heralov) (January 26 ( 19510126 ) (1948), Melitopol) - Singer, composer, poet, author of many popular songs. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation ()


Childhood and youth

The first breakthrough on the radio was the composition "New Year's toys" - in the middle of the eighties, several stations began to set a song at the requests of students. Subsequently, the "New Year's toys" composition was recognized as one of the most popular New Year songs in the post-Soviet space. In 1988, the album came out Strange world, whose circulation exceeded 1,000,000 copies; In 1990 - Where am I and you. In 1993, the plate "I will call" came out. In the future, the singer reprinted them on CDs.

In the 1990s, Arkady Khologov was actively toured, including in the USA and Spain and became the organizer of the annual concerts of the memory of his colleague Igor Talkov.


  • Has awards and honorary diplomas of the Central Committee of the VLKSM.
  • Winner of international and all-union contests of pop artists.
  • Grateful to V. V. Putin.
  • He is a member of the international union of pop artists.
  • Member of the creative union of composers. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.10.2010 No. 1237 was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.


VIA "Red Maki"
  • 1980 - If you do not part (Melody - 33 from 60-13361-62)
  • 1980 - Drive discs (Melody - from 60-14117-18)
  • 1985 - Without you
  • 1985 - Infinity (Melody - C60 23027 006)
  • 1988 - Strange world (Melody - C60 26705 000)
  • 1990 - Where am I and you (Melody - C60 30319 000)
  • 1993 - I'll call
  • 1994 - My strange world (Author's Collection)
  • 2000 - I am your captive (Monolith - MT 711507-057-1)
  • 2008 - Music of love (Quadro - KTL08-865)
  • 2009 - I waited for meetings ...
  • 2011 - Ariversichi

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  • , Nikolai Fandev 01/18/2005

An excerpt characterizing the choralov, Arkady Dmitrievich

- Well, what, to the table, am I tea, is it time? - said Marya Dmitrievna.
Ahead went the graph with Marya Dmitrievna; Then the Countess, which the Gusar Colonel believed, the necessary person, with whom Nikolai had to catch up with the regiment. Anna Mikhailovna - with chinchin. Berg gave hand faith. Smiling Julie Karagin went with Nikolai to the table. For them, there were still other couples, stretching throughout the hall, and from behind everyone children, governers and governess. The waiters stirred, the chairs trembled, the music began to play, and the guests were located. The sounds of homemade music collections were replaced by the sounds of knives and forks, a dialect of guests, quiet steps of waiters.
At one end of the table at the chapter sat countess. On the right of Marya Dmitrievna, on the left of Anna Mikhailovna and other guests. At the other end, a graph was sitting, on the left of the Gusar Colonel, to the right of the shins and other guests of the male. On one side of the long table, youth older: faith next to Berg, Pierre near Boris; On the other hand, children, governers and governess. The graph because of the crystal, bottles and vaz with fruit looked at his wife and her high cape with blue ribbons and diligently poured wine with his neighbors, not forgetting himself. Countess as well, because of the pineapples, not forgetting the duties of the hostess, threw significant views on her husband, whom Lysin and the face seemed to her, their redness sharply differed from gray hair. At the lady end there was a uniform leptan; On male, voices, especially the hussar colonel, who ate so many and drank, were heard louder and louder, which ate so much and more and more that the graph had already put it as an example to other guests. Berg with a gentle smile spoke with faith that love is feeling not earthly, but heavenly. Boris called the new friend to his friend of the guests at the guest table and looked around with Natasha sitting against him. Pierre said little, looking back new faces and ate a lot. Starting from two soups, from which he chose a la Tortue, [Turtle,] and Culebs and to Ryablikov, he did not miss a single dish and a single wine that the butler in a wrapped bottle was mysteriously torn out of the shoulder of a neighbor, sentencing or "Dray Madera, or "Hungarian", or "Reinwine". He substituted the first one of the four crystal, with the vensels of the graph, a glass that stood in front of each device, and drank with pleasure, everything with a more pleasant look at the guests. Natasha, who was sitting against him, looked at Boris, how the girls of the Thirteen years were looking at the boy, with whom they had just kissed the first time and in which they were in love. This very look at her sometimes appealed to Pierre, and he, under his look, this funny, lively girl wanted to laugh himself, not knowing what.
Nikolai sat away from Sony, closely Juli Karagina, and again with the same unwitting smile something told her. Sonya smiled sideways, but, apparently, tormented by jealousy: it was pale, he was shone and listened to all the might that Nikolai and Juli said. The governess looked around restlessly, as if preparing to the disintegration, if anyone would have thought to offend children. Gutener German tried to remember the birth of the eats, desserts and wines in order to describe everything in detail in a letter to homemade to Germany, and quite offended by the fact that the butler, with a bottle wrapped in a napkin, drew it. The German frowned, tried to show the appearance that he did not want to get this wine, but was offended because no one wanted to understand that the wine had to be not in order to quench her thirst, not from greed, but from conscientious curiosity.

On the male end of the table, the conversation was more and more enlivened. Colonel said that the manifesto on the declaration of war was already released in St. Petersburg and that the specimen he himself was delivered by the courier commander-in-chief.
- And why is it not easy for us to fight with Bonaparte? - said Shinshin. - II A DEJA RABATTU LE CAQUET A L "AUTRICHE. JE CRAINS, QUE CETTE FOIS CE NE SOIT NOTRE TOUR. [He has already shot down fasting from Austria. I'm afraid I would not come now our turn.]
Colonel was a dense, high and Sanguine German, obviously, an servant and a patriot. He was offended by the words of Shinshin.
"And Zasta M, we are licks a state," he said, pronouncing e instead of E and Kommersant instead of. - Zateim that IMPE is a ramor, it is t. He in Manife Sta said that Na Mavel Toshima is indifferent to the dangers, threatening Russia, and that BE zherest the empire, the dignity of her and the holy of unions, - he said, for some reason he said especially "Unions", as if there was an entire essence of the case.
And with his peculiarity, he repeated the introductory words of Manifesta, officially: "And the desire, the only and indispensable goal of the sovereign is component: to make peace in Europe on solid grounds - decided to move it now part of the troops abroad and make to achieve" the intention of this new efforts ".
- Here is Zachem, we are licks a state, "he concluded, diverting a glass of wine and looking at the graph for promotion.
- Connaissez Vous Le Proverbe: [You know the proverb:] "Erema, Erema, I would sit at home, sharpened my spindle," said Shinshin, firing and smiling. - Cela No Convient A Merveille. [This is by the way.] It's so that Suvorov - and it was chosen, a Plate Couture, [on the head,] and where are we Suvorov now? Je Vous Demande Un PEU, [I ask you,] - incessantly jumping from Russian to French, he said.
"We have to fight the one before the post of Dune," said Colonel, hitting on the table, "and Uve R R RT for his IMPE RATER, and then Alto Budue T is good. And to argue as Mo about it (he especially pulled a voice on the word "you can"), as I can be about me, - he did, turning to the count again. - So old hussars judge, that's all. And how are you lying, young man and young hussar? "He added, turning to Nikolay, who, having taken away that the matter went about the war, left his interlocutor and looked at all his eyes and she listened to the colonel with all the ears.
- I agree with you, - answered Nikolai, all flashed, spoofing a plate and rearrange glasses with such a decisive and desperate view, as if he was at the present moment, he was convicted - I am convinced that the Russians should die or win, "he said, Himself feeling the same as others, after the word has already been said that it was too enthusiastic and pompous for the present case and therefore awkward.
- C "EST Bien Beau Ce Que Vous Venez de Dire, [Fine! Fine what you said," said the joy-sitting near him, sighing. Sonya trembled all and blushed to ears, behind her ears and shoulders, in While Nikolai said. Pierre listened to the speeches of the colonel and nodded his head approvingly.
"That's nice," he said.
"Really Gusar, a young man," the colonel shouted, hitting again on the table.
- What are you doing there? - suddenly he heard through the table a bass voice Mary Dmitrievna. - What are you knocking on the table? - She turned to Hussar, - who are you hot? True, do you think the French are here in front of you?