An essay on why Andrei Stolts could not change the lifestyle of Oblomov? Could galtz could return Oblomov to active life.

An essay on why Andrei Stolts could not change the lifestyle of Oblomov? Could galtz could return Oblomov to active life.

Resource characteristics:

Quick description of the resource: Lesson for the organization independent work Pupils in the lessons on the study of Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", which will end with written creative work.

The lesson-seminar on the novel by I.A.Gongcharov in the 10th grade in Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century occupies a special place. The form of the lesson is a seminar, which allows various methods Working with students in the preparation of this lesson, and most importantly - the form of independent work both with the text of the work and critical materials, allows children to show research skills and knowledge literary work. This lesson helps to organize work on the study of the novel by I.A. Baldcharov, contributes to a deep understanding philosophical ideas the author, the formation of its own position in relation to the main character of the work, forming the skill of attentive reading of the novel.

Seminar in grade 10 on the topic: "Oblomov and Oblomovshchyna"
(according to the novel, I.A. Thomscharov "Oblomov")

Preparation for the seminar:

  1. Read the article by N.A. Dobrojubova "What is a breakdown" (or abstract).
  2. Get acquainted with the opinion of Oblomov Critica D.Pisareva (1859 and 1861)
  3. Find in the text of the author's statements or Oblomov on topics:
    • about modern life
    • Bakes and service
    • Oblomov and literature
    • dreams Oblomov
    • Bugs and music
    • about love and family happiness
  4. Prepare the following messages (task for small groups - in pairs):
    • Idyll Oblomovka and Oblomov Ideals
    • Spore galley with broom. Why galtz can not work out Oblomov even when the last word Laugh for him?
    • Olga Ilinskaya and Oblomov
    • Widow of the wheat in the life of the hero and in artistic structure Romana
    • Music in the novel
    • Landscape in Romana
  5. Select a group of two people (referents), which during the lesson will generalize the material on the topic of the seminar.

Lesson design:

  • Portrait of a writer.
  • Illustrations for the novel.
  • Fragment artistic film N.Mikhalkov "For several days from the life of Oblomov."

Objectives lesson:

  • Generalization of students' knowledge on the novel by I. Thrycharov "Oblomov".
  • Fixing the skills and skills of the analysis of literary text.
  • Development of students' analytical abilities, work on their monologic speech, Above the ability to make an oral answer.
  • Show forms of work with the text of the work when generalizing the material.
  • Acquaintance with critical literature ( different points vision) and the development of their own opinions about read, the organization of individual independent work
  • Moral education Students based on the content of the main problems of the novel, the impact on students with the help of the novel and the change in their initial impression on the hero of the work, the formation of the concept of "Oblomovshchina".

During the classes

1. Teacher: N. Ospicovka about the ruble says as "about meaningful inactivity" (in the novel - p.223)

Roman Goncharov is called "Bakes".

Lifestyle - "Oblomovshchina".

The name of the hero became nominal. How do you think, whom and when are called "Oblomeman"?

(Replies of students)

2. Job students:continue phrases.

- "Oblomov" is a novel ... ( as a novel)

- Bugs - this ... ( as a hero)

We read out loud. What did you do?

About the novel:

- This is a novel about completely lazy and terrible person

- This is a novel about good (beautiful, good, lazy ...) A person who does not take part in the affairs, but only lies on the couch, he is absolutely worthless ...

- This is a novel about a person who does not take a rough reality, but also does nothing to change it ...

- This is a novel about the hero, who chooses the path of "inspletion," because it cannot fit into the surrounding reality, this is a lazy person ...

- About the hero who deeply thinks over modern problemsbut can not change anything and does not want ...

- Roman about the hero who should perish, he is not needed

Oh Hero:

- this is negative hero Russian literature ...

- Oblomov - this good personbut lazy and soft

- before us a thoughtful hero, a thin nature, but he will leave before life circumstances

- This is a person who contemplates life from the side, kind and disinterested slan, whose words are disagreeing with

- This is a harmonious personality trying not to retreat from the ideal of a harmonious person laid down since childhood in his soul, which is very sorry (this opinion of the teacher is read last). This opinion usually produces an effect: students are trying to disagree with him. Dispute. Then we appeal to the text of the work.

And what kind of brooms are presented in the novel?

3. Turn to your homework and fill in the table:

Let's start with the first part homework. What does missions talk about modern life? What does not suit him most in it? What does he not take in it? What questions do he ask? Let's highlight it in the text and fill in the table (proofs are looking for in the text or in critical literature)


About life

"Boredom, boredom, boredom! .. Where is the person here? Where is his integrity? Where did he disappear, how did you change against all the trifle? "

"Going, feed each other, nor a welcome, nor kindness, no mutual attraction ..."

S. 128 "What should I do? Why am I so? "

Pp. 220 "What did I seek?" (Part 2, ch. 4)

P. 226 "What should he do now? Where to begin?"

About life

"... And the words froze in the half-word"

"Smooth snatch" (sleep)

"... plunging the thought in the past ..."

"Is it better to stay?"

"Dremoty of life" (p. 284)

"It remains in intentions"

About service

1 h., 5 ch., P. 83, 84 - About the service (diligence)

6 ch. - perseverance and his dreams about the service

"To serve nothing" (capital - so it is not needed)

About service

"Family Concept" (ch. 5)

"Rewriting paper" (p. 83)

"And when to live?"

What conclusions can we do?

- He wonders, but his philosophy comes down to the following: "Only not now"

- he is a hero, as asks questions, but does not attempt to change life, reality

- The meaning of his last name - a bummer (broke down)

- the duality of the hero (wants to be useful, but does not make any effort)

- Subtext from Gamlet Shakespeare (the hero is given by the Hamlet question: "To be or not to be? Hamlet answers - to be, but to be, but not now), you can compare with the hero of Roman Goncharov" Ordinary History "

Output:wednesday is destructive, it destroys noble gusts, aspirations, destroys ideals. That is why Oblomov makes a decision not to serve, as it does not benefit from Fatherland. Maybe this is a kind of protest form? Maybe for this time enough not to participate in the evil? Oblons comes to this form of protest - inactiveness. (See the text of the novel - p. 223)

4. We will continue to work in the table.

The utopian of the dreams of Oblomov. In dictionary: "Utopia". Ozhegova Dictionary:

UTOPIA. Something fantastic, unnecessary, impracticable dream [by the name of the writings english writer 16th century Thomas Mora, which described the imaginary perfect public system Future]. | arr. Utopian. Utopic socialism (ascending to the "Utopia" of Thomas Mora doctrine about the ideal reorganization of society based on the generality of property, equality of all people, the obligation of labor, erasing the differences between the city and the village, mental and physical labor).

Output:again, we note the duality of the hero, all the time it is diverged by its presentation with reality. This in the novel is emphasized by the author. Oblons - sensitive, understanding the art of a person who understands the harmony of nature, not like that. He knows how to appreciate the beautiful and stretches to harmony, but reality contradicts the world of his soul. It is consciously removed from participating in it, and not only thanks to the feeling of laziness and apathy.

5. Let us turn to the next part of our work.

How is the hero manifest in love?

- Bugs in love shows top Qualities, best sides His character, let's notice the depth of his experiences, the poeticity of nature, dreaminess ...

- It is a developed moral feeling and feeling of intuition, he understands what Olga likes, he is capable of deep feeling

– (replies of students)

How is his personal destiny? (Generalization)

He understands that he will be unhappy with Olga, because he needs to redo himself with her. And he has already chosen the way, he commemorates himself to aimless existence. His time is a time when it is better to stay faithful to its beautiful ideals and do nothing. The disorder with himself leads him to the protest, but expressed unusual: "I do not want to participate in the evil and I will not".

Olga Ilyinskaya all the time forces the hero to do something at least trying to force. Oblomov does not want to break his lifestyle. It is not so much resisting how much the lifestyle of Olga and Stolts is not characteristic. He chose another path. Olga all the time demands something from him, trying to influence his personality, to remake him, to re-educate ... and the bugs understand, pulling away the explanation in the love that she is "not his ideal."

His ideal is Agafia Pshetitsyn, he finds in this woman what I was looking for: sacrifice, mind, subtlety and understanding, calm, love and self-sacrifice. She does not require anything, she completely devotes himself to a broom.

Both women love him, but alone (Olga Ilinskaya) demands a victim from Oblomov, and the other (wheat) devotes his life to him.

6. Teacher:there is another hero, which is opposed to the breakdown. This is gallez. We will answer questions related to this opposition:

Why is the image of the glassbox in the novel? ( This is an antipode of the hero)

What is the confrontation of heroes manifested? (See the Working Plan "Bakes and Stolts"). Main aspects:

Pupils:In conversations (disputes), the author is often the last word gives gallery, but the feeling is created that he cannot work out Oblomov. Why? It can not even when the last word behind him. Internally, we feel, we understand that the gallery cannot break the resistance of Oblomov (remember the episode of the night dinner, when Stolz gives up and sits down with the broom and Zakhar).

(Replies of students)

7. Final part of the lesson.

Teacher: Yes, Goncharov wanted to oppose the lackless breakdown of a practical and business gallery, which, in his opinion, had to break the "grunce" and revive the hero. But in the novel another finale. It was at the end of the work that the author's attitude towards the hero is manifested. Let's remember what the heroes of the novel come to?

  • Oblomov dies, leaving the Son
  • Pshenitsyn is ready to do everything for the sake of Oblomov and even his son gives to raising her brother, considering it a blessing for his son
  • Olga is very bad (there is not enough Oblomov), there is no love, and without her life is deprived of meaning
  • Andrei Stolz too devastated, he is bad without a friend, the bugs were for him "Golden Heart"

So, all heroes as a result came to the same "Oblomovochina"!

True happiness experienced only wheat (real love). After all my life, she swears the memory of the broom. And the Oblomov itself is not, but there is something that he was so afraid - "Oblomovshchina".

What is it? (based on the meaning of the novel). Write a conclusion:

The breakdown is ...

(Replies of students)

- Let's go back to the beginning of the lesson: if the "Oblomovshchina is meaningful inseparable", then the author created a novel about time when it is better to do anything, since one person is unable to change anything? Is it a protest form? How do you think?

(Replies of students)

8. Speech by referents (generalization)

- That's what the referents wrote: "Oblomovshchina" is a lifestyle, typical Russian life, characterized by poorly, aimless existence, but maybe it is not quite so. Maybe this is a disease that must be treated? And the cause of the disease is in society, in the environment? In the environment that is ready to strangle, heat, flood the impulses human soul? Yes, most likely, the breakdown is a state of society, in which the best in man is destroyed, it remains to return "to his sound", as Mandelstam wrote. "Sleepy Life" is a product of a discharge in society, it is not typical, as it is customary to consider the image of Russian life, no, this is the form of human existence, good manwho realized that the time came when it was better not to do anything than to participate in the evil. This is not a label, it is not apathy and laziness, this is a conscious protest against lies and injustice, against the enrichment by anything and indifference, against the automatic way of survival, against existence without soul.

- in another class:

"Oblomov" is a novel of one hero, written by Goncharov, which is an accusatory character. In it, the author first tried to understand a typical Russian soul, maybe even justify the national flavors, because it is a novel about the hero, which appears to us as a deep person, as an outstanding character, to the end of his idea and therefore eliminating in life. Oblomov is a hero of the novel, a representative of the time, the epoch in which he lived. it wonderful person With a crystal-transparent soul (crystal - it is easy to hurt, smash), he has a "golden heart", it is attractive and charming, in childish-naive, not like that. At the same time, he is inactive and disappointed in the life of a person. Oblons often thought about the meaning of life, asked a lot of questions, it means that he had his own philosophy of life, deep and not similar to others, his apathy - nothing but a protest against reality, protest, which he is in such a way (lying on the sofa) expressed. Unfortunately, it originated him to death, making it another "excess hero", but without having deprived him of the main quality - the ability to feel and deeply suffer from their own inaction.

9. Homework:

  • To prepare for control work By text (No. 3).
  • View Movie N.Mikhalkov and prepare a review about him.
  • My opinion about the hero of Romana I.A. Thrickov "Oblomov".


  1. Goncharov I.A. Bakes. M., "Children's literature", 1983, 560s. Il. Opening article V. I. Kuleshova - What is bugs.
  2. Polosin M.P. Dr. N.E. Osipov // Life and death. T.I.

Sharp opposition permeate all the work of I. A. Goncharov from the first to the last chapter. Reception of the antithesis on which the novel is built, it helps to better reveal the characters of the characters, to identify the author's intent.
About such friends as Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, A. S. Pushkin in his novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" wrote very much: "They agreed. Water and stone, poems and prose, ice and a flaper are not so different among themselves. " Indeed, the characters of the characters are so different that many critics agreed: Stolz is a kind of "antidote" broom. Goncharov wrote: "They associated their childhood and school- two strong springs." Therefore, looking into the heroes in childhood, you can understand why such different tempers Two friends who lived next door.
The head of the Sleeping Oblomov, which, according to A. V. Druzhinina, was helped to learn about the childhood Ilya Ilyich, which, according to A. V. Druzhinin, was the first step towards clarifying the reasons for the "Oblovers". From Sleep Oblomov it becomes clear that everyone loved everyone Ilyusha, caressed, pumped, so he grew up good and responsive. It is worth Ilya Ilyich only to rear, he dreams one and the same dream: the gentle voice of the mother, her gentle hands, embraces loved ones and friends ... Every time in a dream, the bugs returned at the time when he was absolutely happy and loved by everyone. The hero of the novel as if fled from real life In their children's memories. Ilyuly was constantly protected from all hazards, real and imagined. For Barchonka, everything was carried by the servant Zakhar and still "three hundred Zakharov". Such a guard and care almost completely drowned in the broom, every desire to do anything yourself.
Everyone is called Ilya Ilyich dreamer. Did you really have endless nanny fairy tales about Militris Kirtubaevna, about the heroes, about the sorcerers and the firebirds do not sow in the child's soul hope for the best, that all problems solve themselves? The same fairy tales gave rise to Oblomov fear of life from which Ilya Ilyich tried in vain to hide in his apartment on a pea street, and then to the Vyborg side.
The complete opposite of Oblomov - Andrei Stolz. We see throughout the novel comparing the gallery and Oblomov, as well as their opposition to each other. They differ literally in everything: externally, by origin (bugs - nobleman, and gallery - no), on the upbringing and education they received. The reason for these differences lies, above all, in the upbringing.
In the upbringing of Andrei Stolz, each of the parents made its special contribution. His father, Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz, business and practical German, put the above all sense of duty, discipline, responsibility and love for work. He tried these qualities to instill his son, seeking to make a lucky dolza from him.
Andrei's mother, the Russian nobleman, on the contrary, "taught him to listen to the thoughtful sounds of Hertz, sang him about the colors, about the poetry of life ...". The mother of the gallez wanted Andrei to grew by the educated Russian Barin, and not. "The German Burger", and tried, as she could, reduce the influence of the father on Andryuha. In many ways she wanted to see her son look like Ilya Oblomov and often loared him in Sosnovka, where " eternal holidaywhere they get a job from the shoulders as Igo. "
The father of the gallery, of course, loved Andrei in his own way, but did not consider it possible to show his feelings. Pierced to tears scene Farewell to Andrei with his father. Ivan Bogdanovich, even at a minute, I did not find farewell good Words for son. The swallow tears of resentment, Andrei goes into the path, accompanied by the balance of the servants: "You do not have a mother-in-law, no one to bless you." And it seems that it is at this moment Andrei Stolz, despite all the efforts of the mother, did not leave the place of "empty dreams" in the shower. In independent adult life He took with him only that, as it seems to him, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bpreciseness, practicality, purposefulness. Everything else remained in the distant childhood along with the way the mother.
Differences in the characters of heroes explain the difference in aspirations and beliefs. You can learn about it from the story of Ilya Ilyich about your ideal of life. Most of the breakdowns are eager for peace, carelessness and peace. But Ilya Ilyich considered peace by not the result of cycling activities, not awarded for it, but permanent, the only possible and correct state of a person. Arriving with a gallery, the brooms convinced him that "the goal of all ... Convenient - ... This is the dressing of peace, the desire for the ideal of the lost paradise." Therefore, why work, do something, if you still come to the fact that the broom wanted to have always?
And for the gallery, the main thing is work. But for Andrei Labor is not a way to reach rest, any desire to which gallez called "Oblomovochina". Labor for him is "image, content, element and purpose of life."
If the bugs were not accustomed to work, dreamed of achieving everything without it (as in a nanine fairy tale: "I swelled the magic wand" - and "everything is ready"), the gallery from childhood was brought up with difficulty, which was the goal of his father's life. Over time, Andrei simply stopped even thinking about existence without activities.
Differently the attitude of friends to the metropolitan bustle. Stolz has already got used to her and felt in the light, "like a fish in water." He sees everything, but prefers to close his eyes to his flaws. Andrei does not give society to encroach on his innermost feelings and thoughts, as if closing him with courteous behavior.
And Ilya Ilyich, served himself and carefully listening to the stories of visitors - Sudybinsky, Penkina, Volkova - about the metropolitan life, I realized that she was too empty ("what to look for? Interests of the mind, heart?") And fussy ("ten places in one day!?"). Ilya Ilyich did not make sense in all these visits, walking into service, bala.
Of the characters, upbringing and beliefs there is a lifestyle, which leads the main characters of the novel. He put some imprint on the appearance of heroes. Oblomov - a person with the features of the face amazingly soft - it was much thicker than the gallery and "flickering not in the years", and Andrei Ivanovich was "all composed of bones, muscles and nerves," thin, as she likes, leading an active lifestyle.
Stolz was accustomed since childhood, to the fact that time is precious and it is impossible to lose in vain. And therefore, the whole life of Andrei took place in eternal movement, which, however, cannot be called a bustle. He was not just in constant dynamics, but he benefited himself and others. But, despite permanent employment, he "goes into the world and reads: When he has time - God's god." On such life gallery and wanted to combine about Lomov, who, despite the mass of his free time, did nothing. Most The life of the bugs spent on the sofa, since "Lena Ilya Ilyich ... was a normal state." His ideal was a careless life in unity with nature, family and friends, in the dreams of which the bugs spent the years.
Attitude of heroes tolove was expressed in the novel through feelings for Olga Ilinskaya.
Bakes wanted to see in Olga loving womanable to create a serene family life, good and gentle, like his mother. The girl first was in love with Ilya Ilyich, she liked his touching naivety, "pigeon tenderness" and kind heart. Yes, and the bug himself was in love with Olga. But, as usual, hoping that everything will happen by itself, he did not take any action for Olga to become his wife. His "Gnus habit of getting the satisfaction of his desires ... from others" played in this situation fatal role: Olga preferred uncertainty, waiting and inaction of the Oblomov solid and reliable marriage with gallery.
Galley, who knew Ilinskaya almost with early childhood, experienced 296.
to her love-friendship. It did not have fiery passions, "burning joy" or disappointment. Even jealousy to an unknown opponent did not cause a glass of emotions in the shower. And when he learned that this rival was bugs, so he was "deceased and fun." Stolz saw in Olga a faithful girlfriend and a companion in labor and therefore tried to raise an active principle in it, the ability to fight, develop her mind.
And Olga loved Andrei not suddenly. The description of her character immediately suggests that Olga Ilinskaya cannot not be Olga Sergeyevna Stolz.
Love between Olga and Andrei was born and began to grow without "stormy takeoffs and falls." After the wedding, she did not disappear, but continued to live, however, without development, smoothly and measured ("they were all harmony and silence").
From the comparison of two heroes it can be seen that the bugs and gallets are completely different heroes. What was the basis of such a strong and loyal friendship between them? It seems to me that this is not only childhood and school, as Potcharov wrote. Stolz and brooms complement each other.
Goncharov wanted to reflect in Ilya Ilyce typical traits Patriarchal nobility, and the gallery was allotted by the role of a person who could break the "Oblomeness". But, after reading the novel, I could not imagine the heroes so unequivocal. The identity of Ilya Ilyich causes contradictory feelings: regretful of his helplessness and sympathy, because the bugs imagined contradictory traits Russian national CharacterMany of whom are close to each of us.
Modern life requires "gallets", and they certainly appear. But Russia will never consist only of such characters. Russian people have always distinguished the latitude of nature, the ability to sympathize, live and trembling soul. I really want the practical qualities of the gallery and "clean, like a crystal," the soul of Oblomov was connected in a modern person.

Auxiliary questions for analyzing this episode:

· After whatever circumstances rebelled broils against the "this Petersburg life"?

· How do you begin with already familiar images and symbols (sofa, bathrobe, shoes) from the scene?

· Why at the beginning of the dispute in their accusatory statements of obcomments contrasts two concepts: "light" and "life"? Did it understand andrei?

· Why is the most part of the "fight" of the bugs says long speeches, while Stolz is only parked with short, harvest blows, pouring oils into the fire, and in the process of dialogue, friends virtually twice changed places?

· What does the "life" consider each of the heroes?

· What is the difference between the outlined miscalculation and the subsequent stay of Ilya Ilyich in the Wheat House?

· What was the gallez? What did he understand the soul of Oblomov?

· What blesses, in turn, at the end of the scene touched Andrew's soul?

· Why is it important to look at the beginning of the next, 5th chapter?

Analysis of the episode (2 part, 4 chap)

The argument of friends broke out at the moment when Stolz once again calls Oblomov somewhere to go somewhere, and they travel around something for any week. "Oblomov protested, complained, argued, but was carried away and accompanied to his friend everywhere," writes the author. But at the next evening, "returning from somewhere late", the brooms exploded: "I don't like this St. Petersburg life!" After the question of the glass: "What do you like?" - Oblomov broke out with a sharp, caustic and long monologue about a meaningless bustle, in which there is no "kissing" and there is no man who "broke into every little thing." Long satirical speeches Oblomov are outlined and light, and society, and carding games without the "task of life", and young people 'classes, and the absence of a "clear, deceased look", and "incombous sleep", in which actually fussy and active, on First look, society. In this monologue, only occasionally interrupted by Andrei short, acute objections or questions, the non-odious mind and satirical talent of Oblomov are found.

Monologue Ilya Ilyich ends key phrase: "No, this is not life, but the distortion of the norm, the ideal of life, which the nature of the human goal ..." To the question of Andrei, what is this ideal, the misfortunes found to answer not immediately, but only after a long dialogue with short replicas of both. Stolz in this dialogue ironically tears over something awkward attempts to Oblomov at least something to explain to a friend, but then, apparently, raised by this irony, Ilya Ilyich begins to describe in detail how he "spent his days." This description is a long, kind and poetic, even dryish gallery notes: "Yes, you are a poet, Ilya!" Inspired, who captured at this time conversations, the initiative of Bakes exclaims: "Yes, the poet in life, because life is poetry. Volto people to distort it. " The ideal of Oblomov is not in immobile, in which he seems to plunge now, Ilya in this story on the contrary is very mobile and poetic, this ideal is that everything is "in the soul", sincerely, honestly, freely, measured, "that in Eyes, in words, then on the heart. " And he, Oblomov, participates in this life, actively: makes up and gives his wife a bouquet, talks with sincere friends, fishes fish, takes a gun, although, of course, in this story frequently surround the broomsticks and curious. "That's life!" - Summarizes the bugs and immediately stumbles on an alternative answer: "This is not life!" And it was at this moment that the word "Oblomovshchina" is first on the scene of the novel, which says gallery. He then, with each new objection, Oblomov repeats this word in various interpretations, without finding more convincing arguments against the Oblomovo logic that the entire gallery "runway running" is the same "rest of the rest," has the same purpose: "Everything Looking for recreation and rest. "

Here, the gallery is still possible to intercept the initiative with a reminder of the joint dreams of youth, after which the confidence of Oblomov disappears, he begins to speak unconvincing, with numerous pauses (the author uses dots), stuffing. He still sluggishly resist: "So when to live? .. Why is the whole century to suffer?" Galtz is dry and replied languidly: "For the very difficulty." Here the author is not on the side of the gallery, because the work as an end in itself is really meaningless. In essence, heroes at this moment remain at their own positions. And here galleries again apply the only winning reception - once again reminds Ilya about childhood, dreams, hopes, completing these reminders of a support phrase: "Now or never!" Reception is triggered. Oblons of Rastrohan and begins its sincere and pure confession about the absence of a high goal, about the fuss of life, about the disappearance of proud. "Or I did not understand this life, or she is not good anywhere, but I didn't know anything better ..." Oblomov's sincerity disaster to Andrei's soul, he seems to be a friend "I will not leave you ..." at the end of the 4th chapter it seems that the victory in The fight was left behind gallery, but at the beginning of the 5th there is a comic decline and essentially the destruction of this "victory".

Alternative to the gallery "Now or never!" Moves for Oblomov in the Hamlet question "To be or not to be?", But at the beginning of the brooms want to write something (start to act), took the pen, but in the ink was not ink, and in the table - papers, and then, when it seemed , I decided to answer the Hamlet question in the affirmative, "it raised it from the chair, but I didn't get a foot at my shoe right away, and I sat down again." The lack of ink and paper and non-commissioning in the shoe is returned to the Oblomov in her old life.

There will still be the whole story with Olga, internal struggle In the soul of Oblomov is still far from completed, but in the history of the relationship between Oblomov and Stolts, and in the possible fate of Oblomov after this scene, accents are already placed. Even I.Gongcharov himself, who believed in the possibility of connecting in the Russian man, a broken state of gallery with glass attitude and practicality seems to understand at this moment of his story, that heroes will remain with her: neither from Oblomov, neither from the gallery, as the author originally wanted , such an ideal will not work. One will prevent laziness, contemplation and poetry that are not compatible with modern heroes Everyday, the other is blindlessness and the refusal of all kinds of thought about the meaning of life. The author and reader is painfully aware of this dispute that an authentic ideal that would combine purity and businesslikeness, unattainable. That is why, despite the fact that the heroes are waiting for a lot of tests, this dispute about the ideal can be considered key episode novel. So it will happen when each of the heroes will find its "peace": Oblomov - first cozy and satisfying, but deprived of poetry House Agafa Matveyevna Pshetitsyna, and then death, and galley - a quiet harbor with a tormenting sense of life by Olga, who did not find out In time of your possible happiness with broom.

In the episode of the dispute of friends, the question of the purpose and sense of the human life is, and it is this question that is decisive for the whole novel. As true big artist, I.Gongcharov puts this eternal question, and the answer leaves open. Therefore, it is worth recognizing that no one won the contrast of friends in the considered episode of a big novel.

The argument of friends broke out at the moment when Stolz once again calls Oblomov somewhere to go somewhere, and they travel around something for any week. "Oblomov protested, complained, argued, but was carried away and accompanied to his friend everywhere," writes the author. But at the next evening, "returning from somewhere late", the brooms exploded: "I don't like this St. Petersburg life!" After the question of the glass: "What do you like?" - Oblomov broke out with a sharp, caustic and long monologue about a meaningless bustle, in which there is no "kissing" and there is no man who "broke into every little thing." Long satirical speeches Oblomov are outlined and light, and society, and carding games without the "task of life", and young people 'classes, and the absence of a "clear, deceased look", and "incombous sleep", in which actually fussy and active, on First look, society. In this monologue, only occasionally interrupted by Andrei short, acute objections or questions, the non-odious mind and satirical talent of Oblomov are found.

Ilya Ilyich's monologue ends with a key phrase: "No, this is not life, but the distortion of the norm, the ideal of life, which the nature of the goal is to man ..." to the question of Andrei, what is this ideal, the bugs found not to answer not immediately, but only after a long dialogue with short replicas of both. Stolz in this dialogue ironically tears over something awkward attempts to Oblomov at least something to explain to a friend, but then, apparently, raised by this irony, Ilya Ilyich begins to describe in detail how he "spent his days." This description is a long, kind and poetic, even dryish gallery notes: "Yes, you are a poet, Ilya!" Inspired, who captured at this time conversations, the initiative of Bakes exclaims: "Yes, the poet in life, because life is poetry. Volto people to distort it. " The ideal of Oblomov is not in immobile, in which he seems to plunge now, Ilya in this story on the contrary is very mobile and poetic, this ideal is that everything is "in the soul", sincerely, honestly, freely, measured, "that in Eyes, in words, then on the heart. " And he, Oblomov, participates in this life, actively: makes up and gives his wife a bouquet, talks with sincere friends, fishes fish, takes a gun, although, of course, in this story frequently surround the broomsticks and curious. "That's life!" - Summarizes the bugs and immediately stumbles on an alternative answer: "This is not life!" And it was at this moment that the word "Oblomovshchina" is first on the scene of the novel, which says gallery. He then, with each new objection, Oblomov repeats this word in various interpretations, without finding more convincing arguments against the Oblomovo logic that the entire gallery "runway running" is the same "rest of the rest," has the same purpose: "Everything Looking for recreation and rest. "

Here, the gallery is still possible to intercept the initiative with a reminder of the joint dreams of youth, after which the confidence of Oblomov disappears, he begins to speak unconvincing, with numerous pauses (the author uses dots), stuffing. He still sluggishly resist: "So when to live? .. Why is the whole century to suffer?" Galtz is dry and replied languidly: "For the very difficulty." Here the author is not on the side of the gallery, because the work as an end in itself is really meaningless. In essence, heroes at this moment remain at their own positions. And here galleries again apply the only winning reception - once again reminds Ilya about childhood, dreams, hopes, completing these reminders of a support phrase: "Now or never!" Reception is triggered. Oblons of Rastrohan and begins its sincere and pure confession about the absence of a high goal, about the fuss of life, about the disappearance of proud. "Or I did not understand this life, or she is not good anywhere, but I didn't know anything better ..." Oblomov's sincerity disaster to Andrei's soul, he seems to be a friend "I will not leave you ..." at the end of the 4th chapter it seems that the victory in The fight was left behind gallery, but at the beginning of the 5th there is a comic decline and essentially the destruction of this "victory".

Alternative to the gallery "Now or never!" Moves for Oblomov in the Hamlet question "To be or not to be?", But at the beginning of the brooms want to write something (start to act), took the pen, but in the ink was not ink, and in the table - papers, and then, when it seemed , I decided to answer the Hamlet question in the affirmative, "it raised it from the chair, but I didn't get a foot at my shoe right away, and I sat down again." The lack of ink and paper and non-commissioning in the shoe is returned to the Oblomov in her old life.

There will still be the whole story with Olga, the inner struggle in the soul of Oblomov is still far from completed, but in the history of the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz, and in the possible fate of Oblomov after this scene, accents are already placed. Even I.Gongcharov himself, who believed in the possibility of connecting in the Russian man, a broken state of gallery with glass attitude and practicality seems to understand at this moment of his story, that heroes will remain with her: neither from Oblomov, neither from the gallery, as the author originally wanted , such an ideal will not work. The laziness, contemplation and poetry, which are not compatible with modern heroes daily, are not compatible with modern heroes and the rejection of every thought about the meaning of life. The author and reader is painfully aware of this dispute that an authentic ideal that would combine purity and businesslikeness, unattainable. That is why, despite the fact that the heroes are still waiting for a lot of tests, this dispute about the ideal can be considered a key episode of the novel. So it will happen when each of the heroes will find its "peace": Oblomov - first cozy and satisfying, but deprived of poetry House Agafa Matveyevna Pshetitsyna, and then death, and galley - a quiet harbor with a tormenting sense of life by Olga, who did not find out In time of your possible happiness with broom.

In the episode of the dispute of friends, the question of the purpose and sense of the human life is, and it is this question that is decisive for the whole novel. As a true big artist, I.Gongcharov puts this eternal question, and the answer leaves open. Therefore, it is worth recognizing that no one won the contrast of friends in the considered episode of a big novel.

Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" permeates Paphos social critics. The collision of two heroes (Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz), two opposing lifestyles can be considered in a broad social plan.

Oblomov in this regard symbolizes the oblique feudal boss, which everywhere flourished on the expanses of the Russian Earth. Most of the time he spends on the sofa. Any work does not attract it: he even cannot fully fulfill the book. The author constantly emphasizes the softness both in the character of the hero, and in everything that surrounds it.

The image of sleeping Oblomov symbolizes the ruined mind, the ocossiness and inertness of the Russian nobility. The hero lays out some abstract reform plans, but with his infantility, these plans are not destined to come true. Oblons as if "quietly and gradually laid into the coffin of the rest of its existence, made own handsAs the elders are deserted, who, wrinkling from life, dig up the grave. "

Andrei Stolz (evidenced by this and german origin Hero) - a supporter who came to us from Europe of active capitalist mentality. Active, the economic rationalist breaks into the sluggish life of the crushing to strange the established way and revive Ilya Ilyich to other existence. Not by chance, Stolz reminds Oblomov for youthful dreams to go on a trip.

Andrei introduces Ilya Ilyich with Olga, hoping that love is able to change a friend. At some point, the heroine could awaken in his fan the spark of a living life. However, Oblomov and Olga are different people. And the heroine soon understood it. She exclaims: "I loved the future Oblomov! You are meek, honest, Ilya; You are gentle ... as a pigeon; You hide your head under the wing - and do not want anything more; You are ready to proclaim all my life under the roof ... Yes, I'm not like this: I don't have something else, I need something else, but I don't know! "

As a result, Olga chooses galley. This indicates what kind of active and enterprising people future. "He was all composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse," writes I.A. Goncharov. The ideal of the gallery is material wealth, the comfort and well-being, which he achieves his own difficulty: the hero lives mind, and his inert friend - feelings and dreams.

Oblomov sees beautiful dreams, but nothing changes in his real life. Looking at it, Stolz dismisses its own term, denoting the landlord idleness and inertness leading to the deaths - "Oblomovshchyna".

Why did A. gallery failed to change the lifestyle of Oblomov? The fact is that Ilya Ilyich is not just afraid of change: he fence himself from living and diverse world Even with a special vital philosophy to justify their inaction and laziness. Oblons vitals in the clouds of their own illusions, arguing that he has no empty desires and thoughts. He despises a bustle and proud by herself to afford not to engage in trade, do not go to the office with a report or papers - to be higher than all low-alive everyday problems. Oblomov satisfied with themselves, so he does not seek to change. The hero refuses to grow up and understand that no miracle suddenly completed on him would not solve all the inhuman problems or his personal life.

However, gradually after Ilya Ilyich, after all, a late insight comes. He is recognized by the gallez: "From the first minute, when I was aware of myself, I felt that I was already Gasna ... Or I did not understand this life, or she was not good anywhere, but I didn't know anything better, I did not see anything, no one pointed it to me ... ". Although the bugs did not change, he at least late recognized his mistakes. The trouble is that he did not see a life ideal in front of him, but to become such as gallery, could not in the warehouse of his soul.