"Dog heart" is a realistic story with fiction elements. Writing on the topic Real and fantastic in the story of m

"Dog heart" is a realistic story with fiction elements. Writing on the topic Real and fantastic in the story of m

Tale M. A. Bulgakov " dog's heart"Not published during the author of the author. Only more than fifty years after his creation, she saw the light. This was due to both the form and its content.
The story tells about how the famous scientist, conducting antimony experiments, transplaines the human pituitary dog. However, the focus of the work is paid to the fact that as a result, it turned out from the "alignment" of the animal.
Similar placement of accents and determines the ratio of real and fantastic in the story. The professor conducts an unprecedented operation, the dog turns into a person, and then again into the dog - it is fantasy, and all that is connected with the life of this dog in the guise of a person is definitely reality.
Fantasy for Bulgakov serves only scene base For disclosure social problems, those realities that surrounded the writer in the middle of 20-hodges.
To create a new person, the scientist takes the pituitary on the "proletarium" - alcoholic and TUneevka Klima Chugulkin. And as a result of the most complex operation, the ugly, primitive creature appears, and inherited the "proletarian" essence of its "ancestor". The first words spoken by him - Rugan, the first distinct word - "Bourges". And then - street expressions: "Do not push!", "Scounds", "another couple", "Fly from the steps" and so on. A reality is broken into a fantastic plot with noise, and the story acquires a pronounced satirical orientation.
Professor Preobrazhensky and Bormental are unsuccessfully trying to instill good tone, develop and form it. Of cultural entertainment Sharicov likes only a circus, and he considers the theater "counter-revolution." In response to the requirements of Preobrazhensky and Bormental, to behave at the table of cultural balls with irony, notes that so people tormented themselves under royal mode. There are no fiction here in riser, in front of us in all the ultimate philosophy of "new owners of life" - proletarians: "The rake of the bad", "take everything and divide", and then "one in seven rooms quenched, he has forty couples, and The other hangs, in weed boxes, food is looking for. " "Education" of the Schuvdeder and his subframes very quickly brings fruits: the balls turns not just in Tune Tempec and hooligan, which was his "donor" by Klim Chugulkin, but to the "proletarian" armed with Marxism and revolutionary phraseology. He steals, drinks, does not feel in the apartment of Preobrazhensky, sticks to women. The "new" socio-household society is depicted in the style of satirical pamphlet. Bowls uses the reception of grotesca (the behavior of Shariarikov, the images of members of the jack), comic buffonade (cat fishing scene). With all the incredibility, the fantasticity of the story, it is distinguished by amazing believing. These are not only recognizable specific challenges. It is a cityscape itself, a place of action: Obukhovsky lane, a house, an apartment, her life, the appearance and behavior of characters, etc.
Polygraph Poligrafovich quickly finds a place in society living according to the principle of "who was nothing, he will become all." The Swander suits him the head of the purification of the city from the stray animals. Consistently "developing", he writes a denunciation on his creator - Professor Preobrazhensky. Sharikov alien conscience and morality. He has no positive human qualities. However, it is characteristic of almost all "comrades" depicted in the story. Namely, this is, according to the deep conviction of the professor, the source of the destroy, which reigns around. He believes that destroying "not in balls, but in the heads." And these reflections are also quite real. True, in our country, which for a long time lived in the virtual socialist "tomorrow", they began to be perceived as truths only relatively recently, when people finally understood that in these words "there is no counterrevolution, but only experience and common sense."

One of the best works Bulgakova became the story of the "dog heart", written in 1925. Representatives of the authorities immediately appreciated it as a sharp pamphlet for modernity and banned to publish. The topic of the story becomes an image of a person and peace into a complex transitional era.
On May 7, 1926, a search was made in the apartment of Bulgakov, the diary and the manuscript of the story "The dog's heart" was made. Attempts to return them to nothing. Later, the diary and the story were returned, but the diary burned and never made such records anymore. V. Veresov spoke about Bulgakov: "Censor cuts him mercilessly. Recently stabbed the wonderful thing "Dog's Heart", and he falls in spirit. And almost Nishchensky lives. "
The story "The dog's heart" was first published in Russia only in 1987.
Bulgakov first called "Dog Happiness. Monstrous story. " But her main hero did not do a dog and not Sharicikov, but Professor of the old school of Philip Philippovich Preobrazhensky.
In the story "The dog's heart" is brightly reflected by the reality of the 1920s. The reader appears paintings by NEP, the celebration of mesh psychology, destroying and hunger in the country, housing crisis.
The experience and knowledge of the doctor helped Bulgakov create a work that was described by an unprecedented medical experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky on the transformation of a dog in a person. It reflected the rapid scientific research of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, disputes around the problem of rejuvenation according to the method of Austrian physiologist E. Steinhah, Professor N. K. Koltsova, discussions around the rapidly developing science of Eugene. Scientists of the whole world in those years turned to the theory of heredity and ways to improve it. Bulgakov as a doctor was interested in discoveries in the field of physiology, surgery, organ transplantation.
In the story of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" by a homeless psa, the balls of the doctors transplanted the pituitary gland taken from the proletarian clima castle. In a satirical key, a spiritual writer is depicted and moral values last Life. In the story clearly discovered the originality of the literary manner of Bulgakov-Satirik. His humor often took offense, grown to the philosophical sarcasm. The writer was typical of the deep understanding of people and historical events. He was confident that the talent of a scientist in combination with a misunderstanding of the end goals could lead to tragic and unexpected consequences.
The work is intertwined fantastic and real, comic and tragic, light irony and stinging sarcasm. All this creates artistic world Tale. Reading dramatic story About the ball and experiments of Professor Preobrazhensky, we often can't hold back laughter. The author skillfully creates a tragicomic narration, as this most fully reflects life.
The Bolsheviks were not able to create a normally functioning state. Their laws were beyond common sense. It encouraged the author to translate a story in a fantastic plan, but also not to break away from reality. Prose Bulgakov born time. E. called him prose "fantastics, roots of growing in life." "The dog's heart" is a masterpiece of the Bulgakovskaya satire, which helps fiction, showing life and people with unexpected side. Fantastic elements were a way to express the secret thoughts of the writer. Fantasy is so close to reality that readers believe every word. The tale is filled with sad reflections on human flaws, about the responsibility of scientist and science and the terrible strength of self-satisfied ignorance. These topics have not lost their meaning today.

The story "Dog's Heart" was created by MA Bulgakov in 1925, but published a lot later - in 1968 and 1987 (abroad and in the Soviet Union, respectively). By this time, Mikhail Afanasyevich had already established himself as fantastic satir - they were written and published his story "Deviliad" and " Fat eggs". The latter, by the way, is very similar to the plot with a" dog heart "- the same experiments on alive organisms leading to terrible consequences.

But we turn to the subject of today's conversation. "Dog's heart". Fantastic storywhose action, however, occurs in a rather real space - Moscow of the end of 1924. Recall the plot: Philip Philippovich Preobrazhensky, an outstanding surgeon, specializing in rejuvenation, picks up the ball on the street and conducts an unprecedented experiment - transplants the animal human testes and pituitary. As a result of the operation, a stray ball turns into a polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicikov - a typical representative of Lumen-proletariat - and even receives the position of the Chief of Cleaning Department (Calves and the destruction of stray animals), after which it begins to behave extremely rude and unleashed towards Preobrazhensky; He writes on Professor Donos. Not wanting to endure this and realizing that it would be only worse, the professor makes the opposite operation, transplancing the ball of the dog's pituitary. Polygraph Polygraphovich again becomes a ball, everything returns to the circles.

One of the most common interpretations of the story is political. In this regard, a parallel is carried out between the experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky and the revolution in Russia. Philipp Philippovich himself identifies with the transformed country Lenin, conflicting with Ball border - with Trotsky; Zina turns into Zinoviev, and the swordder - in Kamenev. Chugunkin ball-glassine itself is written off from Stalin: both have a "metallic" surname, and the name is Polygraph Polygraphovich - directly indicates the position of Stalin in the party (secretary; the polygraph is literally the one who writes a lot). The nature of Sharicikov ("Cleaning") correlates with the repression of the 30s, the destruction of himself like (it is believed that the "dog heart" Bulgakov predicted the move soviet history). Then the author's promise is extremely clear: stories do not need artificial experiments, everything should happen natural way. Any attempt to synthetically change the course of time is doomed to failure and may entail irreparable consequences. Evolution, and not a revolution - this is what Bulgakov speaks in a story.

Let's talk about the fantastic side of the "dog heart." Despite the fact that in this work does not appear Satan and do not occur "visible" miracles, something unusual and unusual here is still there. In particular, of course, it is necessary to say about the unprecedented successes of the professor of Preobrazhensky and his breakthrough in the field of rejuvenation (in connection with which the problem rises the problem of responsibility for the experiment, acutely stuck after the revolution and Civil War). Incredible is the possibility of transformation of a dog in a person. And here it sounds the usual, and at this stage, the topic of Faust theme is not yet disclosed in the work of Bulgakov. After all, the balls, in fact, there is nothing more than the homunculus of the Professor of Preobrazhensky, devoid of shame and conscience that the slightest concept About morality. Filipp Philippovich seeks to compete with his life itself and create a new man, transplanting the dog's pituitary gland to Klima Chugulkin.

What is interesting, the action of the story takes place at the end of December, that is, for Christmas on the old style. And the experiment of Preobrazhensky in this context is as "scientific" violence over nature and man, a parody of Christmas true. So in the "dog's heart" the motives of the last and most reading work Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov - Roman about the devil.

The last thing I would like to do in a conversation about the story is to ask a question, be betrayed for Bulgakov's creativity: Which of the heroes of the "dog heart" the author supports? Obviously, it is impossible to agree with any of converters-revolutionaries (Preobrazhensky-Lenin, Sharikov-Stalin and others): as we remember and know, Bulgakov was not really soviet writernor a "fellow" power of the Bolsheviks, which did not hide. The only living creature that the author sympathizes is a ball (referring to the homeless and migratory dog, and not what Preobrazhensky made from him). There is even a theory that through the balls of Bulgakov tells readers about their fate: that's the way, Mikhail Afanasyevich himself began his Moscow life, and he visited the capital (for the first time, he visited the capital, when he visited his uncle, famous in the city of the doctor .M. Pokrovsky, who became one of the versions, the prototype of Philip Philippovich).

It's all what I wanted to talk in connection with the story MA Bulgakova "Dog's heart". Of course, according to literary standards, the work is still very young, so it will not be completely able to understand and analyze it. I hope that today's material was at least something useful for you.

Complete the post I would like famous quote From Tale:

Terror can not be done with the animals, for whatever the development level it is. I claimed it, I argue and will argue. They think in vain that terror will help them. No, no, no, no, will not help, whatever it is: white, red and even brown!

One of the best works of Bulgakov was the story of the "Dog's Heart", written in 1925. Representatives of the authorities immediately appreciated it as a sharp pamphlet for modernity and banned to publish. The topic of the story of the "dog heart" becomes an image of a person and peace into a complex transitional era.
On May 7, 1926, a search was made in the apartment of Bulgakov, the diary and the manuscript of the story "The dog's heart" was made. Attempts to return them to nothing. Later, the diary and the story were returned, but the Bulgakov diary burned and never made such records anymore. V. Veresov spoke about Bulgakov: "Censor cuts him mercilessly. Recently stabbed the wonderful thing "Dog's Heart", and he falls in spirit. And almost Nishchensky lives. "
The story "The dog's heart" was first published in Russia only in 1987.
Bulgakov first called "Dog Happiness. Monstrous story. " But her main hero did not do a dog and not Sharicikov, but Professor of the old school of Philip Philippovich Preobrazhensky.
In the story "The dog's heart" is brightly reflected by the reality of the 1920s. The reader appears paintings by NEP, the celebration of mesh psychology, destroying and hunger in the country, housing crisis.
The experience and knowledge of the doctor helped Bulgakov create a work that was described by an unprecedented medical experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky on the transformation of a dog in a person. It reflected the rapid scientific research turn XIX-XX centuries, disputes around the problem of rejuvenation according to the method of Austrian physiologist E. Steinhah, Professor N. K. Koltsova, discussions around the rapidly developing science of Eugene. Scientists of the whole world in those years turned to the theory of heredity and ways to improve it. Bulgakov as a doctor was interested in discoveries in the field of physiology, surgery, organ transplantation.
In the story of Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" by a homeless psa, the balls of the doctors transplanted the pituitary gland taken from the proletarian clima castle. In the satirical key, the spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200bof the past life are depicted by the writer. In the story clearly discovered the originality of the literary manner of Bulgakov-Satirik. His humor often took offense, grown to the philosophical sarcasm. The writer was typical of a deep understanding of people and historical events. He was confident that the talent of a scientist in combination with a misunderstanding of the end goals could lead to tragic and unexpected consequences.
The work is intertwined fantastic and real, comic and tragic, light irony and stinging sarcasm. All this creates the artistic world of the story. Reading the dramatic story about the ball and the experiments of the Preobrazhensky professor, we often can't hold back laughter. The author skillfully creates a tragicomic narration, as this most fully reflects life.
The Bolsheviks were not able to create a normally functioning state. Their laws were beyond common sense. It encouraged the author to translate a story in a fantastic plan, but also not to break away from reality. Prose Bulgakov born time. E. Zamyatin called him a prose "fantastics, roots of growing in life." "The dog's heart" is a masterpiece of Bulgakovskaya satire, which helps fiction, showing life and people from an unexpected side.
Fantastic elements were a way to express the secret thoughts of the writer. Fantasy is so close to reality that readers believe every word. The tale is filled with sad reflections on human flaws, about the responsibility of scientist and science and the terrible strength of self-satisfied ignorance. These topics have not lost their meaning today.

Tale M. A. Bulgakov "The dog's heart" was written in 1925. It is reflected in it real picture Moscow reality of the times of NEP. The revolution was perceived by the writer as a risky experiment, as a result of which "destruction" came in consciousness. The revolutionary process of Bulgakov opposed the "favorite and great evolution".

The life and morals of Moscow are revealed in the history of the Kalabukhov house. According to the Professor of Preobrazhensky, in a luxurious mansion at the corner of Prechistenki and Obukhov, the alley from 1903 to March 1917 there was not a single case of theft of Kalosh. With the coming to power of the proletariat, at first all the kelos were disappeared overnight, then removed the carpets and began to enter the house through a black stroke.

Before the revolution, electricity Gaslo at 20 years - twice, after the revolution - once a month. Instead of doing their affairs, "residents" every night are going together and sing choke revolutionary songs. All this is a professor and calls "devastation in the heads."

In the story of Bulgakov recognizable signs of the housing crisis of the twenties, depicted the era of "seals" and the creation of a shopkeeper, reveal fashionable themes of that time - the problems of "rejuvenation" and gender.

It is based on two experiments. One of them is a social, skeptical attitude to which is revealed with the help of dialogues between Professor Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormental. Attempts to create a new, perfect society are revolutionary, and therefore, violent methods, the desire to form a new one, free man turn out to be untenable.

To the question of borrent, how professor managed to lift "such nervous PSA"He answers:" caressing is the only way that is possible in handling a living being. Terror can not do anything with animals, for whatever the development level it is neither. "

The second experiment in the story - fantastic. The purpose of the operation produced by Preobrazhensky over stray PsS The ball, - to find out the question of the pituitaryness of the pituitary gland and its influence on the rejuvenation of the body in humans. The result of the experiment was unexpected - no rejuvenation occurred, and the complete humanity to the homeless dog. The ball of the ball turned into a comrade Sharicikov. But if the ball was a sweet dog who miserable to be grateful, deified professors who saved him from the hungry death, the polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharikov turned out to be a vile type capable of meanness. There is a literal embodiment of the international slogan - "who was nothing, he will become all."

Former trampped dog, and now Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov receives a document, comes to a position, quite appropriate to his dog's past: he becomes the "head of the purification of the city of Moscow from the stray animals (cats and so on)."

The balls claim to be part of the workplace of the professor, leads to live a typist, writes a denunciation on his benefactor and to top it all, threatens him with a gun. Preobrazhensky becomes a victim of his experiment.

Why does the "shining science" fails defeat in the creation of Sharicikov? First of all, because life in the person of the chairman of the Schwonder's Podkomka, who is guarding the "new" person, interferes with the process of education. The swordder sews his ward "Correspondence Engels with Kautsky", "develops" it.

An important role in the formation of a polygraph polygraph of Polygraphovich is also played by the mulitude: the chambers of the homeless dog and the alcoholic Clima Cavigan. Before us is aggressive, brazen and cruel in nature.

The story ends idyllically. As a result of reverse operation, the balls turns into miley PSA. IN real life Everything was the opposite: the balls broke up.

The connection of reality and fiction helps Bulgakov transfer the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work: interference in the natural course of events, whether it is a revolution or operation, dangerous and threatens unpredictable consequences.

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