The central theme of the work of war and the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bunity in the novel "War and Peace

The central theme of the work of war and the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bunity in the novel "War and Peace

The main theme The novel "War and Peace" is the image of the fool

ha Russian people in Patriotic War 1812. The author says B.

my novel and about the faithful sons of the Fatherland, and about falsepatrice thinking

only about their mercenary purposes.

Tolstoy uses the reception of antithesis for image as events,

so the heroes of the novel. Let's follow the events of the novel. In the first

toma he talks about War with Napoleon 1805-1807, where Russia

(Ally of Austria and Prussia) suffered defeat.

There is a war. In Austria, General Mark is broken under Ulm. ASS

the triy army surrendered. Over the Russian army hung the threat of defeat. AND

then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand-

mi soldiers through the difficult-to-go bohemian mountains towards the French.

Bagration was to quickly make a difficult transition and delay

rocatry of the French army before the arrival of Kutuzov. His detachment is needed

it was a great feat to save the Russian army. So, author

takes the reader to the image of the first great battle. In this

looking, as always, muster and fearlessly share. Bravery Dolokhova

manifests itself in battle, where "he killed one Frenchman in the emphasis, first took for

the collar of the surrendered officer. "But after that he goes to the regimental

mandiru and reports about his "trophies": "Please remember your pre-

baked blood: "Wounds with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember your

excellency. "Everywhere, he always remembers first of all about himself,

only about yourself, everything that does, makes for yourself. We do not surprise and

keeping Zherkov. When Bagration sent him in the midst of battle with an important

kazom to General of the left flank, he did not go forward, where he was heard

shooting, and began to look for the general aside from the battle. Because of the unnecessary

the orders of the French cut off the Russian hussar, many died and were injured.

There are many such officers. They are not panties, but they do not know how to forget the sake of common

affairs yourself, career and personal interests.

But the Russian army consisted not only of such officers. In the

wah, drawing a Shenagraben battle, we meet true heroes. Here

he sits, the hero of this battle, the hero of this "business", small, thin and

dirty, sits bare, removing the boots. This is an artillery officer Tushin.

"Large, smart and good eyes looks at the included chiefs

and he is trying to joke: "The soldiers say that having swallowed, - and confusion

it, feeling that the joke failed. "Tolstoy does everything to

tan Tushin appeared in front of us in the most integreic form, even mixed

nom. But this one funny man There was a hero of the day. Prince Andrei Spring

went will tell about it: "We are owned by the success of the day

this battery and the heroic pillar of Captain Tushina with Roth. "

The second hero of the Shenagraben battle is Timokhin. He appears

at that very moment, when the soldiers succumbed to panic and ran. All

lost. But at that moment the French who were coming on our, suddenly

run back ... and Russian arrows appeared in the forest. It was Rota

Timokhina. And only thanks to Timokhin, the Russians had the opportunity to

relocation and collect battalions. The courage is varied. There are a lot of people

unrestrained brave in battle, but losing on everyday life. Images

Tushina and Timokhina Tolstoy teaches the reader to see truly brave

people, their careless heroism, their huge will, which helps

fear and win battles.

In the war of 1812, when each soldier fought for his home, for

relatives and loved ones, for their homeland, the consciousness of the danger "Humane."

russian troops, especially the french army, turning into

breaks of thieves and marauders. Only the will of the people, only folk patria

thism, "Spirit of Troops" makes an army invincible. This conclusion makes Tolstoy

in his immortal Roman-Epopea "War and Peace".

In the center of the novel - an epochal historical event - the Patriotic War of 1812. But the temporary framework of the work is wider - events begin with 1805, and ends 1820. In the traditions of ancient Greek epic, the story is unfoldable, consistently. Epically, as the current and indestructible way of life, a lot of different social groups and classes: from the emperor and Feldmarshal to a simple soldier. In the novel over 589 characters, many of which have their own scene line. The basis of the novel form the line three semes - growth, Bolkonsky, Kuragic.

The name of the novel has a deep philosophical meaning. The word "world" means not only the state, the opposite howl, but also the community of people. In the general concept of the novel, the world denies the war. The combination of "War and Peace" is the antithesis, and the attitude of society to war is life in its versatility.

One of the faces of the life of the world as society are the brand names of the best representatives of the nobility - Andrei Bol-Konsky and Pierre Beszhova. With all the inconsistency of Natur and Bol-Konsky, and Lyuhov are striving for a common goal: to discover the meaning of human life.

Prince Andrey despises the light with his soulless egoism, careerism, perverted morality, but he himself before the non-white part of this light. He seeks to personal glory, Napoleon becomes his idol. Bolkonsky dreams of his "Tu-Lona", believing that the story is going on with the efforts of individual knowledge of the people. The battle near Austerlitz breaks his Napole-New Aspirations. Prince Andrei, who thought that the outcome of events depends on his personal actions, makes a feat. He can not change in the overall battle. The battle under AU Sterlitz causes a severe mental crisis. Bolkonsky understands the pettyness of its ambitious goals in front of a huge flow of life, symbolized by the "Eternal Sky".

A secluded life in their estates, state activities, Love for Natasha - the path of Prince Andrei from Austerlitz by 1812 this is an external canva. Interior, spiritual path - This is the path from egocentrism to life "for others." Bolkonsky felt the need for understanding, but himself is not always able to understand others: "It is necessary that not for one thing for me there is a life to be reflected in all that everyone lives with me together." Only suffering through which Andrei passes, gives rise to a understanding of the soul of another person. After the injury on the Borodino field, he thinks about universal LoveBut it feels some one-sidedness of his reasoning, he lacks concreteness and the validity of such love.

Andrei Bolkonsky passes the path from the ambitious, albeit honest egoist, through skepticism and the denial of light to love and understanding the people. If Prince Andrew was alive alone, it was possible that he would be with the Decembrists - the logic of spiritual searches was led to the effective love of the people.

Pierre Duhov is passed sophisticated way knowledge of life, pre-overcome to naivety and liberation from illusions. The direct-venous, capable of feeling deep, Pierre first gives, smacking the life of a secular slacker and a kutil, is also on the cold beauty of Helen. Gradually, he begins to understand the lie and hypocrisy of a secular society.

The search for moral improvements lead Pierre to Masons, who called on to unite on the basis of brother love. In a complex "Masonic" period, the daughters are looking for an evil. He, refusing personal interests, directs his strength to the liberation of peasants, institution of hospitals, schools. The desire to "restart" human nature, make himself a "co-crowd" man and the inability to carry out this in practice lead to hypochondria and longing. But Pierre overcomes them. He is constantly looking in other "inner man," his thought and soul are constantly working. The concept of "inner man" and "external people" are born in Pierre's consciousness during the period of disappointment in freezing. " Inner man"This is the" soul in life "," external people "- the personification of the" death "and" dust "of the soul.

An important stage in the spiritual quest of Pierre becomes a boro-din field, where he pierces the "Folk Thought". Bezuhov Ponya Malets that the story creates the people, sees the optimism and wisdom of Cre-Sintyan. Communication with Plato Karataev leads Pierre to the inside-dental harmony: he "learned not by the mind, and his whole being his own, the life that a person was created for happiness, that happiness in him SA-MOM, in satisfaction of natural human needs." Pierre begins to understand the people, then critically analyze the surrounding life. In Epilogue, he is one of the leaders of the secret society, the purpose of which is the struggle against social evil.

In close connection with the spiritual searches of the heroes of the novel, there is a question about the people and role of the personality in history. Each positive hero in the end, connects his destiny with the fate of the people, the nation.

Tolstoy wrote that the main idea Roman - "The Thought of People's Naya." According to the writer, the story is not going on with individuals, but the aggregate will of the people, the nation. Of the many motives of individual people, the spirit of nation in general is formed. From how strong the spirit of the people, historical events depend.

The war of 1812 showed the decisive role of the people in history. Before the threat of enslavement, the whole nation has gained a single "common life". Regardless social status The whole population was raised against the French. The "hidden warmth of patriotism" is called a thick feeling that determined the unity of the nation.

The writer shows two types of patriotism. One is the showful patriotism of the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler, who has fallen in the fact that in the world they stopped talking in French, did not look at the performances french drama. It is clear that not this false patriotism determined the outcome of war. Tolstoy rises and "Hurray" -patriotism of some Moscow nobles, which, despicable arrival of the king, were going to "show Europe".

"Hidden heat of patriotism" does not need loud layers. It manifests itself in actions: the merchant of fertilizes burns his house, so as not to get the enemy; The peasants do not give the hay of a French deputy; Created partisan detachments - Big and Little - Dyachka, Old Towns Vasilisa, Poet-Gusar Denis Davydova; Heroically fight the battery Tushina and the company Timokhina; Tol-Stay depicts a war as a war folk, fair. Blind of the Fatherland has become uniting the idea and "Duby people's War"Raised with all his formidable and majestic Si-Loi and ... Raised, went down and nailing the French until all the invasion died." For the first time in history napoleonic Wars "Personal Arbitration of Napoleon crashed on the will of the people."

Tolstoy, recognizing the role of personality in history, believes that it is only then able to determine the story when her will coincides with the will of the people. This concept is most fully expressed in Antithee Napoleon - Kutuzov. Napoleon - "superhigh-age" (so he thinks), for which it is important "only what happened in his soul", "... And all that was outside him did not have meaning for him, because everything in the world as It seemed to him, depended only from his will. " For Kutuzov, it is paramount to the fact that in the souls of others.

Kutuzov estimates its actions on the moral criteria of the people, according to the folk feeling, "which he wore in all purity and strength." For Napoleon, the criterion of moral and sieves - he himself: "... In his concept, everything that he did, it was good not because it converged with the idea that it was good and bad, but because he did it."

Personal Will Kutuzov is subordinate to that general Lifewhich all the people lived during the war. The ability to catch the mood of the in-kind is an important feature of Kutuzov. Kutuzov understands the course of events, correctly appreciates him, and it brings the final victory. He is a volition man that brightly demonstrates the decision to leave Moscow after the Borodino battle to preserve the Russian army. Despite the resistance of the entire military ruged, Kutuzov remains adamant and is right.

Napoleon acts as an aggressor, for the sake of its ambitious purposes, destroying people. He is cruel, despotic. The natural behavior of Kutuzov Tolstoy is opposed to Pozamest-in Napoleon, which utters a sprayed speech, accepting the poses of Roman commander. He is trying on the world of the worldwide.

Tolstoy reduces the human appearance of Napoleon, but does not mind his values \u200b\u200bas a commander. At the same time, comparing Kutuzov and Napoleon, Tolstoy writes: "No and there can be no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." Material from site.

Tolstoy all the heroes checks the standards of folk morality, but in his image the people are not at all a homogeneous mass. Pisa Tel notes two polar types of Russian national ha-racket. One represented with rebelled Bogucharian men, another - the way Plato Karataev. Between them series folk images: Tikhon Shcherbaty, Old Town of Vasilisa, Street Dron. Each represents some kind of folk nature or a separate feature.

Tikhon Shcherbaty embodies top Qualities The people of the creator. He is a frustrated, smeared, cunning, master on all hands. In peacetime, such people are indispensable in the farm. In howl, he exists a courage, heroism. His hatred for the enemy was born of selfless love for his homeland.

A special place in the moral and philosophical concept of the novel belongs to Platon Karataev. In this image, Tolstoy embodies not only the patriarchal peasantry idealized by him, but also their theory of "non-resistance to evil violence." In the appearance and in the nature of Karataev emphasizes the idea of \u200b\u200broundness, completion. The most essential in his character is loyalty to itself and the immutability of its constant spiritual truth, which is enclosed in the "Roev" of POP-Nania Karataev. Karatayev is convinced that everything is done according to God's law and a person must take the world as it is, not resisting. The main type of Karataev's behavior is passivity and contemplation. Plato Karatayev can instill hope, maintain in difficult momentBut the victory over Napoleon was achieved not as punishment. Although Tolstoy gave the image of Karataev as a positive example of patriarchal-Christian morality, objectively the way of Karataev is an example of high antiputy.

Many moral, Philo Sophie, reflected in Tolstoy novel. social problems Time and your own opposition writer.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • tolstoy theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel War and the world
  • the relationship of various social groups to the war of 1812 in the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world
  • heroes and false heroes in the novel war and world
  • war and Peace positive heroes Listing
  • positive hero in understanding a fat war and the world

And the world "key is the word" world ". It is also contained in the title of the work. What value did you use it in the title? The question arises because in modern Russian there are two concepts of the "world". The episodes are replaced by the world, that is, peaceful time. And at first glance it seems that the word "world" should be understood as an antonym of the War. But Tolstoy everything is much more complicated.

The name of the novel reflects the main values \u200b\u200bof the word "world". In addition, even these above values \u200b\u200bare not exhausted by the use of the word "world" in the novel. First of all, it was important for Tolstoy to show that it is not only a representative of a national-historical, social, professional world. Man, in Tolstoy, the world itself. The brightness and plasticity of the image of a person in the "war and the world" are based on the principle of "man - a special world." Most of all in the novel Tolstoy interested in the inner world of Natasha Rostova, Prince Andrei, Pierre, Princess Maryia and other, close to the author of heroes. Describing their inner, uses its favorite reception called Chernyshevsky "Soul Dialectics".

Each Tolstovsky has its own world, and even the closest relationship between two people cannot unite individual worlds. Ideally close are shown in the novel of the relationship between Nikolai Rostov and Prince Marya, and yet each of them had something in life, inaccessible to another. Princess Marya could not understand the relationship of Nicholas with the peasants and his love for the economy.

"She felt that he had a special world, passionately to them, with some laws that she did not understand." But Nikolai, in turn, experienced a sense of surprise before her spiritual purity, before the "almost inaccessible to him moral worldin which his wife always lived. " Picture inner world a man in a thick combined with the image of another big World, whose part of his heroes are.

In the novel we see a whole palette with an essay with OllSoch 2005 of the worlds: the world of growth, Lyssogorsky world, the world of higher world, the world of staff life, the world of the front army, the world of the people. Such an understanding of the world is associated in the novel with the image of the ball. In the work of thick on the heroes affect different worlds With your requirements. One world is often hostile to another. In one case, a person, merging with the world, remains free and happy, in the other - the world, alien to the human essence of the hero, suppresses him, deprives freedom and makes unhappy.

An example of this is an episode with Natasha in Opera. Arriving in Opera, Natasha fell into the world's alien to her. At first, everything that happened around her and on the stage seemed to her "so prefaby-fake and unhearsal." She was not interested in opera, people are uninteresting, her surrounding her, everything seemed to her unnatural and feigned. But anatole Kuragin appeared, he drew attention to her.

And here the world was alien to Natasha put on her, subordinate her will. After the third act, Natasha no longer found it strange. She gladly smiled happily, looked around him. "

Natasha presented Anatol, she felt that he really liked him, and he began to like her. Here the world of light has already completely seen her feelings and desires. "Natasha returned to his father in the lie, completely already subordinate to Tom) 'peace in which she was." After that, all the sorrows and suffering in the life of Natasha began.

Natasha's submission to the world of light occurred not in itself, everything happened not without the participation of Elena Lyuhovaya and, of course, Anatoly Kuragin, the main and at the same time typical representatives of this world. In general, all the heroes of the novel are divided into people of the world and the people of war. People of the world are Prince Andrei, Princess Marya, Pierre Duhov, Rostov, are still drawn to them, and they are able to unite people around themselves.

Prince Andrei in the shelf of soldiers loved and called "our prince." During the Borodino battle on the battery, Raja soldiers were attached to Pierre, accepted it in their friendly family and called "our Barin". Together, people of the world account for the strength of the association, which is opposed to the power of separation. It consists of Anatol Kuragin, Vasily, Helen, Drubetsky. These characters cannot create their own worlds.

Each of them for itself. And in peacetime, these people are in a state of war. They are constantly fighting for their interests. Often, the people of the war destroy the round worlds of other people. Intrigue, adventures, the struggle for the benefits, the desire to destruction on a global scale, they lead to the war of peoples.

Napoleon wars 1805 and 1812 are caused by separation by the head of which Napoleon stood, evil genius, for the sake of personal gain, fame, his pride donates by millions human lives. The main meaning of the word "world" at Tolstoy is the idea of \u200b\u200buniversal unity. According to Tolstoy, can be found only in harmony with the whole world: with other people, with nature, with the universe.

A person who fits with the universe may be truly happy. It is enough to remember Pierre, his feelings in captivity of the French. The most, in my opinion, the important need of a person, according to the views of the author of the novel, is to overcome their limitations and merge their "I" with all endless world. This need is manifested in persistent searches. life sense Prince Andrew, Pierre. It is important to emphasize the fact that the unity of the heroes of the novel with the world, their search for the meaning of life not only does not destroy a separate human "I", but, on the contrary, expands and approves the true meaning of being.

The wider the world, the joy of the existence of the hero. A person feels like a personality just because it comes into contact with other personalities. "If a person had one, he would not be a person," says Tolstoy. But how to achieve this unity?

First of all, it is necessary to learn to understand each other, other people, as I understood and felt their prince Andrei, as I understood and divided the suffering with all People Natasha Rostov. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in the novel of thick multifacene and multifaceted. By its work, the author proves that, on the one hand, each person is the world is unique and individual, but on the other, a particle of universal peace, land, the universe.

But also individual worldAnd the universal world can only exist in the unity of people with each other and nature. Disconnection, the war destroys these worlds, and this, in my opinion, the worst evil on Earth. Tolstoy in his diaries determined evil as "disagreement of people." Its novel warns all of us from this evil, shows the path to happiness through the association of people of the whole earth.

Need a cheat sheet? Then save - "the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in the" war and the world "L. N. Tolstoy. Literary writings!

"We need ... so that my life was not for me ..."

L.N. Tolstoy.

In the novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy appears in front of us not only as a brilliant writer. An important place in the plot is its original historical views and ideas. The writer who is always more in Russia than the writer creates its own philosophy of history: a one-piece viewing system on the way, causes and goals public Development. The presentation of them are devoted to hundreds of pages of the book.

Each of the Heroes of Tolstoy is looking for his way in life, everyone is striving for some personal, but all the heroes are very different people, and therefore each of them has their own idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness. For someone it is a profitable marriage, success in secular society, Military or court career, as for Boris Drubetsky or Berg. And for someone, the meaning of life is completely different.

From his father, the participant of foreign hiking times of the Patriotic War, L. Tolstoy inherited a sense of self-esteem, the independence of judgments, pride. Enrolled in Kazan University, he showed unusual abilities In study foreign languages, however, quickly disappointed in student life. At the nineteen years he leaves the university and leaving in Clear PolyanaDeciding to devote himself to improving the lives of his peasants.

Tolstoy begins the time of the purpose of the goal in life. In painful searches, Tolstoy comes to the main cause of his life - literary creativity.

The spiritual beauty of the favorite Heroes of Tolstoy - Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre is noticed, manifests itself in a tireless look for the meaning of life, in dreams of activities, useful for the entire people. Their life path is the path of passionate quest leading to truth and good. Prince Andrei, for example, dreams of glory, similar glory Napoleon himself, dreams of committing a feat.

But these dreams do not look like the dreams of the Careerist Zherekova, because Glory for Andrei Bolkonsky- "The same love for others. The desire to make something for them. " For sake of his dream, he goes to the current Russian army, takes direct participation in battles. But this path was false, he leads Prince Andrew to deep disappointment and spiritual crisis. Yes, he makes his feat during Austerlitsky battle. Picking up the banner, Andrei Bolkonsky fonds the retreats of soldiers in the attack. But this attack could not save the already lost battle, the hero of the soldiers to senseless death and he himself gets severe wound.

And there, on the field of Austerlitz, to Andrei, an understanding of all the insignificance of his former dream comes. He understands that it is impossible to live only with his dream, it is necessary to live in the name of people, relatives and others. In the soul of Prince Andrei, there is a fracture, and after returning home, he devotes his whole life to the upbringing of the Son and the care of the peasants, becomes a good father and an exemplary landlord. Andrew, as it were, is closed in himself, and only a meeting with Pierre, their conversation on the ferry again awakens him to life. He again returns to society, takes part in the activities of the Speransky Commission, again there is a dream about happiness, this time it is a dream of a personal, family happiness with Natasha Rostova.

But these dreams were not destined to come true. Andrei returns to the army, but not in search of glory, but for the sewn of the Fatherland. And there, in the regiment, Andrei finally finds his calling - to serve his homeland, cares about his soldiers and officers. The path of Prince Andrei is completed by what he dreamed of at the beginning of the novel, "glory, the glory of the real hero, the defender of the Fatherland. This is a worthy end of his life path, His finding the meaning of life.

The fate of Pierre Dzuhova is different. He does not know. What kind of expensive should go. Dreaming, makes mistakes, but always his actions leading one desire - "be quite good." Search for a sense of life leads Pierre to join the Masonic Life. He seeks to become different and help the rest of the people will change for the better. This desire for the good of others leads Pierre to the thoughts to sacrifice themselves and kill Napoleon, as the main source of all troubles and suffering.

Two months spent in captivity allowed Pierre to learn and understand the Russian people, his views on life changed. He realized that any charity was not able to feed all the poor. Pierre is directly involved in the Decembrists' uprising and then goes on long years In Siberia, from where it will return in the thirty years already an old man, but not changed his views and ideals.

So completes the search for the meaning of life Pierre Bezuhov. And, perhaps, the plot of the novel and is built around finding the meaning of the life of the heroes and the author himself. That object that allows you to learn "why?" War becomes. It is in the war that lives and death and the line between them almost disappears, only there a person can feel like a person.

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L.N. Tolstoy (1828-1910). Brief biographical information

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in the manor Yasnaya Polyana. And on maternal, and on the father's line, he belonged to the old aristocracy. The future writer has lost her parents early. He received home education, then studied in Kazan UniversityFirst, on the eastern faculty, then on legal. Young Tolstoy was interested in philosophy, especially fond of writings J.-H. Rousseau, his idea of \u200b\u200ba "natural person."

Tolstoy left the university without graduating him. The future writer very much wanted to experience his strength on different fields. Tolstoy differed unusually activities. He tried to transform into a clear glade; He arrived on civil service, then left it.

A constant search for the meaning of life is a trait, inherent in not only the heroes of Tolstoy, but also the writer himself. Since 1847.and till the end of one's daysTolstoy Vel. diarywhich became creative laboratorywriter.

Two years (1851-1852) Tolstoy lived in the Caucasus, where his older brother Nicholas served. Writer was a member of the Caucasian War- At first as a volunteer, then it was produced in officers.

In the Caucasus Tolstoy wrote a story "Childhood" (1852)which was published in "Contemporary"and immediately became an event of literary life. The main thing in this story - writer's interest in the inner world of man. Later, Tolstoy will create another two autobiographical stories - "adolescence" and "Youth".

In 1854, Tolstoy goes to the Danube Army. First Crimean war He is in Sevastopol. Tolstoy was participant of the Defense Sevastopol. The army impressions of the writer were reflected in the stories of the "raid" (1852), "Wood cutting" (1855), "Sevastopol in December", "Sevastopol in May", "Sevastopol in August" (1855). The truth about the war, about her horrors - the main content of essays about Sevastopol. In them, Tolstoy showed patriotism and heroism of ordinary soldiers. It is to Sevastopol essays. heroic theme of the peopleObtained further development In "War and the World".

Since 1855, Tolstoy lives in St. Petersburg, where he gets closer to the writers - the employees of the contemporary magazine. Tolstoy writes stories, essays, creates roman "Family Happiness" (1859)- Development experience "Family thoughts". The interest of the writer K. folk theme Stressed in Tale "Cossacks" (1863)where thick reflects the idea of \u200b\u200ba "natural person."The life of ordinary Cossacks close to nature is opposed to secular life.

At the turn of the 1860s, Tolstoy lives in the village. He gives a lot of strength for the peasant children. In 1862, Tolstoy marries Sophie Andreevna Bers.Tolstoy was big family, eight children.

The era of the 1860s is the turning time in the history of Russia.Tolstoy tries to comprehend the contradictions of the modern life through the appeal to the story. Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Decembrists" and the beginning of work on it. Interest in fate who returned from the reference of the Decembrist served to create a novel-epic "War and Peace".

The main idea of \u200b\u200b"War and Peace" is spiritual unity of people.In the war of 1812, Tolstoy saw an example of the unity of Russian people in the fight against an ingenic enemy.

Before Tolstoy, the problem was inappropriate: is it possible for such unity in modern times? Central work of the 1870s - "Anna Karenina"- gives a negative answer to this question. "Anna Karenina" - work about swearing human relations , On the disunity of people.

In the late 1870sin the spiritual evolution of Tolstoy fracture. If Tolstoy stood before the fracture on the positions of the patriarchal nobility, I believed in the possibility of consent between the nobility and the peasantry, now the writer was disappointed in these illusions. Tolstoy becomes on the position of the patriarchal peasantry. Creativity of the writer acquires accurate character. He opposes private ownership, an autocratic state, church obscures. A rejection of thick Orthodox faults leads to the conflict with the church authorities.

The most famous artwork works of a thick late period of creativity - roman "Resurrection" (1899), Tale "Haji Murat" (1904).

"War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy as an artistic integer. Basic topics, problems and ideas of the novel

"War and World" - a work written In the 1860s. It was a lively response of the writer on the problems of the modern era.

However, the actual problems of Tolstoy understands through the prism of history. Hence the value the topics of the war of 1812, the heroic theme of the people.No less important in the novel and theme nobility. Lighting these themes, Tolstoy draws a wide the picture of Russia's life of the first quarter of the XIX century.

At the same time, "War and World" - a work philosophical. Great place occupy in it universal problems. Here the writer embodied his ideas about the world, about a person , about the meaning of life, about faith in God and about the ability.

Meaning these problems, Tolstoy showed a lot spheres, "worlds"which flows the lives of people.

This is original, unique the world of a separate personality; this is family, estate, nation; this is the world of all peopleliving on earth; Finally, that's naturein its independent being.

With all the significance of each of these "worlds", the reader is transmitted by the author perception of life as a whole- Brilliant gift of a Tolstoy-artist.

Proximity to nature naturalnessa particular character or life phenomena, as a rule, causes a positive assessment of the author. It undoubtedly affects the influence on the fat idea of \u200b\u200ba "natural person" of J.-zh. Rousseau.

Tolstoy sympathizes with its "natural" characters. No wonder Natasha Rostov becomes for the beloved heroine of the writer. In it " real life"(Tolstoy expression), naturalness, vitality, the feeling of the joy of being is more fully expressed than in any other acting person. Almost always natural characters representing a simple people. A bright example is Plato Karatayev.

On the contrary, the faces from the Supreme Petersburg light are unnatural; They are distinguished by false, hypocrisy.

However, naturalness is not a certain absolute moral criterion for Tolstoy. For example, Anatole Kuragin is quite natural in his passion to Natasha. Nevertheless, such "naturalness" destroys the lives of other people, entails misfortunes, suffering.

Favorite Heroes of Tolstoy live at the same time in the set of "worlds": in the world of the family, estates; They feel their belonging to all mankind, their unity with nature.

Search for the meaning of lifethe heroes of Tolstoy are primarily the process comprehension by them of spiritual ties with other people. At the same time it is I. overcoming individualism, closets within our own "I", the path of knowledge true love for God and neighbor.

So, Andrei Bolkonsky originally wanted to win the love of other people through power over them. He wanted to become a great commander - such as Napoleon. However, after injured in Austerlice, he understood the vanity of his dreams. True connection with other people, the hero comprehends during the war of 1812, having connected in the protection of the Motherland with all the people. And before the death in the soul, Andrei Bolkonsky reigned a long-life love for people, it was reconciling him with God.

Pierre Duhov comes to spiritual unity with the people and to true faith in God. This was a lot of the trials experienced by him during the war, spending in captivity, communication with simple soldiers, with Plato Karataev.

Tolstoy believed that spiritual relations between people are above all other connections. It was in the spiritual union of Russian people who saw the path to overcoming the contradictions to his modern life for the better future of the Russian people. In this idea, Tolstoy was close to Dostoevsky.

Like Dostoevsky, Tolstoy believed that the path to harmony with other people, with the world is unthinkable without faith in God.It's not by chance that Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov are in their quest for a painful way from workers to faith.

Meanwhile, Dostoevsky, arguing in his work the ideal of spiritual unity of the Russian people in the Orthodox faith, understood that in earthly life this ideal could be embodied only in part - for example, in the exploits of the righteous: Dostoevsky was far from social illusions.

Activities of Tolstoy looking for an ideal in reality. Tolstoy it was important to show a specific historical case in which the unity of Russian people manifested.So it became war of 1812.In the patriotic feat of the Russian people, Tolstoy saw a historical example of spiritual unity of the nation.

Make conclusions. In the novel "War and World" Tolstoy, covering many areas of human existence, highlighting the most important events russian history The first quarter of the XIX century, first of all the events of the war of 1812, expressed the two main ideas of his creativity - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe natural being of a person and the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual unity of Russian people.

"Folk Thought"

"War and World" - the work of the 1860s. This is the turning point in the history of Russia, in the life of the peasantry, nobility, other classes - the whole Russian nation. Not by chance the theme of the people has become one of the central in the literature of the 1860s.A.N.ostrovsky recreates in the drama "Thunderstorm" "Determining People's Character." The heroes of Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" are disputes about the Russian people. N.A. Nekrasov creates a whole epic of peasant life ("Who lives well in Russia"). F.M.Dostoevsky in his novel "Crime and Punishment" focuses on the spiritual foundations of folk life.

The originality of the Tolstoy approach - in understanding the topic people through history.Not by chance Tolstoy emphasized that in "War and the World" he "He loved the people's thought due to the war of 1812."

The people in the novel "War and Peace" - this is peasantry, I. nation in general.People are and spiritual category. The people act in the work as a carrier of moral values. therefore attitude towards people - the most important criterion for assessing the personalityat fat. For example, Natasha Rostov is intuitively close to the people. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov are a painful path to the people. Representatives of the Supreme Petersburg Light are infinitely far from the people who are hostile to him.

With the theme of the people connected and genre peculiarityworks Tolstoy. "War and Peace" remerects from the novel to Roman-Epopeaprimarily thanks to the heroic theme of the people.

In the novel-epic story about historical events becomes the basis for the interface of numerous plot lines reflecting the fate of families, personal destinies of heroes.

In addition, extensive philosophical retreats are of particular importance in the novel-epic, where the reader finds the author's understanding of the role of popular masses and personality in history, other historical and philosophical and moral issues.

In understanding the thick theme of the people you can allocate several aspects. it historical and philosophicalaspect: Writer explores the question of the role of the masses and personality in specifically historical aspect: Tolstoy depicts people in the war of 1805-1807, in the Patriotic War of 1812,as well as in everyday, peaceful life. This is I. moral aspect: Writer reveals spiritual values,carrierwhich is people.

The role of popular masses and personality in history. Images of Kutuzov and Napoleon and their ideological-artistic importance 1

Tolstoy approves with all its work an important role of the masses in history.At the same time, the writer takes a very a minor role of personalityin historical events. The reason for this approach is in fatalismTolstoy. In the third volume "War and the World" (part of the first, chapter first) Tolstoy writes: "A person deliberately lives for himself, but serves as an unconscious tool to achieve historical, universal goals.<…> The higher the person stands on the public staircase than with large people he is connected, the more power it has on other people, the more obvious the predetermination and the inevitability of each of his act. "The heart of Tsarevo in the Ruta of God." King there is a slave story».

In addition, Tolstoy introduces moral criterionestimates of the activities of historical persons.

The question of the role of personality in history, as well as the problem of moral assessment of historical figures Tolstoy comprehends the example Kutuzovand Napoleon. Tolstoy believes that the commander in all his actions is forced to obey historical need.At the same time he or acts blindlyor becomes conscious conductor historical need.

Kutuzovgiven to understand the meaning of historical events due to the fact that he close to the people, feels "spirit of troops."Tolstoy writes about Kutuzov: "He is one, in contrast to the opinion of all, could guess so true the meaning of the folk meaning of the event."

The first episode of the epic, where Kutuzov depicts, - looking at Brownau.Tolstoy emphasizes proximity of the commander to soldiers. Kutuzov is easy to handle; He sincerely sympathizes tired, tired warriors.

Blessing Bagrationon the feat in Shenagraben's battle, Kutuzov reveals such features of their identity as deep faith in God and love for a combat comrade.Here's how Tolstoy describes this episode: "" Well, the prince, goodbye, "he said to Bagration. - Christ with you. I bless you on the great feat. "<…> He pulled the left hand of Bagration, and the law on which the ring was apparently the usual gesture crossed him. "

In the scene of the Military Council before the Austerlitsky battleKutuzov is opposed to the Emperor Alexander and the Austrian general. Comparing Kutuzov with Wehooter, Tolstoy emphasizes such features of the Russian commander, as simplicityand naturality, in contrast to the conventions of the court etiquette. Kutuzov with the wisdom peculiar to him and the regiments understands that the Austerlytsky battle will be lost, and the will of God is conquer.

Spiritual unity of the commander with simple soldierspronounced in the episode prayer Mother's Smolensk Icon On the eve of the Borodino battle. During the very battle of Kutuzov, clearly understanding the historical and moral meaning of this event, was realized that main force In the battle with the enemy is spirit of Troops. He "watched this force and led her, as far as it was in his power."

Napoleon In the image of Tolstoy becomes embodiment extreme individualism, egoism, inhumanity. He is busy exclusively. By virtue of this, Napoleon does not understand the meaning of the war that he leads against Russia, the causes of the enthusiasm of the Russians during the Borodino battle. Moral blindness of Napoleon, by believing Tolstoy, becomes the cause of its limitations like a commander.

For the first time Tolstoy shows us Napoleon on the Austerlitz field.Napoleon, who was a hero in the eyes of Andrei Bolkonsky, now appeared in front of him in everything nothinghimmable greatness.

In episode frames of Polish Ulan through the Vilia Riversuch a trait of Napoleon is revealed as despite to the subject. He indifferently monitors the death of Polish Ulan, ready to sacrifice the life of the emperor.

In the scene of Napoleon's meeting with Balashov, everything confirms the insignificance of the "Great" commander: and his appearance, and his manners, and his speech. "The whole goal of his speech," says Tolstoy, "he was just to raise himself and insult Alexander."

On the eve of the Borodino battle, Napoleon poses in front of the son's portrait,takes the appearance of "thoughtful tenderness." He is sure that every word, every gesture will go down in history.

During the Borodino battle Napoleon can not understand the reasons for the power of the Frenchin a fight with Russian troops.

The writer sharply criticized those historians who justified the actions of Napoleon. Tolstoy wrote: "For us, with this, with us the measure of good and bad, there is no immeasurable. AND no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth».

About Kutuzovtolstoy writes that it is "Simple, modest and therefore a truly majestic figure".

In this way, moral criterionin assessing the activities of historical persons it becomes for a thick decisive. According to the writer, individualism of Napoleon deprives its historical insight and the talent of the Great Command. An outstanding commander do Kutuzovhis high spirituality, proximity to the people.

Image of the war of 1812 and preceding historical events

Patriotic War of 1812, Fair war, liberation, Tolstoy opposes war 1805-1807whose goals were alien to the Russian people. The ratio of soldiers to this war is transmitted through the position of Kutuzov. His task is to preserve people from meaningless death, relieve their fate. However, in the image of the events of the war of 1805, it begins to sound heroic theme of the people.

A particularly bright example of the heroism of Russian troops becomes Shenagraben Battle. In an effort to save the army from the defeat, Kutuzov sends a four-thousandth of Bagration detachment to delay the enemy, former eight times stronger, and enable Russian troops to connect. Kutuzov blesses Bagration on the great feat.

Motive of an incredible prop, familiar to us on the works of the Old Russian military epic, is embodied by Tolstoy in the scenes of the Shenagraben battle. Tolstoy shows how this feat was performed: in the attack of the sixth strap, in the Attack of Timokhina's company, in the battery actions Tushina.

Noting the personal courage of Bagration, Andrei Bolkonsky, Tolstoy emphasizes that heroes of Battle primarily simple soldiers.

In the image of Shenagraben and Austretian battles, we see the principle antithesis.. In scenes Austerlitsky battle and the episodes preceding him prevail protectible motifs. Writer reveals anti-people character of war, shows criminal ignorance command. It is not by chance that Kutuzov was essentially suspended from decision-making. With pain in the heart, the commander was aware of the inevitability of the defeat of the Russian army.

Despite the accusatory motifs in the image of Austerlitsky battle, the climax of it is heroic. Especially brightly, the heroic motive is manifested in annote Andrei BlkonskyHe headed the attack with the banner in his hands. Tolstoy shows that the defeat with Austerlice was a shame of the Russian-Austrian general, but was not a shame of ordinary Russian soldiers.

In the image wars 1812. The central place is occupied by the Borodino battle. Some episodes are preceded by some episodes, important for understanding the "folk thoughts" in the novel of Tolstoy.

In the narration of obligations leaves Smolensk close-up Shown trader Ferapontov, giving all its reserves by retreating soldiers so that nothing has happened to the enemy.

In contrast to the Smolensky episode, Tolstoy draws scenes of St. Petersburg Life - The salons of Elene Besuhovaya and Anna Pavlovna Sherler. The hypocritical attitude of the court circles to Kutuzov - bright detail In the characteristic of the highest light.

Story about patriotic impulse of Muscovites Ottenen satyric description of the secular evening at Juli Drubetskayawhere the speakers in French were punished with fines.

Chapters dedicated to the Borodino battle are culminationnarration about historical events in the epiga of Tolstoy. At the same time it is I. top Moment in Spiritual Camers Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Beszhova.

In the story about the Borodino battle in front of the reader fully revealed feat of ordinary soldiersRevealed true greatness of Kutuzov as a commander.

Narration about the Borodino battle precedes historical and philosophical retreatcontaining the author's reflection on the meaning and value of this event. Tolstoy emphasizes that the battle happened by the will of providence, not on the arbitrariness of Kutuzov or Napoleon.

Most of the events of the Borodino battle are given in the perception of Pierre Dzuhova.

On the eve of the battle of Pierre meets equestrian regiment with songwriters Ahead. In the Bodroy Soldier song, engraving warriors before the fight. The general mood of Russian troops on the eve of the battle is reflected in the words of the wounded soldierwho says Pierior: "All people walkers want one word - Moscow." Pierre observes also militiasFun working on a huge cougar. The appearance of ordinary soldiers preparing for the battle, strongly affected Pierre.

An important episode on the eve of the battle - prayer of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. Closeup is shown Kutuzov, humbly kneeling before the icon and the kissing image of the Virgin. Deep faith in God relatives to Kutuzov with the people, Testifying the spiritual unity of the commander with simple soldiers.

Kutuzov and Napoleon depicted on principle antithesis.. It is not by chance that Napoleon is shown before the battle in another way, rather than Kutuzov. Napoleon poses in front of a son's portrait, takes the kind of thoughtful tenderness. He is sure that every word, every gesture will go down in history.

On the eve of the battle Pierre meets Andrei Bolkonsky. Andrei tells him that the success of the battle depends not on the relationship of opponents' forces, but from that feeling that is in Andrei, in Timokhin, in every soldier, that is, from the Spirit of the troops. Andrei Bolkonsky declares: "Tomorrow, whatever it is, we will win the battle!" Pierre felt "Hidden warmth of patriotism"who was present in each battle participant.

Andrei and Pierre are opposed to Boris Drubetskaya and Berg - Military careerists whose main goal is to heal before the authorities, get rewards.

The story about the decisive bottom of the battle opens majestic scenery. Pierre is admired by the beauty of the spectacle. Bright light, purity of morning air, lightning of reflections on the water and on the bays of the troops, which the beauty of the entire panorama - which features characterizes the thick field of the battle. Landscape emphasizes the thought of the writer that borodin's Day is light and solemn.This is a day great Pen.

The central episode of the Borodino battle is the scene on the Battery of Raevsky. Pierre becomes a witness and participant military feature soldiers-artillery players. Friendly, cheerful activitymain traitcharacterizing the Russian soldier in the battle. This activity becomes a manifestation of inland firewhich still flashes harder in the warriors.

Scene in the location of Napoleon Draws approximation catastrophe, navissed over the French. Napoleon cannot understand why the slender masses of his troops are returned with upset, frightened crowds. However, he understood well that the battle not won in the continuation of eight hours was lost battle.

Scene in the location of Napoleon correlates scene in the location of Kutuzov. Kutuzov, unlike Napoleon, clearly understood the meaning of the battle. He was aware that the main force in the battle with the enemy is spirit of troops. Kutuzov knew that "the battle does not decide the commander-in-chief, not the place where the army stands, not the number of guns and killed people, and the elusive force, called the spirit of the troops, and he watched this force and led it as much as it was in his power. " The main thing for Kutuzov was to prevent the thought of the defeat in the consciousness of the army. Kutuzov, not retreating her step, forced everyone to understand that the battle was won.

However, the story about andrei Bolkonsky's injury, Description dressing point, terrible view of the battlefieldcovered with bodies killed and wounded, emphasize the thought of thick on unnaturalness, anti-humanity of war.

Completing the story about the Borodino battle, the writer speaks of her historical meaning. "A direct consequence of the Borodino battle was the rapid escape of Napoleon from Moscow,<…> The destruction of the five-thousandth invasion and the death of Napoleonic France, which for the first time under Borodin was superimposed by the strongest spirit of the opponent. "

Leaving Moscow High epic topic. Tolstoy shows that the result of the Borodino battle and the whole course of the campaign was predetermined by the question of leaving Moscow. However, Kutuzov was the only one who called the inevitable perspective of this event with his name. On the Council in Filya, he stated: "By the authorities, by hand to me, my state truck and fatherland, I order a retreat."

The firm position of the Kutuzov is opposed to the vulnerable and useless actions of the Moscow Governor Governor's Governor. Drawing the image of the damnation, Tolstoy exposes the criminal self-government power. It is Mensor who gives the crowd of a crowd of an innocent person - Vereshchagin.

In the chapters dedicated to Moscow, the story acquires calm and majestic flow. Scenery becomes radiant and solemn. The invasion of the enemy did not put Moscow to his knees. She was left by the inhabitants and reminded dying hive.

Fire Moscow It has in the work symbolic meaning. This is a symbol narodnaya Angelwho destroyed the French invasion.

The most important topic of "War and Peace" - partisan traffic, "Dubube People's War", by expressing Tolstoy.

The writer tells about the actions of Denisov and Dolokhov detachments, about tragic the death of Petit Rostov.

Talking about the partisan war, thick close-up shows a figure Tikhon Shcherbatoy. In the image of this man Tolstoy embodied the traits people-Avenger. Tikhon was one of the most necessary people in the detachment. He wore weapons more for laughter, but the ax was owned as a wolf teeth.

In the image partisan War Significant episode with French Drummer According to the name Vincent, which Russian soldiers called "Spring". Showing merciless to enemies, the partisans sincerely sympathize with the prisoner's boy, do not tolerate its vedney.

People as a carrier of moral values. Plato Karataev and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe peasant "world". Other characters are representatives of the people. People Buntar (Bogucharovsky Riot)

"Folk thought" is embodied in the work of Tolstoy not only as a heroic topic. It is associated with understanding the writer of spiritual values, the carrier of which is the peasantry. In this regard, an important figure of "war and the world" seems Plato Karataev.

Karataev personify himself simplicity and the truth of the people's life, peculiar to the people sincere faith in God and in divine fishing.

This is especially pronounced. in the story of Plato about innocently affected merchantHaving been at Katorga for the murder, which he did not commit.

The dominant feature of Plato's character is the love of all people to all live. "He loved his shawl, loved his comrades, French, loved Pierre," writes Tolstoy. Plato became for Pierre the personification of the "Total Russian, Good and Round".

If you compare two figures in the novel - Napoleon and Plato Karataevathen we will see that this two poles in understanding the thick problems of individual and general. Napoleon personify himself extreme Individualism, Karataevfull dissolution of individuality in total life. Getting acquainted with Pierre, Plato speaks about himself in a plural: "Soldiers of the Absheron Regiment", "Karataev". Plato's life, according to the observation of Tolstoy, did not make sense as a separate life. It was a whole particle.

The peoples of Karataev's character underlines the fact that he says proverbs: "Hour to endure, and live a century"; "Where the court, there and not true"; "Not our mind, but by God's court"; "Wife for the Council, mother-in-law for the lead, and there is no mile of a native mother"; "From the Sumy, yes from prison never refuse."

Thanks to Karataev, Pierre joined the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the people's life, I learned not only the heroic of her side, but also everyday, ordinary.

In "War and the World" passes reniece of artistic images of ordinary people. it nanny Natasha Rostova, Tikhon, Alpatych and other courtyard people in the Bald Mountains, nanny Princess Marya, " God's people»Princess Maryi, Bogucharovsky men, Danil And other hunters in the apologist, Anusya Fedorovna, Balag's yamchchchchik, Denchik Rostov Lavrushka and many others.

Bright representative of the people - fortification growth Danila. A passionate hunter, an expert on his business, he does not hide his annoyance against the ineptable Barin, who has allowed to leave the wolf.

A memorable figure in the novel is the housekeeper of uncle Anusya Fedorovna. It acts as a keeper of an old lifestyle. Its simple, but a rich table does not know urban dishes. Ansya Fedorovna is expressed by a natural, simple and healthy abundance, which enters into Russian land, Russian nature.

In Tolstovsky Tikhone, Camperier of Old Prince Bolkonsky, as in Pushkin Savelich, is emphasized by a bad attitude towards insults from the Mr.. Here manifests the moral urgency of serfdom.

At the same time, the character of Tikhon Oveyan is an extraordinary spiritual warmth. In kind of this character, this feature is detected, as sensitivity to man, to his inner life. Tikhon studied the character of the old prince, selflessly take care of his Barine.

Rack Balag - Bright folk character. Russian Bogatyr Udalty is combined in it with a wild rampant, as well as with the depravity of a slave that enters the gentlemen and ready under their protection for any crime.

Balaga is favorably opposed to anatoly Kuragin. In contrast to the stupidity of Mr. It's visifustness, a thin Men's mind is visible.

In humorous paints depicted Lavrushka - Clearny Dencher Nikolai Rostov. A bright episode that reveals this image is a laurels meeting with Napoleon. Lavrushka initially pretended to not recognize Napoleon, and then played the scene of indescribable delight from a personal acquaintance with the emperor.

The episodic image of the peasant girl is important Malashi.. The personality of the Kutuzov is available to simple, frequency people. The child involuntarily repelled from Benigsen and unconsciously stretches to the grandfather Kutuzov. The image of Malashi combines charm of a childhood with simplicity and sincerity of feeling.

Bogucharovsky Bun Reveals the "Folk Thought" with an unusual side for "war and the world". The topic of oppression of the people, the theme of the people's wrath against landowners in the second plan in the novel in relation to the topic of heroic. And yet Tolstoy shows the hidden discontent of the peasants in relation to the landowners, which manifested itself in the episode of Bogucharovsky Bunt.

In the episode of the rebellion, two images of peasants are shown close-up. This is a man Carpfollowed by peasant poorness and older Dron, fist, hesitating between the peasant world and landlord power.

Image of nobility

Along with the theme of the people nobility- One of the widest topics "war and the world"

At the beginning of the novel and in the subsequent narration Tolstoy paints the Great Wednesday. Elitedepicts a writer in bright satiricaltones.

SalonAnna Pavlovna Sherlerand then salonElene Besuhova- The focus of the St. Petersburg aristocracy. The owners and guests of these salons are distinguished by such features as a collateral with the interests of the people, the oblivion of national traditions, the Russian language, the worship of the French aristocracy.

Salon's visitors Anna Pavlovna Sherler also characterizes unnaturality, Lack of any living start.

No wish the writer compares it with a spinning workshop. The main principle of inhabitants of St. Petersburg salons - compliance with external decencies with internal cheerfulness.

It is characteristic that Pierre after gap with Helen is declared crazy, and helen is taken protected by the circle of Anna Pavlovna. After the scandal caused by Duel Pierre and Dolokhova, Helen remains in the highest aristocratic circle.

During the war of 1812, the salon Anna Pavlovna, the faithful traditions of legitimism, remained hostile Napoleon. Salon Helen was the focus of those layers of aristocracy who sympathized with the French. However, differences in views only externally divided these two circles. So, the prince of Vasily Kuragin, being in the salon Anna Pavlovna, spoke in the spirit of patriotism, and in the salon, Helen adhered to French orientation. But at times he was confused and said from Anna Pavlovna what he had to say from Helen.

Bright representatives of the Supreme Petersburg light - members of the Kuragin family.

Prince Vasily Kuragin- embodiment false, hypocrisy. In character HelenTolstoy notes such features like decoration, oblivion of all moral norms.With alive her husband, Helen is looking for new grooms. It is not random to her craving for Catholicism, which was in fashion in the highest aristocratic circles.

With the main storyline, covering the lives of St. Petersburg salons, is connected line "Golden Youth".Tolstoy denounces the wound Anatoly Kuragin, cruelty Dolokhova, orgies, whose participants went with the hands of even crime.

Fedor Doolokhovis a contradictory character. In the first two volumes of the novel, it is depicted as brener, Card Shuler,waveed a single company "Golden Youth". Individualism, egoismDolokhova - dominant traits of his character. They are especially clearly revealed in the scenes of quarrels and Dueles Dologov with Pierre Bezukhov. Shelokov show cruelty against Nikolai Rostov, beating him in the cards for forty-three thousand rubles. Doolokhov - a participant in the conspiracy of Anatoly Kuragin for the purpose of abduction of Natasha Rostova (however, he tries to dissuade Anatol from this venture). Shelokov acts in the novel as "small Napoleon".

At the same time, the character of the hero is not so unequivocal, as it may seem. Shard turns out thoughtful son who loving brother. Lustful individualist Doolokhov stretches his hand to his opponent Pierreas a sign of reconciliation before the great event. Emboss at the head of the partisan detachment,Share continues to be a man courageousand at the same time cruel. Unlike Denisov, he does not leave the lives of prisoners.

The development of the theme of the Great Salons also serves the characteristic of the St. Petersburg masonry.

Tolstoy emphasizes that from under the conditional covers of Masonic rituals protrude mercenary, selfish interestspetersburg aristocracy. Participation in the activities of Masons was for many only a form, convenient to succeed in the light, and not for the search for truth.

To the circle of aristocracy, concentrated in the Great Salons, adjoins and diplomatic environment. Here it should be noted a bright figure Bilina. This is an outstanding personality. Bilibin wen, it is distinguished by a subtle wit. However, bilibin is peculiar full absence of patriotism, which seems to him a sign of naivety and can only cause Irony. If bilibin has an outstanding mind, then Ippolit Kuraginembodies mentaland spiritual degradationaristocracy.

Higher administrative circlesalso find themselves in the field of view of Tolstoy. Closeup thick shows Arakcheevand Speransky, and Figure Speranskydischained the most bright.

Speranski cannot be attributed to the aristocracy. it fit from the clergy. Nevertheless, he is associated with the highest circles of St. Petersburg. Speransky - peculiar symbol of the bureaucratic machine.The uselessness of the beginnings of the Speransky - in their convergence from the realities of Russianlife. It is not by chance that Andrei Bolkonsky is rapidly disappointed in the activities of Speransky.

Speransky distinguish falseand hypocrisy. Even in the family circle, he does not remove the masks from himself. Laughis he unnatural, as bad actor on stage.

The characteristic of the St. Petersburg light, diplomatic, Masonic, administrative circles has one common hell: people torn off from living life, lost contact with the people, are doomed to meaningless existence; Their human face is replaced by a soulless, hypocritical mask.

Petersburg higher Light The novel is opposed moscow nobility.

Moscow nobility is shown to thick primarily on the example Growth, their relatives, guests.

Rostoy distinguish radies,hospitality. Unlike representatives of the St. Petersburg nobility, Rostov store national traditions; It is characteristic of genuine patriotism.

At the same time Tolstoy not idealizes growth. Writer shows mismanagementold graph Ilya Andreevich, his wastefulness,idle pastimecaused by the habit of living at the expense of fortress peasants.

A wide panorama of characters typical of the Moscow naval of the beginning of the XIX century is opens around the growth of growth. Here we encounter such persons as a secular stroke Shinshin, narcissistic BergLimited by Gusar Colonel Schubert, rich bride Julie Karaginlooking for grooms.

The picture of the ancient noble Moscow reminds us of the scene from Comedy A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit".

The brightest figure from the circle of growth - Mary Dmitrievna Ahrosimova. The authority of natureconnects in Ne. with a direct mindand simplicityappeals.

Marya Dmitrievna is peculiar nelicomeric faith in God, willpower, hardness and courageous attitude to life.She does not felt that the four of her son in the army. "And lying on the ovens will die, and in the battle, God has mercy," she says, expressing his idea the proverb. Abruptly and irreconcilactly opposed Akhrosimov of the Great Sweatshit with its promiscuity of morals and the separation from the national tradition. Ahrosimov does not recognize French and speaks only in Russian.

The hardness of character and determination manifests Marya Dmitrievna in the episode with an attempt to abduct Natasha Rostova Anatola Kuragin.

With family growth related in the novel and image local nobility.

Scene of hunting, Saty fortune tellingemphasize the unity of growth with the life of nature, their proximity to the people.Rustic household installation is radically different from the metropolitan life. This entry depends on nature's lifeSubordinates church calendar circle.

The national character of the hunting scene is complemented. patriarchal Life Pattern in Uncle Manor.

Scenes in Otradnaya are important for understanding the nature of Natasha Rostova. It was here that Natasha imperceptibly assimilates the "Russian Spirit", which is found in it during the dance of uncle, as well as in the episode of the sacchard ghost, reminiscent of us about the traditions of Zhukovsky and Pushkin.

The life of the local nobility is associated with the image not only growth, but also Bolkonsky.

IN Bald Mountainsnoticeably the influence of the direction of the landlord life, which was formed in the XVIII century.Mind,education,independence of judgments and true nobility of the old prince Bolkonskycombined in it with manifestations powerand samoram.Patriotismsuvorov General intertwined in Prince with despotismin relation to others, even to his own daughter.

It is characteristic that the old Bolkonsky became hostile to the hypocritical court of the Alexander reign and watched Vasily Kuragin and a loaf of Anatoly with contempt.

FROM ekaterininskaya epochassociates the main story in the novel and formdyingcount Zuhovova. The count itself does not act in the work as an active person, it is only mentioned in the author's narration and replicas of other characters. Tolstoy draws a majestic picture of the fading of all the well-known venoms, with which it goes forever into the past past century.

With the image of noble life, the image is closely connected Alexander I.Emperor Alexander is depicted in the novel of Tolstoy "The ruler of the weak and custody"(Pushkin).

Tolstoy shows him a self-confident and narcissist on the eve of Austerlitsky battle, confused, miserable after the defeat in it. In bright satirical paints, Alexander is shown in Tilsit, at the time of his "friendship" with Napoleon.

The failure of Alexander I as a commander was clearly manifested at the beginning of the war of 1812. No wonder, Alexander refused the role of the commander-in-chief under pressure from the patriotic strength and laid it on Kutuzov. A sharp satirical barcode to the portrait of Alexander I is an episode with biscuits, which the king throws into the crowd.

So, we see that when depicting a nobility class Tolstoy is clearly opposes patriarchal, patrioticmoscowand localnobilityhigher Circles of St. Petersburg, cut off from national roots and occupying anti-people positions.

"Family thought"

A family, thoughtty, the most organic community of people. World of familythe most important sphere of human being. The family becomes the formation of a person. In the family, in children a man acquires true happiness. Happy, harmonious family - essential face the moral ideal of Tolstoy.

Revealing the family of the family in his novel, Tolstoy enters into controversy with nihilistic glancesCompleted in the 1860s, in accordance with which the family as a social institution has outlived itself. From here polemic pool of family theme In Tolstoy, especially in Epilogy novel.

"Family thought" thick reveals first of all on the example of families, Rostov, Bolkonsky, Kuragic. Other families in the novel of Tolstoy are associated with these families.

The most detailed is illuminated in the novel life family growth.This family is present in the work count Ilya Andreevich, his wife countess Natalia., their kids Nikolay, Vera, Natasha, Peter, their niece and pupil Sonya.

In the family of growth reigns "Life of the heart". Rostoy distinguish mutual love, kindness in relation to each other and to others latitude of the soul, hospitality.

Naturalness, easespecific traits Rose family. Vera Rostov with its unnatural behavior only shall with Natasha and other family members.

Junior generation growth different artistry. And Natasha, and Nikolai sing wonderfully.

Rostov is peculiar love for nature. Especially brightly, this feature is manifested in the scene of hunting in the apologist.

Rostov Chtuut National Customs, Traditions. Brightly outlined in a thick scene of the saccharges.

Proximity to the people, to national roots inseparable patriotism Growth. Nikolay Rostov elects a military field, goes to the army, because he wants to serve the Fatherland. This is distinguished by Nikolai from his comrade Boris Drubetsky, whose main goal is a brilliant career. During the abstraction of Moscow, Rostov is given their submarines by the wounded, condemning themselves to the final ruin. At the time of the partisan attack, Peter Rostov, the most young family member dies.

By giving tribute to mental generosity, naturalness, national identity, patriotism of growth, Tolstoy does not idealize this family. Count Ilya Andreevich was distinguished overmanitivity. Nikolay sometimes happens cool with yard.

Limit of mental and spiritual interests of growth Especially clearly manifested itself in Nikolay. He is alien to the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual quest. The best hero feels in the shelf, where everything solves the bosses for him.

If the family dominates the life of the heart, then bolkon's family"Life of the mind." Intellectual atmosphere Bologna family inseparable from educational traditions of the XVIII century, Catherine times. Constant work of the mind is distinguished by old Prince Nikolai Andreevich, I. Andrei Bolkonsky. Old Prince and Prince Andrey experienced an influence rationalism of the XVIII century And proved far from faith in God. Princess Marya, on the contrary, deeply believer man, fully immersed in spiritual life.

Family members of the Bolkonsky, like growth, distinguishes mutual love.but family relations are not so natural and immediatelike growth. Despotism The old prince suppresses the princess Mari, her aspirations and impulses. Princess Marree is distinguished from Natasha Rostova standard, challenge in me. Love to the neighbor manifests itself in the heroine in the deep glance of her radiant eyes.

From his family, Andrei Bolkonsky made a desire for tireless mental work, to social activities. Honesty, nobility, high moral principles are also the most important features of Andrei Bolkonsky, brought up in the family.

At the same time, in the process of spiritual quest Andrei it was necessary to overcome individualism, and rationalism, and challenge. This process was long and painful.

Bolkonsky, like growth, distinguishes true patriotism. Prince Andrei is manifested courage and heroism And in the war of 1805, and in the Patriotic War of 1812. This patriotism discovers the princess of Marya. It categorically refuses to remain under the authority of the French.

Rostov and Bolkonsky in the novel of Tolstoy are opposed to prince Vasily Kuragin, Princess Kuragin, their kids Helen, Anatol and Hippolyte.

"Cerencing, seal breed", "Says Pierre Duhov about them. False, rudeness, worn, egoism, hypocrisy - Characteristic features of this family.

Kuragin it is difficult to call the family, so disassembled, far from each other. Prince Vasily does not love her sons. "Ippolit, at least the deceased fool, and anatole restless," he says about them.

Anatrol Alien any mental and spiritual interests. All his time he spends in the couments card gameDepravate.

Helen - embodiment dishonesty, breakdown. With a living husband, she discusses the plans of their second marriage. To simplify the division procedure, it is ready to take Catholicism. Characteristic of the attitude of Helen to the Children: She does not want to have them, they do not need them. It is not by chance that it is Anatol and Helen who rendered to the perpetrators of the rupture of Natasha with Prince Andrey, her mental drama.

Hippolyte - embodiment mind minds, intellectual limitations, characteristic of all Kuragin.

Patriotism - feeling that is completely alien Kuragin. Characterized by the dismissive attitude of Anatol to the service, which, by the way, outraged the old prince of Bolkonsky during the visit to him, Prince Vasily and Son. Helen at the height of the war with Napoleon heads the oppartist salon. The life of the people, his fate is not interested in Kuragin and their environment.

Curagin family Tolstoy - fucking. From the wound on the Borodino field, Anatol dies. Elen dies. We do not know anything about the fate of the Ippolit. The life of Kuragin turns out meaningless and fruitless.

Let's call a few more young families, whose images deepen "Family's thought" in the novel, shall with the images of families of growth, Bolkonsky.

Andrey Bolkonsky is unhappy in marriage. His wife Lisa, outwardly attractive and quite a decent woman, lives in the interests of light and very far from spiritual aspirations His husband. However, Andrei himself is not always attentive to his wife, sometimes arrogant and contemptuous to her. Lack of love - main reason lack of happiness in this family. After the death of his wife, he blame himself in spiritual worry in relation to the late spouse.

Family Faith and Berg opposed to family growth. This is a bright example marriage by calculation. Newlyweds do not want to have children; Their goal is to "live for society."

Marriage Boris Drubetsky and Julia Karagina Also concluded by calculation. Caring for Julia, Boris is a well aware that he does not like his bride, but it seeks to get a huge dowry. Understands it and Juli. All this, however, does not prevent them from playing the sentimental, melancholic novel.

In a very different way, young families are depicted in the novel. Natasha and Pierre, Marya Bolkonskaya and Nikolai Rostov. In these families rear love, respect for each other, care for children.

The depth of the soul of Maryia fills some limitations of Nicholas.

Natasha is tied to Pierre, she mentally approves her husband's activities, not even understanding its content.

Natasha Rostov is depicted at the end of the novel as "a strong, beautiful and prolific female." This definition slightly shocks the reader. However, it should be borne in mind that in his novel Tolstoy half alarmed with those who claimed that the family as a cell of the society was taught their century that the purpose of a woman is social activity. In contrast to such opinions Tolstoy approves the ideal of a large mother of mother, the keeper of a family hearth.

So, we see that the "Family Thought", along with the "People's Thought", occupies an important place in the novel "War and Peace". Traveling fate of growth, Bolkonsky, Kuragin and other families, Tolstoy protects the idea of \u200b\u200bthe family itself, approves the ideal of harmonious family World the focus of eternal spiritual values.

Female characters

Women's characters in the "war and the world" are inextricably linked with the problems of the novel, with the "People's Thought" and the "Family Thought".

Turning to K. eternal problems Love, marriage, family, happiness, Tolstoy on the example of female images gives an answer and on topical questions of their time, in particular to the question of female emancipation, about the place of a woman in society.

Central women's charactersroman - that's Natasha Rostov, Marya Bolkonskaya, Helen Kuragin.These characters like Natasha's sister correlate with them. Veraand their cousin Sonya,Julie Karagina, Anna Pavlovna Shero, Mary Dmitrievna Akhrosimova, wife Andrei Bolkonsky little Princess Lisaand many others.

Natasha Rostovfavorite heroine Tolstoy. "Real life", vitalitytranslated in Natasha Rostova is more fully than in any other character. Natasha "overflowed" with life, she inspires people optimism, saves them from death, fights for their lives.

Naturalness, directness- The most important features of the nature of Natasha, brought up in it with all family signs of growth.

The image of Natasha is laid out Faith. Natashash sister unnatural, cold, it's like someone else's child in the house of growth. Unlike faith, Natasha is not endowed with external beauty, but it is unusually charming. Her beauty is internal.

Love, life and poetryinseciously linked to Natasha. One of the most important features of the heroine - her artistry. Natasha sings wonderful. Especially brightly, this line of nature of the heroine is manifested at the time when Nikolai returns home, losing to the cards. He hears the singing sister and conscious that there is something more in life than his trouble, his shame.

The heroine has not only a subtle musical hearing, but also with absolute hearing on soul Movements surrounding. From here it is amazing tact in relation to people.

Love for neighbor is the dominant feature of Natasha."The essence of her life is love," writes Tolstoy. Natasha - loving daughter, caring sister.

Until the last moment, Natasha is caught by the wounded prince Andrey. Having lost his beloved man, she returns to life to save Mother's love. We know that the news of the death of Petit shook all growth, the old Countess was desperate. And although Natasha thought her own life was over, "the love of mother showed her that the essence of her life is love - still alive in it. Love woke up, and life awoke. "

Natasha, as well as every beloved Hero of Tolstoy, talked wrong. So, being under the charm of the empty, but externally attractive Anatol Kuragin, Natasha changes his bridegroom: she is ready to run and secretly get married with Anatola.

After the mental insight, Natasha is hardly experiencing his gap with the prince Andrey, it turns out on the verge of suicide, and only care from the neighbor and deep faith in GodI woke up in the heart of the heroine, save her from despair.

Natasha peculiar natural folk feeling. Being in Otradnaya, the heroine feels the immediate proximity to the people. This is also manifested in the scene of hunting, and in the scene of the sinic fortunes.

Being visiting Uncle, Natasha performs Russian dance as if she was born with a simple peasant.

The heroine is endowed with high patriotic feeling, inseparable in her soul from a sense of love and compassion. At the time of the abstraction of Moscow, Natasha supports his father in his desire to give the supply of the wounded.

Natasha, being a wonderful daughter and sister, becomes beautiful mother.In marriage, in motherhood, in the upbringing of children, Tolstoy saw the true purpose of the woman. From this point of view, Natasha is opposed Sonewho, by the will of fate, did not marry, remained, according to the expression of Tolstoy, " empty-flower».

Knyazhna Marya Bolkonskayaalso beloved Tolstoy heroine. Very much brings it closer with Natasha Rostova: love for the near, dedication, cleanliness of moral feelings.

Externallyprincess Marya nekrasiva, however, it is endowed internal beauty. This is evidenced by a deep view of her radiant eyes.

If in Natasha, the growth external and internal principles are harmoniously combined, then the princess of Marya lives almost exclusively spiritual life. She is deeply believer man. Her love to neighbor is bordered by self-denial, self-sacrifice. True spirituality Princess Maryi is opposedhypocrisy, asianher girlfriends Julia Karagina. The goal of the latter is to find a profitable groom. Spiritual interestsfor her, only fashion mask.

Princess Marya is opposed and companion mademoiselleStorm- externally attractive, but very surfaceand frivolousfrenchwoman.

Unlike Natasha Rostova, the princess of Marya is somewhat shoven, lained immediacyin communicating with people. It is not by chance that at the first meeting with Natasha, Princess Marya cannot appreciate the nature of the nature of its future daughter-in-law.

Like Natasha Rostova, Princess Mary is characterized true patriotism. It is especially brightly manifested in the episode on the eve of Bogucharovsky Bunt, when Princess categorically rejects the proposal of Mademoiselle of Brying to remain under the authority of the French.

Like Natasha Rostov, Marya Bolkonskaya acquires true happiness in the family, in the upbringing of children.The deep spirituality of the heroine fills some spiritual limitations of her husband Nikolai Rostov. The role of Princess Maryi in the upbringing of Nikolek Bolkonsky is extremely important - the son of the deceased brother.

Helene Kuraginin marriage Bezuhova, combines the disgusting features of the whole family of Kuragin - false, hypocrisy, mental worn, egoism, debauchery, Lack of all shame.

Heroine externallyhighly beautiful, but completely legged. Her bare shoulders is a detail testifying to the external shine with an internal emptiness.

Helen does not distinguish love and dedication in relation to the near. She is busy exclusively by its selfish interests. No wonder Tolstoy calls Helen "Napoleon in the skirt."

This heroine far from ideals of family life. Coming out married, she despises her husband, frankly, no one shy, puts lovers. With live Money, Helen considers the question of repeated marriage, hesitating between two potential grooms. It is characteristic that helen does not want to have children. It is more attracted by a leafy secular life, rather than life is family.

Heroine indifferent to faith. For mercenary purposes, she is ready to go to Catholicism. Helen is rendered corrupting influence on the surrounding. It is she who contributes to the rapprochement of Natasha with Anatola. "Where you are debauchery there, evil," Pierre's wife gives his wife after the story with an attempt to abduct Natasha Anatolam.

Helen alien feeling of patriotism. During the war of 1812, she is a hostess of a pronapartist salon in St. Petersburg. The interests of the motherland, the people do not care at all. The heroine dies, not leaving the offspring. Its life turns out meaninglessand fruitless.

Consider some other female characters.

Anna Pavlovna Sherler, hostess of the St. Petersburg Salon embodies falseand hypocrisygreat life. Unnaturalness,mechanismits behavior reflects the general atmosphere of lies, doublereigning in the highest circles.

Anne Pavlovna Sherler appropriate to oppose the influential Moscow lady Marwe Dmitrievna Ahrosimov(see above).

Andrei Bolkonsky's wife Lisa- Beautiful squirt woman, far from the spiritual interests of his husband.

Let's call some women's images of representatives of the people. Bright figure is the housekeeper of uncle growth Anicia Fedorovna.She acts as a representative russian patriarchal world.

The pages of the novel outlines characters and other wonderful simple Russian women. it nanny Rostova,nanny Princess Marya, Natasha Growth Maid Dunysh, other characters.

Tolstoy talks about simple peasants and in connection with the heroic theme of the people. So, in the story about the partisan movement he mentions old Town Vasilisa, "Breaking" hundreds of French.

So, we see that in your novel Tolstoy approves ideal Mother's Women, Keeper Home Food. Ungulye against secular promiscuity and debauchery, Tolstoy affirms light image of a Russian womanEmphawing Issy moral values: deep faith in God, spiritual purity, chastity, selfless love, patriotism.

The spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre

"War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy - a heroic epic that tells about a nationwide feat in the war of 1812. The historical fate of the Russian people, primarily nobility and peasantry, make up the main content of the work. At the same time the author tells about life tracks of individual heroesthat determines the genre specifics of "war and peace" as romana.

Favorite characters Tolstoy Andrey Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov- Pass sophisticated, contradictory the path of spiritual quest.

Heroes Tolstoy looking for the meaning of life and happiness.Meaning of life, in thick, consists in the person gaining spiritual unity with other people, in a deep, sincere faith in God.

However, the acquisition of the meaning of life, according to the conviction of Tolstoy, unthinkable without personal happiness. Earthly happinesswriter sees in love, in creating a family, in raising children.

Not all the characters are thick capable of spiritual quest. Possess this quality individuals outstanding,striving for moral improvement.

Spiritual quest abilityis an important criterion for personal assessmentat fat.

The writer is important to show not only the ultimate goal of spiritual searches of heroes, but also complex, controversial path of these quest: From gaining the meaning of life to his loss, from happiness to misfortune and vice versa.

FROM Andrey Bolkonskywe first meet in St. Petersburg, in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. Then Tolstoy shows the hero at the time of the conversation with Pierre in the St. Petersburg apartment of Prince. Andrei explains to his friend, why goes to war. Hero not satisfied with secular life.It family happiness does not feel.

On the main reason for the departure of Andrei Bolkonsky to the army, we will learn later. Prince Andrey dreams of glory. He wants to be like such as Napoleon, gain your "toulon."

Once at war, Andrei Bolkonsky gradually disappointed in his dreams of glory. So, the real hero of Shengraban battle Captain Tushin almost falls into disfavor to the authorities. During Austerlitsky battle, Andrei Bolkonsky commits feat, Having headed the attack with the banner in the hands. Being seriously wounded, Prince Andrei lies on the Austerlitz field and sees against the background of an endless sky, Napoleon's insignificant figurine. Dreams of gloryappeal ghosts. The sky of Austerlitz reminded the prince Andrei about eternal. However, remembering the sample given to him by Prince Marya, Andrei Bolkonsky realizes that he still far from true faith, from God, from the mystery, the existence of which reminded him of an endless sky.

Birth of the son and death of his wife- Events joyful and sorrowful - opened new stagespiritual search for the hero. Prince Andrei decided from now " live for yourself", For your loved ones. However, quiet, calm life cannot satisfy the hero.

The first step towards the spiritual awakening of Prince Andrei becomes his meeting with Pierre in Bogucharov, their subsequent talk to ferry. For Pierre, enthusiastic activities under the influence of Freemasonry, a faith was opened in God. Andrei sympathizes the faith of Pierre, but still does not find a place for her in his heart. And yet fracturein the minds of Andrei Bolkonsky started. Tolstoy writes about this: "A date with Pierre was for Prince Andrei Epoch, which began although in appearance and the same, but in the inner world of his new life."

Following important moment In the life of Andrey Bolkonsky - meeting with Natasha Rostovain Otradnaya.

This meeting is preceded episode with old oak. Andrei Bolkonsky, examining the old and clumsy oak, with sadness thinks of the departed youth, about the meaninglessness of the present.

In the Otraditan Hero involuntarily overheard Natasha's night conversation with Sonya, penetrating the joy of life, optimismwho emanated from Natasha.

On the way home, Prince Andrei covers spring feeling of joy at the sight of the transformed old oak.In the soul of the hero again reborn faith into the possibility of activity, happiness and love.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, Andrei Bolkonsky takes an active participation in the reform activity of the Speransky. At first, this activity is fascinating the hero.

Happy Natasha again on the ball and falling in love with her, Prince Andrei disappointed in the activities of the SperanskyAnd Speransky himself seems to him vulgar and insignificant. Love for Natashafills the life of Andrey Bolkonsky joy and bright hopes.

The happiness of love lasted for a short time. Treason Natashaagain enters Andrei Bolkonsky to a state peace crisis. In this state, the hero meets 1812.

Need to protect their homelandgradually displays Prince Andrei from mental stupor. Refusing to serve at the headquarters, he commands the regiment, deserves love and respect for soldiers and officers. On the eve of the Borodino battleprince Andrei tells Pierre about his spiritual unity with simple soldiers.

Not finding its own destination in ambitious ambitions, Andrey Bolkonsky comes to true understanding of the meaning of lifethat opens to him in unity with the people. You can call culminationin the spiritual quest of the hero.

Mortarreggerer channeling the fate of Prince Andrei. By the will of Providence, he again meets Natasha and forgives her. Before deathAndrei Bolkonsky feels alienation from the whole earthly and joyful ease of being. He opens faith in God -start eternal love and eternal life.

Son of Andrei Bolkonsky, Nikoleshown in epilogue inherits the best features of his father: mind, honesty, mental nobility, high gusts.

FROM Pierrewe also first meet in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler. From the emotional Pierre's statements we learn that he defender of the ideas of enlightenment.In Napoleon, he sees a great man,outstanding statesman curled extremes of the French revolution.Pierre words shock guest visitors.

At the same time Pierre leads funny lifein the idle company Anatola Kuragin and Dologov.

Then in the life of Pierre comes turn. After the death of his father, he becomes a rich heir, his "Warming" on HelenKuragin. Pierre's wife turns out to be empty and depraved woman. After duele with Doolokhovand Gap with wifePierre turns out to be able mental crisis.

On the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg at Torzhok Pierre station masona Osipa Alekseevich Basdayev meets.It turns out that Pierre does not believe in God. Basdayev tries to awaken in Pierre faith.

Soon Pierre enters the Masonic Load. Then he rides in his estates in the Kiev province, trying to free the peasants.And although Pierre is deceived and the position of the peasants remains the same, it is important for the desire of a hero to make good deeds. The meaning of life is reopened by Pierre.

On the way home, Pierre comes to the prince Andrei in Bogucharsovo. It is famous conversation Andrei and Pierre on the ferry.SincereveraPierre in GodHis desire to do good produce an indelible impression on Andrei Bolkonsky.

However, Pierre soon cool to Masonry, seeing in it the continuation of secular life with her false, hypocrisy, mercenary interests. Pierre breaks with Petersburg masons. He leads again scattered existence, again not satisfied with life.

Participation in the fate of Natasha after an attempt to abduct her by Anatolem and rupture it with the prince Andrei awakens the moral forces of Pierre. Pierre falls in love with Natashaand at the same time it is conscious that their joint happiness is impossible.

Capable of mental confusionPierre watches cometua- harbinger of great shocks in the life of the country and in the fate of the hero himself.

Beginning of war 1812.of the yearawakens Pierre to life. Like most Russian people, it covers it patriotic Porry. Pierre takes an active participation in the formation of the militia. Then he himself rushes to the place of decisive events.

On the eve of the Borodino battlePierre is observed universal spiritual ascent. In the actions of soldiers and militia, in the words of Andrei Bolkonsky about tomorrow Pierre feels "hidden warmth of patriotism."During the battle, Pierre turns out on the battery Raevsky, observes the feat of artillery soldiers, he feels a certain great event, feels a spiritual connection with the people. After the battle, at the end of the courtyard in Mozhaisk, Pierre is aware that he wants to be "like them",wants to be a simple soldier. Thus, the Borodino battle becomes one of the climaxin the spiritual quest of Pierre.

The feeling of the involvement of "shared life", the consciousness of the need to subordinate their freedom of the Divine Will was reflected in sleep Pierrehe sees in Mozhaisk. Pierre seizes the idea of \u200b\u200bconjugation of everything is in the moral being of a person.

Upon returning Pierre to Moscow, they master the idea that it was assured kill Napoleon. Pierre stays in the captured by the French city. To kill Napoleon, the hero fails, but it makes noble deeds: in a fire saves a child,protectsfrom abuse French woman.

Pierre enters B. captivity. From the shooting he saves meeting with Marshal Davu. Pierre and Davu exchanged her eyes, they understood each other in humans, and Pierre was saved from death.

In captivity Pierre meets Plato Karataev. Thanks to Karataev Pierre comes to the spiritual life of the people, Feels his unity with other people. However, unlike Karataeva Pierre does not loseown personality. He finds harmony of personal and general.

An important point in the spiritual life of Pierre is becoming another sleep Hero - About Wonderful Globe. In this dream, he comes to feeling that life is God.The meaning of human existenceit is to love life, love God.But harder and beast love this life in your own sufferings.

Image of globe, appeared in a dream pierra symbolizes the unity of a separate person with the world and with God.

At the end of the novel, we learn that Pierre found not only the meaning of life, but also earthly happiness.Love Pierre and Natashacopulated happy family life.

IN epilgaPierre appears before us as member secret society . It is indignant by the reaction and the arakheyevshchina. In controversy with Nikolai Rostov Pierre proposed civil ideals. From now on life principle Pierre - "Active virtue."

IN Snowwho sees at the end of the novel Nikolek Bolkonsky,pierra imagemergesin the children's presentation in the image of the late fatherchild. Pierre performs in this dream as fighter for justice, carrier of high moral ideals.

Make conclusions. Favorite Heroes of Tolstoy - Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov - Pass long and complicated path of spiritual quest.

As we see, the search for the meaning of life for these heroes is primarily the process of comprehension of spiritual ties with other people, with its people. At the same time it is I. overcoming individualism, closets within our own "I", the path of knowledge true love for God and to the neighbor.

Human and nature

Man and Nature is the most important philosophical problem of the novel "War and Peace". Naturein the novel appears as independent worldwho lives a wonderful life.

Proximity to natureis an one of the main criteria for personal assessmentat fat. Favorite Heroes of Tolstoy, for example Natasha Rostov, are close to nature. Others, on the contrary, do not feel nature, do not understand her beauty.

Nature paintings accompany the most important battle scenesin the work of Tolstoy.

Finally, images of nature serve important the means of disclosing the inner world of heroes.

Union of man with nature- substantial the face of the moral ideal of Tolstoy.The writer sympathizes its "natural" characters. For example, Natasha Rostov is originally close to nature. This is especially brightly manifested in episodes. hunt in Otradnaya. Talking about the hunt, Tolstoy notes: "Natasha, without translating the Spirit, happily and enthusiastically squeezed - so shrill that in the ears it rang. She expressed all the fact that other hunters with their one-time conversation also expressed this screech. Natasha feels his relationship with nature and, leaving a common mood, gives the will of emotions.

On the contrary, during visits theaterNatasha does not understand the meaning of what happens on stage. Natasha "could not follow the progress of the opera, could not even hear music ... it was all so furiously false and unhearsalthat she gotten it conscientiously for actors, it's funny. " People sitting around her inspire her fear and bewilderment. Natasha does not feel comfortable in this fake and hypocritical atmosphere.

Unnatural, according to Tolstoy, life of St. Petersburg light. His representatives are infinitely far from nature. For example, talkin the salon, Anna Pavlovna Shershere resemble monotonous work spinning workshop.

On the contrary life of the people, on the conviction of Tolstoy, always natural. This is evidenced by the bright images of Plato Karataeva, Anice Fedorovna, Danils, other representatives of the people. Simple people living in the village do not separate themselves from the world of nature, live in accordance with its laws.

Nature theme In the novel, close associated with theme of war 1812.. Nature paintings are adjacent to the description battle scenesThe shades and complement them, contribute to the disclosure of the internal state of the person on the battlefield.

The most striking landscape associated with the theme of war - panorama of the Borodino field. "Pierre glanced in front of himself and frightened from admiration for the beauty of the spectacle," writes Tolstoy. Bright light, the purple of the morning air, the lightning of the reflections of sunlight on the water and on the bayonas soldiers, the White Church, the roofs of Borodin - this is how the writer characterizes the panorama of the battle. The beautiful landscape of the Borodino field emphasizes the thought of the writer that the day of battle is light and solemn, this is the day of the great feat. At the same time, the landscape helps Tolstoy to approve the thought of unrestricted, anti-humanity of war. The contrast between the beautiful nature and the terrifying paintings of the battle helps the writer to imitate the arbitrariness of a person who started a meaningless bloody slaughter.

Prince Andrey During the Borodino battle feels its unity with nature. Tolstoy notes that the prince in anticipation of the attack broke the "Flowers of wormwood growing on the bore, and rubbed these flowers in his palms, and sniffed to the scented bitter, strong smell." Looking at the ready to explode a grenade, the hero with longing thinks about the beauty of his world around him: "I can't, I don't want to die, I love life, I love this grass, earth, air."

Majestic description of nature opens the narration of Moscow left by residents.The landscape becomes radiant and solemn. The invasion of the enemy did not put Moscow to his knees.

Images of nature are one of the most important tools of psychological analysis At fat. Nature seems to feel the condition of a person and reacts to it.

So, one of the most important stages of spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky is an injury on the Austerlitz field. Being seriously wounded, Andrei lies on the battlefield and sees above his head painless sky. The hero is reflecting: "How quietly, calm and solemnly, not at all, as I ran ... It's not the clouds for this high, endless sky. How did I see before that of this high sky? And as I am happy, I finally found out. Yes! All empty, all deception, except for this endless sky. Nothing, nothing, besides him. But even no, there is nothing but silence, calm. And thank God!.."

Against this beautiful sky, Prince Andrew sees the insignificant and miserable figurine of Napoleon. Napoleon, a recently recently hero in the eyes of Prince Andrew, now appeared in front of him in all the insignificance of his imaginary greatness. Natureawakens in Prince philosophical reflections on the strugnure of human existence, About the vanity of dreams of glory.

On the way to the Ryazan estates of Son Andrey Bolkonsky sees oakwhich "old, angry and contemptuous freak stood between smiling birchings. Only he one did not want to obey the charm of spring and did not want to see neither spring, no sun. " Considering the old oak, Prince Andrei with sadness thinks of the departed youth, about the meaninglessness of the present. "Yes, he is right, a thousand times right this oak," said Prince Andrei, - let others, young, are again amenable to this deception, and we know life - our life is over! "

In Otradnaya Andrey, Bolkonsky involuntarily overheard night conversation Natasha with Sonya, penetrating the joy of life and optimism coming from Natasha. This conversation is preceded description of the beautiful spring night. Tolstoy writes: "The night was fresh and motionless." Above everything was "almost full moon On the bright, almost the nearby spring sky. " On this night, Natasha feels unity with nature. She can not sleep and with delight says Sona: "So it would have been squatting here, like this, I would have picked up my knees - the tightly, as it was possible, it would be necessary to fit," and flew. " Andrei heard this conversation, and the words of Natasha agitated him. "In the soul, he suddenly rose such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes, contrary to his whole life," writes Tolstoy.

Returning home, Prince Andrei again meets fromoak. But now it appears in front of him. other picture. Tolstoy writes: "The old oak, the whole transformed, spreading the tent of juicy, dark greens." On Prince Andrew "suddenly found a rapid spring feeling of joy and updates." The hero recalls the "all the best minutes" of his life, and in it again awakens faith in the possibility of activity, happiness, love. "No, life is not over the thirty-one," decides Andrei. The picture of the spring awakening nature reflects the revival of the soul of the hero.

Another hero of Tolstoy, Pierre Duhov, in a state of mental confusion observes cometuasymbol of the comingin the life of the country and in the fate of the hero himself.

So, we see how important in the "war and the world" question about the connection of man with nature. Proximity to nature is an essential criterion for moral assessment of the person in the novel. With nature, the topic of war of 1812 relates: nature paintings are complemented by battle scenes. Nature, in addition, is an important means of disclosing the inner world of heroes.

Artistic peculiarity of the novel "War and Peace"

Genre 1

Work Tolstoy connectin itself, traits romanaand epopea.

As you know, the novel is based on fate before in total individualand epic is a work in which fate is comprehended whole nor. Tolest connected in its work both starts - and epic, and nomanic.

The main thing in the product is thick the heroic theme of the people.It is she determines the meaning of "war and the world" as epopea. Awarding the grand historical events, the pictures of the great battles, especially the Borodino battle, the majestic landscape, extensive historical and philosophical retreats of the author detect the features of "war and peace" as epopea.

"War and World" carries traditionsworks of ancient Russian literature, in particular military Test.Motive of the nationwide feat in the name of the rescue of the Russian landrates the work of Tolstoy with the "Word about the regiment of Igor".

Topic of Moscowalso performs in "War and the World" as epopean theme.Tolstoy gets closer to the people's consciousness in relation to Moscow as the heart of Russia.

At the same time, the thick-novelist is important to comprehend the formation and development of individuals of individual heroesin their independent being.

Originality"Wars and the world" as a novel is that it is not one and not two main characters, but many heroesrelated to among themselves personal destinies.

"War and World" has features of historical novel. It is narrated by O. real historical events and faces.

The originality of the "war and the world" is that the pictures of the era of the Napoleonic Wars are not the background of the narration, but independent on the value of the composition of the composition.Recall the meaning of the images of Kutuzov, Bagration, Napoleon, Alexander I in the work of Tolstoy.

"War and World" also has family Romana features. Here are told family historyRostov, Bolkonsky, Kuragic.

It's novel philosophicalin which Tolstoy understands the most general issues(Life and death, meaning of human being, history philosophy).

This is I. psychologicalroman marked by the scrutiny of the writer to the inner world of heroes.

"War and Peace" as a novel and "war and peace" as the epic are closely related to each other. The general course of the narrative in the product is determined by the development of historical events. According to the exact observation of A.A.Saburova, culmination of historical narration- story about heroic feat People in the war of 1812 - is at the same time the decisive moment of the plexus of the fate of individual heroes in their highest development.


Narrationthe most important element of the composition"Wars and the world." It has in the novel, in accordance with the classification proposed by A.A.Saburov, many varieties;this, in particular, historical and documentary narration, narration based on artistic fiction, narration, recreation processes mental life heroes; It should be noted here to note such forms of narration as Epistolar(for example, Correspondence Marya Bolkonskoe with Julia Karagina) and diary(Diary of Pierre Probrachova, the diary of Marya Rostova's Graphon) varieties of narration.

In addition to the narration, the most important elements of the composition of the "War and Peace" composition are the author descriptionsand reasoning.

Scenic episodethe main element of the composition "War and Peace".It consists of scenic dialogueand copyright remarks. Scenic episodes in their sequences form narrative flow. The scenic episodes are located other composite elements - the author's narration, as well as descriptions and reasoning.

In "War and the World" many plot lines.

Two main storylines They are given in the title of the novel. The first part of the first volume refers mainly to the theme of the world. It serves as an exposition of the main plot lines of the work. Here draw pictures of the life of social circles to which the most important heroes belong. Tolstoy depicts the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler, introduces the reader with Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezuhov, shows the life of Moscow, the family of growth, dying Count of Nukhov, then transfers the reader to the bald mountains. The first transition from the world to war is marked by the Grand between the first and second parts of the first volume of Roman. In the second part of the first volume, the heroic theme of the people, which will be developed in the third and fourth volumes.

The second volume is almost entirely dedicated to the world, the third Tom - War. Starting from the third volume of the theme of war and the world is constantly intertwined among themselves. Personal life of heroes is included in the flow of events of 1812. In the fourth volume, the topic of war is declining, the theme of the world again begins to dominate.

Within two main lines, war lines and world lines, in the novel allocated private story-thematic lines. Name some of them. This is the topic petersburg nor, Anna Salon Pavlovna Sherler, Circle of Prince Vasily Kuragin and Helen, Circle Anatol Kuragin and Dologov. These are plot lines associated with fate Andrei Bolkonskyand Pierre Zuhova. it rostov family line.

Separate storylines reflect fate Natasha Rostova and Nikolai Rostov. We also call the storyline associated with life in the Bald Mountains, with the history of the old prince Bolkonsky, with the fate of the Princess Marya. In addition, we note lines of Kutuzov and Bagration, Napoleon and French, as well as theme of Freemasonry.

Transitionfrom one storyline to another is carried out, as a rule, by the principle of antithesis. Antithesisthe most important composite reception In "War and the World".

Important in the novel of Tolstoy acquires scenery. Landscape at Tolstoy is always an element of a large and solid picture of life.

An important place in the composition "War and Peace" occupy author's retreats - historical, journalistic, philosophical.So, at the beginning of the third Tom Tolstoy considers the question of the role of personality in history. Important role Play the reflections of the author before describing the Borodino battle. At the beginning of the third part of the fourth volume, the retreat of the originality of the partisan war is of particular interest. A significant part of the epiloga is occupied by the philosophical retreat of the author. Author's retreats enhance the epic beginning "Wars and the world."

"Dialectics of the Soul" (principles and means of psychological analysis)

The term "dialectic of the soul" introduced into the Russian criticism of N.G. Chernyshevsky. In the reviews on the early works of Tolstoy Chernyshevsky, noted that the writer takes everything more " mental process, his shape, his laws, dialectics of soulTo express my definition term. "

"Dialectics of the Soul", according to Chernyshevsky, is direct image of the "mental process".

In addition, there is also the wider understanding of the "soul dialectics". "Dialectics of the Soul" is general principles and specific means of psychological analysisin the works of Tolstoy.

Consider some general principles "Dialectics of the Soul" in "War and the World".

Tolstoy depicts the inner world of man in constant motion, in contradictory development. "People are the essence of the river, a person - a fluid substance," wrote Tolstoy. This thesis can be illustrated by the example of the spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Lamb. Heroes are constantly looking for the meaning of life, their inner world is constantly changing. Image of the mental state of Andrei and Pierre - important aspect "Dialectics of the Soul."

Note also tolstoy interest to the turning point, crisis moments in the spiritual life of a person. The inner world of Tolstoy's heroes is often revealed at such moments (Pierre in Torzhok, Andrei Bolkonsky under the sky of Austerlitz).

The most important feature of the psychology of Tolstoy - close connection of external events with the inner life of characters. We note, for example, the value of events such as the birth of a child and the death of his wife for Andrei Bolkonsky. Recall the role of the war of 1812 in the spiritual life of heroes.

We also note some specific funds and techniques Psychological analysis at Tolstoy.

The main means of psychological analysis in the novel of Tolstoy is internal monologue. We give examples.

After breaking with his wife and duel with Doolohov, being in a serious mental state, Pierre leaves Moscow and goes to St. Petersburg. Having stopped at the postal station in Torzhok, the hero with sadness reflects on his life: "What is bad? What well? What should I love to hate? Why live, and what is me? What is life that death? What power manages everything? "

Having carried away by Anatola Kuragin, Natasha is in a state of mental confusion. "Oh my God! I died! She told she. - How could I admit before it? "

Being seriously wounded, Andrei Bolkonsky reflects on his new look at the world. "Yes, I have opened a new happiness, an integral person," he thought, lying in a half-walled quiet hollow and looking forward with feverishly opened, stopped her eyes. - Happiness, located outside the material forces, outside the material external influences per person, the happiness of one soul, the happiness of love! "

Sometimes the inner monologue of the hero goes into "mindflow", i.e chain memories, impressions, logically connected with each other. For example, Tolstoy transfers the inner state of Nikolai Rostov during its first battle on the Ens River: "In me, one and this sun is so much happiness, and here ... moans, suffering, fear and this ambiguity, this hasty ... here again screaming something, and again everyone ran somedoes back, and I run with them, and now she's she, death, it is necessary, around me ... I will never see this sun, I will never see this sun, , this gorge. "<...> "And the fear of death and stretcher, and the love of the Sun and Life - everything merged into one painful-anxiety impression."

Important means of psychological analysis at Tolstoy - monologues and dialogs Heroes. Communicating with each other, the heroes of Tolstoy are often divided by their innermost thoughts. For example, the words Andrei Bolkonsky, addressed to Pierre, sometimes acquire the character of confession. At the beginning of the first volume, Andrei Bolkonsky explains to his friend, for which he goes to war: "For what? I dont know. So it is necessary. In addition, I am going ... I'm going because this life I is here, this life is not for me! "

We give another example. In a conversation with Andrey, Pierre expresses his opinion on the meaning of life: "That's what I know, and I know that it is true that the pleasure of doing good is the only true happiness of life."

An important means of psychological analysis also become letters Heroes. Let us give a correspondence of the princess Mary Bolkonskaya with Julia Karagina. In a letter, the spiritual world of Christian girls is revealed in the letter, her sincere faith in God and selfless love of neighbor. And on the contrary, reasoning about the new-fashioned mystical exercises, which we find in the letter of Julie seem to be empty and filled with secular manners.

An essential means of disclosing the inner world of the hero can also be called diary. A bright example is a diary that Pierre led in the period of hobbies by Freemasonry. By the way, the autobiographical moment takes place here: from 1847 and until the end of his days, Tolstoy himself conducted a diary, which became the creative laboratory of the writer. In the diary Pierre we find hidden thoughts Hero about life and death. Here reflected his mental experiences, dreams, memories. Note also diary Countess Marya Growth, whose fragments are given at the end of the work.

Sleep - A special means of psychological analysis in the novel "War and Peace". Especially it should be noted two dreams Pierre. He saw one of them in Mozhaiskafter the Borodino battle, the other - in captivity. Dreams are symbolic.

Sleep, seen by Pierre in Mozhaisk, gives the feeling of the relationship of "shared life", the consciousness of the need to subordinate their freedom of the Divine Will. Pierre seizes the idea of \u200b\u200bconjugation of everything in the moral of human being.

An important point in the spiritual life of Pierre becomes another dream - a dream about the globe, seen by the hero in captivity. In this dream, Pierre comes to feeling that life is God. The meaning of human existence is to love life, love God. But it is harder to love this life in your own sufferings. The image of the globe, which appeared in a dream, symbolizes the unity of a separate person with the world and with God.

Note also son Nicolenka Bolkonskyat the end of the novel.

An important means of psychological analysis in the novel "War and World" - image inconsistencies between the internal state of the hero and the external manifestation of this state.

For example, Nikolay Rostov, losing a huge amount of money in the map of Dolohov, informs the father about it, although he feels the last scoundrel.

We give another example. After a break with Natasha Andrei Bolkonsky speaks with Pierre about politics, but in the shower continues to worry this gap. Pierre at the same time feels that his friend's thoughts are not at all about politics.

Tolstoy in its work, as a rule, does not give expanded psychological portraits of heroes. From here - especially psychological detail. Usually, this is a repetitive detail.

We give examples. The radiant eyes of the Princess Marya Bolkonskaya reflect the depth of her faith in God and selfless love of neighbor. The cold view of Dologova testifies to the egoism and the cruelty of the hero. The bare shoulders of Helen Kuragin - a detail, emphasizing the peculiarity of the heroine in her external beauty.

Often the inner state of the hero is transmitted through description of nature.

For example, the sky of the Austerlitz is a symbol of eternity, against which Andrei Bolkonsky becomes a clear judgment of his dreams of glory.

Two meetings with the old oak give the mental state of Andrei before and after his first meeting with Natasha Rostova. Andrei Bolkonsky, examining the old and clumsy oak, with sadness thinks of the departed youth, about the meaninglessness of the present.

In an apologen hero, Natasha's night conversation was unwittingly overheard, penetrating the joy of life, optimism that emanated from Natasha. On the way home, Prince Andrei covers a sense of joy at the sight of a seplent old oak. In the soul of the hero again reborn faith in the possibility of earthly happiness.

Make conclusions. Tolstoy acts in the novel "War and Peace" as a psychologist writer. An image of the inner world of a person in constant motion, controversial development, interest in the turning point, the crisis moments in the spiritual life of a person, the close connection of external events with the inner life of the characters is the most important principles of "Dialectics of the Soul".

Tolstoy uses in its work such means of psychological analysis as an inner monologue, a monologue confession, dialogue, letters, dreams, diary records. The writer depicts the discrepancy between the inner state of the hero and the external manifestation of this state, transfers the movement of the hero's soul through the descriptions of nature. A repeating part is played in the psychological characteristics of the characters.

Questions and tasks

1. Where and when was L.N. Tolstoy born? What class did he belong to? Tell us about the childhood writer, its upbringing and education. Writing what philosopher especially interested in the future writer? What is the idea of \u200b\u200bthis philosopher was close to a young fat? What role in the life and work of Tolstoy played his diary? In what period of life did he led him? Tell us about the participation of Tolstoy in the Caucasian War and in the defense of Sevastopol. In which year and in what journal was the first story from the autobiographical trilogy of Tolstoy? What was it called? What side of the writer talent of Tolstoy manifested itself in his first story? Name two other works from this trilogy. What works of Tolstoy were devoted to Sevastopol defense? What the topic becomes the main in Sevastopol essays and then one of the leaders in the novel "War and Peace"? What topics are comprehended by the writer in the novel "Family happiness" and in the story of "Cossacks"? What is the meaning of these topics in the subsequent work of Tolstoy? What a large work creates Tolstoy in the 1860s and what is the main idea? How does this idea mean in the novel "Anna Karenina" - the central product of the Thick 1870s? What was the fracture that occurred in the worldview of Tolstoy in the late 1870s? What the most significant works wrote Tolstoy after a fracture?

2. What is the originality of understanding the fat problems of the modern era in the "War and the World"? Outline the main topics of the novel. What "worlds" recreated a writer in his work? Formulate the main ideas of Tolstoy, embodied in the "War and the World", and comment on them. Why is the idea of \u200b\u200ba natural being of a person not becoming a thick absolute moral ideal? How is the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual unity of Russian people mean in the novel? What is the difference between Tolstoy from Dostoevsky in understanding this idea?

3. What is the originality of the embodiment of the "thought of people" in the novel "War and Peace" compared with works about the Russian people of other writers - Tolstoy contemporaries? What did the writer understand under the word "people"? What are the faces of this concept reveal in the "war and the world"? How is the "People's Thought" associated with the genre of the work? What aspects of "people's thoughts" thinks Tolstoy in his novel?

4. What was the fatalism of Tolstoy in understanding historical events? How, in what words the writer formulates its understanding of the role of personality in history? What criterion introduces tolstoy to the assessment of historical figures? What episodes that describe Kutuzov and Napoleon detect copyright For these faces? What conclusions do Tolstoy about Kutuzov and Napoleon?

5. What is the meaning of opposition to Tolstoy War of 1805-1807 war of 1812? How shows the writer Shenagraben and Austerlitsky battle? Name the most important episodes of these battles and comment on them.

6. Tell us about the episodes of the war of 1812 preceding the Borodino battle, and about their interpretation Tolstoy. What is the meaning of the author's retreat, directly preceding the story about Borodino battle? Tell us about the impressions of Pierre Duzhova on the eve of the battle. What is the meaning of two episodes describing Kutuzov and Napoleon before the battle of the Smolensk icon of Our Lady and the posiction of the French emperor in front of the portrait of the Son? How Tolstoy draws the morning landscape before the battle? What episode in the image of the Borodino battle is central? How are ordinary soldiers and Pierre in this episode? How is Tolstoy depicts Napoleon and Kutuzov during the battle? What pictures show cruelty, uninstalistic of the war? What conclusions do Tolstoy on the results of the Borodino battle?

7. Why can the restraint of Moscow be called a high epic topic? How Tolstoy Draws autumn landscape At the time of the restoration of the ancient capital? What kind of symbolic importance is the picture of the fire of Moscow?

8. What metaphor thick defines the partisan movement? How Tolstoy paints his participants? Which side shows the fat people in the face of Tikhon Shcherbat? What episodes appeared humanity of partisans, ordinary Russian soldiers against the French?

9. What are the parties of the Russian national nature in the form of Plato Karataev? What is the basis of the worldview of this character, his relationship to others? As the figure of Karataev with Napoleon's figure correlates ideological content novel? What can you say about Plato's speech? What role was Plato played in the life of Pierre Zuhova?

10. Name other representatives of the simple people in the novel "War and Peace", briefly describe them. What is the ideological load in the work of Tolstoy carries the image of Bogucharovsky Bunt?

11. What layers of the Russian nobility depicts Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace"? On the example of what characters the writer shows the highest Petersburg light? What exactly does Tolstoy dominate representatives of the Great Society? How Tolstoy draws "Golden Youth"? What is the ambiguity of the image of Dolokhov? In which key is shown in the novel by Freemasonry? What are the highest administrative and diplomatic circles appear in the image? Stay on the images of Speransky and Bilibin.

12. What is the peculiarity of the life of the Moscow nobility, the family of growth and their environments? What is the life of Muscovites fundamentally different from the greatness of Petersburg life? What are the characters of Moscow residents create a fat in his novel?

13. Tell us about the life of the local nobility on the example of Rostov and Bolkonsky. What is the originality of the manor life of each of these families?

14. What is the symbolic meaning of the image of the dying graph of Zuhovova? What role does the image of Emperor Alexander I play the novel? Which side shows it tolstoy?

15. What is the meaning for a fat "Family thought"? Why was the family problem so relevant in the 1860s? What is the position of Tolstoy regarding the family in public disputes of that time? What is the originality of the family world, Rostov and Bolkonsky? What features brings these two families? What is the identity of each of them? Why are Kuragic hard to even call the family? Why can Kuragin's clause be considered fatigue? How Tolstoy depicts young families in the novel? How is the family of a female mother connected with the theme of the family?

16. List the most significant female images in the novel "War and Peace". Tell you in detail about Natasha Rostova and Princess Marie Bolkonskaya. What features come closer and what are these two heroines distinguish? How do the images of the faith of the Rostova, Sony, relatives relate to them, Juli Karagina? What is the shown to Tolstoy Elene Baughzova? Briefly describe Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Marwe Dmitrievna Ahrosimov, wife Andrei Bolkonsky Lisa, as well as female characters from the people.

17. What exactly does the meaning of spiritual quest Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Zuhova sees? What are the heroes are looking for in their lives? What are you striving for? Name the main stages of Andrei and Pierre's spiritual quest, comment on them. What spiritual values \u200b\u200btake part of each of the heroes: Andrei - before death, Pierre - in the epilogue of the novel? What is the role in understanding the results of spiritual quests of two heroes playing the content of Sleep Nicholya Bolkonsky at the end of the work?

18. Tell us what role the nature is playing in the "war and the world". How does the thought of the thicker about the natural being of a person relate to the theme of nature? Determine the basic functions of nature descriptions. Name and comment on several landscapes in the novel.

19. Analyze the genre peculiarity of the "war and the world". How in the work combined the features of the novel and epic? Which features of what literary genres are we observing here?

20. Consider the composition "War and Peace". What types of narration can you mark here? What is the main compositional element of "War and Peace"? What does it consist of? Name and comment on the main story-thematic lines of the Tolstsky novel. What role in the work is played by the descriptions of nature, author's retreats? Give examples of different copyright content.

21. Which Russian critics first used the term "soul dialectics"? What did he understand under this? Does the concept of "soul dialectics" look more widely?

Name and comment on the basic principles of Tolstoy in the image of the inner world of a person.

List the means of psychological analysis used by Tolstoy in the "War and the World". Give examples from the text of the novel.

22. Make a detailed plan-abstract