Popular seals. Sea borders of Russia in the Black Sea, the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and the Kerch Bridge

Popular seals. Sea borders of Russia in the Black Sea, the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and the Kerch Bridge
Popular seals. Sea borders of Russia in the Black Sea, the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov and the Kerch Bridge

Krasnodar Territory - part of the Russian Federation, which is known and popular with its resorts. Basically, people come here to relax in the period from mid-May and until the end of September. There are about 420 sanatoriums that offer their services. Sochi, Anapa and Gelendzhik can be attributed to the main seaside resorts of the Black Sea coast.

Settlements - settlements and cities on the Black Sea coast in Krasnodar Territory on the map.

This article will be discussed not only about the most famous resorts, but about all that are in the Krasnodar Territory.

Detailed map of the Black Sea coast

Map is very big and detailed. Increase it for convenient viewing. So looks on the map.

Resorts of Krasnodar Territory on the map


The village is famous for its wonderful climate, as well as a huge number of different attractions.

Single attention deserve rocks new ones that are almost near the village. Various sporting events are constantly held here. Abinsk is perfect for lovers of supernatural, because it is known for the presence of abnormal zones. Also located here is the famous Chapsug grave.


One of the most famous resort towns of Russia in the Black Sea. Surprisingly, but 280 days a year in Anapa shines the sun. Here is one of the longest sandy beaches in Europe. The greatest period of influx of tourists - from May to October. The city has a huge number of attractions and relaxing sites. The resort is considered an ideal place to relax with children.

Absheron district

Absheronsk is a city that is popular with lovers of outdoor activities in the settlements of the district. Here are constantly organized hiking in the mountains. And of course, in the city, beautiful air and wonderful nature.


The city is relatively young, he is only 115 years old. The climate contributes to rest in the summer season. The maximum influx of tourists is expected here in the period from May to October. Infrastructure is well developed in the city. This is the most popular resort in the Krasnodar Territory. In popularity with it, only the resort of Sochi can be compared.

Hot key

One of the oldest resorts, which is located 60 kilometers from Krasnodar. Hot key is popular because there are more than ten mineral springs.

The resort is also featured by clean air and chic landscapes.


The city is famous for very hot summer. In July, water heats up to + 25 degrees. The beaches are not located in the city, but on the braids that go straight into the Black Sea.

Here is the Lake Yeysk, which is the source of therapeutic dirt.

Mostovsky district

The biggest attraction is the biosphere reserve, which has international significance.

Mostovskaya district is considered the southeast gate of the entire Krasnodar Territory.

There is insanely beautiful nature and unusually clean air.


The most beautiful city, which is attended by millions of tourists annually.

Infrastructure here is developed no worse than any modern city of Europe.

There is also a large number of architectural monuments, because Novorossiysk has the status of a hero city. The city has the largest water park on the territory of the Russian Federation.


This resort does not require a big description, because everyone knows about him. Sochi is one of the most famous resort resorts on the Black Sea and in the world. Here is an incredibly developed infrastructure since the days of the Soviet Union, however, the Winter Olympiad gave an additional impetus in its development.

It is believed that a person who once arrived in Sochi will want to return here in the future, because here you can find entertainment for every taste. No wonder, many sports stars and show business prefer to spend holidays not in foreign resorts, but in beautiful Sochi.

Next to this Black Sea resort is a lot of settlements less than Loo, Vardane, Head, Host, Kudepsta, Adler.

Temryuksky district

The city of Temryuk is perhaps the most picturesque resort, because it is washed at once with two seas: black and Azov. The village of Golubitskaya and the settlement of Peresyps are popular places among the holidaymakers. Here are wonderful sandy beaches, relatively cheap accommodation, there are plenty of interesting attractions and entertainment (Lotus Valley, Mud Volcanoes, Dolphinarium, Fanagoria Winery and Much).

Tuapse district

This place is considered one of the most environmentally friendly on the Black Sea coast.

There is a huge number of settlements of Krasnodar Territory, resorts, recreation bases and sanatoriums. If a person wants to improve his health, and at the same time to relax from the big city, then Tuapse district is exactly what you need.

The resort zone of the Tuapse region stretched on the map more than sixty kilometers.

A large number of resorts of the Krasnodar Territory that you see on the Black Sea coast offers holidays for every taste and budget size. Therefore, everyone can make an optimal choice for perfect rest.

The options are really many - from expensive 5 star hotels in Sochi (Swissotel Resort Sochi Camellia or Radisson Rosa Khutor) to the possibility of cheap to relax in 2016 in the private sector of small towns on the sea coast - Kabardinka, Abrau-Durso, Gianhot.


Anyone in our country knows that the most popular sea in summer holiday is the Black Sea. His shores are hundreds of cities and thousands of resorts. It arrive here every year, three million tourists come and come. And if you count how many rest on the seashore savages, then the figure may well go to five million! In order not to get lost on vacation and choose the best place, you need a new map of the Black Sea coast of Russia with resorts. A detailed interactive map will help you find all resorts that are on the shores of the Black Sea. You can see the cities, villages and villages, in which you can stay on vacation and spend the best days of summer holidays.

Black Sea big. His water is washed by the coast of Russia, the Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania. It can be said that it is on this sea that the most popular and visited resorts of the world are located. On each shore, its own infrastructure, its beaches and their weather. Today we will talk about our shore, on which there are resorts.

The Black Sea is located in such a way that it practically does not freeze. Very rarely, you can see the ice on it. Basically, it happens off the coast, when in January it is strongly cold. Most often, the ice is from Russia, but it's not there with the Turkish side, since even in winter, warm winds are blowing from the Asian and African side. In the summer months on any seashore is hot. Air temperatures reach +35 and higher. And the average temperature per year is +22 degrees. But, unfortunately, during the winter months, it is impossible to bathe on one bank of the Black Sea, including from the Russian shore.

The most important resort of Russia on the Black Sea - Sochi. The city has always been popular with tourists, and after the Winter Olympics, it has become an even more visited resort. What came here to come in winter to ski and walk through the beautiful city.
Perhaps the hottest city on the Black Sea coast - Tuapse. In the summer months, the air warms up to +37 in the shade. And in August, when the heat peak comes, and up to +42 degrees. Sometimes it seems that the sun shines so low above the city, which is about to fall on you. In such hours, and this is a lunch clock. It is better not to stay outside. After all, the sun not only warms and burns, it also blinds. Especially on the beach, when the sun's rays are reflected from white sand.

Despite the fact that on the coast of the Black Sea, thousands of resorts, there are only two airports. The first is in Adler and is considered sochi airport. And the second is Gelendzhik. So tourists mostly prefer to get to their resort on the train to avoid unnecessary movements. After all, it is very inconvenient to fly in one place, and then getting to the bus or expensive taxi you need.

Also do not forget about Anapa. This is the same resort town on the Black Sea. Nearby is the airport, which is very convenient. True, he is somewhat away from Anapa, but still closer than if you have traveled here by train.
After the Crimea returned to Russia again, we have gained resorts that are on the Black Sea. First, it is Yalta, which has always been popular with tourists, even in the USSR. Next is Sevastopol and Evpatoria. Every year the resorts of Crimea attend more and more tourists from Russia.

Interactive map with resorts.
To present in more detail what and where is located. Next, we offer you a new interactive map. It already marked the resort and most important cities on the Black Sea coast. You can click on any sign and see detailed information about the place and photography of the city. Map can be increased and see everything in detail. What you need. And if you want, you can make changes to it and save it on your computer.

After the joining of Crimea to Russia, there have been changes in marine borders in the Black Sea. As a result, most likely, the South Stream gas pipeline will go on another route. In addition, Russia acquires new opportunities for exporting its products through the port in Kerch. It is interesting to get acquainted with the cards of new borders. In the Black Sea, 12 nautical miles from the coast are the territorial waters of the state, 250 miles constitute a special economic zone. Under the 2003 Agreement on the Azov Sea, territorial waters of countries are limited to a 5-kilometer zone, the rest of the water are in joint economic ownership. In addition to this, you can see the project of a new bridge connecting the Taman Peninsula with Crimea. The Kechic Solving of the Greeks called the Bosphorus Kimmerisky, but the Solving of the Greeks separating the small Asia from the Balkan Peninsula was called the Bosphorus Thracian.
P.S. I think, few people know that the legendary Kolkhida Argonauts was located at all in the swampy Georgia, as some philologists naively believe, and ... on the shores of the Phracic Bosphor ("Bull Pass"). The ships of the ancient Ahetans were called beads ("bulls") or minotaur ("bulls of Minos") - that's why this strait was so named, sometimes sea ships Ahaeis called hippocampa ("by sea horses"), so there were images or heads of the bull on the nose Or the head of the sea skate. The Black Sea The ancient Greeks were called Putt Evksinsky ("Sea-hospitable", and the Phoenicians with the Northern Sea (Ashkenas). But we turn to the colchide after a careful study of the path of Argonauts, which was the golden fleece - the goal of their travel ...

1.Rars of Russia and other countries in the Black Sea to the accession of Crimea
2. Borders of Russia and other countries in the Black Sea after the joining of the Crimea

3. Oil and gas fields in the pool of the Black and Azov Seas and Sushi
4. Kerch Strait and crossing with mainland Russia in Crimea
5. The border in the Black Sea between Ukraine and Romania after the decision of the UN International Court of February 3, 2009, when Romania passed 79, 4% of the controversial territories of the oil and gas shelf

Krasnodar Territory is located in the south-west of the North Caucasus. The Krasnodar Territory map clearly shows that the region borders on the sea with the Crimea, on land - with the Stavropol Territory, the Rostov region, the Republic of Abkhazia, Adygea and Karachay-Cherkessia. The region is washed by two seas: black and Azov. Area of \u200b\u200bthe region - 75,485 square meters. km.

The Krasnodar region is divided into 38 municipal districts, 26 cities, 411 villages and 12 urban-type settlements. The largest cities of the region - Krasnodar (administrative center), Sochi, Novorossiysk, Armavir and Yeisk.

The economy of the Krasnodar Territory is based on agriculture and processing industries. Interestingly, the region is the oldest oil-producing region in Russia. In addition, the Krasnodar region is the main supplier of valuable trees. The regional economy has improved significantly due to investments related to the 2014 Olympics in Sochi.

Historical reference

In 1860, the Black Sea Cossack army was located on the territory of the modern Krasnodar region. In 1917, the Kuban region was formed, which in 1937 was turned into the Krasnodar region.

Must Visit.

On the detailed map of the Krasnodar Territory from the satellite, you can see the main resort cities: Sochi, Anapa, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Adler, Yeisk and others. It is recommended to visit the Waterfalls of the Krasnodar Territory - a large Alegois Waterfall, the County ruins, Agur Waterfalls, Gebeus Waterfalls and the Gorge of 40 Waterfalls. Among the natural attractions are also allocated: Mount Lertzova in Abuska, Abadzek gorge near Absheronsk, Mud Volcano Akhtaniz Sopka, Cape Chugovpass and Dagomyssic trough.

It is necessary to visit the museum of champagne in Abrau-Durso, the Archaeological Reserve "Gorgippia" in Anapa, water parks Gelendzhik, on the beaches of Jehete, in the old park in Kabardinka, on Mount Shahan in Krinice, on the Withy Lake in the Mostovsky district, in Riviera Park Sochi and the Lermontov Museum in Taman.

Interactive satellite map of the Black Sea coast of Russia

Map of the Black Sea coast of Russia online

(To see road maps and cities, you need to increase the map using the + icon and drag the map to the required area)

Other interesting maps of Russia can be found in our articles:

Not satisfied with rest, the Russians are drawn here, mainly because here "almost all of our", Russian-speaking. And the distant countries tire the cortic English speech of the Tube Tsens. On the Black Sea coast you can find the beaches for every taste. Starting from the Sochi sandy, ending with the small pebble of the Divnomorsky.

Black Sea coast on a common map

It is easy to find here and large-haired, well, these beaches are in love mostly nudists, vacationers, as a rule, as a rule, away from the densely hugged beaches. He trades with pleasant wines, local Slavs and fruits, especially if you arrived at the right time - the velvet season.

On the Black Sea coast of Russia, the high-rise zonality, since the Caucasian ridge will approach the larger part to the shore. Accordingly, lovers swim and sink, can in the process of rest and climb on the rocks and even in the mountains, enjoying the difficulties and beauties of local stony ledges.

One thing is only worth adding peach plants, as well as plums and vineyards, everyone is in whose possession. Personal property. And the owners are very unrevlorous to meet cheerfully penetrating the exotic fruits of wild tourists. Screams, or even dogs or salty from a shotgun. To see the Caucasian hospitality better, go to the owner and buy fabricated fruits. And they will cost every 5 cheaper than on the market, leaving everyone satisfied.


In the areas of the beaches, the losses of things often occur. Who will lose hours who are coins. You can do a good business if you buy swimsuits wholesale, since these items are lost for some reason most. Especially in the evening. If you bring a batch of swimsuits of missing ultraviolet rays from you, they will tear them with hands, giving three prices, because no one loves white stripes on the body.