How many years Bilan is now in. Dima Bilan - biography

How many years Bilan is now in. Dima Bilan - biography
How many years Bilan is now in. Dima Bilan - biography

Details Created: 08/18/2016 17:48 Updated: 09/29/2017 22:51

Dima Bilan is a popular and very charming Russian singer, actor, and just a talented person. Below you learn all the details of the privacy of the star, his biography and see interesting photos.


According to sources, the date of the stars December 24, 1981 In the small town of Moskovsky (Karachay-Cherkess, RSFSR JSC). Nationality is Russian (although some argue that he has east roots because of his unusual appearance). Received when birth name - Viktor Nikolaevich Bellan. Then with time (in 2008), Victor will change his name to the stage - Dima, because in his interviews more than once argued that he always wanted his named Dimka, as a favorite grandfather.

Father in youth and now

The boy was born in the family of ordinary workers. Father (Nikolai) - all his life worked with an engineer and a mechanic, and Mom (Nina) - cared for plants in the greenhouses, and then became a social worker. Dima is not the only child, he has little sisters: the elder Elena (born in 1980) and the youngest Anya (about 1994 was born). Today, Elena is married (Hennady Zimin's husband) and successfully works by the designer, and the younger Anya - now lives in America, is engaged in music and even writes songs, and removes clips.

Junior sister Anya

Dima's childhood passed as in ordinary children. The only fact that when Vitya was small, parents with children often changed their place of residence. At first they moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and several years later, the Mayan and boy had to change friends all the time.

Dima as a child with his sister Elena

When, Dimka was in the 5th grade, parents decided to give it to studying at school of music (he studied the game on the accordion), especially since the boy really liked it. Being school, little artist Already begins to take part in various competitions, where he receives his first awards. After graduation, submits documents in music school them. Gnesini, And after three years - comes to training in Gitis.

A family


According to the media, a breakthrough in the career of a novice singer was that on MTV Russia launched his first video clip on the song "Autumn". The sponsor of the filming was the producer of Dima - Elena Kan.

Video clip on the song "Autumn"

Then he acts as a contestant in the project "New Wave" (2002) and occupies an honorable 4th place. At first, the young singer works with Yuri Aizenshpis (his producer), removes many clips, writes singles. A P.the dust of the death of a beloved producer had some conflicts with a new director and recording studio, but soon the scandal was hushed up.

At the competition "New Wave"

Big role in the career young singer Played participation in international Competition Eurovision.At first he tried to get to the competition in 2005, but in the qualifying round, took 2 place (he was ahead of Natalia Podolskaya). Then, in 2006, he experiencing fate a second time and receives a cherished ticket to the Eurovision Finale. But here, he was confused again, because he ranks second (he was ahead of the group Lordi from Finland). Then, in 2008, Bilan is experiencing his fate for the third time and with the song "Believe" takes all the same 1 place.


Thus, according to the media, he becomes the first contestant, which brought the victory of Russia to Eurovision (before and after that, so far, no one managed to repeat his feat).Two times to conquer the scene "Eurovision" he is trying in 2012 (this time in a pair with Yulia Volkova), but again does not pass the qualifying round (took 2 place).


Bilan has many earned awards (he has so much to count them, because he is a truly talented guy. Albums:

2003 - "I night hooligan ";

2004 - "on the bank of the sky";

2006 - "time-river";

2008 - "against rules";

"I'm a night hooligan"

2009 - "Believe ";

2011 - "Dreamer";


2013 - "reach";

2014 - "Alien ";

2015 - "Do not be silent ".

"Do not be silent"

Singles who conquered the hearts of millions of television viewers:

  • "NEVER Let You Go "(2006);
  • "Believe "(2008);
  • "Dancing Lady "(2009);
  • "Catch my colored dreams" (2012).

"Catch my color dreams"

He voiced one of the heroes (Hans) cartoon "Cold Heart" (2013). Also, showed himself as an actor. Starred in the following movies: " Star vacation"And" Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"(2007);" Golden Key "(2009);" Theater is absurd "(2011);" Hero "(2016).In 2017, a picture will be released with his participation - "Gardenairines IV".

Trailer for the film "Hero"

Interesting Facts

His the growth is approximately 182 centimeters, and the weight is about 75 kilograms. The magazine "Glamour" acknowledged him several times a man of the year. According to the media, the singer member of the LDPR and soon plans to become a cosmic tourist. The star has two names, because for fans it remains always Dima, and for parents - Viktor.

Star loves leisure, as well as communication with friends in nature. Also, according to sources, Dima loves to eat tasty and therefore it is practiced on the kitchen on its own (prepares with soul).

Personal life

Dima has always been an enviable fiance and pets of women. Many have dismissed dirty gossip that he has a non-traditional orientation, and all because of the scandal with the Timati reference (he accused Dima in the use of drugs and hinted that he was gay). But these are just only gossip, and the singer himself feeds weakness to the beauties.

According to the media, he had a long novel with a model Lena Kulecksky. They met for many years, but it did not reach the wedding.

Dima with Lena Kulecki photo

And then, new rumors appeared, about his love adventures With another model Julian Kryonova. But Dima calmed fans, stating that they are just friends.

with Julian Kryonova

Then she changed her model Adeline Sharipova. In 2012, he was attributed to the novel with the singer Yulia Volkova, who lasted for a short time.

with Adeline Sharipova

I also walked rumors that Bilan met for a long time with a simple girl inna Andreva (coach medical gymnastics). Allegedly, the older sister of Bilan shared this information with journalists. The press artist did not tell anything about her, because she is not from show business. For popular creative manAccording to his producer, an ordinary girl from the people is not suitable as a wife (this should be sure to be a star), otherwise the public will not understand such relations.

with Yulia Volkovo

According to sources, today the heart of Bilan is free, and the wife and children are missing. The celebrity claims that his girl should be loyal, bright, dynamic, understand his profession, give freedom and all his life be a mystery to him. Really dreams to have their children, but not yet found perfect woman Which would like to create a family. In one of the interviews, he stated that his tight working schedule does not allow to create a real family and he would not want his chosen to feel lonely because of his profession. Therefore, family creation is postponed for the future.

Dima Bilan is one of the most popular musical performers of our country. In addition, he is also a talented composer. Many Bilan remembered as the most resistant performer for the entire period of Eurovision. No other singer went to the contest again after he took the second place. But Dima Bilaan was not enough - he wanted victory. The desire to be the best can be traced in all its creative activity. Ambolism and hard work brought him first place, and next year our country met musicians from Europe's expanses in the capital. For an excellent performance at the competition, the musician's name was called school music in Native Karachay-Cherkessia. Rambler called Dima Bilan the most popular person in Russia. The biography of the artist colorfully illustrates that there is foundations.

All photos 12.


We have long been accustomed to the fact that the musician is called Dima Bilan. His name can often be found on the bills of virtually any city country. But in the Certificate of Birth of the Musician, he is as well as Viktor Nikolayevich Bellan. To work on stage, Victor took a pseudonym, and in 2008 officially changed his name in the passport. Dmitry - the name of the native grandfather Bilan, to which the performer was very tied. In ornament, he often told his parents that he wanted the same name as grandfather.

Mom Bilan gave birth to a future talented artist in the village of Moskovsky, in Karachay-Cherkessia. Dima was born at night 24.12.1981.

Bilan's father, Nikolai Mikhailovich, was a lock engineer, mother, Nina Dmitrievna, conducted working days first in the greenhouse, and later left the social sphere. Dima is not the only child, he has an older sister Elena, working fashion designer, and younger sister Anna.

When a little then, Belan went for the second year, he moved along the Naberezhnye Chelny family. After 5 years, Belans replaced the place of residence. The new home was the Mayan, the town in Kabardino-Balkaria, where Dima Nikolayevich went to his first school line.

Simultaneously with the transition to high school future star Estrades go to study in the class of game on the accordion. Dima is actively involved in all endeavors and acts at concerts. In 1999, the boy goes to the scene at the Moscow Festival called Chung-Changa. Diploma at this event Bilan is delivered by Joseph Kobzon himself.

After graduating from school, the singer submits documents to the State Museum. Gnesinic, where mastering the profession of the vocalist performer. After graduating from the university, Bilan decides to continue their studies and gives the exams in Gitis. Yes, it is so good that he is not immediately credited to the first, but for the second year of study.

The first video "Autumn" enters television in 2000. The clip is captured by the means of producer Elena Kan and presented on the Russian TV channel MTV. Dima Bilan's concert debut took place at the New Wave in Jurmala in 2002. Then he was noticed by his next producer Yuri Aisenshpis. Bilan won the 4th place with the composition "Boom" on which video clip was shot. The video for the song "I Night Hooligan" and other fresh hits came out after him.

Bilan immediately won the attention of the listeners with its unusual texts. An extraordinary appearance and manner of behavior in the frame was also his hand. Already next year, the first album of the young singer arrived on sale, and in 2004 a collection of "on the bank of the sky" was recorded. In the same period, Bilan begins work on the first record on english language. And next year, the light of the singer's clips and the fresh single, dedicated to the new year, saw the light. Bilan received two "gold gramophones" at the ceremony of the same name.

Unfortunately, 2005 became a significant for a singer not only because of success in the work and nomination for the premium "W.M.A." as best artist Russia. September 20, the producer of Dima died.

In 2006, the Contractor breaks cooperation with the produce office of Aizenshpis and goes under the wing of Yana Rudkovskaya. Success continues to accompany him in creativity, despite the loss of the mentor: in Kiev at the event "International Remunerations of Music" Bilan declare the singer of the year.

In 2007, Bilan on the MUZ-TV premiums awarded immediately in three nominations with the adjective "best": for the album, composition and as a performer of the year. On the "Russian Music Awards" singers also award: for best songas an artist and singer of the year. Forbes ranks Bilan to the top three in the most expensive and popular inhabitants of the Russian Federation.

Dima Bilan on this moment recognized as a deserved artist of several republics, including its malaya Motherland. Relatively recently, the musician joined the LDPR. In 2012, he became a mentor musical project "Voice" on the first channel, and also tried himself as a big movie actor. The debut took place on the filming of the film "Hero".

Personal life

The singer has always been the object of romantic dreams of girls. His first strong love He met at the New Wave Festival. Bilan with the beloved stayed together for three years, after which they broke up. Later, Dima will say that this parting was very influenced by his work and gave him an impetus for development.

Then there should be a series of fleeting hobbies, while the singer did not meet the model Lena Kulecksky. They stayed together for a long time, Lena was filmed in the singer clips, and the press was still a rumor about the ambulance and allegedly already made proposal. However, to a considerable surprise of the surrounding and joy of fans, the couple broke up, declaring that their relations were only mutual PR. So it was in fact, or the couple is simply tired of the annoying attention of the press, it remains a mystery.

After parting with Kuleck Bilan, the model of Julian Krylova, who starred in his "Safety", is often seen in the society. Earlier in the clips of the singer, exclusively Lena was filmed, so that the appearance of a new girl in the video served as a reason for discussions. However, the musician claims that only friendly relations have always been associated with Julian.

At the moment, Dima with his head went into creativity, sacrificing the sake of music with a personal life. As the singer says, his work is very important for him and requires a huge self-dedication, so that the forces and time for a full-fledged relationship simply remains.

These are not taken to the astronauts! Yes, he did not really want: always dreamed of singing and on the pop sky Dima Bilan - a star. And already in 25 years he had everything: numerous awards, top positions in charts, millions of fans and enviable stitch in Forbes. Eurovision and remained conquered only to him - the only musician on the expanses of our immense country.

Dima Bilan is in demand and today he has not only the role of singer, but also the actor, a mentor, a participant in television projects and one of the most mysterious figures of show business. His heart is free, he is young, talented, rich, sexy and sincere. Admits that there is no time for serious relationships. Workaholic, not refuses new projects, and they are more and more interesting every time.

It seems that he is everywhere and everywhere: besides dense concert Activities, does not miss the seasons of the TV project "Voice" on the first channel, the New Year's Anthem of Coca-Cola now sounds in his performance, and the charitable performances in support of sick children have not been passing without his participation. And yes, the Olympic fire in Rio passed through his hands: Dima Bilan does not miss the opportunity to light the heart of Russian athletes, among whom he has friends.

His state of health even recently appeared fears from his fans, but the singer assured that he feels good after a trip to Iceland. He drastically changed the image - she shaved his head, lost weight, matured and all this for a short role in the series "Gardemarina-4".

People's Artist Kabardino-Balkaria

In 2006, he became a deserved artist, and in two years later. So his homeland, Kabardino-Balkaria - appreciated merit. Dima Bilan then turned 25 and he was at the peak of his popularity.

He was born in the small town of Ust-Jahut, but after a year the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, where the head of the Nikolai Mikhailovich family of Belan was invited to work at the plant. Nina Mikhailovna brought up two weather of the weather: daughter Elena and Son Victor. His first birthday in 1982, he noted in new apartment in Tatarstan.

The story of how Victor Bellan changed the name and surname well known for his fans. He told in an interview that he had always dreamed of becoming an artist, he sang since childhood, and when he went to large scene He took the name of his grandfather and restored historical justice. The family legend states that the passportist made a mistake in the surname, because the ancestors were bilan.

In five years, the family again changed the place of residence: at Kabardino-Balkaria. Grandma lived there: Mom Chapter Family. Vitya went to school, and in one class with his older sister. The guy was smart, prettifying, and later thanks to his talent and the soul of the school. He performed on all holidays: singing for him was the meaning of life. Helped to decide on the choice of the future singer in the vocal teacher, which successfully went to the class to select gifted children for learning in a music school. True, Viti's parents had to persuade her for a long time: his father did not agree to such an adventure, he saw in the sown of the same technica himself. Although the exact sciences of Victor were not without difficulty. Only for the fifth grade Parents surrendered: the guy entered the music school in the Accordion class, but soon he was transferred to vocals.

The trips to numerous contests and festivals began, but they did not interfere with their studies: a talented student brought the awards and glorified the town.

The first real costume to access the scene was sewed at 17, before going to the competition to Moscow. The invitation to the Chung-Changa festival has become a test for him. Because initially the contestant collided with difficulties: they collected money on a friend (as a result, the director of the school helped), and in the capital he did not meet his relative. Again helped kind peoplethat borrowed a guy for the night.

Good luck accompanied him at the festival itself. He not only received a golden statuette and diploma, but also met with good peoplewho played his life a fateful role. The family of queen will shelter him at the beginning of his new period of life - Moscow. The guy, inspired by the victory and ten days of saturated metropolitan life, promises to return and conquer the musical Olympus.

Moscow, how much in this sound ...

At 19, Victor came to the capital: Oranges in every way supported the young talent, offered to stop at any time convenient for him. They advised to go to Gnesink. He chose the class of academic vocals and passed the competition at once, although at one place of applicants was up to 30 people. He was given not only an angle, but also participated in his fate.

The head of the family tried herself in show business and offered Viktor support. Although he thought at all about another person who seemed great and inaccessible: about Yuri Aizenshpis. He was already 55 years old, and behind the shoulders of tremendous experience in the promotion of "Cinema", Kati Lel, Linda, Vlada Stashevsky and many other famous world names of music.

They met by chance, in one of the casino, where Victor led Konstantin Zapin, but then the legendary producer did not pay any attention to them. So debut songs "Autumn" passed unnoticed. And the video, although I got on MTV, but did not make the weather.

Somewhere at this time, Victor took a pseudonym, which glorify him and will appear in the passport. Name changed and other changes: began independent life, Samples in all castings, and in the second year he moved into a hostel. Later he told that he had never repented in this step, although his life was not easy: he burst out between studying, workload and nightclubs when invited to speak. In this mad rhythm flew another year.

Only in the third year, he used his chance. At the party of the famous magazine, noting Yuri Aizenshpis, he tried to pay attention to himself. That was not easy. But since then, they no longer parted: the tandem was formed, despite the fact that the new was not the only "project" of the master. However, it was only for the benefit of the singer, speaking on the same platform with the guys from the Pop Group "Dynamite".

Almost father

Under the patronage of Aisenshpis, they soon shot the clip, directed which Fyodor Bondarchuk. The song "Boom" was almost the only one in the repertoire of the singer. He went with her in the summer of 2002 in Jurmala to conquer the famous scene. The debutant of the popular contest of young performers was waiting for an explosion of emotions and fateful meetings. He, of course, did not enter the triple of the winners, but " New wave"The country watched on TV and about a modestly dressed guy spoke. He was happy and from the fourth place, and from the enormous competitive experience gained, and from familiarity with celebrities.

Speeches began: at the beginning of private parties and joint concerts. A year later, he recorded a solo album called by main song - "Night Hooligan." By the way, with this song, the many years of creative cooperation of Gauchet Tidze, chosen from the top ten director, began. The clip was shown on MTV, which added fame and fans to the executive in the circulation. Bilan deftly grabbed the bird for happiness by the tail and held firmly until 2005 - a dormant in his fate.

The rabid rhythm, asked Aizenshpis, led Bilan to high steps of ratings. He recorded a couple of albums and several commercially successful clips, taking a number of musical awards and the honorary title of "Sex Symbol". In addition, in this stormy period, he graduated from Gnesink and immediately entered the second higher - in Gitis - on the actor.

He managed everywhere and everywhere: in the winter of 2004, a test was held in the "Fair Factor", which was filmed in Argentina. Popular TV transmission added to him fame. The audience was observed as he bravely ride a rope at a huge height and eats strawberries together with flies.

That year, he released the second album "on the bank of the sky", in whose records took part foreign composersWhat they wrote hits for famous world stars. The clip of the main song was shot by the Italian team in Venice, and his partner became a model from Poland. Until now, this work is considered one of the most beautiful, and the song from the eponymous album is one of the most lyrical, no wonder the singer received the "golden gramophone" for it and was named the best performer of the year according to MTV.

Bilan was embarrassing: the audience could see him in the Tele2 advertisement, on the covers of glossy magazines, he became a welcome guest in prestigious parties, willingly sharing his creative projects With reporters broadcasting it not only on musical channels, but also in the news. And he was something to say: his next album "Time-River" was preparing for the exit (in 2006, he will receive the "MUZ-TV" award) and debut on Eurovision.

Time stopped in September 2005 - Bilan was preparing for the MTV awards ceremony when he learned about his mentor Yuri Aisenshpis, "Almost Father" - how he later would write in autobiographical book. He died at the age of 60 from the heart attack on the evening of September 20. And the next day, incredible efforts and with the support of friends, Dima went on stage for a reward. He was accompanied by the son of the producer Mikhail, and on the sleeve of the singer, the audience saw a mourning bandage.

Say that evening concert, dedicated memory Producer, became one of the best in creative biography Dima Bilan.

Golden Boy

The tragedy knocked out of the gauge, but life made and this is the test. Yana Rudkovskaya helped, with whom they introduced Aisenshpis two years before his death. She told detail about it in an interview, and then in the book. Yes, she invited Dima Bilan to a private party and soon penetrated his work. He offered to become the face of her boutiques of clothing, which were then the only in Sochi. Thanks to her husband, Dima has an apartment in Moscow, a car and stage costumes. Yana claimed that the famous producer introduced them not just so, and overlooking the future. And this is the future in one moment hereby: she turned out to be the man who extended his hand to help in a difficult situation. But it was not possible to call himself producer Dima Bilan.

The story of how the copyrights of the head of the producer and his new patronage were shared and his new patronage went around all the newspapers. Dima Bilan skeptically referred to the defaults of the widow, believing that it was impossible to convey it with the contract. But according to the law, she had the right to project "Dima Bilan", proving that her deceased husband created him and income from his professional activity. The press mainly found out the relationship of Yana Rudkovskaya and the lawyers hired by it.

Dima Bilan fought on another front: in the qualifying round for Eurovision. True, he took the victory from Natalia Podolskaya, because most of the Russian audience preferred her song "No one would hurt each other," and Dima Bilan became second. But on the world musical arena, it was underestimated: Podolskaya brought only the 15th place from a prestigious competition. On Konou stood a performance on Eurovision-2006. And Bilan just did not give up so much, by this time was already superpopular, collected stadiums. The tribute to the competition was given to him the first channel according to the results spectator sympathy. The first place was slipped away from him then, although the result turned out to be more than impressive: he ranked second with the song Never Let You Go.

As Yana Rudkovskaya says, this victory has become their common and she got the moral right to name themselves by producer. But the copyrights were still questionable.

Show business also followed the development of events. It was rumored that after successful for Eurovision, the singer's fee rose to $ 50,000, and for the year according to Forbes, he earned more than $ 3 million. Bilan was called the Golden Boy and did rates - who would come profitable business. Moreover, the third challenger and the new appeared soon scandalous story: Yana Rudkovskaya began a marriage process. It ended in 2008, after a dirty information war, which only concerned Dima Bilan. This name for this time in his passport was already officially, putting a cross on the project of the same name. And without a pseudonym, he was preparing once again to speak at Eurovision, all the stages passed and took the first place. His Believe sang the whole country, and Bilan entered her story as the only one who was able to take this previously impregnable for Russian performers International Music Olympus.

His name stood in the top three leaders of Russian pop celebrities, he was invited to the jury of various contests and festivals. There was an active tour and studio activity, numerous shooting, records in the hit parades, and anchlags, the army of fans. Soon the fourth album "Against Rules" and the second without Iizenshpis. And again - incredible success. By the way, Bilan is still a record holder in the number of MTV music premiums.

A year later, another album, but already in the English-language version - Believe, in the creation of which Timbaland and Jim Beanz took part. This work was also marked by a number of awards and premiums.

However, on the global level, he came out not only as a musician. For readers of the Billboard magazine, he began to write a column from which fans of different continents recognized private details from his life, creative plans and opinions about the events of not only the world of music.

The singer is known and as a benefactor: it is constantly involved in joint concerts, auctions for the treatment of children. In the book, he explained his impulse to help those who need the fact that there are no children, but even if they were, he would not stop helping.


The acting education obliges. Debut in the movie fell on Arthaus Cinema. The main role was proposed by the director Maxim Adriatin in 2010. Dima Bilan spoke back in two hypostatas: like a producer and as a co-author of the idea. The ten-minute picture was removed on the rock ballad "he wanted." Bilan sings and argues on philosophical themes, sharing closest people in the spirit of famous people. After entering the screens, Dima Bilan has more intelligent fans.

On the 30th anniversary, in 2011 his book comes out and, as critics assure, captures from the first pages. In it, everything: from the first exit to the scene and about all the peripeties of show business. She wrote to a slight syllable and shot with sincere moments. The year was generally very successful: numerous interviews, concerts and main of them - in Crocus City Hall, where relatives, friends, colleagues on the workshop and fans gathered. The hall for six thousand seats was filled, the singe told a compliment and gave gifts.

The audience was pleased and his participation in the special issue of the program "Let them say". A kind of artist benefits pleased many. And a year ended with another record: Dima lit up in 16 new Year's show On various TV channels. It was a success that he is unlikely to repeat.

But it was necessary to consolidate his position on the top of the show business and Bilan went on a tour of Russian cities and weighs. For four months, he visited 45 cities, every morning woke up in a new place. Hard rhythm, the load he stood. Not only fees, but also fan clubs, like mushrooms after the rain appeared on the country's expanses, became a bonus.

And in the spring he pleased his fans with the release of the new, sixth album. His "Dreamer" brought him the title of "Artist of the Year" and took the top position in various ratings.

And of course, again - "Eurovision". The presentation of the song with the former "tattoo" Yulia Volkova blown up the Internet. They sang the "bitch-love" and the audience gave them the first place, but in terms of the number of common points they went out only for the second. But he still took part in it along with the winners of five years.

And in the summer he gave a grand concert in the Chaikovsky hall. And he performed not only his hogs, but also complex opera parties. Surrected by him then many, applauded standing!

The 2012 Year was also the fact that he opened Bilan as a mentor in the show "Voice", which the artist is no longer one season. It's separate interesting page In his creative biography.

Two albums came out in 2012 and 2013, after that there was a musical pause, although Bilan continued to live a tense life. Olympiad, show "Voice", recording new singles, but the most unexpected is an invitation to a major role in the picture "Hero". The brave lieutenant turned out to be convincing, noble and passionate. What is the film without love, separation, betrayal and despair? By the way, in an interview, Bilan said that the proposal to act not in Kameo, but to take the real dramatic roleHe was alerted, but the director Vasilyev doubt dispelled. They talked a lot and talked a lot while the actor did not have an understanding of the role. And then, everything went like oil.

The shooting took place in Vilnius and Paris, Bilan completely plunged into the atmosphere of the beginning of the 19th century, having come together with the artists, wore chinel, spinning, jumping on horseback and waved her checker. It was very cheated by these filming daysHe could look at the time on the other hand. She told that two minutes who entered the film were filmed for several days. He understood how the details, the nuances were important, was able to make the impeccability, which was sulking, shed seven sweats. And he was pleased that he refused a dense touring schedule in favor of himself.

The film came out in 2016, they bought several countries. But the criticism was ambiguous, although Dima Bilan did not have any complaints.

It is concerned that he was offered a role in the next film "Gardearins-4", but so far he did not give such an official confirmation. Although his fans argue that if he had to grow up a thick beard for the role of Lieutenant Dolmatov, then for the new role, the artist shaved his head.


He built a house in the suburbs, put a tree on the lawn and not against getting off the offspring. His personal life, especially lately, is closed. In Instagram, he tells about friends, creativity, relatives. His younger sister Anna lives in America, he often visits her. They have a difference of 13 years old and the elder brother in every way she takes. Anya, together with him, sang back in 2010, but then went to America, and for the brother was a pleasant surprise to find out that she was seriously engaged in vocals. She sent him a link to the track, which was talking about in an interview with a singer, but never asked him any help. By the way, she has a personal life, Dima says that she meets with an excellent boyfriend and in general she has many friends there. And his older sister Elena has long been married, she has a boutique of clothes that she sells under his own brand. FROM younger Brother She has a close relationship, however, whether children are unknown. Most likely, no, because Dima Bilan immediately invested her sister's success in his instagram. He loves to share the luck of the sisters, with warmth comments on the photo where they are together. But the responsibility and care, he manifests the younger, which as two drops of water looks like him. And if they ask about his personal life, it consistently replies that until he enters the people of Any, does not even think about their own family.

Long-term relationships, five years old, he has only one girl - Elena Kulecksky. They met at the airport in Paris, when the 25-year-old Dima flew to Moscow, and she - to Germany on shooting. At that time she did a career model, and after a few years, achieved success. And then by chance, the photograph of Elena turned out to be among the contenders for filming the video of Dima Bilan, and he not thinking, chose her. They met for five years, but in breaks between tour and casting. Dima even publicly said that if he won the Eurovision contest, then she would make her proposal of his hand and heart. He, of course, won, but by this time changed his mind, or both were constantly busy, whether they turned out to be different people. Elena got married three years ago, lives in France and is waiting for a child from his beloved husband.

He was attributed to novels with a classmate on Gnesink Yulia Lima, after he laid out joint photo In instagram, where they are in America. But no continuing followed, and the story was forgotten. In general, they say that Dima is able to be friends with girls, among which are famous and famous. And he is so constantly surrounded by children: his charitable shares and shows "Voice. Children "gave him to fully feel all responsibility for little manto which it seems the artist is not ready yet.

Although for the Yana Rudkovsky family and Evgeny Plushenko, he became a truly close friend, agreeing to become great father their baby.

Rumors about HIS non-traditional orientation Also went, but the singer ignored them. The only thing that has recently made a comment is rumors about his death. The media extended the information that Bilan is sick, and after a while they reported a funeral. But the artist was not offended, on the contrary, said that the sign is good and he will live to old age. But there are health problems. Bilan reported about them in the media before leaving Iceland for treatment. He complained about the spine pain, doctors diagnosed hernia, who did not give him the opportunity to bend and keep something in their hands. He may have affected his rabid loads, many years of inappropriate, or corset, which he had to wear in the heat under a woolen overcoat on the set.

But he passed a long course of treatment and assured that he feels great. And already in May of this year, a clip was presented to the song "Maze" at the request charitable Foundation Natalia Vodonaeva. Children's topic now takes more and more space in his life.

Dima Bilan. (name and surname at birth - Bellan Viktor Nikolaevich) - Russian singer and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2018), Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2006), Honored Artist Chechnya (2007), as well as People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2008).

Dima Bilan represented Russia twice at the Eurovision Song Contest: In 2006, with the song "Never Let You Go", taking second place, and in 2008 with the song "Believe", taking first place. He became the first singer from Russia who won the Eurovision.

Childhood, education

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moskovsky (part of the city of Ust-Jeguut) Karachay-Cherkess JSC.

Father - Nikolai Mikhailovich Bellan - first worked as a mechanic, then by graduating from the institute, became the engineer-designer at the KAMAZ plant in Naberezhnye Chelny.

Mother - Nina Dmitrievna Bellan - There was a worker of a greenhouse economy, then he passed to work in the social sphere.

Dima Bilan has two sisters: Senior - Elena Bellan-Zimin (1980), younger - Anna Belang (1994). Photo little Dima You can see the family on his website, like a photo with a letter already at school.

Singer Dima Bilan with Sister Anna Bellan (left) and parents (photo: TASS / Global Look Press)

As stated in the biography of D. Bilan on his official website, "on the very first day of his life, the baby was drawn to a serious intrigue. Since he possessed a pronounced Caucasian appearance, Nina Dmitrievna began to be afraid that she was the only Russian woman in the maternity hospital - the Son was replaced, inadvertently confused with some other newborn. Fortunately, the obsuchors dispelled her doubts and calmed down. "

Dima Bilan in childhood

When the boy turned year, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. After another five years, Dmitry's parents moved to the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic to the Mayan city.

Learning in fifth grade high School, Vitya (he is the future Dima) entered the music school, which he graduated from the Class of Accordion. Young Dima Bilan was an active participant in various musical competitions and festivals. The talented young man in the "Young Votes of the Caucasus" contest was able to take first place. Then D. Bilan became the laureate of all sorts of festivals, including " Morning Star»In Stavropol.

IN official biography The singer says that love for the songs from Bilan from the grandmother on the maternal line, which worked in the chore thirty years. In the school, Dima could serve a song right in the lesson.

In 1998, Dima Bilan (then Vitya Belang) came to Moscow to participate in the Chung-Chang festival dedicated to children's creativity and the thirtieth anniversary of joint activities Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanova. And again the award - the young performer received a diploma from Joseph Kobzona.

In 2000, Dima Bilan entered the State Music School named after Gnesini. Specialty - Classic vocals.

Studying in the school, D. Bilan takes part in festivals and various musical competitions. In addition, in 2000, his video clip on the song "Autumn" fell into the rotation of the MTV Russia channel. In 2001-2002 Dima Bilan became the laureate of the festival "Festos". Along the way, living in a hostel, he worked in the clothing store.

Home Career Dima Bilan

Latvia. Jurmala. IN concert Hall "Dzintari" in Jurmala yesterday passed the first qualifying round (Ratro Hang on native language) At the international competition of young performers of popular music "New Wave". In the picture: Young contestant Dima Bilan from Moscow, 2002 (photo: Anton Denisov / Tass)

The first producer D. Bilan became Yuri Aisenshpiswho immediately saw the talent in the young man. In 2002, Dima debuted at the New Wave Festival in Jurmala, where he ranked fourth.

At the end of October 2003, Bilan's debut album was released called "I am Night Hooligan".

2004 D. Bilan was very favorable in creative terms. The first album was reissued ("Night Hooligan +"). Then the second studio album Dima Bilan called "on the bank of the sky", which became successful. It included songs "You should be nearby", "Mulatto", "on the shore of the sky", "Congratulations!", "How I wanted," for which clips were removed. The 2005 album reprint entered the English versions of three songs.

Singer Dima Bilan and producer Yuri Aizenshpis, 2004 (photo: Sergey Uzakov / Tass)

The post of the first English-speaking album of the singer began. In the work on the album, together with Dima Bilan took part Dian Warren and Shaun Eskoffury.

Dima Bilan and Yana Rudkovskaya, 2009 (PHOTO: Alexei Pantsikov / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

On September 20, 2005, misfortune happened - the producer of Bilan Yuri Aizenshpis died. After his death, many producers offered Dima contracts. In 2006, Dima left the company Aisenshpis, who began to lead his widow Elena Kovvorigin. However, the company demanded that Bilan change the name, since Dima Bilan is a pseudonym that belongs to the company. But together with a new team, at the head of which Yana Rudkovskaya stood, Bilan allowed the conflict and since 2008 he took a pseudonym as an official name. By the way, the name Dima singer chose himself not by chance: Dmitry was called Bilan's grandfather, whom he loved. Since childhood, the singer said that he wanted him to be called Dima.

Two premiums " Golden Gramophone Award", The prize of the first channel for participating in the project" New songs about the main thing "brought Dmitry 2005. And in the same year, in the sphere of show business, Dima became a man of the year according to the version of the search engine "Rambler", and in 2006 D. Bilan on music contest In Kiev, the title "Singer of the Year" was awarded. Then Dima became the laureate of MUZ-TV (three awards - " Best album"," Best composition "and" Best performer of the year").

Singer Dima Bilan during the filming of the New Year's project "Old and New Songs about the main thing" (left); at the presentation ceremony music Prize Golden Gramophone, 2006 (photo: TASS)

Songs " It was love», « The impossible is possible"And" Number One Fan.»Headed Russian charts during these years.

Unprecedented success accompanied Bilan - he entered the top three most expensive and popular people in Russia, according to Forbes magazine. In the news show business, Dima became a permanent character. The photo of the singer went well. D. Bilan starred nude for the cover of SEX and tHE CITY. And in the news discussed how Bilan shared these photos with colleagues.


In 2006, the "Channel Channel" chose Bilan to submit Russia at the Eurovision Contest 2006, held in Athens. Dima Bilan took second place with the song "Never Let You Go".

After just two years, in 2008, D. Bilan at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 took the first place with the song "Believe". On May 24, 2008, Dima performed in the final of the competition together with Evgeny Plushenko and Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton. Dmitry became the first Russian singer who won the Eurovision contest, receiving grand Prize - "Crystal microphone."

Russian singer Dima Bilan won Eurovision 2008 (photo: DPA / TASS)

In the village of Moscow in Ust-Jugut school of Music It was named after Dima Bilan.

Continuation of career

Singer Dima Bilan at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2012 premiums ceremony in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (PHOTOS / TASS)

Success everywhere followed talented singer. Dima Bilan became ambassador "Sochi-2014". The artist received a diploma May Fashion and entered the top 100 most beautiful people Moscow-2009. Fifth time D. Bilan received a prestigious MTV Europe Music Awards award in the "Best Russian ACT" nomination.

In 2009, the fifth studio and first English-speaking album Bilan "Believe" came out. On the photo for the cover of Bilan in some jeans standing, putting hands on the sides with tattoos.

In 2010, Dima Bilan recorded the duet with american singer Anastian. The song "Safety" they recorded in Los Angeles at the Chalice Recording Studio.

A real extension in the network produced a video, imprinted as Alla Pugacheva and Dima Bilan performed hit "Loving people do not repent." The performers have broken the applause of the evening guests and enthusiastic user comments. But the fans noticed not so much on the song and its original feed, as in the photo, where the pants are too tight in the photo.

In 2011, Dima Bilan released the album " Dreamer", in 2013 - " Rather" The audience appreciated such songs as " I just love you», « Kid», « Sick with you"And other hits.

Dima Bilan (Andrei Dolmatov) in the frame from the film "Hero" directed by Yuri Vasilyeva (PR: PR Agency Sarafan / Tass)

IN last years D. Bilan took an active part in interesting projects - "Ghost of the Opera" (2011), made a mentor of the project "Voice" (2012-2016). From 2014 to the present - the mentor of the project "Voice. Children". And lately, the singer decided to test himself in the movies. The high-fledged debut of Dima was the historic film "Hero", the events of which occur in Russia the times of the First World War. Character Bilan - Rothmist Andrei Dolmatov.

Singer Dima Bilan on the set music program "Voice" (PRAVDA KOMSOMOLSKAYA / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

Also in the filmography D. Bilan "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors", "Golden Key", "Theater of Absurd". In the near future, the continuation of the trilogy "Midmiarines, Forward! ", In which Dima will also play.

"I was surprised and delivered a proposal to play in the film" Gardemaryna 1787 ", because I not only have the opportunity to get acquainted with the legendary people of cinema of Russia and the USSR, but also to play with them in iconic film", Dima Bilan shared in an interview.

President Vladimir Putin in 2018 assigned Dima Bilan the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The corresponding decree was published on the official portal. legal information.

"For merits in the development of domestic culture and art, many years of fruitful activity to assign the honorary title" Honored Artist of the Russian Federation "Bilan Dima Nikolayevich - Artist, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic," the document says.

Political views of Dima Bilan

In 2007, D. Bilan became the official member of the LDPR. Nevertheless, Dima in the same year took part in the framework of the election campaign company "Fair Russia". And in the 2012 presidential election, Bilan supported Vladimir Putin's candidacy.

because of gastro activities In Crimea D. Bilan was introduced into the database of the site of the Ukrainian "Peacemaker", which constitutes the lists of citizens accused of "illegal" crossing the border of the "uncontused". Therefore, he could not visit Eurovision 2017 competition in Kiev. However, the student of Bilan - Bulgarian Christian Kostov - charming spectators there with strong vocals and an expressive number. By the way, Kostov also caught in the speech in the Crimea in 2014, but the SBU did not become urgently removed bulgarian singer From the competition, since he was in Artek before the adoption of the Ukrainian law on the crossing of the border with the Crimea.

Irina Khakamad and Dima Bilan starred in the photo project "7 mortal sins", 2012 (PRAVDA KOMSOMOLSKAYA / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

Health Dima Bilan.

Any change in the appearance of a public person, and even more so, the favorite, causes excitement. Recently, Dima Bilan became Lysim. A new way, the singer frightened the fans who decided that the head of their idol caused the disease. And when Dima decided to spend their vacation in Africa, many thought that he would be treated on a black continent.

"We must come up with this - Dima Bilan flies to Africa to treat the disease! Probably to Dr. Aibolit, not otherwise! God forbid you all health, but I'm not going to pay attention to all stupid bloggers, "and added that it flies to Africa for new impressions, and not for treatment.

The singer Dima Bilan (real name - Viktor Nikolayevich Belang) was born at midnight on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moskovsky, Karachay-Cherkess, RSFSR JSC.

The artist officially changed its name on the pseudonym in 2008. New name is not chosen by chance. Dmitry called the grandfather Bilan, whom he loved very much. Since childhood, Vitya says he would like his named Dima. Family Dima - working. Dad Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a mechanic and engineer designer, and mom first worked in the greenhouses, and then dedicated herself social sphere. The singer has two sisters. Elena Elena worked as a waitress, and now the fashion designer, and the youngest Anna (1994).

When Vita was only one year, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. And five years later, Chet Belang moved to the city of May Kabardino-Balkaria. Here is the future singer and went to school.

In the fifth grade, Dima enters the music school and finishes it in the accordion class. At the same time, the boy participates in all sorts of competitions and festivals. In 1999, the young musician arrives in Moscow and participates in the Chung-Changa Festival, which was devoted to the children's creativity and the 30th anniversary of the collaboration of Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanova. Diploma Bilan receives personally from the hands of Joseph Kobzon. Musical education Dima Bilan in 2000 Vitya Belan enters the Gnesin State Music School. His singer graduated in 2003, having received a diploma in the specialty vocal performer.

After that, it was decided to continue their studies, the artist entered Gitis. There he was enrolled at the Faculty of Acting Mastery immediately to the second course. The enchanting career of Dima Bilan in 2000 on MTV Russia's ester got the first video of Dima Bilan. His own money was removed the first producer of singer Elena Kan. It was the song "Autumn", the video for which was removed on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Another student Dima Bilan met his future producer Yuri Aizenshpis. The latter immediately saw the talent in the Kabardian boy and began to work with him. Debuted on stage Bilan in 2002. He performed at the New Wave Festival in Jurmala. There he presented the song "Boom" and ranked fourth. And after the competition, they began to shoot a clip on this composition, and then on the songs "I am a night hooligan", "I was wrong, I got" and "You, only you". By the way, in the clip "I love you so much", Igor Cool's daughter starred. It is worth noting that during work with Eisenshpis Dmitry Bilan imagined singer Danko.

Bilan's debut album "I am Night Hooligan" came out at the end of 2003. And a year later, the reissue appeared, which included four new songs ("heartless", "Stop music", "in last time", "Dark night"). Studio album "On the bank of the sky" saw the light in 2004. At the same time, the singer began to record the first English-speaking record. Dian and Shaun Eskuffery helped him in this. In 2005, the official collection of clips called "You, Only you" was issued. In the fruitful year, Single was also released New Year with a new line. " It contained three tracks: New Year with a new line and her remix, as well as Between The Sky and Heaven. Life without Yuri Aisenshpis on September 20, 2005, Yuri Aisenshpis was not. And immediately after the death of the producer, Dima nominated for the award " WORLD MUSIC. Awards »as the best russian artist. After the care of Aisenshpis Bilan, many were offered to sign contacts. In 2006, the contract with Aizenshpis, who was led by his wife Elena Kovvorigina, was broken. The company demanded that Bilan changed the pseudonym because he belonged to him. However, Yana Rudkovskaya was already standing at the head of the team. Therefore, Bilan's conflict was resolved and in 2008 the pseudonym became official name singer.

At once, two Golden gramophone premiums were in the pocket of Dima Bilan in 2005. He received a reward in St. Petersburg and Alma-Ata for the song "You should be nearby." And on the project "New songs about the main thing" the artist got the prize of the first channel from a professional jury. In 2006, Dima Bilan participated in Golden Charmante, as well as in Kiev in "International Music Remunerations". There he became a "singer of the year." And just there the song was first performed by the song "Never Let You Go".

It was very saturated for the artist 2007. Dima took three awards at the Muz-TV ceremony: "Best Composition", "Best Album" and "Best Performer of the Year." In the summer he came as an honorary guest to a "new wave" and became a member of the Jury of the project "STS ignites Star". And in the fall, three nominations were in the hands of the singer on MTV Russia Music Awards. Bilan received dolls for " Better composition"(Impossible - possibly)," best performer "and" artist of the year. "

In addition, at the RMA MTV ceremony, the singer performed a song with Sebastian (Brother Timbaland). The latter specially flew to Moscow. By the way, according to the results of 2007, VTsiOM presented with the data that "Favorite Citizen of Russia" in the "Singer of the Year" rating was any other than Dima Bilan. In the same year, the artist entered the first three of the most expensive and popular Russians, according to Forbes.

Further more. Dima Bilan is steadily every year becomes the most beautiful, high-paying, popular and best of the best among in Russia. In 2009, he even trusted to be the ambassador "Sochi 2014". "I am proud to become the ambassador" Sochi 2014 ". I appeal to all my fans - guys, get up for skis, turn on to the mega-project "Sochi 2014". We know how to surprise the world. Eurovision in Moscow was once again proved. We take a course for Sochi! " - said the artist then. In 2009, Dima Bilan released the international album "Believe". Bilan's victory at Eurovision In 2005, Dima Bilan decided for the first time to try his hand at the Eurovision contest. However, according to the results spectator vote He took only second place with the song "Not That Simple". Natalia Podolskaya won and her "Nobody Hurt No One". Dima's attempt repeated in 2006. And he was chosen the first channel as a representative from Russia.

Among the 37 member countries, Bilan took second place with the composition "Never Let You Go". Such a high position was once taken by Singer Alsu in 2000. In the room of Dima Bilan, European audience did not even conquer originality. Two ballerinas took part there, one of which gets out of the piano, the rose petals.

In 2008, Vitya Belan again goes to Eurovision. With the song Believe, the artist was allowed to represent the country at a prestigious competition. At the same time, among the competitors, Dima had such stars like Sergey Lazarev, Zhenya Otradnaya and Alexander Panayotov.

The singer on the final of the competition went on stage together with the Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton and the Russian figure skater Evgeny Plushenko. I liked the song and speech without exception, Bilan took the first place and became the first singer from Russia, who won the Eurovision contest. After that, in the native settlement of the artist, the music school was named after him.

Dima Bilan has always been a favorite of women and one of the most enviable grooms of Russia. The personal life of celebrities does not quietly live almost anyone.

Newspapers Tube on the novel Dima Bilan with a model Lena Klutsk. For several years in a row, the couple promised to get married, however wedding dress And no one waited for the celebrations. At one moment, Dima and his eternal bride declared themselves on the radio "Europe Plus" radio, which their relations were only for the sake of PR. True, after that, the singer went to the opponent, and stated that such information was distributed for the sake of jokes and anger on the paparazzi, which artist did not give to live quietly.

However, sometimes Dima Bilan is seen with another model of Julian Wing. And it was with her he filmed his clip "Safety". It is very present frank scenes. Previously, only Kulecksky was shot in spicy fragments. However, Bilan declares that they simply have a friend with Julianna.

The singer is a well-deserved artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, a deserved artist of Chechnya, deserved artist of Ingushetia. In 2008, Bilan was assigned the title National artist Kabardino-Balkaria. Dima Bilan is a versatile person. He is a member of the LDPR and plans to become a cosmic tourist.

The main thing in the life of Dima Bilan is definitely the music remains, but the artist continues to try himself in other genres. So, together with Alexander Gradsky, Pelagey, Leonid Agutin, he acted as a mentor in several seasons of the project "Voice" on the first channel. In 2015, Dima Bilan starred in the Military Drama "Hero", together with Svetlana Ivanova, Marat Basharov and Alexander Baluyev.

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