How to organize a charitable organization. How to open a charity foundation

How to organize a charitable organization. How to open a charity foundation
How to organize a charitable organization. How to open a charity foundation

The patronage on the part of successful and wealthy people is very common. Good deeds are easier to do together, so charity adopted an organized form in the form of funds. They attract the means of material assistance and distribute them to those in need of persons without relevant benefits for themselves. So how to open a charity foundation?

Charitable funds are created to help those who need people of different categories. These may be sick cancer children or bums, which remained on the mercy of fate.

The first legitimate requirement for such a kind of activity that stems from its definition is to free. This is not a business that is aimed at receiving benefits. It will not be possible to make money on someone else's misfortune, it should be managed by a charity foundation for its intended purpose, otherwise criminal punishment faces.

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Main types of funds

Charitable foundations are divided into categories:

  1. Commercial funds. Their second name "Commercial Organizations". Their structure involves membership, and legal status will allow a third-party commercial activity.
  2. Non-profit funds. The most common form of organization of this type of activity. The property of people and organizations is combined. The fee received the Board of Trustees. It also controls expenditure operations.

Non-profit funds also have separation. Public organizations are supported by state and public structures (their share exceeds a third summary of the fund) and have a large number of members. And private foundations belong to entrepreneurs and the share of state participation in it (less than a third).

Private funds can conduct various charitable activities.Operational organizations implement specific programs aimed at the relevant result.

For example, it is helped in the rehabilitation of operated cancer patients or carry out measures to reduce unemployment.

Interetory funds are engaged only by collecting funds, which then go to solve the necessary issues. They are a source of financing charitable organizations and institutions.

Conditions for conducting charitable activities in Russia

Charity is regulated by Federal Law (1995). It registed the basic requirements for such organizations:

  • it is necessary to follow the actions that are aimed at achieving the goals prescribed in this FZ;
  • can work legally only as part of achieving their goals;
  • have the right to attract resources and carry out non-engineering operations;
  • can create household societies in which exclusively members of the Foundation may be included;
  • have the right to spend funds to support various parties, movements and companies (the implementation of third-party purposes);
  • can open branches, including other states;
  • funds can be enlarged, uniting in associations and alliances on a contractual basis while maintaining their separate legal status;
  • for payment to administrative staff no longer can leave more than 20% of the total calendar expenses per year (Not applicable to employees of the Fund, which are engaged in the implementation of a charitable program);
  • on the balance sheet may have a building, equipment, securities, money, informational and intellectual resources (regardless of the form).

If you study in detail the legislative base, it becomes clear that this type of activity is transparently determined and regulated.

How to open a charity foundation and make it successful?

Before proceeding to the actions on the opening of own fund, think about the following points: the scope of activity, the likely name, the Charter of the Foundation, the search for volunteers and patrons, advertising campaign and website creation. Do not hurry with an official start until you find at least two sources for free financing.


By law, the charity foundation can be located in its own room or in the removed.

It is more difficult for the work with the Operational Fund to which increased requirements for this paragraph are imposed. For example, for various rehabilitation programs there must be additional areas (for children with disabilities as part of targeted classes).

This question can be solved by the "All World", contacting the administration of the settlement or municipal institutions. Often they are ready to provide their area for good affairs at certain hours.

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Foundation staff

Depending on the direction of the Fund, various experts may be needed:

  • volunteers that do not consist in the official state, but help on a disinterested basis;
  • lawyers;
  • specialists accepting incoming applications;
  • "Supplements" responsible for the purchase of necessary resources;
  • specialists who attract sponsors.

The charity foundation does not need a bloated state, 5 people who are configured to efficiently work are enough. Expand the organizational structure makes sense when enlarging the scale of activity.

Search for sources of financing

How to open a charity foundation and make it successful? The most difficult thing in a charitable business is to attract investors. Probable sources of financing include:

  • funds themselves founders of the Foundation;
  • donations of third-party persons (money, things, etc.);
  • membership fee;
  • participation in charitable grants (target programs);
  • operation of volunteers;
  • income from securities;
  • profit from the economic institutions established by the Foundation;
  • income from legal entrepreneurial activity;
  • funds from charity events (lotteries, concerts, shares, auctions, etc.).

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Private and firms remain the main source of financing of good deeds. The "crowdfunding" method is gaining popularity - collecting "from the world on thread". In this case, a specific charitable project creates a description with a video. And immediately stipulates the required amount.

For investors, it is important that the funds donated with them are strictly for the promised affairs. can also give them a diploma and assign a nomination as a sign of appreciation.

How to open a charity foundation: the procedure for issuing documents

Register a charity foundation is more difficult than becoming such a type of activity relates to non-commercial organizations specializing in social services.

Therefore, before submitting a package of documents, you should figure out with suitable OKVED codes for you.

The founder of the Foundation can be a physical or legal person. In this case, the following official papers will have to collect:

  • application form for registration (PH0001) - 2 instances (one to assure a lawyer);
  • the decision to create a fund made to the protocol - 3 copies;
  • information about the founders) - 2 copies;
  • (4 thousand rubles);
  • future fund (indicating the actual location, if they differ);
  • confirming the ownership of documents (on the organization's room).

Registration of a charity foundation: Step-by-step instructions

After submitting documents, you will have to wait for the official solution. In the event of the benefits of organs within 15 working days, the corresponding certificate will be issued. Together with him will give you

We open a new heading "right of public associations", it will be covered by the creation and activities of public associations, non-commercial organizations. At the same time, it is planned to affect not only purely legal moments, but also the practical side of the NGO activity in terms of experts constantly involved in non-commercial projects.

Let's start with an answer to the question of the question in our editorial board: "How to create a charity fund for which the parents of the parents receive, and then they spend on the needs of the school?"

Creating a non-profit organization (NPO) is not easy. Little who managed to register NPOs without eliminating comments from the first time. The fact is that when creating a commercial organization, for example, a limited liability company, the tax authority does not check constituent documents for compliance with the law, and in the case of the NPO registration, to which the Foundation refers to the registering authority conducts a serious examination of all submitted documents, especially Charter. In this article, we will tell you how to create a fund and most importantly how to make documents for registration with the greatest probability of their adoption by the registering authority.

Who registers non-profit organizations?

Most non-profit organizations, including funds, register the territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (under the subject of the federation).

How many founders are required for registration?

According to the law, one person is enough to register the Fund. It is clear that the smaller the founders, the less larks with the filling of the forms of documents, holding the constituent assemblies, etc. The status of the founder itself does not affect anything, the status of the founder in the fund loses any legal importance immediately after registration (in contrast to the institution). However, from the point of view of the organizational for future activities of the Foundation, it is very important that the Fund creates not one person, but a few. Moreover, it is best that these are status people, not from the school administration (not the director of the school, not the heads), and someone from the parents holding a high post (director of a large enterprise, a well-known artist, deputy, etc.). Of course, there are cases of establishment by the Foundation by one person, for example, the Foundation of Alena Popova (was created by the mother of the sick girl to collect funds for its treatment), but in case the initiative to create a foundation from the organization (in our case), not a private person, better Of course, collect several people (for example, five, and then the quantity can increase, but already as part of the controls).

What documents must be provided?

According to Art. 13.1. FZ dated 12.01.1996 No. 7-FZ "On Non-Profit Organizations" (hereinafter - the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations") Documents will be required to register the Fund:

1) a statement in the form of the pH0001 (approved government decree dated April 15, 2006 No. 212). The application is signed by the applicant, it may be the future head of the Foundation or one of his founders. Print statement with reception. It is better to make two instances. One of them assure the notary, another simply sign. The applicant must come to the notary to notarize. The applicant can act one of the founders or the future head of the Fund;

2) Charter in three copies;

3) a decision on the establishment of a non-profit organization and approving its constituent documents, indicating the composition of the elected (designated) bodies in two copies;

4) information about the founders in two copies (is compiled in free form, this document indicates the name, passport details, a place of registration, the contact details of the founders, it is advisable to sign all the founders);

5) the receipt of the payment of state duty (it is also advisable to make a copy of it);

6) information about the address (about location) of the permanent body of the non-profit organization, which communication with a non-profit organization is being communicated (also the document compiled in free form, it is necessary to specify the address in which you can contact the head of the Fund, most likely he will coincide with the legal address). It is important to note that you can register a charity organization at the address of the residence of a citizen (founder, chairman), it is directly said in Art. 9 FZ dated 11.08.1995 No. 135-FZ "On charitable activities and charitable organizations" (hereinafter - the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities");

7) when used in the name of a non-profit organization named after a citizen, symbolism, protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property or copyright, as well as the full name of a particular legal entity as part of its own name - documents confirming the right to use them;

8) an extract from the register of foreign legal entities of the relevant country of origin or otherwise equal to the legal force document confirming the legal status of the founder - a foreign person.

How to write a charter to accept the Ministry of Justice?

But this is the most difficult thing in registration of NGOs. The Ministry of Justice checks the charter for compliance with the law, therefore, even taken from the law, but the paraphrased provisions, this body may force to redo. But most of all the pickwick is the goals and types of activities, the registration authority loves to decide what the organization can do, and what is not.

So, what should be in the Charter:

1. Name of a non-profit organization, containing an indication of its activity and legal form. The full and abbreviated name is indicated. Organizational and legal form in this case is a charitable foundation.

2. Location of a non-commercial organization. The legal address is indicated.

3. Information about branches and offices (If such is planned to establish during registration).

4. The subject and objectives of the activity. Usually, the objectives of the activity are first indicated (2-3 common goals, no longer need to be less to complain about), then the activities are indicated by the organization entitled to deal with to achieve goals. As we create a charity foundation, then in this section there must be an indication of this for purposes and activities (according to the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities"). It is better to choose as many different types of activities as possible in the future, the organization will be engaged (and free of charge, and paid), because Otherwise, then you will have to make changes to the charter, if something is missing. The phrase "and other activities that do not contradict the law" misses the charter very rarely.

5. Procedure for managing activities. In art. 29 FZ "On non-profit organizations" is indicated that the procedure for managing the foundation is determined by its charter. But the law still has one mandatory requirement for the composition of the Fund's bodies. The Foundation must have a Board of Trustees. It is an organ of the Fund and supervises the activities of the Fund, adopting other solutions fund authorities and ensuring their execution, the use of funds of the Fund, compliance with the Fund of the Legislation. It is necessary to indicate the procedure for the formation of the Board of Trustees (in the law nothing is specified on this account, so it is possible to elect the most convenient order, for example, the formation of the Board of Trustees by the highest authority on the provision of the Chairman). The powers of the Board of Trustees are indicated in paragraph 3 of Art. 7: supervises the activities of the Fund, adopting other solutions fund authorities and ensuring their execution, the use of fund funds, compliance with the Fund of the Legislation

In practice, as a rule, the following controls are formed:

1. The highest authority - the Board of the Fund with the Chairman of the Board (Operational Management Authority),

2. Executive body (for example, executive director or president of the Foundation),

3. The Board of Trustees (the supervisory authority is formed by the Board).

4. Auditor (Audit Commission)

The authority of the highest body is indicated in paragraph 3 of Art. 29 FZ "On Non-Profit Organizations":

A change in the statute of a non-profit organization;

Identifying priority areas of activity of a non-profit organization, principles of formation and use of its property;

Education of the executive bodies of the non-profit organization and early termination of their powers;

Approval of the annual report and annual accounting balance;

Approval of the financial plan of a non-profit organization and the introduction of changes to it;

Creation of branches and opening of representative offices of a non-profit organization;

Participation in other organizations;

In the same article, you can take the procedure for making decisions.

Also in Art. 10 FZ "On Charity Activities" contain additional powers:

Approval of charitable programs;

Approval of the annual plan, budget of a charitable organization and its annual report;

The executive body of the non-profit organization may be collegial and (or) sole, appointed by the Board. It carries out the current management of the non-profit organization and is accountable to the highest management body of a non-profit organization. For convenience, a model with a sole organ is usually used, but there may be a collegial - executive directorate. In the charter, it is necessary to specify the term of its powers and the order of election (this should be in the authority of the highest management body).

The position of the auditor (Audit Commission) should also be provided, which will exercise control over the financial and economic activities of the Fund.

6. ANDstockers of the formation of property of a non-profit organization. The charter of the NGO is not a place for creativity, so it is better to take everything in a literally out of the law. The sources of the formation of property are listed in paragraph 1 of Art. 26 FZ "On non-commercial organizations" and Art. 15 FZ "On charitable activities":

Contributions of the founders of a charitable organization;

Membership fees (for membership-based charitable organizations);

Charitable donations, including those wearing target (charitable grants), provided by citizens and legal entities in cash or natural form;

Revenues from non-engineering operations, including income from securities;

Receipts from resource attracting activities (conducting campaigns to attract benefactors and volunteers, including the organization of entertainment, cultural, sports and other mass events, conducting campaigns to collect charitable donations, holding lotteries and auctions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the implementation of property and donations, received from benefactors, in accordance with their wishes);

Revenues from the permitted entrepreneurial law;

revenues from the activities of economic societies established by a charitable organization;

The work of volunteers;

Other sources that are not prohibited by law.

Membership fees should not be, because Foundation is an organization without membership.

7. Procedure for making changes to the constituent documents of a non-profit organization. This feature should be attributed to the authority of the highest management body. If you do not provide for the possibility of changing the Charter of the Fund, it can only be changed in court (clause 4 of article 14).

8. The procedure for the use of property in the event of the liquidation of a non-profit organization. Again, order is best to take from the law and formulate as follows: when the fund is liquidated, the property remains after meeting the requirements of creditors, is sent in accordance with the Charter of the Fund for Objectives, in the interests of which it was created, and (or) for charitable purposes (p. 1 tbsp. 20).

It must be said that the entire procedure is equally suitable not only for the creation of a school fund, but also of any fund (incl. Charitable as his subspecies).

And in conclusion it is worth noting that in the State Duma in the first reading, the draft federal law No. 47538-6 was adopted, which contributes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This includes non-commercial organizations. A closed list of such organizations is established, the number of organizational and legal forms is essential. The foundation remains as a separate organizational and legal form of NGOs, but also undergoes some changes. So, the Board of Trustees disappears from the management bodies. Only the highest collegial governance authority remains, the sole leader and (if desired) the Board. Approximately the new edition of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation will be adopted by the end of 2012.

1. This is a job

Yes, yes, on which you also need to walk every day, be in the office from 10 to 19 with a break for lunch (in fact, more often without it), make plans and graphics, write reports, argue with the authorities, go on vacation, weave Supported intrigues, to be offended with colleagues, shy in Facebook, drink coffee, in short, to do everything that normal people do in normal operations.

2. Fund employees receive salary

Naturally, the level of wages, on average, below the average market at similar positions (head of the direction, financial director, etc.), but quite competitive. Nevertheless, the ideological people are going to work in the funds, but it is surprising, they also need to eat, drink, rent housing and ride on vacation.

3. BF workers - also people

They also get tired, angry, sometimes their work is infuriated, and there are days when they don't want anything at all. These are not heavenly creatures that feed on the rainbow and puffing with butterflies, but quite ordinary people who are cynically joking, swear by mat, have sex and drink on Friday night. Ordinary people who make extraordinary things in daily mode, because they are their work.

4. This is not amateur

A charity foundation is not "My friends and I decided to help homeless dogs!". Funds are legal entities who pay taxes to their employees, conclude with the wards of families and therapeutic centers of the contract with applications, pay for rental of premises for office and obey the legislation very strict in this area. So, for example, with each benefactor who wants to translate to the Foundation at least 10 rubles, it is necessary to conclude a contract, so if you are offered on the street to buy a ball in favor of cancer children, then with a probability of 99% is fraud.

5. Funds have their own directions

People and everyone else, who needs help, does not become less and, probably, never will be. It is important to understand that if you want to help save whales in New Zealand, then it is meaningless to contact the Foundation "Give Life". Each fund helps to solve specific problems and works in a particular direction: help people (children, adult, elderly), animal assistance, conservation of nature and so on. You only need to choose where to direct an effort!

6. Any BF employee works within the Fund

This is not Mother Teresa, collecting all the unfortunate siery and poor in a row under his wing. This is an employee of an organization that works as part of the Fund's activities, according to the Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Believe me, charity organizations are checked with such addiction, which commercial structures and did not dream.

The Council (or Commission) includes doctors, founders of the Fund, coordinators of this or that direction. That is, just so come and say "Guys, I want to be in Switzerland!" It is impossible. It is necessary to provide documents confirming the diagnoses on the basis of which the Commission will decide on assistance in each specific situation. In any case, the package of documents will be necessary. This is done not only in order to complicate the life of people with serious diseases or features, but also in order to protect funds from fraudsters who work in this direction.

8. Work in the non-commercial sector requires education and special skills.

Unfortunately, now the charity sector in Russia is only experiencing his formation, so educational institutions, where specialists would prepare in this area, no. All who come to work in the Foundation, make knowledge and skills on the ground, applying skills acquired in other areas. Naturally, it is not an easy and unprecedented process, but it is worth it.

9. Help simply

In the twenty-first century, when space ships are furious to the universe, to help the ruble is easier than simple: all decent funds have short numbers to which SMS can be sent, indicating the amount of donation. In addition, many funds allow you to customize the so-called recurrent payments - in this case, the amount indicated by you said will be charged with your bank card. In addition, there are aggregators that also help funds to collect money - one of the largest [email protected]: there you can choose the fund you are interested in, project, configure automatic payment and much more. If you do not trust financial schemes, you can always hang away and see the work of the Foundation from the inside with your own eyes. As they say, Welcome!

10. Charitable foundations never give money in hand

That is, 200,000 euros per operation in Germany in the White Envelope Fund does not transmit to those who need simply because it does not have rights. Each penny and each ruble are accountable. Resperating funds monthly lay out on the websites reports on the arrival and consumption of funds with which everyone can familiarize themselves. And the payment of treatment occurs directly to the clinics with which the contract is concluded. If you wish with these documents, you can also get acquainted.

11. Do not cause good and apply joy

If the foundation refused your invaluable help - for example, you passionately wish to give your old baby piano, and these bad people refuse and fought off what they can, then this does not mean that they were lit. Sometimes funds simply do not have any resources to take it your piano, and sometimes it is a piano decisively needed at the moment or the ward, nor a supreme orphanage. Trust to employees - they will definitely tell you what kind of help is needed by the Fund right now.

12. Help not necessarily mad million money

Any amount is needed and important: if 1000 people translate 100 rubles, then it turns out 100,000 rubles - is impressive? This will allow you to pay for a rehabilitation course for a child with the features of development, buy consumables for the hospital or dog shelter. It is better to help gradually, but regularly, then the Fund has the opportunity to plan their work, income and expenses.

13. Volunteers are the main support of the works of BF

Therefore, it is necessary to relate to volunteering and responsibly. The approach "I want to do, I want - I do not do it." Not an option. They count on you and if you promised - be sure to do. Funds have no opportunity to stimulate interest in the ruble business, so everything remains only on your conscience and for your responsibility.

14. All requests are checked.

Not only by the Commission or the expert council, but also a responsible employee of the Foundation. If we are talking about expensive treatment, it is necessary to check the correctness of the diagnosis, the expediency of this particular therapy and much more, is it really not possible to help in the Russian Federation? Is this drug needed? In addition, all funds interact with each other and share information about fraudsters who submit applications to the funds for the purpose of personal profit and enrichment - amazingly, but these are also there.

15. The Foundation can be applied not only for money, but also for advice

If at the moment the fund cannot accept an application or, for example, not the problem of interest to you, the Foundation staff will advise where to contact, and in some cases they will be able to send for additional advice from a specialist. Do not be shy, these people are informed of the problem they do from the inside.

16. Only 20% of money foundation has the right to spend on administrative expenses.

Moreover, these 20% are taken from the amount spent on the activities of the Foundation in accordance with the Charter. These expenses include office lease, payment of operating expenses (Internet, telephone, etc.), employee salary and so on. They spent 100 rubles - it means 20 rubles you can spend on yourself. But it is believed that it is better to spend less. For example, "Give Life" spends about 4-6%, and the Galkonok Foundation is about 12%. Best - Children!

17. Children in orphanages need consumables, rather than toys and iPhones.

Surprisingly, often in orphanages and nursing homes lack the simplest things: sheets, diapers, catheters, diapers. If you want to help some kind of state institution, it is better to pre-contact the administration or the Foundation, which is challenging him to know exactly what is useful to bring. And if it is completely fair, then people in such institutions are always lacking only one - simple human attention.

18. If a person with features is not the fact that he is a wonderful sweet white bunny

Everyone seems to everyone that people in the charity are saints, and that those whom they help are the same, rightly kissing lights. NOT! Aid recipients are very often absolutely disgusting, disgusting and helping it difficult to them. But you help, because in charity they help not only good and pleasant, and try to help everyone.

the site thanks for the help of the preparation of material Ksenia Onopko (Foundation "Galkonok"), Ekaterina Milov (Foundation "Orbi") and Alexander Babkin ([email protected] project).

Text: Katya Kuzmin

Want to get one interesting unread article per day?

What is charity? It is especially valuable in a developing society, where budget funds are distributed on the basis of priority.

Often, we find out of the press or mass media that the individual necessary social, medical, cultural, sports processes, important for public life, remained without proper financing.

But the situation was fixed when charity came to the rescue, the necessary funds were accumulated and listed by the suffering from a specially open bank account.

Charity, as is well known, is based on the address redistribution of funds of patients. She must serve society using tax breaks. The legal mechanism of its collateral is fully structured and viable: both the state and society strictly follow the organizations that carry it out are not reborn into commercial.

The social mission of charity is to be the last straw there, where there is not enough state social protection mechanisms. This is an addressing assistance to low-income citizens, address provision of social services, sponsorship of health, culture, sports, art.

Required and adequate condition of charity

How to open a charity foundation? Is it enough for this one business grip of the enthusiast-discoverer? By no means. If we speak the language of mathematics, then a prerequisite for its creation is the effective demand for successful commercial structures or very wealthy citizens for charitable activities (a positive image of their main activity on the part of society is the bonus for them). A sufficient condition is the professionalization of the actions of individuals directly baseful this institution.

There is also the practice of establishing charitable funds and from the most of the patrons themselves. Thus, they systematize their philanthropic activity, participate in state and international projects.

Charity in Russia

What niche in society is Russian charitable funds? Is their activities in demand? Of course. We list the most famous: Foundation Vladimir Potanina (scholarships and grants to students), the Fund "Free Business" (a variety of activities, is known to the program "Temples of Russia"), the Dynasty Foundation (Development of Science and Education), Victoria Foundation (Help Children-orphans), the Communication Foundation (Return of the Russian Cultural Heritage with Western private collections). With the help of these institutions, Russian charity was financed by hundreds of millions of dollars. Society has long appreciated the importance of such work.

Indeed, the budget financing of social protection sometimes does not have the necessary flexibility and efficiency to protect individual categories of citizens, support for science, culture, sports. It is positive when it is searched for non-indifferent people who, by creating the relevant fund, raise charity to the proper height. Therefore, the question is: "How to open a charity fund?" quite relevant.

Legal basis of charity

Charitable foundations are a subclass of non-commercial organizations, i.e. structures that exist not for profit, but specializing in the provision of social services. Russian legislation, in particular, paragraph 1 of Art. 118 GK determines that a citizen of the Russian Federation can create a charitable foundation, as well as a stateless person, as well as foreign citizen. A legal entity may be initiated by the Foundation of Charity. The activity of this organization is rigidly regulated by the Charter. This is fixed by Art. 49 GK.

Can such a fund be engaged in entrepreneurship? The Federal Law "On Charitable Activities" responds to this question in the affirmative. But business at charity is limited. The Foundation may even establish a joint-stock company or LLC for this. He also has the opportunity to do business directly from his face. However, such activities is limited in the framework of the redistribution of 80% of income on financing charitable programs.

So, we know what to organize. But the question remains today: "How to create a charity foundation?" Let's try to answer it.

Business planning

This area is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Non-Profit Organizations" of January 12, 1996, as well as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Charitable Activities ..." of August 11, 1995, according to their requirements, registration of charitable foundations is made in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation .

Already at this stage, a charitable foundation is needed. Creating does not make sense if there is no initial business idea, a clear targeting of your charitable work, when it is originally empty a list of patients, because 20% of revenues to the fund that can be used to ensure economic activity will not cover the rental, investment in furniture and office equipment, wages fee staff, payment of utilities, Internet, investment in software (including legal online services).


Favorable rental is the key to minimizing costs. A good tone for charitable funds is considered a relatively small office area (mainly 10m 2). If we are talking about megalopolis, then the room does not make sense to look for neither the center (the transient rental price), nor in the sleeping areas (after all, the main customers of the Foundation are commercial law companies).

We recommend to focus on the location of investor companies (including potential). The average permissible price of the lease is 1 thousand rubles per M2 - it is possible to "shoot down" at least up to 0.7 thousand rubles. Due to the recommendation letters, it is best - from the leadership of respected state institutions. The good-quality business plan of the charitable foundation always includes cheap rental.

Constituent documents

Deciding with the office, the charity fund comes the constituent package of documents:

Form PH0001 - a statement to register a charitable foundation;

A documentary decision on the establishment of the Fund and the approval of constituent documents;

Charter and other documents required to solve - in 3 copies;

Payment of state duty (4 thousand rubles);

Availability of legal and actual addresses of the Fund;

Landlord warranty letter, or certificate of ownership.

Document Drive

There is the following practice: after the transfer of the package of constituent documents, in two weeks, the Ministry decides on the state registration of such a fund, and two more weeks later, we receive certified documents (certificate of state registration, registration of the Justice Certificate, an incorporation, certified by the Ministry of Health Chariter of the Charitable Fund).

It is important to correctly designate the code that is characterized by a charitable activity selected for the Foundation (OKVED).

Tax registration

The approved constituent documents of the charity foundation serve as the basis for its formulation for tax accounting. The tax authority after the weekly consideration will register the Charter, the taxpayer number will be provided, an extract from the State Register, State Registerer. After that, the power of attorney of the IFNS should be issued (to obtain documents), the bank is selected for service, the accounts that are appropriate for statutory activities are discovered.

An important feature of the taxation of the charity foundation is a narrowed base: charitable contributions are not included in it, which is possible to realize only with correct accounting. By the way, before opening a charitable foundation, its founders are encouraged to find a competent accountant that has learning experience.

Correct accounting is the basis of the effectiveness of the Fund. Nowadays, the desire of the head of the Foundation is salary, hiring an accountant-student, is the risk of selection of incorrectly taken charity tools.

If the Charter of the Fund provides for entrepreneurial activities (newly commercial funds usually elect a simplified tax system), then the tax authority is written a statement in which the tax rate is elected, based on the subject of taxation: total revenues (6%) or the difference in income and costs (15%) .

After registering in the tax, as a rule, check-in in Statorgano, in the Pension Fund and the Social Fund.

It should be noted that the reporting of the charity foundation in the absence of entrepreneurial activity (which is quite possible) is significantly simplified. For example, zero reporting to the Pension Fund is completely possible, and zero income taxation.

How to simplify the registration process

Today, qualified mediators are working on the legal services market today, which, according to the contract concluded with you, take on their own to register a charitable foundation. Such legal companies fully exempt the client from the headache. They not only know how to open a charity foundation, but also do it regularly and in a short time.

They are grouping their services by packages. Moreover, consultations are usually free. Forces of lawyers such a company prepares a complete package for state and tax and other registration. Moreover, the legal services rendered are often accompanied by help in finding cheap rental.


Charity as a business depends on the dynamic work of the personnel of the Fund itself. Such professional activities on targeted, systemic search of funds are called pondraizing.

At the same time, sustainable contacts with commercial companies are established: banks, concerns, enterprises. On the other hand, going to investors, the matter of honor of the management of charitable foundations is to prove their competence and competitive advantages when disposed of accumulated means.

At the same time, the interaction of charitable funds with commercial structures supports a positive reputation as the latter, showing the company's contribution of businessmen to public consent and the development of science, culture, art. It is not enough to hope only for their punctuality and thrift, you should still learn to be public and convincing before opening a charity foundation.

Sometimes such events occur in the modern world when a person loses faith in everything good. When you do not know where to wait for help and whether it is worth waiting for it. Sometimes hopelessness and despair are forced to doubt humanity and kindness. Unfortunately, many in our world have experienced such ones. For some reason, at such moments it seems that no one is able to help, and everything is indifferent to your grief or the problem with which I had to face.

But no wonder there is a saying "The world is not without good people." This statement has long appeared and is based on life realities. People are ready to help each other completely free, and they always did it. To date, modern benefits of humanity and scientific technologies allow each person to contribute to the development and organization of such funds that can help desperate people and give hope for life.

Charitable foundations are organizations that are engaged in collecting funds to provide material assistance to people in need. These are not government organizations, but funds created by non-indifferent people. They exist at the expense of donations and voluntary population contributions.

What you need to register a charitable foundation

In order to register a charitable organization, it is necessary to refer to state registrations that are usually in the local administration. You can only register the Fund at the address of it, so about the legal address it is worth thinking in advance.

A state registrar files a package of documents for the design of BF. Documentation can be submitted personally or send by mail with detailed content description.

Regardless how the documents are submitted, their term of consideration is three days.

What documents are needed to register bf

Yet the question "How to open a charity foundation?" It is quite serious and trouble. The main document for the registration of BF is the charter. His drawing up is the most responsible work, because mistakes in the charter entail a refusal to register the Fund.

According to the rules of current legislation, the following components are necessarily contained in the Charter:

  1. Name of the Foundation. It should be unique. There can not be two charitable organizations with the same name.
  2. The goal of creating.
  3. Personal composition of the Foundation Management. Their duties, powers, etc.
  4. Rules for the election and appointment of heads of management.
  5. Source of income.
  6. Reporting and controlling the activities of the BF.

If all nuances are specified in the charter, the BF can be opened. To competently draw up this document, you can seek help from specialists.

In addition to the Charter of the Fund for its design, the following documents will be required:

  • protocol Meeting Directors on the organization of the Fund;
  • registration map of a specific sample, completed according to the requirements;
  • paid receipt for registration;
  • photocopies of passports of the BF organizers.

If foreigners are the organizers of the Foundation, then an appropriate document on the design of a foreign firm in the state of his stay is to be applied. This document must be transferred to the state language and assure the notary.

The activities of the Fund itself also require investments and monthly financing. For example, stationery, utility payments, employee salary - everything is paid from the assembled funds. The legality of these actions is confirmed, and the rules for the distribution of funds say that 20% of the collection can be used on the need for the functioning of the Fund.

BF can use funds only for projects, because of which the foundation was created, as well as on its own expenses. All responsibility for the use and transfer of funds falls on the founder of the organization, that is, the director. Every four months for the tax service are made reports on cash, their transfer and distributions that are signed by the head of the Foundation.

For the normal functioning of a charitable organization, a good advertising and a large promotion is required. Unfortunately, many people do not want to share their capital, and not surprisingly, why. Few people trust today to unauthorized people, even if they guarantee honesty by their part. Scammers are sufficient that hiding behind charity, can help on a disinterested desire to help. Therefore, organizing a charity foundation, it is necessary to take care of loud advertising. Attracting people with a well-known name for cooperation can increase the level of confidence from people. Huge work on the Internet, in the media, on television should be held regularly, and also to cover the reports on material transfer reports in more detail. Positive feedbacks of people who were assisted by the BF will become a key to success and will help to gain a good reputation.

Do not forget that charity is based on trust and humanity, so opening the charity fund, it is necessary to be guided, first of all, decency and openness.