Their place in the composition of the novel. Characteristics of Oblomov's guests

Their place in the composition of the novel.  Characteristics of Oblomov's guests
Their place in the composition of the novel. Characteristics of Oblomov's guests

Feature plan:

1. How I met the visitor Oblomov

2. Did Oblomov rise from the sofa towards

3. What reflections did Oblomov have after the visitor left

4. Why does a visitor come to Oblomov

1) Volkov:

1. As soon as the doorbell rang, Oblomov was seized with curiosity, and he began to look. Seeing that his guest - Volkov, he greeted and, only he wanted to come up, said: "Do not come, do not come: you are out of the cold!"

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There was no attempt to get out of bed.

3. Oblomov began to be surprised: "In ten places in one day - unhappy!" But I also thought it would be nice to fall in love with some girl too. But in the end he came to the conclusion that his life is much better and calmer and it suits him.

4. Volkov came to see Oblomov and tell the latest news, as well as show off his new things.

2) Sudbinsky:

1. Oblomov was delighted with the arrival of an old colleague, greeted him cheerfully, but he also said, like Volkov: "Don't come, don't come! You're out of the cold."

2. Upon the arrival of Sudbinsky Oblomov did not even move, but there was one moment during the conversation when he jumped out of bed.

3. Oblomov reasoned: "Stuck, dear friend, stuck up to his ears. And blind, and deaf, and mute for everything else in the world. We call it a career too!" Ilya Ilyich also touches upon the subject of the essence of man, that with a life like that of his comrade, "a little man is needed here." After all the reflections, Oblomov stopped at the fact that he was glad that he could sit at home all day and not bother with work, unlike Sudbinsky, whom he calls unhappy.

4. Sudbinsky came to visit a former colleague, mentioned that "I was going to see you for a long time." He talked about his official affairs and immediate plans, and also tried to invite Oblomov with him to Yekateringof.

3) Penkin:

1. Before Penkin came, Oblomov was still in thought after the departure of Sudbinsky, and it turned out that at first he did not even notice the new guest. But after he greeted, he woke up, and again the words sounded: "do not come, do not come: you are from the cold!".

2. Oblomov did not particularly react to Penkin's arrival, but during conversations Penkin was able to stir up Ilya Ilyich a little, he first got up, and then jumped out of bed altogether. But then I went to bed again.

3. When Penkin left, Oblomov began to wonder how it was possible to write all the time, especially at night. He also thought: "Yes, write everything, waste your thought, your soul on trifles, change your beliefs, trade your mind and imagination, rape your nature, worry, boil, burn, do not know peace and all move somewhere ... ". He did not understand this, although earlier he himself reasoned that a person is not a person, if he does not live, does not feel, does not use his mind and imagination. He compares Penkin to a machine: "write everything like a wheel, like a machine: write tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. When will you stop and rest? Unhappy."

4. Penkin had the purpose of the visit: "Do you know why I came to you? I wanted to offer you to Yekateringof; I have a carriage." But before he said this, he managed to start a conversation with Oblomov about his new article, then about literature, and then about "fallen people" and about society in general, which he could agitate Oblomov.

4) Alekseev:

1. After another call at the door, Oblomov asked himself the question: "What kind of reception is this with me today?" After Alekseev came in, he greeted him and immediately warned: "Do not come, do not come: I will not give you my hand: you are out of the cold!"

2. During the conversation Oblomov almost did not move, although he was asked to get up, wash and start getting ready.

3. Aleksev did not leave Oblomov's apartment until Tarantyev came, and left after him. Oblomov at the time of Alekseev's departure did not listen to him and, sitting in an armchair, "plunged either into slumber or into thoughtfulness."

4. Alekseev came for Oblomov to take Ovchinin for lunch, and then with him, Ovchinins, Alyanov, Pkhailo and Kolymyagin to go to Yekateringof. He tried to force Oblomov to get up and start getting ready, but Ilya Ilyich dissuaded him from going to dinner at Ovchinin's, and to dine with him with Tarantiev. Even Oblomov was finally able to talk about his two misfortunes, and Alekseev listened to him.

5) Tarantiev:

1. As soon as Tarantiev came, he greeted Oblomov and held out his hand, but Ilya Ilyich, like all previous visitors, said: “Don't come, don't come: you're out of the cold!” And covered himself with a blanket.

2. Oblomov met the guest lying on the bed, but Tarantiev tried to lift him out of bed, "but he warned him by quickly dropping his legs and immediately hitting them in both shoes." Tarantiev began to call Zakhar to dress the master. Oblomov, with the help of Zakhar, got up and sat down in a chair.

3. After Tarantiev left, Oblomov began to reflect on his problems: "Oblomov was upset with the letter of the headman and the upcoming move to an apartment and was partly tired of Tarantiev's chatter."

4. Tarantiev was invited to dinner by Oblomov. And since the invitee came early, Ilya Ilyich decided to consult with him about his misfortunes. Tarantiev decided to cash in on help, which he did. He also came to ask Oblomov to lend him his black coat for a while, but Zakhar, who insisted on his own, did not give the coat to Tarantiev.

The characteristic of Oblomov's guests is, undoubtedly, a secondary detail of the novel. These visits are described in chapters II - VI. With his book, Goncharov not only draws the reader's attention to Oblomov's self-destructive personality, the classic's narration illuminates the reasons and environment that contributed to the formation of an absolutely passive attitude towards life in Ilya Ilyich, reminiscent of the living embodiment of laziness. At the same time, the author uses completely different For example, Oblomov is a consistent demonstration of the evolution of laziness in childhood and adolescence. However, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov would not have been a full member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences in literature if the disclosure of ideas on this stage had been limited. A brief description of Oblomov's guests serves as proof of this.

Oblomov's guests are active "dummies"

Oblomov's laziness continued, after a young age, her mastery of the personality of Goncharov's hero. Already being an educated, adult, Ilya Ilyich more than once came across people occupying a certain stage in society, a position in the service, a hobby. They all enter the apartment of the protagonist, located on the Vyborg side of St. Petersburg. It is precisely the characteristics of Oblomov's guests that will become the topic of this article. Each of them, in their own way, is trying to attract Oblomov "for the company" to do the same thing that he himself does. The guests are Alekseev, Volkov, Penkin, Sudbinsky. However, our hero, although a lazy person and a careless person, is educated, with normal logical thinking. Oblomov, communicating with the guests, at a certain stage it becomes clear that his laziness and the posture of a thinker reclining on the couch is better, more honest than the vanity of all these people.


Not a fan of Oblomov. The characteristics of his guests can serve as proof that these acquaintances are very superficial. Let's start with Alekseev, a man of indefinite appearance and age. He is a person who has “lost himself” at a certain stage. Therefore, everyone calls him differently: either Ivan Vasilyevich, then Ivan Ivanovich, then Ivan Mikhailovich. Whether he exists or not, society does not care. Previously, he was in office, enjoyed some influence, considered himself a secular lion. They knew him and invited him. But the unexpected happened, and the high position was lost, she was replaced by a "regular service" in an ordinary position, and immediately Alekseev became uninteresting to those around him. Is it not in the scarcity of this person's spiritual world that the reason is that this happened? Having lost his position, he did not find what to rely on in life. Alekseev is a skeleton, a pitiful shadow of the former center of attention. Oblomov gives him a devastating assessment: "There is no man!"


The characteristic of Oblomov's guests cannot but include one more characteristic character. Volkov, 28, full of health, is a ladies' man and dandy, a deeply secular man. In the context of our time, such people are called "party-goers". His whole life is a series of visits, balls, dinner and supper parties. On the one hand, he is constantly in motion, on the other, all his actions are meaningless, do not bring any benefit at all. In addition, Volkov is inherent in the meagerness of the shallowness of the soul, which cannot be said about Ilya Ilyich.


Sudbinsky is a man who "got a good idea" in public service. He occupies a high position, but has become completely impersonal, becoming like a clerical paperweight. His future wedding to the daughter of a state councilor is also completely subordinated to his career. "Unhappy!" - Thinks about him Oblomov, realizing that never and no high thoughts and feelings will break into the thick-skinned soul of this person.


A brunette with Pushkin's whiskers, Penkin is a man who chronically lacks "depth". This is definitely a parody image. He dresses with deliberate negligence. Penkin is a writer by profession. He writes easily, but his "dirty" will never touch anyone's heart. It is characteristic that the writer himself does not adequately assess his creative potential. Believes that "everything is going as it should". "It's better to do nothing at all than to do it somehow!" - Oblomov thinks about him.


Characteristically, a small detail, as a characteristic of Oblomov's guests, is complete and artistically flawless, which was noted by both Chekhov and Dobrolyubov. All these people, as already mentioned, come to Ilya Ilyich to invite him to jointly go to the May Day in Yekaterinhof. They try to drag him into a really meaningless rush and bustle. At the same time Oblomov finds a reason to refuse. Is he right? The situation is controversial. Indeed, as a result, Oblomov's self-destruction takes on a higher order than that of the people who visited him.

The novel "Oblomov" is a classic in which interest either subsides or, on the contrary, flares up with great force. The point is in the character of Ilya Ilyich, who becomes a symbol of some eras, and a negative hero of others.

Oblomov's guests and the purpose of their arrival will help to understand the nature of a complex character.

Oblomov's guests

Throughout the novel, few guests come to Oblomov. They are all different in nature, appearance and age. Alekseev and Tarantiev come to Ilya Ilyich more often and harder. At first glance, these are two opposite characters: noisy and quiet, rude and timid, arrogant and meek. But in fact, they have a lot in common: the inability to build a career, the desire to eat at the expense of others.

The rest of the guests were Ilya's infrequent visitors. They were brought to him by random circumstances. They flew in for a minute and, seeing no point in communicating, quickly left the uncomfortable house. Such guests understood that they could not reciprocate the owner, reported some not very important news and left. Friends were an annoyance in Oblomov's life. They tried to return him to a stormy and hectic life, but their views did not coincide. Oblomov became increasingly uncomfortable with them. He pushed them away, not wanting even ridiculous friendly contacts. They felt cold from the street, and it was cold not only in the literal sense of the word, but also figuratively.


Cheerful young man is carefree and cheerful. He shares the latest news with Ilya, brags about new things. The guest is a fashionista who loves flaunting clothes from the latest collections. He has a beautiful hairstyle. Volkov's life is a stormy holiday. He manages to visit 10 different places in one day:

"In ten places in one day - unfortunate!"

Volkov is trying to change Oblomov's attitude towards women. Thoughts, not whether to fall in love, visited the owner and immediately melted away. A busy life did not make Ilya envy. He found his balanced and relaxed lifestyle better.


The guest is Oblomov's former colleague, they served together in the office. Sudbinsky has a speaking surname. He is the builder of his destiny: he makes a career, strives for promotions, receives awards. Sudbinsky came to visit his friend, to invite him to go with him to Yekateringof. Oblomov was not interested in the story of his work. He is glad that he does not need to be bogged down as a guest in a career "fuss". In the conversation of friends, the topic of the essence of a person is raised, which fades into the background, leaving on the surface the desire for rank and serving. Good earnings and eternal employment are what the Sudbinsky colleague wanted to call on.


With a proposal to go to Yekateringof, a young writer Penkin came to Oblomov. But before giving the purpose of the visit, the guest spoke about his article, about literature in general. He excited Ilya with thoughts of fallen people and changes in society. Ilya even jumped out of a comfortable bed, but it was a momentary splash. Writing even at night is too wrong. Selling your thoughts is also absurd. Penkin can be compared with Oblomov's car, which turns without stopping every day. Life without sleep and rest - for Ilya Ilyich, a synonym for an unhappy existence.


The purpose of his visit to Oblomov, like all his life, is to eat. He invites Ilya to dinner with a mutual acquaintance, and in the afternoon to go with friends to Yekateringof. Oblomov offers to stay and dine with him. Alekseev is a timid man, afraid of himself. He does not advance in the service, does not have his own opinion, adapt to others, gradually losing face. Becomes unremarkable externally and internally. But only to this quiet guest Oblomov was able to voice his problems.


Ilya Ilyich's compatriot and friend Tarantiev is a noisy and rude guest. He, without asking for consent, tries to lift Oblomov out of bed. At the request of Tarantiev, the servant Zakhar dresses the master. Oblomov sits down in a chair. Tarantiev was an invited guest, he was invited to dinner, but another purpose of the visit was to beg for a black tailcoat. Only the servant prevented the guest's insolence. Tarantiev constantly scolds, grumbles and swears. He is dissatisfied with everything in the world, looking for profit, the opportunity to deceive and cheat.


The purpose of visiting the doctor is Oblomov's health. He warns Ilya about the possibility of a stroke (stroke), about the need to change his lifestyle, but he does not listen to his advice. The doctor is elegant and attractive. He walks into the homes of wealthy patients, so he is restrained and calm. The doctor has a good income, his behavior is of interest.

Volkov is a secular dandy, one of the guests in Oblomov's house. This is a young man of about twenty-five, full of health with laughing eyes and lips. His life consists of endless visits to St. Petersburg houses, as well as all kinds of entertainment. Oblomov himself considers such a pastime empty and worthless. Spending his days at home, he prefers not to "crumble" in vain for the sake of high life. In addition to Volkov, the main character's house is visited by Sudbinsky, Penkin, Alekseev, Tarantiev. All these people, one way or another, bring at least some kind of variety to Oblomovka.

If the first chapter of the novel is mainly devoted to the main character lying on the couch all day and night, then the second and third chapters are devoted to the visits of St. Petersburg friends. Volkov's conversations include stories about his constant visits to various houses, his love, bragging about new acquisitions, for example, a tailcoat or gloves. According to Oblomov, Volkov is an unhappy person who is trying to get into ten houses in one day, as if “crushing” his soul into pieces. Listening to his guest, he is once again convinced that he has chosen the right way of life.

bummer hero stolz

I.A. Goncharov and guests of Ilya Ilyich. Each of them has his own portrait, albeit not very complete. Thanks to this, the reader creates an image of those people with whom the main character communicated. Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Volkov is the first to arrive: “... a young man of about twenty-five, shining with health, with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes. Envy took to look at him. ”Goncharov, I.А. Oblomov. A novel in 4 parts. - M .: Fiction, 1984 .-- 493 p. - P. 32 He dazzled and the freshness of the face, and linen, and tailcoat. He had a shiny hat and patent leather boots. And as Oblomov himself correctly called him - "a brilliant gentleman."

Sudbinsky appears in a different way before the reader. This is "a gentleman in a dark green dress coat with heraldic buttons, clean-shaven ... with a troubled but calmly conscious expression in his eyes, with a heavily worn face, with a pensive smile." In the same place. - P. 36 These features are not accidental, because this guest is the head of the department.

Another guest, Alekseev, was a man "... of indefinite years, with an indefinite physiognomy ... not handsome and not bad, not tall and not short, not blond or dark-haired ...". In the same place. - P. 44 As the writer notes, nature did not give this character any noticeable features.

A more complete portrait of Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev is given. This is "a man of about forty ... tall, voluminous in the shoulders and in the whole torso, with large facial features, with a large head ... a short neck, with large eyes on the rollout, fat-lipped." In the same place. - P. 52 He did not pursue the elegance of the costume, was not always shaved ... But all this, it seems, did not bother the hero himself. Tarantiev is unfriendly to everything around him, scolding everything and everyone. For twenty-five years he has been working in the office. Sometimes he is like a child: overlooking something, missing something.

It is this description of Oblomov's guests that is especially detailed, since I.A. Goncharov brings this hero closer to Oblomov. The point is not even that they have one small homeland, but that both Tarantiev and Oblomov remained with their unrealizable hopes, although somewhere inside they were full of dormant powers.

I.A. Goncharov puts the portraits of the above heroes at the very beginning of the chapter, which allows the reader to immediately imagine the image of Oblomov's guest, and then follow the conversation between the characters.

Portrait of Zakhar

Zakhar is a servant of Ilya Ilyich. Despite the fact that this is a simple man, of a low class, I.A. Goncharov also created his portrait. The servant was over fifty years old, with "immensely wide and thick fair-haired whiskers with gray hair." The image is complemented by clothes: a gray frock coat and a vest, which the character really liked, but this is all at the beginning of the novel. At the end, a sad portrait is given: “... he has patches on his elbows; he looked so poor, hungry, as if he ate poorly, slept little and worked for three. Goncharov, I.A. Oblomov. A novel in 4 parts. - M .: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1984. - 493 p. - P.427 This is how Zakhar changed while in Pshenitsyna's house.

It is interesting that I.A. Goncharov complements the portrait with some character traits, the habits of a servant. For example, the reader learns that Zakhar is a gossip, is ready to swear at the master at every opportunity, likes to drink, and sometimes steals from Oblomov.

Zakhar is unpleasant (rarely shaves). Very awkward, slow, awkward. Even when he tries to please the master, the opposite happens. "There is no end to troubles and losses" from such a servant.

Despite all his shortcomings and repulsive properties, Zakhar is passionately devoted to the master, he would have died instead of the master, if necessary, since he considered it his duty.