Bulgarian singer Azis biography. Vasil Trojanov Boyangov and his new image

Bulgarian singer Azis biography. Vasil Trojanov Boyangov and his new image
Bulgarian singer Azis biography. Vasil Trojanov Boyangov and his new image

Vasil Trojanov Boyanov, he also looks like a Bulgarian singer as the most normal and adequate man, which cannot be said about his stage and mostly daily image. There are images that are better to see once than hear about them a hundred times, so we decided to start with what you impressed us most. With berries.

Whether a man, whether the maintenance, and maybe the ghost. Azis is compared with our Boris Miseyev, but the latter is just a harmless clown, in comparison with this shocking representative of the male population of the planet. If you show curiosity and find other photos of the singer, then you will understand why we immediately calculated his floor. White beard but background female face It looks ridiculous and absurd.

It is said that not so long ago the singer became a father, but at the same time he does not hide his close relationship with a man. Due to its ambiguity, image and music genre Chalga (not particularly popular, by the way), Azis became leading own show on TV. Like on the stage, it is invariably appearing on heels, in dresses or provocative women's linen.

We are inclined to the opinion that the Azis without makeup is much sipatic and more adequate than with him. Even red hair does not spoil him, although something female, in his face already manifested. It is not for nothing that it is said that a long time playing the same image, a person is gaining in it so tightly, which loses the opportunity to get out of it even at a small time.

The popularity of the singer is growing at each day. His songs occupy the top lines in local chats, the show has great popularity in the audience. It is possible that in the near future we will see this middle-aged man and on our long-suffering stage.

Genres Pseudonyms Cooperation Labels


Vasil Trajanov Boyangov was born in Sliven, but grew up in Kostinbrode and in Sofia. Comes from a rich gypsy family; Mother refers to Gypsy ethnic group Calperara, Father - to Eril. At the age of 11, his family moved to Germany, where Vasil worked as a savory dog. There he studies German, his sister Matilda is born there. In Germany, tries to realize himself as a model, but it does not succeed. In the model agency meets Julia Kyncheva, with which they become good friends.

One of the first performances was the performance in the "Roma" ensemble. In early 1999, he concludes his first contract with the label "Maraton Rejards", then azis was born - the singer chose a pseudonym on behalf of the main hero of the Turkish film. His first songs were included in the collection "DJ Falkmaraton". However, for the general public, Azisa opened the producer "Sunny Music" Kros Asanov. Azis approached him with his first album with Gypsy songs. Asanov decided to give him a chance due to his gypsy origin. Their first album "Nokt" Azis himself described as "full boration" (Bulgarian drink, similar to Braga). Popularity brings their second album - "Melting is crying". Currently, Azis has released eleven studio albums.

On May 3, 2005, he was elected by the Honorary Chairman of the Party "Political Movement of Euroroma", where he also headed the Commission for Culture. In the summer of 2005, he was a candidate for deputies, but could not enter the national assembly. Is the author of most educational program Party. According to Azis, parents of children who are well studying at school must receive money for it, and in classes where there are 30% Bulgarians, everyone should receive free textbooks and tutorials; Urges the legislators of "Eurorah" to abandon their salary.

On May 18, 2006, together with Mariana Popova spoke from Bulgaria at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with the composition "Let Me Cry" as a back-vocalist. In the qualifying Competition, Bulgaria, he did not participate, because he did not want to call speculation about the fact that his fame could heal the interest in the song Mariana Popova.

In 2006, he publishes the autobiography "AZ, AZIS", written in co-authorship with the Bulgarian actress, singer and writer Vanya Scherva.

In 2007, the "Velikita Bulgari" project ("Great Bulgarians") was nominated for participation in the project of Bulgarian National Television ("Great Bulgarians"), in which she took 21st among the one hundred of the greatest Bulgarians of all time (and, in fact, became the second of the now living, After the football player, Hristo Stoichkova, who took the 12th place).

August 5, 2007, the Azis is born daughter of Paradise Vasileva. Mother of the girl is his old girlfriend Folk Singer Gala.

In 2015, participated in the third season of the Bulgarian show "Kato two droplets water (Bulgarian)russian", Bulgarian version of the show" one to one ".


  • 1999 - "Bolk"
  • 2000 - "Melting Extract" crying "
  • 2001 - "Celli"
  • 2002 - "Azis"
  • 2003 - "On Golo"
  • 2003 - "kiss me"
  • 2003 - "The Best"
  • 2004 - "Crall"
  • 2004 - "TOGETHER" (Azis and Desives Glory)
  • 2005 - "Azis 2005"
  • 2005 - "Blowjo"
  • 2006 - "Diva"
  • 2007 - "The Best 2"
  • 2011 - "Gadna Breed"
  • 2014 - "AZIS 2014"


  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - award for National National Musicalen Tsentar (NMC) and "New Folk" for Singer Singer 2000
  • Annual Prize of the magazine "New Folk" - Original Media Primary 2001
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - award on the NMC and "New Folk" for Nagi-sold Album "Celli" 2001
  • Annual Prize of the magazine "New Folk" - Originally Scented Verification 2002
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - Original Media Primary 2002
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - Singer on Hodinata 2002
  • Annual Prize of the magazine "New Folk" - award on the NMC and "New Folk" for Nagi-sold Album 2002
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - Originally Media Verification 2003
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - Singer on Hodinata 2003
  • Annual Prize of the magazine "New Folk" - Capture of comprehension 2003
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - award on the NMC and "New Folk" for Nagi-sold Album "On Golo" 2003
  • Annual Prize of the "New Folk" magazine - originally scenicly Verification 2004
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - Singer on Hodinata 2004
  • Annual Prize of the magazine "New Folk" - originally scenitically aimed at 2005
  • Annual Prize of the "New Folk" magazine - video clip on the Godinata "Do not know" - Raspberry and Azis 2005
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - Singer on Hodinata 2005
  • Annual Prize of the magazine "New Folk" - award for "Dima Styl" for the Ekscentrichnostrich and Eksperimentatory Spirit 2005
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - award on GSM Review for Ringtone on the Godinat "Loans Message" 2005
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - Originally Media Primary 2007
  • Annual Journal Prize "New Folk" - Original Media Primary 2008
  • Annual Prize of the magazine "New Folk" - Singer on Hodinata 2011

Popularity in Russia

Azis became widely known in Russia only in 2011. Then in RuNet began to actively spread his clip to the song "Mrasishe". This clip was devoted to one of the Sketchs of Ruslan White in the show "Comedy Club", which seemed to the performer offensive, and in September 2011, a clip "Hop" came out with the abundant use of Russian and Soviet symbols. Also, without stopping at what has been achieved, the Azis placed an appeal on the Internet (at the same time in Russian) to the Russians and asked for tolerance, indicating that Russia and Russian people never affected in bad aspects, and the fact that was stressed separately Never allowed himself anything offensive in someone else's address.

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Excerpt characterizing azis

"Oh yeah," she said. "Have you noticed anything?" Said her eyes.
Pierre was in pleasant, after a dining condition of the spirit. He looked in front of him and smiled quietly.
- For a long time you know this young man, Princess? - he said.
- What?
- Drubetsky?
- No, recently ...
- What do you like?
- Yes, he is a pleasant young man ... Why do you ask me? - said Princess Marya, continuing to think about his morning conversation with his father.
"Because I made an observation," a young man usually comes from St. Petersburg to Moscow on vacation only in order to marry a rich bride.
- You made it watch! - said Princess Marya.
"Yes," continued Pierre with a smile, "and this young man now keeps herself that, where there are rich brides," there heirs. " I read in him on the book. He is now in indecision, whom to attack him: You or Mademoiselle Julie Karagin. Il Est Tres Assidu AUPRES D "ELLE. [He is very attentive to it.]
- He goes to them?
- Very often. And you know new manner look after? - Pierre said with a cheerful smile, apparently being in that haul spirit of good-natured mockery, for which he so often reproached himself.
"No," said Princess Marya.
- Now in favor of Moscow girls - Il Faut Etre Melancolique. ET IL EST TRES Melancolique Aupres De M Lle Karagin, [We must be melancholic. And he is very melancholic with M Elle Karagin, "said Pierre.
- vraiment? [Right?] - said Princess Marya, looking at the Pierre's kind face and not ceasing to think about his grief. "" I would be easier, she thought, if I would decide to believe someone anything I feel. " And I wanted to say everything to Pierar. He is so kind and noble. It would be easier for me. He would give me advice! "
- Would you marry him? - asked Pierre.
"Oh, my God, the count, there are such minutes that I would have gone for any," suddenly unexpectedly, with tears in his voice, said Princess Marya. - Oh, how hard it is to love a person close and feel that ... nothing (she continued with a trembling voice), you can not do for him except grief, when you know that you can't change it. Then one thing - to leave, and where to leave me? ...
- What are you, what's with you, Princess?
But the princess, without a negotiation, I cried.
- I do not know what now is with me. Do not listen to me, forget what I told you.
All the funny pierre disappeared. He concernedly asked the princess, asked her to express everything, believing his grief; but she just repeated that he asks him to forget what she said she didn't remember that she said, and that she had no grief, besides the one he knows - grief that the marriage of Prince Andrei threatens to embroil the father with Son.
- Have you heard about growth? She asked to change the conversation. - I was told that they would soon be. Andre I am also waiting every day. I wanted to see them here.
- How does he look at this matter now? - asked Pierre, under he reasoning the old prince. Princess Marya shook her head.
- But what to do? Until a year, only a few months remain. And it can not be. I would only wanted to save my brother from the first minutes. I would want them to come soon. I hope to fall with her. You have a long time you know, - said Princess Marya, - Tell me, put your hand on the heart, all true truthWhat is this girl and how do you find her? But the whole truth; Because, you understand, Andrey risks so much, making it against the will of the Father, that I would like to know ...
Unclear instinct told Pierra that in these reservations and repeated requests to say the whole truth, the princess to his future daughter-in-law was expressed, which she wanted Pierre not approves the choice of Prince Andrei; But Pierre said what he felt rather than thought.
"I don't know how to answer your question," he said, blushing himself, not knowing what. - I strongly do not know what kind of girl; I can't analyze it in any way. She is charming. And why, I do not know: that's all that you can say about it. "Princess Marya sighed and the expression of her face said:" Yes, I expected this and was afraid. "
- Small she? - asked Princess Marya. Pierre thought.
"I think no," he said, "and even yes." She does not honor to be smart ... No, she is charming, and nothing else. - Princess Marya again shook her head.
- Oh, I wish you so much! You tell her it, if you see her before me.
"I heard that they will be the other day," said Pierre.
Princess Marya reported his plan about how she had just come Rostov, would get brighte with the future daughter-in-law and she would try to teach her old prince.

The marriage in a rich bride in St. Petersburg failed to Boris and he came to Moscow for the same purpose. In Moscow, Boris was in indecision between the two richest brides, Juli and Prince Marya. Although Princess Marya, despite his urgency, and seemed to him attractive Juli, for some reason he was awkwardly to care for Bolkon. In the last date with her, in the name of the old prince, to all his attempts to speak with her about the feelings, she answered him the nefple and obviously did not listen to him.
Juli, on the contrary, albeit special, one in its peculiar way, but willingly took his courting.
Jules were 27 years old. After the death of his brothers, she became very rich. She was now completely ugly; But I thought that she was not only as good, but it was still much more attractive than was before. In this delusion, it was supported by the fact that in the first it became a very rich bride, and secondly, the fact that the older she became, the more safer for men, the freer was the men to handle her and, without taking upon themselves no obligations, Use her dinners, evenings and a lively society that was accompanied by her. A man who took ten years ago would be afraid to ride every day in the house where there was a 17-year-old young lady so as not to compromise her and not tie himself, now went to her boldly every day and turned with her not like a brightness bride, but as with familiar, not having sex.
The Karagina House was this winter in Moscow the most pleasant and hospitable house. In addition to invited evenings and dinners, the Karagina has gathered a big society, especially men who have 12 meters at night and sitting up to 3rd hour. There was no ball, a walk, theater that would miss Julie. Her toilets were always the most fashionable. But, despite this, Julie seemed disappointed in everything, he said to anything that she did not believe in friendship, nor in love, nor in what joy of life, and awaiting only there. She learned the tone of the girl who suffered a great disappointment, the girls, as if lost a loved one or cruelly deceived by them. Although nothing like it happened to her, they looked at her, as at such, and she herself even believed that she suffered a lot in life. This melancholy, who did not interfere with having fun, did not interfere with her young people had a nice time to spend time. Each guest, coming to them, gave his duty to the melancholic mood of the hostess and then engaged in light conversations, dances, and mental games, and tournaments Burim, who were in fashion with Karagina. Only some young people, including Boris, were more delved to the melancholic mood of Julie, and with these young people, she had longer and secluded conversations about the vanity of all worldly, and they opened their albums written by sad images, sayings and verses.


Bulgarian singer with a pseudonym Azis has a real name of Vasil Trajanov Boyanov. From the family of prosperous Bulgarian cygin. Born on March 7, 1978 in the city of Sliven. Then lived in the Bulgarian cities Kostinbrod and Sofia. At the age of 11, he, together with his family, moved to a residence in Germany. Because of frequent movements, almost a nomadic lifestyle, the boy did not even receive secondary education, he graduated from only 5 classes. In his youth, I tried different specialties for earnings: dog walker, fashion designer.

Creativity Azisa

The first ensemble in which the Azis began to perform is called "Roma" (Gypsy songs). In 1999, he concluded the first favorable contract with Maraton Records, then Vasil Trojanov Boyangov took himself creative pseudonym Azis. Azis gets acquainted with the producer of Kros Asanov from Sunny Music, which unwound it for a wide audience. With him, he produces the two first pains "pain" and "Melt Extract". The second album brings azis popularity.

In Bulgaria Azis, a real star, perfectly performed clips with their lampsiness, do not leave the audience indifferent. Not once, as the magazine "New Folk" and the Tsigan festival in the old Zagora, the singer confessed the singer of the year. His voice really shared despite the whole epoterage. In 2008, the Azis has declared its income in the tax authorities to 1 million lev (about 0.5 million euros, 1.95 ...). If you compare Azis with singers russian variety, Azis is like that of Boris Moiseeva, and if compared with European singers, the same type of the same type. Azis bisexual, and all his work emphasizes his sexual orientation.

Azis in 2006, together with the Bulgarian writer (which is also the actress and singer), Vanya Shhecheva released the autobiography "Az, Azis". On the 128 page book, the author of the book is indicated: Vasil Boyangov - Azis, the book was released in the Suunny Music publishing house. It is sold with a disc for 10 levs. In the same year, the musician was noted at the Eurovision 2006 contest. Together with Mariana, he sang "Let Me Cry" from Bulgaria. True, in subsequent tours, he gave the right to perform his partner alone, in order not to distract the public from the shock. Apparently he did so in vain, the experience of the cumsions shows it.

In the next 2007, a project "Great Bulgarians" was held in Bulgaria on the television channel "BST" (Bulg. Velikte Bulgari). On this project, the football player of Christ Stoichkov took the 12th place, and the singer Azis as much as 21st among the hundred the greatest Bulgarians for all time! Although his achievements should be evaluated for years so through ... what will it take then?).

In 2007, the singer was successful in every sense. From the singer Gala, his daughter is born - Paradise Vasileva. Whether the birth of a daughter, whether what other circumstances, but the work of Azis in the following years goes ascended. And only in 2011 it releases new album And produces the famous clip "Mrasishe".

Surprisingly, in 2015, Azis decided to change his image sharply. It loses weight of 30 kg. And now he is a courageous macho. Will the brutal image benefit the artist? Time will tell. In any case, now Azis is no longer an end, he is more like Kirkorov.

Albums and Singles Azis

In total, the Azis has several recorded discs (presented in the list, the albums are highlighted). Most lyrics for their albums Azis writes himself. Loves azis and sing a duet. He has several songs that he sang a duet with Bulgarian pop stars: Malina, Gloria, Tony Storaro, Sophie Marinova, Marta Savich and the artist Rap Ustata.

Bolk (pain), 1999
Tracks: 1. left those 2. Bolk 3. Dar Ot Boga 4. Pamela 5. Last of cygar 6. Myself is my 7. Sweet Midth 8. Spomen Za Teb 9. Babylon 10. Semi 11. Zmia.
Melting extremely crying (men are crying too), 2000
Tracks: 1. Erotik, 2. DISEDED SYM, 3. AUTOMONTOR, 4. ON CONDITION SI MI, 5. OGN and SELLOS, 6. Devla, 7. Melting is crying (duet with Tom Chinchiri), 8. Two auxctures, two Back, 9. Tridgewash C, 10. Calm, 11. Star, 12. Drive go.
Celers (tears), 2001
Tracks: 1. Hwake De 2. Fir ela 3. Calps 4. Vyatom 5. Molina 6. Cleansing mine 7. ETO 8. Watches 9. Crying

Azis 2002, 2002
Tracks: 1. Az Rem. Mystery 2. Aboham those 3. Mozhby, Mozhnaya 4. Nyma 5. Che Golov E 6. Divider and Praznik (duet from Cali) 7. Dai Mi Gay Dai 8. Studen C 9. Geyser 10. Max Mix

On bare (naked), 2003
Tracks: 1. Anti-Hero 2. Moisy Pat 3. It is not possible for a nickname 4. On bare 5. One belly is not stying (duet with Sofi Marinov) 6. RUSS OF SI WIET WIME 7. MELI 8. BUD BAR 9. Claims 10. Velien Mix 11. Immoved those (Dreamhouse Instrumental).
Kiss me (kiss me), 2003
Tracks: 1. Kissing me 2. Nick you can not 3. Calculation 4. Umci 5. Crying 6. Studen C 7. Kiss Me (Remix) 8. I can not (remix) 9. Celli (remix) 10. Ubava Mina (Remix Remix) 11. Buda Bar (remix) 12. Crying (remix).
The Best (best), 2003
Tracks: 1. Aboham those 2. One belly is not stying (duet with Sofi Marinov) 3. Nyma 4. Plugs me de 5. Divider and Praznik (duet with capital) 6. Bolk 7. Watch 8. Automontor 9. Cell 10. Dai Mi Gay Dai 11. I drink 12. ETO 13. The last of the cygar 14. Two auxctle, two back 15. And the doubt is crying (duet with Tom Chinchiri).
How pain (Maxi Single), 2004
Tracks: 1. As pain (Maxi Single) 2. As pain (ethno version) 3. As pain (Unplug Version) 4. How pain (Hip Hop Version)
Crash (king), 2004
Tracks: 1. But the collections of Ti Sting 2. Not a lax sinless (duet from Gloria) 3. Heide Soil Measure 4. Looking for me 5. Kiss me 6. Do not say, anyoneka Leka 7. I'm looking for from Mene Wychko 8. Crying suffer 9 . O'Azis (Instrumental) 10. DJ Stiments Mix.
Together (together) (duet Azis and DSI Glory), 2004
Tracks: 1. Classes (duet) 2. Cakes, but not a mog (duet) 3. Glazer Kralyts (Azis) 4. Sign, Through pain (duet) 5. Sign, what pain (tool) 6. How pain (AZIS) 7. Truthful Schchastlivi (Denis Glory) 8. Zharums (Tools) 9. Mix (DJ Mike)
Azis 2005., 2005
Tracks: 1. Loans ME on Love 2. Ryka for Ryka 3. Exactly sega (duet from tired) 4. Mila my Angel is my 5. Linship E Lit (duet from March Savich) 6. Do not know (duet with raspberry) 7. Glazer Kralyts 8. Kata Schooker 9. Pisiv Mi 10. Khibawa Si My Goro 11. O'Azis2 12. Dui Du.
Blowing (duets), 2005 (based on AZIS 2002 album)
Tracks: 1. Kazvash, Chee Abuych (Azis & Dia Glory) 2. Cakes, Claims (Azis & Raspberry) 3. Glazer Klava (Azis & Tired) 4. Non-lax sinless (Azis & Gloria) 5. Tyi) (Azis & DJ Damiyan) 6. Sign Character (Azis & Dia Glory) 7. One is not sting (Azis & Sophie Marinova) 8. Zharvam (Azis & Dia Glory) 9. Do not know (Azis & Malina) 10. Exactly Sega (Azis & Tired) 11. And the dusty is crying (Azis & Tomi Chinchiri) 12. Delel and Praznik (Azis & Kali) 13. Al Kapone (Azis & Stephanie) 14. Linship e Litz (Azis & Marta Savich).
Tracks: 1. Anti-mode 2. Az Cement Mystery 3. Bolk 4. Erotik 5. Pokhana me de 6. Zharumam - blowing with Desislava 7. But the collections of stying 8. Loans of me on any 9. Elah, elave 10. Not a lax sinless (blowing from Gloria) 11. Aboham those 12. Ryka for Ryka 13. Those dicky yes, it is abundantly (blowing with Tony Storaro) 14. All-day Pat 15. Semi 16. Automotor 17. Heide, so far ... 18. Mozhby, Mozhby 19. Nick you can not 20. Elation 21. Exactly segregation - blowing from tired 22. Looking for me 23. Mila my, my angel 24. On Golo 25. At the Concycling of SI 26. Nyama 27. Last on Tsigar 28. Vyatom 29. I know what pain is blowing with Desislava 30. Che the goals e 31. One belly is not stying (blowing Cee Sophie Marinova) 32. MOLOBA 33. Kissing Me 34. Merities E Litz - blowing from March Savich 35. ZMIY 36. Divine and Praznik (blowing from Cali) 37. Devl (God) 38. Do not know (blowing with raspberry) 39. Dai Mi Gay Dai 40. ETO 41. I'm looking for from Mene VSYCHO 42. Glasy Kralats 43. Melting is crying (blowing with Tomi Chinchiri ) 44. Sweet Mc 45. Kissing Me (Remix) 46. Umci 47. Buda Bar 48. Two auxilion, ryna back 49. Kato Score 50. Crying, suffer 51. Stand 52. Studen C 53. Babylon 54. Claims 55. About "Azis (instrumental) 56. Pisiva Mi 57. Crying 58. Sounds for you 59. Tridge SI 61. DAR from God 62. DJ Mix 62 Stiments 62. Max Mix 63. MIX 64. Grain Mix 65. Buda Bar (Remix) 66. O "Azis 2 (Tools) 67. Unexisons those (Druhouse Insrumental) 68. Pamela 69. Du, blow 70. Drive go. ..
Diva, 2006.
Tracks: 1. Raise Lee 2. Praznuvash Lee Saga 3. Abandhable Me, IMA 4. Samoga forked 5. Draw the eyes (duet with raspberry) 6. Podloguashing me 7. Neka yes to give 8. Not, not me 9. Nyaka den 10. Tuphko Lee.
The Best 2, 2007
Tracks: 01. Kissing ME 02. Zharuvam (duet from Desislava) 03. ME LOVE PAYMENT 04. BUT RESERVATIONS OF STYGA 05. ALWAY POTE 06. ENTIGY 07. RANKING ME 08. KATO OUTERICA 09. Casvash Desglava) 10.Name cannot be 11. Ryka for Ryka 12. Heide, soil 13.An Golo 14. Mila my, my angel 15. Draw eyes (duet from raspberry) 16. Onova Momech.
AZIS MP3 New Edition, 2008
Tracks: 01 - TEB OBICHAM.MP3 02 - Dai Mi Led.mp3 03 - Anti Geroi.mp3 04 - AZ SAM Zagadka.mp3 05 - Bolka.mp3 06 - EDNO MI.MP3 07 - Erotik.mp3 08 - Hvani Me De MP3 09 - Kazvash, Che Me Obichash (DUET S Desilava) .mp3 10 - KAK Boli.mp3 11 - No Kazvam Ti Stiga.mp3 12 - Obrechi Me Na Lubov.mp3 13 - Onova Momche.mp3 14 - Tzeluvai Me.mp3 15 - Zabravi Me.mp3 16 - Ela, Ela.mp3 17 - Iskam, Iskam (DUET S Malina) .mp3 18 - NE SME Bezgreshni (DUET S Gloria) .mp3 19 - OBICHAM TE.MP3 20 - Osaden sam.mp3 21 - Praznuvash Li Sega.mp3 22 - RAKA ZA RAKA.MP3 23 - Vseki Pat.mp3 24 - Zasrami SE.mp3 25 - Avtomontior.mp3 26 - Haide, Pochvai Me.mp3 27 - Ledena Klarica (DUET S Ustata) .mp3 28 - Maje, Maje.mp3 29 - Nikoi Ne Moje.mp3 30 - Obichai Me, Dokosvai Me.mp3 31 - Salzi.mp3 32 - Samo Moia.mp3 33 - Tochno Sega (Duet S USTATA) .mp3 34 - ISKAI Me.mp3 35 - Mila Moia, Angel Moi.mp3 36 - Na Golo.mp3 37 - NA SARCE SI MI.MP3 38 - NEKA DA TI DAM (Deep Zone Project Remix) .mp3 39 - Niama.mp3 40 - Posledna Cigara.mp3 41 - Samo Za Teb.mp3 42 - Viara.mp3 43 - Che Goliam E.mp3 44 - Chernite Ochi (DUET S Malina) .mp3 45 - Edin Jivot Ne Stiga (Duet Sas Sofi Marinova) .mp3 46 - Molba.mp3 47 - Ogan I svetlina.mp3 48 - Ti Si Drugo Neshto (DUET S DJ Damian) .mp3 49 - Vernosta E Laja (DUET S Marta Savic) .mp3 50 - ZMIA.mp3 51 - Delnik I Prabnik (DUET S Kali) .mp3 52 - Devla.mp3 54 - Ne Znaesh (Duets Malina) .mp3 55 - Podludiavash Me.mp3 56 - Ruska Si Voda Naliva.mp3 57 - Ubava Mina.mp3 58 - Znam, Che Boli (DUET S Desilava) .mp3 59 - Dai Mi Go dai.mp3 60 - Eto Mene vsichko.mp3 62 - Ledena Klarica.mp3 63 - Majete Sashto Plachat (DUET S Tomi Chinchiri) .mp3 64 - NEKA DA TI DAM.MP3 65 - Sladka Maka. Mp3 66 - UMRI.mp3 67 - Buda Bar.mp3 68 - Dve Napred, Dve Nazad.mp3 69 - Jaduvam (DUET S Desislava) .mp3 70 - Kato Skitnica.mp3 71 - NE, NEMOGA.MP3 72 - PLACHA, STRADAM. MP3 73 - Sledi.mp3 74 - Studena Si.mp3 75 - Geyzer.mp3 76 - Iskah.mp3 77 - Niakoi Den.mp3 78 - O, Azis (Instrumental) .mp3 79 - Pisna MI.Mp3 80 - PLACHI.mp3 81 - Spomen Za Teb.mp3 82 - TRAGVASH SI.MP3 83 - DJ Stamen Mix.mp3 84 - Hubava Si Moia Goro.mp3 85 - Max Mix.mp3 86 - Mix.mp3 87 - SUN.MP3 88 - Tejko Li Ti E.mp3 89 - Velini Mix.mp3 90 - O "Azis 2 (Instrumental) .mp3 91 - OBICHAM TE (Dreamhouse Instrumental) .mp3 92 - zvezda.mp3 93 - DUI, DUI.MP3 94 - Napipai GO .mp3 95 - Al Kapone (Duet Sas Stefani) .mp3
Gadna Breed (Nasty Breed), 2011
Tracks: Niama Nakude; Nyama Nakade; Mrazish; DA GO PRAVIM TRIMATA; DA GO PRAVIM TRIMATA; Gadna Poroda; Bivshi; Nashtrakai SE; Nashtrakai SE; UDRQI ME; Udryay me; Day Mi LED; Dai Mi LED; Imash Li Surce; Imash li sartse; Lude Me Pravish; LUD ME PRAVISH; Boli; ZAPRAVIL GOSPOD MANASTIR; Zapravil Gospod Manastir.
Hop, 2011.
Tracks: Hop.
Tracks: Sen Trope.
MMA, 2012.
Tracks: MMA.
Kazhi Chestno, 2012
Tracks: Kazhi Chestno.
Ti Za Men Si Samo Sex, 2012
Tracks: Ti Za Men Si Samo Sex.
Koleda, 2012.
Tracks: Koleda.
Evala, 2013.
Tracks: Evala.
Tzeluvay Me +., 2013 (reprint of the 2003 album)
Tracks: Tseluvay Me; Nikoy Ne Moje; Salzi; UMRI; Plachi; Studena Si; Tseluvay Me (Remix); Nikoy Ne Moje (Remix); SALZI (REMIX); Ubava Mina (Remix); BUDDA BAR (REMIX); Plachi (Remix)
, 2013
Tracks: NO Kazvam Ti Stiga; Ne SME bezgreshni; Hayde, Pochvay Me ...; ISKAY ME; TSELUVY ME; Ne Kazvay, Liube; ISKASH OT Mene Vsichko; PLACHA, STRADAM; O "Azis (Instrumental); DJ Samen MI.
Azis Duets., 2013
Tracks: Kazvash, Che ME OBICHASH; Iskam, Iskam; Ledena Klarica; Ne SME bezgreshni; Ti Si Drugo Neshto; ZNAM, CHE BOLI; Edin Jivot Ne Stiga; Jaduvam; Ne znaesh; Tochno Sega; Majete Sashto Plachat; Delnik I Prabnik; Al kapone; Vernocta E Laja.
Tracks: Haide Na Moreto.
Ti Me Razmaza, 2013
Tracks: Ti Me Razmaza.
Pius Ziba Zetz, 2014
Tracks: Pei Zälla North.
Azis 2014, 2014
Tracks: Pei Zälla Nost; Mykonos; Hay, Momic; Kato to you in line; Wemissea; Heide on the ferret; Evan; Tie sex sex; Journal honestly; MMA; Hop; Saint trail.
Dzhanm, Dzhanm, 2015
Tracks: Dzhanm, Dzhanm.

Video Azis Mrasishe

This video clip viewed on the Internet more than 16 million people. The video is enough provacing, and not everyone likes, but the voice and music are excellent.

Ruslan White - Mrasishes

Speech by Ruslan White on Comedy Club. Object Ruslan Video Clip Azis "Mrasisch"

The answer of the Bulgarian singer Azis on parodies

Lyrics of Azisa - "Mrasisch"

In the Bulgarian Song "Mrasishes":

Dyrasa yes Posyrash, yes Copyrash, yes shine

Dyrasa yes Posyrash, yes Copyrash, yes shine
Forehead si leaves, sinning from Izov.

I gave it possible to shed si from the Tazi bustle.

Not spiral yes showing your charms
Makar on the loan of the buzz, stand-up.

Mrasisch by Pratya W. Gazish,
I gave it shed by si from the Tazi fuss,
Mamish Ceing Ce Slary,
I gave it possible to shed si from the Tazi bustle.

In Russian Song, "hate (you swing)":

Do you like to pose, glamor, glitter.

Do you like to pose, glamor, glitter.
After leaving yourself, sinful traces.

Do not stop showing your all charms,
Although they were taken only to loy.

You shave, and everything is cracked on the way,
Will the soul rebuild from this fuss?
Manuish, leaving fool.
Will your soul rebuild from this fuss?

The newest clip of Azis "Habibi" (Azis - Habibi)

November 3, 2015, the public is presented new clip Azis. Watch and enjoy!

Vasil Trajanov Boyangov was born in Sliven, but grew up in Kostinbrode and in Sofia. Comes from a rich gypsy family; Mother refers to the Gypsy ethnic group of Caldarara, father - to Eril. At the age of 11, his family moved to Germany, where Vasil worked as a savory dog. There he studies German, his sister Matilda is born there. In Germany, tries to realize himself as a model, but it does not succeed. In the model agency meets Julia Kyncheva, with which they become good friends.

One of the first performances was the performance in the "Roma" ensemble. In early 1999, he concludes his first contract with the label "Maraton Rejards", then azis was born - the singer chose a pseudonym on behalf of the main hero of the Turkish film. His first songs were included in the collection "DJ Falkmaraton". However, for the general public, Azisa opened the producer "Sunny Music" Kros Asanov. Azis approached him with his first album with Gypsy songs. Asanov decided to give him a chance, because he is Gypsy. Their first album "Nokt" Azis himself described as "full boration" (Bulgarian drink, similar to Braga). Popularity brings their second album - "Melting is crying". Currently, Azis has released eleven studio albums.

On May 3, 2005, he was elected by the Honorary Chairman of the Party "Political Movement of Euroroma", where he also headed the Commission on Culture. In the summer of 2005, he was a candidate for deputies, but could not enter the national assembly. He is the author of most of the educational program of the party. According to Azis, parents of children who are well studying at school should receive money for this, and in classes where there are 30% Bulgarians, everyone should receive free textbooks and training aids; Urges the legislators of "Eurorah" to abandon their salary.

On May 18, 2006, together with Mariana Popova spoke from Bulgaria at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with the composition "Let Me Cry" as a back-vocalist. In the qualifying Competition, Bulgaria, he did not participate, because he did not want to call speculation about the fact that his fame could heal interest in the song Mariana Popova

In 2006, he publishes the autobiography "AZ, AZIS", written in collaboration with the Bulgarian actress singer and writer Vanya Schervoy.

In 2007, the "Velikita Bulgari" project ("Great Bulgarians") was nominated for participation in the project of Bulgarian National Television ("Great Bulgarians"), in which she took 21st among the one hundred of the greatest Bulgarians of all time (and, in fact, became the second of the now living, After the football player, Hristo Stoichkova, who took the 12th place).

Azis - Open bisexual.

August 5, 2007, the Azis is born daughter of Paradise Vasileva. Mother of the girl is his old girlfriend Folk Singer Gala.

In 2015, participated in the third season of the Bulgarian show "Kato two droplets water (Bulgarian)russian ", Bulgarian version of the show" one to one ".



  • Bolk (pain) (1999)
  • Melting extremely crying (men are also crying) (2000)
  • Celers (Tears) (2001)
  • AZIS 2002 (2002)
  • On bare (naked) (2003)
  • Kiss me (kiss me) (2003)
  • The Best (Best) (2003)
  • Crash (king) (2004)
  • TOGETHER (together) (Azis and DSI Glory) (2004)
  • Azis 2005 (2005)
  • Duets (Duets) (2005)
  • Diva (2006)
  • The Best 2 (2007)
  • Gadna Breed (Nasty Breed) (2011)
  • Azis 2014 (2014)

December 15, 2012, 20:57

Strong I. pretty man with a neat beard closed in women's dress, neatly extrassed and defiled at high heels fell on the eyes one of the many producers. Thus, the established stage image of Azis appeared. Azis recorded and executed a lot of songs with some of the most popular Bulgarian pop folts singers, such as Gloria, Raspberry, Sophie Marinov, Tony Storaro, Marta Savich Savich, as well as the artist Rap Ustata. Also, Azis took part in Eurovision 2006 as a backvocalist at Mariana Popova, participants from Bulgaria. How, tell me how, such a phenomenon could happen in culture of Eastern Europe? Do you degenerate little? In general, Meet - (although everything is probably familiar!) Azis. Warning: People with a subtle spiritual warehouse can be shocked by what will be under the cut, and especially - video Volochkova nervously smokes on the sidelines .... Real Name of this Unicum - Vasil Trojanov BoyangovHe was born in 1978 in the Gypsy family in the Bulgarian city of Sliven. About childhood and youth of the future hero of Bulgaria little is known, but there are accurate information that Vasil tried to break through model business. However, something did not grow together and Boyangov decided to retrain the singers. In 1999, he took himself a scenic pseudonym Azis - and went, went At first, Azis was more or less similar to a normal man, maybe, so his first albums were not popular. Then the Azis decided to change the image and climb with a rapid gay frika. He painted his hair in white color, got into latex, straws naked, put her lips with glitter - and the audience began to write with boiling water in his form

The whole world found out about Azis thanks to the clip with the speaker name "Gray" (translated from Bulgarian - "Imitation", and not what you thought). This Azz video was broadcast on leading music channels, (good - at night), I also heard the "gloomy" on the radio. And at home, in Bulgaria, the clips of Azis are twisted in Prime Time, he is a frequent guest on different shows, his photos in all newspapers and magazines, in one word - Star "Chip" Azisa - He loves to fall in women's clothing And behave like a manner young lady. Azis is not only a singer, but also the TV host. On one of the central Bulgarian TV channels, he leads the program "Evening Show Azis" What legs! Ehhh !!

May 3, 2005 was elected by the Honorary Chairman of the Party "Political Movement of Euroroma"where he also headed the Commission on Culture. In the summer of 2005, he was a candidate for deputies, but could not enter the national assembly. He is the author of most of the educational program of the party. According to Azis, parents of children who are well studying at school should receive money for this, and in classes where there are 30% Bulgarians, everyone should receive free textbooks and training aids; Urges the legislators of "Eurorah" to abandon their salary. Azis is an open homosexual. On October 1, 2006, a wedding was held, at which the informal marriage of Azis and his boyfriend Nickie China was concluded. Husband and husband
On August 5, 2007, the Azis is born to the daughter of Paradise Vasileva. Mother of the girl is his old girlfriend Folk Singer Gala.