Bellan Dmitry Singer bald. "Drunk love" Dima Bilan and Polina

Bellan Dmitry Singer bald.
Bellan Dmitry Singer bald. "Drunk love" Dima Bilan and Polina

A simple guy from the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic has passed a difficult path from anyone who is not a famous rural musician to one of the most popular performers in the CIS. Fate more than once laughed in his face, but he was able to survive everything and prove that Dima Bilan is not just a brand, but part of history russian show business.


Singer was born on December 24, 1981. His parents were far from creativity: the mother worked in the social sphere, the father was an engineer. Called the future star Victor, real surname Bellan. Elena's older sister (October 10, 1980) and younger Anna (July 26, 1995).

Victor's musical abilities noticed in childhood. From the fifth grade, he began to attend a music school where he studied the game on the accordion. But the teachers quickly recognized the vocal talent in it, the boy became a permanent participant in various contests. In 1999, Joseph Kobzon himself handed the juvenile diploma at the Chunga-Chang festival. It has become a good stimulus to continue their studies, and the guy entered the musical

Great and terrible

About walked a lot different rumors. By the time of acquaintance with Vitya Belang, he has already managed to serve a total of 17 years for currency fraud and fake dollars, to be a producer from legendary groups "Cinema", "Moral Code", Linda Singer and Kati Lel. I was able to make sex symbol of young girls from a simple gingerbread guy with sonorous name Vlad Stashevsky. He was not afraid of the gangsters that terrorized the stars and their producers. In criminal circles, Yuri Schmilievich was a respected man.

He noticed a modest Kabardian guy while he studied at Gnesinka. Watching his first steps on the stage, he decides to take young diving Under your wing. In 2002, the singer departs in Jurmala and ranks fourth among the "New Wave" contestants. Aisenshpisu categorically do not like the name and surname of their ward. Soon on the stage ignites new star under the name Dima Bilan. Slightly modified surname is not able to work miraculous, but a qualitative repertoire can open the road. By the way, the name Victor never liked young performerHe always wanted to be called in honor of his grandfather - Dmitry.

First success

In the biography and personal life of Dima Bilan's wife there was no place. Producer took up his next project with all zeal. After a year it comes out album "I night hooligan"And the clip of Dima Bilan on this song. Naked guy noticed, but these were not the compositions that could give him the love of listeners. The most successful: "I love you so much" and "baby" - were constantly in the rotation of the radio stations, and Eisenshpis realized that it was not worth doing from Dima Bilan of the Brutal Male from the tricky songs. He had a talent to break the hearts by lyrics. On her and made a bet.


Album "On the Bank of the sky" in 2004 brought Dima Bilan to the ranks of the most popular artists. Almost every composition became a hit, the calculation of Eisenshpis was fully justified. Dima Bilan songs have sowed the whole country, they went crazy, and he was a welcome guest at any concert. And if a new appears bright Star On the stage, it is started to promote applicants for Eurovision. Dmitry passed the selection in 2005 and after a year she had to represent the country in Greece. On the eve of this event, another album is produced in which the singer performed his hits in English. The rates were very high, the whole country believed in Bilan's victory. It could be the most happy year In the career not only singer, but also its producer. Life decided otherwise.

Death Aisenshpisa

Producer many years suffered from diabetes mellitus. He perfectly understood that Bilan would be his last project, and in a hurry to bring Dmitry to the top of the best performers. He managed almost everything: he saw success and heard deserved applause, but did not live to the main event. On September 20, 2005, Yuri Schmelevich died from myocardial infarction. He was only 60 years old.

The singer was hardly worried about the death of his producer. Aisenshpis became his second father. In the same year, Bilan receives wORLD Award Music Awards in the nomination "Best russian artist" He dedicated her victory to Aizenshpis and burst into a hand.

Fight for a rack slice

Death of Yuri Schmierevich led a number of problems for the singer. Nobody touched the music and texts of Dima Bilan, but his name became an apple of discord. Civilian wife The producer tried through the court to prove the rights to this brand and prohibit the performer to use it. But by the time Dima was no longer a defenseless novice singer. Behind him stood a powerful team led by Jan Rudkovskaya. And the Baturin was useless to her face. They defended the name and continued the case, started by Aizenshpis.

"Eurovision 2006"

The musical competition was decided to go without pompous decorations and stunning suits. Rudkovskaya and Bilan were correctly reasonable: the closer to the people, the closer to the victory. Simple shabby jeans, White T-shirt, the same color of the sneakers and a careless hairstyle made it a guy from the crowd. Two back vocalists, a couple of ballerinas and a piano with intrigue. During the second couplet, Dima climbed on him, and a girl appeared from roses petals. Many then accused the producer and the whole team is that they just scared Europe with this appearance. It was similar to how the dead rises from coffins.

Be that as it may, first place went to the Finn. Rock band was able to hit the people with their powerful performance and original song. But Bilan became national hero. Before him, only Alsu occupied the second place. His homeland was met by ovations, and the decision of the jury of the competition was considered a mistake.


The 2007 year became triumphal. People did not forget his bright performance in Greece, immediately three awards at the "MUZ-TV" ceremony: " Best album», « Best composition», « Best performer" Dmitry takes two new clips, and in October gets new music premiumsThis time from MTV Russia Music Awards. Three dolls were in his piggy bank: "Best Composition", "Best Artist", "Artist of the Year."

Second attempt

Eurovision-2008 has become another border for Dima Bilan. The team took into account all past mistakes and decided not to arrange the surprises to the grave spectators. This time, the world-famous figure skater Evgeny Plushenko and the violinist Edwin Marton goes as a powerful support. The song wore the talking name Belive. And the whole country believed in victory. But the bookmakers did not take into account the hot Russian artist. The rates were made on other musicians, but Dmitry's team did not fall in spirit. They had trumps in his pocket in case the public would not appreciate the vocal data.

But Belgrade is not Greece. Bilan was well accepted, and after the semifinals he was already, according to forecasts, in third place. It remained to wait for the final vote and expect to support the neighbors. Eurovision is always famous for its bias. Countries happily handed out high points with their neighbors, regardless of whether they liked the song or not.


But this time the CIS votes would not have enough in any case. At once, three artists reached the leaders, and no one could predict than the voting will end, even when data from several countries remained. With a minimum margin, Bilan was able to bypass other contestants. This time, the joy was not overshadowed, and Dmitry returned home to the real national hero. The first and so far the only singer, who managed to bring such a grand competition to Russia.

Another side of popularity

Together with success, it was not the most pleasant things for any artist. Close attention of the press and the lack of a permanent girl gave rise to a lot of rumors about non-traditional orientation artist. From despair or just to close your mouth with gossip lovers, Bilan turns a novel with a former Tattoo Yulia Volkova. They write a song, take a clip and fly to rest together. From a hot resort in the network fall pretty frank photos. For a while, everyone believed in their relationship, and the people stopped moving the bones popular singe.

But they began to notice the other - Dmitry was too strangely behaved on the transfer of "voice", where he was one of the members of the jury. His behavior quickly written off the effect of drug use. Broke out new scandalwhich still does not subside. Dmitry continues to sing and delight fans of hits, leaving dirty peres without comment. Now he is already a solid, the singer, who was not waiting for any surprises. But he was able to surprise everyone!

"Drunk love" Dima Bilan and Polina

To remove provocative and high-quality clips began precisely he realized everyone that ordinary love and tear rollers were tired of the viewer for a long time. Bilan decided to go the same way. The clip length almost 10 minutes shook everyone. The video on the "Russian Wedding" theme has already collected more than 10 million views on YouTube in just a month. This was another victory in the biography of Dima Bilan. Photo of his wife (Polyna's herself played in the clip) First of time was given for the present, but when the clip appeared in public access, then everyone understood that this is another duck.

The video itself shot Alexander Gudkov, who knows the sense in humor. A little obscene vocabulary, a scene with a fight, several invited stars - and success is provided!

His father, Nikolai Mikhailovich Bellan, worked as a mechanic and engineer designer, and Mom, Nina Dmitrievna, first worked in the greenhouses, and then he devoted himself to the social sphere. The singer has two sisters: Senior Elena and younger Anna.

The family changed the place of residence several times: a year after the birth of Dima moved to the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, and after another five years - to the city of May Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Because of this, the singer changed several schools. In the fifth grade, the future singer entered the music school to the Accordion class. I did progress: already in 1999 he went to the music festival to Moscow, where he received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon.

Creativity has always occupied the first place in the life of the young man: in 2000, he entered the State Music School named after the Gnesins, which graduated in 2003 with the Vocal Artist's diploma. Immediately entered the guitis to the second course. Released from it in 2005.

Back in 2000, the first clip of Bilan on the song "Autumn" came to the rotation of the MTV TV channel. In 2002, Dima debuted at the competition of young performers " New wave" He worked with the producer Yury Aizenshpis. In 2005, she was selected for Eurovision contest. At the end of 2005, he changed the producer due to the death of Aisenshpis: for further cooperation, Jan Rudkovskaya chose.

In 2007, he entered the top three most popular people in Russia versions of Forbes.. In 2008, he took the first place on the European Eurovision Song Contest, thus becoming the first russian performerwho brought his country to victory. In the same year she changed the name on the alias and officially became Dmitry Bilan. In 2012, the singer became the television show "Voice". In 2016, the first film was released with Dima in leading role ("Hero").

Personal life

I met with a model Lena Kuleckovka, from whom I met on the shooting of the clip. The pair relationships were unstable due to frequent tracks. For some time, lovers lived together in the Moscow apartment of the singer.

After Dima had a novel with a model of Julian Kryonova, with which he also met on the set of one of his clips. But they were not long.

Victor Bellan appeared on the light at 00.00

The pseudonym singer chose not by chance: Dmitry called his grandfather, whom he loved very much. Since childhood, Bilan said that he would like to be called Dima too

Dima Bilan was recognized by a man of the year according to Glamor magazine in 2006 and 2009.

At the end of 1981, on December 24, the Son was born in Belanov, whose witness was called. Then no one knew that it was future star Pop Olympus Dima Bilan. The boy was born in the small maternity hospital of the town of Ust-Jagut, when at the watch of Karachay-Circassia struck midnight. Parents of Viti were working people: Mom - a worker of a greenhouse economy, dad - a locksmith at the factory (although on education he is a designer engineer). In the family, except for Victor, was still senior daughter Lenochka. Photo and biography Dima Bilan will be presented in the article.


After exactly the year after they had a son, family in full composition moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. In this city, Vitya went first to Nursery, and later - in kindergarten. In 1987, when the baby was six godelkov, his parents decided to move again. Now their place of residence was the town of Mayan, who was in the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR. As evidence official biography, Dima Bilan (the nationality of the artist - Russian) for the first time in his first class went to school number 2, where he studied until the 9th grade. He graduated from training in SS No. 14. Teachers remember the boy as a quiet diligent student who always dreamed of playing music. Vitya willingly participated in school amateurness, always responded to the requests of teachers sing on school holidays.

The first money, the boy earned, selling a green greenery at the bus stop. So he tried to help parents. In 1994, Viti was born another sister - Anya. The brother immediately loved the baby and gently cared for her. Until now, the artist is at oddly fears his beloved sister.

School teacher advised parents to train Victor Music. In fifth grade, the boy went to the music school. Talented child He studied the game on the accordion and at the same time was a soloist in the choir. None of the event did no longer without his active participation. Victor won his first creative victory at the competition of young performers "Young Votes of the Caucasus".

Small steps to a big scene

In 1999, the composer David Tukhmanov and the poet Yuri Entin hold a competition of young giving Chung-Chang, thus noting the 30th anniversary of his joint creativity. An eighteen-year-old Victor Bellan arrived at this competition. The boy conquered his talent jury competition. Joseph Kobzon personally presented a diploma artist's diploma.

After participating in the competition, a gifted young man decided not to leave Moscow. He did not return to parental house. At that time, the character and diligence of the guy was manifested. He set himself a goal - to learn vocals to sing on a big scene.

A year later, Victor held a competition and entered Moscow music School named after Gnesins. He graduated from 2003 by the specialty "Vocal Artist." But on this training was not completed. To continue, Victor decided in Gitis at the acting faculty. The uniqueness of the situation is that the talented artist was accepted for the second course without exams and a creative contest.

Creative takeoff

The first producer of the singer became Elena Kan. In the two thousandth year, Elena shot a clip on the song "Autumn", spending his funds on the shooting. The clip was successful, it was shown on MTV.

During his studies, Victor met the famous Yuri Aizenshpis. Soon the producer decided to work with a young singer to make a star from him. According to the advice of Aisenshpis, Victor took his scenic pseudonym. From now on, Dima Bilan appeared. Dmitry name - a sign for a singer. So called his grandfather, whom the artist considers his guardian angel.

From that time begins career growth Bilan. In 2002, the singer Dima Bilan (biography is described in this article) ranks fourth vocal competition "New Wave", which at the time passed in the Baltic Jurmala. The song "Boom", presented at the competition, turned out to be successful. After Jurmala, the singer with the producer began to shoot a clip on it. After the "boom" came the time of the song "I Night Hooligan". This composition was so loved by Dima fans, which served as the title for his debut album, which the singer released in 2003.

After a year, the producer company Aizenshpis released new album Bilan - "on the sky of the sky." In the same year, the artist began working on his first English album.

Life after Eisenshpis

In 2005, a producer and friend Dima Bilan Yuri Aizenshpis left the life of life. The producer company was headed by the wife of Eyzenshpis - Elena Kovrigina. Dmitry's relationship did not have a relationship with her, and in 2006 he ragged contract with the company. Left without a friend's support, singer fell into deep depression. Later he confessed that at that moment remained quite without money, almost on the street. At this difficult moment, Artist helped Sergey Baturin. He actually saved Dmitry, taking it under his care. The singer's career took her hands the then Baturin's spouse - Yana Rudkovskaya.

But Elena Kovurigina was not going to give up and give a profitable project in the hands of others. Aisenshpis company started long litigation, trying to prove that the brand "Dima Bilan" belongs to her. Thanks to the inexhaustible energy of Yana Rudkovskoy, all the courts were won by Bilan. And in 2008, Victor received a passport, where his name is as far as Dima Nikolayevich Bilan.

Dmitry's creative life continued even in this difficult time. He in 2005 received two prestigious premiums russian competition "Golden Gramophone Award". In the same year, for participation in the project called "New songs about the main thing", which was shown on the first channel, Bilan received another prize.

2006 for the singer turned out to be rich in achievements. In Kiev, Bilan recognized the "singer of the year" at the World Music Awards competition. In Moscow, the creative piggy bank was replenished with leadership in the Golden Charmananka contest and the prestigious Glamour Prize.

Road to victory at Eurovision

Get to the European Competition Bilan wanted from the very beginning sing Career. He filed an application for participation in 2005. But, unfortunately, in that year he gave way to N. Podolskaya, occupying, however, second place by results spectator vote.

The singer has repeated attempted next year. It turned out to be more successful. The jury of the first channel appreciated the composition performed by Bilan Never Let You Go, and he went to the competition to submit Russia.

At Eurovision, the singer expected success. He ranked honorable second place. This result in the entire history of the existence of the competition was only one representative of Russia. In the two thousandth year, Singer Alsu, the audience also made it possible to get second place. But the second result would satisfy anyone, except for ambitious Dmitry. He needed only a victory to which the singer continued to go stubbornly.

Long-awaited victory

Many skeptically perceived the next bid of Bilan to participate in the competition. It seemed to them that more success than the one that was already was impossible to achieve. How much they were mistaken! Fortunately, there were those who believed in Dmitry, and in 2008 the singer again went to conquer Eurovision.

The speech of the singer was definitely the best that year. In addition to Dmitry, with beautiful song Believe on the stage shone Figure Evgeny Plushenko and Edwin Marton violinist. Of course, this brilliant trio could not take any other position, except first. Dima Bilan became the first Russian performer, rising in the first place in Eurovision.

After Eurovision

Dmitry's popularity after the victory, of course, has grown. IN hometown Ust-jagut the name of the artist called the music school. And the number of children who received the name Dima in that year is not calculating. However, the singer himself continued to work much, as before. He did not think that now you can stop and translate the spirit, enjoying the winner's laurels.

In the same year, he became the owner of two awards of MUZ-TV, winning in the "best performer" nominations, as well as the "Best Rington". The statuette of "Golden Gramophone" was obtained for the song "All in Your Hands".

In 2009, Dmitry Bilan performed his victorious song at the opening of Eurovision, which was held in Moscow. He once again made an attempt to go to the competition in 2012, but their duet from Yulya Volkova took second place in the audience voting.

Personal life stars

Biography Dima Bilan, wife, kids singer - it all never ceases to interest numerous fans. About Dmitry novels there are many legends and rumors. He was attributed to victories over the hearts of the beautiful girls. Several times the press wrote about the marriage of Bilan, but all this turned out to be another "newspaper ducks". The singer is still not married to the joy of fans. But serious novels in his life were, and the artist does not hide them.

The first love of the singer was called Lyal. They met when the singer studied in Gnesinka. About this Roman Dmitry mentioned in one of frank interviews. Everything went to the fact that relations will turn into a marriage union. However, at some point, young people realized that the ardent passion was held, and a new feeling had no replacement. Relationships began to go to no. Soon the girl was gone. They broke up without quarrels and offense. Who will be the wife of Dima Bilan? The biography and personal life of the artist are still under the sight of the paparazzi and fans.

Many attention presses paid a singer's relationship with Lena Kulecksky. They were a beautiful pair. Both young, beautiful, talented. Blonde with an angelic face and scattered drain in the eyes. The assumptions about the ambulance wedded the ring, which Dima presented the girl at one of the concerts. Before a trip to Eurovision, the singer promised that he would marry if he won. However, the promised wedding did not follow. Soon the most beautiful Russian couple declared parting. On one of the show, young people with a laugh admitted that their relationships were a successful PR-move for them. But in Julia's program, a little singer told that it was a real deep feeling. PR was mentioned in order to stop the curiosity of the paparazzi, who constantly Donimali Lena and Dmitry with tactless issues. About the causes of parting, the artist told very evasively, giving to understand that he did not want to devote the public to his deep personal experiences.

After the novel with Kuleck, new girls periodically appeared next to Dmitry. He was attributed to novels with Julian Wing, Sasha Savelieva and even with a colleague on the project "Voice" Pelagey. Does the artist have a wife? Biography and personal life of Dima Bilan (photo in the article) are interested in many. It is just known that the artist is still alone and serious relationships He has no anyone.

Does Dima Bilan have children? The biography and personal life of the singer is full of rumors and speculation. As for children, Dmitry periodically attribute the next "extramarital child". At one time the press was hard discussed the photo of the singer with beautiful girl, outwardly very similar to it. What was the disappointment of journalists when it turned out that in the picture - native sister Dima Anna Belang. And yet one child has a singer. This is his contest son - Sasha. The artist touching his scene. Joint photos with the baby are filled with all the personal pages of Dmitry.

Bilan filmography

Dmitry is known not only as a singer. In it creative biography There are acting work. Truth, large list Dima's roles should not boast, but still ahead.

Before filming in the full-length movie, Dmitry constantly took part in the musicals that were filmed for various channels to new Year holidays. The most noticeable and memorable steel "Disco night", children's cinema "Kingdom of curves mirrors" and a cheerful "golden key".

In 2011, the premiere of the mini-film "Theater of Absurd" took place. Bilan in this project spoke in several horses. He played the main role in the film, was his producer, as well as the performer of a track that accompanies the film.

The main thing acting Dmitry today is the role of an officer in full-length film "Hero", which is widely studied in 2016. At the actor in the picture of two roles: Officer Andrei Dolmatov and the great-grandfather Dolmatova Andrei Kulikov.

Dima Bilan today

Dmitry's life today is still filled with new projects, new songs and new victories. It does not stop on the achieved and continues to move forward.

You can list the most noticeable work for a long time. One of the iconic was to participate in conjunction with Pelagey, Leonid Agutin and Alexander Gradsky in the project of the first channel "Voice". Dmitry performed in it as a mentor of young performers. He also instructed little singers in the project "Voice. Children".

The singer is engaged in politics. He is a member of the LDPR party, even wanted to become a deputy. But the elections did not pass due to the fact that in the documents was as Viktor Bellan. At the 2018 elections participated in agitation for V. Putin.

Recently, Dmitry announced that he began to study new business. In the suburbs, they opened a mini-hotel in the suburbs with a relative. Hotel status - 3 stars. It has only 29 numbers. Bilan presented his new brainchild as a "hotel for people." There is no doubt that in this beginning Dima will accompany success.

The biography of Dima Bilan (photo with his wife, unfortunately, it is impossible to find, since the singer has no legitimate spouse) - this is an indication that there is no obstacles for this talent. Of course, in addition to talent, you need to have perseverance, hard work and the ability not to grasp the difficulties.

FULL NAME: Bilan Dima Nikolaevich

DATE OF BIRTH: 12/24/1981 (Capricorn)

PLACE OF BIRTH: pos. Moscow, Ust-Jegeut, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region, Stavropol Territory, USSR

Eye color: Brown

HAIR COLOR: Brunette


A FAMILY: Parents: Nikolai Mikhailovich Bellan, Nina Dmitrievna Bellan

HEIGHT: 182 cm



Russian singer and film actor. victor name Bellan. Born in Ust-Jugut, when the boy was a year, the family moves to Naberezhnye Chelny, and in five years - to the city of Mayski, where it ends with the usual school and musical class accordion. During his studies, participates in various competitions and festivals, ranks first in the "Young Caucasus Votes". And in 1999, the young man comes to Moscow to participate in the festival children's creativity Chung-Changa, where he receives a diploma right from Joseph Kobzon.

A year later, Dima enters the music school of the name of the Gnesins to the specialty classic vocal. And then in Gitis immediately to the second course.

In 2000, the first video clip of Dima Bilan was hit in the rotation of the TV channel MTV Russia, and a year later he made his debut on stage russian festival In Jurmala "New Wave". At the end of October 2003 he came out debut album called "I am night hooligan." In 2004, the second - "on the bank of the sky" was released. In the same year, the record of the first English-speaking album began. A year later, the official collection of clips "You, only you", was released, and at the end of 2005 the single came out New Year with a new line. "

In 2005, the producer of Bilan Yuri Aisenshpis died and at the same time the singer nominated for the "World Music Awards" award as "the best Russian artist." After that, Dmitry began cooperation with Yana Rudkovskaya. In December of this year, he received the Golden Grammophone premium for the song "You should be nearby", after a year I received the "Singer of the Year" award.

Success pursued him everywhere: In 2007, the Magazine "Forbes" called his name in the top three of the most expensive and popular people of Russia. All songs and clips released quickly become hits, Dmitry more than once participated in the Eurovision Music Competition, in 2009 with the song "Believe" ranked first.

Since 2012, the singer is a mentor of the "Voice" project, and from 2014 and participates in the jury of the project "Voice. Children". The magazine "Glamor" twice called his "man of the year". Bilan also laureate of the Russians of the Year Prize.

The singer is a well-deserved artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, a deserved artist of Chechnya, deserved artist of Ingushetia. In 2008, Bilan was assigned the title of People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria. Dima Bilan is a versatile person. He is a member of the LDPR and plans to become a space tourist. In the life of Dima Bilan, it is definitely the music remains, but the artist continues to try himself in other genres. In 2015, Dima Bilan starred in the Military Drama "Hero", together with Svetlana Ivanova, Marat Basharov and Alexander Baluyev.
Dima Bilan has always been a favorite of women and one of the most enviable grooms of Russia. Personal life of celebrities does not quietly live in almost no one. Gazes Tube about the novel Dima Bilan with a model Lena Kulecksky. For several years in a row, the couple promised to get married, however wedding dress And no one waited for the celebrations.

Bilan Dima Nikolaevich (P.1981) - russian singer and actor cinema, the only representative Russian Federationwho became the winner of the International Music Competition "Eurovision".


Dima was born exactly at midnight, at 00.00 hours on December 24, 1981. This happened in a small village of the Moscow city of Ust-Jaugut Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

At birth, the boy received a name in honor of Victory - Victor, so wanted and called his parents. When he started his musical path, took the stage pseudonym ─ Dima Bilan. It was not an accident, his beloved grandfather was called Dmitry, he passed the war, and, being a child, the boy very regretted that he was called Vitea, not Dima. Since 2008, Dima Nikolayevich Bilan is its official passport details.

Father, Bellan Nikolai Mikhailovich, graduated from the Institute in Chelyabinsk, received a profession of a designer engineer, worked as a mechanic, still fond of mathematics.

Mom, Nina Dmitrievna Bellan, worked in his youth in greenhouse farms, then switched to work in social sphere.

At the time of birth, Dima in the family has already grown up the girl Lena, she was born a year earlier brother in 1980. And in 1994, the third child appeared in the family of Bellan - Anya Girl.

When the boy was a year, the family went to Tatarstan to the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, where they lived 5 years. Then the will of the fate of Chet Belang with the children was in the city of May Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Here Dima went to the first class of secondary school.

School and student years

Almost from the very beginning of study at school, the child actively participated in all events, especially related to music: contests, concerts, festivals.
When the boy studied in the fifth grade, his parents gave him to a music school, where he was engaged in the accordion class.

The talent of the child was clearly noticeable and over time he was already out of school, and then cities. On the music festival The "young votes of the Caucasus" Dima became the winner and as a representative of the Caucasian republics in 1999 went to Moscow at the Chung-Changa festival. This event was devoted to children's creativity, was organized in connection with the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the joint creative activity Composer David Tukhmanova and Song-songwriter Yuri Entin. Diploma Dima handed Joseph Kobzon.

It is not surprising that possessing such vocal data, Dima chose to continue studying the State Music School named after Gnesins. In 2000, he became a student with a specialty classic vocal. After the end of this higher educational institution He studied back in Gitis.

Musical way

His first producer Elena Kang noted the young talent even after the festival of children's creativity. She helped him to record the first studio song called "Autumn", for which the clip was then removed. In 2000, this video clip hit television.

Immediately examined the talent in the young guy and famous man In the producer world ─ Yuri Aisenshpis. He began working with Dima, when he was still a student of Gnesink.

Already in 2002, Bilan's debut on the "New Wave" was held, then this musical competition was held in the Baltic city of Jurmala. He sang the song "Boom" from which he became the fourth. Immediately after the competition, the clip was removed on this composition.

It was not forced to wait for the following songs with video clips:

  • "You only you";
  • "I was wrong, and got";
  • "I'm a night hooligan."

In the fall of 2003, the first album was published with the compositions of Bilan "I Night Hooligan", in 2004 the second - "on the bank of the sky".

In 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis died, many producers began to offer Dima Bilan's cooperation, he chose Yana Rudkovskaya and her team, he has been working with her since 2006.


With this international musical competition Dima Bilan has its own, quite a long story, from which he still came out the winner.

In 2005, Dima Bilan participated in the Russian qualifying national Competition, I chose a representative who will go to Eurovision from Russia. He sang the song "Not That Simple" and as a result of the audience voting ranked second place, slightly leaving the singer Natalia Podolskaya, who went to the competition.

Exactly in the early spring of 2006, Dima Bilan was still chosen by the audience of Russia for a trip to Eurovision in Athens, his composition "Never Let You Go" took in national selection first place. During the fulfillment of the room in the capital of Greece, Dima was dressed in jeans and a white shirt, two ballerinas on the stage performed a dance under his song. Also in the room, white piano was involved, completely covered with petals of scarlet roses, and during the song, a female ghost periodically appeared during the song.

The stage number was highly appreciated by all of Europe. Among 37 representatives european countries Dima Bilan took second place in the competition, gaining 248 points. Before him, only the singer Alsu in 2000 was able to climb into such a high position, she then scored 155 points.

But it is not clear that the parents gave him the name of Victor, meaning "victory, winner" at birth. A harhous young man decided to rehaust with Eurovision again.

Two years after Athens, in the spring of 2008, Bilan again filed a request for participation in the national qualifying list. FROM legal point There were no violations in this, and the singer was allowed to contest. He presented his audience new composition "Believe" and again bypassed all rivals. This time he had to go to Belgrade.

During the execution of the composition in his room, the famous Russian figure skater Evgeny Plushenko and the Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton participated. Dima scored 272 points, received a long-awaited crystal microphone and became the first thing until the only representative of Russia who won on Eurovision.

And in a small village, the Moscow Ust-Jahut, where Dima Bilan was born, school of Music Wears his name now.

For their merits on Eurovision and creative success Dima received the title of Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, Chechnya, Ingushetia, as well as People's Artista Kabardino-Balkaria.

Dima Bilan now

The singer continues to delight his fans with new songs that regularly occupy the highest lines of hit parade, receive the statues of the Golden Gramophone and enter the final "Song of the Year".

No wonder Dima studied in Gitis: In 2016, a military melodrama "Hero" came to the screens of the country, where the singer was starred in the lead role. A touching story The immortal love of the young Lieutenant and the young Princess, in which the war broke, the audience came to the audience. For this role, Dima studied secular maneres, horse riding, fencing and military height.

On the first television channel, several seasons have been very rating a "voice" project. Dima Bilan performs in him as a mentor.

Dima Bilan is not married yet, but, of course, in the future he wants a normal family and kids. In the meantime, happiness in his concept is very simple - to come to visit to parents, sleep a sleep, and Mom went into the room and brought just frightened fresh pies.