Johann Strauss Son biography for children. Johann Strauss Son

Johann Strauss Son biography for children. Johann Strauss Son
Johann Strauss Son biography for children. Johann Strauss Son

On the violin secretly from the father, who wanted to see the son of a banker and satisfied the scandals when I found the Son with a violin in my hands. Soon, his father gave Johann junior to the Higher Commercial School, and in the evenings made working as a bill.

The conductor Johanna's debut with a new chapel Strauss took place at the home restaurant in Hitzing on October 15, 1844 and brought him a reputation as the future king of Waltz.

The repertoire of the Strauss-Son orchestra consisted of a large extent consisted of his own works. The first time, his father listed in a blacklist, those institutions where the son spoke, did not allow him to the court balls and on other prestigious activities that he considered his victim.

In 1848, Strauss-Jr. in the days of the French revolution played "Marcelesu" and wrote a number of revolutionary marches and waltz. After the suppression of the revolution, he was attracted to the court, but then justified.

After the death of the Father in 1949, Strauss-Jr. dedicated his memory Waltz "Ealar Harp" and issued a complete collection of e-stusted essays at his own expense.

Strauss-son adopted his orchestra, but he received the father's title of "court droplets" he received only in 1863 - the imperial yard recalled him sympathy for the revolution. This honorable post Strauss occupied until 1871.

The composer was invited to Russia to strengthen concerts and balls in the building of Pavlovsky Station. The success was so great that the next ten years, up to 1865, Strauss took every summer with concerts in Pavlovsk.

Huge melodic strauss talent, its innovation in rhythm and orchestra, its outstanding theatrical drama talent is captured in almost 500 essays. Among them - Walves "Acceleration" (1860), "Morning Newspapers" (1864), "Artist's Life" (1867), "Tales of the Vienna Forest" (1869), "Wine, Women and Songs" (1869), "Vienna Blood "(1872)," Spring Voices "(1882) and" Imperial Waltz "(1888). The polika "Anna", Tritch-Traach and written together with Brother Joseph "Pizzikato", as well as the Persian March and Polka "Eternal Movement" and written together with Brother Joseph Polka Marsh.

Waltz "Blue Danube" was widely fame - an unofficial anthem of Austria. Initially, the melody was written as a choral work for a Vienna choir society. On February 15, 1867, his premiere was held, which caused an unimaginable delight among the public. Soon after the premiere of the Johann Strauss, an orchestral version was written, which is considered synonymous with the Waltz.

In the 1870s, Strauss on the Council of Composer Jacques Offenbach turned to the genre of operetta. In 1871, the premiere of his first operetta "Indigo and forty robbers" took place in the An der Wine Theater. The most executed operetta in the world became a "bat", the premiere of which in 1874 was timed to the 30th anniversary of the first open speech of the Strauss.

Also, Peru Johanna Strauss belongs to such lovely operetta as "Night in Venice" (1883) and "Gypsy Baron" (1885).

Like the Father, the Strauss traveled with his orchestra in Europe, in 1872 he conducted four concerts in New York and 14th in Boston, as well as with the support of 100 Assistant conductors performed the "Blue Danube" with a 20-thousand orchestra and choir.

At the end of his life, the composer wrote his only comic opera "Knight Easter" (1892). The preliminary version of his ballet "Cinderella" was completed in the late autumn of 1898, he did not live up to the premiere.

A total of 168 waltz, 117 poles, 73 Cadryli, 43 Marsha, 31 Mazurka, 15 operetta, comic opera and ballet were created.

June 3, 1899, Johann Strauss died from pneumonia. He was buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery.

The composer was married three times. In 1862, Strauss married Opera singer Iretti Halepetsk, who spent under the pseudonym "Treftz". In 1878, after the death of Yettti, Strauss was combined with a young German singer Angelina Dietrich, but soon this marriage was collapsed.

In 1882, Strauss married Adelie Doych (1856-1930), the widow of the son of Banker. Strauss dedicated Waltz "Adele". Despite three marriage, there were no finussed children.

Johanna Strauss-younger had four brothers, two of them (Josef and Eduard) also became famous composers.

In Vienna in the house, where Johann Strauss wrote an unofficial anthem of Austria Waltz "Blue Danube", a composer memorial museum was opened.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Strains for autumn are considered. Today you will not only learn that Strauss was not alone, but also learn to distinguish one straw from another by characteristic signs.

Family Straussov

№1 Johann Strauss (Father)

Founder of the musical dynasty Strauss. The brought by the public in a figurative sense and fans in the literal, Strauss-Sr. was categorically opposed to his three sons to engage in music. He died the violin from the chubby hands of the heirs and came to indescribable anger, if he saw that those under the guise of erotic postcards, hide under the pillow notes. Children, as you know, do everything called parents, and therefore the three sons of the Strauss became noble composers. Strauss-senior did not have anything, how to put up with them, and escape from their mother to the mistress of the mill.

№2 Johann Strauss (Son)

The same "King Waltz". I found the strength to forgive the Father - which is characteristic, after His death. Even played on the grave of Pope "Requiem" of Mozart. Several years lived in Russia, where he had a novel with a Russian girl. True, he was married in accordance with compatriot, the opera singer with the folk name of Yetti.

№3 Josef Strauss

The most melancholic out of three brothers. Joseph barely managed to fight back from orders on speeches that the elder brother threw him. In the end, the overwork broke the Josef. He "resigned" the most spectacular for the composer in the way - fell into the orchestral pit in the middle of the rehearsal in Warsaw. As soon as he, the semi-shy, delivered home to Vienna, Josef died.

№4 Eduard Strauss

The scheme "Well, the third was a fool" worked not to the end. Both the public and musical critics noted that Eduard is the least darling from the entire Strauss family. But what to hide, the most beautiful. And, perhaps, it is better to interpret the writings of the father and brothers better than any other conductor in the world. Being already in old age, Eduard "interpreted" the writings of the father and the Gogol style brothers: threw them into the oven. Like his father (however, as Gogol), Eduard could become an excellent copy for psychoanalysis.

Individual Straights

№5 Oscar Strasus

Oscar's musical talent was advised by Johann Strauss (Son). In fact, they were not even named after the name, in German spelling, one letter differs - Strauß and Straus. Oscar Strauss tightly collaborated with Hollywood, in particular with Bernard Shaw.

№6 Richard Strauss

The author of the symphonic poem "So spoke Zarathustra" - see "2001: Cosmic Odyssey" Kubrick and listen to the transfer "What? Where? When?". A wrestler with the Third Reich, the defender of the Jews and a friend of Stephen Tsweig. It was famous for their scores, against which the Italians and the French with their butterflows and Karnets seemed to be children's chastickies.

My playful story is connected with Richard Strauss personally. One cold April day I got into the semide-eyed Hall of the Mariinsky Theater. They gave the opera "Woman without shadow" of this very Strauss. They gave, as now adopted, in modern production. And here, the main character, a dye of fabrics, going to the market, informs his wife about what will go on foot. As is found in Opera, he does it good 15 minutes. He sings: "I'll go on foot, the rest of the donkey!". Dreamer's wife fills: "Go on foot, whiskers of the donkey!" When both are finally strengthened in the thought that the dye goes on foot and thus the donkey coasts, the dye sits into the car parked right on the stage, and leaves. Because, at least, no one has canceled the original libretto yet. Frivolous weekend, reader!

At one time, the brilliant composer and the musician of Johann Batista Straus called not otherwise as "Mozart Waltz." He died when he was only 45. He was a phonod-bar of the famous musical dynasty. But first things first.

Hard childhood

Johann Batist Strauss, composer, a brief biography of which will be represented by your attention in the article, appeared in the spring of 1804 in the family of owner of one of the Viennese hotels.

When Johann was seven, his mom died. The cause of death was fever. And after a few years, his father was not. He drowned in the Danube. According to unconfirmed sources, the commercial case of the future composer collapsed literally overnight. He must have many creditors to the colossal amount and, realizing that he was unable to return the money, decided to end his life suicide.

A guardian took up a young johanna. It was he who sent an unfortunate child to learn a real and money craft. And the mentor was the booklet book. As a student Johann turned out to be unimportant. He hated this skill and soon threw his master. From now on, he began to take violin lessons.

New Paganini

The fact is that from an early age, young Strauss was incredibly musical. A friend of the family and the first teacher of Johanna told how he, being a very small boy, got out of the table, who was in the father's restaurant, and grabbed the violin. The most important thing is that he managed to unmistakably repeat the melody on this instrument, which was just played by Kabatsky musicians.

It is not difficult that at the very first opportunity, the Strauss, whose biography initially was very difficult, began to try to earn their bread on their own. And it is more than succeeded. He played in many Tractors of the capital of Austria. According to his contemporaries, the young talent played virtuoso, in a crazy pace and with the corresponding temperament. Soon, visitors of Viennese Pety establishments have already begun to compare him with a brilliant Paganini.


The logical completion of a straw career as a non-professional musician has become its employment to the famous professional orchestra Joseph Lanner. He was twenty years old, and he became an assistant of this conductor.

At the same time, on these dance evenings, he met a kind of girl Anna. For verification, her father turned out to be the owner of one of the numerous zucchini musical veins. As a result, in 1824, Johann and Anna became her husband and his wife. And only a year later, they had a firstborn, whom Ceta was also joined by Johann. Subsequently, the spouse of the Strauss gave her husband four more heirs. However, about it - a little later.


In the meantime, the Strauss continued to be enjoyed to musitize with the famous conductor Josef Lanner. Tandem was more than successful and for four years the musicians were friendly and fruitfully worked on the joy of the sophisticated Viennese public.

However, the gap between these musicians was most likely predetermined. The fact is that the talented violinist composed his first waltz. But on the stage, he sounded like an essay of Lanner. They say this fact was the reason for the breaking of their relationship. According to contemporaries, it was a real public scandal in this small, but musical state.

After that, Johann Strauss, the biography and creativity of which became the subject of our review, decided to go to his own way. The obvious triumph of this Waltz gave him faith in his own strength. He was pretty quickly able to assemble his orchestra. And he began to actively write - polka, hairs, waltzes ...

Appaude confrontation

Despite the fact that the connoisseurs of this music recognized the undoubted talent of a young strauss, they were not going to refuse and from the former musical guru - Lanner. Accordingly, the fans constantly compared these musicians. And the result of this short-sighted and incomprehensible to many confrontations was the fact that the dancer and singing vein split into two opposing camps. We are talking about the so-called. "Straussians" and "Lannerian".

So, the Austrian emperor Franz I took the side of the famous conductor. As a result, he appointed Lanner by the Governor of Cruvinal Bals.

Meanwhile, the talented Johann Strauss, a brief biography of which is interesting to many of his fans, also did not sit back. It was he who began to receive most invitations not only for festive events in Austria, but also on speeches in other states.


Strauss began playing literally everywhere. In 1832, when the country was a terrible cholera epidemic, connoisseurs of classical art continued to walk on his speeches. Contemporaries noted that at this difficult period for the country, Strauss, in reality, was collected by Achlag. By and large, he gained his fame with an unsurpassed style of the game. He managed everything - he musitsy and on his beloved violin, and managed the whole orchestra.

Among the eyewitnesses of those concerts were the great Richard Wagner. He told that each play of the Strauss became truly unforgettable for him. The musician game when he conducted with his beloved violin in his hands, plunged him into real ecstasy. Strauss, according to his memories, was the true personification of the Music People's Spirit of Vienna.

Triumphant tour

In the mid-30s. XIX century Johann Strauss, whose biography knew both ups and downs, took a large concert voyage on European countries. Fans accepted him with genuine delight. The news makers reported that the triumphal march of the Great Composer, the violinist and conductor continues. As a result, he gave concerts in cities such as Budapest, Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden, Paris, London. He also performed in Belgium, and in Holland.

As a result, the pen shark from the Western publications began to be called not otherwise as "Beethoven Cotilions" or "Mozart Waltz".

And in 1838 in the capital of Misty Albion, he was invited to the coronation of Queen Victoria.

In fact, he became a pioneer of dance music. The fact is that such compositions at that time were not considered to be art. And Strauss managed to finally break these stereotypes that dominate the public.

Special popularity was then enjoyed by its waltzes like "Laureley's crying" and "hanging bridges". And his most famous creation was considered "March Radetsky". By the way, this work has become one of the most famous and popular writings.

By the way, when the composer Strauss, whose biography is full of interesting facts, gave concerts and was in the complete euphoria from his triumph, he met some Emily Trambush. The mill was the mill. As a result, this woman presented seven children to Strauss.

Loving father

There was just a huge Family Strausss. Biography tells us that the talented musician had twelve children. Five offspring, among whom the brilliant son of Johann Strauss-Jr. was from the first marriage, and seven - from marriage with Melnichikhih. Honestly, his relationship with children, to put it mildly, did not work out. The head of the family was on the wave of success, and most of all in the world he was afraid that someone would exceed him in mastery. Accordingly, he forbade his heirs to engage in music at all. True, he had one exception. He obliges his children to learn to play solely on the piano. He believed that musitizing on this tool is mandatory for all educated people of that era.

The result turned out to be more than deplorable. Since the famous musician categorically banned his children exercise on the violin, Junior Johann began to learn the game of his brothers. Then the head of the family gave it to a commercial school, and he received permission to lead a real orchestra. In response, the senior Strausss at the concerts of the Son began to constantly send the bribed public in order to disrupt them. He also tried to ban agencies to enter into any contracts with him. In spite of everything, Johann Strauss-Son, a brief biography of which testifies to his talent, subsequently took place as a composer and a musician. He created about 500 works. His creations admired many composers, from Offenbach to Tchaikovsky.

After these family sklings, the first spouse filed for a divorce, and the Strauss Sr. himself immediately unsubscribed all the inheritance of Emilia's siblings.


Meanwhile, Joseph Lanner died. It was 1843. The Austrian emperor appointed a senior strauss for a freed court office. He became the leading virtuoso of the capital of Austria.

In five years, a revolution broke out in Europe, where the eldest son and the Father turned out to be at different sides of the barricades. The younger Strauss supported the rebels, and the father - Habsburgs. As a result, the last concerts began to ignore. He was in the utmost depression. As a result, the head of the family running with Scarletina, and the second wife who was frightened infections left the house with children.

Anna and younger Strauss, knowing about the state of the former husband, immediately arrived at him. Unfortunately, they did not have time to catch him alive.

Instead of imprisonment

Johann Strauss died in 1849. His funeral was truly grand. According to contemporaries, there were about thirty thousand people. At the grave, the eldest son Johann performed Requiem Mozart. Although his father deprived him of her inheritance, he was able to publish a complete meeting of the musical creations of his ingenious father after the death of a Strauss-Elder to his own money.

Every year, the famous music festival is held in European countries, which is called "Strauss Festival". The event is devoted to the whole creative family.

For almost 10 years, the Johann Strauss family nomaded from one Vienna apartment to another, and the child appeared in almost every of them - son or daughter. Children grew in an atmosphere, rich music, and all were musical. Father's orchestra often rehearsed at home, and little Johann carefully followed what is happening. He began to study at the piano, sang in the church choir. Already at six years he played his own dances. However, neither father nor mother wanted musical future to their children.

In the meantime, the love of the Father began to live in two families, and for seven children from his first marriage, seven more seven. The father was for Johann Kumir, and yet the young man cherished the dream someday climb even higher. Officially, he was listed in the Polytechnic School, but secretly continued to engage in music: earning money teaching the game on the piano, he gave them for the lessons of playing the violin. Attempts by the parents to attach him to the banking success did not have.

Finally, at first nineteen years, Johann Strauss collected a small ensemble and received the official right to earn a living in the Viennese magistrate. His debut took place on October 15, 1844 as a cappermaster and composer in the famous casino in the suburb of Vienna. The public speech of a young straw with his own orchestra has become a real sensation for the Viennese public. It goes without saying that everyone saw in the ambitious son of a competitor to Father.

The next morning the newspapers wrote: "Good evening, Strauss Father. Good morning, Strauss-Son." Father at that time was just forty years. The deed of the Son led him to rage, and soon for the son, who elseworthing his triumph, began severe weekdays - the struggle for survival. Father still played in the secular balls and at the courtyard, only two small establishments remained in the entire Vienna, the casino and cafe remained. In addition, the Father started the Licracure Process with his first wife - this story was in the press, and the offended son could not resist the public attacks on his father. This story had a sad end - father, taking advantage of his connections, won the trial, having deprived his first family rights and leaving her without livelihood. The father and on concert suspension won, and the son's orchestra pledged a rather pitiful existence. In addition, in the Vienna Police, the son was in a bad account, having a reputation of a man of frivolous, immoral and wasteful. However, in the fall of 1849, the Father unexpectedly dies, and for his son all changed. The famous Strauss Father orchestra chose a Strauss-son with his conductor, and almost all fistesting establishments of the capital resumed their contracts with him. Showing non-hot diplomatic abilities, knowing how to flatter the strong world of this, Strauss-Son soon walked to the mountain. In 1852, he was already playing at the court of a young emperor.

In the summer of 1854, representatives of the Russian railway company, who owned the suburban line, who connected St. Petersburg with the Tsarist Selo and Pavlovsky, were with a business offer to I. Straus. Maestro received an invitation to perform with his orchestra in the luxurious Pavlovsky railway station and in the park, where the palaces of the king and the Grand Duke Konstantin were located. Money was offered considerable, and Strauss immediately agreed. On May 18, 1856, his first season began under the Russian sky. The public was immediately conquered by his waltzes and polikas. His concerts were members of the imperial family. In the Vienna, the Strauss was not without success, his brother was replaced - Josef, also a talented conductor and composer.

In Russia, Strauss experienced a lot of novels, but he found married in Vienna, married in August 1862 on Etti Trefz, who had already had three daughters and four sons before him. It did not prevent it from becoming not only his beloved, but also a muse, a nurse, secretary, business counselor. With her, the strays ascended even above and even more fastener. At the summer season of 1863, ETTI together with her husband went to Russia ... Trying to keep up with Joseph, by the time I became a famous composer in Vienna, Johann Strauss creates his masterpieces - Walves "Blue Danube" and "Tales of the Vienna Forest" in which Musical soul of veins, woven from melodies of various nations, inhabiting it. With a brother, Johann speaks in Russia in the summer of 1869, but the days of the time are considered - the extreme overwork leads to the incurable disease and in July 1870, the Sorokate-hectic Joseph is dying. Like the Father, he as if he gave Johann a wreath of his own glory.

In 1870, the Viennese newspapers reported that Strauss works on the operetta. It was an ambitious wife for it. And indeed, Strauss was tired of the "pilikan" wals and he refused the position of "conductor of the court balls." This position will take the third brother - Eduard Strauss. The first operetta of the Strauss called "Indigo and Forty Robbers" the public accepted on a bang. The third operetta composer became the famous "bat". Posted in the spring of 1874, she immediately loved the crowns. The composer overwhelmed another Olympus. Now he was recognized throughout the musical world, but continued to work in a feverish pace and with a huge tension. Success and glory did not save him from fear that one day a muse will leave him, and he can no longer write anything. This dashing fate was forever displeased with himself and full of doubt.

The rejection of court conducting did not prevent Strauss and then touring countries and water, and successfully speak in St. Petersburg and Moscow, Paris and London, New York and Boston. Revenues are growing, it enters the Elite of the Vienna Society, builds his "City Palace", lives in luxury. The death of his wife and unsuccessful second marriage broke out a strauss from the habitual track of success, but after a few years, being already in the third marriage, he again on horseback.

After the operetta "Nights in Venice" he writes his "Gypsy Baron". The premiere of this operetta on October 24, 1885 on the eve of the sixtieth anniversary of the composer was for the Ventents with a true holiday, and then its triumphal march on all major theaters of Germany and Austria began. But the Strauss has already been a little - the soul required another musical space, another scene - opera. He carefully followed the musical tendencies of his time, he studied at the classics, was friends with such a maestro as Johann Brahms and Ferenz Leaf. He did not give peace of their laurels, and he decided to defeat another Olympus - Opera. From this idea, he was not easily dissuaded by Brahms and, perhaps, was right. But hence the other - Johann Strauss as a real artist could not help but look for new ways, new points of the application of his short talent.

And yet for a strauss it was the collapse of a certain dream. After that, the creativity of the composer sharply went downwards. His new operetta "Vienna Blood" did not like the public and passed only a few ideas. In October 1894, Vienna solemnly celebrated the 50th anniversary of the conducting activity of King Waltz. Strauss itself perfectly understood that it was just a nostalgia for old good times, from which there was almost nothing in the air. The stern twentieth century knocked on the door.

The last years of life, Strauss spent secludedly, hid in his mansion, where billiard balls were driving from time to time. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the operetta "bat" he was persuaded to conduct an overture. The last speech of the Strauss turned out to be fatal - he was cold and fell ill. Began inflammation of the lungs. June 30, 1899 Strauss died. As once his father, Vienna arranged his grand funeral.

The surname Strauss (Strauss), common in the German-speaking world, became famous especially in music. There were several musicians with this name, but two composers became the most famous steel. The first one is known to everyone in the world, because he wrote waltz, do not exacerbating to this day. His name was Johann Strauss Son (Johan Strauss Jr.) of the second - Richard Straus (Richard Strauss) - not everyone knows. He wrote music not so popular, and sometimes even "for gourmets" from art. And although his admirers are less, they all passionately love this peculiar, bright artist. However, the motive, a beginner TV show "What? Where? When?", Many people. He belongs to Richard Strauss, this is the beginning of his symphonic poem "so said Zarathustra."

Two strauss was very different from each other not only on the musical style, but also in the style of life. Combined their one circumstance: and those and others were interested in the Nazis ...

The history of life Johanna Strauss. (1825-99) Looks like a boulevard reading: Events are changing, not shooting for a long time on one page, the feelings change, the waltzes are pouring, like out of abundance. But, of course, everything is not so simple.

The composer's father was also called Johann (1804-49). To avoid confusion, they still talk about "Johanne Strauss-Father" and "Johanne Strauss-Son". The case complicates the fact that both the Father and the Son Strausy are both composers. But first we will deal with the Father.

It was he who glorified the Waltz genre and was one of his creators in the form, in which he sounds and in our day. Father's path to composer recognition was very difficult, almost from nothing, of poverty and dilettanism. Incredible dedication, the desire by all means becoming the first Waltovy composer of Austria was made by Johann-senior selfish and selfishly, and his wife, who gave birth to him in a child, is deeply unhappy. For ten years, the family was forced to change apartments every year, and in each new one, another small strauss was born. It is not worth saying that the Father did not take any participation in the education of his children, did not want to delve into any family, household problems. The case was much worse. He found in the same house, only in another apartment, a young woman with whom the stormy romance started, that the result was seven (!) The result of his children who were almost a bit at the same time with his "legal". At the same time, the father not only was hiding from public opinion, but also made it all with a certain challenge, completely humiliating his poor wife. Here in such an atmosphere grew Johann Jr.. And with him in his children's soul grew hatred ...

Once, the young man gave himself an oath to take revenge on his father. No, not a dagger or pistol. He decided in secret from his father (who forbade it!) Learn music. The boy dreamed of becoming a famous composer, write waltza better than his parent; And then his dreams drew a picture of him how the father is fired from the imperial court orchestra, and it is prescribed it to this place - Johann Jr. ... Whether his insult on his father was so great, whether the talent of the young Johann bloomed so violently, but after several He really became known as a conductor and composer. All Vienna spoke that the Son came to replace the Strauss-senior. However, it was not so easy to shift off the place. In addition, the imperial yard was very disapprovingly reacted to the attempts of a young composer to encroach on his father's career, seeing the moral principles in this. One way or another, the father was alive, Johann Jr. did not have access to the main orchestras of Vienna. Yes, and when he suddenly died, the authorities did not immediately allow the junior to the court orchestra.

Strauss helped the Russian government. By order of the railway management, he was invited to the city of Pavlovsk, near St. Petersburg, where for several seasons was supposed to work as a conductor and composer for the beautiful, truly royal fee. This place immediately changed in his life immediately: improved the financial situation, brought fame, fought to create wonderful waltz, and also allowed one of the most captive novels. The girl who loved the composer was an aristocrat of Olga Smirnitsky. She belonged to the highest Petersburg society. Details of this love remained, of course, between them. In our cinema there is a fantasy on this topic - the film "Farewell to St. Petersburg". The well-known fact is that the parents of the girl could not allow her to marry a rooted musician. And also known Waltz Strauss, dedicated to Olga - "Razbar". Waltz "Olga" is not related to love story and is dedicated to one of the members of the royal family.

Here, in Russia, the Strauss caused its brothers, from whom they certainly wanted to make composers and conductors - Edward and Josef. It really managed it: the brothers became composers, but heavily inferior in talent in their noble brother.

It is said that the Strauss had fourteen brides. Vienna talked about his adventures, apparently, considering it natural: he was his father's son. However, no matter how much novels are the Viennese Battakers, Johann married suddenly and at such a odious woman that the city was shocked. The former actress Etti Trefz was over him for seven years. Before meeting with Strauss, she lived with one, then with another degree, as a result of which he had seven children. When she met Johann, she decided to cool their lives cool, devoting himself entirely to genius. Children somehow distributed between lovers and married composer. She became a real mother, his defender, his impresario, his nanny. The whole of their family life was built only on the basis of the desires and pleasure of "Jean", as ETTI called him. They built a house on her plan and under strict control, taking into account the program of life "Jean". The Strauss had a habit of writing waltz, moving from the room to the room, so everywhere ETTI ordered writing tables, even in the kitchen. When they were at the receptions and dinners, she started talking with the "necessary" people, mining for "Jean" new orders. He became her eighth, favorite diet.

All this continued for sixteen years. During this time, the fame of the Strauss grew so much that he really became the first waltz composer of Vienna, and his music is the breath of Pratra. In 1878, ETTI received a letter from one of his abandoned sons. The content of the letter remains unknown. Only reading it, ETTI beat himself and - died.

It is difficult to describe the status's condition after her death. He lost not only his wife, but also a vital support. But what was the amazement of others when after such suffering, just a month, Johann married a month! His chosen was again the actress, only no longer, and very real - young, vain and ... The aging composer literally burned from passion to her, not noticing the shortcomings of his Angelica, and most importantly - without seeing what they had already spoke around His. But one day, when Angelica was not at home, Sister Anna came to visit him. In ordinary, unassuming expressions, as was customary between his brother and sister, she told about where and whom the adorable Angelica spends days, and often and nights. Strauss was beside himself from humiliation, anger and confusion. He is so used to be alone.

His loneliness was not tightened. This time the Strauss, flying in a light feathel, fell into caring hands of a young widow by the last name, also Strauss. It turned out, she had long been waiting for this moment to repeat the role of ETTI RFCs for the composer - the role of a devotee dog, and considered himself quite suitable for such a lifetime. They got married and lived together until the end of the composer days. And Strauss died in 1899 from the inflammation of the lungs. He was buried all Vienna. His dream, which he cherished from childhood, hated by his own father, came true: he was, and not his father became the king of Waltz. His name merged with the name and appearance of the city on the "Beautiful Blue Duna".

For his stormy life, Strauss created a huge number of works: 168 Waltz, 117 poles, 73 Kadryli, 43 Marsham, 31 Mazurka, 16 operetta, comic opera and ballet. Despite the fact that almost all this music was written in order to have been dancing for her, she had long turned into a symbol of the holiday and love. The popularity of Straussian melodies is that it is easily overgrown through the borders, through time and styles, while maintaining youth, although not claiming philosophical scope.

In 1938, Austria became part of the "Greaterherman Reich". The authorities took up the revision of many archives and documents for the purity of the Aryan blood. Submitted to this procedure and one of the Viennese church parishes. What was the perplexity of the representatives of this power, when they found documents there, where black was written in black that the ancestors of Johann Strauss were ... Jews who were fled to Austria from Hungary! It meant that the composer himself was ... (you understand). Representatives have noticed. Already on the territory of Reich, Mendelssohn and Offenbach music was banned, but how to be in this case? After many meetings and reports, the original document was reliably stubborn in an enterprise archive, and instead there was a copy, where there was all "purely" in the pedigree. Only such a way out appeared to the Nazis real. It turned out to be possible to ban a lot, very much. Strauss Valsa is impossible.

Richard Strauss (1864-1949) in character was the full opposite of his senior contemporary. Beautiful family man, who lived with one woman who was devoted to children and grandchildren, he fell victim to this devotion. In the work, such a pedantic and strictly organized, as in life, he was a German to the bone's brain.

He was born in Munich, his father was the first French Guardian Orchestra, who deeply despised the former then in the fashion of Wagner. This hosting father tried to raise in his son. It is curious that in the future, Strauss considered Wagner "the vertex, above which is not climbing anyone. However, he added with a wide Bavarian smile," I've gained this mountain. "

Young Strauss studied at the University of Munich, listened to the course of philosophy, the history of art and aesthetics. Having become acquainted with an outstanding conductor Gansa Background Bulove (the first head of the sheet), Richard began to deal with the actor, and this activity became an integral part of his life until the end of days. Bulobov helped Strauss to become a court dropletaster in Mayningen. Then he switched to Munich court opera and worked there. But I didn't like something with a young musician in my native Bavaria, which he irritably called the "loose-free beer swamp." Therefore, throwing everything, he left to travel in Greece and Egypt. It really had a beneficial effect on his soul, which would not say about physical health: After the trip, Strauss fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs. Soon the composer married Paulina de Ana. She was singer-soprano and the performer of his first essays. Richard continued to work in the Munich Opera, but not long - the "beer swamp" threw him. And in 1898, Strauss moved to Berlin.

There he absorbed not only the conducting and composer activity, but also public. Strauss became the organizer of the "partnership of German composers" and the chairman of the "publicly available German music union." Then he became interested in the pedagogical work and began to lead a master class in the Prussian Academy of Arts, and then moved to Vienna. In the Vienna State Opera Strauss has been conducted during 1919-24.

Worldwide Slava Strauss has reached himself after his opera "Salome". The composer built a house in Garmishe - the mountainous area of \u200b\u200bBavaria himself to the fee received for this opera. This house has become his refuge until the end of life.

When Nazis came to power, black days came for German culture, but even more harder was its representatives. Many writers and musicians emigrated. Strauss not only stayed at home, but also began to cooperate with them. He repeatedly met with Hitler, Goering and Goebbels. Strauss was announced by the President of the Nazi Imperial Music Academy. The reason for all this was not so much in the convictions of the composer, as in family circumstances: his daughter-in-law was a Jewish. His grandchildren, Strauss loved infinitely and was very afraid that they would drive them from school. In addition, he worked side by side with Stephen Collegu, and he, too, was a Jew, as the Jew was the Publisher Strauss. All this turned out to be such explosive circumstances that the composer was forced to be submorted and helpfully conducting where the new gentlemen pointed out, to compose music to the Olympic Games, tool Marshi. And for some reason, it does not turn the language to condemn it for it.

However, "not live music." Shortly after the opera, the "silent woman" opera, which Strauss wrote in the Commonwealth with Stefan Cweig, the composer decided to start a new job in the same composition. To this end, he wrote a letter to a letter, in which, among other thoughts about the new opera, there were some careless statements in the address of the Hitler's authorities. The letter captured the Gestapo. Strauss caused, interrogated and forced to resign. Of course, the opera was prohibited.

Living in His Garmishe, Strauss drove to the orchestras, but basically composed music. A sober relationship to myself as a composer is seen from his statement: "I never come to mind long melodies, like Mozart. But what I understand that I understand, so it is in the ability to use the topic, paraprase it, pull out everything in it It is laid. " Strauss was characterized by fantastic possession of the capabilities of the symphony orchestra. His symphonic poems "Til Unelenshpigel", "said Zarathustra", "Don Juan" and others literally intoxicate a listener, involve him in the magical world of orchestral paints. There are many fine effects, joking, quirky motors, global, as if universal sounds and captivating lyrical melodies. Strauss Music - Carnival Symphony Finds.

For a long time, due to its cooperation with the Nazis, the Strauss Music was a person Non Grata in our country. But every little little culturally developed person is clear that it is impossible to treat art straightforward. After all, now, when the crimes of the Soviet Communists are well known, it does not touch anyone to ban music, for example, Prokofiev for writing a work on the texts of Marx, Engels and Lenin, or Shostakovich for his revolutionary symphonies. Moreover, the main works of the Strauss wrote nevertheless not for the Nazis.

Internal collens and organization of this artist causes admiration. He treated writing music as a good artisan to his work. Contemporaries recalled: "At nine o'clock in the morning he sits down at the table and continues to work from the place where he stopped yesterday, and so without a break to twelve or to hour. After lunch, he plays into the skat, and in the evening, under any circumstances, he carries in the theater. Every irregularity to him alien, day and night his artistic mind is equally cheerful and clear. When the servant is knocking on the door to submit a concert fracture, he is postponing, goes to the theater and conducts with the same confidence and with the same calmness, with what after lunch Plays into the scat, and inspiration is turned on as the next morning in the same place where the work was interrupted. " Remember his namesake that wring the waltzes, waking up from the room to the room!

Strauss belongs a brilliant joke: "Who wants to become a real musician, he should be able to compose music even to the menu."

Such were the two most famous strauss in music. Very different, but both talented. It is impossible to imagine the history of musical culture without the other.