Alexander Panayotov who is a producer. Alexander Panayotov (singer) biography, photo, personal life

Alexander Panayotov who is a producer.  Alexander Panayotov (singer) biography, photo, personal life
Alexander Panayotov who is a producer. Alexander Panayotov (singer) biography, photo, personal life

"Criminal past.

Who would have thought, looking at the intelligent, well-mannered, educated and very romantic hero of our stage Alexander Panayotov, that he has ... almost a criminal past behind him.

Coming from a simple working-class family (parents never sang and were not associated with music, mother Irina Nikolaevna works as a chef), he is used to achieving everything on his own. When he was 10 years old, he came to a music school and just dumbfounded the admissions office by singing a Mariah Carrey song - better than it sounds in the original. From the age of 15, he already wrote songs for himself, with which he participated in competitions. Striving for independence from an early age, for costumes, recordings of songs and "sneakers" (for the time being Panayotov was a big fan of food), he earned himself - collecting scrap metal. In search of metal, he sometimes went to construction sites, for which he was repeatedly beaten by the police, sat in the "monkey house" and prepared for registration in the children's room of the police.

His "universities".

When Alexander was 3 years old, his family moved from Leningrad to Zaporozhye. After graduating from high school and music (he graduated from secondary school without triples, music with honors), the young talent went to the Kiev Variety and Circus College to the department of pop vocal, from which he was soon ... expelled!

“I immediately entered the music scene, began performing, winning competitions, defending the honor of Ukraine. Instead of rejoicing at my success, the teachers took everything with hostility and never missed an opportunity to tease me. Whichever lecture I attended, its theme was "But our" star "Sasha Panayotov ...". In the end, I realized that they would not teach me anything good here, took my documents and moved to Moscow, where the television project “Become a Star” was taking place. I also wanted to become a star because it was a real opportunity to avoid military service. Since I advocate the creation of a professional army, myself, a musician, with a rifle in the service of the fatherland, I could not imagine! " - says Alexander.

On "Become a Star" Alexander reached the very finals, but did not enter the top 5, from which the "Drue Rule" group was to be created.

“I weighed 106 kg and was very pleased with myself. But then I saw myself on the screen and was horrified - after all, it always seemed to me that I was beautiful like Apollo, but it turned out, I look like an elephant! In general, I began to lose weight intensively! " - Alexander admits.

Returning to Kiev, Panayotov enters the National University of Culture and in the same year creates the Alliance group, in which, in addition to him (the vocalist), 4 more musicians participate. The group enjoys great success in Kiev, performing at prestigious concert venues and nightclubs. And Alexander and his team met the new year 2003, working for the German and foreign public at the Berlin Hotel (in Berlin). On New Year's Eve, Alexander conquered the hearts of viewers and listeners, performing songs from the repertoire of George Michael, Robbie Williams, Joe Cocker ...

"National artist".

In the same year, stubborn and almost twice thinner Panayotov again tries his luck in a competition - this time "People's Artist", where only one will be chosen.

“I spent the night before the second round on the street,” Alexander recalls. - The competitive selection took two days, and not one, as I thought. Naturally, I only had money with me for one night at the hotel. So, the second night before the most decisive tour, I whiled away on the bench at VDNKh. I put my backpack with things under my head, looked at the stars and reassured myself that it was summer outside. But I did not know the vicissitudes of the Moscow summer. On the bench, I died so that I thought I was going to die. It was the scariest night of my life! At 6 in the morning, a police squad approached me and mistook me for a bum. I said I was waiting for the train. "Does the train pass by VDNKh?" - the policemen were amazed, who ordered me to urgently move with my things to the station. All blue as a vampire, I wandered in the twilight of a city that had not yet awakened. I waited for the sun as I never expected it ... But the game was worth the candle, I won! "

His victories.

In the final of the "People's Artist", two claimed this title: he and his roommate - "Russian guy" Alexey Goman from Murmansk, with whom Alexander developed friendly relations from the very beginning of the program. The guys did not feel enemies and competitors in each other's faces. The winner was the one who got the most votes (at that time "People's Artist" was not broadcast in Ukraine). And yet, having become not the first, but the second, Alexander Panayotov did not remain at a loss. Famous producers Evgeny Fridlyand and Kim Breitburg offered Alexander a 7-year contract with them! And songs written specially for the competition and sung in the same place - "On the Edge" and of course "Moonlight Melody", performed in a passionate duet with Alexander's favorite singer Larisa Dolina, still decorate the air of many radio stations.

Since winning the competition, he has achieved a lot: he toured almost all regions of our country, the Baltic States, Kazakhstan, recorded many new songs, including "Lady of the Rain", "Voice", "Kiev-Moscow", "Gray Eyes". These and many other compositions will be included in the singer's debut album, on which he is now working in the legendary Dialogue studio.

And among the participants of "People's Artist-2" his author's songs are very popular. "Narartov-2" even has a belief that the one who sings the songs of the composer and poet Alexander Panayotov will be lucky.

Exhibit from the "Red Book".

On the stage, Alexander is no stranger and he is no stranger to victories:

The first time Alexander Panayotov visited the big stage when he was only 12 years old. Sasha sang in the town square in front of a huge audience and it was very responsible for him.

In 2000 he won the Grand Prix in the international competition "Black Sea Games"

He won the third place at the "Slavianski Bazaar" (Kiev).

1st place - "Azov sails".

In 2001:

1st place "Golden Hit", Mogilev

1st place "Discovery" - Varna (Bulgaria)

1st place "Sea of ​​Friends" Yalta-2001

II place "Variety Artists' Competition" (Kiev)

In 2002:

1st place "Songs of Vilnius" Lithuania

Advance to the finals of the television competition on RTR "Become a Star"

In 2003:

Took 2nd place in the Become a Star TV contest.

Alexander Panayotov is included in the "Red Book of Zaporozhye" (Chervona Book of Zaporizhzhya ").

He will conquer America.

When I was 14 years old, I was very fond of mysticism, horoscopes, fortune telling on coffee grounds and runes ... Once I got to a fortune teller who looked at my hand and said that my life would pass on wheels, on the way, it would be long and sweep through three cities: Kiev, Zaporozhye and New York. I was very surprised then - after all, I lived in Zaporozhye. But three years passed and I was getting ready to study in Kiev, and I remembered my grandmother. I also remembered her when I stayed in Moscow. Actually, I am inclined to believe her ... After all, I really want to go overseas!

Something about him:

Willpower: to participate in the "People's Artist" competition, he lost 25 kg (from 116 to 81). I just stopped eating. I would like to pump up a little more and lose 5 kilograms.

Food preferences: fish dishes, cheese, vegetable salads. Drinks - green tea with jasmine.

Favorite number - 5.

Animals: Black British cat Puzo remained in Zaporozhye.

Favorite clothing color is black, orange and green.

Hobby: Traveling. He loves to travel around cities, does not like to sit still.

Love: He says about himself that "amorous is not the right word"! He doesn't have a girlfriend yet and his heart is free. He is waiting for a sign of fate. The wedding is scheduled for 27 years.

Likes: smart films, loves going to the movies and crawling in the Internet.

Favorite movies: "The Bodyguard", "Ghost", "Kill Bill".

Favorite books: "11 minutes" by Paulo Coelho.

Loves in people: devotion, humor, attention, kindness.

Hates in people: self-interest, revenge, betrayal, indifference.

Life principle: Always forward!

Panayotov Alexander Sergeevich is a young rising star of Russian and Ukrainian show business. The guy impressed everyone around with his clear and clear voice when he performed on television talent shows.

Sasha always wanted to become a singer, not an astronaut and a military man, like the rest of the Soviet guys. He persistently studied vocals and at the same time studied well at school, but technical sciences were not given to him.

His family had nothing to do with the world of singing and show business, so the guy and his sister were considered black sheep. It is worth noting that Sasha proved to everyone around that he is bright and talented, therefore he deserves to become a real star, by the way, he believes that one day he will represent the country at Eurovision and will definitely win.

Fans of a talented and incredibly bright young man constantly have a question about what their height, weight, age were. How old is Alexander Panayotov, it is easy to find out by the date of his birth.

Sasha was born in 1984, which means he was thirty-three years old. According to the zodiac sign, Panayotov is an intuitive, emotional, devoted, changeable, mysterious Cancer.

But the Eastern horoscope endows the singer with the character traits characteristic of the Rats, including charm, charm, talent, sociability, friendliness, ingenuity.

Alexander Panayotov: photos in his youth and now do not differ at all, except that in recent years he has normalized his physical condition. The guy began to eat right, went in for sports and lost weight.
Panayotov's height was one meter and eighty-nine centimeters, and the weight is now set at eighty kilograms.

Biography of Alexander Panayotov

The biography of Alexander Panayotov began with his birth in the then Soviet Leningrad, and then the three-year-old baby came to the Ukrainian Zaporozhye. The boy's family was the most ordinary, like many Soviet families, for example, his father, Sergei Panayotov, worked all his life as a builder, and his beloved mother, Irina Panayotova, was a cook who worked in the public catering system.

Sister - Ekaterina Panayotova - was born in 1980, she was an active and musical girl, the baby studied piano, so the instrument passed to her younger brother. The girl adored Soviet and Russian pop performers, tried to imitate Natasha Koroleva.
Katya was very attached to her mother, often visited her at work, and therefore learned to cook early. She is married, works as a cook and sings in the chanson style. Panayotov constantly calls up with his sister, but does not want to live next to her, believing that he is the most beloved person when he is at a respectful distance.

Little Sasha sang everywhere: on the street, in kindergarten and on the playground, parents took these songs for granted. However, strangers advised to send the baby to a music school and teach him to sing professionally. At the age of ten, the boy came to the entrance exam in vocal and sang a song by Meraia Kerry much better than the original, which impressed all the members of the commission.

At the age of nine, Sasha performed from the school stage with the hit of that time "Beautiful is far away", which caused a stormy delight among schoolchildren and teachers, but the music teacher pointedly gave him a four in her subject. The guy wrote his own songs and tried to create a musical group, for which he acquired musical instruments, collecting scrap metal and waste paper.

Panayotov took part in the music competitions "Morning Star", "Become a Star", "Zorepad", "Voice", receiving first prizes and patronage of Bogdan Stupka and Grigory Leps himself. Mom did not want to let her son go into the music field, she believed that he would earn much more at the plant. It is worth noting that Sasha proved that he could become famous, so he began touring Russia and Ukraine.

He entered the Kiev Institute of Culture, but did not graduate, because in parallel he created a musical group "Alliance", which played in nightclubs. In 2003 he got on the show "People's Artist" and received the first prize, and also managed to release the albums "Lady of the Rain", "Formula of Love", "Alpha and Omega", and also released a huge number of videos.

He starred in several films and TV series, including "Don't Be Born Beautiful", and also dubbed cartoon characters and wrote soundtracks. He took part in the selections for the Eurovision music contest, but lost one point to Dima Bilan, and then to the singer, who took only 15th place. He is the creator and frontman of the SkyOffice project, and also creates remixes of popular hits of all times.

Personal life of Alexander Panayotov

The personal life of Alexander Panayotov on the Internet is not considered, because the guy tries to keep it in the strictest confidence. Few of the guy's fans believe that a charismatic, handsome and talented young man does not have a girlfriend, most likely he changes them like gloves.

Sasha first experienced love in kindergarten, when during a quiet hour he sang songs to her. A year later, the pretty baby was transferred to the senior group, and Panayotov first felt the bitterness of loss.

At school, the guy was also not deprived of the attention of girls who ran after him from elementary grades, but a classmate in ninth grade gave him the first kiss. Sasha was a humorist, he sang beautifully, so he was the real soul of the company and was constantly surrounded by beautiful girls, but he did not promise any of a serious relationship.

Panayotova's sister provided a lot of interesting data in her interview, she said that the guy was always in the center of female attention. We talked about Alexander's romance with his PR director Katya Koreneva, who lived in the same hotel room on tour, went to parties and to Sasha's relatives.
Then there was evidence that young people are linked by friendly and rather brotherly-sisterly relations. After that, they began to talk about Panayotov's love affair with one of the soloists of the Assorti group. At the same time, a specific name is not called, so this information may well turn out to be an ordinary fake.

The guy did not comment on these rumors, but said that he was incredibly far from monogamous relationships and legal marriage. By the way, photographs constantly appear on the Internet where Panayotov hugs and kisses with unfamiliar girls, we hasten to declare that these beauties are fans from his official fan club or ordinary passers-by, hurrying to take a picture with a star or get her autograph.

Family of Alexander Panayotov

The family of Alexander Panayotov is his most terrible secret, since the young man talks about loved ones in different ways every time. One of the legends about the origin of the young and ambitious singer is that his father was a rich and famous person with weight in the field of show business, who helped his son break through in this area.
There is a lot of interesting data about the guy's nationality, because according to official data, he is Ukrainian, but this is not so. There is evidence that there were Greeks in his family, therefore the surname sounds like Panayot or Panagiot and means saint or most holy.

There is also evidence that the ancestors of the young singer were Bulgarians, representatives of Eastern peoples, or even Jews. By the way, in Great Britain, Alexander has a rather musical and famous relative, George Michael, because his real name is Georgis Kyriakos Panayotou, and he has Jewish roots.

The guy, of course, is very intelligent and incredibly well-mannered, but this is the merit of his parents, who, in fact, are simple workers. In addition to parents and close relatives, Panayotov has no one in the family, although it may soon be a spouse and kids.

Children of Alexander Panayotov

The children of Alexander Panayotov are also completely absent, because there is no beloved and only girl who is ready to give them. Alexander, by the way, constantly claims in interviews that he is too young to have children.

Panayotov is actively touring and making a career in show business, because he believes that children should grow up in a family where they are loved and can provide everything they need. For this, dad and mom are simply obliged to achieve something in life, so that the children are equal to them and be proud, and also try to achieve the same heights and even more.

Alexander Panayotov's wife

The wife of Alexander Panayotov either does not exist at all, or she is carefully hiding. At least on the Internet, information constantly appears that a guy is getting married or living in a civil marriage with some beauty from the world of show business.

At the same time, Panayotov with all responsibility declares that he is not yet married, his heart is open to new relationships. But the guy does not have enough time to build love relationships at all, since this is not allowed by a busy work schedule.

The most interesting thing is that evil tongues began to talk about the unconventional sexual orientation of a young man. Panayotov only laughs at these rumors and boasts that he had a lot of girls, only he does not name names for ethical reasons.

The singer and actor says that one of them may well become his legal wife, urging him to follow photos on Instagram and social networks, perhaps one of them will turn out to be a wedding.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Panayotov

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Panayotov has been around for a long time, so real professionals are responsible for every fact.

The article on Wikipedia is timely updated with new reliable data that relate to childhood, stay in the Ukrainian and Russian capitals, attempts to get into the international Eurovision Song Contest. You can clarify for yourself questions about working on television, in films, as well as discography and music videos.

More than 129,000 fans have subscribed to the Instagram profile, who constantly follow what is happening in a person's personal, family and creative life. There is a huge amount of photos and videos from family and concert archives that will be of interest to every fan. At the same time, through this page, you can contact the artist's official PR manager and book tickets for his concerts with maximum convenience.

There is a fan group and an official Vkontakte page, where you can find out useful information about your favorite singer and actor firsthand. The article was found on

Was born on July 1, 1984 in the city of Zaporozhye in Ukraine. He began to get involved in singing as a child. At the age of ten he entered a music school, piano. He studied at the youth vocal studio of popular music "Yunost" under the guidance of Honored Worker of Culture Vladimir Artemiev.

At the age of 15, Alexander begins to write the first songs with which he performs at international competitions. The most famous is the "Ringed Bird", with which he won the Grand Prix at the international children's festival "Black Sea Games" in 2000. The competition was broadcast on central television, after this victory, the name of Alexander Panayotov becomes known throughout Ukraine.

After graduating from high school and music schools, Alexander entered the Kiev State College of Variety and Circus Arts, the department of pop vocal.

In 2002 Panayotov went to Moscow to try his hand at the television project "Become a Star". He managed to reach the final.

Returning to Kiev, Panayotov leaves college and enters the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts. He gathers a team of musicians and travels around the country with concerts.

In the summer of 2003, Alexander again becomes a participant in the television competition - "People's Artist" on the TV channel "Russia". In the final, he took second place and signed a seven-year contract with the production center of Evgeny Fridland and Kim Breitburg FBI-MUSIC. The project was crowned by a stunning new duet "Moon Melody" with People's Artist of Russia Larisa Dolina, who was one of the honorary members of the jury of the TV project.

Further, in the company of new colleagues, finalists of the "People's Artist" competition, Panayotov goes on an all-Russian tour, in which he sings his first songs, but already beloved by the country. As part of his collaboration with FBI Music, the singer has recorded two music albums - "Lady of the Rain" (2006) and "Formula of Love" (2010).

In March 2011, the contract ended, and the artist continued his creative career on his own. Panayotov distances himself from television broadcasts and interviews, writing a new musical repertoire.

On Valentine's Day in 2012, the artist presented the title single of the upcoming third studio album - "Unreal", the music and lyrics to which he wrote himself. Later, the singer shoots a video clip for her, for the first time acting as a director. The work proved to be successful and gained a huge number of views on the Internet.

In December 2013 Panayotov presented his third studio album - "Alpha and Omega". He writes the music for all the compositions of the new disc himself.

In honor of his 30th birthday, on July 5, 2014, Panayotov gives his first big solo concert in Moscow, at the Mir Concert Hall. The show, All in, is accompanied by an orchestra and is an overwhelming success. Stage director of the show -

also the artist himself.

In May 2015, Panayotov was delegated to speak at the conference hall of the UN General Assembly in New York at a concert following a solemn meeting dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.

Powerful vocals, extraordinary artistry, originality and variety of images created by the performer accompany each of his performances. His voice is considered one of the best in Russia. His name is a sign of quality music. Each Panayotov concert is a great combination of vocal and instrumental improvisations, accompanied by mesmerizing visual special effects.

The singer successfully tours in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Baltics, the USA, Israel, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Serbia, Turkey, the Netherlands. The artist's artistic geography is constantly expanding.

I want to know everything about the singer:today


Date of birth: July 1, 1984 Astrological sign: Cancer Place of birth: Leningrad Activity: singer.

What is the height and weight of the singerAlexandra Panayotova?

Weight: 80 kg Height: 189 cm - the official website of Alexander Panayotov

Personal life of Alexander Panayotov shrouded in a veil of secrecy - he does not talk about his novels, does not publish joint photos with girls on social networks, and appears in splendid isolation at all social events. Despite this, I would like to hope that the singer still has a personal life, he just does not want strangers to know about it. Much more willingly, he talks about his achievements in the musical field and gladly accepts invitations to all kinds of television shows, which serve him as good PR.

In the photo - Alexander Panayotov

Alexander Panayotov biography personal life

Love for music has always been a defining moment in the biography of the future singer. Even in the kindergarten, when he was still very young, Alexander did not hesitate to speak in front of an audience. The craving for music did not disappear from him when he went to school, and for the first time Alexander entered the stage during his school years. At the age of ten, he was sent to a music school, where he studied scales and musical notation, and he did all this with pleasure, because he had already decided to become a famous singer.

His first appearance in front of a large audience took place in June 1997, when he performed on the central square of his native Zaporozhye with the song "Z ranku until the night". The audition at the Yunost studio brought great changes to the personal life of Alexander Panayotov - he opened the doors to major popular contests, the first of which was the Morning Star in Zaporozhye.

Classes at the Yunost studio meant a lot for the development of the talent of the young performer. He not only sang, but also wrote songs himself, and the head of the studio, Vladimir Artemiev, became his first producer and helped him get on the professional stage. Several victories in city, regional, republican competitions, participation in the Grand Festival "Pearls of the Season" in Zaporozhye, victory in the "Azov Sails" competition strengthened the faith in his talent in Alexander.

After graduating from the lyceum and music school, Alexander Panayotov entered the College of Circus and Variety Art in Kiev, but the continuous performances and participation in numerous competitions and festivals put an end to his studies. After participating in the "Become a Star" project on Russian television, Alexander entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, during which he created the Alliance group. A great achievement in the personal life of Alexander Panayotov was his participation in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2005.

Alexanderto the cinema
In 2006 Panayotov made his debut in the TV series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" in a cameo role.

In 2007 Alexander Panayotov performed one of the title songs "So Close" from the movie "Enchanted" film company Walt Disney Pictures, which he recorded as the original soundtrack for the Russian version of the film

In 2011, Alexander Panayotov voiced one of the main characters, a loafer named Fred, in the comedy Riot of the Eared film company Universal's Pictures.

According to the artist, he dreams of playing a leading role in a dramatic or science fiction movie..

Music Competition Awards
Alexander has the following achievements in music competitions:

2000 - III All-Ukrainian Charity Children's Festival "Black Sea Games" (Skadovsk), Grand Prix
2000 — "Slavyansky Bazaar" III place (Kiev)
2000 — "Azov sails" I place (Azov)
2001 — Festivals "Golden Hit" 1st place (Mogilev)
2001 — "Discovery" II place (Varna, Bulgaria)
2001 — "Sea of ​​Friends" 1st place (Yalta)
2001 — "Variety Artists' Competition" II place (Kiev)
2002 — "Songs of Vilnius" 1st place (Lithuania)
2002 — "Become a star" reaching the final (TV channel "Russia")
2003 — "People's Artist" II place (TV channel "Russia")

Alexander Panayotov (Panayotov Alexander) biography personal life

View free photo, biography and personal life of the singerAlexandra Panayotova online like thousands of others on http: // site / free and available on mobile phones (devices) Android, iPhone, iPad, Nokia (Symbian ^ 3).
Source of biography and personal lifeAlexandra Panayotova:

Alexander Panaytov is a popular Ukrainian singer. He was born on July 1 (according to the horoscope cancer) 1984 in Zaporozhye. His height is 189 centimeters.
Alexander grew up and was brought up in the family of a cook and a construction worker.

From early childhood, the boy began to show his talent. Not a single matinee in kindergarten was complete without his performance. Many admired the voice of the little miracle. Since then, Alexander began to show an increasing interest in art. Even at school he was not given the exact sciences, but the humanities, like literature, brought him real pleasure. But Panaytov regretted only one thing, since his school did not have a musical bias, there was no history of art in it. It is for this reason that young Alexander decides to enter a music school, and already at the age of 9 he begins to perform in front of the general public.

The beginning of a creative career

At the age of 15, Alexander already had a lot of fame in his circles. At that time, his mentor was Vladimir Artemiev, to whom he will always be grateful for the experience and knowledge in the field of vocals. In addition, many different competitions followed in his life, as well as programs, for example, "Morning Star", "Black Sea Games", etc.

Thus, he graduates with honors from both schools and enters the Kiev State College at the faculty of pop vocal, but after a certain period of study he decides to leave the school, since music competitions simply did not give Alexander this time.

Further successes

After the guy became very famous in Ukraine, he decides to conquer the Russian capital. There he becomes a participant in the music show "I am a Star". The jury and the audience liked him so much that they allowed him to reach the final. After that, he returns to his homeland and enters the University of Culture and Art. And after a certain period of time, he creates his own group called "Alliance", which consisted of 5 people. In 2003, the musical group has already toured not only throughout Ukraine, but also in neighboring countries.

In the same 2003, Panaytov takes part in another Russian show "People's Artist", where he manages to perform with Larisa Dolina and get the third place. Further, well-known Moscow producers offer him a 7-year contract, which fully satisfies the artist. During this period, his first debut album, Rain Man, was released. But after its expiration, he becomes an independent artist and begins his tour of many CIS countries. But besides this, he releases many songs and albums, and also performs on the "Voice" television project, where he creates a colossal sensation.


As Alexander himself said, even in kindergarten, he had a lady heart, like, most likely, many boys. In addition, he says that he could not do without romance in high school, since this is quite normal, and especially when there were always pretty pretty girls next to you.

But Panaytov is not going to disclose all the details of his personal life, since he believes that he will only talk about what he considers really necessary. Thus, the fans still could not find out if the performer had a girlfriend. But once a photo with the new singer Eva Koroleva was published on Alexander's instagram, but the inscription under it read only about congratulations on the occasion of her birthday. However, there was also a very suspicious entry on Twitter, which looked like this - "I want a son!". You can think about anything about it.