Kokorekina Olga. TV presenter Kokorekina

Kokorekina Olga.  TV presenter Kokorekina
Kokorekina Olga. TV presenter Kokorekina

Olga Kokorekina- a famous Russian TV and radio presenter. Olga Kokorekina was born in Moscow into a family of chemical scientists. Olga Kokorekina graduated Faculty of Journalism, Mikhail Lomonosov Moscow State University... Olga Kokorekina's grandfather is a famous Soviet graphic artist Alexey Alekseevich Kokorekin, author of posters with slogans: “Be ready for labor and defense!”, “Higher class of Soviet football!”, “Glory to free labor!”, twice winner of the Stalin Prize. Olga Kokorekina since 1993 worked in a TV company VGTRK editor, then program correspondent "Vesti". Since 1997 Olga Kokokrekina hosted news releases "Vesti" on the TV channel "Culture". Soon Olga Kokorekina was entrusted with conducting daytime news broadcasts on the TV channel "Russia"... Since 2002, Olga Kokorekina hosted news on " First "channel... Leads jointly with Alexander Karlov radio show "Lighthouse"... For a long time she was married to her colleague Ilya Kopelevich, who heads the department of Moscow correspondents Channel One... Divorced him and in April 2008 Olga Kokorekina married businessman Vadim Bykov. In August 2008, Olga Kokorekina and Vadim Bykov had a daughter, Daria. At the moment, Olga is raising her daughter alone.

The beginning of the journalistic career of Olga Kokorekina / Olga Kokorekina

Olga Kokorekina developed an interest in the profession of a journalist during her school years.

Olga Kokorekina: “When I was still in school, at some point I decided to go to journalism faculty. Although there were some attempts to work for the newspaper. Regardless, I believe that journalism education does not exist. This is a profession that only practice can understand ... This is a craft that can only be felt at your fingertips. "

After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Olga Kokorekina has been working on television since 1993. At first it was a TV and radio company VGTRK, where Olga worked as an editor. Later Olga Kokorekina got acquainted with the profession of a correspondent - she was hired to work as a correspondent for a news program " To lead". Just four years later, Olga Kokorekina appeared on the air in the chair of the presenter - in 1997 she was entrusted with leading news releases "Vesti" on the TV channel "Culture". A little later, she tried herself as a presenter and on the federal channel, second in importance and audience. Olga Kokorekina began to conduct daytime news broadcasts on the Rossiya TV channel. The transition from the second button to not the first one was not long in coming. Already in 2002, Olga Kokorekina became the presenter of news releases on Channel One.

Olga Kokorekina / Olga Kokorekina on radio and on Channel Five

Having worked on the air of Channel One for about eight years, in 2009 Olga Kokorekina changed not only the TV channel, but also the specifics of broadcasting. In 2009 Olga Kokorekina made her radio debut. At first - paired with Vadim Tikhomirov in the morning radio show " Lighthouse". At the moment Olga Kokorekina is hosting a show on the radio "Lighthouse" together with a famous radio host Alexander Karlov. The hosts are visited by a variety of people who discuss burning and topical topics on the air. In 2010, Olga Kokorekina also changed the broadcasting channel. Now she appears as a host on Fifth channel in a programme "Now".

Olga Kokorekina: “After the birth of my daughter, I was offered to take up the economic section, but this is not my topic. And I decided to take my maternity leave. However, the status of a housewife did not suit me - I wanted not only to work, but also to earn money. I tried myself as a radio host, and when I received an offer from Channel Five, I immediately said yes. Although, I confess, living in two cities is not easy. "

For the sake of broadcasts on Channel Five, Olga Kokorekina often has to travel along the Moscow-St. Petersburg route and back.

Olga Kokorekina: “The first day in a new place became a nightmare. I was just shaking, wildly worried. Everything unfamiliar - the studio, the people, besides, I lost the habit of broadcasting, after all, I did not work in the frame for a whole year. The editor-in-chief told me: “Olya, what's the matter with you? Why are you widening your eyes? Let's calm down. Everything will be OK!" In general, the first broadcast was chaotic, it was somehow crumpled. But then everything settled down pretty quickly, and I began to enjoy my work. Although the pace of my life is crazy right now. I've never worked that much! "

Personal life of Olga Kokorekina / Olga Kokorekina

In 1991 Olga Kokorekina got married and was married to her colleague for nine years. Ilya Kopelevich, who headed the department of Moscow correspondents Channel One... Divorced him and in April 2008 Olga Kokorekina married a businessman Vadima Bykova... In August 2008, Olga Kokorekina and Vadim Bykov had a daughter, Daria. In 2010, the couple separated. At the present moment, Olga Kokorekina is raising her daughter alone; she refuses to comment on the topic of her personal life.

The 32-year-old Lenkom theater actress is expecting the addition of her family at the end of September. According to friends of Bolshova, she is not going to give birth in Moscow. For Anna and her husband - artist Alexander Makarenko - this will be the first baby. But who will be born to them, the spouses carefully hide, they say that they want to surprise their relatives. The actress tolerates pregnancy easily, in the first trimester she was almost not tormented by toxicosis. Moreover, up to 4.5 months, Anna toured the country with Ilya Averbukh's "Ice Age" show. The actress refused to participate in the tour only when it became impossible to hide the rounded tummy. Now Anna is on maternity leave, she is building a family nest - repairs in the apartment of the spouses are just coming to an end.

Anna is married for the second time, her first husband Anton was 8 years younger. They say that they divorced precisely because of Anton's unwillingness to have children. Bolshova met her second husband four years ago. And they got married in early January 2007 in the Gagarinsky registry office.

Evgeniya Kryukova

The 37-year-old beauty will give birth in early September. For Evgenia, this is already the second baby. From her third marriage with businessman Alexander Karev, the actress has a seven-year-old daughter, Dunyasha. According to Zhenya, the second pregnancy, unlike the first, is difficult for her. Now the actress does not play performances in her native theater named after Mossovet and is temporarily not removed. Her last film work was one of the main roles in the sequel to The Three Musketeers directed by Georgy Yungald-Khilkevich.

Last year, Evgenia went through a personal drama. A dizzying romance with businessman Mikhail Rudyak was about to end with a wedding. On the eve of the celebration, the lovers went on a romantic trip. On the plane, Mikhail became ill with his heart, he literally died in Zhenya's arms. The actress was very upset about the death of her beloved man. She nullified her party presence and wore black all the time. And then a new love appeared in her life named Sergei. It was he who became the father of her second child.

Kryukova's satellite has a serious business - they say that he is engaged in the sale of real estate and the construction of luxury houses in Russia and abroad. Zhenya does not comment on her personal life, but in her close circle they say that they have already registered their relationship with Sergei.

Ekaterina Klimova

Katya at the end of September will give her common-law spouse Igor Petrenko a child. For her, this is already the third pregnancy, but Igor will become a dad for the second time. Almost two years ago, their common son Matvey was born. And from a previous marriage, Klimova has a six-year-old daughter, Liza.

Immediately after giving birth, Igor plans to take his beloved woman and the mother of his children to the registry office.

Yana Churikova

Recently, the always energetic Yana began to refuse to conduct this or that program on television. Now she spends more and more time outside the city in peace and quiet. The reason for this change is simple - Yana is expecting a baby. Doctors advised the expectant mother to pay more attention to her own health. The TV presenter's pregnancy is only three months. In January, she will give her husband, TV director Ivan Tsybin, a son or daughter.

Nelly Uvarova

The star of the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful" and her husband, director Sergei Pikalov are preparing to become parents. On the one hand, Nelly really wanted a child, but, on the other hand, upon learning that she was pregnant, at first she was confused. The actress is saddened that in connection with the pregnancy she will have to abandon the tempting projects in the cinema (and they are).

Marina Alexandrova

A month ago, married to a colleague at the Sovremennik theater, 26-year-old Ivan Stebunov, Marina Aleksandrova, according to rumors, is already expecting a baby. The 25-year-old star still refuses to comment on this fact. But the unknown only fuels interest. When Marina, arm in arm with her husband, appeared on the red carpet of the Moscow International Film Festival, all the photographers strove to take her exclusively in profile. But no matter how hard you try, you still can't see the emerging tummy. Obviously, Alexandrova's pregnancy is still too short.

Tatiana Zaitseva - wife of Dmitry Dyuzhev

Tatyana is in her fifth month of pregnancy. She is still so young that she endures the "interesting position" playfully. The spouses have already signed a contract for the management of pregnancy and childbirth with one of the elite maternity hospitals in Moscow. Once every two weeks, Dmitry brings his wife there for routine check-ups. Doctors say that the baby develops without any pathologies.

The wedding of Dyuzhev and Zaitseva took place on Valentine's Day (February 14) at the Griboedov Wedding Palace. During the registration of the marriage, the happy Dmitry publicly announced that he had been waiting for this woman all his life. As soon as Tatyana gives birth - and this will happen in late autumn - the couple will get married.

Olga Kokorekina

For the 35-year-old TV presenter of Novosti on Channel One, this is the first pregnancy that Olga does not tolerate well. Due to severe toxicosis, she had to go on maternity leave much earlier. The week before last, Kokorekina urgently went to the pathology department of one of the capital's maternity hospitals. Doctors allocated a separate room for the star patient and conducted all the necessary examinations. After making sure that the health of the future baby was not in danger, Olga was discharged from the hospital and the next day she went to the wedding of her friend Ekaterina Rednikova.

In mid-September, Kokorekina will give birth to a daughter. Olga's husband, businessman Vadim Bykov, is also expecting a joyful event. Their wedding took place on April 30th. This is Kokorekina's second marriage

One citizen wrote letters for several months and demanded that I intervene in the solution of his housing problem. In the final letter, he openly shamed me: "How dare you wish 'all the best' at the end of your program if you don’t want to help me get an apartment?

Dossier: presenter of "Novosti" issues on ORT. In 1997 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Since 1993 she worked at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Editor, then a correspondent for the "Vesti" program. Since November 1997, she has run Vesti news broadcasts on the Kultura TV channel, then daytime news broadcasts on RTR. She held the position of an expert of the Vesti program. Hobbies: Likes to go to the bathhouse and ride horses.

- A pretty and charming TV lady is always not only recognizable, but also automatically attached to her popularity. Which, as a rule, is fraught not only with a mass of fans in all strata of the population, but often with a crowd of madmen, guarding their idol both at the entrance of her house and at the television center ...

To the entrance, thank God, until it came down to it. Just before work. I would divide these, as you say, "fans" into two categories. The first, some in letters, and some with their own eyes, confess their love and make marriage proposals. The second category is a group of petitioners and intercessors for their own problems. Apparently, I inspire them with some kind of trust and hope, in connection with which they firmly believed that I was able to solve some problem for them. I really feel sorry for people, but with all my desire I cannot solve housing issues, raise pensions, etc. Often such people are persistent and even aggressive. Here one citizen wrote letters for several months and demanded that I intervene in the solution of his housing problem. In the final letter, he openly shamed me: "How dare you wish 'all the best' at the end of your program if you don’t want to help me get an apartment? But these are the costs of the journalistic profession, you know. After all, people, according to the old Soviet habit, think that the intervention of a journalist will solve all problems at once. I am sure that all my colleagues are addressed with the same, but somehow it is not customary for us to discuss these strange people with each other, or their requests. We sympathize, of course, in our hearts, but, alas, we cannot help.

- Your husband Ilya Kopelevich works as editor-in-chief in your news department ...

Ilya is now the head of the Moscow correspondents department of Channel One. At one time, he really was the chief editor in the team where I worked. But it was on Russian television, in Vesti.

- I can't understand one thing, how you can cook in the same porridge all the way - both at work and at home, where all the conversations, no matter how hard you try, still revolve around the common work, and how not to get sick of each other?

Observing my girlfriends in marriage, I came to the conclusion that often men introduce a woman into their circle, in which they clearly define her role, place, rights and obligations. Everything for such women is clearly regulated. My lucky chance is that I have never heard the words "you have to!" From my husband. This "should" was excluded from the lexicon by him from the very beginning. Not because I behaved somehow waywardly, but because it is generally not typical for him to impose his will by way of harsh dictatorship. He left me in my life some kind of my own "territory". Although we live together constantly, there is a certain line that he does not cross. By allowing me to live freely enough. In the same way, I try not to violate his rights to himself. I, however, do it worse, because women are more predators and owners than men. After all, women constantly need to fill the territory of their men: otherwise they think that a man is getting out of their feline control. For the strength of bonds, it seems to me, you need to try to make family life interesting and varied. How? Well, for example, take a vacation or time off and go on a trip. And with the company. I would always prefer to have a rest together with a company. Because for me rest is also an outlet of energy to society. After all, I am an estrovert by nature. And Ilya is more of an introvert. And if we go somewhere together, then I will torment him all the way, filling all his space with myself. Which he is unlikely to like in such quantities. If we are talking about an autumn vacation, then it seems to me that you cannot imagine better than Paris. Speaking of summer, we really love to travel to Turkey by the sea and again with the company.

- You are a slender, tall, athletic girl, it seems, to the marrow of your bones - you even jumped with a parachute ...

I jumped with a parachute for the first time on my birthday, and I have it on March 8th. For this feat my friend is a temptation

nile. On the occasion of the women's holiday, at one of the airfields near Moscow, a whole Babskaya landing was organized, led by Ella Pamfilova. Well, they waited for me with a camera and an operator: the organizers hoped very much that there would be a TV story about this action. But at the last moment, the operator with the camera was sent to a more important object. I called: I can't, they say, come, because the camera was not given at the last moment. And they say that to hell with her, with the camera, come and jump yourself. So I jumped then without any "ground" training in an embrace with two instructors and a bottle of champagne, which we persuaded right in the air for three - both for the women's holiday, and for my own. Fairy tale: after all, I have never had such an exotic birthday and hardly ever will! As for sports, at school, probably, like many, I did something, even in the sections: a little rhythmic gymnastics, volleyball. But these were superficial hobbies, for a maximum of a year. As for great sporting feats, then I have those. Since I studied quite well and evenly at school, I was automatically sent not only to all kinds of Olympiads in various subjects, but also to sports competitions. Probably because I was an extremely responsible girl: you could be absolutely sure about me that I would not miss the event. In this regard, I was sent to the regional sports day, where I had to run cross - make four laps around the stadium. At first I ran along with everyone in the same row, but then I didn't have enough breathing apparatus, and I began to lag behind. And lagged behind by a whole circle. And when I was just finishing the third lap, the bulk of me was getting ready to finish. Then a red flag is given to me and loud applause is heard - after all, I, lagging behind, managed to lead the column of fleeing. Apparently, I ran so convincingly that the judges, having lost count, gave the victory to me. Thus, I managed to become the winner of the cross and get the gold TRP badge. Why then no one disputed the results of the race is still a mystery to me. Maybe my fellow runners themselves lost count? Well, about today's sports. For a long time my husband persuaded me to go with him to some sports club, so that one, as they say, would not be offended. I set myself up for this business for a very long time, but here we have a new club next to Academician Korolyov. Beauty: what from work five minutes, what - from home. On the "weekend" week, I go there every day, to work - whenever possible. No, I don't pump myself up with iron on purpose, but I do some exercises for muscles with light weight. Still, a gym is more suitable for men. But I try to attend step aerobics, water aerobics. I really like body ballet: it's kind of like the basics of choreography. My husband and I rarely get there together: the schedules do not match. I go more with my friends or alone.

- In the directory "Who's Who on Russian Television" only a couple of sentences have been written about you. But the fact that you are a fan of bathing is there.

It's good that there is no bathing entertainment. I just love the bathhouse! The sports club has a sauna, but I still like the Russian bath more. At the parent's dacha, the bathhouse, the foundations of which dad laid three years ago, has not been completed yet. Therefore, we go to the bathhouse in the city. We cooperate with friends, we rent a room for a few hours. So, not only to take a steam bath and swim in the pool, but also just sit, drink beer, talk.

- With the bathhouse and the sports club is understandable. And how do you like to spend your leisure time?

The ideal form of relaxation for me is to sleep until eleven in the afternoon. Then take an exciting book, drag more food into bed and indulge. And not just to gnaw an apple under a book, but something more substantial. Some kind of tasty meat, in general, in life, I am a meat eater. Well, there is cheese there, more sweets. Lately, however, I have begun to eat less - what is the point of eating a lot so that later it will be so difficult to expel it from myself in a sports club? I read everything, if only it was interesting to me. And the classics, and something newfangled and popular. Maybe I'll make some terrible and unfavorable confession for myself, but I read Harry Potter from morning to night with great pleasure. Let someone say with contempt that this is a book for young children, but at that moment I had some desperately bad mood, and with Harry Potter there was a happy state and a feeling that I had returned to childhood

She is familiar to the general public as a TV presenter. Olga Kokorekina's biography began in Moscow. A native of the metropolis, she was no different in childhood from her peers, but she preferred communication with mischievous boys, participating in their fun and adventures. Olya's parents, having a chemical education, could not imagine who their daughter would become in the future. A bold and decisive character, the girl chose her future profession herself, deciding to devote her life to journalism. She studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, and in 1993 began work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Olga mastered the complex editorial activity of Kokorekina right away, but then went to work on the Vesti television program, where she was the presenter on the Kultura channel since 1997, and then on RTR informed the viewers about the sensational events of the day in news releases. In 2002, viewers saw a pretty TV presenter on Channel One. Since 2009, the girl has been fruitfully working at the Mayak radio station. At the same time, her long-awaited daughter was born. Since 2010, Olga has been the host of the "Now" program at the "Piter" shopping mall.

The girls are not going as well as their careers. A long marriage with television journalist Ilya Kopelevich broke up after nine years of marriage. Olga did not despair, and remarried businessman Vadim Bykov, from whom her daughter Dashenka was born. Now Olga Kokorekina is a TV presenter and a wonderful mother, she brings up her daughter alone, leads an active lifestyle, does not get bored and does not lose heart. She is interested in equestrian sports, enjoys skiing, and goes to the bathhouse on weekends. The biography of Olga Kokorekina so far stops at this.

The first child is happiness

Having become pregnant, Olga felt severe dizziness. She was afraid that at any moment she might faint and felt terrible weakness. And at this time she had to lead an active labor activity. Before the start of each new program, the girl promised herself that this time the broadcast would be the last. Doctors strongly recommended to undergo a course of treatment, which the presenter eventually did, leaving on sick leave.

However, she did not have to rest at home either, since the wedding ceremony and serious preparations for it were coming. Olga also had to take over the renovation of the new apartment, since her husband Vadim sorely lacks free time.

When the girl was taken to the maternity ward, she patiently tried to endure the first labor contractions. I measured the corridor with my steps and watched the bright sun rise over the morning Moscow. It was a special sight, and Olga Kokorekina, whose children are the joy and meaning of life, will carry these memories through her whole life. She gave birth easily thanks to special anesthesia, and then thought that for some reason the stories about the terrible contractions of women giving birth had passed her by.

The time has come for new troubles, but now very pleasant ones. Dasha misses her mother, calls her, and she, madly adoring her little princess, is happy to devote her free time to her.

The presenter of "Novosti" should be an example

Olga Kokorekina was a member of the jury at the 2007 Russian Student Spring Festival. The guests of the competition did not fail to ask the presenter how she manages to look so great. A woman's image on the screen is special: she should look strict, conservative, but at the same time beautiful. You can not use bright accessories in the outfit, because the audience begins to scrutinize them carefully, passing important information on deaf ears. It is forbidden to loose long hair over the shoulders - it should be styled in a neat and not very voluminous hairstyle. The TV presenter is assisted by image-makers who unmistakably guess the color of both jackets.

Favorite clothing style

TV presenter Kokorekina prefers sportswear in all its variations, because she considers it as comfortable and practical as possible. Olga cannot imagine herself in a tight dress and high heels, when in a short period of time she needs to keep up with everywhere and everywhere. In a business classic suit, she appears only at work, and at the same time does not feel admiration for such clothes. “It's all the same what to put on a military uniform,” shares the famous TV presenter.

Armenian blood flows in her veins

Olga Kokorekina admits that she is a quarter Armenian on her father's side. And this, as you know, is a freedom-loving, hot-tempered and straightforward people. It can be difficult for a woman to restrain herself when a situation requires an immediate solution, but the situation does not allow taking decisive action. She believes that it is imperative for all people to learn the lessons from past mistakes and avoid them in the future. There is a big difference between the Olga who watches from the screens and the one who laughs merrily and lively in a relaxed atmosphere, interspersing the conversation with sparkling jokes.

Beauty secrets from Olga Kokorekina

Olga shared the secret of her beauty and charm. In her opinion, a person should, despite a busy work schedule, devote at least nine to ten hours to sleep every day and not drink alcohol in large quantities.

Olga Kokorekina, whose photo adorns the pages of printed publications, tries not to eat potato products, avoids salty and spicy dishes. With proper nutrition and fitness, she looks stunning at 41. Olga Kokorekina eats according to the principle: breakfast is yours, lunch is half and half with a friend, and dinner is for the enemy. It happens that in the evening he does not dine at all, but drinks fermented milk products. The main thing, according to the woman, is the peace of mind of a person, because in an agitated state he easily gets sick and gets tired. Yes, and the people around it are not sweet.

Olga Kokorekina thinks that the height of unreasonableness is to limit oneself in food to a meager amount of several tens of grams per meal, because sooner or later this will lead to serious diseases of the digestive tract and a deterioration in general well-being. You can allow yourself too much, if you really want it, but then unload the body with light food.

Olga does not like to tinker in the kitchen herself, but she cooks dishes that do not take much time and effort to cook with pleasure. She loves zucchini pancakes and vegetable caviar very much. Of the many different products, he always prefers vegetables.

Leading social life

The TV presenter avoids noisy parties and parties, tries to ignore invitations to evening social events. Doesn't understand when people are crowded in a huge line for free food and drinks in the form of sandwiches or champagne. In her heart, she does not approve and does not understand such impulses, preferring to gather in a small circle of best friends or spend a certain amount of money on a trip to a decent institution: a cozy cafe or restaurant. The menu is good there, and the atmosphere is conducive to friendly conversation. Olga Kokorekina, whose personal life does not go beyond the walls of her house, tries to listen to others before talking about herself.

Star fever is stupidity

For Olga, appearing on television does not yet mean becoming a famous and popular person throughout the country. Indeed, behind the external decent and bright side, hard work, chronic lack of sleep and a huge investment of energy are hidden. It depends on a person who he will become, on the quality of his efforts, because everyone creates and decides his own destiny. Her intuition did not disappoint, pointing out the woman to a profession that became her beloved.

Professional secrets of Olga Kokorekina

When the girl was just starting her career, she repeatedly received offers to change her surname to a more sonorous pseudonym. However, she was categorically against it, because she values ​​her genealogical line. Olga's grandfather was quite famous for whom the famous paintings "Let's Get to Berlin", "For the Motherland" and many others were created. She values ​​and is proud of her name.

When the parents insisted that their daughter enter the chemistry department, the girl immediately snapped: "This is not mine!" True, for some time she was tormented by doubts about what to choose from the humanities: journalism or philology, and she became a journalist. In their youth, young people want travel, risk, romance, and this profession gives the desired sensations in abundance.

Olga Kokorekina, TV presenter, is happy to comment on scientific news, discoveries, world-wide events that are not related to terrorist attacks and the death of people. Although, by virtue of the profession, it is necessary to voice such information, from which a heavy sediment remains on the soul.

So what is she like?

Olga Kokorekina is a bright, beautiful, successful woman who is not alien to everything human. She is not afraid to tell a person the truth in the face, she is capable of decisive actions on which the life of her loved ones depends. Her optimism and self-confidence infect the people around her. She tries to see the positive in everything. And therefore, next to her is easy and simple. There is no stiffness, demeanor and complacency that can be observed in some stars. Olga Kokorekina is talented in everything, because she makes her own destiny.

A successful beautiful journalist and TV presenter has always dreamed of having a strong family, but her personal life was rather difficult. First Olga Kokorekina's husband TV editor Ilya Kaplevich could have lived with her all his life, but over the long years of their life together, they did not have the children she had dreamed of all her life. Perhaps Olga would even decide to take a child from an orphanage, but meeting a businessman Vadim Bykov changed her whole life.

In the photo - Olga Kokorekina with her first husband

After their first date, Bykov did not leave Olga alone - he constantly called her and made new dates. A romantic relationship arose between them, and soon Olga realized that she was pregnant. She was in seventh heaven with happiness, she did not even care if Bykov, who already had four children from previous marriages, would recognize her child. She broke up with Kaplevich, determined to give birth. Vadim Bykov upon learning about the pregnancy of his beloved, he was delighted by this news and immediately invited Olga to become his wife.

In the photo - Olga is getting married to Vadim Bykov

Their wedding was fun and unusual - the newlyweds went to their guests on an excavator - Olga was sitting on a specially installed sofa in the bucket, and Vadim was on the footboard. He himself ordered the technique to amuse the guests and make the wedding unforgettable for everyone. Olga Kokorekina's future husband, after the wedding, provided her with a fabulous life. She spent most of her pregnancy in Monaco, enjoying relaxation and a luxurious life. After the birth of Dasha's daughter, Kokorekina did not sit at home with her for long. She went to work, which took up a lot of her time. Olga Kokorekina's husband could hardly bear the constant employment of his wife. Quarrels and misunderstandings began between them. Olga several times started a conversation with her husband that she could no longer live in such an environment, but Vadim reassured her, said that everything would be settled - all families go through difficult periods. But Kokorekina understood that their family did not work out. Their marriage lasted a little over a year, Olga Kokorekina's husband did not even come to their daughter's first birthday, which Olga celebrated with her friends.

In the photo - Olga Kokorekina and Vadim Bykov