Anatoly Tsoi: The biography of a young singer from the MBand group. Anatoly Tsoi: Biography and personal life with whom Tsoi from M Band

Anatoly Tsoi: The biography of a young singer from the MBand group. Anatoly Tsoi: Biography and personal life with whom Tsoi from M Band
Anatoly Tsoi: The biography of a young singer from the MBand group. Anatoly Tsoi: Biography and personal life with whom Tsoi from M Band

Anatoly Tsoi was one of the lucky ones who took part in the show "I want to Meladze" and winning. And now Anatoly Tsoi is a member of the Boyz-Bend MBand. Move this team to the tops of the charts will be producer Konstantin Meladze.

In addition to Anatoly in the group, Vladislav Ramm, Nikita Kiosse and Artem Pindyur. All these guys are unusually talented and charismatic. They confidently passed through all the trials prepared by the Creators of the Shaw.

Anatoly 25 years and he comes from Almaty, from a regular simple family. At the time of participation in the show Anatoly, the star of Kazakhstan. Tolik sings how much remembers himself. He has learned from early childhood what the work and the tricks of everything seek independently. Already at 14, Anatoly began to perform on corporate and holidays, earning money for himself. But his main goal, according to the singer, was to earn recognition and praise father, who was a rather severe and strict man.

Among the achievements of Caoi - the second place in the Delphic Games in the Nomination "Pop Vocals".

On the show "I want to Meladze" Anatoly Tsoi remembered the audience even on the qualifying round when he performed the song Naughty Boy "La La La".

The surname Tsoi is so famous in our country that any artist speaking under it is automatically written to the close environment of the great representative of the Movie Music Group. Anatoly Tsoi, a member of the MBand youth group did not exception. For some time, society gadal, whether this talented young man is a relative or named of the legendary musician. Rumors were heated by the fact that the personal life of a young artist held them secret. However, today we can shed light on the biography of Anatoly Tsoi from MBEND and answer all the questions that are interested in its numerous fans.

Anatoly Tsoi Mbend: the beginning of the way

Anatoly by nationality Korean. He was born at the end of July 1989 in Kazakhstan, the city of Taldykorgan - the center of the Alma-Ata region. The boy grew up in an ordinary family, completely unrelated to creativity, but from the Small age he was interested in anything related to music. It was its mother who later expressed his gratitude for the fact that she managed to notice his talent and send the boy to the right direction, writing it to the nearest music school at about a five-year-old age.

Anna Sedokova. Subsequently, the media thundered the information about what exactly Anatoly is the father of the newborn baby Anna. However, these data were not confirmed. According to the alignment of the artist himself on one of the last conferences online, with Anna Sedokov, they are connected exclusively to old friendship and new creative plans.
Photo Anatoly and Anna at the exhibition of luxury cars in Astana

To date, personal life in the book of the biography of Anatoly Tsoi did not take a lot of "pages". According to the singer, he is associated with many years of romantic relationships with one girl, the name and nature of whose activity is not disclosed. In the future, a young man dreams of a big and friendly family and, without fail, three children, and so far nursing with his numerous nephews.

Stock Foto Anatoly Tsoi with his numerous nephews
The relations of Anatoly refers very precisely. As he noted in one of the interviews: "It is important for me that my companion will be honest and confident that she wants. Nowadays, people have become less serious to refer to the Institute of Marriage. Playing the wedding, they can go to divorce the next day. But before the marriage was holy and indispensable. Married only once and forever. Now you should not roll a cool holiday, register relationships, and then arrange and divorce. I don't care what a date goes. It is very sad. "

Tsoi notes that there is practically no time for relationships due to a dense graph, so he seeks not to mix creativity and personal life and protects it as much as possible from prying eyes.

Parents of the singer Anatoly Tsoi

The singer with great respect and love refers to his parents separately and the whole family as a whole. The proof of this can also be the fact that Anatoly still turns to mom and father exclusively on "you".

Stock Foto Father and mother member MBAND Anatoly Tsoi

In the biography of Anatoly Tsoi from MBend Parents played a decisive role. The artist believes that their recognition was of great importance in his success. According to Anatoly, "Thanks to mom and dad, I became who I am now. The most important thing they brought me up with a real man. "

The main woman in the life of Anatoly is his mother - Zoya Anatolyevna, and the most stringent, but fair criticism is Father Vasily. Grandmother Anatoly Anna Trofimovna, in turn, always believed in his success and in every way supported the grandson.

As Women noted the family Tsoi: "We brought up a Tolik in the Korean traditions, that is, to be modest, not to be sad and always remain a person."

Behind the success of the boy always followed his friendly and big family. Anatolia's father brought up his son in rigor, with early childhood putting him male qualities. Mom, on the contrary, gave instructions guy and tips in any life situations. It was she who sent him to a variety of events where he sang in Russian, English, Kyrgyz, Korean, Kazakh ...

At the same time, paternal recognition had the biggest weight for a young artist. From the memories of Anatoly himself, one of the most dramatic and important points for him was the performance with the orchestra at the 13th age, during which the father of the guy said softly: "Well done!"

Today Anatoly Tsoi from Mbend is one of the most interesting and popular young artists. It develops in different directions. The designer was one of the hobbies of Tsoi, and the guy even released his own line of limited clothes. His talent, upbringing and active life position allow us to say that this artist will achieve great success in the future and will certainly conquer a lot of a wide variety of awards for his infinitely deep creativity.

Anatoly Tsoi about how he became a designer, which he lacks in Moscow and what he thinks about the group 91!

Anatoly Tsoi is not a relative of the legendary soloist of the group "Cinema". He is only his namesake. Although very talented. Do you know who Anatoly Tsoi? Is the biography of this guy you know? If not, we recommend reading the article.

Anatoly Tsoi: biography, family

He was born on July 28, 1989 in the Kazakh city of Taldykorgan. Father and mother of our hero are not related to the scene and music. But they always knew that they had a gifted child. From an early age, Tolik showed interest in art. He liked to draw, dance and sing. The boy regularly sat down his home concerts. As a public, his parents, grandmother and grandfather, as well as neighbors played.


When did I start doing the music of Anatoly Tsoi? Biography indicates that this happened at 5 years of age. Parents decided to help her son in creative development. They recorded the boy to the nearest music school.

From the age of 14, our hero began making money, speaking on corporate, weddings and other holidays. The audience has always met him with a bang. Part of the money guy gave mom with dad, and part posts for the future.

For some time, Tolik lived in the capital of Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek. He was the soloist of the MKD group. This team was popular in his city. However, after a few group ceased to exist.

Participation in projects and "X-factor"

In 2007, the guy returned to his native Kazakhstan. Tolya did not sit without a case. He went to the casting of the fourth season of the show. Tsoi noticed and missed in the second round. Our hero was able to reach the project final.

After success in, Anatoly Tsoi and Talgat Kenezhabulat decided to create a group called National. For a long time, the guys worked on recording songs and choreography. In 2011, they went to the X-factor music show (Kazakh version). People wanted to become winners. However, good luck did not smile.

"Want to Meladze"

Some time about Anatoly Tsoe did not hear anything. But in 2014, the guy appeared in the project "I want to Meladze." The first predoxy took place in Almaty. Competition was high. Our hero was confident. And this mood allowed him to go on. The native of Kazakhstan went to Moscow to consolidate success.

Anatoly Tsoi, whose biography is considered by us, during the blind listening performed the composition Naughty Boy "La La". Professional jury highly appreciated vocal abilities. Many also noted his ability to move beautifully on stage.

What team did Anatoly Tsoi come to? Biography suggests that Anna Sedokova was engaged in the promotion of the Korean guy. Under her leadership, the guy successfully reached the final. Then the Tolik was transferred to the team of Sergei Lazarev. Tsoi united with Vlad Rammom, Artem Pindyura and the guys created a male quartet, calling him MBand. Especially for them, Konstantin Meladze wrote the song "She will return." This composition team performed in the finals of the show.

According to the results of the audience voting, the MBand group received 53% of the votes. This meant one thing: the wards of Sergey Lazareva became the winners of the show "I want to Meladze." Famous producer congratulated the guys with success. Later, the parties were signed a mutually beneficial contract.

Continuation of career

In 2014, a clip of the MBand group appeared in the rotation of the largest music channels of Russia. "She will return". The director of the video is Sergey Solodky. For 6 months, the official clip scored over 10 million views of the SMUTUBE. Not every representative of the Russian show business can boast of such results.

In 2015, the MBAND team was nominated for 4 positions. As a result, Anatoly Tsoi and his friends got the Kid`s Chaice Awards Award. They won the nomination "Music breakthrough of the year."

Also, the guys were nominated for the awards of MUZ-TV and RU.TV. Unfortunately, in both cases, the guys did not receive cherished figurines.

Biography Anatoly Tsoi: personal life

In his youth, our hero was not popular with the opposite sex. In the high school classes, Anatoly was to get out of the depressive condition of the guy helped music.

After Tolik began to participate in various TV projects, the number of his fans has increased dramatically. However, Tsoi understands that he is interested in as a media face, and not a potential husband and father of children.

During participation in the show "I want to Meladze", Anatoly was attributed to the novel with his mentor - Any Sedokova. Such rumors cause only a smile from our hero.

Many fans of Tsoi want to know whether the heart of a sweet-haired singer is free. We will have to upset them. For several years now, he meets the girl. Perhaps very soon they will have a wedding. The name, the names of the elect, and also the genus of its activity is not disclosed. The winner of the show "I want to Meladze" carefully protects your personal life from outside interference. And this is the right position.


The article contains comprehensive information about who Anatoly Tsoi (biography). How old is the singer you now know too. We wish him creative success and great love!

Anatoly Vasilyevich Tsoi is a popular singer of Korean origin, the winner of the TV project "I want to Meladze" and the participant of the boy-band "MBand".

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born and grew up in Kazakhstan, in a large friendly Korean family, where love and respect always reigned. Anatoly still turns to parents on "You" and grateful to them for being held as a person and a musician.

The singer is often wondering if he is not a relative of him to Viktor Tsoi or annight Tsoi. In fact, they are simply the same name - "Tsoi" is a very common surname among the Russian and Central Asian Koreans. Anatoly respects their creativity (Viktor and considers the formation of generation at all), but it seems that his name is remembered with something special.

Creative abilities of a small Tolik and his undoubted vocal talent manifested themselves at an early age. The boy adored sing and dance, so for five years he was given to a music school. While the rest of the boys played in the courtyard in the Cossacks-Robbers, Tole was learned by the gamma and mastered the tight literacy.

First steps to glory

At the age of thirteen, he moved with his parents to Bishkek and organized his own group of MKD with his friends. After a couple of years, the guys began to perform at weddings and discos, earning a good money at that time. As part of the collective, Anatoly took part in international competitions and even ranked third at the World Delphic Games as the best vocalist.

Returning to Kazakhstan again, the 18-year-old young man went to the casting of the project (the analogue of the project "People's Artist"). He passed a strict selection and became a member of the show, reaching him to the final, where he performed the song "say goodbye" group "Umaturman". The heartfelt performance of the 17-year-old young man touched the audience to the tears.

Increased success, Tsoi created a new group "National" and after 3 years I decided to try my happiness at the local "X-factor", but this time the audience did not appreciate his original performance manner.


Everything has changed the meeting of Anatoly with the soloist of the group "A-Studio" Batyrkhan Shukenov. After following his advice, the young man got courage and moved to Moscow. Without losing time in vain, he immediately went to conquer the capital musical Olympus.

Successfully passing the castings immediately in three large projects ("Artist", "voice" and "I want to Meladze"), Anatoly chose the latter and did not lose. The young artist managed to conquer the audience and mentors with his vocal talent and powerful charisma and became a member of the Anna Sedokov team.

Anatoly Tsyu on the show "I want to Meladze"

Later, he moved to Sergey Lazarev, where the final structure of the MBand team was formed: Anatoly Tsoi, Vladislav Ramm, Nikita Kiosse and Artem Pindouyur.

When the guys performed the new hit Konstantin Meladze "she will return", written specifically for the winners of the project, it immediately became clear that the group is waiting for a big future. Clip on this song gathered more than ten million at least a year in Youtube.

Anatoly Tsoi in the MBAND group with the song "She will come back"

In 2015, the MBAND group was nominated immediately into four prestigious musical awards. At the same time, the team left Vladislav Ramm, who broke the contract with the producer.

Personal life Anatoly Tsoi

A young charismatic artist does not have a lack of female attention, although she tries not to advertise his personal life. In one of the interviews, Anatoly admitted that he lives with a girl who supported him during the show "I want to Meladze," sacredly believed in the victory and went with him many serious tests.

Anatoly Tsoi is a popular artist, the soloist of the MBand Music Group, the winner of the television song contest "I want to Meladze", the participant in the final stage of the first season of the Kazakh "X-factor".

The artist is very bright and talented. This is evidenced by the fact that he came to the capital of the Russian Federation from Kazakhstan, held a very difficult way to achieve such heights in a musical career.

Children's and Youth Yown Anatoly Tsoi

Tsoi Anatoly - by nationality Korean. The world appeared in the summer of 1989 in Taldykorgan. This settlement located in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan, until 1993 was called Talda Kurgan. The future artist grew in a simple family, where there were no musicians or artists nor actors. However, the talent for singing and musical ear parents noticed at the heir rather early, so they decided to immediately support it and develop it as much as possible. Anatoly told that she sings his entire conscious life, how much he remembers herself.

Very early, Tsoi Anatoly began working and helping parents. Life has learned to be a guy purposeful, and also try to make every effort to get what he needs.

In his 14 years, the guy has already earned money. Talent for singing made a guy very popular at the festive events, corporate parties and urban celebrations. However, the main promotion for a small artist was not money, but praise father. He was very strict and a little harsh man, but just. That is why it was a huge joy for Anatoly from his native person, and for this he gave not only his strength, but also time.

At a young age, the guy managed to become the owner of the second place in the Delphic Games, becoming the winners in the nomination "Pop Vocals". The guy hit the first season of the popular television project "X-factor", where it reached the final part. He performed together with Talgan Kenezbulatov in a duet, which was then called "nationality". At the same time, the Kazakh project of Tsiu Anatoly never succeeded. The artist himself believes that he did not win solely due to the fact that the audience was not prepared for a similar character.

Despite this, participation in projects made a novice artist very popular and recognizable. Tsoi Anatoly for some time after the end of the projects was the soloist of the local musical group "Sugarbeat".

Music and television projects

The creative biography of Tsoi Anatoly developed not as rapidly, as the artist himself wanted. It was because of this that he decided to throw a native city and go to conquer the capital of the Russian Federation. He believed that in Moscow, more advanced performers, and he will be able to gain real connoisseurs of his talent. The calculation of the artist was true: Tsoi Anatoly passed the casting immediately in 3 rating projects, choosing from them, according to his personal opinion, the most prestigious and popular - "I want to Meladze."

In the fall of 2014, the audience of the NTV television channel was watched by the new project Meladze developed. Participants on the show were selected on certain "blind auditions" by experienced jury participants. According to the rules of the project, the female half of the Commission in the face of Eva Polna, Polina Gagarina and Anna Sedokova had the opportunity to observe the incendaneous performances of the contestants, but do not hear them. At the same time, the male half of the jury in the face of Sergey Lazarev, Timati and Vladimir Presnyakova, could not see the participants, but he listened to them perfectly.

Noteworthy is that Anatoly Tsoi passed casting to the project in Almaty. All mentors were on it, including the most important member of the jury Konstantin Meladze. At the very first, the preliminary stage of the guy managed to get an approving review from Meladze himself.

Other, equally well-known performers from Kazakhstan took part in the casting. Many, and even Tsoi Anatoly himself, did not believe that the young man would be able to go to the show: it was too "non-standard" his solo execution. As the artist later told, from the first stage he was waiting for him to be removed from the project. In addition, Tsoi, from the very beginning, he dreamed of becoming a member of Bozy-Bend, whose head was Meladze Konstantin. He accepted such a decision even, despite the fact that he always preferred to be a solo singer.

The artist told the media representatives that even in case of failure on the show, he planned to stay in the capital and start independently make their way to the domestic show business. The level of media in Kazakhstan is definitely much lower than in Russia. If the performer has to work in the Russian Federation, then the literally all CIS countries know about him.

Anatoly Tsoi from the earliest years old dreamed of performing compositions on the same level with the most popular celebrities. While he took part in the television competitive program "I want to Meladze," he received a number of proposals for further cooperation. However, Tsoi did not have the opportunity to agree to them, as it was associated with a contract contract.

At Tsui Anatoly show communicated with other participants who, unfortunately, came, then left, and could not catch up for the project for a long time. Initially, the performer was in the group Anna Sedokova, but later he was transferred to Sergey Lazarev. This moment was very dramatic during the entire project.

In the final part of the project, Bennd Lazareva Sergey, which was included in the composition of which Tsoi Anatoly, Artem Pindouyur, Vladislav Ramma and Nikita Kiosse were included. The guys were entitled to participate in the MBand's Music Team. Together, they performed a new composition of Konstantin Meladze - "she will return." For the first time, this composition was performed in the Grand Finale of the television show.

In 2014, the music clip was removed on the composition "She returns". Solodsky Sergey spoke director to this project. And now they are long-awaited - fame and success: less than six months official video on one of the famous video stations gathered about ten million views.

In 2015, the musical group of Anatoly Central Mband was nominated immediately into several premiums. The team was able to become owners of the prize in the category "Russian Musical Breakthrough of the Year". He was also nominated in the categories "Fan or Profan", "Breakthrough of the Year" and "Real Parish".

On the eve of 2016, the first quartet solo program took place, which was held at the Moscow Nightclub Bad Arena. Then it became known that the team decided to leave Alexander Ramm. It absolutely did not reduce the popularity of vocalists, and after six months on television, the tape "fix everything" appeared. The main characters then became all participants in the musical group. Daria Moroz and Nikolay Baskov also appeared in a youth picture. At the same time, the composition of the group appeared in the group repertoire.

Anatoly, together with his colleagues, also participated in charitable programs. The guys created their own social project "Raise Eyes", which gave opportunities for children's homes to creatively manifest themselves. Soon in the repertoire of the team, a joint song appeared with Nyusha "Feel ... Try" and the composition "Unbearable".

In 2016, the discography of the team participants was replenished at once by two new albums "acoustics" and "without filters". Literally through one goal, the artists became the authors of the composition "Life is a cartoon", which entered the musical accompaniment of the animation film of Ukrainian production "Nikita Kozhemyak". New songs in the repertoire of Tsoi Anatoly and his buddies were hits "Personal" and "Right Girl".

Personal life Anatoly Central

The main woman for Anatoly Tsoi was always a mother, and the critic of the artist was a father, whose words the artist always listened very carefully.

As for the romantic relationship, some time ago in the media, they wrote that the artist began a rapid relationship with the mentor of the television project by Anna Sedokova. However, the performer himself hurried to dispel all such species. In fact, he has a beloved, whose name he tries not to disclose. But the time to develop love relationships from ascending celebrities, unfortunately, very little. It is because of this that the artist is most trying to not mix personal life and creative activity.

One day, Tsoi Anatoly admitted that his beloved girl supports him in all endeavors over the years. She believed in him even at the time when everyone else had doubts about his talent. During heavy tests, which had to go through the performer at the first stage of the competitive program, "I want to Meladze", the beloved was always next to the singer.

Today, Tsoi although the single is not free. However, an upward celebrity with a smile is encouraging his numerous fans, claiming that he is loving, and his love can be enough for everyone. He is very nice every day to receive several hundred letters with confessions in love. East Handsome is in the heyday, it is very talented and popular.

Fans of the artist actively subscribe to all his personal pages on social networks. They are interesting literally even the most petty information from the life of a talented idol. Many know even its growth and weight, age, eye color, eating preferences, preferences in clothing, etc. Fans cherish hope for familiarity with the artist, because he still does not have an official spouse, which means that every beautiful girl has a chance to be seen by the performer.

In October 2015, a small scandalous situation occurred, which, however, confirmed the truth of the words of Anatoly Tsoi about his lovingness. Paparazzi photographed the artist in one of the Sochi night clubs, where he rested and having fun with his colleagues of his musical group. The guys then arrived in the city on the opening of the music festival "New Wave" and in the evening they decided to light on the full program. Anatoly got a beautiful girl and danced with her until morning, while they were bravely kissed and hugged, absolutely not embarrassed by the presence of hundreds of eyes.

In 2017, the fans of the artist again raised the topic of romantic relationships with the saddle. In August, she published a photo on his page with his heir to Hector and Anatoly Tsoem. At the same time, previously fans discussed the probability of paternity.

A few days before, on the birthday of Anatoly Tsoi, Sedokova Anna posted a tender congratulation in his profile, accompanied by his tender photograph. "I am very big !!! Congratulations!!! You are really a unique person, never forget about it! Happy Birthday Anatoly Tsoi. " In the photo, then in the "interesting" position Anna was in the arms of Tsoi Anatoly. Anna and Anatoly at that time categorically refused to comment on their relationship, thereby heating the interest of fans with such publications in social networks.

Anatoly Tsoi Currently

As a member of the MBAND music team, Anatoly Tsoi became the performer of the composition "Thread", which entered the track list of the new disk "Rough age". Later, the group pleased its fans with the new joint with Meladze Valery's performance of the track "Mom, do not burn."

Currently, in addition to the musical career, Tsoi Anatoly is actively developing a showman career. In early 2018, the Contractor became a television leading show "Saranshe", which is broadcast on CTC channel. To participate in the program invite couples in love, which play for cash, responding to all kinds of questions about each other.

In the summer of 2018, the Contractor was awarded the "Tefi" nomination as "the best television host entertainment show Prime-Time, and the project itself received a reward as the" Best Talk Show ".

It is also known that Tsoi Anatoly and his childhood friend Lee Valentin became television leading program "Stone Korean". Blog releases are broadcast on social networks. Since the show turned out to be pretty popular and popular, it was decided to shoot the second season.