Lion Axelrod Singer. "Vote

Lion Axelrod Singer.
Lion Axelrod Singer. "Vote

How many times have we interviewed the star participants "Voice". They all assured us that the project was singing only live. However, behind the scenes, in other scenes, even the finalists of the television transmission sometimes act under the phonogram. In an exclusive interview with the channel, the site is that he has already sang under the plus three times, one of the three most volatile performers admitted with the participation of children Lion Axelrod.

Stylish guy Lev Axelrod won on the project "Voice. Children" Love viewers. Now he is 14 years old, and behind the young man has a huge experience of performances. But together with the work at different sites, a new feeling came - skill sing under the phonogram. "Once I gave myself an oath never to sing under a plus, I call it like this. The phonogram is called and minus, just recorded orchestration playing in the columns. I had to sing, but not because I was afraid, shy. Just at some events it is It is more profitable for information in the chamber. To reduce it for a very long time. And with our technique it can be easily allowed now, "the lion admitted.

At first, for a lion was unusual to sing under a plus. But then he realized that the stars were ordinary practice, because it is sometimes just a need. "Of course, I almost roared myself when he heard that I had to sing under a plus. I already sang two times, maybe three. I even somehow shame, I don't know. Although people who know that understand those who are Sings under plus. And do not consider us for traitors who deceive people, "the performer added.

By the way, right during an interview with the lion sympathized and performed a kind of melody, thereby demonstrating his talent and fearless to hum in any time anywhere live.

Note that at the recent big concert of the participants of the show "Voice. Children" in St. Petersburg lion sang live. Together with him came to the northern capital of Ragda, Mark Potapov, Arina Danilova. The baby told that Petersburgers assigned all sorts of gifts. For her, of course, it is nice to receive such attention from the fans, but the little singer admits that it is more important to her. "For me, no gifts are more important, and the person he himself. For me, more friendship is important than a gift," she says.

About Leo also have something to supplement. He was born in Moscow. And from five years began to engage in music. Today, Axelrod is not only a singer, but also an actor. He performs the main role in the musical "Treasure Island". On the blind listening, he sang "Tell Me Why". On the "voice" mentor to himself a young man chose Dima Bilan, although Pelagia was turned to him. Together with Christian Kostov Lion passed in the final. But the winner was Alice Koekin.

Arina Shakova, Andrei Zhukhevich.

Tonight the final show will take place. After not easy selection, each mentor left two student. Each of them wrote an essay about himself.

Ivuelo Filippov: "Kirkorov helped me"

14 years old (Maxim Fadeeyev team):

"I was five years old when I started singing. My mother was driving in the car, and I taught the records of Philip Kirkorov. I remembered how Russian words could, because I didn't know the language at all (the boy comes from Bulgaria. - Approx. Antennas). And once we came to the concert of Philip, where they met with his father of the povere. Gave him my disk, which was recorded only one song "Cruel Love" so that he just listened. Four days later, Pobros called - he said that he really liked, and invited me with his mother to his anniversary to Moscow. He was 75 years old. Pobros came up with that in his anniversary I should go on stage with a bouquet of flowers during the song "Son", as Philip did, when he was five years old. After that, Philip came to me with the words: "Oh, what little you are, how cool you eat!" He invited me to Bulgaria to four of his concert and even allowed to sing on one of them two songs: "Cruel love" and "Salm".

In 2008, we decided to move to Moscow so that I could get a good musical education. The first time, when they just moved, stopped in the apartment at Pobros, until they found housing, and Mom did not get a job. They are very kind people. Philip helped to get into the studio "fidgets". He asked Elena Pinjoyan to lish me on casting. She gave me the opportunity to do her for free! With "Fidget", I spoke at so many concerts! She took the first place in the international contests "Sea Star" and "Crystal Magnolia", was the second on the "Children's New Wave" in 2011.

But at the same time I do not think a professional. Before going to the blind listening in the "voice", the right hand was rare. Stopped when I started singing. Three seconds passed, Pelagia turned, followed by Max Fadeev and the last Bilan. I did not expect everything to happen so fast! He chose Fadeeva, because my mother and I watched the "Star Factory". From there, so many graduates famous now, and everyone will produce Fadeev. He is a big professional, demanding and kind. When I got into the final, he gave me advice: never to be accomplished, because then a person remains without friends - and his life will deteriorate.

When I just arrived in Moscow, at school and in the "fidget" treated me a friendly and helped to learn Russian. Odnoklassniki was pleased for me, asked when I was the next time to show on TV, promised to vote for me. And now support me. It is a pity, we have no way to play my favorite football. Now there is no time for anything, even to study. Last year lagged a lot, and I never had an excellent student. Now even more concerts and rehearsals. Mom is experiencing when I do not have time for school subjects, and always helps me to catch the missed material.

For me it does not matter, I will win or not. The most important thing is how it gets further. I already realized that I had without a breakdown scene. And I would like to become a popular artist. And I also have a dream - to meet Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. I am his big fan! He is a competent person and a good president. I am proud of them. I would like to meet him. "

Alisa Koekina: "My teacher did not believe in me"

Photo: Ruslan Roshpkin / "Channel One"

10 years old (Maxim Fadeev team):

"Before the" voice "I was not engaged in music. He abandoned in 2012, when she became a laureate of the "Children's New Wave", and my teacher refused me. She said: "There is no interest to deal with you further" ... But last year I asked my parents to make me a gift - send a request to the "voice." When all the qualifying tours and blind audition were held, Dad said: "We must move." We lived in the village of Uspenka Kursk region, there were no good teachers. Now we live in the Leningrad region. It was not scary to move, but interesting. I never had never come to school new. On the first day, girls with questions surrounded for change. I didn't tell anyone about participating in the "voice", only when I had to take up to shoot at the teacher, admitted. She was shocked! My speech was all waiting, nervous. The class teacher, seeing him on TV, said: "Well, finally waited!"

My victory in the project has already taken place. I wanted to get Maxim Fadeev on blind auditions. And he turned! He is demanding, but cheerful, you will not get bored with him. For us worries more than we ourselves. In the final will sing with us, I asked: "You support me, otherwise I'm so afraid." I dream of winning the voice. I do not want Max to let down. "

Anastasia Titova: "The world is not a kindergarten, you need to break through"

Photo: Ruslan Roshpkin / "Channel One"

14 years old (Team Pelagia):

"From two years, I performed in the pop team. Parents say I was an artistic child, therefore led me there. Then I understood, this is my calling, and continued learning in a music school. I sing everything: from Folka to Jazz. The main thing is that the song is with meaning, sending to people and preferably balobowa.

Somehow took part in the Kremlin Star Festival. A special bus should be transported to the territory of the Kremlin. There are not allowed without skipping. But for some reason the bus did not take me. Then, with Pope and Mom, the unthinkable paths were mined and passed inside. This case showed me that the world is not a kindergarten, it is necessary to break through.

At the blind listening in the "Voice" I was worried. I think if the artist before going to the scene does not worry at all, he is not an artist. But she tried to send the excitement to the right direction. Apparently, it turned out, once all three mentors turned out. I chose Pelagey. She is bright, talented and honest. He taught me to feel the song, orient in tense situations. Creative acquaintance with her and her mom - the main victory on the project. "Voice" will end, and the ability to create and communicate with my mentor, I hope will remain. "

Ragda Haniev: "Pugacheva taught me feel a song"

Photo: Ruslan Roshpkin / "Channel One"

12 years old (Team Pelagia):

"Somehow I was lucky to visit Alla Pugacheva. She said: "The main thing is not to sing, and how many souls in the song will be invested." I try to follow this advice.

... seriously I started singing two years ago. Before this declared poems. He taught by heart the works of four sheets. And he could not think that I would sing. I and music took up at nine years. And I did not go to the music school. I treat every song in my own way, I didn't want someone to impose my vision to me. I don't even know the notes. I sometimes corrects my sister, but from the point of view of the listener. I just recently took up a violin teacher.

The "voice" got the same as everything. To say what was worried - not to say anything. When I went to the hall, I realized that I had to sing. Only with the last notewood calmed down. What did the mentors say, and did not hear. But went to Pelagae.

... in my free time I cook soap. And, if possible, attend children's homes and oncological centers. I give my soap to children, sing songs. My dream is to build a house of happiness to help you need children. Maybe it sounds pathetic, but I speak from the soul. "

Christian Kostov: Forrest Gump taught to look at life easier

Photo: Ruslan Roshpkin / "Channel One"

14 years old (team Dima Bilan):

"Probably, everyone had something in life, which made him change. For me, this moment became a movie. I like movies in which the characters face difficulties, but do not fall in spirit. Such as "Forrest Gump", August Rasha, "Escape from Schown". Especially Gump struck me with his immediacy regarding life problems. After this picture, I learned to look at life easier.

It is impossible to talk about ourselves objectively. I try to be responsive, cheerful, hardworking and sincere. It turns out whether to judge the one who knows me. My friends, for example.

... music takes a lot of time in my life. From four years I started playing a piano, I was singing at six years with the filing of aunt. He performed in the "fidget", at 11 years old sang solo in the team "The Republic of Kids", participated in the "Children's New Wave - 2012", in the "School of Music" project, I am a resident of the Jazz Parking project.

What will happen after "voice"? Who knows. I would like to develop further in the creative plan. But I am 14 years old, you need to finish school, preferably with honors, to enter the institute. Although I, of course, would like to associate life with music. And, maybe someday my dream will be fulfilled - sing with Stevie Wander. "

... My main fans - mom, dad, brother, grandmother and grandfather. But they are the main critics. And I listen to their advice. Thanks to his relatives, I have become music from six years old. At first, in the secondary school played the piano, from the second class began to engage in vocals. Now I play and sing a major role in the musical "Treasure Island" in the Aquamarine Theater, three years visible films and cartoons. This is complex art. Recently worked for the film "Squirrel and Arrow - 2".

... to his unexpected popularity is calm. Fans attack in social networks. They have a replica alone: \u200b\u200b"Hi, I'm your fan. Do you have a girlfriend?" Everything is equally boring. Here is my first love changed me. She forced me to think about myself. I wonder what others think about you, especially the person who you like. Then I revised many of my qualities ... "

The musician was born: November 12, 2000, Moscow, Russia Lev Axelrod - the young performer from Moscow, since five years he has been singing and, as he himself says, "It really loves this case." In his 13 years he radiates charisma and charm who do not remain unnoticed For viewers. A talented nature, lion will undoubtedly be able to achieve large heights if it is daily rehearsing. At the moment, the Lion, according to many, is a diamond, requiring neat cut. The union, although it is studying at the music school in the Piano and Solfeggio class, preferences gives shock tools - drums. The first debut on a big scene took place in the musical "sounds of music", where he played the role of Kurt. Lion Axelrod is the winner of the "Northern Constellation" contest. He was engaged in the sounding of the film Andrei Konchalovsky "Nutcracker and Rat King". Young actor and singer Lion Axelrod - Artist of the leading role in the musical "Treasure Island" (Role of Jim Hawkins). On a music show "Voice. Children "Dima Bilan and Pelageya turned to the" blind "to Level, but the lion chose Bilan as a mentor. The masty singer said that maybe the beginning of the song and was insecure, but on he felt that the boy lives the song. "I sleep a little, at night mostly in the days of rehearsals in the studio, where I do, or with friends. I just can't sleep! I wake up in cold sweat and I think: God left three, two days, one! Horror! Dima Bilan is clearly able to be angry - it can be seen by his face. We work with him as colleagues. We have friendly takes, everything is simple wonderful! " - told Lev about his pace of life during the show "Voice. Children "Yukak told the lion himself, he came to the project to show himself, and to see others, more precisely, to get acquainted with famous personalities," and, of course, become famous. Lev Askerold sang the composition in English Tell Me Why ("Tell me why") from the repertoire of the British singer Declan Galbreyt, who first performed this song at the age of 11. Lion has a very competent speech, a great ability to keep yourself on stage and powerful family support. "Little music engineer!" - She told about Level Singer Pelagia. As a result, Lion Askerold, together with the other wards of Bilan, Christian Kostov, was held in the finale show. The winner did not become the lion, but after the project he shared his plans and impressions from participating in the show: the young singer said that the project means a lot for him, but he considers him as one of the steps of his development, and if he falls from this step, then not much And then rises and goes on, above, seeking the main goal - to become famous. In life, the Lion is a regular boy who, like all teenagers, is sitting in social networks. In one of the interviews, Lev Askerold spoke about his attitude to the Internet and communicating on the network: "In social networks, I am often added to me - there are percent of eight boys, the rest All girls. This is getting! Write: "Hello. Let's get acquainted, let's be friends. " Sometimes they write: "Hello! I like you. Do you have a girl? " Some fool wrote me: "Hi, do you have a boyfriend?" I immediately blocked him, because on the photos on his page everything was clear. In general, I'm tired of all these messages. I try to communicate with my comrades, so as not to lose the atmosphere friendly. I'm afraid that they would say the sound, not communicating. " Read original: in life Lion is an ordinary boy who, like all teenagers, is sitting in social networks. In one of the interviews, Lev Askerold spoke about his attitude to the Internet and Network communication: "In social networks, it is often added to me - there are percent of eight boys, the rest are all girls. This is getting! Write: "Hello. Let's get acquainted, let's be friends. " Sometimes they write: "Hello! I like you. Do you have a girl? " Some fool wrote me: "Hi, do you have a boyfriend?" I immediately blocked him, because on the photos on his page everything was clear. In general, I'm tired of all these messages. I try to communicate with my comrades, so as not to lose the atmosphere friendly. I'm afraid that they would say the sound, not communicating. " Read the original.

The TV project of the first channel "Voice" is already the third season in a row collects a huge number of television viewers and beats all records by ratings. The "Children's" show of the show also uses. And passions here boil at no less than the "adult" competition. The performers are also worried, just argue the jury among themselves - whom to choose who is worthy of the title of this artist. What cares young performers? What are they dreaming about? How did you choose this thorny road to the stars? And who do they dedicate their victories? The winner of the TV project is responsible for these and other questions to the Musicalstar portal. "Vote. Children", As well as the performer of major music roles in musicals "Sounds of music" and "Treasure Island" Lion Axelrod.

Did you have a dream, what would you like to do before I started singing?

a lion: I think no. I did not think about adulthood. In school years, the music was my hobby, I performed at various school events, somewhere won. Until Max (approx. Conductor vocal and mentor, producer) I had two worthy teachers, thanks to which my abilities revealed. At 11, after acquaintance with Max on one of the competitions, the decision to continue professionally engaged vocals only strengthened.

A lion: Max was sitting in the jury, after my speech, he offered me to learn vocals from him.

Max: Then I saw in front of myself not just a boy, but a person living with music and possessing a huge potential. Now I understand that I was not mistaken: the lion is inimitable obverseon and timbral colors; It is incredibly workable. In the future, he will become those whom it does not want to stop listening, as each performance of the song will be unique.

- Lion, how do you think, what is your raisin?

I am insanely purposeful. I live music, sometimes I even help my competitors. I do not recognize the envy, respect my rivals and work hard not in order to rise over someone, but only for myself. I do not know whether it is possible to consider it a highlight, but my passion is reincarnation.

- Parents deliberately gave you to music school?

Seeing my successes and my musicality, they decided to assist in this matter. As a result, it was as far as there is at the moment.

- Someone from your family was connected with music and scene?

My grandfather sang, and mom plays the piano, although she is a doctor by profession.

- In addition to the music school, did you do in theatrical studios? How did you get into my first musical musical musical?

I have never worked anywhere, I study in an ordinary school. And in the musical in 2011, thanks to my school buddies. We all successfully passed the casting.

- How much did you play performances?

20-30 performances. Not so much, but the experience is invaluable.

- It was scary to play the first performances?

Yes! I was very afraid of the initial scene "Acquaintance with children": descend on the stairs, the more I was first.

- Tell about the musical "Treasure Island".

I was suggested to try on the main role of my former vocal teacher. "Treasure Island" is everything for me! I revised many times films, cartoons, reread the book repeatedly. In a word, happiness was not the limit when I was taken into the first lineup.

- It was easy to cope with vocal numbers?

Yes, of course, no difficulties arose.

"Why did you leave the" Treasure Island "?

Time was catastrophically lacked when the project "Voice" began. I will gladly continue to play with the first opportunity. I would love to play until the last performance, but I understand that it will be unfair to the newcomer boys. Everyone needs to give a chance.

- In what direction are you planning to develop further?

I want to have success and acting, and in a vocal path. Now focusing on the movie. By the way, on the set of the show "School of Music", I met my friend Chris, with whom we went along to the finals of the "Voice" project.

- In this project, you initially wanted to get to Dima Bilan. Justified expectations?

Yes, we have similar repertoire tastes. I got a lot of experience. Dima explained how to sing at the silence. New knowledge only enriched my baggage and did not contradict everything that Max taught me. Respect was so big that we turned to each other on "you", or Dima called me "Lvir Valerianovich".

- How did you choose a repertoire with Dima?

We worked together: Dima offered to sing the song "Do not disturb me the soul of a violin"; But in the end, they stopped on ours with Max variants - "Show Must Go On" and "Castle from the Rain".

Max: In fact, when the lion wants to achieve his own, he, like any professional actor, will show all the fibirs of his soul, as far as something does not like something. It so happened with the song proposed by Dima.

2 weeks after the end of the project "Voice". The range of his voice at the moment, of course, decreased, but since I am from the "old dinosaurs", I take the responsibility for the result of my work with the student. Most likely, at the end of the breakdown, the lion will be tenor-altino. With Lvom, we worked quickly: he absorbed everything as a sponge and instantly used the received information. Despite the fact that he is now breaking, we already take some classic works in your native language.

- Do you do with children even during breaking?

I always said, and I will say that it is a crime to stop singing while breaking the voice. Bundles have muscle memory. Of course, the load should be less. It is necessary to fit very carefully to work with baby ligaments, hear every obton voice. There are cases when recreation is necessary within 1-2 weeks. In other cases, if you do not give a load, the muscles will forget all notes. Bright example: Robertino Loretti. Nowhere in the West does not stop the classes of vocal (exception, academic vocals).

- Max, tell me how much time will break break?

Lion she passes very quickly, already in the final stage, so by the end of May it should completely go through everything. Although, as you know, men break from 2 to 5 years. I deliberately provoked the breaking of his voice ahead of schedule, so that it was under control. If you analyze all the stages of "voices", you will see the difference between the execution of the final song and all the previous ones.

- How often do you do vocals and how long in time?

Before and while breaking 2 times a week. The exception was the period of preparation for "voice." The lion works a lot at home, listens to the tremendous amount of music - so we do not need to do more often. The occupation lasts an hour, 15 minutes from it on the splash.

- Max, what time is your technique calculated for?

2-3 years maximum. It all depends on talent and desire. I do not cook vocalists, I am preparing artists.

- Lion, what are your future plans? Projects, concerts?

In the near future, organize solo concerts and move in this direction.

- Who is engaged in the preparation of your schedule, because you have a tight schedule?

My friend, assistant and the most important person in my life - Mom. All organizational issues decides, consulting in some situations with Max, as he is also my mentor.

- Do you have idols?

From the actors, it is probably Robert Downey Jr. And with vocalists more difficult ... I now get acquainted with a lot of new genres, so I can not answer for sure.

- Where are you planning to do after graduation?

Max offers Schukinskaya school, as it is focused on the acting component. And then it will be visible.

Thank you very much, Max and Leo, for the on your time. Creative success and inspiration!

Arriving: Natalia Trubina

- It all started from kindergarten, where I sang in the choir on different matinees. Mom heard it, and since my mom's musical rumor at my mom is excellent, she decided that my talent should not be the abyss. When I studied in the first grade in an ordinary school, my mother also gave me to the musical, learn to play the piano. And when I switched to the second grade, singing lessons began. In my usual school, my voice also appreciated, so they constantly offered to take part in various events and contests, where I often received prizes. For example, in the international "luck talisman" and "smile of the world."

- Did you want to play the piano? Many after all hate music school ...

- Yes, I went to the music school voluntarily! I did not drag me there. From early childhood I realized that I like music more than something else. I went to the music club and was engaged in vocals with a private teacher Max Davidson. At that moment I already began to think about the creative career, especially after I was invited to play the musical "sounds of music". I passed the casting, played in the fifth or fourth composition of the character named Kurt. The role is beautiful, memorable, but small. Then I was invited as an actor in, in which I am still happy to play the role of the main hero of Jim Hawkins.

By the way, with musical competitions, unlike musicals, I didn't have it immediately. I applied for participation in kindergarten, but, apparently, at that time I did not have enough experience. The same thing happened on the "children's new wave." That's how I decided to actively start training and improve my data to get the selection on the show "Voice. Children". I went to casting. The first selection passed, then the second - and realized that I had a chance to appear on the air.

- You chose to the mentors Dima Bilan. What kind of relationship do you have?

Like friends at work. He is older than me, and I treat him with all respect, but sometimes we could joke. Dima helped very much. Suggested some of their own chips, which then can be demonstrated on the stage, gave advice. They disassembled his songs that performed, it was so interesting.

- What about the gymnasium and the music school? How did you manage to combine participation in the show and study?

And my teachers from both schools in all endeavors supported and rejoice at my successes. Although my teacher on piano jealies me to vocals. But she also applies to everything that is happening with understanding. Not so long ago I had to call her and cancel the occupation, since I had a rehearsal on. She replied: "Yes, lion. Thank you for the warning. I understood everything. Walk! But after the show you will come and hand me offset. And try only not to prepare! " (Laughs.) Sometimes due to a dense schedule on the show and rehearsals, it was necessary to walk classes in the gymnasium. For the last two weeks before the final, I almost did not appear in the lessons. The controls are then forced to write. So because of the final missed the control on biology, you will have to write. But nothing can be done! I want to perform on the stage, and education will receive.

- Does the performance not lame?

- Evaluations in the quarters are different. And five, and foursome ... and even the top three (laughs), but I try to quickly fix them. Mom is not always satisfied with the estimates. She is worried and can sometimes digest. Says to me: "Lion, gather in this quarter, and then in the second year you will stay!" Yes, I myself understand that low marks are bad, but there is not enough time catastrophically.

- Have you managed to communicate with friends? You probably have a lot of them.

- I have three long-time friends, with whom I try to meet in your free time. But a lot of friends and comrades! But most of all fans. My first fans appeared after participating in the musical "sounds of music". I registered in one of the social networks, I go there in a day, and I already have twenty subscribers! I was delighted! And every day their number increased. I can not say that popularity is an unpleasant feeling. On the contrary, I like it when my work can appreciate. Then the musical "Treasure Island" appeared. Subscribers have already become about a thousand. But after my first appearance, the number of my fans has increased dramatically.

Now sometimes even recognize on the street. They ask for an autograph and want to take pictures with me. And I like this attention when it is unobtrusive. After such communication, you walk down the street in a good mood, and man is glad that you did not refuse him.

But there are also unpleasant moments. This is mainly happening on social networks. Fake pages began to appear, which do not belong to me. And they are already about a dozen. I'm trying to block them using the administration.

And the fans come across different. Some ask to add to friends and then do not react. They are just nice that they have friends in friends. Others can write that they are not my fans at all, but they also want me to have in friends. Basic girls write. But some of them continue to conduct correspondence. Posts, by the way, simple: "Do you have a girl?", "Let's meet!", "You are so cute!", "Do you like me?"

I will explain everything in advance so that there are no questions. I do not have a serious relationship! So, girls, do not be offended! As soon as I will be ready, I will gladly write you!

And those who write nasty, just block. Although there are those who create another page and continue to write me nasty. This behavior seems stupid to me. If my creativity does not like, no one makes listen or watch. You can easily switch to another channel.

- My favorite musical "Treasury Island" is always with me, in the Aquamarine Music Theater. At one time I got there thanks to my ex-teacher on vocal vocal Anne Mtatina. She "sank" of actors before going to the stage, and then went to the maternity leave. But before the decree, she invited me to the casting to try himself as Jim Hawkins, one of the main actors in the musical. I was listened and offered to perform from them. It was not easy for me. I almost overwhelmed in the theater. Then I got used, and went, went. Now I have already freely feeling myself on theatrical layouts, and after a small break in connection with the participation in the project "Voice. Children "I returned to the Musical scene.

In addition, I continue to engage and sounding. I generally like everything connected with creativity. My hobby is percussion instruments. The theater has a drum installation, and in free from speeches and rehearsals time I continue to do it. Do not put the drums at home, otherwise all the neighbors are crazy. In the future, I want to become both an actor, and a musician, like. He is in some way my idol. But Johnny Depp I like less. But there is one photo where it is in glasses ... the same glasses and y. Here are glasses like Johnny and Dima I really want. (Laughs.) I also like Ozzy Osborne as a musician. And rock bands, such as AC / DC. From Russian performers I prefer punk rock. Do you know such a group of "Shadows of Freedom"? She is cool! I even bought their T-shirt! Electronic music is also good. So in the plans to make a rock band. They say their fame should be put up to twenty years, so I hope to have time. For almost seven years I still have in stock.

Photo provided by the press service of Aquamarine