The Children's Prize Irina Dubzova is waiting for its winners to participate in the Grand Festival. Children's Music Award of Irina Dubzova Final Children's Music Award Irina Dubtsova

The Children's Prize Irina Dubzova is waiting for its winners to participate in the Grand Festival. Children's Music Award of Irina Dubzova Final Children's Music Award Irina Dubtsova
For the first time in Krasnodar, the grand final of the "Children's Music Prize Irina Dubzova" will be held at one of the largest concert sites in the framework of the Moloko Charitable Festival!

A grand event will gather about 5,000 spectators: they will perform on the scene Irina Dubtsova, Egor Cre, Anna Sedakova, Artists Black Star, show ballet Todes. The finalists of the TV project "Voice" and the pupils of the Youth Center "ARS" will come to support the young performers. Leading events - Ksenia Borodin and Lipa Tetherich.

You will hear your favorite songs in the performance of young talents, which managed to go through all the qualifying stages and reach the final. You will learn who of the young giving will become the winner of the "Children's Music Award of Irina Dubzova". The best will define the star jury under the chairmanship of the poet, the composer and singer Irina Dubzova.

Moloko is a delicious music cocktail! Stunning scenery, impressive audio and light design: each room is prepared world-class ledger. The most young guests of the festival meet the growth dolls of the heroes of favorite cartoons.

MISSION MOLOKO Festival - help young artists start their creative path and get to the big scene. In addition, the festival is charitable - money collected from ticket sales will be spent on supporting children with disabilities.

Until February 15, there is a collection of applications for participation in the Children's Festival Moloko. The difference between the festival from such events previously held in the Southern Federal District, it is in its charitable. Never have charitable concerts in this region were held on a federal scale. The festival will be held in the spring of 2016 in Krasnodar, in the 7,000th Basket Hall Hall. The organizers of the event are the producer center of Irina Dubtsova and the company "Music Soul"

Young talented performers aged from 7 to 12 years are invited to participate in the award.

The qualifying stages can take part: solo artist, duet, ensemble or group (3-5 people).

Children's music bonus of Irina Dubzova consists of 4 stages:

Preliminary audition (audio records of participants,
Attached when filling out the questionnaire),
Selection stages (Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don),
Semifinals (Krasnodar),
Final Prize - Festival (Krasnodar).
Participants need to register on the site of award

Attach at least 2 photos and at least 2 songs.

Requirements for musical material:

Songs should be performed by the participant;
Songs should be recorded in the studio or in a different way, but in good quality. The organizers are entitled not to accept the questionnaire in case of poor quality of attached musical material;
One song is world hit;
One author or song to choose from.
The application system at allows you to attach more than 2 songs if they are in stock.

For participation, contact the Call Center: +7 938 43-333-35

On March 19-20, castings will be held in Krasnodar and on March 12 in Rostov-on-Don. The contestant who passed the preliminary audition, chooses between Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don. At this stage of young performers, there is a performance on the stage to members of the jury, which will form a list of semi-finalists. In addition, any child can come in Rostov to casting, regardless of whether he passed the correspondence selection. Sign up will be able directly on casting day.

1 day - the beginning of the first competitive day (the fulfillment of Russian hit) and, of course, the creative evening of the poet, the composer and the singer Irina Dubzova.

Day 2 - Speech by contestants (execution of foreign hits) and award ceremony of award winners. The winners will choose the jury. In addition, two participants will receive special premiums. A prize of visual sympathies, awarded by online voting, and a premium from the general sponsor. On the same day, a closed event with Black Star Mafia and a disco for participants of the final of the award will be held.

Formation of the festival is a grand musical holiday for children and adults. Moloko will be one of the most notable events in the cultural life of the south of Russia, will create a impetus to the development of local musical performers.

The central event of the festival is the ceremony of awarding the laureates of the Children's Music Prize of Irina Dubzova, which will be held within the framework of the festival.

The final of the Grand Festival Moloko in Krasnodar will take place on April 16. In the meantime, we present the 12 best guys on the results of all selections. Children themselves answered our questions: read, smile, watch their video and vote, and the most talented will get a special prize from Woman's Day!

Recall, the Federal Charitable Festival Moloko is a new event for our city: in Russia it has existed for several years, but in Krasnodar is held for the first time. In essence, this is a talent contest, which examines children-vocalists from 7 to 12 years. Children from all over Russia came to Krasnodar The selection was carried out In several stages - casting, semi-finals, and on April 16 - Final Festival. And the main prize for the 12 most talented - this is a performance on the Grand Final Concert in Basquet Hall together with the stars - Egor Creed, Anna Sedokova, Ksenia Borodina, the most Irina Dubzova and others.

Here are these 12 finalists, Meet!

Elizaveta Kachulura

12 years old, Kalach-on-Don

I study at the "excellent" in the Tshi Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture with a specialty "Pop Vocals" in the 4th grade and in Kalachev dehs in the specialty "Piano", 4th grade.

My vocal teachers, Solfeggio, specialty and, of course, my parents.

Favourite song?

Not songs, but rather performers. Adel, Christina Aguilera, Nina Simon, Jennifer Hudson is once, Irina Dubtsova, Pizza, Iowa ... In fact, it is very difficult to choose someone one, and even more so one song.

With all the stars and, of course, Irina Dubzova her song "Love me for a long time."

What do you dream about?

I want to learn to masterfully own my voice, sing in different genres, become a versatile singer and write my songs.

I will be very happy and continue to do your favorite thing with even greater pleasure.

Alexander Li.

8 years old, Krasnodar

Do you go to music school?

Not so long ago began to go to music school to the vocal department.

Which adult helps with music?

Parents, although they do not sing, but also musicians. Mom - violinist, dad - double bassist.

Favourite song?

"I'm here" Kipipelova. I like serious music.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With Gregory Leps or Pelagey.

What do you dream about?

Become a priest. Music is still more hobby than a future profession. But everything, of course, may change.

If I win in this competition, then ... I will bring my family and people generally joy, and I will participate in charitable concerts.

Yana Mountain

10 years old, Sevastopol

Do you go to music school?

No, playing the instrument I study with dad, take lessons from tutors. With a music school, it did not work out, although we were recorded. I remember well this moment: at the age of 6, Mom led me to the teacher in pop vocals. We went to the class, there just ended the exam on the academic vocal and, having heard how girls sing, I was upset. I have a completely different manner of performance! The teacher spent my first casting and told Mom: "I, of course, will gladly enroll your girl to school, but, honestly, she has a very well developed ear, and vocals can be developed to unprecedented heights. Place a child in the capital. " Probably, it was greatly impressed by mom, and after six months we moved to the capital. Then we moved several times, and this music school does not tolerate.

Which adult helps with music?

Dad. He presented an electronic piano on my decade and said: "Now you can consciously approach this issue, and it all depends on you." He himself did not teach notes at school and helps me to deal with this diploma, to learn the work.

And I just love to produce an Aahn impression on people! When there is a piano in the casting in the hall, many children fit and play something, and often it is a classic from music schools. And when I run out and play the melodies of popular hits, then everyone quit and listen, and this is the main assessment of my creativity!

Favourite song?

For the soul, I listen to different music. And for the audience I love to execute "Give a Dream" - the author's song written for me. By the way, I also participated in its creation. Well, the song "Path", "How beautiful the world" Louis Armstrong.

For execution, I always chose vocally complex songs in which you can demonstrate cool "chips", sing in different tone, registers, with melmonies.

The song with which I was held on the casting of Irina Dubzova and I Am Telling You, - one of my favorites, I can show my voice, his strength and energy.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With Irina Dubzova. When my mother told me about the Moloko festival, I jumped just to the ceiling and a day was preparing for the meeting, I was very worried!

What do you dream about?

Becoming a famous singer, engage in creativity, film. I love to learn, but I adore sharing my experience with others. We put theatrical scenes with girlfriends, we hold vocal contests, dance, I help them!

When I grow up and become famous, I will make a maximum of effort to create a good school of creativity, in which all the children will be able to study for free.

If I win in this competition, then ... It brings me to my dreams!

Lev Gromro

8 years old, Ryazan

Do you go to music school?

I do not go to music school, but I will go from September. I am engaged in the Children's Music Theater "Constellation of Good" from 3 years, including vocals with a teacher.

Which adult helps with music?

Only my teacher. My family is nomubal. Mom is a doctor, dad optics engaged.

Favourite song?

Now the favorite song is "Shine" Alexander Marshal, we began to teach it with the teacher.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With the Iowa group - their hit "Song simple".

What do you dream about?

I want to become a famous artist!

... I will be very happy!

Vote for the most talented participant on the last page!

Artem Seyranian

12 years old, Krasnodar

Do you go to music school?

Yes, I go to DSHI number 12 for the department "Guitar" in the 1st grade

Which adult helps with music?

Only vocal teacher. And my family is also related to music - Mom sang in childhood, and dad was fascinated, created his group from friends.

Favourite song?

I have a lot of them, but one of the most beloved - Mutter group Rammstein.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With James Hetfield and Rammstein group.

What do you dream about?

WORK. I have a lot of participating in different vocal competitions (for example, in April, I fly to Moscow to the semi-finals of the "New Wave", a casting was passed to the "voice. Children") and adequately know how to take victories. This contest is very important to me and maybe he will open new acquaintances for me.

If I win in this competition, then... It will give the opportunity to work with professionals, and most importantly, please our relatives and loved ones. I dedicate the victory to my grandfather, who is now sick.

Valeria Shikul

12 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Do you go to music school?

Yes, I have the 4th grade of an experimental school for gifted children with the Rostov College of Arts. Vocal branch.

Which adult helps with music?

Grandmother. She is also a pianist, a graduate of the Rostov Conservatory, oversees me, helps to develop my musical taste. By the way, my great-grandmother - a pianist, honored teacher of Russia, graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in the class of Professor Fainberg.

Favourite song?

Ani Lorak "Sun" and Hurt Christina Aguilers.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With Ani Lorak.

What do you dream about?

Become a professional singer and give the joy to my creativity to my listeners.

If I win in this competition, then... It will be an important step to me to new victories and achievements.

Vote for the most talented participant on the last page!

Ivan Starikov (Star)

10 years old, Chernushka, Perm region

Do you go to music school?

I am engaged in the children's studio "Snowdrop", and my mother is my teacher on the vocal and the head of our studio, where another 50 children are engaged. I began to engage in vocals from 5 years, and at the age of 6 I went to the first contest in Odessa. Then I understood how great that we combine creativity and travel! I was in Riga, Spain, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany!

Which adult helps with music?

I believe that I am from a musical family. My great-grandfather played the harmonica, the grandmother - a musical worker in kindergarten - playing on the accordion, uncle himself learned to play 5 instruments, Mom chose the profession of the vocal teacher. I myself was engaged in the class of accorder. I really want to learn to play guitar and drums.

Favourite song?

All I fulfill. I like these songs, so I chose them. I think I found my style of execution, I do not like to copy a song from the original, I want to be the original arrangement. So I am even more confident!

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With Alexander Marshal, the song "Leu, Shine" and Denis Klyaver "I was wounded."

What do you dream about?

If you think about creative dreams, I want to play in the movies, I liked to participate in the shooting of the clip, I dream about the exit to the big scene. If I were famous and earned a lot of money, I would help scientists would rather invent a tool that stops the aging of a person.

If I win in this competition, then... that I am in the final, this is already a victory! I really want to come more spectators, as it will help sick children (fees from the final concert go to charity, - approx. Woman's Day), let everyone be healthy and happy.

Anastasia Khokhlachev

12 years old, Makhachkala

Do you go to music school?

Yes, already a year at the vocal department. And seriously I am engaged in the vocal circle "Droplet". In general, I sing from 4 years.

Which adult helps with music?

Mother and father. They are musical, and although they chose not creative professions, but once sang in the choir. Can advise something, I show them your numbers. And how we sing on holidays all together!

Favourite song?

Adel Rolling In The Deep and Yours Ella Henderson.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With Anna Sedokova and Adel.

What do you dream about?

I want to become a doctor, a serious interesting profession, my parents also agree with my choice. About the singing career I also think about, but now singing is more hobbies.

If I win in this competition, then... it will be gorgeous! And help me develop a voice.

Vote for the most talented participant on the last page!

Alexandra Maslova

12 years old, Moscow

Do you go to music school?

I went to the music school at the very beginning, but I tried ballroom dancing, I wanted to be a professional in this area, so something needed to choose. "Our family was very close to Jeanne Friske. From five years, Sasha went to concerts with us, on the shooting of clips, at the rehearsal, spent a lot of Backstage and in the dressing room. I saw the life of the artist from the inside, she even then said that he wanted to be an artist. Jeanne always said to himself that she was not a singer, but an artist! Such an artistic style liked Sasha, "says Mama Sasha, Catherine.

Which adult helps with music?

Not very often engaged in vocals, as the dances take all their free time. But I have a wonderful teacher Irina from Starlab Promank Studio.

Favourite song?

Stressed Out from the group from the group Twenty One Pilots, ILO "Capan"

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With Selenaya Gomez.

What do you dream about?

Become a world champion in ballroom dancing.

If I win in this competition, then ... I will be very proud of himself.

Sofia Ryazanov

11 years old, Yekaterinburg

Do you go to music school?

I am engaged in a private school of Vocal Time Music from the teacher of Egor Romanov. Learn in a simple school without a musical slope. "The talent began to manifest itself in 6 years. I noticed her walle in my voice, the desire constantly resting something! All contests in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region were won by Sofia, and we our wonderful team - Egor and Sofia - decided to try themselves at a more serious contest in Krasnodar, "says Mom Julia.

Which adult helps with music?

Absolutely everyone in the family is supported, help to engage in music, because the whole family is creative people.

Favourite song?

"Cold" performed by the singer Shushanna Arakale and "same" from Iowa.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

With a wonderful artist Irina Dubzova

What do you dream about?

Combine various scenes, film, television series, show projects.

If I win in this competition, then... A closer looks around with the famous pop singers, I dream to work with them, learn from them and remove your clip.

Vote for the most talented participant on the last page!

Elizaveta Zubenko

12 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Do you go to music school?

No, I have been doing for 5 years in the house of children's creativity in the Vocal Studio "Raduga", under the leadership of my teacher Tatyana Viktorovna Nechava.

Which adult helps with music?

Mum! Together with her we select a repertoire, an image, rehearsing.

Favourite song?

There is no specific song, I love the works of a different genre, but probably more energetic songs. But at my age for execution, it is extremely difficult to pick up such a song - this is or completely children's compositions, or too adults. I don't really like "spares" songs, I try to find something new, and I need to make sense in the composition.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

At first I would like to sing with everyone. But when I met Irina Dubzova, I really remember her attitude towards each speaker - very attentive! I used to know her from this side, I would like to sing in a duet to her.

What do you dream about?

My dreams are different, I dream of becoming a great scientist and get a Nobel Prize, for example, by biology (this is my favorite subject in school). I love to draw and want to draw a portrait who do not distinguish from the photo, I also enjoy fishing and dream to catch a huge fish. But now I have the only dream - to take a prize place, and if you are lucky, then to win in the Moloko contest. I can't wait for the rehearsals and the Final himself - I was never at the events of this level!

If I win in this competition, then ... I will be immensely happy, I will be grateful to everyone who supported me, I prepared, provided the opportunity to visit here, I voted for me. I am very grateful to those who believed in me and gave this chance. In the future, I will look for new ways of development and continue to work.

Vote for the most talented participant on the last page!

Group "Kudri"

Angelina Gryazheva

12 years old, Ryazan

Do you go to music school?

Yes, I go to music school for 2 years, the guitar class. I am engaged in music from 5 years in the Muztatat "Constellation of Goodness", where they created our group "Kudri".

Which adult helps with music?

Teachers at school.

Favourite song?

One of the favorite songs is Je Suis Malade performed by Lara Fabian.

Who do you want to sing a duet?

Photo: Dr.

Moloko. It will take place in Krasnodar in the spring of 2016!

Moloko - Children's festival, so high demands are presented to it. Special attention is paid to the safety of participants, many of which will arrive at the festival from remote areas of the region. In order to maximize the road, the organizers decided to postpone the Moloko festival for a warmer season and spend it in the city of Krasnodar.

A grand musical holiday will take place in the spring of 2016 in the seven-year-old Basket Hall Hall in the southern capital. Within the framework of the festival, the Children's Music Award of Irina Dubzova - the star of the Russian pop will share their experience with talented performers who will be in Finlemia and become the participants of the Moloko festival.

What should be done to sing on the same stage with Irina Dubzova? All simple!

1. Competitive selection of applicants for the participation of the Vfestival Moloko

Pre-audition. Competitors fill out a questionnaire on the official website of the Prize: and send songs of songs in your performance.

2. Casting.

The qualifying stage will be held in March 2016 in two cities: Rostov-on-Don (20.03) and Krasnodar (26 / 27.03). The contestant who has passed the preliminary listening, selecting Mention Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don. In this stage, young performers are waiting for performance on the stage to members of the jury, which will form a list of semi-finalists.

3. Semifinals.

This stage will be held in Krasnodar. The place of the Jury Chairman will take Irina Dubtsov. The semi-finalists will have the opportunity to show their talent to get into the next round - the Moloko festival and the final of the award.

A little about what awaits you at the Moloko Festival.

First dayguys sing foreign hits. Judging performers will be a star jury chaired by Irina Dubzova.

On the second daya creative evening of the poet, composer and singer Irina Dubzova will be held. It will be an incendiary show, the guests of which will be the most vivid representatives of the Russian pop.

In the third, The final day of the contestant will perform Russian-speaking compositions. The whole country recognizes the names of the winners of the Children's Music Prize of Irina Dubtsova, as well as the results of online voting on the audience prize. Voting will be held on the official website of the Prize and Festival. Another special prize will receive a participant chosen by the general sponsor of the event.

Moloko is not only a grand musical event, but also, perhaps, the largest charity festival of all ever held in the Southern Federal District. The money collected from the sale of tickets, as well as sponsorship, will be spent on the purchase of wheelchairs, prostheses and other vital things for children with disabilities.

Participation in the Moloko Charitable Festival - a deed, worthy of respect. MISSION MOLOKO Festival - make the life of talented guys and children with disabilities better and happier!