Full passage of the Mafia game 1. Passage Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven

Full passage of the Mafia game 1. Passage Mafia: The City Of Lost Heaven

The main task: tear off pursuers.

After the entrance videos, Thomas Angelo will be in his taxi with two gangsters. Do not give the car chasers to drive up to your car on the left side (that is, on the driver's side) - there is a high probability that you will be killed.

The car at the pursuers is more powerful Taxi Tommy, so the main weapon lies not in the hands of Sam and Poly, but in your reflexes. Study brains hound down, wagged back taxi, do not be afraid to drive into dark passing yards. Substitute persecutors, forcing them to crash into counter cars, and carefully follow the health indicators Sam and Poly - as soon as one of them dies, you will lose. In principle, it's pretty easy to get away from chase.

2. Running Man / The Running Man

The main task: Dilute passengers, tear away from the pursuers.

This mission is used to familiarize the player with the city of Lost Heaven. We have five passengers on our taxi. Put the speed limiter and try to knock anyone and do not violate the rules at all.

After you take the last passenger, two gangsters will attack you, and you will be fleeting to Salieri bar. Run, without distracting anything. Only follow the compass and green translucent shooters pointing to the passing yards.

3. Party with cocktails / Molotov Party

The main task: Damage Morlalo cars damage.

You have to complete the first task from Don Salieri. Suggest to Vincenzo and Ralph and go to the bar Morello.

You can penetrate the Morlalo into the garage in two ways, but we will choose a quiet way: to take a little lane at the next alley, challenge the little door, go to the guard from behind and hit the bat. After penetration, you need to blow up two cars with two bottles you have with a "Molotov cocktail", and the third broke the bat.

Additionally:after a successfully completed mission, you can obey a small wooden house for Falconer and go to Salieri.

4. Nontent / Ordinary Routine

The main task: Collect "tribute".

First we have to drive to the bank, then in the restaurant. There will be no problems with them: just drive up to them and come out of the car. All the rest of Poly and Sam will make themselves.

Then go to the motel outside the city. After the roller, we shoot the wheels of the yellow car, then go around the house on the left, we kill the dog and we climb the boxes to the second floor. Come on the door. Right in front of you there will be another door. Come in the room and grab Tummy Gan. Take up in this room and one click anyone who will break here. In the next room on the wall hanging a first-aid kit.

Get down down the stairs, shoot everyone who is in a big room, and then a man in a white t-shirt. Come into the room where I am wounded by Sam, and after the roller, prepare for a new battle - one on one.

Now you need to catch up with a man who stole money. Jump into the car and behind it - in pursuit. With protruding wheels, his car will not be so fast, so there will be no problems: just press it to the sideline and kill.

5. Fair / FairPlay game

The main task: Take a racing car to Luke Bertone and back, win the race.

Initially, you need to smoke the racing car of the last model, take it to Luke Berton and return it back. Go beyond the city. Shogrbaum stop and run to the guardhouse. Talk to the guard and go along with him on to the garages. Take a racing wheelbarrow and go back to the city. You should get to Luke at a strictly defined time and at the same time not to spoil the car.

Reaching to Luke, hand over him and get it back in a moment. Now you have to do the way back. Now you have to win the race. Five circles along a winding track, and you must be first. This can be done in the only way: Bringing out at the start and without performing a single error on the track.

Additionally: After the race, go to Luke and steal the yellow car.

6. Sarah / Sarah

The main task:to hold the daughter of Luigi Sarah before her house.

Luigi asked you to spend Sarah to home. Wear the crack and go to accomplish the girl. On the way you will meet two groups of hooligans for three people in each. Bake them with a tape from all the dasy, pick up an abandoned weapon. After successfully completing the campaign, see a very nice movie (children up to 16 remove from the monitors away).

7. It's time to get used to it / Better Get Used to IT

The main task: Understand the hooligans.

The next day, Don Salieri commanded the way to rest in his area. Arm yourself at Vincenzo, take the car from the Ralph and drive Chinatown (Chinatown) To Big Biff. Talk to him and go to the old car repair shops.

Carefully follow Pol: on it and you will be attacked by five thugs armed with tannins and lows. Running with everyone in this part of the workshops, run on the stairs up, then go down and do not shoot until you start shooting in you. Now you can open fire, put everyone and watch the video.

After the roller, sit down in the car and catch up with two escaped scumbags. The most important thing is not to lose their car. They will dock themselves. You will only have to shake them.

8. Putana and Priest / The Whore & The Priest

The main task: Kill Carlene's manager.

Singing such: One of the scumbags in the car survived - it must be killed; The owner of the hotel "Korleon" stopped paying the tribute to Salieri and moved to the side of Morello - it must be killed; Slut from the hotel "Korleon" (which is a primary brothel) sells Morello information about the clan Salieri - it must be killed.

Arm yourself, take the car and go to the Hotel "Corleon". Weapons are not enough. Climb the third floor. Right around the corner - the room of a prostitute. We watch the video.

Go down to the first floor and go past the administrator to the restaurant. In the distant hall, first close the door, and then kill the man in a black suit primarily, and then a man in white. Understand with sweeping guards.

Go for the administrator rack and take the key from the board from the manager room. Close to the very top, shooting from the guards. Come in the manager's room and shoot a peasant that hides on the right side of the table. Take off the documents and after the roller quickly leave the room.

Purse on the roofs straight and straight, shooting from the police - there are a lot of them here. Remember that you can climb into small elevations. You have to get to the wooden flooring. Climb on it, and then, being with the help of anxulated staircase in the bell tower, go down.

Here you expect a glorious shootout. Hide behind the coffin and shoot Bandygans one by one. Pay attention to the man with Tummy Gan on the closer (such a small round pad on the right to which the screw staircase leads).

Crawing with the funeral procession, leave the church, sit down to the catalog and fly from the police.

9. Trip to the Country Country / A Trip To the Country

The main task: Find out what happened to Salier's guys.

Don Salieri ordered to deliver a truck from a country farm with a smuggled Canadian whiskey.

Arriving for a farm, go to the farthest end, where you find a truck with a dead driver. Open the door and prepare for the battle. Killing gangsters, make way back to poly. Already with him reflecting the next attack, start exploring every farm building. Morlalovsky wrappers are hiding everywhere. Be careful. Ultimately, Poly will detect a tool with which you can open a barn where Sam was planted.

Open the barn door and immediately meet the cheerful compash with Pompous guns and one Tommy Gan. Sam is at the very top. There and go - slowly and carefully.

Having found Sam, Poly will go for help, and you have to reflect the attack of policemen, bribed Morello. Note: AI can bypass you from behind. After a shootout, Polit will deliver Sam to the truck, and Tommy will see two pursuing their car.

Now you have an excellent opportunity to make a place to shoot on a moving target from a moving truck. Tommy Gan in Hands - and Forward. Bates by drivers - you won't lose! After returning to the Salier's warehouse, you can either immediately go to the database, or first come back to Luke, fulfill its small task and sobally a new car.

10. Omerta / Omerta

The main task: Get office books, kill Frank.

Frank violated the main mafia law - the Code of Silence, Omert. He is ready to pass the accounts of Salieri Police. And now, according to Omert, Tommy must kill Frank, but to learn where the books are located.

First visit Big Biff, then Little Tony. on the central island, and from Little Tony go to Idiot Joe Under Bridge B. New Ark (New Ark). Idiot Joe is easy to identify among bums on Lysin. Speaking with him several times, press him with good fists on a bald maquer, and he will tell you where the police holds under the guard of Frank.

By the way, before you go to the task, make sure that you have taken a good high-speed car. Bolt V8 Roadster. It is strongly recommended.

Drive B. Oakwood. To the house where Frank is kept, and after the roller follow his car to the airport.

Updated at the airport and going to the terminal, you will immediately come across a group of armed special specialists. Send them to consumption, leave the terminal and run right past the hangars to flight school (AIR SCHOOL). And here they will not give the retaent of rest. Spend stripping, trying not to shoot Frank. When there are only corpses around, talk to Frank. He will ask you to find his family. Frank's wife and daughter in a flight school building. Talk to them, and then bring to them Frank. Now it remains only to get plane tickets to Europe. They lie on the rack in the building of the terminal. Give tickets Frank and come back to Salieri. Just keep in mind: five police officers are already waiting for you at the exit of the terminal.

On the way to Salieri, you can come back to Luke again.

11. Visit to Tolstosmami / Visiting Rich People

The main task: Check out testimony against Salieri.

Now you have to pick up the prosecutor from the safe on his villa in Oak Hills (Oak Hills) Witness testimony against Salieri.

On the way to the villa, capture the stadium in Hoboken.'E famous member Salvatore.. Driving up to the villa, find small, almost imperceptible gates and order the salvator to open them.

Come in the park and immediately hide behind the right statue. Order the Salvator to stay in place, and take a bit in the hands. As soon as the guard will pass by the guard, slap with his battle by Kumpolu. Take the weapons and keys. Go to the right to the gazebo. There is another guard. We perform a proven reception - a bike on the skull. The ladder leading to the balustrade, calm another guardsman. Here the most important thing is not to raise noise, otherwise all the protection will frighten.

Capturing a Salvator with him, go to the house. The maid that appears also have a bat and climb up. Find the office with the safe and after the roller do not forget to pick up the paper.

Go down. Leave the salvator at the stairs, and go to the dining room with a bat in your hand. Calm the guards and capturing the Salvatore, make your feet from the park and in general from oak hills.

Although, if you wish, you can try to leave this welcoming house on the master's car.

Drop the salvator to the house and go to Salieri

12. Transaction of the century! / Great Deal.

The main task:make a deal.

After failure with the Canadian whiskey, Salieri was very upset. But then the Poly turned up someone William Gates of Kentuckywho offered a batch of whiskey at a very favorable price. Before you need to go to a multi-storey garage, pay and pick up the goods.

Driving up to the garage, take the third floor. In the depths of the garage you will see a bunch of guys waiting for you. While do not go there, and from cars standing in the garage, make up the congress to the next floor of the barricade.

Now you can approach colleagues and change money on the goods. In the midst of the transaction, the guys of Morello will be, and a serious scratch will grow up. That's why I needed a barricade from cars. First, so right away, they will not break here, and secondly, sooner or later either you either, or they will blow up one of the cars, and after it we will be restored. The enemy's troops lost good half (if not two thirds) of their warriors. Strip down the lower floors, and then rise up again, sit down to the truck and go out of the garage.

Update on the street, leave the car and shoot six guys and two cars, comfortably accommodated on the right of the garage. Now you can safely go to Salier's warehouse. Is that the police beware - your truck from police cars do not leave.

13. Enjoy your appetite / Bon Apetit!

The main task: Take Salieri to the restaurant.

Despite the fact that the description of this mission will take quite a bit of space, you will most likely spend on her passage and not two.

You will have to protect Done Salieri from Morlow's thugs. After the lawlessers ride a grenade into a restaurant, hiding under the tables, try to shoot as much as possible bad guys. Constantly glance on the health of the boss and on the back door - from there can also be shed irripable guests.

All the complexity is that you are very limited in ammunition, and the attackers are very well armed. But as soon as you acquire anything long-life, the problem can be considered solved.

Go out through the back door. And shoot everyone who has not had time yet. One gangster sat down on the second floor, another one in the courtyard behind the barrels, the rest hang out at the front entrance.

Crashing with Morells, sit in Salieri in the car and drive into the little Italy to the House of Carlo.

Takes off following the chef in Carlo's apartment, embroider the door and get out on the fire staircase. Carlo hangs down at the bottom with a pistol naked, and with him a few guys with batons and guns. Needless to say what to do.

14. Happy Birthday! / Happy Birthday!

The main task: Kill advisor.

War is so war! Now the patience of Salieri is exhausted, and he decided to take for Morello seriously. Start decided from the Counselor of the mayor, who now celebrates its birthday on the ship.

Drive on the map to the pier and try to penetrate the ship. Security will not let you go - no pass! Come to the house opposite the pier, descend down and change to the sailor form.

Once on the ship, first of all stand face to the stern and go along the right side until it stops. Emphasis will be a doorway to the service toilet. Open the door, take the bucket and, with a bucket of the vingo, go to the middle deck. Shooting a little on her on her stern, on the left you will find a locked door with the inscription "Skipper Has The Key". Look for a skipper (he is the only hanging on the ship in a vest) and, angry with a bucket, take the key with him.

Open the door and take a pistol from the locker. Now it remains only to shoot an adviser and, using the muddle, flushing from the ship, which Poly adjusted in advance.

15. Lucky Gado! / You Lucky Bastard!

The main task: Kill Sergio Morello.

The next to your hand should fall Sergio Morello ML. Lucky bastard! Now you make sure it is nickname as it is impossible to suit it better.

Go to a restaurant ITALIAN GARDEN., go to the telephone booth, call and ... Urgently surprise in the bar to Salieri, scoring the pursuers on the way.

Attempt two. Drive up to the house of the Major Morotlo lover house, wait until the guard does not go to the house, run up to the car and quickly minister it. Satisfy on a safe distance and follow the development of events.

Attempt three. Now we go to the restaurant Rainbow Garden. At the entrance, the youth of the cabinet species hangs out, and with them Sergio. In poly, as discharged, the automatic launcher, it means that there will be Tommy to fade. Throw a grenade into a gangster car. Everything is easier! The rest are already easy. Sergio merged ...

Attempt four. Last. Because I'm tired. After the roller, drive after Sergio car. Loge is strictly prohibited! He will bring you to the port. In the port run all the time straight, lazily shooting from defenders of honor of the family of Morello. Some gangsters sat down on the cranes - do not miss them out of sight.

De will reach the warehouse, at the entrance to which the car is Morello ml., Make sure that the railway track led from the warehouse to two tunches standing in a dead end. If necessary - move the arrows. When everything is ready, pull out the block from under the first tank. When she crashes into the warehouse door, you will only run up to her and set fire. Ba-Bach!

Doors - as it did not happen. You can get inside and wet the six heavy gangsters, and with them younger Morello.

Having finished with this, run away on the will and head for your car, shooting from police agents in a citizen who finally deigned to get here. Returning to Salieri, you can visit Luka again.

16. Society Cream / Creme De La Creme

The main task: Kill Morello.

After the younger reached the older. Drive up to the theater and try to hold the Limousine Morello here. If nothing happened, throw in time and try to divide with it on the way to the airport. If nothing happened here and Morello turned to the airport, turn them after him, throw a suddenly kneading car and run to the hangar, not paying attention to two ambal. Shoot the engines of the aircraft. Continue shoot and run after the aircraft on the handle. On the way, Poly with Sam will pick up, and now on a car with Tummy Gan, you continue to pursue and shoot an airplane. Shoot in both engines. By bringing the strip of the life of the plane to zero, you can be calm - Morello is no longer a tenant.

But it may happen that Morello will not turn to the airport, but will go further. Persoading it, not behind, and at the destroyed bridge just collide his car down.

Before reporting Salieri on a successful task execution, you can visit Luka again.

17. Re-election / Election Campaign

The main task: kill politics.

We will eliminate the dismissal salieri policies. Fur face Vincenzo sniper and drive to an old prison with a breeze. By putting a car in prison, get it on the left side and kill the worker at the sewer hatch. Hide the body in the hatch. And touch themselves there.

Get out on another staircase. Here you are in prison. Now it is necessary to pave the path to the very top. There are quite many enemies here, but they are not so aghi. Be that as it may, do not deliver sniper - come around with the fact that they raised with tel.

From the first to the second floor there is a wooden staircase inside the prison housing, from the second to the third - staircase on the outer balustrade. The tower is again leading a screw staircase inside the prison case.

Go to the balcony. Correne on a small island. Deliver sniper and switch to sniper mode. You need the person on an island that says speech from the stands. It must be laid from one shot. Otherwise, the explanations with the police can not be avoided.

Crawing with a politician, leave the prison building through the door that leads to the patio with dogs. Kill the dogs and shoot the castle on the gate.

You can try to throw off all your weapons right here (in case the cops will be searched). Go outside. And if everything is in order, with the song on the mouth and the breeze in the left ear, go to the Don. However, Luke is not away again to help you than can.

18. Pure for discharge / Just for Relaxation

The main task:get the load in the port.

Relax the boss wanted! Sigars good smoke! We will be cleaned ...

Say Sam, where on the map and on the Radar the cross, and they themselves go to the port. Do not drive into the territory, but wait until the truck leaves from the gate. Go behind it. When the truck comes to the warehouse, go further, turn the corner and barricading your own car. Unloading in a warehouse, the truck will go through this way and immediately falls into the trap. Highway drove from the cab, take it off your paper and climb into the truck cab. Now you will be allowed to the port.

Having arrived at the long-range left warehouse (there is still a man in the doors), customize the truck with a back side close to the doors and get out of the cab. Immediately a man will climb a gun. Here you, without giving anyone to come to his senses, defend your honor and dignity.

Cleaning the surrounding area from security, start shipping boxes with cigars in a truck. Immersed all 12, sit down in the cockpit and go straight to that noise, where Sam was planted. In this dock, meet Sam and Poly and show Kuzkin's mother to your pursuers. Their little - six people in two cars. Take care of your truck from shock !!!

After completing the disassembly with a score of 0: 6, go to the owner's warehouse.

And the owner decided to inflate! Instead of cigars in drawers diamonds ... So we will take the bank. Without him!

19. Small Halturka / Moonlighting

The main task: Rob Bank.

Together with the Poly, go on the above-ground metro a few stops and go out in the downtown. Go to the bank and listen to the poly plan. While he tells you - look around. Remember where the clerk feed is. Then there will be no time to seek her.

After the campaign to the bank, Poly will leave you, and you alone, without a car, you have to get a collection of weapons and delivering the wheels.

Go to Hoboken.run from right side cinema Twister, knock on the door and get a weapon from the merchant Yellow pit Next set of products: Colt 1911, COLT Detective Special, S & W Magnum, S & W M & P, Thompson 1928. However, this set can be completely different - it all depends on your taste.

Now either treat the car, either go on the outbreak, or grab the wheelbarrow, but in any case drive to Luke. He will give you a task to attribute the package Big Dick. Go to the destination. After giving the package, put three loss and return to Luke. He will give you a pickup to a chic wheelbarrow. Personally, I could not catch it in the specified place, I had to ride around the city, and then I still arrange with her former owner the ugly scuffle right in the middle of a lively crossroads (the benefit of the police was not near). Maybe you will be lucky.

On the newfound wheelbarrow, go to the house of poly and directly under its windows make sound signals.

Your path again lies in the bank. Going inside, do not bag the police (while she is stuck), go beyond the clerk rack and take the keys to the depositary. Close to the floor above, carelessly shooting the right and left, go to the Cabinet of the Director and, talking to him, make the keys from the safe from the board.

Now in full combat readiness you can go down to the depositary and go to the safe.

After the safe is taken, take the poly and make your feet.

20. Decadence / The Death Of Art

The main task: Meet Sam in the museum and kill him.

There is nothing even to say. With empty hands, quickly get out of the Poly Apartments and, not paying attention to the two policemen, plug past them into the street. Consider any car and rush to yellow peets to be caught. Take the same set that before, only instead of Tommy Ghana take US Rifle M 1903 Springfield .

Drive to the art gallery and shoot everyone there. Open all the doors that open, and shoot everyone there. The latter falls Sam. And after that, you will be left first with joy, and then with horror to watch the final roller.

The first renewas for developers towards Mario Puzo, Martina Scorsese and the most famous mafia film "The Godfather" lies in the title of the starting mission. There Don Korleon, I remember, also made the proposals from friends and enemies, from which they could not refuse. Now in the position of friends / enemies you yourself fell. It is a pity, of course, that it was your taxi that turned out to be two guys flying away from the pursuers and crashing their car. It is for you now you will have to save their skins (and my own too), trying to reset the tail.

The tack of the tail will be more powerful by your, so the main weapon lies not in the hands of fugitives crucified to you, but in your reflexes. Starting brains to racing, see the back of the taxi, as the last slut, do not be called to the gateway and dark passing yards (here you can use the TAB button calling the card). Substitute pursuers, forcing them to crash into counter cars, and carefully follow the health indicators of two of your customers (the leftmost corner of the screen) - as soon as one of them lose all the blood, you will lose. In principle, it's pretty easy to get away from chase; You will need no more than three or five attempts to this operation, or even less.

In general, as soon as you get rid of the attackers, boldly go to the bar of Salieri (there will be an arrow on the map).

Do you want to kill you for saving these two ???

Well, since you did not accept the offer from Salieri seriously, first will have to work as a taxi driver. You will have to drain five passengers, and the creatures of the delicate - clashes do not like, there are no violations of the rules, people do not like people ... They just want to get to the right place for as soon as possible. "Taxis" missions here clearly play the role of training - introduce you to the city districts, their names and the main routes of movement between them. Clever.

Well, after these trips, you decided to relax, as I forgot what Coffee Break ended in the first mission ...

Yes ... Mafia has long hands. Of course, you did not want to get involved in disassembling the families of Salieri and Morello, but ... Your opinion is not interested in anyone. By a taxi number, Morlalovsky bastards have calculated you and unexpectedly nigged to visit. Having received a couple of blows and throwing the last dreary look at his crushed broken wheelbarrow, run

Oh, what a cool melody plays during this mission! Only because of her, I replayed the Running MAN times ten times, so well she fits into the concept. Games, of course, not the film with A. Shvarzenegger, where we are sent by the name of the mission. So, about running. The main thing here is to follow the instructions of the green arrow and not pay attention to the peasants of the men, because each stop threatens you with a shot in the back. Therefore, run straight (do not try to crawl, evading lead lumps, "you will come true), clearly bypassing the corners, and you are quiet, alive and healthy, get to Salier's bar.

Remember, you told you that you can come to Don at any time and ask for help? Perhaps this moment has come. After a short disassembly with the hounds of Morello (in vain, they came to drink a coffee shop) You still decide that being mafios is not so bad.

As you decided to retracted from a taxi driver in Mafiosi, you will have to go through a small test. Don Salieri offers you to perform a small order - destroy the Malowlo clan leadership cars. At the same time, and personal revenge on them to eat.

After receiving the task, along with the poly, you take the Baseball Bit from the "storekener" a Vincenzo baseball bat and a couple of bottles with an incendiary mixture, and the staff of the Ralph family will learn to invite a new type of machine, on one of which will go "to the task". Following the arrow, rolling to the place of Morello and, without slowing the speed, give the guard at the gate, otherwise he will call to the rescue.

Clear the two Molotov cocktails into two cars, the third split bits and add to it to others if they do not have enough fuel. At the very worst case, Moro Morlalo will jump out of the cafe. You can cut the heads to the brave bats (and they have pistols ...) or quickly climb into your car and scratch back to Salier's secrets. I would prefer not to run for trouble, but to solve you.

After successfully executing this task, you will become a full member of the family, op-la

Although the first task has passed quite successfully, Don decides to check you again (with the submission of your console, much more suspicious to beginners than the boss). The task is quite standard for ordinary family members - you need to call in three different points and pick up the MZDU for "loofering".

We get at Vincenzo Smith-Vysonzon and inform Ralph about the wheelbarrow to perform the task. The two first points are located within the city, and the third, motel, - outside the Lost Heaven, in the north.

Getting the first two leather suitcases does not cause any difficulties, but the third will have to tinker.

After receiving the second sacry, go through the only northern road from the city where the compass indicates. Soon you will drive up to the motel. Poly and Sam will leave you, go to the building and here ...

GMDA, Morello exactly wants to start a war. Poly, despite his heavy wound in the stomach, will order you to rescue Sam. Of course, with a bunch of Vincenzo, you will not be able to perform so responsible, conjugate with the risk for living. Task.

Hello Motel on the left and on the boxes to take the second floor. Do not pay attention to the dog, only bullets and health will spend. Open the door on the veranda and dive into the room along the movement. "Thompson" is lying on the bed - this is something else! Coming out of the room, get up opposite the toilet and wait when mafiosa opens the door. Hi travoline and criminal reading! By the way, in the game, all toilets have quite functional use, "I recommend trying to try out.

On shots, naturally, muzzle from the first floor will escape. It will be better if you back in the corridor to the right of the stairs, come and start shooting by single shots. Economy cartridges, because in addition to the pistoles falling out of the corpses, nothing else to get better! Having understood with the most abrupt stallions, go down the stairs to the first floor. There, in the same posture of the served to show the forester, lay the three Morellovtsy. One of them can be raised by the "Thompson" cartridges. Sam is held in the road, behind the billiard tables.

Most likely, the crown of his cracker in a dirty T-shirt will jump out to the noise and receive his portion of lead. However, do not deceive, - a little later, he will still take you trouble. Capturing Sam from "beyond", you will face another cowardly scum, which, despite all the advantage in the tactical position, will not shoot you and Sam. Well, cowardice should also be punished!

As soon as Tushkan is sitting in his yellow cabriolet, jump into Kolymagu (I hope you did not very much smashed her on the way to the motel?) And follow the canary. You need to return the money of the family to the native nest. The best way to stop the flying bald ballast is to build a barricade with your car in a tunnel or deploy his car on the road with an calcined blow. After that, you can finish the case with the help of ordinary lead.

By the way, I personally helped me in a tunnel car, simply knocked down the height.

Mission, type, Complete!

Don Salieri does not like to lose, but always prefers to play honestly. Well, since the concept of honesty is very peculiar, then the methods of the game are appropriate. Task Don Takovo: From the garage outside the city to overtake in the Lucas workshop, a new supercar for racing. In the morning he will take part in the arrival, in which the car is exhibited, to which Don put the round sum. No, no, nothing particularly criminal is expected. Just Lucas will look into a rush of a competitor, looks around, which is there and how, maybe that will twist. Well, in general, the smallest, which will reduce the chances of the rider from Europe and increase the chances of the island of Salieri.

Make the task you need clearly and quickly, passing the machine as possible and preservation. It is strictly forbidden to enter into any "surprising" relations with the kopami.

On a wheelbarrow, issued by Ralfi, go beyond the city along the western road to the entrance to the tunnel, bombed with a barrier. The house has a friend of Ralph, familiar with the number of bills, relying for the help of Salieri.

In the garage for the tunnel, you will sit in a supervice car and cast it into the garage of Lucas, which is located in the western part of the city, under the bridge (on it, by the way, only in this mission you will have a chance to admire the local suicide).

After the "Richtovka" Machines of Culture "F1" back into the racing garage and whistle to Baru Salieri.

Wow! The will of the Tommy's fate should replace the rider, which, due to "injury", will not be able to compete with those pepper, whose car you "crippled" a little earlier. Don, Frank console, will meet you in the garage of the racing route and sucks behind the handlebar of the Formula 1 prototype.

You yourself understand, you can not even stutter about the second place - the family of such a shame will not forgive, and Game will be Over. The blood of the nose you need to bypass your main opponent - the European Martin Lichtenberg's European on a red car, and after five circles finish the first. I do not think that you will master this mission from the first time. Most likely, and nothing will happen to your tenth, because the car at high speed brings terribly, and the rivals do not sleep, and the lag in the circles is usually tenths of a second. The main thing in this mission is caution, knowledge of the chairs of opponents and skill dangerous maneuver.

Remember that Ai very gently turns turns, and it is on this that you need to catch it. In principle, if you break forward right after the first sandy embankment and then you will go cautiously, according to the explored route, slowing down the speed in the zigzag lasticy, you can come to the finish line with a decent gap. But if there is a sharp drive and turn ... It is better to immediately start the level again, because for those seconds that you spend on acceleration, you will not overtake that the lazy.

In general, patience, knowledge of all parts of the route and caution will make you the winner of the race and the recipient of a kiss with the cup. After the races, you will still need to quickly wind into the garage of Lucas, and then hijack a wonderful yellow phaeton, this time for personal use. But with theft everything is completely simple - you will do it yourself, without tips.

While I have everything if it is that I will definitely write scream.

Whether the material helped you: yes or no helped: 490, it did not help: 606

Luigi asks you to spend his daughter Sarah home, because hooligans are on the street.

Go with a girl in the leg, lead a conversation with her, and in one of the alleys you will attack the gangsters. Press the crack and talk with the top of the troops until they discern around. Select a baseball bat, go further, turn into a doorway and you will see how a couple of hooligans stick to Sarah. Do so that they firmly regretted their rampant act. Bring Sarah to home, and watch a bed scene. In the morning, Tommy will tell Salieri about what happened. Don will order you with Poly to figure it out. Take a look at Vincenzo and take a baseball bat and colt 1911. Go for the information to Biff, which can be found on the central square in Chinatown. He will send you to the old station, which is nearby. Let the Poly knock down the door to the foot, prepare a baseball bat and take the dominant role in the stripping of the enemy territory, carefully follow the friend, it sometimes becomes such a bold that it is not shy at the same time to grave with the top five opponents. Only in no case do not open the fire, otherwise you will move away and spoil everything. Try to beat on your back, so you save anyone from the first strike. Climb the stairs and jump into the trash bunch. Prepare your colt 1911, since the local guys will be the first to open fire, and you will have to answer them. Ensure everyone in the neighborhood, not forgetting to follow health. Some in the end will hide from you, so pick up your car by a moment, wait for the comrade and follow the villains. After some time, they will stay in the wall, and Tommy (as an option, poly) will take care of their further fate.

You charge three tasks at once: deal with the whore, which transfers the information to Morello, blow up the hotel and kill the manager.

Go to Corleone Hotel in the Downtown area. Hide the weapon so that no one suspects anything. Climb on the third floor and find the door unlocked. Girl takes the bathroom. There was still something human left in Tommy, he will regret the lady and orders her to get out of the city. Go down to the first floor and follow the restaurant. Manager (in white) does not stand still. Wait for it when he returns to the restaurant, close the door and immediately shoot a guy in black at a table (with a gun). After that, disappear with the defenseless manager. The guards will escape the noise, find the shelter and maintain them one by one. At the reception, take the key from the Director "S Office and be descended from the first-aid kit. Climb on the top floor. Just do not fly to the director's office by the daisy! The opponent will be ready to meet, so be careful. Tommy will install a bomb, and an explosion will happen. Now you will The roof, and the police hunt behind you. Climb the stairs to the top, go through the doors, pick up the parapet and jump onto the roof of the right on the right. From afar of you the kopecks from the gun - ahead of it. Go down just below, and police will run out of the door. Clear back To the top and remove them from a favorable position. Another opponent is hiding on the roof, which is extremely difficult to notice. After that, there will be more pair of cops, enter and with them. Follow the wooden stairs, with which Tommy will move to the roof of the church. On the rope is suspended bucket, and at the bottom just under it is employees. Funny. Go down and down the way at the first-aid kit. You will fall on the funeral of a friend, whose fate you are with Lee was determined in the past mission. The priest will notice you, but do not stick out, but wait until you run on particularly curious. You know how to please them. After that, get inside and hide behind the coffin. Because of the shelter, you can easily remove opponents from the balconies, as well as make hiding behind benches. Soon, a portion of gangsters armed with scotgans will come from the street. It makes sense to escape under the roof of the church, and there already to divide with everyone alone. Follow the street. You are looking for the police, what the wanted icon says at the top of the screen. Clear the first wheelbarrow and bend to Baru Salieri.

Salieri gives another task: pick up whiskey from a warehouse outside the city. The mission promises to be hot.

First you need to meet with poly in Salier's warehouse. Ralph will provide you with a new Bolt V8, on which and travel to a friend. From there you will get to the destination already on trucks. In the village suspiciously quietly, and Poly will send you to collect the situation and find out what happened to Salieri people and with alcohol. Keep the way through the entire farm to the truck. Open the door, and the driver will fall out of the cockpit. There will immediately appear guys with shotguns and will open fire for you. Do not build a steep guy from myself, and run with zigzags back to the poly, which has already prepared with comrades towards a warm meeting. Turn next to your own and do not give opponents and come close. After Ace subsides, talk to Poly - now you need to save the poor fellow Sam. Follow the main road to the open shed on the right side. Opponents are waiting inside you. For you, a first-aid kit is seized here, and Poly will catch scrap. On the contrary, a closed barn is located across the road, in which Sam holds. As soon as Poly knocked the door, prepare for the obstacle for Sam. It is necessary to move extremely carefully, as the opponents are hiding almost everywhere. On the second floor you can find another first aid kit, and on the third I have a crippled sam. Poly will run for help, but here, as if called, a cops will arrive. Remove them from above from the window, but be prepared for the fact that very agile can break through and jump out from your back. Go down and you will leave this vile place. You are in the bodies of the truck and must shoot from the car catching up you. You have to destroy three cars. Shoot in the windshield according to the driver. After Sam is taking to the best doctor in the city, you can call for the task to Berton. Lucas asks you to warn his friend about. That the police will come soon. Broken head, bent in Hoboken, for time remained very little. You must get ahead of the police and knock on the door first. Return to Berton, and he will teach you to cope with Ulver Airstrim Fordor, go to Oakwood and treat the car there, then go on a new car in Salieri bar.

Omerta is the code of silence of Italian mafia. Frank betrayed the family, and is going to pass the documents to the police. You must find a sales console. Vincenzo has a shrick for you. And Ralfi prepared a new car for you. Go to Chinatown to the first pokcach, and then to the museum in Central Island to the second. After that, you have to visit a bald guy staying under the bridge near the workshop of Bertone. True, Comrade will refuse to speak. Give him a couple of times in the jaw, and in a moment you will know where the cops hold Frank. Severadt the fast car, for example, Bolt V8 Roadster and go to Oakwood. From there, follow Frank to the airport. Mission from the series "One against All". Keep the way to the building in which you will be waiting for four opponents. Leave the first-aid kit on the wall "for later." Follow the Frank to the hangar, along the way, painting with the corps in the rascoats. A truck will arrive from which the driver with a mount will be released. Take a guy with a lead, pick up the car and transfer everyone who will only come under the wheels. Collect guns from corpses and do not forget to remove the opponent from the tower. Frank is located on the automotive parking for the building, kill his bodyguards and talk to the traitor. You will learn the reasons for which the closest salierie man wants to leave the family. It turns out that the cops are threatened to kill his wife and child. Hooking on Frank handcuffs, follow the structure of the right that is protected by a pair of policemen. Inside you will find a wife and son of the console. Those with them, come back to Frank and take it to your relatives. You will be asked to find tickets. In Parking, take the machine you like and go back to the first building. Inside the table lie cherished tickets. Give them to Frank, and you will witness the touching scene. After that, not paying attention to anyone, leave the airport and follow the bank in Downtown, in which you need to pick up account books. Look at Burton for the task. You need to pass the "Message" Stan in Works Quarters. Lay this black boxer and separate it, Stan is scared and run away. Lucas will teach you to invade Thor 810. Such beauty can be found in the Oak Hills area in which the stars live. Having knew the new machine, go back to the bar of Salieri.

Another task from Salieri: steal an important document from the villa in Oak Hills.

Get a baseball bat and colt 1911 from Vincenzo, and on the way to the house of a millionaire pick up the hoboken of the salvator. Keep the way to Oak Hills. Watch up an unsightly gate in the fence and order the Salvator to open it. Without losing a second, run to the left and hide behind the statue. Order the Salvator stay in place. As soon as the guard goes past you, go out of the shelter and greet it with a baseball bat. You will get the key and shrick. On the right there is a small gazebo, in which another guard is thoughtfully. Select a ball and from him. If you did everything quickly, you will have time to overtake the third guard while he will go down the stairs at the house. When the territory is cleared, go back to the salvator and call it with you. Go inside the house. If you bloom into the servant, do not hesitate to introduce it to your bat. Whose life is more expensive to you in the end? The main thing, do not indulge with the switches, otherwise you will bring trouble on yourself. Climb on the second floor, and find in one of the rooms in the safe. Order Salvator hack it. And here the owner will suddenly come back. Grab the documents in the Oakha and leave the house through another output. On the street there is a car rich Silver Fletcher, order her Salvators to open it and choose from the estate. Slide the Salvator at his house, and go to the Saalieri bar.

Poly found some William Gates from the state of Kentucky, which is cheap pushing alcohol. The goods need to pick up on the car parking lot.

Go to the specified place. Lift with Sam and Poly to the top floor, where you are already waiting for the deal partners. However, Morello. As it turns out, wars wars. Two cars will suddenly get acquainted, of which the good guys come out with "Thompsons" and Schotgans. Immediately, hello and shoot everyone from afar, trying to save the cartridges. Soon, another car will arrive, from which opponents also break out. The floor below two guys sit behind bars, and the third hides behind the column in the other end of the room. Even below, a bunch of guys on the left is waiting for you, try to lure them alone. On the second floor, the pass is barricaded, besides, be careful - grenades will fly into you. Do not use the usual staircase, and shoot all the shelter. Once you are all clearing, go back to the upper floor and pon the truck to the exit. The success of this missions by and large depends on the intelligence of Poly and Sam, which sometimes behave frankly stupid and climb under the bullets. Now you have to take the goods to the warehouse in Hoboken, it is expected to chase with a shootout. But it is best to discuss all the details on the spot. Arm yourself with "Thompson" and disappear with the guys to the left of the entrance, and at the same time bleed two black cars. The chase is canceled.

Salieri asks you to be at the time of his bodyguard and take it to a restaurant on Lunch. Done's fashionable car, you will not say anything. Carry Salieri to the restaurant in the New Ark. True, it is not possible to try to eat, people of Morello came to pass the "Message" of Salieri. You have only colt 1911 with you, so things are bad. Immediately bother to the right and hide behind the bar. Shoot the guys in the right part of the EK for they have more chances to fall in Salieri. Save the cartridges, as soon through the door behind you, a kind trio bursts. Ideally, you must not give them to do and shots. Go to the corridor. It can be seen from the window, as the enemy with "Thompson" falling between the houses. Embroide the brains, and then run into the courtyard and look at the door to the right. On the second floor, another happy owner of Thompson was attached. Make it unhappy. From the window you can finish the rest of the guys below. Go out and make sure that everything is calm. Just in case, pick up any car and drive behind the remaining villains. Now you and Salieri will have to visit Carlo, the apartment of which is located not far from the West Marshall bridge. Collect guns from the corpses, and on the road. Climb from Salieri upstairs and embroider the door with the foot. The guy in the panties jumped over the window, follow him along the fire staircase. Cement him behind the garages and tick the lead. Immediately, two doors will appear from the door with baseball bats and the third, insecious, with a pistol. What to do with them, you know.

Don is very unhappy that he was not allowed to calmly eat at the Pepe Restaurant. Morello wants war? He will receive it. But first, it is necessary to remove the policy that is going to celebrate your birthday on the steamer.

Ralph will teach you to invite Crusader Chromium Fordor. Go to the pier in the southern part of Central Island. True, no one will let anywhere without an invitation. In the building opposite the door is discovered, and the clothes hang in the basement. Repeat into the sailor, and you are already on board. Now you need to find a gun that Vincenzo prudently hidden in the toilet. Such is on the bottom deck on the left, but in it you can find only one bucket. By the way, the guy walks nearby and smokes. Pay attention to it. On the deck above in the back of the ship at the stairs you can find the door with the note Skipper Has The Key. Remember the guy in the sailor? We persuade the Skiper to give you the key. You have to wash the sorter, but you will find a gun. Climb the upper deck and wait until the politician starts speech. Commmise it closer and give him sincere congratulations from Don Salieri. After that, carry on the lower deck, sweeping and shooting the blocking path of the invited. You are already waiting for Poly on the boat.

It is time to take a much more serious step - to kill Sergio Morello. Poli will take the Thompson from Vincenzo, and the colt is seized for you. Ralph will provide you with Guardian Terrapalane.

Go to the Italian restaurant, call the street apparatus and ask for the telephone. True, the other is suitable, but Poly will still feed him with lead. Oops ... The error came out. Cut off the pursuers and follow the bar of Salieri. Born new plan. Take the explosives from Vincenzo and go to the home of Morello. Wait until the guy at the entrance is a cigarette, and then put dynamite under the car. True, a woman will sit in the car and ... this happens, as Salieri says. Now you have to make an attempt at Sergio at Rainbow Garden Restaurant in Downtown. Only here "Thompson" Poly will bring it at the most decisive moment. You have to go away from the pursuers. The easiest way

drink to the bridge and fly down the stairs down to the water, then the pursuit will rise in water. After so many failures, the task is given to others. However, luck again on the side of Sergio. You will have a chance for Gangster to the port on the Central Island - Giuliano Bridge -Works Quarters route. One of the most difficult missions. You have Colt 1911 in your hand, and the guy ran out on the right gets a bullet in the forehead. Drawing to the left in the bushes either should not be deprived. Ahead of the car flashed two more. Collect guns from corpses and pick up a truck. Send everyone in the district and find two aid kits from the pier: one - inside the house next to the tanks, and the second is on the building wall at the other end. After that, run around and calm the remaining. The main thing is to remove snipers with red steps, which are followed by every step. Then find the car Morello. It became, Sergio is hiding in stock.

Move the arrows on the railway paths so that the tank can drive up right to the goal. Select from under the wheels of the wave of shocks, and it will ride to the warehouse. Tommy snaps and stylishly throws a cigarette to the ground ... go inside. A guy is sitting on the boxes with Thompson, and the rest run around with Schotgans. In the far corner, Morotlo hung. That's all. Lucky, but dead bastard. Return to Salieri bar. Take a look at Lucas Burton. You are just in time. His friend in Chinatown is seriously injured, and you need to deliver a poor fellow in the hospital. Note that in the Burtone's garage hanging the first-aid kit on the wall. Follow the place over the North Bridge, bypassing the middle island. You need a high-speed car on four people, as in addition to the wounded he will sit down and his comrade. On the way to the doctor, put a limitation of 60 km / h and calmly deliver the guys in Oakwood. Lucas will teach you to invite Bruno Speedster 851. Such is on the parking lot in Central Island. Separate with the owner of the stylish car, and then return to the Saleri bar on a new wheelbarrow.

Now the turn has come to the most famous. Vincenzo has a clip for you, and for Sam and Poly prepared for Thompson. Go to the theater in Central Island. Morello will start to fall from you on a limousine to the airport, follow him. No lagging. At the airport your car, as it has called, fails. Leave the vehicle and run to the plane, where you will already be waiting for two guys with Schotgans. Once you are shared with them, your car will drive up. Rear to the rear seat, and "Thompson" will be issued. Shoot the engines of the take-off aircraft. Another version of the development of events is the Car Morello car will not turn to the airport, but will go further to the destroyed bridge. There, the cliff can also be bought by Morello. They say that it can be confused on the way. It is not true if you kill it, you will be informed that he "ran away" from you. After that, take Sam and Poly in the bar of Salieri, and go to Bertona. Lucas will ask you to throw out the old car with a cliff in Oakwood. It is done very simple. Pink the car to the cliff from the lighthouse, go to the road, treat someone else's car and labeled the wheelbarrow into the water. Return to Berton, he will teach you a new car. Go to the New Ark, where in the parking lot at the ROY Bar "s grill you are waiting for the beauty of the Celest Marque 500. Only, you first first go to her owner, then with a clean conscience, head to the Saalieri bar.

Salieri orders to remove another policy. Ralph has a wing Coupe for you, and Vincenzo will protect you with a sniper mosine rifle and a pistol. Go to prison. Sewer hatch get rid of the worker - you do not need witnesses. Entrance inside the building is located on the right. Go through the first floor and find the stairs upstairs. Directly from here you can clear the second floor, and at the same time stretch in your sniper skills. Salvish survivors in one. As a result, you will get to the screw staircase, destroyed opponents. On the top floor, go to the balcony. Pretty aim - you have only one attempt. After that, run down the stairs, new enemies will appear. In that room, from where they came out, the mount is. It will come in handy at the exit. Go down the stairs to the first floor, the way to get rid of all weapons. Go through the dog, and you will find yourself on the street. You are already waiting for the police, which is usually sitting and released. Jump to Berton. You need to deliver to Lucas a guy from Works Quarters, which is looking for the police. Take the Thor 810 Sedan on the street and follow the North Bridge in Downtown. Bertone will teach you to invite the Lassiter V16 AppOLyon. Such a beauty parked by the mansion in Oak Hills. Guys chat at the gate, they will not pay attention to you. But just at first. Surprise in the bar of Salieri.

Don clearly hides something, sending you to a dangerous task for some kind of cigars. Take the Bit and Pistol from Vincenzo, and Sam and Poli will take themselves according to Thompson. Ralph will provide you with Lassiter V16 Fordor. To begin with, deliver Sam to the right place in Works Quarters. What is not far from the port. Poly will offer you the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bank's robbery But no one will perceive her seriously. Go to the port and wait for a truck, stuck in boxes. Follow him to a warehouse, where it will be unloaded. Wait for unloading !!! Block the truck the return path, pull out the driver from the cabin and reflect the documents from him . After that, follow in the port - you will miss. Go ahead - one of the warehouses are open, and the host has a master. Inside you note the boxes with Scorsese Import-Export. Put the Body Truck to the platform so that you can quickly immerse the boxes. Talk to the owner, and he will order you to drag the boxes from the street to the warehouse (Dispatch Hall). Ask two workers to help you, and threesome you will quickly manage. Return to the owner of the warehouse, NA Strapping his noodles on the ears, and he will run to check his workers. At this time, quickly immerse all boxes with cigars in the body, and then follow the place where Sam and Poly are waiting for you. Entering into the courtyard, stop so that the truck entered half. Thus, the pursuers will not be able to break all the scope, but will tell you alone. After everything gets up, go to the truck to Salier's warehouse. Inside the boxes, it turns out, not at all cigars ... Salieri clearly does not trust you.

Tommy agreed to the supply of poly on the bank robbery.

Keep the way with a poly from his apartment to the station, from where the train will deliver you to Downtown to First National Bank. Inside you learn all the details of the plan. After that, follow the Yellow PETE, the owner of a weapon shop located in Central Hoboken. Take a set of Colt 1911, COLT Detective Special, S & W Magnum, S & W M & P and Thompson 1928. Then go to Bertona for the shock car. You will get a task - pass the parcel Wild Guy under the East Marshall Bridge in Downtown. Give the guy package, and hooligans will immediately look at it. Just hide behind the boxes and work your job. Bertone will inform you that you can chant the Trautenberg Model J. which will go from Oakwood in Central Island. Find and intercept the car. Now you have fully prepared for the robbery. Pink to the house of Poly, snaggle him and go to the bank. All on the floor! Right run forward, take the door to the foot, on the left on the wall next to the clerk hangs the key. Open the near door - the ladder is a guard. Hurry up to the second floor in the office with a playctor plate on the door, find out where the keys are from the safe lie, and take them out of the closet. Go to the basement where you have to calm two more guards. Fill the bag with money and return to poly. Jump in the car, in theory you should have time even before the police arrived. Keep the way to Palermo Club in Hoboken.

Everything is bad. Self calls and asks to meet him in the art gallery. Hide the weapon and leave the Poly House. On the stairs you will come across the police, just pass by them. On the street, pick up the police car and follow the Yellow Pete shop for weapons. She will surely need. After that, travel to Berton. He will give a task to follow the confused, which works in the Bordend Corleone. The girl needs to go on foot along the heels, keeping a decent distance so that she does not suspect anything. Go to Lucas and tell him everything. He will advise you to steal orange Cord 812 Cabriolet FWD, which is on sale in Chinatown and guarded by evil dogs. On new

follow the wheelbarrow. Inside you are already waiting for Sam with his guard. Cook the gun and immediately suck the bullet in the forehead two guys, be prepared that two more will resort from the door ahead, and one will appear behind you. Follow the corridor to the room, in which the guy rushes with Schotgan. The second with a pistol is not a hindrance. On the balcony on the contrary, a comrade with Thompson will light up, hide behind the angle, and he comes running to you. Scotgan Pass for three scumbags downstairs. Go to the stairs and immediately drop back - the pomegranate will fly from above. After that, armament "Thompson" and arrange a capital stripper on the second floor. Between the stairs you can find a first-aid kit and to get to it. Only you also takes a pomegranate. Lay out the open door. In the series of rooms, be extremely careful - opponents hide with furniture. Check out Sam and follow him to the next floor.

Final duel. It is only worth sticking your head as you regret it right away. Take into the hands of Thompson, and wait until Sam frivolously turns away. You have a few seconds to have time to plant the whole hunt into it, and he will leave his position. After that, follow the corridor and go along the bloody track. Keep the sight at the ready. Sam looks from behind the corner ...

Enjoy a few shocking ending this magnificent game.

The first renewas for developers towards Mario Puzo, Martina Scorsese and the most famous mafia film "The Godfather" lies in the title of the starting mission. There Don Korleon, I remember, also made the proposals from friends and enemies, from which they could not refuse. Now in the position of friends / enemies you yourself fell. It is a pity, of course, that it was your taxi that turned out to be two guys flying away from the pursuers and crashing their car. It is for you now you will have to save their skins (and my own too), trying to reset the tail.

The tack of the tail will be more powerful by your, so the main weapon lies not in the hands of fugitives crucified to you, but in your reflexes. Starting brains to racing, see the back of the taxi, as the last slut, do not be called to the gateway and dark passing yards (here you can use the TAB button calling the card). Substitute pursuers, forcing them to crash into counter cars, and carefully follow the health indicators of two of your customers (the leftmost corner of the screen) - as soon as one of them lose all the blood, you will lose. In principle, it's pretty easy to get away from chase; You will need no more than three or five attempts to this operation, or even less.

In general, as soon as you get rid of the attackers, boldly go to the bar of Salieri (there will be an arrow on the map).
Do you want to kill you for saving these two ???

Well, since you did not accept the offer from Salieri seriously, first will have to work as a taxi driver. You will have to drain five passengers, and the creatures of the delicate - clashes do not like, there are no violations of the rules, people do not like people ... They just want to get to the right place for as soon as possible. "Taxis" missions here clearly play the role of training - introduce you to the city districts, their names and the main routes of movement between them. Clever.
Well, after these trips, you decided to relax, as I forgot what Coffee Break ended in the first mission ...
Yes ... Mafia has long hands. Of course, you did not want to get involved in disassembling the families of Salieri and Morello, but ... Your opinion is not interested in anyone. By a taxi number, Morlalovsky bastards have calculated you and unexpectedly nigged to visit. Having received a couple of blows and throwing the last dreary look at his crushed broken wheelbarrow, run
Oh, what a cool melody plays during this mission! Only because of her, I replayed the Running MAN times ten times, so well she fits into the concept. Games, of course, not the film with A. Shvarzenegger, where we are sent by the name of the mission. So, about running. The main thing here is to follow the instructions of the green arrow and not pay attention to the peasants of the men, because each stop threatens you with a shot in the back. Therefore, run straight (do not try to crawl, evading lead lumps, "you will come true), clearly bypassing the corners, and you are quiet, alive and healthy, get to Salier's bar.
Remember, you told you that you can come to Don at any time and ask for help? Perhaps this moment has come. After a short disassembly with the hounds of Morello (in vain, they came to drink a coffee shop) You still decide that being mafios is not so bad.

As you decided to retracted from a taxi driver in Mafiosi, you will have to go through a small test. Don Salieri offers you to perform a small order - destroy the Malowlo clan leadership cars. At the same time, and personal revenge on them to eat.
After receiving the task, along with the poly, you take the Baseball Bit from the "storekener" a Vincenzo baseball bat and a couple of bottles with an incendiary mixture, and the staff of the Ralph family will learn to invite a new type of machine, on one of which will go "to the task". Following the arrow, rolling to the place of Morello and, without slowing the speed, give the guard at the gate, otherwise he will call to the rescue.
Clear the two Molotov cocktails into two cars, the third split bits and add to it to others if they do not have enough fuel. At the very worst case, Moro Morlalo will jump out of the cafe. You can cut the heads to the brave bats (and they have pistols ...) or quickly climb into your car and scratch back to Salier's secrets. I would prefer not to run for trouble, but to solve you.
After successfully executing this task, you will become a full member of the family, op-la

Although the first task has passed quite successfully, Don decides to check you again (with the submission of your console, much more suspicious to beginners than the boss). The task is quite standard for ordinary family members - you need to call in three different points and pick up the MZDU for "loofering".
We get at Vincenzo Smith-Vysonzon and inform Ralph about the wheelbarrow to perform the task. The two first points are located within the city, and the third, motel, - outside the Lost Heaven, in the north.
Getting the first two leather suitcases does not cause any difficulties, but the third will have to tinker.
After receiving the second sacry, go through the only northern road from the city where the compass indicates. Soon you will drive up to the motel. Poly and Sam will leave you, go to the building and here ...
GMDA, Morello exactly wants to start a war. Poly, despite his heavy wound in the stomach, will order you to rescue Sam. Of course, with a bunch of Vincenzo, you will not be able to perform so responsible, conjugate with the risk for living. Task.
Hello Motel on the left and on the boxes to take the second floor. Do not pay attention to the dog, only bullets and health will spend. Open the door on the veranda and dive into the room along the movement. "Thompson" is lying on the bed - this is something else! Coming out of the room, get up opposite the toilet and wait when mafiosa opens the door. Hi travoline and criminal reading! By the way, in the game, all toilets have quite functional use, "I recommend trying to try out.
On shots, naturally, muzzle from the first floor will escape. It will be better if you back in the corridor to the right of the stairs, come and start shooting by single shots. Economy cartridges, because in addition to the pistoles falling out of the corpses, nothing else to get better! Having understood with the most abrupt stallions, go down the stairs to the first floor. There, in the same posture of the served to show the forester, lay the three Morellovtsy. One of them can be raised by the "Thompson" cartridges. Sam is held in the road, behind the billiard tables.
Most likely, the crown of his cracker in a dirty T-shirt will jump out to the noise and receive his portion of lead. However, do not deceive, - a little later, he will still take you trouble. Capturing Sam from "beyond", you will face another cowardly scum, which, despite all the advantage in the tactical position, will not shoot you and Sam. Well, cowardice should also be punished!
As soon as Tushkan is sitting in his yellow cabriolet, jump into Kolymagu (I hope you did not very much smashed her on the way to the motel?) And follow the canary. You need to return the money of the family to the native nest. The best way to stop the flying bald ballast is to build a barricade with your car in a tunnel or deploy his car on the road with an calcined blow. After that, you can finish the case with the help of ordinary lead.
By the way, I personally helped me in a tunnel car, simply knocked down the height.
Mission, type, Complete!

Don Salieri does not like to lose, but always prefers to play honestly. Well, since the concept of honesty is very peculiar, then the methods of the game are appropriate. Task Don Takovo: From the garage outside the city to overtake in the Lucas workshop, a new supercar for racing. In the morning he will take part in the arrival, in which the car is exhibited, to which Don put the round sum. No, no, nothing particularly criminal is expected. Just Lucas will look into a rush of a competitor, looks around, which is there and how, maybe that will twist. Well, in general, the smallest, which will reduce the chances of the rider from Europe and increase the chances of the island of Salieri.
Make the task you need clearly and quickly, passing the machine as possible and preservation. It is strictly forbidden to enter into any "surprising" relations with the kopami.
On a wheelbarrow, issued by Ralfi, go beyond the city along the western road to the entrance to the tunnel, bombed with a barrier. The house has a friend of Ralph, familiar with the number of bills, relying for the help of Salieri.
In the garage for the tunnel, you will sit in a supervice car and cast it into the garage of Lucas, which is located in the western part of the city, under the bridge (on it, by the way, only in this mission you will have a chance to admire the local suicide).
After the "Richtovka" Machines of Culture "F1" back into the racing garage and whistle to Baru Salieri.

Wow! The will of the Tommy's fate should replace the rider, which, due to "injury", will not be able to compete with those pepper, whose car you "crippled" a little earlier. Don, Frank console, will meet you in the garage of the racing route and sucks behind the handlebar of the Formula 1 prototype.
You yourself understand, you can not even stutter about the second place - the family of such a shame will not forgive, and Game will be Over. The blood of the nose you need to bypass your main opponent - the European Martin Lichtenberg's European on a red car, and after five circles finish the first. I do not think that you will master this mission from the first time. Most likely, and nothing will happen to your tenth, because the car at high speed brings terribly, and the rivals do not sleep, and the lag in the circles is usually tenths of a second. The main thing in this mission is caution, knowledge of the chairs of opponents and skill dangerous maneuver.
Remember that Ai very gently turns turns, and it is on this that you need to catch it. In principle, if you break forward right after the first sandy embankment and then you will go cautiously, according to the explored route, slowing down the speed in the zigzag lasticy, you can come to the finish line with a decent gap. But if there is a sharp drive and turn ... It is better to immediately start the level again, because for those seconds that you spend on acceleration, you will not overtake that the lazy.
In general, patience, knowledge of all parts of the route and caution will make you the winner of the race and the recipient of a kiss with the cup. After the races, you will still need to quickly wind into the garage of Lucas, and then hijack a wonderful yellow phaeton, this time for personal use. But with theft everything is completely simple - you will do it yourself, without tips.

While I have everything if it is that I will definitely write scream.

Luigi asks you to spend his daughter Sarah home, because hooligans are on the street.
Go with a girl in the leg, lead a conversation with her, and in one of the alleys you will attack the gangsters. Press the crack and talk with the top of the troops until they discern around. Select a baseball bat, go further, turn into a doorway and you will see how a couple of hooligans stick to Sarah. Do so that they firmly regretted their rampant act. Bring Sarah to home, and watch a bed scene. In the morning, Tommy will tell Salieri about what happened. Don will order you with Poly to figure it out. Take a look at Vincenzo and take a baseball bat and colt 1911. Go for the information to Biff, which can be found on the central square in Chinatown. He will send you to the old station, which is nearby. Let the Poly knock down the door to the foot, prepare a baseball bat and take the dominant role in the stripping of the enemy territory, carefully follow the friend, it sometimes becomes such a bold that it is not shy at the same time to grave with the top five opponents. Only in no case do not open the fire, otherwise you will move away and spoil everything. Try to beat on your back, so you save anyone from the first strike. Climb the stairs and jump into the trash bunch. Prepare your colt 1911, since the local guys will be the first to open fire, and you will have to answer them. Ensure everyone in the neighborhood, not forgetting to follow health. Some in the end will hide from you, so pick up your car by a moment, wait for the comrade and follow the villains. After some time, they will stay in the wall, and Tommy (as an option, poly) will take care of their further fate.

You charge three tasks at once: deal with the whore, which transfers the information to Morello, blow up the hotel and kill the manager.
Go to Corleone Hotel in the Downtown area. Hide the weapon so that no one suspects anything. Climb on the third floor and find the door unlocked. Girl takes the bathroom. There was still something human left in Tommy, he will regret the lady and orders her to get out of the city. Go down to the first floor and follow the restaurant. Manager (in white) does not stand still. Wait for it when he returns to the restaurant, close the door and immediately shoot a guy in black at a table (with a gun). After that, disappear with the defenseless manager. The guards will escape the noise, find the shelter and maintain them one by one. At the reception, take the key from the Director "S Office and be descended from the first-aid kit. Climb on the top floor. Just do not fly to the director's office by the daisy! The opponent will be ready to meet, so be careful. Tommy will install a bomb, and an explosion will happen. Now you will The roof, and the police hunt behind you. Climb the stairs to the top, go through the doors, pick up the parapet and jump onto the roof of the right on the right. From afar of you the kopecks from the gun - ahead of it. Go down just below, and police will run out of the door. Clear back To the top and remove them from a favorable position. Another opponent is hiding on the roof, which is extremely difficult to notice. After that, there will be more pair of cops, enter and with them. Follow the wooden stairs, with which Tommy will move to the roof of the church. On the rope is suspended bucket, and at the bottom just under it is employees. Funny. Go down and down the way at the first-aid kit. You will fall on the funeral of a friend, whose fate you are with Lee was determined in the past mission. The priest will notice you, but do not stick out, but wait until you run on particularly curious. You know how to please them. After that, get inside and hide behind the coffin. Because of the shelter, you can easily remove opponents from the balconies, as well as make hiding behind benches. Soon, a portion of gangsters armed with scotgans will come from the street. It makes sense to escape under the roof of the church, and there already to divide with everyone alone. Follow the street. You are looking for the police, what the wanted icon says at the top of the screen. Clear the first wheelbarrow and bend to Baru Salieri.

Salieri gives another task: pick up whiskey from a warehouse outside the city. The mission promises to be hot.
First you need to meet with poly in Salier's warehouse. Ralph will provide you with a new Bolt V8, on which and travel to a friend. From there you will get to the destination already on trucks. In the village suspiciously quietly, and Poly will send you to collect the situation and find out what happened to Salieri people and with alcohol. Keep the way through the entire farm to the truck. Open the door, and the driver will fall out of the cockpit. There will immediately appear guys with shotguns and will open fire for you. Do not build a steep guy from myself, and run with zigzags back to the poly, which has already prepared with comrades towards a warm meeting. Turn next to your own and do not give opponents and come close. After Ace subsides, talk to Poly - now you need to save the poor fellow Sam. Follow the main road to the open shed on the right side. Opponents are waiting inside you. For you, a first-aid kit is seized here, and Poly will catch scrap. On the contrary, a closed barn is located across the road, in which Sam holds. As soon as Poly knocked the door, prepare for the obstacle for Sam. It is necessary to move extremely carefully, as the opponents are hiding almost everywhere. On the second floor you can find another first aid kit, and on the third I have a crippled sam. Poly will run for help, but here, as if called, a cops will arrive. Remove them from above from the window, but be prepared for the fact that very agile can break through and jump out from your back. Go down and you will leave this vile place. You are in the bodies of the truck and must shoot from the car catching up you. You have to destroy three cars. Shoot in the windshield according to the driver. After Sam is taking to the best doctor in the city, you can call for the task to Berton. Lucas asks you to warn his friend about. That the police will come soon. Broken head, bent in Hoboken, for time remained very little. You must get ahead of the police and knock on the door first. Return to Berton, and he will teach you to cope with Ulver Airstrim Fordor, go to Oakwood and treat the car there, then go on a new car in Salieri bar.

Mission 10.
Omerta is the code of silence of Italian mafia. Frank betrayed the family, and is going to pass the documents to the police. You must find a sales console. Vincenzo has a shrick for you. And Ralfi prepared a new car for you. Go to Chinatown to the first pokcach, and then to the museum in Central Island to the second. After that, you have to visit a bald guy staying under the bridge near the workshop of Bertone. True, Comrade will refuse to speak. Give him a couple of times in the jaw, and in a moment you will know where the cops hold Frank. Severadt the fast car, for example, Bolt V8 Roadster and go to Oakwood. From there, follow Frank to the airport. Mission from the series "One against All". Keep the way to the building in which you will be waiting for four opponents. Leave the first-aid kit on the wall "for later." Follow the Frank to the hangar, along the way, painting with the corps in the rascoats. A truck will arrive from which the driver with a mount will be released. Take a guy with a lead, pick up the car and transfer everyone who will only come under the wheels. Collect guns from corpses and do not forget to remove the opponent from the tower. Frank is located on the automotive parking for the building, kill his bodyguards and talk to the traitor. You will learn the reasons for which the closest salierie man wants to leave the family. It turns out that the cops are threatened to kill his wife and child. Hooking on Frank handcuffs, follow the structure of the right that is protected by a pair of policemen. Inside you will find a wife and son of the console. Those with them, come back to Frank and take it to your relatives. You will be asked to find tickets. In Parking, take the machine you like and go back to the first building. Inside the table lie cherished tickets. Give them to Frank, and you will witness the touching scene. After that, not paying attention to anyone, leave the airport and follow the bank in Downtown, in which you need to pick up account books. Look at Burton for the task. You need to pass the "Message" Stan in Works Quarters. Lay this black boxer and separate it, Stan is scared and run away. Lucas will teach you to invade Thor 810. Such beauty can be found in the Oak Hills area in which the stars live. Having knew the new machine, go back to the bar of Salieri.

Another task from Salieri: steal an important document from the villa in Oak Hills.
Get a baseball bat and colt 1911 from Vincenzo, and on the way to the house of a millionaire pick up the hoboken of the salvator. Keep the way to Oak Hills. Watch up an unsightly gate in the fence and order the Salvator to open it. Without losing a second, run to the left and hide behind the statue. Order the Salvator stay in place. As soon as the guard goes past you, go out of the shelter and greet it with a baseball bat. You will get the key and shrick. On the right there is a small gazebo, in which another guard is thoughtfully. Select a ball and from him. If you did everything quickly, you will have time to overtake the third guard while he will go down the stairs at the house. When the territory is cleared, go back to the salvator and call it with you. Go inside the house. If you bloom into the servant, do not hesitate to introduce it to your bat. Whose life is more expensive to you in the end? The main thing, do not indulge with the switches, otherwise you will bring trouble on yourself. Climb on the second floor, and find in one of the rooms in the safe. Order Salvator hack it. And here the owner will suddenly come back. Grab the documents in the Oakha and leave the house through another output. On the street there is a car rich Silver Fletcher, order her Salvators to open it and choose from the estate. Slide the Salvator at his house, and go to the Saalieri bar.

Poly found some William Gates from the state of Kentucky, which is cheap pushing alcohol. The goods need to pick up on the car parking lot.
Go to the specified place. Lift with Sam and Poly to the top floor, where you are already waiting for the deal partners. However, Morello. As it turns out, wars wars. Two cars will suddenly get acquainted, of which the good guys come out with "Thompsons" and Schotgans. Immediately, hello and shoot everyone from afar, trying to save the cartridges. Soon, another car will arrive, from which opponents also break out. The floor below two guys sit behind bars, and the third hides behind the column in the other end of the room. Even below, a bunch of guys on the left is waiting for you, try to lure them alone. On the second floor, the pass is barricaded, besides, be careful - grenades will fly into you. Do not use the usual staircase, and shoot all the shelter. Once you are all clearing, go back to the upper floor and pon the truck to the exit. The success of this missions by and large depends on the intelligence of Poly and Sam, which sometimes behave frankly stupid and climb under the bullets. Now you have to take the goods to the warehouse in Hoboken, it is expected to chase with a shootout. But it is best to discuss all the details on the spot. Arm yourself with "Thompson" and disappear with the guys to the left of the entrance, and at the same time bleed two black cars. The chase is canceled.

Salieri asks you to be at the time of his bodyguard and take it to a restaurant on Lunch. Done's fashionable car, you will not say anything. Carry Salieri to the restaurant in the New Ark. True, it is not possible to try to eat, people of Morello came to pass the "Message" of Salieri. You have only colt 1911 with you, so things are bad. Immediately bother to the right and hide behind the bar. Shoot the guys in the right part of the EK for they have more chances to fall in Salieri. Save the cartridges, as soon through the door behind you, a kind trio bursts. Ideally, you must not give them to do and shots. Go to the corridor. It can be seen from the window, as the enemy with "Thompson" falling between the houses. Embroide the brains, and then run into the courtyard and look at the door to the right. On the second floor, another happy owner of Thompson was attached. Make it unhappy. From the window you can finish the rest of the guys below. Go out and make sure that everything is calm. Just in case, pick up any car and drive behind the remaining villains. Now you and Salieri will have to visit Carlo, the apartment of which is located not far from the West Marshall bridge. Collect guns from the corpses, and on the road. Climb from Salieri upstairs and embroider the door with the foot. The guy in the panties jumped over the window, follow him along the fire staircase. Cement him behind the garages and tick the lead. Immediately, two doors will appear from the door with baseball bats and the third, insecious, with a pistol. What to do with them, you know.

Don is very unhappy that he was not allowed to calmly eat at the Pepe Restaurant. Morello wants war? He will receive it. But first, it is necessary to remove the policy that is going to celebrate your birthday on the steamer.
Ralph will teach you to invite Crusader Chromium Fordor. Go to the pier in the southern part of Central Island. True, no one will let anywhere without an invitation. In the building opposite the door is discovered, and the clothes hang in the basement. Repeat into the sailor, and you are already on board. Now you need to find a gun that Vincenzo prudently hidden in the toilet. Such is on the bottom deck on the left, but in it you can find only one bucket. By the way, the guy walks nearby and smokes. Pay attention to it. On the deck above in the back of the ship at the stairs you can find the door with the note Skipper Has The Key. Remember the guy in the sailor? We persuade the Skiper to give you the key. You have to wash the sorter, but you will find a gun. Climb the upper deck and wait until the politician starts speech. Commmise it closer and give him sincere congratulations from Don Salieri. After that, carry on the lower deck, sweeping and shooting the blocking path of the invited. You are already waiting for Poly on the boat.

It is time to take a much more serious step - to kill Sergio Morello. Poli will take the Thompson from Vincenzo, and the colt is seized for you. Ralph will provide you with Guardian Terrapalane.
Go to the Italian restaurant, call the street apparatus and ask for the telephone. True, the other is suitable, but Poly will still feed him with lead. Oops ... The error came out. Cut off the pursuers and follow the bar of Salieri. Born new plan. Take the explosives from Vincenzo and go to the home of Morello. Wait until the guy at the entrance is a cigarette, and then put dynamite under the car. True, a woman will sit in the car and ... this happens, as Salieri says. Now you have to make an attempt at Sergio at Rainbow Garden Restaurant in Downtown. Only here "Thompson" Poly will bring it at the most decisive moment. You have to go away from the pursuers. The easiest way
drink to the bridge and fly down the stairs down to the water, then the pursuit will rise in water. After so many failures, the task is given to others. However, luck again on the side of Sergio. You will have a chance for Gangster to the port on the Central Island - Giuliano Bridge -Works Quarters route. One of the most difficult missions. You have Colt 1911 in your hand, and the guy ran out on the right gets a bullet in the forehead. Drawing to the left in the bushes either should not be deprived. Ahead of the car flashed two more. Collect guns from corpses and pick up a truck. Send everyone in the district and find two aid kits from the pier: one - inside the house next to the tanks, and the second is on the building wall at the other end. After that, run around and calm the remaining. The main thing is to remove snipers with red steps, which are followed by every step. Then find the car Morello. It became, Sergio is hiding in stock.
Move the arrows on the railway paths so that the tank can drive up right to the goal. Select from under the wheels of the wave of shocks, and it will ride to the warehouse. Tommy snaps and stylishly throws a cigarette to the ground ... go inside. A guy is sitting on the boxes with Thompson, and the rest run around with Schotgans. In the far corner, Morotlo hung. That's all. Lucky, but dead bastard. Return to Salieri bar. Take a look at Lucas Burton. You are just in time. His friend in Chinatown is seriously injured, and you need to deliver a poor fellow in the hospital. Note that in the Burtone's garage hanging the first-aid kit on the wall. Follow the place over the North Bridge, bypassing the middle island. You need a high-speed car on four people, as in addition to the wounded he will sit down and his comrade. On the way to the doctor, put a limitation of 60 km / h and calmly deliver the guys in Oakwood. Lucas will teach you to invite Bruno Speedster 851. Such is on the parking lot in Central Island. Separate with the owner of the stylish car, and then return to the Saleri bar on a new wheelbarrow.

Now the turn has come to the most famous. Vincenzo has a clip for you, and for Sam and Poly prepared for Thompson. Go to the theater in Central Island. Morello will start to fall from you on a limousine to the airport, follow him. No lagging. At the airport your car, as it has called, fails. Leave the vehicle and run to the plane, where you will already be waiting for two guys with Schotgans. Once you are shared with them, your car will drive up. Rear to the rear seat, and "Thompson" will be issued. Shoot the engines of the take-off aircraft. Another version of the development of events is the Car Morello car will not turn to the airport, but will go further to the destroyed bridge. There, the cliff can also be bought by Morello. They say that it can be confused on the way. It is not true if you kill it, you will be informed that he "ran away" from you. After that, take Sam and Poly in the bar of Salieri, and go to Bertona. Lucas will ask you to throw out the old car with a cliff in Oakwood. It is done very simple. Pink the car to the cliff from the lighthouse, go to the road, treat someone else's car and labeled the wheelbarrow into the water. Return to Berton, he will teach you a new car. Go to the New Ark, where in the parking lot at the ROY Bar "s grill you are waiting for the beauty of the Celest Marque 500. Only, you first first go to her owner, then with a clean conscience, head to the Saalieri bar.

Salieri orders to remove another policy. Ralph has a wing Coupe for you, and Vincenzo will protect you with a sniper mosine rifle and a pistol. Go to prison. Sewer hatch get rid of the worker - you do not need witnesses. Entrance inside the building is located on the right. Go through the first floor and find the stairs upstairs. Directly from here you can clear the second floor, and at the same time stretch in your sniper skills. Salvish survivors in one. As a result, you will get to the screw staircase, destroyed opponents. On the top floor, go to the balcony. Pretty aim - you have only one attempt. After that, run down the stairs, new enemies will appear. In that room, from where they came out, the mount is. It will come in handy at the exit. Go down the stairs to the first floor, the way to get rid of all weapons. Go through the dog, and you will find yourself on the street. You are already waiting for the police, which is usually sitting and released. Jump to Berton. You need to deliver to Lucas a guy from Works Quarters, which is looking for the police. Take the Thor 810 Sedan on the street and follow the North Bridge in Downtown. Bertone will teach you to invite the Lassiter V16 AppOLyon. Such a beauty parked by the mansion in Oak Hills. Guys chat at the gate, they will not pay attention to you. But just at first. Surprise in the bar of Salieri.

Don clearly hides something, sending you to a dangerous task for some kind of cigars. Take the Bit and Pistol from Vincenzo, and Sam and Poli will take themselves according to Thompson. Ralph will provide you with Lassiter V16 Fordor. To begin with, deliver Sam to the right place in Works Quarters. What is not far from the port. Poly will offer you the idea of \u200b\u200bthe bank's robbery But no one will perceive her seriously. Go to the port and wait for a truck, stuck in boxes. Follow him to a warehouse, where it will be unloaded. Wait for unloading !!! Block the truck the return path, pull out the driver from the cabin and reflect the documents from him . After that, follow in the port - you will miss. Go ahead - one of the warehouses are open, and the host has a master. Inside you note the boxes with Scorsese Import-Export. Put the Body Truck to the platform so that you can quickly immerse the boxes. Talk to the owner, and he will order you to drag the boxes from the street to the warehouse (Dispatch Hall). Ask two workers to help you, and threesome you will quickly manage. Return to the owner of the warehouse, NA Strapping his noodles on the ears, and he will run to check his workers. At this time, quickly immerse all boxes with cigars in the body, and then follow the place where Sam and Poly are waiting for you. Entering into the courtyard, stop so that the truck entered half. Thus, the pursuers will not be able to break all the scope, but will tell you alone. After everything gets up, go to the truck to Salier's warehouse. Inside the boxes, it turns out, not at all cigars ... Salieri clearly does not trust you.

Tommy agreed to the supply of poly on the bank robbery.
Keep the way with a poly from his apartment to the station, from where the train will deliver you to Downtown to First National Bank. Inside you learn all the details of the plan. After that, follow the Yellow PETE, the owner of a weapon shop located in Central Hoboken. Take a set of Colt 1911, COLT Detective Special, S & W Magnum, S & W M & P and Thompson 1928. Then go to Bertona for the shock car. You will get a task - pass the parcel Wild Guy under the East Marshall Bridge in Downtown. Give the guy package, and hooligans will immediately look at it. Just hide behind the boxes and work your job. Bertone will inform you that you can chant the Trautenberg Model J. which will go from Oakwood in Central Island. Find and intercept the car. Now you have fully prepared for the robbery. Pink to the house of Poly, snaggle him and go to the bank. All on the floor! Right run forward, take the door to the foot, on the left on the wall next to the clerk hangs the key. Open the near door - the ladder is a guard. Hurry up to the second floor in the office with a playctor plate on the door, find out where the keys are from the safe lie, and take them out of the closet. Go to the basement where you have to calm two more guards. Fill the bag with money and return to poly. Jump in the car, in theory you should have time even before the police arrived. Keep the way to Palermo Club in Hoboken.

Everything is bad. Self calls and asks to meet him in the art gallery. Hide the weapon and leave the Poly House. On the stairs you will come across the police, just pass by them. On the street, pick up the police car and follow the Yellow Pete shop for weapons. She will surely need. After that, travel to Berton. He will give a task to follow the confused, which works in the Bordend Corleone. The girl needs to go on foot along the heels, keeping a decent distance so that she does not suspect anything. Go to Lucas and tell him everything. He will advise you to steal orange Cord 812 Cabriolet FWD, which is on sale in Chinatown and guarded by evil dogs. On new
follow the wheelbarrow. Inside you are already waiting for Sam with his guard. Cook the gun and immediately suck the bullet in the forehead two guys, be prepared that two more will resort from the door ahead, and one will appear behind you. Follow the corridor to the room, in which the guy rushes with Schotgan. The second with a pistol is not a hindrance. On the balcony on the contrary, a comrade with Thompson will light up, hide behind the angle, and he comes running to you. Scotgan Pass for three scumbags downstairs. Go to the stairs and immediately drop back - the pomegranate will fly from above. After that, armament "Thompson" and arrange a capital stripper on the second floor. Between the stairs you can find a first-aid kit and to get to it. Only you also takes a pomegranate. Lay out the open door. In the series of rooms, be extremely careful - opponents hide with furniture. Check out Sam and follow him to the next floor.
Final duel. It is only worth sticking your head as you regret it right away. Take into the hands of Thompson, and wait until Sam frivolously turns away. You have a few seconds to have time to plant the whole hunt into it, and he will leave his position. After that, follow the corridor and go along the bloody track. Keep the sight at the ready. Sam looks from behind the corner ...
Enjoy a somewhat shocking ending is a great game.



After the entrance rollers, Tommy will be in its taxi with two gangsters. Your task: to get sway from their pursuers. And not only to get sway, but also to finish them. Do not give the car chasers to drive up to your car on the left side (that is, on the driver's side) - there is a high probability that you will be killed.
Try to keep their car to the right and push it so that it crashed into everything that can crash. Your passengers - Poly and Sam - will support you by shooting guns.
In general, this mission is more based on good luck. Lucky - not lucky! There is no special tactics here. Break their car to smithereens, and Poly and Sam let them commend what you started.
After all the attackers go to the world of others, go to the Salieri restaurant. It is located in Little Italy. There's just to get there: from Downtown (Downtown), where you are most likely now, on the huge arched bridge, Juliano move to the central island (Central Island), and from there through the tunnel in Little Italy.

Part 2. The Running Man

Part 2. The Running Man

2nd part

Part 2. The Running Man

This mission is designed to familiarize you with the city. You must have five passengers at five different addresses. Even if you do not know English, the direction will indicate you arrows on the map. Put the speed limiter and try to knock anyone and do not violate the rules at all.
After you take the last passenger, two thugs will be attacked on you, and you will be fleeting to the Salieri restaurant. Run, without distracting anything. Only follow the compass and green translucent shooters pointing to the passing yards.
For those who cannot run this spinning distance, I tell.
After the roller run straight. See the arrow. Sketch on it to the right in the naval. Run right around the yard, and when you again find yourself on the street, turn left. See a new arrow, run through it. Arriving past a man, immediately turn left, go up the stairs and run straight. Turn the right, then left - you will see a man in a white and blue t-shirt. Run towards it, but turn right to descend from the stairs. You will again see the doorway and exit to the street. Run there and immediately turn left. You will see a new arrow. Run along it until you see a standing man and one more, which is messed with the car. Turn the right, and you will see something like a tunnel. Run there. Run past the girl and, flying to the street, turn to the left. You must see the bar Salieri. Run up to it. (If you did not see the salier bar, get a pair of points).

Part 3. Molotov Party

Part 3. Molotov Party

3rd part

Part 3. Molotov Party

Welcome to the family". You have to complete the first task of Salieri. Run to Vincenzo and Ralph and go to the establishment of Morello.
You can penetrate the Morlalo to the garage in two ways: either just to drive into the gate, stirring on the path of the guard to death; Either on a small alley to call behind, challenge a small door, approach the guard from behind and to climb a club. In any case, you do not need to allow the guard at the gate to rush behind the mind.
After penetration, you need to blow up two cars with two bottles you have with a "Molotov cocktail", and the third broke the bat. After a successfully completed mission, you can obey a small wooden house for Falconer and go to Salieri.



How boring and non-vegetable life of simple mafia! Now you have to collect money from accountable Don Salierie establishments. With the bank and restaurant there will be no problems: just drive up to them and leave the car. All the rest of Poly with Sam will make themselves.
But the motel will have to tinker. Go along the northern highway - the only leading from the city in this direction. After the roller, ride the house on the left, visit the dog and take into boxes on the second floor. Come on the door. Right in front of you there will be another door. Come in the room and grab Tummy Gan. Take up in this room and one click anyone who will break here. In the next room on the wall hanging a first-aid kit.
Go down the stairs, shoot everyone who is in a big room, and then a hefty man in a white t-shirt. Come into the room where Sam languishes, and get ready for a new battle - one on one.
Now you need to catch up with a man who is with your money. Jump into the car and behind it - in pursuit. You must by all means stopping his car and shoot it. It is difficult to do this, but maybe: try to press it to a rock, overcoat the road in the tunnel, reset it with a cliff ...
And to be easier - before climbing the motel, shoot the tires from a yellow car. Now he will ride with the speed of your old taxi.

Part 5. FairPlay

Part 5. FairPlay

5th part

Part 5. FairPlay

In order to be squeezed by Don Salieri's don, you have to smoke the racing car of the last model, take it to Luke Bertoni and return it back. Drive through the Work Quarter) on the western road for the city. Shogrbaum stop and run to the guardhouse. Talk to the guard and go along with him on to the garages. Take a racing wheelbarrow and go back to the city. You must get to Luke at a strictly defined time and at the same time do not get caught by the police and do not spoil the car. Follow the radar and be extremely neat.
Reaching to Luke, hand over him and get it back in a moment. Now you have to do the return route under the same starting conditions.
Now you have to win on the modernized Saleri kare in the race. Five circles along a winding track, and you must be first. This can be done in the only way: Bringing out at the start and without performing a single error on the track. Dare! Once twenty restart - and you will succeed.

Part 8. The Whore & The Priest

7th part

Parts 6 and 7. Sarah & Better Get Used to IT

Luigi asked you to spend Sarah to home. Wear the crack and go to accomplish the girl. On the way you will meet two groups of panks for three people each. Bates them with a tape from all over Duri, pick up an abandoned weapon ... In general, the Fighting Force (who played) in the "Mafia" skins. After the successful completion of the campaign, see the very cute movie (children up to 16 remove from the monitors away).
The next day, Don Salieri commanded the way to rest in his area. Arm yourself from Vincenzo, take the car from Ralph and drive to Chinatown (Chinatown) to Big Biff. Talk to him and go to the old car repair shops.
Carefully follow Pol: on it and you will be attacked by five thugs armed with tannins and lows. Running with everyone in this part of the workshops, run on the stairs up, then go down and do not shoot until you start shooting in you. Now you can open fire, put everyone and watch the video.
After the roller, sit down in the car and catch up with two escaped scumbags. The most important thing is not to lose their car. They will dock themselves. You will only have to shake them.

Part 9. A Trip To the Country

8th part

Part 9. A Trip To the Country

Don Salieri ordered to deliver a truck from a country farm with a smuggled Canadian whiskey.
Arriving for a farm, go to the farthest end, where you find a truck with a dead driver. Open the door and prepare for the battle. Killing gangsters, make way back to poly. Already with him reflecting the next attack, start exploring every farm building. Morlalovsky wrappers are hiding everywhere. Be careful. Ultimately, Poly will detect a tool with which you can open a barn where Sam was planted.
Open the barn door and immediately meet the cheerful compash with Pompous guns and one Tommy Gan. Sam is at the very top. There and go - slowly and carefully.
Having found Sam, Poly will go for help, and you have to reflect the attack of policemen, bribed Morello. Note: AI can bypass you from behind. After a shootout, Polit will deliver Sam to the truck, and Tommy will see two pursuing their car.
Now you have an excellent opportunity to make a place to shoot on a moving target from a moving truck. Tommy Gan in Hands - and Forward. Bates by drivers - you won't lose! After returning to the Salier's warehouse, you can either immediately go to the database, or first come back to Luke, fulfill its small task and sobally a new car.

Part 10. Omerta.

Part 10. Omerta.

9th part

Part 10. Omerta.

Frank violated the main mafia law - the Code of Silence, Omert. He is ready to pass the accounts of Salieri Police. And now, according to Omert, Tommy must kill Frank, but to learn where the books are located.
First, visit Big Biff, then Little Tony on the central island, and from Little Tony, go to the idiot Joe near the bridge in New Ark (NEW ARK). Idiot Joe is easy to identify among bums on Lysin. Speaking with him several times, press him with good fists on a bald maquer, and he will tell you where the police holds under the guard of Frank.
By the way, before you go to the task, make sure that you have taken a good high-speed car. Bolt V8 Roadster is strongly recommended.
Go to Oakwood to the house where Frank hold, and after the roller follow his car to the airport.
Updated at the airport and going to the terminal, you will immediately come across a group of armed special specialists. Send them to consumption, leave the terminal and run to the right of the hangars to the flight school (AIR SCHOOL). And here they will not give the retaent of rest. Spend stripping, trying not to shoot Frank. When there are only corpses around, talk to Frank. He will ask you to find his family. Frank's wife and daughter in a flight school building. Talk to them, and then bring to them Frank. Now it remains only to get plane tickets to Europe. They lie on the rack in the building of the terminal. Give tickets Frank and come back to Salieri. Just keep in mind: five police officers are already waiting for you at the exit of the terminal.
On the way to Salieri, you can come back to Luke again.

Part 11. Visiting Rich People

10th part

Part 11. Visiting Rich People

Now you have to pick up the prosecutor from the safe on his villa in the oak hills (Oak Hills) testimony against Salieri.
On the way to the villa, capture the stadium in the Hoboken of the famous membarer Salvatore. Driving up to the villa, find small, almost imperceptible gates and order the salvator to open them.
Come in the park and immediately hide behind the right statue. Order the Salvator to stay in place, and take a bit in the hands. As soon as the guard will pass by the guard, slap with his battle by Kumpolu. Take the weapons and keys. Go to the right to the gazebo. There is another guard. We perform a proven reception - a bike on the skull. The ladder leading to the balustrade, calm another guardsman. Here the most important thing is not to raise noise, otherwise all the protection will frighten.
Capturing a Salvator with him, go to the house. The maid that appears also have a bat and climb up. Find the office with the safe and after the roller do not forget to pick up the paper.
Go down. Leave the salvator at the stairs, and go to the dining room with a bat in your hand. Calm the guards and capturing the Salvatore, make your feet from the park and in general from oak hills.
Although, if you wish, you can try to leave this welcoming house on the master's car.
Throw the salvator to the house and go to Salieri.

Part 12. Great Deal

Part 12. Great Deal

11th part

Part 12. Great Deal

After failure with the Canadian whiskey, Salieri was very upset. But then Poly turned up someone to William Gates from Kentucky, who offered a batch of whiskey at a very competitive price. Before you need to go to a multi-storey garage, pay and pick up the goods.
Driving up to the garage, take the third floor. In the depths of the garage you will see a bunch of guys waiting for you. While do not go there, and from cars standing in the garage, make up the congress to the next floor of the barricade.
Now you can approach colleagues and change money on the goods. In the midst of the transaction, the guys of Morello will be, and a serious scratch will grow up. That's why I needed a barricade from cars. First, so right away, they will not break here, and secondly, sooner or later either you either, or they will blow up one of the cars, and after it we will be restored. The enemy's troops lost good half (if not two thirds) of their warriors. Strip down the lower floors, and then rise up again, sit down to the truck and go out of the garage.
Update on the street, leave the car and shoot six guys and two cars, comfortably accommodated on the right of the garage. Now you can safely go to Salier's warehouse. Is that the police beware - your truck from police cars do not leave.

Part 13. Bon Apetit!

Part 13. Bon Apetit!

12th part

Part 13. Bon Apetit!

Despite the fact that the description of this mission will take quite a bit of space, you will most likely spend on her passage and not two.
You will have to protect Done Salieri from Morlow's thugs. After the lawlessers ride a grenade into a restaurant, hiding under the tables, try to shoot as much as possible bad guys. Constantly glance on the health of the boss and on the back door - from there can also be shed irripable guests.
All the complexity is that you are very limited in ammunition, and the attackers are very well armed. But as soon as you acquire anything long-life, the problem can be considered solved.
Go out through the back door. And shoot everyone who has not had time yet. One gangster sat down on the second floor, another one in the courtyard behind the barrels, the rest hang out at the front entrance.
Crashing with Morells, sit in Salieri in the car and drive into the little Italy to the House of Carlo.
Takes off following the chef in Carlo's apartment, embroider the door and get out on the fire staircase. Carlo hangs down at the bottom with a pistol naked, and with him a few guys with batons and guns. Needless to say what to do.

Part 14. Happy Birthday!

Part 14. Happy Birthday!

War is so war! Now the patience of Salieri is exhausted, and he decided to take for Morello seriously. Start decided from the Counselor of the mayor, who now celebrates its birthday on the ship.
Drive on the map to the pier and try to penetrate the ship. Security will not let you go - no pass! Come to the house opposite the pier, descend down and change to the sailor form.
Once on the ship, first of all stand face to the stern and go along the right side until it stops. Emphasis will be a doorway to the service toilet. Open the door, take the bucket and, with a bucket of the vingo, go to the middle deck. Shooting a little on her on her stern, on the left you will find a locked door with the inscription "Skipper Has The Key". Look for a skipper (he is the only hanging on the ship in a vest) and, angry with a bucket, take the key with him.
Open the door and take a pistol from the locker. Now it remains only to shoot an adviser and, using the muddle, flushing from the ship, which Poly adjusted in advance.



The next to your hand should fall Sergio Morello ML. Lucky bastard! Now you make sure it is nickname as it is impossible to suit it better.
Go to the ITALIAN GARDEN restaurant, come to the telephone booth, call and ... urgently surprise in the bar to Salieri, scoring the pursuers on the way.
Attempt two. Drive up to the house of the Major Morotlo lover house, wait until the guard does not go to the house, run up to the car and quickly minister it. Satisfy on a safe distance and follow the development of events.
Attempt three. Now we are going to the Rainbow Garden restaurant. At the entrance, the youth of the cabinet species hangs out, and with them Sergio. In poly, as discharged, the automatic launcher, it means that there will be Tommy to fade. Throw a grenade into a gangster car. Everything is easier! The rest are already easy. Sergio merged ...
Attempt four. Last. Because I'm tired. After the roller, drive after Sergio car. Loge is strictly prohibited! He will bring you to the port. In the port run all the time straight, lazily shooting from defenders of honor of the family of Morello. Some gangsters sat down on the cranes - do not miss them out of sight.
De will reach the warehouse, at the entrance to which the car is Morello ml., Make sure that the railway track led from the warehouse to two tunches standing in a dead end. If necessary - move the arrows. When everything is ready, pull out the block from under the first tank. When she crashes into the warehouse door, you will only run up to her and set fire. Ba-Bach!
Doors - as it did not happen. You can get inside and wet the six heavy gangsters, and with them younger Morello.
Having finished with this, run away on the will and head for your car, shooting from police agents in a citizen who finally deigned to get here. Returning to Salieri, you can visit Luka again.

Part 16. Creme de la Creme

Part 16. Creme de la Creme

15th part

Part 16. Creme de la Creme

After the younger reached the older. Drive up to the theater and try to hold the Limousine Morello here. If nothing happened, throw in time and try to divide with it on the way to the airport. If nothing happened here and Morello turned to the airport, turn them after him, throw a suddenly kneading car and run to the hangar, not paying attention to two ambal. Shoot the engines of the aircraft. Continue shoot and run after the aircraft on the handle. On the way, Poly with Sam will pick up, and now on a car with Tummy Gan, you continue to pursue and shoot an airplane. Shoot in both engines. By bringing the strip of the life of the plane to zero, you can be calm - Morello is no longer a tenant.
But it may happen that Morello will not turn to the airport, but will go further. Persoading it, not behind, and at the destroyed bridge just collide his car down.
Before reporting Salieri on a successful task execution, you can visit Luka again.

Part 17. Election Campaign

Part 17. Election Campaign

16th part

Part 17. Election Campaign

We will eliminate the dismissal salieri policies. Fur face Vincenzo sniper and drive to an old prison with a breeze. By putting a car in prison, get it on the left side and kill the worker at the sewer hatch. Hide the body in the hatch. And touch themselves there.
Get out on another staircase. Here you are in prison. Now it is necessary to pave the path to the very top. There are quite many enemies here, but they are not so aghi. Be that as it may, do not deliver sniper - come around with the fact that they raised with tel.
From the first to the second floor there is a wooden staircase inside the prison housing, from the second to the third - staircase on the outer balustrade. The tower is again leading a screw staircase inside the prison case.
Go to the balcony. Correne on a small island. Deliver sniper and switch to sniper mode. You need the person on an island that says speech from the stands. It must be laid from one shot. Otherwise, the explanations with the police can not be avoided.
Crawing with a politician, leave the prison building through the door that leads to the patio with dogs. Kill the dogs and shoot the castle on the gate.
You can try to throw off all your weapons right here (in case the cops will be searched). Go outside. And if everything is in order, with the song on the mouth and the breeze in the left ear, go to the Don. However, Luke is not away again to help you than can.

Part 18. Just for Relaxation

17th part

Part 18. Just for Relaxation

Relax the boss wanted! Sigars good smoke! We will be cleaned ...
Say Sam, where on the map and on the Radar the cross, and they themselves go to the port. Do not drive into the territory, but wait until the truck leaves from the gate. Go behind it. When the truck comes to the warehouse, go further, turn the corner and barricading your own car. Unloading in a warehouse, the truck will go through this way and immediately falls into the trap. Highway drove from the cab, take it off your paper and climb into the truck cab. Now you will be allowed to the port.
Having arrived at the long-range left warehouse (there is still a man in the doors), customize the truck with a back side close to the doors and get out of the cab. Immediately a man will climb a gun. Here you, without giving anyone to come to his senses, defend your honor and dignity.
Cleaning the surrounding area from security, start shipping boxes with cigars in a truck. Immersed all 12, sit down in the cockpit and go straight to that noise, where Sam was planted. In this dock, meet Sam and Poly and show Kuzkin's mother to your pursuers. Their little - six people in two cars. Take care of your truck from shock !!!
After completing the disassembly with a score of 0: 6, go to the owner's warehouse.
And the owner decided to inflate! Instead of cigars in drawers diamonds ... So we will take the bank. Without him!

Part 19. Moonlighting.

Part 19. Moonlighting.

18th part

Part 19. Moonlighting.

Together with the Poly, go on the above-ground metro a few stops and go out in the downtown. Go to the bank and listen to the poly plan. While he tells you - look around. Remember where the clerk feed is. Then there will be no time to seek her.
After the campaign to the bank, Poly will leave you, and you alone, without a car, you have to get a collection of weapons and delivering the wheels.
Go to Hoboken, run from the right side Twister Cinema, knock on the door and get a yellow-pit powder from a weapon merchant next set of products: Colt 1911, COLT Detective Special, S & W Magnum, S & W M & P, Thompson 1928. However, this set can be completely different - It all depends on your taste.
Now either treat the car, either go on the outbreak, or grab the wheelbarrow, but in any case drive to Luke. He will give you a task to attribute the package Big Dick. Go to the destination. After giving the package, put three loss and return to Luke. He will give you a pickup to a chic wheelbarrow. Personally, I could not catch it in the specified place, I had to ride around the city, and then I still arrange with her former owner the ugly scuffle right in the middle of a lively crossroads (the benefit of the police was not near). Maybe you will be lucky.
On the newfound wheelbarrow, go to the house of poly and directly under its windows make sound signals.
Your path again lies in the bank. Going inside, do not bag the police (while she is stuck), go beyond the clerk rack and take the keys to the depositary. Close to the floor above, carelessly shooting the right and left, go to the Cabinet of the Director and, talking to him, make the keys from the safe from the board.
Now in full combat readiness you can go down to the depositary and go to the safe.
After the safe is taken, take the poly and make your feet.

Part 20. The Death Of Art

Part 20. The Death Of Art

19th part

Part 20. The Death Of Art

There is nothing even to say. With empty hands, quickly get out of the Poly Apartments and, not paying attention to the two policemen, plug past them into the street. Consider any car and rush to yellow peets to be caught. Take the same set as before, only instead of Tommy Ghana take the US Rifle M 1903 Springfield.
Drive to the art gallery and shoot everyone there. Open all the doors that open, and shoot everyone there. The latter falls Sam. And after that, you will be left first with joy, and then with horror to watch the final roller.

The first renewas for developers towards Mario Puzo, Martina Scorsese and the most famous mafia film "The Godfather" lies in the title of the starting mission. There Don Korleon, I remember, also made the proposals from friends and enemies, from which they could not refuse. Now in the position of friends / enemies you yourself fell. It is a pity, of course, that it was your taxi that turned out to be two guys flying away from the pursuers and crashing their car. It is for you now you will have to save their skins (and my own too), trying to reset the tail.
The tack of the tail will be more powerful by your, so the main weapon lies not in the hands of fugitives crucified to you, but in your reflexes. Starting brains to racing, see the back of the taxi, as the last slut, do not be called to the gateway and dark passing yards (here you can use the TAB button calling the card). Substitute pursuers, forcing them to crash into counter cars, and carefully follow the health indicators of two of your customers (the leftmost corner of the screen) - as soon as one of them lose all the blood, you will lose. In principle, it's pretty easy to get away from chase; You will need no more than three or five attempts to this operation, or even less.
In general, as soon as you get rid of the attackers, boldly go to the bar of Salieri (there will be an arrow on the map).
Do you want to kill you for saving these two ???

Well, since you did not accept the offer from Salieri seriously, first will have to work as a taxi driver. You will have to drain five passengers, and the creatures of the delicate - clashes do not like, there are no violations of the rules, people do not like people ... They just want to get to the right place for as soon as possible. "Taxis" missions here clearly play the role of training - introduce you to the city districts, their names and the main routes of movement between them. Clever.
Well, after these trips, you decided to relax, as I forgot what Coffee Break ended in the first mission.
Yes ... Mafia has long hands. Of course, you did not want to get involved in disassembling the families of Salieri and Morello, but the # Your opinion is not interested in anyone. By a taxi number, Morlalovsky bastards have calculated you and unexpectedly nigged to visit. Having received a couple of blows and throwing the last gloomy look at his crushed broken wheelbarrow, run!
Oh, what a cool melody plays during this mission! Only because of her, I replayed the Running MAN times ten times, so well she fits into the concept. Games, of course, not the film with A. Shvarzenegger, where we are sent by the name of the mission. So, about running. The main thing here is to follow the instructions of the green arrow and not pay attention to the peasants of the men, because each stop threatens you with a shot in the back. Therefore, run straight (do not try to crawl, evading lead lumps, "you will come true), clearly bypassing the corners, and you are quiet, alive and healthy, get to Salier's bar.
Remember, you told you that you can come to Don at any time and ask for help? Perhaps this moment has come. After a short disassembly with the hounds of Morello (in vain, they came to drink a coffee shop) You still decide that being mafios is not so bad.

As you decided to retracted from a taxi driver in Mafiosi, you will have to go through a small test. Don Salieri offers you to perform a small order - destroy the Malowlo clan leadership cars. At the same time, and personal revenge on them to eat.
After receiving the task, along with the poly, you take the Baseball Bit from the "storekener" a Vincenzo baseball bat and a couple of bottles with an incendiary mixture, and the staff of the Ralph family will learn to invite a new type of machine, on one of which will go "to the task". Following the arrow, rolling to the place of Morello and, without slowing the speed, give the guard at the gate, otherwise he will call to the rescue.
Clear the two Molotov cocktails into two cars, the third split bits and add to it to others if they do not have enough fuel. At the very worst case, Moro Morlalo will jump out of the cafe. You can cut your heads to the brave brooms (and they have pistols #) or quickly climb into your wheelbarrow and scratch back into Salier's secrets. I would prefer not to run for trouble, but to solve you.
After successful performing this task, you will become a full member of the family, op-la!

Although the first task has passed quite successfully, Don decides to check you again (with the submission of your console, much more suspicious to beginners than the boss). The task is quite standard for ordinary family members - you need to call in three different points and pick up the MZDU for "loofering".
We get at Vincenzo Smith-Vysonzon and inform Ralph about the wheelbarrow to perform the task. The two first points are located within the city, and the third, motel, - outside the Lost Heaven, in the north.
Getting the first two leather suitcases does not cause any difficulties, but the third will have to tinker.
After receiving the second sacry, go through the only northern road from the city where the compass indicates. Soon you will drive up to the motel. Poly and Sam will leave you, go to the building and here ...
GMDA, Morello exactly wants to start a war. Poly, despite his heavy wound in the stomach, will order you to rescue Sam. Of course, with a bunch of Vincenzo, you will not be able to perform so responsible, conjugate with the risk for living. Task.
Hello Motel on the left and on the boxes to take the second floor. Do not pay attention to the dog, only bullets and health will spend. Open the door on the veranda and dive into the room along the movement. "Thompson" is lying on the bed - this is something else! Coming out of the room, get up opposite the toilet and wait when mafiosa opens the door. Hi travoline and criminal reading! By the way, in the game, all toilets have quite functional use, "I recommend trying to try out.
On shots, naturally, muzzle from the first floor will escape. It will be better if you back in the corridor to the right of the stairs, come and start shooting by single shots. Economy cartridges, because in addition to the pistoles falling out of the corpses, nothing else to get better! Having understood with the most abrupt stallions, go down the stairs to the first floor. There, in the same posture of the served to show the forester, lay the three Morellovtsy. One of them can be raised by the "Thompson" cartridges. Sam is held in the road, behind the billiard tables.
Most likely, the crown of his cracker in a dirty T-shirt will jump out to the noise and receive his portion of lead. However, do not deceive, - a little later, he will still take you trouble. Capturing Sam from "beyond", you will face another cowardly scum, which, despite all the advantage in the tactical position, will not shoot you and Sam. Well, cowardice should also be punished!
As soon as Tushkan is sitting in his yellow cabriolet, jump into Kolymagu (I hope you did not very much smashed her on the way to the motel?) And follow the canary. You need to return the money of the family to the native nest. The best way to stop the flying bald ballast is to build a barricade with your car in a tunnel or deploy his car on the road with an calcined blow. After that, you can finish the case with the help of ordinary lead.
By the way, I personally helped me in a tunnel car, simply knocked down the height.
Mission, type, Complete!

Don Salieri does not like to lose, but always prefers to play honestly. Well, since the concept of honesty is very peculiar, then the methods of the game are appropriate. Task Don Takovo: From the garage outside the city to overtake in the Lucas workshop, a new supercar for racing. In the morning he will take part in the arrival, in which the car is exhibited, to which Don put the round sum. No, no, nothing particularly criminal is expected. Just Lucas will look into a rush of a competitor, looks around, which is there and how, maybe that will twist. Well, in general, the smallest, which will reduce the chances of the rider from Europe and increase the chances of the island of Salieri.
Make the task you need clearly and quickly, passing the machine as possible and preservation. It is strictly forbidden to enter into any "surprising" relations with the kopami.
On a wheelbarrow, issued by Ralfi, go beyond the city along the western road to the entrance to the tunnel, bombed with a barrier. The house has a friend of Ralph, familiar with the number of bills, relying for the help of Salieri.
In the garage for the tunnel, you will sit in a supervice car and cast it into the garage of Lucas, which is located in the western part of the city, under the bridge (on it, by the way, only in this mission you will have a chance to admire the local suicide).
After the "Richtovka" Machines of Culture "F1" back into the racing garage and whistle to Baru Salieri.

Wow! The will of the Tommy's fate should replace the rider, which, due to "injury", will not be able to compete with those pepper, whose car you "crippled" a little earlier. Don, Frank console, will meet you in the garage of the racing route and sucks behind the handlebar of the Formula 1 prototype.
You yourself understand, you can not even stutter about the second place - the family of such a shame will not forgive, and Game will be Over. The blood of the nose you need to bypass your main opponent - the European Martin Lichtenberg's European on a red car, and after five circles finish the first. I do not think that you will master this mission from the first time. Most likely, and nothing will happen to your tenth, because the car at high speed brings terribly, and the rivals do not sleep, and the lag in the circles is usually tenths of a second. The main thing in this mission is caution, knowledge of the chairs of opponents and skill dangerous maneuver.
Remember that Ai very gently turns turns, and it is on this that you need to catch it. In principle, if you break forward right after the first sandy embankment and then you will go cautiously, according to the explored route, slowing down the speed in the zigzag lasticy, you can come to the finish line with a decent gap. But if there is a sharp drive and turn # better immediately start the level again, because for those seconds that you spend overclocking, you will not overtake that the lazy.
In general, patience, knowledge of all parts of the route and caution will make you the winner of the race and the recipient of a kiss with the cup. After the races, you will still need to quickly wind into the garage of Lucas, and then hijack a wonderful yellow phaeton, this time for personal use. But with theft everything is completely simple - you will do it yourself, without tips.