Creative project in the middle group of DoO Koshtutin. ". Download for free and without registration

Creative project in the middle group of Do Koshetina.
Creative project in the middle group of DoO Koshtutin. ". Download for free and without registration

Olga Chamonin
An abstract classes in the middle group "Tools"

Node abstract in the medium correctional group.

Subject: « Instruments»

Learn to learn instruments: Hammer, needle, tick, screwdriver, push out them from a variety of other things.

Denote in speech labor actions appropriate in words:

hammer clog ... (nails);

saw saw ....;

ax chop up ...;

screw the screwdriver ...

Teach imitate labor action with substitute objects in role playing, game-dramatization, in constructive games.

To acquaint in games with safety rules. Acquire storing toy instruments In a strictly defined place.

Children sit around the table

Want to know what is in my chest?

Then guess the mystery: Vertically challenged I, thin and sharp.

I'm looking for a nose to myself, for my tail Thaw.

Needle with thread

What is it needed for? Can I play a needle? Why not? What is the needle? Once - no such sharp metal needles have not been. And the ancient people had to sew their clothes with thick fish bones or pointed animal bones (Pictures). Do you think it was easy to sew clothes? Of course not. Then a person came up with a big needle from bronze, from silver, and later from iron. What other needles do you know? (Needles at the syringe, hedgehog, in the tree) Omnant, what are they like? Of course, they are sharp and can be dangerous. Therefore, you need to contact the needle with a needle how? (children's responses). Listen to one more riddle: Little head

on the finger sits,

Hundred eyes

in all directions it looks.


What is needed? Is it possible to play with him? Why? Thrust protects the fingers while working with the needle.

Fingering gymnastics

Tanya, take a needle,

Solify shirt and t-shirt,

Pants, blouse and dress,

And the doll Katya. Show index finger right hand - needle. Rotate index finger Around every finger of the left hand. Repeat the other hand.

Guess what else lies in my chest? The wilderness is worker in the workshop.

I fuck me that there is urine - day-day.

How did you guess? Why is it needed? What made? What are hammers? (Toy, Wooden, Metal, Musical, Large, Small) Well, now the way your eyes will rest a little.

Spectator gymnastics

Not a simple thing -

Ax wave skillfully moving up, down

Ax ruble I deftly, grill, open your eyes

Here you need my own snorkel blink.

Who saw the ax? What is it needed for? (We consider the picture). The ax helps cutting firewood, branches for a fire (Pictures). What parts is? How do you need to contact him? Stand up, show how to work as an ax (fizminutka).

Listen to another riddle. Vostushka-turntable. Left to the screw

Lost talker rest. (screwdriver)

What is needed? What parts is?

Where the tail will be strengthened

Will be a hole later. (awl) Questions for children.

Well done. Many riddles guess, tell me what makes the hammer? Needle? Scissors? Pilate? Broom? And how are all these items to be called in one word? (Instruments) . For what is needed instruments? Why do they not play? (Children make a conclusion)

Purpose: Education from senior preschoolers of interest and love for music, the formation of elements of creativity in singing, dance and game for children's musical instruments, upbringing music perception using innovative technologies.

1. Rail interest in vocal and tool music, develop the ability to distinguish the nature of the music, express judgments about them.

2. Acquaintance with the work of E. Grieg and his work "in a cave mountain King».

3. To form the ability to transmit the nature of the music in the game on children's musical instruments.

4. Forming the ability to transmit the nature of music using dance movements.

5. To accustom children to expressive singing without tension, easy sound, accompanying singing improvised dance movements.

6. Develop ear for music, a sense of rhythm, singing creativity, the ability to play for children's musical instruments.

Bilingual component: Children call wild animals: Asyr-wolf, fox-fox, ayu-bear, tyshan-mouse, butterfly cream, oyan-hare; Greeting and Farewell: Ayyrlya Ta-Good afternoon, sau boliyz-goodbye.

Equipment: musical instruments in the number of children; didactic games "Determined the nature of music in color," "I get up early in the morning", "swallow rhythmic pattern"; Portrait of E. Griga: Illustration with the image of Norway nature, trolls, dwarves; Hoods-heads of wild animals and dwarfs on the romance of children.

Registration: In the center of the hall there are tables in a circle with musical instruments; Jone improvised concert Hallwhere the semicircle stands chairs.

Children enter the hall and become in a circle, a musical instrument has been prepared near each. Children take hands.

Greeting - psychogympics.

Invented by someone just and wisely:

When meeting, hello: " Good morning! »

Good morning - the sun and birds.

Ayyrlyan Tang - smiling.

And everyone becomes good, gullible.

Let good morning last until the evening!

Children nod to a neighbor on the left, right and affectionately say: "Good morning, Ayyrly Tang. "


In one big city There was a small store of musical instruments. In his shelves lay and stood a variety of tools. Each of them came here from some country. From Kazakhstan - Asyki and Asatasy, from Russia-wooden spoons and ratchers, and Maracas and all sorts of dulls brought from all over the world.

Musical instruments Very bored on the shelves during the day, because nobody played on them. But at night, when the sellers went home to sleep, the tools arranged a disco called "Taram-Shurum-Burum". They jumped off the shelves and began to play and dance, trying to show that each of them was capable of.

Children disassemble the tools on each prepared in advance.

Disco "Taram-Shurum-Burum"

Play for development creative improvisation.

The role of the tools performed children, the role of a pedagog conductor.

Each child plays on his instrument, accompanying the game with dance movements. The game passes without musical accompaniment.


Testing, the tools stood the game "Zamre and distorted! "

Imprivization game "Zarrow-distortion! "

This is a game-improvisation in which children learn to express vigorous and sleepy mood with musical instruments. One child comes out with his instrument in the center and plays sleeping music, the rest of the children get drunk in sleepy poses. Then the soloist goes to a loud and vigorous game, children dance. The game is "sleepy" part.

This game helps children to be confident in themselves, are not afraid to be a leader.


Once he looked at the store very famous conductor. He wanted to buy several tools to replenish his orchestra. But seeing many different tools on the shelves, the maestro was confused. To do right choiceHe suggested tools to show what they are capable. Each tool was to say a musical greeting. For example, this: "Hello! I am a tambourine! I am very cheerful! "Or" Hello! I am a triangle. I can ring like a bell! My sounds are like raindrops! "

Game "Music Greeting"

Play for development song creativity, i.e. the child independently comes up with a melody and sips it.


Just praising all the tools, the conductor suggested them to play the game "Carousel".

Game "Carousel"

Children stand in a circle, each tool has. The teacher says words along with children, children play rhythmically. First slowly, then faster and again slowly.

Playing the development of a feeling of rhythm, to accelerate and slow down the pace.

Barely barely barely

Split carousel,

And then, then, then

All run, run, run.

Quieter, quieter, do not rush

Carousel stop.

Once or two, only two

That ended the game!


Nevertheless, the conductor could not fully explore all the tools: this time he asked them to start the dance.

Game "Horovod"

For the first part of the music, children go each other in a circle, clapping in your hands. On the second part of music, children take a tool, near which he was. After that, all children are playing improvised.

The game for the definition of the two-part form of a musical work.


The conductor thanked the tools for good game And I decided to invite all the tools to your orchestra.

And now the day of the first real concert. And now we are invited to a concert classical music. I will give you tickets, and you sit comfortably.

Children are cleared of chairs.

Teacher distributes cards different color: warm and cold.

Teacher. Consider your tickets. What color are they? Pink and red, Yizylt and asyl. Right. When listening to music to the end, then show me a ticket of this color, which, in your opinion, reflects the mood transferred to the music.

Listen to the musical work "in the mountain king cave" E. Grieg.

Ask children, how would they call a listened work. Take any answers of children. To say how the composer called his work.

Show portrait of a composer.

Teacher. Edward Grieg was born and lived in Norway. This is a country of wild cliffs, dense forests. The Norwegian people created a lot of songs, fairy tales, legends about fantastic beings, good and evil gnome, trolls. Per Gunt is the hero of the work of E. Grieg - a beautiful and bold young man, but an incorrigible vanity and an adventure crawler. Once he went to search for happiness, despite the fact that he had a wonderful bride named Solveig. Long years He wandered, I got wealth. But it so happened that in one day he all lost. After many years, he returned to his homeland in Norway. But nobody learned him, the pen of Günta had long forgotten in his territories and he did not need anyone. And only in the forest hut is waiting for his faithful solveig, still lovely loving. Pen Gunt in everything repented: he understood how senselessly he lived his life.

When Per Gynt traveled, he got into underground kingdom trolls (evil gnomes). They wanted to marry him on their princesses, but our hero refused - he has a bride! Then the furious trolls attacked him, threatening to break it into shreds. But suddenly the bell ride, and all the evil disappeared. Per Gunt was saved.

Show illustrations of trolls, Norway nature.

Teacher. Piez E. Grieg written in the genre of Marsha. It starts quietly, as if the mysterious sounds are coming from under the ground. But now the music is becoming louder, rapidly, it seems that even the mountains went into the wild dance. Gradually, the sound of music is eager-gnomes are removed.

Since then, many years have passed, and evil trolls turned into good gnomes, who live in the forest and do not bring evil to anyone. They are the opposite, love guests, jokes, games. And you guys love to play? Then repeat after me.

Gaming song "In the morning I get up early"

In the morning I go out early full breasts I am breathing. Active breathing.

Palm upstands, I sing my song. Palm up, stretched.

And with me together in the way, one hundred children sink. Clap your hands.

Sing one hundred heels, hands in the castle, fingers spread.

Sign a hundred things. Palm together, wave-like movements.

And they sing it. Ears.

And they sing it lisate. Paws.

Under the earth, the old mole sings this song. Seeking eyes.

And in Berorod Bear. Hands to the side.

And in a frog swamp. Paw frogs.

Very important hippopotama sings with pleasure. Hands on the stomach.

Even a terrible crocodile has learned this song. The mouth of the crocodile.

Brushed the cat song, sitting on the window! Paws under the chin.

What about it comes in it? How fun we have fun!

Dwarfs in the forest did not have musical instruments and they had fun with their fun, ringing palms. And one of the favorite games was the game "Echo"

Echo game

The teacher slaps rhythm, children repeat. You can interview individually some child. Then the children turn the rhythmic pattern shown on cards.

Game on the development of a feeling of rhythm.

Teacher. Guys, let's go with you by artists. Wearing caps and caps headings. Everyone will choose the role that he likes. Follow the song "The Motley Cap." Accompany our singing with dance movements.

Children put on caps and headband caps, are located around the hall.

Song "Motley Caps"

Singing is accompanied by improvised movements.


Well done boys!

Tell me, please, where have you visited today? (In the store of musical instruments, at a concert of classical music, they sang and danced.) And all this we did to the music. Guys, what do you think, where does music come from? (Composer composes it.) And who performs it? (Musicians.) And what are they doing it on? (On musical instruments.) And if there were no musical instruments in the world, what would happen? (It was boring, not interesting.) That's right, we would not be able to play musical instruments, could not sing and dance.

Warm music with us always

She made friends with beauty.

Let's keep ready to store music

We will take care. We love her!

Music helps us remain cheerful, funny, never lose heart.

Reflection "We guys are best"

We guys are best

Love games and laughter.

We sing all day and dance

In our musical hall.

It was low, then high.

We write as mice,

And now, like a bear.

Hee chi hee, ha ha

Here is such a nonsense.

Children sang the words, repeating the teacher.

Teacher says goodbye to children.

"In the world of musical instruments" Creative project In the Middle Group of DOO "In the World of Musical Instruments", a creative project in the Middle Group of Do Koshtina Nadezhda Vladimirovna - Music Head of MBOU "School 3 G. Velsk, SP" Kindergarten 61 "Spring"

Project type: Creative Duration of the project: Medium-term project participants: Middle Children preschool age from 4 to 5 years; educators; parents; Project Manager - Music Head Educational regions: In this project, the integration of all regions is carried out: artistic - aesthetic, educational, speech, socially communicative and communicative and physical development

Tasks: In the World of Musical Instruments Development emotional sphere Child enriching the musical impressions of children and promoting the formation of a musical taste, musical memory and musicality as a whole admission to musical culture Formation of the need for music perception Formation in children of aesthetic perception of the world development

Estimated results: enrichment by musical impressions of children. Manifestation of the need for the perception of music. Skills are formed: - recognize on rumor and call various musical instruments, - collect puzzles with the image of musical instruments, - Collect images of musical instruments, - to guess riddles about musical instruments, - extract the rhythmic sound from musical instruments different ways- coordinate your game on musical instruments with other children. Involving parents B. educational process Through the manufacture of parents, together with children, musical instruments with their own hands.

Preliminary work: Preliminary work: 1. Search for information about various musical instruments in books, television shows, Internet (history of creation, cartoons, riddles, pictures for coloring, puzzles, etc.) 2. Creating consultations for parents: "Music and Child Health "," Musical Instruments With Your Hands ", - operating cards for the manufacture of musical instruments with their own hands - a bright ad to attract parents to participate in the project.

Participation (children, teachers, parents) in the implementation of the project: Music leader: Preparation of information about various musical instruments, selection of demonstration and dispensing material, Consultation, operating cards, ads for parents, team work With children (together with the educator): conversations, painting pictures, viewing illustrations, guessing mysteries, d \\ and "Collect the musical instrument", "find out the instrument", game on children's musical instruments, the design of the exhibition "Orchestra do it yourself", creating a multimedia presentation .

Dominant musical lesson In the middle group: Traveling around the country "Unusual musical instruments"

Purpose: Acquaintance of children with non-traditional musical instruments and their classification.
Introduce children with new musical instruments (traditional - Kantele, unconventional),
To form the ability to play on them.
Promote the development of emotionally-shaped execution musical works, Rhythm feelings
Develop interest in music, the desire to listen to her;
Enrich musical impressions, promote further formation of the foundations of musical culture.
Call a desire to play musical instruments.

Children enter the hall. Musical greeting.

Guys today came to visit me in musical Hall. Let us say hello to you not just, but musical. (children's responses). A, you brought with you musical instruments? (Answers) How so? "After all, each person has several tools with them. Look, I prepared for you tips.

M.R.: Guys I invite you on a journey. Let's go to the country of unusual musical instruments. What can you travel on?
(Children's responses)
M.R. Can we go on the bus? (Yes)

Exercise "Bus" Zheleznovy.

M.R.. So we arrived at the first station.

Station "Shock".
M.R. I wonder why it is so called.
Children fit on the table there are laid shock musical instruments. We look at musical instruments. Questions: What are made from? How to remove the sound?
Conclusion: So why the station is called shock.
M.R. It's time for us to go on the road. Let's fly by plane.

Exercise "Airplane"
M.R. I wonder what is waiting for us further?
M.R. Station "Dukhovaya".
We approach the table, we consider the brass tools. We look at musical instruments. Questions: What are made from? How to remove the sound?
M.R. A, let's go further on the train?

Choose a driver (forage) Exercise "Train"

M.R. Station "String"

M.R.. Takes children to the table there Kantel. Guys look what unusual toolI seem to know him. This tool is called Kante. What do you think the tool is Kantele? (string)

Long ago went on the boat Vynyamyarden to catch fish. But the boat is stuck in the mouth of a huge pike.
Then the sword ruined Vynyamyoneen a huge monster and made Kantel from her jaws.
Many gave Vynyamyarden to try to play an unprecedented tool:
But no one could remove beautiful sounds from the Kantel.
Vynyamymenuee even advised the tool ... Drown! - So far, finally, Kantel itself did not pray:
I do not want to go to the water,
Plunge into the departure of the sea;
Let me play the master
Himself with his hand is skillful.
Taken then in the hands of the Kantele master - wise Vynyamyarden.
Kantele takes him in hand
Puts bending on her knees
Holds Kantel hands
Says the words such:
"Come here to listen
Who has not yet heard before
Of these eternal strings to settle
Together with Kantene singing! "
But the storm did not seem to be seen and cut down the Kantele in the "marine depth".
And I decided to make the second Kantelene - from the Karelian birch.
Kolki and carnations for the new Kantele Vänyamyonen took the cuckoo, bored "five tones". But where to take strings? Strings presented the Blacksmith Ilmarinen
Finally, "was ready to be ready." The wizard set up the tool, took his knees and began to play.
M.R. Performed by the "dance of a cow"
M.R.. You have listened to music called "Cow Dance", and I wrote her Karelian composer Sergey Stangrit.
M.R. I want to show you a cartoon, which as well as the music you listened is called the dance of the cow.
(Watch cartoon)
M.R.. Something happened to sound? Do not matter. We have musical instruments that will help us voice the cartoon.
Sun rays - voice
Breeze - Dudoby
Hestern - kinders
Cow -Cantel and shelter
Rain - keys
Well, what will try?

Early early in the morning the sun was woken up and gave his rays to everyone. (children ah-ah)
One of the races woke up a naughty breeze (blowing into the twin)

The breeze woke her grass (kinders)

Here on the clearing dancing, the cow came out. (Kantele + Bars)

Suddenly, tuchka flew into the sun. (blowing into the twin)

And the warm summer rain went (keys).

It was tired of the breeze to mock under the rain, he was still stronger and drove with a flaw from the clearing. (blowing into the twin)

A, the cow went on. (Kantele + Bars)
M.R.. That wonderful cartoon from us turned out. And what helped us to voice it?
(music instruments)
M.R. What tools did we meet today? (Answers)
We greeted our music. Tools, maybe they will help us help.

Song "Goodbye Handles" (Kartushina)

Abstract music classes

(Preparatory Group)

"In the world of musical instruments"

Abstract directly educational activities on music for children of the preparatory group.


Fastening, formation and development musical abilities Children allowing to apply the knowledge gained in the game on various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors (necessary for learning the game on musical instruments).



Secure and systematize knowledge on the classification of musical instruments.

Enrich vocabulary Musical terms.

Forming the ability to determine musical instruments for sounding; Sing agreed and expressive, transmitting song character in singing.


Develop musical I. creative skills Through. different species musical activity.


Educating communicative skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.


Physical education.


Reading fiction.



Multimedia installation for viewing slides.

Musical instruments: drum, ratchet, spoons, tambourine, maracas, bell; Homemade tools (boots - swords).

Visual guide: Tables - houses for placing pictures with the image of musical instruments.

Children enter the music hall.

E.Grieng "Morning" sounds from Suite "Per Gunt",

Music leader (greeting) Hello guys!

Children respond to greeting.

Music leader. Guys, today we will go to unusual country. There is no such country on any of geographic mapsBut it is where they love music. This is a country of musical instruments. And we will go to this country. We are in boots - Spear. Shore them rather.

Children shook on the legs "boots - swords" made from Kinder - surprise.

Music leader. Well, ready to go on the road? We go!

We will stare together in my leg,

The cheerful march will help us!

Much sounds "march" F. Nadpenko. (I. March)

Here we run on socks.

Much sounds "march" F. Nadpenko. (II h. Run)

Music leader. Guys, here we come with. Look at how beautiful our country of musical instruments. How many different musical instruments in it (list). They are all so different, but everything can be combined into four main groups. What are these groups called?

Children classify musical instruments by groups: drums, brass, string, keyboards.

Music leader: Well done guys! Musical instruments were preparing for a meeting with you, but so worried and fussed that everything was confused. Now we have to help them find our houses. Help?

The teacher demonstrates to children houses.

On Earth, everyone has a birthday house.

Good and fun and cozy in it.

The dog is a loaf, chanterelle - Nora,

Owl has a hollow, the Malinovka has a nest.

Well, and in these houses live musical instruments.

The first to whom we will help, it will be shock musical instruments, because they first appeared on Earth, and are the most simple and simple. To place them in places we will help the game "Music Guess-Ka".

Game "Music Guess-Ka"

The teacher makes children riddles about musical instruments.

Who in the orchestra will help you,

He will be able to knock the rhythm.

Rhythm of any, from different countries.

Well, of course ................ (Drum)

A child who gave birth to a riddle attaches a picture with a drum image into a house table cell.

Music leader: Drum in antiquity made from the skin of animals mined on the hunt, and he had important In the life of people. They used it, for example, as a telephone, in order to transfer information to long distances, or warn about the danger of their neighbors who lived very far.

Wooden crumbs,

Shoot a little bit.

You can dry them,

And you can play a "lady". (Wooden spoons)

Card with an image wooden spales Children are placed in a table cell.

His palm is knocking on him,

Shake freely.

And he rings, rattling.

He does not hurt him at all. (Tambourine)

The card with the image of the tambourine children are placed in a table cell.

You take me in the palm.

Wooden, mischievous. (Ratchet)

A ratchet card is placed in a table cell.

Music leader: The ratchet not only sowed a tambourine and spoons on folk holidays, but also guarded the garden from pests. She crackled loudly in the wind and scared the raven and rules.

You take it in the palm,

There will be a chime.

Din-Ding Din, Don-Don-Don,

Whose ringing is? (Bell)

The card with the image of the bell is placed in the table.

He looks like a rattle,

Only this is not a toy! .. (Maracas)

The map with the image of Maracas is located in the table cell.

Music leader: Guys, our percussion instruments are not only merry musicians, but also skillful storytellers. Let's tell our guests Russian folk fairy tale "Repka".

Children with help impact tools voiced the fairy tale "Repka".

Tale "Pink".

"FAILE" (teacher or child) tells a fairy tale, and children stage.

Grandfather (goes hard, seamless) - drum, slow tempRhythmic pattern with pauses.

Grandma (walks fast and seed) - ratchet, rhythmic pattern is a calmer, moderate pace.

Granddaughter (running scrapping) - tambourine, rhythmic pattern consists of eighth and fourth, fast paced.

Bug (running and loudly barks) - spoons.

Cat (not in a hurry and purr) - Maracas, rhythmic pattern with eight-durables, fast paced.

Mouse (in a hurry and looked around) - bell, rhythmic pattern with eight-durability.

Music leader: this is such interesting fairy tale We told you with tools. Guys, brass musical instruments, too, prepared the game for you. The game is called "Guess who sings?" And for a start, let's remember, with what brass instruments did I meet in previous classes?

Children list the brass tools with which they met in previous activities: flute, pipe, saxophone, fruit.

Music leader: Wind instruments Will be for you to sing, and you have to know what tool for you sang?

Game "Guess, who sings?"

Pedagogue gives children to listen to the sound phonograms of various brass instruments. Children, having learned this tool, find a card with his image and fix it in the table cell - a house.

Music leader: Guys, look at our wonderful houses. Two are already populated. The tools cozy are located in their windows. This suggests that you have listened to previous activities very carefully and you have many friends - musical instruments.

The excerpt of the violin concert Vivaldi sounds.

Music leader:

Movement smooth Wamchka

Bridge strings in the thrill.

The motive sounds from afar,

Sings the lunar about the evening.

How clear sounds overflowing.

They are joy and smile.

Dreamy motif sounds

His name is a violin!

It's time for the guys, talk about string instruments. Stringed instruments Prepared colorful slides for us, telling about their diversity.

Each violin has a bow.

He is faithful, devoted friend.

When the violinist bow leads

And crying violin, and sings.

"Harp - Magic Tool" -

Said a thoughtful poet.

Only strings will touch hands -

And the gentle sticks the sounds.

Guitar sounds by the fire.

They are so much light and good.

As the most intimate friend

Her singing, gentle sound.

Under the hussing ringing mess

In love with the young men and the virgin.

At the weddings, Gusli was sainted,

And young blessed

Call Balalyki.

In general, there is no world.

She is angry Russian

Folk instrument.

Sang under her, danced

And sad and sighed

On the holidays under Ahi, crumbs have fun

Music leader: Guys, just one house remained free. What group of tools will we settle in it?

Children answer: keyboard tools.

Music leader: The first honorable place should occupy our good piano, which performs many musical works for us, and is the main assistant on our holidays and classes.

A piano card is placed in a table cell - a house.

Music leader: On another, this tool is called piano. If its name is translated into Russian, it will sound like "loudly quiet." Inside keypads live hammers that hit tight stretched stringsand give birth to beautiful sounds of music that can tell and about the beautiful morning, and about cold Winter, about the good grandmother's fairy tale and an evil Baba Yaga, about beautiful butterflies and wonderful colors.

Music leader: Guys, and what keyboard tools Do you still know?

Responses of children: piano, accordion, synthesizer.

Cards with the image of these tools occupy their places in the table.

Music leader: Guys, we helped the musical instruments to find their houses. I am sure that you will never forget such a wonderful country of musical instruments. We will definitely return here, and so far, before we go to kindergarten, make a gift to our friends - tools. We sing for them a song, but will help us our piano.

The song "The World of Music" Words and Music E. V. Mashechkova is fulfilled.

Music leader: Let's tell our friends - tools - Goodbye. Close your eyes and consider up to 5

IN kindergarten again.

Music leader: Guys, did you like our journey?

Children tell about what they did in the classroom.

Music leader says goodbye to de