Dima Malikov producer of which group. Biography Dmitry Malikova and interesting facts from life

Dima Malikov producer of which group. Biography Dmitry Malikova and interesting facts from life
Dima Malikov producer of which group. Biography Dmitry Malikova and interesting facts from life
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Biography, Life History Malikova Dmitry

Malikov Dmitry Yuryevich is a domestic singer, composer.

From her first person

"My parents introduced on January 5, 1965, the famous singer Maria Lukach. Then Yuri Malikov studied at the conservatory, and Lyudmila Vyunikova was a soloist of Moscow Music-Hall. She was 19, the father - 21. The father immediately fell in love with mom, and a year 9 December 9 1966 their wedding took place. Together they have for many years, but they love each other and truly happy.

I was born on January 29, 1970. I was told that from the very childhood was very musical and already at the age of one and a half years I put the headphones and listened to the records, which my father brought from abroad. He graduated from the conservatory in the class of double bass and performed a lot. And in 1971, Yuri Malikov became the founder and artistic director of the "Gems" ensemble, which in the seventies was very popular in our country and was easily collected entire stadiums to his concerts.

When I was small, we lived on the transfiguration in the so-called "house of composers". Parents were constantly on tour and my grandmother Valentina Foktistovna, which I love very much. One day, when Dad was at home, he decided to walk with me. It was winter. He brought me to sleds and I fell somewhere on the road. Grandma meets him near the entrance, and he says: "How well we walked." Looks back, and there is no me there. Found me in a snowdrift, where I lay and screamed as an abnormal one. I remember that I loved when my grandfather Alexander Vasilyevich came to us. I did not want to let him go home and hid shoes to my bed.

Every year in the summer we shot the cottage at 55 kilometers in the village of Repikha. I had a very big love there. Her name was Vlad and I gave her dandelions. Parents of Vlad were against our acquaintance, so we were only met in the summer, which I was waiting for as Manna Heaven. Somehow for a whole month I spent outside the city in kindergarten on the "five-day". It was not without love experiences and there. I fell in love with Tanya, which appeared looks like a girl depicted on Chocolate "Alenka". But she liked her and the other boy Ruslan and once we were seriously fortunate. This love lasted for a short time - I missed the garden and soon I was taken home.

Continued below

I remember that in childhood one very instructive story happened to me. We, Three Friends, decided to unite the money that our parents gave us, and buried the treasure. Hid it in a secluded place. When once again gathered to look at our wealth, he was not in place. Someone from three took and assigned money. I do not know who, but for sure it was not me.

I have always been very sporty and spent a lot of time on the street - in the summer I played football, in winter - in hockey. When the parents invited home the music teacher to work with me, then I didn't like it so much that I ran from him. He called the door, I jumped out the window and ran to play the stadium, good, we lived on the first floor. The teacher swore greatly and spoke to my grandmother: "He will never be a musician, never." But his prophecies did not come true!

At five years I was given me to a music school in Nikitsky gates. No one could control how I do on the piano. Therefore, when dad returned with the tour, he laid out his belt on the piano. It was worth only to leave him, I immediately threw the belt. But this story was repeated again. When he came, he was surprised where the belt was going out every time, and pulled out a new one. Later, when piano moved away, there was a whole warehouse of belts and all the questions immediately disappeared.

At the age of five, my acquaintance was held at the New Year tree in the Kremlin. He was already 7 years old. He became my friend and comrade for games. Previously, I began to engage in pop and his success was very infectious. After all, I never thought I would be in show business. I always had the future of the pianist and I have been seriously engaged in classical music since childhood.

At seven years, I first went to the pioneer camp with my favorite grandfather, who led a circle there. He was a real master of drinking and burning and taught me to his craft. I had fun there, I was happy to run on the disco and participated in the military games like "Zarnitsa".


In 1985, Dmitry entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. The young man studied well, regularly performed all instructions of teachers. In 1989, he successfully graduated from an educational institution, after which he decided to continue his studies at the Moscow State Conservatory. Malikova took into the class of piano and composition. In 1994, he became a graduate of the Conservatory, and not simple, but a graduate with honors.


The takeoff of the career of Dmitry Malikova began in 1985. A talented young man already wrote a pretty good song. As a student of the school, Dima has already tried to taste a big scene - he played the piano in "Gems" and composed music. Many works of Dmitry entered the repertoire of the team.

This success came to Dmitry Yurevich in 1988. His songs "Moon Sleep", "before tomorrow" and "You will never be yours,", barely appearing in rotation, instantly occupied the first lines of all sorts of charts. That year Malikov became the "opening of the year." Over the next two years, Dmitry was recognized as a "singer of the year." Its popularity grew, which is called, not by day, but by the hour. In late autumn of 1990, Dmitry Malikov first made a solo concert in Moscow.

In 1993, Dmitry Malikov's debut album was released "with you." The plates were offended, like hot cakes. In the same year, the second album Malikova "before tomorrow" was released. In total from 1993 to 2013, Dmitry Yuryevich released fifteen collections with pop songs and instrumental compositions.

Dmitry did not forget about his youth passion - about classical music. In 1997, the first piano concerts of the gifted musician were held in Germany. His music sounded in many television shows and film. Malikov-composer became no less famous than Malikov singer. From the same time, from the late 90s, Dmitry began to actively tour the world, giving wonderful and unique melodies to his loyal listeners. Often, Dmitry spoke on large scenes with famous symphony orchestras.

In 2007, Dmitry Yuryevich created the Pianomaniya project - a unique musical show, successfully combining the classics and ethnic music, modern arrangements and traditional motives.

Cinema and television

In 1992, young Malikov starred in the melodrama Alexander Pokhin "see Paris and die." Malikov fulfilled the role of the Hope of the Pianist, whom Mom passionately dreams to send for training to France by all the paths available to it.

Malikova's film actor did not succeed, although this only feature film with his participation and had a certain success. Apparently, Dima decided that the main thing in his life was still music.

In 2012, Dmitry Yuryevich tried his strength as a TV presenter in our best on our TV transmission "Good night, kids!".


At the beginning of the winter of 2011, Malikov Dmitry Yuryevich created the "penetrating heart" foundation, the main task of which was the help of sick children.

Personal life

For some time, Dmitry Malikov lived with a singer, but they could not create a strong family.

In 1992, Dmitry found his love - Girl Elena, who came to Moscow from Tula. Elena by profession designer. She already had a daughter Olga (born in 1985) from the first marriage, but the artist was not afraid - he, as a true man, took over all the commitments to raise the girl. And in 2000, Lena and Dima appeared another daughter. She was called the wonderful name of Stephanie. After the birth of Stephanie Dmitry and Elena registered their relationship.

The daughters of the flock of Malikov, as expected, have been creative abilities since childhood. Olga, matured, chose the profession of the photographer. Stephenia, still studying at school, actively started dancing, drawing, playing guitar and piano, singing. In addition, the youngest daughter of the composer in adolescence began to be interested in modeling business.

Awards, titles, Prize

Dmitry Malikov for his amazing musical abilities was repeatedly marked by the most different honors, the most important of which can be considered the title of People's Artist of Russia (2010) and the title of Honored Artist of Russia (1999).

All the favorite singer and composer Dmitry Malikov reaps the fruits of his talent, great work and a good attitude towards people. He has a wonderful family: the wife of Dmitry Malikova - Elena Malikova, in the Valevskaya Maiden; Son Mark, who was born at the beginning of this year; Two daughters Stefania Malikova and Olga Izakson.

Dmitry Malikov's wife and children adore her famous husband and father - an outstanding pianist and musician. In his project, "turn over the game" prepared as part of the education and popularization of music, Elena takes the most active part. Dmitry Malikova's wife acted as a producer and author of the idea of \u200b\u200ba musical project.

Wife Dmitry Malikova Elena

Elena Malikova - actress, famous fashion designer, director and producer. Born in Tula in 1963. After graduating from the Kazan Art School, he continued its education in Moscow. Then there was training at the Institute of Culture and Vgika, where Elena was received in 1990, electing to its future profession to the director and acting skills.

As a beginner actress Elena starred in a dramatic film "Kill Scorpio". This is a witness criminal fighter who is removed by a remarkable director Alexander Sorokin. The second film "Kara" with the participation of Lena came out on the screens in 1993. It was the graduate work of Anna-Maria Yarmolyuk, graduates of VGIK. On this, Elena's acting biography ends.

Justice should be noted that simultaneously with the acting creativity Lena decided to do a model business, she worked as an artist-designer in a children's art school. It was this type of activity that she subsequently brought her the greatest success and allowed us to create his own business.

Thanks to the fitness (stretch) and daily jogging, the business woman always feels young and healthy, and mesotherapy helps her to preserve the natural beauty. True, the ubiquitous journalists managed to find out that Elena did not appeal to the plastic surgeon and after the plastic was even more beautiful. Woman after plastic, yes in a good clinic is transformed at any age for the better!

Relationships Dmitry Malikova with his wife

Dmitry Malikov - Elena's second husband. The first time she married in 18 years, and in 19 she was born a daughter Olya. Despite the fact that the relationship in the young family was, as they say, all over the envy, the Lena's personal life did not work out. With Dmitry, they met thanks to the perseverance of the singer, who saw the girl in the photo and was amazed by her beauty.

At the meeting, the young artist fell in love with a beauty at first sight, and it was love for life. Beautiful and feminine Elena felt an independent woman who brought up her daughter and was not in a hurry to associate themselves for marriage. In addition, it was embarrassed by the difference between the ages (7 years), which, when her appearance and habit, constantly care for him was completely invisible.

Malikov The first eight years of living together (since 1992) were in civil marriage. Love and mutual respect for each other helped Dmitry and Elena to overcome all the troubles, with whom they encountered at the very beginning of their livelihood. The birth of Strefania's daughter (2000) pushed young people to legitimize their relationship.

Dmitry Malikova's wife is self-sufficient man. She has his own business in Spain, associated with modeling and clothing manufacturing, which obliges a woman to follow the latest fashion trends and keep up with the times. Today, exclusive clothes from Elena Malikova can be found in its Moscow stores, which opened in the capital recently.

Elena Malikova has been established by the production of beachwear. The line of this brand is becoming increasingly popular as in our country and abroad. The perfect taste of Elena and a high level of production culture allow business to flourish to business. At the same time, Elena itself dwells in its best physical form. In social networks, everyone is guess how old Malikova, is interested in her personal life.

Pages of family biography - Strefania's daughter

Next to such talented parents, like Dmitry and Elena Malikov, Stefania in their eighteen years is already a personality creative. Of course, not yet fully held, but deserving respect. And no matter how much years lived, age does not matter if you are gifted by fate, talented and hardworking!

The Russian model and young singer Stefania Malikova is already beginning to manifest itself as a designer (as a mother). Stef was born in Moscow, early began to learn music: first the piano (like dad), and then the guitar. And it is not surprising, because children of composers and musicians are closely related to music and musical creativity on the fact of their birth.

As an outstanding performer, Dmitry Malikov made his example to understand the child that a constant work on himself, the desire to reach vertices in creativity, are an integral part of the success and a well-known composer, and a clothing designer. Dmitry Malikova's wife and children resize the musical creativity of the head of the family, but being at the young age of Stefania hinted his parents that the singer would not want to be.

The choice of the girl's parents did not take seriously, but the desire of Stefy to engage in choreography, and also to learn the secrets of artists skill (in the studio of artistic creativity) were warmly supported and helped the child to develop comprehensively and harmoniously. Most recently, Stefania in a duet with singer Yuri Kiselev (pseudonym Yurkiss) made a song "Do not rush to marry us."

So the creative biography of Stefy Malikova began. The radio station "Russian Radio" awarded the duet of the Golden Gramophone Prize. It is possible that the musical dynasty of Dmitry Malikova will find its continuation in children: the daughters of Stefania and the Son Mark. Dmitry's father - Yuri Malikov is also a musician, founder of the Gem Group, and Mama - the singer in the Music Hall and in Gems.

Being under the press of the Music Talent of Father and Grandfather, Stef has its own ambitions. To whom he wants to find out after active work on the musical product to find out that the envious attributed all your merits of the famous father's family and grandfather. Probably, therefore Stefania Malikova still says nothing about the record of his songs, does not want to "glow" on various musical competitions and television shows.

Dreams ... come true if you are doing something for this

The fans of the Malikov family paid attention to the fact that the young girl today found the opportunity to be realized not only in music, but also in the field of model business. For several years, Stefania has been fond of clothing modeling, and somehow mentioned that he would like to receive vocational education in Europe in the specialty designer of youth fashion.

Stephanie's creative veil is developing and in every way supports her mother, which itself is a wonderful designer of modern clothes. The conscious creative biography of Stefy began a long time ago: being a teenager, she had already performed on the podium. Dmitry and Elena Malikov are satisfied with their daughter's passion.

In addition, Stefania Malikova has its own page in "Instagram" and regularly replenishes it with interesting photos. To date, the photoblog of Stefy is becoming increasingly popular (500 thousand subscribers), and this is not surprising. Stephanie's page is regularly replenished with interesting photos: family-friendly, photos of friends, photo reports from secular events and fashionable shows.

Stefa lives with his parents on the ruble. Other her childhood was the son of singer Valeria - Arseny Shulgin. With age, the personal life of Stefania became more active, it was seen in the company classmate Timofey Muravin, and at the premiere of the film "Medication of Health" (director Mount Verbinski) she came along with Leonid Gazdovov (19 years old), the son of the famous Russian entrepreneur Dmitry Gruzdeva.

In 2017, Stefania Malikova, after graduation, entered MGIMO (at the Faculty of Journalism). And in "Instagram" her message appeared in which the girl thanks for the support of teachers, his parents and friends.

Stefa notes that he overcame a lot of difficulties in order to achieve his goal:

"Dream - Objective - Plan - Action - Result! Dreams ... come true if you are doing something for this. "

About twenty years of life associate this star pair. The singer explains such a longevity with mutual understanding and an example of Malikovy-senior who live in a joint marriage for more than 45 years.

How it all began

Twenty-two-year-old Dmitry Malikov drew attention to the photo of the girl from the album of his loved ones. And, of course, began to ask for an acquaintance with her.

It's hard to say than she then struck him. Perhaps, nevertheless, the beauty that the young singer, brought up in creative felt and understood. This, after later, Elena became a model of femininity, style, beauty and nobility for Dmitry. In 1992, when the couple met, it was difficult to predict that they were waiting for a long and happy joint future. Moreover, the beauties behind the shoulders were already the first marriage, a daughter-first grader, and she was older.

Who is Elena Malikova? Biography is not enchanting

Elena is not a Muscovite. She was born in Kazan. After the end of the artistic school in his hometown went to conquer the capital. And it turned out. At first she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture, then the Director of the Faculty of Vgika. Received roles in the films "Kill Scorpio" and "Kara".

However, in parallel with the studies and the beginning of professional activity, the girl entered into marriage and gave birth to daughter Olga. And although the businessman's husband could provide a family materially, Elena did not feel spiritual kinship with him. And such creative nature, what it was, it is just necessary.

Meet your man

Having learned the story of the acquaintance of such people as Dmitry Malikov and Elena Malikov, involuntarily penetrate the thought that there were a couple that were inseparable to be inseparable. So Elena argued in one of the interviews that literally, during the first meeting, he felt that Dima "her man."

After the girl agreed to acquaintance, not postponing the matter in a long box, Dmitry invites her to shoot the transfer in which he took part. Young people meet, get acquainted and very quickly begin to understand each other with a half-clow.

Today Elena Malikova admits that he was immediately amazed at how dmitry sincere and open in communication. In addition, an intellectual, which very thinly feels music, painting, beauty. Then she also appreciated his kindness and absolute ability not to desire and not do other evil.

Civil marriage

When people are good together, they do not even think about whether their relationship is officially decorated or not. However, it is impossible to say that there was no friction at all between Elena and Dmitry. However, while they lived separately, there were really no them. But a joint life imposes certain obligations on people, first of all patience and the desire to accept the habits and features of another person who lives with you, especially if this man is creative.

"My beautiful Dima occasionally occasionated by Kandra," now Elena Malikova remembers in one of the interviews, "he became wildly irritable. If something did not work in creativity, first of all, all emotions splashed on my head. "

However, soon young people were able to overcome these difficulties. Today and Elena, and Dmitry are convinced that their egoism should be sacrificed, and then a joint life will succeed. And, by the way, the age of spouses, and in this case - the date of birth of Elena Malikova, who is older Dmitry for several years, does not play any role.

Daughter from first marriage

Malikov admits that Elena engaged in the upbringing of his daughter from the first marriage. He was for Olga like a friend or elder brother. After all, they had not very big - 15 years. Therefore, they made friends very quickly. Together we could watch and discuss movies, listen to music.

At one time, Olga studied in Paris, lived in the center of the French capital with the friends of the Malikov family. By the way, then, Dmitry and Elena officially issued a marriage, and their daughter was born. Contrary to the fears of Elena, Olga reacted well to the appearance of the sister and said that it would rehearse the role of Mom.

The question of the adoption in the family never arose, perhaps because the girl always talked well with his native father, and no one prevented her.

Becoming an adult, Elena's older daughter graduated from MGIMO. Take a photo. Olga Izakson has already introduced several solo exhibitions. Lives separately from parents.

Birth of daughter Stefania

Elena Malikova, the wife of Dmitry Malikova, was not always so. The official marriage was concluded only after the birth of Strefania's daughter, and this happened on February 13, 2000. When the parents came to register the daughter, the registry office said that in the birth certificate, the Girl in the Column "Father" will stand. If desired, then you can make a paternity. This was not satisfied with Dmitry Malikova, so the couple immediately registered the marriage.

To say that the baby brought a lot of good to the family, it means nothing to say. According to Elena Malikova, Dmitry immediately became different. Responsible, collected, serious. As if I wanted to say: you are all behind my back, as behind the stone wall.

This year Stefania was fourteen years old. You can already say that creative genes moved to her from parents. Stephenia draws from orphanage and dances, plays the piano and guitar, sings well and even writes music. And also tries himself in the model business. The young lady has a lot of fans that sometimes worried about strict dad, which, of course, wants the daughter to make the right choice over time, and she was familiar with the feeling of real love.

Impeccable Elena Malikova

Having done Elena's title of a beautiful woman, it is impossible not to recognize the fact that she is a bright person.

Just shine among the secular beauday, this woman does not want. Although for this it has all the data Elena Malikova. Photos, often published in the media -the certificate. After all, it finds the time to pay close time and their appearance, and his beloved family, and interesting work.

Today Elena has its own business in Italy - engaged in the release of beachwear, which is successful in Europe. After all, an excellent businesswoman has an impeccable taste. Recently, this clothing began to be sold in the Russian capital.

Elena is passionate about the work as an executive producer of his husband's musical center. No important show Dmitry Malikova does not do without professional support for his wife. She rejoices her husband's successes, as their own, and tries to be a wand-cutter for him. Spouses constitute a wonderful tandem both in work and in the family. First of all, because are not only close people, but also real friends. Together they are wondering, because they have a lot of common interests, and their relations are built on mutual understanding, love and trust.

Born in the most real "star" family, where Mom Lyudmila Mikhailovna and Father Yuriy Fedorovich were able to achieve incredible success, the whole country said about them, they looked at their lives, they called them the most happy couple in the musical environment. So far, Lyudmila and Yuri together. It continues to tour with an ensemble, which is more than three decades, she is a permanent manager of "gems" and a personal assistant to the head of Yuri Malikova.

Their acquaintance has happened long before the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an ensemble appeared. Robust and shy Yuri Malikov, who graduated from the industrial technician and graduating from the evening music school in absentia, "Friend" except with a double bass. He went to music, was given to her with passion, and it was very disturbed by the friends of a young man who had already been 20 years old. At this time, Yuri becomes a student of a musical school in the class of double bass, his passion for music becomes, according to loved ones, pathological. As Jury, Alik Tartakovsky, you need to do something. And he suggested introducing Malikov with the most beautiful girl of Moscow Music Hall.

Dmitry Malikov with dad and sister

The fateful meeting occurred on January 5, 1965, when Yuri was accidentally met in one of the metropolitan chamber halls, who had a speech, and Lyudmila, a ballet soloist, which with a team just flew to tour from Paris. He went into the dressing room, saw a Luce and fell in love without memory. He immediately asked to be held to the house, but the girl only smiled and said that he lives in a nearby house. From this point on, young people became friends, they did not have a lot of time to spend together, since Music-Hall constantly toured. But Malikov, on March 8, admitted to Lyudmila Vyunkova and promised that in a year she would bring her to the registry office in his own car. So it happened: Malikov signed on October 9, 1966. The bride did not want to crash with the parents of Yuri, and the newlyweds moved to the 18-meter room to the father of Lucy on Derbenhevsky street. Malikov still remembers how dad "left to walk for hours at 2-3" so that they and his wife could be alone with each other.

Sister Dmitry Malikova - Inga

Three years have pasted as one moment, Dima was born, and after him Inna. When the little Dima was three months old, Yuri was offered tour in Japan, he completely understood, because he could not leave his wife with a small child, but Lucy took a tough decision, saying that such a chance could fall out once in his life. Yuri after a semi-annual absence brought at the time of the time unheard of money - $ 2,000, bought equipment for his group and became the permanent supervisor of "Gems" in 1971.

Dmitry Malikov with parents

Yuriy and Lyudmila buy an apartment in the House of Composers on Preobrazhenskaya Street in Moscow, and a happy family together with Grandma Valentina Feoktistovna, which raises children in the absence of parents, move to new housing. Now that the music has ever settled in the house of Malikov, Lucy decides that an ensemble needs professional support and organizes in 1974 from the Music Hall dancers with a ballet group, which is now touring the light with already famous "gems".

Dmitry Malikov with mom

Malikov says that he is Odnolyub, as well, all in his family. He will never quarrel with his only woman, always admits that "I have one." Their relationship is a sample of purity and mutual attachment. Lyudmila supports not only the profession of her husband, but also separates his hobbies football, architecture, books. Until now, she is hand in hand with Yuri, being not just a spouse, but his group manager, concert director and a muse in life. If it were not if she, the composer and artist Yuri Malikov believes, he would never have become a people's artist and laureate of all sorts of awards and premiums.

Dmitry Malikov with family

Malikov Dmitry
22 selection, of which 1 this month


Honored Artist of Russia, Laureate of All-Russian and International Festivals and Competitions

Born on January 29, 1970 in Moscow. Father - Malikov Yuriy Fedorovich, Honored Artist of Russia, Creator and artistic director VIA "Gems". Mother - Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunmila, in the past - a ballet soloist, now the concert director of the team of Dmitry Malikova. Sister - Malikova Inna, Graduate of the acting faculty of Rati, made his debut as a singer in 2000 with a solo album "Who was right" (J.S.P. Company). Spouse - Elena. Daughter - Stephenia (2000 born).

The musician and composer Yuri Malikova in 1970 there were two important events in life - the birth of the son of Dmitry and the creation of VIA "Gems". Fate gave Dmitry Malikov a unique chance from the Small years to join the world of music. In his eyes, Dima Malikov dreamed of becoming a hockey player. 1976 comes All-Union Glory to his parents. In their house there were famous musicians and since childhood Dima surrounded the creative atmosphere of creating new songs and discussing concert speeches. Instead of the lullaby grandmother put him the records with the songs of "gems", and at the age of one and a half years, Dima had already put on the headphones himself and listened to the "The Beatles" records, brought by her father from abroad. In childhood, Dmitry Malikov dreamed of being a hockey player, while he was engaged in a piano music school since five years old, a lot went to tour with her parents. The first performances of Dmitry Malikov as a pianist took place at school concerts. At the age of 14, he composed his first song "Iron Soul". It was then that Dima Malikov finally leaves his children's dream to become an athlete. The piano becomes the second part of his "I".

In 1985, after the end of the 8th grade of high school, Dmitry Malikov enters the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time, he makes the first independent steps on the stage, playing keyboard tools in the composition of VIA "Gems." Already then the songs of the young composer entered the repertoire of the ensemble, as well as the singers of Larisa Valley. Dmitry Malikov. School of Music. 1985 Godetellic Dmitry took place in 1986 in the transmission "Shiry Circle" with the song "I am writing a picture" (Words - Lilia Vinogradov). In the program, Yuri Nikolaev "Morning Mail" in 1987, Dmitry Malikov presented a new song "Terem-Teremok". Dmitry Malikova's first performance on a large pop with songs "Lunar dream" (Words - Lilia Vinogradov) and "You will never be you" (words - David Samoyov) took place on June 25, 1988 in Gorky Park. These songs loved young people and immediately entered into all sorts of charts. The song "Lunar Sleep" became the record holder of the most authoritative at that time hit the "sound track", having kept in the list of hits for a whole year. In the "New Year's Eve", 1989, Dmitry presented his new song "before tomorrow" (words - Alexander Shaganov), which to this day is considered his "business card" and traditionally finishes concert speeches. It is most fully expressed the essence of his creativity - a beautiful melody, carefully executed arrangement, light optimistic text.

After her release to All-Union Teleker, a real success came to Dmitry Malikov. His songs ("Student", "Sight Me", "Golden Spit", "Fraight Court", "Poor Heart", "Everything will return", "Side Native" and others) was headed by the country's leading charts. Dmitry Malikova's speeches collected full concert halls and stadiums, he had a huge number of fans across the country, he was Dmitry Malikov after the concert. 1989 God had a real mania around his name. But he confessed that this unexpected success did not manage to turn his head, so after the end of the music school in 1989, Dmitry Malikov entered the piano branch of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky (class of professor V. V. Castellsky). He did not refuse from the pop scene, classes in the conservatory combined with touring activities. Classical education has become the necessary foundation on which all its creativity is now being built. In the summer of 1989, Dmitry Malikov was invited as an honorary guest to the international festival of popular music in Sopot. Noting the biggest popularity of the singer and a wide interest in his work, the newspaper "Sopot News" wrote: "Dmitry Malikov - a professional in the music that in Europe is enjoyable in discos." Only 5 of his fan clubs were created in Poland, their number in Russia was calculated by hundreds. The first solo concerts of the singer Dmitry Malikov in Moscow took place in November 1990 in the SCM "Olympic", which accommodates 18 thousand spectators.

In 1993, the composer and singer Dmitry Malikov debuts on a new acting field, fulfilling the role of Pianist, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory in the art film "See Paris and die" directed by Alexander Pokhin ("Cold Summer Fifty-Third", "Mikhail Lomonosov"). The main roles in the picture with him were played by famous actors Tatiana Dmitry Malikov and Oscar. Duet "Baroque". 1993 Godvasilleva, Stanislav Lyutishin, Vladimir Gliskov. At the same time, in 1993, a single "Don" Don T Be Afraid "was published in Germany (Coconut Studio) performed by the Baroque duet, consisting of the Negro Singers Oscar and Dmitry Malikova. Their duet, where he performed as a composer, arranger And the pianist, repeatedly invited to take part in the German TV music show. In 1994, Dmitry Malikov ends with honors from the Moscow Conservatory, at the same time produces a collection of his first hits "before tomorrow" (JSP Company) and records a new album "Come to me" (JSP COMPANY ) Who already has his own concept. It is noteworthy that in addition to the songs, Dmitry Malikov, for the first time, turned on his two instrumental compositions in him, clearly denoting the new round in the creative search. From now on, the creation of instrumental music occupies one of the important directions of the singer's creativity and composer Dmitry Malikova. In the album "100 nights" (REC Records), 1996, Dmitry Malikov once again demonstrated the desire to be a fashionable performer, while When creating hives, he used a rich classic and folk musical material.

In parallel with the quarry of the pop singer, Dmitry Malikov pays a lot of time to classical music and classes on the piano. His executive skill as a pianist, the audience could appreciate in 1995 in the TV program "Paradise-cocktail", where he performed at Dmitry Malikov for Royal. The 2003 Leaf Ferenc Concert with the Orchestra under the control of Kreesman Keeseca. In 1997, the piano concerts of Dmitry Malikov in Stuttgart (Germany) were held. In the spring of 1997, he finally implemented a long-standing dream to release the album of his instrumental music, called "Fear of Flight" (REC Records). This serious orchestral-symphonic album showed another edge of the talent of the composer Dmitry Malikova. In 2001, the company "Universal Music" publishes his second instrumental album "Game", which entered the piano treatments of popular domestic songs. Dmitry Malikova's instrumental compositions sound in television programs, used as soundtracks in documentary films. In 2004, the album "Fear of the flight" has undergone the second edition, which confirms the demand of instrumental music in Russia. The plans of the composer Dmitry Malikova continued work on instrumental music, creating music for theater and soundtracks to the films.

Successfully folded and pop career singer Dmitry Malikova. In his songs, which included in the 1998 album "My star distant" (J.S.P. Company), new motives appear, Dmitry Malikov. 1997 more penetrating spiritual lyrics and even irony. On this disk, Dima first performed several songs of other composers - Viktor Reznikova, Nikolai Shipilova, Igor Kamensky. In 2000, an album "Beads" (Iceberg Music), who pleased lovers of high-quality dance music. On this album, he was also published his famous hit "Happy Birthday, Mom", which significantly expanded the framework of the age audience of the composer and singer Dmitry Malikova. In 2002, a song album "Love Story" (CD Land) came out, which became the eighth and while the last solo project. But now Dmitry pays great attention to the release of hit singles. New songs Dmitry Malikova ("Mama-Summer", "Do not miss", "cherry resin", "from pure sheet", "if") become popular, sound in television and radio ester, are regularly included in the country's charts. The collections of its best songs are constantly emerging on sale, which are in demand among the listeners of different ages.

Malikov Pianomani in 2007 Dmitry Malikov presents the author's project "Pianomania". From him, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, long ago waited for returning to the classic direction. But he decided not to go beaten dear and for the first time she declares the instrumental show "Pianomania", which is simply not analogs in Russia. Deep traditions of Russian classics, handwriting of famous instrumental orchestras of the world, ethnic motifs and modern arrangements. Such a non-standard approach to modern music was pleased with the audience composer and pianist Dmitry Malikov. Mixing styles in search of new genres as never relevant at the junction of thousands of years. This concert is granted great success far beyond our country. Within the framework of the project, the premiere of a solo instrumental concert on the NTV channel was held successfully in February, and 12, 13, April 14, with complete ancholates, held the premiere of the instrumental show at the Moscow Operetta Theater (director Dmitry Chernyakov) .

Permanent co-authors of Dmitry Malikov are poets - Lilia Vinogradov, Alexander Shaganov, Vladimir Baranov, Lara D "Elia. In 2000, Dmitry Malikov acted as a producer of the PLAZMA dance project. A separate page in the work of the composer and singer Dmitry Malikova is occupied by video clips, Many of which have already become a classic of domestic clipmereki art (published VHS "My star distant" (JSP Company, 2000) and DVD "Love Story" (CD Land, 2003). In total, in the video of the composer and singer Dmitry Malikova more than 20 clips, some of the Which was lifted by famous domestic clipsmakers - Oleg Gusev, Mikhail Dmitry Malikovchleborodov, Fedor Bondarchuk, Yuri Grymov, George Gavrilov, Irina Mironova. Dmitry Malikov is always inclined to the experiment. It can be traced in his clips that he invited him as directories - Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Om" Igor Grigoriev, photographer Dmitry Vlasenkova. Clips on ne Dmitry Malikova "Let's drink to the bottom" and "My Farming" found themselves with the laureates of the Domestic Festival of Video Conditions "Generation". On November 22, 1999, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Malikov was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia". Lives and works in Moscow. Dmitry Malikov - Winner of the National Award "Ovation" in the nomination "For the Intellectual Contribution to the Development of Youth Music" (2000). Throughout the creative path, Dmitry Malikov repeatedly became the laureate of the television "Song of the Year". In 1995, at the VII International Festival "The World Music Awards" in Monte Carlo, he was awarded in the category "Worlds Best-Selling Recording-Artist of The Year". Dmitry Malikov - Golden Gramophone Public Prize Wrong Radio Radio Radio Prize (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005), Prize "Flash Hit" Radio "Hit - FM" (1998, 1999, 2000 , 2001, 2003).