In Russia, the Russian World Music Awards Award appeared. Buzova went around the coin, and Lesha Svine - Lobod: Unexpected winners of the Russian MusicBox Prize "Best Singer Gold"

In Russia, the Russian World Music Awards Award appeared. Buzova went around the coin, and Lesha Svine - Lobod: Unexpected winners of the Russian MusicBox Prize
In Russia, the Russian World Music Awards Award appeared. Buzova went around the coin, and Lesha Svine - Lobod: Unexpected winners of the Russian MusicBox Prize "Best Singer Gold"

A new scandal broke out in the show business - on the eve of the MusicBox Music Prize, a number of artists received calls with the "urgent recommendation" not appear at the ceremony. Calls were distributed from the employees of the Russian Media Group. Super reported sources on the MusicBox channel.

Yes this is true. They do not just call, but in tough form they forbid to come to our award, threaten to remove them from the air on all radio stations and automatically turn off from the Golden Gramophone, "said Super General Director of the MusicBox Holding Musicbox. - Now it became known that they not only call the artists who are in rotation, but also beginners. Forbid them to appear on the red carpet, thereby saying that they are in a blacklist.

According to acquaintances with the situation, the sources, "blackmail", as well as novice performers, and "large fish": For example, Nikolai Baskov, there were several "gold gramophones" for the fact that he ignores the competitive musical ceremony. As they say, even Emine Agalarov tried to "threaten", which only laughed in response to the offer "not to quarrel" with a media group, which, in addition to the "Golden Gramophone", also belongs to the TV channel RU.TV.

Two weeks ago, the presence confirmed everything, even though they had already begun to call, but everyone said that in any case they would be with us that they would not go anywhere, "Natalia Palinova continued in conversation with Super. - We have already prepared the numbers: we have circus, and choreographers "Todes" - it didn't just take the microphone and sang, this is a serious formulation of the ceremony. And yesterday we flew at half the artists right away from the tree, Bilan, Baskov, ending with Articians and Asti, who started on our channel and were one of their loved ones. They even called Feduka, who is now abroad and not even going to us for a premium. Three days before the event, the artists said: "We can't, we put tough conditions."

Super called Nikolay Baskov, who was among those who would not come to the MusicBox TV channel.

Everyone knows that artists perform on music awards for free or for ethers. But the time is now difficult, you know, here I have a premiere of the show "Believe" in the Kremlin. Buchel in him is nemerene! Therefore, unfortunately, I preferred to participate in the wonderful premium. Musicbox, I told Super about the reason for refusing to participate in the event Nikolay Baskov.

The cause of the conflict of the head of the RMG - Vladimir Kiselev with seemingly not the main competitor of RU.TV and the "Russian Radio" is not officially voiced, but in the sidelines they say that this is not the first "crusade" of the RMG against the "colleagues". Preferring similar calls to artists were distributed on the eve of the award of the MUZ-TV TV channel. Also, the RMG is also famous for the unexpected censorship - so, last month, it was subjected to a clip Philip Kirkorov "The Color of the Mood of Blue", in which the rapper of Timati was neared, from which, allegedly, a conflict with his Kiselev's family had happened.

Also, one of the main reasons for the reasons is the long-standing accounts of the owners of the RMG and MusicBox, the latter allegedly refuse to put into rotation of the clips of his wife and sons Vladimir Kiselev - Yurkissa, Vladimir and Elena North. In addition, according to Palinova, Kiselev has long plans to assign a channel to himself.

There was a conversation with our owner with Kiselev about the transfer of MusicBox Kiselev television channel. I understand that the director refused and, maybe, because of this, everything happens. And I talked with Sergey Baldin (an employee of the RMG - approx. Ed.), He said to me: "Natasha, I'm hostage to the situation, take as it is, the task to disrupt your event! Everything!"

According to the stories of artists who have found themselves "between two lights", the key role in the situation is played by the program director of RU.TV - Mikhail Bogomolov. It is he who leads long negotiations, filled with urgent recommendations "Follow the Policy of the RMG". Super turned to the Bogomol for the comment.

This TV channel is not included in our holding, so I can not comment on you, "the Bogomol answered.

At the time of publication, get a comment by the heads of the RMG Vladimir Kiselev failed.

The MusicBox Channel Award will take place within this weekend - September 30, and participating in it many artists declared in the posters is still in question.

Several Russian pop stars, including Ani Lorak and Dima Bilan, missed the awards ceremony of the Russian Music Box. Other artists and producers tied it with a ban from the "Russian Radio" to appear at the concert of competitors.

Singer year with radio register

The best at the ceremony was recognized as the singer himself and her Diva show. After the news of the premium, the Lorak thanked everyone who gave voices for her, and separate director Oleg Bodnarchuk.

Presentation of trophies Russian Music Box passed on the eve of Crocus City Hall. The Lorak itself did not appear at the event, the award was awarded to members of her concert team.

The lack of an artist explained the Russian artist Lolita Milyavskaya. She received a statuette of the TV channel as the "best singer GOLD."

"It's good that no one can prohibit it to do as my young colleagues. I can not understand why an adult, rich and well-known holding, which includes "Russian Radio", nightmares of singers dependent on the esters, threatening with an exception to the rotation at all, "she wrote in Instagram.

At one time, the singer reminded, she broke a similar ban by visiting the "Moscow Komsomolets" soundtrack. " After that, it was "turned off" from the ether, but it did not affect the musical career. "And yet I really wanted Russkoradyers to enter into a" fighting "with equal rivals! An example on video, "the artist concluded.

Message Lolita

One post in Instagram Lolita was not limited. Going to the stage for the statuette, the actress supported the organizers of the award. And in very emotional expressions, the "Super" edition notes.

I came here, as it was declared in the poster, I'm not afraid of anything. I admire these women - two days ago they sobbed in a pillow because the artists called and said: "I will not be", "I was removed from rotation," "I was promised" Golden Gramophone "." Those who did it, I want to say: "They went to ***!" Sorry!

Lolita Milyavskaya.singer

At the ceremony did not appear: Jah Halib (directly stated that the support of the "Russian Radio" is more important), Dima Bilan (referred to the condition set by the third party), Diana Arbenina (for family reasons), Stas Mikhailov (unexpectedly remembered the concert on this day ), Zara, Katya Lel and Irina Krug (fell ill). Max Barsky and Svetlana Loboda The reason for the absence did not explain.

Olga Buzova and Emin Algarians ignored "warnings" and arrived at the presentation. Nothing about threats to the ban did not hear the arrived Oleg Gazmanov, Jasmine, Rapper Kravts, Lesha Svine, having duet with Bilan Singer Polina, Alan Hadzaragov (Matrang), Sabi Miss Rap-performer, Yulia Samoilova.

Representatives of the "Russian Radio" could not quickly respond to questions "360".

"Account Tool"

Producer Joseph Prigogin in a conversation with "360" called prohibitions and intimidation to the "Russian Radio" practice. He posted on colleagues who think that "if they fall under someone, their life will change for the better." And other performers are dispersed from the "repressed" artists. This happened when the prigoxine came to Sergey Kozhevnikov - the former general director of the "Russian media group", which includes the "Russian Radio".

"For example, who among you in the last three years he has heard the new songs of Valeria, who sound on the air of other radio stations? No one. And, I think, still do not hear the same. And it is good that in our country there are not one radio station and no monopoly, "said Prigogin.

Familiar artists often complain to the producer that they became hostages of the radio station. Prigogin made that they were forbidden to go to the award of the Russian Music Box award. "It is clear that everything is in words, shed. I was told about this and tell familiar. I do not want to intervene it. We were on this events of the TV channel and should not have been, we just supported them. Skotia is that if the artists were warned that they would not come before posted posters and sold tickets, it would be different, "the producer added.

According to Prigogin, "Russian Radio" has become "tool for accounts" with competitors and disagreeable artists.

Photo source: YouTube

"This is extremely wrong when the artist dictates, to which channel to walk, and what is not. Hot heads time to cool. The radio should not be a tool for invoice with innocuous artists. What can they? Where they will be entered, there and go. There are no conscience and fear. There is one fear: "Oh, tomorrow we can stop twist on the radio." And this is radio only for chosen, for those who are comfortable and profitable. Who knows how to flatter and does not go against, "concluded Prigogin.

Alexei Muskatin's music producer explained "360", which works closely with a "Russian media group". And what is happening there now can be called misunderstanding due to the collision of corporate interests. However, in his opinion, all this is transient.

"Yes, there is corporate ethics. If you are the face of one channel, then you do not go to others. But, starting with Comedy Club, it all eroded. They first began to appear on one, then on another TV channel. And in general, when the artist reaches a certain media level, and Ani Lorak reached it, it has the right to appear anywhere. Since it is no longer a person's face, but has become a national heritage. It is like Kirkorov to ban somewhere to walk. Only he decides, where he appears, just as Pugacheva or Leps do.<…> Ani Lorak some banners should no longer concern, "Muscatin concluded.

1 million 4229.

Topics: Music Country: Russia Language: Russian

Russian Music Box. - Fashionable music channel focused on young people. Broadcasts in 500 cities of the Russian Federation, to the Baltic States and the CIS, Europe and Far Abroad. The musical component was given 60% of the air, the rest of the time is broadcast programs of the entertainment. In the music part of the program prevail the most recent domestic hits in the style of Pop, Pop-Rock, Breathe-Pop, Pop-Dance, R'n'B and Hip-Hop. The harmonious image of the channel creates an interactive ether with various contests from the channel of the TV channel and popular performers. Entertainment part of Russian Music Box is musical and related projects of our own production.

Russian Music Box. - Fashionable music channel focused on young people. Broadcasts in 500 cities of the Russian Federation, to the Baltic States and the CIS, Europe and Far Abroad. The music component has given 60% of the air, the rest of the entertainment programs are broadcast.

The most recent domestic hits in the style of Pop, Pop-Rock, Breathe-Pop, Pop-Dance, R'n'B and Hip-Hop prevail in the music part of the program. The harmonious image of the channel creates an interactive ether with various contests from the channel of the TV channel and popular performers. Entertainment part of Russian Music Box is musical and related projects of our own production.

Greetings friends. I am a legendary mega musician author + artist, poet, composer, singer, famous for the pseudonym Emperor Alexander Argunsky, recorded 111 (one hundred eleven) studio albums of his original discography, and the total number of all versions and options for my albums is 1115 (one thousand one hundred fifteen). To date, this is an absolute world record, more than a hundred studio albums of original discography, and more than a thousand different versions and album options, there is no planet musician. Argument and fact, it is outstanding, higher and better achievement in the field of world music. Leading, the best specialists of world music, say: "Emperor Alexander Argunsky outstanding, the highest and best musician of the planet." Many people and professionals say: "Alexander Argunsky ... Pushkin, Tchaikovsky, Shaliapin of our time or easier Elvis Presley Russia." Frankly, I do not upset this comments at all, and considering that envious villains, another opinion, even please.
For me, as for the Orthodox person, the chief teacher and the defender is God. And I value the opinion of the fertile bass. In particular, an amazing person, the turned the old man's abbot of the church of the Wonderworker Nicholas in the Pokrovsky Father of Dionysius at the meeting told me that I am pride and the dignity of Russia and blessed me to create large-scale creative and historical projects about the Holy Rus.
In 2018, I began to create a scenario of a masterpiece, epochial-historical, large-scale, documentary-artistic series film series, a cellopopes under the general name of the "heroes" consisting of three parts with a total number of 1000 episodes.
The first part of the scale-historical cellpeople called "Heroes of the Fatherland". Consists of 100 episodes Each series will be devoted and talk about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. People of different nationalities from all regions of the Soviet Union and other countries: soldiers, officers, generals, marshals, civilians, children, women, the elderly, who committed heroic feats from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, from the battle for the Brest fortress , Battle for Moscow, Stalingrad Battle, Kursk Battle, Battle for the liberation of cities of Russia and Europe, up to the Battle of Berlin and Reichstag's Take.
The second part of the script of a large-historical film epopsychie consisting of 500 episodes, called the "heroes of the Second World War", under the general name of the "heroes", as well as the third part, will be written in parallel to the first part.
It will disclose heroic deeds, feats, people of all countries, throughout the planet in the fight against fascist Germany and its allies, in the period from the beginning to the end of World War II from September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945. Final of the second part of the film epopaye, the Battle of the Soviet Union with Japan's ending victory of Russia.
The third part of the film-epopsychie called "Heroes of the 20th Century" under the general name "Heroes" consisting of 1000 episodes will cover the period of January 1, 1900 to January 1, 2000. From the campaign and victory over China at the beginning of the century, the army of the Russian Empire, the war of 1904-05 with Japan, the First World War, the Second World War, to the victory of Russia over the world evil at the end of the century.
The author's idea in the creation of a cellopopie is that the first part of the cell-epopaye will be integrated into the second part, and the second part of the film epoplopes will be included in the total third part. Anyone, a citizen of any state while watching at least one series of a movie-meter will say one thing: "Russia is a country of heroes, do not fight with Rus, Russia will always win, because Russia is a winner country."
In the Representative Office of the Russian Federation in Moscow, as well as the Ministry of Culture, Enlightenment, Local Lore Museums and Historical Communities in the regions of Russia, I sent the appeal, and also personally arrived in these institutions in order to clarify the state. Employed on the importance and significance for Russia and the entire world community of this large-scale project. Description of the heroic exploits of people, participants of the Second World War, all wars, at all historical stages of the 20th century and stories about the heroic exploits of local residents who were in the rear and occupation living in the respective regions and states.
It was recommended that the history of perfect heroic exploits was fully described as truthfully and fully stated, to draw up the story of employees of local history museums, historians, journalists, writers of regions and countries.
The poor Seraphim Sarovsky, like all the righteous saints always and everyone called on to make good things, for in this sense of life. Alexander Nevsky said: "The destruction is waiting for the one who will try to conquer the Holy Rus." As President of Russia, V. Putin, said at one important, solemn, state event: "The country should have heroes, and people need to know them." I can only say that "Sacred Russia, there are, and there will be heroes, and all the people of the planet should know them ... even Papuans."
I hope that you will be interested in this project and you will agree to cooperate and assist in this important business.
Sincerely A.S. Argun.

September 23 in Crocus City Hall passed the fifth Real Award Russian Music Box 2017.

Already at the current tradition before the beginning of the solemn ceremony, all the stars and participants of the award took place on the red carpet, as they say "to see others to show themselves. It is "to show yourself" this time I decided Olga Buzova, which is gaining very popular popularity not only with its new hits, but also with outrageous outfits.

This time Olga went to the walkway in a transparent black dress on a naked bodyWhat made a furor among not only media representatives, but also their colleagues. Olga this year is nominated for the "Creative Year". Apparently, therefore, the singer decided, by all means to prove to everyone that only she deserves award in this nomination.

Many of all impressed and appearance on the path of pregnant Rita Dakota Accompanied by the spouse of Vlad Sokolovsky, who for the evening with great love hugged his wife and her, already quite strongly rounded, the belly, which, as we see, absolutely does not interfere with the Rita to appear in public.

The "King of Glamor" was not not paid to Sergey Zverev. After all, it is not for nothing that he bears such a status that is trying to maintain in every way - his images are always bright and impressive. So this time, Sergey appeared on a red carpet in a very glamorous outfit: with a huge rose from Rosas on the jacket and in the crown of gemstones.

The singer and model Anna Kalashnikova tried on a very original imagewhich could be called "Princess Elf". A long pink dress in the floor with a huge loop, which Anna wrapped like wings, and her ears looked like the real elf ears - long and pointed. If, the Music Box TV channel handed a premium for the outfits in which the stars appear on a red carpet, then, of course, Anna Kalashnikov would receive a premium for the most original outfit, and Olga Buzova for the most empty.

In a very bright and unusual image, one of the representatives of the Music Box itself, the leading program back Stage Alina Yang appeared. Its leather jockey suit and blue hair color also attracted great attention to all those present guests.

In a very beautiful and feminine dress from the talented stylist Natalia Daragan appeared on a red carpet and singer Lena Maksimova. According to the girl, Natalia in his outfits focuses on feathers and rhinestones, which was observed in the image of Lena.

Singer Alina Grosu, which this year is nominated for the "creative year" together with Olga Buzova, did not shock the public, but, on the contrary, appeared on the track in the full opposite of Olga Buzova's open dress, in the original long cardigan with a hood with leopard edges around the edge and in black High boots.

In addition to the main heroes of the evening, there were those who came to support their colleagues - artists Anastasia Karpov, Marcus Riva, Grigory Yurchenko, Daria Shashin, as well as those who are just starting to fight the expanses of show business - this is Singer Andrei Yankin.

The solemn part of the evening also did not leave all the audience without surprises. A concert program of the anthem of the TV channel Russian Music Box opened. Its specifically for this event wrote a singer Brandone Stone. He sounded performed by the stars and nominees of the premium. The ceremony itself was divided into three parts, each of which was held by the magnificent leading Alexey Vorobyev and Anna Grachevskaya, Anfisa Chekhov and Denis Kosyakov, Hannah and Timur Rodriguez. Leading, who is in which far, entertained the audience in the hall, and also declared nominees and protruding artists.

Fifth Real Prize Russian Music Box 2017 - P adients

And of course, the most important intrigue evening was the distribution of cherished figurines that received Christian Kostaf in the nomination "Teenage project". Artik & Asti - "Group of the year", B2 - "Rock year." Group "Fly" - "Breakthrough of the Year". "Show year" - Anita Tsoi. "Creative year" "Mitya Fomin, who has proven to all that creative is not necessarily outpathed outfits, namely interesting ideas that Mitya always uses in their work. "Video of the Year" - Sergey Lazarev and his "Lucky Stranger", Basta - Hip-Hop Project. Irina Krug - "City Romance", Jute boxing trio - "Out of the format". Absolutely deservedly received their figurines Max Barsky for the "Song of the Year" "Fogany", Svetlana Loboda "Album of the Year".

Also every year the TV channel Russian Music Box presents its awards to artists whose popularity depends on the support of fan clubs - these are nominations as "In contact with". Here I received my reward of the singer Nyusha, and "Best Fan Club"where Alexey Vorobyev became the winner. Special prizes from the RUSSIAN MUSIC BOX channel, such as "The best of the new" - Received singer Hannah, "For charitable projects" - Zara "High Plank" - Ani Lorak, "Always on the wave" - Olga Buzova.

A nomination not related to music, but undoubtedly also important in the age of the Internet and social networks - is "Blogger of the Year"which Amira Sardarov received. And, of course, the most important nominations, according to tradition, were announced in the final of the concert program - this "Singer of the Year." Here, the nomination was presented, without a doubt, also, absolutely deserved Dima Bilan. "Singer of the Year" Received the most positive and amazing singer of the Russian show business - Christmas tree. Nomination "Singer of the Year Gold" I received Stas Mikhailov, but "Singer of the Year Gold" Steel Katya Lel.

The apogee evening was the performance of a foreign guest The Parakit..

Partners of the real premium TV channel Russian Music Box 2017