Sutkin biography personal life. Valery Syutkin - biography, information, personal life

Sutkin biography personal life. Valery Syutkin - biography, information, personal life
Sutkin biography personal life. Valery Syutkin - biography, information, personal life

Valery Syutkin, today's birthday (March 22), as you know, have already been a quarter of a century as happy in marriage. And often talks about how lucky him! But an extremely interesting interview about how the two first of his marriage was made, also gave, tells the site.

That Southkin himself says

What the previous marriages are what he even tries to remember. Twenty five years ago he decided to marry one particular woman and live for her, point! And before that there were situations when, after the first successful date, it was decent to ask the hands of the girl. Barely kisses - parents are already asked about your intentions, Sutkin complains, explaining the causes of his two marriages.

Photo: Pinterest

Children Syutkin

He has two children from previous marriages. Elena thirty eight, Maxim thirty, and with his father they are friends. In children, in general, everything is fine, and Valery stopped helping them with money as soon as they rose. For the eighteen, says Syutkin, I make a good gift for children, the same car, and then let them go where they know! Lena married to a businessman, Max lives a civil marriage with his beloved girl Yulya, and Viola meets with German, and the apartment Russian-German couple removes himself, without the help of Syutkin. Valery never restricted children, but at the same time did not give too much.

Here is his wife, he always makes many gifts! Viola senior constantly gets expensive presents. Your favorite woman must be happy daily to be happy.

Photo: Pinterest

First marriages Valery

Almost forty years ago, he met the first his wife, but he lived with her only two years. But Elena was born! She economist graduated from Moscow State University, and in 2014 he became a mother of little Vasilisa - now Sutkin has a granddaughter. And the second time he was married to the former girl of his friend ... The marriage collapsed, because Syutkin was wore in all directions, including on the side ... Maxim was born in 1987, but Valery did not bother the house. The marriage would continue "for the sake of the Son," but Sutkin met Violetta! ..

Valery and Viola

Was in 1992, Viola was eighteen years old, and she got a job to work in the "Bravo". It would seem that the novel of the musician with eighteen should not have ended well, smiling journalist Joinfomedia Diana Lynn! And he took - and developed. Two years later, Viola Jr. was born. Now she has already finished college in Switzerland, studying at the university in Paris. In short, love is simply blooming and smells!

It is even strange that it was in the photographs of Syutkin at one time played on the Internet, making collages with his face and the appeal "beat the Babu ... Conditionally say, Morde." It is probably the fact that it is a soft man, with a very happy family, because the game is on the contrast! ..

A couple of years ago, Valery Sutkin for insane money. We believe the money was needed not just like this - of course, please please your wife! So you can congratulate Viola with the fact that once, an eighteen-year-old girl, she met Valery Sutkin, and in general, the group "Bravo".

- I admit that youth, having heard Sutkin's surname, asks: "And who is it?" And this does not hurt me. My audience is 40-50-year-old people, and there are many of them. In addition, I no longer want the siege of fans, which was during my work in Bravo.

In this superpopular team, I accidentally fell. In 1990 he played a trio "Fen-O-men", we toured a lot, mostly warmed up the public on the speeches of Boyarsky. It was a period of unrestrained fun and ease of being ... In one of the free summer evenings, I headed for a concert "Time Machines". I sit on the first row, near - Javtan: "Valerka, hello, what are you doing? Maybe in "Bravo" you will get up? " I was awesome, at that time they had a soloist Zhenya Osin, and I liked it, I looked organically in the team. Havtan says: "We broke up three months ago. Let's try?" And I, although more about Rock, agreed. Group "Bravo" was a very popular team.

After a couple of days, he arrived at the rehearsal base, taking with him a wide-rolled black hat - for the image. I enter the hall, the musicians are already assembly. Zhenya Havtan with the move guides the motive - Pam-Pam-Pam-Pam and declares: "We need a song about the style." And I wrote texts for the Fen-O-men groups, the "architect" and "phone", but I did not consider myself a poet. I suggest: "Zhen, let's first sketch the script? What do we want to say about? "

The plot was immediately born: "The beautiful hero goes in Moscow, everything around is falling with stacks - and the question sounds: who is this style? "Everyone will answer, everyone will answer ... Of course, Edik." And all the styles called themselves somehow clean. We also wanted to add a little irony. "Maybe Petya or Grisha?"

And here our bassist Sereza Lapin says: "Vasya!" Javtan in horror: "Only not Vasya!" And I clung for the name: "Stop, it is Vasya. Once there was a rejection, it means that the public will remember. " So Born Hit. On the same rehearsal, we wrote a "girlish of 16 years." I suggested not to be wondering, but simply translate from the English song Chuck Berry "Sweet Little Sixteen". And the fact that my knowledge in the language was not enough for accurate translation, even for the better, because the text came out artistically meaningful. With these two songs and "yellow boots", in which I had to rewrite the text from the female (Zhanna Aguzarova sang it) on the male, I suggested Havtan to go on tour to immediately understand whether the right way was right. He is terrified: with three songs of tour?! But agreed - it was not ...

And on August 25, 1990, we gave a concert in the tiny theater of the city of Sumy, where a hundred people gathered. And ... they broke it like a tuzir. Success was stunning. Zhenya said: "There is something in it ..."

In order to thoroughly understand the style of music to thoroughly, I bought myself a huge box of the Rock and Roll plates of the 1950s and 1960s and for a month everyone studied them.

- You immediately remembered the audience not only a lyrical voice voice, but also a stylish appearance. How did the style of styles born?

- In the course of the play ... My Zhenya and I went to work on a flea market of the Tishinsky market. And when we went to tour in small towns, did not be bored by commissions. Sellers rejoiced when we, thoroughly fighting in the rods, took the stared goods - narrow shoes, coats with puffers, short and wide parrot colors of ties ... All that they found interesting, no matter what size, hoping that someone in the group is useful . Our audience is a whole army - did not go to Syutkin and Havtan, but on the style. And the concerts were perceived as an opportunity, first of all show themselves.

- You sang in Bravo in a very troubled time for the country. Surely at concerts did not do without excesses?

- We had Oleg in the group, officially his position was called "Specialist in Public Relations", and unofficially it was our bodyguard. The dwelling such, the dry, broadcaster, looks like Doberman. Somehow twenty people of local marriages hit us in Kazan. So he came out and one decided the question. It recommended our producer Evgeny Fridlyand. Said, "There is an intelligent guy from Kemerov, wants to work with us."

We invited him to a concert in the "Russia" hall - to meet and discuss prospects for cooperation. And so, I remember, on the song "I am what you need," such a two-meter wardrobe closes on the stage, sitting on the chair face in the hall and squeezes. And then screams loudly: "Vova, cool looks on the background of styles? Take a photo of me!" I continue to sing, and what to do ... Oleg appeared in the aisle. And further what I saw, difficult to describe. He easily jumped into the scene, passed by the ambulant, without turning, grabbed him for the nostrils and the tops behind him. And all - in one movement of the hand!

For them from the hall ran out five more. When we went out for the scenes, we saw the following picture: all six lie on the floor in the outboard, and Oleg smokes alongside. He knew a lot about Wushu, Jiu-Jitsu and a street fight. Salary, by the way, we did not pay him. He marked his interest like this: "Feed and take a tour. And on Saturdays I will rest. " He really was our rampant life by Kaif. At that time, the BRAVO group was a big friendly collective farm, in all the pleasure of life.

In general, the 1990s passed smoothly. Several times we rushed for money, well, oh well. I will not say that we are somehow stuck. For a concert received a little. But since they worked "packages", that is, they gave several concerts in a row, they could earn rubles on three hundred, which were then quickly descended in Moscow. More serious earnings began with the arrival of Friedland. We offered him to become our companion, putting a clear goal - to make a breakthrough. Instead of playing around the villages, 500 km from large cities, take Moscow, Peter, Kiev ...

Havtan and I perfectly complemented each other. Zhenya is an intelligent thin composer, a shy man, and I - Energizer. Of us two, it turned out a rattling mixture. Friedlyand clearly said: "You can collapse in the fluff and dust, but while I am here, you will work. Your tandem - Golden lived. "

I appreciate Zhenya and I love, it is a pity that a long creative way to go together is not under power.

If he did not push me to the solo project and did not include the chief, we would still have to perform together and compose wonderful songs. But I can not wash.

- The life of rock and rollschik is unlikely to be compatible with family values? Which wife will like that in every city her husband fans.

- It all depends on the relationship in the family. We worked as administrator Lesha Saveliev, a sociable cheerful guy. In any city, he ordered dinner for us in the best restaurant for us, invited the finalist of beauty contests there. At that time we lived on a complete coil, biting all kinds of fun. But it is bored, at some point, any man begins to want real feelings. I rumbled at 33 years old when I met Viola. Well, not earlier, because it has already managed to make the right conclusions.

- And those girls, from your stormy youth, did not try to go after you in Moscow?

- Other There were time ... Our fans all rightly understood: a young man playing rock and roll, can not be an exemplary family man. And already in the first minute dating everything was clear and understandable: today we are together, and about tomorrow there is nothing to think.

Group "Bravo" in the 1990s Radia Stadiums. Photo: From the personal archive of Valery Sutkin

"You managed to build a family only with the third attempt, because before meeting with Viola you were already married, and twice.

- There was no attempt, only I consider the current family first and the only one. What I will say now is not an excuse, but my perception of the past. My first experience, let's say, cohabitation with women was determined by one: those social and those conditions in which we all lived. The current young even imagine that in the late 1970s - the beginning of the 1980s it was impossible to spend time alone with a decent girl without making her suggestions. I met, walked a month, and you are already working to get acquainted with your parents ... And they look with the threshold - well, when you say: "I love your daughter and want to take her wife"? Otherwise, you will be accepted for a scum ... At that time, many were so married: if only the society did not look at Square.

While in my life the main thing was rock and roll, male behavior was ugly. (With a smile.) Maybe thus more than me prepared for a meeting with the only love of my life?

I love Viol at the molecular level, at the level of smell, sound, touch. Its congenital unavailability, sometimes cool alienation, sometimes categorical stimulates my interest. And also flawless style, beauty and dignity. Actually, at first I fell in love, because me, the king of the Russian rock and roll, she took and sewed.

"You said that Viola came to the" Bravo "costume designer and direct text reported to all of you that I did not intend to arrange my personal life here. You immediately understood that in front of you - the woman of your dreams?

- Our love story clearly originated in heaven. I even regret that first time told in the press about the order of events. There was a feeling of a paved plate. History is actually deeper! Therefore, I will say this: I do not remember how we all started, probably, something was added to me. I woke up - I already live with such a beauty. (Laughs.)

- We will write.

- You know, I can not even believe that since then has passed 21 years, because today Viola is young, beautiful, gorgeous.

When I put myself to her place, I do not understand: I needed to fuck her? Unreliable ladies' waters ... I imagine that I thought her mother when I learned, with whom my daughter contacted.

- Considering that at that time you were official marriage, your love story was obviously not easy?

"I lived as I wanted, I didn't ask questions and did not require anything ... And I could hardly change something to change, not to meet me Viola. Men appreciate the established life and convenience. But at some point she said: "Stop, enough." And we tried to live separately. I did not succeed, I could not, she was needed as air.

It was madly scary to tear up the well-established life. But I did it in one minute. At that time, I read Kortasar "Game in Classics". And one phrase shocked me: "We do everything to extinguish yourself from what is called true adventure." It was right to the point in relation to my situation. On the same day, I, as a decent man, left the house in what was, and at Viola and I began life with a clean leaf. For a long time, they took an apartment on Kakhovskaya, then lived a little with my mom, but they realized that this is not an option, again filmed and after a few years bought your own apartment near the Yauzovsky Boulevard, where my childhood passed.

Similar history happened to my eldest friend. He, a married man fell in love and came to me for advice. Seeing that this was not a demon in the edge, but real feelings, I so told him: "Get ready to pay for your choice and bumble in full program. Friends will turn away from you, because their wives in solidarity will not communicate with your new spouse. But to our support to expect support, because we know by ourselves - you need to fight for feelings. " And here for almost seven years he is unrestrained happy. They have three children. And in the previous marriage there were no children. I also had to go through purgatory. For example, with my friend Zhenya Margulis only recently began to communicate tally, and his wife Anya began to greet with Viola.

- What did these twenty years have understood about family life?

- What is needed to have a personal space. For example, the questions that relate exclusively to me, that is, my mom or older children, I do not advise my wife and recommend it with me these topics not to discuss. And in the rest I am inferior to my wife. It seems to me that the secret of a happy family life is very simple: a man must be a knight.

- I lived as I wanted. I did not ask questions and did not require anything ... And I could hardly change something, not to meet me Viola 1993. Photo: From the personal archive Valery Sutkin

- Sometimes these are called repentable.

- And any normal man is a podkinnik. The one who can provide his woman's beautiful life will be happy. Women are grateful. And if they treat them as a service station, then happiness do not see.

I, like, I believe that only women and dogs give a feeling of fullness of life. And I live according to the principle: "On! Take how much you need! " I do not need anything for myself.

I have already lost many of my buddies. Someone is not lucky, an accident, illness. Life is fleeting like a comet. And I brought such a theory: so that I was fine, you need to give everything close. Happiness is "on"!

And in general, I am already an elderly and fly every week by plane, you never know what ... Wife and mother-in-law managed by all my earnings, which is an accountant.

- Many men fear to fully trust his wife: what happens to, will remain without cola, without the court.

- I have already reset my life and never regretted it. While I can keep the guitar in my hands, earn on the shelter and food. Vombulykah my "Moscow bit" to the one who wants to listen to him. I'm confident from youth that only generosity won women's hearts. It is not only about material benefits. You, women, love men for readiness for a act, to the decision.

To the question of who we have the head of the family, answer how Woody Allen: "Everything, I do absolutely everything in our family. And the wife, she just accepts the decision. " While we are very different with Viol, when our daughter was three years old, she once said so: "Mom is beautiful and principled. And the dad we have fun. "

- I can not ask: and your older children are not offended at you?

"They need them to ask ... For the elders, I was really not my father in the full sense of the word, but always appeared when my support was required. Lena is already 33, she received a lawyer's diploma, works as a specialist in a foreign company in a foreign company. Most recently, they gave birth to her daughter with her husband. Immediately sent me SMS: "Grandpa, congratulations!" Son Maxim 27, he graduated from the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University, working in tourism, a naked guy. Financially I helped before the age of majority, put it, so to speak, on the wing. Now they do not need them in my support.

Claims to the fact that I was very present in their lives are fully accepted. How my father is far from the ideal, but everything that was supposed to do was did. I did not say, but I like the phrase: "I do not blame anyone and I just happened."

Fully I raised only one child - Viola. Present at birth, walked on boulevards with a carriage, ran to the dairy kitchen, checked the lessons and developed her talents. Although, of course, the hardest in the education plan fell into my wife. This I will come with a tour and rushing to my daughter with hugs: "My Barsik, my bird, my sun, Viola," and she has to be larching. It is very grateful for her.

In the fall of our daughter, it will be 18. For two years she studied in Switzerland, graduated from college, this summer entered the American University in Paris. Wants to be a screenwriter and theatrical director. But to write and directly, a rich inner world is required and experience. So for the time being, in my opinion, she should get a general wide education. Europe in this sense is good because the child has to be extended to be independence - no one will wake in the morning and combing.

It was very ridiculous when on the first day of staying in college in Switzerland Viola almost fell under the deduction. It happened so. She invited her buddy on his birthday, the topic of Shulgin, Son. Yosya Prigogin drove her, took the receipt. And back it brought only two nights, to the campus closed doors ... no one knew that students should be in their rooms exactly at 21:00. Panic rose, while Yosya tried to solve the problem, the director already called me and said that in the history of the school, this is the first such thing. Spectacular start ...

- It seems to me that the secret of a happy family life is very simple. A man must be a knight. With Violete wife and daughter Viola. Photo: Alexander Kudryakov

- When the girl was 10 years old, you released a collection of her stories. Do you really like the writings of a child or just think that it should be encouraged and motivated for success?

- Somehow Tanich asked a five-year-old Viola: "What is the name of the country in which you live?" - Expecting that the one will answer: "Russia". And at that moment I draw spring - the snow is so gray, the trees are blown up ... Rises the head and says:

"Winter paradise" is called our country. " She thinks non-standard from birth. Stories she began writing at five years. I like this, quoting literally. "The Corsa is my dog. When she was brought, she was small, she believed that I was her baby. When the dog was attacked on me, the Corse attacked her. Why am I writing it? And because today is exactly a year, as our corse died. But you do not worry, my dear, you will be fine. " Five years I collected all the leaves and on her 10th anniversary released a collection of 20 copies. Vioola had to compose the preface that I killed me.

"When I started writing this book, I was very small, so there are mistakes in it. They do not need to pay attention, because fantasies do not have borders, and poetry comes out of the banks. "

When she gave books to classmates, one boy asked the autograph. She ran to me: "Dad, how to write an autograph?" - "Write" from the Viola ... "in her eyes I read: it's nice to do something yourself.

It is important for me that children grow decent people who can work. Therefore, I encourage a good education, although, put your hand on the heart, I think that the woman should work when it can not. And if it can, then let it better engage in its beauty and creating a comfort in the house.

Now I think: I am a happy man! All my life I am doing a favorite thing, sang together with Magomaev, Mianzarova, Hille and even Sir Tom Jones. Recently, together with his team, Southkin Band found another field of activity: we hold holidays for good talented people. And my soul snakes when I sing and see in the hall of the dancers Posner, Zhvanetsky, Galina Borisovna Wolchek ... They say to me Thank you - and this is a higher pleasure. In general, it is simple to be happy, you just need to make such a decision: "I will be happy" - and everything will immediately.

I live with a woman I love and with whom I want to live to the last day together, I have good children ... but I have been 56 years old, and I measure every year as one fifty-sixth life ... and time flies with a mad speed - U-y -U. On my Filnik, one friend said: "We want to present you with a penthouse, not free, but with a big discount." And then I remembered that I was already 50, and I realized that I did not want to spend the remaining years to distribute debts. And I tell him: "In 49 years it would take, and now I have no time."

Now I began to understand that all dreams and plans must be poisoned with age. I will not take even a gift to the yacht, the plane and so on that it will pull me down.

The main toast today is this: "Life is short, so forgive quickly. Kee down with your loved ones slowly, love sincerely, friends are devoted, having fun uncontrollably. And the rest of life will advise himself. "

Education: He graduated from the Faculty of Cultural Science MGU them. Sholokhov

A family: Wife - Violetta; Children - Viola, Maxim, Elena; Granddaughter - Vasilisa

Career: He worked in the groups "Phone", "Architect", "Fen-O-men". In 1990, became the soloist of the group "Bravo". In 1995, he created the group "Sutkin and Co.", in the 2005th - Orchestra "Sutkin Band". The author of his hives: "7000 above Earth", "Vasya", "I am what you need", "the road to the clouds", "like a sorry", "That's all" and others. Professor of the Department of Vocal and Hadruk Sholokhov. Honored Artist of Russia

Valeria Sutkin is difficult to imagine without a suit, tie and microphone. But at the beginning of his career, he went on stage completely in another quality - drummer and bass guitarist. "I would sat all my life," says Sutkin. Purchased pure accident.

From drummers to soloists

1967 year

Native Moskvich Valera Syutkin was born in a family, where no one was engaged in music, although his parents met with quite musical circumstances: Pope has noticed mom on dancing. Perhaps so they did not object to the music of their teenage son. Hearing once the song The Beatles, 11-year-old Valera decided that he wanted to play the same way, and began to master the guitar. Estimates at school became worse, but it was not worried about him. Soon Syutkin has already played in an amateur rock band organized with the guys from his yard. The drums have mastered there.

At the real drum installation, he independently has accumulated to senior classes. Parents by that time divorced and allowed his son to decide himself than he wants to do. Valera had one answer - music. Due to the lack of musical education, he did not go anywhere after school.He got an assistant to the cook in the restaurant, where in his spare time he was allowed to play on tools. Here, he caught the agenda to the army. The military ensemble "Flight" unexpectedly opened Syutkin-vocalist: when the main soloist Via fell ill, Valery volunteered to replace him, and it turned out that he sings well.

Plans for the future decided finally. It remained to implement them.

Twice diluted and twice father

After serving, Southkin returned to Moscow. His main goal was to make a music group, but it was not easy to do it. At the views and interviews Valera, he said that she graduated from the correspondence department of the Musechili in Kirovsk. And the lack of connections fled the natural charm and sincere love for the profession.

In the early 80s, he was accepted in VIA "Phone". For three years, that Syutkin sang there, an ensemble from amateur turned into a professional, and even managed to release five albums, despite many bureaucratic obstacles. Then there was a group "Architect", which entered the top 5 ensembles in the USSR. Valery Sutkin no longer needed to invent stories to confirm his professionalism. The school dream became a reality: music, concerts, fans ... There were many latter, and Valery quickly walked a real heart. In the 80s, he managed to marry twice and twice to become a father.

The names of their first wives singer does not call - from respect for them. The first marriage lasted only two years, the daughter of Elena was born in Hyutkin. For the second time he went to the registry office with a girl who beat off a friend. The second wife gave him the son of Maxim, but for a long time in the life of the musician, too, was also not delayed. "My first experience, let's say so, the cohabitation with women was determined by one: those social and those conditions in which we all lived. The current youngsters can not even imagine that in the late 1970s - early 1980s it was impossible to spend time alone with a decent girl, without making her suggestions, "explains Sutkin his windiness of those years. He met his true love at 33 years old. But first it was "Bravo".

Five bright years

Valery Syutkin and the group "Bravo" during the speech, 1993.

By the end of the 80s, Sutkin left "Zodki", organized his group (Trio "Feng-O-Main") and managed to work in the troupe Mikhail Boyarsky. And in 1990, the founder of the "Bravo" Evgeny Javtan offered him to take the place of Zhanna Aguzarova.

Working with "Bravo" completely changed his life. Syutkin changed the hairstyle and stage image: a certain "rock and roll" path change came neat styles, on the stage, he now went out in a constant costume and a tie. Never before His creativity did not use such a mad popularity - the songs of Vasya, "I have something to", "Moscow Bit" sounded on all radio stations, bravo cassettes were bought instantly.

Hit "Vasya" came up with the whole team. "The plot was born:" There is a beautiful hero in Moscow, everyone around falls with stacks - and the question sounds: Who is this style? "Everyone will answer, everyone will answer ... Of course, Edik." And all the styles called themselves somehow prefigured ... And here our bassist Seryozha Lapin says: "Vasya!" Javtan in horror: "Only not Vasya!" And I clung for the name: "Stop, it is Vasya. Once there was a rejection, it means that the public will remember. " So Born Hit, "- told the musician in one of the interviews. With the arrival of Syutkin, the "Bravo" opened a second breathing, and he became a real star. But the main result of the work in the group was familiar with the woman, which he will love "at the molecular level".


With his wife Viola

The 19-year-old Viola came to work in the "Bravo" costume designer and immediately stated to musicians that she was not going to arrange her personal life here. Sutkin was married to the second marriage, but his family life occupied little: at home spent less time than in tours. A purely professional relationship with a new one lasted until he stole her kiss for one of the concerts. The novel started, who broke the Viola. Understanding that Valery is married, she decided that the relationship should be stopped. They tried to live separately, but it was above his strength. Syutkin filed for divorce.

It turned out to be the most correct decision in his life. With Viola, he gained a house in which I wanted to return after the tour, brought up a daughter, at the birth of which was present personally. "Actually, it is simple to be happy, it is only necessary to make such a decision:" I will be happy "- and everything will be right away," says Syutkin. After leaving "Bravo" in 1995, he fully took responsibility for his musical career. The Sutkin Band group continues to successfully perform and collects the full halls. "Life is short. Forgive quickly, kiss slowly, "Valery Sutkin's chief advice to his fans.

Photo: Personastars, D. Corobeiniki / RIA Novosti, Instagram

Who is Valery Sutkin? Looking at this cheerful, perky and mobile guy, it seems that he never has any problems or trouble. In fact, he was called the main musical intellectual of the Soviet Union. Valery performed in various musical groups, including the BRAVO group at one time, which was loved by listeners with their burdens and energeticness. Now he also has his own group, continues to delight his audience. And although, of course, times are no longer the people require other creative teams and songs, all the same Valery Sutkin made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian pop. Let's consider this interesting person in more detail, as he started and what he sought throughout his life.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Valery Sutkin

Growth, weight, age. How many years old Valery Sutkin - all these questions arouse some bewilderment, because it seems forever young, energetic and man, which is always on a positive. Today, Valery has been 59 years old, although it's a little difficult to believe it. The growth is 187 centimeters, and the weight of 76 kilograms. As you can understand, a man is in good shape, continues to maintain his positive image, in other words, one who has supported a good mood for long years before the fans. But why, after all, began? Why did he decide to become a musician and how to recognize good vocal data?

Biography and personal life Valery Sutkin

Biography and personal life Valery Sutkin as can be guessed deserves separate attention, because his attraction to music has been manifested at the most young age. For this, he in the eighth grade, violating all the school rules, went to work by the seller-consultant and earned his first in his life seventy rubles, having bought a musical instrument on them. After he matured, he began to look for himself. He passed the group "Bravo", "Phone" and some others who, with his arrival, became more and more popular. Now he has his own group. Regarding personal life, Valery Sutkin has never been deprived of the second half of humanity. The man was married three times, with his woman he had a warm relationship with him, he himself said that he had never regretted the choice he was in his time.

Family and children Valery Sutkin

Valery Southkin's family and children today consist of himself, the daughter of Helena from the first marriage, the son of Maxim from the second marriage. In addition, he now has a wife of Violetta, in marriage with which the daughter of Viola was born. It must be said that Sutkin loves his youngest daughter, he tries to spend every minute with her every minute. Every time, returning from tour, the first thing he does is immediately returning to his family, because it really needs to be in a calm family circle. Here I want to note that Violetta, the only wife, whose name is known, because the names of their former two wives, Valery tries not to advertise, if only because it could feel the feeling of guilt in front of them. After all, the divorces followed due to the fact that Valeria had an uncontrollable attraction to other women.

Son Valeria Sutkin - Maxim

Son Valery Sutkin Maxim became a direct heir to Valery Sutkin from the second marriage. The second wife of the singer became familiar with his good friend, who, in essence, and brought young people together. For some time, the spouses lived in harmony, the son of Maxim was brought up. But the uncontrolling passion of Valery to other women did not allow to build a strong family. And although the wife knew about his adventures, she still closed her eyes, because she wanted to preserve the family union for the sake of her son and financial well-being. Now Valery is seen from time to time with his son, trying to help him as as advice and the case.

Daughter Valery Sutkin - Elena

The daughter of Valery Sutkin Elena became the result of love between Valery Sutkin and his first wife. The girl herself finished the university well, married and in 2014 she presented her father's granddaughter by making his grandfather. Now Elena lives his life, is not a public person, but at the same time it is regularly seen with his father. She understands that although the total life of their parents did not work out, it does not prevent them from being in good relationships, sometimes see. Valery himself is very glad that he has a good daughter, although at one time he burned his youthful love for her mother, but it often happens in life, no wonder.

Daughter Valery Sutkin - Viola

Valery's daughter Syutkin Viola became his younger daughter from the third marriage. The fact is that after Sutkin married Violent's costumes, he realized that he found the woman who was looking for a lifetime. As a result, the girl of Viola appeared on the light, in which the parents of the soul do not have a challenge. The girl herself has already graduated from the university abroad, he studied well, tried to justify the expectations of the parents. It is difficult to say whether she will go in the footsteps of his father, but she has all the prerequisites for it, all doors are open to the world of show business. Therefore, who knows, perhaps, we will soon hear something new and interesting about her.

Wife Valery Sutkin

Women Valeria Sutkin - Violetta, and the first two, the names of which were not known to become his chosen over their life. Moreover, his wife appeared when he was very young, so there is nothing surprising that soon the youthful dust burned. The second wife was also not delayed in his life for a long time because of the passion of the spouse to other women. Finally, the last Violetta became his companion in life with which he lives in peace and harmony. It is impossible, though it is safe to say that he does not walk, but this is the personal matter of their family. Valery himself happy with his family and tries to devote her free time to her.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Sutkin

You can find a sufficient amount of information on Valery Sutkin, because a sufficient number is dedicated to him. If you need to find general information, go to the personal page in Wikipedia (, _Valery_Miladovich), where there is a message about his life, creativity, family, and so on. You can also use the services of social networks, where it has personal pages, for example, the page in Instagram (\u003dru). There singer lay out his photos, share impressions from life. Instagram and Wikipedia Valery Sutkin will always help fans to find the necessary information on any question, get answers and prompts on them.

Valery Miladovich Sutkin. Born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer and musician, TV host. Honored Artist of Russia (2008).

Father - Mel. Alexandrovich Sutkin (1929-2010). The graduate of the Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy (later taught in it), a specialist in military underground facilities, participated in the construction of Baikonur, built underground facilities in Vietnam during the Vietnamese war.

Mother - Bronislava Andreevna Brzyzitskaya, worked at the Moscow Research Radio Institute (MNITTI).

In the father's line, all the ancestors of Valery from Perm, where Syutkin is a very common surname. One of the ancestors was an approximate famous industrialist and merchant Demidov. Many men from his kind were lawyers.

It is known that Valery's parents met in a dance circle, where the dancers were taught from the ensemble Igor Moiseeva.

His mother and Father broke up when Valery was 13 years old.

"I had a good relationship with my parents. At school I studied on some fives to not upset them. And when the rock and roll began, my successes in school sharply crushed. Parents took it correctly, did not presumable to my freedom. I I am grateful to parents for not making me to study at the institutes that I did not like, did not impose my views on things. Above measures did not care and the like, "the artist recalled.

In the middle class schools created his first group called "Excited reality". At 14, along with his school friend, Oleg Danitsky he wrote his first song "I will sleep in the movies today."

"Among the pillows, oh, Allah
Lies his wife in some hours
And my head nods
And I want Bridget Bordeaux,
Her and more than anyone
I will not sleep more with my wife
Bridget Bordeaux, Marilyn Monroe, Sophie Loren, -
That's what it is necessary
And better nothing to wish
What together with them rest
Today I will sleep in the movie ... ", - sounded in the song.

As Valery recalled, the parents and teachers of the song, to put it mildly, did not cause an enthusiastic response, but among the peers had a certain success, like all the others who performed their school group.

He seriously began to engage in music in the early 1970s, participating immediately in several amateur groups as a bass guitarist or drummer. Playing in school ensembles, performed songs "The Beatles", "Grand Funk Railroad", "Deep Purple", "Led Zeppelin", "Slade", "Smokie". Once replaced the sick vocalist. So became a frontman.

The army worked as a student of the chef in the "Ukraine" restaurant, in the Belorussian station, then there is a conductor of passenger cars of the Western direction of the Directorate of International Tourist Transportation.

In 1976-78, he served in the army in the city of Spassk-Far. There continued to sing and play a bass guitar on citywide dances in the local office of officers.

Professional musical activity Valery Sutkin began in 1980, when he got into the group "Telephone". "I graduated from the corresponding music school. But the fact is that I ended up him in the call of the soul. It was not necessary to work for work on a professional stage before. And I first worked, and then, when there were any commissions and asked 6" and there Do you have an education? ", I gave them a certificate:" But it is! " So I am a Horovik conductor ... But I still have a lot of professions. I can pour a bartender, for example, drinks. I also ended the courses of cooks, although you hate courses. Tamada courses, driving cars, conduits of a foreign post, "he remembered .

Soon the group "Phone" became a professional touring philharmonic team, released the Album "Ka-ka", which is a song cycle about the invented characters by Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lion Abramovich Cascade. "Phone" existed until 1985.

In 1985, Syutkin released the "Twist Cascade" album, where he helped (guitar), Alexander Belonosov (keyboards), Gennady Gordeev (drums) and the Saxophonist of the Bravo group Alexander Stepanenko. In the same year, Sutkin moved to the group "Architect"where he sang with Yuri Lose.

After leaving "Zodki", he created a "Feng-O-Meng" trio, with which the album "Icra Green" was recorded, received a prime sympathy at the International Competition "Stage to Parnassa" and worked for two years in the troupe, where he sang under the orchestra accompaniment " Range".

In August 1990, receiving a proposal from, the singer goes into the group "Bravo"where the frontman works until May 1995.

The time of cooperation with the "Bravo" was for the singer period to produce its own original style in which it works to this day. In the texts of their songs, he uses slang subculture "Stylag", and in the music plan it is focused on American popular music of the 1950s. In the "Bravo" Sutkin recorded albums: "Stirsters from Moscow", "Moscow Bit", "Live in Moscow" and "Road to the Clouds". All albums had multiplatin status. The songs of this period still sound on the radio.

In 1995, Valery went from Bravo (came to his place) and created a group Southkin and Co.With which the albums recorded: "What is needed", "radio night roads", "not all ...", "004".

In 1995, the song "7,000 above Earth" from the album "What is needed" was recognized as a better year of the year. Winner of the Professional Prize "Star" (1995), "Ovation" is the best artist (1996).

Valery Sutkin - 7 thousand above the ground

Since 2004, updating and expanding the composition of the musicians, the team is called "Sutkin Rock and Roll Band".

In March 2008, the singer was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" for merits in the field of art.

He showed himself as a TV presenter. From 2001 to 2002, the Pyramid's Channel was conducted on the RTR television channel. From 2002 to 2003 he was the leading musical TV game "Two piano" (also on the RTR television channel). In 2004 he was a leading music program "And again a hat" on the Culp channel. Since 2016, he began to lead a music and entertainment program "Saturday evening" on the channel "Russia-1" (together with Nikolai Baskov, Natalia Medvedeva, Stas, Igor Vernik).

In 2006, he participated in the project of the first channel of the stars on ice in a pair with the figure skater Irina Lobacheva.

Permanent participant of the festival "Cherry Forest". For a long time, he is the chairman of the jury of the "Muses of the World" competition ("Contemporary Art and Education") in the nomination "Estual Jazz Performance".

Cultural ambassador of the Olympic Games in Sochi (2014). Participant of cultural programs at the Olympic Games: Seoul (1988), Athens (2004), Turin (2006), Beijing (2008), Vancouver (2010), London (2012).

In 2014, he filed a complaint with Roskomnadzor on the Lurkmore Internet resource, in which the image of the singer has been used for the picture-Mem "Bay Babu ... Ball" for several years. Roskomnadzor filed a lawsuit in the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow against the site administration. In 2015, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow satisfied Roskomnadzor's claim.

In 2015, the "Light Jazz" team recorded the Moskvich 2015 album. The album includes songs from the Golden Fund of 1950-1960s.

Valery Syutkin. Alone with all

Growth of Valery Sutkin: 187 centimeters.

Personal life Valery Sutkin:

Three times was married. About the first two marriages artist remember does not like.

From the first marriage he has daughter Elena Sutkin (1980), graduated from the Faculty of Law. Works in an opinion. Granddaughter - Vasilisa (2014).

From the second marriage - the son of Maxim Sutkin (1987), graduated from the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University, works in the tourist business.

The third wife is Violetta (Viola) (1975), a native of Riga. They have since 1993. With Viol, he began a relationship, still being married to the second marriage. Several months lived in two families. Then the spouse learned about the treasures. He left her, leaving a three-room apartment and a car. The ex-wife did not forgive him the treason, at first she even forbid him to see him with the son of Maxim.

Regarding their acquaintance, Valery told: "Violetta worked in our music team of costumes. With her, it was trying to flirt all the men's half of the group! And I, too. But, like everyone else, I was sent far away - my courting she was rejected for more than six months! .. Serious intentions I proved actions: I wondered beautifully, I was always ready to come to the rescue. And the beginning of our relationship put a kiss in a taxi, he literally predetermined my further fate! We were returned with the tour. The case was early in the morning, we went to a taxi in the back seat and, Burnt by the flight, slept until we were delivered around the houses. In a dream it turned out that our faces were near. And a kiss happened, as in the fog. Realizing what happened, we were discouraged. But after a while I realized that it was all not Just so and we can not with each other. "

The pair in 1996 was born daughter Viola Sutkin. The girl was called in honor of Mom: "My favorite woman, wife, name Viola. Our daughter is also Viola. It is very convenient: Krinkle" Viola! " "And both immediately respond! In addition, between her daughter and his wife, make a desire, who always come true," the musician told the musician in one of the interviews.

Valery Sutkin:

1997 - old songs about the main thing - 2
2005 - Kill Balla - Kameo
2005 - Pösta tape. Arkady Ostrovsky. The song remains with a person (documentary)
2007 - Election Day - Soloist VIA "Oliver Twist"
2008 - Mikhail Tanich. Last Interview (Documentary)
2010 - Spepo in the USSR. Black Cat (Documentary)
2014 - Champions - Kameo
2014 - Leonid Yarmolnik. "I am lucky!" (documentary)

Valery Sutkin vocal in the cinema:

2010 - Dvorik

Discography Valery Sutkin:

Telephone group:

1981 - Phone-1
1982 - Concert in Fiztech
1983 - Kadyr-Cascade (ka)
1984 - Concert in Vladivostok
1985 - Cascade Twist

Group "Architect":

1986 - Rock Panorama-1986
1987 - Concert in Tallinn
1987 - Ecology
1987 - Urbanism Child
1987 - Fifth Series

Feng-O-Men Group:

1989 - Caviar Green

Group "Bravo":

1990 - "Stirsters from Moscow"
1992 - Moscow Bit
1994 - "Road to the clouds"
1995 - "Songs of different years"

Syutkin and Co.:

1995 - "What is needed"
1996 - "Radio Night Roads"
1998 - "Not all"
2000 - "004"
2002 - "Best Songs"

Southkin Rock and Roll Band:

2006 - "Grand Collection"
2010 - "New and Best"
2012 - "Kiss slowly"

Sutkin & "Light Jazz":

2015 - "Moskvich 2015"
2016 - "Olympica" (mini-album)

Valery Southkin video clips:

1995 - 7 thousand above Earth
1995 - Up and Down
1996 - Night Road Radio
1996 - 42 minutes
1996 - on the edge of the sunset
1996 - How to accompany the steamers (for "old songs about the main thing")
1997 - Far
2000 - 001
2000 - Boombo-Mambo
2000 - 21st century
2000 - Pleasure motor ship
2004 - Handsome
2011 - Moscow-Neva (together with the group "Romario")
2016 - Selfie
2016 - without a mobby (along with the group "Romario")