Julia's husband at the beginning Dmitry Lanskaya. Biography of Julia Benevoy

Julia's husband at the beginning Dmitry Lanskaya. Biography of Julia Benevoy
Julia's husband at the beginning Dmitry Lanskaya. Biography of Julia Benevoy

Russian pop star is happy in relations with hockey player Alexander Frolov. For several years now, the couple lives together. Celebrities are clearly all seriously - the athlete takes care of her charming daughter with a viper, and the singer itself literally shines from love. Star fans more than once wondered why such a strong union has not yet been issued officially. Journalists constantly torment Julia with questions about when they come to the crown with Frolov.

Appearing in the studio of the program "Mirror for the hero", Julia decided to place all the points over "and" and tell how their relationships are. The beginning is not in a hurry to become a wife Alexander Frolova, joking that no longer age. "It was important married in 19 and 25 years. Now everything suits so, "the singer declared to Oksana Pushkin about the third marriage.

Julia Odeodova was married twice. In his 20 years, the singer had already had a crowd of fans, since from an early age began to perform on stage. "I myself was a greenhouse plant, so any collision with an adult life led to shock. I was not independent, I got it late, "the star recalled.

The first marriage of the beginning with the musician Dmitry Lansky lasted only two years. In 2006, the performer met Evgeny Aldonin. "I immediately understood that he would be my husband. These were the first adult relationships, "Julia shared. She told that he made a very strong first impression on her. Pretty soon the couple got married and they had a daughter faith.

In the studio of the program "Mirror for the hero", Larisa Valley was present, which also perfectly remembered how the Roman Yulia and Eugene began. "It was her man. This is not a marriage that can be called temporary and fictitious. When you love, you trust. He was smart, he was warm, "the singer noted. In her opinion, when Julia had a career take-off, Yevgeny developed jealousy to success, which began to destroy their marriage.

According to the celebrity, it all started with the fact that she left for America for three years, where he recorded the album "Wild Butterfly" album along with the composer and producer Walter Afanasyev. Recalling that period, originally admits that the day after day her relationship with Aldonin was becoming colder than, and as a result, she could not stand the separation. By the way, it was during their stay in the states in the states of Julia a randomly met the current elect, Hockey player Alexander Frolov.

"When I got acquainted with Sasha, I felt bad. I worked 6 days a week. I came to 11-12 in the morning and went out at 10 pm. We had one day off - Sunday. The Russian friends called and called to the restaurant. I came without cosmetics and with a tail. I was not ready for acquaintances. And there was Sasha, "the beginning told.

The singer felt no matter, she had a high temperature, but without special insurance, American doctors could not help her, Sasha showed himself as a real man. "I received so many care from him, only because I had a temperature, and not because I am the star Julia onset. A person must be supported to me, and sweetheart at the same time, "said the performer, remembering the novel with an athlete.

// Photo: Frame from the program "Mirror for the Hero"

After returning to Russia, Julia began to prepare for the upcoming divorce with his daughter's father. The couple broke up painlessly, the daughter of Vera still communicates with the dad. The new beloved of the beginning faith called the "Prince of Mom". Alexandra also has a child from the previous marriage. Children revealed with each other without problems.

At the end of the program on the tradition, introduced by Oksana Pushkin, Julia turned to his reflection and said: "Everything that develops in life, everything for the better."

Julia Odeodova, a well-known delicate voice of which almost every child and an adult person who lives in Russia knows, is a girl from a musical family, so rapidly conquered musical Olympus and so often burning about the blades of relations with men. From the earliest childhood, she put the goals and reached them, and to this day is the standard of singer, actresses and caring mom. The biography of Julia is the beginning, the personal life of the singer is interesting to many of her fans. Smooth account as those who do not like the girl.

Children's Years and Youth of the Future Pop Star

Yulia's personal biography began in the 80s. The future idol of many girls of Russia was born at the very end of January 1981. The music story of the girl was predetermined: the professional activity of the father was writing music, he was a composer, Mom Julia was an artist. Already in 2 years, parents noticed daughter's ability and began to actively engage in music with the baby. So the musical biography of Julia began.

It's completely small when she was only 5 years old, originally went to the first tour of the parents. That same year, the girl began to play on stage. The first concerts were held on the scene of the Philharmonic of the city of Voronezh, where her dad appeared together with the girl.

Julia's biography with the personal song "Teacher" in 1990 began to interest the relatively large number of fans of the artist. Two years later, the girl won a stunning victory in the "Morning Star" contest. Immediately after the competition, the family moved to Moscow, because the singer was offered to become a leading children's musical transmission.

The formation of artist

At the age of 14, Julia began to conquer America, where he performs in the Big Apple-95 song contest, held in New York. It was a stunning success, the girl ranked first. Simultaneously with the preparation and participation in the competition, Julia ends up the school, having passed 10 and 11 class in accelerated mode. After it enters the famous prestigious institution of Moscow - Gnesin school. By purchasing musical knowledge, the singer continues to work on the stage and produces its first video clip. He was recorded on a song called "Hero of My Roman". The girl is invited to become leading music programs on television.

2005 marked by the output of a successful album "Ah, School, School!", Immediately, the girl releases the second album "Music of Love". If the first album collected from songs for children, then the second became the starting point of the adult romantic history of Julia. Immediately next year, another record "Let's talk about love", songs from the album were devoted to the singer's novel with Evgeny Aldonin.

Together with Father, Julia in 2008 releases a joint album "Best Songs". In 2012, the singer present a new show on the Scene of the GCCZ "Russia". The name of the solo program received "unadistful stories. Benefit".

In 2013, the girl again appeals to the Father as a cooperation, they produce a video clip on the song "I will be near." This composition was written by Victor of the beginning. Also this year, the beginning of the Studio Album "Wild Butterfly" produces.

Career Actresses

In 19, Julia tries himself as an actress, she takes part in the filming of the Music film "Formula of Joy" Nelli Gulchuk. Then another picture follows with the participation of the popular singer, it is called the hero of her novel. In 2004, the beginning was invited to shoot a film "Bomb for the Bride", in the same year at the age of 23 years old girl enters Gitis to correspondence department.

The career of the beginning as an actress has a dizzying jump, the girl is invited to be filmed into one by other films. In 2005, the musical "Three Musketeers" comes out, where the beginning is performed by a solo composition called "Song of Constance". In 2008, the girl is invited to shoot "50 blondes", the author of which was Nikolai Fomenko.

Biography of Julia at the beginning: personal life, children

In 2001, Julia married in 20 years for Dmitry Lansky. At that time, the man was the soloist of the popular Prime Minister group. Spouses lived for a short time, the marriage quickly collapsed. The official cause of the divorce was called Treason of Lansky, perhaps not alone.

After 4 years after the first official marriage, the girl meets the famous football player Evgeny Aldonin. The young man actively cared for the beginning and achieved his own year. In 2006, lovers got married.

At the end of the year, a joint daughter appears to the world, the girl received the name of the faith. The baby was baptized by the next summer. However, neither romance nor a child could keep marriage in integrity, 2011 was the year of breaking a couple. Immediately after the divorce, the girl was noticed in the arms of the Moscow hockey player Alexander Frolov.

In 2016, the singer together with her husband and daughter go to America to work on new musical compositions.

Biography of the singer of Julia at the beginning: illness

At the end of March 2018, on the federal canal, the artist is openly recognized that he suffers from gout. The girl at first actively hid his own disease, but now without a share of doubt, she lay out photos into their social networks, while not exposing their processing and retouching.

Social networks

Like many popular artists, the girl leads his personal blog in a popular social network called Instagram. For several years of the existence of his page, the girl managed to lay out more than 3,000 photos from everyday everyday and musical performances. The release of a new photo is expecting more than 260 thousand users of the global social network every day. Each publication of the girl collects a large number of approval and comments.

It is through the Instagram application that the girl laid out the sensational photograph without the use of various photo edits. On the photo of the beginning, all the imperfections of the skin caused by the gout, which the girl is sick for several years. The camp of those who supported the act of Yulia and her openness, joined the comments in the fight with those who did not approve such sincerity. However, the social network allows you to follow the life of Yulia from a reliable source. Julia's biography in the photo is colorful and interesting not only for fans, but also for those to whom Julia like as singer, actress and just an attractive girl.


The first album was released in 1995 entitled "Ah, School, School." Only after 10 years came out the second - he was reproving the first with the addition of children's songs. In the same year, the beginning of the album "Music of Love" produces. The next album did not have to wait a fan for a long time, he was released immediately in a year, called "Let's talk about love." Various reprints were also published in 2008 and 2012. In 2013, the album "Wild Butterfly" appeared.

Details Created: 05/14/2017 21:12 Updated: 08/25/2017 13:22

Julia Odeodova is a pretty, bright and talented singer, as well as an actress and TV presenter. She became popular at a young age and today continues to develop his creative career. In this article you will learn who this beautiful girl and what was her star path.


According to sources, a little beauty appeared on January 31, 1981 in the city of Voronezh (European part of the Russian Federation). According to the horoscope of Aquarius - charming, stylish, graceful and spectacular woman.

The girl was born in a musical family, so she spent all his childhood behind the scenes. Yuli's parents worked in the State Voronezh Philharmonic: Mom Professional singer, and dad musical leader of a big team and composer.

In childhood

From early childhood, from two years old, his father began to seriously engage with daughter singing in a games form. And it did it very competently, because Julia at the age of five, he became so interested in music that she sang all the time and dreamed of becoming a people's artist.

During this period, the baby touches a lot with the parents and already stands on the scene.

Young years

According to the media, at 10 years old, Yulia opened the first professional page in life. She took part in the music television show "Morning Star" And won.

Video clip on the song "Teacher"

Since at that time such programs was very small, and this TV show watched the whole country, I was noticed as a talented child and began to invite into different projects. Some time she led a TV show "There, there is news." Life girl, after that I have changed very much.

Parents threw everything and moved from their native city to Moscow, because they really believed and hoped that their daughter is waiting for a big future in the capital. It was very hard, because I had to combine work on television and study. Mom Taisiya began to organize a daughter's speeches (sewed costumes), and Papa Victor studied and signed contracts.


According to sources, in the capital, the girl was waiting for saturated creative weekdays. She was constantly busy: tour, filming of telecast and clips, as well as songs. All this is so fascinated by Julia that she had to erect an external school.

The real breakthrough in the career came at the singer when she won the Big Apple-95 contest (1995), bypassing famous singers (for example, such as Christina Aguilera).

Also, the beginning does not forget about learning. Building a career in parallel to study first in Gnesinsky Music SchoolAnd then enters the guitis.

The singer also works successfully on TV as a TV host, and also participates in different television shows. For a long time led the program "Saturday evening" Together with Nikolai Baskov. And in 2003, decided to feel Extreme and experience his stamina on the wild island, by taking part in the reality show "Last Hero".

Then was seen in the television show "One to One" (2014) and becoming a mentor in the "Our Exit" transmission. Since 2015, it starts to work for the TV presenter of the popular TV show "Two Voices" on the CTC channel.

"Last Hero"


Her first album - "Ah, school, school" (1995). For all his creative career, the girl released seven albums.

Among them: "Music of Love", "Let's talk about love", "Different songs about the main thing", "The best songs", "Unclean stories" Deluxe "" and English album "Wild Butterfly" ("Wild Butterfly"). The author of her songs was she herself and her father.


Julia began talented not only as singer, but also as a film actress. The first successful trial was held in the musical "Formula of happiness" (2000). Next she played a party of princesses in a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" (2001). And then he saw television viewers on television screens in several good projects.

Films with her participation: "Hero of her novel" (2001), "Bomb for the Bride" (2004), "Three Musketeer" (2005) and "Love - not Show-Business" (2007).

Interesting Facts

According to the media, Julia is a slim and beautiful girl who is very carefully watching his appearance. Its growth is approximately 165 cm, and the weight is about 52 kg.

The girl loves experimenting and constantly changes images: it's a brunette, then a blonde, then with long hair, then a little shorter, then with curls, then with straight hair, it was full, then Extra thin (weighed 42 kg and hurt anorexia), It was the owner of a huge bust, then got rid of it.But most of her images were created due to the close attention of the press to their person when she wanted to be stylish and fashionable in the world show business. Julia even made plastic chest after childbirth, to look sexy and beautifully in open outfits.

To look gorgeous to move and expensive cosmetics, and hiking in beauty salons (tan, massage and SPA procedures). Julia does not forget about training and spends a lot of time in the gym. The singer is inclined to complete (after the birth recovered by 20 kg), so in its diet today only healthy food.

Julia Odeoda has its own page in Instagram, where it is constantly lays out interesting photos for his fans.

Personal life

As the sources argue, the personal life of the singer was very diverse. There were several novels and even marriages in her life, but they were all non-permanent.

The first chief of the singer becomes Dmitry Lanskaya. He is also a singer, one of the group members "Prime Minister". They tied their romantic relations with marriage, which unfortunately lasted long - only two years. It is rumored that the husband constantly changed his wife. Julia did not stand the betrayal, gathered things and filed for a divorce.

Julia Homeova and Dmitry Lanish photo

The second chosen one becomes - Evgeny Aldonin (Russian football player, midfielder). They met in 2005, and their novel lasted a whole year. Evgeniya beautifully cared for a girl and told her tender words. And when, Julia became pregnant, they got married.

Wedding Yulia and Evgeny Aldonin

On December 1, 2006, their cute daughter - Vera appeared. Today, faith has a very big craving for creativity and dreams, as well as mom, become a famous artist.


After childbirth, the singer quickly returned herself into the form and even starred nude for several glossy magazines. But this marriage could not hold out for a long time - only five years of living together and the pair divorced again.

It is rumored that the reason for the gap was the novel Yuli with Alexander Frolov (Russian hockey player, striker).Was it a real cause of divorce, but now new love relationships took place.

After a divorce, Julia began to officially appear in public with the new chosen one. All fans believed that beauty would marry the third time. But the singer did not hurry to enter into a new marriage, because there was already negative life experience. And there was law, because in the fall of 2016 the couple broke up. And all because the lovers spent a lot of time at a distance of each other and there were misunderstandings between them.

With the new worker Alexander Frolov

Singer Julia Odeodova told about a division with a civil husband: "My dear friends and fans. I want to make a public statement for you. We are no longer a pair with Alexander Frolov! And I absolutely do not want to comment on the causes of separation, but in order to avoid all sorts of gossip and rumors, I tell you about it absolutely open. You deserve it. Life is beautiful and amazing and everything that God does not - all for the better "(spelling and punctuation here and then copyright. - Approx. Red.).

The fans of the singers supported Julia and asked not to despair: "Do not worry, be happy, you deserve it !!! All life ahead !!! "," Yulley, you are a genuine and good person, think about yourself and your daughter !!! "


Julia Odeoda and Hockey player Alexander Frolov were together for more than four years. More recently it seemed that the couple had everything perfect. In excellent relations, the children of spouses from past novels, Sasha's daughters and faith instantly found a common language and became friends. Julia and Alexander met in America. According to rumors, it was there between them and the chemistry arose, the consequence of which he had become the gap of Julia with now ex-husband Evgeny Aldonin.

Now the singer continues to look positively on things and says: "I do not know what will happen tomorrow! My business is happy today! "

Recall Julia Odeodova was married twice. The first husband of the singer was the soloist of the Prime Minister Group Dmitry Lenan, for which Julia was married in 2001. The second is Evgeny Aldonin, with him she raised the relationship five years later. From this marriage at Julia's daughter faith (10 years old).

"Julia, Dima began to take care of you already in the music school. Gnesinic, where did you both studied?

Julia: Not at all. We met indeed in the school, but they talked at the time extremely rare. For me, study was then in the first place. Unlike other fellow students who entered Gnesink after the 11th grade, I entered the school at the age of 15. It was hellish tension, because I had to combine the first grade of the school with study in the 10-11th school classes.

Roman and Dima rose a year after graduation. From the side of Dima, it was a classic courtship. He gave flowers, invited to the theater, and I arranged tea drinking.

- Who showed the initiative with marriage?

Julia: Dima. He made me a sentence in the summer of 2000. It was the first sentence in my life. I decided not immediately. About four months thought. And then I realized that it was with Dima I want to live all my life, and agreed.

Dima: in such things you do not need to rush. When I did a suggestion, she took it for a joke. Yes, and I myself, for six months before, could not assume that I would create for such a serious step.

- How did you cite the wedding?

Best days

Julia: in a narrow circle. Signed in a small registry office. After that, they immediately went outside the city, at the Holiday-Ying Hotel. And a day later flew into a wedding trip to Thailand.

Dima: were on the island where the film "Beach" was shot. Completely paradise. Nature of unreal, divine beauty.

- After the wedding, there was no desire to get married?

Julia: This topic is Vitala in the air, but we realized that all our time. You need to wait a bit.

Dima: This is the next conscious step. For the sake of fashion it is not worth going to the church. For example, I know cases when people were crowned after fifty years of living together. Maybe we will have it so. Why not?

- Julia, marriage fence you from close attention from men or are they still trying to meet you?

Julia: Even in the presence of Dima do it. For example, yesterday. We go to the supermarket, suddenly I see, a sort of Hercules is attended for two meters by tall, slanting sages in the shoulders. Hypnotizes me with a look, then suddenly sees the Dima nearby and asks: "Is this your brother?". By the way, they are often taken for brother and sister.

Family weekdays

- Where does a young family live?

Julia: Previously, they took a big apartment in the center. Now remove the apartment not far from the parents. And recently bought your own, truth, a small one-room. Already started to make repairs.

- You will resort to designers?

Julia: uniquely not. My husband has now painted the whole apartment to a centimeter. I like his ideas. Both seems to us that the apartment should be cozy and bright.

- Do you have a housekeeper?

Julia: No. But no problems arise. The washing machine is erased, and we clean together with Dima.

- And who is preparing?

Julia: until the wedding, Dima said: "Sit, rest," and prepared himself. And then one fine day rubbed his hands and asked to go to the kitchen. However, I did not mind because I love to cook, especially seafood dishes. I also adore to prepare exotic salads, collect their recipes.

- You both are young, beautiful and happy. Do not feel envy on the part of others?

Julia: Sometimes I feel the envy of the girls. The boys always treated me well, although I didn't let them in close to myself. Previously, a stroke word or an unkind glance could bring me to tears. But with age I learned to not pay attention to the unfair attitude. Fortunately, now we are surrounded by loved ones, faithful people. My producing is engaged in Dad, and the director works our longtime friend of Volodya.

- Julia, you probably had rich fans. There was no temptation to conclude a marriage union not at the kettling of the heart, but on the basis of the calculation?

Julia: Rich fans were, and not one. Perhaps going beyond the "money bag", I would have 10 clips today per month. But life in the golden cage is not for me. Much more important sincere comfort. With Dima I am happy. And then we both young people and can earn everything we need.

Children career not a hindrance

- You are two creative people, both are customized to make a career. Nevertheless, now emphasis is on Julia's career?

Dima: Naturally, since I suspended my stage career for a while. Nevertheless, in the near future, I plan to return to the scene, I cook my solo project.

- Julia, are you ready for what you will part because of the tour, when Dima returns back to the scene?

Julia: It is possible that we will perform together, drinking a few songs by drinking a duet. In fact, we parted with Dima only the only time - for four days. And it was very difficult for me. I hope the separation in our life will be little.

- Julia, they say your mentor in the world show business was Irina Ponarovskaya.

Julia: We met with Irina Witilevnoy at the competition "Morning Star" when I went to the semifinals. After some time we got closer, I began to take part in its solo concerts. Within five years, along with it, almost the whole country. Dad at that time was the musical producer of Irina, wrote for her music.

- Julia, you are from a musical family, and you, Dima?

Dima: Mom brought me up, she - ethnographer, doctor of historical sciences, works at the Far East Institute. Grandpa - Academician of Sociological Sciences. Natives wanted me to become a diplomat, and I became a musician.

- Think about children?

Julia: Thoughts attend.

Dima: Now we have done the first step - got your own apartment. We are confident that children career is not a hindrance, but this is our very personal, family business. So we will not appoint any deadlines.