The abstract lesson on the topic "Faust" is the top of philosophical literature. Idea sense of the work "" (grade 9)

The abstract lesson on the topic "Faust" is the top of philosophical literature. Idea sense of the work "" (grade 9)

Abstract of the lesson Altukhova A. M.

Faust - Top philosophical literature. Ideological meaning of the work "

Objectives: 1. Determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of I.V. Goethe "Faust".

2. Rift love and respect for foreign literature.

3. Develop logic, attention, memory.

Class: 9.

Type of lesson: analysis of the lyri-epic work.

Methods: Reproductive, research, heuristic.

Types of student activities: recording the main positions in the notebook,answers to teacher's questions, analysis of the episodes of the work.

Receptions: Teacher's wordcitation, questions.

Equipment: The text of the work "Faust".

Lesson plan: 1. Organizing time.

2. The word of the teacher.

3. Analysis of the work.

4. Summing up.

5. Homework.

2. Write down the topic of our lesson and epigraph:

But the mind of the essence of me was skillfully -

I will write: "In the beginning it was the case!"

(Faust, Scene 3)

Faust - Historical Character, who lived in Protestant Germany XVI A century, whether the clever charlatan, fascinating the people in the fairs with their focus, is it really an outstanding scientist. The first mention of him refers to 1507. According to the legend, Faust studied in Krakow, where he concluded a contract with the devil, who accompanied him in wrappings throughout Germany in the form of a dog or horse. At the end of his rampant life, Faust repented and appealed to God, but it did not save his soul. In the first "folk book" about Faust (1587) he was convicted. In the next, which appeared 12 years later, a number of new episodes have been added. The first play on Faust was written outstanding english playwright second half XVI A century Christopher Marlo, who had given his hero, a great thirst for knowledge. She became the source of all subsequent theatrical treatments, including countless fair views. The largest leader of German enlightenment Lessing first conceived to finish his drama by the salvation of Faust glorified in heaven, but did not have time to complete this idea.

3. - You have read the "work of the whole life" I. V. Goethe, what feelings, did it have awakened in you?

When Goethe wrote his work, and he wrote him for a very long time, he clearly imagined the idea, images, language tools that will be building material For the Great Work. The tragedy is fully understood only to the author, only he knows what lies for each word, every action. It remains only hoping for more or less full immersion In the world Goethe. We seem to be archaeologists that the dinosaur skeleton remains must compile a complete picture of an ancient animal: how it looked like it was fought who feared.

So, let's start our work from the framework of the work, its foundations. What parts is literary work?

Prologue - a brief story about the events preceding the exposition.

"Prologue in heaven" - the first tie.

Exposition - the initial situation; main trait - equilibrium ( straight / detained)

Part 1. Scene 1) Night, scene 2) Urban gates, scene 3) Cabinet of Faust.

Tie - violation of the original equilibrium.

Scene 4) Cabinet Faust - conclusion of the contract.

Tell me to meet with Mephistofel, what was going to do Faust, what path he would chose?

Faust, enriched with experience and disappointments, doubt and knowledge, decides to live and fight in the name of truthnot yet talking about Mephistopel , On the capabilities of it and tests. This is important: the face of Faust is predetermined in heaven, but the hero is planning her life without having about it the slightest concept. Therefore, a meeting with Mephistophele is only gradually expanding the sphere of the invasion of Faust in reality, but it is not fundamentally a new attitude towards himself and to the world.Scene 3. Cabinet of Faust.

A number of peripetia - the transition from good to bad and vice versa; Dynamics of work.

Part 1. Scene 5) - Part 2 Midnight.

Culmination is one of the peripetias, after which the action turns to the junction (the moment of the highest voltage).

Big yard Before the palace, the last words of Faust.

Establishment - Equilibrium Recovery (Moting of Junction is symmetrical to the relief motive)

Position in the coffin, the ascension of the Faust's soul to the sky.

Epilogue - a brief story about events after the junction, information transfer.


Literature does not exist without conflict. What is conflict?

Conflict - reproduction in the art of acute collisions are opposite human actions, views, feelings, aspirations, passions. There is a concept of internal conflict (collision of opposites inside the hero).

In this work we face with what conflict?


SEND NOT Waiting for me, - Can you understand?

I will quit the whirlwind of painful

In love of malice, sweet annoyance;

My spirit from the thirst of the knee is healed,

All chants will open, all pain:

What people are designed to fate

Everyone to experience, should he go!

I want to argue in my spiritual gaze

All height, as well as depth;

All the happiness of mankind, all grief -

I can imagine my chest one one

How enough strength, its horizons spread

And with that one day I break and shrink!Scene 4. Cabinet.


Mephistopel's answer.

He will plunge into the world;

His insignificance tom

He will rush, crave, fight,

And the ghost of food in front of him

Not saturated

He does not see peace.

Stripping he soul to sell me -

And it did not save the battlefield!

Why does Mehistofel are so confident in his victory?

1. He believes that Faust started a hopeless enterprise, so why he does not help him aggravate the disappointment of the hero?!

2. Confidence in the lowness of human nature (Prologue ).

The most interesting thing is that at the beginning of Mephistophel says the Foust about the incomprehensibility of the world and even indicates the right path:Scene 6. 102pro. But it makes it mockingly, grimacing. Faust refuses to work - "I am not accustomed to a plow and shovel." This is a very important problem for a person and all mankind: the righteous way is known, but in order to join it a little about it, you need to go through many tests, meet with grief and despair so that the soul itself gets true. it internal conflict Faust, the mechanism of the peripetia has been launched from the first strings when we understand that the doctor's soul is not calm, Mephistofel is only a means.

Why did you get so much space in the work gave Mephistofel and mentioned the Lord so little?

    This is the otlovka of a negative attitude towards the Church -Prologue in heaven.

    Evil attractive - the youth of Faust, dear Larchik Gretchen.

    Jester, melagar, cynic; shades tragic line Works, makes her Pier.

The image of the people (the tradition of Shakespeare)

Attitude towards jurisprudence, medicine (Mephistopheles and student), religion, scholasticism (Wagner), politics, science, nature (Wagner).

In Fausta, two parts are distinguished: the first - the "personal enjoyment that falls from the outside": the second is "pleasure from activities directed by Okhan".

The moment of happiness is not a moment of execution of desires, but the moment of gaining the hero (and the author) of confidence in the achievability and the inevitability of universal happiness in the future.

When a person does not know what pier he holds the way, for him no wind will be passing. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

A person can not be available to the goal of his life. A person can only know the direction in which his life is moving. (Mark Twain)

A business reasonable man - In order to make your thoughts, according to the case with the laws of nature. To keep truths, remove a delusion and not argue about what is unknown. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

4. Let's summarize. Faust pronounced the words, why didn't Mefistofel taken him? Why did Gretchen be proclaimed over the soul: "Saved!"?

5. To the house: Find and write to the notebook the meanings of the names Faust, Gretchen, Margarita, Mephistofel, Wagner. To split the sheet into two columns and record quotes in one attitude to life, the truth and the people of Faust and the attitude towards life, the truth and the people of Wagner.

the fruit of their efforts. The despair of Faust is so deeply that he wants to endorse suicide. But at that moment, the chanting of praying, and the Cup with the poison falls from the hands of the Faust. Not a reminder of God and not the consciousness of the sinfulness of suicide encourages Faust to refuse intention to commit suicide. In the prayer of believers, he hears the call of mankind of help, recalls that people who do not know how to find a way out of difficulties appeal to religion, looking for support in it, as it was in youth with the Faust itself. He stays to live to seek the decisions of the indigenous issues of being. His determination is stronger from consciousness that the people love him, believes him and waits for him. Revealing the ratio of Faust to science, Goethe opposes him another scientist Wagner, for which there is only book knowledge. He is convinced that reading everything written smart people will comprehend the essence of life and hidden secrets of nature. Wagner - Cabinet Scientist. He is devoted to science, but the book knowledge imposes on it to print limitations. Unlike him, Faust seeks to comprehend the meaning of life through active participation in it: I put a cross to the cencle, I will slightly remember the books - anger eats. From now on, with a head dust in the passions of bubbling, with all the unrestrainedness of the dust in the bunch of them, to the depth! In the fever of time, string! In the midst of randomness with a run! In a living pain, in a living naga. In the whirlwind of grief and forgetting! Let the entire age of a happy rock and rock unfortunate alternate. In teliestness, a person finds himself. And as we know from psychology, while a person lives, he constantly acts, doing something that is busy. In a word, he shows activity - external and internal. Activities are human activity aimed at achieving consciously set goals related to the satisfaction of its needs and interests, to fulfill the requirements for him from society and the state. In the process of activity, a person knows the world around. Faushing from science does not mean that he wants to renounce the task of knowledge. The meaning of the hot speech of Faust is not in denial of knowledge at all, but in the refusal of inadvertent knowledge, immersing a person in distraction, distant from reality in the mindset of the Faust, rebeling against science. The knowledge that Faust is looking is not unrealized from the direct life of a person. He wants to comprehend life not from the side, but in her very thick. At the critical moment, Mephistofel is found on the path of Faust. Here it is necessary to return to one of the scenes that predict the beginning of the action - to the prologue in the sky. In it, the Lord, surrounded by angels, is found with Mephistophele. If the idea of \u200b\u200bgood is symbolically expressed in heavenly forces, the inhabitant of Hell Mephistofel embodies evil. The whole scene as a whole symbolizes the struggle of good and evil occurring in the world. What is the place of a person in the collision of the positive and negative aspects of life? Mephistofel completely denies a person any advantages. The Lord recognizes that a person is far from perfect, but still, ultimately, passing through delusions and mistakes, is able to get out of the darkness. And such a person, the Lord considers Faust. Mephistofel asks for permission to prove that the Faust is easily confused from the path of the truth. The dispute between the Lord and Mephistofel, thus, turns out to be a dispute about the nature and values \u200b\u200bof a person. The appearance of Mephistople in front of Faust, therefore, not by chance. As in an older legend, the hell was "seducing" a man. But Mephistofel is not at all like a trait from naive folk legends. The image created by Goethe is full of deep philosophical meaning. He is the perfect embodiment of the spirit of denial. Critical attitude to the world is also characterized by the Future, but this is just one side of his nature, and moreover is not the main one. Mephistofel is a living expression of the complete denial of all values \u200b\u200bof life. Goethe, however, does not depict Mephistople exclusively by the embodiment of evil. First, he is in fact the "devilish" is smart and insightful. His criticism is not profitable. Take at least a conversation of Mephistople with a student. The criticism of false science, which sounds in his lips, is valid and however, the Faust spoke about it. Mephistofel - Master to notice human weaknesses and vices, and cannot be denyed the justice of many of its ulcer comments. His lips often sound bitter truths. He causes Faust to actions and actions that must prove the nullity of man, but the evil speeches and the bad intentions of Mephistople will ultimately be bits. Truly human, embodied in Faust, above and significant methistophic denial. Mephistofel cannot be defined as a carrier of alone bad beginning. He himself talks about herself that "God works, everything worst evil." We will understand the meaning of these words better remembering that the Lord speaks about Mephistophele, allowing him to try to knock the Faust from the way of looking for the meaning of life: like you, I never enemy. From the spirits of the denunciation, you have ever been to me in a burden, Plut and merry. And the laziness man falls into the hibernation. Stay, I made it stagnation, come back before him, Tomi, and a rustle, and annoy him with my own fever. Mephistofel does not give a thought to calm down. Causeing irritation, desire to counteract him. Mephistofel turns out to be one of the reasons for the activity of the Faust. The pushing Faust on a bad, he himself does not expect, awakens the best sides of the hero nature. That is why Mephistofel is necessary for the Faust satellite. Fully opposite in their aspirations, they in the work of Goethe are inseparable from each other. If Mephistofel and remained himself without Faust, the Faust without Mephistopel would be different. In an anonymous book on Faust and in the tragedy, Marlo Faust and Mephistofel concludes a contract for a certain period: the hell obliges to serve twenty-four years and fulfill all his desires. In Goethe, the contract with the devil is of different. The former, Doget Fausts sought mainly to experience all the pleasures of life; Wealth and power, especially attracted them. Goethe Faust drives other aspirations; The task of knowledge cannot be solved in one time or another. Therefore, Faust, demanding from Mephistofel the unconditional performance of his desires, puts the condition: the devil will receive the soul of Faust only when Faust calms down and finds the highest state of life, which will give him complete satisfaction. Faust says Mephistophely: I barely wait a single moment, screaming: "A moment, having time!" - Everything is over, and I am your prey, and I have no salvation from West. Translation correctly reproduces the meaning of the speech of Faust. It can, however, supplement the literal text, which in the script sounds like this: "Stop, instant, you are fine!" Faust cannot predict, after what time it will comprehend this excellent moment; He does not even know if it is possible at all. It is important for him to secure the possibility of a quest, and he is not looking for pleasures at all. Mephistophel, however, does not believe in the elevation of Faust's aspirations and is convinced that it is easy to be able to prove his insignificance. The first thing he offers to him is to visit the zucchini where students are singing. He hopes that Faust, simply speaking, along with these walks betrayed drunkenness and forget about their quest. But by the faast the company Zabuldig Natnaya and Mephistofel suffers the first, although a relatively small defeat. Then he prepares a second test. Give the Faust to the witch's kitchen, he with the help of witchcraft helps the Faust return the youth. Mephistofel expects that a rejuvenated scientist will betray sensual pleasures and forget about sublime thoughts. In this episode, Goethe uses his fantasy. "... Fantasy has its own laws that cannot and should not be guided by reason. If the fantasy did not create an incomprehensible for reason, she would be a penny ... "Ekkerman I.P. "Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life." M. "Art. Lit-Ra ", 1981, 30s really, first beautiful girl Seen by Faust, he excites his desire, and he demands from the line so that he immediately gave him a beauty. The first impulse of Faust is to satisfy sensory desire. From psychology, we know that pleasure, joy, love .. - All these are the forms of experience with a person of their attitude towards various objects; They are called feelings or emotions. At one time V.I. Lenin said that "no human emotion has never been and could not be human looking for truth." Mephistofel helps him get acquainted with Margarita, hoping that in her arms of Faust would feel the wonderful moment, which he wants to extend indefinitely. But then the feature suffers defeat. If at first the ratio of the Faust to Margarita was only rudely sensual, it will soon be replaced by an increasingly growing true love. And hitting the girl's room, Faust begins to understand that it is not only externally beautiful, but beautiful to the soul, and he is more and more convinced of this. His

the philosophy of Goethe guessed the dialectical unity of opposites is one of the main ideas. In the struggle, the contradictions are created by the harmony of the world, in the collision of ideas - truth. The poet we all reminds a comparative it. Two Heroes of the tragedy - Faust and Mephistofel - clearly demonstrate to us by the dialectical kinship of positive and negative.

The image of Mephistople personifies the courage of objections and destruction. But he cannot destroy the main life. He also creates through the objection. Faust and Mephistofel are all arguing, however, they barely mutually replenish the only idea. Goethe did not stand for a long time because of Faust and Visitavi Mephistofel. Often he is able to recognize the correctness of thoughts and actions.

In Faust and Mephistople, the compiler has invested certain human traits. Faust - unsatisfied, "active genius", passionate, ready to love and hate, ready to dust and hate, he is able to make tragic mistakes. Nature is hot and energetic, he is much sensitive, his soul is unhindered to hurt, sometimes he is selfish and long-await, a bit, humane. Faust is looking for. His mind in constant doubts and anxiety. The suffering of Faust is extremely passionate through the truth. Faust is the desire of comprehension, volcanic courage of knowledge. Faust and Mefistofel are two antipodes. The first hungry, the future saturated, fought the greed, the future filmed enthusiasm, felt rushing "beyond", the future knows that there is nothing there, there is emptiness, and Mefistofel plays from Faust, as if with a stupid boy, looking for long mischiefs, whims, and having fun Potaka - after all, he, Mefistofa, the situation with God himself.

Mefistofel is balanced, dangerous and doubts do not worry it. He looks for rest without hatred and love, he despises him. In his prickly replica pile of sad truth. This is not the discharge of the thief. He mocks the humane Faust, who loses Margarita, and in his mocking it sounds true, the swamp even for him - the spirit of darkness and destruction. This is the discharge of a man who is tired by the long observation of the evil and is descended in good origin World. Mefistofel does not believe in good, nor in evil, nor in happiness. He sees the lack of peace and knows, which she is the eternal, who seem to not alter her. He laughs at a man who, with all his insignificance, is trying to fix something in the world. For him, this is a joy, and he laughs. This laughter is indulgent. Mefistofel even regrets a man, thinking that the beginning of all his suffering is the spray of God, who leads a person to the ideal, to excellence, inaccessible, as if he is of course him, Mefistofel.

Metiistofel smart. How much irony, the mockery of the imaginary scholarship, vanity by human in his conversation zi student, who confused him from Faust!

The theory, above the friend, dry, and green the live tree.

After reading the Faust tragedy, you can perform a conclusion that rest holds to confront the creative spirit (Faust) and the Spirit of objections and destruction, doubts and disappointment (Mefistofel).

"Faust" Goethe is one of the outstanding artistic workswho, delivering a high aesthetic pleasure, at the same time open a lot of important about life. Such works are superior to their knowledge of the book, which are read from curiosity, leisure and entertainment. In the works of this kind, the special depth of lifeline comprehension and incomparable beauty, with what world is embodied in live images. Each of their page tatt for us extraordinary beauty, illusion about the meaning of some life phenomena, and we turn into accomplices of the great process of spiritual development of humanity.

The work that emerged at certain conditions and at a certain time, carrying an indelible seal of his era, retains interest for both subsequent generations, because human problems: love and hatred, fear and hope, despair and joy, success and defeat, growth and decay - All this and much more is not attached to one time. In someone else's grief and in someone else's joy, people of other generations recognize their own. The book acquires universal value.

Goethe worked on the "Faust" almost all his creative life. The first idea arose from him when he was not many more than twenty years. He finished a work a few months before the death. Thus, about sixty years have passed from the start of work before its end.

For more than thirty years, worked on the first part of the "Fausta", which was first published entirely in 1808. For the creation of the second part, the Goethe did not start long, taking it closely in the most recent years of life. In print, she appeared after his death, in 1833.

Faust is a poetic product of a special, highly rare style. In Fausta there are scenes are real - domestic, like, for example, a female students in the cellar of Auerbach, lyrical, like a date of the hero with Margarita, tragic, as the final of the first part - Gretchen in the dungeon.

The "Faust" is widely used legendary - fabulous motifs, myths and legends, and next to them, bizarkened with fantastics, we see real human images and quite life situations.

Goethe is primarily a poet. In German poetry there is no work equal to the "Foust" on the all-minding nature of his poetic system. Intimate lyrics, civilian pathos, philosophical meditation, acute satire, description of nature, People's Humor - all this fills the poetic lines of universal creation Goethe.

The basis of the plot is the legend of the Middle Ages Mage and Warlock

John Faust. He was a really existing person, but after his life, he began to put legends about him. In 1587, the book "The story of Dr. Faust, a famous wizard and a worker", the author unknown, was published in Germany. He wrote his essay into the condemnation of Faust as a loaf. However, with all the hostility of the author, the true appearance is overlooked in his writings. wonderful manwhich broke with medieval scholastic science and theology in order to comprehend the laws of nature and subjugate to her person. Clari accused him that he sold the soul to the Devil.

The fausting of the Faust reflects the mental movement of a whole era of the spiritual development of the European Society, called the Epoch of Enlightenment or Mind Century. In the eighteenth century, a broad movement for the study of nature developed in the eighteenth century in the fight against church prejudices for the study of nature, comprehension of its laws and the use of scientific discoveries for the benefit of humanity. It is on the basis of this liberation movement And it might arose a work similar to the "Faust" Goethe. These ideas had a pan-European character, but were especially characteristic of Germany. While England has experienced its bourgeois revolution in the seventeenth century, and France passed through a revolutionary storm at the end of the eighteenth century, and in Germany, the historical conditions have developed in such a way that due to the fragmentation of the country, the advanced public forces could not unite for the struggle against the exhausted social social Set

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social establishments. The desire of the best people to a new life was manative therefore not in real political struggle, not even in practical activity, but in the mental activity.

In the "Faust" Götte expressed his understanding of life in the figurative form. Faust is an undoubtedly a living person with passions and feelings inherent in other people. But being a bright and outstanding personality Faust is by no means an embodiment of perfection. The path of Faust is complicated. At first he throws a proud call to cosmic forces, causing the spirit of the Earth and hoping to remember with him by force. The life of the Faust, which is deploying in front of the reader Goethe - is the path of tireless search.

During the epidemic of the plague, a young Faust, seeing that the father's funds could not stop the flow of deaths, turned with a hot molbe of heaven. But the help did not come from there. Then Faust once decided that, it is useless to seek help from God. After that, Faust dedicated himself to science.

This historic of Faust we learn in the course of action. With the hero we will meet already when he did a big life Path And she came to the conclusion about their efforts. The despair of Faust is so deep that he wants to end the life of suicide. But at that moment he hears people of people and decides to stay live.

At the critical moment, Mephistofel is found on the path of Faust. Here it is necessary to return to one of the scenes that predict the beginning of the action - to the prologue in the sky. In Nim, the Lord, surrounded by angels, is found with Mephistofel. The inhabitant of Hell Mephistofel embodies evil. The whole scene symbolizes the struggle of good and evil occurring in the world.

Mephistofel completely denies a person any advantages. The Lord recognizes that the person is far from perfect, but still ultimately the way to get out of the darkness. As such a person, the Lord calls Faust. Mephistofel asks for permission to prove that the Faust is easily confused with the path of true. The dispute between Mephistophele and God is a dispute about the nature and values \u200b\u200bof man.

The appearance of Mephistofel before Faust is not accidental. Mephistofel is not at all like a flasher from naive folk legends. The image created by Goethe is full of deep philosophical meaning. Goethe However, does not depict Mephistopel solely by the embodiment of evil. He is really "devilish" clever. Mephistophele does not give the thought to calm down. The pushing of Faust on a bad, he, without expecting, awakens the best sides of the nature of the hero.

The first thing he offers to him is to visit the zucchini where students are singing. He hopes that Faust, simply speaking, betrayed drunkenness and forget about his quest. But by the Foust, the company Zabldyig is opposed, and Mephistofel suffers his first defeat. Then he prepares to him the second test. With the help of a witchcraft char returns to him youth. Mephistofel expects that the young Faust betrayed the feelings.

Indeed, the first beautiful girl seen by Faust excites his desire, and he demands that he immediately gave him a beauty. Mephistofel helps him get acquainted with Margarita, hoping that Faust in her arms will find the perfect moment, which he wants to extend indefinitely. But then the damn it turns out. If at first the ratio of the Faust to Margarita was only rudely sensual, it is already very soon, it replaces more and more true love. Gretchen- fine, pure young creature. See you with Faust, her life flowed peacefully and smoothly. Love for the Foust turned the whole life. She took the feeling, as powerful as what was covered by Faust. Their love is mutual, but like people, they are completely different, and in this partly the cause of the tragic outcome of their love. A simple girl from the people, Gretchen has all the qualities of loving female soul. Unlike Faust, Gretchen Receive Life as it is. Pupil in strict religious rules, she considers the natural inclinations of their nature sinful. Later she deeply worries her "drop". Depicting the heroine so, Goethe had her features typical for a woman in his time. To understand the fate of Gretchen, it is necessary to clearly imagine the era when similar

Ruslan Mabudov

To understand the fate of Gretchen, it is necessary to clearly imagine the era, when such tragedies really had a place. Gretchen turns out to be a sinner both in his own eyes and in the eyes of the environment with its burghers and sore prejudices. Gretchen turns out to be a victim of damaged to death. Could not accept as the proper consequences of her love surrounding, who considered a shame of the birth of an extramarital child. Finally, at a critical moment, about Gretchen did not have a Faust who could prevent the killing of a child, perfect Gretchen. For the sake of love for the village, she goes to "sin", for a crime. But it gave her mental strength, and she lost his mind. Höta's attitude towards heroine expresses in the final. When in the dungeon, Mephistofel hurries the Faust to escape, he says that Gretchen is still convicted. But at this time the voice is heard over: "saved!". If Gretchen is convicted by society, then from the point of view of heaven, it is justified. Until the last moment, even in the perplexation of the reason is full of love for the Future, although this love has led her to death. The death of Gretchen is a tragedy of a clean and beautiful woman, because of his great love that turned out to be involved in the circle of terrible events. The death of Gretchen is a tragedy not only for her, but also for Faust. He loved her with all the power of the soul; Women more beautiful than she was not for him. Faust was partly to blame for the death of Gretchen. Goethe elected the tragic plot because he wanted to put his readers in the face of the greatest facts of life. He saw his task in exciting attention to not solved and difficult issues of life. The second part of the "Fausta" is one of the samples of the literature of ideas. In symbolic form, Goethe depicts the crisis of the feudal monarchy, the inhumanity of wars, the search for spiritual beauty, work for the benefit of society. In the second part, the Goethe is more increasing the task to highlight some global problems. This is the question of the main law of life development. Deeply convinced of the materiality of the world, Goette, at the time, believed that the movement of life was determined by spiritual forces. Deeply reinforced the death of Gretchen, Faust is reborn to a new life and continues to search for truth. First we see it on the state field. Disappointed in state activities, Faust is looking for new ways. Caused by magic, the image of Elena is excellent, excites the desire to see it in him. Elena lovely serves as a symbol of his artistic ideal. But the ideal did not occur immediately, and the poet creates a whole act of the tragedy to show how the concept of beautiful was born in the myths and legends of ancient Greece. In parallel, the topic occurs. Book Scientific Wagner creates a homuncule artificial man in the laboratory. It accompanies the faast in his search for the path to the beautiful, but breaks down and dies, while Faust reaches the goal. Faust and Elena embody two starts: it is a symbol of perfect antique beauty, on the embodiment of a restless "romantic" spirit. From the symbolic marriage of Faust and Elena, a beautiful young man Euforyon is born, connecting the features of the parents. But this creature is not given to live in our world. It is too ideal for him and breaks to death.

Life and freedom deserved. It is tragic that the highest wisdom Faust acquires only on the outcome of life. He hears the knock of the shovel and thinks as if the work scheduled for them. In fact, Lemurs, subject to Mephistophely, will dig by the crawl of the grave. After the death of Faust, Mephistofel wants to drag him the soul into hell, but the divine forces intervene and carry it on the sky, where she will meet with the soul of Gretchen. If the entire path of the hero is tragic, it does not mean that his life was empty and fruitless. He suffered, suffered, but his life was full, because he demanded the tension of all soulors. It is impossible to exhaust all the wealth of the ideas of "Faust" Goethe.

The general meaning of the "Fausta" as an excellent dramatic poem can hardly cause doubts.

The writing "The role of evil principle in the fate of a person (by the tragedy" Faust "I. V. Guete)"

Johann Wolfgang Guete is the founder german literature New era. This multifaceted, gifted person left behind a noticeable trace and in the literature, and in science. The creativity of Goethe is an accurate mapping of the most important trends and contradictions of the modernity of that era. The Faust tragedy became the work of Goethe, in which the author shares his thoughts on universal values, about the meaning of life, which is based on tireless activities for the sake of human, even if this activity carries tragic errors.

The tragedy "Faust" "Prologue in the sky" begins, where the conversation of God and Mephistopheles took place, more reminiscent of the philosophical discussion. In a conversation, the name Faust sounds, whom God leads as an example as his faithful slave. Mephistofel manages to convince God to conduct an experiment, promising to force the Faust to creep and "eat ... dust from the shoe." God in this dispute is a carrier of an optimistic look at a person, and Mephistofel behaves like a coordinated skeptic who does not believe in human decency and sanity. Mephistofel goes to Earth. And the struggle of good and evil, great and insignificant begins.

Dr. Faust is an encyclopedist scientist, revered among the people, but he disappointed in science and in the ability to open the truth. The spiritual devastation pushes the Faust to turn to magic, but the spirit he called is terribly frightened by him. Soon, Mephistofel appears in the faust room. The guest is intactly laughing at human weaknesses, a worthlessness of existence, as if he penetrates into the depths of the Faust torment. Mephistofel promises to open all the joys of life, but with one condition: if Fausta will ask the perfect moment to stop, then his soul will go to the property of Mephistofel. And they go to West.

Mephistopheles - the embodiment of evil wisdom. He thoroughly knows human nature, and like no one can take advantage of its weaknesses. Faust also worries the search for the meaning human life, your own experience and experiences, but he fails to resist Char of Love. But love was unable to give a faust in the feeling of cloudless happiness, and travel continues.

At the end of his life, Faust approaches understanding the meaning of being. It seems to him that he is in disinterested ministry to people. Blind Faust dies, and his immortal soul is taken to heaven. Mephistofel understands that once again lost in eternal dispute Between Divine and Earth.

The tragedy "Faust" should be considered not as a domestic drama, but as a philosophical and moral and ethical work, it can also be attributed to our time and to the future of humanity with his hopes and chants. The conflict between Faust and Mephistofel exists forever because

what is the struggle between good and evil who live in each. To this day, it remains the relevant call of Dr. Faust not to stop, do not fall into sleep, it is necessary to act, change and enrich himself together with the world around:

Only that worthy of life and freedoms,

Who every day for them goes to battle!

By eternal search and eternal work One of them was seen by Goethe further development of humanity, the victory of the Spirit is not only over physical, but also over the spiritual death.

Essay "Philosophical meaning of the image of Faust"

Goethe "Faust"

And I will be pleased myself,

Then - the end!

Writing "Theme of love in the tragedy Goethe" Faust ""

Love tolerate for a long time, mercifully, love does not envy, love is not exalted, does not pride. She does not claim, not looking for his, not annoying, not thinking evil. It does not rejoice in a wrong, and the truth will be delighted. Everything covers everything believes everything, everything hopes, everything transfers. To know such love, the love of true, comes the main character Tragedy Goethe Faust. By concluding an agreement with the devil, Faust demands that it is unquestioning fulfilling all his desires.

And the first desire of a man was connected with a woman, immaculate and pure Margarita. Mephistofel without much delight fulfills this desire for his victim. Damn himself recognizes: the girl is so chista and impossible that the evil does not have strength over it. Mephistofel is confident that no power cannot be used against Margarita, "here you need to vouch and smear." In the end, Mephistofel helps the village to get acquainted with Margarita, hoping that he will be able to find a wonderful moment in her arms, which was looking for all his life and who wanted to extend indefinitely. Faust first tipped in the arms of sensual desires:

Oh sky, like that beauty

I did not see a similar in life.

How unspoiled quiet

And how mockingly izoblany!

Already hitting the girl's room, Faust begins to understand that it is not only externally beautiful, but also beautiful to the soul, and he is more and more convinced of it. His feeling becomes a comprehensive - not only physical, but also spiritual. The second half of the first part of the Faust is devoted to the history of the love of Faust and Gretchen. Between lovers - a huge abyss. Faust - Man Unusually developed mentally big way Spiritual growth, a lot of knowledgeable and very free-reform. It has a critical attitude towards generally accepted concepts. His thought is distinguished by independence, he does not take anything on faith, exposes everything critical analysis And only after that makes certain conclusions. He has long refused faith in church doctrine:

Which of us dares

Reply, not shuffling: "I believe in God"?

And Reply Scholasta and Pop

On this score so sincerely stupid.

What seems like a mocking buoy.

Gretchen is an adorable, pure young creature. She has all the treasures of the female soul. The girl is capable of unlimited love and self-sacrifice. She is deeply believer, because her life is accompanied by her mom - a sample of religious virtue. Having found the box with jewels in the room, Gretchen immediately reports the find of his beloved mother, which the appearance of jewels in his poor room attributes the shivel of the devil. The box is given to the church. At the same time, Gretchen tormented meditation about an unknown donarian. In Love Faust does not stop, preparing a new test with Mephistofel. The next box, complete inconspicuous treasures, seduces Gretchen. This time she turned a virtue from the way, deciding to accept the casket with indecent treasures. But can we blame the poor girl in the fact that she liked beautiful things? In his life, she did not see anything other than the daily exhausting work, and could not even dream that at one fine moment her life would change exactly like Cinderella. And then also a friend of March assures that everything is good that you can leave a lark and taper to try on precious baubles. There is no benefit from this, but once again admire with its beauty framed by beautiful stones and gold - a holiday for any girl.

The result of this act was for Gretchen's fatal. Unwittingly yielded to temptation, she lost chastity. Evil generates evil, one dishonest act leads to the following. Mephistofel triumphs: the acquaintance of Faust and Gretchen brings him a wrong dividend. Faust for the sake of meeting with Gretchen is ready for the forgery and signs fake documents. Gretchen understands that he loves, and for the sake of love is ready for sacrifices. In the rustling of passion, she even forgets about the ubiquitous neighbors, who will certainly bring their own sentence of someone else's love and someone else's happiness.

At that moment, when Faust overcomes sensual attraction to the girl and goes to another, spiritual, level of love, Gretchen begins to experience concern about the correctness of his actions. Mephistofel in her representation of "Lijame", which "so mocked and a hither and no people puts." Just like the Faust to meet his spiritual aspirations concludes a contract with the devil, in other words, falls from a generally accepted point of view in "sin" and commits a crime and Gretchen in the name of love becomes a violatrer of the moral establishments adopted in the society. She cannot be freed from the rules imposed by her since childhood, although it is involuntarily asked why the love, which gave her such mental joy, is in contradiction with morality, in the truth of which she always believed.

The tragedy of the love of Faust and Gretchen can be explained by the differences in their natures, and the aggressiveness of the external environment. After all, the trial of Gretchen is taken to be finished not a stranger man, but her brother Valentine. The court of relatives is sometimes more unjust and cruel than the court of outsiders. For example, in countries professing Islam, there are cases when furious fathers and brothers kill their daughters and sisters, which, in their opinion, are on the path of debauchery and vice.

The brave warrior Valentin, it would seem least of all had a relation to morality. Drunk rampage was the most innocent gentlement in the life of this man whose profession was the murder. And it was he, he himself probably more than once, the honor of his honor, he found it necessary to enhance his sister, and this, ultimately, entailed the fatal loneliness of Gretchen in the most critical moment for her. Faust killed Valentine and is forced to hide. At this time, Gretchen goes crazy and kills his child. The verdict of the society of detebians is always cruel, despite the fact that sometimes the society pushes women to this madness. Gretchen is sharpened in prison, she does not even understand what she killed her own child. Talking that she is the killer of his innocent child, she perceives as a sore joke. The appearance of the beloved first seems to her salvation, but why is she so full of distrust to the one who filled her Duma and the heart with trembling fire of love?

Although the same thing is in appearance,

I do not have good luck with you,

And your cold is scary ...

In him, Gretchen feels the power of evil, she does not see the future with him. And what is the future: to be expelled and tormented, suffering, unable to forget your crime? Gretchen hopes only for a fairly God's judgment, her last words are addressed to the Lord:

Save me, my father is in the embroidery!

You, angels, around me, forgotten,

Holy Wall to be on the defense!

You, Heinrich, fear inspire me.

Convicted by people, she resists evil to the last moment of his life. As the anthem is clean, the voice is irrevocated. Over: "Saved!" Such seemingly the tragic final, but he does not inspire pessimism and disbelief. After all, Gretchen excites the readers not only sympathy and pity, but also admiration. She was unknown looking for truth inherent in the village, but she did not have to look for that beautiful moment: she was happy in love. Yes, she committed grave crimes, but the best mental qualities that manifested themselves in the heroine during tragic circumstances, only sincere admiration is caused. Love tolerate for a long time, mercifully, love does not envy, love is not exalted, does not pride. She does not claim, not looking for his, not annoying, not thinking evil. It does not rejoice in a false, but so true. Everything covers everything believes everything, everything hopes, everything transfers.

Essay "Images of the main characters of the Faust tragedy"

Who is the main character of the tragedy Goethe, who named the famous tragedy called whose name? What is he? Goethe himself spoke about him as follows: the main thing in it is "tirelessly to the end of the life Activities, which is becoming more, cleaner."

Faust is a man with high aspirations. He dedicated his whole life to science. He studied philosophy, right, medicine, theology, achieved scientists by degrees. Years have passed, and he was recognized with despair that he didn't approach the truth to the truth, that all these years he was only distinguished from knowledge real lifethat he traded the "wildlife lush color" on "Tlen and Zhlam".

Reflections of Faust have enacted the experiences of the Goethe himself and its generation about the meaning of life. Goethe created his Faust as a person who hears a call for life, calling the new era, but still can not break out of the vice of the past. After all, it was exactly that contemporaries of the poet - German enlighteners. In accordance with the ideas of enlighteners, Faust is a man of business. Even translating the Bible into German, he, without agreeing with famous phrase: "At the beginning there was a word," clarifies: "In the beginning it was the case."

Mephistofel is not just a tempter and antipode of Faust. He is a philosopher-skeptic with a brilliant critical mind. Mephistofel wit and peeled and favorably different from a schematic religious character. Goethe invested a lot of his thoughts in the mouth of Mephistople, and the fact that Faust became an expressive of the ideas of enlightenment. So, having to go into the university professor's clothes, Mephistophele rizuels the worship of the verbal formula in scientists in the scientists, behind which there is no place for the live thought: "Words should you trust: in words it is impossible to change Yota ..."

Faust concludes an agreement with the Mephistophele not for the sake of empty entertainment, but for the sake of higher knowledge. He would wish everyone to experience, learn | And happiness, and grief, know the highest meaning of life. And Mephistophel gives the fautle the opportunity to taste all earthly benefits so that he can forget about his high gusts to know. Mephistofel is confident that the Faust will "crawl in litter". He puts him in front of the most important temptation - love for a woman.

The temptation, which invented the chromon-legged damn for Faust, has the name - Margarita, Gretchen. She is fifteenth year, she is a simple, clean and innocent girl. Seeing her on the street, Faust flashes to her crazy passion. His entifies this young idolist, perhaps because he gains a feeling of beauty and good, to whom he had sought before. Love gives them bliss, but it becomes the cause of misfortunes. The poor girl became a criminal: fear of human molly, she drowned the baby born.

Upon learning of what happened, Faust is trying to help Margaret and, together with Mephistophele, penetrates prison. But Margarita refuses to follow him. "I conquer God's court"Girl says. Leaving, Mephistophelle says that Margarita is convicted of flour. But the voice overgrown: "Saved!" Prefering to break the death along with the devil, Gretchen saved her soul.

Goethe's hero lives to a hundred years. It will be blind and turns out to be in complete darkness. But even blind and weak, he is trying to fulfill his dream: build a dam for people.

The writing

Philosophical meaning of the image of Faust

... not like everyone else; It serves in a different;

Neither drink nor does not want in earthly;

Like crazy, he is weak, he is weak,

What feels itself among doubts;

Always in your dream is immersed,

Then from Sky best Star he wishes

Then on Earth - all higher pleasures,

And in it nothing is close, nor Dahl -

It cannot satisfy the rodent sadness.

Goethe "Faust"

The turbulent era of enlightenment gave birth to his heroes-rowers who challenged ignorance, passivity, medieval barbarism and prejudices. Advanced writers and images created by them became such characters. They fought for the freedom and independence of the human person, wrapped their fair anger on the old order. Among these writers was the German poet I. V. Guete. He sincerely and firmly believed in the celebration of the mind on earth and put this faith in the image of his hero the greatest work - Faust tragedies.

The legend of Faust is still in early years attracted the attention of Goethe. She reflected faith in man, the greatness of his thoughts. The poet was close to the image of a person overcoming any difficulties and temptations and confidently coming forward to achieving its high goal. Faust was the type of thinker, aspiring by anything to comprehend the mystery of nature and life. All these features and took the writer as a basis when creating an image of his hero.

The nature of Faust is very complex and controversial, his soul is being tormented by doubts all the time, the inspiration is replaced by sadness and dissatisfaction. Even peering into the situation of his office, which he himself compares with the "Deep Stone Stone", we see the reflection of the close, stuffy circle, from which the hero seeks to break out "on the will, in the Wide World." He dreams of knowing the truth, explore the laws of nature, but instead is forced to be surrounded by Tlen and Klama. The science of that time was dead, they did not give answers to questions who worried the tortured mind of Faust. He does not find solving his problems and in magic.

Faust is aware that the path to the knowledge of the truth will be not easy, but still goes on this path, driven by the thirst for knowledge.

We see what completeness of life, joy, the living perception of nature filled with a scene of the hero on spring festival. He feels the resurrection of the people himself, who seeks to break out "from a stuffy city in the field, on the light." Such sentiments and atmosphere are very close to the mental state of the Faust itself. After all, he wishes not only to know the world, but also to convey the beam of knowledge to other people. This is exactly what his desire to translate native language The gospel is one of the most popular and important books. But here they are mastered doubts. "In the beginning there was a word, and the word was God," says great Book. But the hero objects: "I can't appreciate the word so high." He confidently replaces the text: "Act is the beginning of being." And in this phrase, the main meaning of his image is laid. Goethe claims the idea of \u200b\u200ba continuous movement forward, permanent action, creative labor. Since only in this case a person can know himself and the world around. Foust, according to N. G. Chernyshevsky, "... The truth is needed deeper, life is more complete, that's why he should enter the union with Mephistofel, that is, denial." It is in a collision with Mephistofel, in a dispute with him, in attempts to prove his wrongness, the character of the hero is developing. He understands that he cannot stand still, will not find peace and does not want to stop a moment. Faust, covered by the thirst for search and knowledge, will forever strive forward.

What you give, a pitiful demon, what enjoyment?

Spirit of human and proud aspires

So how are you, is it possible to understand?

Hero is responsible to his temptist who wants to sink his aspirations in the pool of low-lying pleasures. Faust gives an oath to never succumb to the seduction of peace and contentment:

When on the bed of sleep, in satisfaction and rest,

I fall, then I came my term!

When you flatter me love false

And I will be pleased myself,

Delight sensual when I cheat me,

Then - the end!

Yes, the path of Faust is difficult, they constantly master new illusions, which are then crumbling; He is pursued by failures and disappointment. But, passing through all the tests, staging before all the temptations, the hero does not lose faith in the bright future, in the power of the human mind, by virtue human spirit. He understands that only high aspirations and dreams are not enough to achieve progress. For the golden age you need to fight, because

... only that kinda of life and freedom,

Who is for them every day go to battle.

People must believe in themselves and hope only for their strength, on their "free work" - this is the conclusion of Faust.

The image created by Goethe entered world culture as one of " eternal images" By his work, the author hoped to awaken in people the desire for excellence, help the formation of generation, performed courage, dignity, strength of the spirit and thirst for activity. He until the end of his days did not lose faith in man, in his high purpose.

The writing

I am spiritually accustomed to deny (in the tragedy Goethe "Faust")

I deny everything - and in this the essence of my ...

In short, all that evil your brother is calling, -

Striving to destroy, affairs and thoughts evil,

That's all - my element.

Goethe "Faust"

The path to creating passes through the destruction - so I understood N. G. Chernyshevsky result of the drama Goethe "Faust". Indeed, the hero of the work passes through doubts, disappointment, contradictions in his struggle for man, on the way to the knowledge of the truth. But to achieve this truth to him, oddly enough, helping Mephistofel - the villain, the seducer, pushing the Faust for bad acts.

However, the image of Mephistophele is a complex and ambiguous image. On the one hand, he is an embodiment of evil forces, doubts, destruction. He argues the insignificance, helplessness and the uselessness of any person; He says that his mind uses his mind only to be "so that from cattle cattle to be." Mephistophelle seeks any ways to prove the moral weakness of people, their inability to resist the temptations. Becoming a Faust satellite, he is trying to deceive him in every way, the story "by becoming by him", to instill in doubt in his soul. Trying to knock the hero from his way, distract from high aspirations, he intoxicates his potions, arranges meetings with Margarita, hoping that, yielding passion, Faust will forget about his debt before the truth. The task of Mephistofel is to seduce the hero, make him plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200blow-lying pleasures, leave their ideals. If he had succeeded, he would win in the main dispute - about the greatness or insignificance of man. Introducing the Faust to the world of low passions, he would prove that people do not differ from many animals. However, here it fails - "Spirit of human and proud aspires" turns out to be higher than any pleasure.

Goethe puts a very deep meaning into the image of Mephistofel, having removed him hardly main role In the development of the plot, in the knowledge of the hero of the world and the achievement of the Great Truth. Along with Faust, he is the driving start of the tragedy.

Part of eternal power I

Always desired evil, we wondered only the good.

... I deny everything, and this is my essence ...

This characteristic, as it implies accurately reflects the essence of the process of knowledge itself, with its contradictions and the struggle of opposites. The same idea is confirmed by another phrase:

Decently death is all that exists.

In the course further development The plot is even more convinced of what an important and complex role is played by Mephistofel in the development of the main topic of the work - the struggle for the truth. His doubts and ridicule he causes a desire to fight, argue, defend his views. Trying to knock the Faust from the right path, in reality Mephistofel, on the contrary, encourages him to move forward. After all, as N. G. Chernyshevsky wrote: "With denial, skepticism, the mind is not hostile: on the contrary, skepticism is its goals, leading a person by fluctuations to clean and clear beliefs."

We see that Mephistofel, like Faust, is endowed with rather progressive thoughts. He criticizes the science of those times in which the wildlife was considered as unchanged, not developing. Monde notes adherence people dead Dogmam and empty phrases:

Words of disputes are underway,

From the words of the system are created ...

He, who deny all who doubted the development and movement of a person ahead, at the same time, approves the joy and celebration of life:

Dry, my friend, theory everywhere,

And the tree of life is magnificent green!

Mephistofel constantly appears before us as a direct participant in the vital struggle.

Drawing the image of the devil, the tempter, Goethe between that gives him the features of the progressive, witty thinker. And the fact that he eventually loses the dispute the best way He emphasizes and strengthens the thought of the author that human life has the highest meaning. A person is great, he is able to defend his position, overcome any obstacles, to resist any temptations in the name of achieving its goal, in the name of approving its high destination.

The writing

Faust - Tragedy of Cognition

... What does it mean to know? That's all difficulty!

Who faithful name Infant charts?

Where are those few who have known their age,

Neither the feelings of his nor thoughts hid

With the insane courage to the crowd went to meet?

They are painted, beat, burned ...

Goethe "Faust"

"The Greatest German" called F. Engels outstanding writer Epoch of Enlightenment I. V. Goethe. His creativity not only opened new page In the history of national literature, but also became a reflection of the views and aspirations of the whole generation. "I willingly imagine the culture of foreign peoples," he wrote, conscious, that in order to influence the world around us, it is necessary to know how it is arranged, to see and distinguish all his face.

The works of Goethe became the embodiment of an advanced image of thoughts, a riot against medieval backwardness, prejudice, ignorance. The poet threw a bold challenge to the world of violence and injustice. I. Franco wrote that Faust became a manifestation of the revolution, the very one that broke out in Paris a formidable fire, destroyed the autocratic kingdom of nobles and Popov and proclaimed the "Declaration of Human Rights". And this is not by chance, because the intention of the tragedy has developed immediately after the famous events in France.

"Faust" - philosophical dramawhere the foundation of the conflict is determined not just a collision of various human characters and opinions, but a clash of ideas, the struggle of principles. And the main thing in the work is not even a plot, but the development of the author's thought. The famous images of the Christian legend in the presentation of Goethe acquire a completely different meaning. Everything in nature is in constant motion, in the fight. But what place, what is the role of a person here? What is the meaning of its existence? Is he too insignificant? Here are the questions to us a poet, although it is firmly confident that

a pure soul In his mission

Pull the truth is full!

So he believes in the high purpose of human life.

conflict - between genuine science and dead knowledge, whose carrier is the Wagner, which

... without boredom without

Fits in things of boring and empty ...

Faust, on the contrary, seeks to escape from the shackles of medieval science and know life in all its beauty and diversity. And this knowledge is impossible without moving forward. "The act is the beginning of being," the poet develops this idea throughout the entire action of the tragedy, because only its activities, with his work, a person can make a way to the future and prove the greatness of the human race.

Another essential fact in which the author is firmly sure is that any knowledge is impossible without a doubt. Hence the main motive of drama - the struggle of opposites, the emergence of constant contradictions. Therefore, it happens in the soul of the hero, the clash of faith and doubt, a spiritual impulse and a cold reason that all this is integral parts of the complex, sometimes the tragic process of comprehending the truth. This motive is most pronounced in the words of Faust:

Ah two souls live in sick breasts

To each other are alien, - and crammed separation!

Indeed, it is doubt that it often serves as one of the elements of knowledge, - when, closely studying facts and phenomena, checking and rechecking them, not taking anything to faith, the person gradually reaches the truth.

Thus, in Fauste, the poet reflected a complex and controversial path of the hero to the truth, to living knowledge. For the sake of mastering this knowledge, Faust is ready to overcome any obstacles, temptations: and doubts. Because in front of him a high goal - to prove the high purpose of a person, refute the statement of Mephistople, that his mind is

... I could use one thing -

So that from cattle cattle to be!

Goethe's host calls us to a continuous feat in the name of the future, to a continuous desire forward, to a constant fight against passivity, humility, indifference and soothing.

The writing

Only the one who is merged by life, life and freedom deserved. (by tragedy Goethe "Faust")

Goethe's creativity has become one of the most difficult phenomena in the history of German and world literature. Contradictions that are filled with his works are not just individual contradictions Goethe, but also the contradictions of the whole era, contradictions by the entire German bourgeoisie. The Fast tragedy has become the most significant work of the poet and came the highest philosophical and artistic achievement of all German literature end of XVIII - early XIX. century.

The Great Epopeus created by Goethe based on the materials of the people's legend, in the figurative form claimed the omnipotence of the human mind. The writers of various eras and peoples have repeatedly appealed to the image of Faust, but it was Goethe who managed to create an image of such a large poetic strength and depth. A newly rethinking ancient legend, the author filled it with a deep content, gave her a humanistic sound. His hero is a fearless seeker of truth, never staying on anything and not satisfying, a real humanist, the contemporary of Goethe himself in spirit and like-minded person.

In the Faust tragedy, everything appears world history, great History scientific, philosophical and historical thought of the past and present. The work begins on "dedication" - the penetrating lyrical poem, in which he sounds and sternum about the past youth and gone friends, and meditation about the fate of future creation, and anxious alertness towards his new readers. Here we closely intertwined the past and the present, personally experienced by the author and created by him artistic world. For the "dedication" follow the "Theater accession" and "Prologue in the sky", which are even more important for the disclosure of the ideological meaning of the work. In the "Prolog" reflected a dispute of Mephistople with God about human dignity, the vocation of a person and the meaning of its existence. Mephistopheles - Cynic and Skeptic - refuses to see any meaning in human activity, he confirms his opinion, leading as an example of miserable, mired in the insignificance and ignorance of people. God objects to him, putting forward a zealous seeker of Truth of Dr. Faust. But Mephistofel and in painful quests and doubts of Faust sees only the guarantee of his future death. He considers him the same insignificant and helpless, as in general, all people. Mephistofel is taken to "discard" the god of this "Salombrode". God accepts a challenge, but his consent to the Trial of Faust is due to the solid faith in a person, in the power of his mind, in its unlimited possibilities of knowledge of the secrets of nature.

A fantastic element that introduces Goethe in his work, is already present in the first part ("Kitchen Witch", "Valpurgiyeva Night"), and in the second part sharply increases and becomes dominant. The "Small Mire" of the Earth Human Relations comes to a change "Big World": the history and space coverage of nature. Here are present I. science fiction With satyric subtext (image of the homunculus), and the problem of the connection of various eras (Elena's marriage, symbolizing the ancient art, and the Faust, embodying a new time). Immediately manifests the hatred of Goethe to a stupid self-satisfying scholarship, to the imaginary science, far from the interests of the people (the image of the assistant and student of the Faust Wagner), and sincere respect for the inequate um, inequainous search for truth, irrepressive thirst for practical activity (Faust image).

By concluding an agreement with Mephistophele, Faust receives all the benefits: the returned youth, the love of innocent and pure margarita, communication with the shadows of antique heroes, a brilliant office career at the court of emperor, power and wealth, love of beautiful Elena. However, nothing of all this does not satisfy the hero.

The path passed by Faust symbolizes the path of all mankind. In a death monologue, hero who survived and overcoming all the temptations, Goethe reveals the highest meaning of life, which is for the Faust in serving people, the eternal thirst for knowledge, in constant struggle for happiness. On the threshold of death, he is ready to align every moment of this meaningful great goal Labor. However, this ecstasy of the MiG has not bought the price of refusing to infinite improvement. Faust learned the highest goal human Development And satisfied with the achieved:

Here is the thought that all I am dedicated,

The result of everything that the mind has accumulated.

Only the one fight for life was merged,

Life and freedom deserved.

The true victory of Faust over Mephistofel, the key to its final "salvation" - in the infinity of this "stopped" moment, in fact - a moving, conceived the case, which goes beyond the framework of a single human life, continues in labor and the struggle of future generations.

Over his famous tragedy, Goethe worked for over 60 years, and she became the top of him artistic creativity. "Faust", according to A.S. Pushkin, "There is the greatest creation of a poetic spirit, he serves as a representative of the newest poetry, just like" Iliad "serves as a monument of classical antiquity."

    Introduction ........................................................................... 3.

    Reflection of educational rationalism in Faust tragedy ... 4

    The problem of knowledge and knowledge ................................................ ..5

    Comparison: Faust and Wagner ................................................ ... 7

    Conclusion ........................................................................ 8.


Only a few poets add their own, absolutely personal relationships with poetry. Such poets belonged to Johann Wolfgang Goethe. The more you recognize it, the more you understand: it was not easy to be involved in the world of poetry - this world of poetry was concluded in him, and he was his lord.

Goethe never took care of self-expression - and he would not even want that the personality of the poet would be reflected in his creatures. As a matter of fact, he wanted to be a man who would reflect the Being - so fully and in detail so that the conversation between the person and the Being was. For the sake of such an unparalleled dialogue, it was necessary to become a poet, and then to create confidently, powerfully, with dignity. A person who is equal to the world, with Being, - he and in poetry is not just a poet, and the Creator, and therefore a person of the case, and not words, and, in any case, not a book man. By the way on paper, Goethe treated with disregard. Yes, and in poetry was to reflect the general thought of the world. "After all, I do not put the word so high, // to think that it is the whole basis," says Faust at Goethe; So he was tried and Goethe himself - about the word poetic, writing.

Lyrics Goette dates back to the immediacy of the feeling, but to the latitude of the world, which is a person, internally transforming, seeks to embrace. Her source is thought (but not dry and distracted!). Thought - and not feeling.

Under the word "thought" means here philosophical, scientist content, and for the Goethe, first of all - the content of natural science, the world is like nature, and in all its manifestations (from the structure of the universe and geology to plants and to man4a, before its history, before the history of his spirit , culture) and in a variety of ways to comprehend - from beauty to the exact knowledge of its knowledge.

Reflection of educational rationalism in Faust tragedy.

The intention of the hetevsky "Faust" is rooted in enlightenment with its grandiose optimism: the enlighteners were able to refute the presence of evil in the world - or by their explanations to bypass evil. Gothev "Faust" is much wider than such a enlightenment with his heroic beautiful beautiful. Goethe determined the genre of the work - tragedy. "Fausta" needs to be read as a tragedy. True, this tragedy is special. In it, there is a positive result of a whole: the Lord God, who descended to the patient conversation with the devil, who allows him to severely experience the scientist of Faust, - argued in Lessessingovsky: "Who is looking for, forced to wander", but in his dark desire aware of the right way: "A little , on your own hunt // He breaks out of a dead end. " Faust fearlessly makes bets with scratch: he knows that his desire will never be quenched - because it is not his personal, but the universal feature is the infinity of the desire for the unexplored: all people by nature are eager for knowledge. Actually, three participants of the treaty - God, damn, Faust - hold a roughly the same look at the human being and nevertheless argued about what is clear.

What is this "Faust"? Without fluctuations, you can say: a truly German topic prepared by all the spiritual development of the XVIII century; Around her the deepest and acute problems discussed by the German thought. The Goethe goes out: the world history and modernity, the origin of the Earth, the German literary life, the human being - all this is concluded in his extraordinary work, and to discuss all this a special unique literary genre with its symbolic-mythological language has been developed.

And as the German theme of the XVIII century, Faust is the embodiment of the neatoly thrust to know. She, this topic, will experience the Goethe yourself - as anyone more. Creating Faust, he relied on his immense dreams and claims. It is impossible only to think that Faust is Götte. There is no at all: it is swept away from himself criticized his "inner image," in the present Goethe, in addition to the greed of knowledge, there was also reasonable humility, without which everything intended scattered in the dust before being, as it happened with Faust. Lessing wrote in 1778: "The value of a person is determined not by possessing the truth, genuine or imaginary, but honest labor used to achieve the truth ... If God, concluding the truth in his desne, and in the shuice there is an eternal desire for truth, but with In the fact that I will be wrong to be mistaken, I told me: "Choose!", I would humbly a student to his left hand, saying: "Father, give! Clean truth - she is alone for you! " Many German writers of the second half of the XVIII century, starting with lescing, worked on works on Faust. Goethe shows what was later - after the man chose not the truth, but the desire for her and the path of delusions.

The problem of knowledge and knowledge.

Gothev "Faust" opens by a monologue of an old doctor - a monologue, in which the main reasons for His MUK are expressed. He is comprehended by philosophy, right, medicine, theology; He did not regret the strength to study these sciences, and, despite these extensive knowledge, he feels a pathetic fool. Here we are faced with the first cause of the dissatisfaction of the Faust, with disappointment in science, with consciousness that science cannot satisfy the requirements that he makes to know. Let's listen more than Faust, and we will pass the whole path of doubt, experienced by European society into a transitional era. "I," says Faust, "said numerous secrets with the strength and mouth of the spirit of the Spirit ... I recognize that it lies in the deepest caches of the universe, the wonderful forces and the beginnings of Being."

In these words, new curious features of the Foustovsky worldview. We learn what Faust was waiting for science, and we find out what he began to look for a response when science did not satisfy him. The next important idea arising from the above words is a new path of knowledge of nature that Faust chooses. Faust gives out magic; Trying to combine into one means of knowledge of peace and positive knowledge based on experience and observation, and direct penetration into the mystery of nature. He cannot believe, and at the same time religion has not yet lost its meaning for him. He takes away from the mouth of his already brought to them a Cup with poison when he hears the bell ringing and the prayer singing of the choir, which in German cities meet Easter morning. Memories of the years of childhood, about the grateful feeling that this ringing attached to his soul in those days, keeps him from suicide. In the next stage, behind the city gates, walking with Wagner, he stops at the stone and recalls: "Here often I was sitting, one in thought, myself was tormented by a prayer and fasting, hope is rich, solid in faith." This path on which Faust is standing is the oscillation between faith and knowledge, is the third, main feature of his worldview. The fourth feature is the inner consciousness that this middle way is unstable that the metaphysics does not give him any strong point of support. When the land caused by the Faust of the Earth, personifies the life of nature throughout her great whole, appears in front of him, Faust is depressed with this phenomenon: the gaze is unable to bring absolute contemplation, Faust retreats with horror back. Faust feels that there is no exit for him. He feels the duality of his nature. "Oh, two souls live in my chest: one of all wants to separate from another, with its own organs with chain alone for the world keeps everything in a healthy tiajan of love; Another in the highly high ancestors will rise from Tlen powerfully. " This dualism of human nature, as we saw, was the cause of MUK and another representative of "world grief" - Manfred. Why are the person embraced aspirations to absolute, eternal, when his pathetic earthly shell holds him on earth, in chains of temporary, relative? Faust all the time fluctuates between the high idea of \u200b\u200bitself as a carrier of these gusts, and the consciousness of his insignificance. "I am the image of a deity!" he exclaims; A few times says: "I am like a worm that rushes in a praha." Thus, the reasons for the torment of the Faust can be lit to the following: Faust cannot refuse to be gratened by the tradition of the desire to absolutely, but it cannot, on the other hand, under the influence of critical thought, the funds that tradition allowed these aspirations, i.e. faith.

Comparison: Faust and Wagner.

Wagner, in contrast to the Faust, is satisfied with formal, dry knowledge; He is not interested in nature, he does not know doubts and oscillations; This is a real scholasticism, which occupies the most study process; He does not seek absolute truth.

Wagner is confident that first of all it is necessary to assimilate the rules of rhetoric, master the eloquence, put the diction and work out a good syllable.

Faust considers it useless all formal tricks. Only the speech that comes from the soul is convincing:

When seriously owns something you,

You will not become chasing the words

And reasoning, full of gloves,

Than turns brighter and flowery,

Support boredom ...

The main thought of Faust: "The wisdom key is not on the pages of books."

Go from one book to another, from the page to the page - the Higher Bliss of Wagner. Wagner is a type of limited pedant without high aspirations and an elevated goal that warming his classes. This is the type of useless scientist, accumulating knowledge, but not expanding their horizons that does not contribute to the world of new ideas. If Faust is depicted flour to inventive honest thought, then in Wagner, complains of falsified science taking a means for the target satisfying its quantitative superiority in the field of knowledge are embodied.


Inexhaustible beauty and depth, the creation of a German thought-thinking poet, "Faust" contains not finished truth, but an indicative lesson for its achievement. Eternal creation; In it - communication with the truth, the truth is inaccessible, the tragic experience of the desire for it.

Faust - by no means "favorite" hero Goethe, and the reader can not identify himself with him. "Faust" - from those works that are not sympathizing, but thoughts, indifferent to thinking about what is happening here. Resolutely disagree with the specific humanity of the Russian classical literature, Faust Götte offers the task of reflection by the Russian reader. Forwarding ideas of freedom, equality, ... Supports I. V. Goethe in tragedy "Faust ", appreciating the new historical type .... Insolvency rationalism XX century. Realism and modernism: reflection Outcome options ...

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