Elina Kamiren: photo from Instagram. Biography Elina Kamiren instagram official group vkontakte

Elina Kamiren: photo from Instagram. Biography Elina Kamiren instagram official group vkontakte

Elina Karjakina was born on January 2, 1985
Staying on the project: from April 8, 2011 to May 30, 2011, from June 6, 2012 to August 7, 2012, for the third time returned to House 2 on May 15, 2013, for the fourth time - on February 15, 2014.
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Karjakina's height: 178
Weight: 50
Education: higher (she began her studies at the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, then transferred to the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University). Hobbies and talents: I was engaged in choreography; has the second youth category in artistic gymnastics (uneven bars), was fond of basketball; model; organizer of holidays.

Elina Karjakina's biography is filled with a number of events that seriously influenced the fate of the 29-year-old participant in the television project. Elina was born in Tyumen. Elina Karjakina's parents divorced when she was still a child. Elina's mother is the owner of an elite beauty salon, her father's business is connected with the pipeline. After leaving school, at the age of 17, the girl left for the UK to perfectly learn English. Returning to her homeland, Elina worked as a model. Apparently, Karjakina was in demand as a model and received good royalties, since after a while she opened her own business - a model salon. According to Elina's assurances, she organized her business without the help of her parents.

Later, Karjakina decided to settle in Moscow, so she sold the business in her hometown. From that moment, Elina Karjakina's life in the capital began. In Moscow, Elina worked as a deputy director at a company specializing in investments in the oil and gas industry. Karjakina has her own apartment in Moscow and a house in Tyumen. Therefore, when asked about how Elina Karjakina lives and whether she is financially provided, it is safe to say that the girl is doing fine.

According to Elina Karjakina, she came to the project to meet Alexey Samsonov. The pumped-up guy liked her from the TV screen. Naturally, the house macho reciprocated the wealthy girl, the couple quickly developed a close relationship. Lesha and Elina's romance was stormy, but short. After two months of amorous communication with Elina, Samsonov could not stand the moral pressure from the blonde and left the project. Karjakina left after her beloved. For a month, the guys lived together outside the perimeter of the show, but due to frequent quarrels and conflicts, the relationship ended. Alexey returned to House 2.

Elina Karjakina's second visit to the project took place a year later, at the invitation of Alexei Samsonov. It turns out that all this time Lesha continued to love the eccentric blonde. Yes, and Elina was never able to erase the image of the alpha male from her heart. The scenario of the relationship between Karjakina and Samsonov did not change: violent passion gave way to loud scandals, bright quarrels ended in hot reconciliation, temperamental Elina left the gate many times, but always returned to Lesha's arms. The couple planned to legalize their relationship, but it never came to a wedding. In May 2012, Samsonov was kicked out of the project for a fight, Elina also left House 2. And again deja vu: a month together, parting, Samsonov's return to the ranks of the household.

Returning to the scandalous reality show for the third time, Elina Karjakina noted that her passion for Samsonov had long passed and she was no longer going to seek Alexei's favor. Elina has been on the project in the status of a loner for a long time. She was exclusively engaged in philosophical reasoning and provocative statements. In her blog, Elina Karjakina stated that she was not ready for a new relationship.
This continued until Sasha Zadoinov came into her field of vision, who once again returned to the show. The financially insecure guy had to work hard to ingratiate himself with his beloved. Elina resisted for a long time, not wanting to link her fate with a representative of the poor. However, the latest photos of Elina Karjakina and Sasha Zaydonov prove that the guy succeeded. Now the lovers are preparing for the wedding. The last episodes of House 2 will tell you about how the preparations for the wedding are going and whether the biography of Elina Karjakina (Kamiren) can be replenished with the most joyful event in the life of every woman.

Elina Kamiren (Karjakina) on Instagram is a real star, we have collected interesting facts and photos from Elina's Instagram.

Her popularity is due not only to her participation in this project: Elina is a fairly smart and sensible girl, from a young age she was engaged in business, was educated in England and she always has something to say to her subscribers. Therefore, the Instagram of Elina Kamiren has always been so in demand: a new picture immediately received many likes and spread further on social networks.

The real surname of the star is Karjakina. The one by which we know her from her own words is the surname of the grandmother, which the project participant took for herself. She was born and raised in Siberia - or rather in the city of Tyumen, where she eventually became a model in one of the local modeling agencies. After that, her geography changed: first she moved to Moscow, and then went to study in the UK. Some moments from these stages of her biography were reflected on Instagram: Elina Kamiren willingly shared pictures with her subscribers. After her studies, it was time for business: at the age of 19 she became the head of her own modeling agency - they say that not without the help of her mother, who owned a beauty salon.

The star gained fame throughout the country after her participation in the "Dom-2" project, from where the path to the big world of show business began for many modern stars. It so happened that, against the background of the rest of the participants, this girl really stood out for her remarkable intellect - for this she became beloved by many spectators. The fans of the project from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok were worried about her relationship, because she gained popularity not so much with her spectacular appearance, but with her extraordinary mind.

What's happening with Kamiren's account now?

As an active user of social networks, Elina Kamiren often added fresh photos and videos to Instagram. The photographs reflected a variety of subjects: professional staged shots, fashionable clothes, family life - a participant in a television project is raising a little daughter. Walks, cafes, restaurants, cityscapes and more. The account address could be found as follows: elina_kamiren_. Unfortunately, today the status of her account is not entirely clear: the official link has not been working for some time - probably due to reasons Elina Kamiren deleted Instagram - however, publications from it remained on a number of mirror sites, and we have the most complete selection ... Whether she will return to a full-fledged account on Instagram - this is the intrigue of the season!

Well - obviously, after the peak of fame during their participation in the Dom-2 project, even the stars sometimes want to take a break from the vibrant public life. This is understandable to everyone, because sometimes a person strives for peace and solitude. Nevertheless, Kamiren did not leave her fans in offense: her photos are widely present on the network, and everyone has the opportunity to see them. If you are interested in Elina Kamiren, her instagram and new photos with the child, you can watch all this for free with us. We are happy to share with you:

  • Studio photos of the star;
  • Her homemade pictures with her daughter.

And of course, we will track the status of her official account!

Elina Kamiren finds out the relationship with Zadoinov through Instagram

Elina Kamiren (Karjakina), voiced her claims to Alexander Zadoinov, the father of her daughter Sasha, via Instagram. Elina chose this method of communication, because Zadoinov avoids dialogue with her, even calls from unknown numbers. The essence of the claims is the same: Alexander does not help his daughter financially, rarely comes, and therefore the little girl has time to forget her parent, took away small household appliances and a laptop, and also left a debt for communication services in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. Elina Kamiren also fears that Sasha Zadoinov will obstruct the trip with the child on vacation to another country or take her daughter away without Elina's knowledge.

Of course, the former participant of "House-2" Elina Kamiren has big requests that she herself cannot satisfy, and Zadoinov even more so. But nevertheless, he is obliged by law to participate in raising his daughter at least financially. The issues of alimony payment will be decided by the court, the date of the first court session has already been set.

Commentators rightly noted that Elina should have understood what Alexander Zadoinov was like. He behaved in about the same way with the mother of his eldest daughter Nastya, so why should it be different with Elina? In addition, Elina has always positioned herself as a wealthy woman, and now it turns out that all this is not so and it is difficult for her to provide for her daughter alone.

Elina Kamiren's appeal to Zadoynov on Instagram about her daughter

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 6.01.1986

City: Tyumen, Moscow

Education: Russian State University of Oil and Gas Gubkina

Found an inaccuracy? Correct the profile

Read from this article:

Elina was born in Tyumen on January 6, 1985. The girl's mother, Elena Nikolaevna, raised her daughter on her own.

Since his father was a simple worker and did not want to develop, quarrels often arose between them and in the end they divorced.

The father did not pay attention to his daughter and did not support her in any way. And Elena Nikolaevna devoted herself to her upbringing. Elina graduated from high school and visited the UK to improve her English.

Worked as a model, and then opened her own modeling agency without mother's help. After a while, she sold her business and moved to Moscow.

There she graduated from the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin. Then she went to the TV show.

The beauty immediately charmed Alexei Samsonov.

The relationship of the guys was full of passion, love and quarrels. Unable to cope with emotions Elina, decided to leave the TV set.

The girl traveled a lot, took time for herself, but she could not forget Alexei. She nevertheless returned to the project and again tried to pair with him.

The guys quarreled and reconciled again. They were even going to get married, but the celebration never took place.

In May 2012, the guy was asked to leave the show because he broke the rules. Elina also left Dom2.

Outside the perimeter, they were together for only a month, then they parted again. Then both returned to the TV project, but Elina said that she was no longer interested in Lesha.

During her time on the show, she managed to expel the Gusev family. The participant tried to build a relationship with a guy named Gabrielle.

But they did not lead to anything. Relations between and Elina Karjakina collapsed in the same way.

The guys planned a wedding, but it did not take place... The couple began to quarrel over photos of Alexander and because of the broadcast, where he abandoned his daughter.

Karjakina realized that Sasha was pulling her down and didn't fit her. After all, the girl plans to develop her business and receive high income. Then there was a not very beautiful parting, after which Karjakina left the TV show.

However, after 2 weeks it turned out that she was pregnant and the guys improved their relationship.

The girl returned to the TV project House 2 again, where she continued to build a relationship with Alexander.

In 2014, Elina's daughter was born, whom she named Sasha in honor of the baby's father. But the guys finally broke up.

Elina's photo

The girl leads Instagram, where she constantly uploads personal photos.

The biography of Elina Karjakina interests numerous fans of "House-2". When was the top participant of the reality show born and where did she study? Why did she come to the project? You will find the answers to all these questions in the article. Enjoy your reading!

Elina Karjakina: biography

The star of "House-2" was born on January 6, 1985 in Tyumen. Elina Karjakina's biography includes many interesting events. They are described below.

Our heroine grew up as a mobile and inquisitive girl. She had few friends. And all because Elina preferred boyish companies. This was reflected in her character.

Today, many Russians want to know what family Elina Karjakina is from. Biography, parents and profession of the blonde - all this interests the fans of the popular TV show. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity.

Elina's parents are not millionaires. The father is an ordinary worker. He left the family when his daughter was not even 5 years old. Mother had to take care of Eli's upbringing on her own. She opened her own business - a small beauty salon. Over time, her business began to bring tangible income. Elena bought her daughter the best clothes and toys.

Student years

After graduating from high school, Karjakina Jr. went to the UK. The girl lived there for several years, studying English.

At the age of 19, she returned to Russia. The blonde decided to become a fashion model. Growth and external data allowed her to do this. Elina took part in fashion photo shoots. But soon the girl got bored with this occupation. Thanks to her knowledge of English and communication skills, Karjakina managed to get a job in an investment company. The girl received the position of deputy general director. Elina not only worked, but also received higher education at the Oil and Gas University.

"House 2"

In April 2011, a tall and slender blonde Elina Kamiren (Karjakina) came to the project where love is built. The girl's biography immediately became public.

Elya expressed sympathy for the project macho - Alexei Samsonov. And he answered the girl in return. This couple was remembered by the audience for their scandals, fights and passionate reconciliation. At some point, Alexei and Elina announced their retirement from "House-2". But outside the perimeter, their relationship did not last long.

New story on the project

In May 2013, Elina Karjakina again appeared within the walls of "House-2". She announced her readiness for a new relationship. Almost immediately, Alexander Zadoinov, who was single at that time, began to look after her. The leggy blonde didn't take him seriously. But after a couple of months, she agreed to declare herself a couple with him. Sasha and Elina either quarreled or reconciled. In April 2014, the girl even left the project to complete her story with Zadoynov. But fate decreed otherwise. After 2 weeks, Elya told Sasha that she was expecting a child from him.

Long-awaited happiness

The pregnancy was hard for tall and thin Elina. The first months she was tormented by a terrible toxicosis. Repeatedly, right during the filming, the girl lost consciousness. 2-3 months before giving birth, she started having pain in the back. Our heroine steadfastly endured all this. After all, a great reward awaited her for the tests passed - a little daughter, so sweet and dear.

On December 18, 2014, one of the most important events in Elina's life took place. She became a mother. A charming little daughter was born, who was named Alexandra (in honor of her dad). Baby's parameters: weight - 3.6 kg, and height - 55 cm.

Elina Karjakina's biography indicates that she has always had health problems. This is due to the excessive thinness of the girl. Immediately after giving birth, Elina's condition worsened. She was having problems with blood pressure. There was also a great loss of blood. The newly-made mom spent several days in intensive care.

When Elina got better, they let her go home with her daughter. The closest people came to the discharge. The girl's father, Alexander Zadoinov, literally glowed with happiness. He took the baby in his arms and could not stop looking at her.

Childbirth of the participant "House-2" was like in her hometown - Tyumen. Elina, Sasha and their daughter lived there for several months. Moral and financial assistance to the young family was provided by Elena Karjakina, the mother of our heroine.

Hello again!

In March 2015, the popular members returned to the project with their four-month-old daughter. They were given a separate house, where the Pynzary family once lived. Elina Karjakina, whose biography we are considering today, immediately set about arranging everyday life. Many viewers noticed that motherhood changed the blonde for the better.


Now you know where she studied, worked and when the popular blonde came to the project. Elina Karjakina's biography indicates that she is a strong and purposeful person. Good luck to her and her family!