Responsibilities of the godfather during and after baptism. Great Mother - Question of the Magician

Responsibilities of the godfather during and after baptism. Great Mother - Question of the Magician
Responsibilities of the godfather during and after baptism. Great Mother - Question of the Magician

"Recently talked in the train with a woman, or rather, we even arched with her. She argued that the godparents, like their own father with his mother, are obliged to educate their godfish. And I disagree: Mother has a mother, who will she allow it to intervene in the education of the child. I also had a soster once in my youth, but our paths have long been fused, I don't know where he lives now. And she, a woman, says that I will now have to answer for him. For someone else's child answer? Something is not believed ... "

(From the letter readers)

It happened, and my life trails walked completely to the other side of the godpieces. Where are they now, how they live, and you are alive at all, I do not know. Even their names did not keep their memory, they were baptized for a long time, in infancy. I asked my parents, and they themselves do not remember, shrugs, they say, they lived in the neighborhood people, and invited them to the godfather. And where are they now, how to call them-magnitude, do you mention? To be honest, for me this circumstance was never with a flaw, he grew yes grew, without the godfather. No, he climbed, it was once, envied. The school girlfriend married and got a thin gift in a bridal gift, like a web, a gold chain. The godfather presented, she praised us, who could not dream about such chains and dream. That was then envied. I would have a godfather, maybe I would ...
Now, of course, agreed upon by reflection, very sorry about the random "father with his mother", which and do not hold in the mind, which I remember them now in these lines. Without reproach I remember with regret. And, of course, in the dispute of your readers with a fellow traveler in the train completely on the side of the fellow travelers. She is right. To keep us the answer for saints scattered from the parent nests, because people are not random in our lives, and our children, spiritual children, godpa.
Who is not familiar with such a picture? Enhancing people stand aside in the temple. The center of attention is a baby in lush lace, he is passed from hands to his arms, go to the street with him, distract to not cry. Waiting for the christening. I look at the clock, nervous. The godfather mother with his father can be found right away. They are somehow especially focused and important. Torch to get a wallet to pay for the upcoming christening, give some orders, rustle packages with baptized clothes and fresh diapers. The little man does not understand anything, dishes the eyes on the wall frescoes, on the lights of Panikadil, on the "accompanying persons", among whom the face of the godfather is one of many. But the father invites - it's time. They drove, worried, the goddling struggle to keep importance - it does not work, because for them, as well as for their skeleton, today's exit to God's temple - a significant event.
- When was the last time in the church? - The father will ask. They will be embarrassed by their shoulders. He may not ask, of course. But even if it does not ask, it is still in an awkwardness and on tension you can easily determine that the godfather is not church people, and only an event in which they invited them to participate, led them to the crusts of the Church. The father will ask questions:
- Covers wear?
- Prayers read?
- Gospel read?
- Holidays chisty?
And the godfather will begin to mumble something vague, to blame for the eyes. The priest will definitely shake, remind the debt of the godfather and mothers, in general about Christian debt. Hurryly and willingly, they will navigate the godpass heads, take humbly glory in sin, and either from excitement, or from embarrassment, or from the seriousness of the moment few people remember and let the head of Batyushkin's thought: we are responsible for our gods, and Now, and dream. And who will remember, he most likely will finish. And from the case towards the case, having remembered about their debt, will begin to invest in the well-being of the godfather of the fellow lept. The first contribution immediately after baptism: an envelope with a crispy solid bill - on the teeth. Then by the days of birth as Chad increases - a gorgeous set of children's dowry, an expensive toy, a trendy quarrel, a bike, a corporate suit, and so close to gold, to envy the poor, the chains to the wedding.
We know very little. And it's not that trouble, but what is not very good and want to know. After all, if I wanted, before going to the temple as a godfather, I would look there on the eve and passed the father than "threatening" to us this step, as more than more to prepare it.
The godfather is the Slavic perception. Why? After immersing in the font, the priest from his hands transmits a baby to the hand of the god. And he accepts, perceives him in his hands. The meaning of this action is very deep. The susceptibility of the godfather takes the honorary, and most importantly, a responsible mission to lead a godfather along the path of ascent to heavenly heritage. That's where! After all, baptism is the spiritual birth of man. Remember, in the Gospel of John: "Who will not be born from the water and the Spirit, can not enter the kingdom of God."
Serious words - "Guardians of faith and piety" - calls the church of perceptions. But to keep, you need to know. Therefore, only the believer Orthodox person can be a godfather, not the one who, together with a Brewel baby, got into the temple. The godp should know at least the basic prayers of "Our Father", "the Virgin Devo", "God will resurrect ...", they need to know the "Symbol of Faith", read the gosaltier. And, of course, wearing a cross, be able to be baptized.
One father told: they came to baptize the child, and the congestion without a cross. My father: Cross put on, and he - I can not, unresolved. Straight anecdote, and what is the truth.
Faith and repentance - two main conditions of the connection with God. But from the baby in laces it is impossible to demand faith and repentance, here are the godfall and are called upon, having faith and repentance, pass them, teach them their perceivers. That is why they pronounce instead of babies and the words "symbol of faith", and the words of renunciation from Satan.
- Do you deny Satan and all things? - asks the priest.
"I deny," the perception is responsible instead of a baby.
On the priest, a bright festive riza as a sign of the beginning of a new life, and therefore spiritual purity. He goes around the font, throws it, all standing next to candles. Candles are burning and in the hands of perceivers. Very soon, the father will slow down the baby in the font and wet, wrinkled, not understanding, where he and why, the servant of God, will give the godfather. And it will be caught in white clothes. At this time, a very beautiful tropear comes around: "Roma I will have a lot of light, fade by light, IKO-RISE ..." Take your child, perceptions. From now on, your life will be filled with a special meaning, you have taken on a feat of spiritual parenthood, and for how you carry it, keep you now answer before God.
On the first universal cathedral, a rule was taken, according to which women become percepts for girls, men for boys. Simply put, for the girl you need only the godmother, the boy is only a godfather. But life, as often happens, made their own adjustments here. According to the ancient Russian tradition, they are invited both. It, of course, do not spoil porridge with oil. But here you need to know well-defined rules. For example, a husband and wife cannot be a godfather one baby, as well as the parents of the child can not be at the same time with the godparents. Cross parents cannot marry with their godparents.
... Behind the baptism of the baby. He has a biggest life in front of him, in which the place equal to the Father with his mother was assigned to us. In front of our work, our constant desire to prepare a godfather to climbing spiritual heights. Where to begin? Yes from the smallest. At first, especially if the child is the first, parents are knocked off from the fear of their concerns. They, as they say, neither what. Here is the time to stretch your help hand. To carry the baby to the communion, take care to hang out the icons over the cradle of it, to serve the notes for him in the temple, ordering the prayers, constantly, as well as their blood children, to remember in home prayers. Of course, it is not necessary to do it out, they say, you are in the bustle, and I think about the whole of myself - I think about high, I strive to the high, your child will omit that you do without me ... In general, the spiritual education of the baby is only possible Case if the godfather in the house is your man, welcome, tactful. Do not, of course, shift all the concerns. From parents, the responsibilities of spiritual education are not removed, but help, maintain, somewhere to replace, if necessary, it is necessary, without this before the Lord, not to justify.
That's really not an easy cross. And, probably, you need to think carefully before placing it. Will I be able to? Do I have enough health, patience, spiritual experience to become a perception of a person entering into life? And the parents look pretty well into relatives and friends - candidates for the honorary post. Which of them will be able to become a truly good assistant in the upbringing, who will be able to give your Chado with true Christian gifts - a prayer, the ability to forgive, the ability to love God. And the plush bunnies with elephants size is, maybe not bad, but not at all necessary.
If the house is trouble - there are other criteria. How many unfortunate, unconscious kids suffer from drunken fathers, uncompressed mothers. And how many non-binding, barking people live under the same roof and make cruelly suffer from children. Olders, like peace, and banal such plots. But if this plot will fit the person who stood with a burning candle in front of the baptisma font, if he, this man, rolling, like an embrasure, towards the scene, he can turn the mountains. Powder good too good. Not in our power to leave the half-liter of a fool of a man, to enjoy a lost dashing or escape "Morning, Mis to Mistor, Miscean" to two extreme halves. But in our power, to take a little boy in the gift of the boyfriend to the country, to record it on Sunday school and take the work to drive him there, and to pray. Prayer feat at the head of the corner of the godfather of all times and peoples.
Priests well understand the severity of the feat of perceivers and do not bless to gain a lot of defensions into children, good and different. But I know a man who has more than fifty godfall children. These boys and girls are just from there, from children's loneliness, children's sorrow. From a big children's trouble. This man's name is Alexander Gennadyevich Petrynin, he lives in Khabarovsk, directly directly in the center of the rehabilitation of children, and easier - in a children's shelter. As the director, he does a lot, punches the funds for the equipment of classes, selecting frames from conscientious, non-stampeted people, reflects their wards from the police, collects them in the basements. As a godfather - leads them to the temple, tells about God, it prepares for communion and - prays. It prays a lot, very much. In the optical desert, in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in the Diveev monastery, in dozens of temples throughout Russia, they are read-written long notes written by them for the health of numerous gods. He is very tired, this man, he sometimes almost falls from fatigue. But he has no other way out, he has a godfather, and his gods a special people. His heart is a rare heart, and the father, understanding this, blesses him to such mobility. The teacher from God, tell about him those who know him in the case. Great from God - can I say so? No, probably, all the godfather from God, but he knows how to suffer like a godfather, knows how to love, like a godfather, and knows how to save. As a godfather. For us, whose godparents, like the children of Lieutenant Schmidt, scattered around the cities and weighs, his ministry of children is a sample of this Christian ministry. I think many of us do not reach it, but if you really do life from whom, just with those who understand their title "perception", as serious, and not a random business in life.
You can, of course, say: I am a messenger person, busy, not so what is the church and the best thing that I can do, in order not to sin, it is generally refused to be a godfather. So honest and easier, right? Easier - yes. But honest ...
Few of us, especially when the time quietly came to stop, look around, can say about ourselves - I am a good father, a good mother, I did not owe my own child. We owe everything, and the godless time in which our requests have grown, our projects, our passion, and there is the result of our friend's debts. We will no longer give them. Children rose and cost without our truths and our discoveries of America. Parents aged. But the conscience - the voice of God - focate and follow. Conscience requires a splash, and not in words, but in practice. Doesn't be such a matter of neglect of goddes?
It is a pity, little among us samples of the godfather. The word "godp" almost disappeared from our lexicon. And a big and unexpected gift was the recent wedding of my children's daughter for me. Rather, not even wedding, which in itself is a big joy, and the feast, the wedding itself. And that's why. Seli, poured wine, waiting for a toast. Everyone is somehow embarrassed, the bridesmaid parents pass forward with the speeches of the parents of the groom, on the contrary. And then there was a tall and handsome man. He rose somehow very economic. Raised a glass:
- I want to say how the godfather of the bride ...
All quiet. Everyone listened to the words that young lived for a long time, together, more familiar, and most importantly, with the Lord.
- Thank you, the godfather, - said Charming Yulka and from under the luxurious foam Fata gave a gratitude gratitude.
Thanks the godfather, I thought. Thank you for carrying love to your spiritual daughter from a baptizing candle to wedding. Thank you for reminding us all about what we completely forgot about. But we have time to remember. How much - the Lord knows. Therefore, it is necessary to hurry.

The baptism of the child is a responsible step. Parents should not only be sure that it is needed by the baby, but also to choose the right to choose the godparents. After all, from this, according to the purpose of the godfather, the education of a child in faith and piety depends.

About the Cross

If women are more likely more responsibly refer to such an event as baptism, then men can have some details and moments to let themselves. It is not worth doing this, because every godfather must remember that he will carry responsibility for his acts to God as a result. Therefore, a pre-godfather of the duties should be careful to learn to know what to do in one situation or another.


Must remember that if they were offered such a responsible role, it is impossible to refuse, it is considered a bad sign. Agreeing with his new status of the godfather parents, they should clearly understand what they need to do or not do, wanting to prepare for the ceremony. So, a few days before the baptism of the baby, the godfather must observe the post, not to live sex. It is also worth remembering that the godfather cannot be atheists, as well as people who are married. What should the godmother and the godfather should understand? Responsibilities assigned to them must strictly fulfill, like it or not. Previously, the child had a godfather was only one person, one with him the floor, today it has changed a little bit, but the main thing is that the godfather, who is the same gender, like the baby. It is also worth remembering that all the costs of preparing the godfather ceremony should take on. A man buys a cross, and also pays the services of the church (photographer), a woman buys a baptismal shirt and a towel - a hryon. Also, the godfather must prepare treats for guests who came to congratulate the child in such an important day as baptism.


The godfather must remember that it is impossible to paint the baptism ceremony, i.e., use any cosmetics. Any decorations are also not welcome, but it is possible and even you need to put your duties of the godfather with baptism, nothing hard is suggested. You just need to keep the baby and perform everything that the father will say. It is also better to pre-learn the prayer "Symbol of Faith", it will need to be pronounced during the baptism ceremony. During the ceremony are the same.

A life

It is worth recalling once again that the main godfather for the child is the person who is with him the same sex. If there was a godfather's duties of his duties should clarify. After all, it is he who will have to tell the baby, who is God, what faith is a child and how to behave in various church rites. Knowing the responsibilities of the godfather, a man must lead an honest, pious life, because the child will also be equal to him, look after the manner of his behavior. The error is the opinion that the godfalls should only be given to numerous holidays gifts to the baby, but this is not enough. It was the cross mother and a godfather, whose duties are spiritual education of the child, responsible for which a person will be a child, as in the future it will be sat down in society.

You were invited to the godfather. This is a great honor and great responsibility. What are the responsibilities of the godfather and the godfather, what should be done during baptism and after it?

Baby baptism. Photos from

The main responsibilities of the godfather

During the sacrament of baptism on the godfather parents, it is obliged to vouch for the fauna of the baby and to further educate him in the Orthodox faith. The child himself still does not know anything and cannot confess faith, so the casses of baptism are brought for him. If your faith is not strong enough, it is necessary to think seriously before agreeing to assume the responsibilities of the godfather. After all, in the future you will have to answer before God, not only for yourself, but also for your scene.

The godfall parents pray all their lives for the gosson. While the child is small, they are taught by his Orthodox faith, try to attend the temple more often, it is involved, explain the meaning of worship, talk about the saints, about icons, about the Orthodox holidays. When the child becomes a teenager, it is the godfather who must take care of his moral condition. This explains the choice of the godfather - the boy certainly needs a godfather, and the girl is a godfather, the presence of a second godfather is not obligatory. With the godfather, the teenager is easier to discuss some personal questions, the problems of which he may not be decided to speak with his parents.

What should the godfather before the sacrament of baptism

Future godfall, together with parents, negotiate the place and time of baptism. Before the sacrament, you will need to undergo a public conversation, or "interview" in the temple where baptism will be performed. There may be several such conversations. They set out the foundations of the Orthodox faith that everyone needs to know each Christian.

Who exactly will buy a baptismal set, a native cross and an icon - does not have a principled difference. If the goddes want to make a gift to the gym, they can take part of the expenses for themselves.

Some wealthy people order a measuring icon - this is an icon written to order, on a blackboard, corresponding to the growth of a baby at birth. It is depicted by the holy whose name is given to the child.

More often buy an icon in the church shop: for the boy - the Savior, for the girl - the Mother of God. The icon can be chosen any, based on your desires, tastes and means. But it should be borne in mind that this icon will be with a gosson all life. In the old days it was accepted precisely this icon to bless the growing child for marriage. Entering family life, the bride and groom brought with them each icon, and they formed the so-called "wedding couple" icons. Based on this, it is better to buy not the smallest icon (on which you can hardly see the image), and a slightly more size (usually choose approximately the dimensions of the book) and in the salary. But, I repeat, there is no hard rules here, and if you are very shaved in the means, the expensive icon is not at all an end in itself.

Choosing a cross for a child, you should not buy the most tiny. He seems very suitable for this kid, but the baby will grow up, and a tiny cross, especially in a man, will look quite differently. It is better to buy a cross medium sized cross.

The baptismal set, as a rule, can be bought in the church shop at the temple. It includes a diaper with an embroidered cross, a shirt and a cake for a girl.

The sacrament of baptism. Photo from the site of the photographer Hope Smirnova

Duties of the godfather during baptism

Godparents should know by heart Symbol of faith in which all the main truths of Orthodoxy are concluded. It will need to be read during the sacrament of baptism:

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Light from the light, the god is true of God is true, born, is irrelevant, the father is unique, right away. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Crucifago the same as Pilate, and the suffering, and buried. And resistant on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

During the mysteriousness of the sacrament, the godparents hold the baby in their hands (if the child worries and cries, it is allowed to keep him his mother, there is no violation in this). The most important is the moment when the godpie takes a godfather from the font from the hands of the priest. Therefore, the godfall is otherwise called percepts. Take the boy from the fastener should the godfather, a girl - the godfather mother.

The godfather is able to make an invaluable contribution to the spiritual education of the kiss / skeleton, helping the parents to instill a love for God to God, explain the meaning of worship services, teach the basics of Orthodox faith. After all, it is spiritual mentoring - the main task of a perception.

How to prepare crossed to the rite of baptism in the Orthodox Church

Do not hurry to give up this honorary mission, if you feel a lack of knowledge about Christianity and church rules. You have an amazing opportunity to fix everything. Inspired by an important role, you will be able to fill the gaps in knowledge with the help of religious literature, visits to the temple, conversations with the priest and become an example of virtue and obedience to the Lord for your godfather.

It is with the aim of reporting to future perceivers of their significance in the life of the gods, most temples practice mandatory public conversations for godparents who are preparing at the stage of preparation for the sacrament.

How to pass an interview

The number of classes is determined by the level of schurchurrency of perceivers. After the first conversation, the father decides how much lessons will need.

  • If future godparents regularly visit the temple, they are confessable, they can do one or two meetings.
  • If knowledge and understanding is not enough, there may be three-five conversations.

During the interview, percepts not only tell the order of the rite and voicing their responsibilities. The priest cones the main meaning of the adoption of the Christian faith. After the first meeting, the godfall is given a task to learn the basic Orthodox prayers (if they do not know those), as well as start learning the text of the Gospel.

Post, confession and communion

At the preparation stage, it is also necessary to visit the temple in a few days before the sacrament, to confess and compete. Before the most baptism, a three-day post is assumed, which implies an exception from the diet of animal products. In addition, it is necessary to refrain from entertainment activities, intimate proximity and foul language. On the day of the baptism of the crossed, like the godfather, it is forbidden to eat before the end of the rite, because in Sometimes after the sacrament, the father spends the communion of the new and perceivers.

What prayers need to know the crossed

The godfather must be learned to learn the main prayer of the rite. It is pronounced immediately after the words of renunciation from the devil and a combination with Christ. Perceptions must read and understand the meaning of prayer, which is a set of the main provisions of the Orthodox faith.

The list of significant prayers also includes :, "Virgin Delo, Rejoice", "King Heaven".

How to dress the crossed

At the rite of baptism at the godfather, like the godfather, there should be a sanctified native cross. The appearance is supposed to be modest, not attracting increased attention. In sportswear, shorts, Mike to enter the temple is not recommended. In a hot summer day, it is better to choose light trousers and a short sleeve shirt.

What you need to buy for baptism

The duties of the godfather includes buying a native and or guitan to him. He also needs to purchase the icon of the guardian angel and the nominal icon with the image of the saint, whose name will be named after the scene.

The crossed dad is in advance to visit the church, where the rite will pass, and refine the moments of the organization:

  • Is it possible to take pictures;
  • There will be a baptism of mass or individual how much will last;
  • Whether the sacrament on the day of baptism will be either necessary to make a gym in a week;
  • What you need to bring in the temple besides baptizing clothes, icons and crosses;
  • When you can consecrate the bought cross.

A donation for the needs of the temple is also responsible for the godfather. The amount of payment for the rite can be found in advance. Candles are acquired on the day of the sacrament in the number of invited guests.

Functions and responsibilities of the godfather during the sacrament

The godfather parents donate from the devil and are combined with Christ instead of the scene, then the main stage of baptism comes - immersion in the font, symbolizing death and revival from the water and the Holy Spirit.

With baptism of the boy

When baptized the boy from the kiddy, the godfather takes the godfather. Together with the godfather, he wipes the baby and helps to wear in white, the color of which indicates the purity and soreness of the new-grained soul. Baby Until the year, the godfather dad holds on his hands. Children over two years old can stand ahead of the perception.

On baptism girl

The girl from the font accepts the godmother. The task of the godfather at this time is constantly nearby, to help undress / dress the baby, pronounce prayers.

What are the responsibilities of the godfather after baptism

Turning to God in daily prayer, the Godfather must mention the name of his godfather and ask for him to health, well-being. When visiting the temple, you need to write notes with the name of the child, ordering the forty of health.

The special meaning of the godfather has for a boy. He must be an example for him by masculinity, piety, mercy. The teen baby is very important to take with him to church, teach to pray, to the Orthodox laws. Well, when it is the congestion that will lead the child to the first confession and communion. Attach together the temple is necessary for large church holidays, as well as on an angel day, put candles for health, to pronounce the prayer to the Heavenly patron.

For baptism or during the first year of life, the crossed need to give a kid to the Children's Bible, so that the baby is familiar with the life of Christ as growing up. For the birthday, Angel Day, Christmas and other holidays will correctly acquire gifts with spiritual meaning.

Communication of the god / skeleton with a godpad should not be interrupted throughout life. Relations built on trust will allow an adult child to seek advice for advice or support in a difficult life situation. The godfather, in turn, should be ready to help his crossed son or daughter.

Photo provided

Being a godfather is to take responsibility for the kid, playing a big role in his life. Mother in front of God is a spiritual mentor. Her duties are very significant and numerous, and they all relate to the spiritual development of the child and his admission to the Church.

The ritual of baptism is sacred. After the baby is immersed in the font, the priest transfers his godded parents. And, passing the baby, at the same time he imposes responsibility for them to take care of the spiritual education of his kid.

During the baptism, spiritual relationship is established between the skeleton and the critic parents (they are called percepts). Not every woman is suitable for this role. Certain requirements are presented to the selection. Can not become a sacred mother of the baby, the same applies to the reception. Moreover, the godparents cannot be married to each other.

Currently, traditional duties during baptism are somewhat distorted. But the godfather is a mother before God. For her, it is important not only to fully take care of the child during the christening, but to raise it, to engage in spiritual development and attach to the Church after. And the most important thing is to take on the role of parents if something happens to them.

So that the rite passed according to the traditions, it is necessary that the perception responds to certain requirements:

Often there were cases when the attachment to the church occurred after participating in the rite. The main thing when choosing a godfather is to give preference to a person who will feel responsible and with all seriousness reaches the sacrament of baptism, and to the subsequent spiritual education of the kid.

Today, a perception can be a perception of any baptized girl who choose among relatives or close friends. As practice shows, chooses the godfather usually native mother.

What is obliged to make the godfather

The responsibilities of the godfather identified clearly, therefore, based on church charters, it should:

  • pray for the spiritual development and health of the kid;
  • to acquire a child to the Church, together to visit it, as they grow to get acquainted with Orthodox traditions, led into the temple of God and be a real mentor;
  • necessarily support, assistance;
  • to be a good example, that is, it should embody the ideal of an Orthodox believer woman who can be directed to the commission of pious deeds.

The responsibility of the godfather is an explanation that the Bible is, its reading, explaining the meaning of religious rites, holidays and traditions. The presence of your own children, younger sisters and brothers, as well as nephews should not become a barrier care about the kid.

What is needed for christening

Captures are a significant event, symbolizing the birth of a child. It is believed that his commit helps the life of the baby to be a gentle, pious.

Perceptions take the baby immediately from the font, when it is clean, deprived of sinful thoughts and acts, when the original sin was removed from him. After the babe, the baby is falling into a ritual shirt (kryph) and put on the neck .

In the times of our ancestors, the purchase of the cross was carried out by the godfather, but a woman brought the hidge. Today, this tradition is somewhat violated, and sometimes all important attributes acquire their parents.

Because at present, the hormone for christening in its true form is a rare find, a shirtacher, an openwork diaper or a towel, be sure to be new, which have not yet been erased.

What the spiritual mentor of the child should know

Preparation should be carried out in advance. At the same time, it is necessary to know the prayers that will be required on baptism. In addition, you need to understand their meaning and the meaning of the very sacrament. Although at present few people memorize prayers by heart, and during the rite, those present simply repeat words for the priest or read from the sheet.

Note!Regardless of the fact that now it is only a formality for many, a woman should become a godfather who makes efforts to live on commandments.

It is important to know several prayers:

  • "Our Father";
  • "King Heavenly";
  • "The Virgin Delo, Rejoice."

It is also very important to read the faith symbol. Prayers reflect the essence of the Orthodox Christian faith. Ideally, they should know all those present. Although now it is a big rarity.

In order to better understand the need for knowledge of prayers, it is worth noting that the first "Father Our" is the direct appeal to the first one who is in the Blessed Trinity - Father. Christians believe that this prayer people knew thanks to their Savior. "Our Father" is the personification of the desire for life, which is so pleased with the Lord God, as well as a hope for his favor and care for every mortal.

"The king of heaven" is an appeal to the Holy Spirit, who, during the sacrament, invisibly cleans the soul of a baby from sins, gives it by force to overcome any obstacles that can arise on the way to salvation, and to carry their life cross.

"Virgin Delo, Rejoice", or Ave Maria, as she sounds in Latin, is a greeting of the Blessed Virgin. This prayer sent by God Archangel greeted the Virgin Mary. Reading the "Virgin Devo, Rejoice" we show her respect.

As for the faith symbol, these are the main dogmatic provisions of Orthodoxy, which are needed for christening. As the baby is not able to still pronounce a symbol and keep the answer to the goshrorist, for him do not take perceptions. Actually, this in the future, they must teach their kid.

Nowadays, the education of the child in the traditions of Orthodoxy is a very difficult work that is simply impossible to alone. It is necessary to pray to God that he helped and missed the power, and also to understand and thank him.

Rules for the godfather

To begin with, it takes several times to come to the church for a conversation with the catechizer. After the purchase of all the necessary, since after dipping the baby should be sealed in new clean clothes. Before you baptize the baby, a woman should be confessed on this important role to confess. In addition, there are a number of rules that are also required for execution.

As already mentioned, it should be baptized. And not necessarily the rite is carried out in infancy. In some cases, this can occur already at a more conscious age. The main thing is that the decision to come to faith was deliberate and sincere.

Attention! Representatives of another faith cannot be perceptuals. During the sacrament, the participants must have their cross on his chest.

But as for his own parents, they can confess the other faith or to be atheists, although such situations are extremely rare. The church is welcomed by the choice of relatives as percepts, since these ties are the most stronger and rush much less often if compared with friendly.

Useful video: All about the godparents: Theory and Practice

Duties of the godfather when baptizing a girl and a boy

When the rite passes the girl, a spiritual mother must be present, while it concerns the cross dad, he may be present in absentia. Mom carries a big responsibility for a girl and is a spiritual mentor for her.

The duties of the godfather on baptism:

  1. For a while, before the sacrament, he reads a prayer for a child, as well as a symbol of faith.
  2. Must enter the church with a head-covered head and in a long modest dress.
  3. After dipping babes in the font, first of all, takes a kiss in his arms and puts on her white clothes, symbolizing purity and innocence.
  4. During the passage around the font following the priest, who reads prayers about the child, holds the baby in his arms.

When a boy is dedicated to faith, a large role is already given to a non-godfather mother, but a cross dad. He is assigned the main responsibilities for baptism.

It is believed that for the boy it was a man in the future will be a spiritual mentor and respond to God for the acts of his kid. The godfather at this time performs the same functions as for the girl, except that after immersing in the fonting, the child is given to the hands of a cross father.

In addition, the priest pesters the boy for the altar, which is not done with the girls.

Useful video: About gods parents


Currently, the rules of baptism comply with a few, although this rite is carried out by most Christians. And many are very simplified by the duties of the godfather, bringing it only to participate in the sacrament. But those who honor church tradition will choose an unequivocally such perception that is strong in faith and can fulfill everything that is required of it.