Where tenor. Male voices

Where tenor. Male voices
Where tenor. Male voices

Tenor - High singing male voice.

Separation of tenors on the:

- tenor-altino

- Lyrical tenor

- Lyric Dramatic Tenor

- Dramatic tenor

The highest tenor - tenor-altino..

This is a rare voice. In the choir tenor-altino take to expand the range of the tenor party. Tenor-Altino gives the bellivity, the power of the sound of the Tenor Party. It has a light timbre. With a great dynamics, somewhat rescued. Lower register is poorly developed.

Lyrical tenor. A lyric tenor range: to small - to the second octave. The lyric tenor is lightweight, warm, sincere timbre. The voice is soft, silver, movable.

Perfectly perform virtuoso, technically developed parties. For the sound of lyric tenors is characterized by wideholder and melodiousness. An example of a batch of lyrical tenor - the Lensky party from the Opera "Eugene Onegin" Tchaikovsky.

Tenor lyric and dramatic and dramatic

The dramatic tenor is characterized by a great power of sound in high register, brightness of the timbre and saturation - in the lower case. An example of a party of a dramatic tenor - a batch of Hose from the Opera "Carmen" by composer Bizet, Party Othello from the Opera Composer Verdi "Othello", German's party from the "Pakika Lady" Tchaikovsky.

Let's listen to the performance of tenors - the winners of the contest "Romansiad" (Moscow): Sergey Petrishchev, Evgeny Yuzhzh, Umir Israilov. Sounds the romance of the composer R.Falvo "Tell me, girls."

In the opera parties there are characteristic tenor. This role is the role of the second plan. For example, Shuisky from the Opera of the Mussorgsky "Boris Godunov", leakage from the Opera of the Roman Corsakov "Tsarist Bride."

Both lyrical and lyric dramatic tenor can be characteristic.

In their parties, the characteristic tenor does not go beyond the operating range. Basically, it is the average register, and it is used to transfer any characteristic intonations - intonations of laughter, flattery, whisper or sigh. The voices of characteristic tenors are painted by a specific timbre.

The direction of the parties performed by these tenor is comedy, domestic.

Torar Opera Parties:

Composer Bizet - Party Hose from the opera "Carmen"

Borodin: Vladimir ("Prince Igor")

Verdi: Duke ("Rigoletto"), Alfred ("Traviata"),

Glinka Opera: "Life for the king" - Sobin, "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - Boyan, Finn

Opera Dargomyzhsky: "Mermaid" - Prince, "Stone Guest" - Don Juan

Opera Mussorgsky: "Boris Godunov" - Party of Shuisky, Yurody

Operas Roman Corsakov: "Snow Maiden" - Berendea party, "Night before Merry Christmas" - Vacuula Party

Opera Tchaikovsky: "Evgeny Onegin" - the party of Lensky, "Cherevichki" - the batch of vacules, the "peak lady" - the party of Hermann.

Famous singers - tenor:

Andzhaparidze, Zurab (1928 - 1997), Georgia

Atlantov, Vladimir (r. 1939), Russia

Vinogradov, George (1908-1980), USSR

Kozlovsky, Ivan (1900-1993), USSR

Lemeshev, Sergey (1902-1977), USSR

Nalep, George (1904-1957), USSR

Ozodzinsky, Valery (1942-1997), Russia

Osipov, Vyacheslav (1938-2009), Russia

Pavarotti, Luciano (1935-2007), Italy

Sobinov, Leonid (1872-1934), Russia

Solovyanenko, Anatoly (1932-1999), Ukraine

Gradsky, Alexander (r. 1949), Russia

- (IT. Tenore). High male voice. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Tenor High Male Voice. There are heroic tons (the strongest) and lyric t. (Naib. Gentle). Dictionary of foreign words ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

And (statute.) Tenor, tenor, husband. (Ital. Tenore from Lat. Teneo I am configured: I keep the main melody, Wed. 4 meanings). 1. High male voice. Dramatic or heroic tenor. Lyrical tenor. Loengrin's party is written for a tenor. sing ... ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Modern encyclopedia

See singer ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions in terms of meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Tenor Tenorishko, Thoros; voice, singer, tool; Trombone, Dombré, Saxophone, Saxorn Dictionary of Russian Sin ... Synonym dictionary

Tenor - (Italian Tenore, from Latin Teneo, I hold, I send), 1) a high male singing voice. Lyric tenor distinguished, dramatic, dramatic lyrics. 2) A brass musical instrument, which is part of the brass orchestra. 3) Composite ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Ial. Tenore from Lat. Tenor Uniform movement, voice voltage, from Teneo I hold, I send), .. 1) High male singing voice. Lyric, dramatic, lyrical dramatic 2)] Brass copper musical instrument, which is included in ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

tenor - Boyless (Zlatovsky); High (Andreev); Wall (Ertel); drift (fishing racks); Sound (Andreev) epithets of the literary Russian speech. M: The supplier of His Majesty's courtyard partnership Jerupprite A. A. Leenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913. Tenor ... ... Eptetov dictionary

tenor - A, m. Ténor, IT. Tenore. 1. The highest male voice. Bass 1. The loud tenor of the Derptian student was no longer alone, because in all corners of the room spoke and laughed. Tolsta Youth. 2. Singer with such a voice. Bass 1. Tenor rises to ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

Tenor, a, mn. a, s and s, s, husband. 1. High male voice. Lyric t. Dramatic t. 2. Singer with such a voice. | Reduce. Thoros, rock, husband. (to 1 meaning). | arr. tenor, Aya, OE (1 meaning). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

tenor - tenor, mn. tenor, genus. tenors and obsolete tenors, tenors. Pronunciation [TANOR] Outdoor ... Dictionary of the difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian


  • Tenor. Vladislav Poyavko. From the chronicle of lived lives ... ,. The book to the 60th anniversary of the birth and the 35th anniversary of the creative activity of the outstanding Russian singer Vladislav Pyavko. Created in the genre of collage from artist's autobiographies, stories ...
  • Nikolai Figner. Tenor. Aria from the opera ,. Nikolai Figner (1857-1918) - Russian singer (lyrical drama tenor). In 1887 he made his debut on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. At the very first season attracted the attention of the parties Othello, fulfilling ...

The voice that nature has believed a person is able to transmit sounds not only in the conversation and expression of emotions, but also with singing. The melody of the human voice is very rich, the palette of it is multicolored, and the height bands are very individual. It was these criteria that the person was determined in art a separate vocal genre.

The very concept was determined and marked yet on Latin (Vocalis - "sounding"). Vocalist is a musician that uses his voice as a tool. It can be low sound and singing notes of the upper case. Bass or soprano, baritone or mezzo-soprano, alto or tenor are different types of singing voices.

Not only singers of classic parties, but also performers of recitatives and artistic declamation fall into the category of vocalists. Classic composers always write their works, belonging to the vocalist's voice, as an independent musical instrument, given its features and opportunities.

Determination of the type of singing voice

Singing voices are divided into types of sounds of sounds, the height of which is determined by the individual capabilities of the vocalist. Assigning a voice to a certain type - the task is very important. Bass, Alto, soprano, tenor - what is the range, only a specialist will be able to determine. Moreover, the singing range of the vocalist can change over time, and the use of voice outside the possibilities can affect the health of the musician.

  • Tembre (teachers on vocals call it "color of voice").
  • Tssetura (maximum possibilities and endurance of taking upper sounds).
  • Articulation.
  • The structure of the larynx (a doctor-phoniatra consultation is held).
  • External, behavioral and psychological characteristics of vocalist.

The highest of men's voices

Oddly enough, in our time, the subject of the dreams of young men, planning to make a vocal career, is tenor. This is most likely a tribute to fashion. Today it is dictated by modern composers who often write men's scores for high voice. So it was not always. But we need to figure out, the tenor is what voice?

The classic standards of the type of singing voices of the tenor are defined as the highest of male ranges, denoted by the limits "to" the first octave - "to" the second octave. But it cannot be argued that these borders are unshakable. It must be said here that the tenor is not only classic vocals, when tenor batchs are written strictly within the range, but also a music register for pop and rock singers, whose melodies often transform the boundary of the designated range.

What happens tenor

To enter into tenors only in the framework of the reserved range will be unfair. The power, cleanliness and volume of the sound of certain notes of tenors allowed them, as well as other types, to obtain additional gradation. The subtleties of the separation of one subtype from another are available only to experienced vocal teachers. What happens tenor?

Tenor-altino or counter

The voice similar to the boyish, the highest of all tenors, who did not break after the mutation and was preserved along with a low chamber. This tenor is more like a female voice: the phenomenon is extremely rare, you can call the mistake of nature. An example of the vocal of counterfeit may be the "aria of the queen of the night" performed by M. Kuznetsov.

Lyrical tenor

Lyric Dramatic Tenor

The subtype of the tenor is close to lyrical, but painted by overtones, is much denser and rich.

Dramatic tenor

From the classification of tenors, it is the lowest, characteristic of the sound and proximity by a timbral shade to the baritone. For a dramatic tenor, many opera parties are written (Othello, Herman from the "peak lady").

From the characteristics of the subtypes of tenors, it can be understood that all of them, with the exception of counter-tenor, differ from each other with their coloring, timbre. The tenor is the favorite voice of the voice for the parties of heroic characters, starting with the heroes-lovers and ending with the heroes-liberators, wrestler heroes.

Transition notes

Another sign, classifying tenors, will be the so-called transitional sites. On these notes, the voice begins to adapt and change the playback method. Transition notes directly depend on the structure of the voice apparatus. These are the limit high sounds that the singer extracts without changing the position of the ligaments. This site has its own, individual. It directly depends on the training of voice ligaments. Tenor is the most mobile from the types of singing voices. Therefore, the adapter portion for the tenor will change throughout the career.

Tembre - Tenor Feature

The main error of the beginner boys-vocalists in determining their type of voice will be attempting to classify it only in the range. When a specialist is engaged in the definition, he will certainly evaluate the voice of the voice. Professionals call the column "Sound paints". It is the timbre that helps voice to reproduce notes accurate in height and full-fledged strength. It often happens that one listening is not enough for an accurate "diagnosis". After all, the timbre is the characteristic is also a non-permanent. But it concerns the classic vocal more.

Tenor and modern music

And for the performance of modern music, without touching the opera parties, it is absolutely no need to clarify what is your tenor. A voice can be simply defined as high, medium or low. In the West, such graduation has long been practiced. In it, the tenor is simply by definition the highest of men's voices.

Such a convention gives the ground for the grievance of young men who, from nature, the voice of a low or average register is not like tenor. The voice is a musical instrument, and any tool there is a party in the orchestra. Even among modern musical compositions, unfortunately, today oriented mainly on tenors, you can hear unique melodies written and for baritone, and for bass.

The lyric drama tenor, the voice is not necessarily stronger than lyrical, it rather has a tougher sound, more hard (usually) the timbre, more steel in his voice, the singer possessing such a voice can afford to sing both lyrical and dramatic parties. Sometimes it happens that the owners of a similar voice do not have a particularly beautiful voice or a big voice, then they stand out in a particular category of "tenor characteristic", usually singing on second roles, but sometimes characteristic, possessing a huge talent make their way to the first roles and even become world singers level.

Mario Lance, owner of a beautiful, solar timber, wonderful nature, he sang very well, even before he began to study, but after classes with Rosati he became completely close to the ideal in technical terms. If he were less lazy and a little more worked on himself ...

"March of March where you hide" "Martha" Friedrich von Flotov.
The Lionel party, designed rather on a lyrical tenor, in the performance of Lanz, it sounds just fine, the energy industry is characteristic of a dram tenor with the softness of the lire-tenor.

Death Othello "Othello" Verdi.
Party Othello was written by Verdi based on the vocal possibility of a dramatic tenor Francesco Tamano, the singer, who, before going to the stage, had to tie himself to his chest, so that God would not sing all the power of his voice. From Tamano's voices, people could lose consciousness, so strong he was (right here in my opinion, some collaborative characteristics of the voice were also to blame, for example, I, for example, even when listening to Tamano's centers, begins to hurt a head).
Lanz copes well with this party, for this he does not need to sing in full force or change the volume of voice.

Plotto Domingo, lyrical dramatic tenor, and if you really look in the eye, even rather characteristic, the timbre of his voice is not rich, although he sounds noble, beautiful, but in this merit of Domingo as an artist, a musician, singer, but in nature he was lucky Less than Lanz or Bieling.

"March Martha, where you hide" "Martha"
Domingo is less lyry in it than Lanz, but then the reason is rather in less beautiful tebre, in terms of the softness of the sound of sound, he sings even better than Mario Lance, just because, unlike Lanz, he is not lazy and knows how to work on the quality of performance.

Death Othello.
Here Domingo is very good, strength, steel, where Lyrics need, unlike Martha, it is not noticeable that the voice is not rich in the voice characteristics.

Jakkomo Lauri-Volpi: With the voice of this singer, much incomprehensible, but I tend to take it to lyric-dramatic votes, although he himself considered himself a dramatic tenor. At the top of Volpy was the FA second octave, that is, the note is peculiar to light tenor (and not everyone), at the bottom I took the bass Fa, as far as I was known, he took it quite voicedly, unlike other tenors, rather just buzzing this note.

A TE, O CARA "Puritani" Bellini.
Bellini wrote Puritan in a raid on Giovanni Rubbini, the first in the history of the tenor, taking the top to the voice, and not falsett, on the memories of contemporaries at the Rubbin, there was a very rich timbre and sound band, he could sing how to gently and fill the voice steel, that is, Most likely, he himself was also a lyric-dramatic tenor, which was coupled with the technique of that time (singers at the time in one breath could have gone to twelve two-oxidary gamps, and some did the decoration on every note), now lost, created the performers that we Most likely, not even able to imagine. Volpi sings Aria from Puritan, gently, lyrically, only in the top before it allows himself to add steel into the voice.

Death Othello. The party of Othello Lauri Volpy was preparing at the end of his career, his voice did not sound because in his youth, but still freely went upstairs. In this execution, it is interesting to intertwined, the softwood of Lauri-Volpy and dramatic laser invested by nature (and Maestro Antonio Katohn) into his voice. I will add that at the apparent softness of Lauri Volpy was a very strong voice that could literally stun.

Finally, the pair of passages from the "Huguenot" Meyerbera.
On this record, Lauri-Volpy in the cultia takes the top re render, takes absolutely free, full voice, and literally seconds in thirty before that, he sings the top to a slight voice to Piano, while you can hear that this is a voice, not falsett.


Comic tenor

German name:Spieltenor - Tenor Buffo

English translation:(Lyric) Comic Tenor. Young singers of this type also often sing roles Lyrischertenor

Range:from "to" the first octave to the "c-bemol" second


Pedrillo, Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Monostatos, Die Zauberflote (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
King Kaspar, Amahl And The Night Visitors (Gian Carlo Menotti)
Mime, Das Rheingold (Richard Wagner)
Monsieur Tricet, Eugene Onegin (Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky)


Peter Klein.

Tenor for characteristic roles

German name: CharakterTenor.

English version: Character Tenor.

Description:this type requires good acting data.


Mime, Siegfried (Richard Wagner)
Herod, Salome (Richard Strauss)
AEGISTH, ELEKTRA (Richard Strauss)


Peter Klein.
Paul Kuen.
Gerhard Stolze
Robert Tear.

Lyrical tenor

German name:Lyrischer Tenor.

English translation: Lyric Tenor



Tamino, Die Zauberflote (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Belmonte, Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Rodolfo, La Boheme (Giacomo Puccini)
Ferrando, Cosi Fan Tutte (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Almaviva, Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (Gioachino Rossini)
Arturo, I Puritani (Vincenzo Bellini)
Elvino, La Sonnambula (Vincenzo Bellini)
Ramiro, La Cenentola (Gioachino Rossini)
NEMORINO, L "ELISIR D" AMORE (Gaetano Donizetti)
Alfredo, La Traviata (Giuseppe Verdi)
Il Duca, Rigoletto (Giuseppe Verdi)
Don Ottavio, Don Giovanni (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)


Luigi Alva.
Alfredo Kraus.
Carlo Bergonzi.
Jussi Bjorling
Ian Bostridge.
Jose Carreras.
Anton Dermota.
Giuseppe di stefano.
Juan Diego Florez.
Nicolai Gedda.
Beniamino Gigli.
Luciano Pavarotti.
Jan Peerce
Fritz Wunderlich
Peter Schreier

Young dramatic tenor

German name: Jugendlicher Heldennor.

English translation: Light Dramanatic Tenor

Range: from "to" the first octave "before" to the third

Description: Tenor with good upper notes of dramatic color and a certain share of the belling to cut through the orchestras.


DON JOSE, CARMEN (Georges Bizet)
Lohengrin, Lohengrin (Richard Wagner)
Siegmund, Die Walkure (Richard Wagner)
Radames, Aida (Giuseppe Verdi)
Manrico, Il Troldi (Giuseppe Verdi)
Idomeeo, Idomeneo (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Calaf, Turandot (Giacomo Puccini)
Cavaradossi, Toscini (Giacomo Puccini)
Florestan, Fidelio (Ludwig Van Beethoven)
Canio, Pagliacci (Ruggero Leoncavallo)
Don Alvaro La Forza Del Destino (Giuseppe Verdi)
Max, Der Freischutz (Carl Maria Von Weber)
Dick Johnson, La Fanciulla Del West (Giacomo Puccini)


Placido Domingo.
Antonio Cortis
Georges Thill.
Jose Cura.
Richard Tucker
Ben Heppner.
Giacomo Lauri-Volpi
Giovanni Martinelli.
Franco Corelli.
James King.
Jonas Kaufmann.

Dramatic tenor

German name:Heldennor.

English translation:Heroic Tenor

Range: from "Si-Bonol" small to "to" third

Description: Full dramatic tenor with bariton coloring on average register and beability. Well cuts up a dense orchestration.


Othello, Omello (Giuseppe Verdi)
Siegfried, Der Ring Des Nibelungen (Richard Wagner)
Parsifal, Parsifal (Richard Wagner)
Walther Von Stolzing, Die Meistersinger (Richard Wagner)


Jean de Reszke.
Francesco Tamagno.
Ivan Yershov.
Giuseppe Borgatti.
Wolfgang Windgassen.
Lauritz Melchior
James King.
Jon Vickers.
Mario del Monaco.
Ramon Vinay.
Set Svanholm.
Hans Hopf.
Max Lorenz.


Lyrical baritone

German name:Lyrischer Bariton - Spielbariton

English translation:Lyric Baritone.

Range:from the "Si-Fleol" of the large octave to the "salt" of the first octave

Description: Soft, affectionate timbre without sharpness.


Conte Almaviva, Le Nozze Di Figaro (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Guglielmo, Cosi Fan Tutte (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Marcello, La Boheme (Giacomo Puccini)
Papageno, Die Zauberflote (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Onegin, Evgeny Onegin (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)
ALBERT, WERTHER (Jules Massenet)
BILLY BUDD, BILLY BUDD (Benjamin Britten)
Figaro, Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (Gioachino Rossini)


Giuseppe de luca.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Gerhard Husch.
Hermann Prey.
Simon keenlyside
Nathan Gunn.
Peter Mattei.
Thomas Hamppson.
Wolfgang Holzmair.


German Title:Kavalierbariton.


Description:metal voice voice, which can sing both lyrical and dramatic passages. The voice has a noble bariton color, not as powerful as Verdiyevsky or characteristic baritone, from which more militant behavior on stage and physical strength is expected. From the singer of this Fakh, a good ability to keep himself on stage and a pleasant appearance.


Don Giovanni, Don Giovanni (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Tonio, Pagliacci (Ruggiero Leoncavallo)
IAGO, Otello (Giuseppe Verdi)
Count, Capriccio (Richard Strauss)


Dmitri HvoroStovsky.
Sherrill Milnes

Characteristic baritone

German name:Charakterbariton

English translation: Verdi Baritone.

Range: from "la" big octaves to "Sol-Diez" first


Germont, La Traviata (Giuseppe Verdi)


Mattia Battistini.
Lawrence Tibbett.
Pasquale Amato.
Piero Cappuccilli.
Ettore Bastianini.
Renato Bruson.
Tito Gobbi.
Robert Merrill.

Dramatic Bariton

German name: Heldenbariton.

English translation:Dramanatic Baritone.


Description: The "heroic" baritone is rare and therefore such a desirable phenomenon in the opera theaters of Germany. The timbre is ringing and flight, in combination with a power and "command tone".


Telramund, Lohengrin (Richard Wagner)
Count Di Luna, Il Troldi (Giuseppe Verdi)


Leonard Warren.
Eberhard Wacheter.
Thomas Stewart.
Titta Ruffo.

Lyrical bass baritone

German name: Lyrischer Bassbariton.

English translation: Lyric Bass-Baritone

Range: from "Salt" of the large octave to the "phase" first

Description:The Basa Basa-Bariton range is often very much from the party to the party, some of which do not have large technical difficulties. Some bass baritones are bigger to Bariton: Friedrich Schorr, George London and Bryn Terfel, others to Basam: Hans Hotter, Alexander Kipnis and Samuel Ramey.


Golaud, Pelleas et Melisande (Claude Debussy)


Thomas Quasthoff.

Dramatic bass baritone

German name:Dramatischer Bassbariton.

English translation: Bass-Baritone.

Range:from "Salt" of the large octave to the "phase" first


Igor, Prince Igor (Alexander Borodin)
SCARPIA, TOSCA (Giacomo Puccini)
The Dutchman, The Flying Dutchman (Richard Wagner)
Hans Sachs, Die Meistersinger (Richard Wagner)


Friedrich Schorr.
Rudolf Bockelmann.
Anton Van Roooy
George London.
James Morris.
Bryn Terfel.


Bass Cantanta - High Bass

Italian name: Basso Cantante.

English translation:Lyric Bass-Baritone

Range: , Sometimes the first dieza.

Description: Bass, which is well managed to sing sowing. Translated from the Italian Basso Cantante - singeling bass.

Distane - Hovhanshchina (Modest Mussorgsky)
Prince Ivan Khovansky - Hovhanshchina (Modest Mussorgsky)

Salieri - Mozart and Salieri (Roman Korsakov)
Ivan Susanin - Life for the king (Glinka)
Melnik - Mermaid (Dargomyzhsky)
Ruslan - Ryen and Lyudmila (Glinka)
Duke Bluebeard, Bluebeard "S Castle (Bela Bartok)
Don Pizarro, Fidelio (Ludwig Van Beethoven)
Count Rodolfo, La Sonnambula (Vincenzo Bellini)
Blitch, Susannah (Carlisle Floyd)
DON ALFONSO, COSI FAN TUTTE (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Figaro, Le Nozze Di Figaro (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Boris, Boris Godunov (MODEST MUSSORGSKY)
Don Basilio Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (Gioachino Rossini)
Silva, Ernani (Giuseppe Verdi
Philip II, Don Carlos (Giuseppe Verdi)
Count Walter, Luisa Miller (Giuseppe Verdi)
Zaccaria, Nabucco (Giuseppe Verdi)


Norman Allin.
Adamo Didur.
Pol Plancon.
Feodor chaliapin.
Ezio Pinza.
Tancredi Pasero.
Ruggero Raimondi.
Hao Jiang Tian.
Jose Van Dam.

High dramatic bass

German name:Hoherbass.

English translation:Dramanatic Bass-Baritone

Range:from "Mi" of the big octave to the "Fa" first


Boris, Varlaam - Boris Godunov (Modest Mussorgsky)
Klingsor, Parsifal (Richard Wagner)
Caspar, Der Freischutz (Carl Maria Von Weber)
Philip, Don Carlo (Giuseppe Verdi)


Theo Adam.
Hans Hotter.
Marcel Journet
Alexander Kipnis.
Boris christoff.
Fyodor Chaliapin.
Mark Reizen.
Nicolai Ghiaurov

Young bass

German name:Jugendlicher Bass.

English translation:YOUNG BASS.

Range: from "Mi" of the big octave to the "Fa" first

Description: Young bass (meaning age).


Leporello, Masetto, Don Giovanni (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Figaro, Le Nozze Di Figaro (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Varlaam, Boris Godunov (Modest Mussorgsky)
COLLINE, LA BOHEME (Giacomo Puccini)

Lyrical comic bass

German name: Spielbass.

Italian name:BassBuffo.

English translation: Lyric Comic Bass

Range: from "Mi" of the big octave to the "Fa" first


Farlaf - Ruslan and Lyudmila (Glinka)
Varangi Guest (Sadko, Roman Corsaqs)
Don Pasquale, Don Pasquale (Gaetano Donizetti)
Don Bartolo, Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (Gioachino Rossini)
Don Basilio, Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (Gioachino Rossini)
Don Magnifico, La Cenentola (Gioachino Rossini)
DON ALFONSO, COSI FAN TUTTE (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
LEPORELLO, DON GIOVANNI (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)


Luigi Lablache.
Fernando Corena
Ferruccio Furlanetto.

Dramatic Buffo

German title:Schwerer Spielbass.

English translation:Dramanatic Comic Bass


Khan Konchak - Prince Igor (Alexander Borodin)
Varangi Guest - Sadko (Roman Corsa)
Baculus, Der Wildzchütz (Albert Lortzing)
Daland, Der Fliegende Holländer (Richard Wagner)
Pogner, Die Meistersinger (Richard Wagner)
Hunding, Die Walküre (Richard Wagner)

Low bass

German name: Lyric Seriöser Bass

Italian name:Basso Profundo.

English translation:Low Bass.

Range:from "to" big octave to "fa" first

Description:bass Profundew - the lowest male voice. According to J.B. Style, which he led in his book "Voices, singers and critics" ("Voices, Singers, and Critics" by J. B. Steane), this voice uses sound formation that excludes fast vibrato. It has a dense, trumpet timbre. Singers Inogdia use other types of vibrato: slow or "frightening" swing.


Rocco, Fidelio (Ludwig Von Beethoven)
Osmin, Die Entführung Aus Dem Serail (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Sarastro, Die Zauberflöte (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
Pimen - Boris Godunov (Modest Mussorgsky)
Dog - Tsarist Bride (Roman Corsaqs)
Prince Yuri - Tale of Kitege (Roman Korsakov)
King Rene - Iolanta (Tchaikovsky)
Prince Gremin - Evgeny Onegin (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky)


Matti Salminen.

Low dramatic bass

German name:Dramanatic Seriöser Bass.

English translation:Dramatic Low Bass

Range: from "to" big octave to "fa" first

Description:the most powerful bass of the Profundew.


Vladimir Yaroslavich, Prince Igor (Alexander Borodin)
Hagen, Götterdämmerung (Richard Wagner)
Gurnemanz, Parsifal (Richard Wagner)
Fafner, Das Rheingold, Siegfried (Richard Wagner)
Marke, Tristan Und Isolde (Richard Wagner)
Hunding, Die Walküre (Richard Wagner)


Ivar Andresen.
Kurt Moll.
Martti Talvela