How to unscrew from the army legally. Unconventional sexual orientation

How to unscrew from the army legally. Unconventional sexual orientation

Army, military registration and enlistment office, call, agenda ... most of the Russians are male aged 18 to 27 years old, these words are called if not fear, then certainly not the most joyful feelings.

With the awareness of "debt to the homeland" and the desire to serve in the army a few go. Many "bearing" immediately after graduating from school or receive a diploma in a technical school or university. Someone tritely boring to run, playing dangerous games with the military registration and enlistment office. Plus, the inhangation of the military ticket makes the official device to work almost impossible.

All this is confirmed by the words of the graduate of the South-Ural State Technical College Mikhail Mishanov, at the moment the service of the service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: "Diploma received, and in the day, in the morning I was already at the military registration and enlistment office. "What I'm glad is that in the summer I left." If in the winter it is to leave, and then go home on the cold. Good little. They would give a little delay after the protection of the diploma - maybe they would have entered the "tower". There would probably have anyway in the near future, Academy took to go and serve. Plus, more time with loved ones, I would have managed to spend your relatives in front of the army. "

"And I didn't try to touch," Mikhail adds. - It is necessary for the year-half a year, at least, start fussing. Or to the soldier to save, or in health to look for options - can, that and rolling. And I have already tried too late. "

Any graduate is waiting for boots and spotted form. In addition, the deferment relies only on the basis of nine classes. The same who for some reason entered the technical school or college after the 11th, take into the army in the middle of the educational process, not allowing to pre-master the specialty. But the applicants of the Chelyabinsk Energy College, according to the Deputy Director for the educational work of Faith Borodina, such a prospect does not disbuilt. "During the receipt, we put everyone before that fact. And the guys to us as walked and go. Moreover, recently, the number of our students has increased, which after serving in the army is restored to the day separation, "the deputy director says. - As for the postgraduate delay, perhaps it would be rational: the guys could immediately try to continue their education at the university. But prices in universities are so hot that our, as a rule, do not go there anyway - at least for daytime. "

Of course, among those who survived those who recall their army years with gratitude - as a noble test, which allowed to become stronger and courageous. But still more often we meet those who regret the wasted time spent, or prefers not to remember what they saw and experience in the barracks. In addition to the all-raised themes of unstartal relationships, people are already noted that there are few combat training as such in many Russian unitylessness. But in abundance, cleaning potatoes, the cleaning of the placle, digging of the kittlers, meaningless exhausting on the days of the day.

It is not a secret for anyone that there is a lot of frankly illegal or semi-legal ways to avoid "honorable debt" - from a banal stay not under its respective to the notorious purchase of the military and fraud with documents on health, allowing the "White Ticket". But Egor Volkov and Anton Mathy found quite legal ways to avoid service in the army. The 21-year-old Egor positions himself as an ordinary guy who, together with his friend, is an experienced lawyer specializing in such affairs for five years - helps the same ordinary guys legally avoiding an urgent service for health.

The fact is that according to their statement, there are practically no fully healthy conscripts now, and 90% take into the army, in fact, illegally - simply because they do not know their rights.

After analyzing the current state of the health of the client and all his sores, Anton and Egor help him not only find a legal basis for liberation from military service, but also to defend their rights at all stages of communicating with the military commissariat. The service includes an individual consultation of the conscript. An unlimited number of times, legal analysis of the conscript documents, recommendations for medical examinations, drawing up complaints about the decision of the draft commissions and much more. The payment for all this is more than modest. Moreover: in case of failure - what, according to the expert enthusiasts themselves, has never happened - it is guaranteed a full refund.

Guys are working remotely (on Skype and E-mail), and only with citizens of Russia. Among other things, there are gratitude young men who have already won the difficult battle with the military registration and enlistment office, following the instructions of young professionals. This is what Hera says: "I can say this: excellent work, everything was organized clearly - the mostered nose is not pumped. In the military registration and enlistment office, there was a circus in general, everyone looked at me like an aliens. The local doctors have already become accustomed to that recruits like zombies go to the army, not knowing their rights, not knowing their capabilities. When I came to them prepared, they had a rupture of the template: I immediately laid out the package of documents. They began to invent any kind of nonsense, but they prepared me for this incident: I immediately pointed it to an article, which does not allow them to "kick" me where it fell. The warriol I received in the same appeal, acted on a relaxation - just clearly performed all the instructions. I myself would understand with the topic of the call for a very long time, as it turned out, there are nuances of the sea, something will not do something - rumble immediately. "

But the comment is Dmitry Lokhno: "After graduating from college, I was already ready to cut the chance and put in Kirzachi. Just from the first class I am doing football, always as a bull was healthy, I don't even hurt in winter. Accidentally addressed you to the organization, at first I thought that some kind of chernuch would be, gray schemes and so on ... I first laughed to myself: Well, where do I have sores from me! But then I was explained: with a competent examination, any guy there is at least one reason does not serve. I, of course, it was found, although the military enlistment office of me washers be healthy! I was helped to make a complaint, and on the second call, I was already in my pocket - red, new.

Egor Volkov: "Not served - not a man" - ideological atavism " reported personally with Egor Volkov, who tried to give the most honest and exhaustive answers to all questions.

Tell us how you went to a lawyer who saved you from the army? And how did they come to solve to jointly assist recruits?

It all started with the fact that the agenda came. Of course, this news will make little news! Everyone knows: lucky - you will get into a more or less normal part, and you can not be lucky - you can suffer greatly. And then, as it was called, I heard the story of how a completely healthy person crippled in the army. And I knew this person personally. So in front of me the choice was: "To be in the army or not to be?". Many recruits do not even realize that they have such a choice at all. It is also strange as not to know that driving the car can steer not only on the left side, but also in the right.

I immediately decided to free yourself from the service in the army precisely on legal grounds. He began to intensively learn all the forums, articles on the Internet on the topic of the call, reread a lot of conscripts. As some specially applied injuries, others gave bribes to officials, someone simply hid from the military registration and enlistment office with the hope that it would not catch him up to 27 years (now it is generally strange to observe that such people have remained).

And anyway, I had a clear belief that there is an absolutely legitimate way that will allow me to get a military ID. If you know that you are looking for - you will find it! In the end, I went to the lawyer named Anton, who, as it turned out, specialized in military law and legal assistance to recruits. Then the matter went like oil, and I got my military ticket to absolutely legal grounds. Although before and thought it could not, that this is in principle possible!

Egor, why, having taking your military warrior, instead of calming down and quietly rejoice in life - decided to help yourself to help someone's guys, and for such a modest fee?

Communicating then with her friends, I caught one unpleasant trend - few people generally believe that it could legally get rid of the army, but many believe in the power of a bribe "right people." I didn't like it, and I decided to create a project that would help ordinary guys on absolutely legal reasons free from the army.

What are the options at an ordinary recruit? The first is to go to serve. Good and bad parties in the army can be discussed long. The one who believes that the army will be useful for him, most likely, something will lead away from there - this is like with higher education.

Second option: give a bribe an official. Very inappropriate option, as it has large risks. Up to a big fine or even criminal responsibility.

Third option: get exemption from the army on legal grounds. If you do not want to serve, but you wish to get a military ID, then the only legitimate way to do is to free yourself from the army for health. But here there are many nuances. Even if you suffer from a serious illness, it does not mean that you will be released from the call. At a minimum, you need to competently work out all the documentation.

It is bad or good, but now nine out of 10 recruits can be recognized as unfitable to military service for health. Why is this happening? A man living in the city, even be small, is already getting a certain negative impact on his body. This is not very healthy nutrition, and the environment, and air, and the presence of plants near, and so on. A lot of injuries people get in the period when still studying at school.

Many will say that your activity is aimed at undermining the country's defense capability. What do you answer?

Everything is simple here. Let's start with what we have now. In what form army is today? When the soldier is brought into part, in most cases, the uniforms turn out to be older than the soldier itself. The entire resource base of the part of the part morally and physically outdated. But the most important archaism in our army, no matter how strange it sounds - this is its questioning basis. Exactly! I fully support the opinion that the army must be a contract, to serve the professionals and those who really want to do this and sees their destination in this - I really respect such people. I am for a free call, and not for the forced form of restriction of freedom.

But while we have such a situation in the country, we will continue to help conscripts to defend our legitimate rights. And we will reflect yourself: now we contain an army in a million people, and this is with our population? Is it appropriate? Perhaps for China - yes. For Russia - I doubt. And if we are talking about the defense capability of our army, then let's discuss the issues of its technologicalness. When in terms of soldiers live and sleep in the premises, which requires capital repairs, it is difficult to speak about some kind of technological ... But this is probably a separate story ...

What do you think: a man should master those skills that are necessary in the event of war and, ideally, should be given in the army - the ability to shoot, collect / disassemble the weapon, etc.?

These skills are primarily needed to those who are going to build their career in the Armed Forces, security service, in law enforcement agencies, and so on. I think it is so understandable.

Of course, each man should be physically healthy, be able to stand up for himself and its loved ones, to quickly make decisions and take responsibility for their actions. And perhaps something from the above gives the army, but if it happens, it happens indirectly, by side. And now imagine: if you specifically develop yourself in all spheres of life? We now live at such a time when all knowledge of the world can fit in our smartphone, and opportunities to apply these knowledge - each in excess. And if someone lacks motivation to develop yourself alone, then, in principle, you can go to the army.

Your attitude to alternative service? How developed in Russia is this system? Does any recruit in the Russian Federation have the right and the opportunity to replace the ordinary service alternative?

In fact, the alternative service is a little better than usual. First, the recruitment will be very difficult to prove your choice: that he really has beliefs that do not allow him to undergo ordinary military service. The Military Commission very often refuses such cases. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare for six months before calling all the documents - decisions in such situations are made quite long.

Well, if someone else is lucky to get into an alternative civil service, there is nothing to rejoice here. The term of such a service is 21 months, and work is usually given such in which a sharp deficit of personnel. For example: Sanitary in the nursing home or dispensary, postman, cleaner, and the like.

How do you feel about the widespread cliché, it seems "not served - not a man!" And people who tend to quote them and impose others?

This is an ideological atavism, which was created only for manipulation by the population. But someone from the people picked up this phrase, and it came. In general, all this went from the Soviet period, when the labels were sculpted on everything and everything. Do not go to work - Tunes. Trading in Chinese clothes - speculator and baryga. It is even scary to think about how in the Soviet Union would be called those guys who are now creating online shopping and from home lead their mini-business. A man is primarily his actions and decisions made. And from service in the army, everyone receives its own specific experience, so I do not support this statement.

Why, in your opinion, most Russian conscripts are legally illiterate, and what do they need to do to better know their rights?

Here the interesting situation is obtained. Conscripts are very often beginning to think about their state of affairs, when the agenda is already on their hands. Unfortunately, only a small group of people is worried about this issue in advance. I would still throw a stone towards my parents who are indifferent to the fact that after the university, the son immediately goes to serve in the military unit.

It happens when the military enlistment office frankly violates the Rights of the Conscript and forcibly trying to shove him into the army, just to fulfill the call plan. Or illegally gives a delay, although in all grounds you need to assign the category of the shelf life of "B". Or the doctor on the medical examination does not see the scoliosis of the second degree, even if you provide him with all the documents.

Different situations require a different approach. Sometimes it is possible to resolve a small situation yourself, but sometimes it is necessary to immediately contact the specialists, since it will be very "expensive" himself and for a long time to understand this topic and all the nuances and details.

All laws know, of course, do not need, yes it is not real. But the most important thing is to conscious one thing: we live in a legal state where everyone can defend their rights. No need to be afraid to write complaints, petitions, file claims. The year of life is too valuable resource that should not be swapped just like that.

P. S. This article in no way promotes evasion from the call. How to treat the passage of service in the armed forces, and look for or do not have any options to avoid - a purely personal matter of everyone. In addition, we will recall: for all "repaired" times and forever the doors are closing the doors to a number of structures and professions - for example, in such career as a career organization, as the Ministry of Internal Affairs or MES.

In Russia, the autumn appeal is in full swing: while some young people think, in which troops they are better to go, others are looking for ways to abone from the army. Buying a military ticket for a long time has long become the realities of Russian life, and the whole question is only about how to purchase the cherished red "crust." Against the background of the total struggle against corruption, the staff of the military registration and enlistment offices became much more careful, and recruits now give bribes in other places. As shkonists with good health manage to avoid the army, understood.

Legends about shkonists

Probably, every representative of a strong sex in Russia can tell the story of how someone mowed from the army is a friend familiar or he himself. Here are some typical examples that the author of the article heard personally.

"A friend has a colleague-decompositionist who has specially bought a car to never go down in the subway and protect himself from those who once caught the recruits there. Now, however, they don't seem to catch them there. "

"A familiar prescribed for half a year in Ryazan in relatives, because bribes in Ryazan military enrolls are three times less than in Moscow."

"There was a friend who left to live in the village, in the wilds of up to 27 years. There was another friend who also registered in the wilderness to pay less. And there was a bike, as one boyfarthilo guy: his business literally pinned the cabinet. He came to the draft board, and he was told: "There are no cases on you, free". "

There are no such stories, and they also concern the times of the USSR, and Russia of the 90s. However, time does not stand still, and today there are very different orders in the military registration and enlistment offices. But corruption is not doing anywhere.

"Corruption of the exit, outside the military registration and enlistment office. On surveys. In the military registration and enlistment offices do not want to substitute. "

Evolution of Sunza

In Moscow and other major cities, today there is a standard procedure for receiving a military ticket for money, the source of "" is approved, which has repeatedly helped people avoid calling. Of course, it is impossible to just come to the draft board and confess to the reluctance to serve the Fatherland. But if such reluctance is present, special people are always ready to help.

They offer their services by the method of sarafined radio. Those whom these people have already helped to avoid service, transfer their contacts to potential customers. Financial conditions and subsequent algorithm of actions are negotiated at a personal meeting, but in Moscow, the price of a military ticket with the category "B" (release from calling for military service in peacetime and enrollment to the reserve) for several years already fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200bfive thousand euros, and payment is accepted exclusively in foreign currency. To guarantee the honesty of the transaction, it is written a receipt that the client's money is allegedly charged.

Photo: Alexander Galperin / RIA Novosti

Considerable price is due to the large number of people participating in the process. The head and staff of the military registration and enlistment office, the doctors of the draft commissions, as well as the Doctor of Hospitals, where young people undergo additional surveys are obtained. The scheme itself consists of several stages. First, pre-warned (and received money for their services), employees of the military registration and enlistment office send a recruit to the medical examination, where a kind of disease is diagnosed. In most cases, conscripts reported in advance to "Otamaz" professionals or pre-undergo a survey in a private clinic, so that military registration and community doctors make it easier to make the necessary diagnosis.

After the conscript, it is sent to confirm it in one of the hospitals, where there is a number of procedures or spends some time in the hospital. All this time, his medical map flops with new necessary diagnoses designed to confirm its disrepair to the building service. The documents are then attributed back to the military registration and enlistment office, and in two weeks the newly minted ordinary reserve receives the desired document and the release from the service.

The source of "" is confident that it is almost impossible to disclose such schemes.

"All employees of the military enlistment office work there in the hope of getting to the trough. The flow of "otmaz" is huge and comes up to 15-20 conscripts a week, besides, all this is done in conditions of tough conspiracy, "he says.

True, exceptions happen, the source continues. In 2015, one of the Moscow military commissarians took a tip. So, he absolutely not feared to sleep: I traveled to Infiniti, and the data on all otmaanted recruits kept in an unencrypted excel sign on the working computer. As a result, many "suitable in wartime" tried to check tickets, but they simply did not respond to the agenda, "he summarizes.

Cleissess Commissar

"In Russia, there is still an alive conviction that you can simply come and give a military committee on the paw. In fact, the fight against corruption is still coming, and mainly in Nizakh - at the level of those of the most military commissar. If in there are bribes, they are interested in major contracts, and the low-level corruption is not needed. Why compromise the department? " - says Boris Lopatukhin, the lawyer of the organization "Call."

According to the shovelukhin, the main corrupt officials in the field of call are either staff of medical commissions in the military registration and enlistment offices, or doctors who put diagnoses in the areas from there. Such a scheme seems to make corruption outside the military registration and enlistment offices and wields their employees: Even if the physician is caught on a bribe, the head physician will be responsible for it. Military risks do not like.

Photo: Alexey Malgavko / RIA Novosti

"A rare recruit understands what is happening in the military commissar. Employees of the medical school there are not doctors in the usual sense - their role is reduced to the fact that they are checked by the documents on the conscript from the polyclinic with a list of diseases with which you can or cannot serve. No more and no less. Many recruits say: "The doctor in the military commissaria said that they serve with it." But this is a violation of the law: an employee of a medical exam is not right to express his opinion. By the way, it is curious that the conscript has the right to make what is happening on the commissions in the photo and video, but use these units, "explains the interlocutor" ".

According to the shovelukhin, theoretically, doctors from the military registration and enlistment office can decide that the conscript is definitely smaller or unambiguously even for the service in the army. But in this case, from the first minute after the decision, they bear personal responsibility for the young man. Therefore, almost always a conscript is sent to a hospital to a hospital or to the clinic - not any, but only to the one that is in a special list, which annually approves the regional jointly with the draft entity.

Medical Help

"To the doctor in the hospital or in the clinic, the conscript comes with two documents: the direction for the examination and the act, where data is made on all its diseases. Here, of course, there is a large corruption space. As we know, specialists in medical examinations have cut off the authority, and they cannot challenge the diagnosis of a third-party physician in the direction. Of course, this is relevant only if the draft board itself is not in a corruption bundle with a physician, which is sometimes found, "says the interlocutor" ".

Boris Lopatukhin explains: if the doctor is tied with a military registration and enlistment office, then from a considerable amount for the slopes from the army, which can reach half a million rubles, it will get only 10-20 thousand - the rest will leave numerous greedy intermediaries. At the same time, the doctor risks sit down under Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Getting a bribe" - but there are curious nuances.

Photo: Yuri Martyanov / Kommersant

"If the medic drove the desired diagnosis of a recruitment, which is suitable to the army, is Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. But it happens that money is taken from a young man who, and so, without any fake diagnosis, is even for the service. And this is already the 290th article in a debit with Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Fraud"), where the punishment is much more, "says Lopatukhin.

According to the expert, if such a doctor-bribery will catch, all the diagnoses that he put conscripts will begin to recheck. There were cases when military tickets were deprived of 25-year-old young people who drank from the army for another 18 years. True, the case of the country of bribes on them, as a rule, did not start due to the expired statute of limitations, but they again became military-obligated.

"Whatever it was when an independent doctor put a diagnosis of recruitment, he returns to the act to the draft board. There, on the medical examination, the data from the act is again checked with a list of diseases. Then, regardless of whether a person is suitable or not, the documents fall into the regional draft board, at a high-level medical board. But there is essentially the same thing: neither to express their opinion, nor to diagnoses local professionals cannot, their role is just reconciliation. And after this, the conscript either receives a cherished military ID, or goes to the army, "explains our guest.

Orientation will not save

Of course, in the subject of discovery from the army, it is impossible not to recall the situation that gays allegedly serve. It turns out that everything is not so encouraging for the adepts of same-sex love.

"Russian laws do not provide for exemption from the army service due to non-traditional sexual orientation: in Russia it, despite international practice, is still considered pathology. Therefore, the only way today for the gay to evade the army is to prove that his sexual preference is a kind of mental disorder, "explains Boris Lopatukhin.

The expert notes: some recruits risk and go to it. Of course, they can succeed and get a military ticket, but side effects from this much more than good: registration in a psychoneurological dispensary with all the resulting, such as closed access to the acquisition of weapons and adopting children. In addition, difficulties may arise with the design of loans and mortgages - some banks are interested in the psychic health of the client.

"In fact, those who want to sleep from the army, it is important to remember one thing: if in their surroundings with a dozen people promise to help with the military bar, then a real opportunity, most likely, has only one - some kind of commissar friend's son. But this is a great luck. Therefore, before you give hundreds of thousands of rubles for the possibility of the possibility of not to try on a military uniform, each conscript must be very good to think: because the chance to face fraud or a substation is great as anywhere. Legal ways to get a military ticket much better, "the interlocutor" "concludes.

Despite the fact that the term of the term service has long been reduced to one year, the question of how to unscrew from the army in 2019 remains relevant to many young men who have achumured recruiting age. Young people who celebrate the agenda and waiting for the agenda from the military registration and enlistment office, begin to feverishly to look for ways to stay on a citizen, while not coming against existing legislation.

Everyone knows that ignorance of the law has not yet freed anyone from responsibility for his violation. Therefore, it is worth carefully approaching the study of this issue, so that due to their own illiteracy, do not replace 12 months in camouflage for 2 years in the prison robe or the payment of a large fine. It is such a harsh punishment that is provided for declaring declarations that avoid leaving the army.

In fact, the legitimate options for "Sunnov" from the army exist, you only need to familiarize yourself with them, without waiting for the last moment when the agenda is already on hand, and the conscript at the specified time is expected in the Military Commissariat.

Exemption from the passage of the army for health

The most popular and reliable way is to sleep on health from the army, in fact it is not so simple. We will have to prove the presence of a serious illness incompatible with the service. This option of obtaining release (or delay) implies not only the presentation of a specific diagnosis, but also the collection of supporting medical records.

First you need to carefully examine the existing list of diseases that are the basis for the recognition of the young man who is unsuitable for the passage of military service. Some pathologies suggest, and can only become a temporary measure until the next call.

A list of diseases can be found in the approved document "Schedule of Diseases". Based on this list and documents confirming the diagnosis, the Medical Commission makes a decision and makes a final verdict on the compatibility of a detected disease with the army service or issuing a military tag for health with a noticeable mark.

Often the recruit is not suspected of existing health problems that give a reason to legally sleep from the army. For example, not all young men know that Nesus or simply the mole of large sizes, located at certain parts of the body may cause the service. At the same time, some problems with the gastrointestinal tract, only the basis for obtaining a delay and passage of treatment to the re-passing of the medical board.

Want to get liberation from the army?

Get the consultation of a military lawyer in their situation with the military registration and enlistment office. You will know how to get a military ticket step by step and not serve in the army.

Learn more

* We guarantee the confidentiality of your data.

What you need to dismiss the disease on the legitimate basis:

Do other options exist from the army

The young men who do not want to spend the year in the military unit, and parents of future conscripts, should not be in panic and make thoughtless actions. Hide from the staff of the military registration and enlistment office, ignore the agendas to the army and use other illegal actions, is not the best way out of the situation fraught with unpleasant consequences. Recently, you can meet fraudsters offering quickly "to settle the question" by issuing a military ticket for a certain amount.

At best, you can throw away money for the wind and still go to fulfill a military duty, at worst suffered the responsibility provided for by law.

Before finding the legal ways of slope from the army, you need to weigh all the arguments "for" and "against" to decide whether it is worth spending time and effort on legal evasion or easier to serve 12 months.

If for any reason it is definitely decided to stay on a citizen, it is better to seek legal assistance to the law not to turn against you.

"Military-Medical College" provides legal assistance to recruits throughout Russia. We will help you to get rid of the service in the army on health, legally and without consequences. As a result, you will get a military ticket. Sign up for a free consultation on a free telephone 8 800 775 10 56 or in the form below to the article.

Is it possible to devame from the army in Russia

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Currently there are a mass of methods, with which you can avoid carrying military service on legal grounds. At the same time, an attempt to give a bribe from a job often leads to sad consequences. Therefore, information on how to legitimately flashes from the army in 2019 is very valuable for the conscript.

Is it worth trying to "disappear" from the army for money?

The question is how much it costs to smear from the army, is still relevant. Therefore, often young people faced fraudsters who promise to free them from military service with their own connections. This method is quite unreliable.

It is not excluded that the option that the unfair employee of the military registration and enlistment office, helps to otmazne from the army for a large amount of money, will take "by pressing". If the contact of the conscript with this person will be installed, a criminal case can be initiated against the young man. To the young man, trying to get a military ID, other punishment measures can be applied:

  • arrest (for the period up to six months);
  • large cash fine (in the region of 200 thousand rubles).

It does not matter whether the young man was entitled to personal contact with an employee of the military registration and enlistment office or handed over a large amount of money through third parties.

Alternative service as "salvation" from the army

Some recruits manage to sleep from the army with the help of an alternative civil service. Such right can take advantage of:

  • young people of draft age, whose moral principles, religion or religion, go into incision with the fulfillment of military debt;
  • representatives of small indigenous peoples engaged in traditional fisheries.

With young people obey certain rules:

  • young men cannot refuse to fulfill the duties regulated by the employment contract;
  • young people are forbidden to take part in strikes;
  • boys cannot combine AGS with work in other institutions or carry out entrepreneurial activities (both independently and with the help of trusted persons);
  • young people are forbidden to resort to the termination of the employment contract on its own initiative, to travel beyond the subject of the Federation in which they carry out AGS;
  • the young men are not allowed to leave the workplace (during the working day regulated by the rules of labor regulations).

Young people who are on alternative military service are entitled to the provision of the presented benefits:

  • free travel to the place of work (except for taxi payment services);
  • regular weekend;
  • providing hospital. Relevant medical services are provided by municipal healthcare institutions at the place of passage of AGS;
  • paid holiday. In accordance with the norms of the Labor Code, it is provided once a year;
  • the provision of housing for the period of alternative service.

When passing AGS, the work experience is fixed in the employment record. An alternative service life is almost two years: AGS lasts 21 months. When passing an alternative service in the regions of the Far North, the young man are provided with interest rate percentage of wages.

Get a free consultation of the military lawyer

After the application, you can download the PDF-book "5 ways to get a military ticket without service in the army"

Care of the patient relative

Some young men use the right to delay from serving the service in the army as a legitimate way to "disappear" from military service. Such a delay can be provided several times.

To do this, to "ignore" from the army in this way, compliance with the two main conditions:

  • a close relative should be on the full provision of the state;
  • the medical and social commission was provided with an appropriate conclusion confirming the need for constant patient care.

Options for orientation

Directly the fact of the presence of unconventional sexual orientation is not an obstacle to military service. Purely theoretically, such a young man can call on a par with other young men. But in practice, the representative of the unconventional sexual orientation exempt from serving the service in the army.

In fact, get a military ticket is not so easy. Conscription It is necessary to pass the relevant psychological tests. They are held in the military registration and enlistment office and the psychoneurological dispensary.

The army does not take young people with other sexual disorders:

  • transsexualism. A young man with such an anomaly mentally feels like a representative of the opposite sex, often solved on a surgical operation to eliminate primary genital signs. A young man seeks to look like a girl. Such a young man wears women's clothing, trying to adopt gestures, walking women;
  • transvestism. For such boys, the faithful awareness of its sexuality is characterized. At the same time, transvestites are trying to demonstrate their similarities with women (with the help of tight outfits and the corresponding behavior manner).

According to the results of an additional survey of homosexuals or "D". But deliberately to portray Gea is not worth it.

A person with a mental illness is unlikely to be able to get permission to weapons, adopt the child. Such a young man may have difficulties in making an ordinary bank loan.

How to legally "otmazy" from the army for a while?

Students who receive a secondary specialized education (in a technical school or college) can count on a deferment from the mileage service. Provided also to those recruits who are trained in doctoral studies or graduate school.

Enchanting recruits who raise two or more children. A young father, who has a juvenile child and a wife, in the last trimester of pregnancy, cannot be taken to the army.

The right to reprove the postponement of military service is provided to a father who is a raising child-disabled child (younger than three years).

She can be given and father of the child, whose mother died or was deprived of parental rights.

Often, young people do not even suspect their real rights and opportunities that are given by the law. Actually, so they think that to sleep from service in the army is extremely difficult or not possible. Following such an opinion, they resort to different ways to do not completely legitimate methods, only the troubles on themselves. Therefore - is it worth risking your freedom?

There are rumors that in 2018 the new rules of call will enter into force

How to unscient from the army, if healthy?

If there are no reason, they will have to find them. The main thing is to look good. Having a strong desire, 95% of conscripts are found in their many a variety of reasons that will allow them to continue to sleep from the army.

In general, medicine is familiar with more than 2000 uncomplicated diseases with which any conscript can be recognized as limited, free from service and enroll into a margin. In addition, it should be noted that all these diseases have completely different severity. Thus, any conscript has a potential to find at least one uncomplicated disease. And when the existing diagnosis, the possibility of official sloping from the army will appear.

Many recruits are interested in: "Why are some think that to unscient from the army has not been possible lately?" This opinion is formed on three main reasons:

  • Most of the recruits do not know about their legal opportunities, or, as often happens, they are trembling before defending these legitimate rights;
  • Young people consider themselves completely healthy. The situation can exacerbate the fact that many of them have never bothered to go through at least one comprehensive and deep medical examination. But there is even a slope from the army in vision;
  • All commissocally serve all sorts of truths and inconsistencies encourage the legal ignorance of civilians. It often happens that conscripts are subjected to disinforming or psychological pressure. For this reason, young people do not even know what to do and how to do it.

Consequently, the question of how to sleep from the army legally, not even emerging in young heads.

Nevertheless, based on the foregoing, it is possible to learn about a certain algorithm, with which anyone can try to find at home to legally sleep from the army, and with legitimate evidence of this for members of the draft commissions.

  • It is desirable to engage in the passage of a comprehensive medical examination from the seven major medical directions, which include surgery, dentistry, therapy, otorinolaryngology, psychiatry, ophthalmology, as well as neurology. And it must be done because these directions actually are considered the main ones in the examination by medical professionals by the Military Commissar Medical Commission;
  • It is necessary to make the right execution of all medical documents, respectively, with the requirements of laws. This means that everything that will have to do is in line with the formulation of your diagnoses with the formulation of those that are filled with disease schedule. And to this you need to treat very seriously, because doctors in the military registration and enlistment office do not search for any diseases in recruits. They are just engaged in comparison of the available medical testimony and documents with the schedule of disease. So, if a conscript in the document will indicate a disease that may correspond to the category of the fitness of "B", it can be recognized as limited and fully free from service in the army. Thus, it is possible to implement, for example, slightly from the army in vision;
  • It is necessary to enjoy the introduction of all materials available in conscripts to their personal matters in the military commissar. How it's done? When calling using a military registration and enlistment office for medical examination, you will have to take copies of all those documents that are available as well as a special application for fitness. When passing one of the doctors, which just could specialize in this diagnosis, bring information about the detection of an uncomplicated disease. After that, the doctor will require some documentary confirmation. That's right at this moment and you will need to give it all the available copies of documents and be sure to make sure that the doctor put it all to the personal case of the recruit.

Following these conscripts are obliged to send to pass the additional examination. Moreover, the military registration and enlistment offices should send such young people in state hospitals. In the event that on this examination, the said diagnosis will be confirmed, then the recruit is obliged to assign the desired category "B".

The objective reality is that the diagnoses can be deliberately ignored, or at some "mysterious" circumstances disappear, so specialists recommend to act like this:

  1. Wait for the moment when a draft commissions will be made about the call and immediately appeal it in court;
  2. The basis for appeal may be the fact that they do not relate to medical reasons with due attention;
  3. Due to this, the current call will be suspended quickly and efficiently;
  4. Although it is possible that the court will oblige a call commission to make recognition about the dissent of the conscript.

Service in the Army 2018

It is not a secret for anyone that the service of young people-citizens of the Russian Federation in the Russian armed forces on the call is considered an honorary duty. The foundations of this are laid in the Russian main law, and the procedure and rules are determined by relevant federal laws and many other regulatory documents. All plans for the total number of young people who should be called upon are approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation twice a year, much earlier than the specified deadlines are performed. And this in turn may indicate increasing popularity of service in the army among young people, an increase in the status of military personnel, a significant improvement in the conditions for the passage of the term service.

Statistics demonstrate that in 2018 most of the young people wish to apply to the military registration and enlistment offices to pass the service in the army. At the same time, the motivation for each of them can be completely different. For some, this is an improvement in its physical form, for others it is an opportunity to gain skills in possession of the latest types of weapons, but neither those nor others are even thinking how to "disappear" from the army. Despite all those positive changes that occurred in military construction in recent years, some of the young people are also trying to avoid service. For such grievillars and their mountain-parents, it would not be superimed by a reminder of criminal liability for such evasion.

Criminal liability for surplus from the army

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation specifically provides for a separate article for conscript-shovels number 328. This article provides for the following types of sentences:

  • Challenge a major cash fine reaching sizes from 170,000 to 200 00 rubles;
  • Short-term conclusion (arrest) of a young man for a period of up to half;
  • Prison sentence has already been a convicted recruit for up to two years.

Nevertheless, in the above article, the place is given to an extremely blurred formulation "Evasion of call for military service". To specify this wording, the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation specifically issued a decision that was given an explanation, the term "evasion". In particular, the simulation of any diseases in order to not go to the army is considered to be purely evasion.

For dodging services introduced fines and administrative penalties

In addition, such situations may be regarded when young people have not come to the Military Commissariat several times. And this is despite the fact that they received appropriate agendas before that, but it can only be applied in the case when the contemplation of the appearance was not going to serve in the army. It should be noted that the opportunity to prove the opportunity to prove that they ignore all the agendas with any other purposes.

Specialists in the field of law pay special attention to conscripts, as well as their parents for the fact that in relationships with employees of the military registration and enlistment office, it is extremely undesirable to inactivate or act a little sleeves. It is best to engage in the control of all these stages yourself, or use the services of legal support of the relevant organizations or individuals. In some organizations, you can take advantage of the free consultation. Experts recommend not to forget that the increasingness or children's poles in such a rather major matters may end for someone with considerable prison terms.

Who is freed from calling according to federal law

The federal legislation provided for some categories of young men who can be exempted from service call. This is especially focused on this. Actually be liberated according to the legislation, and not "to disappear from the army under the law", which can be considered evasion from the army, and therefore a criminal act. Another considerable category, often receiving exemption from the army legally, are conscripts with a "limited fit" state of health or category "B". The official statistical data of the Ministry of Defense speaks of 27.4% of recruits exempted from service in the army for health. In accordance with the statistics of some experts, more than 70% of them have had "uncomplicated" diseases who have applied to them with "uncomplicated" diseases after the first surveys.

Allow from the army on health

There is such a profession - to defend my homeland

It is advisable not to forget that conscripts have the rights of appealing decisions on recognizing them suitable for military service, as well as the possibility of independent medical examinations. Before something illegal to undertake, it is best to refer to lawyers. Such experts will be engaged in providing professional legal support at all stages, including the direct receipt of a military ticket, and, in addition, to consult themselves completely free by challenges that they indicate their sites. Specialists in the field of law are reminded for those who are interested in how to unscient from the army by any methods that in 2018 for the simulation of symptoms of diseases in the military registration and enlistment office, conscripts may threaten real criminal penalties. They recommend better to do a thorough medical examination for the search for diseases, and as the practical experience of such experts shows, most young men did not even know about the exemption from the army.