What professions need from. Professions related to art

What professions need from. Professions related to art

Art is an important part of the life of every person. We all consume art as spectators and listeners. But to become an actress or musician, an artist or to go to the design, you need special preparation, freedom of creativity and special courage to create new things all the time. After all, viewers need to be surprised - cinema, theater, circus, opera and ballet - here people go for special pleasure and they, viewers, demanding connoisseurs of art. The art professions require constant tension and development, passion and will to victory. Theater, music and painting are the most ancient forms of art. Here are representatives of such professions: actor, composer, musician, sound engineer, sound engineer, director, artist, video devices, costume artist, balletmaster, producer, light artist, with new professions appeared: site designer, site producer, site developer. Question: Is it? Yes, art, because book publishing is also art, no less than a movie, theater, circus, ballet and opera. Read here about professions of people engaged in art: musician orchestra, sound engineer, performance, artist, actress theater and cinema, Circus actor, interior designer, packaging designer, landscape architect, web designer, photographer, video device ... Choosing a profession from the field of art It is impossible without a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe underwater stones of creative professions. These stones are not visible at an extraneous look, but because of them you can fly by success. Read about creative professions.

Ehei, hello! In touch again the novel and today I would like to tell about what exist professions in which you will use drawing skills In order to plunge into this world of creativity with your head.

This post prompted me to write the fact that I myself came to the thought, sort of: "I can draw and be a creative person," through the "spare stroke", i.e. Not drawing.

Here is how it was...

In early 2014, I just returned from the army and decided that I want to make my own website with Blackjack and ... Well, in general, I wanted to learn how to draw through the lessons that translated and published on it.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, but my undertone was not crowned with success and I once again disappointed in the dream to become a steep artist and draw popular arts. And then, first, I wanted to prove to myself what I can earn and exist with creative activities, and secondly, I thought that I could still enter the industry "drawing", but not from the parade, but from the spare stroke.

And my decision was to get somewhere as a designer, the benefit of Photoshop I knew well, and with Corel Draw learned to work in the army. And settled in the book publishing house, the place where it was "its atmosphere" and ... I liked it.

Thus, the "design" as long as she did not feel in himself a craving for drawing and did not begin to deal with this case with a new force.

What I want to say this story. If you want to learn how to draw, become a comics, writing pictures or a lot more, but attempts to go to the forehead do not work, well, try to work in this area on that position on which you can. Make the atmosphere, get acquainted with creative people, cultivate new skills in yourself, and do your favorite thing.

There are assistants, editors, footstools, gallery owners, multiplers and many other specialties that will help you: First, gain experience, secondly, immerse yourself in the "world" of your goal, thirdly, to meet new people who will always help you If you have similar goals.

Khm, and now directly to the profession itself.

Skill level - beginner

Skill level - medium

Skill level - high

Skill level - beginner

Let's start with those in which, in my opinion, the drawing is not particularly needed, but if you have basic skills and pull you to creativity and creative, then there you can surround our part of the glory.

Gallery - He is an expert in the field of visual arts, a profession for those who can and does not particularly like to draw, but very loves art. He knows a lot about styles, authors, epochs, know how to distinguish the original from the copy, masterpiece from the base work. The gallery player can easily organize an exhibition of any level, to invite celebrity there and knows how to convince you to buy the works on sale. First of all, this is a man appreciating art, and not his producing.

It is possible to study this specialty in every university where there is a department of cultural studies or art history. But the most prestigious and respected are considered:

  • Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Razhviz).
  • Moscow State University (Moscow State University).
  • Institute of History of Cultures (former UNIC).
  • Mguyk.

Designer (graphic) - In modern society, a person has a well-owning graphic packages capable of making high-quality advertising material, collect collage, prepare for print printing products and knowing the laws of color, compositions and behavioral factors. Someone can say: "How is this designer not obliged to draw? I must! "No, my dear, myself worked as a designer and ... drawing there and does not smell. The skill of a high-quality collage is very appreciated, everything is taken from Google or the drain, then it is composed of several layouts, of which the customer claims something and further being finalized.

You can learn this specialty in a variety of universities, but in fact most designers do not have an appropriate education. They collected their portfolio in the lessons on the Internet, they were stirred for work and real skills are already gaining there. However, this is me talking about most, the top designers are high-class people with specialist diplomas.

In addition to the graphic designer in nature, there is still a landscape designer and an interior designer who are also not particularly needed to draw drawing skills, and more skills work with three-dimensional graphics editors.

3D moduller - Survived and fast-growing specialty in timely society. The moduller creates volumetric models of almost everything that can be represented in the head: from buildings, equipment and people, to magic and fabulous animals, phenomena and measurements. In most modern games, 3D graphics are used, modulators create entire worlds in which we love to dive so much. Also, three-dimensional graphics are used in most modern films.

This is the general name of the profession, since it has many specialty divided targets: Landscape Modeller, Character Model, Modeller Technology, etc.

Officially, this profession is taught:

  1. Good material on the topic: link

Skill level - medium

Calligrapher - A man possesses the skill of a beautiful letter. It may seem that this is not such a "prestigious" profession, but people who can, practical having tools, beautifully portray words very much appreciate. And besides, the skill of calligraphy can be applied in combination with computer programs and ... well, how many popular brands pay for the fact that their name is written not to arial "OM, but a beautiful and unique font. And who in the 21st century does Fonts - Calligraphions ... Modern calligraphes.

The university "Ah calligraphy is trained in a specialty graphic design, however, at the first request, the search engine gives many options where you can learn online, both paid and free.

Engineer Designer - Specialty aimed at creating drawings of objects. When designing their drawing skills, it is necessary as anywhere else, but there is no need for learning all possible laws of drawing. A specialist of such a profile must have a good imagination, create not "dry" drawings, but to embody your ideas into clear, practical schemes that will delight the eyes.

You can learn here:

  • Moscow State Engineering University (Mami)Energy Engineering
  • Faculty of "Energy Engineering"
  • Zhukovsky branch "Strela" Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI) Flying Authority Management Systems
  • Mati - Russian State Technological University named after K.E.SiolkovskyInstitute of Aerospace Constructions, Technologies and Management Systems
  • Moscow State Technical University. AD BaumanFaculty of "Rocket and Space Technology"
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI)Aerospace faculty

Cartoonist - This is an artist specializing in drawing funny and parody portraits, ironically or sarcastically portraying various events caused by resonance in society. Yes, you yourself probably have ever seen how artists sit on the squares and parks and draw funny books for the denyuzhka. Many cartoonists, but whatever it is enough to earn on it, it is necessary to become popular and famous that I would rather grow about you in all sources, etc.

As a specialty university, "you are not trained, but in the network you can find no lessons and courses for the mastery of this skill, but still the main thing here is your desire and perseverance.

Designer-fashion designer - On the one hand, this is a person engaged in creating sketches of new clothes, he comes up with new outfits and even whole collections of clothing, but also in the circle of occupations of the artist-fashion designer, it includes the creation of a new clothing concept in the form of sketches, search for the design solution of the conceived model, developing samples of new models And their preparation for industrial production, the organization of ideas of clothing models. In general, a lot of things. Profession is very exciting and creative.

  1. Generally a very good article on this topic here.

Contover (he is an income) - One of the two professions of the artist necessary to create comics. The contour driver processes the image transmitted to it. Applying a pencil drawing, corrects small flaws using for this or mascara, or (if it works on a computer) dark colors. The contourist handles all drawing lines except text. Profession is not considered quite creative, rather technological.

Unfortunately, I did not find the place where they were taught, or in any case it would be a discipline of one of the specialties.

  1. Useful article on Wikipedia

Skill level is high.

Here you will draw every God's day ... Unfortunately, or fortunately;)

Artist-illustrator - This is a specialist creating pictures that transmitting the meaning of the text. Illustrators can work on books, newspapers, magazines, leaflets and generally where to transfer "Message". From many of those who have already consisted of illustrators, you can hear that the profession is heavy, competitive and not much paid (can lie who know ...). But the majority choose this profession because they like to draw, and not for the sake of the thirst for profit.

I do not even know what to say on the topic that you need to do "what would be a good illustrator" ... probably plow as damned :)

Thought on an illustrator as many universities "Ah and on the Internet there are a huge number of courses and training materials. Google to help!

Artist-schedule - A specialist working only in one contrasting color and, as a rule, this color is black. The schedule for its work uses mostly mascara or pencil. Just like the illustrator, the schedule is a professional for illustrating books, it can work with fonts and text of the book. Working in the publishing house, the schedule is usually engaged in everything connected with graphics, it is here and a designer, and a masterpian, and illustrator ... The main thing is that it all is well paid :)

Where you can learn to the specialty "Graphics":

  • Moscow State University Press. Ivan Fedorova
  • Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts

Artist-painter - A specialist who creates pictures from nature. The painter can draw portraits, buildings, nature, yes, in general, everything that will see something and draws. In my opinion (and this is pure IMHO), all artists are precisely painters are obliged for fame forever hungry, but creative individuals. In modern society, painting is valued only, I apologize for the puns, connoisseurs. Pictures tend to buy people who can afford it, and not that would like to have a beautiful picture of having fun in the hallway ... For this there are printers :) The painter is not a profession, not work, this is a vocation.

You can study here:

  • Moscow State Art and Industrial Academy. S. G. Stroganova
  • Moscow State Academic Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov
  • Russian Academy of Painting, Scary and Architecture Ilya Glazunov
  • All-Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov
  • State Academy of Slavic Culture

Artist-copist - Specialist creating copies of paintings. The copies have recently been in great demand, because many want to see on the wall "Monu Lisa" da Vinci, but not everyone is able to pay for it, and the copyist's work may not be cheapest, but certainly cheaper than buying the original. On the Internet there is very little information about this profession, but we can say that this is one of the varieties of the painter artist.

Restorer artist - A specialist who restores damaged pictures. Restorers can work in various techniques and with various materials, from paintings to icons. Since the works of art are not eternal, and sometimes stored in not the most appropriate conditions, the specialty of the restorer uses a rather great demand, however, from a specialist such great demand.

The responsibility of the restorer includes not only "drawing", but also a thorough and comprehensive study of the object of restoration, the development of the methodology for restoration, selection of materials, documentation during restoration work.

Artist-portraity - Specialist creating pictures with portraits of people. I have previously mentioned that the painter can draw portraits, but he, as they say, "all ample and nothing as follows," the portrait of itself devotes himself to draw portraits and reaches high mastery in this.

It is not taught on the portraitist, but learn, everyone itself masters the method of trial and errors is art.

Multiplier Artist, Animator - Specialist responsible for creating animated cinema and cartoons. An artist-multiplier, this is the general name of the activities of a specialist in creating cartoons, among themselves, multipliers are divided into:

  • The artist-a phaseman (a narrower) - pays phases between different states of scenes and cartoon characters.
  • Character artist - creates a unique image of the cartoon hero and accompanies the further development and use of this hero in the animation.
  • Designer-director - chief artist at the production of an animation film, determines the general style of the future work and monitors its production.
  • The drawer's artist - creates pure frames for final use in a film based on available developments.

There is also: a controversist artist, a phonovsk artist.

  1. Again, useful and detailed material

Colorist - One of the two professions of the artist necessary to create comics. Colorist is responsible for adding color to a black and white picture. Before the appearance of software graphic packages, the colorist painted comics, cartoons, films, advertising in manual, traditional means of visual art. With the advent of powerful computers and programs, this profession began to associate precisely with computer processing.

Separately, the Colorist is not taught, this knowledge is either taught as a standard discipline of most specialties or is studied independently in the process of using various tools, which are now a great set.

  1. Useful article on Wikipedia

Comicist - A specialist who creates comics. I have already mentioned two professions that are aimed at creating a comic book, "comic psycho" - combines not only the incinerator and colorist, as well as a scenario, director, director and many other specialties that can be useful when creating a comics.

As such a comic profession in Russia has not yet formed, yes there are people who draw comics, earn it and it becomes a matter of life, but no one has a special education "comic". Honestly, I don't know if there are such certified specialists in the West, but the fact that any - unequivocal fact may become a comic. Here the main thing is not to learn to draw, but learn to file your story so that you would like the readers.

Well, in general, all this blog is built around the development - this is a profession so do not forget to subscribe to updates and learn with me :)

Gaming artist - This is a general concept that combines a large number of specialties related to the creation of digital graphics and using it in the production of games. The gaming industry in recent years is rapidly gaining momentum in the number of games produced per year, here are all mobile games and games in social networks.

Specialty "Game Artist" (character artists, concepts, game designers, environmental artists, artists on visual effects, etc.) is in great demand among the younger generation around the world.

It is possible to learn at the "Gaming Artist" in:

  • Center of Computer Graphic Render.ru
  • Distance learning center Render.ru
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology
  • School Computer Graphics Scream School

Fuch! That's probably all that I would like to be consecrated in this article. Of course, about a dozen professions and specialties remained behind the scene (in drafts), which is somehow related to drawing and graphics, but ... not this time, and it turned out to be long.

By the way, if thanks to this list you have decided on your future profession and decided to go where you come, then there is a service specifically for students which performs for students of their work. Check and use on the Pondor, "Get Education" XD

Listen, if you think that I forgot something, well, can some cool specialty or profession, write about it in the comments that I could add it to the article ... We will make a huge reference to professions together :)

Today, everyone, all creative mood friends!

Film director

Filmorezhsor - director, guiding the film formulation.

Fr. R? Gisseur, from Lat. REGO - manage.

Features of the profession

Filmorezhissor is a key figure in a film procession, since it is he who is responsible for the artistic level of the movie.

Usually the director does as follows:

· Selects the script (often it writes it or participates in writing);

· Determines the general artistic style of the film;

· Manages the work of artists (on costumes, decorators, etc.);

· Selects actors;

· Manages actors both from the point of view of miceanssen, and in terms of manner of the game and other expressive drugs;

· Manages the work of operators;

· Manages the filming of the film.

In modern cinema, the producer plays an important role. And in some cases, it determines the concept of a future film, and its stylist, based on commercial considerations. Therefore, we can say that in modern movies there are two directions: directorial (author) cinema and production.

Bright world samples of modern directorial (copyright) cinema - in the work of Federico Fellini, Francois Treiffo, Woody Allen, Ingmara Bergman, etc.

In the Soviet Cinema: Andrei Tarkovsky, Kira Muratova, Dinara Asanova, George Deliay, etc.

In modern domestic: Larisa Sadilova, Gennady Sidorov, etc.

Cinema can be divided into three main genres: playing cinema, documentary and animated (animation).

For each of them - its director of the director.

The reprimor of the game movie is considered to be the director Georges Mel Mesh, and the documentary is the Lumiere brothers. Self-taught engineer Emil Reino - the creator of the first cartoon.

Cinema is an expressive way to show an interesting story. And every director has their own means of expression.


The director works under a contract with a film studio or producer center, which not only provides uninterrupted work on the film (financing, administration), but also engaged in its promotion.

Important qualities

Artistic vision, creative fantasy, organizational abilities, love for cinema.

Knowledge and skills

Knowledge of all film creation processes. The ability to work with actors and other participants in the process, the ability to work with the scenario and embody it on the shooting area. Wide erudition, in particular in the field of cinema.


Filmroducer(from English. produce. - produce) - specialist in administrative and financial support for creating a film.

Features of the profession

In general, the operation of the film producer can be described in several points.

Producer finds or offer him the idea of \u200b\u200ba new film. He develops it, thinks out how much money will be needed for its incarnation, sources of funding finds a screenwriter, director, actors, provides advertising and promotion of the film in a film distribution.

As for relations with the director, they can be built in different ways. If we are talking about copyright cinema, there is a director in the foreground. He owns an idea or a screenwriter, he himself thinks over the concept of the film, and the producer only helps him to remove this film.

Special explanation requires an item with sources of financing. Specialists note that the essence of the film producer depends on the model on which it works. There are two models of cinema: commercial and budget.

Commercial cinema focuses on profit. Such a model acts where the film distribution is so developed that it can bring substantial profits. The leader among such countries is the United States. The budget model is focused on supporting film projects from the budget. For a budgetary principle, Russian cinema lives largely. And there is a colossal difference between a film producer in cinema living according to the laws of commerce, and cinema using support from the budget.

Commercial option means profit from the rental. Budget - Profit from what will be able to attract from the state budget or sponsors. The more you can save from the drawn money, the greater the profit from the project for the producer itself. Profit from rental goes to the background.

However, Russia also develops commercial cinema, which means that we have producers working on a classic (commercial) scheme.

What are the film producers?

The producer can work on behalf of the studio (studio producer) or by itself (independent producer).

Studio producer has money available at the studio. An independent producer is searching for financing, advertising, rental issues.

In addition, it is necessary to solve a lot of organizational and technical issues in the course of creating a film, and one person cannot cope with such a shaft of worries. Therefore, in addition to the main (general) producer over the film, the executive and linear producers also work.

General producer (Executive Producer) focuses on attracting technical means, concluding contracts with creative employees (screenwriter, director, actors, etc.), distributors. It also defines the approximate size of the film's budget.

But first - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe film. Stripping from her, the general producer decides what director to attract what will be the funding, etc. Sometimes there are several general producers over the film. One is engaged in working out ideas, offers it to different studios, another - attracting money, the third is looking for a suitable directory, the scenario, etc.

Executive producer (PRODUCER) is needed on large projects. It leads the process at the top level: monitors the expenditure of funds, concludes contracts with personnel, suppliers of materials, equipment and even deliberates in creative questions. But all this, without entering the technical details, the daily routine of the shooting process, the voicing, etc. Therefore, the executive producer can lead several projects at once. It happens that all these functions perform the general producer. And in small film companies, the screenwriter can take this role.

Linear producer (Line Producer, Unit Production Manager) - on the contrary, is engaged in specific organizational issues, ensuring the work of the creative group. He monitors compliance with the work schedule. It can be said that it is the linear producer that is the direct project leader.

Sometimes producers are prescribed responsible for an even narrower segment of work. For example, an administrative producer can engage in hiring freelancers for various work during the creation of a film.

It must be said that the work of the producer in the movie has a lot in common with what the teleproducer is engaged. Although on television and there are features.

Producers against directories

Profession producer appeared in Hollywood in the 1910s with the transformation of cinema in a serious industry. At the same time there was a confrontation between the producer shop and the director. Producer examines every film as a commercial project, and he sees in advance how about the movie should work out. The vision of the director may be completely different. The famous example is the producer of David Selznik and his film "Gone by the Wind". This film on the novel of the same name is noteworthy not only by what has become one of the first color films. It is considered one of the most cash in the history of the cinema, and the Samnik himself is one of the most successful Hollywood producers. This film brought him the first Oscar. For the sake of such success in the process of working on the film, Selznik changed four directories.

On the other hand, the dictate of the producer does not always turn out to be successful.

The opposition of producers and directors is still preserved. However, there are a lot of examples when the producer does not dictate his vision of the filming group, but only helps to embody the plan of the director.

And it happens that the producer opens the world of a bright director with his own style. And this is one of the edges of the talent of the film producer. There are also examples of successful combination of directory and production activities. For example, Stephen Spielberg is the actor, director and producer. He removed more than 40 films and produced more than 120. On account of Robert Zedekis, more than 20 directors and more than 35 production. There are such examples in domestic cinema: Valery Todorovsky, Fedor Bondarchuk and others.


A film generator can work in a film studio, in the producer center, act as an independent film processor organizer.

Important qualities

The profession of producer involves responsibility, self-confidence, self-organization, decision-making ability, the ability to establish personal contacts with different people, find a common language with art and businessmen.

And an interest in the cinema and as art, and how to business are equally important. Readiness is needed to constantly develop in the profession, expand its professional horizons.

Facely producer on winning ideas and talented people should be combined with a good taste.

Knowledge and skills

Cognition in the field of filmmaking, marketing, management, a wide range of literature, history, cinema is necessary.

Often, the producers are becoming people engaged in cinema as actors, directors, etc.


The cameraman is a very important specialist in the field of filming films, which is usually in the shadow of the glory of the director, while it makes the colossal work necessary for shooting the film not just with technical, but especially from the artistic side.

Features of the profession

The cameraman's profession is most likely male than women, since, among other things, he has to handle the camera, which is often sufficiently heavy, and also make any "Cascader tricks" when shooting, because to achieve the desired effect sometimes have to work very well. Also need good physical training for business trips, shooting night frames and long hours of waiting for the necessary light effects in nature.

The cameraman combines the artistic and technical components of the film. He seems to draw a film with the help of light, working sometimes with such a huge amount of lighting appliances that they can occupy a few times the large area than the shot itself. All these devices operates the whole team, which is managing the cameraman, and for this he also needs to have a high managerial potential. The director decides to show in the next stage, the cameraman decides how to show it, and decides in practice. That is, in fact, he is a film artist.

Well knowing examples from the history of cinema, painting and artistic photography, as well as working out their own art handwriting, the cameraman is responsible for the image of the film, the artistic unity of all kinocadres and scenes, the visual impression, left by him, because it is sometimes enough to watch a couple of far from the most recognizable personnel, To understand what movie they are. With the help of composition, colors, lights and textures of the frame, the cameraman helps to show all the plans of the screenwriter and the director, and often the creative solution itself finds a creative solution of a scene and reaches its maximum expressiveness.

In his work, the cameraman uses the most unexpected things in order to create the effect of rain, when there is no rain, the effect of shadows of the treasuries past the trees in the train car, when in fact the scene is filmed in the room, the beautiful effect of the moon light, when the day below. And what are the night shooting, when in no case disrupting the impressions of the scenario, which has a scenario, it is necessary to separate the film meters from the background and, in addition, show their emotions. The viewer should not guess that behind the scenes he sees, there is a huge number of all the instruments and tricks, he must think that all the beauty, taking place in front of his eyes, is natural and everything was true.

The cameraman takes the most active participation at the filming stage of the film, follow the quality of the installation work and color correction. At this stage, it is important not to lose any artistic effect working on the image of the whole picture.


The cameraman works in a pair with a director in various film companies and private projects. The workplace can be both the studio and the streets of the city, any natural landscapes, are often configured in various corners of the globe for filming a film in certain interiors and natural conditions.

Important qualities

To work the cameraman, it is necessary to have an artistic taste, a sense of style, composition and colors, creative thinking, be able to lead people, possess high ability to work and physical training, as well as be enthusiastic.

Knowledge and skills

The cameraman's profession requires specialized knowledge in the movie industry, it is, of course, the ability to handle movie camera, lighting devices, and also perfectly understand in theory and in practice how light works, which light and textural effects can be applied to create a film image, how to express The mood of heroes, how to highlight the main and secondary frame using the light composition. He also knows how the framework is carried out and what material must be counted for each scene. In addition, the cameraman knows the history of film and artistic photography, and he can also not do without knowledge from the field of painting history that help him find his handwriting in creating a general movie composition.


Cinema mechanic - filmmaker in the cinema

Features of the profession

The workplace separates from the cinema wall with a window, through which the film is projected onto the screen.

This is a hardware in which the film projectors are worth. More archaic name - a kinechanics booth.

The operation of a film mechanic requires technical literacy. Modern cinemas mostly switched to digital equipment. In particular, to demonstrate films in 3D-format. This means that the modern film mechanic needs to be developed new technology.

This has its advantages. First, just interesting. Secondly, the chemical composition of the film is not safe to health. Especially if you are in one room with it all day. The smell of the film is the smell of the workplace of the "film" kinomechanics.

The film mechanic not only demonstrates movies, but also monitors the equipment.

In modern cinemas with several cinema halls, the mechanic can serve them all alone. New technologies are allowed. With old docifer technology, it was necessary to carefully synchronize the sound with the image and closely monitor the film in the projectors so that, as soon as it end in one, immediately launch the second, and then the third one. The whole film consisted of three bobbin films, and it was necessary to try so that the audience would not notice the transition from one part to another.

Usually, the film mechanics work in shift. Change is one working day of the cinema: from the beginning of the first session until the end of the latter. Without lunch breaks.


Cinemas, film studios, entertainment centers.

Important qualities

The film mechanic will be interested in working, if he loves movies. But to work successfully, you need to be interested in technology.

Accuracy, organization, responsibility are important.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to understand the principles of the work of the equipment, be able to use it, customize, follow correctness.

Icon painter.

Icon painter (inscription, artistic, wristman Icon) is a painter specializing in creating an icon.

icon (from from cf.-Greek. eikon. - Figure) + pit butt.
Features of the profession

Orthodox icon - a sacred image made in the tradition of Eastern Christianity, symbolizing the image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin, a holy or event from sacred or church history.

From the point of view of art historians, the icon is a work of Christian (mainly Orthodox) easel painting of cult destination.

From the point of view of theology, material and machinery of the manufacture does not matter.

The church regulates only the content, composition, color and light, attributes of saints. Therefore, icons can be mosaic, embroidered, litim, carved, etc.

All of them can be sacred images, have the same content, purpose, and created them often the same masters.

Icon is a work of church-liturgical art.

From the point of view of Orthodox worship, it is the same meaning as the gospel.

The earliest of the icons that have reached our time are created in the VI century in Byzantium.

Artistic principles of the Orthodox Icons, after centuries, were established in the form of canonical norms.

In 1551, the stalloral cathedral formulated these norms. An icon of Andrei Rublev was announced by the benchmark.

Although this does not exclude the diversity of icon-painted styles (schools) in various locations.

According to church tradition, the icon painter, in contrast to the artist, is considered not as the author of a particular image, but as a conductor of the Divine Truth.

In Orthodoxy, there is a special liturgical form of dedication to the icon painters, which is not for representatives of the craft workers working for the needs of the Church.

Today, interest in the Russian Orthodox icon is growing. A lot is built and restored by temples in Russia and in other countries.


Workplace icon painter - icon-painted workshop.

Important qualities

The icon painter is not just an artisan who has mastered the icon painting technique. This profession requires calling, religious gifting (and it is not all). As well as the ability to self-denial: not every painter can keep his creative nature at the specified framework. In addition, this ministry requires a person of a pious, awakening lifestyle.

Knowledge and skills

In addition to the skill of the draftsman and knowledge of the laws of icon painting, the master should know the history of the icons, to understand its symbolic and theological meaning.

Sound operator

Sound operator - sound recording specialist and sound processing.

Features of the profession

Sound operator is often identified with sound engineer. Although actually the problem of sound engineer is much wider.

The sound operator does not develop the concept of sound design, it writes or processes the sound, controlling the technical quality of the phonogram. His task is to achieve high-quality sound, convenient for perception.

Usually, the phonogram consists of sounds from different sources. And making a record, the sound operator is watching the sounds to be balanced and did not interfere with each other. For example, musical accompaniment in the film should not shove the speaker spectrum, etc.

In the cinema and on television, the sound operator is subject to sound engineer. It controls (mixing) the sound level in accordance with the explication that the sound engineer is preailed. Although sometimes it is explicating itself during the recording process.

In the movie the sound engineer is engaged in sound record.

On television and on the radio, the sound operator can also work live. This is especially responsible work, since it does not give a chance to repeat the unsuccessful episode and correct the error.

The sound operator can work with lively sound, providing good acoustics at concerts.


The profession of the sound engineer allows you to work in movies, on television, in concert halls, etc.

Important qualities

The profession of the sound engineer involves musicality, good hearing, good sound memory, the ability to master technical devices for recording and processing sound.

Knowledge and skills

The sound operator should own the technology of recording and processing sound, be able to use technical means (digital and analog). In particular, you need to know the technology of filming and subsequent voice, the rules for the arrangement of microphones.

The sound operator must understand the properties of the sound, the acoustic characteristics of various premises, items, tools - depending on the place of work.

Clothes designer

Clothing designer - specialist of the light industry, developing sketches of new clothing models.

People are not fond of fashion, but those few who create it.
Coco Chanel

Clothing design as a separate design branch appeared in the XIX-XX centuries. This period is characterized by the development of mass production of clothing. Such clothes had to combine beauty, practicality and benefits. Modern design is keeping in time and corresponds to a changing lifestyle of people, their needs. Over time, customer preferences are changed, trends, both in materials and as a clothing. Designers, everyone takes into account, study and do not cease to amaze new ideas and solutions.

The work of the designer (or group of designers) begins with the search for customers-buyers, negotiating, on which the necessary details are negotiated. At the beginning of work on a new product, the designer creates sketches of future models, engaged in the selection and purchase of the necessary tissues (fur, skin, thread). The designer monitors quality, is responsible for the resulting model.

The next stage of production is the direct tailoring and the manufacture of models according to sketches, interaction with factories. Together with technologists, designers are compiled by the necessary technical documentation for production.

In addition to working with clothing, the designer's duties include the preparation of advertising campaigns, the establishment of partnerships, the organization and conducting modes of the mod.

Choosing a profession designer clothes, you need to be prepared for the fact that no one is insured against ideological depletion, creative crisis. In addition, it is necessary to understand that the model that liked one person may not like the other at all. Therefore, the criteria for evaluating the work of the clothing designer are difficult and dependable on the opinion of not one person, but several.

The designer is in a constant creative search, develops new composite techniques. To do this, he explores the traditions of national costumes, finding other designers, visits museums, shows, exhibitions, considers illustrated directories, painting old masters and everything that can inspire new ideas.

Required professional skills and knowledge:

v drawing skills and sewing skills;

v knowledge of the history of suit, different styles and directions in design;

v Availability of art abilities (able to draw on paper, computer);

v Availability of a developed artistic taste, sense of measure and style;

v ability to understand the types of fabrics, fur, skin;

v knowledge of the features of sewing and its varieties;

v knowledge of all stages of the process of making clothes, shoes, accessories;

v skill to see the finished product fully;

v Original look at situations, items;

v The ability to listen to customers, understand their preferences and needs.

Personal qualities

v presence of figurative thinking;

v sociability;

v creativity;

v prudence;

v hard work;

v patience.

Pros profession

v interesting, creative work;

v is the opportunity to become famous, become famous, and therefore, and have a good income;

v Ability to work at home in the presence of necessary conditions;

v The ability to see the result of your work, get aesthetic pleasure from the process.

Place of work

v sewing factories;

v house mod;

v boutiques.

Salary and Career

The dream of any novice designer is the most famous shows and presenting his models in the best boutiques of the world. And the more the designer of patience, hard work, and, of course, talent, the greater the chance to realize your dream into life. It all depends on the abilities, personal qualities, experience, the formation of a designer.

The usual career ladder in the field of clothing design looks like this: Designer - Lead Designer - Head of Designers Group - Head of the Designer Department - Head of Designer Management - Art Director. Designer's salary directly depends on the place of work and personal experience.

In compiling this article, materials from the following sources were used:

Interior designer

Interior Designer is a specialist in creating new harmonious media projects to improve human living conditions.

Interior designer Creates a unique situation, style, beauty and comfort in the room, embodying the reality of the dreams and mood of customers. In the interior design there are many different styles formed in various historical epochs: high-tech, non-Russian, deconstructivism, romance, modernism, etc.

Short description

Professional activities of the interior designer include the entire process of interior design, starting with layout planning, lighting, ventilation systems, acoustics, wall decorations, and ending with furniture, textile design and installation of navigation signs.

Interior design is based on two principles:

  • the principle of functionalism: "What is functional, then beautifully";
  • the principle of constructivism, which lies not to compiling the composition of objects, but in creating a holistic harmonious design.

Design by definition is the modern art of artistic design, the development of samples of rational constructing of the objective environment. The word "design" of Italian origin. « D.isegno "B. Translated into Russian has several values \u200b\u200b- plan, plan, intention, goal, drawing, sketch, sketch, pattern, pattern, model, pattern, diagram, composition. Also significant and multidimension profession of a designer, which has several varieties (qualifications): graphic design, industrial design, suit design, design environment (interior and landscaped), vehicle design, architectural design.

Specificity profession

The work of the interior designer consists of several stages:

v Order and understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project;

v Development of a general concept and analysis of existing similar projects;

v optimization of project components and their harmonious combination;

v sketch development and coordination with the customer;

v Making layout, 3-D modeling;

v Calculation and development of drawings;

v embodiment of the project into reality, its correction at the request of the Customer;

v selection and design of individual furniture;

v decoration of the interior at the end of finishing works;

v Textile design of the premises.

In the work of the interior designer, computer programs are used to develop interior design:

v sketchup;

v Sweet Home 3D;

v autocad;

v Autodesk 3Ds Max;

v Archicad.

Pros and cons profession

Pros: Creation in the labor market, interesting creative work, the ability to realize their fantasies and ideas, permanent novelty and a variety of projects, the ability to improve and develop from the project to the project. As a rule, the interior designers have a high payment of labor, as wealthy people are treated for designers.

Minuses: The incompatibility of the tastes of the customer and the artistic vision of the designer, the need for a long time to convince the customer in the design decision or adapt to his desire.

Place of work

v design studio;

v furniture factories, firms and shops;

v architectural organizations;

v individual activity of the interior designer.

Personal qualities

v creative and artistic abilities;

v developed aesthetic and artistic taste;

v creativity;

v Ability to perceive the spatial ratio of objects;

v color perception;

v attention to detail;

v Ability to visual ideas, the ability to anticipate the result;

v abstract, associativity and flexibility of thinking;

v intuitive thinking;

v Drawing skills;

v Ability to design and design;

v ability to foresee the result;

v feeling of taste, harmony and symmetry.

Wage Depends on the prestige of the studio and the experience of the designer. Larction of prices for interior design is very wide - everything is determined by the amount of order (premises), technology and quality of work and services.

  • http://www.profguide.ru/professions
  • http://www.moeobrazovanie.ru/professions_dizayner_interera.html
  • http://www.uccheba.ru/prof/910
  • http://proprof.ru/stati/careera/vybor-professii/o-professiyah/professiya-dizayner-interara


Decorator(from English. "Decorate" - "Decorate") - Specialist in decoration and decoration of interior rooms: private houses, theater performances, surveys, banquet rooms in restaurants, offices, business centers using architectural, graphics, painting, lighting and production technology.

Decor - art art. The wonderful goal of the profession of the decorator is to make the life of people beautiful and harmonious.

The profession of the decorator is often compared with the design of the designer. But such a comparison is incorrect: the decorator creates a unique interior under a certain order, in which, nevertheless, its creative personality is also manifested, and the designer submits ideas for mass production. The decorator is not deepened into the technical aspects of redevelopment of the premises, does not change the geometry of space, and creates an image, filling it with its idea and a unique content embodied in materials, items, things. Do not conduct cardinal changes, the decorator can create a completely new atmosphere of space. Skillful decoration can fix any shortcomings and problems. The decorator can effectively use a close space, inmentarily place a window, pick up the original color combination, functionally and beautifully arrange furniture in the apartment, convert the interior with textiles, figurines, vases, decorative candles. Special comfort, warmth and beauty of interior items give lamps. They create a real miracle, creating an intrigue, highlighting and emphasizing the shadows of decorative plaster and stucco.

As a rule, the ideas of the decorator must be consonant and harmonious with the inner world of the customer, but at the same time they are brightly manifested by the individuality of the decorator itself. A fresh extraordinary idea of \u200b\u200ba professional can be unrecognizable to change the style of the house, form a new image and affect life status.

Interiors of decorators are, above all, cocktails of ideas that make any room unique in shape, texture, color and light. The decorator acts not only as an artist, but also as psychoanalyst. He knows the psychological and physiological effects of flowers per person. For example, some shades of blue inhibitively act on people in a residential interior, and the predominance of red color increases blood pressure. In the modern world, the profession of the decorator is in demand as ever. The decorator can turn the ordinary interior into a work of art in which everyone can feel like a hero of excellent history. In addition, the decorator helps the customer effectively distribute the budget.

The profession of the decorator is creative and fascinating. It can be called the Creator of the mood, creating a background of a beautiful life!

Features of the profession

v The work of the decorator begins with the manufacture of graphic or color sketches and layout, preparation of the necessary materials for registration, taking into account their appearance and quality. At the next stage, the performance of the drawings on which the joiners or layers will produce the most complex design elements.

Generally, the functional responsibilities of the decorator are as follows.:

v Development of artistic design projects and technical documentation;

v creation of style, color collages;

v Selection of materials, furniture, textiles, lamps, accessories;

v registration of exhibition stands, shops, showrooms, trading halls;

v Development of plans, drawings and sketches of decoration projects;

v participation in the compilation of estimates, the distribution of the allocated budget;

v Participation in design and finishing work;

v Immediate work in premises;

v Help in preparing for exhibitions, photo sessions and promotional events.

Pros and cons profession

Pros: Creative interesting work, fashionable, in demand and unique profession. Currently, many people dream of arranging their homes in an individual art.

Minuses: Responsibility, the possibility of incurred by the customer's taste with work performed.

Place of work

Workshops of design and decor, theaters, show programs, ARTISTIC DESIGN Bureau, Non-Profit Partnership Odi "Union of Interior Decorator", Private Practice.

Important qualities

v developed spatial imagination

v good shaped visual memory

v non-standard creative thinking

v creativity, ingenuity

v Accuracy

v attentiveness

v Freedomy

v Flexible thinking

v Responsibility, Performance

Professional knowledge

v art history, styles

v skill draw

v traditions of interior design - historical, ethnic, current trends

v Wide knowledge of the market of modern decorative materials

v possession of the basics of interior decoration technician

v Principles of visual agitation

v Types and Appointments of Fonts, Industrial Graphics, Fundamentals of Drawing, Painting, Compositions

v laws of flower science, color combinations and color psychology

v features of the visual perception of man.

v In case of private practice, the decorator should own not only the skills of the artist, but also the pro-user, merchant, lawyer, as well as a psychologist when building relationships with the customer. Knowledge of business etiquette will help convince the customer and find compromises.

Wage and prospects

The profession of the decorator in the modern world has high social significance and relevance.

The services of a decorator specialist, proven to be original works, good artistic taste and a little, are paid very high. In Moscow, the work of the decorator costs from $ 100 per 1 square meter. The top plank is individual and depends on the fame of the decorator.

Theatrical artists decorators usually work in theaters that are funded from the budget, so their income is not so high. Salary - from 35,000 rubles per month.

Career growth is possible according to the administrative line: a young specialist can initially become an employee of the decorator shop, but in case of purposefulness and creative individuality to grow to the status of the chief decorator artist and the head of the decoration workshop. In private practice, career is built as an increase in fame in professional circles.

In compiling this article, materials from the following sources were used:

  1. http://www.profguide.ru/professions/category/kino_teatr/
  2. http://porabotam.ru/vubprof/d/professiya-dekorator

Grimor (Grimor-compiler)

Grimor - a master who owns the art to convert the appearance of an actor with the help of paints, stickers and other tricks.

From oldal. grimo. - wrinkled.

Features of the profession

The grimor works with the face of the actor, and sometimes, if necessary, for the role, he picks him a wig, mustache, etc.

A specialist in making wigs, overhead beards and mustache is called a compiler (from FR. Postiche - artificial, fake). Therefore, Grimera is also called the grimer-composer. Although most often comprehensive products are prepared in special workshops. Grimor, developing makeup for the future performance, orders the necessary wigs and so on there.

The art of Grimera is in demand everywhere, where there is a need to somehow modify appearance. In the theater and cinema, the grimer helps the actor in work on the way.

Even before the launch of the performance or a shooting process, it unplaces all the necessary pieces of makeup so that the result corresponds to the director's plan.
It is necessary to take into account the silhouette of the face, characteristic features, features of the costume, lighting, which is planned to be applied on the scene or filming.

The makeup is picturesque and plastic (volume).

Picturesque makeup can seriously change appearance, emphasize some features, adding new ones. In combination with eyebrows or mustes, it gives a great effect. But the peak of grimer art is plastic makeup. He is able to make a person completely unrecognizable, turning it into someone else.

When a film was released about Vladimir Vysotsky "Thank you for living", a shooting group and producers for some time held in secret by the name of the artist's leading role. Intrigue succeeded, because without tips to find out in the main hero of the actor Sergey Bezrukov was almost impossible.

Regardless of whether the picturesque is superimposed with makeup or plastic, he must make his face bright so that its details are visible from Gallery.
However, the makeup is not a mask. By changing the appearance, he retains the actor the opportunity to express the feelings of the failing. Without this, the acting game is impossible.

When the performance or shooting is over, the makeup should be removed, to spare beards (they are fixed with special glue or mastic), put them in special boxes, stigma wigs on special blanks. The grimer monitors their condition, and when they wear out, orders new ones.

On the Television of Grimør it would be more correct to be called a make-up artist or just makeup artist. The makeup artist clogs over the appearance of TV presenters and guests of the studio, but his task is not to transform a person, but to emphasize the merits of his appearance and shuffle the shortcomings.


The grimor can work in the theater, in a circus, on film and television studios.

Important qualities

Profession The Grimor implies a creative attitude to business, artistic abilities, good visual memory, delicate color perception, good shallow motorcy. As well as contact, goodwill, accuracy.

Knowledge and skills

The grimor or the maimer must own the applies of different types of make-up, making hairstyles, know the rules for storing wigs, false mustache, beard.

(From the English. Design - drawing, sketch, idea.)

Graphic designer specializes in placing the environment of graphics. It works with signs, billboards, posters, pointers, signs and schemes that we see in large quantities around, and also takes care of the readability of the information we need, such as Internet sites, magazines, newspapers, flyers, book covers, and discs, The menu in the restaurant, catalogs of goods, business cards, as well as packaging products, industrial plants, is engaged in graphic window design.

From this short listing, it can be understood that wherever we come, we will definitely see a variety of works of graphic design. The profession of graphic designer has several directions, and one designer can work either in one of them, or combine two or three directions. Consider them.

Graphic design space. These are signs and pointers for which the person is focused in the urban environment, in trade and business centers. All sorts of signs on the doors, road signs, pointers of various types of goods in stores and the like. The subway scheme, for example, is also a product of graphic design. The main thing in this area is to ensure that the sign is read in a second, and the scheme was as convenient for the perception of information.

Corporate identity and branding. Each firm wants to have his own style, according to which customers and buyers will be recognized. Each manufacturer wants to attract maximum attention to his product and sell it by packed in a stylish and informative packaging. Graphic designer develops a sign and logo of the company, recommends certain fonts and branded colors, recognizable graphic elements, and then creates all style items, including presentation sets and a variety of printing products. And also it is necessarily a guide to the use of the created style for all who will work on the advertisement of this company, its goods or services.

Development of fonts - This is a special area of \u200b\u200bgraphic design. Here, the designer creates readable text fonts that serve for a long time and in the smallest degree depend on the fashion, however, each font has its own character. Creating a font imposes a huge number of rules on the Creator, but, despite this, designers once again manage to create something new in this area. In addition, the font designers create a variestic decorative fonts, the fashion for which is changing rapidly.

Advertising design. Advertisers are engaged in the development of effective seller's communications with the buyer, for this they explore the market, target audience and give a series of advertising concepts. But to embody these concepts, they turn to a graphic designer, which visualizes their advertising ideas. And sometimes it is precisely the visualization in advertising playing a large enough role.

Design of books, magazines and newspapers. In the publishing house of the glossy magazine, the designer develops the layout of the layout and the style of each heading, depending on its character, draws graphic elements, monitors the correct formatting of text and image cropping, works on the cover. In the book publishing house, he also works on the style of publication, considering and the requirements of GOST, and fashion trends in book design.

Design for the Internet. Graphic designers are engaged in the creation of Internet sites, banners, making a virtual environment as convenient as possible for users and at the same time aesthetic. The design of the site and the Internet banners is included in the development of the company's corporate identity and is prescribed in the style of style. At the same time, the graphic designer does not necessarily have to own site layout technologies, except in cases where he narrowly specializes in this area. But in any case, he must know the rules for creating a virtual graphic space.


Graphic designers work in design studios, branding and advertising agencies, publishing houses and in any state-owned enterprises and private firms preferring to keep their own designer.

Important qualities

Developed artistic taste. Fashionable and volumetric thinking. Initiative, creativity, ingenuity. Feeling style. Visual memory. Involvement in modern culture.

Knowledge and skills

The ability to express your ideas in the chart (which is also often called the hand drawing). Knowledge of the history of the arts, design and their modern state. Ownership of specialized computer programs: Adobephotoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, etc.


The actor is a professional performer of diverse roles in performances, cinema, commercials, video clips.

Profession actor It is one of the most ancient. More shamans arranged ideas for the entire tribe. As an art, acting originated in ancient Greece and was considered a very prestigious occupation. However, medieval Europe found the actor of Besyskaya, and in Russia there was even dangerous actor. The church was pursued by the hypocrites, jesters, crochets. Church ministers could destroy musical instruments, and performers to beat or imprison. Only in the era of revival, the attitude towards the actuality has changed.

Acting art is constantly evolving. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the actors in the game prevailed the template, single-layerness of characters and types. The revolution in this profession was committed by the founder of Mkhat, director K. S. Stanislavsky (1863 - 1938). He is the creator of the famous actor system, the so-called Stanislavsky system, the purpose of which is to achieve the maximum psychological reliability of the game. Stanislavsky called on actors to feel what he feels the hero, to experience genuine experiences to transmit reliable emotions on the stage. For more than a hundred years, the famous Stanislavsky's acting system has enormous popularity in Russia and around the world, and the phrase of the director "I do not believe!" became a winged.

Currently, the actor profession is popular and desirable. Many manits fame, wealth and interesting life. However, few people understand how a terenist path to achieving their goal, and no one can guarantee that it is you will achieve success on this field. As many graduates of theatrical universities, but only a small percentage of them becomes well-known and highly paid. Young actors have to pierce their place under the sun, gradually earning fame. There are, of course, the lucky ones who have noticed, and they woke up unreasonable overnight. For them, it will gradually begin to come true that for which they studied and what they were striving for.

The basis of the acting skills is the principle of reincarnation. This reincarnation can be external and internal. In the first case, the actor uses makeup, costumes, masks, produces intonation, facial expressions, gestures. In the second case, the actor needs to reveal the spiritual world of his hero, show its character, pass the thoughts and experiences. The main goal of any actor is the emotional impact on the audience.

Necessary Professional Knowledge and Skills

v artistism, the ability to reincarnate, to fit into the image;

v knowledge of genre-role specificity;

v Ability to create an image according to the verbal description;

v knowledge of psychology (from the point of view of facial expressions, speech features, etc.);

v no fear of the scene, camera lens, viewers;

(v Availability of musical and choreographic skills;

v impeccable articulation;

v literary abilities;

v creativity, feeling of harmony, feeling of rhythm, developed aesthetic and artistic taste;

v possession of scenic chain (expressiveness, ability to natural communication with partners on the stage, the ability to attract the viewer);

v The desire for permanent professional improvement.

Personal qualities

v good memory;

v observation;

v hard work, performance;

v physical endurance, patient;

v skill and desire to work in a team;

v creativity;

v responsibility;

v abstract thinking;

v oratorical abilities;

v determination;

v confidence;

v endurance to emotional loads;

v Energy.

Pros profession

v interesting, creative profession;

v glory, popularity, folk love (when reached fame);

v tour, traveling;

v The ability to try yourself in the role of different people, with different professions, fate, to visit both positive and negative hero.

Cons profession

v The need to surrender the profession entirely (shooting, rehearsals occupy a large amount of time);

v The need is sometimes living on hiking conditions with the lack of necessary amenities;

v The acting profession is associated with the risk of injury (performing tricks);

v In addition to glory and success in the acting career, it may be a lull associated with the lack of invitations in performances or cinema.

Places of work

v theaters;

v film studio;

v television;

v Clipmaker firms;

v circus;

v companies engaged in event events.

Salary and Career

Usually actors begin their careers with participation in theatrical productions. The salary of the actor in this case is very small if it is actively involved in performances - a little more. In general, the income depends on the prestige of the theater and the number of performances in which the beginner actor takes part.

Professional actor can be filmed in cinema or serial. But this work is not constant, therefore the rest is relative. Rates for the participation of actors are very different, on average from 500 to 100,000 rubles per day, but the last figure is offered only to the well-known actors.


The actor training takes place in higher education institutions, secondary vocational or Studios schools. But it is possible to become a good actor only in the presence of talent, educational institutions will only turn it on, will guide the right track.

We live in such a diverse and interesting world where thousands of professions exist, choose anyone! Each young man closer to the end of the school thinks about what profession to choose for the future, what will be the most suitable for me? It is good to choose such a specialty so that the soul is glad and for the payment of labor do not need to worry. And the popular professions are immediately coming to the mind. What choice can we offer the modern world?

Professions related to creativity

It is impossible to understand the exact definition of the creative profession by definition. Very good different concept creativity. As a rule, this term is most often applied to the field of cultural property and art. Creative professions often combine technical activities, but are truly creative, such as, for example, a musician or artist.

In creative activity, an important skill is to creatively think and individually express any ideas. Finding atypical, non-standard solutions, to show a special approach in certain activities - this is the main task for a person who wants to be improved in the creative profession.

The name of the specialties is growing all the time and updated, because progress does not stand still. Copywriters and web designers, creatives and political scientists are the achievements of the newest time. Surprise and inspire, create something special and piece, new and unusual truly interesting and fascinating activities.

Periodically the media form a list of ratings of the most creative specialties. The most popular of these are designers animators and artists.

It is not always the topical creative specialty adequately paid. In this area, everything is individually and depends on the set of factors: Fame of name, demand for customers, the ability to sell their services or product of personal creativity, etc.

Choosing one of the creative areas of activity, the young man should be relying on his own inclinations. They can appear in childhood and well, if they have noticed them in time and allowed to develop them. The creative direction is following the path to which the soul calls.


Future creative personalities are different non-standard behavior and ingenuity. Often, such qualities interfere with the successful learning of the profession and there are reasons for it:

Feeling special and unique. I'm a creator. It makes it difficult to communicate with other people, society of such egocentrics perceives in the bayonets. Although it is necessary for the process of creativity.

Traditions in learning. As a rule, in our educational institutions teach logical algorithms, followed by any templates. At the same time, the student simply does not receive the skill of creative insight, the template does not provide a non-standard and individual approach to solving problems.

Lack of culture in society. Creative personality implies development not only for the selected specialty, but also a general development. A person must have not only knowledge in his direction of activity, he must have a wide range, constantly develop, interested in related areas of culture, to visit conservatory, theaters and museum complexes. Often, success in the creative profession depends on how interesting is interesting and versatile.

Gender distinction in thought

In the recent past there was division on women's and men's professions in the field of creativity. Creative professions for girls were limited to conventions. The types in society clearly distributed the roles: a hairdresser, a cook or makeup artist necessarily a woman, but a producer or director - a man. In the modern world of convention, the dividing borders erased exist and the face. We often see successful examples of men hairdressers and girls directing. Therefore, there are no special gender requirements for the profession.

Much more often allocate requirements for your creative qualities.Although sometimes it is difficult to appreciate everything:

  • Possession of special thinking, the ability to think non-standard.
  • Having a sense of style, the presence of taste.
  • The presence of imagination, creativity.
  • Aesthetics feeling.

Creative professions list

  1. Actor - Must be able to be at the same time, and reincarnate in another person, taking a new style of behavior with a new way that should feel and understand. Play the role on the basis of a new person who is unknown for him. To be able to show not only another appearance with the help of makeup and clothing, but also to show the viewer to the viewer and the style of behavior. In this case, everything should change: and motility, behavior manner, gait and speech.
  2. . Surprised direction. There are several varieties of this profession. Clothing, interior design, web design, landscape design. Very interesting specialty for the girl and no less complicated. Designing space, convenient for customer or user. It takes to understand what the person wants to use your design. The designer needs to understand the needs and requests of a modern person. This can help a wide range of and erudition, style and taste, the unusual of thinking. But the activity is truly very exciting - the designer is experimenting with form and color, has a shape of future products. Can build a model of an original design or layout in my head. Each person who places his dwelling is also a little designer. The correct selection of furniture and accessories decor can create a unique atmosphere of heat and comfort, which is pleasant to be, what is called favorable energy.
  3. Visagiste - Must see in an ordinary person personality and create a beautiful image of cosmetics. The makeup will require attentiveness, observation, knowledge of combinations of flowers in the type of appearance and the ability to competently handle the professional cosmetics. In essence, the makeup artist makes a good mood for the client, gives a feeling when a person like himself.
  4. Stylist Develops and offers the consumer an appearance. He must have an understanding of what style and clothing are most suitable for the human type. Guess its need and reveal new opportunities. A good stylist is able to surprise and puzzle greatly. In this profession, big space for creative thought.
  5. Makeup Makeup Master - Very in demand for all sorts of celebrations and holidays, every person in photographs wants to look attractive. A specialist in the field of make-up will help you to hide the disadvantages of appearance and emphasize the merits.
  6. Cosmetologist. Specialist in the field of beauty and attractiveness of the skin. It will help the client to choose a face care program suitable for skin type. Must be constantly aware of the novelties of skin care products. Knowledge in this profession should be not only in cosmetics, but also in medicine.
  7. Gallery employee - One of the newcomers and sought-after activities. The main requirement is good organizational abilities and a high degree of society. Must know styles and directions in art, possess a wide range and understand the needs of the client. Be able to advertise and sell the work of any author. The gallery is looking for sponsors, organizes exhibitions of art objects.
  8. Fashion designer Designs clothing design, creates new trends in the field of fashion industry. His task is not only the creation of a new clothing model, but also to competently design the pattern, pick up the texture of the material for the manufacture of the collection. Find a highlight, a beautiful decor, create an image not similar to anyone is an interesting and exciting occupation. There are varieties of clothing modeling - this is the simulation of shoes, fur products, accessories and much more.
  9. Multiplier Requires special perception of life, hobby in fabulous characters and unrestrained fantasy. The person who chosen this profession should have the ability of a three-dimensional vision of the picture, this specialty looks like a director when the Creator creates a new action.

Simple specialties that do not require training in the university

If you feel calling for creativity, you want to earn, but not ready to receive higher education, pay attention to the demanded creative professions:

Whatever creative specialty you choose, remember that it is always the development and search new. If you have the vital principle, of course, you are on the right track!