Kesha American singer musical works. Biography

Kesha American singer musical works. Biography
Kesha American singer musical works. Biography

In 2006, began his creative path of the singer from the US Kesha Rose Sechrt. Later, it will become popular under the creative name "Ke $ Ha". Real Glory came to the performer in 2009 with the release of the song "Tik Tok".

The singer was born on March 1, 1987 in the United States in the city of Los Angeles. If we talk about its anthropometric data, they look like this: growth - 1.7 m, weight - 59 kg.

Who was Kesha before it became popular.

It can be said that the singer went in the footsteps of his mother, as well as singer and the author of the texts. Father Kesch did not know, mother raised her one. The family was not easy to early. Pibie Piberta Mother should have been financially provided both daughter and Lagan's son. It affected the use of coupons for food and social benefits.
Further, the family turned his lucky chance to move to the staff of Tennessee. There Mother Kechi offered a contract. Often, Pibi took children with me at the recording studio. It has become a good help for a career of a future star. Quite often, mother and daughter together wrote something after studying Keschi.

What does it and what the Kesha is known

Quite fruitful was a length of time in 2006-2009. Then Kesha began to appear on television in various shows, as well as serials. Back-vocal was also recorded for the song of the famous pop diva Britney Spears. Plus, the Kesha was captured in Katie Parry.

All these opportunities for creative cooperation are explained by the old friendship of Keschi and Katty Parry. The true glory brought the Single Right Round, which was recorded along with Raper Flow Ride. In the future, a meeting was held with a famous producer and composer Lucas Gotlodland, more famous as Dr. Luke.

First success

At that time, the hatch was looking for a singer with a special voice chamber. So Kesha performed one of the parties in the song "She Doesn't Look Like A Tranny". The performer overwhelmed the joy from the success of this composition. In February 2009, this single acquired great fame and was accurate about 630 thousand times.
Without accepting the fee, Kesha, having a proud character, wanted to achieve success on his own. Then Dr. Luke helped the singer with the release of a new album. The new text, which was called Tik Tok, thundered in August 2009. So the singer Kesha received the status of a certain rock star.

Development of success

As soon as the song came out, she began to appear in the upper lines on the most famous European charts. Song downloaded more than 12,800,000 times. This has become a real success for the performer. A contract with the RCA Records label was signed, and in 2010 a debut album was released, with the support of Luke.
Kesha has created more than 200 songs for this album. His name has changed. At first it sounded like "Animal", then it was decided to replace the "CANNIBAL". He acquired the status of platinum in the United States and was discussing critics all over the world.

In total, the first album was created for more than 6 years. 2012 was marked by the release of "Warrior and Lipsha" albums. As previously, this was done in collaboration with Lyuko and producer Max Martin.

Relationship with family

In order to achieve large vertices in the work of the singer work a lot and tries to live in one place. Creativity and career are the main classes in the life of Kechi. She is in warm relationships with his mother. From time to time, in addition to communication, they can even cooperate.

Kesha Rose Sebert (eng. Kesha Rose Sebert, March 1, 1987), more famous for just Kesha (Kesha, stylized Ke $ Ha) - American singer. Despite the fact that her career began for 2006, the real success came to Keshe in early 2009 after her participation in the record of the popular single round round of the American Raper Flow Raid. The Debut Single of Keschi Tik Tok was released in August 2009. The output of the debut album Animal was held in 2010.

Kesha was born in Los Angeles and was brought up only by the mother of Pib Secht, who was also a singer and the author of many songs. She also engaged in the upbringing of the older brother Keshi, at that time their family was experiencing not the best financial situation. In 1991, Sebert family moved to Nashville, (Nashville), Tennessee, the legendary capital of the American Country. In local studios, the childhood of Kechi passed, at one time he was very surprised that other children rose in some other circumstances. At the age of 17, Kesha returns to Los Angeles to continue the musical career, in which it was convinced by Dr. Luke and Max Martin. Music material Keschi was so struck dr. Luke that he and Max Martin immediately offered her cooperation.

At the beginning of the path, Keshe had to be difficult, she earned a little and to reduce the ends with the ends, she had to work as a waitress, simultaneously recording in studios, cooperating with various producers and creating songs for other artists. One day, Kesha wanted to produce her music to make a prince. Bribeing the gardener, she penetrated his mansion and met with a musician personally. His bodyguards have twisted the cache from the house, but not earlier than she handed the prince his album.

In the period from 2006 to 2009, Kesha's music appeared in many television series and TV shows. At the same time, she participated in the creation of the Single "This Love" of the Australian group The Veronicas, and also wrote a backing vocal for the song "Lace and Leather" Britney Spears and starred in Katy Perry's video for the song "I Kissed a Girl". Such cooperation was made possible by the friendship of Kechi from Katy Perry and their frequent meetings in Los Angeles.

The main success came to the Keshe after her record in the single round round of the American Rapper Floa Raid. The song produced DR. Luke, he suggested Kesu Floault Ridea, when the latter decided that Singla lacks a female vocal. The result was so much like Floa Raid that he invited Kesh to work on the song "Touch Me" of the same album. However, Kesha did not take any money for his participation and refused to shoot in the Right Round clip, because I wanted to make it only at the expense of my forces. Soon it became known about signing a contract with RCA Records and that the producer of her debut album Animal will be Dr. Luke. In the US, the album came out on January 5, 2010, in Russia - January 25th. November 22, the reprint of Animal called Cannibal.

The composition "Tik Tok" became the most successful digital single in 2010. This is reported in the annual report of the International Shot Recording Industry Federation (IFPI). Over the past year, the Tik Tok track has a total of 12.8 million times.

Work on the material for the album was carried out six years. After an unsuccessful attempt to sign a contract with Lava Records and Atlantic Records labels in 2009, Kesha signed a contract with RCA Records through Dr. Luke. For the Album Kesha wrote 200 songs. He debuted from the first place in the Billboard 200 Charter. Animal became platinum in the USA, and received mixed feedback from musical critics. Rolling Stone magazine called the album "unpleasant and ridiculously catchy." Four singles were published from the album - Tik Tok, who set the sales record for the first week, "BlaH Blah Blah", which was recorded with 3oh! 3, "Your Love Is My Drug" and "Take It Off". Also on the song Backstabber was shot musical video.

Animal was reissued as a mini album. The reissue was called Cannibal, and Mignon was published due to the desire of Keschi to extend the sound of the album. CANNIBAL was published in two versions - a deluxe version containing animal album compositions and video clips on the song "Stephen", "Animal" and "Take IT Off" (K $ n "Friends Version). From the reissue of the cache chose" We R Who We R "And" Blow "singles, and" Sleazy "- promo-single.

Work on the album Warrior Kesha began in 2011 during his first tour Get Sleazy Tour. In an interview for V Magazine Kesha said that in most songs on the album there will be less than auto. The first single from Warrior was called "Die Young" and was published on September 25, 2012. In contrast to the debut album, Warrior will contain rock compositions inspired by the music of the 1970s. Kesha declared his love for rock music and is going to include it in the album.

Musical inspirers of Kesha called rock performers of the 1970s, such as: LED Zeppelin, AC / DC, Iggy Pop ..

Kesha - singer from slums. The young performer, in the literal sense of the word, was able to get out of the dirt in the prince.

Biography of the singer Kechi.

Kesha was born on March 1, 1987 in one of the megacities of America, namely, in the city of hopes and desires, Los Angeles

According to the documents, the singer is the last name of his mother - seboard, and simply signs "Ke $ HA" stylized and does not force the fans to "familiarize".

Kesha and her elder brother brought up exclusively by her mother. Even becoming the famous, the singer Kesha does not mention his father, and with his mother supports the most warm relationship.

A fragile lonely woman was very difficult to survive with two young children on an expensive city for life, so seders moved to the small town of Tennessee. There, the mother of the future singer concluded a contract with one of the record studios - Pib Selert wrote lyrics for other performers.

Almost all Kechi's childhood took place at work at Mom. Each time, coming into these stuffy and smoked studios, the little cache dreamed of becoming a singer.

Like all American children, a small cache received an education in a secondary school. After lessons, the future star went to music.

At the 17th age, Kesha finally understood that in Nashville, the musical career she definitely did not shine. Determining and ambitious Kesha throws school and returns to Native Los Angeles. The girl does not cease to hope that it will still be able to become a super star.

Thorny path to glory

The success story of Keschi is not so colorful. Arriving at the megapolis, the young girl quickly realized - you will not be filled with one talent. Therefore, Kesha, without any constraint, took the position of waitress in one of the city cafes. In his free time, Kesha was looking for new acquaintances and adjusted contacts with producers.

Once, waking up in the morning, Kesha for some reason decided that she wanted to entrust the release of her first record not to someone, and the most prince was an outstanding American singer and producer.

Bold beauty decided to visit the producer right in his mansion. By paying a gardener $ 5, she secured an easy passage to the territory of the house of the star. Entering the house through a black move, Kesha rose to the second floor, where the recording studio was located. Of course, as soon as the future singer noticed, she immediately brought security. However, Kesha miraculously managed to leave a disc with his entries in the Prince House.

The desperate operation failed, the singer waited for a call from the producer, but it did not follow it.

Immediately go to a big scene and the cache could not sing for the honorable public, and she decided that it was necessary to achieve dreams in other ways. The girl goes to conquer television.

Filming in television shows and serials brought more useful dating. At the shooting of the Katie Parry clip, the beginning of the singer Kesha and the star of modern pop music was strongly attached to each other, friendship began between girls.

Soon, Kesche began to receive many proposals for cooperation - Katy Perry perfectly tried to a girlfriend.

In 2009, Kesha records a single in a duet with Raper Flower Ride. Immediately after the presentation of the track, Kesha felt the first splash of fame and popularity. By the way, during the recording of this song, another pleasant and fateful acquaintance with the famous Dr. Lyuk. The girl struck the hatch with her unique voice challenge.

"At that time I was catastrophically needed just such a performer. I invited many girls for listening, but I didn't find any of them what I found in Keshe, "Dr. Luke recalls.

In the summer of 2009, the song of the singer Kesha "Tik Tok" comes out. After the presentation of the single, the girl finally secured the status of a rock star. This song was very successful: the first lines of the charts, millions of downloads and sales.

After such a stunning success, RCA Records offers a cache to conclude a contract. Already in 2010, the singer produces its first solo album. It is worth noting that the first plate of Keschi was repeatedly reprinted and edited, a total of about 6 years left for the creation of a "ideal album". The work of the singer and its producers was justified - the record received the status of platinum, and the songs from the album were long-time discussion for critics from around the world.

A couple of years ago, the singer presented another album with the warrior name "Warrior and Lipsha".

Singer Kesha today

Keshe's personal life is absolutely no time to do. Having achieved, finally, his dreams, the girl does not stop and completely devotes himself to music.

"I just don't have time for empty novels, but the real love is still ahead," Kesha is sure.

The singer tries not to spread even about the love relations of the past. Although, some details of the privacy of the star still can be found in the autobiographical picture "My crazy beautiful life", the trailer of which Kesha recently recently introduced a wide circle of spectators.

It is concerned that the autobiography film will show the singer on the other hand and convince others in the seriousness of Keschi. But while the film is still in the process of creating, the singer continues to stitch: quite recently, the booty kesha, following the example of many Hollywood stars, appeared before lenses of the camera with ... with a gold-colored iron crown. True, it is still unknown, the present Gold is wearing a cache in the mouth ...

Video clip on the song Singer Kechi "Die Young"

American singer, the full name of which Kesha Rose Sebert (Kesha), Born March 1, 1987. years in Los Angeles. Childhood passed without a father, the mother was a singer and the author of the songs, and also brought up her older brother, and there was no financial well-being in this family. Since the girl was talented, all childhood passed in recording studios, which was not in vain.

The first time the deushka wrote songs for other artists, and worked as a waitress. But everything decided to bold the girl. She dreamed of produced her PrinceTo do this, she was able to bribe the gardener, get into his house, stumble past the guards, and meet personally with the singer. True, she was still thrown away, nevertheless, she managed to leave her album. It became a guarantee of success.

Perhaps you did not guessed but the music of Kechi appears in many television series and shows, during the period from 2006 to 2009. However, Glory came with the release of the single " Right Round"Raper Flower Raida and Kesha participated in it with her interesting female vocal. Floa Ryad admired the girl's voice and invited her to work on the next track of the same album" Touch Me."However, she refused to take up in both clips, and did not take a penny of money, thereby giving it to understand that he wanted to break through. And she succeeded.

January 5, 2010 it comes out of her debut solo album " Animal"However, on November 22, the album was reprinted under the name" Cannibal".

Kesha, song "Tik Tok", video

The young American singer Kesha (full name - Kesha Rose Sech) was born in California, in the city of Los Angeles. The date of birth of the singer Kechi is the first of March 1987 (03/01/1987). The popularity of Keshe came after recording in 2009, Right Round, which released Raper Flow Ryde. The first single Kechi came out in the same year and was called "Tik Tok", and a year later, her first music album "Animal" came out.

Kesu as a child brought up her mother, Pib Sebert, who herself was the author and performer of the songs. In addition to Kechi, her elder brother was in the family. At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, the Keshi family moved to the American state of Tennessee, the city of Nashville, who is the capital of the state and, moreover, the capital of the country's musical style, so popular in the United States. Kesha practically increased in local musical studios, and in 2003 he decided to return to Los Angeles to seriously engage in his musical career.

Keshe's cooperation was offered a well-known American producer and composer Lukash Gotald, who is more famous for the nicknamed Dr.LUKE for his resemblance to the hero of the famous television series "Dr. House", and Swedish producer Max Martin, nominated for the Grammy Prize.

At the beginning of his creative career, Keshe had to work in several works, she recorded songs, wrote songs for other performers, worked in a restaurant waitress. Dreaming about cooperation with Prince himself, Kesha secretly penetrated his house and until she grabbed her artist's bodyguards, the singer had time to give him a disk with his songs.

In the middle of the two thousand years, Kesha wrote music for TV shows and television shows, participated in the music recordings of various performers: The Veronicas ("This Love"), Britney Spears ("Lace and Leather"), ("I Kissed a Girl").

But, as we have already mentioned above, real fame to the girl came after her work on the single of the musician Floa Right Round. Reiper suggested Kesh Dr.Luke, he produced a song. Dr. Luke performed the producer of the Debut Album Keschi "Animal", which was released in January 2010. In November of the same year, the disc was reprinted under the name "CANNIBAL"

In 2010, the song of Keschi Tik Tok became the most popular composition of the year, only 13 million times were downloaded through the Internet.

The Album Keschi "Animal" became Platinum in the USA. In 2011, Kesha held GET Sleazy Tour.
In 2012, the second album of the Keschi "Warrior" ("Warrior") was released. Above the album, producers Dr.LUKE and Max Martin, as well as the soloist of the Flaming Lips Music Group, Wayne Koin. Simultaneous with the release of the Album Kesha published the book My Crazy Beautiful Life ("My crazy beautiful life") and the autobiographical film "KE $ HA".