Olga Buzova and Timur Batrutdinov are found: photos from a joint recreation. Timur Batrutdinov, Eldj and Guf: Who else can make a company Olga Buzova on vacation in Thailand "Let loyally refers to a career"

Olga Buzova and Timur Batrutdinov are found: photos from a joint recreation. Timur Batrutdinov, Eldj and Guf: Who else can make a company Olga Buzova on vacation in Thailand
Olga Buzova and Timur Batrutdinov are found: photos from a joint recreation. Timur Batrutdinov, Eldj and Guf: Who else can make a company Olga Buzova on vacation in Thailand "Let loyally refers to a career"

Backing up these guesses.

After all, many believed that unexpectedly spent marriage means a quick replenishment in the family. And now, the other day, Anastasia was spotted in one of the medical centers of Moscow. According to available information, the girl visited the Uzi Cabinet and is already registered in the female consultation.

Hardly, Olga Buzova pleases such a rapid development of the relations of its former. She recently made recognition to their Follovers, what dreams of her daughter.

Now 31-year-old leading rests in Thailand. At first, with whom she spends time there, it was unknown, but, the other day, she opened a mystery - quite by chance for his vacation the same Asian country chose Timur Batrutdinov.

Recall that the Comedy Club resident in early December reported that he would soon lose a bachelor's status. The fact is that at the request of Timur, they with Buzovoy form a family, if in the near future they won't get the second halves.

Fans of the TV presenter believe that the rapid development of the relationship of her ex-husband with Anastasia, pushed the girl to such an agreement with Batrutdinov. Now instagram Buzova Pottit not only by her photos in swimsuits, but also joint frames with Timur against the background of Sun Thailand.

Olga Buzova in a swimsuit

By the way, a few minutes ago, Storky Olga replenished another video.

On him she plays with monkeys and, suddenly, one of them jumps and scares the singer. And here he comes to the rescue - the man of her dreams Timur.

According to Olga fans, she has a new novel.
As it turned out, recently, the singer perfectly spent time with Timur Batrutdinov in Thailand. Numerous joint photos made it clear that the novel is tied between young people.

Olga Buzova with whom actually resting, Timur Batrutdinov admitted his post in Instagram

According to Timur, they accidentally ended up in one of the most romantic places in the world and that they really do not look badly. He also mentioned the constant surveillance for their person:
"Cameras everywhere, two of which are our. The whole country is watching. "
Really so it is. The whole country was wondering that there was between a pair and how far this intrigue would go.
We need to pay tribute to Buzova, she really knows how to hay.
It was worth only to scream about his novel with a singer, as the number of viewers in Instagram, Timur Batrutdinova increased by 600 thousand and 400 thousand from Olga.

Olga Buzova with whom actually resting, friendship with Timur Batrutdinov

After returning from the resort, the singer denied all the rumors. According to Olga, they are just good friends with one of the most popular bachelor of the country - Timur Batrutdinov. Although their joint photos talk about back, and the tender comments under the posts in the showman's microblog are evidence. Not to mention a chic gift from a young man who he was presenting Olga on her birthday.
In the most important for singer, her day came to congratulate the real elephant. It is unlikely that someone will make such gifts just like that. Everything else, Timur recently stated that their friendship with Olga continues for more than 13 years, but now she is on the verge.

Olga Buzova with whom actually resting, what happens between young people now

At the moment there will be such an opinion, Olga simply leads an uncomfortable game, wanting to pump his ex-husband - Dmitry Tarasov. Most recently, he married again, it clearly hurt Olga Buzov. Under one of the posts, she encrypted the appeal to the ex-husband in the poem of I. Berr.

"What a pity that your existence has become for me, did not make my existence for you. Once again on the old wasteland, I launch my copper gross in a wire space, crowned with a coat of arms, in a desperate attempt to exalt the moment of the connection ... Alas, to someone who is not able to replace the whole world, usually remains to turn a pinch-like phone disk as a table on a spiritual session, As long as the ghost will not answer echo the last screams of the buzzer in the night, "the singer of the classics quoted.

After that, the view was that the singer is just trying to forget in the arms of a strict friend Timur Batrutdinov.

"I confess: I'm in love"

You again poured oil into the fire, "by chance" being on vacation along with Timur Batrutdinov.

I met Tim more than 14 years ago, when I was a member of the "House-2" and I was invited to Comedy Club as guest. I confess, in love with His sense of humor. Cool when a person can laugh. Timur is worthwhile to the family - we are like this. I was very glad to see him in Thailand, spending time together.

Are you not afraid that friendship will turn into love?

Yes, everything can be ... But now another man is caressing for me, and I'm thinking of answering him with reciprocity, because the heart has already flawed, and the pain almost passed. Girlfriends at the celebration of the birthday asked whether I was ready to change on the personal front. If earlier he said that I live only with work, then for the first time in a long time I answered "yes"!

You, by the way, notify the first year abroad. Why flew out again? Wanted to escape?

Honestly, this is the tradition. And I have long wanted to get to Thailand - roll on the beach and swim a lot. And the girls also liked the option, the place was chosen together. I called Janu, an assistant on the brand Olga Buzova Design, sister Anyu and the best friend Olya.

Fans tormented the question: how many swimsuits did you take on vacation?

Very much - no less than 30! I had a separate suitcase for them. Women will understand. Every day I changed swimsuits, sometimes two or three times. Especially this is the first full-fledged vacation in two years. Dreamed of him and brought a bunch of everything to break away to the full coil! Of course, I flew to Dubai, Kemer, Marbella, but exclusively at work - with tour. It was able to lie on the chaise lounge, but only a couple of hours before the concert.

Girls presented a diamond, a living elephant! Even withdrew about you the documentary film "Girl of the Year" ... And what would you wish to yourself?

In 2018, the purchase of an apartment was added to the list of purposes. It's time to think about your own housing. I see about what it should be. Soon you will consider options. Of course, it would be nice to get a cottage in the suburbs and a house in Spain for mommy. I want to wish myself more strength, because there are a lot of plans. Arriving from the rest, immediately began to prepare for the shooting of the video on the song Wi-Fi. Soon the tour in Russia will continue, then go on tour in the USA and Europe. And I also dream to meet new love.

"I do what I want"

You already have a marriage experience. What kind of man see next?

Always highlighted the mind, loyalty, sense of humor and devotion in people. It is impossible to live with a person who is trying to be good for everyone, and there is nasty behind his back. My chosen one should be able to support in a difficult moment.

Well, if he asked to leave "House-2", how do you do?

I have already refused a lot at one time. Stop! I do not need a loved one who constantly prohibits everything. Let loyally refer to the career, because it is immediately clear, in what chart I exist. You either take it or not. But at the same time I adore shared breakfasts and dinners. I like to cook for my man.

According to the figure and do not say that you are in the kitchen! Due to the secret of harmony.

Honestly, I love healthy food. I adore soups, cutlets for a couple, Greek salad and seafood. To sweet and bells indifferent. The only thing I can not deny yourself in tea with honey or raspberry jam. And the second weakness - sausage. I try less it, but it does not work yet. And for another 3-4 hours a day I dance.


Even in early December, Olga Buzova collaborated with the famous bachelor Timur Batrutdinov, removing the New Year's show for the TNT channel. There, humorist and singer, hinting at what they are in a romantic relationship with each other. Timur even promised that because it was already tired of being alone.


Then their secret romance burly discussed on the net, but eventually came to the conclusion that it was still only a successful joke. And now the couple has submitted a new reason for woven and perekov. It turns out that Olga Buzova is resting at Timur Batrutdinova in Tamura. The couple reported on their joint pastime, with the help of a standard statement that there is absolutely nothing among them.

"Dear friends, girls, do not worry. Well, what Olga Buzova, we just photographed. I do not associate anything with this girl- Timur addresses to subscribers when Olga unexpectedly appears in the frame. The girl in a joke asks to smear her cream from the sun and capture watermelon, thereby posing a lot of pushing network users.

After the singer, he published joint photos with Timur, allowing you to discuss rumors and gossip about their novel again. The intrigued fans once again discussed everything and against such a union, asking the question that they make two famous lonely stars in one resort. No clear explanations of the situation, the disappointment of the audience, from Olga and Timur has not yet been received.


"It's not clear that PR"

"Class, you look supest, and his sense of humor is excellent, you will not get bored with him"

"No, I understand everything, jokes jokes. But what do you do in one resort? "

"So together or not? For me, the perfect couple. Well, at least with him she will leave his nurses and will be suitable "

"That's the news. And Timur how did you get there? "

"And you look! But it is better to be a call with Phillip. "

"In my opinion, either they are perfect steam, or just Haip, but better that they were already married, and then both bachelor"

"Even I confused completely. These jokes are no longer jokes. "

Assumptions were also made that such a behavior of Olga is a response to a recent wedding of her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasova and the model of Anastasia Kostenko. Buzova, without restraining ironic hints. However, such a demonstration of feelings has appeared insufficient.

This year, Thailand has become the most popular destination for celebrities. We tell who now spends vacation in these parts.

Photo: Dr.

In the last night in the network only conversations, which is about the possible novel of Olga Buzova and Timur Batrutdinov. We carefully studied Instagram-ribbon and found out who else could make a TV presenter on vacation.

It seems that we understood why Thailand chose from a variety of destinations for traveling Olga Buzova: it was there that now resting her numerous star colleagues, including from the TV channel TNT.

So, for example, yesterday TV presenter rested with the Comedy Club resident Timur Batrutdinov. Celebrities swam on a yacht and watched exotic fish on one of the islands.

Joint stars in social networks and provocative videos, hinting at close relations between them, provoked a wave of discussion on the network. And considering the fact that several weeks earlier, Olga and Timur noted in a joke that if they would not find their half in the near future, they would marry, follow the development of their relationship it became even more interesting.


After a walk on Olga's yacht and Timur went to one of the local clubs, where, as if by chance, the author of the "Minimal" track and the artist of the main hit of the last summer "Pink Wine" Elder is met. In the commentary to a joint shot with Raper Buzova wrote that there is some connection between them, noting that Eldja is cool. Olga did not forget about himself: the picture also accompanies Hosteg # Dadadaysky

In Thailand, the tightened New Year holidays spends both Guf. Alexey flew to rest on the eve of the New Year with his parents. The other day, a joint shot with Timur Batrutdinov appeared in his instagram. In the light of the latest events, fans suggested that the next frame will be a photo with Olga Buzova.

Stas Pieha

After the social networks of Stas Piekhi began to appear photographs from the same basin, which demonstrated Olga Buzova's name, fans attacked singer questions about who he spends time on vacation. The artist did not take advantage and admitted that they were resting on the neighboring villas and had not been crossed yet. Well, everything is ahead.

Anna Khilkevich

So coincided that another representative of the TNT channel Anna Hilkevich with her husband and daughter flew with Olga Buzova in Thailand in one plane, from which stars fans concluded that they plan to spend their vacation together. However, in Instagram Anna while only touching family pictures with daughter appear. Perhaps celebrities have not yet managed to agree on the meeting.

Irina Dubtsova

A Post Shared by Irina Dubtsova (@Dubtsova_Official) on Jan 12, 2018 at 10:53 PM PST

Sunny pictures from Thailand is divided with fans and singer Irina Dubtsov, who spends his holidays along with the son of Artem. In 2017, Irina and Olga were very saddled, so it would not be surprised if the friends wanted to spend the rest of the vacation together.


Unlike star colleagues, TV presenter Aurora has been in Thailand for more than a week. The famous blonde rests in an hour of a ferry ride from Samui, where Irina Dubtsova spends his holidays. With Olga Buzova Aurora, it is hardly plans to meet, but who knows, at what parties a girl can cross.