Franz Kafka - biography - the current and creative way. Biography Franz Kafki Franz Kafka, bibliography

Franz Kafka - biography - the current and creative way. Biography Franz Kafki Franz Kafka, bibliography
Franz Kafka - biography - the current and creative way. Biography Franz Kafki Franz Kafka, bibliography

Franz Kafka

To better realize the essence of the product of the Kafka "Reincarnation", you need to know the actual path of the creator itself. Only detailed awareness of the biography of Franz Kafki will better realize the disclosure of the fate of a "little man" in society through the work of "reincarnation". Often, the fantasticity of the work distracts inexperienced readers from the essence of the work, but for those who really honor the philosophical depths of Kafka's creativity, this work will be quite fascinating and mentoring. But before seeing the work itself, its features, it is necessary to refer to the biography of F. Kafki.

Kafka - Austrian writer, Prazhanin. The house, where he was born in 1883, is located in one of the narrow alleys leading to the merchandise of the Saint Witt Cathedral. The connection of the writer with the city is magical and full contradictions. Love-hatred is comparable, unless he experienced a bourgeois, he was out of his poverty and did not understand his own excellent offspring.
In some way between the promotion wisdom of Yaroslav Gashek, that he gave rise to Sewing, and the catastrophic fantasy of Franz Kafki, the creator of Gregor - the Hero of Novels "Reincarnation," - is the mentality of Prazhan, who survived the centuries under Germany and Austria, and the years of fascist occupation, and decades in The arms of the "older brother".

In the current free, rapidly growing, European prague, which lures tourists from all over the world, Franz Kafka became one of the cult figures. It is also on book counters, and in the writings of institute scientists, and on souvenir T-shirts, which Boyko lead trading on Wenceslas Square. Here he competes and president Gavel and brave fighter Schwekch.

It is worth seeing that not only the Bolsheviks, right behind Mayakovsky, embodied the names of their own addresses, artists, writers in steamers and lines. If not a liner, then the express is called the name of Angora "Reincarnation". By the way, and in the capital of Bavaria there is Kafka Street.

Creativity and the name of Franz Kafka are quite popular in the West. In almost all the works of foreign writers, it is easy to identify the motives and images that are inspired by the works of Kafki, it affected not only on the painters who belonged to the literary avant-garde. Kafka belongs to those writers, to realize and explain which is not so easy.
Franz Kafka was born in the family of Prague Jew, the wholesale merchant by haberdashery products, in Prague (1883), the landscaping of the family evenly grew up, but the cases from the Nutri family remained with all this in the world of dark meshness, where all interests focused on "business", where Mom Wordless, and his father boas the humiliation and adversities, which he was subjected to to be embarrassed into people. And in this black and stale world, the writer was born not only fragile and weak on the physical level, and even sensitive to any manifestation of injustice, disrespect, rudeness and pegs. The writer in 1901 enters the Prague Institute, initially examines chemistry and germanics, then jurisprudence. After graduating from the Institute, it works in court, the insurance office where it works almost until the end of life.

The works of kafka are sufficiently shaped, metaphorical. His little essay "Reincarnation", "Process" novels, "Castle" - this is all the surrounding reality in the eyes of the poet, the then society.

During the lifetime of F. Kafki said light such books: "Contemplation" (1913), "Kochegar" (1913), "Reincarnation" (1915), "Verdict" (1916), "Rural Doctor" (1919), "starvary" ( 1924).

The main works were published after the death of the writer. In the middle of their "process" (1925), "Castle" (1926), "America" \u200b\u200b(1927).

The works of Kafka reincarnated into mental bestsellers. There are various prerequisites for such popularity: the clarity of the confirmation of the old centance, which is imposed: "We are born to make the kafku the past," he is unlikely to clarify everything to the end. As you did not try to represent Kafki Creator Brad, which reigned in the world, such reading is only one of the edges of his creative feature: meaningful, but not determining. It can be seen from the diaries.

Diaries in general, a lot of things are adjusted in the prevailing ideas "that own resistance turned the kafku if not a sign, then an important name with a certain set of notations. Feeling that the records that were made by the kafka only, the time is very not responding with the judgment about him, which became unconditional for the mass consciousness, the debris and the 1st biographer of the writer Max Brother did not rush to their publication. The 1st assembly appeared only 10 years after two famous novels were written, and right behind this and "America".

Kafka in life seemed unsure within himself, exhausted doubts about his own literary and human consistency. What feelings would have experienced Kafka if he happened to live before the days of the delay of glory? Most likely a nightmare - diaries, in which it is frank, as anywhere else, make such an assumption almost indisputable. After all, the kafka is always thought about both about the phenomenon, and not even so much literary, how many social, because the word "Kafkiansky" becomes everything - the definition, treats absurdity, going to know, because someone is understandable from his own sad experience - and books This Prague izgoy is beginning to be perceived as some whitening allowance for someone who studies the mechanics of full either bureaucratic outcast of a catastrophic alogombism, everyday life.

But he did not want to be "phenomenon." He understood himself as a representative figure, as he never felt this involvement in such a way that others were striking. Discrepancy with them, painful invisible barriers - here is the subject of more painful thinking that diaries are overwhelmed for 13 years that the kafka led them by turning the last page in June 1923, the least than a month before dying.

These arguments are almost constantly constantly carrying the form of bitter reproaches to themselves. "I am divided from all things an empty place, through the borders of which I do not even strive to break through," something in such a spirit repeats again and again. It is clear how hard kafka has worried his own heart paralysis, as in most cases it calls it indifference, which does not leave "even clicks to doubt either faith, for love disgust or for courage or horror before something defined."

The latter refinement is highly fundamental: indifference was not insensitive. It was only a consequence of a special mental state, which did not allow the kafka to feel like something harsh and principled for him all that not enough certainty and significance in the eyes of the medium. Whether it is about the career, about the marriage prospects ("if I live to forty years old, then you probably marry an old chick in advance, not covered with the upper lip teeth"), even about the world war, which began - he wondered in his own way, I understand perfectly well that this personality of thought and feelings only increases his endless loneliness and that they do not fix anything here. "What a breathtaking world is crowded in my head! But how can I get rid of him and free it, without breaking? "

Cattering has tried to explain more than such liberation many times, as in the same account of 1913 it is said that it is very necessary to get rid of the chimer who have been learned by consciousness "for that I live in the world." But if there was a trouble attempted to the kafka for the Kafka, there was a trouble, because the readers of the diaries can be seen very true - no sublimation came out: the complexes, irritation, horrors only intensified in the kafki with each year, and the tonality of records were made only more dramatic. Although no surrender was. Just every year Kafka became more and more convinced that with all his own human essence he, on the background of the surrounding, the other, that it exists like in another dimension, in another system of concepts. And that this, in fact, is the main plot of his life - means his prose too.

He is really another in everything, right to the smallest detail, in other words, if you look closely, nothing brings him closer and does not relate at least with those who played a huge role in his fate, like the same Brod, Felitsa Bauer, Czech journalist Milena Esensk, With which there were two engagement, both are torn. A languid situation that consolidates the attacks of disgusting for themselves at the Kafka or an integrity feeling of complete hopelessness. He tries to fight with him, tries to take himself in his hands, but such moods take themselves so much that there are no protection from them. Then there are records that are melted for themselves, like this, regarding October 1921: "All - Illusion: Family, Service, Friends, Street; All - fantasy, more or less close, and spouse - fantasy; Blezing is true solely that you beat your head about the wall of the camera, in which there are no windows or doors.

About Kafka write as an alienation analyst, which affected all the human relationship in the then life, as a writer, endowed with a special gift of images of various social deformation, as a "pessimistic conformist", which for some reason, opposed terrible phantoms, which was more realistic What is the visible opportunity, as about Prosaik, who has always felt the face between the breathtaking and what he knows. Everything is true, and, but, does not disappear, which is separate, albeit very substantial, is taken for the entity. Until the keyword, interpretation, even the most inventive, which is based on experienced facts, will still look missing. Either by the latter, they miss something primitive principled.

The word said Kafka himself, while many times: this word is loneliness, and what is absolute, "what can only be called Russian" in his diaries, it is often replaced by synonyms, and Kafka says about a newly experienced unbearable state when it becomes languid at least What communication, about mastering your own immunity on the misfortune, that everywhere he always feels a stranger. But, in fact, the same invisible camera without windows and doors is described, all the same "head about the wall", which becomes no longer relevant, and metaphysical reality. She recalls about himself and in thunderstorms, in circumstances, and the diary records it with unparalleled readings.

There were years when Kafka did only fragmentary records, and 1918 is missing in general (as typically! After all, it was the year of the end of the war, the crash of Austria-Hungary, the German Revolution - so many events, but they seemed to be hit the kafki. He has no own The countdown of time that for myself is not able to weaken nor to strengthen it for a long time to all historical shakes familiar to him that life, by the last extent, is in fact, the tragedy is a feeling of "solid insolvency"). He could forever remove his notebook from the table, but still knew that the diary would not leave: "I have to keep myself here, because only here it succeeds."

But, it seems, solely in the diaries, in the free collages of sketches, fragments, on the hottest traces of recorded dreams, literary and theatrical memories, intermitted by bitter reflections on their own real and future, is exclusively in a book that never fate was to become a book, so completed And the image of the kafki reliably embodied. That is why, knowing how much meaning for the literature of novels and novels, the most significant text of the kafka, for sure, is really worth named the diaries, where any page is filled with something necessary and delighting complements the story about the writer, whose life was also a work, Compiled such important narration in the history of modernity.

Pretty extensive well-known literary work F. Kafka has his diaries, which should not get into the hands of third-party readers. But fate ordered so that they were left after the death of the writer.
From the whole heap of diaries, he is not enough to read. But the less you delve into the diary kafka, the better you understand that this is specifically his diary. An alarmed idea despair in Austria-Hungary, who was subject to the Jew, Franz Kafka. This mixture itself may be alarming! Kafka, despite the fact that the Czechs considered him for the Germans, since he wrote specifically in this language, the Germans for Czech, - conflicted with his people. This is the greatest catastrophe. A man with born state features, with dignity, but without the refuge of the Motherland. Already the 2nd reason "terrible" Kafkian diaries - family. Father, who from the artisan of a family is an influential manufacturer, forced the offspring to go behind him. Here, in the diary, the splitness appears in the use of the word "work". The main Kafka considered his letter. But love for dad, horror to hurt him pain (like moms, like a beloved girl), causes even greater tragedy. In the first case, with dad, he cannot but obey the crying of blood, in the other - it does not have the right to betray his own giving, and later the pain of Milena. His life was held on terrible gaps: with lover, with relatives, with loved ones. And in this sense, the diary of Kafka is a specific diary, as it is intimate and incomprehensible. Then the conversation is right here with the invisibility, which gives him mysterious dreams. It does not fluctuate in their vanity. But this viciousness is designed only for it, locked in the kafka itself. He painfully feels around his vacuum, emptiness of life. He resortes to a gigantic sample to build his workshop, which is completed by defeat. And he himself recognizes her in the will, having gone that all his works will be destroyed by death. Kafka realized that he was only an instrument in the hands of the Lord God. But stubbornly, like that beetle, I tried to dig up, get out of human habits: On the pages, it lists the boring plays of other people's creators, other people's stories, household scenes, tangled with his new works. From the diary, from his pages often dense voids, boring monologues of their own sores.

There is still a big slaughter ahead. 1st large-scale meat grinder. Ahead of Dreifus. Jewry begins to go to the world arena more confidently, the Jews occupy the highest official posts, but there remains an unresolved problem of "ghetto": if you live in a Christian state, you must be aware of the latter, for which the principles are developing society. Jew Franz Kafka tried to dissection, understand society with a foreign culture for him. He was not a bandwidth in Jewish families as Sholom Aleichem. Kafka, to avoid a curse, goes into dreams, lives with dreams. Silver huge mirrors, where from time to time the writer with fear sides the face of Satan. His hesitations between faith in God and purely applied faith in art. For kafka night - time is sweet horror, in which he can retire; That nightmare horror: in front of the writer empty sheets of paper, flour, pain. But this is not the flour of creativity. This is faster than the flour of visible. His prophetic visions are very petty, to qualify for a prophet loop. The "prediction" of the kafki is that he concentrated only for himself. It is surprising that his foggy kingdoms, castles in several 10 years will taucm a malicious rag of totalitarian regimes. His doubts, oscillations remind the priest before the service. Cleaning Ablution. Sermon. But often Kafka fears to preach - in this its advantage, and not a mistake, as many of his researchers think. His Scriptures are the contemplation of Mass a small Jewish worker who tries to realize that in that other, Christian, the world is happening.

The Great Austrian Writer died in 1924. Buried in Prague. Its creativity and to this day remains burning, fascinating and not open. Each reader finds something in his works. Principled, unique ...

The biography of Franz Kafka is not saturated with events that attract the attention of the writers of the current generation. The Great Writer lived quite monotonous and short life. At the same time, Franz was a figure of a strange and mysterious, and many secrets inherent in this master of the pen, excitement of the minds of readers to this day. Although the books of Kafki are a great literary heritage, in life the writer did not receive recognition and glory and did not recognize what real triumph is.

Shortly before his death, Franz bequeathed to the best friend - journalist Max Brod - burn the manuscript, but the ferrod, knowing that in the future every word kafki would be valued for the weight of gold, dried up the last will of the buddy. Thanks to Max Creation, Franz saw the light and had a tremendous effect on the literature of the 20th century. The works of Kafki, such as Labyrinth, "America", "Angels do not fly", "Castle", etc., are required to read in higher educational institutions.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born the firstborn on July 3, 1883 in the large economic and cultural center of the Multinational Austro-Hungarian Empire - the city of Prague (now the Czech Republic). At that time, the empire was inhabited by Jews, the Czechs and the Germans, who, living side by side, could not peacefully coexist each other, so in the cities reigned the depressed mood and sometimes anti-Semitic phenomena were traced. The kafku did not worry political issues and interethnic patterns, but the future writer felt elected to the side of life: social phenomena and the emerging xenophobia left a mark on his character and consciousness.

Also on the identity of Franz influenced parents: being a child, he did not get love of his father and felt his burden in the house. Franz Ros and brought up in a small quarter of Josephs in a German-speaking family of Jewish origin. The Father of the Writer - Herman Kafka - was the merchant of Middle Hand, retail traded clothes and other haberdashery goods. Mother of the writer Julia Kafka took place from a noble kind of prosperous brewer Jacob Levi and was a highly educated young lady.

Also, Franz had three sisters (two younger brothers died in early childhood without reaching two years). While the head of the family disappeared in the cloth shop, and Julia watched the girls, the young Kafka was granted to himself. Then, in order to dilute the gray linen of life with bright colors, Franz began to invent small stories, which, however, did not interest anyone. The head of the family influenced the formation of literary lines and on the nature of the future writer. Compared to a two-meter man who also had a bass voice, Franz felt his plebem. This feeling of physical inferiority pursued kafku throughout his life.

Kafka-senior saw in the successor of the business heir, but a closed, shy boy did not comply with the requirements of the Father. Herman used harsh education methods. In a written parent writing, which did not come to the addressee, Franz recalled how night was put on a cold and dark balcony due to the fact that he asked water. This childhood insult caused a sense of injustice in the writer:

"After years, I still suffered from the painful idea, like a huge man, my father, the highest instance, almost without any reason - at night, can come to me, pull out the bed and take it on the balcony - that means that I was for Him, "the memories of Kafka shared.

From 1889 to 1893, the future writer studied at elementary school, then entered the gymnasium. As a student, a young man participated in university amateur activities and organized theatrical performances. After receiving the certificate of maturity, Franz accepted the University of Faculty of Faculty of Karlov. In 1906, Kafka received a doctoral degree right. The head of the scientific work of the writer was the German sociologist and economist.


Franz Kafka considered literary activities the main goal in life, although he was considered a high-ranking official in the insurance office. Due to the disease, Kafka retired before the time. The author of the Process was a hardworking worker and was highly appreciated by the boss, but Franz hated this position and unflattered responded about the leaders and subordinates. He wrote Kafka for himself and believed that literature justifies his existence and helps to slip away from the harsh realities of being. Franz did not in a hurry to publish the works, because he felt pristently.

All his manuscripts carefully collected Max Bard, with whom the writer met at the meeting of the student club dedicated to. Bard insisted that Kafka printed his stories, and in the end the Creator surrendered: in 1913 the collection "Contemplation" comes out. Critics responded about Kafka as an innovator, but the self-critical master of the pen was dissatisfied with his own creativity, which considered the necessary element of being. Also during the life of Franz, readers became acquainted only with a minor part of his work: many significant novels and kafki stories saw the light only after his death.

In the autumn of 1910, Kafka, together with Brod, went to Paris. But after 9 days, due to sharp pain in the stomach, the writer left Cesanna's country and parmesan. At that time, Franz and begins his first novel "Missing Missing", which was later renamed to "America". Most of their creations Kafka wrote in German. If you contact the originals, it is almost everywhere that there is a blessing language without pretentious revolutions and other literary delights. But this gray and triviality is combined with absurd and mysterious unusualness. Most of the works of the master is impregnated from crust to crust fear in front of the outside world and the highest court.

This feeling of anxiety and despair is transmitted to the reader. But also Franz was a subtle psychologist, more precisely, this talented person scrupulously described the reality of this world without sentimental glitters, but with impeccable metaphoric turnover. It is worth remembering the story "Transformation", at which in 2002 the Russian film was withdrawn with in the lead role.

Evgeny Mironov in the film on the book of Franz Kafka "Transformation"

The plot of the story rotates around Gregor, a typical young man who works as a community and financially helps his sister and parents. But irreparable happened: Gregor turned into a huge insect in the morning. Thus, the protagonist became an outcast, from which relatives and relatives turned away: they did not pay attention to the beautiful inner world of the hero, they were worried about the terrible appearance of a terrible creature and inspired flour, which he was unconsciously obscured (for example, could not earn money on their own In the room and scareta guests).

Illustration to the novel Franz Kafka "Castle"

But during the preparation for the publication (which was not fulfilled because of disagreements with the editor) Kafka put an ultimatum. The writer insisted that there was no illustrations with insect on the cover of the book. From here there are many interpretations of this story - from the physical ailment to spiritual disorders. Moreover, events to the metamorphosis of Kafka, following its own manner, does not disclose, but puts the reader before the fact.

Illustration to the novel Franz Kafa "Process"

Roman "Process" is another significant work of the writer, published posthumously. It is noteworthy that this creation was created at the moment when the writer was engaged in the engagement with Felicia Bauer and felt as an accused, who should everyone. And the last conversation with the beloved and her sister Franz compared with the Tribunal. This product with a nonlinear narrative can be considered unfinished.

In fact, initially Kafka worked on the manuscript continuously and entered the short fragments of the Process in the notebook, which was recorded and other stories. From this notebook, Franz often pulled out sheets, so it was almost impossible to restore the landing of the novel. In addition, in 1914, Kafka admitted that it was visited by a creative crisis, so work on the book was suspended. The main hero of the Process - Josef K. (It is noteworthy that instead of a full-fledged name, the author gives his heroes initials) - wakes up in the morning and finds out that it is arrested. However, the true reason for the detention is unknown, this fact is circumscribed by the hero on suffering and flour.

Personal life

Franz Kafka treated Pretchily to his own appearance. For example, before leaving the university, the young writer could stand in front of a mirror for hours, scrupulously examining the face and combing hair. In order not to be "humiliated and offended", Franz, who always considered himself a white crow, dressed in the latest fashion trends. The contemporaries of Kafka made an impression of a decent, intelligent and calm person. It is also known that the fragile health is a thin writer supported himself in shape and, being a student, was fond of sports.

But I did not get a relationship with women, although Kafka was not deprived of the attention of lovely ladies. The fact is that the writer for a long time remained in ignorance relatively intimate proximity to the girls, until he had come to the Silk to the local "Lupanarium" - the quarter of the Red Lanterns. Looking through the carnal joy, Franz instead of the laptop experienced only disgust.

The writer adhered to the line of the behavior of Askta and, like, ran out of the crown, as if fear of serious relationships and family obligations. For example, with Freulein Felicia Bauer Master Feather broke his engagement twice. Kafka often described this girl in his letters and diaries, but the image that appears in the heads of readers, does not correspond to reality. Among other things, the famous writer had amur relations with the journalist and the translator Mylena Esenskaya.


Kafki was constantly tormented by chronic diseases, but it is unknown whether they were psychosomatic. Franz suffered from obstruction of the intestines, frequent headaches and lack of sleep. But the writer did not give his hands, but tried to cope with the ailments with the help of a healthy lifestyle: Kafka adhered to a balanced diet, tried not to use meat, he was engaged in sports and saws pair milk. However, all attempts to bring their physical condition to the appropriate appearance are vain.

In August 1917, doctors diagnosed in Franz Kafki a terrible disease - tuberculosis. In 1923, the Master of Feather left his homeland (went to Berlin) Together with a certain Diamond and wanted to concentrate on writing. But at that time, the health of the kafki was only aggravated: the pain in the throat became intolerable, and the writer could not take food. In the summer of 1924, the great author of works died in the hospital.

Monument "Franz Kafka Head" in Prague

It is possible that exhaustion was the cause of death. The grave of Franz is located on the new Jewish cemetery: the body of the kafka transported from Germany to Prague. In memory of the writer, not one documentary filmed, monuments were established (for example, Franz Kafka's head in Prague), and the museum was erected. Also, the creativity of Kafka had a tangible impact on writers of the next years.


  • I am writing differently than I say, I speak differently, what I think, I think differently, what should think, and so to the darkest depths.
  • Understand the neighbor much easier if you don't know anything about him. Conscience then does not torment ...
  • As it could not be worse, it became better.
  • Leave me my books. That's all I have.
  • The form is not an expression of the content, but only the bait, gate and the path to the content. It will raise an action - then the hidden back plan will open.


  • 1912 - "Verdict"
  • 1912 - "Transformation"
  • 1913 - "Contemplation"
  • 1914 - "In a correctional colony"
  • 1915 - "Process"
  • 1915 - "Caras"
  • 1916 - "America"
  • 1919 - "Rural doctor"
  • 1922 - "Castle"
  • 1924 - "Horodar"

Franz Kafka

You will find out what has become a great writer when epithets begin to form from your name. Would we be able to use the word "Kafkian", if not if Kafka? True, the genius son of a haberdasher from Prague is most likely not guessed about it. He died and not learning how precisely his horror of novels and stories grabbed the spirit of era, society and a well-known sense of alienation and despair.

The despotic father of Kafki did a lot to grow up in his son, since childhood he humiliated him, called the weakly and repeatedly hinted that he was not fit to inherit his business - the delivery of fashionable canes. Meanwhile, the little Franz tried everything to die the father. He learned well at school, observed the traditions of Judaism and received a legal education, but from the earliest years, the only inventories for him were reading and writing stories - classes that German Kafka considered insignificant and unworthy.

Advocate career Kafki did not ask, and he decided to try his strength in insurance. He disassembled claims in an insurance organization engaged in industrial accidents, but the load was too large, and the working conditions were injured. Most of the working time occupied the drawing of cut-off, flattened and crippled fingers to confirm that one or another unit failed. That's what Kafka wrote to his friend and fellow on Peru Max Brod: "You just don't imagine how much I am busy ... People fall from the scaffolding and fall into working mechanisms, as if all of them are drunk; All the ranks are broken, all fences are crumbling, all stairs are slippery; Everything that should rise is to fall, and everything that should be descended is dragging someone into the air. And all these girls with dishwashed factories, who are always falling from the stairs, carrying a bunch of porcelain in their hands ... I have a whole head from all this. "

Personal life also did not bring the kafka comfort and did not save from the surrounding nightmare. He regularly visited the one Prague Boutinal, then the other and enjoyed one-time sex with barmers, waitress and saleswoman - if, of course, this can be called pleasure. Kafka despised sex and suffered so-called "Madonna - Bludnica complex." In each counter woman, he saw either holy, or a prostitute and did not want to have anything in common with them, except for the purely carnal joy. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "normal" family life inspired him disgust. "Socia is a punishment for the joy to be together," he wrote in his diary.

Despite these troubles and insecurity in themselves, Kafka still managed to start several prolonged novels (although it still remains a mystery, whether the relationship passed at least one of these ladies for the line of platonic). In 1912, having arrived at Maxu Brod in Berlin, Kafka became acquainted with Felicia Bauer. He conquered her long letters in which he confirmed in his physical imperfections - on women it always acts disarmingly. Felicia inspired Kafki to create such great works as "in a correctional colony" and "transformation", and it may have a partly to blame for the fact that he began to change her with her best friend Greta Bloch, which many years later announced, That Kafka was the father of her child. (Regarding this fact, scientists are arguing so far.) Roman with Felicia ended in July 1914 by the ugly scene in the insurance company, where Kafka worked: Felicia came there and loud read the fragments of his love correspondence with Greta.

Then Kafka had a novel on correspondence with Mylena Esenski-Pollak, his friend Hernst Pollaca. (It remains only to guess which success of Kafka would have achieved in women, he live in the era of the Internet.) These relations were interrupted at insigible kafki in 1923. Later he made Milena the prototype of one of the characters in the "Castle" novel.

Finally in 1923, already dying from tuberculosis, Kafka became acquainted with the educators of Durah Dimant, who worked in a summer camp for Jewish children. She was twice as younger than him and came from the Family of Orthodox Polish Jews. The Dora screamed the last year of the life of the kafki, cared for him, they studied the Talmud together and planned to emigrate to Palestine, where they dreamed of opening a restaurant, so that the Dora was there a cook, and Kafka - Metrotel. He even wrote a request to Kibbutz, there is no position of an accountant for him. All these plans collapsed with the death of Kafki in 1924.

No one was surprised that Kafka did not live to old age. Among friends, he was known as the finished hypochondrik. All life, Kafka complained of migraines, insomnia, constipation, shortness of breath, rheumatism, furuncula, spots on the skin, hair loss, worsening eyesight, slightly deformed finger on foot, increased sensitivity to noise, chronic fatigue, scabies and a lot of other ailments, real and fictional . He tried to confront these diseases, every day making gymnastics and adhering to naturopathy, which implied the reception of natural laxative and strict vegetarian diet.

As it turned out, Kafka really had causes for concern. In 1917, he infected with tuberculosis, perhaps due to the fact that he saws the non-filled milk. The last seven years of his life turned into a constant search for charlatanic drugs and fresh air, which was so necessary for its exposed illness. Before his death, he left a note on the writing desk, in which he asked his friend Max Bod to burn all his work, except for the "sentence", "merchant", "transformation", "in a correctional colony" and "rural physician". Brod refused to fulfill his last will and, on the contrary, prepared a "process", "Castle" and "America" \u200b\u200bto publication, thereby strengthening the place of a friend (and its own too) in the world history of literature.

Mr. Safety

Did Kafka really invented the helmet? At least, Professor of the economy Peter Dryuk, the author of the book "Contribution to the Society of the Future", published in 2002, argues that it was that way it was and that Kafka, working in an insurance company engaged in industrial accidents, put into operation the first In the world of hard hat. It is not clear whether he invented a protective headdress or simply insisted on its use. One thing is reliably known: for his merit Kafka was awarded the gold medal of the American Society Safety Society, and his innovation reduced the number of production injuries, and now, if we represent the image of the builder, I will certainly have a helmet on my head.

Franz Kafka visited a wellness nudist resort several times, but always refused to undress completely. Other holidaymakers called him a "man in bathing panties."

Yense and Franz.

Kafka, asked his bony figures and weak muscles, suffered, as they say now, a complex of negative self-perception. He often wrote in the diaries, which hates his appearance, the same topic constantly pops up in his works. Long before Bodybuilding entered the fashion, promising to turn any dukhlaka in Athlete, Kafka has already been engaged in strengthening gymnastics before the open window under the guidance of the Sport Instructor of Dane Jens Peter Muller, the Guru of Physical Loads, whose advice about health alternated with racist speeches about the superiority of the Northern Body .

Muller was clearly not the best mentor for the Czech Jew Neurotic.

This case must be checked

Due to the low self-esteem, Kafka was constantly fond of all sorts of dubious diets. One day he hooked on Fletcherism - not withstanding any criticism of the doctrine of one eccentric from Victorian England, persecuted on a healthy diet and known as the "Great-Water". Fletcher insisted that, before swallowing food, you need to make exactly forty-six chewing movements. "The nature of the punishment of those who are badly chewed!" He inspired, and Kafka took his words close to heart. As evidenced by the diaries, the father of the writer so informed this constant chewing that he preferred during the dinner to be soldered by the newspaper.

Meat \u003d murder

Kafka was a strict vegetarian, firstly, because it believed that it was useful for health, and secondly, for ethical considerations. (At the same time, he was the grandson of a kosher butcher - another reason for his father to count his offspring with a complete and final loser.) Once, admiring the fish floating in the aquarium, Kafka exclaimed: "Now I can look at you calmly, I don't eat such like you!" He was also one of the first supporters of raw food and ratified the abolition of animal experiences.

Naked truth

For a person, so often described cluttered and dark premises, Kafka loved fresh air very much. He liked to commit a long hiking through the streets of Prague in the company of their friend Max Ford. And he also joined the fashionable movement to the fashionable then and, together with other lovers, shake in what mother went to the wellness resort called "Fountain of Youth". However, Kafka himself hardly at least once again praised. He painfully shonened nudity as someone else's and his own. Other vacationers nicknamed his "man in bathing panties." He was unpleasantly amazing when visitors to the resort were naked past his number or found him in Deazabilia along the way to neighboring groves.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

The introductory head of the Russian People's Kafka Natalia Gevorkyan The Mistor is weak and crammed, Shuffling Skhagol, the enemy of labor, inheated by glory, reign on us then. A. Pushkin. Evgeny Onegin MBH - so everything is called him. The first three letters: Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky. Yes

3. Franz Spring rains are nice to autumn, but under the other moknesh, and there is no place to dry. True, rashes and umbrellas save, but still walking in the rain inside. Even Weimarians themselves leave their homes only in case of extreme necessity, and the gait of them from the measured and

Kafka on the homeland of social realism in Russia has a special fate. First, before the appearance of his books, there were only vague rumors about the fact that the de in the West there is some strange writer, on the other side of socialist realism, painting some unknown horrors and nightmares

Kafka and tanks in 1965 were published a one-year kafki, and in August 1968, Soviet troops entered Prague to crush, trample Prague spring in Kafkian. Absurd. Stupid. Evil. Tanks go through Prague, tanks go in truth, "Yevgeny Yevtushenko boldly. Well, and Leonid

Kafka and women women attracted him and at the same time scared. Meetings and communicating with them he preferred letters. His love Kafka focused on the epistolary form. On the one hand, very sensual, and on the other - quite safe (safe love is akin safe

Claude David Franz Kafka

Kafka Franz (born in 1883 - mind. In 1924) Austrian writer. Grotesque novels-Proverbs "Process", "Castle", "America"; Novels, stories, parables; diaries. The writer fate of Franz Kafka developed as unusual as his whole short and tragic life. The author is three

Franz Kafka for the tenth anniversary of death

Franz Kafka: How the Chinese Wall was built at the very beginning I put a small story taken from the work marked in the title, and designed to show two things: the greatness of this writer and the incredible complexity of this greatness to witness. Kafka as if

Max Brod: Franz Kafka Biography. Prague, 1937 The book was marked by a fundamental contradiction, gaping between the main thesis of the author on the one hand - and his personal attitude towards the kafka on the other. At the same time, the latter to some extent can discredit the first, not to mention

Franz Kafka This essay is the biggest, the main work of Benjaminao Kafka - in the main part it was written in May-June 1934, then for several months was complemented and processed. During life, the author failed to publish it completely, in two rooms

Franz Kafka: As the Chinese wall was built, this work Benjamin was written in approximately in June 1931 for a radio office, which preceded the Light of Tom Heritage Tom Bau Der Chinesischen Mauer. Ungedruckte Erzahlungen und Prosa Aus Dem Nachla?, Hrsg. Von Max Brod Und Hans-Joachim Schoeps. Berlin, 1931) and was read by the author

Max Brother: Franz Kafka. Biography. Prague, 1937Napped in June 1938. In one of the letters, the heers of sole in response to the proposal to commend about the books of Max Brod Foday about Kafka in 1937 (Max Brod Franz Kaf a. Eine Biographie. Erinnerungen und Dokumente. Prag, 1937) Benjamin sends to a friend

Franz Kafka, you recognize that I became a great writer, when epithets begin to form from your family name. Would we be able to use the word "Kafkian", if not if Kafka? True, the ingenious son of a haberdasher from Prague is most likely about this and not

Kafka Franz (born in 1883 - mind. In 1924), the words of Franz Kafka may seem arrogant - they say, writers challenge nonsense, and only he writes "about what you need." However, knowing the history of kafki life, its constant uncertainty in itself and the results of his work, you understand that

Efreitor Franz Front. Farm in the Don Steppe. Abandoned Homes of Homes. Over the window howling the evil January blizzard. Snow flakes on the glasses shine a bluish backdrop of a fading day. Franz sits on a low stool, dropping his head. He, this efreitor-sieves



(Kafka) Franz (1883-1924) Austrian writer, with an unprecedented force described the loss of a person in herself and in an incomprehensible world for him, a metaphysical feeling of guilt and longing for the unattainable Divine grace. In life, almost no one is known, hanging out, without reading, all his manuscripts. After World War II, K. becomes one of the most famous and influential writers. To this day, his work is one of the "hot spots" of world literature. At first they tried to bind his work with expressionism (deformation of reality, cry of pain instead of harmony), then, in the 40s, with surrealism (fantasy, alogyrism and absurdism), even later, and already finally accepted existentialism in his LONO (a person's loss in incomprehensible for him world, fear, wines and longing as primary experiences). External biographical circumstances seemingly not to contribute to the birth of such a bizarre and unique artist. K. Born in a wealthy Jewish family, his father was the owner of a large haberdashery store, and the future writer never knew. On the Father, who all achieved himself, the little Franz watched with fear and at the same time with reverence. The famous "Letter to Father" (quite real, not an artistic work), although the volume in a small book, was written in 1919, when the Father and Son lived together, and begins in words: "Dear Father! The other day you asked me why I'm afraid you so much ... "Night before that, Franz raised him two of his newly released Collection -" In a penalty of a penalty "and" rural enemy ", which father did not bother to even overflow, so he was convinced In a denseality of all literary experiments of his son. K. received a legal education in the Prague German University (again the influence of the Father, who wanted a solid profession for the Son), although in secret dreamed of studying German philology in Munich. In the necritologist of 1924, compiled by loved ones, it is referred to him only as a doctor of lawsurance and a word about his literary classes. After the university of the whole fifteen years (1908-1922), K. worked in the "Production Insurance Society" and only two years before death, due to the exacerbation of tuberculosis, he retired ahead of time. He died by a bachelor, although during his life he was engaged first with Felicia Bauer, then with Yulia Vorizhek (and from each twice and every time it was engaged in the engagement). The first serious attack of tuberculosis (blood hung the throat) occurred in September 1917 , And in December K., referring to the disease, the forsat the felica with Felicia Bauer). Obviously, Tuberculosis K. was psychosomatic, as well as asthma M. Prost. K. was convinced that a measured family life would not allow him to be given to the literary work with such a completeness, as before (work in the insurance company ended in two hours of the day, leaving the whole second half of the day free). Two more women who played a big role in the life of the writer are: this young (and married) translator of his books from German to Czech Milena Esenskaya, which, maybe, as no one understood the soul of the kafki (a whole of his letters is addressed to it) and 20 -Lent Dora Dimant, with which K. spent the last and maybe the happiest year of his life. Bright psychological portrait of K. - Man left Milena Esenskaya in a letter to M. Brod: "For him, life is something completely different than for all other people, and above all, things like money, stock exchange, a typewriter - for him it is completely Mystical things (they are essentially so, just not for us, others). For him, all this is a bizarre riddles ... For him, any office, including the one where he works, is something so mysterious, worthy of surprise, as for a small boy - a moving locomotive ... The whole world for him remains mysterious. Mystical mystery. Something that is not yet able to and than you can only admire, because it is functioning. " There are origins and "magical realism" K., but his deep religious seriousness is not seen at all. Maybe the epigraph to the creativity of K. You can put words from his diary: "Sometimes it seems to me that I understand the sin of a person better than anyone on Earth." Everyone is guilty of being born and came to this world. K. It felt with a thousandth force - maybe because of the feelings of guilt in front of his father or because he spoke in German, living in the Slavic city, or because he could not even formally fulfill all the prescriptions of Judaism, as his father performed. In the diary we read: "What do I have in common with the Jews? I have little in common with myself. " At the same time, in everyday life, it was a light and cheerful man who loved colleagues and appreciated the bosses. One of the friends writes: "It was never possible to say hello to him, he always camowed you at least for a second." During the lifetime, K. managed to release only six small brochures. In the first of them, the collection of miniatures "Contemplation" (1913), he still searches for his way and style. But already written in one night the story "Verdict" we see Mature K. Not every reader is clear why she cums with him, blindly obeying the order of his father, the main hero of the story. Here, the crucial is a hundred and aggravated sense of guilt in front of the parent, which is difficult to understand the modern reader. The famous story "Transformation" is just the realization of self-esteem: Hero K. Unworthy of human appearance, it is most consistent with the appearance of a disgusting insect. Finally, puzzling the story "In a correctional colony", in which Liberal and Marxist criticism immediately saw the foresight of fascism, in fact only comparison of the Old and New Testaments and an attempt to see a kind of truth of the Old Testament (it's not by chance that the old commandant fearlessly rushes into a deadly car ). In general, K. should be compared not with the Prague group of German expressionists (Mayrink, M. Bard, etc.), but with such thinkers like Pascal and Kirkegor. Especially important was for K. The thought of Kirkebor's incommensurability of human and divine ideas about justice, sin and reward. It is characteristic that all three novel K. remained unfinished, and he asked them to destroy. So, for him it was some kind of complex form of psychotherapy, which he considered it necessary for himself and useless for others. In the "Process" novel (was created in 1914-1915, published in 1925) a dream atmosphere cannot prevent the reader's guess that it is about the process against himself (a court session in attics, that is, in the upper floors of consciousness, the hero of the novel It comes regularly on them, although no one invites him. When the hero is carrying the execution, he meets a policeman, but instead of contacting help, pulls his companions away from the guard of the order). In the last and most mature novel, the "Castle" (was created in 1922, published in 1926) We are already looking forward to the Kirkegorevskaya parable about the inadvertence and incomprehensibility of the Creator and His grace. The hero of the novel just before the death itself should get permission to settle - and that is not in the castle, but only in the village adjacent to it. But hundreds of residents of the village without any difficulty received this right. Who is looking for, he will not find, and who is not looking for, he will be found - wants to say to the reader shocks the contrast between the crystal clear, simple language of the novel and the fantasticity of events depicted in it.

Oh: Gesammelte Werke. BD 1-8. Munchen, 1951-1958; Since 1982, there has been a complete critical edition, where two volumes are devoted to each novel - with all the options (ed. continues);

Cit. In 3 tons, M.-Kharkov, 1994.

Lit.: Zatonsky D. Franz Kafka and Modernism Problems, M., 1972;

Emrich W. Franz Kafka. Bonn, 1958;

Brod M. Franz Kafka. Eine Biographie. Frankfurt / Main, 1963;

Binder H. Kafka: Hamdbuch. BD 1-2. Stuttgart, 1979-80.

S. Jimbinov

Lexicon Nonclassic. The artistic and aesthetic culture of the 20th century.. V.V. Bestchkov. 2003.

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    Kafka, Franz Franz Kafka Franz Kafka Photography writer, 1906 Date of birth: July 3, 1883 ... Wikipedia

    Franz Kafka, 1883 1926) A prominent representative of the Prague Group of German Writers (Max Brod, Gustav Mairink, etc.). K. wrote 3 tt. novels and novel; The most important part of the unfinished part were published only after his death (under ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    - (Kafka) Franz (born July 3, 1883, Prague - mind. June 3, 1924, Kirling, near Vienna) - Australia. Writer, philosopher. Received fame after fragments of its Process novels were published (1915) and "Castle" (1922), in which he is in poetic ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

    - (Kafka) Franz (1883 1924) Austrian writer. The author of the Romanov "Process", "Castle", "America", as well as a number of stories. Its a few works that combine elements of expressionism and surrealism have significantly influenced ... ... The newest Philosophical Dictionary

    Franz Kafka Franz Kafka Photography writer, 1906 Birthday: July 3, 1883 Place of birth: Prague, Austria Hungary Date of death: June 3, 1924 Place of death ... Wikipedia

    - (Kafka) Franz (3.7.1883, Prague, 3.6.1924, Kirling, near Vienna), Austrian writer. Born in a Jewish bourgeois family. He studied at the Law Faculty of the University of Prague in 1901 06. In 1908 22 served in insurance society. Beginning with … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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    Kafka - (Kafka) Gustav (1883 1953) Austrian philosopher and psychologist. Engaged in a wide range of psychological issues: the behavior of animals, psychology of expressive reactions, language, communication, art, professional formation, life ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Franz Kafka, whose works are known all over the world, was a German-speaking author of Jewish origin. Oddly enough, a writer, who is now known for the whole world, has not been popular with a popularity and published only a few short stories. All his literary heritage of Kafka ordered to burn, but his friend Max Bard had been disappointed, and only because of this the world managed to find out who this is this mysterious writer, and to get acquainted with his works.

Childhood writer

Kafka Franz - famous Jewish origin. He was born on July 3, 1883 in one of the ghetto of Prague, which at that time was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Father of the writer - Herman Kafka - was a Czech-free Jew, he worked as a seller in a haberdashery shop, and Mother Yulia Kafka said more in German, as well as Franz, who, nevertheless, knew Czech and French well. In the family, besides him, there were few more children. Two younger brothers of the future writer died in childhood, but he had three more sisters. Little Franz went to school until 1893, and then moved to the gymnasium, which he graduated in 1901, receiving a certificate of maturity.

Mature years

At the end of the Prague University of Kafka received a doctoral degree. After that, he worked in the insurance office for a simple official. In 1922, Kafka prematurely retired due to illness. However, during their service, Kafka remained devoted to his main occupation - literature, which was devoted to a lot of time. Due to the long tuberculosis, which began after pulmonary hemorrhage, the writer died on June 3, 1924. Kafka, before his death, asked his friend to burn all unpublished manuscripts, but he did not obey him and therefore many works of a talented author were posthumously published.

The inner world of Kafki.

It is always difficult to talk about the feelings of a person, especially if he leads a closed lifestyle. Nevertheless, about the life of the famous German writer of Jewish origin there are documented evidence concerning not only his biography, but also his views on life. How did Franz Kafka really were? "Father's letter", one of the works of the writer, is, for example, an excellent reflection of the author's relationship with his father and a number of children's memories.


In many ways to the life of the writer influenced his state of health, with which he constantly had problems. The question is considered whether his problems were psychosomatic nature, but the fact that the author was intimidated by the author is undoubtedly. And regular gymnastics - that's how I tried to cope with my state of Kafka. Franz used a lot of unpasteurized cow's milk, which could cause chronic tuberculosis.

Personal life

It is believed that the failure of the Kafka on the love front to a certain extent is due to its relationship with a despotic father, because of which he could not become a family man. Nevertheless, women were present in the life of the writer. Since 1912 to 1917, he was in a romantic relationship with Felicia Bauer, who lived in Berlin. During this period, they were engaged twice, but both times did not lead to anything. Kafka and Felicia communicated predominantly through correspondence, as a result of which in the imagination of the writer there was a misconception of a girl, a little corresponding to reality. From the preserved correspondence it is clear that they were different people who could not find a common language. After that, Kafka consisted of relations with Yulia Vethrytsky, but also soon was terminated. At the beginning of the 20s, the writer began a novel with a journalist and the translator of his novels - Mylena Esenskaya - which was also married. In 1923, Kafka, together with his Museum, Daja Dimant went to Berlin for several months to retire from the family and completely devote himself to literature.


After visiting Berlin Kafka, returned to Prague again. Gradually, his tuberculosis was increasingly progressed, delivering new problems to the writer. This eventually led to the death of Franz in one of the sanatoriums under Vienna, which was probably caused by exhaustion. Permanent throat pains did not allow him to eat food, and at that time, intravenous therapy was at the initial stages of development and could not compensate for food with artificial means. The body of the Great German author was transported to Prague, where he was buried on the new Jewish cemetery.

Franz Kafka. Creation

The fate of the works of this writer is quite unusual. During the life of the kafki, his talent remained unrecognized, and in print, only a few of his short stories appeared, which were not marked by special success. The author has become popular after death and only because of the fact that his close friend - Max Broad - dismissed his will and published the novels that Kafka wanted to burn so that no one would ever read them.

Otherwise, the world would not know who Kafka is. The novels who published Brod soon began to attract the attention of the world community. All published works of the author, except for some letters of Milena Esensk, were written in German. To date, they are already translated into many languages \u200b\u200band are known all over the world.

The story "Transformation"

Franz Kafka in this work fully in its inherent depressive, oppressive manner reflected his views on human relationships. The main character of the story is a man who once, waking up in the morning, understands that he turned into a disgusting giant insect. Typical for the author are the circumstances of the transformation. Kafka does not indicate the reasons, does not mean the events that took place before, the main character is simply faced with the fact that now he is insect. Gregor Ombreus perceive his new appearance critically. Father closes him in the room, and the sister, which first refers to it at first compared to others, periodically comes to feed it. Despite its external changes, Gregor remains the same person, his consciousness and his feelings do not change.

Since he was a family breadwinner and in fact, all relatives depended on Gregor, which turned out to be inoperable after his transformation, the family decided to take tenants. New residents at home behave unbearable, and relatives of the main character are increasingly critical of him, because now he cannot contain them. The sister begins to go less often and less and gradually the family forgets about the insect, which was once their relative. The story ends with the death of the main character, which in reality did not cause almost no emotions from his family members. In order to further emphasize the indifference of the people around him, at the end of the work the author describes how Gregor's relatives of Gregor are worried carelessly.


The behavior for the writer manner of writing fully reflected in the story "Transformation". Franz Kafka plays the role of an exclusively narrator, he does not seek to reflect his attitude to the events described. In essence, the story is a dry description of the events. Characteristic of the style of the writer is also the protagonist, which appears before unfair, sometimes absurd fate. A person who collided with the events he is not able to fight. Despite the fantasticity of the plot, there are also quite realistic details in the story, which actually turn the work in the grotesque.

Roman "Process"

Like many other remarkable works of the author, this work was published after the death of the writer. This is typical for the Kafki Roman, which reflects not only the elements of the absurd, but also fiction with realism. Harmoniously gossy, all this gives rise to a philosophical story that has become a reflection of the art's creative quest.

It is not for sure that the principle was guided by a writer, creating a "process", but the manuscript was not formed into a full-fledged work, it consisted of a variety of scattered chapters. Later they were located on the chronology of events, and in this form the world saw the work that Kafka created.

The "process" tells about the human life named Josef K., who works by simple employees in the bank. One morning, unknown people were arrested in the morning, without specifying the reason. For a long time, they are observed for him, but no one takes measures to delay it.

The most amazing thing here is that Josef K. There is no idea what they suspect, and what they are accused, since he did not prevent anything. Throughout the work, he is forced to try to understand what the cause of arrest is. However, he does not succeed even when the death sentence is being charged and immediately killed a blow to the heart, "like a dog." The main character, lonely in his struggle, cannot achieve truth.


This is another novel writer with many plot elements of the absurdity, which often used Franz Kafka. "Castle" is a work that tells about the life of a certain K., who came to the village to work by Amermer. Arriving, he learns that everything is managed by the lock here, and to start work or at least get there, it should get permission.

K. Trying all possible ways to get permission, but it can not do anything. As a result, it turns out that the village does not need land, and K. offer position of the guard. The main character agrees because he has no choice. The novel breaks on visiting K. Show. According to the writer, K. was supposed to stay here forever, and before his death he would have received a message that his stay in the village was illegal, but now the castle allows him to live and work here. But he reported to his friend that she stops working on the novel and he did not intend to return to him.

Other works

In addition to the above works, the author has many less popular. For example, there are several collections of stories from which Franz Kafka began. "Letters to Milen" is one of the examples of the epistolary lyrics of the writer. This is a collection that contains letters addressed to one of his beloved - Milena Esinskaya, which was initially just a translator of his works on Czech. As a result, a correspondence affair began between the writer and Milena, which heavily influenced the kafku, but made him even more unhappy than he was before him, after it turned out that their characters are incompatible.

This is not the only compilation, the author of which is Kafka. Franz during life published only his stories that did not bring him such popularity as novels recognized posthumously, but they are not less remarkable and valuable from a literary point of view. Therefore, they should also be mentioned. What else was the remarkable created Franz Kafka? "Labyrinth" is a collection of stories, which includes a work with the same name and a number of others, the most famous of which is considered to be "research of one dog."


Absurd and realism, reality and fantasy ... It would seem that all incompatible concepts, but the author can be organically binding elements of different styles and genres. Wizard words, a genius who was not recognized during life, and after death became popular all over the world - all this Kafka. Franz became a certain symbol of the epoch, the voice of mankind, preaching loneliness.


His heroes are similar: they face problems that cannot be solved, and are one on one with fate.

Tragity and comic acquire the forms of grotesque in fantastic plots of kafki. He does not seek to show the hero or an outstanding person, the writer tells about the fear of man in front of something higher, before the outside world, which depends only on the circumstances. Kafki's main characters are people who are in complex life circumstances that do not depend on them and can hardly be solved. All this gives rise to their insecurity, loneliness and fear - all that constantly surrounds people, driving in anxiety.