Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson about frank scenes in "50 shades of gray. Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan meet or not? Dakota Johnson and Jamie meet

Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson about frank scenes in
Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson about frank scenes in "50 shades of gray. Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan meet or not? Dakota Johnson and Jamie meet
Initially, it was a literary phenomenon. "Fifty shades of gray" published in France in 2012 and became a bestseller before the start of sales. E.L. James managed to turn the harlequin-like love story in ODE sensuality. Alas, she has nothing to do with de Garden, Wales and vicious erotic literature of the eighteenth century ... The peculiarity of this saga is that she again led people to bookstores, then when a film came out on February 11, 2015, - in cinemas. Since Hollywood always well managed to turn popular stories in blockbusters, this film was successful, as expected, passing the hopes for subsequent paintings. It is thanks to this factor Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan met with journalists from all over the world in a huge, dark room "Universal Studios" during the promotion of the film "For fifty shades darker." She is the same as her character, cold and restrained. He is a charming Englishman with good manners.

The first film is built on sex, humor and dominance. In the second, perhaps, the anastheesha takes power to his hands.

Dakota Johnson: Considering the end of the first film, it is very important for her to take control of their relationships into their hands. If Christian wants to be with her - it will be on its terms. But, of course, their relationship will gain development. Anastasia will not only go on a compromise, but also sacrifice for him with his beliefs. Like him, actually.

Is this a love story or the struggle of two ego?

Jamie Danan: Love! There is all the essence of the films and the novel. "Fifty shades" is not about how they agreed in the fight two "I", it is a story about two people who are trying to build their love in the best way. Movies give proper books and remain pretty close to them in content.

Movies are slightly more fun. Anasteche on the movie screen is much more busy than on the pages of the book, is not it?

Dakota Johnson: She is a rather strong character.

Jamie Danan.: However, perhaps, you gave her this force, character hardness, sense of humor.

Dakota Johnson: Perhaps ... it seems to me quite funny, but not everyone in it discovers it.

Jamie Danan: Well, in the second film, this aspect of her heroine will reveal even more. [laughs]

How does each of you sees your characters?

Jamie Dornan: Ha, if we knew! We constantly discuss it with each other and with the director. But I do not feel a big brother who gives the advice of his younger sister. We just try to stay on the same wave.

These roles suggest real intimate proximity. You had to become friends in real life, so that it became possible?

Dakota Johnson: There is a special relationship between us. I am very close to my wife Jamie, with his children, she is a wonderful man. In Hollywood, a huge amount of franchise is removed, but, in my opinion, this one is the only one, where the actors have become real friends. On the other hand, if it were not so, it would complicate everything ...

Did you make friends outside the set?

Jamie Dornan: I would not say that. We work together to thirteen hours a day, so we had time to know each other closer! [Laughs] it brings closer, creates general memories. Many will say that this is all the movies, but we quickly quickly come true. We coincide approaches to the roles, we do not mind to laugh, especially after the most stressful scenes. We are now deeply connected. The success we survived together is also a test.

You were on set in Nice when a terrorist attack occurred.

Jamie Dornan: I was there along with my family, the film crew at that time was in Monaco. During the terrorist attack we slept, because I have little children, so we go to bed early. But at night I called a lot, asked if everything was fine.

Dakota Johnson:
And I did not sleep. I did not go to bed until I found out whether everything was in order with all team members. At the drop of collected information ... It was a very difficult event. We wanted to stay to help France. And even more so I did not want to shock people by the view of the film crew from Hollywood, who came only for work. Like a young American, I never had so close to the epicenter of the attack. I watched the TV for hours, read the newspapers.

The next day, the Mr. Gray and Miss Stil and could not be said as if something had happened?

Dakota Johnson: But it happened. We asked the French who worked in our team whether to suspend shooting - from respect. But they asked us to continue the chorus, return to work, not wanting to dance under the dressing of terrorists.

How do you see the continuation of your career? There is always a risk that you will constantly identify with your characters.

Dakota Johnson: Personally it does not bother me. I can not believe that I will always see for someone's anasthest.

Jamie Danan: I agree. I think I can distancing from my hero. How many actors have had a sign roles before me and which of them continued to be filmed in other films? This problem is here only in the inability to portray the character with the same return. The task is to continue to work, look for good projects, those that people would like to see.

Jamie, you choose amazing roles. You just starred in the film of the French director Alexander Azha, "The Ninth Life Louis Drax." Pretty little project ...

Jamie Dornan: Undoubtedly, it is different from Hollywood franchises. The budget is completely not the same, but the stakes are the same, and I just need this balance between similar "personal" projects and loud films. I also really want to play in a TV show, where much more is allowed from the point of view of the script than in a classic film. Although in a sense of that freedom that now possess, I owe Christian Gray.

Dakota Johnson: "Fifty shades" for us - a real platform for activities. Films allow us to reveal. Instead of entering us into the framework of the same role, as you think they open up new horizons.

Now you are around the clock under the sights of paparazzi. It's like in a proverb: no pain - no result?

Jamie Dornan: I don't care, I just pretend that they do not exist. I have never been interested in other people's lives, so I live as usual. When people gather in Paris near the opera Garnier, because we have a shooting there, this is just a certain moment of my life. The next day, I am waiting for something else. My everyday life does not concern the filming of the film in Paris. This is just a few days ... Moreover, this kind of "incidents" is an extremely rare phenomenon.

Dakota Johnson: I try to live as normal life as possible. Of course, I have famous parents, but I also have many friends who do not belong to the world of cinema. Of course, going to the premiere, always thinking about what I should wear. But when I go shopping, it worries me little. [Laughs.]

Jamie Danan: The more you think about it, the more you go crazy. It is better to try to live ordinary life.

Dakota Johnson: And it would be boring every day to think over what you should do what you have to say ...

So fame and recognition for you is not a problem?

Jamie Danan: Yes, it is. Perhaps we just cope with this better than other people. We live in rural areas, there are few people interested in Mr. Gray. I would attract more attention if I spent five days a week in New York clubs. It was fun when I was twenty. Now I'm thirty-four, and it is not.

Jamie, in England you were a member of the rock band. Was it the success that he pushed you to film?

Jamie Dornan: [Laughs.] We were friendship, we started when we were seventeen, without some rear thought. Many wanted us to finally break down. But the adventure gained a sudden final.

Dakota Johnson: I can not imagine you in the rock band. [Laughs.]

Some critics call "fifty shades" with a mixture of Cinderella and "Adele's life". What do you think of it?

Dakota Johnson: Oh, and I like it. But how many people actually say so? In any case, I find it flattering. That's cool!

Jamie Danan: I like these films, so I also do not mind. In this particular case.

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Full interview with Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornana for "Paris Match" (2017)

The main characters are the scroll of the anastheish style and the billionaire seducer Christian Gray - finally decide to translate their relations to a new level, playing the wedding. But, as the creators promise, the feelings of the beloved will have to go through another test for durability: uninvited guests from the past burst into the life of newlyweds.

Recall that the novel "Fifty shades of gray" has become an international sensation due to the scandalous content and erotica attack. Empty of the Spirit of Romanov E.L. James Transmit quite accurately: paintings are replete with bedside scenes. About how hard such intimate shooting is given by the main roles Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan Actors talk to numerous interviews.

But for the promotion of the third film, Jamie and Dakota series clearly prepared something special for journalists. For example, while Johnson boasts, he took over his heroine a passion for some techniques of BDSM, Dornan, on the contrary, recommends not to repeat the audience some scenes From the "fifty shades of freedom."

Jamie Dornan in the film "Fifty shades of freedom"

In a new interview, Jamie commented on the rumor that the studio allegedly offered him a million dollars if he agrees to be removed completely naked. "No, the persuasion was 30 million for one of the intimate parts of the body," Danann joked. "In fact, no, I didn't offer to remove naked over a million dollars."

"I don't even know, I would agree to such conditions. My back flashes in the frame quite often. But this is not particularly worried. More spectators will see Dakota breasts - I would also have shown myself if I had it. I just thought that we did not need to show everything if it was not important for the plot. We still don't take a porn, although many people think so, "Jamie Dornan told Jamers to journalists.

Frame from the film "Fifty shades of freedom"

Frame from the film "Fifty shades of freedom"

Film trailer "Fifty shades of freedom"

On the occasion of Valentine's Day, the creators of Fifty-shades of gray franchises prepared a hot continuation for dedicated fans. The scripts of the "dark" sequel promised that erotic scenes there would not be so much, as in the previous part, but the psychologism and the glow of passions at least debug.

However, it is not surprising, since the first film left the public with a widely opened mouth and intrigue in the eyes. It is still unknown, how the relationship of the anastheski stylted and Christian Gray will develop. So much contradictions and hidden motives, about which fans of the franchise remain only to guess.

As for the personal life of the actors who performed the main roles in the movie "Fifty shades darker", the question still remains open. Jones Dakota shared a few days ago with journalists, as it sometimes is not easy to put up with her relevant amplua. In the plot of events around the key characters, they unfold around the world of erotica and forbidden pleasure, so that without sex, it is simply impossible to do without sex.

Men do not want to see in Dakot Johnson Anasta Steele

Since for Hollywood actress, this film was debut, it is not surprising that she will attribute similar images. According to the celebrity, she would not want to complete his career on such a note or go to similar roles. The girl is tired of sexual moments, as well as from constant questions on such subjects. Dakota Johnson is not that not like to shoot similar scenes, but their post-effects annoyed. Soskaya Lioness said that he could embody himself and in other roles, since her capabilities and desire were not limited to anything.

By virtue of its non-standard image, Dakota Johnson has no relationship with the representatives of the opposite sex at all. The famous actress stated that men were afraid to anastheish style. Either celebrity faces excessive adoration and worship. First she meets much more often than I would like.

As for her relationship with Jamie Dornan, they are born not more than a friendly connection. Young people understand each other well, so there are no prohibitions about creativity. The creative union of partners in the site are built on honesty and trust.

In relations with its famous parents from Dakota Johnson problems also have. According to the Hollywood actress, Melanie Griffith and Joe Johnson, despite his acquaintance with the world of cinema, it is difficult to watch the first scandalous cattle of daughters. There is still some awkwardness between the relatives and the girl. Friends of Dakota Johnson belong to the erotic role of the celebrity more calmly, but not the way I would like.

Meanwhile, the Hollywood actress finds the positive aspects of his debut role. The movie "Fifty Shades of Gray" gave a girl the opportunity to be in the world that she dreamed of so long. In addition, she likes even the most controversial parties to the profession, so it is ready to develop and go further.

In the Russian rental, the sequel of the incomparable erotic blockbuster "50 shades of gray" was published ─ "50 shades of darker". We decided to walk along the fresh interview with Johnson and find out who this shy brunette, as it belongs to its popularity and role that brought her fame, and what will happen if you deprive her wagon and dressings.

At the premiere of "50 shades darker" (Los Angeles, February 2, 2017)

Dakota Johnson is not yet 30. She is the daughter of famous actors Melani Griffith and Don Johnson and their debut in the cinema at the age of 10. Then young Dakota starred in his film of his stepfather Antonio Banderas "Woman without Rules". 15 years later and a little more than ten episodic roles, she gets the right to become a woman who will change the sex life of millions. Suddenly, right?

"When I read the book, I really liked the anastheis - she is honest, sincere, loving. I was glad to play it. As I had to take off nude, I wanted to look not just good, but very good! Therefore, I did a lot, ate healthy food and was subjected to such a number of epilation that did not dream of a single woman, "Johnson recalls his participation in the film in an interview with American Glamor.

Of course, the main merit in the struggle for sexual relations and the sharp jump in sales of household ropes belongs to the notorious author of sex-bestseller E.L. James (pseudonym English writer Erika Leonard Mitchell). But still, it was Dakota that became the girl who gave her face and the body earlier faceless heroine. Now everyone represents how the same anestheis looks like. It is the screening "50 shades" made the heroes with such real and desirable. Even if you did not read the book, you know exactly what the main heroine of the Roman is the owner of angelic appearance, immaculate look and a shy smile. And whose merit is? That's right, dakota.

At a press conference on the presentation of the "50 shades" sequel (California, January 27, 2017)

On the European Premiere "On 50 Shades Darker" in Hamburg (February 7, 2017)

"In general, the film could be slightly more dissolute. True, we tried to make "shades" as sexual as possible, but we also had the challenge also to enter the rental rated with Rating R (allowed by persons who have not reached the age of 16, but only in the "accompaniment" of adults ─ approx. Ed.), So with some scenes I had to do it extremely delicately. " It is she who is responsible for the appearance of the naked parts of the body by Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson.

Interestingly, as a result, the participation of Dakota in the film brought to her for the most part of the problem: her then boyfriend, the musician of the Rock band Drowners Matthew Hit, could not stand the test of his girlfriend and left the girl, without waiting for the premiere. The same Dakota in an interview with the Telegraph admitted: "There is something terrible that now absolutely everyone will learn about who I am. Naturally, I worry about this role. All the time. Even after the release of the film on the screens, I periodically ask for a question: "What am I, damn, done?". But most often I still comfortably. " Probably, in the adoption of the role and plot of the film, the romantic attitude of the actress to all this story played. In her opinion, "50 shades of gray" is an amazing fairy tale of love. Only a true romantic could see tenderness in the middle of the "Red Room" and the love between the line of the contract on the sexual boundaries.

With the boyfriend Matthew Hit on the streets of New York (May, 2015)

With on-screen "love" Jamie Dornan at the premiere of "50 shades of darker" in Madrid (February, 2017)

In confirmation - the recognition of Johnson, who once reported to journalists, which was very afraid to speak to parents that he received a role. Well, tell me what kind of person will be shy to tell his loved ones, which will take off in a film, which if not becoming a cult, then definitely break this world of cinema on the nurses, collecting record amounts at the box office? "Yes, sex. Yes, a little wolf and vicious words. Let it be a dumb visible chest and pops close up, but your parents didn't do this in the frame! " - With confidence you can answer Johnson. But no, the girl was not important that the role received would glorify it as anyone else. Family opinion is more important. Is this not a sign of humanity from which they are so often died in Hollywood?

Frame from the film and the shooting process (below) "50 shades of gray"

Now it becomes clear why your relatives of the Dakota film banned - too much sex in her fulfillment to see not for what. Well, her right, but something tells us that the parents still violated her taboo. As in no way, their daughter became the face of the film, which changed the life of at least half of the planet. And you wouldn't do that?

What is up to popularity, then the Dakota speaks very modestly and emphasizes that the real star of the film ─ Jamie Dornan. Here she, of course, Lukuvit. Let Christian Gray and became the role of a 33-year-old Briton truly fateful, compete with the heroine of Dakota Johnson he cannot. Rather, both characters and their performers are standing on one plank popularity. Present one without the other - a glible business. Who would be told by his weavers of Gray, if not heroine Johnson?

Jamie Dornan in the popular American night talk show "Shaw Jimmy Kimmel"

However, such modesty is quite explained. Dakota grew up in the acting family, so such concepts as fame and fame, she absorbed with mother's milk. It can scare dozens of paparazzi with cameras in advance, and when your parents are sex symbols of the 1980s, then you begin to treat everything that is not easier, then for sure without "star dust".

Dakota Johnson in a family circle: With Metray Melani Griffith (left) and father Don Johnson and his wife, a silent lioness Kelly Fair

Direct Speech: Dakota Johnson about himself and others

About my career. Why is my mom no longer remove? She is a wonderful actress! Why is my grandmother no longer remove? She is magnificent (American actress Tipi Hedren, known in the roles in the Hitchkoe thrillers "Birds" and "Marny" ─ approx. Ed.). This damn industry is cruel. It doesn't matter how cool you are ─ if you are an actress, you will always have a feeling of unnecessaryness. This is absurd! Whenever I am not busy in projects, I do not leave the idea that it's not a fact that I will be filmed again. And every year this feeling will grow more and more ...

At the premiere of the film "Actively Search" (London, February 9, 2016)

About "50 shades of gray." I am proud of the film, and I do not want to distance myself from him ─ the same part of my work. The more I work, the more roles I get, and the more faces in me can be considered.

Frame from the film "50 shades of gray"

About appearance. In ordinary life, I do not always look perfectly. So it does not happen that you are always great, so most of all I love honest films, which show the reality of which it is. Including my appearance.

At Los Angeles Airport (November, 2015)

In New York (January, 2016)

On the evening show Jimmy Fallon (January 20, 2016)

On the shooting of the morning television show Today Show

One of the 5 Dakota Tattoos with the call "Look at the Moon"

In Christian Dior at the presentation of the British Academy of Cinema (February, 2016)

In Gucci on Met Gala-2016 (May, 2016)

About family. I always understood that my family is popular, but it never gave me the right to think that because of this, everything is allowed to me in the world.

Dakota Johnson with Mother Melanie Griffith

About shooting in Sicle. Until the work began on the second part of the "shades", I had time to relax and ... say goodbye to friends, relatives, free time and dating. I knew that when the work began, it would not be for all this time ... Of course, the frank scenes were still hard, because on the set there is no place for an intimate setting ─ we are all in sight.