Bunin's full name. A new step on the creative path

Bunin's full name.  A new step on the creative path
Bunin's full name. A new step on the creative path
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a very extraordinary personality and in many ways turned the course of development of everything literary world... Of course, many critics with their characteristic skepticism refer to the achievements of the great author, but deny his significance in all Russian literature just impossible. Like any poet or writer, the secrets of creating great and memorable works are closely related to the biography of Ivan Alekseevich himself, and his rich and multifaceted life influenced in many ways both his immortal lines and all Russian literature in general.

Brief Biography of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The future poet and writer, but for now just young Vanya Bunin, was lucky to be born in a fairly decent and wealthy family of a noble noble family who had the honor to live in a posh noble estate, which fully corresponded to the status of the noble family of his family. Also in early childhood the family decided to move from Voronezh to the Oryol province, where Ivan spent his early years, without visiting any educational institutions until the age of eleven - the boy successfully studied at home, read books and improved his knowledge, delving into good, high-quality and informative literature.

In 1881, at the request of his parents, Ivan nevertheless entered a decent gymnasium, however, studying at educational institution did not bring the boy absolutely any pleasure - already in the fourth grade on vacation, he announced that he did not want to return to school, and he was much more pleasant and productive to study at home. He nevertheless returned to the gymnasium - perhaps this is due to the desire of his father-officer, perhaps a simple desire to gain knowledge and grow up in a team, but already in 1886 Ivan nevertheless returned home, but did not quit his education - now his teacher, mentor and leader in the educational process became the elder brother Julius, who followed the success of the future famous Nobel laureate.

Ivan began to write poetry in a completely early age, but then he himself, being well-read and educated, understood that such creativity was not serious. At the age of seventeen, his work switched to new level, and then the poet realized that he needed to get out into the people, and not put his works of art on the table.

Already in 1887, Ivan Alekseevich published his works for the first time, and, pleased with himself, the poet moved to Oryol, where he successfully got a job as a proofreader in a local newspaper, gaining access to interesting and sometimes classified information and ample opportunities for development. It is here that he meets Varvara Pashchenko, with whom he falls in love to the point of unconsciousness, together with her, he throws everything that was acquired by back-breaking labor, reread the opinion of his parents and those around him and moves to Poltava.

The poet meets and communicates with many famous personalities - for example, he is quite long time consisted with Anton Chekhov, already famous at that time, with whom, as a result, in 1895, Ivan Alekseevich was lucky to meet personally. In addition to a personal acquaintance with an old pen pal, Ivan Bunin makes acquaintance and finds common interests and points of contact with Balmont, Bryusov and many other talented minds of his modern times.

Ivan Alekseevich was married for a rather short time to Anna Tsakni, with whom, unfortunately, his life did not work out at all - the only child did not live for several years, therefore the couple quickly disintegrated due to the grief experienced and the difference in views on the surrounding reality, but already in 1906, in the life of Bunin, his big and pure love- Vera Muromtseva, and it was this novel that lasted long years- At first, the couple simply cohabited, without thinking about the official conclusion of marriage, but already in 1922 the marriage was nevertheless legalized.

Happy and measured family life did not prevent the poet and writer from traveling a lot, discovering new cities and countries, writing down their impressions on paper and sharing their emotions with their surroundings. The trips that took place during these years of the writer's life were largely reflected in his creative way- Bunin often created his works either on the road, or at the moment of arrival at a new place - in any case, creativity and travel were inextricably linked and tightly.

Bunin. Confession

Bunin was nominated for a surprising variety of awards in the field of literature, due to which at a certain period he was even subjected to straightforward condemnation and harsh criticism from others - many began to notice arrogance and overestimated self-esteem behind the writer, however, in fact, Bunin's creativity and talent is quite corresponded to his ideas about himself. Bunin was even awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, but the money he received was not spent on himself - already living abroad in exile or getting rid of the culture of the Bolsheviks, the writer helped the same creative people, poets and writers, as well as people, just like he fled the country.

Bunin and his wife were distinguished by kindness and an open heart - it is known that during the war years they even hid fugitive Jews in their backyard, protecting them from repression and destruction. Today, there are even opinions that Bunin must be given high awards and titles for many of his actions related to humanity, kindness and humanism.

Almost all his adult life after the Revolution, Ivan Alekseevich spoke out rather sharply against new government, thanks to which he ended up abroad - he could not tolerate everything that was happening in the country. Of course, after the war, his ardor cooled down a little, but, nevertheless, until the very last days, the poet worried about his country and knew that something was wrong in it.

The poet died calmly and quietly in a dream in his own bed. They say that at the time of his death there was a volume of Leo Tolstoy's book next to him.

Memory of the great literary figure, poet and writer is immortalized not only in his famous works, which from generation to generation pass on school textbooks and a variety of literary publications. The memory of Bunin lives on in the names of streets, crossroads, alleys and in every monument erected in memory of great personality, who created real changes in the whole domestic literature and pushed it to a completely new, progressive and modern level.

Creativity of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is that necessary component, without which today it is simply impossible to imagine not only domestic, but all world literature... It was he who made his constant contribution to the creation of works, a new, fresh look at the world and endless horizons, from which poets and writers around the world still take an example.

Oddly enough, today the work of Ivan Bunin is much more revered abroad, in his homeland for some reason he did not receive such wide recognition, even despite the fact that his works are quite actively studied in schools from the very junior grades. In his works there is absolutely everything that a lover of an exquisite, beautiful syllable, an unusual play on words, bright and clean images and new, fresh and still current ideas.

Bunin, with his characteristic skill, describes his own feelings - here even the most sophisticated reader understands exactly what the author felt at the moment of creating a particular work - his experiences are described so vividly and openly. For example, one of Bunin's poems tells about a difficult and painful parting with his beloved, after which all that remains is to make a faithful friend - a dog that will never betray, and succumb to reckless drunkenness, ruining himself without stopping.

Female images Bunin's works are especially vividly described - each heroine of his works is drawn in the mind of the reader in such detail that it gives the impression of a personal acquaintance with a particular woman.

home distinctive feature all creativity of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is the universality of his works. Representatives of the most different classes and interests, and his works will capture both experienced readers and those who, for the first time in their lives, took up the study of Russian literature.

Bunin wrote about absolutely everything that surrounded him, and in most cases the themes of his works coincided with different periods his life. Early works often described the village simple life, native spaces and the surrounding nature. During the Revolution, the writer, of course, described everything that happened in his beloved country - it was this that became a real heritage not only of the Russian classical literature but the whole national history.

Ivan Alekseevich wrote about himself and his life, warmly and in detail described his own feelings, often plunged into the past and recalled pleasant and negative moments, trying to understand himself and at the same time convey to the reader a deep and truly great idea. There is a lot of tragedy in his lines, especially when it comes to love works- here the writer saw a tragedy in love and death in it.

The main themes in the works of Bunin were:

Revolution and life before and after it

Love and all its tragedy

The world surrounding the writer himself

Of course, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin left an unimaginable contribution to Russian literature, precisely because his legacy is still alive today, and the number of his admirers never decreases, but, on the contrary, is actively progressing.

“Through the century says
Poet - and his syllable rings -
Painted autumn in scarlet.
And the cemetery sleeps sadly
Where in a foreign land he lies.
And sadly looks down from above ... "
From a poem by Tamara Khanzhina in memory of Bunin


An amazing fact, but this talented, brilliant, educated and sophisticated person did not receive good education... Most of his knowledge and interest in literature, philosophy and psychology, Ivan Bunin was instilled by his older brother, who graduated with honors from the university and studied a lot with the boy. Perhaps it was thanks to his brother Julia Bunin that he was able to reveal his literary talent.

Bunin's biography can be read like a novel with a gripping plot. Throughout his life, Bunin changed cities, countries and, what is not a secret, women. One thing remained unchanged - his passion for literature. He published his first poem at the age of 16 and already at 25 - shone in literary circles both capitals of Russia. The first wife of Bunin was the Greek Anna Tsakni, but this marriage did not last long, Bunin's only son died at the age of five, and after a while the writer met the main woman in her life - Vera Muromtseva. It was with her, who later became official wife Bunin, the writer emigrated to France, never being able to accept the Bolshevik power.

While living in France, Bunin continued to write, there he created his best works... But he did not stop thinking about Russia, yearning for her, grieving over his renunciation. However, these experiences only benefited his work, it is not for nothing that Bunin's stories, poems and stories are considered the golden heritage of Russian literature today. For the skill with which he developed the traditions of Russian classical prose, 80-year-old Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature - the first of Russian writers. All the years of emigration, next to Bunin was his wife, Vera, who steadfastly endured both her husband's difficult character and his hobbies on the side. Until last day she stayed with him true friend, not just his wife.

While in France, Bunin constantly thought about returning to Russia. But seeing what was happening to his compatriots, who believed in the favor of the Soviet government and returned home, the writer gave up this idea year after year. Bunin's death came in the 84th year of his life in his modest apartment in Paris. The cause of Bunin's death, according to the doctor, was a whole bunch of diseases - heart failure, cardiac asthma and pulmonary sclerosis. Bunin's funeral service was held in a Russian church in Paris, then the body was placed in a zinc coffin in a temporary crypt - Bunin's wife hoped that she would still be able to bury her husband in Russia. But, alas, this was not given to happen, and on January 30, 1954, Bunin's funeral took place with the transfer of his coffin from a temporary crypt. Bunin's grave is located in the Russian cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois near Paris.

Bunin's wives - first wife Anna (left) and second wife Vera (right)

Life line

October 10, 1870 Date of birth of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.
1881 g. Admission to the Yelets gymnasium.
1892 g. Moving to Poltava, work in the newspapers "Poltavskie gubernskiye vedomosti", "Kievlyanin".
1895 g. Success in literary society Moscow and St. Petersburg, meeting with Chekhov.
1898 g. Marriage with Anna Tsakni.
1900 g. Parting with Tsakni, a trip to Europe.
1901 g. The release of the collection of poems by Bunin "Leaf fall".
1903 g. Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize.
1906 g. The beginning of a relationship with Vera Muromtseva.
1909 g. Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize, and was elected an honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature.
1915 g. Publication of the complete collected works of Bunin in the appendix to the magazine "Niva".
1918 g. Moving to Odessa.
1920 g. Emigration to France, to Paris.
1922 g. Official marriage with Vera Muromtseva.
1924 g. Writing Bunin's story "Mitya's Love".
1933 g. Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
1934-1936 Publication of Bunin's collected works in Berlin.
1939 g. Moving to Grasse.
1945 g. Return to Paris.
1953 g. Completion of the collection of stories by Bunin " Dark alleys».
November 8, 1953 Date of Bunin's death.
November 12, 1953 Funeral service, placing the body in a temporary crypt.
January 30, 1954 Funeral of Bunin (reburial).

Memorable places

1. Village of Ozerki, former estate Bunins, where the writer's childhood passed.
2. House of Bunin in Voronezh, where he was born and lived the first three years of his life.
3. Literary Memorial Museum of Bunin in Yelets, in the house where Bunin lodged as a high school student.
4. House-Museum of Bunin in Efremov, where Bunin periodically lived and worked in 1906-1910. and on which a memorial plaque in memory of Bunin is installed.
5. St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, of which Bunin was elected Honorary Academician.
6. Bunin's house in Odessa, where Bunin and Muromtseva lived in 1918-1920. before leaving for France.
7. House of Bunin in Paris, where he periodically lived from 1922 to 1953. and where he died.
8. House of Bunin in Grasse, villa "Jeannette", at the entrance to which there is a memorial plaque in memory of Bunin.
9. House of Bunin in Grasse, Villa Belvedere.
10. Monument to Bunin in Moscow.
11. Monument to Bunin in Orel.
12. Monument to Bunin in Voronezh.
13. Cemetery Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois, where Bunin is buried.

Episodes of life

Bunin possessed not only literary but also acting talent. He had a very rich facial expression, he moved well and danced, he was an excellent rider. It is known that Konstantin Stanislavsky himself invited Bunin to play the role of Hamlet in the theater, but he refused.

The last years of his life, Ivan Bunin lived practically in poverty. The money he got like nobel laureate, the writer immediately went to parties and receptions, helping emigrants, and then unsuccessfully invested in some business and completely burned out.

It is known that Ivan Bunin, like many writers, kept a diary. Last entry he did on May 2, 1953, a few months before his death, which, apparently, he already had a presentiment due to deteriorating health: “It's still amazing to tetanus! After a very short time I will be gone - and the deeds and destinies of everything, everything will be unknown to me! "


“What a joy to exist! Only to see, at least to see only this smoke and this light. If I didn't have arms and legs and I could only sit on a bench and look at the setting sun, then I would be happy with that. One need only - to see and breathe. "

A documentary film dedicated to Ivan Bunin, from the cycle "Geniuses and Villains"


"The great mountain was Tsar Ivan!"
Don-Aminado (Aminodav Peisakhovich Shpolyansky), poet-satirist

“He was an extraordinary writer. And he was an extraordinary man. "
Mark Aldanov, prose writer, publicist

“Bunin is a rare phenomenon. In our literature, in terms of language, this is the peak, above which no one can rise. "
Sergey Voronin, prose writer

“All his life Bunin waited for happiness, wrote about human happiness, looked for ways to it. He found it in his poetry, prose, love for life and for his homeland and said great words that happiness is given only to those who know. Bunin lived a difficult, sometimes contradictory life. He saw a lot, knew, loved and hated a lot, worked a lot, sometimes he was cruelly mistaken, but all his life his greatest, most tender, unchanging love was home country, Russia".
Konstantin Paustovsky, writer

The name of the writer Ivan Bunin is well known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. Thanks to his own works, the first Russian laureate in the field of literature deserved world fame while still alive! To better understand what was guided by this person when creating your unique masterpieces, you should study the biography of Ivan Bunin and his view of many things in life.

Brief biographical sketches from early childhood

The future was born great writer back in 1870, October 22. Voronezh became his homeland. The Bunin family was not rich: his father became an impoverished landowner, therefore, from early childhood, little Vanya experienced many material hardships.

The biography of Ivan Bunin is very unusual, and this was manifested already from the very early period his life. Even as a child, he was very proud of the fact that he was born into a noble family. At the same time, Vanya tried not to focus on the material difficulties.

As the biography of Ivan Bunin testifies, in 1881 he entered the first grade. Its schooling Ivan Alekseevich started at the Yeletsk gymnasium. However, due to the heavy financial situation his parents were forced to leave school in 1886 and continue to learn the basics of science at home. It is thanks to homeschooling that young Vanya gets acquainted with the work of such famous writers as Koltsov A.V. and Nikitin I.S.

A number of the beginning of Bunin's career

Ivan Bunin began writing his very first poems at the age of 17. It was then that his creative debut took place, which turned out to be very successful. Not in vain printed editions published the works of the young author. But then their editors could hardly have guessed how stunning successes in the field of literature awaited Bunin in the future!

At the age of 19, Ivan Alekseevich moved to Oryol and got a job in a newspaper with the eloquent name "Orlovsky Vestnik".

In 1903 and 1909, Ivan Bunin, whose biography is presented to the attention of the reader in the article, was awarded the Pushkin Prize. And on November 1, 1909, he was elected an honorary academician to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, which specialized in exquisite literature.

Important events from your personal life

The personal life of Ivan Bunin abounds in many interesting moments to which you should pay attention. In the life of the great writers, there were 4 women for whom he had tender feelings. And each of them played a certain role in his fate! Let's pay attention to each of them:

  1. Varvara Pashchenko - Ivan Alekseevich Bunin met her at the age of 19. This happened in the building of the editorial office of the newspaper "Orlovsky Vestnik". But with Varvara, who was one year older than him, Ivan Alekseevich lived in a civil marriage. Difficulties in their relationship began due to the fact that Bunin simply could not provide her with the material standard of living to which she aspired.As a result, Varvara Pashchenko cheated on him with a wealthy landowner.
  2. Anna Tsakni in 1898 became the legal wife of a famous Russian writer. He met her in Odessa during his vacation and was simply struck by her natural beauty. However, family life quickly cracked due to the fact that Anna Tsakni always dreamed of returning to hometown- Odessa. Therefore, the whole life of Moscow was a burden for her, and she accused her husband of indifference to her and callousness.
  3. Vera Muromtseva is the beloved woman of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, with whom he lived the longest - 46 years. They officially formalized the relationship only in 1922 - 16 years after they met. And Ivan Alekseevich met his future wife in 1906, during a literary evening. After the wedding, the writer moved with his wife to live in the southern part of France.
  4. Galina Kuznetsova lived next to the writer's wife - Vera Muromtseva - and was not at all embarrassed by this fact, however, like Ivan Alekseevich's wife herself. In total, she lived for 10 years in a French villa.

Political views of the writer

Political views many people have had a significant impact on public opinion. Therefore, certain newspaper publications devoted a lot of time to them.

Even despite the fact that to a greater extent Ivan Alekseevich had to engage in his own work outside of Russia, he always loved his homeland and understood the meaning of the word "patriot". However, Bunin was alien to belonging to any particular party. But in one of his interviews, the writer somehow mentioned that the idea of ​​a social democratic system is closer to him in spirit.

Personal life tragedy

In 1905, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin had a grave grief: his son Nikolai died, whom Anna Tsakni gave birth to. This fact can definitely be attributed to personal life tragedy writer. However, as follows from his biography, Ivan Bunin stood firm, was able to endure the pain of loss and give, in spite of such a sad event, a lot of literary "pearls" to the whole world! What else is known about the life of the Russian classic?

Ivan Bunin: interesting facts from life

Bunin very much regretted that he had finished only 4 classes of the gymnasium and could not receive a systematic education. But given fact did not prevent him from leaving a considerable mark in the literary world of creativity.

For a long period of time, Ivan Alekseevich had to stay in exile. And all this time he dreamed of returning to his homeland. Bunin cherished this dream virtually until his death, but it remained unrealizable.

At the age of 17, when he wrote his first poem, Ivan Bunin tried to imitate his great predecessors - Pushkin and Lermontov. Perhaps their work had a great influence on the young writer and became an incentive to create their own works.

Now, few people know that in early childhood the writer Ivan Bunin was poisoned with bleached. Then a nanny saved him from certain death, who gave little Vanya a drink on time with milk.

The writer tried to determine the appearance of a person by the limbs, as well as the back of the head.

Bunin Ivan Alekseevich was passionate about collecting various boxes, as well as bottles. At the same time, he fiercely guarded all his "exhibits" for many years!

These and others Interesting Facts characterize Bunin as an extraordinary personality, capable not only of realizing his talent in the field of literature, but also of taking an active part in many areas of activity.

Famous collections and works of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The largest works that Ivan Bunin managed to write in his life are the stories “Mitina Love”, “The Village”, “Sukhodol”, as well as the novel “The Life of Arseniev”. It was for the novel that Ivan Alekseevich was awarded Nobel Prize.

The collection of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "Dark Alleys" is very interesting for the reader. It contains stories that touch on the theme of love. The writer worked on them in the period from 1937 to 1945, that is, exactly when he was in exile.

Also highly appreciated are the samples of creativity of Ivan Bunin, which were included in the collection " Cursed days". It describes the revolutionary events of 1917 and all that historical aspect that they carried within themselves.

Popular poems by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

In each of his poems, Bunin clearly expressed certain thoughts. For example, in famous work"Childhood" the reader gets acquainted with the thoughts of the child with regard to the world around him. A ten-year-old boy reflects on how majestic nature is around and how small and insignificant he is in this universe.

In the verse "Night and Day" the poet masterfully describes different times days and focuses on the fact that everything is gradually changing in human life and only God remains eternal.

The nature in the work "Rafts" is interestingly described, as well as the hard work of those who every day ferry people to the opposite bank of the river.

Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize to Ivan Bunin was awarded for the novel The Life of Arseniev, written by him, which actually told about the life of the writer himself. Despite the fact that this book was published in 1930, in it Ivan Alekseevich tried to "pour out his soul" and his feelings about certain life situations.

Officially, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Bunin on December 10, 1933 - that is, 3 years after his release. famous novel... He received this honorary award from the hands of the Swedish king Gustav V.

It is noteworthy that for the first time in history, the Nobel Prize was submitted to a person who was officially in exile. Until this moment, not a single genius who became its owner has ever been in exile. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin just became this "pioneer" who was noted by the world literary community with such a valuable encouragement.

Altogether, the Nobel Prize winners were entitled to 715,000 francs in cash. It would seem a very impressive amount. But it was quickly squandered by the writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, as he provided financial aid Russian émigrés, who peppered him with many different letters.

Death of a writer

Death to Ivan Bunin came quite unexpectedly. His heart stopped while sleeping, and this sad event happened on November 8, 1953. It was on this day that Ivan Alekseevich was in Paris and could not even imagine his imminent death.

Surely Bunin dreamed of living for a long time and one day to die on native land, among his loved ones and a large number friends. But fate decreed a little differently, as a result of which most the writer spent his life in exile. However, thanks to his unsurpassed creativity, he actually ensured immortality to his name. Many generations of people will remember the literary masterpieces written by Bunin. Creative person, like him, gains world fame and becomes a historical reflection of the era in which she worked!

They buried Ivan Bunin in one of the cemeteries in France (Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois). Here is such a rich and interesting biography Ivan Bunin. What is his role in world literature?

The role of Bunin in world literature

It is safe to say that Ivan Bunin (1870-1953) left a noticeable mark on world literature. Thanks to such merits as ingenuity and verbal sensitivity, which the poet possessed, he was excellent at creating the most suitable literary images in their works.

By his nature, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was a realist, but, despite this, he skillfully supplemented his stories with something fascinating and unusual. The uniqueness of Ivan Alekseevich lay in the fact that he did not consider himself to be a member of any well-known literary group and a principled "trend" in his view.

All the best stories of Bunin were dedicated to Russia and told about everything that connected the writer with it. Perhaps it was thanks to these facts that Ivan Alekseevich's stories were very popular among Russian readers.

Unfortunately, Bunin's work has not been fully investigated by our contemporaries. Scientific research language and style of the writer is yet to come. His influence on Russian literature of the 20th century has not yet been revealed, perhaps because, like Pushkin, Ivan Alekseevich is unique. There is a way out of this situation: turning again and again to the texts of Bunin, to documents, archives, memories of his contemporaries.

Ivan Bunin was born in 1870 in the family of a nobleman, former officer Alexei Bunin, who had gone bankrupt by that time. From their estate, the family was forced to move to the Oryol region, where the writer's childhood passed. In 1881 he entered the Yelets gymnasium. But it is not possible to get an education, after 4 grades Ivan returns home, because the ruined parents simply do not have enough funds to educate him. The elder brother Julius, who managed to graduate from the university, helped to complete the entire course of the gymnasium at home. The biography of Bunin - a person, creator and creator - is full of unexpected events and facts. At the age of 17, Ivan published his first poems. Soon Bunin moved to Kharkov to his older brother, went to work as a proofreader for the newspaper "Orlovsky Vestnik". In it he publishes his stories, articles and poems.

In 1891 the first poetry collection... Here the young writer meets Varvara - the girl's parents did not want their marriage, so the young couple secretly leaves for Poltava. Their relationship lasted until 1894 and began to write the novel "Life of Arseniev".

Bunin's biography is amazing, full of meetings and interesting acquaintances. 1895 becomes a turning point in the life of Ivan Alekseevich. A trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg, meeting with Chekhov, Bryusov, Kuprin, Korolenko, the first success in the literary society of the capital. In 1899 Bunin married Anna Tsakni, but this marriage was short-lived. 1900 - the story " Antonov apples", 1901 - a collection of poems" Listopad ", 1902 - a collection of works is published in the publishing house" Knowledge ". Author - Ivan Bunin. The biography is unique. 1903 - Awarded the Pushkin Prize! The writer travels a lot: Italy, France, Constantinople, the Caucasus. His best works are stories of love. About love, unusual, special, without happy ending... As a rule, this is a fleeting random feeling, but of such depth and strength that it breaks the lives and fates of the heroes. And here Bunin's difficult biography affects. But his works are not tragic, they are filled with love, happiness from the fact that this great feeling happened in life.

In 1906, at literary evening Ivan Alekseevich meets Vera Muromtseva,

a quiet young lady with huge eyes. Again, the girl's parents were against their relationship. Vera studied at last year, wrote a diploma. But she chose love. In April 1907 Vera and Ivan set off on a journey together, this time to the east. For all, they became husband and wife. But they got married only in 1922, in France.

For the translations of Byron, Tennyson, Musset in 1909, Bunin again received the Pushkin Prize, became an honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1910, the story "Village" appeared, which caused a lot of controversy and made the author popular. Having been with Gorky in 1912-1914. on in Italy, Bunin wrote his famous story"The gentleman from San Francisco."

But Ivan Alekseevich Bunin did not welcome the year. The biography of the writer is not easy. In 1920, his family He was accepted in the West as a major Russian writer, became the head of the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists. New works are published: "Mitya's love", "The case of the cornet Elagin", " Sunstroke"," God's tree ".

1933 - Bunin's biography surprises again. He becomes the first Russian By that time, the writer is very popular in Europe. Bunin was an opponent of the Nazi regime. During the war years, despite the losses and hardships, he did not publish a single work. During the occupation of France, he wrote a cycle of nostalgic stories, but published them only in 1946. last years his life, Ivan Alekseevich does not write poetry. But to The Soviet Union begins to treat with warmth, dreams of returning. But his plans were interrupted by death. Bunin died in 1953, like Stalin. And only a year later his works began to be published in the Union.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 10 (22), 1870 in Voronezh in an old impoverished noble family. The childhood of the future writer was spent on the family estate - on the Butyrki farm in the Yeletsk district of the Oryol province, where the Bunins moved in 1874. In 1881 he was enrolled in the first class of the Yeletsk gymnasium, but did not finish the course, expelled in 1886 for not showing up from vacation and non-payment of tuition fees. Return from Yelets I.A. Bunin had to move to a new place - to the Ozerki estate of the same Eletsky district, where the whole family moved in the spring of 1883, fleeing ruin by selling land in Butyrki. He received further education at home under the guidance of his older brother, Yuli Alekseevich Bunin (1857-1921), an exiled populist-black-redirector who forever remained one of the closest to I.A. Bunin people.

At the end of 1886 - beginning of 1887. wrote the novel "Enthusiasm" - the first part of the poem "Peter Rogachev" (not published), but debuted in print with the poem "Over the grave of Nadson", published in the newspaper "Rodina" on February 22, 1887. Within a year in the same "Rodina" appeared and other poems by Bunin - "The Village Beggar" (May 17) and others, as well as the stories "Two Wanderers" (September 28) and "Nefedka" (December 20).

At the beginning of 1889, the young writer leaves his parental home and begins independent life... At first he, following his brother Yuli, went to Kharkov, but in the fall of the same year he accepted an offer of cooperation in the newspaper "Orlovsky Vestnik" and settled in Orel. In the "Bulletin" I.A. Bunin "was everything he needed - a proofreader, a leader, and a theater critic", he lived exclusively literary work barely making ends meet. In 1891, Bunin's first book, Poems of 1887-1891, was published as a supplement to the Oryol Bulletin. The first strong and painful feeling also belongs to the Oryol period - love for Varvara Vladimirovna Pashchenko, who agreed at the end of the summer of 1892 to move with I.A. Bunin to Poltava, where at that time Yuliy Bunin served in the zemstvo city council. The young couple also got a job at the council, and the newspaper "Poltavskie gubernskiye vedomosti" published numerous essays by Bunin, written by order of the zemstvo.

Literary day-to-day work oppressed the writer, whose poems and stories in 1892-1894. have already begun to appear on the pages of such reputable metropolitan magazines as “ Russian wealth"," Northern Herald "," Bulletin of Europe ". At the beginning of 1895, after a break with V.V. Pashchenko, he leaves the service and goes to St. Petersburg, and then to Moscow.

In 1896, Bunin's translation into Russian of G. Longfellow's poem The Song of Hiawatha, which opened the undoubted talent of a translator and has remained unsurpassed in fidelity to the original and the beauty of the verse, was published as an appendix to the Oryol Bulletin. In 1897 in St. Petersburg the collection “To the End of the World” and Other Stories ”was published, and in 1898 in Moscow - a book of poems“ Under open air". In the spiritual biography of Bunin, the rapprochement in these years with the participants of the "environment" of the writer N.D. Teleshov and especially the meeting at the end of 1895 and the beginning of friendship with A.P. Chekhov. Bunin carried his admiration for the personality and talent of Chekhov throughout his life, devoting his last book(the unfinished manuscript "On Chekhov" was published in New York in 1955, after the death of the author).

At the beginning of 1901, the Moscow publishing house "Scorpion" published a collection of poetry "Leaf Fall" - the result of Bunin's short collaboration with the Symbolists, which brought the author, along with the translation of "Song of Hiawatha", the Pushkin Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1903.

Acquaintance in 1899 with Maxim Gorky led I.A. Bunin in the early 1900s. to cooperation with the publishing house "Knowledge". In the "Collections of the Association" Knowledge "" published his stories and poems, and in 1902-1909. the publishing house "Knowledge" publishes the first collected works of I.A. Bunin (volume six saw the light already thanks to the publishing house "Public Benefit" in 1910).

The growth of literary fame brought I.A. Bunin and relative material security, which allowed him to fulfill his long-standing dream - to travel abroad. In 1900-1904. the writer visited Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy. Impressions from a trip to Constantinople in 1903 formed the basis of the story "The Shadow of the Bird" (1908), from which a number of brilliant travel sketches began in Bunin's work, collected later in the cycle of the same name (the collection "The Shadow of the Bird" was published in Paris in 1931 G.).

In November 1906, in the Moscow house of B.K. Zaitseva Bunin met Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva (1881-1961), who became the companion of the writer until the end of his life, and in the spring of 1907 the lovers set off on their "first distant journey" - to Egypt, Syria and Palestine.

In the fall of 1909, the Academy of Sciences awarded I.A. Bunin the second Pushkin Prize and elected him an honorary academician, but the novel "Village", published in 1910, brought him genuine and widespread fame. Bunin and his wife still travel a lot, visiting France, Algeria and Capri, Egypt and Ceylon. In December 1911, the writer graduated from Capri autobiographical tale"Sukhodol", which, being published in the "Vestnik Evropy" in April 1912, was a huge success among readers and critics. On October 27-29 of the same year, the entire Russian community solemnly celebrated the 25th anniversary literary activity I.A. Bunin, and in 1915 in the St. Petersburg publishing house of A.F. Marx left it complete collection works in six volumes. In 1912-1914. Bunin was closely involved in the work of the "Book Publishing of Writers in Moscow", and collections of his works were published in this publishing house one after another - "John Rydalets: Stories and Poems of 1912-1913." (1913), "The Cup of Life: Stories from 1913-1914." (1915), "The gentleman from San Francisco: works of 1915-1916." (1916).

October Revolution of 1917 I.A. Bunin did not accept it decisively and categorically, in May 1918 he and his wife left Moscow for Odessa, and at the end of January 1920 the Bunins left Soviet Russia forever, sailing through Constantinople to Paris. A monument to I.A. Bunin's revolutionary time there was a diary "Cursed Days", published in exile.

The entire subsequent life of the writer is connected with France. The Bunins spent most of the year from 1922 to 1945 in Grasse, not far from Nice. In emigration, only one proper poetry collection by Bunin was published - "Selected Poems" (Paris, 1929), but ten new books of prose were written, including "The Rose of Jericho" (published in Berlin in 1924), "Mitya's Love" ( in Paris in 1925), "Sunstroke" (in the same place in 1927). In 1927-1933. Bunin worked on his own major work- the novel "The Life of Arseniev" (first published in Paris in 1930; the first complete edition was published in New York in 1952). In 1933 the writer was awarded the Nobel Prize "for his true artistic talent, with which he recreated the typical Russian character in fiction."

The Bunins spent the years of World War II in Grasse, which was under German occupation for some time. Written in the 1940s. stories made up the book "Dark Alleys", first published in New York in 1943 (the first complete edition was published in Paris in 1946). Already at the end of the 1930s. the attitude of I.A. Bunin became more tolerant of the Soviet country, and after the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany, and certainly benevolent, but the writer was never able to return to his homeland.

In the last years of I.A. Bunin published his "Memoirs" (Paris, 1950), worked on the already mentioned book about Chekhov and constantly amended his already published works, mercilessly reducing them. In the Literary Testament, he asked to continue to publish his works only in the last author's edition, which formed the basis of his 12-volume collected works, published by the Berlin publishing house Petropolis in 1934-1939.

Died I.A. Bunin on November 8, 1953 in Paris, was buried in the Russian cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois.