Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich. Leonid Yakubovich - biography, information, personal life

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich. Leonid Yakubovich - biography, information, personal life
Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich. Leonid Yakubovich - biography, information, personal life

Choosing fame and glory, many celebrities are encouraged by ridiculous rumors and gossip. Today, Leonid Yakubovich, Leonid Yakubovich turned out to be in the center of the events - from August 2017, devotional fans are guessing, a man is alive or not.

  • Victim of evil languages
  • What is true

Victim of evil languages

Russian TV host for decades flashes on TV screens, participates in all sorts of shows and even acts as a judge in KVN. Perhaps that is why Leonid Arkadyevich became a victim of evil jokers who are not lazy to inform the public about his death.
At first, numerous reports appeared, talking about the fact that Yakubovich had his health - almost all his free time a man spends in hospitals and hopes only on a miracle.

Judging by the facts stated, doctors and themselves do not hope to save the TV presenter, but only pull out of it and advise friends and relatives to collect money for the funeral.

Many fans believed outlined information, as 71 years old are not a joke and anything could happen. Especially if you consider the heavy schedule of Leonid Yakubovich, constant flights, concerts and all kinds of official techniques. Even a young organism may not withstand such a rhythm of life, what to say about the person of the respected age.

Through some time, sad news began to appear, accompanied by mourning photographs - the leading TV program "Field of Miracles" after a heavy stroke died in Germany. Close people will grieve and are very worried about such a loss.

How many times the famous TV presenter died

In social networks and in the press began to appear news not only about the stroke of the famous artist, but also that his soul went to the world of other due to severe infarction.

And if these two versions at least somehow similar to each other, then where did the third come from - she assures that Yakubovich was seriously injured in a car accident. Doctors who arrived at the scene said that the man received damage not compatible with life. And if he survived after an accident, it would be a disabled person until the end of days.

Whoever believing in such a situation is incomprehensible. Probably, everyone had to choose a version to himself and prepares for goodbye to Leonid Arkadyevich, who, after the emergence of all these rumors, did not really come into contact with the people. But soon everything changed.

What event made the artist speak

To begin with, it is worth noting that similar "tragic" press headers have already been swept a few years ago. Then Yakubovich was crowded, and did not react in any way to the news of his death - he continued to engage in his favorite thing and fill on television screens.

But in 2017, it was so far that in social networks began to appear sad memories of TV presenter, conversations about who he bequeathed his condition and "necrologists."
It was this fact that Leonid Arkadyevich was openly telling with all friends not eradicate reliable information about the state of their state of health.

What is true

According to the TV presenter itself, his health does not cause any concern and there are no reasons for excitement. Leonid Yakubovich claims that he did not have heart attacks or strokes in principle, in principle, it was not necessary to complain about all his life.

As for the car accident, she really was, but from the moment a lot of time passed, and the artist himself could say, separated only with a slight fright. No negative consequences in the body after this case followed.

Rumors about staying in treatment in Germany man also refuted, although he assured everyone that he occupied the medical examination periodically and all the results show an excellent result.

After all that Yakubovich occurred, he asks his fans less to believe media representatives, as in the near future he is definitely not going to. And, apparently, in the proof, the artist performed on one of the theater scenes of Moscow - everyone was able to make sure that with their idols are really all right.

By the way, Leonid Arkadyevich is a little amusing the fact that in most cases he dies due to a weak heart and sincerely does not understand where such an opinion came from.

Also, the leading "fields of miracles" began to have often joking that in the case of a real death, this news, probably no one and attention. But we hope that this will never happen, and the dear Leonid Yakubovich will delight us many more and many years.

Leonid Yakubovich - People's Artist of Russia, actor and TV host. Popularity to him came to the Capital show "Field of Miracles", which he has been leading for more than 25 years. Lovers of the game and fans of this famous man always interested his personal life.

Leonid Yakubovich - News today

Often on the network and in print editions there are news about the life of Leonid Yakubovich. However, over the past couple of years, you can see headlines related to the health problems of the lead or tragic cases, allegedly what happened to him. The most common version is a stroke.

You can also meet anxious information that the artist weakened noticeably and lost after a heart attack, and he was sent for long-term treatment to the elite German clinic. Running about car accidents in which Leonid Arkadyevich was seriously injured, also should not believe.

The lead itself has repeatedly stated that it did not fall into any accidents, and he had no serious health problems.

Since 2016, fans have seen that frightening information about the death of the lead "field of miracles" regularly appears in the media. Only for 2017 this news was voiced over 5 times. The artist with humor refers to such rumors and asks not to pay attention to such nonsense. In a comic form, he reports that it is not going to die in the near future.

Family Leonid Yakubovich

The famous TV host was married three times. The first marriage was concluded in student years and lasted long. The second wife gave birth to Leonid Son Artem, and with the third wife he lives for more than 20 years.

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is a popular Russian showman, the permanent leading capital show "Field of Miracles", co-host Alexander Strizhenov in the transfer of "Star to the Star".

Childhood Leonid Yakubovich

Amazing events accompany Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich literally since childhood. What is there, take at least a story of the acquaintance of his parents!

Rimma Semenovna Shenker at the time of the Great Patriotic War was engaged in sending parcels to the front. The girl collected warm things, herself knitted something, sometimes mined sweets and canned food. All parcels with hot rooms were sent in an arbitrary order, that is, there were no addresses on them. One of them got the captain Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich. In the convolution, knitted mittens were found, and both for one hand. The officer was touched and wrote a needlewoman, the correspondence began. A little later, Rimma Semenovna became his wife.

Immediately after the war, Leonid Yakubovich was born. Parents began to teach the Son to independence from early childhood. Once Lönya asked Pope to check the diary, to which his father was severely answered: "I don't need him, your business, how to learn. There will be problems, then turn. "

However, Leonid's special problems did not have any problems, especially liked the young people of history and literature lessons. True, in the eighth grade it was excluded from school, since he walked for three months. Then, even in the summer holidays, Yakubovich saw an advertisement on the street with a friend: young people were required for the expedition to East Siberia. It did not have to think about a long time. On the same day, Leonid told his parents that he was leaving for Siberia.

The work turned out to be quite strange - the guys worked with the "lives". They sat in a taiga on the stump, in some shorts and a tag, and recorded, at what time, who and where they were bitten by: "10.50 - bite on the right leg. 10.55 - Bite in the left foot. " The feet in adolescents were smeared by various milestones - their effectiveness was just checked on the expedition. Summer holidays approached the end, and the expedition is not. I had to learn to stay in Taiga forests, and on my return to Moscow he learned that he was expelled. I had to go to the evening school to enter the evening school, and in parallel to work at the Tupolev Electromechanics plant.

Successfully completing the evening school, Leonid Yakubovich unexpectedly passed the competition at once in three theatrical universities. But the father asked him to first get "suitable" specialty, and then go anywhere. Therefore, Leonid Arkadyevich decided to enroll in the metropolitan Institute of Electronic Engineering. But the talent to be buried to the ground did not and soon debuted in the student miniature theater. A little later, he was transferred to the Kuibyshev Institute of Construction Institute (MGSU), since there was a great team of KVN.

Bright performances, real friends, traveling around the country, meeting with the soloist of the "City-dwellers" ensemble Galina Antonova - Yakubovich always noted that these years were the most happy in his life.

Creative way of Leonid Yakubovich

In 1971, Yakubovich released from the institute, becoming a certified ventilation engineer and air conditioning. Until 1977, he worked at the Likhachev plant, after which until 1980 was a commissioned officer.

Leonid Yakubovich in the transfer "Alone with all"

But the soul of the future artist did not lie to the "tehnarskaya" job. From student times, Leonid was fond of writing scripts with a focus on a humorous genre. In 1980 he was even taken to the professional committee of Moscow playwrights. Since then, Yakubovich has written more than 300 works for pop performers. With written with the participation of Leonid Arkadyevich, Vladimir Vinokur played with the brilliance (according to many, it was this humorous sketch that made it famous). The works of Leonid Arkadyevich performed many masters of the domestic humor, in particular, Evgeny Petrosyan.

Also, his Peru owns several plays for setting on stage ("Attraction of the Earth", "Wyry Circle", "Parade of Parodists", "We have a victory like air", "Hotel with Prick," Ku-ku, man! "," TUTTY ").

In the same 1980, he played a secondary role in the deepy drama Yury Egorov "Once twenty years later," with Natalia Gundarere and Viktor Svakurin in high roles. According to the plot of the film former classmates going to the evening of graduates. Yakubovich played one of the former school comrades.

Leonid Yakubovich on the "Field of Miracles"

This viewing popularity came to Yakubovich after in 1991 he began to conduct the program "Field of Miracles", replacing the first leading, Vladislav Listeyev.

Simple governing rules are known, perhaps, every Russian viewer: three stages, three winners and the struggle in the superfinal. And at the end of the winner was waiting for the choice - to lose everything or choose a super prize. Charisma and the charm of Yakubovich helped the program to conquer folk love. All his replicas and actions were pure improvisation without the help of scripts and editors.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program "Evening Urgant"

The real legend of the "field of miracles" was the museum in which during the years of the ether gathered a truly uncountable number of exhibits donated by Yakubovich players of the show. Part of the collection was exhibited at VDNH in Moscow, part - in Ostankino, another part - in Tver.

Usa Yakubovich Following the owner became a kind of symbol of "Miracles". They were so inseparable with the way Leonid Arkadeyevich, that even in his contract with the first channel it was the item - not to chase the mustache. However, the showman wore a mustache from the very beginning of work, he ripped them only once, in 1971. Then he worked as an administrator at the Moscow theater of the comedy and, in debt, went along with the troupe on tour. Before an important meeting, he decided to bring marafet and began to shave in the hotel room, but something did not evolve: then one mustache, then another. "As a result, I turned into Hitler and shaved everything at all," he joked. From the meeting, it was almost expelled - they simply did not know.

Leonid Yakubovich's fountaining energy did not know borders. Therefore, the artist could not pass by the cinema, already being a star of the most popular entertainment show on Russian television. He showed his bright comedy talent in a number of significant paintings. So, the actor appeared in the role of a policeman in the ribbon "Moscow holidays", played himself in the TV series "clowns do not kill", exposing the opposite side of the messy show business, repeatedly appeared from cameras in "Elash". But it is worth noting that the proposals of the lead came regularly and in a large amount, but Leonid Arkadyevich never took them if he didn't like his role, although the process of "acting" him like him.

Leonid Yakubovich in "Elash"

Leonid Arkadyevich was also a producer and screenwriter of the comedy "Grandfather of My Dream", published on the screens in 2014. He appeared in the cast, playing the magic grandfather and the lead show "Field of Miracles". The film was marked by two prizes at the Smile, Russia festival; One went to Yakubovich himself for the best male role, the second recognized the ribbon "the most kind, most fun and wisest film."

In 2016, a talk show "Star on the star" with Yakubovich and Alexander Strezhenov, and Alexander Strezhenov, reached the Star TV channel. Each edition they was invited to the studio of famous personalities: artists, artists, athletes, and were sophisticated with them sincere conversations.

Personal life Leonid Yakubovich. Hobbies and hobbies

With the first spouse, Galina Antonova, Leonid Arkadyevich met in student years. He performed in KVN, and she was a soloist of the "County" ensemble. The first meeting of future spouses occurred at the Departure Concert under Issyk-Kulle. The wedding was played at the fifth year, and in 1973 Galina presented Leonid Son Artem.

Son Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the same Kuibyshev Institute as his father, received the highest economic at the Academy of Foreign Trade, and then settled on television.

Alas, the marriage of Leonid and Galina broke up in 1995, and the initiator of the divorce was the TV presenter. He was called with a novel with Marina Vido, who, together with him, worked in the television company "View". Soon they got married.

Among other hobbies of the artist, billiards were (he was a member of the Presidium of the Federation of Billiard Sports of Russia). Other hobbies are mountain skiing, prefers, cooking, numismatics, collecting reference books, auto racing on safari.

Leonid Yakubovich now

In 2016, Leonid Yakubovich was still meeting the guests of the Studio "Wonderland" and conquered the audience with a wide smile and his branded charm. However, in August 2016, anxious rumors appeared in the media: the press claimed that Yakubovich was seriously ill and was undergoing treatment in Germany. He had to refuse to participate in the play "The Last Aztec", where the artist was invited instead of the life of Albert Philosova. However, it turned out that with the health of the artist everything is in perfect order, and information about his illness is no more than rumors of ill-wishers.

In 2017, Yakubovich became the leading new show "I can!", In which anyone could demonstrate its unique talent in the studio and get a cash prize for it if you bite your own record.

Yakubovich Leonid Arkadyevich - the most famous Russian and Soviet TV host, as well as the screenwriter of many theatrical productions and plays, actor and producer, carrier of the title of the people's artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and parents

Leonid Yakubovich appeared in this world in the glorious capital of Russia on July 31, 1945, almost immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. According to the sign of the zodiac - the lion, and the eastern horoscope is a rooster.

In childhood

The parents of the future leading in the upbringing of the Son were fairly loyal, providing relative freedom of action to the little Leonid. Arkady Solomonovich and Rimma Semenovna adhered to the opinion that the development of independence and responsibility for the actions in the child, as well as the decisions taken from early age.

Once, being still a schoolboy, Leonid approached his father with a request to check the diary, but the parent firmly explained that the study was exclusively the case of the Son and contact the dad only when serious problems arise.

The study was given to open Leonid easily, the story, literature and, of course, participation in amateurant were especially interesting. But in the 8th grade, the future TV host was deducted from school for 3 months of absenteeism, which he conducted, being a member of the expedition to Eastern Siberia - the innate curiousness of Leonid did not allow him to pass by the announcement of the set of those who wish to go to Taiga.

In the same evening, parents were informed, and the next morning the group of children safely went to lead scientific research. The trip turned out rather unusual.

The duties of the participants included a daily pastime in the forest with almost without clothes and the audit of the moments of insect bites with an accurate description of what happened. In other words, in the so-called expedition, there were tests of various antitomarians.

The end of a small journey was delayed for several months and the arrival in Moscow occurred after the end of the summer holidays, due to which Leonid Arkadyevich was excluded from school for the most severe absenteeism.

Of course, the secondary education was still received in the evening school, and in parallel young Leonid acquired the first labor skills, working as an electrician at the Tupolev plant.


The end of studying in the evening school becomes the first step towards the mounted novelty student life, and Yakubovich comes simultaneously in 3 Theater Institute, trying to similarly determine their future path. But at that moment the father takes everything in his hands and asks Leonid first to get a specialty suitable for life and only after continuing the creative search for its essence.

The obedient son instantly takes the documents from all three universities and comes to training at the Institute of Electronic Mechanical Engineering of the city of Moscow, where he is fond of the game in a small miniature theater. A little later, Yakubovich is translated into the Kuibyshev Institute of Construction Institute, who ends in 1971.

Later, Leonid Arkadyevich will recall his student years with their bright game in the KVN team and cheerful rides around the country as the happiest and rich in his life.

Creative way

After the institute, following the selected specialty, Leonid Yakubovich starts activities at the Likhachev plant, where he worries from 1971 to 1977. But the stormy creative nature does not give him peace and, remembering the very successful humorous scenarios created during the Games in KVN, Leonid Arkadyevich decides to continue this path.

It is quite successful for him and since 1979 the active writing of scenic texts for several programs on television begins.

In 1980, Yakubovich elected members of the professional committee of Moscow playwrights and from now on to the present time they were written not less than 300 pop, theatrical and scenic creations, for example, a "monologue of the foreman", talentedly fulfilled by Vladimir Vinokur, the play "Tutti", "Cook, Man, "Hotel With Ghosts" and others.

Leonid Arkadyevich's lyrics and personally written works performed by V. Vainarovsky, E. Petrosyan and many other famous pop artists. And some of his writings, still fulfilled on stage, more than 20 years.

1988 marks the experience of conducting the first beauty contest in Moscow, as well as the fulfillment of his own scenario, written specifically for the event. In the same period, 2 years of activity as auctioneer will start for Leonid Arkadyevich.

Career on television

1991 is becoming the most important milestone in the life of Yakubovich. On November 1, Leonid Arkadyevich takes the relay from the first leading TV show "Field of Miracles" Vladislav Listeyev and this moment determines its further popularity.

Natural charm of Yakubovich, kind humor and the purest improvisation in communication with the players bring a gender success, and Leonid himself an incredible love of the audience. Until now, the famous mustache capital mustache are its business card and an absolute symbol of the program.

In 1995, Leonid Yakubovich becomes the manager of the program "Analyzes of the Week" and leads it throughout the year. After that, trying on the role of the host program "Wheel of History".


The fountaining ideas of the creative side of the legendary leader, of course, did not allow him to stay away from modern cinema. On account of Yakubovich-actor more than 20 films and serials:

"Moscow holidays" (1995);
"Do not send us a messenger" (1998);
"Russian Amazons" (2002);
"Clowns are not killed" (2005);
"And fathers and children" (2012);
"My Dream Grandfather" (2015) and others.

On the set "Yelash"

Life Life Leonid Yakubovich

The first experience of the marital life was received by Leonid Yakubovich in the years of student. Galina Antonova, who became the first wife, in 1973 gave the famous leading son of Artem. But in 1995, on the initiative of Leonid Arkadyevich, marriage was terminated.

Soon, Yakubovich married again on a colleague Marina Vido. In 1996, the presenter's family had happened in the family, the daughter of Varvara was born, and two years earlier, the wife of his son Artem gave birth to the daughter and granddaughter Leonid - Sophia.

With marina specion

Happy father leaves her daughter. So Leonid is attended with daughters of filmmakers and other events where they are never boring to them. Leonid can put on the movie a favorite pilot jacket, and Varya - go to the premiere of the film in the cosplay costume, as she did it at the premiere of the film about Harry Potter.

For the sake of his wife and daughter, Leonid Yakubovich even transformed. By the summer of 2018, he dropped 20 kg of excess weight so that they were not shy.

Hobbies and other achievements

In addition to the well-established career of the TV presenter, as well as the scenario and actor, in 2002, Leonid Yakubovich took the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2005 they received the Order of Friendship. In addition, the lead is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and consists of a television academy.

One of the favorite hobby Leonid Arkadyevich, of course, can be called driving sports aircraft. Randomly hitting the specialized Aeroclub, Yakubovich instantly caught fire by the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal air transport. Gradually, the pilot skills were acquired and the famous personality included in the Russian national team, admitted to participation in the World Air Aviakosmic Olympic Games, which was held in Turkey in 1997.

The famous pilot is invited to the opening of various events and within the country. So Leonid Yakubovich became in early September 2018, the honorary guest of the Krasnodar flight school, which took the first 15 girls to prepare in the pilots of military civil destination. Yakubovich spoke to cadets with a speech and noted that "the first flight is never forgotten."

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich. Born on July 31, 1945 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter, writer, producer. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2002).

Father - Engady Engineer Solomonovich Yakubovich (1913-1983), Head of the Design Bureau.

Mother - a gynecologist of Rimma Semenovna Yakubovich (nee Schönker; 1919-2005).

As a child, he was engaged in sports: a marching and shooting project.

In Yakubovich, Yakubovich was excluded from school. He worked at the aircraft plant to the turret, electromechanics.

The secondary education received in the evening school. Entered the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, where he was playing in the student miniature theater.

Then I went to study in the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. V. V. Kuibyshev. During study, I played the Institution team KVN. By the way, in the same construction institute studied. In contrast to Yakubovich, who graduated from the institute, due to his hobby, the creativity was expelled, went to the evening, and then - to the circus school. Yakubovich and Khazanov quickly became friends.

From 1976 to 1977, he worked at the Likhachev plant, from 1977 - in the commissioning of ZIL.

Since 1979, he was engaged in literary activities - wrote texts and scenarios for the gear "And well-ka, guys!" And "And well, a girl!". Since 1980, a member of the Union Committee of Moscow playwrights. In 1988, became the author of the scenario and the leading of the first Moscow beauty contest.

From 1984 to 1991 he worked as auctioneer.

Leonid Yakubovich on television

In 1991, he came to the samples of the new leading "field of miracles" (VID television company), which is a Russian analogue of the American program "Wheel of Fortune" (Wheel of Fortune), and successfully managed to pass them.

In 1996, the RTR was the lead or participant in the program "Analyzes of the Week".

On January 199, 1996 to August 29, 2000, he also became the leading program "Wheel of History" (TV channel "Russia"), which, after the closure in 1996, was transferred due to the low rated ort and existed there until August 29, 2000 (with a break in July 1999 - June 2000).

From November 20, 1999 to August 12, 2000, the Program "Gay" was published, in the creation of which Yakubovich took part.

From 2000 to the present, he participates in the jury of the High League of KVN.

In June 2001, several days was the general director of the Moscow television channel.

On Ukrainian television in 2002 he was the transfer of "Dikanka".

In 2004, 2006 and 2010 was the leading program "Washing per million".

Since 2005, the producer and director of the Special Projects of the Management Company of the VID Group of Companies, previously, was the artistic director of the television company "View".

In 2010, he spent one release of the TV game "Who wants to become a millionaire?", Changing places with Dmitry Dibrov.

From April to May 2014, he was one of the leading project "Island Crimea".

From March 15, 2015, the introductory and final words in the program "Collection of the Channel One" pronounces.

Known as a pilot who has mastered the management of different types of aircraft and helicopters (member of the Russian team, participant of the World Aviakosmic Olympic Games). An excellent billiardist (was the vice-president of the federation of the Billiard Sports of the Russian Federation) and the race car (participated in auto racing in Africa).

In addition, the skier, a rider, walked under the sail, jumped with a parachute, drove on water skiing.

Good preference player. Gambling collector (directories, encyclopedias, dictionaries, vintage books) and numismat (paper money of different countries).

Removed in the cinema, among his works: "Once twenty years later," Moscow holidays, "Timur and his team" $ "," Russian Amazons "," clowns do not kill. "

He played on the stage of the theater: the performances "Let's have fun", "Be healthy, Monsieur!".

Imported as a writer: the author of more than 300 stories and monologues for pop; Scenarios of the show and TV shows ("the attraction of the Earth", the "parade of parodists", "wider circle", "We need a victory as the air", "And-ka, guys!", "Well, a girl!"); Pieces ("Hotel with Ghosts", "Ku-ku, Man!", "Tutti"); Fiberglass "Grandfather of My Dream"; on behaient, books "on a little bit"; as well as poems and basen.

Social and political views of Leonid Yakubovich

In the 1995 elections, he ran into deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the cedar list, but could not overcome 5% barrier.

Member of the United Russia Party since 2004. In February 2012, he entered the list of trusted persons of the presidential candidate of the Russian Federation.

In June 1996, during the election youth campaign "Vote or lose!" According to re-election of the President of the Russian Federation, Yakubovich and the popular TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev committed a "concert and informative flight" Yeltsin - our president! ".

Hobbies - Collecting reference books, aviation.

He is the vice-president of the Board of Billiard Sports of Russia.

In 2001, he starred in several Izh cars commercials, in 2010 in the Advertising video of the Accu-Chek Performa Nano glucometter. In 2013, he starred in advertising operator of satellite television "Telekart" and advertising the medical plaster "Nanoplast". In 2004, advertised the first book of Records in Russia - the Book of Records Left -sha.

It has military rank lieutenant colonel in retirement.

Member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Leonid Yakubovich's scandals

On August 19, 2001, Yakubovich knocked the pedestrian to death. He was behind the wheel of his car Hyundai Accent, when a tragic incident occurred on the Volokolamsk highway: the showman hit the 30-year-old Sergey Nikitenko, who came to earnings from Kyrgyzstan. The culprit of the accident was recognized as a pedestrian.

In March 2010, Yakubovich broke a distant mirror in the car Ambassador Belgium, protecting the spouse from the insults of the driver of the Belgian diplomat.

The incident occurred in Moscow in a kareny series - the Ambassador car was blocking the path of Yakubovich car. As the showman admitted by the Russian media, he went to such an act to protect his wife Marina from insults and received from the driver a blow to face.

"When something happens in the" New Operator "in the theater, people come on cars and brave all the trips. My wife was driving and could not leave. She opened the window and says:" You are sorry for God for God, what you put the car so much ? Could you remove it? "As Yakubovich says, in response to this request, the driver of the Embasso" Volvo "insulted his wife." I got out of the car, went out, leaned and say: "Exit and apologize before my wife." And he is an elbow in his nose. Says: "Go and you are there. You think, since you are there on television, it means you can everything?!" And closed the window, "said Yakubovich. After that, he" could not stand "and broke a distant mirror. The driver of the ambassador also told the arrived militia that Yakubovich was drunk. TV presenter shall these accusations.

March 15, 2013 Yakubovich arranged a scandal at Sheremetyevo airport. At first, he criticized the work of Aeroflot in a sharp form, since the flight of the Moscow-Ho Chi Minh City flight was postponed for five hours, according to the airport staff, due to bad weather. The passengers who were waiting for the flight, including Leonid Arkadyevich, having learned that in fact the aircraft took off at that time, almost unleashed the fight with the employees of the airline, and the TV host took the initiative on himself.

The media constantly appear rumors about the death of the TV host. Only for the 2016th year they were voiced 5 times. He himself belongs to this with humor.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program "Alone with all"

Growth of Leonid Yakubovich: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich:

First wife - Galina Antonova, Tours VDNH. They met in the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. The intelligent and calm Galya girl performed in the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Citizens", and Lenya's student was an activist of the emerging game KVN. Once at the outbound concert in Issyk-Kul, the guy noticed a soloist and decided to start a conversation with her.

"Lenya was transferred to us from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. We studied at different streams: I am at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, and Yakubovich - at the Faculty of Heat-Gas and Ventilation. The study has never been his strength, especially mathematics. Lena immediately had to go to Theatrical and KVN, but his dad, Arkady Solomonovich, graduated from the construction. KVN also in 1961 only originated and perceived as something non-serious, hobby, "recalled Galina Antonov.

They signed in the registry office, and the wedding was walked at the "National" restaurant. Gennady Khazanov was a witness at the wedding.

Galina Antonova - Leonid Yakubovich's first wife

In March 5, 1973, the son was born - Artyom Antonov, graduated from the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. Kuibysheva and the Academy of Foreign Trade, works on the first channel. He has a daughter (2000.00) - Sofya Petrov.

"As a Male Lenya was secretive, jealousy never showed, and nothing had happened. This is me very jealous. Like a public person, Leny has always been fans. They came to me and after a divorce: With letters, parcels. I hid , I sometimes gave the television phone. People came from afar. Thank God that there were no insane fans. Maybe they appeared in another house. I liked Men's dignity in Lena. He could calm down: "You know what, do not take Head! "If you consider Lenya as a father, I can say one thing: it's good that I didn't stick to the child and did not climb with my nonsense. Yakubovich has always had a mad number of friends, and he was busy more than his son," said The first wife of Yakubovich.

Second wife - Marina Yakubovich (in Maiden - Vino), works in the TV company "VID". In March 28, 1998, the daughter of Varvara was born.

"We have with the marina what is called parallel existence: everyone is busy with their own business, and one does not interfere with each other. Previously, his wife worked in the advertising agency under the TV company" VID ". We met on the ship, in a cruise on the Mediterranean during the filming of one of the programs . They were cured there together, so I did not have it. Over time, Marina stopped working. She holds a house, and this is, by the way, the great profession. I generally think that the mission of a woman, if, of course, she has no wild attraction to some kind of business - House. Another task for your wife I can not imagine. Why? If he wants to work, let me know, but I don't see any sense. And my business is to provide her life in such a way that she does what she likes, "- Showman said .

Leonid Yakubovich's filmography:

1980 - Once twenty years later - Lena, classmate
1992 - Let's do without focus! - Customer, familiar Kanevsky
1993 - Anna: from 6 to 18 - the leading contest "Moscow Beauty"
1994 - Miami Bridegroom - Leonid Arkadyevich, Colleague Mikhail
1995 - Moscow Vacations - Head of Militia
1996 - Elash - Doctor
1996 - old songs about the main thing - the driver of the long-distance bus
1997 - old songs about the main 2 - Santa Claus
1997 - Elash - Director of the Circus Zverev
1998 - Do not send us a messenger? - Kameo
2000 - Brother 2 - Kameo
2000 - Accelerated Help - Stepan
2002 - Okay! - Apollo Oesttovich Kostanakis
2002 - Russian Amazons - Leonid Semaakin
2003 - Do not get used to miracles - family friend
2003 - Russian Amazons 2 - Leonid Semaakin
2004 - Timur and His Commandos - Panteleich, Local resident
2005 - Goddess Prime Time - Kameo
2005 - clowns do not kill - Kameo
2005 - Kill Carp - Boris
2006 - Paparaza - Zaporizhia, editor
2006 - Happiness Rails - Peter
2007 - three days in Odessa - Lev Aronovich
2008 - Do not live beautifully
2012 - Fathers, and children - Oleg Evgenievich
2013 - M / f Return Buratino - Basilio Cat
2014 - My Dream Grandpa
2015 - there is such a letter - lead
2016 - Country of Wonders - Kameo