Not such a personal life of Prokhor Shalyapin. The ambiguous actions and solutions have become something like a corporate identity of the famous Russian singer First official wife of Prokhor Shalyapin

Not such a personal life of Prokhor Shalyapin. The ambiguous actions and solutions have become something like a corporate identity of the famous Russian singer First official wife of Prokhor Shalyapin
Not such a personal life of Prokhor Shalyapin. The ambiguous actions and solutions have become something like a corporate identity of the famous Russian singer First official wife of Prokhor Shalyapin

Prokhor Shalyapin (real name Andrei Zakharenkov) - Russian singer, finalist project "Factory Stars-6". Born on November 26, 1983 in Volgograd.

If earlier, Prokhor Shalyapin was known for his work and participation in musical competitions, now it is its popularity, it is building on loud novels with celebrities. PR on his personal life turned out to be much more effective than a quarry of an ordinary artist! Starting from 2010, there was not a single year so that the singer did not appear in the next talk show on one of the federal channels with his new scandalous love story!

The year 2011 was marked by his relationship with the actress, which is older than Prokhor for 43 years! Then, he met for some time with a successful model of Adeline Sharipova.

With the model Adeline Sharipova

In 2013, Shalyapin, during the rest on Jamaica, meets a business woman who was older than him for 28 years. Larisa became his first official wife. Their wedding took place in December of the same year. In 2015, the spouses divorced and Prokhor himself admitted that these relationships were a fiction for the sake of PR.

Wedding Prokhor and Larisa Copenkina

In December 2014, the singer appears in the studio "Let them talk" with a new beloved, actress. Prokhor officially declares that they are waiting for a child and soon intend to get married. In 2015, Kalashnikov gave birth to a son, and in 2016 the pair appears again on the talk show, where the DNA test for paternity is carried out. The test shows that Shalyapin is not the father of the child, and the couple runs out. It is rumored that this love story was also invented for High.

Shalyapin and his pregnant friend Anna Kalashnikova

In 2017, Prokhor spoke about the novel with Tatiana Hudsheva, a girl who had nothing to do with show business. After several "trips" on TV shows, which were accompanied by scandals, intrigues and exposure, young people broke up.

Artist and his ex-bride Tatyana Gudseva

The new Passion of the singer in 2018 was the scandalous pianist, who recently divorced Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. It is worth noting that the former husband is older than Vitaly for 44 years! What drives young people in this relationship, love or PR, it remains only to guess ...

Upon reference to the name of the singer, Khalyapin's singer, not his songs and creativity come to mind immediately, but the scandals associated with it. Real name and surname of singer Andrei Zakhenkov. He believed that his real name and surname were not too harmful to the future star of the pop and decided to change them.

The first serious scandal was just associated with the pseudonym of the singer. In the status of the participant in the song contest "Star Factory", he stated that he was grandson of Fyodor Shalyapin. This news caused unprecedented interest.

However, everything cleared the tenor's daughter. She told that Prokhor had anything to do with the family of Fyodor Chaliapina. Later, the singer himself gave a comment, which thus wanted to heat the interest of the public to his person.

When Passion for kinship, Prokhor decided to use other methods. He took advantage of the fact that the girls had always enjoyed success. First, "random" photographs of an intimate character appeared on the Internet.

Then there was a lot of discussion of the relationship of the singer with girls. But the main thing is why Prokhor Shalyapin is remembered, it is married to Larisa Copenkina.

Girls in the life of Prokhor Shalyapin

His first love guy met in the hometown of Volgograd. The girl was called Vlad. It was a youthful love and when a novice singer decided to go to conquer Moscow, he went there alone. He quickly forgot his beloved and twisted in the whirlpool of metropolitan passions.

In Moscow, the young man meets an influential woman who surrounded his care and presented the necessary acquaintances. His beloved was the adviser to the mayor of the capital Alla Penyaeva. She tried a young man, made him expensive gifts.

Now, even after parting with Prokhor, on the table, Alla stand his photos. She still remembers these relationships and believes that they were sincere.

According to some information, Inna was the first wife of Shalyapin. Allegedly they got married in 2006. But even the presence of a legitimate spouse did not stop a loving guy from intrigue on the side. This is exactly what caused the parting of the pair.

Interesting notes:

During the participation in the "Star Factory", Prokhor meets Adeline Sharipova. The girl made the first steps in a musical career and model business.

Some time, they were with Shalyapin together and looked very harmoniously with each other. Young people were even going to legitim her relationship. But before that did not come. In the life of the singer another woman appeared.

Rock seducer.

They say that in the parting of Prokhor, Shalyapin and Adeline Sharipova was Larisa Copenkina. She took a young man under her full custody and became the fatal ruffling. Prokhor and Larisa began to appear together at various events and looked very happy. A complete surprise was the news about their wedding.

The wedding is not unusual, but in this case an unusual resonance caused. The fact is that the bride was 27 years older than the groom. However, the newlyweds did not see obstacles in this. They completely demonstrated their love of the public.

To convince people in the sincerity of their feelings, the couple even appeared in the program Andrei Malakhov. Of course, the wedding caused many rumors.

For Larisa, Copenkina Marriage with Prokhorom Shalyapin was the second. With her first husband, she issued a relationship in 1982.In marriage with him two children were born. Older daughter Anastasia, who tragically died and son Yuri.

When the son was 14 years old, the parents divorced. Daughter stayed to live with her mother. But since the girl grew up a difficult child, after two years later she escaped from the house. Son preferred to live with his father. Larisa told in his interview that the former husband just stole the child and forced to live with him. In fact, it was far from the truth.

With the second husband, Larisa met in 2012. Together with Prokhalia Shalyapin, they rested on one resort of Jamaica. It was there, under the scorching rays of the sun, their relationship began. Young wedding played in 2013. A lot of friends were invited to her, about 300 people. Among them were famous political figures and pop stars.

Loud divorce

Almost three years, Prokhor and Larisa lived in the soul. They demonstrated their feelings in humans and often published joint photos. But after three years of such relations, the couple announced its divorce.

It was right here and began to emerge the truth about their relationship. Prokhor began to tell that they were associated with Larisa only a contract. Allegedly, they together advertised luxury real estate. Larisa did not have a huge state and did not contain it. She was just an employee of an elite real estate agency.

But, as it turned out, this Union has benefited its participants. The number of customers in Larisa has increased significantly.

There are many wishing to buy real estate in an elite new building. After the divorce, they began to invite some programs and shows on television. After the Prokhor, the woman had another young lover, but it did not reach the wedding.

As for Prokhor, the amount of fans did not decrease after divorce. Anna Kalashnikova became the next love of his love. She even had to give birth to a child from the singer. The couple was already preparing for the wedding, but later there was information that they broke up because of the treason of Anna.

Even the recent Novel of Prokhor Shalyapin and Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya few people perceive seriously, After all, the singer very often appears on television screens, but, unfortunately, not as a performer. , like Prokhor, loves TV show and PR, so, for many artists fans, this news was not what would be expected, but quite natural.

Increasingly, Prokhor Shalyapin is involved in scandals associated with his personal life. It's a shame that the singer who possesses good potential, so spends its time and earns the popularity of rumors and scandals.

Prokhor Andreevich Shalyapin (nee Andrei Andreevich Zakharenkov). Born on November 26, 1983 in Volgograd. Russian singer and showman.

Andrei Zakharenkov was born in Volgograd on November 26, 1983 in the family, which had nothing to do with the showubusiness.

Mother - Elena Kolesnikova - was a cook.

Father - Andrei Ivanovich Zakharenkov, Stalevar. Since 1993, treatment is undergoing treatment in a psychiatric clinic in Volgograd, after he was tried for a fight, he suffers from schizophrenia.

Grandfather - Ivan Andreevich Zakharenkov.

His grandfather was very loved by his grandfather, he said, he always treated him with warmth. But the father, on the contrary, belonged to his son badly, walked a lot from the mother and often turned cruelly with her, often raised her hand on her. It happened, from a drunken father got a proq.

At the same time, his grandfather provided the signs of the Mother of Prokhor - as active that at some point. To make sure that his biological father, Prokhor did a DNA test. However, expertise showed that Andrei Zakharenkov is really a father of Prokhor.

Grandmother dreamed of seeing the grandson of the Great Boyanist, so he entered the Music School in the Bayana class.

From 1991 to 1996, he was one of the soloists of the Vocal Show Group "Jam", where he sang along with, Tanya Zaicina (Monokini) and Sophia Tahy.

Studying in the fifth grade, became the soloist of the Russian folk ensemble "Blizzards" and moved from the usual school to the Central School of Arts at the Volgograd branch of the Samara Academy of Art and Culture to the Vocal Office.

In 1996 he wrote his first song "Unreal Sleep".

In 1999, after graduating from the school of arts, he moved to Moscow and entered the State Music and Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanova to the "People's singing" department. In the same year, the "Morning Star" music competition took part in the television musical competition with the songs "Unreal Sleep" and "Lyuboye," took the third place.

In 2003, graduating from the school, enters the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinic.

Participated in various musical contests. In 2005, at the Star Chance Competition, held in New York, performed the song "Kalina" in Ukrainian and took third place. In the same year, his debut album "Magic Violin" came out.

In 2006, under the scenic pseudonym, Prokhor Shalyapin became a member of the television project of the First Channel Factory-6. In the passport, he also changed his name, becoming Prokhorom Andreevich Shalyapin.

He received scandalous fame due to the fact that he tried to give himself for the descendant of the famous opera singement, claiming that he was his great-grandda. Journalists and daughter of the famous artist Mary lightningly denied this information - Prokhor and Fyodor Chaliapin are not relatives.

Among the songs performed by him at the "Star Factory", one of the most memorable was the Romance "Lost Youth" (words, music). He became a finalist of the teleproject and took the fourth place.

Prokhor Shalyapin - everything that was

After the end of the project "Star Factory" Prokhor Shalyapin began to lead active tour activities, including abroad.

In 2008, his first video clip was released for the song "". In the same 2008, the singer graduated from Gnesinic Music Academy. His diploma was devoted to the work of Fedor Chaliapine and the Russian folk song.

After the "star factory" producer of Prokhor, Chaliapina was Victor Drobysh. Parting with Dr. in 2007 passed with mutual accusations and scandals.

Since 2011, his producer is the singer Agnia.

Removed in the movies. So, in 2011, the TV series "Zhukov" was released on the screens, in which Prokhor Shalyapin played the role of the famous opera singer Boris Shtokolov. Played himself in the television series "Who on top?" (2013), executed the role of a lying singer in the film "Courage" (2014).

Prokhor Shalyapin - Oh, with a meadow

Growth of Prokhor Chaliapina: 197 centimeters.

Personal life of Khalyapin Prokhor:

In one of the esters of the program, "Let them say" as the first love of Prokhor Shalyapin was represented by Vlasel Semitov (Geima). Later, Prokhor laid out joint photos with a girl, presenting it as a "girlfriend of youth." It is known that now she lives in Volgograd and works in a bank.

Prokhor Shalyapin and Vlasel Semitova (Geima)

According to Prokhor Chaliapina, for the first time he married aged 18 years older than his older.

"I'm right now I read insults in my address, they say, I am such a fucking. I can explain why I married Larisa. For 15 years of life in Moscow, I have seen a lot of girls. Young girls know what Laris is losing? They are all the time Unhappy. And men need women with the right energy. I first got married at 18th. Also, the girl was older, but not so much. I sometimes think about it: God, such a difference in age! But when Larisa is near, I do not feel this difference. I I can not believe that she is older than my mom! "- Prokhor said after entered into a scandalous marriage with Larisa Copenkina.

Prior to that, in 2011-2012 met with the singer and model of Adeline Sharipova.

December 3, 2013 30-year-old (at that time) Prokhor Shalyapin married a 57-year-old businesswoman with whom he met in early 2013 during the rest on Jamaica.

Mother singer actively advocated against the wedding. Wedding of Prokhor and Larisa became one of the main scandals of 2013.

Prokhor recognized that marriage was part of business calculations: "I can't explain to everyone that I needed to marry, because we with Larisa have our business business. A certain calculation, of course, is in my relationship with Larisa. But this does not mean that I am Alfons and I live for her score".

At the end of 2014, he was still married to Copenkina, Shalyapin announced that he had love with a model and actress and that she was waiting for a child from him.

At the beginning of 2015, the couple divorced and began to tell the scandalous details about each other in different talk shows. Particularly actively actively in this part of Larisa Copenkina (see more detail, for example).

In March 2015, Anna Kalashnikova gave birth to the son of Daniel.

Prokhor and Anna for a long time told the public that Daniel was their common son, made an announcements of the upcoming wedding, which did not take place. In the end, Kalashnikov admitted that she did not give birth to Shalyapin.

Prokhor Shalyapin passed DNA - let them say (04/20/2016)

Anna Kalashnikova recognized that he gave birth to another man - let them say (06.06.2016)

There is every reason to believe that there was no relationship between Kalashnikova and Shalyapin at all. Anna (that she is inclined at the program "Let" speak "on June 2, 2016) for a long time consisted of relationships (perhaps consists of still) with an age rich man. Rasiao Shalyapin, then for him "Roman" with Anna, most likely, the way to make money, incl. Through the attraction of attention to his person, these scandalous relationships.

In the fall of 2017. They are familiar from the beginning of 2016. It is known that Tatyana was previously worked on a defense enterprise, but on the eve of the acquaintance with Prokhor, he quit. Judging by the photo in social networks, Tatiana has a daughter.

Since the autumn of 2018, the Prokhor has a relationship with a pianist. Prokhor moved to live to Vitaly in her elegant three-room apartment. He said that he was ready for children. "We generally want children at first, and only then the wedding. I think that the wedding is now not surprised. We are happy with Vitaly, and I have long been ready for the fulfillment of parental duties," said Prokhor.

Discography of Prokhor Chaliapina:

2005 - "Magic Violin"
2013 - "Legend"

Video clips of Prokhor Chaliapina:

2008 - ""
2010 - "I am forever meant"
2010 - 3. "Blocked hearts" (with Sofia Thai)
2011 - "Oh with a meadow"
2012 - "Dubinushka"
2012 - "read on the lips" (with Elena Laptandder)
2015 - "Winter" (with Duet "Own")
2017 - "incompatible" (with Leno Leno)

Foruchor Shalyapin filmography:

2010 - Love and Other Stupidity (26 series) - Popular singer
2012 - Zhukov - Opera singer Boris Stocolov
2013 - Who is on top? - Kameo.
2014 - Courage - Popular Singer Lion

Prokhor Shalyapin is one of the most controversial characters on the Russian stage. Throughout his entire career, the singer surrounds various scandals and proceedings that flash around it with enviable constancy. In short, ambiguous deeds and decisions are something like a corporate identity of the famous Russian singer. But does this artist really not mean only by this? Of course not. After all, in the career of this, of course, a talented young man was a lot of bright victories and remarkable career achievements. It was about them that we decided to tell in our current article.

Early years. "Star Factory"

The future famous singer (despite the common legends about his relatives with Fedor Shalyapin) was born in the most ordinary Volgograd family. His father worked as a staler at one of the local factories, and Mom was there a cook. The poor life and the most ordinary reality, conjugate with the usual Soviet life, forced our today's hero from the very childhood to dream of a successful quarry of the pop artist. While studying in the younger school, he began to seriously engage in vocals, as well as participate in concerts as a soloist of local choir. After that, there was a music school in which Prokhor (or rather - Andrei) studied to play on the accordion, as well as the musical ensemble "Blizzards", together with which the future musician performed for some time.

A few years later, our today's hero began to perform together with the teenage show group "Jam", and in parallel with this to improve its innate data in the Samara Academy of Arts and Culture. In this place, Prokhor Shalyapin studied the vocals from recognized teachers, the cherry plans for the conquest of the Russian capital.

At fifteen years, a dream driven about glory, the future participant of the "Star Factory" moved to Moscow, where he began singing in the Music School named after the Ippolitov-Ivanov. However, in this educational institution, the young artist was not delayed for a long time - a couple of years later, Prokhaz Shalyapin entered the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesini, where he later studied for several years.

In eighteen years, with the support of some familiar musicians, Andrei Zakharenkov recorded his debut album, called the "Magic Violin", which turned out to be completely not interested in the public. Despite the fact that the first album, in fact, was divided only among friends and close singer, Prokhor Shalyapin did not give up and very soon began to appear as a participant in various musical competitions and festivals. In 2006, the singer became the laureate of the Audio Track Award, as well as the Bronze medalist of the Star Chance contest, which was held in New York and was organized by Edita Pieche.

Prokhor Shalyapin and Nikolai Baskov - "Darkness"

However, real popularity came to the singer only after the successful passage of the casting of the Star-6 factory project, with whom the most weighty successes of the Volgograd performer are connected.

Star Way of Prokhor Shalyapin

At the project of the First Channel (Russia), the artist reached the final. Such success opened the door to the world of Russian show business for Prokhor. However, it is very soon around the personality of a young artist, a serious scandal flared up, primarily with the biography of our today's hero. The thing is that within the framework of the project, Andrei Zakharenkov repeatedly stated that he was the great-grandda of the legendary opera singer Fedor Shalyapin. But this fact was refuted by many journalists, as well as the native daughter of the famous artist - Maria Fedorovna.

Despite the discontinued hoax, Prokhor Shalyapin became very popular and very soon began to closely cooperate with the producer Viktor Droshend. Together they created the pop treatments of Russian folk songs, which subsequently became the basis of the repertoire of the young performer. Currently, the graduate of the Star-6 factory is one of the most popular "manufacturers" of all time, and also leads the number of recorded songs.

Prokhor Shalyapin Clip "Oh with a meadow"

Active touring activities, as well as increased attention to Russian folk songs, brought a lot of prestigious awards, among which the state award "for the revival of Russia in the XXI century" is allocated.

In addition to musical activity, Prokhor Shalyapin managed to establish itself as a model and a professional composer. So, in particular, one of the songs of Philip Kirkorov "Mamaria" was written by Andrei Zakharenkov.

Personal life of Prokhor Shalyapin

Despite the fact that the artist works a lot and often tours in the CIS countries, the main attention of the public, as a rule, is about not his new performances and albums, but its scandalous novels.

Thus, the first loud novel of Prokhor was a novel with a model and a pop performer Adeline Sharipova. Young people met even during the casting "Star Factory-6", but began to meet only after the joint participation in the project "Let's get married." A stormy novel was repeatedly discussed by the press. However, the artists have truly known only after the emergence of the series of frank photos on the Internet, which allegedly completely accidentally found themselves in the global network.

Some time later, the couple broke up. But Prokhor Shalyapin did not cease to surprise her fans with ambiguous actions. In the middle of 2013, the young singer was combined with a marriage with a wealthy businesswoman Larisa Copenkina. It is very noteworthy that the lucky bride at that time was already 52 years (according to other data 57!). The solemn ceremony was held on a specially rented ship, and then moved to a new apartment of a young singer, only the eve of the rich beloved presented to him.

Some time later, a young (or not quite), the couple appeared on the project "Let them say", where they actively argued the audience, that they love each other and are eligible for happiness. In this context, it is worth noting the fact that before entering the broadcast of this transfer, the press was actively discussed about the fictitiousness of this marriage, since Prokhor Shalyapin before that quite often visited the closed Moscow gay clubs.

Prokhor Shalyapin is a famous singer, one of those celebrities that have acquired fame to a greater extent due to scandals than with talent or uniqueness. Possessing good vocal data, Andrei Andreevich Zakharenkov (real name), yet, attracts the attention of other things.

All of the participation in the talk show, the analysis of personal life live, as well as rumors that he is the grandson of the famous opera singer Shalyapin - all this about Prokhor Shalyapin. Perhaps, so the singer supports the interest of the public, and maybe he just loves attention.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Prokhor Shalyapin

Much in the life of the Shatapin Prokhor is confusing, even banal data on what he has height, weight, age. How old is Prokhor Shalyapin interested many ladies, because a singer is a young and cute man.

From some sources it is known that the height of the singer is 180 cm, and from others - 197 cm. Weight is about 80 kg. Prokhaz Shalyapin looks like, the real name of which Andrei Zakharenkov, a well-groomed young man, who always has beautifully laid his hair and shines a snow-white Hollywood smile.

Judging by the number of intimate photos of Prokhor Shalyapin, walking on the net, the singer himself is delighted with his appearance. Photos are very popular with photos that are still very young Prokhor Shalyapin. The photo in youth and is now quite different, because from the unwitting teenager Shalyapin turned into a real macho.

Biography and personal life of Khalyapin Prokhor

The place of birth of the scandalous singer is the city of Volgograd. The father of Prokhor Shalyapin is Andrei Zakharenkov, mother - Elena Kolesnikova. The parents of the singer represent the usual working class, in whose nature there are no artists or musicians.

After watching the difficult life of the parents, who looked all their lives at the factory, Prokhor Shalyapin did not want such a share. This pushed a young man to choose the current profession.

In the younger classes, the schoolboy Andrei Zakharenkov constantly participated in all sorts of song contests, and also sang in the choir. Next - training in the music school (Bayan) and participation in the ensemble "Blinds".

Soon, Prokhor Shalyapin becomes one of the participants in the teenage song group "Jam". The young singer constantly sought to improve his vocals, and therefore they did it regularly. One of these places in which the singer received a professional musical education was the Academy of Arts and Culture in the city of Samara.

In the mid-90s, the first, personally written, washing a shany song. She got the name "Unreal Sleep". In 1999, the singer participates in the Music Talk Show "Morning Star". Then, Shalyapin got the honorable third place.

In the young 15 years, ambitious Prokhor Chaliapin arrives in the capital to conquer everyone with his talent and charisma. Here he begins training at the Music institution of Ippolitov-Ivanova, which will not graduate. Next is the successful surrender of the entrance exams to the music academy. Gnesinic. The young performer continues to participate in all sorts of competitions.

2005 was marked by a significant event for Shatapin's Prokhor - he ranked third on the song New York Contest "Star Chance", which was organized by Edita Pieha. Then he performed the composition in the Ukrainian language.

In 2006, Prokhor Shalyapin becomes a participant in the popular "stars factory". Here the singer attached maximum effort and showed his talent by conquering all the "factory" judges. And it was the factory that brought Shalyapin glory. After a loud statement about himself on the stage of the "Star Factory", the singer turns out to be in the center of the scandal, saying about the relationship with the great opera singer Fedor Shalyapin. This topic has been mutated for a long time in the media, but soon it was refuted by the relatives of Fyodor Shalyapin. Of course, Andrei Zakharenkov - does not particularly sound, but the surname of Shalyapin is already known for hearing.

The scandal did not spoil the reputation of the Shalyapin Prokhor, moreover, it was even more interested in the young performer. Then, Shalyapin and the first producer appeared - Victor Drobyshev. Together with Drobyshev, the singer released a lot of Russian folk songs in processing. The number of recorded songs among manufacturers broke all records. It is such an image and a modern manner of the performance of folk songs became a business card of Prokhor Shalyapin. With such a repertoire, the singer traveled to the first tour.

In many cities of Russia, Prokhor Shalyapin loved the listener as a patriot and just young talent. At that time, Prokhor Shalyapin won a very prestigious premium "For the Revival of Russia in the 21st Century".

Alas, but 2007 became the last year of the cooperation of Drobyshev and Prokhor Shalyapin. The reason for this is a series of scandals.

Prokhor Shalyapin also combined with a song career producer and model activity. The text of the famous song "Mamaria", which the Philip Kirkorov performs, wrote Jalyapin.

Despite the saturated data, fans are interesting not only biography. Personal life of Shalyapin Prokhor - very often is made to discuss in the media. Scandals and intrigues of the famous singer - the most favorite topic.

One of the sensational novels of Prokhor Shalyapin and Adeline Sharipova for a long time was interpreted in star news. Young people met at the "Star Factory", but they began their real relationships after participating in the TV show "Let's get married." Then, a lot of noise endowed intimate photographs of lovers, allegedly accidentally entering the network. After that, young people have become even more popular. The novel of Adeline and Prokhor Shalyapin did not last long, and the singer quickly found her replacement.
The following Shalyapin relationships with the business lady Larisa Copenkina many plunged in shock, because the lady of the heart was a proq, in his mother. In 2013, the news about the marriage of Shalyapin and Copenkina became the most discussed show business.

Family and Kids Prokhor Shalyapin

Quite often fans are interested in the family and children of Prokhor Shalyapin. The scandalous singer constantly attracted attention to unusual novels.

When Shalyapin and a 52-year-old entrepreneur really got married, the Russian bedon stood on her ears. Later, they divorced. Although many thought it was a PR-stroke for Shatapin's Prokhor, but the singer argued the opposite that PR was allegedly needed by his fictitious spouse. By the way, Larisa Copenkina presented a new-minted husband a dear gift - an apartment, the prices of which in the capital are simply offset.

Son Prokhor Chaliapina - Daniel

After the divorce of the famous singer with Copenkina, Shalyapin met his love again. This time it turned out to be a model and TV presenter Anna Kalashnikova. Roman began to terminate marriage, and at the beginning of the relationship Kalashnikov learned about pregnancy. And then the most interesting thing began. Young people went through various talk shows where everyone tried to find out from whom the child Anna Kalashnikov is waiting for. In one of these TV shows, an envelope was opened with a biological test for paternity. It turned out that the father of the child is not Prokhor Shalyapin.

According to Kalashnikova, she consisted of a novel with Shalyapin in relations with one businessman, and therefore could not know exactly who her son's father. Nevertheless, the son of Prokhor Shalyapin - Daniel, brought up to them for a year. Yet, after some time, young people broke up.

Wife Prokhor Shalyapin - Larisa Copenkina

The real and former wife of Prokhor Shalyapin - Larisa Copenkina. No matter how many novels he had, but the wedding was once, and therefore the legitimate spouse was only one. Larisa Copenkina is a pensioner engaged in business.

The marriage caused a big resonance, many refused to believe that he was love, as the singer sincerely assured. Later, Shalyapin still admitted that the marriage was for the calculation, but not in his favor, but in favor of Larisa, who was needed by PR for his company. Despite the fictitality of marriage, the celebration was very elegant, with a big sweep.

Prokhor Shalyapin - latest news

If you browse information on the topic "Prokhor Shalyapin - the latest news", then you can stumble upon a fun adventure with his girlfriend with the writer by Elena Lenina.

Not so long ago, Lenin Lenina from Bari Alibasova was actively discussed in the media - a long fur coat from a sable. Then, Prokhor Shalyapin decided to celebrate and presented an analogue of Lenin's dog coat. Some fans have caused a smile, and some indignation. People were outraged by such a transit, discussing pasta spent money that could be spent on charitable needs. By the way, the writer Lena Lenin regularly deals with charity, but does not advertise it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Prokhor Shalyapin

Instagram and Wikipedia Prokhor Shalyapin are greatly successful. In the popular social network at Shalyapin 128 thousand subscribers. Here the singer often adds new photos from different events of his life. Many photographs with other popular artists of the Russian Business Show. Wikipedia contains a brief information regarding the main Career Shalyapin.

Although Prokhor Shalyapin is more famous for his scandalous life and participation in a talk show, where all this is applied to the public, but one knows exactly - he is a talented, smiling and pleasant young man. Such radiant people instantly raise the mood, which does not interfere with anyone.