Financial assistance to small businesses. How to get government subsidies for small businesses and who you are entitled to

Financial assistance to small businesses.  How to get government subsidies for small businesses and who you are entitled to
Financial assistance to small businesses. How to get government subsidies for small businesses and who you are entitled to

Many aspiring entrepreneurs face financial hardships during the start-up phase of a business. The easiest way to solve this problem is through government concessional lending. There are many programs under which the state allocates funds to developing enterprises at low interest rates. In this article, we will tell you what you need to do in order to receive a preferential loan as assistance to small businesses from the state in 2019.


In 2019, the government of our country plans to revise the conditions for lending to small businesses. In particular, the annual interest rate on loans from banks will be set at 10-11% per annum. In addition, the active support of the Central Bank of the country will ensure refinancing of projects with a minimum rate of 6.5%. The maximum threshold is 11%.

In addition, a geomarketing navigator system will be launched, thanks to which entrepreneurs, without additional research, can receive comprehensive information about their chosen market segment. For this, more than 200 business plans have been developed in 75 areas of entrepreneurial activity. If this project is approved, government assistance for the development of small business in 2019 will be a pleasant bonus for start-up entrepreneurs who start their own business in such difficult economic conditions.

Types of government assistance to small businesses

Federal programs

For 10 years, the government of our country has been allocating funds to regional budgets that are intended to support small businesses.

The government can count on help for business in a crisis:

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs;
  • Manufacturing enterprises;
  • Eco-tourism companies;
  • Organizations whose activities are related to folk art.

Small business support

It should be noted that assistance to small and medium-sized businesses from the state is expressed not only in financial support, but also in the provision of various free services.

This could be:

  • Education (seminars, trainings, etc.);
  • Consulting on legal and economic issues;
  • Organization of fairs and exhibitions to promote goods and services;
  • Provision of land plots and production facilities.

Subsidy from the Employment Center

Everyone knows that before you need to find the start-up capital. If you do not have your own savings, you should not immediately run to the bank to take out a loan. Beginning entrepreneurs can get government assistance in starting a small business through the labor exchange.

For this you need:

  • Register with an employment center as unemployed;
  • Develop a competent project with calculations and a detailed description of the planned activity;
  • Apply for participation in the competition.

The committee will review your plan and make a decision. If it is positive, you can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, get money and start working. Such financial assistance from the state to small businesses is provided free of charge, but the entrepreneur must submit to the regulatory authorities a detailed report on the intended use of funds.

Property support

There are several other types of assistance to start-up entrepreneurs from the state in 2019:

Before submitting an application for participation in the competition, you need to collect all the necessary documents, including confirmation that you have not received any grants or cash subsidies before. In addition, it is necessary to undergo training in special entrepreneurship courses that operate under regional funds to support small businesses.


If for some reason you were denied gratuitous financial assistance, you can get a small business loan from the state from scratch at 5-6% per annum.

This type of state support is available for enterprises:

  • Developing innovative production;
  • Focused on import substitution or production of export products;
  • Engaged in the production of oil and gas equipment.

In other words, in 2019, enterprises that operate in priority sectors of the economy will be able to receive preferential loans to small businesses from the state.

The procedure for obtaining a soft loan

How to get help for small businesses from the state in 2019? First of all, you need to contact the partner fund bank, provide all the necessary documents, and submit an application. After that, you need to wait while the bank considers your application and makes a decision. If the borrower is unable to post the collateral, the financial institution will email the client's documents and an application for surety to the above fund.

The application must be reviewed within three working days. If a positive decision is made, an agreement is drawn up between the credit institution, the fund and the entrepreneur. Since it is about profitable, before making a decision, the fund conducts a thorough analysis of the borrower's business in order to assess its financial stability.

Where and how to get a loan for small business?

It should also be noted that a loan from the state as assistance to small business can also be obtained from a regional or municipal fund. Beginning entrepreneurs are given small loans for a short period. Microcredit is perfect for businesses with a short production cycle. If things go well, a businessman can count on more impressive assistance to small businesses from the state in 2019.

Another beneficial instrument of concessional financing is a back-to-back loan. This option can be used for implementation. The state grants small loans that are intended to pay off the main loan. Thanks to this, the client receives a deferral of interest payments for a period of up to one year. During this period, he can calmly engage in the development of his business.

The easiest way is to develop some kind of innovative project. In this case, you can count on active support from the state, since such activities have a positive effect on the development of science.

To whom are preferential loans issued?

To date, preferential loans for start-up entrepreneurs have become available in many banks. Preferential conditions in different credit institutions have significant differences, but, despite this, the main trend can be distinguished - this is a low interest rate, a long loan repayment period and a simple registration procedure. Concessional lending is an ideal option for implementation.

Since much less funds were allocated for federal subsidies in 2019, the regions will finance only the most priority areas of entrepreneurial activity - agriculture, innovation, scientific and technical development, and production of essential goods. According to experts, this is the social sphere and housing and communal services. These areas of activity receive comprehensive support from the state.

There are also restrictions on obtaining soft loans. Such a loan cannot be counted on by persons who:

  • Have gone bankrupt or are on the verge of bankruptcy;
  • In the past, they received a soft loan, but did not pay off the debt;
  • Have any debts to government agencies.

  1. Do not forget that small business assistance programs from the state may differ depending on the region. Therefore, before contacting the Small Business Support Fund, you need to carefully study the provision on the surety. In some cases, the fund provides a guarantee not for the entire amount of the requested loan, but only for its part;
  2. If you provide reliable collateral and correctly draw up all the documents, the likelihood of obtaining a soft loan under the microfinance program will increase significantly;
  3. Before getting help for small businesses from the state at the Employment Center, once again carefully think about whether you can account for all the funds spent. The subsidy can only be spent in strict accordance with the business plan. All expenses must be confirmed by checks, receipts and other payment documents. If you know exactly how to increase your capital with a small amount of money, you can safely ask for such help.
  4. conclusions

    Government support programs are the best way to go. The opportunity to develop your own business at the expense of budgetary funds can be found in any region. The most important thing is persistence and desire. Good luck!

Note! A more up-to-date version of the article can be found here: .

Subsidies for small business development are one of the priority instruments of the state support program aimed at supporting start-up entrepreneurs.

In previous articles, we have already talked about how small business can be, today I would like to talk about new types of government support, as well as how to quickly and easily get a subsidy in 2017.

Subsidies for starting and developing small businesses in 2017

Today in Russia there are several different types of state aid programs for small businesses. The amount of the subsidy, as well as the conditions and procedure for its provision, may differ depending on the region, but the general principle of operation for all programs is the same - all subsidies are provided strictly for specific industries and specific purposes.

You can get information about what types of assistance to start-up entrepreneurs operate in your region at the Employment Center at the place of residence or registration. For example, Moscow entrepreneurs can count on a subsidy from the Small Business of Moscow State Budgetary Institution in the amount of up to 500,000 rubles.

Who Can Get Small Business Development Subsidy in 2017?

Any individual who has received official unemployment status can apply for a subsidy in 2017. However, one should remember about an exception: according to the current legislation, entrepreneurs whose activities are related to real estate, alcohol, tobacco products, as well as the performance of procurement functions, cannot count on receiving government subsidies.

How to get a subsidy for small business development? Step-by-step instruction

Especially for our readers, we have prepared a simple instruction that will help you get a subsidy for opening and developing a small business in the shortest possible time and at no extra cost.

Step one - registration with the Employment Center

If you do not yet have official unemployment status, first of all you need to register for. To do this, contact the labor exchange at your place of residence with the following package of documents:

  • The passport;
  • Diploma or other document confirming education;
  • Labor book (if any);
  • Insurance pension certificate;
  • TIN;
  • Sberbank card number;
  • Military ID (for men).

After registering, you will have to write two statements: about receiving unemployment benefits and about the fact that you plan to do a private business, as well as undergo a small test.

Step two - drawing up a business plan

So, you are registered with the Employment Center. What's next? The next stage is writing a business plan, and it must be approached with all seriousness. Your plan should not only make a good impression, but also interest the head of the CPC department, so we recommend that you pay special attention to the main points:

  • New workplaces. If you are planning to hire employees, be sure to include this in your business plan! This will increase the likelihood of receiving a subsidy several times.
  • The social value of your business. Tell us how useful and important your business will be to society. As practice shows, projects in the field of production and services have the most chances.
  • Your attachments. The more your own costs - the higher the chances of success. The optimal ratio of your investment to the size of the subsidy should be at least 1 to 2.
  • Intended use of the subsidy. This is undoubtedly the most important criterion to which the CPC pays special attention. Describe in detail all expenses so that the commission would understand exactly what purposes the money received from the state will be spent on.

Step three - protecting the business plan

After you draw up a business plan, it must be submitted for consideration by the Commission of the Employment Center. If the plan is successful and approved, an agreement will be concluded with you on the transfer of the subsidy.

Note! First of all, you need to conclude an agreement and only then register an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Step four - registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur

The final step will be the registration of your company with the Federal Tax Service. You can find information on how to properly register an LLC and an individual entrepreneur in our articles and.

As soon as you receive the registration documents in your hands, they must be submitted to the Employment Center, after which funds in the amount of 12 monthly unemployment benefits (approximately 60 thousand rubles) will be transferred to your card.

Note! After receiving the money, you are required to keep records confirming the intended use of the subsidy. After three months, you need to report on the use of these funds.

In international practice, the share of replenishment of the state budget at the expense of small businesses can be up to 30-60 percent. The Ministries of Economy of some states of the Asia-Pacific region, the Mediterranean basin, even Central Europe can boast of such records.

In Russia, these indicators are an order of magnitude lower. A similar situation applies to the percentage of the population employed in small and medium-sized businesses. All recent years and even decades that have passed since the country's transition to a market economy, programs to support the development of small businesses have been adopted almost every year. As a result, today state aid to small businesses is provided within the framework of federal programs and regional support programs. Sometimes one gets the impression that the growth of the influence of small business on the country's economy is hindered only by some inconsistency in the actions of officials and start-up entrepreneurs.

Rural sectors are of higher priority in receiving assistance. For example, or KRS.

Beekeepers can also count on such help. We have a separate one about the "bee" business.

Should small businesses expect real help from the state? Who needs and needs such help?

How does the state help small businesses? Since the state is interested in replenishing the budget and increasing the number of jobs at the expense of small and medium-sized businesses, the possibility of getting its help in theory exists. Including the provision of assistance is carried out in the financial field. The most convenient option for assistance is gratuitous and non-repayable subsidies. All carried out within the framework of providing assistance to small businesses are based on the adopted unified state program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. It is usually developed for each coming calendar year or two. Now there is a state program for supporting small businesses for 2013-2014. Possession of its positions often provides significant assistance in the preparation of applications for public assistance.

Help in starting a business

The level of assistance provided depends on the direction of the new production. In fact, any small enterprise can receive subsidies from the state for the business level of the region and the federal center in the following areas:

  • training, professional development and retraining of specialists;
  • work in the field of participation in advertising campaigns and exhibition and congress events;
  • licensing;
  • business opening activities;
  • purchase of equipment and computer technology;
  • selection of options for renting premises;
  • starting a business.

The assessment of the feasibility of providing a subsidy for starting a business is carried out by a state body on the basis of a business plan of a small enterprise and is based on the choice of the direction of work. Ideally, it should coincide with the priority areas of economic development in the region.

In most regions, priority areas include:

  • innovative business;
  • Agriculture;
  • production of goods in the real sector.

State support also includes the opportunity for small businesses to apply to business incubators. It is convenient for the prospect to receive legal assistance for small businesses, assistance in developing a business plan and other issues.

To increase the prospects for obtaining subsidies, experts recommend including the provision of vacant jobs to persons registered at the labor exchange in the list of priority areas of activity of the organization being created. These benefits are also targeted at unemployed people who are planning to start their own small business.

Within the framework of grants and subsidies, with the correct preparation of documents, you can get from 40 to 60% of the amount required to open a production. Grants and subsidies to small businesses operating under federal or regional programs can be provided almost annually.

An alternative option is to participate in the execution of government orders. Data on announced tenders for the execution of government orders are published on the websites of government organizations. On these resources, the plan for placing competitions and their topics are published at the end of the calendar year for the next. Many government orders provide preferences for bidders representing small businesses.

Help develop an existing small business

Providing support to existing and having positive development indicators of small businesses is also provided within the framework of these programs. In addition, in recent years, a trend has become the development of mechanisms by representatives of the authorities to stimulate the development of the manufacturing sector. Such programs are supported through the provision of subsidies and special loans.

When applying for financial support, it is important to correctly draw up a package of documents that will justify the request for government subsidies. It includes:

  • a statement drawn up in the prescribed form;
  • a copy of the full package of all constituent documents;
  • copy of the founder's passport;
  • certificate confirming entry into the register of small business;
  • certificate confirming state registration.

You can increase the chance of a positive result of considering a request by including in a business plan:

  • data on the salaries of employees and their number of staff;
  • indicators of wage growth, maintaining the number of employees and increasing their number;
  • data on the expected level of financial costs and payback periods.

Alternative financing options - loans to small businesses from the state

Lines of credit products aimed at small businesses are now offered by almost all leading banks in the country. Including specialized programs. For example, “Sberbank for Small Business”.

Under such programs, amounts of up to 5,000,000 million rubles are provided. The maximum amount provided by the bank to small businesses is usually 12,000,000 million. The term of the loan and the annual interest rate directly depends on the documents submitted in the application.

Loans within the framework of refinancing are becoming a widespread option of the offer. They are often provided on the security of an existing business. Any loan programs secured by property are distinguished by favorable interest rates.

An important point when considering the conditions for the provision of borrowed funds is the data on the period of successful activity. Many banks indicate the minimum period for the confirmed work of the enterprise is 3 months.

Loans for the development of small businesses are provided within the framework of special programs, the so-called start-ups. Most often, such programs provide loans secured by property. If it is not possible to issue a collateralized loan, the lending conditions become quite strict. The interest rate rises and the amount issued is adjusted downward. It is easier for small businesses just starting to work to get a micro loan.

When providing collateral, successful small businesses can be provided with significant sums. So, on security, VTB-24 Bank is ready to provide the borrower up to 150 million rubles at 10.5% per annum. A wide range of loans for small businesses are offered by many banks in the country. It is convenient to choose the most attractive one for each potential borrower using credit calculators available on the Internet. Often such an opportunity is provided by websites of legal organizations. Many of these resources allow you to immediately send your application for consideration to a selected bank or to several banks at once.

In any case, a detailed and clear business plan is provided to the bank for obtaining borrowed funds.

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Organizing your own business requires considerable financial investments from an entrepreneur. At the same time, not everyone has enough money to start a business. Therefore, entrepreneurs need help, including material assistance. The state seeks to support small businesses by providing subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in 2019. It is important to know when and how much money you can get free of charge for organizing and developing your own business.

Types of state aid

Assistance to individual entrepreneurs from the state is provided in several forms: financial, property, information, infrastructure.

You can count on the following types of material support:

  1. funds from the employment center;
  2. grant for beginner individual entrepreneurs;
  3. concessional lending;
  4. subsidizing.

Funds for opening an individual entrepreneur through the employment center are allocated in order to combat unemployment and maintain self-employment. Such assistance is a one-time financial support in the amount of fifty thousand rubles. These funds can be spent exclusively for organizing your own business. If a businessman plans to employ one or more employees in the activity, the amount of the subsidy increases in proportion to the number of employees hired.

For novice businessmen, special funds can compensate for up to five hundred thousand rubles spent on the creation of entrepreneurship. Grants are traditionally allocated for development in those industries that are significant for the state. Today it is agriculture, innovation, education, social spheres and other areas.

Concessional lending involves the issuance of loans to individual entrepreneurs at rates that are lower than in banks. Today they are 11% per annum. You can get up to one billion rubles for a period not exceeding three years. It should be borne in mind that only those individual entrepreneurs who have been successfully operating for more than 6 months can count on preferential loans. At the same time, the entrepreneur should not have outstanding debts, spoiled credit history.

Subsidizing individual entrepreneurs involves the issuance of funds for specific purposes. In this case, you can count on government assistance to reimburse part of the interest on the loan, overpayment and the first installment for leasing, training and advanced training of workers.

Regardless of what the small business support scheme will be, subsidies are issued only after going through a difficult procedure. First of all, you will need to develop a business plan and provide well-written documents. When the aid is allocated and spent, you will have to document the directions of spending the funds.

Conditions for receiving

Do not think that it will be easy to get gratuitous subsidies for individual entrepreneurs from the state. In fact, you have to do extensive and serious work.

After registering at an employment center and obtaining official unemployment status, an entrepreneur must go through the following steps:

  • choose a field of activity;
  • to draw up a detailed business plan, in the final part it is important to conduct an economic as well as social justification of the significance of the opened business for the development of a particular region;
  • conduct state registration of entrepreneurship;
  • apply with the documents prepared according to the list, an application, as well as a business plan to the relevant authorities.

The submitted application is considered by the commission. The duration of this process reaches sixty days. At the end of the review procedure, the commission makes a decision, which is sent to the entrepreneur by registered mail.

It is important to keep in mind that when receiving government support, an individual entrepreneur takes on specific responsibilities, first of all, they are reporting. Subsequently, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to provide a report on the expenditure of the funds received, while it is important to attach receipts, payment orders, receipts and other documents confirming the direction of spending the funds to it.

Studying how to open an individual entrepreneur through an employment center, it is worth learning an important rule. If a businessman is unable to submit documents regarding the direction of spending the money received, he will have to return the subsidized funds to the state.

In addition, a business organized with government support must be carried out for at least two years. This condition allows you to exclude the financing of fly-by-night companies.

Drawing up a business plan

A subsidy for opening an individual entrepreneur is issued only on condition that a competently drawn up business plan is provided. There is no established template according to which such a document is drawn up.

However, there are a number of points that must be considered in a business plan:

  1. The first part without fail contains the personal data of the entrepreneur. Here you should describe in detail the features of the chosen field of activity, explain why the chosen business is significant for the state.
  2. The second chapter of the business plan contains a description of the project. It is important to pay attention to the activities with the help of which it is planned to achieve a specific profit margin.
  3. When drawing up a business plan, it is of great importance to study the market, as well as the niche that the entrepreneur plans to occupy on it. Here you will have to describe in detail the work process, draw up a list of the necessary fixed and circulating assets, and give the staffing table. In addition, at this point, the cost of the project is calculated, as well as the payback period.
  4. At the end of the business plan, information on the perceived risks is provided. It is important to consider in what ways the entrepreneur will avoid them.

Only a well-designed plan can become the basis for obtaining a subsidy for organizing and developing a business. Without this document, no commission will consider the possibility of state support. It must contain real data and calculations, since after receiving the funds, you will have to spend them exclusively in accordance with this document. Subsequently, the costs must be documented. The Commission of the Employment Center (Employment Exchange) will check their full compliance with the business plan.

Where can you spend a small business subsidy from the state

The help from the state of the sole proprietor is targeted. This means that there is a strictly designated list of areas where you can spend the money received. They should be adhered to both when receiving money for organizing your own business, and for its development.

The directions of spending the subsidy are necessarily reflected in the business plan. An entrepreneur cannot spend funds at his own discretion.

Assistance to individual entrepreneurs can be aimed at solving the following tasks:

Do not forget that the entrepreneur will have to report on where the funds were sent. That is why it is important to keep all supporting documents. It is necessary to carefully collect checks, transfer orders and other payment papers.

Reasons for refusal

It is not just learning how to get a subsidy that matters. It is also important to know why government assistance may be denied.

There are several circumstances that can lead to a negative decision on an application for a subsidy:

In order to maximize the likelihood of a positive decision on the grant application, it is important to consider all the reasons for refusal and try to avoid them.

Changes in 2019

In 2019, the main goals pursued by the support of individual entrepreneurs remain the organization of a new business, as well as an existing one. As before, this method of financing has a major advantage, which lies in its gratuitousness. However, there are also serious drawbacks - the complexity of the design, the need to make a huge amount of effort in the absence of guarantees of a positive decision.

This year, the government plans to introduce a completely new system, which is based on the principles of a geomarketing navigator. For this purpose, more than 200 business plans have been written, which characterize 75 areas of entrepreneurship. Such a system will help an individual entrepreneur to determine what area and niche he should consider to create his own business. If the project is implemented, it will become an excellent support for entrepreneurs both in 2019 and in the future.

Other types of support that individual entrepreneurs can receive from the state in 2019 include:

  • transfer of real estate for rent on favorable terms;
  • the use of infrastructure that was specially created by government agencies for the development of entrepreneurship - business incubators, technology parks and other companies;
  • sale of property owned by the state at a preferential cost.

In 2019, it is planned to provide not only one-time financial assistance to individual entrepreneurs, but also to issue government grants. To participate in such subsidies, an application should be sent to the allocation authorities.

The Ministry of Economic Development is going to start using a qualitatively new register of small and medium-sized businesses in 2019. Its creation will take place automatically. If the entrepreneur is included in the new register, then he will be able to count on subsidies issued to support small businesses.

State aid can become invaluable support in the creation and development of an individual entrepreneur's business. It is worth considering this possibility, because the subsidy is free of charge.

One of the main obstacles to starting your own business is the lack of funds. Often, it is this obstacle that stops potential entrepreneurs from implementing their plans. Those who have already opened their own business may also face the problem of lack of funds to maintain and develop their business. In case of such problems, you should learn in detail how to get a small business subsidy.

The state is interested in the development of the economy, therefore, today Russia has a special program to support start-up entrepreneurs. Under this program, the state grants subsidies.

What is a subsidy and for what purposes it is issued

A subsidy is a targeted payment from the federal or local budget.

The subsidy is provided free of charge, so it should not be confused with a loan or loan. That is, after receiving a subsidy to the state, you do not have to return anything. Thus, the first property of a subsidy is its gratuitousness and irrevocability.

The second property of a subsidy is a strictly targeted nature.

The purposes of spending the received subsidy can be:

  • purchase of equipment and consumables;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • the purchase of intangible assets such as patents.

Specific types of financial support for small businesses are approved by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the Government of the constituent entity). Usually, detailed information can be found on the website of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation dealing with issues of industry, entrepreneurship and trade.

The targeted nature of spending the subsidy is expressed in the fact that the citizen who received it is responsible for the targeted use of the subsidy. If the fact of inappropriate spending of funds is revealed, then the entire amount will be recovered from the offender. In addition, one year after receiving the subsidy, you will have to report on where the funds were spent. If you have not spent all of the funds, then the remainder will need to be returned.

Those entrepreneurs who plan to open a business in the production and sale of alcohol and tobacco products, in real estate, in the rental of equipment cannot receive subsidies.

Amounts and types of subsidies

The amount and types of subsidies are set by each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Let's give an example. There are the following types of subsidies in Moscow:

  • 300,000 rubles for starting a business (the conditions must be met: the entrepreneur has never been employed anywhere, has a disability or is the only parent of the child being raised);
  • 60,000 rubles for starting a business (with the possibility of increasing the subsidy by the same amount for each additional job created);
  • 25,000 rubles for business support.

Procedure for obtaining a subsidy to start a business

We register as unemployed

Receiving a subsidy is a rather long process and includes several stages.

You must register as unemployed. To do this, you need, firstly, not to have an official place of work. Secondly, not to be the founder of any legal entity and not be registered as an individual entrepreneur. If these conditions are met, then you should contact the employment center at your place of residence.

After expressing a desire to register as an unemployed person, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. You must also bring with you the originals of the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • education document;
  • TIN certificate;
  • insurance certificate;
  • certificate of average monthly salary.

If you have never worked, then you do not need to provide a certificate.

When filling out the documents issued to you, do not forget to inform the employee of the employment center about your plans for self-employment with your own business. Do not forget to also clarify where the department for self-employment of the population is located.

As soon as all the documents are accepted, you will be informed of the date of the return visit. Also, most likely, they will tell you where you should start a savings book to transfer first unemployment benefits, and then subsidies.

The next step is writing a business plan. Here you need to be very careful and not rely on freebies. The state, although it provides for business support, (let's be frank) is reluctant to give budget money.

The business plan must be literate, detailed and real (executable).

It must be indicated:

  • project cost;
  • economic feasibility of the project;
  • payback period of the project;
  • the purpose of obtaining support from the state;
  • planned own costs;
  • the required amount of the subsidy;
  • creation of additional jobs.

After the business plan is ready, we refer it to the department for promoting self-employment of citizens (both in print and in electronic form).

We come to the commission

You will be informed in advance of the date of the meeting of the commission, which, on the basis of the submitted business plan and your answers to the questions asked, will decide whether to grant you a subsidy or not. Prepare: At the very least, you must know your business plan perfectly.

Based on the results of the meeting of the commission, you may be approved by the subsidy, or refused to receive it. Do not be discouraged if the second happened - you will simply be asked to finalize the business plan and come to defend the business plan again.

Final steps

The only thing left is to register as an individual entrepreneur (registration period - 5 working days) and bring the documents issued by the tax inspectorate to the Employment Center. After that, the subsidy will be transferred to your savings bank within one month.

It is possible to receive funds from the state not only for opening, but also for business development.

It's a little easier. It is necessary to submit to the Employment Center a certificate of state registration as an entrepreneur, documents confirming compliance with the requirements for candidates for a subsidy, and a business plan.

Little should be said about the requirements for candidates to receive a subsidy. They may be different in different subjects and may relate, for example, to the availability of own funds, the implementation of activities in priority sectors, the completion of special courses by an entrepreneur, etc.