The last days of Gogol's life are interesting facts. Interesting facts from the life and biography of Gogol

The last days of Gogol's life are interesting facts. Interesting facts from the life and biography of Gogol
The last days of Gogol's life are interesting facts. Interesting facts from the life and biography of Gogol

Nikolay Gogol was a great prose, playwright, poet. Most of us are familiar with his main biography.

He was born on April 1, 1809. In memory of the great playwright, journalists gathered the most interesting facts from the life of this person.

Gogol came from a painful family. So, his father Vasily Afanasyevich often happened fevers, and a few days before death, blood went. And in the family of Mom were mentally ill. The very same Mary was "extremely impressionable, Mnitelna" and attributed to his son all the newest inventions and told about it in a row. And also made his son superstition. Pictures of a terrible court, in childhood drawn mamma, pursued Gogol all his life.

The Gogol family had 12 children: six boys and six girls, Gogol was the third. The first two kids died immediately after birth. And Nikolai called him in honor of the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas, who stored in the Church of the Big Sorozhintsents, where the parents of the writer lived. By the way, at birth, the surname of the writer was Yanovsky, and only at 12 he became Nikolai Gogol-Yanovsky.

Nikolai often used the original methods to assert themselves. So, one day he ... drowned the cat in the pond. In addition, in the Nezhinsky Lyceum, where Gogol studied, he was afraid for secrecy and unexpected dangerous practices. Nikolai never took part in the brown cakes, while he could provide someone with a guidance nickname. And one day, to avoid punishment, Gogol so convincingly attached a crazy that he thwarted all the gymnasium bosses.

Gogol was a big sweet tooth: for one "Sent" could eat jam jar. In his pockets, he always had sweets. And being adults, Gogol collected sugar in hotels, which was given to tea, and hid it, to then nibble at work or conversation. The writer could not even stop the fact that he suffered almost all his life from pain in the stomach and intestines. Moreover, Gogol described in detail in letters to friends of his "colic" and "hemorrhoidal constipation". And also booked familiar: they say, he was checked by doctors from Paris and found pathology - the stomach is located upside down.

A little-known portrait of Gogol made Antonio Dzon in Venice 5 years before the death of the writer.

Gogol had a lot of hobbies. For example, he adored miniature publications. Once, absolutely not knowing mathematics, he wrote down the mathematical encyclopedia only because it was published in the amount of 10.5 × 7.5 cm. Still Gogol loved her needlework: knitted scarves on the knitting needles, Crow's dresses, belt sisters, shown to the summer Neck scarves.

In addition, the writer was fond of the history of Ukraine. By the way, it was these studies that moved him to writing the epic story "Taras Bulba". She was first published in the collection "Mirgorod" in 1835, one copy of this magazine Gogol personally handed over to Mr. Uvarov - Minister of Folk Enlightenment, in order for him to presented him with Emperor Nicholas I.

According to Gogol's correspondence, he fell in love with women twice. However, these feelings did not end with nothing: living alone, he was lonely and remained. At the same time, he had a hot beloved mother and sisters. But they did not have the strength to destroy his loneliness.

Gogol loved to travel. Often wrapped around foreign corners, lived on removable apartments. The habit of cheeselessly made it an eccentric and ascetic. There were not many things at the writer: they were placed in a big portfolio and a small suitcase. At the same time, in his wardrobe there were: colored velvet vests, light yellow nanny pantalons, blue fractures with gold buttons, motley ties, long raincoat and a down hat.

The road was for gogol saving. So, once in Rome, he suddenly turned to the satellite with a view of perfect despair: "Save me, for God's sake: I don't know what is done with me ... I'm dying ... I almost died of a nervous blow now at night ... Take me somewhere, Yes, as soon as possible, so that it was not too late. " That now hired a carriage. The road to Albano completely healed Gogol, he became fuddled and never returned to this episode.

In the last years of life, something is worried about Gogol. According to the acquaintances, he became infected with maleys in 1839 during the visit to Rome. Despite the fact that the disease retreated, after that the writer began seizures, fainting and visions. So lasted until the fall of 1850, when he, being in Odessa, felt relief. Returned to Moscow and seemed completely healthy and cheerful. Gogol read the friends of individual fragments from the second volume of the "dead souls" and rejoiced like a child, seeing delight and hearing laughter of listeners. But as soon as he put the point under the second volume, it seemed to him that emptiness and doomed was collapsed. He felt the fear of death, such as his father once suffered ....

Nobody knows exactly what happened on the night of February 12, 1852. Biographers, collecting information on the grains, found out that up to three nights, Gogol, Hogol prayed. Then he took his portfolio, took out some sheets of paper from it, and all that remained in it, ordered to immediately burn. After that, he crossed himself and, returning to bed, was uncontrollably sobbed until the morning.

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Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - Russian prose, playwright, poet, critic, publicist, one of the classics of Russian literature. What do you you know about Gogol? Interesting cases from GogolFrom his biography you will read in this article.

Birth name: Nikolai Vasilyevich Yanovsky
Pseudonyms Gogol: V. Alov; P. Glechik; N. g.; Ohhh; Pacific Ore Panko; Yanov; N. N.
Years of life:March 20 (April 1) 1809 - February 21 (March 4) 1852 (42 years)
Place of Birth: Big Sorochians, Poltava Province, Russian Empire
Place of death: Moscow, Russian Empire

The most interesting facts about Gogol

  • Gogol was from a large family - The third child of the Twelve (!) Children: six boys and six girls.
  • Gogol's mother walked the first beauty of the Poltava region, married was at the age of 14 for the Father of the writer, twice the older. It is believed that it was the mother who contributed to the development of religious and mystical feelings from the writer.
  • Gogol was not married. Hogol's own family never started, and, in general, it is not known whether he had any relationship with women. True, in the spring of 1850, N.V.Gogol made an offer (first and last) A. M. Vilygorskaya, but received a refusal.
  • When the future great writer studied at school, his writings were very mediocre, He was weak in languagesand managed well only in Russian literature and in drawing.
  • Gogol had a passion for needlework. He loved to knit the scarves on the spokes, draw the sisters of the dress, weave the belt, to sew neck scarves for themselves.
  • Also Nikolay Vasilyevich loved to cook And often treated friends by dumplings and dumplings. He also cooked a special drink from goat milk with the addition of Roma, who was a joke called Gogol-Mogul.
  • In his pockets, Gogol always wore sweetswho constantly chewed. Especially he loved to gnaw during work or conversation pieces of stranded sugar.
  • Gogol shy his noseAnd, apparently, even artists asked to smooth out this lack of appearance in the paintings. Therefore, all portraits of the writer's nose looks different. Perhaps one of the Petersburg leads N.V.Gogol is not accidentally named "Nose".
  • Gogol was very shy: If a stranger appeared in the company, the writer disappeared from the room.
  • In June 1836 Nikolay Vasilyevich went abroad, where he stayed with breaks about ten years. Abroad, he was in Germany, Switzerland, Paris, Italy, in Jerusalem.
  • An interesting fact that my mystical work is tale "Viy" - the writer called the folk legend (he heard the story and recorded, without changing any words in it), while none of the literary critics, historians, the folklorists have never been able to find any mention (oral or written), at least remotely We reminded the plot of "Viya". Researchers say that, perhaps, the name "Viy" was as a result of the joint name of the host of the "Nia" (deities of Ukrainian mythology) and the words "Viya", translated from the Ukrainian meaning "eyelo."
  • Source plot Pieces "Auditor" There was a real case in one of the cities of the Novgorod province, which Pushkin told Gogol. Pushkin also suggested Gogol the plot of the "dead shower".
  • The history of his native Ukraine was one of his favorite research and hobbies for him. It was these studies that moved him to writing the epic Tale "Taras Bulba". She was first published in the Mirgorod collection and in 1835, one copy of this journal Gogol personally handed Mr. Uvarov - Minister of Folk Enlightenment, in order to presented him with Emperor Nicholas I.

Gogol interesting facts about death

  • Writer in his own testament 7 years before his death warned that his body was buried only in case of explicit signs of decomposition. This was the cause of numerous mystical assumptions that in reality the writer was buried in a state of lethargic sleep. It is concerned that when reburial, in 1931, a skeleton was found in his coffin with a skull turned. (According to other data, the skull was generally absent.)
  • What happened shortly before the death of February 12, 1852 (and the writer died on February 21) Never recognize no one. Biographers say that up to three nights the writer Istovo prayed, after which the contents of his portfolio burned (the second volume of "dead souls"), and then sobbed until the morning in his bed.

Nikolai Gogol interesting facts From life and biography, little-known, he led a modest lifestyle. Inventory of Property Gogol showed that after him there were personal belongings in the amount of 43 rubles 88 kopecks. His things were made of perfect pickles and talked about the full indifference of the writer to their appearance in the last months of his life. At the same time, in the hands of S. P. Shevyreva, two more than thousands of rubles transferred to Gogol to the charitable goals in need of students of Moscow University remained. Gogol did not consider this money with his own, and Shevyrev did not return them to return the heirs of the writer

Facts from the biography of the Great Ukrainian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol will complement the complete picture of the personality of so mysterious and extraordinary. Excellent actor, historian, writer - the field of interests of the author is not reading. Fame, of course, he got due to ingenious artistic works, in which the life of the native people is uniquely demonstrated. Anyone, once read and loved a number of literary masterpieces of the author, would like to learn more about it. What was the writer in the eyes of contemporaries, what had a special inclinion, and how did he manage to achieve heights in creativity? Answers to all questions in detail - interesting facts from the life of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

  1. Engaged in knitting of wool, as well as cut and sew. Attributes Gogol Gogol gave her sisters - she sewed stunning dresses to them, or used himself - it is known that the shawls on the neck searched for the summer season.
  2. Nikolay Vasilyevich liked collecting very little publications of books. Not being competent in mathematics, he ordered a mathematical reference book, only because its dimensions were 10x7 centimeters.

  3. In his youth, there was a fear of being buried alive. After a while, after the death of the writer, the legends went, which was supposedly, with the exhumation of the body, it was found that the head was rotated.

  4. The life of the writer was closely connected with mysticism and religion. To this day, there are many puzzles of his biography. And the work of "Viy", which, as the author himself said, was created on the basis of a folk legend, "leaves the ground to think about literary criticism and historians, since no mention of legend has managed to find anywhere.

  5. Suffered by depressions, during this state, the second volume of the novel "Dead Souls" was burned. From the sources it is known that the author that day prayed to a deep night, then ordered to burn a portfolio (where were the manuscript), and after - baked until the morning in bed, whether the loss of the work of Lee? - Unknown.

  6. In childhood, the writer told her grandmother about the angels, which descend from the sky on the stairs. The legend was deeply deposited in mind, and his death words were: "Ladder! Let's seek the staircase."

  7. Gogol did not build relationships with women. It is known that in the youth of the age of Nikolai Vasilyevich visited the brothel with friends, from which he was not satisfied. Apparently, the phobia was born and was preserved for life. There are no other references to close friendship or love with representatives of beautiful sex.

  8. The writer belonged to the noblery of Gogol-YankovskyThe founder of which was Ostap Gogol - the head of the Kazakh troops of the Rights Bank of Ukraine.

  9. In the family of genius was, in addition to his most, there were 11 more children: five boys and six girls. The writer was a third child.

  10. Shy forms of their nose. It is probably why this part of the body is mentioned in many works. On portraits of Nikolai Vasilyevich's nose, everyone always painted in different ways, "there is an opinion that this was done to confuse future bibliographs.

  11. The riddle remains the cause of the strange state of Nikolai Vasilyevich in the last years of life. It is believed during the trip in Italy, Gogol got infected with malaria, and despite the fact that he was cured from her, the disease served to further develop the ailments. Slowers, fainting, hallucinations - symptoms related to the last years of life.

  12. He was a big lover of studying all sorts of knowledge areas, but preference gave storiesThis affected the birth of the epic story "Taras Bulba".

  13. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol loved sweetly very sweet, so in his pockets always wore candy or chocolate. It reached the point that he, not allowing the servant to clean the sugar after tea, hid him in his pockets and gnawing slices of Rafinal during communication with people or work.

  14. Strange in the social behavior of the genius was that he preferred to walk along the alleys and the streets on the left side, from which he constantly came across passersby.

  15. Very afraid of thunderstorms. Any bad weather acted on him very much, put the longing and despondency, became nervous and unavigable. Probably, this phobia and served as the idea for the work of "thunderstorm."

Born March 20 (April 1) 1809 in the village of Sorochintsy Poltava province in the family of the landowner. Gogol was a third child, and in total in the family there were 12 children.

Training in Gogol's biography took place in Poltava School. Then in 1821 he entered the class of Nezhinskaya gymnasium, where he studied justice. In school years, the writer did not differ in particular abilities in school. Well, he was given only drawing lessons and the study of Russian literature. Only mediocre works obtained from him.

The beginning of the literary path

In 1828, in the life of Gogol there was a moving to St. Petersburg. There he served as an official, tried to get a job in the theater and engaged in literature. The acting career was not laid, and the service did not bring Gogol pleasure, and sometimes even painted. And the writer decided to express himself on a literary field.

In 1831, Gogol meets representatives of the literary circles of Zhukovsky and Pushkin, the undoubtedly these dating greatly influenced his further fate and literary activities.

Gogol and theater

Interest in the theater Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol manifested itself in his youth, after the death of his father, wonderful playwright and narrator.

Realizing the power of the theater, Gogol engaged in drama. The work of Gogol "The Auditor" was written in 1835, and in 1836 for the first time delivered. Due to the negative response of the public to the "Revior", the writer leaves the country.

last years of life

In 1836, in the biographies of Nikolai Gogol, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, as well as a brief stay in Paris were held. Then, from March 1837, the work on the first volume of the greatest work of Gogol "Dead Souls" continued in Rome, which was conceived by the author back in St. Petersburg. After returning to his homeland from Rome, the writer publishes the first volume of the poem. While working on the second Tom, Gogol had a spiritual crisis. Even a trip to Jerusalem did not help to correct the situation.

In early 1843, the famous tale of Gogol "Shinel" was first printed.

The writer adored miniature publications. Not loving and not knowing mathematics, he discharged the mathematical encyclopedia only because it was published in the sixteenth stake of the sheet (10.5 × 7.5 cm).

Gogol loved to cook and treat friends with dumplings and dumplings. One of his favorite drinks - goat milk, which he cooked by a special way by adding rum. He called this threshing, he called Gogol Mogola and often, laughing, said: "Gogol loves Gogol-Mogol!"

The writer walked through the streets and alleys usually on the left side, so it was constantly faced with passersby.
Gogol was very afraid of thunderstorms. According to contemporaries, bad weather was not bad for his weak nerves.

He was extremely shy. As soon as a stranger appeared in the company, Gogol disappeared from the room.

Gogol often, when he wrote, rod balls from white bread. He said to friends that it helps him in resolving the most difficult tasks.

In the pockets of Gogol always lying sweets. Living in a hotel, he never allowed the servants to carry sugar filed to tea, collected him, hid, and then gnawing pieces at work or conversation.

All the life of Gogol still remains an unsolved mystery. He was pursued by mysticism, and after his death there were more questions than answers. They allow you to look at the work of your favorite writer from a completely different side, try to explain some contradictions and inconsistencies and see it is not an idol, but a simple, incredibly subtle and talented person.

Nikolai Vasilyevich passionately fond of everyone that fell into the field of his vision. The history of his native Ukraine was one of his favorite research and hobbies for him. It was these studies that moved him to writing the epic story "Taras Bulba". She was first published in the collection "Mirgorod" in 1835, one copy of this journal Gogol personally handed over to Mr. Uvarov - Minister of Folk Enlightenment, in order for him to presented him with Emperor Nicholas I.

In the same collection, the most incredible and mystical of all Gogol works was printed - the story "Viy". The writer himself argued that "Viy" is a national legend, which he allegedly heard and recorded without changing any words in it.

But what is interesting, nor literary critic, no historians, nor folklinists, nor researchers never have never been able to find neither oral nor, especially, written references to folk legends or fairy tales, which would remotely reminded the plot "Viya" . All this gives reason to consider the story exclusively the fruit of the fantasy of a great asifer and writer.

The researchers of the life and creativity of Gogol are inclined to the idea that the name "Viy" is a free team from the name of the owner of the Iron Nia, which was the Diviety in Ukrainian mythology, and the word "VIA", which in the Ukrainian .

Neither contemporaries, no descendants and cannot explain what happened to Gogol in the last years of his life. It is believed that when in 1839 Gogol visited Rome, he infected with malaria. Despite the fact that over time, the disease still retreated, its consequences were for the writer fatal. No other flour is physical, how many complications that caused Gogol seizures, fainting, but the main thing, visions, made his recovery complex and durable.

In the autumn of 1850, being in Odessa, Nikolai Vasilyevich felt relief. Contemporaries remember that ordinary liveliness and vigor returned to him. He returned to Moscow and seemed completely healthy and cheerful. Gogol read the individual fragments from the second volume of the "dead souls" and rejoiced like a child, seeing delight and hearing laughter of listeners. But as soon as he put the point under the second volume, it seemed to him that emptiness and doomed was collapsed. He felt the fear of death, such as his father once suffered.

What happened on the night of February 12, 1852, no one knows for certain. Biographers, joint titanic efforts tried literally to restore the events of that night, but quite exactly it is known only that up to three o'clock in the morning Gogol hurts prayed. Then he took his portfolio, took out some sheets of paper from it, and all that remained in him, ordered to burn immediately. After that, he crossed himself and, returning to bed, was uncontrollably sobbed until the morning. Traditionally, it is believed that that night Gogol burned the second volume of the "dead souls", but some biographers and historians are confident that it is far from the truth, which is unlikely, someone will know.

Modern specialists in the field of psychiatry analyzed thousands of documents and came to a completely definite conclusion that Gogol had no mental disorder and in risen. Perhaps he suffered from depression, and if the right treatment was applied to him, the great writer would have lived much longer.