Ukrainian singer nikolay. Nikolay gnatyuk - biography, personal life, songs, photo of the singer

Ukrainian singer nikolay.  Nikolay gnatyuk - biography, personal life, songs, photo of the singer
Ukrainian singer nikolay. Nikolay gnatyuk - biography, personal life, songs, photo of the singer

He gained his first fame by winning the Ukrainian contest of pop artists in Zaporozhye in 1978. Then came the third place at the VI All-Union contest of pop artists in 1979, the Grand Prix at the pop song contest in Dresden and the Intervision festival in Sopot (1980). The peak of the artist's popularity came at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s. During this period, such songs of his were widely known in the Soviet Union, ... Read all

He gained his first fame by winning the Ukrainian contest of pop artists in Zaporozhye in 1978. Then came the third place at the VI All-Union contest of pop artists in 1979, the Grand Prix at the pop song contest in Dresden and the Intervision festival in Sopot (1980). The peak of the artist's popularity came at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s. During this period in the Soviet Union, his songs were widely known such as "The Girl from Apartment 45" (A. Mazhukov - M. Plyatskovsky), "Dance on the Drum" (R. Pauls - A. Voznesensky), "The Bird of Happiness" ( Pakhmutova A. - Dobronravov N.), “If the city dances” (A. Zhurbin - I. Reznik). A characteristic feature of most of Hnatiuk's songs were light, catchy melodies and words. In the first half of the 1980s. the artist worked with many groups, including VIA "Malvy", VIA "Mriya" and the jazz-rock group "Crossword". With the latter group, he recorded his first solo disc (EP), which included translations of French songs. The second EP, including songs by Evgeny Shiryaev and recorded with the participation of the Tashkent group "Labyrinth", was released in 1985. A new round of Gnatyuk's popularity is associated with the appearance of songs by composer Alexander Morozov in his repertoire. In 1987, Gnatyuk performed Crimson Ringing (A. Morozov - A. Poperechny). Soon two giant discs are coming out: "Crimson Ringing" and "Don't Leave Me". At the turn of the 1980s-90s. years Gnatyuk moved to live in Germany and for several years ceased wide concert activity. He returned to Ukraine in 1993, when his new song “Hour to Rikoy Plyve” gained wide popularity. In 1996, the self-titled album was released on CD. In the late 1990s. Gnatyuk dramatically changes the direction of his creative activity. At the age of 47, he entered the missionary department at the Belgorod Theological Seminary. From now on, he perceives all his creativity as missionary activity. His repertoire is filled with songs of spiritual content. Currently, Hnatyuk rarely appears on television, performs mainly on radio and gives concerts in different cities of Ukraine.
Nikolay Gnatyuk and the group "Crossword" (minion, 1980)
Nikolay Gnatyuk and the ensemble "Labyrinth" (minion, 1980)
Crimson Chime (1988)
"Don't leave me" (1989)
"Hour to Rikoyu plive" (1996)

The famous performer Nikolai Gnatyuk was born on September 14, 1952 in the Ukrainian village of Nemirovka. Mother was a primary school teacher, and my father presided over the collective farm. After leaving school, the young man chose a pedagogical institute for admission, in which he chose the music and pedagogical faculty. Already at that time, the future singer knew for sure that he wanted to connect his life with music. He wanted to realize his dream at all costs. Nikolai Hnatyuk's wife met him during an interview.

Nikolay took the first steps on the way to success as a member of the ensemble "We are Odessites". Even while serving in the army, the guy did not stop taking the first steps to success. He demonstrated his vocals in the ensemble of the combined arms guards army.

After completing the service, Gnatyuk continued to improve his skills and began to take lessons at the studio of the Leningrad Music Hall. In parallel with this, he had the opportunity to tour the cities of the Union with the Druzhba ensemble.

Despite his considerable experience and experience in musical activity, Nikolai gained real popularity only in 1978. It was then that he won his first significant victory at the competition in Zaporozhye. This was followed by new competitions and contests, as well as new victories. The peak of his popularity came at the beginning of the eighties. Throughout the USSR, songs performed by him sounded from radio receivers. Light melodies were quickly remembered by the listeners.

In addition to his solo career, Nikolai, at the peak of his creativity, also worked with various ensembles. These included the most popular ensembles of that time, which any performer dreamed of working with. It was during this period that the singer released his first disc.

Soon after the release of the first disc, Nikolai met the composer Alexander Morozov, who played a huge role in his creative life. He is the author of the hit "Crimson Ringing". It was this composition that was recognized as one of the most successful songs of Hnatiuk. The older generation still remembers his hits. However, soon after that, the artist moves to live in Germany and for a long time disappears from the field of view of fans.

In 1993 Nikolai returned to his homeland. He released a new hit, and three years later his new album was released on cassette. The most popular song of this period in his performance was "Oh, Smereka!" In the Transcarpathian region, it has become a kind of anthem. After some time, the artist drew attention to his spirituality and entered the theological seminary. This could not but affect his work.

The personal life of Nikolai Hnatyuk is ambiguous. The artist was married only once, but divorced and never entered into an official relationship. He constantly attracted the attention of the fair sex, but truly loved only his Natalia. Their acquaintance happened during one of the interviews. The smart, charming and plump girl impressed him. Young people began to meet, and after a while they legalized their relationship.

Nikolai and Natalya had a son, Oles, but even his appearance could not save the marriage from collapse. After the accident at Chernobyl, the boy moved to Germany with his mother, and his father often visited him. That is why there are so many photographs with German landmarks in Hnatiuk's archives.

Nikolay Hnatyuk was born in the Ukrainian village of Nemirovka on September 14, 1952. His mother was a primary school teacher, and his father was the chairman of a collective farm. After studying at school, Nikolai successfully entered the Rivne Pedagogical Institute, the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy. Even then, Gnatyuk was sure that he wanted to connect his life with music, and intended to realize this dream at all costs.

The musician began his ascent to the creative Olympus with an ensemble called "We are Odessites". He did not stop singing during his service in the Soviet army, demonstrating his vocal talents in the ensemble of the Eighth Combined Arms Guards Army, organized on the basis of a group of Soviet troops in the German city of Weimar.

Having paid his debt to the Motherland, Nikolai Vasilyevich began to take lessons in the studio of the Leningrad Music Hall, at the same time he received a unique opportunity to tour various cities of the USSR as part of the popular vocal and instrumental ensemble called "Friendship".

Over the years of its existence, the collective has changed many musicians, and for each of them it was an honor to have a job in this famous ensemble in their track record.

Musical creativity

Despite the fact that the artist has worked in the music industry from a young age, he gained real popularity only in 1978. Then he deservedly took first place in the Ukrainian competition of pop artists, held in Zaporozhye. A year later, Nikolai won third place in the sixth all-Union-wide competition of pop artists, and in 1980 the musician received the grand prix at the Intervision festival held in Sopot and at the pop song competition in Dresden, Germany.

It was at the end of the 1970s - the beginning of the 1980s that the artist's popularity peaked. The songs he performed, such as "Dance on the Drum", "The Girl from Apartment 45", "If the City Dances", "The Bird of Happiness" and many others were heard on radios throughout the Soviet Union. People liked the light, catchy melodies of Hnatyuk's songs, as well as simple and pleasant lyrics to them.

At the peak of his career, the artist was not only engaged in solo work, but also actively collaborated with many ensembles. So, among his musical "partners" were the vocal and instrumental ensembles "Mriya" and "Malvy", as well as the jazz-rock group "Crossword". It was with "Crossword" that the performer released his first solo disc, which included translations of several melodic French songs.

To record his second album, Nikolai Gnatyuk invited a Tashkent ensemble called "Labyrinth". The disc was released in 1985 and consisted of songs written by Evgeny Shiryaev. Soon after that, the artist met the composer Alexander Morozov, who was to play a huge role in his creative career.

It is to him that he owes the presence in his repertoire of the well-known song "Raspberry Bell", the company in the performance of which he made. In the late 1980s, the records "Crimson Ringing" and "Don't Leave Me" were released, which became the most successful recordings of Hnatiuk. The best songs of the musician turned into hits of the all-Union scale, and many of them are still loved by the older generation.

Second wave of popularity

At the end of the 80s of the last century, Nikolai Vasilyevich, having released a total of five records and becoming one of the most popular artists of the Soviet Union, moved to live in Germany. For a fairly long period of time, he disappeared from the sight of his fans. He performed little and almost completely suspended his touring activities.

The artist's triumphant return began in 1993, when he recorded the song "Hour to Rikoy Plyve" in Ukrainian. The composition, despite the long absence of Nikolai Hnatyuk in the pop horizon, gained immense popularity and became a national hit. In the summer of 1996, the artist released an album of the same name (no longer a record, but a CD and a cassette).

Another extremely popular song of the period of Hnatiuk's return to its former popularity was the composition "Oh, Smereka!", Dedicated to a special breed of slender picturesque fir trees growing in the Carpathians. Now in Transcarpathia this song is considered practically a kind of anthem of the region. His brother has repeatedly become a companion in performing this composition at concerts for the artist.

At the age of 47, Nikolai Vasilyevich paid close attention to the spiritual component of his life and entered the Belgorod Theological Seminary, its missionary department. Since then, in the lyrics of Hnatiuk's songs, the theme of faith and intimacy with the Lord often slips, and one of the artist's last discs even received the title “Lord, have mercy”.

This disc was subsequently supplemented with new compositions and reissued under the title "Lord, save, save." The album includes such songs as "Malaya Rodina", "Faith", "Time of Penitence", "Ave Maria", "Xenia Blessed", "Song of St. Nicholas". The album was published not by a record label, but by the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra.

Today Nikolai Vasilievich sometimes appears on television, and also sometimes gives concerts, mainly in Ukraine.

Awards and honorary titles

In 1980, the artist was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1988, Gnatyuk received an even more honorary title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

In 2006, Nikolai Vasilyevich was awarded the Order of Francysk Skaryna, which he was awarded for his significant personal contribution to the development of Belarusian-Ukrainian cultural ties. In 2002, for approximately the same reason, the artist became an "Honorary Citizen of Mogilev".

Personal life

The charming and talented artist has always attracted the attention of the fair sex: his rather tall stature, open face, charisma invariably evoke sympathy. The musician met his only wife Natalia during an interview. A charming plump girl (and smart as well) attracted the musician's attention, and soon they began dating.

Nikolay Gnatyuk and cosmonaut Georgy Grechko

It's funny that the astronaut Grechko became the matchmaker for the Hnatyuk couple. Nikolai Vasilyevich met with him on the set, after which Grechko invited his favorite musician to a restaurant. By a mysterious coincidence - just then Gnatyuk was going to go to propose to Natalia. The astronaut, taking a box of apples, went with his famous acquaintances to his bride.

Nikolay Gnatyuk with his son Oles

The wife gave the artist such happiness as children: the couple had a son, Oles. Unfortunately, over time, the family broke up, and since then Nikolai Vasilyevich never married.

After Natalia, together with Oles, emigrated to Germany, the son of the married couple grew up there. That is why, in the photo, Gnatyuk is often captured against the background of German landmarks: the artist often travels to Germany to see his son.


  • 1980 - mini-album "Nikolay Gnatyuk and the group" Crossword "
  • 1980 - mini-album "Nikolay Gnatyuk and the ensemble" Labyrinth "
  • 1981 - disc "Dance on the Drum"
  • 1988 - disc "Raspberry Chime"
  • 1989 - disc "Do not leave me"
  • 1996 - disc "Hour to Rikoi Plive"
  • 2005 - disc "Lord, save, save"
  • 2006 - plate "Znov"
  • 2011 - disc "Golden Album"
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Biography, life story of Hnatyuk Nikolay

Gnatyuk Nikolai Vasilevich - Soviet and Ukrainian singer.

Childhood and youth

Nikolay Gnatyuk was born on September 14, 1952 in the village of Nemyrivka (Starokonstantinovsky district, Khmelnytsky region, Ukrainian SSR). His father was the chairman of a collective farm, his mother was a primary school teacher.

After school, Nikolai entered the music and pedagogical faculty of the Rivne Pedagogical Institute. After receiving his diploma, Gnatyuk went to the magical, enchanting world of adult life, which he intended to firmly associate with music.

Nikolay Gnatyuk began his musical career in the ensemble "We are Odessites". When Nikolai served, he sang in the ensemble of the Eighth Guards Combined Arms Army in the group of Soviet forces in Germany. After serving the due date, Nikolai began attending lessons in the studio of the Leningrad Music Hall, at the same time driving around the USSR as part of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Druzhba".

Creative way

Nikolay Gnatyuk, a talented and charming young man, quickly gained popularity among the public. The singer was often invited to TV. The songs "If the City Dances", "Wings of Fortune" and many others sounded from the blue screens, which in a short time became recognizable literally from the first lines.

In 1978, Nikolai Gnatyuk won the Ukrainian pop art competition in Zaporozhye. The next year, he took the honorable third place at the VI All-Union Contest of Variety Artists. Trips abroad began - to Dresden (Germany) and Sopot (Poland). In 1981 Nikolai Gnatyuk presented a real hit to the people - the composition "The Bird of Happiness". Nikolay Gnatyuk collaborated with many ensembles - such as "Crossword", "Mriya", "Malvy", "Holiday" and "Labyrinth".

In the late 80s, Nikolai Gnatyuk, who managed to release five successful albums, disappears from the public eye for several years and leaves his native country, moving to Germany. The singer triumphantly returns to the stage in 1993. In 1996 his disc "Hour to Rikoi Plyve" was released. The fans had to wait for the next album of Hnatiuk for nine whole years - in 2005 the collection "Lord, save, save" went on sale. In 2006 the album "Znov" was released, in 2011 - the "Golden Album".


Personal life

Nikolai Gnatyuk was married, and his son Alexander was born in the marriage. The young man grew up in Munich (Germany).

Nikolay Gnatyuk is a deeply religious person. In 1999, the musician entered the missionary department of the Belgorod Theological Seminary.

Titles, awards

In 1980 Nikolai Gnatyuk received the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, in 1988 - the title of People's Artist of the SSR.

In 2002, for a significant contribution to the development of the national cultures of Belarus and Ukraine, Hnatiuk was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Mogilev". In 2006, Gnatyuk received the Order of Francysk Skaryna for his personal contribution to the development of Belarusian-Ukrainian cultural ties.

Past interviews

Well, who doesn't remember "Dance on the Drum", "The Bird of Happiness", "Crimson Ringing", "Scarlet Dawn"? These songs were so popular in the former USSR. They often sounded on the radio and with a guitar and in friendly companies. And the victories at the festivals in Sopot and Dresden brought their performer and European recognition.

"You rarely perform in Kiev. Perhaps, only once a year at" Pisenniy Vernissage "and you can be seen. Some analysts talk about some kind of cyclicality in the work of Gnatyuk, linking it almost with the cycle of solar activity. Is that so? "

"The sun has nothing to do with it, and the stars, too. The state of mind is what affects creativity. And the critics, perhaps, do not know that I give concerts in Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, and other cities. As for Kiev ... How I felt that I should not sing in Kiev for ten years. There was such a signal. This period is expiring, but this year there will be no solo concert in the capital. ".

"But there are fewer of you, not only on stage, but also on the air." .

“I make sure that I wasn’t too many. I often note that here it was possible not to put my song on, but there it was on the screen at the wrong time.

If we had a normal atmosphere in society, then I would not disappear. Sometimes it seems to me that the people are no longer up to songs. In such a situation, my every appearance on the screen should be "adult".

"What can you say about the path to popularity of a young performer before and now? Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is. If earlier it was possible to slip through to Olympus without selling your soul, now the question is posed in principle: whoever will hold out will get laurels. So they beat each other on the head, put footboards, throw mud at their neighbors. It's a paradox, but scandalous. fame gives them popularity. Everyone crawls into the symbols of a culture alien to us. However, this is more related to the Russian stage ".

"A pleasant compliment to Russian music" .

"Our Ukrainian stage is marking time. Rock, rap, punk are being rediscovered. But all this has already happened! But, in general, marking time is not so bad. Russia has slipped into the abyss of vulgar restaurant music. We are still holding on. , thanks to our traditions, which have become fashionable to scold".

"I believe that our stage will still burst into Russian musical spaces, as" Chervona Ruta "once burst into.

"Our song has more philosophy, it is deeper. More attention is paid to the lyrics. We are closer to the ground, which means we are more truthful.".

"Who do you like among the Ukrainian performers?"

“Who really moves our stage is Ivo Bobul. He is a decent person, and I think that he did not appear on the stage by chance. He will have his say.

And among the young ... you can't keep track of them. There are so many of them that I don't really know anyone. "

"What do you think is more important for a vocalist - talent or advertising?"


"And your song, what is it?"

"The one that pleases God. Singing for people is also singing for God. That is why it is impossible to sin in a song. And who is pleasing God now? An irreconcilable parliament, an industry that is poisoning everything around, judges judging without laws, lawyers, justifying criminals, the corrupt press, who? Music? As there is black and white in the world, so music is good and there is destructive. I believe that a certain amount of sin for what is happening in the world, for the collapse of morality, lies with music The song should lead to spiritual heights, not to glory. Vanity sooner or later destroys its captive. ".

"Your song is like you, commensurate with your worldview. You found yourself in yourself, but did you find the song that you dreamed of?"

"I found in myself" Crimson Ringing "," Hour to Rikoyu plive "," Kelia ". But I am not satisfied with my work as a whole. I intuitively realize that I could have done more if not for my laziness. But, on the other hand , - for what? For glory? No way! "

"Have you tried to write music and poetry yourself?"

"I wrote and am writing. Now I can already say that the poems and music for the songs" My Years "," This is not a Dream "," Chi I Will Come "were written by me. And I just thought up the names of the authors. to the song "Turn around, blue" - also I. My grandfather was just Taras ".

"I think this is a discovery for our readers! What is the name of the direction in which you sing?"

"I don't even know. There is a band where I am I, but how to call it ... Let's just say: lyrical Ukrainian chanson".

"Many people fell in love with the song" Hour to Rikoyu plive ". But for some reason there were some words before, and now others. What happened?"

"Everything is very simple. This song was written to the words of Bogdan Lepky. But when I sang it for the first time, letters suddenly fell on the radio and to me personally. The listeners did not agree that the song had a sad ending. And they began to offer me their own versions. the lines "So at me є sin, and you have a daughter ...", etc. That is, the listener wanted an optimistic ending so that there was hope. the rest are added in letters ".

"There is a song by Hieromonk Roman" Kelia "in your repertoire. Did you know the author?"

"No, unfortunately. They just gave me cassettes of songs by Father Roman. This is wonderful religious music, deep poetry, meditation. After listening to" Keliya ", I felt that this song is for me, that this is my theme ..."

"Theme or Life Path?"

"Maybe the way ... The ways of the Lord are inscrutable".

"People come to God in different ways. How did you come to God?"

“Somewhere in the subconscious, I had faith since childhood. But I walked to God step by step for many years. We have been going to Him all our lives. As a child, I found a priest's cross in the garden. And in my 47 years it is still with me, this is my relic.

I was baptized at the age of 21 in Odessa. I arrived there after graduating from the Rivne Music Pedagogical Institute. And on the eve of my departure, I have a dream. I see the station, and near it the majestic cathedral. When I arrived in Odessa, I went out to the station square. And ... oh, miracle! The very temple appeared before me. I saw him now in reality. "

"Yes, but then this temple was without crosses, and a planetarium was located in it." .

"And, nevertheless, it was a sign. I settled on the descent of Kungun, 1, in the apartment of the janitor. There were many tenants in the yard, everyone talked and came to visit. One of the neighbors turned out to be the head of the church. It was he who asked me. Was I baptized? And when I found out that I wasn’t, I offered to be baptized. My soul rejoiced at that moment, I immediately agreed. Later I realized that I came to Odessa just for this ".

"The path to God has always been a thorny one, especially in those atheistic years" .

“In my life there were many kind people who brought me closer to the Lord. I always prayed in my mind and tried to enter the church at least from time to time. When the Lavra was opened, I came to this holy monastery, even sang in the choir. Paphnutius (now the deceased schema-monk Theophilus from the Kitaevskaya desert) said: “You know, Nikolai, there is no one to sing in Kitaevo.” And he blessed him. Since then I have been there.

My fortune at the liturgy in Kitaevo is one of the highest achievements in my life. "

"Whom did you lead to faith?"

"My mother, son. I try to sow the seeds of faith in the souls of people with whom I communicate. Recently I spoke with Slava Evdokimov. They understand me very much, ask me questions. And I see in their eyes interest not for the sake of idleness, but for the sake of salvation.".

"What is happiness?"

"Victory over sin. In life, you need to repent and fight against what tempts us. When you overcome, you are happy.".

"What is the feeling of being at home?"

"This is a feeling of great peace and your harmony with the place where you feel it. I grew up in the Khmelnytsky region, my family moved several times. And only in the village of Monastyrok I discovered this feeling of home. Big garden, lake, steep slopes ... The great Leontovich once lived here.

But I'm not at home. My hero wanders the world, looking for something. And only white shutters remember me. There is also a place of great peace in Kiev, but I have already spoken about it. "

"Do you like classical music?"

"And from the stage?"

"I like the French stage."

"Do you remember your first fee?"

"Of course! It was in childhood. Mom and Dad put me on a stool and asked me to sing. For this I received a whole ruble (laughs)".

"What do you value in people?"

"Modesty and Orthodox Faith".

"Why can't you bear it?"

"There's no such thing".

"What's stopping you?"


"What are you afraid of in life?"

"Sin and not repent".

"Do you believe in horoscopes?"

"I believe in one God, the Father Almighty. Without His will, a hair will not fall from a human head! And horoscopes simply distract a person from the search for truth.".

"What are your creative plans?"

"I never think ahead. What will happen tomorrow, wait and see."

Video of Gnatyuk Nikolay

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Photos by Hnatyuk Nikolay


Slusara (Astana)

My favorite singer. I listen to and love all the songs performed by him. Health and wellbeing!

2019-11-07 09:01:42

Oleg (Moscow)

A wonderful singer and a great person, complete respect! May God grant health and patience to survive all this devilry in Ukraine.

2017-03-23 21:54:33

Tanyushenka (Pervomaisk)

Our most beloved Nikolai! I congratulate you on your birthday (past), I wish you health, happiness, joy, God's love. May God keep you on all your paths !!!

2016-09-15 08:57:15

Irina (Saratov)

In my opinion, Nikolai's place in the rating of places of stars should be one of the first: he, unlike most of the so-called grimacing now on the stage, is. "stars", artificially promoted, paid for, is a true pop star, beloved by everyone who remembers him from the old days. Unfortunately, he disappeared from the field of viewers' attention for a long time, but the new generation does not know him at all. But I really want to hope that this wonderful artist, wonderful person will return to us and win the hearts of our children and grandchildren. Good luck to you, Nikolay! God bless you!

2015-07-12 17:16:54

Lyudmila (St. Petersburg)

Nikolay, thank you for "something touched the soul", for your dignity and devotion to the beautiful ... You are a gift ...

2015-07-01 22:28:00

Mikhail (Yeisk)

I have a question for Nikolai. Back in 1976, I was in Kiev, and there I was picked up by a taxi driver who was 100% similar to N. Hnatyuk. Could Nikolai work in Kiev as a taxi driver in those years ?!

Nikolay Vasilievich Gnatyuk. Born on September 14, 1952 in Nemyrivka, Starokonstantinovsky district, Khmelnitsky region (Ukrainian SSR). Soviet and Ukrainian pop singer. People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1988).

Nikolai Gnatyuk was born on September 14, 1952 in Nemyrivka, Starokonstantinovsky district, Khmelnitsky region (Ukrainian SSR).

My father was the chairman of the collective farm.

Mother is a primary school teacher (she was also Nikolai's first teacher).

In Soviet times, rumor attributed to Nikolai Gnatyuk a relationship with the famous opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR Dmitry Mikhailovich Gnatyuk. However, they are just namesakes.

From an early age he sang well, participated in amateur performances.

Graduated from Rivne Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Music and Pedagogy. Then he began performing on stage in VIA "We are Odessa citizens".

When the time came to join the army, he himself went to the military registration and enlistment office. He recalled: "I joined the army voluntarily, realizing that the debt to the Motherland must be repaid. I left the ensemble" We are Odessites "and ten days later I was already in the unit." As a musician, he was assigned to a team that performed at dance evenings for the families of Soviet officers. He sang in the ensemble of the 8th Guards Army of the GSVG in the city of Weimar (GDR).

After demobilization, he studied at the studio of the Leningrad Music Hall and in parallel toured with the oldest VIA in the USSR "Friendship".

In the late 1970s he recorded with Rostislav Babich's orchestra. Then he began to appear regularly on TV. The hits were his songs "Girl from Apartment 45", "Wings of Fortune", "At the Happy Maple", "If the City Dances".

In 1978, Gnatyuk became the winner of the second Ukrainian pop art competition in Zaporozhye.

In 1979, Gnatyuk took third place at the VI All-Union Contest of Variety Artists, this opens the way for him abroad. And David Tukhmanov's song "I'm dancing with you" brought him the Grand Prix of the pop song competition in Dresden.

In 1980 he won first place at the Intervision Festival in Sopot with the song "Dance on a Drum". He came up with the idea for the song himself. Gnatyuk said: “At the institute, my classmate taught me to play drums. I must say, I did well in this business. And when the invitation came to participate in the competition in Sopot, I wanted to show some action on the stage. At first I thought to walk the tightrope, but then I stopped at playing the drum. There was no song at that time. I accidentally met the director Lyudmila Dubovtseva, who offered to listen to the new compositions of Raymond Pauls. All of them were without lyrics. I liked one. And when Lyuda asked what the song would be about , I immediately replied: “About the drum.” Dubovtseva called her friend, the poet Andrei Voznesensky, who suddenly began shouting into the receiver: “What a strange topic, why a drum?” But he did write the lyrics, and Raymond did, at my request, a long play, during which I could move from the drum kit to the microphone. It was one hundred percent hit. Over the many years of creativity, I sang "Dance on the Drum" so many times, I can't count ".

Nikolay Gnatyuk - Drum Dance

In 1980 he sang for a short time with VIA "Malvy".

In 1981, Hnatiuk got another super-hit - "The Bird of Happiness" (A. Pakhmutova - N. Dobronravov).

He performed with his "Benefis" ensemble, and then with the strong jazz-rock team "Crossword", with which the first solo disc was recorded with translations of French chanson.

Then he performed with the State Variety Orchestra under the baton of A. Anufrienko, VIA "Mriya", VIA "Prazdnik".

In 1985, Gnatyuk's disc with songs by Evgeny Shiryaev, recorded with the Tashkent VIA "Labyrinth", was released.

Since the mid-1980s, his popularity has declined, he has become rarely seen on television. However, in 1987 he again managed to attract the attention of the public - when Alexander Morozov wrote "Raspberry Ringing" for him. Then came the composition "White Shutters".

Nikolay Hnatyuk - Crimson ringing

In 1988 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

In the late 1980s he recorded two LPs - "Crimson Ringing" and "Don't Leave Me".

In the early 1990s, he left for Germany for several years. When he returned, he recorded the Ukrainian-language song "Hour to Rikoi Plive" ("Time flows like a river"). The album of the same name has been released.

The song "Oh, Smereka!" Has become widely popular in Ukraine.

In 1999, at the age of 47, he entered the missionary department at the Belgorod Theological Seminary. He explained: “I was just in church, and the priest suggested:“ You urgently need to go to seminary. ”Then I had a vision: I passed the church and saw St. Joasaph of Belgorod in the window. At first I thought it seemed. But the next day everything I never finished the seminar - I left after the second year. But the time I spent there made me look at the world in a different way. This spiritual search is my “bird of happiness”. "

Songs of spiritual content appeared in his repertoire. He released the album "Lord, have mercy", and then "Lord, save, save." The last album includes songs based on poems by Vadim Krishchenko: Vera (music by Gnatyuk), Pochaev, Monks, Little Motherland, Time of Repentance (Hieromonk Roman), Ksenia Blazhennaya (arranged by Gnatyuk), Raspberry Bell, Ave Maria (words by Gnatyuk), and a song about Saint Nicholas (music and lyrics by Hnatyuk). The recording was released by the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra.

In 2002 Nikolai Hnatyuk was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Mogilev" for his great contribution to the development of national cultures of Belarus and Ukraine.

Social and political position of Mykola Hnatyuk

Mykola Hnatyuk took the events of 2014, the aggravation of relations between Ukraine and Russia extremely painfully. He considers the events in Donbass a civil war, which he blamed the media in Ukraine and the West for inciting.

And yesterday I arrived in Sumy and everything went: Russia attacked, Russia occupied, Russian tanks, battalions of paratroopers and marines, the Ukrainian Armed Forces successfully repelled the attack of 100 tanks of the Kantemirovsk tank brigade, the brigade was taken prisoner. Call, war - what can I say? Cheap propaganda, our media are deceiving the Ukrainian people. I can confidently say that the media in Ukraine and the West are to blame for inciting the civil war in Ukraine. "

Nikolay Hnatyuk's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Nikolai Hnatyuk:

Was married. The wife's name was Natalya, she worked as a journalist, planned to become an actress. We met when Natalia interviewed Nikolai. Cosmonaut Georgy Grechko became his matchmaker. Gnatyuk recalled: "We met on the set. He invited me to a restaurant. And I was just about to go to the match! Grechko grabbed the box of apples he brought, and we went to Natalya. She was already pregnant, and I was ripe for a family nest."

In 1983, the couple had a son, Alexander.

Family life did not work out due to the fact that Gnatyuk devoted himself entirely to creativity. "Natalia did not understand that she had to stand shoulder to shoulder with her husband, experiencing hardships and joys together. She behaved differently," he explained.

After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Natalia emigrated to Germany with her son. There she teaches dancing.

The son graduated from the University of Munich.

Nikolay Gnatyuk often visits his son in Germany. According to him, he did not remarry precisely because of his son. There was a period when he began to drink, but thanks to his son he quit: "I could not come to him in such a state, so I stopped in time."

Discography of Nikolai Hnatyuk:

1980 - Nikolay Gnatyuk and the group "Crossword" (mini-album)
1980 - Nikolay Gnatyuk and the ensemble "Labyrinth" (mini-album)
1981 - Drum Dance
1988 - Crimson Chime
1989 - Do not leave me
1996 - Hour to Rikoy Plyve
2005 - Lord, save, save
2006 - Znov
2011 - Gold Album

Filmography of Nikolai Hnatyuk:

1984 - Inheritance - singer, in a restaurant