Proverbs from the dictionary dalia good wealth. Russian proverbs and sayings

Proverbs from the dictionary dalia good wealth.  Russian proverbs and sayings
Proverbs from the dictionary dalia good wealth. Russian proverbs and sayings

Russian proverbs and sayings Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl

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Title: Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People

About the book "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People" Vladimir Ivanovich Dal

Vladimir Dal is a well-known personality, his Explanatory Dictionary to this day is a popular and relevant literature, which people often resort to to define little-known words.

Dal was a real connoisseur of the Russian language and literature, he read not only literary works, but also folk sayings and proverbs for which the Russian people were famous at all times. Only the Slavs had sayings for any life situation, and Vladimir Dal collected them all in his book "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People."

This collection book is unique; to this day, all folk proverbs do not lose their relevance and allow you to concisely and accurately express an idea or describe almost any life situation. Dahl has been collecting material for the collection for almost half a century - this is the longest period for the creation of a book. The years of the author's life: 1801-1872, that is, he was engaged in the compilation of this work for most of his years. It is interesting to read it even today, because this huge collection contains the best quotes that have become sayings.

"Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People" is a unique collection, which is an encyclopedia of folk sayings. All sayings and proverbs in the collection of Vladimir Dahl are collected in groups. Thematic proverbs are collected in sections, with which the author chose the most capacious and understandable title.

Vladimir Dal was a talented person and his encyclopedia "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People" is the most complete collection of sayings. The book contains 178 sections, each of which contains at least 30 sayings or proverbs, some of which are known to us, others are unlikely to be heard by most modern people. It will be not only interesting to read this book, but also informative, on its pages there is a huge number of phrases that are relevant at all times. This is the uniqueness of the work, it does not age even after almost 200 years after printing.

Thanks to the book "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People", you can learn the peculiarities of the life of the Slavs, since all the proverbs were invented by ordinary people, they convey a special flavor of the life of these segments of the population. This handbook will become a guide to an unusual study of the way of life and life of peasants, in addition, it will expand the horizons and vocabulary. The book is necessary for every person who strives for self-development and wants to learn something new every day, it will allow you to join the traditional Russian culture.

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Russian proverbs

Original title: Proverbs of the Russian people

Publisher: Type. M.O. Wolf

Place of publication: SPb.-M.

Year of publication: 1879

In addition to proverbs, this collection includes proverbial sayings, sayings, sayings, tongue twisters, jokes, riddles, beliefs, omens, superstitions and many sayings that have conventionally come into use. “In this collection, folk wisdom with folk stupidity, intelligence with vulgarity, good with evil, truth with lies must converge. A person must appear here as he is in general, throughout the entire globe, and as he is, in particular, in our people. What is bad, then run, what is good, follow that, but do not hide, do not hide either good or bad, but show what is ... A collection of proverbs is a collection of folk experienced wisdom. These are moans and sighs, crying and sobbing, joy and gaiety, grief and consolation in their faces. This is the color of the people's mind, a distinctive article, it is the everyday people's truth, a kind of legal code, not judged by anyone ... What did not reach the people did not concern their life, it did not move either their mind or their heart, and that is not in the proverbs; what is entangled with good, or dashing into his life, you will find in the proverb. "


God rules the good way. Good (or: Necessary) way God rules.

God helps the good. Good God to help.

God is pleased, but the king is pleased.

It is good to live with a kind person. It is good to live in goodness.

With good will to everyone in the hunt.

Hurry to do good (or: hurry).

Hurry up to a good deed, and the bad will ripen by itself.

A good deed does not melt in water (or: does not sink).

A good deed is strong (or: quick).

A good deed for a century (or: for two centuries: for this and for that).

Do not repent of a good deed. Having done good, do not repent (do not reproach).

Do not measles with a good deed.

Good can overcome badly. Do not resist bad against good.

Famously remembered, but the goodness of the century will not be forgotten.

Good and good in a dream.

The world is not without kind people.

The evil one does not believe that there are good people.

Not a century to live, but to remember a century.

Good kind memory.

An affectionate word is not difficult, but quick.

A good man will rather do a deed than an angry one.

Affectionately the word seduces many.

Affectionately word - that a spring day.

His weasel is not a stroller: you won't sit down and you won't go.

Do not rush to an affectionate word, do not be angry at a rude word.

Do not give up on an affectionate word, do not be angry with the opposite.

Do not be angry with an angry word, and do not hope for an affectionate one.

Do not be afraid of anger, do not rush to the caress.

Bitter will be spattered, sweet will be swallowed.

Bitter will be cursed, and sweet will be swallowed.

The angry one was disliked, but the merciful was knocked out of the circle.

A bad god (i.e. an idol) and calves are licked.

Do not feed with a roll, but do not hit in the back with a brick.

Do not beat the master's servant with bread, but the master's servant by running (that is, by work).

Not everything is tricky, ino and affectionate.

Not all on the back of the head, ino and on the head.

Not all whip, ino and whistle.

The spirit of meekness, not a stick to the bone.

Not all molt, ino and whistle (sailor.).

Do not hit the peasant with a club (or: with a club), beat him with a ruble (half a dollar).

God gives to a gracious person.

To the sick (or: To the unhappy, that is, to the punished criminal) mercy to do - to speak with the Lord God.

Mercy is also boasted in judgment. Mercy is red in truth.

The grace of a prop for justice.

He won't kill a fly. He will not kill a mosquito in a dream.

Our Avdey is not a bad guy to anyone.

The wisdom of the serpent, the gentleness (or: meekness) of the pigeon.

And the chicken has a heart.

So and so not greased (weasel).

Whom the grandfather loves, the bones in his hands. Every donation is good.

At the mercy of the sample, no. It’s not bad that broth with half a meal.

Don't blow the cold wind on us.

It's a pity, a pity, but there is nothing to help.

The veins are torn from the weight, tears flow from pity.

Heart bleeds. The heart floats with blood.

It's a pity for the girls - she lost (or: ruined) a guy.

Do not feel sorry for the one who rides; feel sorry for the one who cries (and vice versa).

To pity a horse is to wear yourself out.

To pity guests is not to cry yourself.

From a sting (or: pity) not to cry.

You can't pity him with crying.

You will not be sweet to the unmerciful.

You will not hear a kind word from a dashing one.

Would not take the dashing, and not take the tightness.

It's not crampedness that ruins, recklessness.

At a stone priest, and iron breads.

His penny will burn the beggar's hand.

Why be angry with someone who is not afraid of us?

It's good to beat someone who is crying, but to teach someone who obeys.

Be angry, but do not sin.

To be angry is a human matter, but to be angry is devilish.

Anger is human, and rancor is devilish.

Do not return evil for evil.

Crooked curves (thin thin) cannot be corrected.

Do not remember the back (or: do not remember). Do not remember the old.

Do not overdo it to become an old sexton.

Do not remember it dashingly.

Do not give vent to the tongue at a feast, in conversation, but to the heart in anger.

Hold your tongue, and clench your heart into a fist.

He who overcomes his anger is strong.

The lord of his anger is the lord of all.

Not every villain who is dashing for an hour.

A cloud is not without thunder, the master (or: master) is not without anger.

Where there is anger, there is mercy.

The hour has anger, the hour has mercy.

Although he will be angry, but afterwards he will reconcile (that is, he will reconcile).

Warmed up - got angry, caught a cold - cooled down.

God will forgive, just don't be tricky ahead.

God will forgive the guilty, the right king will grant.

God is his (or: you) judge. The Lord is with you.

God judge the offender (sinner), but man forgives.

It is hard for him who remembers evil. Msta (revenge) is not a pay.

Where the harm comes from, there is dislike.

Every crevice squeaks (that is, where there is grief, there is complaint).

You have fun, but I have bad laughs.

We will stand up for good, but we will insist on evil.

Don't tease the dog, it won't bite.

Angry dog ​​wolf greed.

They beat the wolf in someone else's pick.

Spread and carry manure (that is, on you).

They carry water on the angry.

An evil person will not live in good times.

An angry person has a thicker lip and a thinner belly (or: thinner).

Not on the mother: you can't pout your lips (that is, you are used to pouting at your mother).

The good and the rusk are good for the good, but the evil and the meat are not for the future.

Do not hit someone else's gates with a whip; would not hit yours with a club (or: butt).

Do not get rid of the hateful: God has saved the dear.

Kuti and muddy, but strive, as it were, to leave yourself.

If only a pig had horns, I would have killed everyone.

God does not give a horn to a thirsty cow.

The horny cow lives on.

Angry, but powerless - a pig brother.

Go under someone else's head - carry your own in advance (or: carry your own towards).

To beat about someone else's head - to put your own on the line.

Good cuckoo - yes on your own head.

Lost my villain, you don’t let me go, but if you don’t let me go, live for at least three centuries. Perish my dashing one, do not lead me out, but lead me out, etc.

Eat a dog a dog, and the devil will eat the last (or: and the last one hangs).

If it wasn't frost on the nettles, then there would be no frets with it.

If it weren't frost for hops, it would have grown over the tyn.

Thin grass out of the field.

A thirsty cow out of the field (or: out of the herd).

To live in evil - to walk around the world.

Famously to the bottom, and there is only one road.

The desire of sinners perishes.

You can't take anything with your heart (or: you can't do it).

The heart will not help the cause (or: will not help).

Do not be angry, you will ruin the liver (or: the liver will burst).

There were no (or: Not enough) lungs, so he spoke with the liver.

Angry is unwise, but troublesome is unstoppable.

An angry man with pots does not go (because he will interrupt).

You cannot break a parable (or: tributaries) with your heart.

You can't break straws with your heart.

Get angry, don't get angry, but rather submit.

Rather than getting angry (or: scolding), it's better to make up.

You can't break a spear from an enemy with your heart.

The heart does not split - the head does not hurt.

The old woman was angry with the world for three years, but the world did not know that.

The woman was angry at the bargaining, but the bargaining did not know about it.

The mare is angry at the cart, but rushes it downhill and uphill.

The woman jumps backwards and forwards, and business goes on as usual.

To appease the angry - to raise it more.

Bow to the angry, but he is more proud.

The angry one will die - no one will take him away.

I got angry - I didn't ask anyone.

The soul will not endure, so the heart will take. It will take the heart, as the soul cannot bear it.

Evil Natalia has all the people of the canal.

Whoever has bile in his mouth is all bitter.

Whatever it is: do not regenerate it to become.

This is his weakness. This is his weak string (or: side).

He snaps a little on this leg (or: limps).

There are many fleas in it. Oh-oh, there are a lot of fleas in you.

A man who is exhausted is worthless.

I took it with my heart, and eat it with pepper.

To stick a penny to someone (Kazan, a poor man, in spite of a rich man, sticks a penny into his hut, and he must go broke).

Climb the wall. He does not remember himself, he climbs on the wall.

The ardent fellow was born.

The heart is fierce, the place is small, there is nowhere to disperse.

The stick will not disappear after the dog (that is, it will remember).

An angry one will find a stick. The angry one will find a stick.

You can't get rid of him with a cross or a pestle.

From him neither pray nor fight back.

Not to pray, not to spit, not to flake off, not to get lost.

From the devil with a cross, from a pig with a pestle, and from a dashing person - nothing.

Filled by the devil, pubescent by the devil.

He's got the devil in the lining, Satan in the patch.

There is no need for a devil if you are here.

Out of spite he does. He pokes his finger, sticks it with a word.

In spite of it, in spite of it, and in reproach to people.

It is not out of self-interest that the dog bites, out of daring.

The snake bites not for satiety, but for the sake of daring.

He bares his teeth at him for a long time.

He has been sharpening a knife at me for a long time.

The trouble was how it was. So we walk and walk.

Cat in the eyes rushes.

Diverges, and the devil is not his brother.

Our Kozma beats everything from evil (or: beats from the goat).

They said: they hanged all the madmen; They said a lie: one was not tied.

Fools are mad, you know, not all are outweighed.

A well-fed wolf is quieter than an envious person.

As a raven of blood waits (or: looks).

Don't fall for him with a hungry tooth.

Looks like a wolf at a body.

Looks, he swallowed exactly seven, choked on the eighth.

Don't look at me with a lump, look in bulk.

Priyuk (or: wolf, bear) looks.

Looks like a snake from a bosom. Looks like a hawk.

It squints like mid-Friday.

In a crooked eye and straight crooked. In a crooked mirror and mouth to one side.

Pouted like a turkey (like an Indian rooster).

Pouted like a mouse on a rump.

Cowhide dressing - to look sullenly.

What did you learn, exactly the devil on the priest?

From a peeled skin it tears. He pulls two skins from one ox.

Tears the skin from the living. Pulls from the living and from the dead.

You - to correct the stomach, and he is pulling at the intestines at all (a pot, thrown over the belly).

The wolf took pity on the lamb, left bones and skin.

The mare competed with the wolf: one tail and a mane remained.

The wolf took pity on the mare: he left his tail and mane.

To be with you - what to sit in nettles.

Knowing with you is to lag behind people.

About your health and speak quickly.

As he looks at the forest, so the forest withers.

Whatever it looks at, everything withers away.

Where he steps, the grass does not grow.

Where I walk like a fox, chickens do not rush there for three years.

At least plant him in the garden, and the garden will stick.

Like an ax: if it doesn't cut it, it hurts it.

The pivitsa (piyavitsa) will cry - the year will not break.

As the soul is black, you can't wash it off with soap.

Even though I'll go naked myself, I'll let my foe go without a shirt.

I'll go naked myself, and I'll comin 'you like a tambourine.

Even though the snout is covered in blood, ours took it.

Father did not give a hat, so let your ears freeze.

Start someone hussar (that is, annoy. Literally: tickle the sleepy in the nose).

Let someone in the Kuzka (annoy).

I'll show you Kuzka's mother. You will recognize Kuzka's mother.

To bite someone (that is, to hook).

Give someone a mustard plaster (that is, annoy).

Sprinkle some pepper. Launch someone with a hairpin.

Bring someone under surprise (from the card game).

Bring affairs under the monastery (kill the king with an ace).

Give someone a bristle. Pour the cabbage soup into a spoon.

Ask someone for a snack. Come on, figure it out.

This is the daughter-in-law for revenge.

To ridicule the ridicule (that is, to take revenge).

I brewed them an ear (or: gruel), the way is cleared up.

Bend someone in an arc (or: in three arcs; in three deaths).

Live someone out of the light. Drive out of the world.

Let the cock go to someone. Place the red rooster on the roof (i.e. set it on fire).

I would drown him in a spoon. He will drown you in a spoon.

I'll cut it into a tag for you. You are cut into my tag.

Without rolling a piece, the dog will not eat.

A dog will not eat bread without a growl.

Without grumbling, the cat will not eat a piece.

If only he had a dog's tail, he would have lashed his own sides.

Heart with pepper, soul with garlic.

It hisses like hot iron when you spit.

Whoever needs to hit the dog will find a stick.

A hornless cow - even a lump, but butts.

Unable to cope with the cow, but the milk box is on the ground.

Not smog with a mare, but on the shafts.

Angry that the cow scratched the wrong side.

Apparently, with the wrong foot (or: out of place) crossed the threshold.

I stepped out of bed with my left foot.

Such a heart took that would bite its own tongue.

Sharpen your teeth. Sharpen your claws on someone.

It rushes about like a mad (or: crazy) cat.

I did not hold it for long, but I knew my fingers.

Wherever it grabs, the trail of claws will leave.

Evil's roots are not digging with good intentions.

Escapes him like dashing grass from the field.

The enemy is strong, and shakes the mountains (increase: not only a man).

He's good for Satan.

Satan himself nursed him.

Good: he gave the devil a penny for him, but hesitated.

There is nothing to look at, to keep it small.

Sewn with bast, belted with a frill.

You would be a good guy, but you are not good for hell.

You are his word, and he is ten for you.

How much mercy, but twice the daring. A lot of mercy, but more daring.

The heart is a falcon, and the courage is a crow.

Not old for years, but disappeared with daring.

The stepmother fertilized herself to her stepson: she ordered him to drink cabbage soup in the spell.

Eat, dear guests: all the same will (that is, it is necessary) to throw out the dogs.

Sulfur is like a pig, but evil is like a snake.

You are a dear father - but not for your children.

He dies, but jerks his leg.

Dies, but the potion is enough. The snake dies, but the potion is enough.

Kalach in his hands, and a stone in his teeth.

Deeds, deeds, are as white as soot (that is, so white).

The street is straight, but the hut is crooked.

Genre: Encyclopedias

Selected proverbs and sayings from the collection of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl (1801-1872), writer and ethnographer, creator of the world famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language".

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"Will there be, will there not be when this collection is published, with which
the collector nurtured his age, but, parting with it, as if with a deed
finished, I do not want to leave him without a parting word. "

This introduction was written in 1853, when the disassembly was over.
proverbs; let it remain now, when the fate of the collection has been decided and
it is printed.

According to the routine, one should go on the wanted list: what is
proverb; where it came from and what it is fit for; when and which editions
proverbs came out; what are they; what sources did you use
current collector. Scholarly links could touch up the case, because,
it seems that Aristotle has already given a definition of the proverb.

But there is only a little bit of all this here.

Scientific definitions are now little in use, the age of scholarship has passed, although we
we still cannot shake off the rags of his staid mantle.

The times when they explained in the introduction the benefits of science or knowledge, to whom
the book was dedicated, also passed; now believe that everyone
conscientious work is useful and that the benefits of these stories cannot be helped.

Scientific searches, antiquity, comparisons with other Slavic dialects -
all this is beyond the power of the collector.

Analysis and evaluation of other publications should end in direct or
an indirect, humble admission that ours is the best.

The sources or reserve for the collection were: two or three printed
collection of the last century, collection of Knyazhevich, Snegirev, handwritten sheets
and notebooks communicated from different sides, and - most importantly - living Russian
language, and more the speech of the people.

I did not go into any antiquity, I did not analyze ancient manuscripts, but
The antiquities included in this collection got there from the printed collections.
Only one old manuscript I looked through and took from it what could
even now go for a proverb or a saying; this manuscript was donated
me gr. Dm. Nick. Tolstoy, I gave it to M.P. Pogodin, and from there she
published in its entirety, as an addendum, in the collection of proverbs by I.M.

On this occasion, I must say my heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers.
givers, assistants and accomplices; I dare not call anyone, fearing
forgetfulness, too many to miss, but I cannot help but name with
gratitude to gr. Dm. Nick. Tolstoy, I. P. Sakharov and I. M.

When the collection of the latter came out, mine was already partly selected: I
compared his edition with the collection of Knyazhevich and used what was not
was there and was not found with me, and that, moreover, in my extreme understanding,
could and should have been accepted.

In the collection of Knyazhevich (1822) there are only 5300 (with dozens) proverbs; To
it was added by IM Snegirev to 4000; of all this number by me
eliminated at all or not accepted as printed, up to 3500;
in general, from books or print I have taken hardly more than 6,000, or about
a fifth of my collection. The rest are taken from private notes and collected
by hearsay, in oral conversation.

During this comparison and choice, shyness and doubt attacked me more than once.
Say what you like, but this arbitrariness cannot be avoided in rejection, but a reproach for it
and even more so. You cannot blindly retype everything that is called
proverbs, was printed; distortion, then cleverness, then from
misunderstandings, it is just clerical errors and misprints, too ugly. V
in other cases, these errors are obvious, and if such a proverb came to me in
in its original form, the amendment or choice did not make it difficult; but the trouble is
that I could not limit myself to these cases, but had to decide on
something and about those thousands of proverbs, for the correction of which in
I had no correct data, and throwing it out would not mean correcting it.

Not understanding the proverb, as often happens, you consider it
nonsense, you believe that it was invented by someone for jokes or
incorrigibly distorted, and one does not dare to accept it; but the matter is right, only
look straight ahead. After several similar incidents or reluctance discoveries
you will be timid, you will think: "Who gave you the right to choose and reject? Where
the limit of this intelligibility? After all, you are not collecting a flower garden, but a collection "and
you start collecting and placing everything in a row again; let it be superfluous
let others judge and disassemble; but then suddenly you bump into the lines
like the following:

Let's take two or three examples: "God did not keep up and down"; by three
short between two long ones, and the size is good. "I got up early, but not enough
strained "; along a long one with a short one at the ends, and two middle feet - a long
with two short ones. "At least twice, at least three times, it is not badly bad"; one by one
long between two short ones. "Any fable will come in handy in three years"; "On
- every layman seven Jews "; in these two proverbs, in essence
tonic, metric, however, shows the following features:
the first begins with a long, the second - with a short syllable; in both four
feet: one long with one short, long with two, with three and with
four short ones. The next one is a wonderful, very foldable mixture.
anapesta and dactyl; only one short syllable, in the second verse, as if
extra; but it is in place, and omitted in the first verse is very opportune; here,
as if involuntarily amazed, you will make the arrangement:

Knocked down, knocked together - here is the wheel;

Sat down and went - oh, good!

I looked back - some knitting needles are lying!

It is folded wonderfully neatly: a sudden transition, in the third verse,
to two short ones, when preparing for a long syllable, it is the best possible
expresses the amazement of the one who looked back. It is also impossible not to agree that
in all sizes of these, there is not an example of more freedom and expanse than in
heavy, monotonous bonds of senseless iambic or chorea.

Rhyme or simple consonance does not always appear at the end of a verse or each
two-part proverbs, such as: "A lot of daring, little mercy";
"Do not ask the rich, ask the torso"; "Neither this nor that was boiling, and even that
burnt ";" Howled and went out of the pocket of the purse ", etc., and sometimes on
in other words, in the middle of the verse, but always in such, which require reflections,
stress, attention:

"And he rolled it up and smoothed it, but everything crawled apart."

"Do not deny the bag and prison."

"I saw how the man ate honey - he didn't give me."

There are several rhymes in a row:

"He himself is thin, like a horsetail, and lives thin, but little by little";

"I am by the head of cabbage - by my shoulders. I am by the fork - by my temple";

"There was fat, there was soap";

"Crush boiled, listen to what is said"; in the last two, every word is

"We'll leave the whole yard, give it a chorus, and we will support the house with a stake" - six
the same rhymes. There are consonances of the whole word and full rhymes in two and three
syllables: "To him - about Taras, and he: one and a half hundred"; "Not in the rain, we'll wait."
But most of the proverbs are without a red warehouse and without the correct one,
uniform size; harmony or measure in them, however, is, as in any
folding, short speech, and this mode gives her melodiousness and strength.

The play on words, by the reciprocity of their meanings, is not quite our taste, but
in some places it comes across: "To start, drink according to the rank"; "Sleep long - live with
duty ";" Here is a rod, and there is a bundle "; a rod - they push and a rod; a bundle - fire
fire and whiten, whip. "What will be, will be; but also will be, as we
will not be. "" I would have dined, but I would not have eaten. "
cabbage soup "and so on.

Personal names should also be attributed to the outer clothing of proverbs. They are more
parts are taken at random, or for rhyme, consonance, measures: such are, for example,
proverbs, in which they are remembered: Martyn and altyn, Ivan and the fool, Gregory and
grief, Petrak and the farm laborer, Mokey and the lackey, etc. Maybe some names and
are taken initially from persons known in the closest circle, and the proverbs
became common; often these names also came from fairy tales, stories,
where people of known properties usually bear the same name, followed by
proverbs remained the same meaning: Ivanushka and Emelya are fools;
Fomka and Sergey are thieves, rogues; Kuzka the unfortunate man; Marco is a rich man. From these
concepts have developed and special expressions: to embrace someone, to deceive,
fool a simpleton; obserezhivat, pry deftly, cunningly; fomkoyu, on the tongue
crooks, called a large chisel or one-handed crowbar for picking locks;
trick someone, hook, deceive, offend, etc.

In our inner clothes, in our proverbs, you can find samples of all
embellishment of rhetoric, all the ways of devious expression; I don't know if it's worth it
this stop, but I will give examples that came to hand. Metaphor:
He poured fat for his skin. You can't take it with your bare hands. It is necessary for him
iron gauntlets. Allegory: The lady is mad in the unheated room. Good
to plow on the stove, but to wrap up cool. Hyperbole: The stone priest has neither
iron broth. He has every penny nailed with an altyn nail.
Metonymy: A well-fed belly for learning is stupid. Green is not a decree to gray-haired. Synecdoche:
Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels are apart. Than to growl lard, en
the cart will skip. Irony: I played the winter as a matchmaker in a summer dress. It's a pity
girls - lost (and ruined) a guy. Opposite: B \ "lower table -
skinny pocket. Put it further, take it closer. Perversion: Not n \ "o
good, sweet, and n \ "oh sweet, good. There is no elder over sin, but sin lives and
over the headman. Doublethink: Other water costs blood (tears). Death to people
live (undertakers). Incarnation: The string bag is twisting the rope. Noose noose
throws. Spring says: I will slip away, autumn says: but I’ll have a look.
Convention: Either hold a good horse, or a whip. Either bow down
(to ask), or to swagger. Omission, omission: Mother feeds rye
all the fools completely, and the wheat (feeds the fools) by choice. From old
fools young (fools) have no life.

There are German and French collections, where the publishers, feeling the whole
the absurdity of the usual alphabetical selection according to the initial letter of a proverb,
resorted to an average measure, adopting the same alphabetical order, but according to that word
in a proverb, which they thought was the main thing, on which the proverb, after all
according to her outer clothing, folded. And this, however, is an insignificant sign,
servant except to see what subjects the people have chosen
for furnishing your paintings. And this order spreads far apart not
only friends in proverbs, but even equals: "A goat in the mountains, and a ram in
mountains ";" Where a horse with a hoof, there is a cancer with a claw ";" Ducks in the pipes -
cockroaches on drums ", etc. These proverbs should be there under different
letters, in the words: goat, ram, horse, cancer, duck, etc. While here and
pipes, and rams, and cockroaches are completely outsiders, and the meaning is the same and
very close to one thing: perceptiveness, example, imitation; and that's it
the place, the category where all such proverbs follow; and they will be typed
a hundred, maybe more.

The arrangement of proverbs by their meaning, by their inner meaning,
figuratively, like parables, it seems the most true and sensible. To what extent
this task is generally feasible, is it possible to do it immediately and how much
the collector accused of you managed to do this - another question; We are speaking
only about the rule, about the beginning, on which one can reasonably be based. Not
I doubt that this is the best of all orders in which one could
submit all folk sayings for review, comparison, assessment and
understanding them and for a common conclusion from them.

Bogdanovich's collection came to me much later than this venture (as well as
all the collections were obtained by me when my stocks are already decent
accumulated), and I saw that he had already made a similar attempt; but at
he is only one thousand, and moreover his own, proverbs, in rhymes; behind everything
Thus, however, the primacy in this matter, at our extreme, remains with
him. As a second inventor, I can’t take the initiative away from him.

So, I have stripped tens of thousands, collected over tens of years,
proverbs, sayings and similar sayings and, taking them out of the box, as
they came across, denoted on each with one word the meaning, meaning,
the subject to which each belongs. Thus, we made ourselves
itself, without any preliminary speculation, the heading of the categories, about
one hundred and eighty, which included everything that was collected in crumbs. Then I
began again for each category and tried to pick up proverbs in it in
some sequence and connection, for the same meaning.

With this arrangement of a fairly complete collection, I no longer only
I amuse myself with the sharpness of one or another proverb, but I see in them one common and
a whole picture, which has a deeper meaning and meaning than in
single notes. This is the distillation or freezing of the mind of entire generations, during
the image of his native life, with the seasoning of everything that only concerned this
daily and mental life. I can grasp the carnal and
with his spiritual eye into everything that the people said about any subject of the world
and family life; and if the object is close to this everyday life, if it is included in
his daily life, then the people - you can be sure of this - saw and
discussed it around and from all sides, made verbal judgments about it
his own, set them in motion and will not change his decision, until
circumstances will change.

And what is not in these sentences, then in the urgency of the people did not reach,
did not care, did not make him happy and did not sadden him.

A strange remark was made against this: a proverb
contradicts the other, there is a verdict on the verdict, and you do not know what
hold on. I don't know who would be embarrassed: is it possible to hug an object
multilateral at a glance and write his sentence in one line? V
that is the merit of the collection of proverbs, that it gives not one-sided, but
a complete and round concept of a thing, collecting everything about it, in different
cases was expressed. If one proverb says that the work of the master
is afraid, and the other adds that another master of the craft is afraid, then, obviously,
both are right, the matter is not equal, and the master is not even.

Another more thorough reproach: I have a lot of repetitions in the collection,
part of the intentional and in this order inevitable, because one and the same
the proverb is suitable for different meanings and categories, in part, and for
oversight: lack of memory; running through these endless rows, you get stupid and
do not remember what has already been and what has not been. But no matter how severely you judge
this, all, it seems, the sin is not great and less important than incompleteness and
omissions. Without making excuses, however, in unnecessary repetitions, I, however
however, please pay attention to the fact that many proverbs are placed twice and
triple, with a slight change, which gives the proverb a different
meaning, a different meaning, which required placing it in this form, under a different

I will add to this that there is no end to such work, however: you can
clean up, move and subdivide orders according to taste, look and
to your understanding, as much as you like; fortunately, the stock is collected and preserved. Kul
full of flour; I hope he no longer stumbles upon such connoisseurs,
who would be looking for a poison.

Be that as it may, but, having disassembled his proverbs in this order and
realizing that it would be better to start from the beginning and go over them again, I
decided, however, to get rid of this work, because I was waiting for
another, more important, but little left to live. In whatever order or
my stock was not folded in the mess, I thought, as long as it was collected and
that which wears out in our eyes like outer ice was written down. Print
at that time I did not even think about my collection - we saw above the then
concepts about these things of our advanced enlighteners - put it in
side and began to put in order his other supplies: songs, of which
I, however, sent a little to the late IV Kireevsky; fairy tales,
stop to six, including a lot of nonsense, A. N. Afanasyev; a
he left one thing to his share: stocks for the Russian dictionary.

But other times came, and it seemed to me that proverbs might be
now printed. I was going already, overcoming all the provincial difficulties,
to start printing in Nizhny, as my good fortune wanted to calm
me in a different way, removing me from work and giving me time in old age
and freedom for something else. In Moscow, the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature
immediately offered to take over the publication of the collection; but many years ago
ago (at the beginning of 1848) this proposal had already been made to me by O.M.
Bodyansky, on behalf of the Imperial Society of History and Antiquities
Russian at Moscow University, and therefore I am now with
he donated his collection there with gratitude. I will also note that how he
was published for the "Readings" in the Society, then I had to submit as in
the appearance of the publication, and in the spelling of the rules adopted there,
why the spelling is at odds with the published at the same time my dictionary and
with this preface.

What if every lover of our language and nationality, running on
my leisure time collection, took notes, corrections and additions, as far as
whoever has knowledge and memory, and would report his notes, where to whom
more convenient, for printing, or would pass them on to the collector - not true
whether that the next edition, if needed, could leave
far behind him first?

Amicably - not overweight, but one and the porridge will rot.

A year has passed in the bustle, there has always been a mess.

Where love is not hypocritical, there is true hope.

Luxurious and mean measures of contentment are ignorant.

Young walked down the Volga, but came across death not far away.

Before death, one should not die, etc., etc.

What do you want to do with such sayings of confectionery wisdom
twenties? Throw out; but they were found under another thousand, yes
as many dubious ones, with whom you do not know how to be, so as not to
accused of arbitrariness. Therefore, due to the difficulty of such a rejection, and
part and viewing, - you will not be saved from any sin - and in this collection
there were many empty, distorted and doubtful proverbs.

Regarding decency in the rejection of proverbs, I followed the rule: everything,
what can be read aloud in a society not perverted by stiffness, nor
excessive shrewdness, and therefore resentment, - to take all this into
your collection. Clean everything is clean. The most blasphemy, if it were where and
met in popular sayings, should not scare us: we collect and
we read proverbs not only for fun and not as instructions
moral, but for study and search; that's why we want to know everything that
there is. Note, however, that the sharpness or brightness and directness of expressions, in
images unfamiliar to us, do not always contain what we see in
this is indecent. If a man says: "Why pray to that god who does not
has mercy "; or" He asked the saint: it came to the word to ask the damned ", - then in
there is no blasphemy, because here gods and saints, to strengthen
concepts, people are named, delivered for the sake of the holy, divine truth, but
doing the opposite, forcing the offended and oppressed to seek protection
also by means of falsehood and bribery. The very proverb, striking us with closeness
such opposites, personifies only the extreme and intolerable
perverted state that gave rise to such a saying.

What proverbs and sayings one must go to the people, in this no one
will not argue; there is no proverb in an educated and enlightened society;
we come across weak, crippled echoes of them, transferred to our mores
or spoiled by a non-Russian language, but bad translations from foreign languages.
High society does not accept ready-made proverbs, because these are pictures
life alien to him, and not his language; but does not lay down his own, maybe from
politeness and secular decency: the proverb stabs not in the eyebrow, but right in
eye. And who will commemorate a harrow, a plow, a stupa in a good society,
bast shoes, and even more so a shirt and a background? And if you replace all these expressions
sayings of our life, then somehow proverbs do not come out, but it is composed
vulgarity, in which the entire hint comes out.

As a public property, as a world citizen, education and
education goes its way by eye, with a level in hands, tearing
bumps and bumps, leveling pits and potholes, and bring everything under the same
canvas. In our country, more than anywhere else, enlightenment is the same as
is, - has become a persecutor of everything that is native and popular. How, in recent
still, the first sign of the enlightenment claim was shaving
beard, so direct Russian speech and everything that goes with it was generally avoided.
applies. Since the time of Lomonosov, from the first stretch and stretch of the tongue
ours according to the Roman and German stock, continue this work with violence
and are increasingly moving away from the true spirit of the language. Only at the very last
time they began to guess that the goblin walked around us, that we were circling and wandering,
lost our way, but we will go into nowhere. On the one hand, the jealous
a ready stranger, not considering it necessary to first study his own, forcibly
transferred to us everything in the form in which it came across and to someone else's
soil, where it was suffered and worked out, then how could it
taken only with patches and gloss; on the other hand, mediocrity has vulgarized that
that, zealous, she tried to bring from her own life into the glove
estate. On one side of the cheremis, and on the other, beware. Anyway
was, but from all this it follows that if you do not collect and save
folk proverbs in time, then they, supplanted by the level of impersonality and
colorlessness, combed haircuts, that is, public education,
wither away like springs in a drought.

Descending to vernacular, sometimes allowing ourselves to express a proverb, we
we say: "Try on ten times, cut once." We didn’t come up with this
sayings, but, having taken it among the people, they only slightly distorted it; people say
more correct and more beautiful: "Try on ten and count, cut off one again." V
Peter and the multiplication tablet are taught: two times three, five times six; in schools
our people say: twice three, but the people say: two three or two by five,
three by six, etc. Teaching: reckless, reckless work is often
is useless - we will never express the proverb under our pen:
"Cut, and sing songs; you will sew, you will cry"; or: "Shay yes pori, do not
will be deaf pores. "Is it possible to express deep
thought than in the proverb: "To death, in the sun, in all eyes
you will take a look "; this proverb got ours, I don’t know which way, the Frenchman
Larochefoucauld; in a clever translation, she went with him for hers and is given
as an example of his intelligence and eloquence: "Le soleil ni la mort ne peuvent se
regarder fixement "(Maximes).

We, in our everyday life, come up with only proverbs like these: "Visor
does not spoil; there is nothing to walk from, so with a tambourine; nothing to beat, so fist "; yes
sometimes we translate: "To sing a swan song; between them a black cat
ran; and there are spots in the sun; fifth wheel; there is a stick in the corner,
that is why it is raining "and so on. Do you like these sayings and translations?

But we not only ourselves will not compose a single wonderful proverb, but we
even, as it turns out, we don't understand the ready-made ones well. This has put
me stumped. To what extent is it necessary and necessary to explain and interpret proverbs?
An incomprehensible proverb inaccessible to the listener is this salt that overwhelmed and
does not salt; what to do with it? And to interpret the severity or hint that
the reader himself understands - vulgar and cloying; there are many interpretations and places
occupy, and the book comes out voluminous, cramped and without them. Many explanations
would require scholarly information, and this requires knowledge, and sources, and
time - in a word, it is a separate and important work. Most readers like
no matter how few of them were found, they are also not the same, everyone can have their own
requirements - not the sun, you will not get eels at all.

I put, and then already at the time of printing, the shortest interpretation,
an indication of where he could believe that it is necessary for many. We recently
saw examples of how strangely and
interpreted, even condemned, our proverbs: "People get rich from bulk"
it was interpreted "from the forcible imposition of goods on someone"; a "Do not stand
copy from public "- declared nonsense, because it is impossible, though
occasionally, do not sweep a copy, and the hut will be good, if it never
copy is not tolerated. But bulk is understood here in the meaning of bulk
buyers, not goods; if the crowd, the people bring down the shaft - get hold of
brisk sales, why a brisk, tough place is expensive for a merchant, and a familiar
in battle, where the fencers drop out of habit, twice the price. Don't take out the copy,
like any other undistorted proverb in which the parable is contained,
straight and right, literally and figuratively: the matter is right, just look
directly. In a figurative: do not carry household bills to people, do not gossip, do not
troublemaker; family squabbles will sort it out at home, if not under one sheepskin coat,
so under one roof. Directly: dirty linen is never carried out by peasants or
swept out into the street: this, through the semi-arshin thresholds, is troublesome, and moreover
rubbish would be carried by the wind and an unkind person could copy, as if
on the trail, or on the trail, send damage. The litter is swept into a pile, under the bench, in
oven or concoction corner; and when the furnace is flooded, it is burned.
When the wedding guests, trying the bride's patience, force her revenge
the hut and litter after her, and she sweeps everything again, then they
say: "Shoot, sweep, but don't take it out of the hut, but shovel it under the bench, yes
put it in the oven to take it out in smoke. "

"Need will teach the rolls to eat", as a parable, was interpreted correctly: need
will make you work, trade. "Gol is tricky, the need for invention is too much"
- she will give mind and, if there was no rye bread, she will bring to what will be
and wheat. But there is also a direct meaning here: home need will make you go to
earnings. "Between the plow and the harrow you cannot hide; look for bread at home, but
on the side "; where? The first thing on the Volga, in the barge haulers; this is still
article, but before the shipping company it was a radical, and, moreover, riotous trade
ten provinces; on the Volga, after passing Samara, you come to the kalach (roll,
pie, roll, wheat bread). For horse haulers this is a wonder, and
they, the fathers and grandfathers of the present, have folded this proverb.

"Bondage goes down, bondage goes up"; here we are talking about the same mother Volga
and about the seething, with which bondage is associated, because the makings were taken
forward, sent home to rent, and the remains were drunk. Bondage, that is, need,
goes down the water to look for work; up, against the water, goes, or pulls
strap, bondage. In the literal sense: a slave or a slave (captivity) is waiting for the best,
because there is no worse for him, he is waiting for mercy and trust for faithful service
his: it is ahead of him; the bonded one gets more and more confused, owes,
gorges and gains new bondage for himself, time after time; bondage
rises, everything intensifies and in the old days it often also ended

But from these few examples it is clear that such explanations, if
collector and got enough of them, would require several years of time and
another hundred sheets of print.

Note, however, on this occasion that to interpret and explain proverbs
one must be extremely careful not to turn this business into a toy.
It is especially dangerous to seek with a learned gaze what one would like to find.
The application of proverbs to events, even to individuals, by namesake, to
ancient customs, to the dubious fable of idolatry, etc.
turns out, in many cases, by stretch of the imagination. I think, for example,
what to attribute the sayings: "Lisa Patrikeevna", "Patrick himself of the third" - to
Lithuanian prince Patrick, and "Ananyin's grandson from Velikiye Luki is traveling" - to
to Novgorod mayor Ananyu - arbitrary arbitrariness; think
even that "The enemy is strong, he walks in blue" does not touch the blue lightning and
Perun, but simply hints at a blue caftan as a sign of prosperity,
wealth; the wicked one places his nets on everyone, and the blue
caftan. "A doomed beast is not a beast" is also hardly said here
since the days of the idols and does not refer to her doom to sacrifice to the gods, to which
there is no memory left among the people; the doomed brute that
doomed to death by fate, not tenacious, not durable; this is common
consolation and carelessness, and stubbornness, and mercilessness in trouble; has become sick
beast - leave her to the will of God; if she lives, she will be alive, but if
doomed, then she is not a beast, not a belly, not good, not your property.
Trying to explain the dark proverbs and apply them to that everyday life that
this time before our eyes, we sometimes sit far and wonder where
the chest opens simply, without a secret. To this we must add that
Great Russians, disgusting to Little Russians, there is no everyday descriptive memory; they have everything
limited to the essentials and spiritual; antiquity remains in memory and is transmitted,
for the generation it concerns everyday life; from this, for Russian, direct
the transition to thoughts and conversations about eternity, about God and heaven, everything else he,
without outside influence, it will not do it, unless on a special occasion.

So, recognizing the proverb and saying as a walking coin, it is obvious that
one must follow them to where they walk; and this conviction I kept in
for decades, recording everything that could be intercepted on the fly in
oral conversation. What was collected in front of me, from the same source, then I
tried to include, but rummaged a little in books and, probably, a lot
lowered. So, for example, I could not even cope with a small, but very
conscientiously processed collection of Buslaev (Kalachev Archive, 1854),
which I first saw in Moscow in April 1860, when half
my collection has been published.

Many sayings of our writers, in their brevity and accuracy, stand
proverbs, and here one cannot but recall Krylov and Griboyedov; but I
included in his collection only those of these sayings that happened
I hear in the form of proverbs when they, taken orally, went
walk separately. And therefore in my collection there are book proverbs, but I
I didn’t take them from books, except when they had already got into similar
collections and, for completeness, passed to mine. I also have translations - what
was noticed in the form of a reproach - but I did not translate them, but accepted them, because
they are spoken; there are distorted, altered, but I did not distort them, but
heard or received in this form; there are sayings from St. scriptures and they even
for the most part altered, but they were not taken by me from there and not altered
by me, and so they say; there are vulgar, superstitious, blasphemous, false-wise,
fanatical, absurd, but I did not compose them; my task was: to collect in
possible completeness, all that is and what it is, as a reserve, for
further development and for any conclusions and conclusions to anyone.
They will say: there is a lot of unnecessary rubbish; true, but what is thrown out, no one
sees, and where is the standard for this rejection and how to guarantee that you will not throw it away
of what might remain? You can subtract from the spacious; dial from
a collection of flower garden, to your liking, no wonder; and what you miss, then
harder to turn back. If you cut it off, you can't turn it back. Moreover, I had in mind
language; one turn of speech, one word, at first glance, not everyone
noticeable, sometimes they forced me to keep the most absurd saying.

Where only could I correctly get to the root turn and point to
distortion, there I did it, although in the shortest notes. Here are some examples:
"Not until mass, if there is a lot of nonsense"; here nonsense got through a misunderstanding,
instead of rituals, the northern word, which is pronounced there: obedient, and
means: female everyday life in the house, cooking, household at the stove; it can be seen from
friends of this proverb: "Either go to mass, or lead the ritual."
Another: “It’s not good for us, here is God for you”; this seems to be confirmed
another: "What is not nice for the deacon, then the priest in the censer"; but the first came out from the south,
it is Little Russian, is not understood by us and therefore is distorted: "It is not suitable for us, from
you are heavenly ", here is heaven for you, heavenly; this word has many meanings:
poor, wretched, beggar, cripple, holy fool, unhappy, for whom they condole,
close, relative, nephew; this proverb answers ours: "The stepmother has fertilized
before the stepson: she ordered to drink all the cabbage soup in the spell. "Proverb:" Not with children
or not with children, not with children, and sidney in honor of "it is said differently and
is changed from a misunderstanding: to whom God did not give children or from whom they are dying
babies (who have no children), he would be glad to both sit and legless,
a cripple; to desertedness and sidney in honor: after all, Ilya Muromets was a seat. Not
realizing this and taking honor, honor to the word children, than the proverb and deprived
meaning, corrected the matter, turning the Sydney into a saddle, an old man with a gray hair, and
making from this: "Not with children and in honor," that is, an adult,
a reasonable person respects old people.

Thus, one word often gives a proverb a different meaning, and if
you heard it in one way, and I in another, then it still does not follow from this,
that you heard it to the right, and I even less so that I would remake it myself.
Let's take an example of this kind, where not only you and me, but also two more
interlocutors say the same proverb, each in his own way, and all
four will be right: "You cannot call an old dog a wolf" - for the fact that it
outdated, no longer fit, do not consider her a wolf, do not do as with
enemy; "You can't call Popov's dog a wolf" - no matter how tired the pop is with greed and
with their clutches, but do not look at his dog like a wolf, she neither
what is not to blame; "Do not call an old dog a daddy", not a father - the answer to
the requirement to respect the old man beyond merit; old dog, but not his father
read for it; "Popov's dog shouldn't be called daddy" - the answer to the demand
respect for casual people; no matter what you talk about respect for dad, for the priest,
but his dog is not a dad; in this form, the proverb is often applied to pets
lordly, from the courtyard. There are many such examples: which of
these four contradictions cannot be chosen, everything can be said: no, she is not so
it says!

I will note here that the old lists and collections of proverbs are far from
can always serve as models and do not in the least prove that
the proverb was in use from word to word, as it is written. Old men
wise in this matter no worse than ours, wishing to correct the proverb, to give
her written form, and, as it goes without saying, through this fell into
vulgarity. There are many examples of this. To Pogodinsk. prefabricated 1714 year
we read: "Being on the wrong side, I must divert my head, and my heart
humbly to have. "Is it not obvious cleverness and alteration here?
it says: "Keep your head bowed (or bow), but your heart humbly"; if
apply this to a foreign land, then you can start with the words: in a foreign land, in a foreign
to the side, without then changing a word; here everything else is added
a scribe, especially the words: being, one must, have.

In the Archive collection. XVII century: "Young walked down the Volga, but came across
death not far away ", or, as Snegirev corrected:" not far away ";
is it really a proverb, a saying, or something like that? V
Archival same: "No money, go to bed"; this one is still in use and
talking about a drunkard who sits quietly at home, even hides when drinking
there is nothing; but instead of pret you have to read pret. "As there is no money, so on
polati rushing ", that is, it climbs and lies quietly. There is also a proverb:" The old
the soul is not taken out, and the young man's soul is not sealed "- not changed for the better:
"Until death, from the living, from the old, the soul is not taken out, but from the young not
sealed. "

To the national team. Yankova 1744: "Kumischa, swatishcha - say goodbye, grab it";
it doesn't look like anything anymore; let someone understand this nonsense, in which from
four words are not true, and therefore there is no meaning.
Obviously, this is a distortion of the proverb that still lives on among the people: "
if you get married, you will sleep it off, you will wake up. ”Such examples could be typed
so many; I cite them as proof that at all times there have been
stupid scribes and even collectors who were clever, and what,
referring to old manuscripts, it is not always possible to correct new ones

My collection was destined to go through many ordeals, long before printing
(in 1853), and, moreover, without the slightest seeking on my part, but by
the enlightened participation and insistence of a person whom I dare not even hint at,
not knowing if it will please. But people, and, moreover, people of scholarship,
recognizing the publication of the collection as harmful, even dangerous, they considered it their duty to expose and
other shortcomings of it, among other things, in such words: "Noticing and
Eavesdropping on the dialects (?) of the people, Mr. Dal, apparently, did not write them down soon,
and brought in after, as I could remember; that's why he has a rare (?) proverb
so recorded, as it is said by the people. Most (?) Of them are seen
as the following: he has it written: I will dissolve this misfortune with beans, and
the proverb says: I will scout someone else's misfortune with beans, but not
I'll clean it up. "

But I had both proverbs, only each in its place, because
their meaning is not the same; yes, instead of cleaning it up, I'll attach it,
which I still believe to be true. I'll spread this misfortune with beans or with beans,
the trouble is not great, it will fit into the gate, you can open it or get rid of it.
“I’ll scout someone else’s misfortune on beans, but I don’t apply to my own mind” - quite another;
this means: I’ll eat someone else’s grief with bread, someone else’s sore in the side does not sour, but
its own sore is a large nodule, etc.

Further: "He wrote: God judge his will, and the proverb says: Do
God will his will. "What the latter says, there is no dispute, and if her
I was not there, then you could point out the pass; but the first also
it says. "God judge his will" - means that there is no one else to judge her, not
we condemn her, but we must submit to her without a murmur; or adopting
to judge, according to the old meaning, for awarding, making a judgment, - God judge
your will means: do, judge according to your will.

In total, to prove that a rare proverb I have correctly recorded and
that most of them were noticed by mistake, my righteous judges cite three
example, that is, one for every ten thousand, and the third is the most
wonderful: "The same infidelity is in the collection (?) of jokes and idle talk;
I will give as an example one: it says:
other things, this idle talk among the people is expressed (why not
reads?) so: Not for anything else, but for something else like that; what if
better than anything, so nothing else; that's all. "

Yes, it seems that that's all ...

Be that as it may, but regardless of such infidelity in proverbs
mine, proved by the three examples given here, found that the collection
this one is also unsafe, encroaching on the corruption of morals. For more
intelligibility of this truth and to protect morals from threatening them
corruption was invented and written, in the report, a new Russian
a proverb, not quite folding, but clear in purpose: "This is a sack of flour and
a pinch of arsenic "- so it was said in the verdict about this collection, and to this
also added: "Seeking to print monuments of folk follies, Mr.
Dahl seeks to give them authority in print "... to those who are dangerous for
morality and piety of the people are attributed to places, among other things,
the following sayings: "Blessing, it is not a sin;
house is not a pointer "and so on.

Should I still mention after this that hand in hand with the writers
proverbs about pulp went and the conclusion of a connoisseur of the jury, to whom
my collection also came without my participation, and what was found there
impermissible convergence with a series of proverbs or sayings: "He has hands
debts (a lot of power) "and" His arms are long (he is a thief) "? And here, as there,
demanded amendments and changes in proverbs, and moreover, exceptions,
which "can make up more than a quarter of a manuscript" ...

For the sake of truth, I must say that the opinion is the opposite of all this
was expressed at that time by an enlightened dignitary who was in charge
The public library.

I express all this not as a complaint and denunciation, but, firstly, as
an excuse why I did not publish proverbs earlier than this one, secondly, for
explanations of our contemporary life. Without looking in the mirror, oneself in
You don't know your face. Moreover, it seems to me, where it comes to data for the future
history of our enlightenment, there everyone is obliged to say what he has
there is evidence in hand.

This collection includes, in addition to proverbs, proverbial sayings,
sayings, sayings, soon (clean) talk, jokes, riddles, beliefs,
omens, superstitions and many sayings, which I cannot give a common nickname, even
simple turns of speech, conventionally come into use.

About this scholarly connoisseurs of the manuscript, who successfully insisted that she
remained hidden for another eight years, were of the opinion: "It's a pity,
that all this is combined in one book: through this he (the collector) mixed
edification with corruption, faith with falsehood and unbelief, wisdom with
stupidity and thus dropped his collection a lot ... Obviously,
the honor of the publisher, and the benefit of the readers, and the very prudence would require
split two thick folios into several books and in them separately
print: proverbs, sayings, jokes, riddles, omens, etc. ".
These arguments didn’t convince me, but the least I understand how
the danger of poisoning would be lessened by such a fragmentation of the whole into parts;
Is it by little accustoming to poison? In this collection that is not
catechism of morality, lower \ "e mandate to customs and community, namely
folk wisdom must converge with folk stupidity, mind with
vulgarity, good with evil, truth with lies; man must appear here
such as he is in general, around the globe, and what he is, in particular, in
our people; what is bad, run; what is good, follow that; but don't hide
hide neither good nor bad, but show what is.

But, having named a proverb, a proverb, a saying, etc., I still came to that
a dead end, from which one cannot get out without explaining that
by names I mean, or as the people understand them.

A proverb is a short parable; she herself says that "naked speech
not a proverb. "
and put into circulation, under the coinage of the nationality. Proverb - bluntly, with
application to the case, understood and accepted by all. But "one speech is not
proverb ": like any parable, a complete proverb consists of two parts:
from the bluntness, picture, general judgment and from the application, interpretation,
teachings; quite often, however, the second part is omitted, provided
sharpness of the listener, and then a proverb is almost indistinguishable from a saying.
Here are examples of complete proverbs: "Wait in time, God has something
serve ";" Any fish is good, if it goes to the oud ";" The devil climbed for
clouds, but broke off ";" There is no in you, so do not look in the village ", etc.

With this concept of a proverb, we must agree that it is not
is composed, but forced by the force of circumstances, like a cry or an exclamation,
involuntarily lost from the soul; these are whole sayings, knocked down in one lump, in
one interdistrict. A collection of proverbs is a collection of folk experienced wisdom
and superstition, these are moans and sighs, crying and sobbing, joy and joy, grief
and consolation in faces; it is the color of the people's mind, an original article; this is
everyday folk truth, a kind of legal code, not convicted by anyone. "What
does not hurt, then it does not cry "; what did not reach the people did not concern
his life, he did not move either his mind or his heart, and that in
no proverbs; what is entangled, good or dashing, in his life, you will find
and in the proverb. And in order to recognize this and reach the faithful therefore
conclusions about the life of the people, what is needed is not a flower garden of proverbs, not a sample of
what we like, and the complete collection, at least a whole quarter of it, is like
mentioned above, and did not suit our taste. "Red and all of us
love, but love it roughly. "

"There is no contribution from the proverb", "it cannot be appealed," her sentence
irresistible; all extremes converge, and therefore "On the proverb that on
fool, and there is no judgment ";" You can't get away from a proverb ";"
the hut is sweeping with a broom ";" And there is a proverb for your honor ";" And on our
arrogance is a proverb;
yes, and "Not every proverb with everyone prays": "Another proverb is not for
Ivan Petrovich. "Who composed it - no one knows; but everyone knows her and
obey her. This composition and property is common, as is the very joy and
grief, as the experienced wisdom gained by a whole generation, expressed
such a sentence. Written then only becomes a proverb,
when it went into action, it was accepted and assimilated by everyone.

We call a proverbial saying such that it entered, in the form of a proverb,
into our conversation, although it does not contain any parable, allegory,
bluntness; for example, two sayings, about which we had a speech: Do God will
your own and God judge your will: these are not proverbs or sayings, but
proverbial speeches, sayings. True and sharp boundaries and stretch out here
it is forbidden; in the strict sense, a lot of

A proverb, according to popular definition, is a flower, and a proverb is a berry;
It's right. Saying - devious expression, figurative speech, simple
allegory, bluntness, way of expression, but without a parable, without judgment,
conclusions, applications; this is one first half of the proverb. Proverb
replaces only direct speech with roundabout, does not finish speaking, sometimes does not
names things, but conventionally, hints very clearly. She does not say: he
drunk; but he will say: "He has double vision, he is tipsy, his tongue is not
knits, he does not hang down, he rolled it behind the collar, he does not
will pass, he writes in thought, "and so on. Instead, he is stupid, she says:" He does not
all houses, one rivet is missing, he is nailed in color, he will not read three; under
nose ascended, but in the head and not sown "and so on. Replace the equal, buddies
she says: "One field of berries, one cloth of epanchus, one hand, fingers"
etc. Expressing, for example, the general concept of loneliness, the saying distinguishes
This state, in all its relations: "One, like a mile in a field; one,
like poppies; one, like a ring of gold; one like a finger; one like
gunpowder in the eye; one, like a booze (like a drink in a swamp), like a bear in
den ", etc. Therefore, the proverb is sometimes very close to the proverb: worth
add just one word or make a rearrangement, and from the saying
a proverb came out. "He dumps from a sick head to a healthy one", "He is a stranger
he rakes the heat with his hands "- sayings; both say only that this
a self-propeller who takes care of himself, not sparing others. But say, "By strangers
it is easy to rake in the heat with your hands ";"
overhead ";" One cloth of the epance does not differ ";" One hand fingers, and
one bone "and so on, and all these will be proverbs, containing a complete

Sentence or idle talk, which is also sometimes called a proverb -
this saying, sometimes one word, often repeated, pronounced,
without much sense and meaning, but according to local or personal habit:
says, take, take; this very thing is very good; tovo-vono how-it is.
There are many such conditional sentences in fairy tales: "Soon the fairy tale will tell, not
soon the work is done ";" Whether close, far, low, high ";" For
distant lands, in the thirtieth state ", etc. Both simple and
fabulous idle talk sometimes turns into a proverb, containing
conditional meaning; for example: "I would be good, yes, you see, my wife is not good; well,
I am too strong "; about an empty, formidable boss:" I galloped above the forest
standing, below the walking cloud "; about the severity and lack of traffic to whom:" He is quieter
water, below the grass became ", etc. From the other end, passing into a set of folding
words, sentences merge with jokes.

The proverb is very close to the nickname, but does not refer to the face, but to the whole
terrain where residents are teased, scolded or honored by the attached
a proverb. Sometimes it consists in only one word: "Ryazan
blue-bellied ";" Yaroslavl beloteltsy ";" Vyatichi blind breeds "; sometimes in
the whole saying, joke, pribasenke: "Penzhan their crow in Moscow
learned ";" Whose are you, young man? - Zubachevsky merchant. - Where have you been? - In Moscow,
walked around the world. "The last saying is already very close to the proverb, and
others are given a proverbial meaning: "Chukhloma hand:
mittens in the belt, and looking for others. "Proverb:"
knocked out with a horn, "shaking tobacco about her in passing, sometimes used
in the same sense as "A drop hammers a stone."

Patter, phrase-mongering - compiled for exercise soon and
pure pronunciation, why sounds clash in it that make it difficult
quick talk; but many purest stories also carry a proverb:
"You can't change our sexton's name", you can't change a person;
"I reported, but I did not report it, but began to report it,
he reported, "all out of place, unsuccessfully;"
the priest, the shock under the priest, the pop under the hood, "that is, everything is the same.

A joke, a joke is not entirely clear or not equally defined;
the very name - empty bike - shows that it can sometimes be
the same, that idle talk, but about a witty they say that he knows
a lot of jokes. Others call this a number of sayings and sentences,
folded folding, without much sense; this includes Yamskie jokes,
also knock-downs, who are now almost gone, pastries, etc. These
jokes also often turn into proverbs: "For all three,
do not touch the root: but apart from the root, there is not a single one ";"
not yours - drive, do not stand ";" Eat the pies, but take care of the bread ahead ";
"Water, egg-capsule, do not feel sorry for the master's dobrush" and so forth.
they call fabulous embellishments: "By leaps and bounds it grows like wheat
the dough on the dough is sour ";" The horse is running, the earth is trembling, fire from the nostrils,
it covers the trail with its tail, dales, lets rivers between the legs, "and so on. And this
chatter sometimes takes on a proverbial meaning when applied to
any known case. Jokes, tales, sayings
they call sayings and proverbs that are completely incomprehensible if you do not know
the traps from which they came out; and these jokes cannot be separated in any way
from proverbs. Others are understandable by themselves: "Titus, let's go threshing!" My belly hurts.
- Titus, go and have some jelly! “Where's my big spoon?” “Who stole the pie?
- Not me. - Who else to give? - Me. "" Wife, and wife, do you love me? Al
don't you love - Yes. - What "yes? “Nothing.” Others demand an explanation:
"It's good honey with a roll"; to this they add: "Have you eaten? - No, not
ate; yes, my brother was in town, so he saw how people eat. "" You know
sense, like a blind man in milk ": the leader left the blind for a while." Where was he? -
Yes, he sipped some milk. - And what is milk? - White and sweet. - A
what is it white? - Like a goose. “What kind of goose?” The leader bent his elbow and
brush with a hook and gave him a touch: "That's what it is. - Oh, I know" - and for this
the blind man understood what milk is. This also includes: "So and so, yes
there is something like ";" Thank God, the bast shoes are ripe ";" One more Cossack remained ";
"The rainbow drank a tub of water"; "I got into the washstand like the devil," etc. K
jokes, you can also count sayings, sometimes proverbial, with a mutual
meaning, a play on words: "I (climbed) into the forest, and he
for an elm ".

Proverbial sayings about signs, beliefs, everyday and master's
rules, dressed, for memory, in the same clothes, which include the folk
months, where every folk day, something wonderful in everyday life
given its name and attached various sayings, rules, sayings, -
all this, as far as I was able to collect, was also included in the collection. Bozhba,
curses, wishes, greetings, expressed in the form of sayings, partly
included here, but there were not many of them, as in general, some categories
I have very little hope and hope for future collectors. Russians
drinking, healthy wishes that now toasts, often old ones,
partly well-known and still in the merchant circle, in the
are good, but I also had a little of them, but it would be desirable to collect and
keep more of them.

In the proverb, one can distinguish between inner and outer clothing; the first
refers to rhetoric, the second - to grammar and prosody. Grammar is not
only could and should learn a lot from proverbs, but should
to be on them, in many parts of theirs, again turned upside down. Frequent
our misunderstanding of the proverb is based precisely on ignorance of languages, those
simple, strong and short turns of speech that are gradually lost
and are ousted from the written language in order to bring it closer together, for greater
the handiness of translations, with Western languages. Who would take to consider
proverbs and sayings in this regard, he would write a fat and
useful book.

The proverb is for the most part in measured or folded form: rarely
correct metric verse, that is, with the account of long and short
syllables, because such a size is generally alien to the folk language; even less often and,
it seems that only by chance there is a syllabic size, that is, a simple
the counting of syllables is a matter completely foreign to us; but very often in Russian size, in
tonic, like song, with a known number of drawn stresses in a verse,
and fabulous, with a rhyme or a red warehouse.

Current page: 1 (total of the book has 16 pages)

Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl
1000 Russian proverbs and sayings

© Filippov A. N., compilation, 2017

© Kirilenko Yu.P., foreword, 2017

© Edition, design. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL classic", 2017

Proverb is unjustified 1
Epigraph on the title page of the first edition of "Proverbs of the Russian people" by V. I. Dahl.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal is known to a wide circle of readers primarily as the creator of the famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" - the richest treasury of the Russian word.

Dahl's no less remarkable work is his collection of Proverbs of the Russian People, which includes more than thirty thousand proverbs, sayings and apt words.

The origin of the great scientist is surprising, although in those distant times many Europeans - Germans, French, Scandinavians - considered it good to go into the service of the Russian Tsar and the new fatherland.

Writer, ethnographer, linguist, doctor, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born on November 22 (according to the old style - November 10), 1801 in Lugansk, Yekaterinoslav province. Father - Johann Christian Dahl - a Danish who took Russian citizenship, was a doctor, linguist and theologian, mother - Maria Khristoforovna Dahl (nee Freytag) - half German, half French. Dahl's father became a patriot of everything Russian. Having fallen in love with Russia, he tried to develop a love for the Russian language, culture and art in his children as well.

In 1814, Vladimir Dal entered the St. Petersburg Naval Cadet Corps. He graduated from the course, served in the navy in Nikolaev, then in Kronstadt. After retiring, he entered the medical faculty of the University of Dorpat, graduated in 1829 and became an ophthalmic surgeon.

And again - military service. In 1828, a two-year Russian-Turkish war began, and Dahl was drafted into the army. He participated in the passage of the Russian army through the Balkans, continuously operating on the wounded in tent hospitals and directly on the battlefields. Dahl's talent as a surgeon was highly appreciated by the outstanding Russian surgeon Pirogov. In 1831, during a campaign against the Poles, Vladimir Ivanovich distinguished himself when crossing the Vistula. He first used electric current in explosives, having mined the crossing and blowing it up after the retreat of the Russian troops across the river. For this, Emperor Nicholas I awarded V.I. Dahl with the order - the Vladimir cross in his buttonhole.

Dahl began collecting words and expressions of the Russian folk language in 1819. While still in the Marine Corps, he studied literature, wrote poetry. Driving through the Novgorod province one day, he wrote down the word “rejuvenate” that interested him (“otherwise cloudy, tend to bad weather”). And since then, wandering through the vast expanses of Russia, Vladimir Ivanovich did not part with his notes, replenishing them with new words, apt sayings, proverbs and sayings, having accumulated and processed two hundred thousand words by the end of his life!

It is necessary to especially note his acquaintance and friendship with Pushkin. Dahl's work on the dictionary and his collection of proverbs played a significant role in this. Dahl later recalled the enthusiasm with which Pushkin spoke about the riches of Russian proverbs. According to the testimony of contemporaries, the great poet, in fact, strengthened Dahl in his intention to collect a dictionary of a living folk language.

Alexander Sergeevich and Vladimir Ivanovich more than once shared the hardships of difficult travels on the roads of Russia, traveled to the places of the Pugachev campaigns.

In the tragic days of January 1837, Dahl, as a close friend and as a doctor, took an active part in caring for the mortally wounded Pushkin. It was to Dal that the words of the dying man were addressed: "Life is over ..." The grateful poet gave him a talisman-ring. Dahl left notes about the last hours of Alexander Sergeevich's life.

In 1832, Russian Fairy Tales, edited by Dahl, were published. First five ". However, the book was soon banned and the author was arrested. Only at the request of V.A.Zhukovsky, at that time the educator of the heir to the throne, Dahl was released. But he could no longer publish under his own name and signed himself with the pseudonym Cossack Lugansky. It was under this pseudonym that one of the favorite fairy tales of our childhood - "Ryaba Chicken" was published.

Dahl's works are full of proverbs and sayings. Sometimes, instead of a detailed characterization of the hero, his assessment is given only in a proverb: “He ... would not have had to live like this - from morning to evening, and there is nothing to remember; a week has passed, it has not reached us. " Or: “They didn’t teach, while lying across the bench, but stretched out at full length - you cannot teach”; "Whoever can eat whoever can."

The Proverbs of the Russian People (1862) and the Explanatory Dictionary (1864), published almost at the same time, enriched Russian culture and literature.

In the preface to the book of proverbs, Dahl wrote: “The sources or reserve for the collection were: two or three printed collections of the last century, collections of Knyazhevich, Snegirev, handwritten leaves and notebooks communicated from different sides, and - most importantly - living Russian, and more - the speech of the people. "

It should be noted that even before Dahl, back in the 18th century, proverbs and sayings of the Russian people were collected and published. Examples include N. Kurganov's "Writer" (1769), "Collection of 4291 ancient Russian proverbs" attributed to Moscow University professor Barsov (1770), and the collection "Russian Proverbs" by I. Bogdanovich (1785). The first significant research on Russian proverbs is the work of I. M. Snegirev "Russians in their proverbs" (1831–1834). In the middle of the 19th century, the collections of I.M.Snegirev (1848, 1857) and the collection of proverbs extracted from books and manuscripts and published in 1854 by F.I.Buslaev were considered the main collections of proverbs and sayings.

However, it is Dahl who has the honor to become the most accurate, deep and loyal researcher of oral folk art.

The extensive material collected by Dahl made him group the proverbs in the collection by headings, sections. These rubrics often combine opposite phenomena of life, concepts, etc., for example, "good - evil", "joy - sorrow", "guilt - merit"; and everything is given an assessment in proverbs, because they express the innermost judgments of the people.

Deep wisdom, subtle observation, clear mind of the people determined the most expressive proverbs and sayings about literacy, learning, intelligence, about the abilities and intelligence of people. Proverbs condemn talkers, quarrelsome and stupid, lovers of scandal, arrogant, overly proud people.

Many proverbs spoke about the peasant world, about joint work, the strength of the rural community. “You can conquer the devil with a cathedral,” said the proverb. “What the world has ordered, so God has judged”, “The world will roar, so the forests groan”, “Amicably - not heavy, but apart - at least throw it away”, “You can solve any business with peace” ...

The book offered to the reader includes only a small part of Dahl's extensive collection of proverbs and sayings. They are about love, friendship, happiness, wealth, work and idleness, life and death, loneliness, luck. Notice how fresh, modern they sound!

And how many stable phrases in today's Russian language, the origin of which we no longer think about, but which have a very definite source. Who has not heard a completely modern expression: "It's in the bag." It is from Dahl's collection, and came from the lot, which was put into the hat, and then pulled from it.

In almost every section of Dahl's "Proverbs of the Russian People" one can encounter contradictory materials. And this is natural - after all, real life is full of contradictions. It is very important to distinguish between shades, as well as the measure of the depth of proverbs and sayings. After all, they were sometimes born under the influence of emotions, and not just years of observation and experience.

Let's read the proverbs characterizing the position of women in the family. Many of them have roots in "Domostroy": "Baba's way from the stove to the threshold", "The chicken is not a bird, the woman is not a man", "A woman's hair is long, her mind is short." But along with them, others, of a new kind, are already sounding: "Husband is the head, wife is the soul", "A woman's mind is better than any thoughts", "It's a bad thing if the wife did not order."

There are, for example, proverbs criticizing Russian work and praising, in comparison with it, German or English. However, there are few of them; more than those in which the dignity inherent in other peoples is noted and their abilities are highly valued. This feature of the people's consciousness was subtly captured by NS Leskov, who developed the proverbs about the skill of a Russian person into a story about Lefty, who shoehorned an English flea.

It is the opposite, the ambiguity of some proverbs that creates the feeling of a dispute between the people and themselves about all aspects of life.

The greatest merit of Dahl is the impartial and truthful, up to the merciless, disclosure of the material. His collection of proverbs gave an honest, objective picture of reality and expressively characterized the worldview of the people.

The manuscript of the collection was heavily censored. Some reviews of this work actually accused Dahl of anti-government propaganda, of undermining the foundations and foundations of secular power and Orthodoxy. The collection of proverbs was not approved by the Academy of Sciences either. The political nature of the accusations brought against Dahl made him almost into an enemy of the royal power, which he had never been. Nicholas I himself opposed the publication of the book, considering it "harmful".

By the mid-1850s, Dahl had completely lost hope of publishing Proverbs of the Russian People. Clearly realizing, as an honest scientist, the value of the material he had collected and realizing that the possible loss of the manuscript would be an irreversible loss, Vladimir Ivanovich decided to create several manuscript copies. He presented these copies to his friends, in particular Alexander Nikolaevich Aksakov.

Published by the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, "Proverbs of the Russian People" immediately took a prominent place in Russian and world science. This publication was perceived by prominent figures of Russian culture as a valuable and significant contribution to literature - they began to look at the collection of proverbs as a treasury of folk wisdom and the wealth of the folk language.

The attention and interest to the "Proverbs of the Russian people" were very great. The collection quickly became a bibliographic rarity, and a lot of money had to be paid for it. In 1877, L. N. Tolstoy asked the Moscow publicist, critic, philosopher N. N. Strakhov to get him a collection of Dahl's proverbs, but this turned out to be not an easy task. “It turns out that this is one of the most beloved books by Russian readers,” Strakhov wrote in response.

There are many proverbs in the works of classical Russian literature. Undoubtedly, A. N. Ostrovsky, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and other writers drew proverbs from life itself and from Dahl's collection, as the most complete, accurate and authoritative source.

He greatly appreciated and loved the proverbs of L. N. Tolstoy. There are a great many of them in his works and letters; they organically enter the text and help a clear and figurative presentation of thought. Among Tolstoy's blanks one finds even more proverbs; in particular, in the manuscripts containing the characteristics of Platon Karataev, proverbs are written out from Dahl's collection.

It was from this book that LN Tolstoy chose proverbs and sayings, preparing his collection of folk proverbs. Extracts for this collection, which never came to fruition, are contained in notebook No. 12 for 1880.

The great Russian satirist M. Ye. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote to the editorial board of Vestnik Evropy in connection with the names of "blockheads", "walrus-eaters" and others, which he introduced into the chapter "On the Root of Origin" in the "History of a City": "I do not argue, maybe this is nonsense, but I claim that none of these names have been invented by me, and in this case I am referring to Dal, Sakharov and other lovers of the Russian nationality."

The collection of V. I. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people" retained its modern sound, passing from decade to decade. V.I.Dal died in 1872. Reprints carried out after his death have invariably met with the approval and attentive attitude of the widest readership.

Ancient proverbs and sayings continue to live on now, are applied to modern events, characterize modern people, embodying the great creative potential and eternal wisdom of the people.


About god

♦ To live - to serve God.

♦ In small is God, and in great is God.

♦ God is not in power, but in truth. God is not in power, but in truth.

♦ The power of the Lord in weakness ( or: in weakness) is accomplished.

♦ What God doesn’t want is not much ( or: not suitable).

♦ God has a lot of mercy. God is not wretched at the mercy.

♦ God has a lot.

♦ God is merciful, but I, by his mercy, am not wretched.

♦ God's water runs on God's earth.

♦ God's dew sprinkles God's earth.

♦ No father before children, like God before people.

♦ Each is about each other, and God is about everyone ( baked).

♦ Everyone is about himself, but the Lord is about everyone.

♦ The Lord is merciful not for our sins.

♦ God nourished, no one has seen ( increase: and whoever saw it did not offend).

♦ God will stick ( or: instruct) and instruct the shepherd.

♦ God will give a day, God will give food.

♦ After shearing, the Lord smells warm on the sheep.

♦ God is not like his brother, but rather will help ( or: ask, it will help).

♦ God took care of the length and breadth.

♦ God will love, so will not destroy.

♦ God has plenty of room for the righteous.

♦ You will go with God - you will reach the good (the path to good, or: you will find a good way).

♦ You will rely on God, you will not lean.

♦ God shows the way.

♦ Man walks, God leads.

♦ God will fall behind, good people will also leave.

♦ Whoever goes to God, to that and God.

♦ Whoever loves God will receive a lot of good.

♦ Lovers and God loves.

♦ God does not sleep - he hears everything.

♦ He does not lose heart who trusts in God.

♦ If God is for us, then no one is on us ( or: against us).

♦ What God does not send, man will not bear.

♦ Everything in the world is created not by our mind, but by God's judgment.

♦ God's slaves are happy.

♦ God will carry the terrible cloud.

♦ Man is so, but God is not so.

♦ God builds his own. You are yours, and God is yours.

♦ A man guesses, but God does.

♦ There is God's wisdom on human stupidity.

♦ A man with daring, but God with mercy.

♦ We are with sorrow, but God is with mercy.

♦ He scolds him, and God keeps him.

♦ God is not a man ( that is, it will not offend): the woman will fuck off, and the girl will give ( about the widower).

♦ God is for a bad payer.

♦ The dream is terrible, but God is merciful.

♦ If God would listen to a thin shepherd, so would all the cattle exhale ( according to his frequent abuse: so that you die!).

♦ God will not give ( or: will not give out), the pig will not eat.

♦ God is alive - my soul is alive.

♦ Smart head, sort out God's affairs!

♦ Everything is from God. Everything from the Creator.

♦ From the beginning of the world, everything is ready for God-light.

♦ Divine is not from man, but man is from God.

♦ You won't be God anymore.

♦ God's will cannot be overcome ( or: not only translation).

♦ Not according to our will, but according to God's will.

♦ Not by our mind, but by God's judgment.

♦ God's warmth, God's and cold.

♦ God will soak, God will dry.

♦ We all walk under God.

♦ You walk under God - you bear God's will.

♦ What God does not give, nobody will take.

♦ Whatever God wants is suitable.

♦ God imposes a cross according to power.

♦ God knows best what to give and what not to give.

♦ God won't give - you won't take it anywhere.

♦ In human affairs, God himself is the message ( witness).

♦ God sees who will offend whom ( or: who loves whom).

♦ God has been waiting for a long time, but it hurts.

♦ God hears, but will not tell soon.

♦ God sees, but does not tell us.

♦ You can hide it from people, but you cannot hide it from God.

♦ No matter how wise you are, but the will of God you cannot be too wise ( peasants' response to innovations).

♦ What the people see, so God will hear.

♦ God will find the guilty one.

♦ God will punish, nobody will tell.

♦ God is not your brother, you will not dodge.

♦ You cannot leave God. From God's authority ( or: punishment) you will not leave.

♦ You cannot go around the court of God by the outskirts.

♦ God himself marked it ( or: stained, punished).

♦ Whom God loves, he punishes.

♦ Whoever pleases God is also pleasing to people ( or: suitable).

♦ We will suffer in this world, we will rejoice on that.

♦ The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

♦ God judge you! God is your judge! God punish him!

♦ All are equal before God.

♦ You will serve God, people will never ( about ingratitude).

♦ God himself will not please the whole world.

♦ Trust in God, but do not do it yourself!

♦ Pray to God, and row to the shore!

♦ God is God, and people are people.

♦ The king is far away, but God is high.

♦ Whoever does good, God will bless him.

♦ There is no such thing as a refusal coming to the sky.

♦ And got up early, but God did not stick ( about failure).

♦ The Lord will not preserve the city, will not preserve either the guard or the fence.

♦ If the Lord does not build a house, and man does not build.

♦ Without God, not a threshold.

♦ Start with God and end with the Lord!

♦ God is in the morning and God is in the evening, and at noon and at midnight there is no one but him.

♦ Bless, Lord, your heritage!

♦ Pray to God - it will come in handy ahead.

♦ Prayer - halfway to God ( or: to salvation).

♦ Pray in secret, it will be rewarded in earnest!

♦ Ask Nikola, and he will tell you to save.

♦ This, scatter, but look at the sky!

♦ Whoever works by the cross, God helps him.

♦ Go cross - a sin on the soul ( i.e. walk in front of the praying person).

♦ Who is without crosses ( i.e. without a body cross), he is not Christ.

♦ With prayer in the mouth, with work in hand.

♦ Take your time, pray to God first!

♦ For vespers, the bell - all the work on the corner.

♦ The first ringing - overclocking to the devil; another ringing - cross; third ringing - shell ( get dressed, go to church).

♦ Do not listen where the chickens cackle, but listen where they pray to God!

♦ Whatever comes, all pray!

♦ Feel free to think - do not pray to God.

♦ Prayer not for God, but for squalor.

♦ Praise God, and you (and good people) honor and glory.

♦ Light in the temple from a candle, and in the soul from prayer.

♦ With faith you will not disappear anywhere.

♦ They live in this world without faith, but you cannot live on that.

♦ Save, Lord, Thy people (and bless Thy heritage).

♦ Praise God, so glory to you!

♦ Don't say amen, we won't give you a drink.

♦ You will forget God, and you will not receive yours.

♦ God attack, good people will also attack.

♦ "Lord, have mercy!" - it's not a sin to talk and it's not hard to wear.

♦ Be the name of the Lord blessed from now on and forever!

♦ A city does not stand without a saint, a village without a righteous man.

♦ Prayer is not looking for a place.

♦ A short prayer "Our Father", may he save.

♦ Amenem cannot drive away the demon ( or: you will not leave the demon).

♦ Forgive me, Lord, my sins!

♦ The power of the cross is with us! God and all his saints are with us.

♦ Our place is sacred!

♦ Save yourself at home, but go to church!

♦ Do not live by bread, by prayer.

♦ Church property - poor wealth.

♦ The first ass to the edge!

♦ Do not sell bread without filling your butt!

♦ Dokuku monastery loves ( i.e. requests and offerings).

♦ Icons are not bought, but changed ( instead of: do not buy).

♦ The image and knives are not given, but changed.

♦ Those who are Monday will rejoice at the intercession of the Archangel Michael.

♦ Lent will put its tail on everyone.

♦ One salvation is fasting and prayer.

♦ God will give advice, so is the meat eater in fasting.

♦ Fast in spirit, not belly!

♦ Obedience is more than fasting and prayer.

♦ He will not profane in the mouth, but profane from the mouth.

♦ The candle will not rise before God, but the soul will rise.

♦ Pray to God - not to go broke ( that is, it is necessary to take care of the mundane).

♦ We do not need the righteous, we need the saints ( i.e., pleasing to us).

♦ Singing time, and prayer time.

♦ A sin under the bench, but on the bench.

♦ He eats bread, but does not know how to be baptized.

♦ Many repentant (s), but few return (s).

♦ Dried and fed, but not milled at home.

♦ Pop, sitting, serves mass, and the parish ( and laymen) lying down to pray to God.

♦ Wonderworkers also know that we are not pilgrims.

♦ As it is necessary to fast, and the belly began to ache.

♦ There is on the pipe, but not on the candle ( i.e. money).

♦ In alarm - and we go to God, and in alarm - we forgot about God.

♦ Although the church is close, walking is slimy; and the tavern is far away, but I walk slowly.

♦ Priests for books, and laymen for donuts.

♦ Pop the bell, and we are for the ladle.

♦ Food is learned by taste, and holiness by taste.

♦ In the vicinity of those who fear God, the angel of the Lord takes up arms.

♦ Better swearing: Nicola is with us.

♦ There is a common God on Nikola's field.

♦ God is not wretched, but Nikola is merciful.

♦ There is no champion for us, opposite Nikola.

♦ Nikola saves at sea, Nikola lifts the cart to the peasant.

♦ What is lame, what is blind, then Kozma and Demyan ( about the yard bird).

♦ Save and have mercy on me, Mother Most Holy Theotokos; and I live in an extreme hut in the village ( or: and an extreme hut in the village).

About love

♦ Where love is, there is God. God is love.

♦ The sweetest of all is those who love whom.

♦ There is no one more dear, as people are dear to people.

♦ Nice, as people are nice to people.

♦ There is no value against love.

♦ The mind is enlightened by the truth, the heart is warmed by love.

♦ Advice and love, this is the light.

♦ Where there is love, there is advice. Where it is advisable, there is love.

♦ Where there is advice (union, love), there is light.

♦ Equal customs - strong love.

♦ One thought, one and a heart.

♦ It's not a pity for a dear to lose a lot.

♦ For the sake of the dear and myself, do not feel sorry for yourself.

♦ I will sacrifice myself for the dear one.

♦ For a sweet friend and an earring from the ear.

♦ In the cute there is no hateful, and in the hateful there is no cute.

♦ Milenek - and belenek will not wash.

♦ Love is blind. Love does not see at all.

♦ I fell in love, like soot hit my face.

♦ Fell in love, like a mouse fell into a box.

♦ I got lost like a face in a puddle.

♦ Love is not a fire, but will catch fire - you cannot extinguish it.

♦ The time will come when the girl will step on her feet.

♦ Betrothed that mad.

♦ The betrothed, disguised - bewitched.

♦ Love begins with the eyes. They fall in love with their eyes.

♦ Longing sinks in the heart with eyes, ears and lips ( from sight, from speeches, from conversation).

♦ The heart sends a message to the heart. The heart feels the heart.

♦ Where the heart flies, there the eye runs.

♦ Where it hurts, there is a hand; where is cute, there are eyes.

♦ Love, fire and cough cannot be hidden from people ( do not hide).

♦ Love us in black, and in red, everyone will love.

♦ Not good for good, but good for good.

♦ Love us in the little ones, and in the little ones, everyone will love us.

♦ Satan will appear better than a clear falcon.

♦ An owl will love better than a clear falcon.

♦ Redneck Yermil, yes, the townspeople are lovely.

♦ I liked the devil with a berry.

♦ Love is evil, will love the goat.

♦ He (She to him) turned his head.

♦ As I saw, so the head went round.

♦ As I saw, I did not become myself.

♦ The kochetok sings, the message about the cute belly.

♦ Do not eat a piece, do not cash in ( do not have fun) with a friend.

♦ A good piece will not get boring, a good friend will not get bored.

♦ A cute little one will show up in an hour.

♦ To love a friend is to love yourself. You love yourself in a friend.

♦ Love is a ring, and a ring has no end.

♦ A spade and a shovel will tear us apart.

♦ Salt our handful of damp earth to parting.

♦ Friends and in one grave is not cramped.

♦ Old love is remembered for a long time. Love, but remember.

♦ Young friend, what a spring ice.

♦ New friend, that unregulated plow.

♦ It's lovely to lag behind - you can't resist in your mind.

♦ You cannot be without the sun, you cannot live without a sweetheart.

♦ You can't live without a dear, and you can't be with a dear ( about parting).

♦ Embracing, you can't sit for a century.

♦ Dry love ( platonic) only destroys.

♦ Though not relatives, but winds into the soul.

♦ It's good to live with a sweetheart in love. They live in perfect harmony.

♦ There is no better game than peep-to-peer.

♦ Like calves: where they come together, there they lick.

♦ Katka and Mitka got drunk.

♦ Chickens and cupids, and eyes on a sled.

♦ He does not remember himself with her and does not remember us.

♦ She will not breathe them. He won't look at her.

♦ That the silk ribbon clings to the wall ( girl to boyfriend).

♦ A friend is alive - not a loss.

♦ There is a friend - there is an intercessor.

♦ I wouldn’t drink, not eat, I’d look at my sweetheart.

♦ I would wear you down on necklaces and wear you on Sunday.

♦ Without you, my friend, the bed is cold, the blanket is frosty.

♦ Bazheny not from a drill, but from a hatchet.

♦ It didn’t come from it, God gave it.

♦ My red berry. My apple is fluffy.

♦ Paranyushka heart, boil fish and pepper.

♦ The hand of a dear is warm, he loves so much.

♦ Ohokhonyushki, not to be seen, to know, Afonyushki: I saw the collar.

♦ Ohokhonyushki, it's sick without Afonyushka, Ivan is here, but the squad is thin.

♦ Milenok Ivashka in a white shirt.

♦ Nice little blue one in a row.

♦ Cute is not soap, but a little white face.

♦ White will not make you cute. You can't match your temper.

♦ Mila is not white, and I myself am not red.

♦ Love and love, so it will be a friend.

♦ Loves like a soul, but shakes like a pear.

♦ You are my only one, like blue powder in the eye.

♦ One, like a finger, like a poppy color, like a red sun, like a clear month, like a verst in a field etc.

♦ Where there is love, there is attack. Having fallen in love, you will burn up.

♦ Grief by the sea, by love twice.

♦ Love what to sit behind the carriage.

♦ Darling - steamed cucumber; blooms, blooms, and withers.

♦ Why does a young fellow whine zealously?

♦ It is impossible not to love, but it is impossible not to grieve.

♦ Not sleeping, not lying, everything is sad about the dear.

♦ Woe to me with you, with brown eyes!

♦ Wench spoiled the boy. The girl brought dryness.

♦ The girl worn out the guy, let him down under her temper.

♦ Has brought dryness to my stomach.

♦ The birds sing, they give me a little nazolushku.

♦ Darling is not a villain, but drained to the bone.

♦ Because I endure that I love most of all.

♦ Loved, but gave nothing.

♦ When you love me, and love my dog.

♦ To love an evil is to destroy yourself.

♦ There is no harder thing in the world - toothache and girlish dryness.

♦ Woman's lies - girlish dryness; women lie, girls give dry.

♦ Not a cute spin, where there is no cute.

♦ The light is not sweet when there is no sweetheart.

♦ My friend is not: not nice and white light.

♦ The white light is empty without you.

♦ Without you, the tall tower is empty.

♦ The wide yard stalled without you.

♦ Without you, flowers do not bloom colorfully, not red oaks grow in an oak tree.

♦ Many good ones, but no cute (cute).

♦ It's a pity for the dear, but I would run away from the hateful.

♦ About whom I lament, that is not; whom I hate, always with me.

♦ They were merciful for a long time, but parted soon.

♦ How to disperse apart, at least give up the whole thing.

♦ One heart suffers, the other does not know.

♦ If only people would not entice, and now I would love.

♦ When love began to recognize, then the dear also began to lag behind.

♦ Nesalono to slurp, which is not sweet to kiss.

♦ Married kissing is not sweet.

♦ You don't catch up with the cute one.

♦ Violence is not nice. You can't be cute.

♦ If you are not cute in body, you will not be accustomed to deed.

♦ Not nice in body, not to please (disagreeable) and deed.

♦ You will make yourself afraid, but you will not be forced to love.

♦ You cannot bind love with the cross.

♦ All fear drives out love.

♦ Does not cling to the stamen of a frosty hop.

♦ Pop will bind his hands and bind his head, but will not bind his hearts.

♦ Do not tell the truth in the face, you will not be hateful.

♦ He is no sweeter when he leaves. Mil for the eyes.

♦ I would love from the front, but I would kill from the back.

♦ My heart is in you, and yours is in stone.

♦ Looks at me like the devil at the priest.

♦ Loves like a wolf to a sheep. The cat also loves a mouse.

♦ The body is cute to the wolf, but where can he get it?

♦ Love like the devil in the corner. Oh, you are mine - the devil knows what!

♦ Though rejoice with the angels, just don't be with us (just pass us)!

♦ God grant you to be a colonel, but not in our regiment!

♦ He has an eye to you, and you side to him.

♦ With him ( or: With the bear) be friends, and hold on to the ax.

♦ Where the harm comes from, there is dislike.

♦ From where it is bad, there it gets cold.

♦ I do not love you, that bad weather.

♦ I wouldn’t look at the owl.

♦ Wouldn't look at him like he was a wolf.

♦ Nice to him, like gunpowder in the eye.

♦ Anything that mother-in-law's fist.

♦ Likes like a dog a stick (radish).

♦ I love it like a bug in the corner: where I see it, I’ll crush it.

♦ Do not make your enemy a sheep, make him a wolf.

♦ Do not be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a foolish friend!

♦ He can't stand his spirit. Like a sneezing herb.

♦ Will not let you on the brace. He does not let him see (In appearance).

♦ You are my heart.

♦ Here's where you are ( on the back of the neck).

♦ Disgusting, like a beggar hryvnia.

♦ Whoever loves whom beats that one. Whom I love, I beat.

♦ Darling will hit - add body.

♦ Darling will beat, only amuse.

♦ Wife, you don’t love to love, but look!

♦ Though you don't love, just look more often ( i.e. please, serve).

♦ Even if you don't love love, look more often!

♦ A mother loves a child, and a wolf loves a sheep.

♦ Likes like a cat fat. And you love, but you destroy.

♦ If you don't see, it breaks your heart, if you see, it’s rushing from the soul.

♦ If you do not see, the soul is dying, if you see, it is rushing from the soul.

♦ Together is boring, but rosy sickening.

♦ It is rosy sickening, but together closely.

♦ Woe with you, trouble without you.

♦ Our matchmaker has neither a friend nor a brother.

♦ I do not like to love, but I cannot get rid of (refuse, lag behind).

♦ This is a friend at the end of the hands. This friend at all suddenly.

♦ Hello, dear, my good, black-browed, looks like me!

♦ If you love - order, but if you do not love - give up!

♦ If you are asleep, beauty, rest; and if you are not asleep, answer the demand.

♦ The sulfur duck is my hunt, the red maiden is my sweetheart.

♦ Change, hop, to my side; on my side there is freedom, expanse.

♦ You spread grief over her shoulders, you put dryness down her stomach.

♦ Where is my betrothed, there is mine and the mummer.

♦ You can't go round your betrothed and on horseback (on shafts, on curves).

♦ Narrowed to the mummer. The betrothed, disguised, let me have a look at you.

♦ To whom to marry, he will be born in that.

♦ Rechists in a cute eye. The eyes speak, the eyes listen.

♦ It's hard to love; not to love is harder than that.

♦ Sick to the one who loves whom; and more sickening than one who does not see him.

♦ Sick to the one who loves whom; and more sickening than one who does not love anyone.

♦ To love - to carry someone else's grief; not to love - to crush your own!

♦ At least drown, but converge with a darling.

♦ At least swim with pilaf, but be with a dear.

♦ To a dear friend circle ( hook) not the outskirts.

♦ To the dear and seven miles not the outskirts.

♦ From the one I endure, whom I love more.

♦ Darling, the beatings do not hurt for long.

♦ You are my light in the window, the moon is clear, the red sun.

♦ Free light is not nice when there is no dear friend.

♦ An old friend is better than two new ones.

♦ Old love is remembered.

♦ Forget it dear, so it will be remembered.

♦ Flowers bloomed, but faded; the young man loved the red maiden, but left.

♦ He was cute, became hateful.

♦ Look cute - nauseous hateful.

♦ In the morning it was good, but by the evening it became unsuitable.

♦ Do not get rid of the hateful: God will take away the dear.

♦ Give me back my gold ring, take your silk scarf!

♦ Lakoma sheep to salt, a goat to freedom, and a girl to a new love.

♦ Short that a girl's memory. You have a girl's memory.

♦ Everyone, like goats, up ( through tyn) look.

♦ Girls are not people, goats are not cattle.

♦ Do not be dashing: God will take away the love.

♦ There is no death for an unloved offspring (On an unloved offspring).

♦ The girl in the mansion is like a bull's-eye in paradise.

♦ The hop is looking for stamens, and the girl is looking for a guy.

♦ Brighten up the girl with a crown and a fine fellow.

♦ The girl has moved, so play in the bulkhead.

♦ The daughter has moved, so prepare the painting.

♦ It's time to trade the goat ( it's time for the girl to get married).

♦ Then the girl will be born when it suits her.

♦ She should tell fortunes in front of the mirror ( it's time to get married).

♦ After the cover will not be like this ( will be a woman).

♦ A good product will not stale.

♦ The girl didn’t want to argue, but she didn’t argue.

♦ Girlish no - not a refusal. A girl's is no more precious than her.

♦ The girl chases the fellow, but she will not go away.

♦ A girl that is a shadow: you follow her, she is from you; you are from her, she is after you.

♦ It is difficult to endure the girl, and once you change it, she will start to fly on her own.

Jackdaws shouted warmth.

Wherever the grandmother takes it, but feed the grandson!

Where there is trouble, there is no escaping it.

Where the raven does not fly, and all the dung peck.

Where there is sin, there is laughter.

Where to live, to those gods and pray.

Where to live, and to be known.

Where the law is, there is resentment.

Where there is a zucchini, there is a little man.

Where there is an oath, there is a crime.

Where the goat has passed, there the soldier will pass.

Where there is love, there is attack. Having fallen in love, you will burn up.

Where there is measure, there is faith.

Where it hurts, don't touch it!

Where the people see, there God will hear.

Wherever he gets drunk, here he will fight.

Where there are cucumbers, there are drunks.

Where I fall, I lie there.

Where you want to ride, there they slow down.

Where you were, be there!

Swear wherever you want, and make peace in the tavern!

Where I walk like a fox, chickens do not rush there for three years.

Smooth, soft, and nasty tastes.

The eyes are like bowls, and they do not see a crumb.

Eyes with limp, mouth with yawning.

He cries with his eyes, but laughs with his heart.

To plow deeper - to chew more bread.

The stupid whistle, but the clever one understands.

Looks at me like the devil at the priest.

Looks, he swallowed exactly seven, choked on the eighth.

Be angry, but do not sin.

Talk to others less, but talk more with yourself!

To tell the truth is to lose friendship.

Speaking about strangers, you will hear about your own.

Naked like a falcon and sharp as a razor.

The head hurts, the butt is easier.

A head with a basket, but not a crumb of a brain.

Hunger will catch - you will begin to eat what God gives.

A hungry wolf is stronger than a well-fed dog.

I was born naked, naked and I will die.

Naughty, naughty, and the gateway is latticed.

A proud cat will not jump on his chest.

Woe in rags, trouble naked.

Grief will not be silent.

A pot with a cauldron will not boil over.

There is much grief, but one death.

The guest does not visit a lot, but sees a lot.

It is a sin to steal, but it cannot be avoided.

Sin is not a problem, but glory is not good (Griboyedov).

Sin is sweet, man is greedy.

There are many sins, and plenty of money.

Not worth a penny, but looks like a ruble.

Swan's chest, peacock's gait, falcon's eyes, sable's eyebrows.

The dirt is not greasy; rubbed, it lagged behind.

The lip is not stupid, the tongue is not a shoulder blade: it knows what is bitter and what is sweet.

Walk for a walk, but don't go for a walk!

Let's be friends: now I come to you, then you me to yourself.

Let's live together: you buy, and we will eat.

Long ago I borrowed a penny for transportation, but nowhere to go.

Haven't seen each other for a long time? - Yes, how we parted.

Long ago, when the king Peas fought with mushrooms.

Give - so he does not hear; but on - so I heard.

May God give the honor to who knows how to take it down.

God forbid to die even today, but not to us.

Give the thief at least a mountain of gold - he will not stop stealing, and even if he sprinkles the honest one with gold, he will not touch him.

Let the leech suck - it will fall off by itself.

Give with a fingernail, ask from the elbow.

Give time: we ourselves will be with a mustache.

Let me put my foot on it, and I’ll fit in all by myself.

Give me a testicle, and even a flaky one.

The giving hand will not hurt, the taking will not dry out.

Two brothers from the Arbat, both hunchbacked.

Two fools are fighting, and the third is looking (the signature on the picture, where the third means the one who is looking).

Two are plowing, and seven are waving their hands.

Two bald ones are fighting for the comb.

Girlish shame to the threshold: crossed, and forgot.

The girl is red before marriage.

The girl of the scoundrel is the same age as her grandmother.

The grandfather lived as a pig, and the grandson lived as a pig.

Grandpa is gray, but there is no death for him.

It's not about personality, it's about cash.

The case teaches, and torments, and feeds.

The day is like a day, but the year is not the same.

They feast for the day, and for a week the head hurts with a hangover.

A day to cry, and a century to rejoice (the desire of the bride's friends).

Money will give birth to money, but trouble will bring trouble.

Money has nowhere to go, there is nothing to buy a wallet.

Money is not a head: a profitable business.

The village is large: four courtyards, eight streets.

Keep a pretty penny so you don't roll away.

Hold on to an old friend, and a new one at home!

Hold on to it, the generation did not break.

Children, children, but where am I going to have children?

For a friend, I'll eat the last piece.

For a dear friend and an earring from the ear.

For cabbage soup, people get married, and for meat (in cabbage soup) they get married.

They forgive up to two times and beat them on the third.

Until the age of thirty, the wife warms up, after thirty - a glass of wine, and after - and the stove does not heat.

Good fame sleeps behind the stove, and thin runs around the world.

Welcome, and he himself for the hat.

Good is remembered for a long time, and dashing twice.

Good silence is not an answer?

Kindness without reason is empty.

A good tailor sews with a margin.

Do not measles with a good deed.

Debts are remembered not by the one who takes, but who gives.

Long fees for a short century.

They sat for a long time, but did not sit out anything.

Sleep for a long time - with a duty to get up.

Longbirds (Voronezh settlers in Astrakhan, belted low).

At home, eat what you want, and as a guest, what they say.

At home there is a master, but in people there is a fool.

Sits at home, not looking at anyone.

At home, as I want, but in people, as they say.

Household thought is not good for the road.

They danced that they were left without bread.

Bread is expensive when there is no money.

Until now, Makar dug ridges, and now Makar has got into the governor.

Daughters' children are nicer than their own.

Heart friend; but what is the name, I do not know.

The Duma is just around the corner, and death is behind us.

You think you caught it - but you got it yourself.

Think, do not think, but a hundred rubles money.

A fool of a fool and sat out.

The fool will throw it, but the smart one gets it.

The fool loves red, the soldier loves clearly.

They beat the fool, but the smart one does not poke his nose!

The fools argue about the booty, and the smart ones divide it.

The fool and God will forgive.

A fool is waist-deep, but a clever one will pass dry.

The soul knows the soul, but the heart gives the message to the heart.

The soul has sinned, but the body is responsible.

He was allowed to warm up, and he already baptized the children.

You go for a day, and take bread for a week!

They eat and smear them, but they don't even tell us.

The devil went to Rostov, but he got scared of the crosses.

Whether or not they ate, they would be honored for dinner.

There are tears - there is also a conscience.

There is something to listen to, but nothing to eat.

There is a fur coat on the wolf, but sewn on.

I would go to visit, but people do not call.

I went to see Thomas, and stopped by the godfather.

I drove, but did not get there: we’ll go again - maybe we’ll get there.

Eat porridge, but speak ours.

Eat the mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut!

Eat the pies and take care of the bread!

Eat cabbage soup with meat, but no, so bread with kvass.

The king favors, but the huntsman does not favor.

It's a pity, a pity, but there is nothing to help.

It's a pity, a pity, and God is with you!

They were expecting a calf, but God gave a child.

Wait for the good by putting your teeth on the shelf!

Desire according to your strength, reach according to your abundance.

The wife was furious and did not ask her husband.

My husband's wife loved: she bought a place in prison.

The wife of her husband does not beat, but leads to her own temper.

The wife is not a bast: you cannot throw off your feet.

The wife pleases - the dashing plotting.

Married people do not go to gatherings.

Wife letting go - see no good.

A rich man married a sleepy one: both are happy.

He got married in haste and a long flour.

To marry is not to sneeze: you can tell in advance.

The groom is cheerful, the whole marriage is joy.

You get married once, and you cry for a century.

Choose a wife not with your eyes, but with your ears (for good fame).

I will live - I will not forget.

We live - we cough, we walk - we limp.

We live in bliss, but we ride in a cart.

We do not live for joy, and there is no one to kill.

We live in jest, but we will really die.

Lives - does not grieve, does not serve anyone.

Lives across the river, but not a leg to us.

Live in the old way, but speak in the new way!

Live, but don't heal!

Live if you can; die if you want.

A living dog is better than a dead lion.

I live as I live, and not as people want.

Parents are alive - read it, died - remember!

Alive, the generation of the Lord God endures sins.

Life hangs on a thread, but thinks about profit.

Life is given only by God, and every reptile takes away.

He lived in bliss, and rode in a cart.

He lived little by little, and died suddenly.

To live is sad, but to die is sickening.

You cannot exchange one rich man for a band of beggars.

For the crank, and in the chill.

They undertake everything, but everything fails.

For the cause be beaten - obey and bow down below.

For my penny, but I'm not good.

Life is fun for the young, but good for the old.

Overseas fun, but someone else's, but we have grief, and our own.

For lack of time you will someday die without repentance.

For my work I got into the clamp.

Without holding back the words, they do not hold back for people.

They don’t take money for demand, what for the show.

Then the matter became that there was not enough money.

I don’t want to marry a bad man, but there’s nowhere to take a good one.

Do not swear for someone else's soul!

A sore nose - stick it out in the cold, it will fall off and be healthy.

My mouth is full of worries, but there is nothing to eat.

Caring did not eat, so boredom overcame.

Took it into my head, so at least crack it!

Backward, somersault, and downhill.

The law is like a spider's web: the bumblebee will slip through, and the fly will get stuck.

Close your eyes, and lie on the sled.

A crow flew into the royal mansion: there is a lot of honor, but there is no flight.

Swing, but don't hit.

She marries - she sings songs, but when she leaves, she sheds tears,

The stock of the bag is not spoiled.

Stocky is better than rich.

Enrolled as a henchman, so don't get ahead of yourself!

Constipation and a lock is a sacred thing.

The earned hunk is better than the stolen loaf.

I wanted yeast at the kalachnik!

If a goat wants hay, it will be at the cart.

Caught on a stump, and it's worth a day.

It is easy to conceive, but difficult to give birth.

Why far? And it's good here.

Why go home, like everyone else?

Kill the blackbird.

The wolf called the goat to the feast, but the goat will not.

The guests were called, but they were seated to gnaw bones.

Hello, matchmaker! - Goodbye, brother!

Hello you, hello I, hello, my dear!

Hello glass, goodbye wine!

Fear the wolf in winter, and flies in summer.

The evil is death, and the good is resurrection.

The power knows the truth, but does not like to tell.

The magpie knows where to spend the winter.

He knows a lot, like a pig in oranges.

Know it, read it, I will die - remember it.

Know, cat, your basket!

Know, soldier, honor: warmed up, and get out!

I don’t know, I don’t know (the answer of the judge).

You know, we will serve in the bar in the next world: they will boil in the cauldron, and we will put firewood.

Call your guests to eat bones!