An essay on the topic: the story of love in the story asya, Turgenev. Features of love lyrics in the work of "Asya" Theme of love in the work of Turgenev Asya

An essay on the topic: the story of love in the story asya, Turgenev. Features of love lyrics in the work of "Asya" Theme of love in the work of Turgenev Asya

The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Asya" is a story about all-consuming love, written in 1 in 1857 in Germany. For the first time, she was published in 1858 in the magazine "Contemporary". One of the most romantic stories where the writer affects the theme of the First Love, suggests how important it is not to watch his happiness. The story has autobiographical features. The plot is based on the relationship between the seventeent-year-old Girl Asay and N. N. Love of the main character in the story "Asya" can not be called love at first sight. According to a strange, fatal coincidence, the hero understands, Saskopko is strongly his feeling, only losing his beloved forever. At first it is awakening interest in the girl-riddle, sincere and immediate, natural in the change of their sentiment, in the manifestation of their feelings. Its dissimilar to others at first and attracts Mr. N. N., and at the same time pushes: "This strange girl attracted me." And only looking into the soul of this girl, whom she revealed for him, the hero gradually begins to experience unknown to him until the feeling. It "grilled thirst for happiness." He does not think about whether he loves Asya, but is under the rule of her charm. However, Mr. N. N. I got used to living not in the heart, but reason. For him, first of all, the "practical" side of the question is important, he reflects: "Marry the seventeen-year-old girl, with her temper, as it is possible!" And when Asya is recognized to him in love, the hero does not find a single word to become happy and to give happiness as ace. But, unfortunately, he could not say this word, because love broke out in it "with an uncreduous force only a few moments later." Realizing the power of his feeling, Mr. N. N. believes that it is still possible to fix it. "Tomorrow I will be happy!" "He says herself, not understanding that" happiness does not have tomorrow's day ... he has a present - and that is not a day, and a moment. " One moment became for her fatal, having deprived of his only woman with whom he could be happy. He does not immediately understand what he lost. Only years later, "convicted on the loneliness of a mustache Bobylenaya", living "boring years", having lost the "winged hopes and aspirations", he feels that the love of Ace put the imprint for his entire life. He keeps, "as a shrine", items that resemble him about Ace, about the brightest and strong feeling, which he was destined to experience, and about the happiness that he failed to keep. "... the feeling excited in me asselas, then the burning, gentle, deep feeling no longer happened," he admits with sadness. He frightened her love. Perhaps life with Ase would bring him a lot of trouble and suffering, but it would be a real, live life, illuminated by a real, sincere feeling. But by making a fatal mistake, the hero is doomed to own boring, monotonous existence, deprived of purpose and the highest meaning. It can be said that in the soul N. N. Fought two people in the soul: one was ready to accept the love of Asi, the other was held on the convention. And he was given freedom of choice to build his destiny and become happy. But he abandoned this opportunity, choosing the "loneliness of the Meshamless Bobyl" and keeping, "as a shrine, her notes and a dried flower of Geranium, the same flower that she once threw ... from the window." N. G. Chernyshevsky in his work "Russian man on Randene" wrote: "... While there is no speech about the case, but it is necessary only to take a holiday time, fill the idle head or a celebrating heart with conversations or dreams, the hero is very erup; Suitable for business ... It begins to hear and feel badness in the language ": Another thing is the love of Asi to N. N. This feeling has become something big for her than simple love. This is primarily advantageous to forget about yourself for yourself for a loved one. Asya does not live by the future, she wants to be happy here and now, at the moment. N. N. For her, a person is extraordinary who knows how to live, she does not see his rationality and indecision. Asya idealizes him, and such an attitude, as is known, is peculiar to the first love, when the disadvantages of his beloved person become transparent, imperceptible. "How to live?" - asks Asya, thinking that her lover knows the answers to all the questions. In N. N. She is seen by a person who is capable of a feat, hero. I it is so passionate that it begins to doubt that it is worthy of love of such a person like N. N., and therefore tries to suppress love. But we see all the futility of these attempts, Kiotomy Asya speaks of his feelings. In the heroine of Turgenev, live and active, for her it is important to "go somewhere far away, on a prayer, for a difficult feat ... and then the days go away, life will go, and what did we do?" But at the same time, this image is very romantic, the writer endowed Asia with a special attractiveness concluded in her character, he highly appreciated this image of N. Nekrasov, saying that "from her there is peaceful youth, the whole is her pure gold life." A special role in the story plays a scene of ASI and N. N., in which everything falls into place. They are explained with each other, and it imposes an imprint on the fate of both heroes. After this unsuccessful explanation, each of them is doomed to suffering. Happiness can not be postponed in a long box, and Turgenev speaks directly about it: "With happiness, there is no tomorrow ... he has a real ..." N. N.. Does not blame the Asya that she was ahead of the events, he throws her : "You did not give to develop a feeling that began to ripen, you yourself broke our connection, you did not have confidence in me, you doubted me." This sad story of the first love. Happiness was impossible, because one of the lovers refused his feeling, choosing a convention. However, love cannot live according to the rules. Fear N. N. Being happy, made unhappy not only him, but also asya, for which love was an important and integral side of life. N. N. caused pain not only to himself, but also Ace. She disappears, and it suggests that the girl will no longer be able to love as she loved N. N.

The history of the first love in the story I.S. Turgenev "Asya"

The story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Asya" - a work of love, which, according to the writer, "stronger death and fear of death" and which "keeps and moves life." The upbringing of Asi has roots in Russian traditions. She dreams of going somewhere, on prayer, on a difficult feat. " The image of Asi is very poetic. It is the romantic dissatisfaction with the image of ASI, the printing of mystery, lying on its character and behavior, gives her attractiveness and charm.

Nekrasov wrote Turgenev after reading this story: "... she is charm as good. From it itifies spiritual youth, the whole is pure gold life. Without stretch, this is a great atmosphere to the poetic plot, and something unprecedented with our beauty and purity came out. "

"Asya" could be called the story about the first love. This love ended for Asi sad.

Turgenev fascinated the theme about how it is important not to pass by his happiness. The author shows how beautiful love in seventeen years old girl gunned, proud, sincere and passionate. Shows how everything broke into one moment.

Asya doubts that it can love her, whether it is worthy of such a beautiful young man. She strives to suppress the originating feeling. She is experiencing that her brother's dear to her loves less than a person who saw only a few times. But Mr. N.N. Girl introduced himself as an extraordinary person in the romantic setting in which they met. This is a person is not active, but a contemporance. Of course he is not a hero, but managed to touch the heart of Asi. With pleasure, this cheerful, carefree man begins to guess that Asya loves him. "I didn't think about tomorrow's day; I was good. " "Love her and confused me and embarrassed ... The inevitability of the soon, almost instant decision was tormented by me ..." And he comes to the conclusion: "To marry a seventeen-year-old girl, with her temper as it can be!" Believing the fact that the future is infinite, he is not going to solve fate now. He repels Asya, who, in his opinion, overtook the natural course of events, most likely would not lead to a happy end. Only many years later, the hero understood what importance had a meeting with Ase in his life.

The reason for the failed happiness of Turgenev explains the bravery of the nobleman, which in a decisive moment will leave in love. Modify the decision to an indefinite future - a sign of mental weakness. A person should feel a sense of responsibility for himself and others around his life I.S. Turgenev "Tale and Stories", "Fiction", Leningrad, 1986 - p.35.

Story love story. "... I liked her soul," N. notes after several days of dating from Asei. But this sympathy is not unconditional. N. It is difficult to light up with endless metamorphoses of the girl's behavior. Sometimes he is indignant - "What kind of children's antics?", Porodia calls a new acquaintance with a "capricious girl with a stretched laugh." And this is not just an irritation of an adult observing whims of a child. Externally free, Mr. N. I got used to obey the laws of light. Like the "Saforn British" walking on a walk, which "as if on the team, with cold amazement they spent the asya with their glass eyes ...", he is shocked by too free girl's behavior.

Ace has to take the first step. She, like Tatiana, sends a note with a young man with an invitation to a date. Pushkin had to defend his heroine:

Why is Tatyana's guilty? For that, that in cute simplicity, she does not know deception and believes the chosen dream? For that, what loves without art, obedient inserting feelings, what is so trusting she, that from heaven is bestotted by imagination with rebellious, mind and will be a lively and wayward head, and the heart is fiery and gentle?

These lines written about Tatiana, as it is impossible to be more characterized and asya.

In confusion stop in front of the "heart of fiery and gentle" two men, brother and lover. They may be superior to Asya in "Prudence", but immeasurably inferior in life strength and uncompromising. Gagin hides the tone of the old nurse: "... she is crazy and crazy with me." "Selo and wondered," having received a note, Mr. N. Rasterness, it strengthens the straight sincere issue of Hagin: "Maybe ... how to know? - Do you like my sister? " "Yes, I like it," is finally answered by N. But something in the tone of his voice makes the gagina with conviction say: "And we are still leaving tomorrow<…>because you are not marrying on Ace. " And repeats with confidence: "Do not marry."

A symbolic episode inserts a symbolic episode into the plot development of Tourgeyev's story. N. decided to wait for the time of dating in a small restaurant. "A pretty maid with crying eyes brought me a mug of beer; I looked at her face ... "Yes, yes," said the terrible and redish citizen immediately, - Ganchen is very distressed today: her groom went to the soldiers<…>. " She pressed into the corner and restped his cheek hand; Tears drip out one after another in her fingers ... "

Ganhen ... This is a gentle-diminutive form of the name "Anna" in German, like Asya - in Russian. Before us, therefore, the twin of the girl in love arises. But what can be misfortune ace? There are no objective reasons, as the unfortunate German maid, forced to accept the fact that her groom is taken into soldiers. Asya and N. - both are free, there are no external obstacles. Gagin suggested his sister's hand to his friend.

As if taking a mute condemnation, Asya suffers a date in a more "decent" place, in the house of the old German Louise. We remember that the poetic vision of a young girl in the house of the old woman gave the writer the first impetus to the story. "The wrinkled face of the widow of the Burgomaster" with a "shut-off smile" and "dull eyes" resembles a witch that hides a young princess. The hero applies to destroy evil spells and free the beloved. Asya he finds in the upper room. Her pose awakens a poetic comparison with a frightened bird. Immediate feeling best expresses yourself in look. Now N. focuses on her eyes: "Oh, the view of a woman who loved, - who will describe you? They prayed, these eyes, they trusted, in question, were given away ... I could not oppose their charm. "

The rush of the response direct feeling lasted for a short time. Like Onegin, the young man begins to read her instructions. Ace has to justify "frightened whisper." "The thought is that now everything is lost, all, all<…>That Gagin knows about our dating that everything is distorted, it was found - he ran in my head, "this is explained by N. his fortune. He forgot exactly that he himself found it necessary to tell her brother about the fatal note with the invitation.

The date is revealed and the difference between the two heroines, Pushkin and Turgenevskaya. Like Tatyana Larina, Ace with every minute "I was shameful and scared." Subsequently, Tatiana-Knyagini "swells blood / as soon as I remember the look Cold / and this sermon ..." And however, "without seeing nothing / barely breathing, without objection, / Tatyana listened to him ( Onegin) ". "So humbly / your lesson I listened to me ..." she reminds Eugene. On the contrary, asya cannot and the minutes to endure such humiliation. Almost she understood that her love was rejected - the heroine of Turgenev rapidly runs away. Disappears - to the great surprise of an ingenuing German, which did not expect (as well as we) such a development of events. "Witch" suddenly turns into a kindly confused old woman.

Well, the hero is "Knight"? In fact, what did Mr. N. Mr. Is N. seriously share secular prejudices regarding the "illegal" origin of the girl? And Turgenev descends into the very depths of the soul. Human actions rarely have one reason. We are driven by a complex contradictory tangle of high and low motives. Perhaps in the behavior of the hero, there was already a marked fear of the force of asin character. "Marry a seventeen-year-old girl, with her temper, as you can!" - I thought N., just getting ready to come on a date.

In part, he was embarrassed by the invasion of an extraneous in the maturing world of love. Attempts, albeit delicate, Gagina to become an intermediary between another and sister. To seek a categorical response in the sphere of feelings - it means to affect the elusive heart movements. The writer never allowed it to him even on the pages of the novel, communicating with the fictional heroes.

Turgenev-core goes on. He reports that love, like everything in the world, is also age. The sense of youth is somewhat "younger," it is in comparison with the decisive rhythm of asin of love. Not long - just a few hours. But this is enough for fatal junction. "When I met her in that fatal room," explains N., "there was no clear consciousness of my love." The hero is trying to comprehend the bizarre logic of the development of the feeling: "It<…> It flared up with an uncreduous force only a few moments later, when, the frightened possibility of misfortune, I began to search and call her ... But then it was too late. "

As if squeezing, fate gives Mr. N. The last chance. Sticking together with my brother in search, he did not find a girl. Only saw a glimpse of a figurine flashed at the cross (you can imagine, with what heat I prayed there asya, remembering the "Cross" above the grave of the mother!). Returning, N. learns that Asya late at night came home. She is here in this house. But the power of decency brings over him again: "I wanted to say the gagina then that I ask his sisters. But such a swattle in this time<…>. "Before tomorrow, I thought ..." These words matured the hero accompanies bitter comment: "Happiness has no tomorrow; He has no yesterday; It does not remember the past, does not think about the future; He has a present - and that is not a day - and the moment. "

Nastra N. learns that Asya and her brother left. In a farewell note, Asi Hero finds confirmation of his guessing. In the ingunny end of their relationship, only he is to blame: "Yesterday, when I cried in front of you, if you told me one word, one word only - I would stay. You did not say it ... "" Seen, so better<…>. Goodbye forever!" - Finishes his letter for an innocent and bitterly offended girl. In her humility - the great power of the Spirit.

Ivan Turgenev not only made a significant contribution to the development of domestic literature in the framework of existing directions already available, but also discovered new original features of national culture. In particular, he created the image of Turgenev Baryshni - revealed the unique character of the Russian girl on the pages of his books. To get acquainted with this special, just read the story "Asya", where the female portrait acquired unique features.

The writer was engaged in writing this work for several months (from July to November 1857). He wrote hard and slowly, because the disease and fatigue have already given themselves to know. Who is the prototype of Asi, is not exactly known. Among the versions the point of view is dominated by the author described its illegitimate daughter. Also in the image could be reflected in the fate of his sister on the father's line (her mother was a peasant). Turgenev, according to these examples, knew well that he feels a teenager, which turned out to be in such a position, and reflected his observations in the story, showing a very delicate social conflict, whom he was and he himself.

The work of "Asya" was completed in 1857 and published in the "contemporary". The story of the story, told by the author himself, is this: one day, Turgenev saw an elderly woman in the German town, which peeking out the window on the first floor, and the head of a young girl floor above. Then he decided to imagine what their fate could be, and embodied these fantasies in the form of a book.

Why is the story so called?

The work got its name in honor of the main character, the story of the love of which is in the center of the author. His main priority was the disclosure of the perfect female image, called the Turgenev Baryshnya. To see and evaluate a woman, according to the writer, it is possible only through the prism of the feelings that she is experiencing. Only in it mysterious and incomprehensible nature is completely revealed. Therefore, His Asya is experiencing a shock of first love and is experiencing him with the dignity of an adult and formed a lady, and not the naive child who was to meet with N.N.

This reincarnation and shows Turgenev. In the finals of the book we say goodbye to the Asia-child and get acquainted with Anna Gagina - sincere, strong and knowledgeable price of a woman who disagrees to compromises: when N.N. It was afraid to surrender to the feeling completely and immediately admit him, she, overcome pain, left him forever. But in memory of the light of childhood, when Anna was still Asei, the writer calls his work with this diminitious-affectionative name.

Genre: Tale or story?

Of course, "Asya" is a story. The story is never divided into chapters, and his volume is much smaller. Cut from the life of heroes, depicted in the book, less than in the novel, but longer than in the smallest form of prose. Turgenev also adhered to such an opinion about the genre nature of his creation.

Traditionally in the story more characters and events than in the story. In addition, the subject of the image in it becomes precisely the sequence of episodes, in which the causal relationships are revealed, which is the reader to aware of the meaning of the final of the work. This is happening in the book "Asya": Heroes get acquainted, their communication leads to mutual interest, N.N. He learns about the origin of Anna, she confesses to him in love, he is afraid to accept her feelings seriously, and in the end it leads to a rupture. The writer first intrigues us, for example, shows the strange behavior of the heroine, and then explains it through the history of her birth.

What is the work?

The main acting person is a young man, on the person of which is the narrative. These are the memories of a mature man about events of youth. In the "Ace" elderly, a secular man N.N. Remembers the story that happened to him when he was about 25. The beginning of his story, where he meets his brother and sister Gagina, - the exposition of the story. Location and time of action - "German small town Z. Not far from the Rhine (River)." The writer means the city of Zinzig in the province of Germany. Turgenev himself traveled there in 1857, then finished the book. The narrator writes last time, stipulating that the setled events occurred 20 years ago. Accordingly, they occurred in June 1837 (about the month reports N.N. in the first chapter).

That, about that Turgenev wrote in Ace, familiar to the reader since the time of reading "Eugene Onegin". Asya Gagina - the same young Tatyana, who first loved, but did not find reciprocity. It was the poem "Eugene Onegin" somehow read N.N. For gagic. Only the heroine in the story is not similar to Tatiana. She is very modified and inconsistently: then there is a day laughing, it goes growing up the clouds. The reason for the location of the Spirit lies in the difficult history of the girl: it is an illegitimate sister of the gagina. In the highest light she feels someone else's, as if unworthy of the honor that she was rendered. Thoughts about her future position constantly grade it, so Anna has a difficult character. But, in the end, she, like Tatiana from Evgenia Onegin, decides to confess to the love of N.N. Hero promises his brother to explain everything to her, but instead accuses her that she confessed to his brother and actually put it on Stitching. Asya, hearing the reproach instead of recognition, runs away. A N.N. He understands how she is the way to him, and decides the next day to ask her hands. But it's too late, since the next morning he learns that the gagina left, leaving him a note:

Farewell, we will not see you more. Not from pride I'm leaving - no, I can not otherwise. Yesterday, when I cried in front of you, if you told me one word, one word is only - I would stay. You did not say him. It can be seen so better ... Forgive forever!

Main characters and their characteristics

The reader's attention is attracted, first of all, the main heroes of the work. It is they who embody the author's intent and are supporting images on which the story is built.

  1. Asya (Anna Gagina)- Typical "Turgenev Baryshnya": She is dyed, but a thinly feeling girl who is capable of true love, but not accepting cowardice and weakness of character. So it was described by Brother: "Self-dubbing developed in it strongly, injustice, too; The bad habits rooted, simplicity disappeared. She wanted (she herself confessed to this) to make the whole world forget her origin; She was ashamed of her mother, and was ashamed of his shame, and proud of it. " She grew up in nature in the estate, studied in the boarding house. At first her mother was brought up - the maid in the house of the Father. After her death, the girl took the Barin to him. Then the upbringing continued his legitimate son, the brother of the main heroine. Anna is a modest, naive, well-educated person. She has not matured yet, so stuck and shawl, without perceiving life seriously. However, her character has changed when she loved N.N.: He became inconcept and strange, the girl was too busy, then sad. By changing images, she unconsciously sought to attract the attention of Cavallar, but her intentions were absolutely sincere. She even sloped in a fever from his feeling overwhelmed. From its further actions and words, it can be concluded that it is a strong and volitional woman who is able to sacrifice for honor. Her description outlined Turgenev himself: "The girl he called his sister, at first glance it seemed to me very pretty. There was something of his own, special, in the warehouse of her dark, round face, with a small thin nose, almost children's cheeks and black, blond eyes. It was gracefully folded, but as if not quite developed. " A somewhat idealized image was repeated in the faces of other famous heroines of the writer.
  2. N.N. "A storyteller, who 20 years after the above event takes on the pen to ease the soul." He can't forget about his lost love. He appears to us with a selfish and idle rich young men, which from nothing traveling. He is alone and is afraid of his loneliness, because, on his own admission, he loves to be in the crowd and look at people. At the same time, he does not want to get acquainted with the Russians, apparently, fears to disrupt his peace. He ironically notices that "the duty has been going to go for some time sorrow and loneliness." This desire to draw even in front of itself opens the weaknesses of nature in it: it is insincere, fake, superficient, is looking for an excuse to his idleness in fictional and contrived suffering. It is impossible not to note his impressionability: the Duma of his homeland was angry, the meeting with Anna made him feel happy. The main character is educated and impressed, living "as I want", and it is inherent in impermanence. It is understood in art, loves nature, but can not find applications to his knowledge and feelings. He loves to analyze people with the mind, but does not feel their heart, so he could not understand the behavior of Asi so long. Love for her revealed in it not the best qualities: cowardice, indecision, selfishness.
  3. Gagin. - Anna's elder brother, who cares about her. This is what the author writes about him: "It was a russian soul, truthful, honest, simple, but, unfortunately, a little sluggish, without chain and the inner heat. Youth did not boil the key in it; She glowed by quiet light. He was very nice and smart, but I could not imagine that it would be with him as soon as he induces. " The hero is very kind and responsive. He read and respected the family, because he fulfilled the last will of his father honestly, and his sister loved like his native. He is very expensive Anna, so he sacrifices the friendship for her calmness and leaves N.N., hurt the heroine. He generally sacrifices his interests for the sake of others, because in order to raise his sister, he resigns and leaves his homeland. Other actors in his description look always positively, all of them he finds justification: and a hidden father, and a compliant maid, a high-willed Ace.
  4. The secondary heroes are only in passing by a storyteller. This is a young widow on the waters, rejected by the narrator, the father of Gagina (kind, soft, but an unfortunate man), his brother who arranged a nephew to the service in St. Petersburg, the Mother Asi (Tatiana Vasilyevna - Proud and Inmpodious Woman), Yakov (Senior Butler) . The description of the heroes given by the author allows you to further understand the story "Asya" and the realities of the epoch, which became the basis.


    1. Theme of love. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote many leaders about it. For him, feeling is the test of the soul of the heroes: "No, love is one of those passions, which is overwhelmed by our" I, "forces how to forget about himself and his interests" - said the writer. Only a real person can sincerely love. However, the tragedy is that many people do not cope with this test, and for love you need two. When one failed to love truly, the other is undeservedly remained alone. So happened in this book: N.N. I could not undergo a test of love, but Anna, though he coped with him, still did not squeeze the resentment of neglect and left forever.
    2. The topic of an extra person in the story "Asya" also occupies an important place. The main character can not find a place in the world. His idle and aimless life abroad is that confirmation. He wonders in search of unknown what, because it cannot apply his skills and knowledge in the present case. His insolvency is also manifested in love, because he is afraid of direct recognition of the girl, it is afraid of her feelings, so can't realize how she is the way to him.
    3. The topic of the family also rises by the author. Gagin brought up Asya as his sister, although I understood the complexity of her position. Perhaps it was this circumstance that pushed him on a journey, where the girl could distract and hide from oblique looks. Turgenev emphasizes the superiority of family values \u200b\u200bover the estate prejudices, calling for their compatriots more to take care of related bonds than about blood purity.
    4. Theme of nostalgia. The whole story is imbued with the nostalgic mood of the main character who lives with memories about the time when he was young and in love.


  • The problem of moral choice. The hero does not know how to do it right: is it worth it to take responsibility for such a young and offended by fate? Is he ready to say goodbye to idle and tie himself to one single woman? In addition, she has already deprived him of choosing, saying about everything brother. He was annoyed that the girl took the whole initiative on himself, so and accused her that she was too frank with the gagina. N.N. It was confused, and it is also not experienced enough to solve the lover's subtle nature, so it is not surprising that his choice turned out to be wrong.
  • Problems of feeling and debt. Often, these starts oppose each other. Asya loves N.N., but after his oscillations and reproaches understand that he is not confident in his feelings. The duty of honor commands her to leave and no longer meet him, although her heart is rebellious and asks to give his beloved another chance. However, it is adamant in matters of honor and her brother, so the gagina leave N.N.
  • The problem of extramarital connections. In the time of Turgenev, illegitimate children were almost all nobles, and this was not considered abnormal. But the writer, although he himself became the father of such a child, draws attention to how poorly lives children, whose origin is out of law. They suffer without guilt for the sins of parents, suffer from gossip and cannot arrange their future. For example, the author portrays Asi school in a boarding house, where all the girls treated her dismissively because of her history.
  • The problem of transitional age. Ace at the time of the events described only 17 years, it has not yet formed as a person, so its behavior is so unpredictable and eccentric. Brother is very hard with it to do, because he has not yet has experience in the parent. Yes and N.N. Could not understand its contradictory and sentimental nature. This lies the reason for the tragedy of their relationship.
  • The problem of cowardice. N.N. It is afraid of serious feelings, so does not say that the most cherished word, which was waiting for Asya.

The basic idea

The history of the main character is the tragedy of the naive first feelings, when a young dreamy person is first faced with cruel realities of life. Conclusions from this clash is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "Asya". The girl passed through the test of love, but many of her illusions crashed in it. In indecision N.N. She read the verdict to himself, who even earlier in a conversation with a friend mentioned her brother: in such a position she cannot count on a good party. Few will agree to marry her, whatever she was beautiful or cheerful. She had previously seen that people despise her for an unequal origin, and now the man's favorite man is slow and does not decide to tie himself to the word. Anna interpreted it as cowardice, and her dreams crumbled into dust. She learned to be leaning in Uchager and not trust them with his heart secrets.

Love in this case opens the heroine an adult world, literally pulling it out of blissful childhood. Happiness would be for her not a lesson, but by the continuation of the virgin sleep, it would not have revealed this controversial nature, and the portrait of ASI in the gallery of female types of Russian literature heavily impoverished from a happy finale. In the tragedy, she gained the necessary experience and became richer spiritually. As can be seen, the meaning of the story of Turgenev is also to show how the test of love is reflected in humans: Some manifests the dignity and strength of the Spirit, others - cowardice, tactlessness and indecision.

This story from the mouth of a mature man is as follows that he does not doubt that the hero recalls this episode of his life in the edification of himself and the listener. Now, after so many years, he understands that he himself missed the love of his life, he destroyed these sublime and sincere relationships. The narrator calls on the reader to be more attentive and more decisive than he himself, not to give his guiding star to leave. Thus, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of "Asya" is to show, as a fragile and fleeing, happiness, if it is not recognized in time, and as a merciless love that does not give a second attempt.

What does the story learn?

Turgenev, showing the idle and empty lifestyle of his hero, says that the carelessness and the alarm of the existence will make a person unhappy. N.N. In the old age, bitterly complains about himself in youth, sorry about the loss of Asi and the very possibility to change your destiny: "I didn't come to my head that a person is not a plant and it is impossible to flourish for a long time." He lies with bitterness that this bloom did not give fruits. Thus, the moral in the story "Asya" opens the true meaning of being in front of us - it is necessary to live for the goal, for the sake of loved ones, for the sake of creativity and creation, whatever it is to be expressed, and not for the sake of one alone. After all, it is egoism and fear of getting lost opportunities "bloom" prevented N.N. Express the most cherished word that Anna was waiting for.

Another conclusion that Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is doing in Ace is a statement that you do not need to be afraid of your feelings. The heroine was completely given to them, he burned his first love, but he learned a lot about life and about the man who wanted to devote it. Now it will be more attentive to people, learn to understand them. Without this, cruel experience, she would not reveal as a person, I would not understand my desires. After gap with N.N. She realized what her dreams should be. So it is not worth afraid of the sincere impulses of the soul, you need to give them the will, and be that it will be.


Reviewers called N.N. The typical literary embodiment of the "excess person", and later allocated a new type of heroine - "Tueneev Baryshnu." Especially attentive, the image of the main character explored the ideological opponent of Turgenev - Chernyshevsky. He dedicated him an ironic article called "Russian man at Rendez-Vous. Reflections on reading the story "Asya". In it, he condemns not only the moral imperfection of the character, but also the poverty of the entire social group to which he belongs. The idleness and selfishness of the noble offspring ruins these people. It is in this critic who sees the cause of the tragedy. His friend and competence of Dobrolyov enthusiastically appreciated the story and work of the author over it:

Turgenev ... tells about his heroes, as people close to him, snatches their hot feeling and with gentle participation, with a painful trepidation, he watches them, suffers and rejoices together with those who created them, he himself is fond of the poetic setting that loves Always surround them ...

The writer himself very warmly responds about his creation: "I wrote her very hotly, almost tears ...".

For the work of Turgenev "Asya", many critics responded positively at the stage of reading the manuscript. I. I. Panayev, for example, wrote the author about the impression of the editorial office of the "Contemporary" in the following expressions:

I read the proofreader, the corrector and above that Chernyshevsky. If there are still mistakes, it means that everything could have done, and we could not better. Annenkov's story read, and probably the opinion of him about her you know. He is delighted

Annenkov was a close friend of Turgenev and his most important criticism. In a letter, the author he highly puts his new job, calling her "frank step to nature and poetry."

In a personal letter dated January 16, 1858, E. Ya. Kolubasin (critic, positively estimating the work of Turgenev) reported to the writer: "Now, from Tyutchev, it came, where the dispute about Asi" occurred. I like too. Find that asya face stretched, not alive. I spoke nasty, and the people who came to the dispute completely supported me and brilliantly refuted them. "

However, without controversy did not cost. The editor-in-chief of the magazine "Sovremennik" Nekrasov proposed to change the scene explanations of the main characters, believing that she was too larger the image of N.N.:

Comment is one, personally mine, and that is unimportant: in the scene a date of the knees, the hero unexpectedly showed unnecessary rudeness of nature, which you are not waiting for him, breaking around by reproach: they would need to soften and manage, I wanted, but did not dare, especially since Annenkov against this

As a result, the book was left unchanged, because even Chernyshevsky, who, though he did not deny the scene, noted that she best reflects the real appearance of the estate to which the narrator belongs.

S. S. Dudyshkin, who in the article "Stories and the stories I. S. Turgenev", published in "Patriotic Notes", opposed the "sick personality of the Russian man of the XIX century" to the honest worker - bourgeois divant. He, too, was extremely worried about the question of the historical destinies of "extra people", delivered by the author "Asi".

The story clearly liked not everyone. After its publication, reproaches were reproached to the writer. For example, the reviewer V. P. Botkin told Fetu: "" "Asya" Far Not everyone likes. It seems to me that the face of ASI failed - and in general the thing has an prosaic appearance. About other persons there is nothing to say. As a lyric, Turgenev can only express the experienced ... ". The famous poet, the addressee of the letter, was agreed with the other and recognized the image of the main heroine far-fetched and lifeless.

But the stronger of all critics was criton, who estimated the work as follows: "" Asya "Turgenev, in my opinion, the weakest thing from all that he wrote is" - this remark contained in a letter to Nekrasov. Lev Nikolayevich tied a book with a personal life of a friend. He was unhappy that he made an illegitimate daughter Polina in France, forever separating it with his mother's mother. Such an "hypocritical position" was sharply condemned by the graph, he openly accused a colleague in cruelty and improper upbringing his daughter, and described in the story. This conflict led to the fact that the authors did not communicate 17 years.

Later, the story was not forgotten and often appeared in the statements of famous public figures of the era. For example, Lenin compared Russian liberals with an indecisive character:

... just like a ardent Turgenev hero who escaped from Asi, - about which Chernyshevsky wrote: "Russian man on Rendez-Vous"

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1.2 Love theme in the story "Asya"

So, the story I.S. Turgenev "Asya" affects loving psychological issues that are worried about readers. The work will also allow to talk about such essential moral values \u200b\u200bas honesty, decency, responsibility for their actions, about the purpose and sense of life, about choosing a life path, about the formation of a person, about the relationship of man and nature.

In the story of Turgenev "Asya", the writer expresses its moral search. All the work is amazingly clean and light, and the reader is preciously penetrated with its magnificence. The town itself 3. is shown surprisingly beautiful, the festive atmosphere reigns in it, Raine seems silver-gold. Turgenev creates a surprisingly bright, saturated flavor. What a magnificent abundance of paints is represented in the story - "brilliant purple air", "Girl Asya, losing the sun beam."

The story inspires optimism and joyful hope. But the union is surprisingly harsh. Lovers in each other Mr. N.N. And asya, young people are free, but, as it turned out, fate cannot connect them. The fate of ASI is very complex, and in many respects the reason for its origin. Also, the character of the girl can not be called ordinary, it is definitely a very strong person. And at the same time Asya - the girl is rather strange.

love Roman Bazarov Turgenev

Love for a strange, but very attractive girl a little scares a young man. In addition, the "false" position of ASI in society, her upbringing and education also seem to him too unusual. The experiences of the heroes in the story are shown very truthfully and brightly: "The inevitability of a fast, almost instant decision tormented me. I had to fulfill a difficult duty. The idea that I am an immoral deceiver. So I ranked in my head." The young man seeks to take his emotions under control, although it gets bad enough. Asi occurs in the soul something unimaginable. Love turns out to be a real shock, overtakes it, like a thunderstorm.

Turgenev shows a sense of love in all beauty and strength, and his human feeling seems like a natural element. He speaks of love: "She does not develop gradually, you can not doubt." Indeed, love turns all his life. And the person does not find his strength to fight her.

As a result of all doubts and mental torments, Asya is forever lost for the main character. And only then he understood how strong there was a sense of love, which he experienced to this strange girl. But, alas, it's too late, "happiness has no tomorrow.".

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