SPA nobility manor. "Noble Manor"

SPA nobility manor.
SPA nobility manor. "Noble Manor"

Philosophy, Sociology and Cultural Studies

Russian nobility salon XIX century.

E.N. Pali

The Russian Nobility Salon was a complex form of the cultural and artistic life of the Kozhansk Russia of the first half of the XIX century, in which serious, deep interests with entertainment, personal with public, and mean different activities (literature, philosophy, music), but when This, each of the activities did not suppress the other. In the first half of the XIX century. Confidential culture was only a "thin layer of an educated, thinking of its part. All these representatives of the noble avant-garde were the creators of cultural property, all the best was connected with them, which laid in Russia XV, N.A. Belozerskaya, M. A. Harris, N. Fatova, who were descriptive, as such an analysis of the salon culture was absent in them.

In the XIX - early twentieth century. A number of works were issued on the history of the nobility, which also touched on certain aspects of the noble salon culture. At the same time, several works on the history of technical education in Russia appeared. They can find information about the place and role of humanitarian education and elements of salon noble culture in university programs.

The first books are dedicated to the self-escort culture in the 20s. Xx in. Peru M. O. Gershenzona belongs to a number of works in which questions are raised close to the subject of our research. Created on the basis of the richest material, these works are noted by the excellent knowledge of Staromoskovsky life, the subtlety of psychological characteristics, written with artistic glitter.

Analyzing the Soviet literature on the topic of research should be noted by the works of Yu.M. Lotman on history

russian culture in general and culture of the XVIII-XIX centuries. in particular. In his works, the salon culture is considered as an expression of the life and traditions of the Russian nobility.

In the 1980s-90s. In general, interest in the scientific study of the history of the Russian nobility, the history of the salons. In this regard, they appear: "Materials on the history of Russian culture of the end of the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century"; "Culture and art of Russia of the XIX century"; "From the history of Russian culture." Collection "Literature and Art in the System of Culture", works A.D. Linous; Joint work M.F. Zeseina, L.V. Koshman, V.S. Schulgin; Work V.N. Casatina. All these studies have made a great contribution to the study of Russian culture. However, the subject associated with the salon culture was considered sufficiently superficially, as a rule, in connection with the history of the nobility.

In the 1990s. In the field of studying Moscow literary salons of the first half of the XIX century. Very fruitfully worked by I.V. Kantorovich. In her work, you can find the printing of salons, the release of provincial salons and the analysis of their features, the study of literary and music salons, the study of the activities of individual salons - A.P. Elagin, E.P. Rostopchina, I.I. Shuvalova, etc. At the same time, there is no holistic concept of salon culture.

The monograph of the famous researcher of Russian culture N.I. Yakovkin "History of Russian Culture: XIX century" is devoted to the most prominent and fruitful period of the cultural life of Russia XIX century. The history of the noble life of the first half of the XIX century. Lights her other work "Russian nobility of the first half of the XIX century: life and traditions." In these works in connection with the disclosure of the nobility, the issues of the salon culture are illuminated.

In recent years, many works have emerged, entirely or partially dedicated to individual representatives of the Russian nobility intelligentsia, including those who directly organized salons. The authors of these works seek to reveal the specific features of this or that salon through the personal features of his host (hostess), showing the relationship of the individuality of the organizer of the salon and the latter activity.

In a separate group, it is possible to distinguish works on the activities of literary and music salons. Among them are works N.L. Brodsky, A.I. Brudny, O.V. Glagolova, V.V. Muravyova, B.M. Ehenbauma and others. The study of chamber amateur musication was paid to much attention in the works of E.Yu. Artemova, B.V. Asafieva, MA Gerasimova-Persian, B.V. Good-Hova, E.I. Mokryak, D.V. Sarabenova, L.P. Smirnova; EAT. Stuno, V.I. Shedgi and VS Turchica, etc.

To some extent, issues related to the activities of literary and music salons were considered in the works devoted to the work of cultural and educational institutions (A.I. Arnoldov, Yu.A. Streltsov, V.E. Triodina, etc.).

However, they explore only one of the activities of salon activities - literary and music salons, the authors do not analyze the very concept of salon culture.

The study of the salon culture raises a more general topic associated with the processes of cultural inheritance, which was studied in the works of I.G. Gerder, J. Ma-Rienena, Rickert, A. Toynby, J. Hasing, M. Sheer, O. Spengler, E. Fromma, K. Yaspers, V.F. Asmus, N.A. Berdyaeva, N.Ya. Danilevsky, A.I. Ilina, A.F. Loseva, P.A. Florensky and others. From modern authors, the works of L.M. Battle-

on, V.S. Bibler, M.N. Gromova, P.S. Gurevich, Yu.N. Davydova, I.K. Kuchmaeva, A.K. Konenkova, Yu.M. Lotman, E.S. MARKARYAN, MA Maslin, V.M. Mezhiev, V.I. Melnik, V.R. Rastorgueva, E.Yu. Solovyov, P.A. Sorokina, V.I. Shamcurin et al.

An analysis of the scientific development of the research topic showed that the salon culture was practically not studied as a holistic cultural phenomenon, there are no clear definitions; Most of the work is based on a generalization of empirical material without deep theoretical conclusions; For many authors, the topic of salon culture had a concomitant nature (for example, in connection with the history of the nobility or Russian culture in general); A number of work is given a one-sided assessment of the salon culture (in favor of ideological installations or existing stereotypes); There is no typology of salons, the dynamics of the development of salon culture is practically not analyzed.

The purpose of our study was the study by means of cultural analysis of essential traits, functions, the dynamics of the Russian salon culture during its highest heyday in the XIX century.

The Russian Nobility Salon was a complex form of the cultural and artistic life of the Kozhansk Russia of the first half of the XIX century, in which serious, deep interests with entertainment, personal with public, and mean different activities (literature, philosophy, music), but when This, each of the activities did not suppress the other. The identity of the cabin owner as the private owner of the city house or manor, where the interior functioned, imposed a kind of printing on his activities.

In the first half of the XIX century. Effective culture was only by expression

N.Ya. Eidelman, "a thin layer of educated, thinking" his part. All of these representatives of the noble avant-garde were creators of cultural values, all the best was associated with them, which was laid in Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Any cultural phenomenon, including salon Russian culture, should be critical and evaluated from the standpoint of modern cultural inheritance

. It is impossible not to see the following features. First, the heterogeneity of the nobility allows us to conclude that the salon culture was associated only with the enlightened nobility, the nobility in general cannot be overestimated, exaggerating his education, enlightenment.

The salon society itself did not always give and loyal, aesthetically verified estimates of a work, be it literature or music, painting, etc. Salon society - this is not a society of experts, professionals in the field of art, on the contrary, it, as in the West, was unprofessional.

Refinery, sophisticated coupling - also a characteristic feature of the salons. If the interior culture of the province is more common, then the similar culture of St. Petersburg is quite refiner in manners and etiquette.

The observed role-playing differentiation of guests in the salon could long be gripped a person as a "provincial", "jester", etc., i.e., he led to his humiliating evaluation, from which he could not get rid of all his life.

The poetics of secular behavior relied primarily on the ability to distinguish a number of basic models, a number of masks and roles, each of which had its own special value status ("Provincial", "Marginal", "Dandy", "Salon Lawcraft", "Jester" and etc.). So, over the "provincials" laughed, ridicuing, first of all, their manners, stiffness in behavior, at the same time there were sympathy - and even some genuine interest, the provincial naiveness attracted. A different position in a secular society is the position of "Marginala". His cutting, on the verge of the norm, he deliberately violates the adopted rules of etiquette. This person could differ not only by the manners adopted in the world, but also the desire to discuss those topics that do not give a "light" conversation, do not combine with the pleasant of communication, and therefore not accepted in the salons.

An example of the metropolitan philosophical salon can be considered the salon of Prince Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky1 (1804-1869) -

1 He was born in 1804 in Moscow, he was educated in a noble board at Moscow University, was one of the founders of Society

an official official, a well-known Belletrist, publicist, inventor mechanics, composer and a music and public figure, who studied church and folk Russian music, was fond of physics, mathematics, philosophy.

In 1826 V.F. Odoyevsky moved to St. Petersburg. MP Pogodin recalled: "Since Odoyevsky began to live in St. Petersburg, his farms opened in his evening, once a week, where his friends and acquaintances were going - writers, scientists, musicians, officials. It was the original gathering of the people of heterogeneous, often even dislike, but for some reason wonderful. All of them on neutral soil felt completely free and treated each other without any constraint. Merry Pushkin and Father Jacinf with Chinese, narrowed eyes, a thick traveler, a heavy German, Baron Schilling, who burned from Siberia, and a lively, Miloid GR. Rostopina, Glinka and prof. Chemistry Hesse, Lermontov and clumsy, but a lot of knowledgeable archaeologist Sakharov. Wings, Zhukovsky and Vyazemsky were regular visitors. Here came on the scene of Big Light and Gogol, met by Odoyevsky at first with friendly participation. The impartial personality of the owner acted on guests who became and kinda, and luxurious each

In the living room on the sofa, according to the memories of V. A. Sologub, "Pushkin listened to ... Zhukovsky; Countess Rostopina read Lermontov his last poem, Gogol overheard secular speeches; Glinka asked gr. Wielgorsky about the resolution of counterparticle problems; Dargomyzhsky plotted a new opera and dreamed of Libretti. Here they arrived all the beginners and launching in the field of science and art -

wise who united young Shellen-Gianse philosophers. In 1826, marrying him, he moved to Petersburg, where he entered the service of the Cancer Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the 1830s Odoyevsky acquires fame as a whiteboard and publicist. In 1849, he became Deputy Director of the Imperial Public Library, as well as the director of the Rumyantsev Museum. In 1861, the museum was translated into Moscow, and Oroevsky returned to the ancient capital in the early 1862, where he lived until the end of his days.

among their owner, the house was listened to the conversation, he encouraged his debutant, then a quiet kind of good voice did his comments, always fulfilled his knowledge and kindly. We knew these houses four: venison, Karamzin, Wielgorsky and Odoevsky. "

Vladimir Fedorovich left behind a large literary and musical heritage, which there was always interest to which.

Among the later, made on the slope of the many notes of Vladimir Fedorovich, there is one short record, very remarkable. He delivered a response to some ladies to the question that there is a democrat. "The worker aristocrat is already a democrat," she answered. This answer was recorded, it can be seen, it's not by chance - the words of the ladies were about him, the aristocrat-worker; So he built his life to the Smalod, so was suggested by the fate.

"By the origin of his prince, Odoyevsky stood at the head of all Russian nobility," wrote Vladimir Sologub. - He knew it; But in his soul it was not a place for kichliness - in his soul it was only a place for love. " After a few decades later, the American Eugene Skyler and the translator of Turgenev and Tolstoy, who felt in the "first aristocrat" of Russia and the "greatest democrat".

Therefore, probably, the feast of the working official, chosen by him not only "ideologous", but also necessary - as a means of existence, and the field of the writer perceived Odoyevsky with proud dignity - he still remained a descendant of historical kind, and he had no need, like Let's say Pushkin, with painful constancy

1 The important stage of his development was, in particular, in 1935, when a large sample was published in the Literary Legacy series, which reflected, mainly his views on the socio-political life of Russia. As for the musical side of the heritage of the prince, by the 1940s, the city of GB was written. Bernantte, but the work that received a negative evaluation of the reviewers was not published. In 1952 the dissertation on the topic "V. F. Odoyevsky - Music critic "defended B. B. Granovsky, but also this work, preserved in the manuscript, did not see the light. Finally, in 1956, Tom "Music and Literary Heritage" was published in 1956, which presents the musical critical articles of Odoyevsky, his chosen letters, fragments of some unfinished work.

prove the ancient nobility. Perhaps this special democratism and allocated it immediately from the Wednesday of Petersburg "literary aristocrats", where he was adopted as equal. He himself only risen on his feet, he could afford not only to openly stretch his hand to support to fellow in Peru, without ranks and differences, but also to do so with breadth and constancy. For some reason, on the Meeting of Shevyrev's remark, on the couch "all Russian literature was renovated."

So the famous "Saturdays" was so worked. They were not at all a stupid or even pretentious, as it seemed otherwise, the mixing of "languages": it was thoughtful, taken once and forever a life position, one of the attempts of her "perventing". Attentive visitors to his evenings were captured by this and, that is characteristic, the most sensitively, the next generation, "forty".

Saturdays of the Odoyevsky for many years have become notable at all of a non-one secular capital life. Salon's visitors were replaced, the owner himself was changed, but the weekly his meetings carried all the imprint of almost stubborn constancy, the faithfulness of the "original" idea. The prototype of the St. Petersburg evenings originated - or was created - already in the Moscow newspaper Lane: the high intellectual incidence of conversations that have fallen here, their many-dimensional and latoms of dominant interests, even the fancy, "decorative" prosecution of the "sanctuary" of the newly known Faust. All this migrated to the capital, adapted to the new life, came into final compliance with the life principles.

The phenomenon of the salon culture belongs to the number of those who were undeservedly crossed out of the culture of the Soviet period (again according to ideological reasons, since the salon culture was associated primarily with the culture of the nobility). However, it is time to approach the objectivity of objectivity to the disclosure of this phenomenon.

The salon culture is born in Europe, and its traditions arise in the soil of European culture. The heyday of the salon culture occurs in France, where, in fact, its essential signs are formed. Such signs can be attributed to: a special place of holding - the private house of the face of the highest circle (or face,

having created special respect), which created the setting of the camera, comfort and, at the same time, went beyond the partitions, adjusting to high intellectual communication. For creating such an atmosphere, literally everything was used: a special decor of the room, cozy furniture, art objects, etc.

It should be emphasized as a specific sign of this culture and a special role of the owner (hostess) of the salon. As a rule, these were highly intelligent, erudite people, with developed artistic taste, impeccable manners, hospitable hosts. It was they who determined the topic conversations, invited guests, the word, they did everything so that in the cabin it was interesting.

The composition of the guests is important: it was the chosen society, seeking spiritual communication, loving art, philosophy (the word "chosenness" here more emphasizes not social affiliation to the highest circle, but a special aesthetic predisposition to high art).

It is impossible not to note such a significant sign of the salon culture as "classes", i.e. what they did in the salons. Of course, this is, first of all, intellectual communication (discussion of art, philosophy, politicians). Since the audience was fairly prepared, so far and judgments expressed by guests and the owner were very competent, professional. Writers, artists, poets, musicians, composers sought to fulfill their works in the salons to get a competent assessment. And if the salon public was warmly welcomed by a performed work, then it was possible to go to a wide ruble in the future.

In addition, a lot of time was given to art (it was possible to listen to invited singers, musicians, writers, poets, etc., and to pour themselves, sing, participate in the performance, etc.). The person could realize himself in art, get support.

The pastime in the cabin is both entertainment, the ability to relax. It is impossible not to note the models of the game behavior that took place in the cabin (whether the use of pseudonyms taken

from Greek mythology, the requirement to speak exclusively verses, etc.).

Finally, another essential feature of the salon is the used rules of etiquette, communication (they could be more or less strict in different types of salons).

It should be emphasized that not all nobility, but only its most educated part, was involved in the salon culture. At the same time, the salon culture itself served as the processes of social and cultural identification of the noble estate. This feature is a characteristic feature of Russian salon culture. From here it is a special role in the transmission of certain samples of behavior, and the image of thought.

Russian aristocrat XIX century. - This is a completely special type of person. The whole style of his life, manner of behavior, even the external appearance carried the imprint of a certain cultural tradition, as a rule laid in salon culture. The so-called Bon Ton consisted in the organic unity of ethical and etiquette norms formed in the salons. However, it is precisely this element of the salon culture, in our opinion, requires a significant revision. Since the etiquette side of the salon culture does not largely meet the realities of today. Among the original features of the Russian salon culture and such a phenomenon, as the salon culture of the manor, which turned into a cultural center. She was distinguished from the salon culture of the highest nobility of St. Petersburg, and the Moscow salons. It should be noted the specifics of a number of topics that were discussed in Russian salons (for example, discussions about romanticism, which took place in the first third of the XIX century. Or the discussion between Wessengers and Slavophiles associated with the ways of development of Russia and its historical mission, etc.). The topic discussed can be defined as a plexus, the interaction of philosophy, literature, music as the basis of the salon communication, and a little later, politics will be added here.

Thus, Russian salons of the XVIII - in the first XIX century. Basically, it is possible to characterize as noble in our social composition. However, then they could be divided into aristocratic and more democratic. As a rule, a democratic salon was oriented to

zionalov - professional artist, musician or writer. Sometimes this separation looked conditional (for example, in the house of Prince V.F. Odoevsky had two salons - democratic and aristocratic).

1. Bartenev PI I.I. Shuvalov. M., 1855.

2. Bartenev PI A.P. Elagina // RA. 1877. T. 2.

3. Belozerskaya N.A. Princess Zinaida Aleksandrovna Volkonskaya // Yves. 1897. No. 3. P. 939-972.

4. Harris MA Zinaida Volkonskaya and her time. M., 1906.

5. Fatov N. Love and Death D.V. Venevitinova. Warsaw, 1914.

6. Gershenzon M.O. Historical notes: (about Russian society). M., 1910.

7. Gershenzon M.O. The history of young Russia. M.; GH, 1923.

8. Gershenzon M.O. Griboedovskaya Moscow. P.Ya. Chaadaev. Essays of the past. M., 1989.

9. Yakovkin N.I. History of Russian culture: XIX century. St. Petersburg., 2000.

10. Yakovkin N. I. Russian nobility of the first half of the XIX century: life and traditions. St. Petersburg., 2002.

11. Pogodin M.P. Memories of Prince V.F. Odoyevsky. "In memory of the book. V.F. Odoevsky. " M., 1869. P. 56.

12. Sologub V.A. Memories of Prince V.F. Odoyevsky. "In memory of the book. V.F. Odoevsky. " M., 1869. P. 90.

Received 12.10.2008

Paliy E.N. The Russian Nobility Salon Of Xix Century. The Russian Nobility Salon Repretesented A Complex Form Of

cultural And Artistic Life of The Xix Century Which Combined Serious and Deep Outlook on Life with Entertainment, Private Life and Publicity with Respect to Different Kinds of Activities (Literature, Philosophy, Music). None of these Activities Suppressed One Another. At the first Half of Xix Century A Small Group of Well-Educated and Thinking People Were Art and Part in Cultural Life of the Society. We Associate All These Representatives of Noble Avant-Garde with Creation of Cultural Values \u200b\u200bof Russia in XVIII-XIX Centuries. The Example of the Capital Philosophic Salons Was The Salon of Prince Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky.

Key Words: Salon, Russian Nobility Salon.

1. Bartenev P.I. I.I. Shuvalov. MOSCOW, 1855.

2. Bartenev P.I. AP. Elagina // RA. 1877. Vol. 2.

3. BELOZYORSKAYA N.4. Princess zinaida alexandrovna volkonskaya // IV. 1897. # 3. P. 939-972.

4. Harris M.A. Zinaida Volkonskaya and Her Time. MOSCOW, 1906.

5. Fatov N. Love and Death Of D.V. Venevitinov. Warsaw, 1914.

6. Gershenzon M.O. Historical Notes: (About Russian Society). MOSCOW, 1910.

7. Gershenzon M.O. History of Young Russia. MOSCOW; Prague, 1923.

8. Gershenzon M.O. Griboedov's Moscow. P.Ya. Chaa-Daev. Historical Sketches. MOSCOW, 1989.

9. Yakovkina N.I. History of Russia Culture: XIX Century. St Petersburg, 2000.

10. Yakovkina N.I. English Nobility of the First Half of Xix Century: Everyday Life and Traditions. St Petersburg, 2002.

11. Pogodin M.P. Memories of Prince V.F. Odoevsky. "In Commemorage of Prince v.f. Odoevsky. " MOSCOW, 1869. P. 56.

12. Sollogub V.A. Memories of Prince V.F. Odoevsky. "In Commemorage of Prince v.f. Odoevsky. " MOSCOW, 1869. P. 90.

In the famous historical center of Moscow, next to the Petrovsky Palace and the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Virgin in the estate<Черный лебедь>who belonged to the famous patron and traveler, the fan of the Eastern Luxury and Women's Beauty, Nikolay Ryabushinsky, opened the Infanta-Premium SPA salon, imbued with the energy of this magic era and comprehensively respect for beauty.
We can declare with full right: the entire luxury service we provide you as a gift. You pay only a service, and at a reasonable and reasonable price.

Come to our salon you are guaranteed:
Free guarded parking of your car with video surveillance
Free cozy coffee bar and gourmet oriental tea room in the spa area
Individual safe cells for storing valuables
The ability to change the business suit on special spa clothing, and not only in the spa area
Care Administrator-Hostess
Opportunity to order dishes from a restaurant

The well-thought-out layout of the working areas and recreation areas includes everything you need for the most recommended client.

The salon atmosphere is a unique combination of the pathos design of the ancient aristocratic estate and a homely cozy warm decor with a personified attitude towards each client.
We are located in the old historical center of Moscow near the Petrovsky Palace, the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in isolation from residential neighborhoods on the border of the Petrovsky Park.

Energy of this place has an interesting historical background: the Manor "Black Swan" is the second Moscow manor Nikolay Ryabushinsky, built for exquisite secular rounds and meetings with beautiful ladies. Some elements of the cabin decor are authentic, and some - exactly repeat the utensils of a luxury home.
Everything in this manor is imbued with the atmosphere of silicism and worship of female beauty.

We tried to collect all the most sought-after aesthetic services in one salon, all the best "hits" and the innovations of the beauty and cosmetology industry, the most experienced and competent specialists in such a way that you can combine rest, care for beauty and health, pleasant pastime and, even, Exotic excursion.
Each of the specialized divisions is developing as if it is unique.
In each of them we try to match the concept of LUX in everything related to the quality of the service. If you came to the medical center, then you can be sure that it will not give way to the best centers of medical cosmetology: neither on the range of services provided, neither on the use of the most innovative technologies, nor qualifications and professional status of doctors ...

Visiting our hairdresser's studio, you are guaranteed the latest fashion trends and the best hairdressers. The studio employs only the masters of the international class. It is very important that they are all actively involved in the fashionable life of the capital, there are a lot of abroad, often on the most fashionable "parties".

Our spa - zone is a separate state: there are all from the "classics" to "exotic". It's just necessary to feel and see! ..

In our studio, the pedicure manicure is sent even from medical centers to the international class master on the hardware and medical pedicure, the absolute champion of Russia Svetlana Evtushenko.

Among the clients of the Master of the International Class on Permanent Makeup Margarita Lenskaya - many stars of our show-Biz ...

Whatever the service you do not choose, we will be, what to surprise you and delight.
Our principle: We choose "the best of the proven and tested from the best" ...

We do not use questionable techniques and cheap analogues. At the same time, we are aware of all the innovations of the beauty industry appearing and the attention.

We do not save on simplifying technological processes; Do not regret the time and training of personnel training and advanced training; We do not consider to be surrounded to listen to the opinion of authoritative foreign colleagues.

All specialists taken to work in the Du are undergoing strict casting, one of whose criteria is the availability of international diplomas.
We are aimed at the result, so do not save on the components of the services.

We believe that resource-intensive performance is ultimately beneficial to us, as evidenced by the loyalty of our guests and a large number of regular customers.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bour program of discounts is to most encourage loyalty and client trust. Given that our base prices are more than reasonable and justified, the acquisition of any additional discount is more profitable.

In addition, we exist "supercombbles" at the time of launching a service or primary visit to the client. The task of similar discounts is to enable you to evaluate the quality of the service, its effectiveness and introduce our institution.

A computer accounting system for your visits guarantees complete reports on nested deposit.
To date, the noble manor "Infanta Premium SPA" is one of the few spas in Moscow with a medical license and providing advice from medical specialists in any spa industry. In our spa, graduate specialists in the field of medical massage and physiotherapists work as operators of the spa zone, masseuses and banknets; In the Cosmetology Center, the receptionist cosmetologists, dermatologists, neurologists conduct doctors; Works Cabinet of Medical Pedicure; In the hairdresseema, you can not only take advantage of the stylist services, but also get advice of the trichologist; Individual classes in the studio of yoga and osteopathy sessions hold a member of the Yoga Federation, an orthopedist doctor, a listener of the London School of Osteopaths.

facial care
- SPA cosmetology
- Massage
- Peeling
- Lifting
- Makeup
- Demaciazh
- Extension of eyelashes

body care
- Massage
- Wraps
- Hydrotherapy
- Thalassotherapy
- Termotherapy
- Ozone therapy
- Correction of Figure
- Mesotherapy

hand care
- Massage
- manicure
- Nail modeling
- Nail extension

feet care
- Massage
- Pedicure

- Photo

hairdressers services
- haircut, staining, timing
- Laying
- Treatment of hair and scalp
- hair extension

- horizontal

gift certificates
- cash

- Cafe
- a restaurant
- VIP-hall

ways of payment
- Cash
- credit card
- gift Certificate

Makeup is not only a face decoration, with the help of it you can disguise the shortcomings and emphasize the merits. Not every woman can boast that she has perfect skin and there are no flaws. Most have to use tone cream and powder every day to align the tone of the face. Pale lips and colorless eyelashes also do not adorn the girl, so you need to use lipstick and mascara, giving your appearance the missing brightness. ...

from 3,000 up to 4,500

Design, eyebrows

Eyebrows - an important part of the appearance of a woman behind which regular care is required. It is necessary to follow the form of eyebrows, pull out unnecessary hairs, use special means to fix that the eyebrows during the day did not lose their appearance.

It's no secret that, with proper design and eyebrows, the person acquires special expressiveness. It is necessary to start picking up the form that will emphasize the beauty of your eyes, choose a tone that would perfectly emphasize the shade of your skin and hair color.
Fashion on thin eyebrows already in the past, so you must focus on the form of eyebrows that will be perfectly approaching your face and eye cut. Do not be afraid to experiment with a dense eyebrows: so you can constantly change. It is also important and eyebrows color: it should not be too light, but not too saturated, and also approach your hair and eyelashes.

Staining eyebrows will achieve the desired result. The eyebrows are painted in the cabin with a paint with a stencil, thanks to which it enters only the right areas. After painting eyebrows in the cabin, the color will hold on to about a month, after which it will be necessary to make a re-correction.

If you want to forget about painting with eyebrows at all, you can use such a service as a tattoo. The tattoo is good because the created form of eyebrows is constant, it can be independently maintained at home. It saves time, as you do not have to paint the eyebrows every morning, and you can not worry in the pool or sauna that your eyebrows will lose the shape, because they will look beautifully at any time. You can choose the color of the eyebrows that will most naturally look at your face. Eyebrows need to be adjusted every 2-3 years. The tattoo procedure is a bit painful, after it, skin in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows is inflamed and must heal.

Vychping eyebrows at home, we tend to leave a gun that is minority, but spoils the general view of eyebrows. Cosmetologist with the help of available means and skills will save you from this gun.
In order for the eyebrows to the thicker grow, you need to apply a drop of castor or refill oil over the night. In addition to the fact that they will become volume, in the morning they will be easier for eyebrows.
Beautiful eyebrows will make your sight of attractive and mysterious, so it is worth paying attention to this important detail of your face.

from 350. up to 700.

Eyelantic extensions

An excellent way to make a look more expressive is to build eyelashes.

Girls are resorted to him, dissatisfied with a dense or length of their eyelashes. This procedure is relevant and before a special celebration when it is necessary to look perfect: for example, before the wedding and wedding travel, the birthday, participation in the beauty contest and so on. The best mascara is only in a state to emphasize the existing eyelashes, make them brighter and visually longer, and extension is capable of transforming your eyes as much as possible.
Let's describe the method of eyelash extension.

Before the processing on the eyelashes should not be carcasses. The base of each eyelashes is degreased by a special solution. Artificial (or natural) eyelashes are collected in a beam of 3-4 pieces and glued partially to the century, partly to the base of your own eyelashes. Extension is carried out from the outer edge of the eye to the internal. Glue for eyelash extension special, not causing allergies even in sensitive skin. A pleasant eye length, volume, fluffy eyelashes will delight you not for too long - just 10-20 days, after which the eyelashes will simply go away (your own eyelashes are growing, artificially moving after them and glue leaves). Correction takes less time than building, because it consists only in additional gluing new cilias for resuming volume.

The extension session lasts from 2 to 3 hours, during this time you must lie still until the master works with your eyelashes. After extension within 48 hours you can not wet my eyes.
The owners of light eyelashes are desirable to paint their eyelashes in a dark color before increasing. Collect extensive eyelashes is optional, because they do not need an additional volume and more rich color.
Many girls are experiencing that they will be uncomfortable in everyday life after eyelash extension. For example, it is impossible to rub your eyes, wash it with soap, you will also have to sleep carefully and in no case on the stomach, so that the eyelashes do not rush about the pillow. Caring for extensive eyelashes includes a periodic combing them with a special brush.

Having extensive eyelashes, you can not worry about what your eyes will not be noticeable enough. With the help of the eyelashes, you can conquer anyone, because your eyes will be simply charming. ...

from 5,000


Permanent makeup


Permanent makeup (tattoo) is a cosmetic tattoo. When applied to the upper subcutaneous layer, organic paint is introduced, which is preserved for 3-5 years. Paints used in tattoos are created on a mineral basis and do not cause allergic reactions.

The advantages of permanent makeup in front of the daily application of cosmetics are obvious. With the help of a tattoo, you can adjust the shape of lips and eyebrows, give them the clarity of the lines, correct the uneven or blurred contour. You can raise your eyebrows, make the lines of the lips evenly and brighter, adjust the existing flaws of the face, for example, asymmetry.

Before traveling to rest, many girls make permanent makeup to forget from home to forget what cosmetics are, and look every day, as in the picture of a fashion magazine. There is a significant time savings, because it does not need to spend every morning at the mirror half an hour - an hour to give up. It will not be afraid of the rain, a sauna and a pool, cosmetics will not wash off, and it will not be necessary to worry about what the makeup will have to correct during the day. You will also save on cosmetics, because your face paint will not spend money for additional funds.

The tattoo can be so imperceptible that no one guess that he was present on your face. You can make the lips tattoo, eyelids, eyebrows and even the Area Nipples. Some girls are resolved to make themselves an artificial mole, which will be cute to look on the face.
Another advantage of permanent makeup: it does not block pores unlike cosmetics, the skin of the face breathes and does not irritate.

Using the needle to the upper layers of the skin, a special dye is introduced on a predetermined line. The tattoo procedure lasts 1-2 hours and does not cause unpleasant sensations, as an anesthetic gel is applied to the processed areas or anesthesia is carried out.

After the procedure, the skin swells a little and blushes. For several days you have to suffer until red and swelling fall. But then you will enjoy the perfect clarity and even lines that will make your face more elegant.

If necessary, you can get rid of the tattoo. This is done with a laser that does not leave traces. If you have made a poor quality tattoo, for several sessions you will get rid of it, and your face will again be with natural colors. ...

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Permanent makeup of century

Tattoo century

Permanent makeup of century Allows you to adjust their shape and eye cut, create the effect of thick eyelashes. Permanent makeup allows you to also abandon decorative cosmetics or significantly reduce its volume and thereby slow down the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes caused by it.

from 5 500 up to 11,000

Permanent makeup eyebrows

Eyebrow tattoo

Beautiful eyebrows - the guarantee of the right makeup of the eyes. So that they emphasize the advantages of your face, you need to regularly follow: pull up the hairs, paint with a pencil or paint, spinning with a special brush and, if necessary, apply a fixing agent. Permanent eye makeup enjoys particularly popular among girls, because with the help of this tattoo, you can get rid of your eyebrows for a long time every morning. ...

from 8,000 up to 10,000

Correction for free (for 2 weeks)

Permanent makeup lip.

Tattoo lip.

Many girls do not like to use lip lipsticks for various reasons. For example, during the day you have to ensure that the lipstick does not fade and dissolve so that the hair does not stick to her lips when the weather is windy. There are also girls who have lipstick absorbing quickly, and they have often tinting lips, which is not always convenient. A permanent lip makeup can be released, thanks to which it does not have to use lipstick for a long time. Also, with the help of a tattoo, you can make lips perfect, because permanent lip makeup allows them to optically increase, emphasize the contour and fill with color.

Before making permanent lip makeup, you should consult with a beautician who will determine the best shape of the lip contour and their optimal color. You can see how your lips will look after the procedure, and pre-assess the result. The best color is best to do the most natural possible, because too bright shades will not allow you to highlight your eyes as brightly.

The tattoo procedure is reminiscent of the tattoo application. The lips are processed by antiseptic lotion, and the wizard with a special typewriter draws the contour and in the right places adds brightness and colors. During the day to permanent makeup of the lips, it is impossible to eat products such as cola, aspirin and seafood.
If it is assumed that the contour of the lips should be clear and thin, use the finest needle, a more vague line is applied with a "triple" needle. First, they make the so-called markup contour, with which the lips shape fixes, and then apply the secondary, final one. With the full permanent makeup of the lips, not only their contour, but also the surface (the latter is called decisive).

After the procedure, the lips will be slightly swollen and reddened for several days. They need care in the form of applying several times a day of the moisturizing cream. After the crust is heated, the lips will become the color and state that was planned to be obtained as a result of permanent makeup. For a month, color correction is usually done, which fixes the result and is the final stroke of the lips permanent makeup.
Lip tattoo gives a long-term effect: a persistent color and clear contour your lips will save for about three years. Further you have to decide: to make a lip correction or return to the use of pencil and lipstick. ...

from 10,000 up to 11,000

Correction for free (for 2 weeks)

Hairdressers services

Hairdressers are services for the population for hair care (haircut, curling, creating hairstyles, coloring, felting, straightening, curling, hair extension, etc.).

In the hairdresser, you can get a full range of services: from hanging hair tips before creating a completely new image. The wizard will help you decide on the length and color of the hair. Sometimes the girl simply can not objectively appreciate his appearance and understand what kind of haircut it will go. The cabin will easily cope with this task and will pick up the optimal hairstyle and hair colors. After the haircut, your hair will be preserved for a long time, and professional painting will make the color of your hair as natural as possible.

Currently, beauty salons can implement almost any fantasy. You can come already with a ready-made haircut or painting idea or choose your favorite hairstyle from the catalog. The master exactly will repeat what is shown in the picture, if it is impossible to do this with your hair - he will tell you about it and you will pick up another option hairstyle. Make a festive or evening hairstyle is also possible in any salon.
If you have a short haircut and you dream of long hair, you will be offered hair extension or temporary elongation due to strands. Temporary elongation is suitable for those cases when it is necessary to look impeccable for one day (for example, on the day of the wedding, on a birthday, etc.). Hair extensions will make your curls long for a longer period. If you do not get to grow your natural hair, build up can become exit from this situation.

If you want to drastically change the color, especially go from the dark to the bright, such a procedure will come to the rescipation (wash). This will allow you not to wait a few months while the hair will grow, and do not spoil them with clarification, but quickly change the color or return to a natural shade. Despite the fact that this procedure seems harmful to hair, after it your hair will be in the same condition, in which it was before washing.
After visiting the salon, the woman is transformed, because its exterior beauty affects the inner state. Our hair gives us infinite space for experiments. By changing the hairstyle or hair color, you can improve your mood and become another. ...

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Lamination of hair

Hair care procedures providing their coating with a resistant air-permeable protective film containing feed and moisturizing substances are called lamination. As a means for lamination, a colorless dye for hair based on natural components, not containing ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Hair lamination can be done both at home and in the cabin. This is a medical procedure that feeds the hair and restores their structure. ...

from 1 500 up to 12,000

Biolamination, phytolamination - 20% for the first visit


Visiting the beauty salon for any woman is necessary. Our hair requires at least minimal care, so from time to time you need to update the haircut or enthusiastic hair. You can only cut through the bang only, and then you risks do it unevenly. The wizard in the cabin will make you a flat and beautiful haircut, having been having flown the head, and at the end, at the request, it will make the laying or just dries the hair with a hair dryer. Your hair will be put in order, in what condition they would be, will make the volume, the sequencing tips will make, give hair a beautiful view. ...

from 1,700 up to 3 500

50% on the first visit

Hair coloring

Any woman wants to change from time to time. The simplest thing you can do with your appearance is to change the hair color. Especially relevant for girls who want to change something dramatically. Regular painting is necessary for those who are accustomed to a certain color of hair and must support it constantly.

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Hair tinting is a color staining in one color with the help of light shade. In terms of its hair, the withdrawal means are more sparing compared to traditional paint, as they contain less ammonia.

If the oxidant is 6% suitable for conventional paint, then the oxidant from 2% to 4% is used for toning. It will suit girls who have thin and weak hair. For such hair, the paint may be too harmful, and the tonic will not only change their color, but also help to avoid the negative impact of ammonia.
Tinting funds do not affect the inner structure of the hair, because the dye envelops the hair outside. Toning does not clarify the hair, so it will not be possible to change the color to change the color. But with toning, you can saturate your natural hair color or change it for several tones.

The difference from ordinary paint, the tinting dye is not applied on dry, but on wet clean hair. Then it is distributed over the entire length of the hair using the ridge and leave for a while. After staining, the head was washed with warm water. With each wash, the water will not remain completely transparent, because the dye will gradually wash off hair. You can also tonize individual strands so that the color of the hair is not a monophonic, but transfusing.

After dyeing hair toning paint, you must use hair balm. It must be applied after each head washing: so new color will stay longer.
When washing the head, toning dyes are gradually flushed and leave a sharp contrast border between painted and angry hair.

For example, if you have blonde hair and you want to experiment a little, you can paint them with the help of squeak paint. Thus, you will soon return to your color and at the same time for some time allow yourself to be updated, with a new shade of hair.

Toning the hair will suit girls who decided to return their natural shade to his hair. While the painted hair is growing, the transition from the natural color of the roots to the painted tips is ugly. With the help of the scene, you can align the color and paint your hair with a tonic until they grow. Also toning copes with the painting of gray hair.
Hair tinting is a safe way to change the color without exposing the hair to the harmful effects of paint. ...

from 3 500 up to 8,500

20% for the first visit


Hair decapping is a hairdresser (broken), the result of which is the removal from the hair of an undesirable shade, color spots. As a rule, it is used when moving from dark shades to lighter.

Practically in any salon there is such a service as a hair decapping. If you want to change your hair color or return to natural, this service is just for you.

There are two types of decaption - Surface and deep. With surface decapiring, the Master processes your hair with a special decapping composition that does not contain oxidants. If the surface decapping did not give any result, they carry out a deep wash. In this case, special compositions containing oxidizing agents are applied to the hair. First of all, there are decaption of problem areas, then the composition is distributed over the entire length of the hair. The decapping composition is applied on dry hair and leave for 20 minutes.
Do not worry about how your hair looks after the procedure. Modern formulations allow you to produce hair decapping in the most gentle mode. If, when bleaching on hair, hydroperite acts, which brightens them, damaging the structure, then the washout due to its composition displaces foreign color from the hair, without destroying it.

For example, if you have been painted your hair in a dark color for a long time, but you want to quickly return to a natural, brighter, hair shade, you can simply repaint them in another color, as it will not "take". Therefore, first need to make the hair decapping, which will save your hair from the black pigment. After a while you can paint your hair into the desired color.

After washing, it is not recommended to dively dye your hair: even light shades can return the hair back to the dark color. It is necessary to withstand 3-5 days and only then apply tinting or coloring substances.
If earlier it was impossible to quickly return to light shades, now it is possible to purchase a natural color of hair again with the help of decaption after their long-lasting staining. Unsuccessful staining is also corrected using this procedure. After decapping from the hair, the coloring pigment is removed and you can paint your hair in the color you want. ...

from 5,000 up to 12,000

20% for the first visit


Hair staining in one tone is the application of the coloring agent on the hair in order to get a homogeneous color. Color hair for various purposes: hide gray, radically change your natural color or give hair a new shade.

Hair paint strengthens thin hair, so they look more volume. One tone hair is painting the girls who like natural colors. The easiest paint falls on natural hair, if the hair has already been painted, the color may not be as indicated on the package.
If you paint your hair into a dark color, you cannot easily return to lighter shades. You will need to either lighten your hair, or make a special decapitation procedure (washing), or re-grow your hair and aggravate the painted strands. But having blonde hair, you can easily paint them into any dark or red tone.
The hair coloring procedure is the following: on dry hair they apply a painting composition, looking at every strand. It is necessary to paint your hair in gloves so that the paint does not hit the hands. In order to protect the skin from getting paints, ears, forehead and whiskey can be smeared with fatty cream. After applying paints, hair can be plated with polyethylene and wrapped in a warm towel so that the paint is better to take. The dye exposure time must be at least 20 minutes, the recommended time is 30-40 minutes. If you have previously painted your hair in this color and you only need to paint the roots, then part of the paint is applied first for 20 minutes. Then 10 minutes before washing, the rest of the paint needs to be distributed through the hair to update the color.
After the end of the Painting procedure, the hair needs to rinse well with shampoo until the water becomes transparent. Warm water washes, it should be slightly above the body temperature. Then you need to strengthen the hair with a hair balsam. If the paint still got on the skin, it can be tonic or alcohol. Finally, the color is fixed within 6 hours after painting.
Hair after staining, as a rule, acquire a beautiful shine and elasticity. With painted hair, you need to handle carefully, do not forget to use the balsam, regularly cut the tips and from time to time to make nutritious and strengthening hair masks. Then your painted hair will be healthy and less brisk. ...

from 3 500 up to 8,500

20% for the first visit


Melting - Method of lightening or staining with individual strands.

Staining not all hair is exposed, but only a part. Hair is selected by thin or medium strands and when applied composition is isolated by foil or thermal paper for staining (each strand separately). The procedure for the samplers of strands is diverse and depends on the fancy of the wizard or from the required effect. For meling Blonde preparations are used. One of the technologies melting Provides use when applying a rubber hat with holes. To speed up the climate process, the climam is planted, which allows to reduce the exposure time twice. ...

from 5,000 up to 15,000

20% for the first visit


The method of hair coloring by separate strands with the use of two and more dyes is called coloring. Any haircut is transformed after such staining, because the strands of the hair are shimmer from different colors. For coloring, you need to use only high-quality paint, which does not harm hair. ...

from 3 500 up to 15,000

50% on the first visit


The owners of straight hair often dream that instead of direct strands, they have beautiful curls. This can be achieved by hair curlers and curls, but the effect will hold on to the first head wash. For a long time to give curly hair can chemical curling hair.

The newest types of cosmetic preparations and technologies of a chemical curling will not only turn hair into a copy of the Cocks, but in some cases they can even improve their condition, for example, to reduce fat. The chemical hair curling is slightly dry by the scalp, so girls who have hair quickly become fat, it can help get rid of this problem.

If you have thin hair, devoid of volume, you can make a roasting chemical curuy of hair, thanks to which the hairstyle becomes a bulk, but the hair will look natural.
It is not recommended to make a chemical twist with highly discolored hair: they are even stronger and breaking and breaking.

Types of chemical curling: ...

from 3,000 up to 12,000

Biosavka Mossa -50% for the first visit

Hair Styling

Evening hairstyles

In everyday life, our hair looks festively not every day. But on the eve of any celebration, we want our hairstyle to fit the holiday, so beautifully laid your hair at home or in the cabin. You can rarely meet a girl who has smoothly lying without laying, it is usually necessary to give them a form with a hair dryer and styling.

Beautiful stying is needed if you are planning to visit any celebration, because it guarantees you a festive mood. You need to understand what hairstyle will better fit your image. For example, if you want a classic hairstyle, you can lift your hair and leave open neck. It doesn't matter, you have long hair or short - any length of the hair can be beautifully laying so as to emphasize your beauty. Even rare and thin hair after laying acquire volume and shine and look especially good.

Beauty salon hairdresser will make you an excellent hair styling, guided by the latest fashion trends and your wishes. Many funds used for laying are not only well fixed hairstyle, but also have therapeutic effects on the hair.

Before laying, it is necessary to wash your hair well, in some cases during washing used hair foam, especially if a high hairstyle is planned. The styling uses the means that give hair the volume, and also fix the shape of the hair. These are all sorts of mousses, gels and hair varnishes. Professional styling agents are more effective, so they are better to buy in specialized stores.

Hot stying for hair is done with hot tongs for hair straightening or a wig for curling. To protect the hair from the negative impact of hot furnaces for styling, a special protective agent is applied to the hair before using forceps or flocks.

You can also put your hair beautifully, after screwing them. You will have beautiful, bulk curls fixed with varnish. Curry will hold on to the first head wash.
Hair after laying will keep the form at least until the end of the celebration. Styling allows you to save your hair with beautiful and voluminous long time. Hairstyle takes some time to lock up, so do not go to the street about half an hour after the laying - so the form will hold longer. ...

from 3,000 up to 7,000

Hair straightening

The invention of hair straightening technologies allows the owners of natural curls to gain a smooth hairstyle. The effect of fully straightening curls in the hairdresser was achieved quite recently. Usually, hair straightening was that the hair was simply pulled out with a hairdryer during drying or used a special iron straightening. ...

from 7,000 up to 15,000

Biospace - 20% for the first visit

Hair treatment

Hair treatment depends on specific problems that can be very diverse: from seborrhea to reinforced loss. In many simple cases, it is possible to solve the hair problem for one or more sessions at the hairdresser, which will offer such procedures as the massage of the scalp or application for weakened hair of a special medicinal balsam, serum, masks, ampully. ...

from 2 500 up to 7,000

20% for the first visit

Hand care

Nothing gives the age of a woman as her hands, which is why care for them is simply necessary. Like the remaining treatments for themselves, hand care should be done regularly, also some things are better to do in the cabin, because at home will not be able to relax and do not be distracted by home things. Some women are hard to follow the condition of the skin and nails on their own, because they do not have enough time for this. ...

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Shellac (gelcoat)

Shellac, O.P.I, Gel Color

G Ipoallergenic coating marked with a "3 free" icon, which does not contain toluene, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), formaldehyde and its resin is called shellac. This coating is not cleaned and keeps on the nails over two weeks. This is a special gel lacquer that performs two functions at once: protects the nails from damage and serves as nail polish. Thanks to "Shellac" your nails will be in perfect condition longer than you are used to, so you will save your time. For thin and brittle nails "Shellac" is suitable as it is impossible. ...

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Feet care

Not only our hands need regular care. My feet also need to be given time so that they look flawlessly. Care for legs will allow to get rid of flapheus leather anticipants and feet, peeling legs, corns.

There is a big load on the legs, especially if we often wear shoes on heels. The skin is cut on the legs, if it does not care for it. Nails on the legs though grow slower than on their hands, need regular pedicure.

If you have never done a pedicure in the cabin, we advise you to try this procedure at least once to look at the whole process of care and then you can immediately repeat it at home. If you care for your legs regularly, you will need quite a bit of time to keep their beauty. Approximately once every two weeks you will need to use a special file for stop, a day to apply the cream on the night, also you can make a foot bath.

The Pedicure Master will give nails a beautiful shape, due to which the fingers will seem thinner and slimmer, will save you from calluses, hopes and just remove fatigue. You will feel truly comfortable, because with your legs will be a royal one. You will be prompted, in what order should be cleaned with a skin from a holopash, which leg cream is better to use.

Modern fees for leg care make it possible to maintain legs in a well-kept condition. If earlier it was customary to make the procedures for building and strengthening the nails for hands only, now they can be made for legs. Often nails are damaged or not at all - for such cases, nail extensions are ideal. If you do not want to constantly pay attention to your leg care, you can make gel coating of nails. The gel is kept, as a rule, from two to three weeks, does not excine as varnish, and gives the beautiful shape of the nail plate. This is especially true if you are going on vacation, where you will not have time and conditions to care for the nails, but at the same time they will look like you just left the cabin.

Female legs have always attracted the attention of men, so women like to choose new shoes and paint nails on the legs with bright varnish. The beauty of your feet depends on how you care for them. From time to time you need to put the feet in order, because it is so important that they were clean, neat and pleased the eye with their essentials.

Pedicure is relevant as in the summer, when our legs are open to everyone's review, and in winter, when we wear heavy and coarse shoes. In the summer I so want the nails on the legs perfectly, because we are often on the beach. In winter, it is also not necessary to launch foot care. If you do it regularly, you do not have to put your legs for a long time before the start of the open shoes.
You can make a pedicure at home, but in the cabin you will enjoy how carefully will handle your legs. You really relax, the master will try to make you a pedicure carefully so that you do not feel discomfort. Do not worry that you will be hurt or seed. The procedure does not cause you any unpleasant sensations, on the contrary, you will relax and enjoy.

There are several types of pedicure. In addition to the usual two methods (edged and unedged), the pedicure can be done using a special apparatus with nozzles.

The edged pedicure is to remove the cuticle with scissors, and organized skin - a special razor. If you have very rough skin, this pedicure will fine in order to make your feet soft and remove the coarse skin. If you are unhappy with the shape of your nails, it is easily fixed in our salon.
Under the unedged pedicure, the cuticle is not cut off, but soften with a special cream, and then excess skin move to the edge of the nail bed. This procedure is completely non-immiscible, but not suitable for owners of very rough skin.

The hardware pedicure is made using a special installation. The beautician handles the surface of the stop, removes the natopath, polishes the nails, gives them a form. This is the most pleasant way of pedicure, it will suit girls who are afraid of sharp scissors and razors.
Beautiful nail polish will make your fingers on the legs with bright and neat, you will be satisfied with their appearance, and you will not be ashamed to show your legs in all its glory. ... Methods are the same as for the extension of the nails on the hands: tissue, gel and acrylic technologies.
Fabric extension is rarely used, but some girls choose this particular way to make your nails more beautiful. Pieces of fabric in this build-up play the role of TIP. They are attached to acrylic, forming the surface of the nail. The fabric is used any, even lace and velvet.

Gel buildup is made using such material as a gel. The surface of the nail is a little spill, and the gel layer is applied on top. This material is frozen in a few minutes under the light of the ultraviolet lamp. Figure is applied over the gel, you can also make aquarium design. With aquarium design, the gel layer is applied on top of the pattern, so the drawing remains as if inside the nail.

Compared to gel acryl less durable, but with the help of it you can make an excellent modeling. For nails on the legs, this is not only comfortable, but also a beautiful design. The modeling holds very long until the next correction is coming. In the summer, the modeling is very relevant, because such beauty on the nails must necessarily be in mind, and not in closed shoes.

For a casual pedicure, you can choose Traditional Franch, which has not been out of fashion for several years and is one of the most popular nail designs both in your hands and on your feet.
You can also cover the surface of the nails on the legs with a special tool - "Shilak". This will save your nails in perfect condition for a long time. "Shilak" is a special gel varnish, which serves simultaneously and protective coating, and design. Imagine that you put your nails with varnish, which will hold at least 3 weeks and will hide all the irregularities of the nails. From such a procedure it is difficult to refuse, because the ideal nails on the legs want to have everything. In any open shoe your nails will look flawless. ...

from 500. up to 2,000

depending on the complexity of the design

Infanta-Premium SPA The club "Noble Manor" received its name from the estate of the famous patron N. Ryabushinsky.

Finding B. Infanta-Premium SPA Let me feel luxury, greatness and splendor inherent in the estate of the 18th century. If you want to deliver pleasure and comfort, Infanta-Premium SPA Provide you this opportunity. The club is equipped with the most advanced equipment. The team of specialists, high level, allowed to get the club's title "Best Beauty - SPA".

A wide range of services and procedures are presented in the spa salon, the Turkish bath, Hamam will make feel the exotic and luxury of the East, and those who prefer the traditional bath, will like the Russian bath.

SPA SPA specialists will help you in caring for nails on your arms and legs, make a manicure and help with problem nails (ingrown nail). Nail care procedures are carried out using modern cosmetics, which, in combination with the experience of our masters, will make your nails with beautiful and healthy.

You can choose a spa - body and face skin care treatments. Cleaning the skin of the face will allow maintaining and maintaining it fresh and healthy for a long time. The SPA program for correction of the figure may consist of different sets of procedures. The set of procedures can consist of many firmware: hamam, thalalasawing, wrapping, chromassage, massage, mesotherapy, etc. Combinations of procedures will help your skin, hair and nails to acquire strength and health.

If you do not know what to give a close or beloved person, the best gift will be a gift certificate. This is a certificate for any services of our spa salon. You buy a gift certificate and give it. Anyone who will come with this certificate will be able to choose to their taste a set of procedures and services at a convenient time for him worth the prepaid for you