The strangeness of love in the pure Monday story. The theme of homeland and love in Bunin's story pure monday

The strangeness of love in the pure Monday story. The theme of homeland and love in Bunin's story pure monday

Story " Clean monday", Written in 1944, is one of the author's favorite stories. I.A. Bunin recounts the events of the distant past on behalf of the narrator - a young wealthy man without special occupations... The hero is in love, and the heroine, as he sees her, makes a strange impression on the reader. She is good-looking, loves luxury, comfort, expensive restaurants, and at the same time walks around as a "modest student" and has breakfast in a vegetarian canteen on the Arbat. She has a very critical attitude towards many fashionable works of literature, famous people... And she clearly is not in love with the hero as much as he would like. To his proposal for marriage, she replies that she is not suitable for a wife. "Strange Love!" - the hero thinks about it. The inner world of the heroine is revealed completely unexpectedly for him: it turns out that she often visits churches, is deeply carried away by religion, church rituals. For her, this is not just religiosity - it is the need of her soul, her sense of homeland, antiquity, internally necessary for the heroine. The hero believes that these are just "Moscow quirks", he cannot understand her and is deeply shocked by her choice when, after their only night of love, she decides to leave and then go to a monastery. For him, the collapse of love is a catastrophe of his whole life, an unthinkable suffering. For her, the power of faith, the preservation of her inner world turned out to be higher than love, she decides to devote herself to God, renouncing everything worldly. The author does not disclose the reasons for it. moral choice, what influenced her decision - social circumstances or moral and religious searches, but he clearly shows that the life of the soul is not subject to reason. This is especially emphasized in the episode of the last meeting of the heroes in the Martha-Mariinsky monastery. The heroes not only see how much they feel each other, they do not control their feelings: the hero "for some reason" wanted to enter the temple, the heroine internally feels her presence. This mystery, mystery human sensations one of the inherent properties of love in the image of Bunin, a tragic and imperious force that can turn a person's entire life.

    • The story "Clean Monday" is part of Bunin's cycle of stories " Dark alleys". This cycle was the last in the life of the author and took eight years of creativity. The cycle was created during the Second World War. The world was crumbling, and the great Russian writer Bunin wrote about love, about the eternal, about the only power capable of preserving life in its high purpose. The cross-cutting theme of the cycle is love in all its many-sidedness, the fusion of two unique souls, unique worlds, shower of lovers. Story "Clean Monday" [...]
    • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a famous Russian writer and poet of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. A special place in his work is occupied by the description native nature, the beauty of the Russian land, its flashiness, brightness, on the one hand, and modesty, sadness, on the other. Bunin conveyed this beautiful storm of emotions in his story “ Antonov apples”. This work is one of the most lyrical and poetic works of Bunin, which has an indefinite genre. If we evaluate the work in terms of volume, then this is a story, but with [...]
    • The story, composed by I. Bunin in April 1924, is straightforward. But it does not belong to those that we all know by heart and are used to discussing them, polemicizing and expressing our own (sometimes read from textbooks) opinion. Therefore, it is worth giving a 2-line retelling. So, winter, night, detached, far from the village, a farm. It's been looking at it for almost a week now, everything is covered with snow, you can't send for a doctor. In the house there is a lady with a young son, and several servants. There are no men (for some reason, the reasons are not clear from the text). I'm talking about […]
    • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - greatest writer turn of XIX-XX centuries He entered literature as a poet, created wonderful works of poetry. 1895 ... The first story "To the End of the World" is published. Encouraged by the praise of critics, Bunin begins to study literary creativity... Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a laureate of various prizes, including a laureate Nobel Prize on literature 1933 In 1944 the writer creates one of the most wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and highest, [...]
    • The story "Mister from San Francisco" is the result of the writer's reflections on the questions of the meaning of human existence, the existence of civilization, the fate of Russia during the First World War. The story appeared in print in 1915, when a worldwide catastrophe was already taking place. Bunin describes the plot and poetics of the story last month the life of a wealthy American businessman who arranged for his family a long and full of "pleasures" trip to Europe. Europe was to be followed by the Middle East and [...]
    • V. Bunin's writing personality is marked to a great extent by such a worldview, in which the acute, hourly "feeling of death", the constant memory of it, is combined with the strongest thirst for life. The writer might not admit what he said In his autobiographical note: "The book of my life" (1921), because his work itself speaks about it: "The constant consciousness or feeling of this horror / death / haunts me a little not from infancy, I have lived under this fatal sign for the whole century. I know very well that [...]
    • Many stories by I.A. Bunin. In his portrayal, love is a formidable force that can turn a person's whole life and bring him great happiness or great grief. Such a love story is shown to them in the story "Caucasus". The hero and the heroine secret romance... They must hide from everyone, because the heroine is married. She is afraid of her husband, who, as it seems to her, suspects something. But, despite this, the heroes are happy together and dream of a daring escape together to the sea, to the Caucasian coast. AND […]
    • “All love is a great happiness, even if it is not shared” - in this phrase the pathos of Bunin's image of love. In almost all works on this topic, the outcome is tragic. Precisely because love was “stolen”, it was not complete and led to tragedy. Bunin reflects on the fact that the happiness of one can lead to the tragedy of another. Bunin's approach to describing this feeling is somewhat different: the love in his stories is more frank, naked, and sometimes even rude, filled with unquenched passion. Problem […]
    • After the 1905 revolution, Bunin was one of the first to feel the changes in the life of Russia, namely the mood of the post-revolutionary village, and reflected them in his stories and stories, especially in the story "Village", which was published in 1910. On the pages of the story "Village" the author paints a horrifying picture of the poverty of the Russian people. Bunin wrote that this story laid “the beginning of a whole series of works that sharply depicted the Russian soul, its peculiar interweaving, its light and dark, but almost always [...]
    • Bunin's cycle of stories "Dark Alleys" includes 38 stories. They differ in genre, in the creation of the characters of the heroes, reflect different layers of time. This cycle, the last in his life, the author wrote for eight years, during the First World War. Bunin wrote about eternal love and the power of feelings at a time when the world was crumbling from the bloodiest war in history known to him. Bunin considered the book "Dark Alleys" "the most perfect in skill" and ranked it among his highest achievements. This is a memory book. In stories [...]
    • The theme of the village and the life of the nobles in their ancestral estates was one of the main themes in the work of Bunin the prose writer. As a creator prose works Bunin declared himself in 1886. At the age of 16, he wrote lyric-romantic stories, in which, in addition to describing youthful impulses of the soul, social problems were already outlined. The story "Antonov apples" and the story "Sukhodol" are devoted to the process of the disintegration of noble nests in Bunin's work. Bunin knew well the life of the Russian countryside. He spent his childhood and youth on the farm [...]
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    • Throughout its creative activity Bunin created poetic works. Bunin's peculiar lyric poetry, unique in its artistic style, cannot be confused with the poems of other authors. In an individual artistic style the writer reflects his worldview. Bunin in his poems responded to difficult questions being. His lyrics are multifaceted and deep in philosophical issues of comprehending the meaning of life. The poet expressed moods of confusion, disappointment and at the same time knew how to fill his [...]
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  • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He entered literature as a poet, created wonderful works of poetry. 1895 ... The first story "To the End of the World" is published. Encouraged by the praise of critics, Bunin begins to engage in literary work. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a laureate of various prizes, including the Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature in 1933.

    In 1944, the writer creates one of the most wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and lofty thing on Earth - the story "Clean Monday." About this story Bunin said: "I thank God that He gave me to write, Clean Monday."

    In the story "Clean Monday", the psycho-logicism of Bunin's prose and the peculiarities of "external depiction" were especially clearly manifested.

    “The gray Moscow winter day was darkening, the gas in the foreheads was coldly lighting up, the shop windows were warmly lit up - and the evening Moscow life, free from day-to-day affairs, flared up; in the twilight it was already clear how green stars were hissing from the wires - the dull black passers-by hurried along the snowy sidewalks more briskly… ”- these are the words the author begins his narration with, transferring the reader to the old Moscow of the early 20th century. The writer with the greatest detail, without losing sight of the slightest detail, reproduces all the signs of this era. And already from the very first lines, the story is given a special sound by the constant mention of the details of deep antiquity: about the ancient Moscow temples, monasteries, icons (the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Iverskaya Church, the Martha-Mariinsky monastery, the icon of the Bogoroditsa Three-handed woman), about the names outstanding personalities... But next to this antiquity, eternity, we notice signs of a later life: the restaurants "Prague", "Hermitage", "Metropol", "Yar", well-known and accessible to the wealthiest strata of citizens; books by contemporary authors; "Motl" by Ertel and Chekhov ... Judging by the way the action unfolds in the story, we can judge that the past for the heroes is extremely clear, the present is vague, while the future is absolutely unclear.

    There are two characters in the story: he and she, a man and a woman. The man, in the words of the writer, is healthy, rich, young and handsome for some reason southern, hot beauty, was even "indecently handsome." But the most important thing is that the hero is in love, so in love that he is ready to fulfill any whims of the heroine, just not to lose her. But, unfortunately, he cannot and does not try to understand what is happening in the soul of his beloved: he “tried not to think, not to think out”. The woman is portrayed as mysterious, enigmatic. She is mysterious, how mysterious is the general soul of a Russian woman with her spirituality, devotion, dedication, self-denial ... The hero himself admits: "She was mysterious, strange to me." Her whole life is woven of inexplicable contradictions, throwings. “It seemed as if she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners at the city-house,” the narrator narrates, but immediately adds: “Although, after all, you were she has favorite and unloved, all the books ... she always read, ate a whole box of chocolate in a day, ate no less than me at lunches and dinners ... ”When leaving somewhere, she often did not know where to go later, what she would do in a word, he does not know with whom, how and where he will spend time.

    The writer tells us quite fully about her origin, about her current occupations. But in describing the life of the heroine, Bunin very often uses indefinite dialects (for some reason, there was a portrait of a barefoot Tolstoy hanging over her sofa).

    All actions of a woman are spontaneous, irrational and at the same time seem to be planned. On the night of Clean Monday, she surrenders to the hero, knowing that in the morning she will go to the monastery, but whether this departure is final is also unclear. Throughout the story, the author shows that the heroine does not feel comfortable anywhere, she does not believe in the existence of simple earthly happiness. “Our happiness, my friend, is like water in delirium: if you pull it out, it’s pouting, but you pull it out — there’s nothing,” she quotes Platon Karataev.

    The emotional impulses of the heroes of "Clean Monday" often defy logical explanation. One gets the impression that both the man and the woman are not in control of themselves, unable to control their feelings. Material from the site

    In the center of the narrative are the events of Forgiveness Sunday and Pure Monday. Forgiveness Sunday is a religious holiday revered by all believers. They ask each other for forgiveness and forgive their loved ones. For the heroine, this is a very special day, not only the day of forgiveness, but also the day of farewell to worldly life. Pure Monday is the first day of fasting, on which a person is cleansed of all filth, when the joy of Shrovetide is replaced by self-contemplation. This day becomes a turning point in the life of the hero. Having gone through the suffering associated with the loss of his beloved, the hero experiences the influence of the surrounding forces and realizes everything that he did not notice before, being blinded by his love for the heroine. Two years later, the man, recalling the events of bygone days, will repeat the route of their long joint trip, and for some reason he will really want to go to the church of the Martha and Mary Convent. What unknown forces draw him towards his beloved? Does he strive for the spiritual world into which she leaves? We do not know this, the author does not open the veil of secrecy for us. He only shows us the humility in the soul of the hero, their last meeting ends with his humble departure, and not the awakening of previous passions in him.

    The future of the heroes is unclear. In addition to everything, the writer nowhere even directly indicates that the nun met by a man is his former lover. Only one detail - dark eyes - resemble the appearance of the heroine. It is noteworthy that the heroine leaves for the Martha-Mariinsky monastery. This inhabitant is not a monastery, but the Church of the Intercession of Our Lady on Ordynka, at which there was a community of secular ladies who took care of the orphans who lived at the church and the wounded in the first world war... And this service in the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, perhaps, is a spiritual insight for the heroine of "Clean Monday", because it was the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God who warned the world against war, death, blood, orphanhood ...

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    On this page material on topics:

    • love is a mysterious word according to the stories of Bunin
    • why did the heroine of Clean Monday go to the monastery
    • details net monday
    • meaning of the title of the story clean monday essay
    • pure monday issues
    1. Love is beautiful and love is doomed.
    2. External similarity and internal difference between the characters in the story.
    3. The ideal of the life of the heroine of the story.

    One of the main themes of the writer's work is the theme of love. Bunin approached this topic with all his heart, and neither the war nor the revolution could shake this attachment to him. In this area, full of unexpressed shades and ambiguities, his gift found a worthy application. He described love in all states, and in emigration he treated this feeling even more closely, more concentrated. Love in the image of Bunin amazes not only with the power of artistic depiction, but also with its subordination to some internal laws unknown to man. But even these laws rarely break through to the surface - most people do not experience their fatal impact until the end of their days. Such an image of love unexpectedly gives the sober, "merciless" talent of Bunin a romantic glow. The closeness of love and death, their conjugation were obvious facts for Bunin, never questioned. However, the catastrophic nature of being, the fragility of human relations and existence itself - all these favorite Bunin themes, after the gigantic social cataclysms that shook Russia, were filled with a new formidable meaning. “Love is beautiful” and “love is doomed” - these concepts, finally combining, coincided, carrying in the depths of each story the personal grief of Bunin the emigrant. During the war years, Bunin finished the book of stories "Dark Alleys", which was published in full complement in 1946 in Paris. This is the only book in Russian literature in which "everything is about love." Thirty-eight short stories in the collection give a great variety of unforgettable female images- Rusya, Antigone, Galya Ganskaya, the heroine of Clean Monday.

    In Bunin's story "Clean Monday," the heroine is unnamed. The name is not important, the name is for the earth, and God knows everyone without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she. From the very beginning she was strange, silent, unusual, as if alien to the entire surrounding world, looking through it, “she was still thinking something, as if she was mentally delving into something; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, she often lowered it and looked inquiringly in front of her. She seemed to be from a completely different world, and, only so that she would not be recognized in this world, she read, went to the theater, dined, dined, went for walks, attended courses. “We were both rich; they are healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts they saw us off, ”says the hero of“ Clean Monday ”. It would seem that they have everything for absolute happiness. What else is needed? “Our happiness, my friend,” quotes his favorite words of Platon Karataev, “like water is delirious: if you pull it out, it’s puffed up, but if you pull it out, there’s nothing.” The hero and the heroine of the story are of different natures. The hero of "Clean Monday" is an "ordinary" person, for all his physical attractiveness and emotional fullness. But the heroine is different. In her strange actions, one can feel the significance of character, the rarity of the "chosen nature." Her consciousness is torn apart. She is not averse to plunge into the "today's" life of that elite Moscow - concerts by Chaliapin, "skits" Art theater, some courses, readings of fashionable Western writers of the beginning of the century: Hoffmannsthal, Schnitzler, Przybyshevsky, lectures by Andrei Bely, etc., but internally she is alien (like Bunin himself) to all this. She was always drawn to something brighter, more immaterial, to faith, to God, and just as the temple of the Savior was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart. She often went to churches, visited monasteries, old cemeteries. She is intensely looking for something whole, heroic, selfless and finds her ideal in serving God. The present seems to her pitiful and untenable. And finally she made up her mind. V the last days of worldly life, she drank her cup to the bottom, forgave everyone on Forgiveness Sunday and cleared herself of the ashes of this life on "Clean Monday": she went to a monastery. "No, I'm not good for a wife." She knew from the beginning that she could not be a wife. She is destined to be the eternal bride, the bride of Christ. She found her love, she chose her own path. You might think that she left home, but in fact she went home. And even her earthly lover forgave her for this. Forgiven, although I did not understand. He could not understand that now "she can see in the dark," and "left the gates" of a strange monastery.

    This is one of the stories of "Dark Alley". In this collection one can find both a rude sensuality and just a skillfully told playful anecdote ("One Hundred Rupees"), but the theme of pure and beautiful love... Heroes have extraordinary strength and sincerity of feeling, there is no self-valuable savoring of risky details in them. Love, as it were, says: "Where I stand, it cannot be dirty!"

    The story of the great Russian writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "Clean Monday" is included in his outstanding book of love stories "Dark Alleys". Like all the works of this collection, this is a story about love, unhappy and tragic. We offer literary analysis works of Bunin. The material can be used to prepare for the exam in literature in grade 11.

    Brief analysis

    Year of writing- 1944

    History of creation- Researchers of Bunin's work believe that his first love became the reason for writing "Clean Monday" for the author.

    Topic - The main idea of ​​the story is clearly traced in "Clean Monday"- this is the theme of the lack of meaning in life, loneliness in society.

    Composition- The composition is divided into three parts, in the first of them there is an acquaintance with the heroes, the second part is devoted to events Orthodox holidays, and the shortest third is the plot denouement.

    genre- "Clean Monday" belongs to the "short story" genre.

    Direction- Neorealism.

    History of creation

    The writer emigrated to France, this distracted him from the unpleasant moments in his life, and he is fruitfully working on his collection "Dark Alleys". According to researchers, in the story Bunin describes his first love, where the prototype of the protagonist is the author himself, and the prototype of the heroine is V. Pashchenko.

    Ivan Alekseevich himself considered the story "Clean Monday" one of his best creations, and in his diary he praised God for helping him create this magnificent work.

    Such is Short story creation of the story, year of writing - 1944, the first publication of the story was in the "New Journal" in the city of New York.


    In the story "Clean Monday", the analysis of the work reveals a large issues love theme and the ideas of the novel. The work is dedicated to the topic true love, real and all-consuming, but in which there is a problem of the characters' misunderstanding of each other.

    Two young people fell in love with each other: this is wonderful, since love pushes a person to noble deeds, thanks to this feeling, a person finds the meaning of life. In Bunin's short story, love is tragic, the main characters do not understand each other, and this is their drama. The heroine found a divine revelation for herself, she cleansed herself spiritually, finding her vocation in serving God, and went to a monastery. In her understanding, love for the divine turned out to be stronger than physiological love for her chosen one. She realized in time that by connecting her life in marriage with the hero, she would not receive complete happiness. Her spiritual development is much higher than physiological needs, the heroine has higher moral goals. Having made her choice, she left the worldly vanity, surrendering to the service of God.

    The hero loves his chosen one, loves sincerely, but he is unable to understand the throwing of her soul. He cannot find an explanation for her reckless and eccentric actions. In Bunin's story, the heroine looks like a more lively person, at least somehow, by trial and error, she is looking for her meaning in life. She rushes about, rushes from one extreme to another, but, in the end, finds her way.

    The main character, during all these relationships, simply remains an outside observer. He, in fact, has no aspirations, he is comfortable and comfortable with everything when the heroine is around. He cannot understand her thoughts; most likely, he does not make attempts to understand. He just accepts everything that his chosen one does, and that's enough for him. It follows from this that each person has the right to choose, whatever he may be. The main thing for a person is to decide what you are, who, and where you are going, and you should not look around, fearing that someone will condemn your decision. Self-confidence and self-confidence own forces help find the right decision, and make the right choice.


    The work of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin includes not only prose, but also poetry. Bunin himself considered himself a poet, which is especially felt in his prose story "Clean Monday". Its expressive artistic means, unusual epithets and comparisons, various metaphors, his special poetic style of narration, give this work lightness and sensuality.

    The title of the story gives a lot of meaning to the work. The concept of "clean" speaks of the cleansing of the soul, and Monday is the beginning of a new one. It is symbolic that the culmination of events takes place on this day.

    Compositional structure the story is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the heroes, their relationships. Masterful use expressive means gives a deep emotional coloring to the image of the heroes, their pastime.

    The second part of the composition is more based on dialogues. In this part of the story, the author brings the reader to the very idea of ​​the story. The writer speaks here about the choice of the heroine, about her dreams of the divine. The heroine expresses her secret desire to leave the luxurious high life, and retire into the shadow of the monastery walls.

    The climax is the night after Clean Monday, when the heroine is determined to become a novice, and the inevitable separation of the heroes occurs.

    The third part comes to the denouement of the plot. The heroine has found her purpose in life, she serves in a monastery. The hero, after parting with his beloved, led a dissolute life for two years, mired in drunkenness and revelry. Over time, he comes to his senses, and leads a quiet, calm life, in complete indifference and indifference to everything. Once fate gives him a chance, he sees his beloved among the novices God's temple... Meeting her gaze, he turns and walks away. Who knows, maybe he realized all the meaninglessness of his existence, and set off for a new life.

    main characters


    Bunin's work was written in novelistic genre which is inherent sharp turn events. V this story this is how it happens: main character changes his worldview, and abruptly breaks with his past life, changing it in the most radical way.

    The novel is written in the direction of realism, but only the great Russian poet and prose writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin could write about love in such words.

    One of the main themes of the writer's work is the theme of love. Bunin approached this topic with all his heart, and neither the war nor the revolution could shake this attachment to him. In this area, full of unexpressed shades and ambiguities, his gift found a worthy application. He described love in all states, and in emigration he treated this feeling even more closely, more concentrated. Love in the image of Bunin amazes not only with the power of artistic depiction, but also with its subordination to some internal laws unknown to man. But even these laws rarely break through to the surface - most people do not experience their fatal impact until the end of their days. Such an image of love unexpectedly gives the sober, "merciless" talent of Bunin a romantic glow. The closeness of love and death, their conjugation were obvious facts for Bunin, never questioned.

    However, the catastrophic nature of being, the fragility of human relations and existence itself - all these favorite Bunin themes, after the gigantic social cataclysms that shook Russia, were filled with a new formidable meaning. “Love is beautiful” and “love is doomed” - these concepts, finally combining, coincided, carrying in the depths of each story the personal grief of Bunin the emigrant. During the war years Bunin finished the book of stories "Dark Alleys", which was published in full in 1946 in Paris. This is the only book in Russian literature in which "everything is about love." Thirty-eight short stories from the collection give a great variety of unforgettable female images - Rusya, Antigone, Galya Ganskaya, the heroine of Clean Monday.

    In Bunin's story "Clean Monday," the heroine is unnamed. The name is not important, the name is for the earth, and God knows everyone without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she. From the very beginning she was strange, silent, unusual, as if alien to the entire surrounding world, looking through it, “she was still thinking something, as if she was mentally delving into something; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, she often lowered it and looked inquiringly in front of her. She seemed to be from a completely different world, and, only so that she would not be recognized in this world, she read, went to the theater, dined, dined, went for walks, attended courses. “We were both rich; they are healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts they saw us off, ”says the hero of“ Clean Monday ”. It would seem that they have everything for absolute happiness. What else is needed?

    “Our happiness, my friend,” quotes his favorite words of Platon Karataev, “like water is delirious: if you pull it out, it’s puffed up, but if you pull it out, there’s nothing.” The hero and the heroine of the story are of different natures. The hero of "Clean Monday" is an "ordinary" person, for all his physical attractiveness and emotional fullness. But the heroine is different.

    In her strange actions, one can feel the significance of character, the rarity of the "chosen nature." Her consciousness is torn apart. She is not averse to plunge into the "today's" life of that elite Moscow - concerts by Chaliapin, "skits" of the Art Theater, some courses, readings of fashionable Western writers of the beginning of the century: Hoffmannsthal, Schnitzler, Przybyshevsky, lectures by Andrei Bely, etc., however internally she is alien (like Bunin himself) to all this. She was always drawn to something brighter, more immaterial, to faith, to God, and just as the temple of the Savior was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart. She often went to churches, visited monasteries, old cemeteries. She is intensely looking for something whole, heroic, selfless and finds her ideal in serving God. The present seems to her pitiful and untenable.

    And finally she made up her mind. In the last days of worldly life, she drank her cup to the bottom, forgave everyone on Forgiveness Sunday and cleared herself of the ashes of this life on "Clean Monday": she went to a monastery. "No, I am not a wife."

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