House of scientists TsAGI. House of scientists TsAGI literary and musical composition "In the circle of composers of the Silver Age: from the memories and letters of the Gnesin family"

House of scientists TsAGI. House of scientists TsAGI literary and musical composition
House of scientists TsAGI. House of scientists TsAGI literary and musical composition "In the circle of composers of the Silver Age: from the memories and letters of the Gnesin family"

In one of the local newspapers, which released many years ago, it was possible to read the following words: "This place has its own face, is characterized by sophistication, a camera, attention to each of each in it." These relevant and in our days rows belong to the magnificent building of the classic style, in which today is the house of the scholars of the TsAGI. Almost the same age of Zhukovsky, this monument to architecture saw and survived a lot - there were periods of flourishing and decline, at the turn of the last decades of the last century, he was also prepared by the fate of being buried under foam days and practically to go into the fly - but in order to revive with Phoenix and Put brighter former. Whatever in the yard there are times, people still stretch to the beautiful. It is possible that this explains the huge popularity of the house of the TsAG scientists in the people - the concentration of the beautiful per square meter is incredibly high here.

Today, scientific seminars, conferences are held here, concerts of the performers and creative evenings of all recognized artists are held. Probably, it will not be an exaggeration to say that the cultural and scientific heart of the city begins in the walls of the house of TsAGA, and maybe all of our area.

View through decades

The history of the building in which the house of the TsAGA scientists is located, originates at the end of the forties of the last century. Then the future temple of the culture was known to the residents of the city as the club "Motherland". The building was erected by the project of the architect Alexander Bod. The first stone was laid in early December 1948, and after twelve months, in December 1949, the Special Commission took a new club into operation. They built, mostly our specialists, but prisoners of war of the Germans were attracted as free labor. Twenty-four limes were planted around the building, set a lattice fence. (Historical Fact: 1 million 863 thousand 950 rubles 6 kopecks were spent on the construction of "Motherland".

It must be said that this building is a sample of a typical Stalinist development - so far in many cities of the former USSR can be seen exactly the same architectural structures. Nevertheless, the new handsome club has highlighted himself against the surrounding landscape. No wonder - the fields with potatoes and gardens spread around (do not forget that the status of the city of Zhukovsky received only in 1947). At that time, the city was mainly from the barracks, just a few brick houses were built here. Life of people was distinguished by Spartan simplicity. Some families had radio receivers, but it is rather an exception - as a rule, pre-war reproductors were used to communicate with the outside world. And then no one even heard about TV. And suddenly, a classic style building with ionic columns is being built in this background, with a cast-iron fence! Naturally, the new club seemed to be a real palace. This feeling only intensified when a person pledged his threshold: the interior was hit by a magnificent stucco, sparkled chandeliers, the columns took up up ... An unprecedented beauty reflected a huge mirror in the lobby. This place was destined to become the cultural center of the entire city for the next few decades.

On the first floor of the club there was a cinema for three hundred places. According to the memories of the eyewitness of those times: "Then there was a lot of interesting films:" Three Musketeers "," Rembrandt "," Lady with Camellias ", and pleasure and went to Indian films. The four-steric picture "Tarzan" had a special popularity. Cinema showed about once every two days, so the hall was almost always full, there was a turn for tickets. For evening sessions, there were solid serious people, on the day - the public easier. In this case, ideological work was constantly carried out: before the show, reports were always read, photoovitrins and posters were often visual agitation. Bust Stalin was invariably on the cinema scene, but during the sessions it was joined behind the side curtains. "

Subsequently, various circles and sections began to function in the "Motherland" club, in addition to the cinema. There were five of them five: two orchestra (brave and folk instruments), as well as dramatic, vocal and dance groups. With the advent of the theater studio, to the stormy joy of the entire cast, on the stage for the first time a curtain appeared. Cultural life beat the key: concerts were held, performances, dancing, children's matinees, youth evenings were arranged, and meetings with actors, musicians from Moscow. Famous writers were often invited - including K.M. Simonov, A.T. Tvardovsky, F.I. Panferov. From the Scene of the Club, the audience read a variety of lectures - about the situation in the world, in history, medicine, literature, art. Per month was held up to twenty events.

The years passed, the preferences of people changed. Remembers one of the visitors of the club: "In the 50s and 1960s, Tango danced, waltz, but already started to get involved in rhythmic dances. Music of the time: Elvis Presley, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra. Listened to the classic jazz - Louis Armstrong and Ello Fitzgerald. At the weekend there were six kinosteans per day, tickets were worth 20-30 kopecks. Showed Soviet and American cinema - "Carnival night", "Jazz only girls" and others. In general, then everyone was fond of films about scouts. The club buffet always sold ice cream, wine. "

In the eighties, the idea appeared to unite the creative youth of the city under the roof of the "Motherland". During this period, several clubs - disco, jazz, amateur club, and a theater studio and rock band were located here. The youth with pleasure rest here in their free time from work and study. Once or twice a week, discos were held, New Year's Evening, KVNI. Everything was fine, while unexpectedly in the activities of the club did not break through the restructuring. Active "holly" young people began to leave who where. The cinema, by the end of the Soviet era, and so practically no longer functioning, finally closed. The building gradually declined, it became simply to collapse. Over the next few years, the "Motherland" club was canned.


The nineties were not an easy time for the whole country. In troubled time, the city and people as ever needed in dire need of high-quality spiritual food. In 1995, the building of the Club "Motherland" was decided to breathe new life, fill it with a new cultural content. So the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a house of the scholars of the TsAGI appeared. At the origins of Her head of the social department of TsAGA Olga Aslambekovna Vesolov, conductor of the famous Kredo "Credo" Elena Ivanovna Stewart and the second director of the House of Scientists Tatiana Gennadievna Semikova.

Initially, it was planned that the Kingi staff with their families will be resting here (from here and the name is the house of scientists), but then everyone will come here, and today, nineteen years old, without this place, it is impossible to present the cultural and creative life of Zhukovsky.

So, the building gradually began to be put in order - not all at once, gradually. When repairing the primary task, it was to maintain a unique internal decor, not to damage the stucco, capitals on the colonnade, stained glass windows. To the honor of the employees of the homes of scientists, all this managed to defend. Today, the building is almost sixty five years old, and this is one of the oldest and, at the same time, beautiful buildings in Zhukovsky.


Today, the house of the TsAG scientists is, first of all, a platform for scientific and technological conferences, seminars, business meetings of the institute staff both at the local and international and international levels. Since the opening, there has been a huge number of scientific readings, discussions on the most important issues of science and technology, inter-university events.

It can be said that the house of scientists is a kind of intellectual club, in which all conditions for the cultural leisure of the scientific intelligentsia of the city and the district are created. In these walls, the evenings of the memory of the outstanding scientists of the TsAGI are regularly held. Here come to relax with a soul and heart, and then with new forces to return to the most important work for the whole country. During almost two decades, guests of the house of scientists became a lot of people who personify and moving forward science, history, politics of the modern Russia.

Tatyana Konstantinovna Nazarova, director of the House of Scientists, says: "From September 2012, the house of scientists is the scientific and technical research center of the TsAGA. Today in these walls, in addition to cultural events, seminars, business negotiations, meetings are also held. For example, in the framework of the recently held Aviasame "Max" held three major conferences with the participation of foreign guests. And the next year, when new multimedia equipment will be installed in the house of scientists with the possibility of synchronous translation, we will be able to hold large international conferences. "

Concert activity

For eighteen seasons (from 1995 to 2013), a huge number of different cultural events passed in the house of scientists. If we talk about concert activity, then four directions are developing here: classical music, jazz, bard song and vocals.

- classical music

Perhaps the greatest number of artists performed here in the genre of instrumental creativity. At the dawn of the homes of scientists were invited mainly, young musicians are students of the Moscow Conservatory and various musical universities. So, today, today, Pianist, Catherine Mosquen, who is known for the first time, performed here, being a student of the third course of the Conservatory. Since then, she returned here thirteen times.

Despite the fact that at first it had to be limited to concerts of little-known performers, of course, dreamed of performances of world celebrities. And these dreams were destined to come true: over the next few years, about fifty concerts of the best pianists of the world took place on the scene of the house of scientists. Over time, in the midst of the performers of piano music, this playground has become recognizable, and many artists are happy to come here again and again. Not one time, such famous masters as the People's Artist of the USSR Nikolai Petrov, People's Artist of Russia Denis Matsuev, People's Artist of Russia Nikolai Lugansky, Military Artist of Russia Alexander Gindin, prize-winners of many international competitions Dmitry Luziyev, Dmitry Tetherin, and others performed here and famous Foreigners, for example, English Pianist Frederick Kempf (United Kingdom), Victor Galindo (USA) and many other famous names.

In the memory of the public, the performances of the first award of the International Competition of the International Competition remained for a long time. P.I. Tchaikovsky violinists Nikolai Sachenko and Denis Shapovalova. In the hall of the house of scientists, the Associate Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Evgeny Petrov, the soloist of the Orchestra under the control of Yuri Bashomet Tatiana Oskolkov and many other wonderful musicians. Of course, the tickets for such names always diverge very quickly. Once all the places in the hall were sold in just a day.

- Jazz

The first jazz evening in the house of scientists took place in April 1995, and since then there are constantly engaging concerts for lovers of this musical direction. Among the many famous jazzmen on this scene, such Corifeans of the genre were played as a People's Artist of Russia Alexey Kuznetsov, Head of the Department of Jazz and the Improvisation of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesian Igor Brill, founder of Russian jazz-rock and the first Soviet jazz team Arsenal Alexey Kozlov, People's Artist of Russia Daniel Kramer. Mastic artists brought with them or advised to invite new, just making their first steps in jazz musicians. So they opened (and continue to open) new names, and at the same time it expanded the range of potential guests of the house of scientists.

- Bardian song

The house of scientists has achieved a very high level and in the field of bard song. Zhukovchan and guests of the city have repeatedly had the opportunity to see and hear the founders of the author's song, on the work of which did not grow one generation - Alexand-Ra Gorodinsky, Sergey Nikitin, Leonid Sergeeva, Julia Kima (two years ago Our magazine did material about his concert), Galina Homchik , Twice with the folk artist of Russia Jeanne Bichevskaya was performed - the audience applauded her standing. Musical evenings were repeatedly held on the work of the already gone bards. Such was, for example, the evening of memory of Yuri Vyborribus, which was attended by his daughter and grandchildren. - vocal

For the first time, the opera was performed here in February 1996 - it was a children's play "Golden Chicken" performed by the artists of the Helikon-Opera theater. Since then, vocal evenings began to appear in the repertoire of the homes of scientists quite often. In different years, the famous opera singer Yana Ivanylov, the owner of the striking contralto Lina Mkrtchyan (once she spoke in the Vatican before the Pope), the soloist of the Mariinsky Theater Akhmed Agadi, soloist of the Opera House. K. Stanislavsky and V. Nemirovich-Danchenko Olga Luziv-Ternovskaya and many other artists of this beautiful genre.

Special audience and unique atmosphere

Almost all artists who come to the house of scientists perform on the scene of the main visual hall, designed for three hundred seating. The entrance to it precesses the musical lobby - there are small chamber evenings, literary living rooms and exhibitions. On the second floor there are large and small living rooms used for seminars, negotiations, friendly tea drinking with actors, musicians, singers.

The subject of the pride of the house of scientists is the famous Yamakhov piano, which was purchased by another Director of the Dolena Ivanovna Stewart in the Glinka Museum. Rarity tool, licenseable, today it is a real decoration of the concert hall. It tells the artistic director of the house of scientists Natalia Evgenievna Ivanova: "All the musicians who have ever played here will celebrate amazingly soft, velvet, deep sound of our grandfather. Many, coming to us once again, welcome the tool as an old friend. And our long-standing dream is an organ. I am sure, someday, in the hall of the house of scientists will sound the sounds of this wonderful tool. I hope this will happen on our twenty-year anniversary. "

Especially it should be said about the local auditor - he is a special, in his own way unique. Tatyana Konstantinovna Nazarova says: "At our concerts, you can see the audience not only from Zhukovsky, but also from Moscow, from Ramensky, from other cities in the Moscow region. Despite the rather wide geography, all of them unites one thing - this is a special, very sensitive and subtle, incredibly well-understanding music. Our viewers always react clearly to what is happening by applause, welcoming decent performers. If the artist (even with a loud name) acts media, the award will be silence.

When we had a famous bard singer Galina Khomchik, she uttered the phrase, who I really like to quote, speaking of our viewers: "There are rooms with which you breathe equally. Your room is one of these. " It is really true. I know that many artists come to us not because of money, but, as they say, for the audience response to their creativity. And for me for our guests is never ashamed. "

The new season is open!

- Annual Ball in the costumes of the Elaginsky Palace

In September, a new, nineteenth season opened in the house of scientists, which will last until the next summer. And in October, the audience is waiting for an unforgettable beauty and entertainment event - the fourth annual ball in costumes of the Elaginsky Palace of St. Petersburg. The first such ball took place in 2009, becoming a business card for these several years, a real decoration of the cultural life of the house of scientists. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis event belongs to Natalia Evgenievna Ivanova:

"Once upon TV, I saw the balls of the Bala from the Vienna Opera and literally caught up with the idea of \u200b\u200bspending something similar from us, in the House of Scientists. We began to look for dance groups, construed with various organizations conducted by balls - but all this was not something, we did not fit anything, and here, being in St. Petersburg, I walked around the Elaginsky Palace and completely accidentally got on one of the balls that There, it turns out, periodically pass. It was my dream ball! Exactly, what I imagined him - with a great organization, with stunning costumes! Returning home, I infected everyone on emotions with my impressions (laughs). As a result, we decided to try and, as it turned out, not in vain. The first ball produced a real furyor "!

Perhaps one of the main components of such success in people is shocking costumes. Dresses with crinolines, Camzoles, Fraki, Gusar uniforms - all this is delivered by the Bala managers directly from the Elaginsky Palace. All handmade costumes, most of them are sewn in the Mariinsky Theater. The most interesting thing is that the outfits are selected individually under each person. Employees of the homes of scientists are underway a huge preliminary work - during the month data on the size of people (growth, volume in shoulders, waist volume, etc.) are collected, after which they are specifically under them and suits are raised. That is why the number of ball participants is always limited - usually there are about thirty-five people.

"Rejected into these wonderful costumes, everyone is transferred to an unforgettable atmosphere of the palace holiday of the nineteenth century. Ordinary people living in our harsh reality, suddenly, as in a fairy tale about Cinderella, turn into secular ladies and gallant cavaliers. It is not conveyed by words, it must be seen, you need to participate in it! Everyone knows that women like to dress up and look beautiful. But what to say, if even men, seeing themselves in the mirror, stop surprised! Every person on the ball is transformed, because the costume, among other things, really obliges - it is the posture, and the manner hold on, talking about the conversation ... Believe me, to move the person back to ordinary everyday clothes very difficult - no one wants to do this "(laughs).

Ball provides for different dances - from Poloka Polka. A specially invited dancer helps to deal with the main movements, introduces the ball participants with the features of the court etiquette. In the interruptions between the dances there are small fishery programs and performances of artists. And under the curtain of the event, as a rule, a large photo session passes. This year, as before, along with adults will also be held a children's ball.

- "Evening at the tables"

Another regular event of the house of scientists - "Evening at the tables". These are peculiar thematic evenings dedicated to various countries and continents. Guests have the opportunity to get acquainted with traditions, clothing style, culinary preferences of other peoples, join their national culture. Many come families, children prepare for these holidays in advance - teach geography, history, looking for costumes ... To date, in the House of Scientists, in the evening dedicated to Greece, France, Spain, Italy, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Korea. The Hungarian evening was taken particularly brightly, at which, by the way, the ambassador of this country in Russia was present. "Evening at the tables" is planned to be held in the new season.

- "Rainbow Jazz"

Within the framework of the improvised jazz cafe this season, a program under the name "Rainbow Jazz" continues. Once upon the first jazz cafe, people came by making it an element of clothing, decoration or an accessory - a particular orange barcode. It could be a tie, a flower in a loop, a handkerchief ... Since then, it has become a beautiful tradition, even the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining "color" meetings under the general name is "Rainbow Jazz". The nearest similar event is October 28. Guests awaits a red evening, and on the stage of the house of scientists - the famous jazzman Marat Galeev.

- Art exhibitions

During the nineteen years of its activities in the exhibition hall of the House of Scientists, there were exhibitions more than sixty artists, and not only from Moscow and the Moscow region, but also from other cities of Russia. Regularly updated exposures are made up of work performed in a variety of techniques: oil, engraving, ceramics, pastel, graphics, watercolor, gouache, etc. Very often, original photo exhibitions, exposures dedicated to copyright dolls, masks are held. Every month of viewers is waiting for something new.

- Memory of our pilots

Since Zhukovsky is directly connected with aviation, the house of scientists together with the city mayor periodically spends evenings dedicated to the famous pilots - Gromov, Amet Khan Sultan, Tashkin and others. Relatives of heroes are invited to these events, they remember interesting facts of their biography.

Clubs in interest

- Chinese art

Last year, after a creative workshop was equipped in the house of scientists, several creative clubs for interest began their work here. Probably one of the most popular areas is Chinese painting. The occupation is built as follows: first the introductory conversation is carried out, then the teacher begins to teach the basic elements of a Chinese school of painting. All this is necessarily accompanied by a tea ceremony, Nazio music sounds. Meetings are brightly pronounced meditative shade. And most importantly, for classes in the club, you do not need to be able to draw. On the contrary, any skills only harm, because any artist, he wants it or not, is inherent in a certain stamping of consciousness. In the tradition of the same way, it is very valued, let's say, "clean field". In the courses of Chinese painting, it is taught not so much to draw as it is not standard to think, leaving aside the complexes accumulated in the process.

- Arrangement of flowers

This course introduces the rules for drawing up bouquets of various forms and destination - gift, festive, Christmas-Easter, etc. Students master the secrets of the composition of the compositions of living colors using various natural materials (leaves, berries, drunks). The teacher gives the basis, teaches technical skills, helps and sends, but the main idea, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition always remains for you. Every time, coming to the lesson, the person creates something new, creates his own work of art.

- Interior decoration

In these classes, you will learn the painting on silk and glass. We will master the secrets of production of stained glass windows, understand the features of working with Venetian plaster. The teacher will teach the right thing to use the most different middle-wide decor: textiles, light, color, texture of materials.

- Landscape design

Also in the new season you can visit the club lovers of landscape design. Classes will be devoted to the most diverse themes: the basics of architecture, park compositions, work in the garden at different times of the year, preparing the garden for winter, formation of flower, combination of flowers and so on. All meetings are accompanied by video materials, in addition, at the end of the course, it is proposed to visit the most interesting excursions for famous gardens and parks of the world, familiarizing yourself with the peculiarities of landscape design in other countries.

- in the footsteps of the "Institute of Noble Maiden"

A new direction that is planned this year is a school for girls "Young Lady". It will teach good manners, nobility of behavior, clothing culture, etiquette. Girls will get acquainted with the history of art, literature, music, architecture. The course is provided by practical classes, among which the lessons of rhythmics, training the right manner of conversation, the art of making beautiful gifts and much more. The school is designed for girls of the first-third classes.

Lecture activity

Over the past few years, a lot of interesting lectures have been read from the scene of scientists. One of the first was the lecture of Boris Alexandrovich Smirnov, dedicated to the poetry Maximilian Voloshin. Subsequently, they read cycles about the poets of the gold and silver centuries, about the famous nobility estates of Russia, about Russian philosophers - only more than a hundred interesting meetings. Huge attention of the female population of Zhukovsky attracted a lecture of the psychologist, professor of Moscow State University, the author of Bestseller "to communicate with the child. How?" Yulia Borisovna Hippenrater.

Natalia Evgenievna Ivanova says: "One of the most, in my opinion, curious lectures read here is a" an extraordinary look at the history of our country. " She reads a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Historian, Publicist Valentina Borovitskaya. She spends a lot of time in the archives of different countries, leaning out from there such information that is not found in any textbooks. Previously, for obvious reasons, some things were not published. Today, when the situation in the socio-political life of the country has changed, each of us has the opportunity to join the secrets and unexpected facts of the past. Combined by a certain literary and historical cycle, her lectures cover a variety of issues: from the royal family and the Decembrist and White Guard movements, before, for example, Coco Chanel or the creativity of Ivan Turgenev and the history of writing a novel "Noble Nest". And most importantly, they differ in a completely nontrivial look at, it would seem studied along and across a person. Valentina is a stunning narrator, it has a sense of popularization - it is always easy for her to reach and convey information to the viewer. "

- Course of thinking

In the new season there are a lot of interesting lectures. For example, a course of thinking. He is read by the director of the company "Search-Audit" Irina Nikolaevna Pokrovskaya - a person is very experienced, interesting, with university economic education. The main message of the course is that it is always necessary to think positively - it is well affected by the environment, the worldview, business and, ultimately, for life. It is also planned that this season Irina Nikolaevna will read the "School of Successful Business" course (he used to be taught only in Moscow) - the thing is more interesting, not only for businessmen, but also for high school students. - New knowledge of the human body

For more than five years in the walls of the house of scientists, the doctor of the highest category, the author of the book Svetlana Olegovna Mukhina holds their meetings. At one time, she wondered why, in the treatment of completely different diseases, modern medicine uses, by and large, the same medicines and techniques. Svetlana Olegovna came to the conclusion that health directly depends on our thinking and behavior. All diseases are not accidental - in any illness, our wrong behavior is guilty. And, accordingly, to recover, you need to change the lifestyle. Svetlana Olegovna's lecture activity has been engaged for many years, and it appears not only in our country, but also abroad.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make an immense. In order to tell about everything that the house of scientists is interesting today, there are no two journals. We tried truthfully and as much as possible settling the history of the house of scientists. However, the most important thing (what cannot be transmitted by words or on paper) is a special homely atmosphere of this place.


Help by phone (495) 637-45-55
The management of the CDU reserves the right to make changes and additions to the existing program.
Follow the announcements.

"Young voices of the Big Theater"

The concert takes part:
Anna Sustrako
Alexander Chernov - Tenor Soloist Chamber Scene named after B.A. Pokrovsky Bolshoi Theater of Russia;
Ekaterina Vorontsova- mezzo-soprano, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia;
Yuri Cheese - Bass-Bariton, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia;
Albina Berezina
Mikhail Ismikhanov- Leading concert

In the program: Aria and duets from the operas, romances and songs of Russian and foreign composers.

Winter - time to give gifts! Give yourself and your favorite beautiful evening concert in the cozy room of the house of scientists. The saturated program of the concert will delight even the most demanding music love. The atmosphere and traditions of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia will reign on stage and in the auditorium! The program will sound the work from the Gold Foundation of Russian and Foreign Music. All concert participants are the winners of many prestigious vocal contests. Artists are constantly striving for excellence, honing their skills with famous conductor and directors within international projects and festivals. Creativity on the stage - here and now - will fill you with unforgettable impressions and harmony, because art is always light!

"The newest fairy tale of happiness"

Theatrical representation of the creative team of the central house of scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Duet"
House of scientists pop theater

Head of Ph.D. A.A. Afanasyev.

Free admission

"Evening lights were lit"
Concert Solist Moscow Theater Operetta
Dmitry Societious

In the program Romance Dmitry Societious.

The concert involved:
Oksana Petrichenko- Royal
Vyacheslav Trufanov- Guitar

Concert of the Ensemble of Folk Instruments "Stargorod"

The ensemble in his work combines Russian national traditions, translating classic works, works of original sound and a number of works on the topics of pop popular melodies in the original arrangement and arrangement of the ensemble.

Artistic Director - Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Kokorin - Domra
Tatyana Kokorina - Domra-Alt
Mikhail Chespyshev - Bayan
Alexander Ivliev - Balalaika-Double Bass

Stargorod ensemble toured in the Czech Republic, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Belarus and Kazakhstan, is a laureate of many international and all-Russian competitions.

"Snow tenderness"
Concert of the Winner of the Living Sound Project (Channel Russia 1) Svetlana Shishina

Svetlana is the winner of the "Live Sound" project on the channel Russia 1, a permanent participant in the International Festival "Moscow Spring A Capella". It performs on the main platforms of the country: on Red Square, on Poklonnaya Mountain, in the Olympic Sochi, Gorky Park, VDNH and others. This young singer has already loved the audience not only our country, but also Spain, where he performed with concerts.
Deep velvet voice Svetlana and style manner won the hearts of listeners. Her concerts pass with constant success! Songs from movies and world hits performed by Svetlana sound in a new way, but it is recognizable!
The concert will be performed by songs proven by time that everyone knows and love: "Summertime", "Besame Mucho", "tenderness", "Our Favorite" and others.
Come and enjoy wonderful vocals and music!

Concertremister - Honored Artist of Russia, Pianist Virtuoso Alexander Beadov

Studio of the artistic word "interlocutor"
Central House of Scientists RAS

Literary evening "New Year's Carnival"

(works of domestic and foreign authors)

Head - O.A. Lavrenova - Lecturer Gitis
Deputy Head - K.T.N. I.V.Kreteher.

"The main, guys, do not get old heart!"
Creating a concert
folk artist of the USSR, composer
Alexandra Pakhmutova

In the program of songs written in different years of life for more than 60 years of creative activity.

Honored Artist of Russia Victor Arbuzov, Bariton
Soloist Theater Helikon Opera, Nominee Prize Golden Mask Dmitry Skorikov, bass
Invited soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia Svetlana Zlobin

Olga Nefelov, soprano
Artem Popov, tenor
Diana Gafarov, soprano
Alexander Shalun, Bariton
Artem Petrov, Bariton
Philippe Modestov, tenor

Instrumental ensemble under the guidance Nikolai Jordanidi

Concert of Symphony Orchestra named after Borodina
Central House of Scientists RAS

In the program, the music works of Baha, Grieg, Craisler, Sarasate, V.Ferrari. Artistic director and conductor Prof.MGK named after P.I. Tchaikovsky PB.

Solo concert of Julia Zagoskina
"Melodies of favorite film"

Start the New Year's Eve week from a visit to the solo concert of the singer Julia Zagoskina. In the program of songs from your favorite movies and cartoons that you want to fake.
Julia Zagoskina has silver soprano. Each work of the singer passes through himself, living the life of every heroine on stage. In the repertoire of Julia both romances (from classics to the present day) and Aria from Operette, movie songs and, of course, songs of past years before the 1970s (Retro-Estrada) from the Repertoire I. Brolzheskaya, Velikanova, K.Shulzhenko , L. Senchina, N.Dorda, M. Krystalinsky and others.
This evening you will not only hear wonderful kind songs, but also charge the positive and good mood!
Also, among the audience several New Year's gifts from Julia Zagoskina will be played.

Details about the concert on the Singer website

Behind the piano this evening deserved artist of the Russian Federation Elena Bazhenova.

Festive New Year's concert
Soloists Vocal Opera Studio
Central House of Scientists RAS

Larisa Kurdyumova.

Concertremister Tatyana Sokolovskaya.

Entrance to membership and input tickets

"Christmas Fireworks"
Tango, Waltz, Jazz

The program is the best tango from the Collection of the Golden Age, Tango Carlos Gardae from the movie "The smell of a woman", the most beloved students of the composition of the king of Astor Piazzolla, as well as the magnificent emissions of Waltz, music of jazz, Spanish songs - everything that will allow the audience will plunge into Festive atmosphere and raise the mood.
Artists - Orchestra Astor Club under the control of Ivan Lebedev, a unique pianist and anairger. Sergei Osokin - Russian accordionist who received recognition in many countries will take part in the concert. The compositions will be performed that the listeners are like - "Kumparsita", "Oblivion", "Libertago", Waltz Sviridov from the movie "Blizzard", "Besseme Mucho" and others.
Dance this evening will be the patrolling duet of Vlad Zakharov and Tim Borisov. We will demonstrate the stories of love and passion in their fascinating PA Tango.
And also - Vladimir Klobkov and Prenznov Valentina, dancers of domestic and foreign musicals and shows.
Flamenco - from the magnificent Elena Morena, deserved artist of Russia, the soloist of the ensemble of them and Moiseeva, participants and choreographer international flamenco projects.
The leading and singer of the evening - Fyodor Stepanov. The actor, director of theater projects in Germany and England. He played at the Moscow Practice Theater. Writer projects on TV channels "Russia" and "Culture". Radio-heading, the only owner of the "silver microphone" New York Festivals Radio Awards in the Best Drama Special nomination.

Festive concert
"New Year's Music Fireworks"

Soloist Evgeny Prokinos - Cello.

Party Piano Olga Novikova.

In the program: Bach, Kachchini, Bokkerini, Handel, Chopin, Craisler, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Glazunov, Granados, Monti, Shchedrin, Saracat.

The program of the concert is performed on the Italian Cello 17th Century

Tickets at the checkout

Concert Soloists Vocal Opera Studio
Central House of Scientists RAS

Artistic Director People's Artist of Russia Larisa Kurdyumova. Concertremister Ekaterina Fominy.

Entrance to membership and input tickets

Prechistan Fridays them. prof. V.D.Nirkova

Creative youth on the scene of the homes of scientists

Literary and musical composition
"In the circle of the silver century composers: from the memories and letters of the Gnesin family"

The concerts are attended by students of educational institutions of them. Grnes

Head of the Program of the Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Zakharbekova

Entrance to membership and input tickets

Festive concert of art masters

Oval hall - dancing - 15:00

"Operetta - my love"
Concert of soloists vocal team "Lira"
Central House of Scientists RAS

Concertremister - Honored Artist of Russia Olga Shakhhanskaya.

Entrance to membership and input tickets

Evening dance

Oval hall - 15: 00-20: 00

Tickets at the checkout

Announcement for January 2020g.

Christmas tree for children
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"New Year's perobula"
Or "Miracles in the Trident Kingdom"

Presentation of the cultural center "Architect"

The beginning of the intermediate in the Oval Hall - 14 hours.30 min.

The beginning of the performance in the Great Hall - 15 hours.
(the duration of the performance is one hour)

Sale of gifts - in the foyer of the CDU

Festive music program
"On the pages of the Festival of the Song of the Year"

Favorite songs will be performed in the program, in different years have become laureates of the most popular television competition of our country.

Honored Artist of Russia Sergey Izbash
Honored Artist of Russia Oleg Torotnoyy
Laureates of international competitions
Sergey Dudinsky
Ekaterina Brodskaya
Sergey Kochhemazov
Olga Godunova

Christmas concert
"New Year's retro"

The program is the winter hits of the domestic and foreign pop.

Svetlana and Sergey Polyansky

Moscow Trad Jazz Band
governed by Marat Galeev

Tatyana Copevich - Piano

"CINOROMANS. Cinema. Film School "

The program of popular songs from your favorite domestic films accompanied by a tool ensemble.

Honored Artist of Russia Herman Yukavsky
Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Yulia Zygrenos
Winners of the International Roman's Competition
Irina Krutova
Sergey Petrishchev

Laureates of international competitions
Maria Zhekova
Oleg Goncharov
Andrei Krasnousov

Creative meeting
with folk artist of the USSR
Anatoly Ivanovich Poletaevoy

Entrance to membership and input tickets

Christmas evening
Moscow Interregional Organization
Trade Union of Workers Ran.

Congress guests from 17:00
Login by invitation

"Over the waters with ripples"
Vocal cycle on verses Maximilian Voloshina

Olga Dobrovolskaya- soloist ensemble "Camert"
Elena Petrash- Ph.D.
Dmitry Galtsov - prof., Laureate of the competition "Romance 21st Century"

Old New Year in the style of old jazz
Festive concert of popular jazz melodies

Vocals: Tatiana Fateeva, Tatyana Gaivoronskaya, Anna Ivanova
Piano - Alexey Ryabukhin
Guitar / Banjo / Vocals - Vadim Kharchenko
Saxophone - Yuri Sevastyanov
Pipe - Mikhail Brochyev
Double bass - Denis Shushkov
Drums - Evgeny Kamkin
Collective manager - Tatian Fateeva

Jazz hits of the roaring 20, masterpieces of the Swing era (the best songs from the K / f "Serenade of the Solar Valley"), favorite songs from the repertoire of Orchestra Leonid Rockov and the brightest Christmas melodies! All this is in the three-voice vocal performance and copyright arrangements of the Band.

Young voices
Big Theater of Russia

The concert takes part:
Anastasia Sorokina - Soprano, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia;
Failed davronov - tenor, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia;
Maria Barakova - Mezzo-soprano, artist of the youth opera program of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia;
Albina Berezina - concertmester, laureate of international competitions;
Mikhail Ismikhanov - Leading concert

In the program: Aria and duets from the operas, romances and songs of Russian and foreign composers.

In the old new year, the time to give gifts and meet with loved ones! Give yourself and your favorite beautiful evening concert in the cozy room of the house of scientists. The saturated program of the concert will delight even the most demanding music love. The atmosphere and traditions of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia will reign on stage and in the auditorium! The program will sound the work from the Gold Foundation of Russian and Foreign Music. All concert participants are the winners of many prestigious vocal contests. Artists are constantly striving for excellence, honing their skills with famous conductor and directors within international projects and festivals. Creativity on the stage, here and now, will fill you with unforgettable impressions and harmony, because art is always light!

To the 120th anniversary of the birth of I.O. Dunaevsky

Wire laureates of All-Russian and international competitions
Victoria Shkitsky- Soprano
Tatyana Rubinskaya - mezzo-soprano

In this magic and mysterious, the Svyatop New Year evening on the old Russian style we will be transferred in the good times of Soviet operetta, melodic sincere song along with the immortal music of Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky. Duet "Elegy" will suit you to be a little forgotten, but charming, native songs from movies and arias from the operetta of this unique composer, who entered the history of domestic song as a unique melody and the creator of Russian, Soviet operetta. We invite you to our festive evening for good mood and spring in the heart!

Piano Party and Art Word - Nikolay Manakov

"Old Tango"

people's Artist of Russia Gennady Stone- tenor,
honored Artist of Russia Lilia Erocina - soprano
honored Artist of Russia Sergey Stepin - tenor,
laureate of international competitions
Aida Malikova - Mezzo-soprano,
laureate of international competitions
Alexey Parfenov - Bariton,

Tool trio "Grand":
honorary Art Worker Museum
Elena Matycina - Piano,
laureate of international competitions
Love Agapov- drums,
laureate of international competitions
Roman Markin - the flute

Julia Cherepanova - Alto,
Grigory Lapika - Piano.

"In Lunar Siagni ..."
From the cycle "Pearls of the Forgotten Romance"

Olga Khramtsova - soprano
Nadezhda Brodskaya - Piano

In the program: romances to poets of the silver century poets.

In the repertoire of Olga Chramzova, more than 200 romances from the repertoire of the stars of the Russian pop of the beginning of the twentieth century.

A deep study of the Russian romance culture allowed the singer to create a number of unique Salon Romance programs, which Russian and foreign journalists responded very warmly.

At the concert you will be waiting for a meeting with popular and very rare romances, whose beauty conquers hearts.

The perfectly compiled concert program will allow the romance to travel to the soul to the amazing and unique world of the Russian romance and get a large aesthetic pleasure.

Evening dedicated to the work of the great singer of the world Dmitry Khvorostovsky

people's Artist of Russia Zaur Tutov
honored Artist of Russia Victor Arbuzov
honored Artist of Ukraine Sergey Sheremet
soloist Prague National Opera Roman Demidov
laureates of international competitions:
Vyacheslav Olkhovsky
Alexey Sviridov
Lydia Tarasova
Sergey Tsekhov

Music and humorous show "Attention! Smile!"

Ironic romances, funny duets, theatrical scenes, contests and drawings from entertainer. Festive mood is provided!

Main performers -
Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions, participant of the TV program "Romance Romance" soloist Daria Alekseevskaya,
Laureate of International and All-Russian competitions, leading soloist of Moskoncert Ilya Ushulla,
entertainer - Poet, playwright, holder of the title "Grassmaster Yumor" Mikhail Slutsky and pianist improviser, classified, organist, arranger Ivan Lebedev.

"And the music and the joy of the meeting"

People's Artist of Russia, Soloist Mamm Nam.K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl.I. Alirovich-Danchenko Evgeny Polykanin
People's Artist of the Russian Federation, composer Oleg Ivanov
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Ivette Bolotina - Royal
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Victor Malyarov- Bayan
Laureates of international competitions:
Mikhail Shostak - Accordion
Soloist Theater Operetta Dmitry Schuheyko
Vera Beranje
Svetlana Filippova
Pavel Bykov

Vocal Quartet "Per4men"

Leads a concert winner of international competitions Andrei Lomakin.

Evening vocal music

Sings Honored Artist of Russia
Marina Lapina - Soprano

Party Piano Valery Gerasimov

Tickets at the checkout

Evening vocal music

Tickets at the checkout

dedicated to the 95th anniversary of his birth
people's Artist of the USSR
Irina Konstantinovna Arkhipova

Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater,
People's Artist of the USSR Vladislav Poyavko

Soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Laureate of the Irina Arkhipov Foundation Prize Askar Abdrazakov

Soloist Mamm I.K.S.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Midirovich-Danchenko
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Andrei Baturkin

Soloist Theater "Helikon-Opera"
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Ksenia Vyaznikova

Invited soloist of the Bolshoi Theater,
laureate of international competitions Maria Gorlyova

Soloists of Yaroslavl Philharmonic
laureates of international competitions
Albina Kharkova
Alexander Sukhanov

Laureate of international competitions Diana Gafarov

Piano Party - Laureate International Competitions Georgy Migunov

The program passes with the support of the Foundation I. Archipova.

Literary association
Central House of Scientists RAS

Literary music evening
"Time is rough"

Speech by the members of Lito with the participation of musicians O.Kuzmichye and A. Walareshnikova

Head - Ph.D. L.I. Kolodjazhazhnaya

Entrance to membership and input tickets

Concert of the Moscow Male Choir under the leadership of the Honored Artist of Russia Valery Rybina

Tatyana's Day…. To this wonderful holiday, the Moscow Male Concert Choir under the Office of the Honored Artist of Russia, Valery Rybina prepared a lyrical concert program. In this January evening, favorite love songs, popular romances, serenada, duets and arias from Operette will be performed in this January evening. And, of course, the program will decorate magnificent overseas grades.

Soloists of Moscow's musical theaters take part in the concert.
Soloist Music Theater named after N.A. Saz - Sergey Petrishchev.
Soloist Mosoncert - Ilya Ushulla.
Laureates of international competitions - Viktor Akimenko, Ivan Tarakanov, Pavel Didenko, Grigory Golitsyn, Kirill Novotorzhin, Andrei Dutchov.

Welcome to the site
Houses of the Scientist Centerful Aerohydrodynamic Institute!

House of scientists TsAGI opened in 1995
The initiators of its creation performed the idea of \u200b\u200bpreserving spiritual traditions, which were always inherent in the Russian scientific intelligentsia. That is why the emblem of the house is a Phoenix bird, a symbol of the eternal update, and the motto "defeat loving ...".

The house of scientists is not only the traditional venue of scientific and technical conferences, seminars and business meetings of TsAGA scientists, but also a unique source of culture and art in our city, with their small, but bright history.

We can boast a whole Pleiagee of bright names who spoke on our scene.

This is a world-famous pianist, People's Artist of the USSR N. Petrov, Honored Artists of Russia A. DIV, A.Lubimov, T. Alikhanov, Winners of the Competition. P.I. Tchaikovsky N. Lugansky and D.

House of scientists TsAGI

Matsuev, laureates of international contests S. Tarasov, A. Gindin, D. Tetherin, E. Mosotina, S. Sobolev, foreign guests F. Campf, V. Galindo.

Dozens of leading singers of Moscow opera theaters presented their art to our viewer.

Our viewer has repeatedly enjoyed the singing of the male chorus of the Moscow Choral Synagogue.

The rich traditions of the amateur club's club have helped to attract the Matters of the author's song - in Berkovsky, A. Gorodnitsky, Yu. Kim, and Dolsky, S. Nikitin and many young performers. Repeatedly and every time unexpectedly "new" E. Kamburova fascinated by his own monospects.

Jazz enjoys great popularity. The best jazzmen of Russia People's Artists A. Kozlov, A. Kuznetsov, I. Brill, Honored Artist D. Kramer with pleasure showing its new programs on our scene. And always anchlag ...

Many famous artists shone on the stage of our house - inimitable performers of Romance A. Bayanov and E. Smolyaninova, who conquers reading Pychs S. Kryukkova. We were pleased to K. Raikin, R. Kartsev, I. Rayhelgauz, L. Durov, V. Zolukhin, N. Varley, J. Bichevskaya.

Cozy interior, modern technique, an excellent organization, including buffets and cultural programs at a high professional level, guarantee the success of any event. We are ready to provide organizations and individuals to carry out business and cultural events, exhibitions, concerts, evenings, receptions.

The doors of our house are open to all who seek to appreciate the reasonable, kind, eternal, whose soul is open to everything that makes life interesting and rich.

The house of the TsAG scientists has:

  • Hall for 300 places for concert programs and cultural and educational events;
  • Salon, where presentations, art exhibitions, musical, literary and festive evenings are regularly held, including children's holidays, Fursheets;
  • Large and small living rooms, respectively, on 16 and 8 people for business negotiations, video surplus, etc.

Photos of our interiors can be seen in the Photo Gallery section.

Every Sunday at 11.00 for those who seek physical excellence, health gymnastics is carried out.

Our address:

140180 Zhukovsky Moscow region, ul. Zhukovsky D.7.


* Director: 8 495 556 4735 (telephone, fax)
* Artistic director: 8 495 556 4185
* Cashier: 8 496 484 7131

Cashier is open daily from 9.00 to 19.00. Tickets can be ordered and redeeming within 3 days.

Travel (see also map):

* Electric train from Kazan Station (M.Komsomolskaya, Electrozavodskaya, Avomotornaya, Vykhino), Golutvin destinations, "pl.47 km.", "Slavic" to Plant. "Rest", then buses 8.23 \u200b\u200bor a route taxi 6 - Ost. "Ul. Zhukovsky. "
* from m. Vykhino (the last car from the center, exit right through the square), buses 424, 478 or Marsh. Taxi on Zhukovsky, Ramenskoye, Ost. "NIIP".

"Mr. Fanticus and his shop of incredible slopes"

The new musical and dance play "Mr. Fanticus and his shop of incredible slasts", supplied by Alla Madeigulova and her theater studio of the dance "Esphyr" on a large scene of DK G. Zhukovsky. This time, Elena took an active part in writing the scenario and formulation of the performance, and also performed the main role of the performance - marzipan of candy.

"Venetian Evening"

Mysterious, charm, and at the same time, a bright and cheerful Venetian evening, supplied by Elena, together with Alla Madeigulova and artists of the Esphyrian dance theater in the House of Tsagi

Updated Show "Street of Songs"

The updated Song Street show, put together with Alla Madeigulova and her pets, will be held in a cozy atmosphere of the French Cafe House at home.

Music and dance performance "Encyclopedia of unknown princesses"

The premiere of the musical and dance performance "Encyclopedia of the Unknown Princesses" Theater Studio Dance "Esphyr" under the control of Alla Madeigulova on the stage of the city Palace of Culture. Elena participated in writing the scenario and the preparation of the performance, as well as the role of Princess de Moon with the song Hijo de La Luna.