Thomas Mann Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize for Literature

Thomas Mann Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize for Literature
Thomas Mann Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize for Literature

In 2015, Tomas Mannu would have been 140 years old by the well-known German writer and the laureate of the Nobel Prize of 1929. Today, Yana Skipin will tell us about his biography and famous works.

Paul Thomas Mann was born in Lübeck on June 6, 1875. He was an outcomes from the famous, secured family. His father, Thomas Johann Henry Mann, was a senator and the owner of the family firm "Johann Sigmund Mann", founded by his grandfather. Father did not hoped that any of the children would continue his work, and ordered to eliminate the firm after his death. Thomas Mann had two sisters - Charles and Julia and two brothers - Heinrich and Victor. Henry Mann was the most eldest in the family and also became a famous writer.

Thomas Mann's childhood was happy, especially early years before admission to the gymnasium. Since childhood, Thomas began to experience craving for literature, wrote poems. Thomas's mother - in Maulus Julia da Silva-Bruns, the daughter of the German Plantator and Brazilians of Portuguese-Creole origin - herself was creative in kind, loved music and literature, therefore was not so against the creative hobbies of sons.

Thomas gymnasium did not like, the study was boring for him, the cramming and moisture is painful. But the young Thomas Mann found the bright sides of his school life in people, friendly attachments, in admiration for art.Throughout his life, his creativity and the worldview had a strong influence of artists, the classics of world literature, he read Heine, Goethe, Schopenhawer, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov. Special influence has acquainted with the music of Wagner. Later, he said that his accomplishments in art must admire other people's works.

In 1891, the Father died, and the family moved to Munich, but it was decided that Thomas would remain in Lübeck to complete the gymnasium. It was at that time that mann first began to be printed under the pseudonym "Paul Thomas", and not somewhere, but in his own magazine, which organized with several gymnasists. The magazine was called the "Spring Storm". This name was not accidental, it identified the general mood of young people, the desire for change, he also spoke about the preface to magazine:

"Spring storm!

Our venerable Lubeck is a glorious city. Oh, the city is just superb! But it often seems to me that it looks like a dust-covered lawn and is waiting for a spring storm, which will escape life from under suffering her shell. For life is here! This is not a doubt, it can be seen on some green sponsors, which rise from under the dust layer, full of youthful strength and martial spirit, complete non-subordinate and shining ideals.

Spring storm! Yes, as the spring storm fell on dusty land, we have fallen as a word and thought on the world of dyed brains, ignorance and limited, chumped philistinism, which is on our path. This wanted our magazine, this wants the "Spring Storm" ... "

The thought of eliminating stupid prejudices and stereotypes, a chandeliness, the limited thoughts can be traced in the works of Thomas Mann and after.

In 1894, Mann leaves Lübeck, and not graduating from the gymnasium, comes to Munich to Mother and comes to work in the "South Heerman Insurance Bank from Fires". The Thomas service comes temporarily until his writing work is assessed not to upset the family and avoid the reassigns. Sitting behind the desk, he writes his first story, the story "Fall". This story was recognized, he was published in the journal "Di Gezelshft", and the art-literary journal "Pan" proposed the author to pronounce in it.

Only after the first success, Thomas Mann was able to afford to come to the mother and declare his desire to become a journalist and writer. After that, he comes with the freestylener in the Polytechnic Institute.

In 1895, Henry Mann became the editor of the Berlin magazine "The Twentieth Century" and called for the cooperation of the younger brother, Thomas accepted the offer and wrote articles for this magazine for some time. But at the young age, Mann's journalism was still devoid of well-established views on politics and public relations, artistic images were able to be much better.

Henry Mann

In 1896, Thomas Mann rides in Italy with Brother Heinrich, where he spends almost 2 years. Having arrived in Italy Thomas Mann immediately begins to work tightly, almost all the novels in the collection "Little Mr. Friedem" were written in the first months of life in Italy. And also one of the most famous novels "Buddenbokov, the history of the death of one family," was started there.This period in life has become a very important step in development for the writer. A secluded life, going beyond the usual life and a permanent job gave the author the opportunity to enter with you into the internal dialogue, learn their tastes and preferences, to build the routine of the day necessary for fruitful operation. After he said:

"Only during the Scripture I knew myself, what I want and what I don't want ... And I realized that a person could know himself only in action."

One of the interesting creative moments in Thomas's life was jointly with his brother work on the album called "Book with pictures for nonsense children", decorated by them for the sister of Charles. This album contained poems, prose, drawings and caricatures. In this work, the line of humor, parody, irony, the desire to show generalized images was clearly traced - all this and then traced in the works of Manna. It was the only joint work of Mann Brothers, but, unfortunately, she was lost in the yearsWorld War II.

Roman about Buddens really influenced further creativity, a lot has opened the author about his own family, he understood the causes of her heyday and decline. And also saw that this decline did not necessarily end the history and death of the genus, perhaps it is rebirth, the beginning of something new. Writing this novel has become one of the most important periods of manna life. The line that the author chose in the novel on buddes, was traced further in the work of Mann and largely identified his style of work. Thomas Mann remained an autobiographical writer, endowing the heroes with his features, thoughts, facts of biography.

In 1898, Thomas returns to Munich and receives an invitation from his Gymnasian comrade Cilfilica Holma to work as an editor in the popular German publishing house "Simplcyssimus". While working in the publishing house, Thomas significantly expands the circle of his communication among the writers and artists. But mann has no complete satisfaction from work and life, he still does not feel like a writer in the full sense of the word, but also does not apply to his native surrounding. In 1900, Mann leaves the publisher to end, finally, the novel about Buddens and send him to the court of Fisher's publishing house, which once published his first job. And immediately, sending the novel, he was called up to one-year military service. Although Thomas stayed in the service for a long time, the impressions of this period of life were strong, and was reflected in the Roman "loyal", written by brother, Heinrich Mann. The service distracted by T. Mann from the taking expectation of the response of Fisher, but still it was a difficult period in the life of the writer, full of uncertainty in herself and its future.

Without waiting for the final response to the publisher, Mann is taken for work on the story of Tristan, which shows the state of the author. This is a story about the writer Dettle Spinel, the character is pitiful and comical, who tries to attract the public attention to her contempt.

In 1901, Fisher still writes Manna, about what his novel will print without abbreviations and in three volumes. Finally, the fate of the novel was decided! The life of the writer was painted with new paints, not around the corner was success.

And in April of the same year, Mann leaves for Florence, where he is visited by love for the Englishman Mary Smith, which he later dedicates the novel "Gladius Dai. "(Sword of God). But the novel was not a long, young people tested doubts about the seriousness of their feelings and parted.

Arriving back to Munich, Thomas Mann is immersed in the work, finishes "Tritan", starts work on the new Tonio Crherer and keeps the "Buddenbrookok" correction. And so, in the fall, finally, the novel "Buddenbokov is the history of the death of one family." "Two tech in a soft yellow cover" appear on sale first by thousandth edition and bring success, recognition and money to the author. Later, the circulation of the novel rose to eighteen thousand copies!

Publisher is also ready to print a novel collection, which by that time has already been virtually ready. 1903 began with a trip to Berlin, to Fisher's publishing house, where the new collection of Novel is coming out, already a two thousandth edition.

On the wave of success and popularity, he meets the future wife - Katya Princeheim. He wrote to his brother Heinrich about her "... Katya - a miracle, something indescribably rare and precious, the creation, which is just because it exists in the world, replaces the cultural activities of 15 writers and 30 artists." But Katya did not immediately agree to marry Thomas, he spent about six months in the flour of her answer. But, in the end, in February 1905, Thomas Mann married his chief. Six children were born from this marriage, the spouses lived together for 50 years, until the death of Thomas Mann.

In 1910, a tragic event was occurring - the younger sister of Thomas - Charles committed suicide. This act of sisters was very influenced by Thomas, on the one hand, he was very worried about the loss, on the other hand, was outraged by the fact that she did not think about the family. In a letter, Brother Henry he writes: "And yet I can't get rid of the feeling that she had no right to leave us. She did not have, if she did it, feelings of our common destiny. She acted, so to speak, contrary to a silent agreement ... "

In 1914, Thomas Mann moves with his family to his mansion on a t -chingerschrass, in which he lived about twenty years. Just at this time, the war began, many familiar and even brother Victor were called to the front, initially, Germany was overwhelmed by a patriotic wave, pride for a nation, did not go around the party and Thomas Mann. In his letter, Brother Henry, he calls this war "deeply decent", "solemn", "folk", after which their correspondence is broken for three years.

At that moment, Mann himself tries to understand his attitude to the current situation and writes "apolitical reflections" - this is the fruit of biennial work and a dialogue not so much with the reader, as with itself. By the time of the publication of "reflections", the author had already changed his chauvinist point of view, a fracture took place in it, but this work was still published.

At the same time, with this work, he begins the novel "Magic Mountain", which in the end develops into a novel. There is no word about the war in it, and the action of the novel ends before the war. But she ends with an explosive blow of thunder, which changes the whole life, symbolizes the end of the era.

The relations of the Mannov brothers during this period were swirling rapidly, despite the fact that they were always pretty close. But, as it usually happens, and since they belonged to one profession, rivalry, controversial moments were always traced between them, the misconduct of tastes, criticism of each other's works. During the war, political issues were added to this. As already noted, Thomas was apolitical, Heinrich questions of politics were close more, and he used to see the disadvantage of German cruel politics of those years. Until 1917, their swelling was veiled of hints, spoiled phrases in journalism, there was no open collision. And in 1917, they exchanged several letters, which were "attempts to reconcile," but the result brought negative.

Reconciliation occurred only in 1922, when they had the views on politics, both were against war and the growing of Nazi sentiment in Germany. It happened after killing the Nationalists of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Weimara Republic Walter Ratienau. Thomas Mann revised his views and publicly declared his commitment democracy. It was then forthe anti-war sayings Thomas Manna began to threaten, accuse the retreat from the national idea.

In 1924, the Roman "Magic Mountain" comes out, which had a deafening success from readers, and was immediately translated into several languages. The success of the novel by the author explains his topicality, the overall experiences of the author and the people. The main character of the novel Hans Kastorp, comes to a high-mountain resort for patients with tuberculosis, visit his brother. It turns out that he is also sick and his stay at the resort is delayed for several years. He fascinates the spirit of spirituality, reigning there. Castorp develops a philosophical view of the world, the humanistic worldview, at the same time becoming the center of spirituality. The novel is also notable for its melodiousness, rhythm. Not by chance, Thomas Mann often speaks of his work as "his music."

After the release of the "Magic Mountain" of Thomas Mann was invited to travel around Europe: to France, England, Poland. One of these trips, a trip to Paris, he described in detail in the sketch "Paris Report", built in the form of a diary.

1925 was for the Jubilee writer - he was 50 years old. This year he traveled in the Mediterranean Sea, visiting Venice, Spain, Greece, Turkey and Egypt, for which he went to this tour. At that moment, the writer was thinking about Joseph. Upon returning from the trip, anniversary celebrations, congratulations, receptions began. In October, Mann visited Lübeck and rearly received congratulations in his hometown, and the turn of some time, the Lubek Senate appropriated to him the title of professor, on the occasion of the arrival of the seisomotion of his hometown.

In 1927, suicide finishes the life and second sister of Thomas Mann - Julia. It will push Mann in "Dr. Faustus", in the chapters about the sisters of the Road - Ines and Clariss, how to continue the novel about his family.

In 1929, Tomas Manna was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature for the novel "Buddenbokov - the history of the death of one family." This award was propheted for him for a long time, and having received a notice of this, Mann was not surprised, but only asked, throwing eyebrows: "Well, this time is the truth?".

At the same 1929, Mann with his family travels to Rauden, for the holidays and writes there, Mario and Focuscript there, based on the real events that happened to him and his family in 1926. This novel immediately after the publication was banned in Italy. In it, the author talks about nationalist sentiments, the situation of irritation, omnocality and the chandeliness, which was faced while traveling with his family in 1926. The main episode of the novel is the representation of the magician of the Chipolls, which, with the help of hypnosis, mocks the audience, suppressing their will - characterizes the situation that reigns in Italy.

In 1930, Thomas Mann utters in Berlin, called "call to mind", in which calls for the creation of a single front of the fight against fascism, unification to combat the general enemy and glorified the resistance of the working class by Nazism.

IN 1933 the writer is forced together with the family to emigrate from Germany to settle in Switzerland. There he adds a large job of the novel "Joseph and Brothers", where the author in his own way interprets the history of the Biblical Joseph. The work consists of four volumes: "History of Jacob", "Yoseif's youth", "Joseph in Egypt" and "Joseph Cordizer". The main idea of \u200b\u200bMann was to portray the world of antiquity, for this he specially traveled several times in Egypt.

In 1936, the Nazi authorities deprive Thomas Mann and his family of German citizenship, for a while he becomes subjects of Czechoslovakia, and in 1938 moves to America,where teaches at Princeton University. In 1939, the Roman "Lotta in Weimara" comes out about the relationship of the aged Goethe and Charlotte Kestener, his youthful love.

In 1947, his novel "Dr. Faustus" appears. Adrian Leverkun is the main character of the novel - the composer, which, on the basis of a mental disorder and hallucinations, believes that it sells the soul to the devil for his talent.

After graduating from World War II, Mann leaves from the US back to Europe. In 1952, the family of Thomas Mann returns to Switzerland. In the split Germany, Mann returns no longer wants, but it happens quite often.

In recent years, Mann has been working hard, his novel "Chosennik" (1951) is published, in 1954 the "Black Swan" novel is published, works on the novel "Recognition of the Felix of Felix Cool", unfortunately, to finish His Thomas Mann did not have time.

Yana Skipina, Librarian of the Central Library. A.S. Pushkin

Mann in the article "Bilse and I" (1906) very exccoiled identified a two-way principle of his work: "Deep to learn and fully embody".

Later in the big sketch "Paris Report" (1926) he wrote about himself: "I, too," bourgeois "- Mokhnikov and Inexpension me every day try it. But the understanding of how in our days is with the historical being of the bourgeoisie, already means a departure from the bourgeois form of existence and, even if you have a runaway, in a new one ... Having called yourself, no one will remain the one who is. "

Paul Thomas Mann was born on June 6, 1875 in Lübeck. He was a second child in the family of Thomas Yohan Herrich Manna - a local grain merchant and the owner of a shipping company with old Hansees traditions. His mother, who originated from the Creole, Brazilian-Portuguese family, was a musical gifted person. She played a big role in the upbringing of Thomas and the other four children.

Student in gymnasium, Thomas became the creator and author of the literary and artistic and philosophical magazine "Spring Thunder".

In 1891 the Father died. Two years later, the family sold the company and left Lubeck. Together with Mother and sisters, Thomas moved to Munich, where he began to work with a clerk in the insurance agency. In 1895-1896, he studied at the Higher Technical School.

In 1896, he went along with his elder brother Heinrich, who was trying his hand in painting, to Italy. There, Thomas began writing stories that sent German publishers. Among them was S. Fisher, who proposed to unite these stories in a small compilation. Thanks to Fisher in 1898, the first collection of stories of Thomas "Little Mr. Friedemne" was published.

Returning to Munich in the same year, Thomas worked as the editor of the simplicissimus humorous magazine. Here he got close to the circle of the German poet Sh. George. But rather soon he realized that with members of the circle, which proclaimed themselves with the heirs of German culture and confessed the ideas of decadation, he was not on the way.

In 1899, Manna called for annual military service. And in 1901, in the publishing house S. Fisher, his novel "Buddenbokov", belonging to the genre of the "Family Roman", was released. He brought the manna world famous fame and the Nobel Prize, but, the main, love and appreciation of millions of people.

R.G. Sekchev writes: "In this novel, first in a series of social novels, Thomas Mann touched on the problems that worried him throughout his life and who continue to worry humanity: life in his materiality and spiritual, the intellectual side, the artist's place in life, his Doom and loneliness, talent responsibility, decay processes and rebirth of the bourgeois society. "

Taking as the basis of the history of his own family and a firm founded in the 1760s. His great-granddaussian Sigmund mann, the writer created an epic chronicle, showing the typical features of the Bureguards in the XIX century and creating the material for creative understanding of the problems of modern life, which he, strictly speaking, devoted all his subsequent works. Later, Thomas Mann wrote that in "Buddens" he "created a wide web, an artistic and human basis on which it can be relying when creating new products."

Showing four generations of buddesbroks, the writer portrayed not only the material, but also the moral decline of the Burgence. In the novel, the type of the artist is opposed to the type of the Burger, although preference is not given to that neither.

This is what writes about the novel B. Suchkov:

"If the senior representatives of the order of buddes, who lived during the twilight of the bourgeoisie, were firmly on their feet and considered their burgle life in the age-old traditions of the Burgers life, and success accompanied them in affairs, their descendants have to retreat and die under the blows of more clever and unscrupulous competitors. Typical representatives of the bourgeoisie ceased to realize themselves by the owners of life. Under their being, the time led the line, and the novel was naturally completed by the Dramatic Description of the death of Ganno Buddens, on which the old Burgers genus broke and ended the cycle of development of a whole historical period. This thought is a high achievement of Tomas Mann's realism. The writer understood that the new knights of the debit and loan came to replace the Patriarchal Bureguards - in the novel, this type of entrepreneurs is represented by the Hagentrem family - there is no creative start. The thriving merchant Hagentshtrem refers to life as a consumer striving at any cost and means to snatch Cus elder. He and him like the nature of his hostile culture. In his novel, Thomas Mann rose to the condemnation of bourgeois practices as immoral. Buddens's frivolous Christians once expressed the merchant society not very original, but unexpected in the mouth of a merchant race of a merchant race: "Actually, every kommersant is a fraudster." This replica caused the attack of mad rage at Thomas Buddens, holy on the protection of the virtues of his own craft. But when he felt the emptiness and badness of his activity, when his personal happiness collapsed and he lost hope in the son of the successor of his case, when he seriously thought about the meaning of life, he understood with stunning clarity the truth standing in the words of his loser-brother.

The writer did not take a new bourgeois reality, folded in his eyes, nor her art, nor her ideology. The entire complex of social phenomena associated with the imperialist twentieth century, Mann opposed, as an ideal and norm, burgher culture. His descriptions of the established burgher house, ordered and unlawful, saturated with warmth and remind with their poetchiness of the Tolstsky descriptions of the life of the Russian nobility. Of course, Buddens - Thomas Mann emphasizes - they cannot personify the entire Burgers culture: for this they are not intellectual and too merchant. But the time of the heyday of the Burgertism, which coincided with the flourishing of bourgeois democracy, was considered by the writer as a vertex in the spiritual development of mankind, and the collapse of the Burgerian lifestyle was perceived by mann as a sunset of the whole culture. "

The second success of Mann was the story of Tonio Crherer, who was included with the seven other novels in the collection called Tristan (1903). In it, a young writer showed contradictions between art and bourgeois life.

In 1905, Mann married the daughter of Munich Professor Mathematics, Kate Princeheim, held with her husband all the difficult life path. They had six children from whom Half - Erica, Claus, and Golo - became writers.

In 1907, the only play of Manna "Florence" appears. In the mouth of the heroes of the play, the writer invests his own judgments about the bourgeois reality: "Look around: everything is permitted, nothing is disgrace. There is no such villainism, from which we now still become hair end. " In the play, he defended the ethical value of aesthetic look at life not only for the artist, but also for a person at all.

The Roman "Royal Highness" (1909) is also dedicated to the same topic. The author wrote about this work: "Full hints and associations Analysis of the princely existence as a formal, real, abstract - in a word, aesthetic being and permission from the burden of Majesty through love is the content of my novel, which, not alien sympathy for any kind of" special cases ", Humanity preaches."

The first world war mann warmly welcomed and defended. He opposed the pacifism, public reforms and turned out to be an opponent of his brother, a well-known writer Henry Manna, a supporter of democratic change. But quite soon, Thomas refused his erroneous political views, and the brothers were recalled.

In 1924, a novel "Magic Mountain" came out, in the expression of Manna, a "key and turning point" of his creativity. Here the writer gave a widest picture of the struggle of the ideas of his time. This Roman Mann rightly called the book "ideological renunciation from much, which was expensive, from many dangerous sympathies, magic and temptation, to which the European soul leaning and inclined ...", and emphasized that his book was "future".

Almost thirty years have passed since the day of the novel "Buddenbokov". For the whole of 1901, only 100 copies of the novel were sold, but the circulation grew a year from the year, and in 1929 the Roman was released by a total circulation of 1 million copies.

In the same year, the Nobel Committee issued a decision on the award of Thomas Mann an annual literature premium. In the so-called premium formula, it was: "First of all, for the great novel" Buddenbroques ", which became a classic of modern life."

In 1933, Mann commits a ride through the country with lectures and excerpts from its own works. After that, settled in the Swiss town of Kysnakhta on the shore of Zurich Lake. In the same year, the first volume of the Tetralogia "Joseph and his brothers" ("Perseoy Yakov", 1933; "Yoy Joseph", 1934; "Joseph in Egypt", 1936; "Joseph-Cormalizers", 1943). It was a protest writer against anti-Semitism and racism: "Write the Roman of the Jewish Spirit was timely, since it seemed untimely."

In 1936, after the deprivation of German citizenship, Mann becomes subjects of Czechoslovakia. Two years later, the writer emigrated to the United States. In 1944, he adopted American citizenship. Because of the ocean, the writer led anti-fascist programs for German radio listeners.

In 1947, Mann published Roman "Dr. Faustus. The life of the German composer Adrian Leverkyun, told by his friend. " In it, he outlined his understanding of the era of Nazism is not at all as a random phenomenon, but as a regular stage in German history, prepared by all its former move.

In 1952, Mann returned to Switzerland and settled in Kilchberg. Two years later, the last novel of the writer was released - "The Adventures of the Felix Cool Adventurer". This is an essay on the life path of a person, "who knows how to live", who managed to use the dubious norms of the bourgeois society for a brilliant career. His dubious appearance became a reflection of the nature of modern society.

  • 79.

Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature Thomas Mann emigrated from Nazi Germany in 1933. This letter is his answer to numerous proposals to return to the Writer after the end of World War II.

Dear Mr. Molo Background!

I have to thank you for a very kind congratulation on the occasion of my day of birth and in addition for an open letter to me, transferred by you by the German press and in passages, which also fell into American. It is even stronger and more insistent than in private letters, a desire is made, moreover, a binding requirement, so that I returned to Germany and settled there again, "to help with the Council and Del." You are not the only one who appeals to me with this appeal; He, as I was told, followed from the Berlin Radio located under Russian control, as well as by the United States of the United Democratic Party of Germany - with an emphasized motivation that "in Germany" should be "fulfilling his historical mission."

It would seem that I should be glad that I needed again Germany - I myself need as a person, personally, and not just my books. And yet these appeals are anxious of me and depress me, I feel some kind of illogicality, even injustice and rashness. You know perfectly well, dear Mr. Background Molo, like the roads in Germany "Council and Case" today, while there is almost a hopeless position, which our unfortunate people put myself, and I strongly doubt that the man is old, whose heart muscle This dying time has already managed to present its demands, it will be able to directly, personally, physically, to help people, so exciting you shown, recover from their deep depression. But this is not the main thing. Turning to me with similar calls, do not think, in my opinion, and above the technical, legal and psychological difficulties that impede my "return".

Is it possible to reset these twelve years and their results or pretend that they were not at all?

A rather heavy, quite a stunning blow was the loss of the usual lifestyle, houses, countries, books, memorable places, and property, accompanied by a shameful deposit and renunciation campaigns at home. I will never forget that illiterate and evil hype in the print and on the radio that was raised in Munich about my article about Wagner, that harassment, after which I only understood that the return path was cut off; Neither the painful search for the word, attempts to write, explain, answer, "letters on the night", as these sophisticated monologues called Rena Shkele, one of the many friends from us. It was hard enough and further - wandering from one country to another, trouble with passports, life on the suitcases, when the disgraceful stories were heard from everywhere, who came from the deceased, wild, already completely someone else's country. None of you, none of you, who switched to the loyalty to the "autumn grace of the leader" (here she, drunk education, is terribly, terrible!) And they hung up under the head of Goebbels at the Niva culture. I do not forget that then you have experienced something worse, which I escaped; But it is unfamiliar to you: the capture of the expulsion, cut-off from the roots, nervous tension of faults. Sometimes I indignant your advantages. I saw in them the denial of solidarity.

If the German intelligentsia if all people with names and world names were doctors, musicians, teachers, writers, artists - unanimously performed against this shame if they declared a universal strike, much would happen as happened.

Everyone, unless he accidentally was a Jew, always turned out to be a question: "Why, in fact? Others collaborate. It is hardly so scary. "

I repeat: Sometimes I was outraged. But never even in the days of the biggest celebration, I did not envy you who remained there. I knew too well that these days of the celebration are just a bloody foam and that it will not be left soon. I envied Herman Hesse, in whose society I found in those for the first weeks and months support and consolation, "envy, because it was free to be free, in time by going aside with how it is impossible to more accurate motivation:" The Germans - the Great, significant people who will become deny? Maybe even the salt of the Earth. But as a political nation they are impossible! In this respect, I want to break with them forever. " And lived safe in his Montanolian house, in whose garden he played Boccha with his confused guest.

Slowly, slowly settled the case. The first refugee appeared, first in France, then in Switzerland, inaccessible replaced with relative calm, settlement, permanent resignation, resumed abandoned work, which seemed already irrevocably ruined. Switzerland, traditionally hospitable, but because of his dangerous-powerful neighbor, it was obliged to observe neutrality even morally, of course, could not hide some embarrassment and concern about the presence of a guest without documents, which was in such bad relations with his government, and demanded "Takta " Then the invitation came from American University, and suddenly, in this gigantic free country, all sorts of talk about "tact" stopped, and there was only frank, incomparable, declarative goodwill, joyful, unrestrained, under the motto: "Thank You, Mr. Hitler! " I have some reasons, dear Mr. Background Molo, be a grateful this country and there are reasons to show her thanks.

Now I am an American subject, and long before the terrible defeat of Germany, I was publicly and in private conversations stated that I was not going to break with America. My children, of whom two sons also serve today in the American army, arrived in this country, my grandchildren speaking in English will grow up. Yes, and I myself, also firmly already settled on this land and associated with Washington and the main universities of the states who assigned to me their Honorary Degrees, honorable connections, built himself on this magnificent coast, where everything breathes the future, the house, which would like to bring Until the end of my life in the atmosphere of power, mind, abundance and peace. Right say, I do not see the reasons to give up the benefits of my strange lot, after it blews until the day the bowl of his unbearab. I do not see because I do not see which service I could link to the German people - and whatever he could serve, being in California.

What happened as it happened, is not my hands. That's not! This is the consequence of the nature and fate of the German people - the people are quite wonderful, quite tragically interesting, in order for his grace a lot to endure, a lot to demolish. But with the results, it also needs to be considered, and it is impossible to reduce the case to the banal: "Return, I will still forgive!"

Get rid of me God from complacency! It was easy for us abroad to behave virtuously and tell Hitler all that we think. I do not want to leave anyone anyone. I'm just Robe and "Missing", as they say about young children. Yes, for all these years, Germany began to me quite someone else: this, you see, a country that can cause fears. I do not hide that I'm afraid of German ruins - stone and human. And I am afraid that to the one who survived this sabbar witches on a foreign land, and you who danced under the devil's dude, to understand each other is not so easy. Can I be indifferent to the full long dedication to welcoming letters coming to me now from Germany! This is a real, touching heart. But my joy about these letters is somewhat diminishes not only the idea that, winning Hitler, none of them would be written, but also some odnibility, some insensitiousness, in them a custody, noticeable at least in that naive spontaneity, with what The interrupted conversation is renewed, - as if these twelve years were not at all. Now come sometimes and books. Do you admit that it was unpleasant to see them and that I was in a hurry to remove them away? It may be superstition, but I have such a feeling that books that could be printed in Germany in Germany from 1933 to 1945, it is decidedly nothing more and better not to take them in hand. They are inseparable to the smell of shame and blood, they should be trapped into the waste paper.

In disabilities, it was impossible to engage in "culture" in Germany, as long as we knew what we know. This meant to apply degradation, decorate a crime.

One of the flour that we suffered was to see how the German spirit, German art consistently covered the most realracy and helped him.

What existed more honorable classes than to write Wagner scenery for Hitler's Bayreit, - this, oddly enough, no one seems to feel. Ride a trip of Goebbels to Hungary or any other German-European country and, speaking with smart reports, to conduct cultural propaganda in favor of the Third Empire - I will not say that it was vile, but I just say that I do not understand this and that Many I'm scared to see again.

The conductor who, being sent by Hitler, performed Beethoven in Zurich, Paris or Budapest, became guilty of an obscent lie - under the pretext that he is a musician and is engaged in music and more than anything. But first of all, this music was already at home. How did the Beethovensk "Fidelio" of the Beethovensky "Fidelio", opera, were not banned in Germany, for the holiday of German self-satisfaction? This is a scandal that it was not forbidden that she was put on a high professional level that there were singers to sing, musicians to play, the public to enjoy Fidelio. What a stupidity was needed, so that, listening to the "Fidelio" in Germany, Himmler, do not close the face with his hands and not rush out of the hall!

Yes, many letters come now with someone else's and ominous homeland through the American Sergeants and Lieutenants - and not only from people outstanding, but also from people of young and simple, and it is noteworthy that no one advises me to return to the homeland sooner. "Stay where you are!" - They say simply. "Spend the rest of your life on your new, happier homeland! Is it too sad ... "sad? If only this, if there were no inevitable and long even inevitable hostility and malice. Recently, I received from one American as a kind of trophy, the old number of the German magazine "Folk them verte" from March 1937 (Hanseatic publishing house, Hamburg), who was published by one high-ranking Nazi professor and an honorary doctor. The last name of him, however, is not Crig, but Crykk, with two "k". It was a terrible reading. Among people, I spoke to myself, which twelve years in a row was stuffed with similar drugs, it is difficult to live. You would have there, I said to myself, undoubtedly, a lot of good and faithful friends, old and young, but also a lot of enemies in the ambush - enemies, the truth, beaten, but they are all the danger and evil ...

But dear Mr. Molo background, all this is only one side of the case; Another also has its own rights - the right to the word. That deep curiosity and excitement, with what I accept any, direct or indirect, message from Germany, that determination, with what I give her preference before any other news from the big world, busy with its own restructuring and very indifferent to the secondary fate of Germany, - They show me every day again and again, what kind of non-painted uzami is connected with the country, which "deprived citizenship". American and citizen of the world are excellent. But where to go from the fact that my roots - there, despite all his fruitful admiration for someone else's, I live and work in the German tradition, if even time and did not allow my work to become something else than fading and already a seedy echo Great German culture.

I will never stop feeling myself a German writer, and even in those years, when my books lived only in English, I remained faithful to the German language - not only because there was too old to redeem, but also from awareness that my creativity It takes its modest place in the history of the German language. My novel about Goethe, written in the black days of Germany and penetrated into you in several copies, can not be called evidence of oblivion and renunciation. And from the words: "But I'm asking for peace of rest, I am ashamed that I did not suffer with you" I can refrain. Germany never gave me peace. I "suffered with you," and it was not an exaggeration when I was in a letter to Bonn talking about anxiety and flour, about "moral pain, who did not subscribe for one hour for four years of my life, the pain that I had to overcome from day a day to continue their work of the artist. " Quite often I didn't try to overcome her at all. Fifty radiosters to Germany (or them more?), Which are now printed in Sweden, - Let these and the case, the repetitive spells testify that quite often other things seemed to me more important than "art".

A few weeks ago, I spoke in Library of Congress in Washington with a report on the topic: "Germany and Germans". I wrote him in German and he will appear in the nearest issue of the magazine "Neyu Rundshau", resurrected in June 1945. It was a psychological attempt to explain to the educated American public, as he could all happen in Germany, and I could only admire that calm readiness with which this audience took my explanations through such an insignificant time after the end of the terrible war. It was not easy for me, of course, not to get down, on the one hand, on an inappropriate apology, and on the other, on the renunciation, which I would also be at all to the face. But in some extent I managed it. I talked about the mercy of the paradox that the evil on earth often turns good, and about the devil paradox, that evil is often born. I briefly told the story of the German "inner life." The theory of two Germany, Germany of good and Germany is angry, I rejected. Evil Germany, I said, is a kind on a false path, good in trouble, crimes and in death. Not then, I continued, I came here, following the bad custom, to present myself to the world as good, noble, fair Germany, like Germany in snow-white clothing. All I'm trying to say about Germany to my listeners, I stressed, I am not coming from a third-party, cold, impassive knowledge: all this is in me, all this I hung on my own skin.

It was, you can, perhaps, to say, expressing solidarity - at a risky moment. Not with National Socialism, Of course, there is no way. But with Germany, which in the end he succumbed and concluded a deal with a feature. The deal with a feature is the temptation of deeply olderonesec, and the theme of the German novel, born by the suffering of recent years, suffering from Germany, it must be thought to me, this is a terrible promise. But even in relation to the soul of one Faust, an evil genius turns out to be in the greatest poem, ultimately still deceived, and it is not necessary to think that Germany finally captured the devil. The mercy is above all sorts of transactions signed by blood. I believe in grace, and I believe in the future of Germany, no matter how poorly it is a hopeless thing that its ruin seemed. Pretty conversations about the end of German history! Germany is unequivocal to the short and gloomy historical episode that the name of Hitler. It is unequal and bismarkovskaya, short in essence, the era of the Prussian-German Empire. It is not even known even to the only two-day segment of its history, which can be called the name of Friedrich the Great. She is going to take a new appearance, go to a new state, which, maybe after the first flour of change and turn, promises her more happiness and genuine dignity, responding to the most specific needs and the needs of the nation more than the former.

Does the world history ended? It is very energetically moving, and the history of Germany is concluded in it. True, the policy of force continues to rather roughly warn us from too much expectations; But isn't the hope that the willy-unillires, if necessary, will be taken by new test steps to such a world, when the national separation of the nineteenth century will gradually come to not? The global economic system, a decrease in the role of political borders, the well-known depoliticization of the life of states in general, the awakening in humanity of the consciousness of their practical unity, the first glimpses of the ideas of the World State - Can the social humanism go beyond the bourgeois democracy, for which a great struggle goes, be alien And hated by the German soul? In her fear, the world has always been so much desire to go into the world; For loneliness, which made her evil, lighted - who does not know this - the desire to love and cause love.

Let Germany can't get sorted out of her own hatred, and she would love. It will remain, in spite of everything, the country of huge values, which can count on the diligence of their people and to help the world, the country, which, when will be behind the hardest, is waiting for a new, rich in accomplishments and honoring life.

I went far in my answer, dear Mr. Background Molo. Sorry! In a letter to Germany, I wanted to express a lot. And that's what else: in the way of the great lotion, which is called America, the dream once again feel under the legs of the old continent, not alien to my days, nor my nights, and, when, an hour will come if I am alive and if this is allowed to make transport Conditions and honorable authorities, I will go there. And when I find there, then, probably, I have a premonition, fear and alienation, these products are only twelve years, do not stand against the attractive force on the side of which the memories of a greater, millennial limit. So, goodbye, if there is a will of God.

Thomas Mann.

Translation of Solomon Apta

Nobel Prize in Literature, 1929

German Prose and Publicist Thomas Mann was born in the old port city of Lübeck, in the north of Germany. His father, Johann Henry Mann, was a wealthy trader with grain and urban senator; His mother, nee, Yulia da Silva Bruns, a musically gifted woman, was from Brazil, from the family of the German migrant-planter and his wife-Creolek. Perhaps because of mixed origin in M. combined the features of Northerner-Europeans with its bourgeois foundation, emotional restraint and respect for the human person and southerner with his sensuality, living mind and passion for art. This contradictory mixing of the northern and southern features, commitment to bourgeois values \u200b\u200band aestheticism has played an important role in the life and work of M.

M. should have been inherited by the family trade in grain trading inheritance, but after the untimely death of the Father in 1891, the company was liquidated, and Thomas graduated from school, as he subsequently expressed, "pretty badly".

When the young man was 16 years old, the mann family moved to Munich, in those years - as, however, and now - a large intellectual and cultural center. In Munich, Thomas works for some time in the insurance company and engaged in journalism, going to become a writer in the example of his older brother Henry. Soon, M. is arranged by the editor to the Sitiric Weekly "Simplizissimus" ("Simplizissimus"), it begins to write stories himself, in the future included in the collection "Little Mr Frideman" ("Der Kline Herr Fridemann", 1898). As in later his works, in these stories of M. from ironic and at the same time, quite sad intonation depicts a timid, disheveled "modern" artist who beats in search of the meaning of life. In addition, in these stories, M. Thrust the strength of the bourgeois existence, which manites his inaccessibility of his characters-artists.

These topics with exceptional strength rise in the first and most famous novel M. "Buddenbokov" ("Buddenbrooks", 1901), which is autobiographical and tells about the decline and the collapse of a large trading company in Lübeck. Using the traditional literary shape of the Scandinavian family saga (three generations of buddes pass on the readers), M. gives his narrative epic features: the fate of the bourgeois culture in the fate of his heroes is seen. In this realistic and at the same time, the full allegory of the novel is felt by the author's desire, on the one hand, to aesthetism, and on the other - to the Burgers Sanity. As each new generation of buddesbroks becomes more insecure, more by "artists" than "performers", their ability to act. It is noteworthy that the family line breaks down when the teenager is Ganno, a gifted musician, dies from fever, and in essence, from the absence of will, from unsuitableness to life.

The topic of the complex relationship between knowledge and life, theory and practices can be traced in Tonio Kreger ("Tonio Kroger", 1903), the first novel M., which had a great success. Like Hamlet, Tonyo comes to the conclusion that due to its refinement, it is not capable of action; Only love can save it from a moral paralysis caused by superactative mental activity.

Perhaps, based on this encouraging reasoning, M. in 1905 marries Kate Princeheim, the daughter of a major mathematics, the descendant of the ancient Jewish genus of bankers and merchants. They had six children, three girls, one of whom, the eldest, became the actress, and three boys, one of which, too, became a writer. However, the marriage did not help M. to solve his intellectual problems, love did not save him and from homosexual impositions, which pursued the writer all his life.

The theme of homosexuality prevails in "death in Venice" ("Der Tod in Venedig", 1913), one of the most wonderful novels in world literature. Her hero, an aging writer Gustav von Ashshbach, who sacrificed everything in life for the sake of art, was in the power of self-disstaining and unsatisfied passion to an unusually beautiful boy. This brilliantly written story present many topics of later works M.: Loneliness of the artist, identifying the ailment of physical and spiritual, destructive impact of art on the psyche.

The First World War has read the writer in a deep moral and spiritual crisis. During these years, he writes a book with a capacity of 600 pages of Apolitical Correspondence ("Betrachtungen Eines Unpolitischen", 1918), in which liberal optimism criticizes, opposes the rationalistic, educational philosophy in defense of the German National Spirit, which, according to M., Music and irrenine. However, with a typical Ironyia of M. notes that his own contribution to the literature, apparently, contributes to the development of the most rationalistic humanism, against which he acts.

After the war, M. again appeals to artistic creativity, and in 1924, a "magic mountain" (Der Zauberberg) appears, one of the most brilliant and ironic novels in the tradition of Bildungs-Roman, or the novel of education - intellectual and spiritual. Hero Roman, Hans Castorp, quite ordinary, good-natured young engineer from Northern Germany, comes to the Swiss tuberculous sanatorium to visit his cousin, but it turns out that he also has patients with lungs. The longer the Castorp is among wealthy patients, the longer the intellectual conversations with them, the more his lifestyle, which has nothing to do with his monotonous, fresh bourgeois existence. But the "Magic Mountain" is not only the history of the spiritual development of Castorpa, this is a deep analysis of the pre-war European culture. Many themes that M. affected the "thoughts of apolitical", witty, with irony and deep sympathy to human imperfection are rethinking in the "magic grief".

Creativity M. had a great influence on educated readers who saw in his many-valued problem novels reflection of their own intellectual and moral quest. In 1929, the writer awarded the Nobel Prize in literature "First of all, for the great novel" Buddenbokov ", which became the classics of modern literature and whose popularity is growing steadily." In his welcoming speech, Fredrik side, a member of the Swedish Academy, said that M. became the first German novelist who reached the level of Charles Dickens, Gustas Flaubert or Lion Tolstoy. Side also noted that M., on the one hand, created a complex spiritual art, and on the other hand he himself doubts his feasibility. According to BOK, the greatness of M. is his ability to reconcile "poetic liftingness, intellectuality with love for the whole earthly, to a simple life."

After receiving the Nobel Prize in the work of M. The policy began to play a major role. In 1930, the writer pronounces speech in Berlin, entitled "Call to Mind" ("EM Appell An Die VernunFT"), in which it comes to creating a general front of workers and socialists and bourgeois liberals to fight against the Nazi threat. He also writes Mario and Wizard ("Mario Und Der Zauberer", 1930), a political allegory, in which the coherent hypnotist personifies such leaders as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. In his essays and speeches that the writer pronounced during these years throughout Europe, a sharp criticism of the Nazi politicians sounded; M. Also expressed sympathies of socialism, when the Socialists rose to defend freedom and human dignity. When in 1933 Hitler became Chancellor, M. and his wife, who at that time were in Switzerland, decided not to return to Germany. They settled close to Zurich, but they traveled a lot, and in 1938 they moved to the United States. For three years, M. read lectures on humanitarian disciplines at Princeton University, and from 1941 to 1952 lived in California. He was also a German literature consultant in the Congress Library.

In 1936, M. was deprived of German citizenship, as well as the Honorary Doctoral degree of Bonn University, which was assigned to him in 1919; In 1949, the honorary degree was returned to him. In 1944, M. became a citizen of the United States. During World War II, he often acted as radio broadcasts to Germany, condemning Nazism and calling the Germans to form. After the war, M. visited Western and Eastern Germany, and an enthusiastic reception was provided everywhere. However, the writer refused to return home and last years lived near Zurich.

Already in old age, M. More than 13 years worked on the alert about the Biblical Joseph. In the modern, sparkling irony and humor of the novel "Joseph and his brothers" ("Joseph Und Seine Bruder", 1933 ... 1943) traced the evolution of consciousness from collective to individual. "Triumph M. is that we love the hero at no less than the author himself," writes Mark Van Dorne on a stupid, but charming Joseph.

Another idol of the late M. becomes Götte, the main character of the Roman "Lotta in Weimar" ("Lotte in Weimar", 1939), where about Goethe and his life told on behalf of his former beloved. In contrast with these, in a sense, idyllic works in "Doctor Faustus" ("Doktor Faustus", 1947) depicts a brilliant, but mentally ill musician, whose creativity is a reflection of the spiritual age of the era. Containing the acute criticism of European higher cultural layers, "Dr. Faustus" is also the most difficult work of M. in terms of style.

"Bekenntnistnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull", 1954), the last Roman M., was the result of the processing of the manuscript, started in 1910, the permeated irony, the Roman is the final chord of the writer's creativity, for whom Selfaronia has always remained the main incentive. Extravagant parody, Felix Krul, according to M. itself, translates the "autobiographical and aristocratic confession in the spirit of Goethe in the sphere of humor and forensic." The artist, approves by his novel M. - this is a comic figure: he may blind and deceive, but cannot change the world. M. considered the "Felix of Cool" with his best, the most successful book, since the novel "simultaneously denies the tradition and goes in her river."

The view of Critics about the work of M. remains still high, and this is despite the fact that his German mentality is often alien to the British and Americans. German Poet Rainer Maria Rilke gave "Buddens" a very high assessment, noting that in this work M. combined the "colossal labor" of the Romanist-Realist with a "poetic vision" - the opinion that many critics shared. On the other hand, critic Marxist Dieurd Lukach saw in the work of M. thoughtful and consistent "criticism of the capitalist society." Critics converge on the fact that M. showed courage by portraying the moral crisis of the era and the reassessment of values \u200b\u200bcoming from Nietzsche and Freud.

In addition to the Nobel Prize, M. received the Goethe Prize (1949), which was awarded to him jointly with Western and East Germany, and was also the owner of the honorary degrees of Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

Nobel Prize laureates: Encyclopedia: Per. from English- M.: Progress, 1992.
© The H.W. WILSON COMPANY, 1987.
© Translation into Russian with additions, Progress publisher, 1992.

Mann in the article "Bilse and I" (1906) very exccoiled identified a two-way principle of his work: "Deep to learn and fully embody".

Later in the big sketch "Paris Report" (1926) he wrote about himself: "I, too," bourgeois "- Mokhnikov and Inexpension me every day try it. But the understanding of how in our days is with the historical being of the bourgeoisie, already means a departure from the bourgeois form of existence and, even if you have a runaway, in a new one ... Having called yourself, no one will remain the one who is. "

Paul Thomas Mann was born on June 6, 1875 in Lübeck. He was a second child in the family of Thomas Yohan Herrich Manna - a local grain merchant and the owner of a shipping company with old Hansees traditions. His mother, who originated from the Creole, Brazilian-Portuguese family, was a musical gifted person. She played a big role in the upbringing of Thomas and the other four children.

Student in gymnasium, Thomas became the creator and author of the literary and artistic and philosophical magazine "Spring Thunder".

In 1891 the Father died. Two years later, the family sold the company and left Lubeck. Together with Mother and sisters, Thomas moved to Munich, where he began to work with a clerk in the insurance agency. In 1895-1896, he studied at the Higher Technical School.

In 1896, he went along with his elder brother Heinrich, who was trying his hand in painting, to Italy. There, Thomas began writing stories that sent German publishers. Among them was S. Fisher, who proposed to unite these stories in a small compilation. Thanks to Fisher in 1898, the first collection of stories of Thomas "Little Mr. Friedemne" was published.

Returning to Munich in the same year, Thomas worked as the editor of the simplicissimus humorous magazine. Here he got close to the circle of the German poet Sh. George. But rather soon he realized that with members of the circle, which proclaimed themselves with the heirs of German culture and confessed the ideas of decadation, he was not on the way.

In 1899, Manna called for annual military service. And in 1901, in the publishing house S. Fisher, his novel "Buddenbokov", belonging to the genre of the "Family Roman", was released. He brought the manna world famous fame and the Nobel Prize, but, the main, love and appreciation of millions of people.

R.G. Sekchev writes: "In this novel, first in a series of social novels, Thomas Mann touched on the problems that worried him throughout his life and who continue to worry humanity: life in his materiality and spiritual, the intellectual side, the artist's place in life, his Doom and loneliness, talent responsibility, decay processes and rebirth of the bourgeois society. "

Taking as the basis of the history of his own family and a firm founded in the 1760s. His great-granddaussian Sigmund mann, the writer created an epic chronicle, showing the typical features of the Bureguards in the XIX century and creating the material for creative understanding of the problems of modern life, which he, strictly speaking, devoted all his subsequent works. Later, Thomas Mann wrote that in "Buddens" he "created a wide web, an artistic and human basis on which it can be relying when creating new products."

Showing four generations of buddesbroks, the writer portrayed not only the material, but also the moral decline of the Burgence. In the novel, the type of the artist is opposed to the type of the Burger, although preference is not given to that neither.

This is what writes about the novel B. Suchkov:

"If the senior representatives of the order of buddes, who lived during the twilight of the bourgeoisie, were firmly on their feet and considered their burgle life in the age-old traditions of the Burgers life, and success accompanied them in affairs, their descendants have to retreat and die under the blows of more clever and unscrupulous competitors. Typical representatives of the bourgeoisie ceased to realize themselves by the owners of life. Under their being, the time led the line, and the novel was naturally completed by the Dramatic Description of the death of Ganno Buddens, on which the old Burgers genus broke and ended the cycle of development of a whole historical period. This thought is a high achievement of Tomas Mann's realism. The writer understood that the new knights of the debit and loan came to replace the Patriarchal Bureguards - in the novel, this type of entrepreneurs is represented by the Hagentrem family - there is no creative start. The thriving merchant Hagentshtrem refers to life as a consumer striving at any cost and means to snatch Cus elder. He and him like the nature of his hostile culture. In his novel, Thomas Mann rose to the condemnation of bourgeois practices as immoral. Buddens's frivolous Christians once expressed the merchant society not very original, but unexpected in the mouth of a merchant race of a merchant race: "Actually, every kommersant is a fraudster." This replica caused the attack of mad rage at Thomas Buddens, holy on the protection of the virtues of his own craft. But when he felt the emptiness and badness of his activity, when his personal happiness collapsed and he lost hope in the son of the successor of his case, when he seriously thought about the meaning of life, he understood with stunning clarity the truth standing in the words of his loser-brother.

The writer did not take a new bourgeois reality, folded in his eyes, nor her art, nor her ideology. The entire complex of social phenomena associated with the imperialist twentieth century, Mann opposed, as an ideal and norm, burgher culture. His descriptions of the established burgher house, ordered and unlawful, saturated with warmth and remind with their poetchiness of the Tolstsky descriptions of the life of the Russian nobility. Of course, Buddens - Thomas Mann emphasizes - they cannot personify the entire Burgers culture: for this they are not intellectual and too merchant. But the time of the heyday of the Burgertism, which coincided with the flourishing of bourgeois democracy, was considered by the writer as a vertex in the spiritual development of mankind, and the collapse of the Burgerian lifestyle was perceived by mann as a sunset of the whole culture. "

The second success of Mann was the story of Tonio Crherer, who was included with the seven other novels in the collection called Tristan (1903). In it, a young writer showed contradictions between art and bourgeois life.

In 1905, Mann married the daughter of Munich Professor Mathematics, Kate Princeheim, held with her husband all the difficult life path. They had six children from whom Half - Erica, Claus, and Golo - became writers.

In 1907, the only play of Manna "Florence" appears. In the mouth of the heroes of the play, the writer invests his own judgments about the bourgeois reality: "Look around: everything is permitted, nothing is disgrace. There is no such villainism, from which we now still become hair end. " In the play, he defended the ethical value of aesthetic look at life not only for the artist, but also for a person at all.

The Roman "Royal Highness" (1909) is also dedicated to the same topic. The author wrote about this work: "Full hints and associations Analysis of the princely existence as a formal, real, abstract - in a word, aesthetic being and permission from the burden of Majesty through love is the content of my novel, which, not alien sympathy for any kind of" special cases ", Humanity preaches."

The first world war mann warmly welcomed and defended. He opposed the pacifism, public reforms and turned out to be an opponent of his brother, a well-known writer Henry Manna, a supporter of democratic change. But quite soon, Thomas refused his erroneous political views, and the brothers were recalled.

In 1924, a novel "Magic Mountain" came out, in the expression of Manna, a "key and turning point" of his creativity. Here the writer gave a widest picture of the struggle of the ideas of his time. This Roman Mann rightly called the book "ideological renunciation from much, which was expensive, from many dangerous sympathies, magic and temptation, to which the European soul leaning and inclined ...", and emphasized that his book was "future".

Almost thirty years have passed since the day of the novel "Buddenbokov". For the whole of 1901, only 100 copies of the novel were sold, but the circulation grew a year from the year, and in 1929 the Roman was released by a total circulation of 1 million copies.

In the same year, the Nobel Committee issued a decision on the award of Thomas Mann an annual literature premium. In the so-called premium formula, it was: "First of all, for the great novel" Buddenbroques ", which became a classic of modern life."

In 1933, Mann commits a ride through the country with lectures and excerpts from its own works. After that, settled in the Swiss town of Kysnakhta on the shore of Zurich Lake. In the same year, the first volume of the Tetralogia "Joseph and his brothers" ("Perseoy Yakov", 1933; "Yoy Joseph", 1934; "Joseph in Egypt", 1936; "Joseph-Cormalizers", 1943). It was a protest writer against anti-Semitism and racism: "Write the Roman of the Jewish Spirit was timely, since it seemed untimely."

In 1936, after the deprivation of German citizenship, Mann becomes subjects of Czechoslovakia. Two years later, the writer emigrated to the United States. In 1944, he adopted American citizenship. Because of the ocean, the writer led anti-fascist programs for German radio listeners.

In 1947, Mann published Roman "Dr. Faustus. The life of the German composer Adrian Leverkyun, told by his friend. " In it, he outlined his understanding of the era of Nazism is not at all as a random phenomenon, but as a regular stage in German history, prepared by all its former move.

In 1952, Mann returned to Switzerland and settled in Kilchberg. Two years later, the last novel of the writer was released - "The Adventures of the Felix Cool Adventurer". This is an essay on the life path of a person, "who knows how to live", who managed to use the dubious norms of the bourgeois society for a brilliant career. His dubious appearance became a reflection of the nature of modern society.