Native city of Molchalin grief from the mind. Characteristic of Molchalin in the Comedy "Mount Mind" Griboedov, description of the character of the hero

Native city of Molchalin grief from the mind. Characteristic of Molchalin in the Comedy
Native city of Molchalin grief from the mind. Characteristic of Molchalin in the Comedy "Mount Mind" Griboedov, description of the character of the hero

Griboedov, in his comedy "grief from the mind" created many characteristic characters. These images remain up to date and now. One of these heroes is Molchanin. He is the brightest representative of people who live in our time. Let's figure it out in its character.

Molchanin is a poor young man from Tver, whom Famuses took to his service and gave the rank of college assessor.

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We can assume that Molchanin is a faded person, probably from the family of Messen. Famusov speaks about him: "Belonid prige and introduced into my family."

I believe that silence can be characterized as a cowardly and low person. The most noticeable feature of his character is silence - which is immediately visible by his last name. ("Silence, when it is fermented," "Neither the word of free, and so the whole night passes") He never expresses his own opinion, short snubble phrases prefers in communication. "In my summer should not make their judgment to have" - \u200b\u200bsays Molchanin. It is as afraid not to please his replica to his interlocutor. Molchanin lives on the principle of his father visiting him: "please all people without rewriting." His help is moving the borders allowed by morality. A sharp contrast of this method of communication we see when the silence dialogue with Liza. He takes her for "his", so it is not afraid to frankly express his opinion, say what he thinks. She also speaks of his frivolous intentions in relations with Sofia, claims that he loves her only "by position." He admits that uses Sophia for its benefit. It describes it as a vicious, a cowardly person who, trying to embrace people, pierces his way with silent lie and helpfulness. We learn about most of the qualities of Molchalin from the replica of other heroes. At first, Sophia describes it as an excellent mental human organization: "Molchanin is ready for others," the enemy of keenness, is always shy, looked ... ". From her words perfectly seen how she loves him. Chatsky, on the contrary, refers to silence with the deepest contempt. He openly doubts his abilities and does not believe that he can achieve something. Chatsky considers silence a fool, "the most complicant creature", which is not capable of any conscious actions. But after Chatsky understands that it is only a mask of Molchalin, which is actually a cunning and unprincipled person who knows how to achieve his goals. Chatsky says that Molchanin "comes to the degrees of famous, because now they love in no wonderful." Molchanin also belongs to other comedy heroes. With people above him, he is helpful, he does not dare to say a superfluous word. With Chatsky, he allows himself not only to express his opinion, but also give him advice. After all, Chatsky is not only a peer of silence, but also no ranks. Therefore, Molchanin does not see the reasons for its usual help in the presence of Chatsky. The attitude of other heroes to silence and his attitude to them characterizes it as an immoral person who seeks only the ranks and titles that do not take into account the soul of man.

Thus, Griboedov created a negative, but interesting to study the image in his comedy. Such silent liars exist in modern society. And every person's debt to eradicate all the same qualities that are in it, to develop all the kind, light, and not lowland and fake. Everyone should try not to be silent.

Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin is one of the main heroes of Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from the mind."

Molchanin is the secretary of Famousov and enjoys it confidence in official affairs. He sees the goal of his life in the ranks, wealth and career. Higher happiness of him "and rewarding and having fun." To achieve its goals, Molchanin has connections with influential people, considering that this is the best way to climb the career ladder. Through the Famusov, always says, taking into account "C" (with papers-with "). With influential whip plays cards, admiring her dog:

Your Spitz is an adorable spitz, no more froster.

I stroked all it - like a silk fighter.

He seeks his, Khlezkova calls his "my friend" and "my native".

Molchanin has a talking surname.

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"Here he is on tiptoe and not well-known," says Chotsky about him. Molchanin does not express his opinion:

I should not shine in my summer

Its judgment to have.

It is a few, phrases - sniffers, especially in communicating with people by ranting above it. And even with his girlfriend who loves him - Sophia is silent:

From the depths of the soul sighe

Neither the word of free, and so the whole night passes.

Despite this, Molchanin speaks freely with Liza, confessing to her in his feelings, tells the Chatkomu about his low-lying position. Therefore, we can say that a little resistance is not so much the trait of the nature of Molchalin, how much another way to achieve goals. Not in vain, Chatsky said that Molchanin will reach "to the degrees of famous, because now they love victims."

In addition, Molchanin holy honors the instruction of the father: "please all people without flaws"

Thus, we can say that Chatsky was not mistaken, saying: "Silent bliss in the world."

The character of silence reveals gradually, in relations with other people. So, with the Magazov, he is a helpful and quiet young man. It depends on Famousov, so it is very modest. In communication with Liza, it is much emotionally "funny creation you! Live! "). He frankly recognize Lisa in his love, while insulting sophia. He cynically calls her: "wearing our crane". At the same time, during communication with Sofia, Molchanin is respectful, he pretends in loved in a girl and cares for her to promote the service.

In the comedy, Molchanin is opposed to the Chatkoma, truly loved in Sophia. And we see how the dramatic node between silent, Sofia and Chatsky is slowly unleashed. Also Molchanin is the main figure in the fight of Sofia and Chatsky. After all, Chatsky, calling the silence stupid, offended by his beloved Sofya. And she took avenge, putting Chatsky crazy. We can not not notice, Molchanin is one of the main persons in the last stage, where everything fell into place. Sophia has learned about the true intentions of Molchalin, he began to be tremended to crawl on his lap because he felt the blame before Sofia, but because he was frightened for his career. When Chatsky appeared, he fled at all. It fully revealed all the cowardice and meanness of silence.

As a result, we can say that the silence always exists a place in the Famovsky society.

Updated: 2017-10-04

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The work of "grief from the mind" A.S. Griboedov belongs to the comedy genre, the events took place at the beginning of the 19th century, the author showed the images of Moscow nobles. For the main theme of the work, it is possible to distinguish the confrontation of the current century and the past, the heavy change of old ideals to new ones. On the side of the last century there was a significant number of people in the comedy, one of them was a young nobleman, who had not yet had any chins of Molchanin. His task was to serve influential people.

Molchanin himself was a poor nobleman, born in Tver. In the comedy, he lived in the house of Famusov, he in turn took Molchanlin to the secretaries. Molchanin falls in love with the daughter of Famusov and the secret with her meets. Famuses acts as an opponent of such relations, because he believes that his daughters need influential husband with ranks. Although Molchalin does not comply with these requirements, but it has another quality that the inhabitants of the Magazine house are valued. He struggled from all his strength in every way, this attracted attention. That is why he managed to get to the post of secretary, where business qualities are important, and not honor.

In the work of "grief from the mind", the image of the main character can be called the standard behavior of a young nobleman surrounded. We see how he is trying to serve, and if necessary, even humiliate to the influential guests of the House of Famousov, all this comes with the calculation that they can come in handy in life and further service. Molchanin even took for proper praise the wool of a dog chleerstorm. To describe the hero, a quotation is suitable, which says that while "in the ranks we are small", "it is necessary to depend on others." He believes that while you are young, do not necessarily have your opinion.

The Famówovskoe society was famous for the turn of the boasting, with each convenient case it was a common case to praise new successes, and there was also a silence. He was a frequent guest of Princess Tatyana Yuryevna. Though in the nature and behavior of Molchanin was the same as all from society, although agreed with everyone and supported the ideas, yet it did not prevent him from going to meanness. For example, his love for Sofier was only in fiction and he went to it for his own benefit. In essence, it is sincerely opened when communicating with the Maid Liza, which he liked. And here the reader already opens another character, you see that there is a dioxide in it, which means such a person is dangerous.

In his soul and heart there is not a drop of respect and heat to Sofye. He very risks when he starts secret with the daughter of Famusov, because he was constantly in a state of fear that they would notice them. This expresses cowardice. For silence, an important role was played by the moment that his opinion was worried about, as well as he was afraid that others would think about him. This his meanness and insidiousness lies him, because he begins to harm with whom he has long been surrounded. He remembered the words of his father who said to please everyone without exception, which Molchanin followed. Based on this, we can conclude an account of the hero to the description of the ideal of the last century, despite the fact that he is still young.

The author showed silence as a decent continuation and an example of conservative nobles. Such a society is characterized by the fact that they are in the first place for them and money, these two categories allow them to evaluate the rest. As already mentioned, Molchanin was a cunning and twin, these are two main qualities describing the hero.

Griboedov affected the comedy problem, which is relevant now. After all, many cases are known when there were the same people who have not seen anything on their way and were ready to go through everything for their own purposes. This topic will be relevant until there are people among us with the same values \u200b\u200bas Molchalin and his society.

Overall on the subject of silell

Comedy "Mount from Wit", written by Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, from 1822 to 1824, tells about the secular society and the life of those times. One of the central heroes of the work is Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin, a person from a simple people, striving for a career growth.

Molchanin is presented by a decent young man who is distinguished by its kindness and modesty. But in fact, all these qualities are just a mask that the hero uses to achieve its goals. His dream is a career, high rank and wealth. Respect among the highest society is the limit of his happiness. There are many different ways to achieve these goals. But Molchanin chooses the fastest and negative. He makes steps towards a dream with a flattery, hypocrisy and dildos. He does it so thin and unnoticed that many people can envy.

The hero worked as secretary of Famousov, a man of rich and respected. He fulfilled the whole work in good faith, talked gently and carefully, for which I liked the Famusov. With the daughter of his owner, with Sofia, he addressed even better and even pointed to play a loved young man. Naturally, no high feelings in relation to the girl he is not experiencing. On the contrary, he despises her and establishes relations exclusively for his own benefit. One day she hung over the girl, he rushes to her legs. The reason for this was not repentance, and the fear of losing the confidence of his Mr. Famusov. Another person who was lucky to listen to a lie to the silence was Hisch. He kindly played with her in the card and made the compliments of her dog. In fact, people are very nicely similar behavior in their address. The hypocrisy and helpfulness of Molchanin showed towards all living in the house: from servants before bosses. This was the plan of the hero, whom he strictly adhered to.

Thus, Molchalin in Griboyedov's comedy is a negative character. The reader cannot see any positive feature of the hero, but sees an exclusively hypocrisy and the desire to achieve doubtful goals with dirty ways. With this character, the author reveals a serious problem that exists in our day. People who strive to do anything high, and to glory and money, are ready to go on their heads and put on the mask of sincerity. Usually, reaching its goals, such people live unhappy and lonely.

Option 3.

In his comedy "grief from the mind", Griboedov talks about the nobles of Moscow of the XIX century, it was then that the society split into conservatives and those who have impressed the ideas of the Decembrists. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is to oppose the current century and the last century, the change of obsolete ideals of the nobles to completely new.

The comedy has a huge number of supporters of old ideals. The fans of the old principles are weighty and significant people in society, such as the landowner of the Famuses, Colonel Rockozub, and the old nobles are served and the younger generation, which is just forced to serve "old men". Solvelin is one of these young people who are forced to serve the old nobles with their orders.

Solvelin himself a poor nobleman, born in Tver, he lives in the Famusov House, who issued him to Chin Assersor and holding Surkrtar. Another Molchalin is the lover of the daughter of Famusov, but the Magovyov himself does not know about it. Father does not want to have such a son-in-law as Molchanin, because in Moscow it is customary to have rich relatives. Famuses appreciates in people a desire to service in front of him, and that is how Molchanin, with the help of his help, it receives such posts.

In this play, the image of Molchalin very accurately responds to the nature of the commanding of a young, non-fastened nobleman in an influential society. Molchanin tries to roll out the most in front of high guests in the house of Famousov, because they can be useful for its further career growth. The young nobleman sank to the point that he begins to pick up the dog's chleerstorm wool. He believes that the nobles of the lower ranks should thus deserve respect for the elders.

He, like all the characters of this comedy, considers his duty to brag and be proud of its success in promoting. Molchanin greatly adjusts the relationship with his people needs, who can help him. Molchanin carries a huge damage to the society in which he is. He also deceives the daughter of Famousov, because he cares for her only for the sidewalk before her father. He is such a person who will not stop anything to achieve anything before, and is able to cause huge damage to the society in which he is.

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    In the comedy Griboedov "Woe from Wit", the main opposing array of events falls on the images of Chatsky and Famousov. The remaining valid characters help to reveal the true position of things and the depth of the conflict.

    Origin and generation

    One of these characters, with the help of which the tragity of what is happening is intensified, is the image of Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin.

    We offer to familiarize yourself with the Comedy A. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit".

    Molchanin does not belong to the aristocracy - he is a man of ungivory origin, but thanks to his service, has access to the Higher Society.

    Alexey Stepanovich has not yet managed to reach considerable heights - he has yet been occupying just the position of Secretary of Famusov, but gives hope for a quick promotion on a career ladder than Mostmov's special love causes.

    Pavel Afanasyevich highlighted the room in his house for silence, although it is difficult to call it a full room: it is most likely a small chuladler, but a deprived of the fate of Molchanin is quite satisfied with this.

    Alexey Stepanovich has been working for the third year by the Personal Secretary of Famusov for the third year, however, he was decorated at all to another position - based on official data, Molchanin works in the archive department, but in practice it is a fictitiousness, it is only numerical. However, not without use for himself - during such a service, he received three awards.

    Of course, this was the exceptional work of Famusov. This situation is also beneficial to Famusov and allowed him to get out of a predicising position - he provided himself with a good secretary and, besides, he had to pay not from his pocket.

    The text is referred to the fault of the silence, but there is no accurate explanation. Based on this, you can make several assumptions about the essence of such a statement. The first is that Molchalin is a man of simple origin, the second that he is an orphan, that is, a person who does not have a kind.

    Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, a writer depicts an adult man. At the same time, Molchanin rejected even the possibility of its infantality. Famuses, who serves as a hero, uses the provision of Alexey. Officially, the hero works in the "archives", because I agree so agreed. However, this is a simple formality for receiving the ranks. This place of work of Molchalin is a house of Famusov. The latter provides its employee food, drink, shelter, promotion over the career ladder. Molchanin, apparently, knows how to please the Famusov.

    Before working by Famusov, in Moscow, hero lived in Tver. Molchanin, of course, a man is not at all rich. The simplicity of the origin of the hero makes it assume that Molchanin is a tradesman. According to the "table of ranks", the hero occupies the rank of college assessor. This Chin gives the right to the nobility, which Molchalin reaches. A man even manage to get awarding, in which Mr. Mr. is probably helped.

    Symbolism of the surname

    The image of Molchalin carries the features of symbolism. This is primarily due to his last name. It is based on the verb "silence". And indeed, this word is an accurate mapping of the essence of Molchalin. He is a silent and faceless servant Famusov. Even his appearance is devoid of any sounds. It seems that he wants to be as unnoticed as possible, quiet.

    From time to time Alexei Stepanovich moves on tiptoe, so as not to disturb the household. This behavior is one of the ways to achieve its life goal.

    The purpose of life

    While most aristocrats are deprived of goals in life and lazily live their lives, without filling it with any meaning, the life of Molchalin is bright in nature. His goal is to take place and achieve significant achievements in life. Achievements in the eyes of Molchalin is in no way related to the improvement of the lives of simple, ungoligible people or promoting the development of the morality of the aristocracy. Alexey Stepanovich's highest goal is to become a full-fledged representative of the highest society.

    Molchanin is ready for the bones for the next increase, so it is all the power of Famusov - it is Pavel Afanasyevich who can help him achieve this goal. And the first step on this steep staircase of Molchanin has already overcome - thanks to his ability to enforce and please the Famusov, the rank of college assessor was given to him. Thus, Alexei Stepanovich from Proshitin turned into a begging nobleman. The special charm of Molchanin found that his chin had a property to move inheritance.

    Molchanin and Sophia Famusova

    An even more improve its position in society can be due to a profitable marriage. For this, it was necessary to have a charming figure and an equally adorable lear. In the case of a male half of society, it was enough to have a helpful character. It is the possibility that it becomes good to serve as a criterion for favor. Despite its low origin and financial failure in the eyes of Famusov, Alexey Stepanovich looks more attractive son-in-law than the noble aristocrat Chazki. The fact is that Pavel Afanasyevich believes that the estate and adjacent, which is possessed by Molchalin, will be able to compensate for its origin and achieve a favorable position in society. In order to achieve the final advantage over other young people, Molchalin remains only to accumulate significant capital or start attacking Famousov from another front - if Sonya fall in love with Alexey Stepanovich, she will be able to convince her father in making a decision in his favor.

    Alexey Stepanovich accelerates this process, having started to show interest in Famusov's daughter - Sofa.

    The relationship of young people take place in the best traditions of Platonic love - Molchanin does not allow anything superfluous to the girl.

    Thus, it demonstrates his respectful attitude to Sofa and the seriousness of his intentions. In addition, such behavior contributes to the achievement of its goal with marriage - it is not necessary to possess a dream, he needs to become her spouse, so debauchery for him is an unacceptable deal.

    We offer to compare in Comedy A. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit".

    In communicating with Sofia, Alexei Stepanovich adheres to the same principle as with her father - he all the time pleases. Naturally, the behavior of silence is sharply different from the behavior of the remaining aristocrats in relation to it. Young people of noble origin are not ready to rebuff before Sonya, as it does this silelly, so they do not cause her such interest.

    To some extent, the affection of the Famusovy to Molchalin was caused by the lack of proper candidates - after the county of the Chatsky, the girl chooses from the remaining smallest evil. At the time of the attachment and the beginning of communication, Sonya did not experience enthusiasm and love attractions to Molchalin, her act could be regarded as a revenge of Chatsky, but as a result of the proper effect, such an act did not bring, Sonya cooled with the oddities of Molchalin and began to perceive them as ordinary things . In the face of Molchalin, Sonya acquired a wonderful "live toy", he not only belongs to her with an exemption (which turned out to be intake), but also ready to fulfill any desires.

    Chatsky and Molchanin

    The conflict of Chatsky and Molchalin was a priori predefined - an honest and noble aristocrat cannot understand and take the position of Famusov and his society, Alexey Stepanovich, who not only is depending on Famousov, but also seeks to become such as they could become an excellent opponent Chatkoma If he had a greater perseverance and individuality, however, since Alexey Stepanovich was used to be a silent observer and never to issue his attitude towards one or another situations, then the acute discussion between characters does not occur.

    In addition, the insightful Chazki notices the strange attitude of Alexei Stepanovich to Sona Famusov. Over time, he opens the true attitude of silence to the girl and his ghostly love. Chatsky amazed double standards of Molchalin - on the one hand, he is ready to easily flatterly, but, on the other hand, he immediately does not neglect his eyes to announce his disregard and even disgust to those whom he idolized a couple more minutes ago.

    Attempts to discover the eyes surrounding the fallacy of their opinions do not know anything good - surrounding his superiority to others, what to realize that all the respects towards them was farce.

    Molchanin and Liza

    Whatever two-headed is silelly, though sometimes it will embrace the true feelings and intentions. Such a state of affairs is not refunded in discussions or secular conversations (as it tries in advance not to take part in them).

    So, for example, Alexei Stepanovich arises a sense of attachment and love towards the maid at the House of Famusov - Lisa. Hero of the story turns out to be in front of the choice - to the end of playing his role to Sony's beloved Sony or admit to Lisa in his feelings.

    Unfortunately, as a dishonest man, Molchanin is not limited to such a position of things and cares for two girls immediately.

    Thus, Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin is a classic character of a character leading a double game. Such a tendency is preserved in the case of silent in all activities. He hypocrishes towards Magazus, playing Sony's feelings.

    For Alexey Stepanovich, a bad and silent selection is characterized. For the sake of promotion on the social staircase, he is ready to go even on the most immoral acts. The image of Molchalin became nominal and applied towards a dishonest, hypocritical person.

    Characla character

    The hero produces a two-way impression. On the one hand, Molchanin pleases all (in this man is a real master), he is shy, helpful, timid, calm, incompetent, modest, quiet, "Calmless". It is characterized by accuracy, moderation, lack of criticism in the address of others. For this they love him, perhaps. But on the other hand, the hero is characteristic of both duplicity, hypocriticalness. Molchalin is considered a raised and polite person, the hero causes sympathy among others. The society does not see the true nature of the hero. On the contrary, in silence see a selfless person, ready to forget about their own interests for the sake of others.

    However, Molchanin pleases and silent for the sake of the korear, for the sake of achieving its goal. Such a farewell gave a hero father. The behavior of the hero depends on the circumstances. For example, with the daughter of Famousov, a man behaves emphasized politely and modestly. But Molchanin does not like Sophia truly. In love with the hero in Lisa. However, with a simple girl, there is no need to behave decently. The true face of Molchalin sees, perhaps, only Chatsky, who considers the Assesor of a stupid, cowardly and miserable person. However, Vyazemsky, on the contrary, emphasizes the prudence of the hero, a rational approach to life. The soul of silence is cold and stalking. The maid of Lisa later says this later.


    1. Introduction

    2. Solver

    3.Looks Molchalina

    4. Nose of silence to women

    5. Transcue


    In the immortal works of "grief from the mind" A. S. Griboedov described several collective images common in his era. As time shows, its characteristics are relevant and today. With any public strict and technical development level, there will always be their Chatsky, Famuses, silent. The last image is the most numerous and indestructible. Low-resistant, kindness and focallement for the sake of achieving their own benefits - extremely common social vices. Unfortunately, in each person he lives his silence. The difference consists only of what extent it is allowed to remove its dark divids.

    Molchalina activity

    One of the main negative characters of the comedy is the secretary of Famusov, living in his house. A. S. Molchanin, apparently, a poor man. Father since childhood taught him to "please all people." Entering the service for the Famusov, Molchanin became not only his secretary, but in fact a personal servant, which is ready for any service, even for a crime. The author hints at the not quite pure nature of the Famousov Affairs in the first action (paper "in progress cannot be used," there is a "counterure").

    The tendency towards scams and secret monetary operations is laid in blood in blood and is confirmed by all its actions and actions. Aleksey Stepanovich's attitude to Famowov is extremely respectful and respectful, sometimes reaching the humiliating. In fact, silence spit on his human dignity. They are driven only the thirst for profit and improving their public situation. He is convinced that in this life it all depends on money, absolutely everything can be bought or sell. It works as a secretary only until he is at a sufficient state and be able to become the likeness of Famousov himself. This is his idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal life path.

    Views of Molchalin

    Any special solid beliefs of Alexei Stepanovich is imperceptible. The first time he expresses his views in detail in conversation with Chatsky. Above all they are valued "moderation and accuracy". Molchanin believes that it is distinguished by these qualities. Interested Chatsky continues to ask questions, trying to understand that in front of him for a person. Alexey Stepanovich leads to Tatiana Yuryevna and Fomich foma as authorities.

    From the words of Chatsky, it can be seen that it is up to extreme stupid and limited people, the whole merit of which is in wealth. But for silence, they are indisputable samples to be equal to. Finally, Chazki is achieved by the main characteristic from Mollylly: "I should not have any judgments in my summer." He explains his idea that a small chin forces him to depend on the "power of this world." Unable to cunning Chatsky concludes that his interlocutor is just a fool. In fact, Molchanin is far from so stupid. Subsequently, he will partially reveal his innermost thoughts in front of Liza.

    Alexey Stepanovich in the soul deeply despises everyone, to whom it is humiliated. He does it if necessary, dreaming to take the place of his "idols". However, the inborn mind and the formation of Molchanin will never apply for an honest and noble cause. Becoming a big boss, he will gladly become a new "idol", which will also require unlimited respect and respect from subordinates. Molchanin is convinced that only the world holds on it.

    Solvely attitude to women

    Love for Alexey Stepanovich is the same product and a way to achieve their goals. His courtship for sofia is caused by the desire to please even more by Famusov. It is as much as possible in relation to Lisa, but it is trying to conquer its location solely with the help of expensive gifts. Molchanin simply does not understand that people have some feelings except the desire for enrichment and power.


    Molchanin is a collective negative image of a person for whom there are no high ideals. Such people are ready for any humiliation for the sake of money. Having received power and authority, silent will be able to widely spread their poisoning effect. This will lead to the emergence of all new and new low and vigilant people replacing honesty and truthfulness on falsehood and sales. For any society, it is important that the silent in it was as small as possible.